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You and I
Jacquelin Thomas
They meet on a romantic Mediterranean cruise.Moonlight, open seas, kisses under the stars. It's everything Cherise Ransom ever dreamed of—and so is Steven Chambers. Passionate, driven and attentive, Steven sweeps her into a whirlwind courtship. . . and before she knows it, Cherise is engaged! But her past just might derail her chance for happiness before she makes it down the aisle. . . .Once he meets the sensual, voluptuous counselor, Steven knows his bachelor days are over. The celebrated architect has found the woman he wants to spend the rest of his life with. Except Cherise is keeping a secret. He hopes their love is strong enough to overcome anything—but she's got to be willing to take a chance and trust in their future together. . . .

“Are you sure about this?” he wanted to know. His steady gaze bore into her in silent expectation.
In response, she led him by the hand to her bedroom. Steven swept her, weightless, into his arms and carried her to the bed.
Cherise could feel his heavy breathing on her cheek as he held her close. The touch of his hand was almost unbearable in its wanton desire. His mouth covered hers hungrily, leaving her burning with need.
Another touch of his lips on hers sent a shock wave throughout her entire body with an intensity she had never known. Steven planted kisses on her shoulders, neck and face. As he became more passionate, her own need grew stronger.
Desire pounded through her heart, chest and head, causing Cherise to breathe in deep, soul-drenching drafts. She had never felt as good as she did in this moment, and she didn’t want it to end.

Books by Jacquelin Thomas
Kimani Romance
The Pastor’s Woman Chocolate Goodies Teach Me Tonight You and I
Dear Reader,
A lot of women feel pressured to lose weight because of the way women are often portrayed in some of pop culture’s magazines, movies and television shows. Cherise Ransom has never been thin, but it isn’t until she’s an adult that she understands the importance of loving herself and being a size healthy.
My inspiration for this story was an article I read about an eleven-year-old who committed suicide after being teased by classmates because he was overweight. This tragedy prompted me to highlight Cherise’s struggles as an overweight teen and her desire to fit in with her peers, which leads to a mistake that haunts her many years later as an adult. But will it come between her and the man she falls in love with?
I hope you enjoy You and I. I am also looking forward to introducing you to the Alexander family of Beverly Hills in the coming months.
I love hearing from my readers, so please feel free to contact me on the following:
Facebook: www.facebook.com/jacquelinthomas
www.twitter.com/jacquelinthomas Web:
Email: jacquelinthomas@yahoo.com
Blessings to you,
Jacquelin Thomas

About the Author
JACQUELIN THOMAS is an award-winning, bestselling author with more than thirty-five books in print. When she is not writing, she is busy working toward a degree in psychology. Jacquelin and her family live in North Carolina.
You And I
Jacquelin Thomas

www.millsandboon.co.uk (http://www.millsandboon.co.uk)
Bernard, you are my best friend and the love of my life. There are no words to adequately express how honored I am to be your wife. Thank you for being my #1 fan and supporter. Other men should follow your example as a husband, father and friend.

Chapter 1
“I can’t believe you have another brother and that I have another cousin,” Cherise Ransom told Elle as they stood in line for the duck with chocolate sauce that everyone at the wedding reception had been raving about.
“I know,” Elle murmured. “It’s eleven of us now.”
“Well, we call ourselves a clan—I guess it’s true. Especially with all of the marriages and children—there’s a bunch of Ransoms running around Los Angeles.” Cherise’s gaze traveled once more to where Ransom Winters was standing with his bride, Coco, holding court.
“He’s definitely related, though,” she said. “He looks just like us. I think it’s pretty cool that his mother named him Ransom. I guess she wanted him to have his father’s name in some way.”
Cherise glanced over her shoulder at a woman standing nearby and said in a low voice, “Aunt Amanda sure seems to be taking it well.”
Elle gave a slight shrug. “He’s not hard to love at all. Ransom is a really neat guy, and he was an instant fit with the family. As for my mama, she wants to leave the past behind. Ransom was conceived when she and my dad were separated.”
“Sometimes the past definitely has a way of catching up with you,” Cherise responded, staring straight ahead, watching the bride and groom, but her mind was somewhere else, in another place and time.
Elle followed her gaze and said, “Ransom and Coco make a beautiful couple, don’t you think?”
Cherise nodded, bringing her thoughts back to the present. “I want someone to come knock me off my feet like that.”
“The right guy is going to show up when you least expect it, cousin.”
She met Elle’s smile with one of her own. “I really hope so. You and Brennen are crazy in love, and you’ve just had another baby. All of you…well, all except Ivy, are deliriously happy. To be honest with you, sometimes I get a little sad being around all the love and happiness.”
“Now you sound like Ivy,” Elle pointed out with a light chuckle.
“See, that’s who I need to start hanging out with,” Cherise said. “She and I are on the same page. We can be lonely together.”
Elle passed on the chocolate-dusted scallops with vanilla butter sauce, while Cherise decided to give them a try. “Not too much,” she told the server. “Thanks.”
Cherise made her way back to the table, following Elle. She sat down next to her.
“Girl, there’s so much chocolate at this reception, I can feel myself putting on pounds. You know that’s the last thing I need right now,” Cherise said, picking up one of the elegantly designed boxes of chocolate truffles.
“You need to stop that, Cherise,” Elle told her. “You look beautiful.”
“She sure does,” a man said from behind them.
Cherise turned around in her chair. “Hi, Daddy.” She rose to her feet to give her father a hug.
“Uncle Jules, where have you been?” Elle asked. “I tried to call you last week.”
“I was in Raleigh, North Carolina. An old friend of mine is terminally ill, and so a bunch of us decided to go up and spend some time with him.” He stroked his daughter’s shoulder. “I’ve told you about talk like that, Cherise. And look at your plate. You hardly have anything on it.”
“Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy with the way I look,” she quickly explained. “But I can’t just go crazy when it comes to food. I want to be healthy and keep off the extra pounds, so I eat smaller portions. I’m a full-figured gal and proud of it.” Cherise sat back down.
Elle hugged her. “I’m so proud of you. I remember when you came to live with us and how much your weight bothered you. You’ve grown up to be this beautiful and extremely confident woman, and now you’re helping other girls do the same.”
“I’m just trying to get them to focus on being a size healthy versus a size four.” Cherise was proud of her work as a counselor at the Darlene Sheppard Center, a therapeutic community for overweight children and teens.
Her father spent a few more minutes with them before moving on to talk to some of the other guests. Cherise was glad to see him, although he stayed on the go—had always been that way, which is one of the reasons her parents had divorced. The other was that he loved women and hadn’t been exactly faithful, but Cherise loved her father in spite of his flaws. Out of all of her siblings, she was the closest to him.
The newlyweds gradually made their way over to where Elle and Cherise were sitting.
“Congratulations,” Cherise said. She wiped her mouth on the cloth napkin before continuing. “The ceremony was beautiful.”
Ransom gave her a hug. “What’s up, cousin? I just met your sister.”
“Jazz wasn’t sure she was going to make it,” Cherise responded. “But she really wanted to meet you. Coco, you look stunning.”
“I was about to tell you the same thing,” she responded. “Cherise, how are the girls?”
Coco was referring to the teenagers Cherise counseled at the center. She had taken them on a tour of the Stanley Chocolates factory, which was owned by Coco’s family, and for drinking chocolate at the Chocolate Bar next door, owned by Coco.
“They have their challenges,” she answered. “But I’m trying to work with them.”
