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Twelve Days of Pleasure
Deborah Fletcher Mello
Twelve days isn't nearly long enough… Vanessa Harrison's holiday spirit goes from humdrum to armed and dangerous when the filmmaker becomes an eyewitness to a crime. Spirited away to a Caribbean hideout for her safety, she isn't prepared for her instant attraction to gorgeous, take-no-prisoners FBI agent Kendrick Boudreaux. On Pleasure Island–where every sensual fantasy is fulfilled–her vow to never trust another man melts in the heat of Kendrick's sizzling embrace.Kendrick must keep Vanessa safe. But in his protective arms, desire ignites, and soon they're giving in to their deepest passions. Now he's determined to turn their days of pleasure into a lifetime of bliss. Until a shocking revelation threatens their future together, forcing Kendrick to choose between his career and the woman he has come to cherish….

Twelve days isn’t nearly long enough…
Vanessa Harrison’s holiday spirit goes from humdrum to armed and dangerous when the filmmaker becomes an eyewitness to a crime. Spirited away to a Caribbean hideout for her safety, she isn’t prepared for her instant attraction to gorgeous, take-no-prisoners FBI agent Kendrick Boudreaux. On Pleasure Island—where every sensual fantasy is fulfilled—her vow to never trust another man melts in the heat of Kendrick’s sizzling embrace.
Kendrick must keep Vanessa safe. But in his protective arms, desire ignites, and soon they’re giving in to their deepest passions. Now he’s determined to turn their days of pleasure into a lifetime of bliss. Until a shocking revelation threatens their future together, forcing Kendrick to choose between his career and the woman he has come to cherish….
Vanessa suddenly kicked her legs in the water, splashing them both. “Let’s go!” she exclaimed, moving onto her feet.
Kendrick looked up at her. “Where?”
“You still owe me, and I’m ready to collect.”
He laughed. “You still haven’t told me what you’re claiming.”
“I guess then you need to get up and come on,” she said, her hands falling against her thin waist.
He shook his head. “Now I’m scared.” He lifted his legs out of the pool of water and stood up. As he came to his feet, Vanessa took his hand and pulled him along behind her.
She led the way down the stone path toward the beach. The sky above was blue-black, just the shimmer of moon and twinkling of stars lighting the ground in front of them. When they reached the edge of the water, she turned toward him, a wide grin across her face.
Kendrick eyed her curiously. “What are you up to?”
“We’re going skinny-dipping,” she said matter-of-factly.
Kendrick hesitated for a brief moment, and his eyes widened in disbelief. He cocked his head ever so slightly as he stared at her. “I don’t think that’s a good idea, Ms. Harrison.”
She laughed. “Get your clothes off, chicken. You bet, you lost, I won and I’m collecting.”
His head was waving from side to side. “We need to talk about this.”
“Anything I want. Isn’t that what you said?”
He laughed. “I did say that.”
“Then drop ’em,” she said, pointing to his shorts.
She reached for the hem of her tank top and proceeded to pull the garment up and over her head.
has been writing since forever and can’t imagine herself doing anything else. Her first romance novel, Take Me to Heart, earned her a 2004 Romance Slam Jam nomination for Best New Author. In 2005, she received Book of the Year and Favorite Heroine nominations for her novel The Right Side of Love, and in 2009 won an RT Reviewers’ Choice Award for her ninth novel, Tame A Wild Stallion. With each new book, Deborah continues to create unique story lines and memorable characters.
For Deborah, writing is as necessary as breathing, and she firmly believes that if she could not write she would cease to exist. The ultimate thrill for her is weaving a story that leaves her audience feeling full and satisfied, as if they’ve just enjoyed an incredible meal. Born and raised in Connecticut, Deborah now considers home to be wherever the moment moves her.
Twelve Days of Pleasure
Deborah Fletcher Mello

www.millsandboon.co.uk (http://www.millsandboon.co.uk)
Dear Reader (#ulink_9729b3f0-2c9c-5069-b3c5-6b74e60bd4c9),
I love that with each new book I am challenged to do better than the last story. It’s why I adore the Boudreaux family. They stand firmly on a foundation of faith and family. Not without flaws, they are also perfection as much as the words on a page will allow. Kendrick and Vanessa gave me a run for my money. But like his siblings, Kendrick Boudreaux wasn’t afraid to simply be the man he was raised to be and Vanessa loves that about him.
I continue to be humbled by your support. I appreciate you more than words can ever express. So, thank you! Thank you for all that you do to show me, my characters and our stories your love.
Until the next time, please take care of yourselves and may God’s many blessings continue to be with you.
With much love,
Deborah Fletcher Mello
www.deborahmello.blogspot.com (http://www.deborahmello.blogspot.com)

To MeeMi’s beautiful little angel,
Micaela Susie Mello
You are my heart and your granny loves you
more than you will ever know!
Cover (#uf6edd23f-ae6f-5b23-bf4f-198d825c2ef0)
Back Cover Text (#ubfb9e694-0986-55af-8280-fe0dc8e18913)
Introduction (#u0fd520ce-5ddb-5957-a345-2ab4e620d454)
About the Author (#u9760901f-19d8-57ff-9083-670134ea2dd8)
Title Page (#u34a1a516-8f03-5b28-8b68-37d404d21215)
Dear Reader (#ulink_267b7aed-36e9-5e87-a783-2539f8a7dbb0)
Stallion Family Tree (#ub6fb5dd0-e04c-5760-945e-7c0238fe6399)
Boudreaux Family Tree (#ub5794478-255e-5f50-b8a5-46753879ec25)
Dedication (#u17bfd8e9-14be-5585-a08b-5132c90534b7)
Chapter 1 (#ulink_edfcbec1-dc7c-5b13-967d-2be146d71780)
Chapter 2 (#ulink_6fa01b63-ffc6-5c3b-b5bc-e34129c4c9ec)
Chapter 3 (#ulink_cb0abd02-7fcb-5fa9-b463-0dac1bde55f6)
Chapter 4 (#ulink_64b020d9-5f2d-5158-9455-585b22e54823)
Chapter 5 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 6 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 7 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 8 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 9 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 10 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 11 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 12 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 13 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 14 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 15 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 16 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 17 (#litres_trial_promo)
Copyright (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 1 (#ulink_2df1fc77-8ee4-5f8e-a3ba-6d301f47374a)
Kendrick Boudreaux took a breath, and inhaled deeply. There was a chill in the morning air and he could feel his lungs burn from the cold as they expanded. He continued to run, his long legs carrying him down the Broadway Street sidewalk. The uptown historical district was still an area of mixed residential and small commercial properties, with a wealth of 19th-century architecture, and he smiled as he reflected on his surroundings. Coming back to New Orleans always felt good and as he came to an abrupt stop in the driveway of his family home, he hoped that this time he’d be able to spend more than a week there before business sent him in another direction.
It was still dark out, no hint of morning sunshine to be found yet. Above his head, the periodic street lamp lit his way. His breathing was labored as he fought to catch his breath. He ran daily, at least ten miles, and usually the task didn’t feel quite so difficult but the morning cold was unforgiving. Just days earlier he’d been running through Iten, Kenya, the temperatures in the high seventies, his heels kicking up dry dust as a bright sun shone in a deep blue sky. His tenure with the Secret Service had afforded him perks few could imagine.
