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Evidence of Desire
Pamela Yaye
Law Number Two: Love Writes Its Own Laws! Azure Ellison may have undergone a total makeover, but she never expects to be romanced by Harper Hamilton, her former prep school friend. The ambitious journalist is after a career-making story about Harper’s powerful Philadelphia family. But the charismatic attorney wants something from Azure in return: her vow to become his lawful wife in a marriage of convenience!Harper can’t believe the girl he once knew has transformed into this stunning, self- assured beauty. The long-time bachelor has his own reasons for proposing, but Azure has awakened a desire he’s determined to consummate.With the paparazzi eager for the wedding of the year, Harper’s ready to start his honeymoon. *Until a breaking scandal about the Hamilton dynasty threatens his marriage to the woman he now wants to have and to hold forever…The Hamiltons: Laws of Love Family. Justice. Passion.

Law Number Two: Love Writes Its Own Laws!
Azure Ellison may have undergone a total makeover, but she never expects to be romanced by Harper Hamilton, her former prep school friend. The ambitious journalist is after a career-making story about Harper’s powerful Philadelphia family. But the charismatic attorney wants something from Azure in return: her vow to become his lawful wife in a marriage of convenience!
Harper can’t believe the girl he once knew has transformed into this stunning, successful beauty. The longtime bachelor has his own reasons for proposing, but Azure has awakened a desire he’s determined to consummate. With the paparazzi eager for the wedding of the year, Harper is ready to start his honeymoon. Until a breaking scandal about the Hamilton dynasty threatens his marriage to the woman he now wants to have and to hold forever…
“You’re wearing a new perfume.”
Frowning, she slanted her head to the right. His words left her confused, bewildered. Why is Harper doing this to me? she wondered, fiddling with her pearl necklace. Why is he prolonging my misery?
“What’s it called?”
“How fitting,” he whispered, lowering his mouth, “because that’s how I feel every time you walk into a room.”
Azure felt his hands skim her breasts, and shivered when he flicked his thumb over a nipple. It was a high-voltage charge that fused her eyes to his lips, and her hands to his chest. “Stop,” she croaked, hating that her order sounded more like a desperate plea. “I don’t want this, and I don’t want you, so—”
Harper crushed his lips to her mouth.
The kiss unleashed his desire, unleashed the pent-up emotions he’d been battling for the past two weeks. To his surprise, Azure kissed him back. Matching his heat, his urgency, she gave herself willingly to him. He sucked on her bottom lip, teased and licked it with his tongue. Her mouth felt amazing, tasted sweet, too, but didn’t quench his body’s thirst.
He needed more.
A lot more.
has a bachelor’s degree in Christian education, and her love for African-American fiction prompted her to pursue a career in writing romance. When she’s not working on her latest novel, this busy wife, mother and teacher is watching basketball, cooking, or planning her next vacation. Pamela lives in Alberta, Canada, with her gorgeous husband and adorable but mischievous son and daughter.
Pamela Yaye is acknowledged as the author of this work.
Evidence of Desire
Pamela Yaye

www.millsandboon.co.uk (http://www.millsandboon.co.uk)
Dear Reader,
I hope you are enjoying this scandalous family miniseries, Laws of Love, and are anxious to read about more secrets, lies and betrayals!
In Evidence of Desire, attractive power couple Azure Ellison and Harper Hamilton bring the heat, as well as more drama than a reality TV show! I feel for Azure. And you will, too. Her boss is pressuring her to dig up dirt on the wealthy Hamilton clan, her image-obsessed mother is always criticizing her, and to boost her popularity she marries Harper Hamilton—a suave, sinfully sexy heartthrob she can’t stop fantasizing about. What’s a girl to do? Indulge in a night or two of toe-curling pleasure, that’s what!
I know how much Kimani readers love scorching-hot love scenes, so I made sure Azure and Harper weren’t shy about unleashing their desires in the bedroom. (Or in the kitchen. Or wherever else the mood struck!)
I love how Azure comes into her own as a woman during the course of the story, and I admire Harper’s strength, his vulnerability and how he’ll stop at nothing to win Azure’s heart. The brother is swoonworthy for more reasons than I can count, but don’t take my word for it. Read the story for yourself and see what an incredible man Harper Hamilton is.
I look forward to hearing what you think of Harper and Azure’s story, so drop me a line at pamelayaye.com (http://pamelayaye.com), or visit my Facebook page and we can discuss all your favorite juicy parts.
With love,
Pamela Yaye
I want to thank my wonderful family
for their love and support.
Special thanks to Maria Ribas
for all her hard work on Evidence of Desire.
It was good when I handed it in, but your suggestions and ideas helped to make the story great! :)
Readers, this one is for you.
Thank you for your encouragement,
all those thoughtful emails you have sent me
over the years and for believing in me.
It means more than you will ever know.
Chapter 1 (#u24a43bb4-1d9e-580b-bb19-935d50d2cff2)
Chapter 2 (#u31124d68-cc7b-54cf-b5de-5fe09e26c448)
Chapter 3 (#ud33114ce-2ac9-5fc5-b07a-58c0d87373cd)
Chapter 4 (#ud08f577b-a390-599d-9ca7-f57c78cb38a5)
Chapter 5 (#u8836cc42-3025-5ccf-a9bd-190c026553cb)
Chapter 6 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 7 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 8 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 9 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 10 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 11 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 12 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 13 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 14 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 15 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 16 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 17 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 18 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 19 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 20 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 21 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 1
Harper Hamilton whacked the yellow racquetball so hard he heard his wrist crack, but when it bounced off the wall and smacked his youngest brother upside the head, he felt an odd twinge of satisfaction. Great move, wrong family member, he thought, wishing his cousin Jake had been on the receiving end of the powerful, unexpected blow.
“Are we cool?” Nelson asked, touching a hand to his cheek.
“Yeah, why?”
“Because that’s the second time you’ve whacked me in the head!”
Harper wore an apologetic smile. “Sorry, man.”
“You better be.” Nelson coughed, flexed his jaw to make sure it wasn’t broken. “This face will be worth millions one day, so take it easy, bro. I’m a budding movie star, remember?”
The brothers shared a hearty chuckle.
“I came down here to let off some steam,” Harper confessed, raking a hand over his head, “but I probably should have just stayed at the office. I have depositions to read, motions to file and an important client meeting first thing tomorrow morning.”
“You still pissed because Cameron Childs picked Jake to represent him instead of you?”
“No, I’m over it.” Harper gripped his racket, imagined he was squeezing his cousin’s neck. Thinking about how he’d been overlooked—again—for another high-profile case made his blood boil. He put in longer hours than anyone else at Hamilton, Hamilton and Clark, actively sought out new clients and had an impeccable reputation. No John Edwards-type scandals or skeletons falling out of my closet, he thought, dribbling the ball with his racket. I haven’t lost a case in years, so why do I keep getting passed over for the most lucrative cases?
“I still can’t believe Jake proposed to Charlotte and is about to become stepdad to a two-year-old boy,” Nelson said, taking a swig from his water bottle. “If someone had told me a month ago that Jake would be engaged, I would have called them insane!”
“You and me both. I knew Jake was feeling Charlotte, but I never saw this one coming.”
“No one did.” Nelson added, “Well, no one besides Aunt Jeanette. Nothing gets past her!”
“I hope all the chatter dies down soon so everyone can get back to work,” Harper said, cleaning the sweat off his face with the bottom of his Adidas T-shirt. Ever since Jake had gotten engaged to his paralegal, Charlotte Evans, things had been crazy around the office. Harper couldn’t go anywhere without someone gushing over the couple. And he was sick of it. Sick of his colleagues congratulating Jake, patting him on the back, taking him out for celebratory after-work drinks. “We have a huge fraud trial coming up, and there’s still a lot of work that needs to be done.”
“I hate to be the bearer of bad news, Harp, but no one’s thinking about that fraud case anymore. The whole city is talking about Jake and Charlotte, and the only thing people care about is who’s hosting their first official engagement party!”
“You’d think Jake invented the institution of marriage,” Harper grumbled, folding his arms. “Charlotte’s a good woman, and it’s obvious Jake loves her and her son, Harry, but I don’t understand why everyone’s fussing over them. Couples get engaged every day. Big deal!”
Nelson chuckled. “People love a good old-fashioned love story, and I wouldn’t be surprised if they made the rounds on the local TV shows, because viewers can’t get enough of office romance stories.”
Harper glanced at his titanium-steel sports watch and scowled when he saw the time. Premier Fitness was not only the most expensive gym in Philadelphia, but it was the busiest, and since he only had the racquetball court booked for an hour he didn’t want to waste another second discussing his cousin’s surprise engagement.
“Enough talk,” Harper said, poised to serve. “Let’s get back to our game—”
“Harper Hamilton?”