“Cherise, when Coco and I get back, I’d like to talk to you about working with the structured day program,” Ransom said. “I’ve wanted to get something started for girls.”
She nodded. “We’ll definitely talk when you get back.”
When they walked away, Elle turned to Cherise and asked, “So are you going on the family cruise with us next month? We’re going to the Mediterranean this year.”
“You guys are all coupled off,” Cherise responded. “I tried to get Jazz to go with me, but she’s not going to be able to, so I think I’m going to sit this one out. Besides, the ship is probably full by now.”
“Ivy’s going,” Elle said. “She booked a family suite because we thought more were coming, but some people had to back out.”
Cherise shook her head. “I think I’m going to just wait for the next one. I’m not prepared to go on a cruise this year.”
“Please come on the cruise so that I’ll have somebody to hang out with, Cherise,” Ivy Ransom, one of Elle’s sisters, said as she joined them. “It’s just me and the girls in a huge suite. You can stay with us.”
She was still undecided. Cherise enjoyed being with her cousins, but she often felt like the odd man out, because most of them were married or involved in a committed relationship. Her brother Julian was going on the cruise and taking some girl he’d recently started dating. Ivy was divorced and bitter—Cherise didn’t want to hear her complaining the entire trip. If she decided to go, she wanted to have fun.
“I have to think about this for a moment,” Cherise said.
“Well, I’ve already paid for someone and she’s not going to be able to go, so just let me know if you can go in her place. I’ll call the cruise line to change the information.” Ivy sat down at the table with them. She glanced over her shoulder at the man sitting beside her mother and said, “I still can’t believe Mama brought a date to the wedding. First she brings him to the Valentine’s Day dinner and now he’s showing up for the family dinners on Sunday. What exactly is going on between her and Mr. Ragland?”
“Mama told me that they were just friends,” Elle said. “I know that he’s a prominent attorney and seems to be a nice man. He lost his wife a few years back.”
“I don’t want him hurting Mom,” Ivy snapped.
“I don’t think there’s anything to worry about,” Elle responded. “Mr. Ragland seems to be quite infatuated with Mama. Look at him—he can’t keep his eyes off her.”
“Even Aunt Amanda can get a man—I know I need to step up my game,” Cherise said with a chuckle.
“Mama’s still sexy,” Elle said, laughing softly. “Don’t be fooled by that cane. She’s still got her groove.”
“Oh, Lord,” Ivy muttered, shaking her head. “Please tell me that our oh-so-Christian mother is not sleeping with Mr. Ragland.”
Cherise hid her smile behind her napkin at the horrified expression on Ivy’s face. She could be such a prude sometimes.
“I don’t think she is, but since I don’t live at home anymore I don’t really know for sure. But Ivy… even if she is—she’s a grown woman,” Elle told her sister.
Ivy stood up with purpose. “I’m going to have a talk with her.”
“Do it at your own risk,” Elle warned. “I’m going to stay over here and just mind my own business.”
“Me, too,” Cherise intoned.
Her uncle had died a long time ago, so Cherise was glad to see her aunt Amanda enjoying the company of a man.
Ivy sat back down. “Mom can take care of herself, I suppose. But back to you, Cherise. I really hope you’ll come on the cruise. I don’t want to be the only single person in the clan.”
Cherise excused herself to make a visit to the ladies’ room, where she eyed her reflection. She was five nine and full-figured—no doubt about that. Her flawless mahogany complexion was devoid of heavy makeup, and her dark brown hair fell past her shoulders in waves. She wasn’t bad-looking. She just wasn’t one of those thin types that a lot of men seemed to love.
Cherise thought about her options. She believed her Mr. Right was somewhere close—maybe he’d be aboard the Emerald Princess. That’s how her cousin Laine had met his wife. But even if he wasn’t, looking was part of the fun, she decided as she thought about the scores of men that would be on the ship.
When she returned to the table, Cherise announced, “Okay, I’ve made a decision.”
“This is their existing facility,” Steven Chambers began as he pointed to a photograph on the board. “There’s about thirteen thousand square feet of space. They’re entering into a major facility expansion of about forty thousand square feet of building space on the new site. I’m going in this afternoon to present the new design to the church executive board to get their feedback.”
His supervisor nodded in approval. “The pastor of this church is a good friend of mine. It’s important that we know exactly what he wants to achieve in this project.”
“I started doing a schematic design after I spoke with Pastor Wilkins last week,” Steven said, “but before I finish it, I need more information.”
“Wilkins was very impressed with the new Holton Building, and he insisted on having you as the lead on this project.”
Steven straightened his tie and smiled. “Thanks, Randall. After my meeting this afternoon, I’m off for the next fourteen days. I’m really looking forward to this vacation.”
“Enjoy,” Randall said. “You’ve earned it.”
Steven left his supervisor’s office and took the stairs down to the parking garage situated in downtown Los Angeles. He entered the freeway and headed toward Inglewood to meet with Pastor Wilkins and his staff.
In a few days he would be aboard the Emerald Princess, cruising toward the Mediterranean. The last time he went on vacation was with his ex-girlfriend. It had been almost six months since that relationship ended. He had cared deeply for the woman but knew that they had no future, especially since she already had a husband in northern California. Steven had had no idea that he was involved with a married woman until her husband confronted him.
His cell phone rang, the custom ring tone letting him know that it was his favorite aunt—his other mom—who was calling.
Steven grinned as he clicked on the speakerphone. “Aunt Eula Mae, how’s life in Ghana?” She and her husband had been living there for the past ten years because of his work.
“It’s still beautiful here,” she responded. “But I’m ready to come back to the States. I miss y’all so much.”
“Mama and I were just talking about you yesterday,” he said. “We miss you too. I thought Uncle Jerome was planning to retire this year.”
She released a long sigh. “I thought so too, but I guess we both were wrong. Jerome wants to stay here for another year. That man is tapping on my last nerve with this job of his. I’ve told him that I’m leaving him.”
Steven laughed. “Aunt Eula Mae, you’re not going anywhere.”
“I’m ready to come back to the States. Hey, you haven’t gotten married on me yet, have you?”
He laughed. “You know I haven’t. I can’t get married until you meet her. I don’t know what it is about you and Mom, but you can definitely spot toxic women.” They had both warned him about all the ones he dated and, as it turned out, they’d been right on the money. Steven trusted his aunt and mom because they had been wonderful role models for him, and he respected their opinions.
Steven chatted with his aunt for most of the drive home.
“I’m here at the church, Aunt Eula Mae. I’ll give you a call back before I leave for Barcelona tonight. I’m flying there a few days early so that I can spend some time in Spain before the cruise.”
“Have fun, hon.”
He smiled. “I intend to do just that.”
Steven disconnected the call and shut off the car.
Humming softly, he got out of the car and headed inside the church. Once the presentation was over, Steven planned to stop home long enough to change into something comfortable and grab his luggage and passport, then drive to the airport. He was looking forward to this cruise.
“Well, look at you, Cherise,” Elle said when they were in Bloomingdale’s at the Beverly Center. “And you were worried about wearing a swimsuit. Girl, you look good.”
“Elle, are you sure?” Cherise peered into the mirror, staring critically at her curvy size fourteen torso, and even she had to admit the black one-piece swimsuit with ruching and well-placed ruffles flattered her full figure. “I guess it doesn’t look bad.”
She smiled over the fact that she looked younger than her twenty-five years. “No, not bad at all. So, are you ready to wow everyone on the cruise ship and the Mediterranean, cousin?”