He inhaled deeply, taking a series of deep gulps as he used the spare key hidden beneath a flowerpot close to the door and entered his family’s home. The house was still quiet, most of his family sound asleep. It would be at least another hour before anyone else would be stirring. They had a long day ahead of them and it would be starting earlier than most would have liked. Kendrick was used to odd hours so nothing about the time disturbed him.
As he eased through the mudroom into the open family space he found his sister Maitlyn sitting at the kitchen table. She sipped on a large mug of coffee as she scanned her electronic tablet. She tossed him an easy smile as he dropped into the seat at her side.
“Good morning,” Maitlyn whispered. “You’re up early.”
He shrugged. “Needed to get my run in before I have to put on that monkey suit.”
She shook her head. “Well, I appreciate you being here to wear that monkey suit.”
Kendrick smiled. “Where else would I be?”
With raised eyebrows she cut an eye in his direction. He chuckled softly as he stood back up and moved to the refrigerator. Swinging open the door he peered inside.
“Would you like a cup of coffee?” Maitlyn asked.
“No. I’m trying to eat a clean diet. Cutting out the caffeine. You can make me a green juice smoothie if you want.”
Maitlyn laughed. “I guess you missed the memo that said I’m getting married in a few hours.”
Kendrick laughed with her. “Oh, I got the memo. But I know how much you like to be in control so I figured I’d give you something to do.”
“Well, I don’t need one more thing on my list. Make your own damn smoothie!”
Minutes later the two sat side by side, relishing their quiet moment together. Kendrick sipped his organic drink as Maitlyn helped herself to a second cup of coffee. He was in awe of his eldest sister, her calm demeanor feeling out of character for a woman who was just hours away from marrying the man of her dreams. He knew that had it been any one of his other sisters they would have been biting nails and pulling out their own hair. But Maitlyn didn’t seem the least bit fazed. He couldn’t help but think back to the previous year when she had met the man she would soon be marrying.
Zakaria Sayed was his best friend and the two men had been partnered together when both had been recruited for a covert division of the Secret Service. They were a consortium of global enforcement whose work was occasionally extreme, sometimes dangerous and always clandestine. Kendrick had been recruited from the FBI. His friend Zak had been with Interpol, bringing a wealth of international experience to the table. From day one they’d been fast friends and Kendrick trusted the man with his life, and now, more important, he trusted him with his sister.
Last year, Zak had become involved with Maitlyn while he’d been on a mission and she’d been on vacation. Maitlyn had gotten herself tangled smack-dab in the middle of some serious mess. When she’d been abducted and left for dead, his and Zak’s mission to find her had further cemented their friendship. But everything that happened had put a serious crimp in her romantic relationship, one that Kendrick had feared neither would be able to rebound from. But as his mother had often said, fate had sealed the envelope on the love those two shared.
Reunited at his family’s New Year’s celebration, the couple had been virtually inseparable from that moment on. Claiming semiretirement, Zak hadn’t accepted any assignment since that took him away from his desk, refusing to put himself, or Maitlyn, in harm’s way. Zak would soon be his brother-in-law and as the best man, Kendrick was going to ensure the two walked down the aisle without mishap.
“Hey,” Kendrick said, breaking the silence. “When you get back from your honeymoon, would you do me a favor, please?”
Maitlyn met her brother’s gaze. “What do you need?”
“There’s a house that’s listed for sale on Fontainebleu Drive. Would you check it out for me?”
“Is that the pied-à-terre with the guesthouse in the back?”
“Is it cream-colored with a wide porch and a narrow driveway along the side?”
She nodded. “I think the color’s more eggshell than cream.”
Kendrick gave her a daft look as a pregnant pause swept between them. He blinked, batting his thick lashes at her.
Maitlyn chuckled. “I’ll check it out. Are you thinking about settling down? Maybe quitting and getting a normal job?”
Kendrick shot a quick glance over his shoulder. “As far as anyone is concerned I have a normal job, thank you very much. But I am thinking about putting down some roots. It’s hard to maneuver things living in your parents’ home.”
“Like you live here. What’s it been? Three months since the last time you were home? And if you stay forty-eight hours I’d be surprised.”
He shrugged, his broad shoulders pushing toward the ceiling. “It’s still hard to maneuver things.”
“Which means you’re giving up caffeine but not the sex and rock and roll.”
“Exactly, so I need me some space to do me.”
Maitlyn shook her head. “You really need to settle down.”
“You’re starting to sound like our mother.”
“Our mother is a very wise woman.”
“Yes, I am,” Katherine Boudreaux responded from the doorway. She moved into the room and kissed him and then Maitlyn. “What are you two doing up already?”
Maitlyn hugged her mother back. “I couldn’t sleep. I took a quick nap and then tossed and turned for an hour. Figured I’d just get up and double-check all of my lists.”
“You worry too much,” Katherine said. “That’s why you hired a wedding planner, remember? So someone else could worry.”
Maitlyn rolled her eyes. “It’s not the wedding I’m worried about. I was going over everything that has to be done for Thanksgiving.”
Kendrick shook his head. “That is next week, isn’t it?”
Maitlyn nodded. “It’s Thursday and everyone is going to be here. Mom wants to cook all of our favorite foods and the Sunday after, our brother wants to baptize the twins. Then we have to get ready for Christmas. We’re all going to Texas. Everyone’s staying at the Stallion ranch and there’s a ton of preparing that needs to be done. I have a lot of lists!”
“And why are you up?” Katherine asked, dropping a warm palm to his shoulder.
“I had to get my run in before the day started.”
“You need to get some rest, too. You both don’t take nearly enough time for yourselves.”
“I’m sure Zak will make sure Maitlyn gets some rest soon,” Kendrick said.
His mother nodded. “And what about you?”
Kendrick grinned. “You worry more than Maitlyn does, Mom.”
Katherine shook her head. Before she could respond his sisters Tarah and Katrina moved into the space, greeting them all warmly.
“Good morning, family!” Katrina Boudreaux-Stallion chirped, her toddler son sitting against her hip.
Matthew Jacoby Stallion, Jr., grinned, reaching his arms out for his grandmother. Katherine wrapped him in a warm hug, kissing his full cheeks. “How’s Grandma’s baby?” she cooed.
“Jake is wide-eyed,” Katrina said as she handed the child over then reached for the coffeepot. “He got eight hours of sleep.”
“Who gets married this time of the morning?” Tarah whined. “It’s too early!”
“It’s not too early,” Katherine said as she leaned to give her youngest daughter a hug. “It will be a beautiful ceremony.”
Tarah rolled her eyes skyward as Jake reached for her head. The baby tangled his chubby hands in her hair and pulled with all his might. He giggled, his antics tickling his spirit.
“Ouch!” Tarah exclaimed as she tried to detangle herself from her nephew’s grasp.
Kendrick moved onto his feet. “I’m going to leave you women to it.”
“Where are you going?” Katrina questioned as she took the first sip from her coffee mug.
“I’m headed back to the hotel. I need to get the groom to the church on time.”