At the sound of his name, spoken on such a rich, melodious tone—one that evoked thoughts of passionate kisses, tender caresses and soulful lovemaking—he wheeled around. And when Harper saw the tall, willowy woman standing before him in the white tank top and workout shorts, the temperature in the indoor court soared to a thousand unbearable degrees.
“I’m Azure Ellison,” she said, offering her right hand. “We met last month when I interviewed your family for Eminence magazine at—”
“My uncle’s Integrity Estate,” Harper finished, taking her soft, supple hand in his and giving it a light squeeze. What he really wanted to do was take her in his arms and discover once and for all if her lips tasted as sweet as they looked, but fear of getting slapped upside his head and humiliated in front of his younger brother prevented Harper from acting on his desires.
“You don’t need to remind me who you are, Ms. Ellison. I know.” How could I forget? You’ve had a recurring role in my dreams for the past three weeks!
“I’m flattered that you remember me.”
“I never forget a face, and certainly never one as gorgeous as yours.”
* * *
If only that were true, Azure thought, masking her disappointment with a fake smile. She’d been convinced that once they were alone, away from Harper’s family and all of the employees crawling around the Integrity mansion, he would remember her. But Harper didn’t, and for some inexplicable reason, it stung.
Azure told herself to get a grip. There was nothing to be upset about. Back in prep school, she’d been a plump, painfully shy scholarship student who didn’t have a single friend, and it was silly to think that Harper Hamilton—a powerful, accomplished attorney who’d probably bedded women in the hundreds— would remember her after all these years.
“What’s up? I’m Nelson. Harper’s younger, devastatingly handsome brother.”
Tearing her gaze away from Harper, she smiled at the aspiring actor with the piercing eyes and movie-star good looks. “It’s great to finally meet you,” she said, shaking the hand he offered. “I’m sorry you couldn’t join us for the shoot, but I understand you were out of town.”
He nodded his smooth, bald head. “I really wanted to be there, but I had an audition for a commercial with Eva Mendes, and I couldn’t pass up an opportunity to meet my favorite actress.”
“And a woman you’ve had a giant crush on for years,” Harper added, clapping his brother on the shoulder. “He watched Hitch so many times the DVD broke!”
The brothers laughed.
“Harper told me you’re an up-and-coming writer for Eminence magazine, but he never mentioned how beautiful you are.”
Nelson flashed his trademark grin, the one Harper had seen him use to get out of parking tickets and score tables at the best restaurants in town. “I didn’t tell you she was stunning because I didn’t want you to embarrass me. You know how you get when you see a drop-dead gorgeous woman!”
Azure’s heartbeat wailed in her ears like a siren. Me? Drop-dead gorgeous? Harper couldn’t be serious. He had to be playing, kidding around. Thanks to her aesthetician, she now had great skin and lush, shiny hair, but no one had ever showered her with compliments before. And more shocking still, Harper and Nelson were wearing matching smiles and staring at her intently. What was it with these Hamilton men? she wondered, fighting the urge to squeal like a schoolgirl. Why did they all have to be suave, good-looking and charming?
“I bet you used to model,” Nelson said smoothly. “Am I right?”
No, but not for lack of trying. Azure shivered as bitter memories from her childhood resurfaced. If her mother, a former beauty queen, had had her way, she would have been a toddler in a tiara. But beauty pageants were for thin, pretty girls, and Azure had been neither. At least that was what pageant organizers repeatedly told her. Now, her younger sister, Eden, was another story. She was born to rip the runway, and from the time she could walk, she was doing just that. “No runways in my past,” she replied with a nervous laugh. “I love fashion, but I was born to be a writer. It’s all I’ve ever dreamed of doing.”
Harper wore a pensive expression on his face. “That’s too bad. With your look, and that million-dollar smile, you could have had a long and prosperous career.”
“I agree,” Nelson tossed in, whipping out his BlackBerry as it rang. He put it to his ear. “I better take this. It’s my agent.”
* * *
A grin overwhelmed Harper’s mouth as he watched his kid brother exit the court. Now he finally had Azure all to himself. While they stood there, openly staring at each other, Harper allowed his eyes to do what his hands were itching to: roam over her delectable, five-foot-nine-inch frame. Her sleek black midlength bob complemented her oval face, and the side bangs that grazed her left cheek gave her a mysterious allure. Azure Ellison had lips made for kissing, hips made for squeezing and a seriously sexy vibe going on.
Casting his gaze downward, he continued his slow, thorough appraisal. Her loose-fitting workout gear hid her fit and fabulous figure, but Harper still remembered how nicely she’d filled out that black-belted-suit she’d worn to last month’s photo shoot. All afternoon he’d hoped she’d ditch the stuffy blazer, but no such luck. Azure Ellison could just as easily be a model for Eminence magazine, and if he ever saw her striking face on the cover, he’d buy stocks in the tabloid.
Harper spotted three gangly teens leaning against the front window. They stood there, their eyes as big as saucers, jabbing each other with their elbows. Was that how he looked right now? Dazed, awed and googly-eyed? Harper hoped not. When it came to the ladies, he wasn’t as confident as his cousin Jake. His ego had taken a hit when he’d caught his ex-girlfriend cheating, and Harper was only now starting to feel like his old self. Watching the trio shamelessly ogle Azure made him feel a mixture of pride and jealousy. An odd reaction considering she wasn’t his woman, or even a close friend.
“I was hoping we could talk.”
“Sure,” he said, giving her his undivided attention, “I could spare a few minutes now.”
“Not here. I’d prefer we speak in private.”
“Are you in need of legal counsel, Ms. Ellison? Because if you are I’m your man.”
* * *
I wish you were. Azure knew Harper was teasing, but a part of her—a big part—wished he wasn’t. Lean and well built, the thirty-one-year-old attorney was an imposing figure with long, muscular limbs and a firm, hard butt she’d spent the past ten minutes drooling over. “I’m not in trouble with the law, but if I ever need an attorney, I’ll be sure to give you a call.”
He blessed her with a wide, disarming smile.
“Are you free tonight?”
“It depends on what this is pertaining to.”
“I’m doing a follow-up piece on the interview I did last month.” The lie slid smoothly off her lips. It should. She’d rehearsed it on the drive over to Premier Fitness, and again while she was working up a sweat on the elliptical machine. “I would love to sit down with you and discuss it further. Why don’t we meet later for cocktails? I can tell you all about it then.”
Harper raised an eyebrow. Three weeks ago, Azure had sat down with his family for an in-depth interview, one that had lasted for several hours. No way she was writing a second piece about the Hamilton clan. Only Brad and Angelina got that kind of coverage. “I’m afraid you’re going to have to give me a little more information about this new story, Ms. Ellison.”
Azure parted her lips, but nothing came out. Not a single word. Then she remembered the conversation in the staff room that morning and invented another, more compelling tale. “The whole city’s buzzing with the news of your cousin’s
surprise engagement, and I thought it would be great to add some quotes and anecdotes about the darling couple to the piece I originally wrote. You’re the first person who came to mind, so here I am.”
His face hardened like stone. “I’m sorry, Ms. Ellison, but I have nothing to offer. I was just as shocked as everyone else when Jake proposed. But, if you’d like, I can arrange for you to meet with my aunt Jeannette, because she had to know something....”
Azure watched Harper closely, and all but fainted when he licked his full, thick lips. She admired the famed attorney from the top of his brown close-cropped hair to the bottom of his sneaker-clad feet. His skin looked as smooth as whipped peanut butter, he had a strong chiseled jaw and a pair of powerful, muscular legs. Azure longed to run her hands down his arms, wished she could touch and massage his athletic physique. Damn, and he smelled good, too. Like a rough and tough alpha male. One who could show her a thing or two in the bedroom. Or the kitchen. Or any other room he wanted to have her in.
At the thought, goose bumps prickled her flesh. Azure blinked, forced her gaze away from Harper’s sexy mouth. No more lusting. It was time to refocus, to get back to the matter at hand. She had to convince Harper to meet her for drinks at Table 13, that chic, upscale restaurant bar in the heart of Center City, but how?
“I’m sorry you wasted your time coming all the way down here, but—”
“Maybe instead of writing a piece about your cousin and his new fiancée, I should feature you, alone,” she began, casually resting a hand on his forearm. Touching him was a mistake. Her heart did a triple back flip, and Azure suddenly felt so woozy she feared she’d collapse at his feet.
What’s wrong with me? Azure wondered, taking a deep breath. She’d interviewed scores of attractive men over the years, and not once did she have butterflies in her stomach or sweaty palms. But in Harper’s presence she became a bumbling, stumbling fool who couldn’t think straight. What’s up with that?
Seconds passed before she felt composed enough to speak. Once her head cleared, she continued her pitch. “I’d love to discuss my idea further with you, and if you could spare an hour of your time to meet with me tonight I’d really appreciate it.”