Elle picked up a neon-green swimsuit and responded, “Not quite. I like this one, but it’s a little too bright for me.”
Cherise stole one last glimpse at the mirror. “Okay, I’m getting this one.”
When she walked out of the dressing room, Cherise and Elle strolled up to the counter and paid for the items Cherise had selected for the cruise. They left the boutique and walked down the street to a nearby restaurant for lunch.
“I don’t know why I waited until the last minute to shop for the cruise. When did I decide to go?”
“At Ransom and Coco’s reception,” Elle responded with a smile. “That was almost a month ago, but you have always been a procrastinator when it comes to stuff like this.”
“Now, two days before the cruise, I’m running around like I’m crazy,” Cherise said with a chuckle. “I’m really looking forward to this vacation. I don’t know why, but I have a feeling that something good is going to happen.”
Early on the tenth of July, the large Ransom family boarded a plane to Barcelona, Spain. The clan was broken into smaller groups for the flight over. Laine and Ray and their families had left the night before. Garrett and his family wanted to spend some time in Barcelona, so they’d traveled to Spain a week earlier.
Ivy and Cherise and her brother were on the same flight, while Elle, Jillian and some of the others were on another one with a different airline. They would be arriving within an hour of each other.
Cherise could’ve kissed the ground when she walked off the plane. It had taken nineteen hours, which included two layovers, but they were finally in Barcelona.
“I’m so glad to get off that plane,” Ivy said, stretching. She glanced down at her daughters, who were yawning and stretching too. “My babies did so well during the flight. I’m so proud of them.”
“Me, too,” Cherise responded. “I like flying, but I’m discovering that I’m not crazy about long flights.”
“I’ma walk down here to see if Sherrie made it in yet,” her brother said.
“Julian, why didn’t she fly with us?” Cherise asked.
“She works for U.S. Air,” he responded. “I had already made my reservations before I met Sherrie.”
Ivy and Cherise sat down with Ivy’s daughters to grab a bite to eat while they waited for the plane carrying Elle, Jillian and the others to come in.
“We’re going to have a great time on the cruise,” Cherise told Ivy, who suddenly looked sad.
“The last time we went on one, Charles was with me.”
Cherise reached over and gave Ivy’s hand a light squeeze. “It’s his loss.”
She smiled and nodded.
The girls were getting restless and fretful, so Cherise and Ivy attempted to keep them busy until the others arrived. They both sighed with relief when the other plane arrived on time.
After everyone had arrived and were gathered together, they made their way through customs and baggage claim. Outside the terminal, two stretch limos were waiting to whisk them off to the hotel where they would meet up with the rest of the family.
It was around four when they finally reached the hotel. Some family members wanted to do some sightseeing, but Cherise opted to go straight to her room and sleep until it was time for dinner. She didn’t like sleeping on planes, so she could barely keep her eyes open.
Cherise was asleep by the time her head touched the pillow.
She didn’t get up until shortly after seven, when she showered, slipped on a sundress, then rushed off to meet her relatives downstairs.
Laine had prearranged for them to eat in one of the private dining rooms at El Gran Café, since there were almost forty people in their group. They were once again transported by stretch limousines.
The large dining room had lovely hardwood floors and enormous windows adorned with rich, red velvet curtains. Laine and his wife, Regis, had preselected the menu of seafood croquettes and prawns with garlic for starters, followed by a choice of roasted lamb, monkfish or a veal fillet with foie gras and mushroom sauce, and for dessert, caramelized crema catalana, a specialty of the restaurant.
Afterward, everyone retired to their hotel rooms to settle in for the evening.
Cherise and Ivy weren’t tired and decided to watch a movie together in Ivy’s room.
While her daughters slept, Ivy said, “I’m not sure I can do this.”
“Do what?”
“Raise them by myself,” she responded. “Cherise, it’s hard, and I’m so tired all the time. I’m taking on more shifts now at the hospital, since I can’t depend on Charles to do what he’s supposed to do.”
Ivy was a registered nurse, and until her separation and divorce had worked two days a week.
“You are going to go after him for child support, right?” Cherise asked.
“He doesn’t want to do it through the courts, but I’m going to have to get them involved because now that he’s married again, he wants me to be understanding of his financial obligations.”
Cherise shook her head. “His new wife and kids don’t have anything to do with you. Ivy, you do what you have to do for those girls. As for raising them—you’ve been the one doing that all along. Charles wasn’t always around.”
“You’re right,” Ivy admitted. “He was too busy chasing skirts.” She shook her head sadly. “I just wish…”
“What?” Cherise asked.
“It doesn’t matter,” Ivy responded with a dismissive wave of her hand. “There really isn’t any need to talk about it. He’s a jerk.”
Her cell phone rang.
Ivy looked down at it and said, “It’s the jerk calling right now.”
Cherise wanted to give Ivy some privacy, so she went to her bedroom and placed a quick call to her mother. “I just wanted to let you know that we made it to Spain.”
“Julian called me earlier, but we lost our connection,” she told Cherise.
“He’s been having trouble with his phone since we arrived.”
“Jazz really wanted to go, but she just didn’t have the money after getting her car repaired and buying that new house.”
Cherise was surprised by her mother’s words. “Mama, why didn’t she come to me? I could’ve worked something out with her.”
“You know your sister. She doesn’t like people in her business. Don’t you mention that I told you, Cherise, okay? Jazz would be mad.”
“I won’t say anything.” Cherise knew a thing or two about keeping secrets. She had been keeping one for years.

Chapter 2
After their stay in Barcelona, the family was transported to the cruise ship. Cherise and Ivy were in the Sapphire Suite on deck nine, which featured two bedrooms, a living area with sofa, dining room and entertainment center, and two bathrooms.
“That suite that Laine and Ray are sharing is nice,” Cherise said.
“Carrie told me that they had to have at least eight staying in there to book the suite. It can hold fourteen people. She and Ray have the three kids, and then Laine and Regis have their two, so that’s nine. Garrette’s kids are staying in there, too, so they almost have fourteen.”
Elle and her family were in the owner’s suite, while Jillian and Kaitlin and their families shared the Ruby family suite, which featured a loft. The other family members were in staterooms along the ninth and tenth floors.
“I don’t know why I agreed to come on this cruise this year,” Ivy complained as they waited for the elevator. “You should have talked me out of it. The last thing I want is to be around a bunch of lovers.”
“This is what you need, what we both need,” Cherise assured Ivy. The doors to the elevator opened and she was struck speechless by the sight of the handsome, dark-skinned brother inside. He smiled, then stepped out of the way to let them enter.
They took the elevator to deck nine.
Cherise noted that he got off on the same floor, following behind them.
When they arrived at the suite, Cherise waited until they were inside before asking, “Did you happen to get a good look at that fine hunk on the elevator with us? He got off on this floor.”
Ivy shrugged nonchalantly. “He looked like any other man.”
Cherise’s eyes opened wide in response to her cousin’s comment. “Ivy, have you gone blind? That man was gorgeous.”
“Well, he just didn’t look that hot to me, that’s all.”
“If you say so…” Cherise muttered, almost to herself.
Inside their suite, Ivy turned to Cherise and said, “It’s not that I hate men or anything like that. I’m just not in the mood for games or trying to figure out if I’m being played. I have two small daughters to worry about, and I have to protect them. They are my first priority.”
Cherise nodded in understanding. “I know Charles didn’t do right by you, but just don’t forget that there are still some nice men out there, Ivy.”