Tarah suddenly gave him a curious look. “What are you doing here, anyway? I thought all the men spent the night at the hotel?”
Kendrick gave her an eye roll. “They did but I had to get my morning run in.”
“So you ran home?”
Maitlyn and Katrina both laughed.
“Leave your brother alone, Tarah,” Katherine admonished.
Maitlyn grinned and moved onto her feet. “Do me a favor, Kendrick,” she said as she walked into the other room and back, carrying a small box in her hands. “Once Zak gets his tux on would you please give him this for me?” She passed the small box into his hands.
“What is it?” Kendrick questioned as he shook the container between his palms.
“None of your business,” Katherine answered for Maitlyn. “The bride asked you to give her groom a present. You get to see it after he does.”
Maitlyn chuckled.
Feeling slightly foolish, Kendrick shook his head. “It was just a question,” he muttered, scowling.
“Git,” Katherine said, waving a dismissive hand in his direction. “We all need to get moving,” she said, taking a quick glance toward the clock.
Kendrick leaned to kiss Maitlyn’s cheek. The two locked gazes and Maitlyn smiled brightly at him. “You know I’m happy for you, right?” he said softly.
His sister nodded. “Make sure my guy doesn’t get cold feet, okay?” she whispered back.
Kendrick smiled as he moved toward the door. “I’m on it,” he said. “You know I won’t rest until the job is done.”
* * *
“Zak, do you take Maitlyn to be your lawful wedded wife, to love and cherish her in sickness and health, till death do you part?” the minister questioned.
“I do, sir,” Zakaria Sayed said, his expression beaming with sheer joy. “I most certainly do!”
Maitlyn smiled, a tear stealing past her lashes. The beautiful couple had chosen the Oak Alley Plantation, on the banks of the Mississippi, to exchange their vows. They stood beneath the canopy of the oak tree–lined path, the first hint of the morning sun beginning to rise in the distance. The family had gathered on the lawn of the antebellum manor just after six o’clock in the morning for the intimate sunrise ceremony and Kendrick thought it had to be the most amazing thing he’d ever been witness to.
The morning air was comfortable, the last of the late-night chill keeping the rising Louisiana heat at bay. Maitlyn wore a simple knee-length sheath dress of white crochet lace over satin and three-inch heels the color of a rich cabernet. Her hair had been brushed into a loose chignon adorned with pearl combs tucked into the strands. Her bouquet was a mix of English tea roses in varying shades of orange. Her sisters, Tarah, Kamaya, and Katrina, and Zak’s sister Myriam flanked her left side in simple maxi-length dresses with three-quarter-length sleeves. The floral print, in fall shades of oranges, yellows, reds and browns, was muted against an ivory background.
Kendrick and his brothers—Mason, Donovan, Darryl and Guy—stood beside Zak, the men wearing dark brown linen suits with white dress shirts opened at the neck and orange tea rose boutonnieres. As a family, they were beautiful together; as a wedding party, they were stunning.
As the family’s minister pronounced them husband and wife, the first rays of the morning sun hit both their faces. Light peeked beneath the tree-lined blanket to kiss their cheeks. The small gathering of family and friends erupted in cheers. Minutes later everyone followed as the couple led the way to the veranda of the plantation home, where a morning spread of breakfast foods was laid out for the reception.
In the midst of the celebration Kendrick lifted a glass of champagne and orange juice to toast the couple. “First, on behalf of our parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mason Boudreaux, and Zak’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hassan Sayed, we want to thank all of you for getting up before dawn to be here with us this morning. Only my big sister could manage to get people out of their warm beds so early on a Saturday morning and have y’all looking good while doing it!” He paused and smiled back at the beaming guests.
“There comes a time in everyone’s life when they meet their one true love, their soul mate, the person who is going to love them for the rest of their life. That moment came for Zakaria ten years ago when he met me.” Everyone laughed as Kendrick tossed his friend a wink of his eye. Maitlyn shook her head from side to side as he continued.
“Zak and I didn’t become friends overnight. We had to go through some things before we learned to trust each other. It wasn’t until he took me home to meet his mother and she made me her famous m’hanncha, a decadent orange-almond pastry, that I knew he and I would be buddies for life.” Kendrick grinned as he leaned over to kiss Mrs. Sayed’s cheek. “To be asked by Zak today to be his best man is an honor, but it’s also honorable of him, because he’s finally admitting to all of you today that I truly am the best.”
Laughter rang out again. Kendrick took a deep breath, and then paused. “If someone had told me that I would be celebrating my best friend marrying my favorite sister I would have told them they were crazy. It feels like just yesterday I introduced the two as Maitlyn was headed away on a cruise by herself and I asked Zak to keep an eye on my sister for me. It gave me great joy to ask because it meant that for the first time Maitlyn wouldn’t be in charge. And you all know how bossy she can be. It’s one reason she’s my favorite sister.” He tossed the other women a quick nod. “No offense, girls.”
“None taken,” Katrina chimed.
“Speak for yourself,” Tarah teased.
Kendrick smiled. “Anyway, it warmed my heart to ask my best friend to protect her and make sure that whoever she was spending time with made her happy and showed her a good time. It was a request I knew he would fulfill because that’s the kind of man my friend Zak is. He is upstanding and honorable and a true man of his word. I really wasn’t expecting him to take my request literally, so imagine my surprise when my best friend had to admit that he’d fallen in love with my sister!”
Everyone chuckled softly as Kendrick continued. “That broke all the guy codes but I had to give him a pass because my sister is such an incredible, beautiful woman that I imagine he just couldn’t help himself. This union was not without some bumps along the way but thankfully I was able to come to the rescue and make things right between them. Now, it is an honor and a privilege for me to be here this morning with all of you to witness Maitlyn and Zak become one. Everything about this moment is as it should be. Mattie, I love you. Zak, welcome to the family, my friend. It warms my heart to now call you my brother.” Kendrick lifted his glass and cheers rang around through the space.
By midmorning the heat was already beginning to rise. Kendrick was seated at the end of the table with his brothers Mason and Donovan.
“This was some wedding,” Donovan intoned.
Mason grinned. “Maitlyn has always been able to pull off a party better than anyone else I know. Do you remember Darryl and Camryn’s New Year’s reception? That was over the top.”
Kendrick nodded. “This has Maitlyn written all over it.” He looked toward the couple. His sister was glowing and Zak was looking at his new wife with overwhelming love. “They look happy,” he said as his gaze danced around the veranda. “Everyone here looks happy.”
Mason laughed. “That’s not a bad thing, little brother,” he said as he moved back across the oversize porch.
Kendrick shrugged. His eyes skated around the space. Their not-so-little family was growing faster than he was able to keep up. Every time he went away and came back there was a new spouse, a new baby or someone who’d captured everyone’s hearts while he’d been gone. He suddenly realized just how much he’d been missing out on.
He tossed an easy arm over the back of his chair as he leaned his torso back. Mason, the eldest child of the Boudreaux clan, had moved back to sit with their mother. His wife, Phaedra, stood behind him, her thin arms wrapped warmly around his neck. His brother Guy and his very pregnant wife, Dahlia, were seated at the opposite end of the table. Their father, Senior Boudreaux, was talking to Dahlia’s bulging belly as if the fetus inside might talk back.