“Just tell me when and where.” His smile was back, and his dark, penetrating gaze moved over her like the fierce autumn breeze blowing leaves outside the downtown streets. Azure didn’t have the presence of mind to think, let alone speak. Harper Hamilton had it all. Dashing good looks, keen intelligence and a physique that would make an action hero jealous. And he did it for her in a big way. “Let’s meet at Table 13,” she said, breaking free of her sinful thoughts and reuniting with her voice. “Is seven o’clock okay?”
“It’s perfect.”
“Great. I’ll see you then.”
“I look forward to it.”
Azure’s legs were shaking, but she turned around and walked across the racquetball court without wiping out. How the hell am I going to make it through cocktail hour with Harper when I could barely handle a five-minute conversation? she thought, hustling back through the lobby of Premier Fitness and out the front door. Azure had a date to get ready for, and no time to waste. She only hoped that between now and the time she met Harper for cocktails at Table 13, she had a new plan because her first one had just been shot to hell.
Chapter 2
At six o’clock, Azure sailed into Table 13 and after a brief chat with the curvy, blue-eyed hostess, strode through the packed-out waiting area. The word swank came to mind every time Azure entered Philly’s newest hot spot, but after attending last month’s grand opening, she quickly realized that all that glittered wasn’t gold. Table 13 was a place to see and be seen in. That was it. The ceilings were high, and the décor flashy, but the overpriced entrées were smaller than a McDonald’s Happy Meal and the service was painfully slow. But the scathing reviews by local critics didn’t deter the crowds. In the lounge, dozens of young, fabulously dressed patrons with money to burn and not a care in the world sipped champagne and smoked cigars.
Azure was an hour early for her meeting with Harper, but she planned to use the time to develop her new plan. She hoped that once she had a couple of cocktails, and her nerves settled, the ideas would flow freely, because right now she had nothing. Mr. Watson’s words circled her mind, and although it had been hours since her boss had marched into her office and reamed her out, she could still hear his harsh voice in her ears. “Shape up or ship out, Ellison. And for goodness’ sake, quit writing boring fluff pieces that your own mother wouldn’t read!”
Sliding onto the swivel stool in her slim-fitting Gucci dress took more skill than winning Jeopardy’s Tournament of Champions, but once Azure was seated at the bright, circular bar, she felt herself start to relax. The bartender smiled at her, and as he approached, Azure decided she had nothing to worry about. She looked good, felt even better and had a feeling Harper would open up to her. Or at least that’s my hope, she thought, reaching for one of the drink lists displayed beside the decorative napkin holder.
“Funny seeing you here....”
Azure glanced to her right. When she saw Harper, sitting two seats over, her eyes widened. Her heart fluttered like a butterfly, and when his gaze moved over her with deliberate slowness, her lips parted wordlessly. Realizing how utterly ridiculous she must look, Azure closed her mouth and wiped the dreamy, love-struck expression off her face. “You’re early.”
“So are you.”
Harper gestured to his iPad. “I thought I’d get some work done while I watched the Sixers game. What’s your excuse?”
“I was planning to work, too,” she lied, nervously combing a lock of hair behind her ears. “I have a deadline fast approaching, and as usual I’m hopelessly behind.”
“Let me buy you a drink.”
The deep timbre of his voice, and the way he was staring at her, made it impossible for Azure to speak. Not in complete sentences, anyway.
“What would you like?”
To kiss you. Desire singed her flesh. Azure shook the outrageous thought from her mind. Clearly, being in close proximity to this gorgeous corporate attorney was wreaking havoc on her good sense. But smart, intelligent guys with perfect teeth and great bodies had always been her weakness, and Harper Hamilton was the prototype of her dream guy. Only he wasn’t a dream. He was a living, breathing hunk of a man who smelled divine. “I’ll have a Coke,” she told the pierced bartender, when he sidled up to her. “No, on second thought, make that a dry martini.”
“Good choice.” Harper raised his glass. “That’s what I’m having.”
Azure nodded, watched as he packed up his leather briefcase and set it on the floor. His rich, wonderful fragrance wrapped itself around her in a sweet, sensual hug, and, oh, did he ever look good, too! Azure loved his casual, polished style and had a hell of a time keeping her eyes off his body and on her menu. Harper was off the clock, but he still looked like an acclaimed attorney at the top of his game. His white dress shirt and eye-catching burgundy tie warmed his flawless, smooth complexion, his dark slacks were tailored to perfection and his diamond wristwatch outshone the chandelier hanging above the bar.
Anxious to get down to business, she gestured to the dining area with her hand. “We should probably go grab a table. It’s starting to fill up in here.”
“I’m fine here at the bar, if you are. There’s a line down the block to get in, and I’m not interested in waiting outside.” Harper glanced at the floor-to-ceiling windows. “I used to deliver flyers when I was a teenager, and to this day, every time I have to walk more than a block or two I moan and grumble!”
“You had a part-time job in high school?”
“You mean jobs,” he corrected, chuckling good-naturedly. “My parents wanted me to understand the value of a dollar, so once I was old enough they encouraged me to work. Or rather, forced me to! I shoveled snow, mowed lawns, walked dogs. I did it all, and hated every minute of it.”
“Now I don’t feel so bad about working at Fat Burger. At least I wasn’t outside!”
“You used to work at Fat Burger? Wow, back in the day that place was my second home.” He wore a wistful expression, but his tone was filled with humor. “There was one across the street from my prep school, and my friends and I would head over there whenever we had a spare. I had the same thing every day. A—”
“Triple King Meal, ten-piece chicken nuggets and a chocolate milkshake.”
“Yeah,” he said, raising a thick, perfectly groomed eyebrow. “How did you know?”
Azure shifted around on her stool. “Just a lucky guess. I worked at Fat Burger for years, and that seemed to be everybody’s favorite.”
“You’re probably right. My buddies ordered the same thing, too.”
In the lounge, chuckles rang out, the scent of fresh garlic bread filled the air and patrons danced to the pop song playing. When the bartender returned to refresh their drinks, Harper ordered an appetizer platter and a bottle of wine.
“I hope you’re eating for two,” Azure quipped, hiding a smirk that threatened to overwhelm her mouth, “because that platter serves six and I’m not hungry.”
“Don’t tell me you’re one of those weight-obsessed, calorie-counting types who’s strict about what she eats.”
“Isn’t every woman?”
Harper tasted his drink, then rested it on his coaster. “It’s not the size of a woman’s waist or the length of her hair that makes her beautiful. It’s how she carries herself, how confident and comfortable she is in her skin. I’ve dated sisters of all shapes and sizes and—”
“You have?”
“Of course, I’d be a fool not to. Contrary to what the fashion industry thinks, beauty comes in plus-size packages, too, and I’m tired of only seeing toothpick-thin models on billboards and magazine covers.” He wore a smile. “No offense.”
Azure held up her hands. “None taken. And I agree with you. I’ve been pushing the powers-that-be at Eminence to hire more full-figured models, but my new boss, Leland Watson, isn’t on board. All he cares about is turning the magazine into a glossier, more scandalous version of People magazine.”
“On that note, I’d love to hear more about the piece you’re working on.”
You and me both, Azure thought, clearing her throat. Facing him, she arched her shoulders and crossed her legs. Sucking in her stomach hurt, but she clasped her hands around her knees and wore a winning smile. Perfect. Now he couldn’t see her hands shaking.
“I must admit, I was shocked when you asked me to meet you here tonight.”
“You were? Why?”
“Because you’re a beautiful woman who I’m sure has no shortage of admirers.”
Azure felt her eyes bulge out of her head. Harper thinks I’m beautiful? For real? No way! The idea was shocking, mind-boggling, as unbelievable as shoulder pads coming back in style, but Harper looked dead serious. His gaze was intense, smoldering with such heat, her heart skipped two beats. For a split second, Azure considered telling Harper who she was. It was obvious he didn’t remember her, so why not come clean?
Because if I confess to being frumpy ol’ Alice Ellison, it might ruin my chances with him.
Shaking her head helped Azure come to her senses. She had to be professional. This was business. Strictly business. And once she gained Harper’s trust and tricked him into revealing family secrets, she’d be on her way because being around this strong, virile attorney was too much temptation for a single, celibate girl like herself to take. “My boss wants me to produce a story that breaks new ground, a piece that will get the whole country talking, and I think I may have found what he’s looking for. But to write the story, I need to interview someone inside the Hamilton family dynasty.”
“And that would be me,” he offered, his expression guarded, his tone tight.
Azure nodded. To lighten the mood and put him at ease, she spoke from the heart. “We’re a lot alike, you and me, and I think—”
“Is that so? In what way, Ms. Ellison?”
“For starters, we’re both keen observers who don’t automatically buy what we’ve been told. We’re hard workers who never take the easy way out, but we’re often overshadowed by louder, flashier colleagues who believe their own hype.”