Ivy pulled a stack of clothes from the suitcase and placed them in a drawer. “I actually had a nice guy a long time ago, but I was foolish. I dumped him to be with Charles. I’ve learned that everything that glitters ain’t gold. That’s for sure.”
“You’re talking about Michael Stanley?” Cherise asked from the doorway. “Coco’s brother? I remember when you two were dating.”
Ivy nodded. “He’s a sweetheart. Back then, nice guys seemed so boring.”
Cherise went to her room and put away her clothing. When she finished, she walked into Ivy’s room, asking, “Have you looked at our itinerary yet?”
“We’re at sea all day tomorrow, and on Friday we’ll be in Malta,” Ivy responded. “On Saturday we go to Tunisia, and then on to Naples. I really want to see the ruins of Pompeii.”
“I promised Jazz I’d get lots of pictures for her,” Cherise said as she helped Ivy put away the children’s clothing. “I wish that she could’ve come with us.”
Ivy wanted to lie down with her daughters, so Cherise decided to check on her brother. She walked out of her suite and bumped into something muscular and solid.
“I’m so sorry,” she murmured, looking up. Cherise straightened and tried to act normal when she recognized that the fine piece of chocolate standing outside her suite was the man from the elevator.
“No problem.” He flashed a big smile that warmed her all over.
Their eyes met and held.
He’s fine…ooh this man is so fine…those big strong arms and his lips…
Cherise pushed away her lustful thoughts lest she actually verbalize what she was thinking. She cleared her throat awkwardly.
“My name is Steven Chambers,” he told her, holding out his hand. “It looks like we’re going to be neighbors for the next ten days.”
Grinning, she shook his hand. “I’m Cherise Ransom. It’s really nice to meet you, Steven.”
“I’m in the room right there,” he said, pointing.
God was really testing her by putting this man right across from her room. If Ivy and the children weren’t in the suite with her…
Cherise burst into a short laugh, then said, “I’m sorry. I think I’m a little giddy from jet lag.” She wasn’t about to tell him what she’d really been thinking about.
“It’s fine. I love to laugh myself.”
“Well, I guess I’ll be seeing you around,” Cherise said, then groaned inwardly. She hoped she didn’t sound like she was coming on to him.
“I hope so,” Steven responded. He gave her one last look of admiration before walking away.
This cruise was off to a great start, she decided with a grin.
He loved the sound of her laughter.
So far, so good, Steven thought to himself as he watched Cherise walk down the hallway away from the suites. He’d noticed her earlier on the elevator with another woman, and wondered if she was sailing with a friend or relative.
He had noticed that she wore no wedding ring on her left hand, but after what happened before, he wasn’t just going to assume she was single. However, Steven intended to find out the next chance he got. One thing for certain, he would be sure to run into Cherise on several occasions over the next ten days.
He had debated whether or not to take a cruise this year and was glad that he’d decided to do it. He had enjoyed his time in Barcelona, taking in the rich tapestry of the city where the past blended with the future. He found La Sagrada Família, the most ambitious work of Barcelona’s Antoni Gaudí, truly awe-inspiring. Steven had also visited Jean Nouvel’s luminous Torre Agbar, which was considered the most daring addition to Barcelona’s skyline since the first towers of La Sagrada Família went up.
Steven returned to his suite after a short stroll to locate the basketball court and the gym. He stifled a yawn and considered lying down for an hour before going down to the pool for a swim, but then remembered the emergency drill they were required to attend.
Steven picked up the novel he’d brought along with him and settled down on the sofa to read until it was time for the drill.
His mind drifted back to Cherise. He really wanted to have another conversation with her. Steven couldn’t put his finger on it, but there was something special about her.
“You look great, Cherise, so stop worrying,” Elle said, leaning against the rail. “C’mon, everyone is waiting for us at the pool.”
“Where is the baby?”
“With Daisi,” Elle responded, referring to her sister-in-law. “She can’t swim, so she said she’d watch Briana. Kaitlin’s going to take Chandler to her as well.”
As they stepped outside, Cherise beheld her surroundings. It was so amazing the way the sun seemed to wash the ocean in brilliant waves of color.
“Cherise, we haven’t been out here more than five minutes and you’re already getting stares from all of the men out here.”
Laughing, she shook her head. “You’re crazy, Elle. You know you’re the one they’re looking at.”
“I think it’s you.” She stopped walking. “Oh my goodness, I don’t believe it.”
Shading her eyes, Cherise followed Elle’s gaze. Standing nearby was a tall, slender man with a clean-shaven head and dark skin that seemed to glisten in the July sun. Even on his slim frame, muscles bulged everywhere. His swim trunks hung low on his hips. The effect was so devastating—so sexual. It didn’t seem fair. There wasn’t an ounce of fat on Steven’s body, and muscles rippled in all the right places. Her skin began to tingle.
“You know him?”
“Yeah. He did some architecture work for Brennen,” Elle responded. “I’ve only been around Steven a couple of times, but he seems really nice.”
“Elle, he’s the guy I was just telling you about,” Cherise told her. “The one I met in the hallway. His suite is across from mine.”
“He’s the sexy guy you were talking about? It’s a small world.” Grinning from ear to ear, Elle waved. “I guess he is nice-looking. I never really noticed before.”
Steven waved back.
Cherise ran her fingers through her hair. The thought of seeing Steven again made her nervous. “Well, you’re married to Brennen Cunningham—it’s probably hard to see beyond that man. He’s not exactly hard on the eyes.”
Elle cut her eyes at Cherise. “Have you been eyeing my man?”
“Only when you weren’t looking,” Cherise responded with a chuckle.
“Hello, ladies.” Steven’s deep, sexy voice greeted them as they walked up to him.
Elle reached up and hugged him. “I can’t believe you’re here. Talk about a small world. I was just telling my cousin that you and Brennen have worked together in the past.”
Never taking his eyes off of Cherise, he murmured, “It is a small world. Is Brennen here with you?”
“He should be down here shortly,” Elle responded. “Steven, would you like to join us? We’re going to spend some time around the pool. Oh, I’m sorry. You might be with someone.”
Cherise held her breath awaiting his response. She hadn’t seen him with anyone, but that didn’t mean he was vacationing alone.
Steven dropped down to sit beside Elle. “I’m here by my lonesome, I’m afraid.”
Elle nodded. “Well, how have you been?”
“Busy working.” He turned to face Cherise. “What about you, Cherise? Are you traveling with someone?”
Cherise shook her head. “Nope. Outside of my family here on the ship, I’m solo.”
He had the prettiest brown eyes she’d ever seen. They were a mixture of various shades of earth-born colors that had been warmed by the sun. Those gorgeous eyes were now gazing at her left hand.
“You’re not married, then?”
Cherise smiled. “No, I don’t have a husband.” She hoped he couldn’t hear the regret in her voice.
“I’m glad to hear that.”
Raising an eyebrow, Cherise asked, “Really?”
Elle removed her sarong. “Well, on that note, I think I’ll go for a swim. You two just stay here and chat.” She winked at Cherise. “Have fun.”
Wearing a swimsuit that featured bold lime-green flowers against a black background, Elle sashayed to the water’s edge.
“I’m afraid my cousin’s not very subtle,” Cherise said.
“Neither am I.” Steven’s dark brown eyes met hers. “The truth is that I was hoping to run into you again.”
“Really? Why is that?”
Steven inclined his head. “Cherise, I find you very beautiful and I’m intrigued. I want to know more about you.”