Phaedra’s oldest brother, John Stallion, and his wife, Marah, were seated across from the newlyweds, all of them laughing easily together. Beside them sat John’s three brothers, Matthew, Mark and the youngest sibling in the Stallion clan, Luke.
Kendrick smiled. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John! He could just imagine the ribbing the four of them must have gotten as kids with their biblical monikers. His sister Katrina was married to Matthew Stallion, a lawyer, and she was a district court judge. The two were constantly debating politics and legalese. They had two children, teenaged Collin and baby Jake. Kendrick could only imagine what his two nephews would aspire to as they grew up.
Kendrick smiled as Mark’s wife, Michelle, waved in his direction. “You’re pretty quiet sitting over there!” she chimed warmly.
“Just taking it all in, Mitch,” Kendrick answered with a nod, calling her by her family nickname. “Your little munchkin is growing too fast. How old is she now?”
Mitch smiled. “Almost five,” she said.
He grinned. “I like those red cowboy boots, Irene,” he intoned.
The little girl just stared at him, not at all amused with his compliment. She then turned her back on him, marching off to catch up with a ball that had captured her attention.
Luke Stallion laughed, his wife, Joanne, joining in the merriment. “She’s going to be a tough one,” Joanne joked. “I already feel for the young boys who will start chasing after her.”
“Ain’t no boys going to be chasing after my baby!” Mark Stallion exclaimed. “I’ve already got my gun locked and loaded for any of them who even think to look in my girl’s direction.”
“I know that’s right,” Luke chimed in.
Kendrick nodded as he laughed with them. The two families were tightly entwined. And the abundance of love around the table exemplified just how deeply entangled their connection was. He took a sip of his mimosa, following it with a bite of fresh melon and forkful of scrambled eggs. His cell phone in his breast pocket suddenly vibrated for his attention.
He excused himself from the table and moved to the far end of the porch. Answering the call he listened for a moment, not bothering to say anything at all to the person on the other end. Across the room Zak met his gaze and nodded as he disconnected the call. Kendrick’s gaze shifted to his sisters, who had leaned in to have their photo taken, Phaedra snapping the shot with her camera.
There was no missing the Boudreaux lineage. Their features were distinctive, each of them with slightly angular eyes, thin noses, high cheek lines and full, pouty lips. Side by side they were a kaleidoscope of colorations that ranged from burnt umber to milk chocolate.
Kendrick’s brother Guy and Guy’s wife, Dahlia, suddenly exited the home, both with a baby in tow. Kendrick shook his head. He had missed the births of his new niece and nephew, the twins, Cicely and Sidney Boudreaux, when he’d been away on his last mission. He suddenly imagined them walking and talking by the time he would see them next and the thought didn’t sit well. He blew out a deep breath.
Zakaria had moved to his side. “You off?”
Kendrick nodded. “Yeah. A pickup and delivery. I won’t be too long. It should only take a couple of hours. With any luck I’ll be back in time to see you two off on your honeymoon.”
“I’ll hold you to that,” Zak said. He took a quick glance down to the new Breitling watch on his wrist. The wedding present from Maitlyn was an 18K rose-gold design that complemented him nicely. The gesture had made both men a tad misty when Kendrick had delivered it earlier.
“So, where are you two going, anyway?” Kendrick asked.
Zak shrugged. “I don’t have a clue. Your sister made all the arrangements.”
Kendrick laughed. “You asked for this.”
His friend laughed with him. “Yes, I did.”
There was a moment’s hesitation that shifted between them. “Do you miss it?” Kendrick suddenly asked.
Zak paused for a moment as he reflected on the question. “No. I thought I would. But I really don’t. I would miss your sister more.”
Kendrick nodded. “Kiss Maitlyn for me. Tell her I had to run an errand.”
“Tell her yourself,” Maitlyn said, appearing suddenly. She moved to stand beside her husband. She slid into Zak’s arms, tilting her head to give him a deep kiss. When she pulled away she turned her gaze back to her brother. “Where are you running off to now?”
“Business calls. You know how it goes.”
Maitlyn nodded. “Stay safe, please.”
He winked an eye in her direction. “Don’t I always?”
Zak chuckled softly as he slapped him on the back. “We’re here if you need us, my friend.”
Kendrick laughed, pointing his index finger at the man. “Friend? We’re brothers now, boy! And don’t you forget it!”
Chapter 2 (#ulink_648a6c31-f890-5a8d-9aa0-336f49918139)
The sound of gunshots sent Vanessa Harrison into hyperdrive; her heart raced a mile a minute. Sprinting into the family room she found her goddaughter, Gabrielle Medina, flipping channels on the home’s oversize, flat-panel television. The channel was paused on an episode of Law & Order. Vanessa blew out the breath she’d been holding, shoulders slumping in relief.
“Gabi, why are you playing with that remote, little girl?” she said as she pulled the device from the toddler’s hand.
As Gabrielle’s bottom lip pushed into a deep pout, Vanessa flipped the channel back to the cartoon station. Before the child could skew her face to cry her attention was diverted to a show Vanessa didn’t recognize—some strange animation of a cow and a chicken playing on the big screen.
Vanessa moved from the family room back into the kitchen, needing to fill the baby’s sippy cup with fruit juice. A federal agent followed on her heels, standing with his arms crossed in front of himself as she peered into the refrigerator. An agent had been following her from room to room for days now.
Federal agents had taken over the Medina home after Gabrielle’s parents, Alexandra and Paolo, had both been gunned down. The couple had simply been in the wrong place at the wrong time. Hours after the last gunshot had echoed through the air, federal agents were holding Vanessa hostage in protective custody, because of who her father was. All she wanted to do was return home. She hadn’t bargained for this drama when she’d come to visit her best friend and her family. Drama was what she’d been running from.
Weeks ago, Vanessa had been sitting in class at Columbia University’s School of the Arts. With her relationship mess beginning to take its toll, the graduate film program had been the only bright spot in her day-to-day activities. A year earlier she had moved from her parents’ home to New York City to be with her boyfriend, Jarrod, a law student at New York University. Things had been all good in the beginning. Then their conflicting schedules, disagreements about money and Jarrod’s obsession with other women had come between them. Finding Jarrod in their bed with their red-haired neighbor had been the final straw.
It had been her best friend, Alexandra, who’d insisted Vanessa come to Miami to spend the holidays and clear her mind. Leaving the New York cold for the Miami sun was supposed to take her mind off her problems and help her find some clarity in the chaos that had become her life. Both had figured the time away would help her heal her broken heart. After some intervention from her father the school had granted her a leave of absence, and the day before Halloween she’d landed at Miami International Airport hoping to escape everything that had been wrong. Vanessa was now wishing she’d joined her mother in Italy instead.
She sighed as she undid the cap on the bottle of Welch’s white grape juice. “I really need to call my mother,” she suddenly said, turning to stare at the man who was watching her too closely.
“Yes, ma’am,” he said. Those were the only words he ever seemed to utter when she asked a question or made a statement.
“I need to call her now,” she persisted.