Harper stroked his jaw reflectively. He was impressed. Azure Ellison had described him to a T. No one had ever done that before, but the longer he stared at her, the more convinced he was that she was hiding something. There was something familiar about her, mysterious, too. Was it possible they’d met before last month’s photo shoot? Through an acquaintance or business associate maybe? Instead of playing a solitary game of twenty questions, he decided to lay his cards on the table. “Who are you really, Azure Ellison, and what are you after?”
“I sensed a bit of animosity between you and Jake during last month’s interview,” Azure said, sidestepping his question. “I’m curious if there was more to that argument I witnessed than you led me to believe.”
His eyes narrowed, lost their luster and the veins in his neck pulsed.
Bingo! Tempering her excitement, she paused to taste her cocktail and waited a half second before moving in for the kill. “I’d love to profile you, Harper. Just you. We could do a full-page spread with pictures, quotes and a list of your most high-profile cases.”
Interest sparked in Harper’s eyes as he straightened in his seat.
“I suspect that you’re the unsung hero of the firm, and I’d love to give you a chance to tell the world what’s really going on behind the scenes at Hamilton, Hamilton and Clark.”
Azure was spinning her tale as fast as she could, saying and doing all the right things, but Harper didn’t respond. He looked amused, as if he were watching a kitten chase its tail around in circles, and his broad grin was growing by the second. “Will you do the interview?”
Several long, tense seconds ticked by.
“I’ll do it, but only if you agree to have dinner with me tomorrow.”
“Lunch,” she countered. “In my office on Friday.”
“Dinner. Six o’clock sharp.”
“Brunch. Eleven-thirty.”
Harper wore an arch grin. “Tomorrow night. The Clearwater Grill on Sixth Street.”
“Why not somewhere around here or in Mount Airy?”
“Because I’d love a good steak, and no one does it better than the head chef at the Clearwater Grill on Sixth.”
Azure frowned. “Really? I’ve heard of the place, but I’ve never been there.”
“You’ll love it. Everyone does. It’s quiet, the service is great and the manager is the funniest guy you’ll ever meet.”
“I’d rather interview you in my office. It’s a more professional setting and we won’t have to worry about being interrupted or distracted.”
“The Clearwater Grill,” he repeated, his tone calm, cool. “Take it or leave it.”
“I’ll be there.”
What just happened? Azure thought sourly, wishing she hadn’t given in so easily. That went real well, Azure. Are you sure you’re the one in charge? She was beating herself up for giving Harper the upper hand when she caught sight of a slight man in a striped fedora and matching sports coat in the waiting area.
Azure blinked hard, tried to get a better look at the stranger’s
profile. Perspiration drenched her palms and clung to her dress. No. It couldn’t be. Her boss wouldn’t do something as sneaky as spying on her, would he? A former tabloid reporter, with a remarkable gift for sniffing out the truth, Leland Watson was as cunning as he was brilliant, and he never let her forget it. He was an acclaimed journalist, and well respected in the field, but Azure wouldn’t put anything past him. And the more she considered it, the more likely it was her boss in the tacky fedora and sports coat. After all, he’d asked—no, ordered—her to track down Harper and been the one to suggest they meet for cocktails at Table 13, too.
Azure peered over Harper’s shoulder. The stranger strode through the bar, and when he disappeared into the lounge and out of sight, she released a sigh of relief. Hopefully someone rich and famous had caught his eye. Either way, it was time to call it a night. She had a long day ahead of her, and now a brand-new interview with Harper to prepare for. It wasn’t time to sit pretty. It was time to go on the attack. And when she met with the famed attorney tomorrow night, that was exactly what she was going to do.
“See someone you know?” Harper asked, sliding several crisp bills into the leather billet. “Or are you trying to get a better look at Drake and his ten-man entourage?”
Azure dismissed his question with a wave of her hand. “Drake’s cute, but he’s way too young for me. Besides, I like my men the way I like my coffee. Strong and dark.”
Harper rocked with laughter. “I’ll keep that in mind.”
“You do that, Mr. Hamilton.”
“Call me Harper.”
“Only if you call me Azure.”
He nodded, leaned in so close she could smell his spicy, masculine cologne. “So, what do you do when you’re not working?”
“I’m always working. Aren’t you?”
Another hearty chuckle. “Yes, but I make time to hang out with my family, to watch my beloved Seventy-Sixers and I travel several times a year. You should see my passport. It looks like a dog’s chew toy!”
“I’m so jealous. I’ve never left the States, and all the travel I do is for work.”
“I’ll have to do something about that, then.”
Their eyes caught, and held, and Azure was so overcome by the intensity of Harper’s gaze and his heady scent that all she could do was stare at him.
“You should come with me to the Cabo San Lucas Music Festival. I go every year, and the concerts, cuisine and atmosphere are out of this world.” Harper added, “But don’t take my word for it, come and see for yourself.”
“My boss will never give me the time off.” Azure felt guilty for lying to Harper—again—but she didn’t feel comfortable sharing her business with him. She couldn’t afford to go to Cabo, or anywhere else for that matter. Not until she paid off her bills. But Harper had given her something to think about. A trip to the famed celebrity hot spot sounded divine, something worth planning once she straightened out her finances.
“Is there a special man in your life anxiously waiting for you to return home?”
Azure was caught off guard by the question, but she didn’t show it. “No, just my cats.”
“Your cats?”
“Yup, Darius and Lovehall.”
Harper thought for a moment, then released a deep, hearty chuckle. “You named your cats after the male character in Love Jones?”
“I sure did.”
“You must really like the movie.”
“Who doesn’t? It’s one of the greatest romantic movies of all time!”
“The movie came out when I was in high school, and my female classmates went wild for Larenz Tate. The editor of the school newspaper even devoted an issue to the movie.”
Azure couldn’t believe it. Harper remembered the column she’d done for the school newspaper? Who would have thought? He didn’t recognize her, but he remembered her article, and that made her feel proud. Although they’d never had any classes together or traveled in the same social circles, Harper had always greeted her when they’d passed each other in the halls. And once, when she’d been caught in a rainstorm, he’d been kind enough to share his umbrella with her.
Azure remembered that afternoon as if it were yesterday.
Outwardly, she’d remained calm as they’d stridden toward the tree-lined campus side by side, but inside Azure had been a maelstrom of emotion. Fear, excitement and sheer, unadulterated joy. They’d walked and talked, and although her legs had been shaking under her painfully tight school uniform, she’d held up her end of the conversation. After that, Harper Hamilton—the upperclassman voted most likely to one day be president—starred in all her teenage fantasies. Once he graduated and went off to law school, Azure never saw him again, but every time it rained, she wondered what had happened to the kind, great-looking guy who’d shared his umbrella with her.
Memories flooded her mind, and when Azure thought about the day she arrived at Bryn Mawr College, a smile warmed her face. Studying at the highly acclaimed women’s college was the best thing to ever happen to her. During her sophomore year, she’d shed some weight, traded her hideous, Coke-bottle-thick glasses for contacts and found her confidence, her voice. Azure made friends with her über-rich classmates and soon discovered that brains always trumped breeding. In the space of a year, she went from being a novice reporter to an editor of the school newspaper and ultimately editor in chief. After graduation, and a series of starts and stumbles, Eminence magazine hired her, and once she changed her first name to Azure her career took off like a meteorite.
Pride filled her. Life was good. Better than she could ever have imagined. She was sitting across from Harper Hamilton in the most exclusive restaurant in Philly, and he was flirting with her! Azure wanted to pinch herself. The attorney had it. Charisma, charm, that indescribable quality that drove women wild. He had it in spades, and there was something so powerful between them, something so crushing, her head was spinning.
“I hope what I’m about to say doesn’t offend you, Azure, but you look amazing in that dress. It’s sexy but tasteful and the emerald-green color is perfect for the season.”
Azure raised her eyebrows in a questioning slant. “Don’t tell me you’re a male fashionista,” she teased, unable to resist poking fun at him. “You’re a great dresser, but I pegged you more as a sports guy than a shop-till-you-drop one.”
“You’re right, I am, but my mom is a fashion designer and I’ve learned a thing or two from her over the years. We all have. My brothers, my cousins, even my dad, and he used to live in cheap, tacky polyester!”
Harper stood, slid up behind her and when he rested a hand on her lower back, her knees went weak—again. Damn it, why does that keep happening?
“Let me walk you to your car.”
“I’d like that,” she said, taking the hand he offered and easing carefully off her stool. I’m also dying to know if you’re a good kisser, but for now, the walk will do.
Chapter 3
Rittenhouse Square, a popular neighborhood named after the large, lush, tree-filled park in the center of the community, was overrun with residents taking advantage of the unusually warm October day. From his fourth-floor office window, Harper had a clear, unrestricted view of the park and marveled at how crowded it was. Joggers ran along the winding, leaf-covered path, kids darted around the jungle gym and pet owners played catch with their dogs.