Cherise scanned his face to discern if he was running game, but he seemed sincere. She relaxed a bit.
Steven found a couple of empty lounge chairs for them to sit down and continue their conversation.
Members of Cherise’s family began drifting down to the pool area.
Brennen came and sat down beside Steven. While the two men talked, Cherise was joined by Ivy, who sat down on her other side. “You work fast,” Ivy whispered.
“Who’s the hunk?” Jillian asked, dropping down beside Ivy. They all spoke in hushed tones.
Ivy glanced at her sister. “Are you serious? He ain’t all that.”
“I guess you need glasses then,” Jillian retorted. “That man over there is fine.”
Laughing, Cherise agreed.
Jillian’s husband walked up and grabbed her by the hand. “Let’s test out the water.”
They left.
“You have a huge family,” Steven said, when Ivy disappeared with her daughters in tow.
“You have no idea. The others haven’t come down yet,” Cherise responded with a chuckle. “It’s a bunch of us.”
His eyes widened in surprise. “It’s a family reunion?”
She nodded. “In a way. It’s just mostly the siblings and cousins that go on the cruise. We leave the elders at home, but then they go on their own cruise as well. This year, they are sailing to Mexico in October.”
“That’s pretty cool,” he said.
“Elle has five—no—six brothers and four sisters. I have three brothers and one sister. She and Julian, my brother that’s here on the ship, are twins. He’s the only one who came this time.”
“Wow,” Steven murmured. “I always wanted siblings. I’m an only child.”
Cherise smiled. “There were times when I wanted to be the only child in the family.”
He laughed. “Well, it looks like you all are pretty close.”
“We are,” Cherise confirmed.
“Steven, why don’t you join us?” Brennen asked, when he climbed out of the pool. “We have dinner reservations at Torino’s.”
“I’d love to,” he answered.
Cherise rose to her feet. “I think I’m going to check out this pool. How about you?”
Steven shaded his eyes with his hand. “Is that an invitation?”
“Sure,” she responded.
Elle and Jillian watched in amusement as Cherise strolled toward them with Steven. They paused at the pool and Cherise stepped in, wading toward the middle.
He did a surface dive and sank into the water near her.
Cherise felt the water shift as he dove in. She pushed wet hair out of her eyes and moved away as he playfully splashed water in her direction.
“Two can play at this game, mister.” She burst into laughter.
After frolicking in the water with Cherise as if they were children, Steven climbed out to get something for them to drink.
“Looks like the two of you are getting along well,” Elle whispered in Cherise’s ear.
“We are,” she whispered back.
Elle pulled herself out of the water. “I’m going up to check on Briana and take a nap. I’ll see you all at dinner.”
“Your cousin’s leaving?” Steven asked.
She nodded. “She wants to go check on her baby.”
Cherise splashed water on Steven and swam away.
“Oh, you want to play games, huh?” Steven raced behind her. “Wait until I catch up with you…”
He left the threat floating on the wind.
Steven smiled to himself as he watched Cherise frolicking in the pool with her cousins. He still couldn’t get over how many Ransoms were on the ship. He liked that they were all so close.
As mesmerizing as the ocean surrounding them was, Steven couldn’t take his eyes off of her. He thought of her smooth, deep mahogany complexion, big brown eyes and the way her long hair waved up when wet. She was an extremely beautiful woman. Not thin but not too heavy either, curvy and thick. Just the right size.
Tapping him on the shoulder, Cherise asked, “What are you thinking about so hard?”
Steven snapped out of his reverie. Standing waist deep in the water, he confessed, “I was thinking about you, actually.”
“You just don’t quit, do you?” Laughing, she playfully splashed water at him.
“I’m serious.”
Cherise shook her head. “Let’s not get serious about anything. We’re on vacation—let’s enjoy this time together. We should be having fun.”
Steven thought Cherise looked almost sad when she’d said that, but the expression quickly dissipated. He told himself that it was only his imagination.

Chapter 3
Cherise took digital photos of historic St. John’s Cathedral in Valletta, Malta, stepping gently over the engraved marble tombstones covering the cathedral’s floor, marking the final resting places of knights.
Steven was following behind her, taking pictures with his camera. Every now and then, he would open a sketchbook and start drawing with intensity, absorbed by his vision.
He was clearly an art lover. Cherise soon discovered that they both shared a love for art history. They toured the Grand Master’s Palace, which served as the office of the president and the seat of the Maltese Parliament.
“Are you interested in seeing the Auberge de Castille?” Steven asked Cherise. “I read that it’s one of the finest architectural works here in Malta.”
“Sure, I’d like to check it out,” she responded. “You’re an architect, so you definitely can’t leave Malta without seeing it.”
“According to the guide, the building houses the office of the Prime Minister.”
Steven pulled Cherise closer to him as they neared a group of seedy-looking guys standing near an alley. He didn’t release her until they were back with other passengers from the ship.
When he placed his muscled arms around her, Cherise could only define it as feeling as if she’d come home. She felt safe with him.
Cherise received a text from Elle and said, “My cousins have had enough of history. They are going to Ta’Qali Handicrafts Village. They want to see the glass-blowing factory.”
“You’re sure you wouldn’t rather go with them?” Steven asked.
Cherise planted her hands on her hips. “Are you implying that since I’m a woman, I want to spend my day shopping?”
He laughed and held up his hands in defense of an attack. “Not at all. I just know that you’re on a family vacation, and I don’t want to keep you from spending time with them.”
“No, we’re going to the Auberge de Castille,” Cherise stated in a tone that brooked no argument. “They’re planning to spend the rest of afternoon soaking up the sun on the beach. I’ll meet them then.” She was enjoying her time with Steven. She could see her family anytime.
After touring the Auberge de Castille, they visited a nearby art gallery.
Cherise and Steven grabbed a bite to eat. After they finished, they strolled along the cobblestone streets toward the port.
“Malta is absolutely beautiful,” Cherise murmured. “The buildings here are nothing like I’ve seen before.”
Steven agreed as he finished off his drink. “This is more of an Arabic architecture. You need more than one day to really explore the city. I wish I could see more of the architectural design.”
“I think I’d like to come back here one day, but not on a cruise.” Cherise checked her watch. “I guess I need to head down to the beach for some family time. What are you getting ready to do?” She silently hoped that he would be willing to join her.
“I don’t have any plans,” Steven responded. “If I’m not imposing, I’d like to spend the rest of my day with you.”
She grinned. “I’m so glad you said that. Did you bring a swimsuit?”
He nodded. “I have one in my backpack. I’m always prepared.”
Cherise warmed beneath his gaze. Steven seemed almost too perfect, but then she had only known him for a couple of days. She knew that he lived in Los Angeles, too, and wondered briefly if they would stay in touch once they got home. She hoped so.
Cherise tried not to let the rivulets of water streaming down Steven’s face to his hairy chest distract her from all the beauty around her. He was a very sexy man indeed, she had to admit. When he caught her staring at him, he grinned knowingly.
Clearing her throat, she turned away.
“It looks like you two are really clicking,” Elle whispered in her ear.
“We’re enjoying ourselves, but I have no expectations beyond this cruise. We have a good time together, but it’s not like he wants a relationship.”
“Are you open to it, if he does?” Elle asked.
Cherise smiled. “I’ll take it day by day.”
Elle swam over to her husband while Cherise sought out Steven.
They got out of the water and sat down on towels.
Cherise and Steven talked about the new project he was working on and her desire to land the position as a senior counselor at the center.