A voice rang from the kitchen’s entryway. “Your parents know that you’re safe,” a woman answered. She was tall and slim and almost matronly in the uniformed black suit she wore. “I’ve talked to them both personally.”
Vanessa met the woman’s dark gaze. “Who are you?” she asked.
“Supervisory Special Agent Kelly Layton.”
Vanessa eyed the woman warily.
She dropped her gaze back to the cup in her hand as she secured the cap. “So can you please tell me what’s going on?” she asked.
The other woman nodded, gesturing toward the other room. “Why don’t we get the little girl settled down first,” she said.
SSA Layton followed Vanessa back into the family room, where Gabrielle sat in the corner of the oversize sofa still staring at the cartoon playing on the big-screen television. Not quite two years old, little Gabi was a bundle of pure energy, and her sitting still for longer than ten minutes was a blessing. Barely turning her eyes from the animation playing out across the screen, Gabi took the cup from Vanessa’s hands and lifted it to her lips. Vanessa smiled as she sat down beside the child. She then turned to stare at Agent Layton.
The woman gave her half a smile as she sat down on the opposite end of the leather sectional. “Vanessa, the man who...” She shifted her eyes toward Gabi as she paused, suddenly mindful of her words as she continued. “Marcus Bennett has been a difficult man for us to find. He’s wealthy and well-connected and right now we don’t have eyes on him.”
Thoughts of Marcus Bennett caused her skin to go cold. She wrapped her arms around her torso to ward off the sudden chill. Just weeks earlier she and her friends had been guests on Marcus Bennett’s luxury yacht. Paolo had introduced them, the two men good friends for even longer than she and Alexandra had been. Paolo and Alexandra had deemed him the perfect rebound relationship for Vanessa since she wasn’t looking for forever with any man at the moment. Her friends had figured Marcus could be someone to take her mind off everything else. And he had.
Marcus had been intriguing, with a hint of street appeal and a whole lot of swag. He reminded her of the singer Akon, dark and brooding. He had an engaging smile, and physically he was built like a brick house, a hard body of solid, well-developed muscle. The man was all kinds of sexy, his appeal overshadowing his obvious illegal business dealings. He had been the perfect bad boy, the too-smooth, silver-tongued devil that mothers warned about and fathers met at the door with a shotgun. Marcus had been perfect, right up until he’d gunned down one of his adversaries and her best friends had been caught in the cross fire.
Tears misted her eyes and she swiped them away with the back of her hand. She turned to look at Gabi, who was watching her curiously. She forced a smile and winked an eye at the little girl. “Do you like that show, Gabi?” she asked, brightening her tone.
Gabrielle giggled and pulled her cup back to her mouth. The little girl was sleepy and her eyes were heavy as they shifted back toward the television.
Vanessa took a deep breath and turned her attention back to the agent. “So what happens now?”
The agent was nodding her head. “Until we have him in custody, and you can testify against him, we’re going to have to keep you in protective custody.”
“Testify? Why do I have to testify? I didn’t actually see him do anything!” Vanessa was suddenly flustered, her eyes skating from side to side. “I can’t testify! I’m not going to do that!”
“It will be okay,” Agent Layton said. “You’ll just need to testify about your relationship with Mr. Bennett. About what you did see when the two of you were together. Vanessa, your testimony is going to be crucial to our getting a federal indictment against this man.”
“You don’t understand,” Vanessa started, “my diplomatic immunity...”
“Your diplomatic immunity has been waived by your father. He has given us his full support and cooperation in this matter.”
“My father wouldn’t do that,” Vanessa said, her eyes wide.
“Your father understands the importance of getting a man like Marcus Bennett off the streets.”
“Well, I want to speak with him.”
“That’s not possible. Once we get you out of Miami and we know you’re safe then we’ll make arrangements for you to speak with your family.”
Vanessa shook her head. “What about Gabi?” she asked. “What’s going to happen to her?”
“Arrangements are being made for her. Mr. Medina’s attorney says that the father’s parents are listed as her next of kin. Apparently they live somewhere in Mexico. Your father is helping us with the search to find them. Until then, we’ll place her with a nice foster family who’ll look out for her.”
“But it’s almost Christmas! Her presents are already wrapped. Alexandra’s been buying and wrapping gifts for her all year. She has to have the presents her mommy bought for her!”
The agent nodded. “We’ll take care of it.”
Beside her Gabi had finally drifted off to sleep, completely unaware that life as she knew it was gone.
* * *
The helicopter hovered above the large Miami estate as Kendrick Boudreaux assessed the situation below. As expected there were two tactical teams in place and no signs of anything out of order. This was a simple package pickup and delivery and by the good grace of God he wouldn’t even have to unholster his weapon. He liked missions like this one—an easy in and out that didn’t require him putting himself or his team in too much danger. Kendrick’s tenure with the Secret Service usually put him in situations that took some maneuvering to get out of. His missions with the FBI had looked like child’s play in comparison. He signaled for the pilot to land.
Minutes later he took off his headphones as the pilot shut down the UH-60 Blackhawk aircraft. Exiting, Kendrick ducked low against the slowing whir and blow of the helicopter’s blades. He crossed an expanse of perfectly manicured lawn, shifting into work mode as a squad leader met him at the entrance to the large home. The man led him through the foyer, into the living space. He was surprised to find Kelly Layton, one of the unit directors, standing in wait. Kendrick bristled, something suddenly not feeling right. He could count on both hands the number of times a unit director had ever shown up for a simple package pickup, and still have ten fingers left.
He nodded his head in greeting. “SSA Layton, what brings you here?”
She tossed him a quick look. “It’s good to see you, too, Boudreaux,” she said as she began to brief him. “Your package is a key witness against a local kingpin named Marcus Bennett. He’s wanted by this agency and a half-dozen others for crimes that run the gamut from financial fraud to human trafficking. Our witness was there when he gunned down his competition and a room full of civilians got in the way. She also has firsthand knowledge of his business dealings with Pedro Fierro, one of the victims.”
Kendrick tensed. “Pedro Fierro of the Umberto Harbor cartel?”
“You know him?” Layton questioned, lifting her eyes to meet his.
He nodded. “Sayed and I took down his predecessor on one of our last assignments.”
“Well, Marcus Bennett took Fierro out. Our witness was personally connected to Bennett. We also think she knows more than she’s willing to say. We need her.”
“So where’s she going?” Kendrick asked.
“The safe house in Baton Rouge. They’re expecting you.”
“Baton Rouge?” Kendrick paused. He took a deep breath. “Why Baton Rouge?” he asked.
She shrugged. “Those are the orders.” Layton gestured for him to follow her.
As he moved into the home’s open family space, Kendrick’s eyes assessed the room, shifting rapidly from one side to the other. There was an adorable little girl jumping up and down on the family room sofa, her eyes wide with curiosity. Behind the child stood an extremely attractive young woman whose own eyes were narrowed suspiciously. Concern blanketed her demeanor and Kendrick instantly sensed that she would have given anything to have been as far away from them all as she could. Layton made the introductions.
“Vanessa Harrison, this is Agent Kendrick Boudreaux. You’re going to be in his custody until you get to the safe house.”