On Thursday afternoons, Harper liked to go outside to the square. For an hour, he’d sit back and relax. He wouldn’t think about work and the long list of things he had to accomplish before quitting time, either. He’d eat his lunch, then do the New York Times crossword puzzle. But not today. Harper had a deposition to review, phone calls to make and more paper crowding his desk than a UPS office.
Harper tossed a handful of cashews into his mouth. Five more minutes, and then I’ll get back to work, he told himself, soaking up the sunshine pouring through the window in front of his L-shaped executive desk. Most of the offices at Hamilton, Hamilton and Clark were furnished traditionally, with mahogany furniture and Oriental rugs, but Harper had bucked the trend and hired an interior decorator to create his dream space. Leather couches sat along one wall, shelves displaying his certificates and awards were above the tropical-fish aquarium, and his favorite electronic gadgets were just an arm’s length away on the decorative glass stand.
Crossing his legs at his ankles, he rested back comfortably in his seat. He spotted a group of teenagers reading magazines under one of the leafy maple trees dotting the park, and immediately thought of Azure. The writer had been on his mind all day. Actually, ever since the photo shoot at his uncle’s estate. He was looking forward to seeing her tonight, and as soon as he finished drafting the settlement letter, he was heading home. He needed to shower and change before their date, and he wanted to buy Azure flowers from his favorite gift shop. Not that he went there often. Harper hadn’t been back to Gifts & Things since…
Scraping the thought and all images of his ex-girlfriend from his mind, he turned away from the window and picked up the manila file folder he’d abandoned ten minutes earlier.
“I thought you’d left for the day.”
Harper regarded his father, Frank, with a smile. His dad was fifty-eight years old and still going strong. He not only looked years younger, but he played the part, too. His dad was a jovial, well-dressed ball of energy who was always in a terrific mood. In court, he rarely sat down, and when he did it was only because his back was acting up. “I have a few more things to do before I head home,” Harper explained, gesturing to the document in his hands, “and since I’m in court tomorrow, I figured now was as good a time as any to get them done.”
“I was surprised when I pulled into the parking lot this morning and saw your car. What time did you get in?”
“Five-thirty. I would have been here earlier but decided to go to the gym first.”
“Some people shouldn’t be allowed to drink coffee,” Frank joked, pointing at his son’s oversize Philadelphia Sixers-themed mug. “You’d be one of them!”
Father and son chuckled.
“What are you working on?” Frank asked, closing the door behind him.
“Just reviewing the sworn testimony of the victims in the fraud case. The trial is fast approaching, and I want to be fully prepared.”
“Good, good, son. That’s what I like to hear.” Frank picked up the golf club that Harper kept in his office for his executive putter set, pointed it at the cup and bent his knees. “I wish I had one of these in my office, but if I did I’d probably never get any work done!”
Harper watched as his father practiced his swing. Over and over, he took shots at the hole. Harper didn’t know if his dad came by to see him or to play a round of golf, but he didn’t mind the interruption. He welcomed it. Maybe shooting the breeze with his dad would help him refocus, because he was so amped up about seeing Azure again he couldn’t concentrate.
“Son, when are you heading home?”
“I’m not sure, why?”
“Preseason basketball kicks off tonight,” Frank said, glancing up from the golf set. “The Lakers are playing in Miami tonight, and there’s been so much trash talking between the two teams, I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a brawl in the first quarter!”
“I thought Mom banned you from watching basketball.”
“The Lakers got swept in the second round of the playoffs! Swept!” he repeated, throwing a hand up in the air. “It’s not my fault I got so angry I bumped into the coffee table and knocked over that frilly candy dish. It’s been six months and I still haven’t got over it.”
Harper chuckled.
“Besides, what your mother doesn’t know can’t hurt her,” Frank said, shooting his son a wink. “She’s in New York on business, so I have the house all to myself this week.”
A sly grin exploded onto his dad’s smooth, slim face, but Harper heard the loneliness in his voice and saw the flicker of sadness in his eyes. Harper considered canceling his date with Azure. He was anxious to pick up where they’d left off last night, but he didn’t want to leave his old man hanging.
“Your brothers are coming by, and some of your cousins, too.”
“Will Jake be there?”
Frank shrugged. “I invited him, but I don’t know if he’ll show. He has a meeting tonight with Santiago Medina.”
In his haste to speak, Harper tripped over his tongue. “The resort heir?”
“The one and only. Apparently, Mr. Medina is looking for a new, American-based lawyer, and after speaking to Jake on the phone last week, he decided to fly in on his family’s private jet for a face-to-face meeting.”
Harper’s heart sank to the bottom of his leather Kenneth Cole shoes. Jake had scored another big-name client? And not just anyone. One of the richest businessmen in all of Mexico. Harper was pissed, but he didn’t show it. He couldn’t let his dad, or anyone else, know that he was jealous. Harper loved Jake, and would never do him any harm, but he was tired of playing second string to his flashy, cocky cousin. “Why would Santiago Medina sign with Jake? He’s arrogant, obnoxious and—”
“One hell of a closer,” Frank added, picking up the golf club and lining up his feet on the putter. “You’re an incredible attorney, son, the best in the firm as far as I’m concerned, but you need to toughen up. You lack that killer instinct that all great attorneys have, and without it, you can only go so far in this business. It doesn’t matter if you’re closing a deal, or trying to get a babe into bed, when you see an opening, you have to go in for the kill.”
Harper wanted to plug his ears. He didn’t want to hear what was coming next. His dad—like most of the Hamilton men—loved women, and back in the day had had a reputation with the ladies. Always on the move, he laughed, joked and flirted with the opposite sex as if it was his favorite pastime. And Harper suspected it was.
“I know you don’t want to hear this, but you could learn a thing or two from Jake.”
“On what? How to seduce and bed my paralegal?”
“No, on how to get more bang for your buck! Jake’s parlayed his engagement into a huge news story and is attracting wealthy clients left and right.”
Harper’s shoulders slumped, caved in under the weight of his disappointment. Feelings of resentment and despair filled him. He couldn’t believe it. Now his father, the person who’d always been his biggest supporter, had jumped on the I-love-Jake bandwagon, too. And the president thinks he’s got it bad, Harper thought sourly, stewing in his leather executive chair.
“I better get going,” Frank said, glancing at the wall clock. He returned the golf club to its rightful place, then checked himself out in the mirror hanging beside the wardrobe. “My next client is due to arrive at any moment, and I don’t want to keep him waiting.”
Long after his father left, Harper sat at his desk, thinking. He wondered what it would take to upstage his cousin Jake, because he was sick of being the number two guy at Hamilton, Hamilton and Clark. It was time for him to shine, time for him to represent the firm’s big-dollar clients. Harper was nothing if not focused, and tonight, after his date with Azure, he was going to sit down and prepare a plan of action. He had to do something to steal the spotlight away from Jake, something that would garner national headlines. The only question now was what?
* * *
“Is this seat taken?”
Harper glanced up from his cell phone. A redhead with fake eyelashes and glossy lips was standing beside his booth, smiling so brightly Harper wished he was wearing sunglasses.
“Yes, as a matter of fact it is.”
“Then I’ll be brief.” The redhead slid in beside him, got so close he could feel her double Ds pressed against his forearm. “I saw you interviewed outside the courthouse last night on the evening news, and I just had to come over and say hello. I’m, like, your biggest fan!”
Harper wanted to send the buxom redhead on her way, but he nodded and produced a winning smile. Had to keep the public happy. Hamilton, Hamilton and Clark had been founded in 1960 by his grandfather, Jacob Hamilton Sr., and his business associate, Albert Clark, but these days the firm was more popular than ever. Harper enjoyed all the perks that came with being a Hamilton, but he could do without the aggressive gold diggers and so-called fans. This was the third woman who’d approached him since he arrived at the Clearwater Grill and she was by far the pushiest. The small, cozy restaurant was overrun with love-struck couples, but there were plenty of scantily clad women out on the prowl.
“The cameras don’t do you justice, Harper. You’re even sexier in person.”
“Ah, thanks.”
“On the news, they said your client was awarded a half-million-dollar settlement. I bet that’s chump change to you, I mean, you are a Hamilton....”
Harper didn’t want to talk about the sexual harassment case he’d won last week, or his family’s staggering net worth, either. All he wanted to do was sip his cappuccino in peace while he waited for his date to arrive. The last thing Harper wanted was for Azure to walk in and spot him talking to this Pamela Anderson look-alike, so he slid to the edge of the booth.
Harper glanced over at the waiting area and strangled a groan. Too late. Azure was standing at the entrance of the lounge, and she was staring right at him. “It was nice meeting you, miss. Enjoy the rest of your evening.” Grabbing his cell phone, he leaped to his feet as if the booth were on fire and took off before the redhead could give chase.
As he approached Azure, he fought the overwhelming urge to kiss her, to caress her flawless brown skin. She looked sensational from head to foot, and her lush, scarlet-red lips were tempting. So tempting, in fact, kissing her was all he could think about. For the past six months, his life had been an endless stream of business meetings, and the thought of spending the rest of the night with Azure Ellison excited him.