“Watching you with your little cousins, I can tell you’re good with young people,” Steven said. “I think what you’re doing is great, Cherise.”
“I know from experience what they’re going through, so it’s easy for me to relate.” She picked up a handful of sand, relishing the grainy texture as it slid through her fingers.
Elle and Brennen walked out of the water dripping wet, and joined them twenty minutes later.
“So what did you buy when you guys went shopping earlier?” Cherise asked Elle.
“Believe it or not, I didn’t get a thing. Jillian picked up some stuff though. She left one boutique with two bags of shoes.”
An hour later, Steven stretched and yawned. “I’m tired, so I think I’m going to head on back to the boat and take a nap.” Brushing sand off of his swim trunks, he added, “I’ll see y’all later tonight.”
Cherise stood up to give Steven a hug. “I’ll see you later.”
“I’d be careful if I were you,” Ivy muttered as she straightened her hat. “You and Steven have been spending a lot of time together.”
“He’s a nice guy, Ivy,” Elle interjected. “Let Cherise enjoy herself. You should be doing the same thing. That guy Montel has been trying to get your attention from the moment we stepped on the ship.”
“Hmph,” Ivy uttered. “He can keep right on trying, but I’m not interested.”
Picking up her tote, Cherise said, “Ivy, I’m just having fun with a handsome man. I don’t have any illusions about anything. I’m here to have a good time on my vacation. You should try it.”
Ivy groaned and walked away, shaking her head.
Elle and Cherise laughed.
It was time for them to head back to the boat, so they gathered up towels, totes and children.
Inside the ship, Cherise followed Ivy into the suite. She sank down on the edge of the king-size bed. “I am so tired.”
Ivy dropped down beside her. “Cherise, I’m really glad you and Steven are spending time together. He seems like a real nice guy. I just say the things I do so that I can keep my family from trying to set me up with a guy.”
“Steven and I have a good time together and I enjoy his company.” Cherise strolled into the bathroom and jumped into the shower.
Afterward, she climbed into bed and fell asleep as soon as her head hit the fluffy pillow. Cherise slept until Ivy woke her up an hour later. She and the girls were already dressed for dinner.
Later, Ivy stuck the last hairpin in Cherise’s upswept hairstyle. “You look gorgeous,” she told Cherise. “When Steven sees you tonight, I’m not sure you’ll be able to get rid of the man.”
Laughing, Cherise turned away from the mirror to face Ivy. “I don’t know about all that.” Deep down, she hoped her cousin was right, but she didn’t want to get her hopes up.
“Just wait until he sees you.”
Cherise stood up and took off her robe. Reaching for the magenta dress she was going to wear to dinner, she added, “Ivy, I have a confession to make. The truth is that I really like him. Steven and I seem to really click. I can’t explain it, but we have so much in common.”
“Steven seems like one heck of a catch,” Ivy said. “And from what I’ve heard about him, it sounds like he’s definitely husband material.”
As she zipped up her dress, Cherise broke into a smile. “You need to follow your own advice, Ivy. Have you even said more than two words to Montel?”
“I’m not interested in him. There is only one man I’d like to spend time with right now and he’s not on this boat.” Ivy headed to the mirror to inspect her appearance. “Montel is nice, but he comes with a lot of drama.”
Cherise folded her arms across her chest and asked, “So what’s up with him?” She watched Ivy apply her makeup like a pro.
Without missing a beat, she replied, “Oh, he has seven children by five different women for starters.”
Ivy applied her lipstick, and her look was completed.
“Oh, yeah, that’s straight crazy,” Cherise said. “You definitely don’t need that. As for Steven, I’m just going to see what happens, Ivy. I’m taking it one day at a time.” Cherise powdered her face and applied a clear gloss to her lips.
She stole a peek at the clock. It was almost time to head downstairs.
Some of their relatives were waiting in the lobby when they stepped off the elevator. Cherise spotted Steven among them.
“You ladies look beautiful,” he said.
“Thank you,” Ivy and Cherise chorused.
Steven placed Cherise’s hand on his arm and led her into the dining room. Speaking low enough for her ears only, he said, “Cherise, you are truly a sight. Your dress looks like it was inspired by the South Seas.”
Cherise smiled. “Thank you,” she murmured softly. She had never met a man who was able to find beauty in almost everything. Even me, she mused silently, and the thought pleased her immensely.
Cherise woke up early and headed straight to the gym. She was surprised to see Steven already there working out.
“I didn’t know you’d be here this morning,” she told him.
“This is how I usually start my day,” Steven responded. “I figured I’d do the same while on vacation.”
She nodded in agreement. This was something else they had in common. Cherise made a point of going to the gym at least three times a week.
Cherise got on the treadmill beside him. “Don’t be offended, but I don’t usually talk when I’m working out.”
Steven smiled, then stuck a set of earphones in his ears.
She did the same.
Once Cherise was in her zone, Steven ceased to exist while she focused on her workout. She was determined to maintain her weight while on the cruise, although all the wonderful food didn’t make it easy.
The ship was slowing down as it pulled into port. They had arrived in Tunis, Tunisia. Cherise finished her workout and then went through a series of stretching exercises.
Steven joined her as she was finishing up.
On the way back to their suites, Steven said, “Brennen invited me to join you all today. I hope you don’t mind. I don’t want you to think that I’m trying to monopolize your time.”
Cherise smiled. “No, it’s fine, Steven. I enjoy your company and would’ve asked you myself.”
They made plans to meet in thirty minutes.
Ivy had just walked out of her bedroom when Cherise entered the suite. “We need to make sure we dress modestly to respect the traditions of this country,” she told her.
Cherise nodded. “There’s so much history here in Tunisia. I know we’re not going to be able see everything, but I definitely want to visit the ruins of Carthage.”
After a quick shower, Cherise selected a modest maxi dress with a thin shawl to drape around her head and shoulders. She slipped on a comfortable pair of sandals and stuck a pair of sneakers into her oversized tote.
They met everyone in the lobby area of the ship.
Cherise couldn’t stop smiling when she spotted Steven. Cherise knew the truth. She was falling in love with Steven.
The passengers traveled from the ship via coach to the Tunis city center, but Steven’s first glimpse of Tunisia was one of sun-kissed beaches and deep blue seas. It was paradise.
As they strolled the streets of Ville Nouvelle, Steven found himself sketching pictures of Cherise surrounded by French architecture, sidewalk cafés and patisseries.
They wandered through the colorful medina and souks, savoring the sights, sounds and smells enveloping them. He found that Cherise wasn’t afraid to try new cultural delicacies and was an avid explorer, preferring to take in the historic attractions instead of shopping.
“What are you drawing now?” she asked, walking over to where he was sitting.
He showed her his artwork.
“Is this really how you see me?” Cherise wanted to know.
“It is.”
She smiled. “You’re very talented, Steven, and you have an incredible eye for beauty. I’m sure that pastor is going to love the ideas you have for the new church. I also like what you came up with for the new shopping center.”
All of a sudden he reached over, pulling her into his arms and out of the street. A man on a bicycle came to a crashing halt, falling. Steven went over to check on him.
If he hadn’t pulled her out of the way, the man would’ve hit her. Cherise could tell that something was wrong with the back wheel of the bicycle. When Steven walked over to her, she inquired, “Is he okay?”
“He’s got some cuts and scrapes, but he’ll be okay. How about you? I didn’t mean to just grab you like that.”
“It’s fine,” she told him.