Kendrick met the woman’s intense stare, her gaze skewering him where he stood. Vanessa was tall, nearly as tall as him. And she was lean, with a nice hint of curve to her hips and breasts. She had a dancer’s build, and he imagined her movements would be easy and graceful. She was wearing a white sundress that billowed around her body as it complemented the sun-kissed tone of her warm complexion. Her hair was jet black, the extensive length falling to the middle of her back. She bore a striking resemblance to the Puerto Rican fashion model Joan Smalls, a woman who had graced the cover of a recent Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition. It was the only copy of the magazine that Kendrick had ever kept.
SSA Layton suddenly stepped out of the room. Vanessa’s eyes followed her for a brief moment before shifting back toward him. He smiled, the warmth of it soothing the tension between them.
“Are these all your bags?” he asked, gesturing to the leather luggage that rested on the floor in the doorway.
She nodded. “Mine and Gabi’s,” she answered, gesturing to the little girl, who was leaning against the sofa back as she stared at them.
Kendrick nodded.
There was still something about the situation that didn’t feel right to him. Something felt off. Why was Layton there? And why the safe house in Baton Rouge, a property that sat smack-dab in the middle of cartel territory? A house that had been compromised previously? Fierro’s name attached to this meant there were bigger players involved, even if the man was dead. Where did Bennett fall in the bad-guy hierarchy? And just how much did the beautiful woman standing in front of him really know? Nothing about his orders felt right. Trusting his instincts, he was suddenly on edge. He stole a quick glance at the watch on his wrist.
Layton suddenly stepped back into the room. “Change of plans,” the commander noted, pressing her hand to the earpiece in her ear. There was a moment of hesitation as she paused, listening to someone on the other end.
Kendrick and Vanessa cut an eye at each other, both knowing that nothing good could come from plans being changed so sudden.
“You have new orders, Agent Boudreaux. I need you to take Ms. Harrison and disappear. Are you and Sayed still in touch?”
Kendrick nodded. “Yeah,” he said, not bothering to mention that the man had just married his sister. “We speak every now and again.”
“Leave a number with him. No one else should know where you are or how to get in contact with you. When we can be sure about Vanessa’s safety, I’ll pass a message on to him. You are not to trust communications from anyone else.”
Kendrick’s gaze skipped from side to side. “But where...? How long...?”
Layton held up her hand. “Those are your orders. And you need to leave now. We might have a situation.” She held out Vanessa’s cell phone, a text message on the screen.
“That’s my phone,” Vanessa suddenly exclaimed. She took a step forward then stopped.
Kendrick took the appliance from Layton’s hand and read the message quickly.
“What does it say?” Vanessa chimed.
Kendrick lifted his eyes to meet hers. “‘I have eyes on you. You can’t hide,’” Kendrick said, reading the text message out loud.
Vanessa’s eyes widened. She took a deep breath.
“Agent Boudreaux will keep you safe,” Agent Layton intoned.
Vanessa reached for Gabrielle, pulling the toddler into her arms. “I’m not leaving Gabi.”
Layton shook her head. “That’s not possible. Gabi’s going to be fine.”
“You don’t know that,” Vanessa stated. “Her parents trusted me. So until you find her grandparents and I can personally hand her over to them, I am not leaving her,” she said emphatically. “Either she goes with me or I don’t testify, and I don’t care what my father promised you. I can go back to the embassy. It doesn’t matter to me.”
Chatter on all their radios interrupted the moment. Layton tossed Kendrick a questioning stare, their exchange silent. She turned and moved back into the kitchen, Kendrick following on her heels.
“Who’s her father?” Kendrick questioned.
Layton was leaning against the kitchen counter, strumming her fingers against the countertop. She tossed him a look. “Alonzo Braga, the Mexican ambassador to the United States.”
“She doesn’t use his name?”
“He’s very high profile. She said she didn’t want to be associated with his politics. So she uses her mother’s maiden name.”
Kendrick nodded, understanding washing over him. That tiny piece of knowledge suddenly put everything in perspective. “She doesn’t have to testify and legally we can’t hold her.”
“That’s correct. She has diplomatic immunity. But that doesn’t stop Bennett from wanting her dead. So her father is cooperating and he has given us his consent. The business Bennett and Fierro dealt in crossed the border into both our countries.”
“What about the kid?”
Layton shrugged. “The child is just going to slow you down. But if she insists, I don’t know what else to do. We need her to testify!”
He hesitated as he met the woman’s anxious gaze, then he nodded. “I’ll handle it,” he said.
Kendrick moved back into the family room. He crossed the room quickly, lifting the toddler from Vanessa’s arms as he looped an easy arm around her waist. “We have to move,” he said, his eyes locking with hers. “Now!”
* * *
They were strapped into the helicopter before Vanessa could protest. Gabi squealed excitedly, her chubby fingers pointing to the house and grounds below. They spied the caravan of white-paneled trucks that careened through the home’s front gates. And then just like that everything and everyone in Miami was behind them.
Vanessa looked from Kendrick to the pilot and back. Kendrick was seated on the other side of Gabi, a protective arm wrapped around the little girl. The man was breathtakingly attractive, tall and solid, with the most intoxicating eyes. His distinctive features were chiseled, his complexion a rich, warm shade of milk chocolate. Under any other circumstances she would have found his bad-boy aura intriguing.
She turned back to stare out at the landscape below, reflecting on the circumstances that had suddenly thrust them together. The weight of it must have reflected on her face, as Kendrick suddenly squeezed her shoulder. His light touch was gentle and easy. When she turned to look, the man was smiling at her. Vanessa smiled back, just a smidgen of a bend to her mouth. He suddenly said something into the microphone attached to his helmet and she realized the pilot and him were talking back and forth between themselves. Though she wasn’t privy to the conversation, the only sound she heard was the loud drone of the helicopter ringing in her ears.
* * *
“Can you get me a secure line and connect me to Sayed?” Kendrick asked.
The pilot nodded, then seconds later Kendrick’s earpiece clicked in his ear. There was a low hum and then a brief moment of silence.
“Problems?” Zak Sayed asked when he answered the line.
“I hate to bother you,” Kendrick started as he explained the situation he was in.
“Have you had a chance to talk with the witness yet?” Zak asked when he was done.
“Not yet.”
“Let me make some calls and see what I can find out but I think you’re right. Something about this doesn’t feel right.”
“I’m glad we’re still in sync with each other.”
Zak chuckled softly. “You know my wife is going to kill us both, right? I’m thinking all of your sisters might have some issues with this.”
“Might?” Kendrick laughed. “We’re talking about the Boudreaux women, man. You’ve met them, haven’t you? Maitlyn, Katrina, Kamaya, Tarah? Especially Kamaya and Tarah. They’d be mad at your funeral and you’d know it! I guarantee Maitlyn’s going to be furious as hell!”
Zak laughed with him. “We’ll worry about that when we have to. Until then, what do you plan to do?”
Kendrick shrugged. Vanessa was staring out at the land below, her brow furrowed with worry. The little girl was wide-eyed, excitement shining in her bright eyes.
“I’m going to keep her safe,” Kendrick said matter-of-factly into the microphone.