Instead of succumbing to his needs and planting one on her, Harper settled for a peck on the cheek. She smelled delicious, heavenly, as intoxicating as a bottle of Herbal Essences shampoo, and thinking about those infamous shower-scene commercials made Harper wonder what Azure was like in bed. He’d bet that she was vocal, confident, a woman who didn’t hold back, who gave as good as she got.
A grin claimed his lips. Maybe if he played his cards right tonight he’d find out. The thought stunned him. Harper hadn’t had sex in months, hadn’t wanted to—until now. The pain of being betrayed by his ex—a woman he’d been prepared to spend the rest of his life with—ran deep, and until five minutes ago, he hadn’t given anyone a second glance. But there was something about Azure Ellison, something about her that appealed to him on a physical and intellectual level. And it didn’t hurt that her figure was a thing of beauty. Everything about the magazine reporter was sexy. Her lush hair, her lean arms and hips, the graceful way she moved through space. Harper was burning up, so blinded by his attraction to her he narrowly missed crashing into the lanky busboy cleaning tables. An ice pack in his boxer briefs wouldn’t cool him down, and when Azure smiled at him, his blood pressure spiked and his skin felt hotter than the flames crackling in the stone fireplace.
* * *
Azure looked Harper over. Not once, not twice, but three shameless times. His argyle sweater fit his very sexy, very gorgeous body perfectly, and his dark slacks accentuated his long, lean legs. Looking casual but polished was an art, and Harper Hamilton was the master. His smile, his energy and those warm brown eyes got her every time. And obviously she wasn’t the only one. The redhead sitting in the lounge was staring longingly at him, like a woman desperately and hopelessly in love.
“Harper, my man, great to see you!”
Nodding at Louis, the affable restaurant owner with the moustache and slicked-down black hair, he said, “Likewise, sir. How are things?”
“Great, great, can’t complain. What have you been up to? It’s been months since you paid us a visit,” he complained, wearing a forlorn face.
“Work’s been keeping me busy.”
Louis grinned like a leprechaun with a pot of gold. “Work? Or this gorgeous woman standing beside you?”
“Azure is stunning, isn’t she?”
“You can say that again.”
Harper slid his arm around her waist, held on tight. A thousand volts of electricity rushed through Azure’s body. Why did that keep happening? she wondered, trying to ignore the fluttering sensation in the pit of her stomach. Azure didn’t know what was wrong with her. She was a bold, confident, take-charge kind of sister, but around Harper she became a different person. Shy, skittish, as nervous as an Amish girl on her first date. And the more Harper flirted with her, the more her hands and legs shook.
“Your girlfriend caused quite a stir when she walked in. My cooks were so busy checking her out they bumped into each other and spilled appetizers all over the floor!”
“Then you better find us a quiet, secluded table far away from the kitchen,” Harper joked, clapping a hand on the restaurant owner’s shoulders, “because they’re liable to burn the whole kitchen down if we sit out here!”
Azure lost the use of her tongue and the ability to form words. She waited for Harper to correct the manager, to explain that they weren’t a couple, but he didn’t. Instead, he requested his favorite table and led her into the dining area. The cream-and-beige space was outfitted with candlelit round tables, a stone fireplace showered the room with warmth and the padded leather booths along the far wall were large enough to fit an entire basketball team. The restaurant had the perfect ambience for romance or a clandestine magazine interview, and once their orders were placed and their drinks arrived, Azure got right down to business.
“I appreciate you meeting me tonight,” she said, setting her tape recorder on the table and her trusty notebook on her lap. “I know you’re a very busy man with no time to waste, so I’ll try my best to keep my questions brief and to the point.”
“Why don’t we talk first, off the record, and do the interview after dinner?”
“Or we can do it now while we wait for our entrées to arrive,” Azure countered, hoping he didn’t hear the apprehension in her voice. Her mind was fuzzy, and she had a hell of a time meeting his gaze. Azure didn’t know if she was feeling light-headed because of the delicious scent of Harper’s cologne or because he was studying her so intently. Either way, she had to get it together, and quick. Azure had a lot riding on this interview—her career, her reputation, a job she loved more than anything in the world—and couldn’t afford to blow this opportunity.
Determined to uncover the “dirt” her boss was dying for, she took a deep, cleansing breath and pushed the record button on the tape recorder. “Let’s get started, shall we?”
“Ask away, Azure. I have nothing to hide.”
Guilt pricked her heart. I wish I could say the same.
Chapter 4
Harper felt short of breath, as if he’d just finished swimming a dozen laps, and every time he caught a whiff of Azure’s sweet, floral perfume, his brain short-circuited. Pounded, spun, whirled faster than a helicopter propeller. He saw her lips moving, heard her rich, dulcet tone in his ears, but he didn’t understand a word she was saying. It took supreme effort, but Harper forced his gaze away from her luscious mouth and back up to her pretty brown eyes.
“What is it like working at one of the most prestigious law firms in the country?”
Pride filled him and seeped into his voice. “I love what I do, and I feel honored to be working at my family’s law firm,” he said smoothly, folding a leg across his knee. “When I was a little boy, my father used to take me with him to court, and the first time I ever saw him deliver closing arguments, I was sold. I knew right then and there I was going to be an attorney.”
“What do you like most about your job?”
“You mean besides winning big cases?” A grin exploded onto his lips. “I love the intellectual challenge of the law and liken the profession to chess, but with real and very flawed people. The player with the best interpretation of the law usually wins, and I’m proud to say that more often than not it’s Hamilton, Hamilton and Clark.”
“It’s obvious you love what you do, but there must be some things you don’t like....”
Harper thought for a moment, then answered truthfully, “The hours are incredibly long, and there’s a lot of repetition. Being a lawyer is nowhere near as glamorous as it looks on TV, and the competition inside the law firm is fierce. Everyone wants to make a name for themselves, no matter the cost.”
Listening to him, Azure got the sense that he was angry about something, and decided to play her hunch. “Are you and your cousin Jake fierce rivals?”
“I don’t know. You tell me.”
His response confused her, so she rephrased the question, hoping this time Harper would give her a straight answer instead of being as evasive as a secret agent. “Would you say Jake is your stiffest competition at the firm?”
“That depends. Is he vying for your affection, too?”
Azure’s cheeks burned, felt hotter than the tip of a flame. Searching his face for the truth, she tried to decipher if he was teasing her or being serious. Harper looked relaxed, completely at ease, like a man who had the world at his feet. But he wasn’t a cocky, swaggering rich guy who thought he was better than everyone else. Azure appreciated how humble he was, how courteous and well mannered. Harper Hamilton was it, and he didn’t even know it. There was nothing sexier than an intelligent, ridiculously handsome man with great manners, and Harper possessed all of those qualities and more.
“I’m sorry if I embarrassed you, Azure. Sometimes when I’m around a beautiful woman, I lose my head, but I’m sure you’re used to men tripping all over themselves. I guess that’s the price you have to pay for being stunning.”
Azure was surprised as anything when Harper touched her hand. And like the morning sun on a hot, balmy summer day, his smile felt warm and hot on her face. Azure couldn’t stop staring at him, couldn’t peel her eyes away. Forget Kobe Bryant and Lebron James. Harper Hamilton had serious game, and if she wasn’t careful, she’d end up shaming herself and the entire female population by acting on her desires.
“It’s been a long time since I went out with anybody, and I’m really enjoying your company, Azure. It’s so easy to be around you, and you have a terrific sense of humor. I like that. And I like you.”
Azure pushed on, pretended his comment had no effect on her. Even though it did. Her heart raced, beat in double time. There was something in the air, something so powerful, Azure knew she’d never be the same again. She drew a breath, one that should have steadied her nerves but didn’t. “Tell me more about what happens behind the scenes at Hamilton, Hamilton and Clark,” Azure said, pulse pounding, limbs shaking. Taking a quick sip of her drink, she watched as Harper unzipped his sports coat, took it off and draped it behind his chair. As if she didn’t have enough problems. Now she’d have to try not to stare at his broad, muscular chest. “Surely, you’re not one big happy family twenty-four-seven.”
“No, you’re certainly right about that, we’re not. Colleagues argue and bicker in every profession, and it’s no different at Hamilton, Hamilton and Clark. I hate to admit it, but sometimes it’s hard to believe we’re family.”
“It is?”
Harper gave a solemn nod. “Working with family members presents its own unique set of problems, and I’d be lying if I said things don’t get heated from time to time. We fight, we argue and on occasion we even…”
Azure wet her lips. This was going better than expected! Harper was actually opening up to her, revealing family secrets. By the time they wrapped up the interview she’d have everything she needed for her story and more.