Her smile always made his heart perform a tiny flip. Steven found himself losing control of his emotions bit by bit. He wasn’t able to put a name to what he was feeling, but it was something he hadn’t experienced before in his life.
After four hours of sightseeing, Cherise and Steven returned to the boat to rest up before meeting the others for dinner.
Cherise and Ivy settled down in the living room to talk.
“I’m so glad I came on this cruise,” she stated.
Ivy smiled. “Me, too. I’m actually having a good time, even though you abandoned me for Steven.”
Cherise laughed. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine,” Ivy responded with a slight wave of her hand. “The girls and I have spent some quality time as a family.”
“Have you heard any more from Charles?”
“He sent me an email. He’s upset because I didn’t tell him that we were going on a cruise.” Her mouth turned downward. “Like I need to clear my schedule with him.”
“What did you tell him?”
“That I can take my daughters wherever I want. He needs to pay child support and actually visit the children if he wants to be a part of their lives.”
Cherise checked her watch. “I guess we need to get ready for dinner.”
Ivy agreed. “I’ll go wake the girls.”
An hour later, they left the suite. Steven was standing outside their room when they walked out.
“Did you get any rest?” he inquired.
Cherise shook her head. “Ivy and I spent some time together just talking.”
He took her by the hand, leading her down the stairs.
Members of her family were already seated when they arrived. She sat down beside her brother. “I haven’t seen much of you and Sherrie,” Cherise chided.
Julian broke into a grin. “We’ve been keeping to ourselves.”
She felt the heat of Steven’s gaze on her and turned her attention to him. He winked at her.
After dinner, Cherise, Steven, Brennen and Elle decided to go dancing.
Walking back to their table, Cherise fanned herself with her hands. “Steven, would you like to take a walk outside? I need to get some air.”
“Sure.” Steven grabbed her gently by the elbow and led her toward the exit doors.
They strolled outside and he took her by the hand.
Cherise closed her eyes, savoring the feel of the night air on her face.
Steven leaned over and whispered, “I’m really enjoying spending time like this with you, Cherise.” He wrapped his arm around her waist.
She glanced up at him. “I am too, Steven.” Cherise felt the heat of desire wash over her like waves.
Turning her to face him, Steven leaned over and kissed her softly on the lips. “I’ve been wanting to do that all night.”
In response, Cherise pulled his head down to hers. Their lips met and she felt buffeted by the winds of a savage harmony. Her senses reeled as if short-circuited.
Breaking their kiss, Cherise buried her face against his throat; her trembling limbs clung to him helplessly. She was extremely conscious of where Steven’s warm flesh touched her.
“Why are you so quiet?” he asked after a moment.
“I’m thinking that we just shared a great kiss, and as much as I’d like to do it again, I think that maybe we should head back inside. Elle’s probably looking for us.”
“I love your honesty, Cherise. As for Elle, I don’t think she’s worried, because she knows that we’re together and that I won’t let anything happen to you.”
“You and Steven have been gone for a quite some time…” Elle commented when her husband and Steven went to get drinks for them. She tilted her head in curiosity. “Hmm, I guess you two were really getting to know each other, huh?”
Wearing a look of innocence, Cherise murmured, “I don’t have a clue as to what you mean.”
“Uh-huh,” Elle responded. “Tell that to someone who will believe you. Just a hint—you might want to put on some more lipstick.”
“Okay, he did kiss me,” Cherise whispered. She stole a quick look over her shoulder to see if Brennen and Steven were still at the bar.
“I’m not surprised. The man can’t seem to keep his eyes off you.
Cherise nodded. “I know one thing. He’s a good kisser.”
“Okay, that I didn’t really need to know,” Elle murmured.
“I hope this doesn’t sound insane to you, but I’m crazy about him. I’m not thinking of rushing into anything. I’m just taking it one day at a time. I’m going to enjoy being with him on the ship, and when the cruise is over—I guess we’ll just have to wait and see what happens.”
Steven was bursting with desire. He wanted to take Cherise back to his suite and make love to her, but he knew her well enough to know that she wasn’t about casual flings. His body was so on fire for her that he’d had to take a cold shower as soon as he returned to his suite.
While he showered, Steven sorted his feelings for Cherise. She seemed almost perfect in his estimation. She was beautiful, intelligent and honest. If his mother and aunt were here they would agree that Cherise was perfect for him.
No drama and no secrets. Nothing like his last relationship.

Chapter 4
The dark and gloomy fortress of Castel Nuovo was their first view of Naples, leaving the port by coach. They continued past Piazza della Borsa. Naples, Italy, was everything Cherise had ever imagined and more.
The coach stopped at Piazza Plebiscito, where she and Steven walked hand in hand, following members of her family and other cruise passengers to view the seventeenth century Royal Palace, the San Carlo Opera House and the Church of St. Francis.
“Have you ever been to Italy before?” she asked Steven.
“No, this is my first time. I’d like to see Rome the next time I come.”
“Elle and Brennen visited Rome last year,” Cherise said. “She said it was beautiful, and the perfect place for someone who loves shoes.”
Steven broke into a grin. “Are you that person?”
“I confess,” Cherise said with a smile. “I love shoes.”
He turned on his camera. “Go over there. I want to take pictures of you.”
She did as he requested. “You’re next,” Cherise told him.
Steven took several photographs of the Ransom family with the Church of St. Francis serving as the backdrop.
A couple of times, Cherise caught him staring at her. She wondered what he was thinking during those times but couldn’t summon the courage to ask him.
They enjoyed refreshments at a local café before getting back on the coach for the return to the ship.
On the way back to the boat, they passed by Mergellina and Castle of the Egg in Santa Lucia.
“Have your family been giving you a hard time about me?” Steven asked her, later that evening. They had decided to have dinner alone at one of the restaurants on the ship.
Cherise smiled. “Not really.”
“That’s good. I know that we’ve spent most of this cruise together—I’m not complaining, but this was supposed to be a family trip for you.”
“Ivy and I are the only ones not coupled off, so meeting you has been great for me.”
Steven eyed her. “You’re so incredible.”
Cherise grinned. “I’m just me, Steven.”
“It’s just a relief for me to meet a woman with no drama. I find your honesty so refreshing.”
“Sounds like your last relationship was a total trip,” Cherise commented. She’d definitely had her share of bad ones too.
“It was,” Steven admitted. “I found out that she was married to some man in northern California. We were together for almost a year. I hate secrets.”
Cherise chewed on her bottom lip. Steven noticed he had not seen her do that until now.
She had suddenly grown quiet, prompting him to ask her, “You okay?”
She nodded. “I’m just not as hungry as I thought.”
Steven studied her. “Are you sure everything is fine?”
Cherise reached over and covered his hand with her own, sending tremors of desire through his body. “I’m fine. I think my body’s just winding down from all the walking we did earlier. I hope you don’t mind if I renege on our plans to go dancing. I’m just not feeling up to it tonight.”
“No, not at all,” Steven responded. “I understand completely.”
She gave him a small smile. “Thank you.”
They left the restaurant a few minutes later, and Steven escorted her to the suite.
“Good night,” she said.
Steven pulled her into his arms, kissing her.
She responded hungrily. When they parted, she asked him, “Would you like to have breakfast with me?”
He nodded. “I can’t think of anything else I’d rather do. Sleep well.”
Steven considered going back to Moonstone’s, a club featuring live entertainment, but decided to call it a night. It wouldn’t be the same without Cherise.
Cherise paced back and forth in her bedroom.