* * *
An hour later Kendrick had checked them into a motel in Mobile, Alabama. Vanessa and the baby had sat in a rental car while Kendrick had leaned across the counter in the motel’s office flirting shamelessly with the desk clerk. Vanessa watched him intently as he dazzled the young woman with his charm. She could only begin to imagine what he had to be saying to her. The girl giggled as he took the room key from her hand, winking an eye as if they shared some special secret.
As he stepped back into the car she tossed him a look, annoyance furrowing her forehead.
“What?” he questioned, eyeing her curiously.
Vanessa shrugged her shoulders. “Nothing.”
He smiled. “Oh, it’s something.”
She rolled her eyes, tossing her gaze to the parking lot outside the window. “Is this where we’re staying?” she questioned.
He shook his head. “No.”
“Then why are we here?” she asked as she turned back to stare at him.
He didn’t answer. Instead, he steered the car to the back of the building and parked. Exiting the vehicle, he unlatched Gabi from the car seat in the rear, lifting the child into his arms. She’d been sleeping since they’d picked up the car and Vanessa hoped that she was tired enough to sleep for just a little longer.
Kendrick then gestured for Vanessa to follow him.
Their room was on the second floor of the motel; the front door faced the balcony that looked over the parking lot. Inside, the space smelled like mildew—musty and dank. The rancid odor had them both frowning as they moved inside and secured the door. The room was decorated with two full-size beds, a desk and an old television set. The carpet and bathroom had both seen better days. The walls were thin and a television blared from the room next door.
As they moved inside, Vanessa shot Kendrick a look to show she was not pleased. She suddenly felt spoiled and pretentious, but if she needed to take a shower there was no way she was doing it in that bathtub. She took a deep breath, looking for the right words to voice her displeasure. Biting her tongue instead she dropped her luggage and Gabi’s diaper bag onto the first bed and moved to the wooden chair in front of the desk and sat down.
Kendrick moved to lay the baby down and Vanessa suddenly jumped back to her feet.
“Wait!” she snapped. She moved to the diaper bag and pulled a blanket from inside. She laid it down across the bed top. “She might catch something if you put her on that bedspread,” she said, her face twisted with distaste.
Kendrick smiled as he laid the child on the oversize, pastel-colored receiving blanket. As he stood back up, Vanessa looked satisfied. She moved back to her seat. Before either could say anything else Kendrick’s cell phone chimed.
Chapter 3 (#ulink_7eab75a2-aece-5d7d-b5c0-ac5d97d888dc)
Vanessa’s reaction to the no-tell motel had been expected. He stood watching as she bit down against her bottom lip, her eyes taking in every strand of dust and dirt that marked the space. When something bug-like scurried across the floor her eyes widened, following it as it disappeared beneath the dresser. Her head waved slightly as she wrapped her arms around her body, hugging herself tightly. He was impressed that she hadn’t gone screaming from the room. He thanked the man on the other end of the phone and ended his call. He met the look she was giving him.
“Really, we’re not staying,” Kendrick repeated, a slight smile pulling at his full lips.
“Then why are we here?” she asked again.
“I can’t explain just yet,” he said.
She nodded but said nothing.
“If you needed to let your family know you were okay, who would you call?” Kendrick asked.
“My mother.”
He nodded. “Use the motel phone and call your mother. Don’t tell her where you are, just let her know you’re okay and that you’ll give her another call soon.”
“I can speak to my mother?”
He nodded, gesturing toward the motel room’s phone. “Just keep it short and sweet, please,” he said.
Vanessa moved to the side of the bed and reached for the receiver. Before dialing the long-distance call she grabbed a tissue from the box on the nightstand, wiped down the mouth-and earpiece and then pulled it to her head.
Kendrick chuckled ever so softly.
Joy painted her expression as she dialed, and Kendrick heard the device finally ringing on the other end. But the excitement on her face diminished quickly. Obviously, there was no answer and she must have reached her mother’s voice mail instead. She took a deep breath and left a quick message. “Hi, Mama! It’s me, Vanessa. I just wanted you to know that I’m okay. I’m with...” She hesitated as she tossed him a quick look. “I’m with a friend right now and I will call you back as soon as I’m able. I love you, Mama!”
As she hung up the receiver she looked as if she were struggling not to burst into tears. Sensing her distress Kendrick moved to her side. “Are you okay?” he questioned as she lifted her gaze to his.
“Do I look like I’m okay?” she hissed behind clenched teeth.
He grinned, holding his hands up as if surrendering. “Sorry,” he said softly as she pushed past him, moving back to her seat.
Gabi shifted against the bed, rolling onto her side as she pulled her legs to her chest. She curled her body into a fetal position. Kendrick and Vanessa stopped to watch her, both holding their breaths that she wouldn’t suddenly wake up. The little girl deeply inhaled and then snored ever so softly. Eyes wide, their gazes shifted back toward each other and held the stare. Kendrick found himself smiling and unable to contain herself, Vanessa smiled with him.
She shook her head. “This won’t last too much longer,” she whispered. “You better enjoy it while you can.”
Kendrick nodded. “I need you to unpack some of your things. Hang something on those racks over there. Leave your toiletry bag, a pair of shoes, whatever. We’ll replace them later. And most of the baby’s things, too. Leave a few diapers on the bathroom counter. Maybe a bottle. It needs to look like you were here and you’re planning on coming back,” he said as he moved to the second bed and pulled back the covers.
He pulled a second phone from his pocket and dialed. “We should be there in the next two hours,” he said into the receiver.
“I needed to make sure we didn’t pick up a tail,” he was saying. He paused to listen before speaking again. “I’ll contact you when we get to our final destination,” he responded. He took a deep breath, his gaze meeting hers as Vanessa stared at him.
He ended the call without further comment, dropping his cell phone against the pillow. “Just pack some bare necessities for the two of you in that small bag. We’re going to leave the rest,” he said as he moved to the bathroom and turned on the water faucet.
Minutes later he moved back into the room dressed in a pair of black denim jeans, black Timberlands and a bright white V-necked T-shirt. He then moved to the television, adjusting the volume just loud enough for others to know it was on.
Vanessa’s expression was incredulous but she didn’t bother to question him. When she had done as he’d asked, he scooped Gabi back into his arms and they left. Vanessa was headed in the direction of the car when Kendrick stopped her. “This way,” he said. “We’re taking the bus.”
Vanessa hesitated, her eyes blinking rapidly as she stood staring at him. “The bus?”
Kendrick nodded. “What? Haven’t you ever ridden a bus before?”
* * *
By the time they reached their final destination Vanessa was exhausted. The bus ride, with two transfers, had landed them in front of a taxi stand. A taxi ride later they were at a private hangar at the airport. The private plane was more to Vanessa’s liking, and she’d even been able to catch her own nap while Kendrick entertained Gabi, who seemed to be enamored with the buckles on the seat belts.
“Where are we?” Vanessa asked when they finally landed, a team of technicians pushing the plane into another private hangar.
“Everything’s going to be fine,” Kendrick said.
She clutched Gabi a little tighter to her chest. “That’s not what I asked you,” she snapped.
Kendrick met her stare.
“Eat, eat!” Gabi suddenly exclaimed as she pulled a thumb into her mouth. “Eat, eat!’