“My dad and my uncle Jacob are always cursing someone out, and just last week Jake got into a fistfight with Griffin Jackson, one of our sharpest and brightest attorneys.”
Scandalous, Azure thought, cheering inwardly. This was exactly what her boss was looking for, the kind of juicy gossip that readers wanted to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
“Once, I even walked in on…”
“Uh-huh.” Azure inched forward, got nice and close so she wouldn’t miss what Harper was about to divulge. “Once, you walked in on…”
“My cousin Marissa locked in a passionate embrace with one of our very married clients. I was so stunned I stumbled out of the room and back down the hall to my office.”
Frowning, Azure stopped writing on her trusty notepad. That was hard to believe. No, impossible. She had a knack for reading people, and Marissa Hamilton was no Long Island Lolita. Petite and slender, she looked more like a teenager than a hard-boiled attorney, and during last month’s interview she’d graciously answered each question and spoken openly about the pressure of being the youngest attorney at the family law firm. No way she’d ever fool around with a client, single or otherwise.
“And that’s not all. Wait until I tell you what my dad did at last year’s Christmas party!”
“You’re making this stuff up as you go along, aren’t you?” Azure glared at him, made a face she hoped conveyed her disgust. “I can’t believe you’ve been feeding me lies this entire time. You agreed to this interview and promised to answer my questions truthfully.”
“I’m not the only one playing games, though, am I?”
Her head pounded louder than her heartbeat.
“I’ve met your boss, Leland Watson, at several social events around town, and he strikes me as an ambitious but very difficult man.”
You could say that again, Azure thought, remembering the tongue-lashing he’d given her in his office the day before yesterday. If she didn’t love her job, and the extraordinary group of people she worked with, she would have quit a long time ago.
“I get the feeling that you’re not comfortable with this assignment and only accepted it to pacify your boss. Is that why we’re here? Because Mr. Watson pressured you to meet with me?”
Azure couldn’t look Harper in the eye. “I told you,” she said, staring down at her salad plate. “I want to profile you for the magazine.”
“I know what you told me, but I don’t believe you. What’s really going on, Azure? Or should I call you Alice?”
A hand flew to her mouth, and her eyes became big brown, beautiful saucers.
“If you knew who I was all along, why didn’t you say anything?”
“Why didn’t you?” he countered, grinning like the Cheshire cat.
“I don’t know. I guess I wanted to see if you would remember me.”
“I didn’t initially, but when you mentioned working at Fat Burger, something clicked in my mind. I spent a lot of time at that fast food joint, and—”
“So did I. That’s why I packed on the freshman fifteen and the senior forty!”
“I thought you were cute. All hips and curves and legs.” Leaning to the right, Harper raised the crisp white tablecloth and glanced under the table. “Still are.”
His joke alleviated the tension, but the knot in Azure’s throat remained.
“You’ve certainly changed a lot since Willingham Prep School.” Harper stroked his jaw reflectively as he admired her appearance. Back in the day, Azure had lacked confidence, but now she carried herself with the grace of the First Lady. “What else have you been up to besides revamping your look?”
Azure filled him in. Told him about her freelance career, receiving her master’s degree in communications from the University of Philadelphia and her current position at the magazine. “I’ve been dreaming of writing for Eminence ever since I saw their debut issue on newsstands in 1995. I’ve been a huge fan of the publication for years, and I was thrilled when they hired me last year to be a senior staff writer. I worked my butt off to get the job, but all the sacrifices I made were definitely worth it.”
“You talk a lot about your career, but you haven’t said anything about your personal life. You say there’s no special man in your life, but I find it hard to believe a woman as captivating and as vivacious as you are isn’t being bombarded with phone calls for dates.”
“I could say the same thing about you. Where’s Mrs. Harper Hamilton?”
Harper chuckled. He liked her moxie, enjoyed her wit and sense of humor. But he still hadn’t figured out what Azure was after, and that frustrated him like hell. “You’re not here to reminisce about our old high school days or to interview me for your magazine, are you?”
Guilt troubled her conscience. Azure wished she could forget why they were there and just enjoy Harper’s company. His gaze, suddenly dark and predatory, slid across her face and down her body. A chill vibrated along her spine. Telling Harper the real reason she’d tracked him down wasn’t going to be easy, but it was the right thing to do. She’d spun her web of lies, and now it was time to tell Harper the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Azure started to speak, but when the waiter arrived, carrying plates and drinks and bubbling with good cheer, she closed her mouth.
“Louis wants you and your girlfriend to have a good time tonight,” the waiter said, unloading his tray, “so he sent over the most popular items on our new menu.”
“These bread sticks are delicious,” Azure said, plucking one from the basket and taking a healthy bite. “My compliments to the chef!”
The waiter drizzled fresh basil on their entrées and after promising not to disturb them, set off for the kitchen. For the next ten minutes, they ate in silence, only speaking to comment on the taste of the food.
To buy herself some time, Azure chewed each delicious bite slowly. She needed time to think, to figure out what she was going to do next, because something told her Harper wasn’t done grilling her.
“Azure, I’m waiting.”
“For what?” she asked, feigning ignorance. “You better hurry up and eat before there’s nothing left. These shrimp balls are slap-your-mama good, and I’m starving!”
Harper released a deep belly laugh, one that filled the dining room area. “I like having dinner with a woman who enjoys a good meal.”
“What else do you like?”
“I’d like for you to come clean.” Gone was the playful air, his boyish smile. “You’re skilled at using humor as a diversion, but I’m skilled at uncovering the truth, and we’re not leaving here tonight until you tell me what’s really going on.”
Azure put down her fork. Might as well since she’d lost her appetite. Her seafood pasta was moist, and the creamy Alfredo sauce flavorful, but Azure couldn’t eat another bite. Her stomach was clenched into a fist, and she was sweating like a burlesque dancer in a sauna.
Folding her napkin, she dabbed at her forehead and lips. A sip of water alleviated the lump in her throat, but she was still shaking from head to toe. Azure opened her mouth, and the truth tumbled out, one embarrassing, humiliating word at a time. “My boss thought the piece I handed in on your family was crap,” she confessed. “Leland said I didn’t ask the right questions or dig hard enough for dirt, and according to him, dirt sells magazines by the thousands.”
Harper sat quietly, without saying a word.
“Leland is convinced your family is hiding some big, dark secret, and he told me to find out what it is or else.”
Anger darkened his face, but Azure saw sympathy in his eyes, a glimmer of compassion.
“A lot of writers fabricate stories to make a name for themselves....”
“I would never do that,” she said, offended by what Harper was insinuating. “I’d rather admit that I failed and get fired than lie to get ahead.” At the thought of telling her boss the truth, Azure broke out into a cold sweat. Leland had a temper like Chris Brown and could be as cruel as an African dictator. Azure was not looking forward to their Friday morning meeting, and wondered if she should just hand in her resignation letter and be done with it.
“Your boss would be stupid to fire you. You’re very down-to-earth, and you make the people you’re interviewing feel comfortable. My dad rarely talks about his childhood, but he did with you, and once you encouraged him to open up, he wouldn’t stop talking!”
Azure smiled, but the heavy feeling in her chest remained. “Leland’s only been at Eminence for a few months, but if there’s one thing I’ve learned about him it’s that he doesn’t make idle threats. Last week, he fired a pregnant staffer for insubordination and had her escorted off the premises. I’ll be lucky if he lets me stay long enough to clean out my desk.”
The rowdy group at the other end of the restaurant started singing “Happy Birthday,” and after three rounds of boisterous applause, they began stuffing their faces with cake.
“How was everything?” the waiter asked, collecting their plates.
“Great, thanks.” Azure forced a smile onto her lips.
“Would you care to see the dessert menu?”
Harper declined, and once the waiter left, he set his sights back on Azure.
“I’m sorry for wasting your time, Harper. I shouldn’t have let my boss bully me into setting up a meeting with you.” Uncomfortable with the blinding intensity of his gaze, she lowered her eyes to her hands and fiddled with the silver bracelet her roommate, Maggie, had given her for her birthday last month. “Tomorrow, when I get to work, I’ll tell Leland there is no story.”
“I appreciate you telling me the truth, Azure. I know that couldn’t have been easy.” His touch on her arm was light, full of tenderness and warmth, and his smile friendly. “Don’t stress out about your job. I have a feeling everything will work out.”
“You do?”
“What if you could give Leland the big story he’s looking for?”
Azure raised her bent shoulders. What was Harper about to disclose? she wondered, studying his face for clues. A hundred scenarios raced through her head. What was the Hamilton family dynasty hiding? A financial scandal? A crooked billionaire client? A skeleton in the closet? It didn’t matter. Harper had a story, something scandalous about his family he was willing to divulge, and she planned to use it to her advantage.
“I have a story that will benefit us both.”
Picking up her notebook, she snatched her pen off the table. “Go ahead. I’m all ears. Start from the beginning, and go slow, because I don’t want to miss anything.”