Spending time with Steven these past few days had been so perfect. She had strong feelings for him, and for a brief moment she’d allowed herself to consider that they might be able to continue seeing each other once they were back in Los Angeles.
That all changed when Steven announced how he hated secrets. What would he think about the one she was carrying around?
She didn’t have a husband hidden away, but it was something she never wanted him to find out about her. For years she’d tried to keep it buried deep, but every now and then something would happen to bring it back to the forefront of her mind.
“I’ve done everything to make up for what happened all those years ago,” she whispered. “As much as I care for Steven, this is not something I can ever share with him.”
Cherise sat down on the edge of her bed, chewing on her bottom lip. She picked up a pillow, holding it close to her chest.
“I’m falling in love with you, but this is one part of my life that I can’t share with you. Not ever.”
She pretended to be asleep when Ivy and the girls entered the suite. Cherise just wanted time alone to deal with her troubled thoughts. If given the chance, she would’ve done things so differently, but there were no do-over’s in life.
Steven walked forward, pausing in front of Cherise as they strolled around the ship. “These last few days have flown by. I can’t believe this is the last night of our cruise.”
Cherise nodded. “Tomorrow we go back to our lives.” They stopped at a gift shop’s perfume and cosmetics counter. She picked up a sample of Italian cologne, sprayed a little on her left hand and sniffed. “I’ve had a really good time. It was a great vacation—partly because I met you.” She placed the bottle back on the counter, then picked up another and sprayed cologne on her other hand. “Do you like the way this one smells?”
Steven sniffed her arm. “It smells nice. Reminds me of peaches,” he responded.
Cherise turned away from the perfume counter, eying him. “So what happens between you and me when we leave the ship tomorrow?” she asked him.
“We both live in Los Angeles, so I don’t see why we can’t continue spending time together,” Steven responded. “Unless you’re not interested in dating me. Are you?”
Her eyebrows rose in amazement. His question had caught her off guard, but she warmed under the look he gave her. “Of course I’d like to keep seeing you.”
Steven gave her a smile that sent her pulses racing. “That’s exactly what I hoped you’d say,” he confessed as he wrapped his arms around her. “I don’t want whatever we have to end.”
“I don’t either,” Cherise admitted, giddy with happiness. “I never expected to meet someone like you on the cruise. To be honest, I wasn’t even going to come, but Ivy and Elle talked me into it.”
“We were supposed to meet,” Steven said.
“Do you really believe that?” she questioned.
He nodded. “I’m so glad that I don’t have to deal with drama.”
“Same here, but Steven,” she said with a chuckle, “I’m not perfect. Things are great between us, but I’m sure we’re going to have some times when we disagree on whatever.”
“As long as we’re always honest with each other, we’re going to be fine,” Steven responded. “My aunt used to always tell me that two people who care about each other should never have secrets.”
Cherise kept her expression blank. “You’ve mentioned your aunt a few times. You must be very close to her.”
Steven nodded. “I am. I can’t wait for you to meet her. I hope they come home soon.”
“You said that they live in Ghana, right?”
“My uncle has a job there. He and Aunt Eula Mae have been in Ghana for ten years now, but he’s supposed to be retiring soon. My aunt wants to come home.”
Cherise wrapped her arms around him. “Family is everything, isn’t it?”
“See, this is why we belong together. You and I have so much in common, including our love for family.”
His mouth beckoned her and Cherise was unable to resist. She pulled his face down to hers, planting a kiss on his lips.
“I want you so much that I can’t think right,” he whispered hoarsely.
“I want you too,” she responded. “But…”
Steven nodded. “You’re right. I don’t want to rush things between us either.”
“So what do we do now?” she asked him.
“Join the rest of your family,” he suggested. “That should keep us out of trouble. It won’t stop me from thinking about making love to you, but I certainly won’t act on it.”
“What? You’re worried about the men in my family?”
“More like the women. Especially Ivy. That woman is no joke.”
Cherise laughed. “You got that right.”
He kissed her, then said, “C’mon, let’s go join the others.”
Cherise’s body ached for Steven’s touch. She stole a peek at the handsome man beside her and smiled.

Chapter 5
Two days after the cruise ended, Cherise invited Steven over for dinner. She had been looking forward to seeing him again. Once they returned home and back to work, Steven had to clear his desk to stay on task with his outstanding projects and Cherise had some pressing matters to handle as well.
He arrived promptly at seven.
Cherise threw open the door and stepped back to let Steven enter her house. She’d purchased the home three years ago and was very proud of how much effort she’d put into making it reflect her personality by utilizing warm earth-tone colors.
Leaning into him, Cherise welcomed his warm embrace.
“I’m so glad to see you, sweetheart,” he murmured in her hair. “I want you to know that it was hard to get my work done, because you were on my mind all day long.”
Cherise wrapped her arms around him, and replied, “It was the same for me. At one point I thought this day would never end.”
Steven laughed. “I know what you mean. I kept thinking that there had to be something wrong with my watch.”
Cherise gestured toward the love seat and said, “Give me a few minutes to set everything up and then we can eat. I was late leaving the office.”
“Take your time, sweetheart. We have all evening.”
Ten minutes later, Cherise led Steven into the dining room.
He eyed the beautifully decorated table. Vibrant flames flickered from the gold-colored candles, casting a soft glow on the succulent display of chicken, scalloped potatoes, homemade muffins and steaming asparagus. “Everything looks delicious.”
“Thank you.” Cherise sat down in the chair Steven pulled out for her. He eased into a chair facing her.
After giving thanks, they dug into their food. Cherise smiled when Steven closed his eyes as he chewed. She was pleased to see that he enjoyed the meal. Conversation was kept to a minimum while they ate.
After dinner, Steven helped her with the cleanup, which was definitely a first for her. None of the men she’d dated in the past ever came into the kitchen unless it was to get something to eat or drink.
Later, curled up on the sofa together, Steven acknowledged, “The roast chicken was good. You are a wonderful cook, Cherise.”
She couldn’t get enough of looking at him. His brown eyes were lit from within with a golden glow. Cherise found her voice. “I’m glad you enjoyed dinner. The truth is, I was hoping to impress you with my culinary skills.”
His eyes clung to hers. “Well, you did. I’m definitely impressed.”
“Okay. I need to know if you are for real.”
Steven threw back his head and laughed.
“I’m serious, Steven,” Cherise said. “I have to be honest with you. You seem almost too good to be true. I guess it didn’t matter much when we were on the cruise ship. I thought you’d somehow be different now that we’re back home.”
“Sweetheart, I’m for real,” he responded. “To tell the truth, I was feeling the same way about you, Cherise. I mean, I’ve never met a woman that I considered perfect for me—not like you are.”
“No one has ever treated me the way you do. It’s kind of foreign. Do you know what I mean?”
“I do,” he responded. “Cherise, I’m not going to change, if that’s what you’re worried about.”
Moving closer, she laid her head on his chest.
Together, they watched television.
Three hours later, Steven gently sat Cherise up and rose to his feet. “I guess I’d better get going. We both have to work tomorrow.”
Cherise stood up too. She still ached for his touch so much, and her feelings for him were intensifying, wrapping around her like a warm blanket. Her emotions melted her resolve. “I don’t want you to leave, Steven. I want you to spend the night with me.”
“Are you sure about this?” he wanted to know. His steady gaze bored into her in silent expectation.
In response, she led him by the hand to her bedroom. Standing in the middle of the floor, they undressed each other in silence.

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