Harper wore an arch grin. “Marry me.”
Chapter 5
Azure felt her eyes widen, and her mouth drop open. Marry you? The thought was crazy. So crazy, in fact, she refused to even consider it. Either she misunderstood him or… No, no, that had to be it. Sometimes when she didn’t get enough sleep her brain got fuzzy, and this proved that she needed to quit watching reality TV into the wee hours of the morning and turn in early.
“Marry me,” he proposed, leaning forward in his seat, “and you’ll have everything you’ve ever dreamed of. Fame, success, popularity.”
In her haste to speak, Azure stumbled over her tongue. “Th-that’s your big, juicy story? The one that’s supposed to save my job and give your family more press?”
“Yeah, that’s it.” He nodded, looked as proud as a peacock sporting new feathers.
Azure nixed an eye roll. Harper was a true gentleman, and the last thing she wanted to do was offend him, but he sucked at saving the day. “I need another drink. Where’s the waiter?”
Harper’s gaze circled the room, and when he spotted one of the male servers, he signaled him over. Harper was anxious to lay out his plan, but he waited patiently until the server refilled their glasses with water before he resumed speaking. Only Azure wouldn’t let him. She held up a hand, cutting him off midword.
“Harper, I’m not interested. I love working at Eminence and I don’t want to lose my job, but I’m not going to marry you for kicks. I don’t like hurting or deceiving people, and my parents would kill me if they knew I got married for fun!”
“Really? You did a darn good job trying to trick me.” The moment the words left Harper’s mouth, he regretted them. A frown bruised Azure’s moist red lips, and her eyes thinned into a glare. “I shouldn’t have said that. I’m sorry.”
“No, don’t be. You’re right. I haven’t exactly been honest, but what you’re asking me to do is unethical. Worse, this whole marriage-of-convenience thing could backfire in my face. Then I’d be humiliated, out of a job and the butt of everyone’s jokes. No way, no, thanks.”
“Hear me out, Azure. I promise to make this worth your while.” Harper felt his excitement grow. His plan was a winner, the answer to all of his problems. To become a household name, he needed to shake things up, to think out of the box, and what better way to boost his popularity than by marrying sleek and sophisticated Azure Ellison?
Harper sneered inwardly when he remembered his conversation with his dad. His father’s words played in his mind, and although he gave his head a hard shake, he couldn’t break free of his thoughts. You could learn a thing or two from Jake.... He’s parlayed his engagement into a huge news story and is attracting wealthy clients left and right....
Adrenaline surged through Harper’s veins. It was the same feeling he got whenever he stepped into a packed courtroom and delivered closing arguments. I’ve got this. All he had to do now was convince Azure, but he had the gift of persuasion, and planned to use every weapon in his arsenal to get the vivacious magazine writer on board. “This is what I propose we do—”
Azure shook her head. “Save it, Harper. I’m not interested.”
“Of course you are. You want to keep your job and advance your career, don’t you?”
“Yes, but not like this.”
Slowly, meticulously, Harper laid out his plan. “We’ll embark on a marriage of convenience but let the world think it’s the real thing. A whirlwind romance between two old high school chums,” he explained, his tone strong, convincing. “Eminence will get exclusive rights to our wedding photos, and our first interview as a married couple, as well. We’ll appear at as many social engagements as possible and play up our love story for the cameras whenever we’re out in public. Your boss will love you, we’ll be touted in the media as the newest power couple to watch and everyone will be happy.”
“What’s in it for you?”
“Free press and a leg up on the competition.”
“You mean your cousin Jake, right?”
Harper shrugged nonchalantly. “Him, too.”
“When do you want to get married?” she asked, her curiosity getting the best of her.
“I’m flexible, but it would have to be soon, preferably by the end of the month.”
Azure’s hands were shaking, but she picked up her glass and sipped her ice water. It didn’t help. Her mouth was still dry, and her body temperature was still rising fast. Another question rose in her thoughts, one that increased her anxiety and troubled her conscience. “How long are we supposed to stay hitched for?”
“Three months sounds like a reasonable amount of time.”
“Three months!” Azure shrieked, drowning out the country music song playing softly in the background. “I can’t pretend to be your wife for twelve weeks! I could probably handle going back and forth between your place and mine for a couple weeks, but not for three months.”
“That’s why I’d expect you to live with me.”
“Every day?”
“And night.”
Azure swallowed. Good God, he’d thought of everything. But why was she surprised? He was Harper Hamilton, one of the most successful and respected lawyers in the state, and for good reason. The man was meticulous, thorough, the type of person who never slept in or ran out of gas on the freeway, or ever missed a credit card payment.
Unlike her.
Shivering, she rubbed her chilled hands together. Azure didn’t want to think about what would happen if she got fired; the possibilities were terrifying, scarier than any eighties slasher movie. With her student loans, her car payment and her ever-increasing rent, it was getting harder and harder to live the American dream. That’s why Azure had to keep her job. Writing jobs were hard to come by, and after years of pounding the pavement and doing crummy freelance gigs, Azure was thrilled to be gainfully employed. And at a popular, award-winning African-American publication no less.
“This is a win-win situation for the both of us, Azure.”
“Harper, this is crazy.”
“Crazy-smart,” he countered. “Our wedding is going to garner enormous press, but imagine what the coverage will be like once we split up?”
“Have you been talking to J-Lo’s people?”
Harper chuckled. “I don’t need to. I know how these things work. Divorce is big business. I should know. I’m an attorney!”
“I want to advance my career, and I’d love to be senior editor at Eminence one day, but I can’t marry you, Harper. I’m sorry.”
“You can’t or you won’t? I was right all along, wasn’t I? There is someone in your life.”
“That’s not it.”
“Are you sure?”
“Positive. Trust me. I’m as single as they come.”
Harper heard the angst in her voice, the hint of sarcasm. “You sound like my assistant. She’s looking for a nice, respectable guy to settle down with and—”
“A nice, respectable guy? Is there such a thing?” Azure couldn’t recall the details of her last date. It had been that uneventful. A complete waste of time. It had been months since she went out with someone, and even longer since she’d felt a real, genuine connection.
Until now, her inner voice whispered.
“Marry me. You won’t regret it.” Harper gathered steam, delivered a pitch that would impress a used-car salesman. “Being Mrs. Harper Hamilton will open doors for you, and soon you’ll have your pick of writing jobs. This marriage will be mutually beneficial—”
Azure cut him off. “Just what kind of benefits are you talking about?”
Another chuckle, this one louder and longer. “You have nothing to worry about, Azure. You’ll be perfectly safe in my home. This is a no-strings-attached deal, and I’m not looking for a friends-with-benefits setup, either. I don’t have the
Too bad, she thought, but didn’t say. Azure scolded herself. She had to stop doing that, had to start thinking with her brain instead of her flesh. Men like Harper—ambitious, career-driven types—were obsessed with their jobs, and although Azure wasn’t in the market for Mr. Right, she wanted to be with someone who’d fully commit to her.
“We’ll be sleeping in separate rooms, and I won’t be keeping tabs on you or anything, but while we’re married, I’d expect you not to date anyone else. It wouldn’t look good.”
“I understand. Makes sense.”
“And I’ll cover all of your personal expenses while we’re married,” he explained, sweetening the deal. “That includes your rent, your car payment, gas, whatever. And a thousand dollar weekly stipend. What do you think?”
That I could be debt free by the end of the year! Azure considered his offer, gave it some serious thought. She’d be a fool not to accept his proposition. They didn’t know each other, let alone love each other, but for some crazy, inexplicable reason, Azure wanted to marry Harper. The benefits to being Mrs. Harper Hamilton were too numerous to count.
Think about what this could do for my career!
Azure swallowed a squeal. No use letting Harper see how excited she was. She was going to marry one of the most eligible bachelors in Philadelphia—a strong, virile man who every woman wanted, and every man wanted to be—and his name and connections were going to increase her celebrity. And who wouldn’t love that? If I play my cards right, this marriage-of-convenience gig could catapult me straight into the editor’s chair at Eminence magazine!
“I think I covered everything,” Harper said, his eyes narrowed in concentration. “Do you have any more questions or is the plan crystal clear?”
“Oh, it’s clear, all right. You want us to get married, pretend to be madly in love to garner good press then break up three months later so you can get sympathy press.”
“I won’t make you out to be the bad guy, Azure. Trust me. We’ll both come out on top.”
He sounded sincere, convincing, but that was no surprise. He was an attorney. One of the best in the business. And so damn suave and debonair the women seated in the booth beside them had been stealing long, lusty looks at him all night.
“So, are you in or do I have to find myself another trophy wife?”
Biting down on her bottom lip, she thought long and hard about his outlandish proposal. Her mind was screaming, No, don’t do it, but her mouth didn’t receive the message, and when the word “Yes” sprang out of her lips, it surprised them both.

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Evidence of Desire
Evidence of Desire