Vanessa shook her head. “What was I thinking? She is so off schedule. It’s well past her lunchtime and I don’t have anything else left in this bag. She’s hungry and I need to get her something to eat.”
Kendrick smiled again and Vanessa, despite her reservations, found herself instantly comforted by the gesture. He tickled a finger beneath the folds of Gabi’s chin. “We need to get you something to eat, baby girl!”
He pulled a cell phone to his ear, depressing the speed dial. Vanessa could tell by the change in his tone that he was talking to a woman. The thought suddenly irritated her. How dare he call some other woman when he was supposed to be focused on her? She felt herself stiffen with resentment. He caught her staring and tossed her another smile, oblivious to her sudden stress. Then he turned and walked toward the other side of the room, moving himself out of earshot. “Really, I need to get her something to eat,” she persisted when he finally moved back to her side.
“I know,” he said. “And probably a diaper or two, as well. It’s being handled. But right now we really need to go.”
Annoyed, Vanessa heaved a heavy sigh. “You still haven’t told me where we are.”
“New Orleans,” Kendrick said.
“We’re hiding in New Orleans? Really?” Her tone was just sarcastic enough to imply that he didn’t have a clue what he was doing.
Kendrick laughed.
“No, we’re just making a pit stop. We need to pick up some supplies.”
Vanessa’s gaze narrowed. “I thought you were taking me to some safe house. Why do we need to pick up supplies? I’d think the house would already have them.”
Kendrick continued talking as if he hadn’t heard her question. “If anyone asks, you and I are old friends. They don’t need to know any of your personal business and do not, under any circumstances, tell them anything about what happened in Miami or that I am with the Secret Service.”
“Who’s them? Who are you talking about?”
“My sisters,” he said as he guided her to a luxury BMW.
Confusion washed over Vanessa’s expression. “Hold up. I thought we were going to some safe house.”
Kendrick cut an eye at her. “Trust me. You’ll be much safer where we’re going than you’ll be anywhere else for the moment.” He plucked Gabi from her arms and secured the baby into a car seat, then gestured for Vanessa to get into the car.
“Look, Agent,” Vanessa started.
“Kendrick. Just call me Kendrick. Please,” he said, cutting her off midsentence.
Vanessa opened her mouth with a snappy retort but Gabi interrupted them both. The little girl started to cry, a loud boo-hoo-hoo that vibrated throughout the car. “Want eat!” she screamed as she kicked her legs in frustration.
Kendrick laughed. “That one has a set of lungs on her! Baby girl better catch a clue before she’s riding on the roof!” he teased.
Vanessa didn’t find anything funny. “She’s a baby. Her entire world has just blown up and now we can’t even find her something to eat. This is ridiculous!” she cried, her own tears finally falling over her cheeks.
Her frustrations had finally boiled over. Vanessa sobbed as he maneuvered his way through the streets of downtown New Orleans.
* * *
Kendrick took a deep breath and then another. As he pulled into the driveway of his family home his friend Zak was standing in the driveway.
Zak moved to the driver’s-side window and the two men exchanged a quick look. “I’ll go get Maitlyn,” Zak said when he saw the woman and baby crying hysterically in the backseat.
Kendrick turned around in his seat. He passed Vanessa a tissue from the box in his center console. “I’m sorry,” he said softly. “I didn’t mean to make light of your situation. Trust me when I tell you I do understand. Your life right now is in turmoil and you’re not sure if it’s ever going to be okay again. But I promise you, if it takes everything I have to make things right for you, I will.”
Vanessa stared at him. She swiped at her eyes with the back of her hand, her head nodding slightly. Kendrick exited out of the driver’s side and opened the back door. He reached to unleash Gabi from her seat, cooing gently to ease the little girl’s cries. Gabi’s screams softened to a low hiccup. Her chubby cheeks damp with tears, the little girl laid her head on Kendrick’s chest, snuggling easily against him as she pulled a thumb into her mouth.
Kendrick introduced them. “Vanessa, this is my sister Maitlyn. And this is Zak. They just got married this morning. Maitlyn, this is Vanessa. She’s the woman I called you about. And the little munchkin here is Gabrielle. They’re hanging out with me for a few days.”
Maitlyn smiled. “Come on in. No one else is back from the reception yet so you’re good for at least another hour.”
Kendrick laughed. “We’ll take an hour. That’ll give us all some time to get our story straight.”
Maitlyn moved to where Vanessa stood staring at them. “It’s nice to meet you, Vanessa. You look like you could use some food and rest, too,” Maitlyn said as she extended her hand in greeting.
Vanessa nodded. “Thank you. I need to feed the baby first.”
“Don’t worry. There’s plenty of food inside and we stopped by the market and picked up diapers, bottles and a few things we thought you might need.”
Moving into the house ahead of them Gabrielle was giggling, a cookie gripped tightly in each hand as Kendrick made faces at her.
* * *
Maitlyn and Vanessa were chatting comfortably as Gabi raced around the backyard, screaming excitedly as she played with a large ball. Kendrick stood watching them all from the kitchen window when Zak moved to his side.
“You were right,” the man said, his arms crossed over his chest.
“I usually am,” Kendrick replied.
“There’s a car outside that Alabama motel with four very unsavory-looking guys inside. They seem to be waiting for instructions.”
Kendrick nodded. “I’ve bought us a few hours of time but not many.”
“Why’d you bring her here?”
“Because no one will connect her to me. It doesn’t make sense. Bringing her here would be the last place they’d think of, so they won’t look here. For all anyone knows she’s still at the hangar at the airport. By the time anyone realizes differently we’ll be long gone.”
“So where are you going next?” Maitlyn asked, moving into the room behind them.
Kendrick tossed her a look but didn’t bother to answer. His sister rolled her eyes.
Zak wrapped his arms around Maitlyn. “You know he can’t say, Maitlyn.”
“I can’t say because right now I don’t know,” Kendrick said, his gaze flitting from one to the other. He shrugged his broad shoulders as his brow creased in thought.
“I have an idea,” Maitlyn said. The two men eyed her curiously as she explained her plan.
Minutes later Kendrick said thoughtfully, “It’s just crazy enough that it might work.”
“I’m very good at what I do, little brother, and there haven’t been too many problems that I’ve not been able to resolve.”
Zak leaned back against the counter. “Honey, are you sure...” he started.
She leaned to kiss his cheek. “I’m positive. I think it’s one of the best ideas I’ve had in a while.”
Shrugging his shoulders, Zak wrapped her in a warm embrace as he rested his lips against her forehead. “Then let’s do it,” he said as he shot Kendrick a quick look.
Kendrick nodded. “I owe you,” he said. “I owe you both.”
Maitlyn eased out of her husband’s arms. “You can trust I’ll send you my bill,” she said as she strolled out the door.
Kendrick laughed. “You can still get out of this,” he teased. “It’s not too late. Five more minutes though and I’m sure the fine print on that prenup she made you sign will kick in.”
Zak laughed with him. “I’d be too scared,” he teased back.
Chapter 4 (#ulink_40704413-bed8-5d40-a97d-675bd8e27942)
“So what do you know about her?” Tarah Boudreaux asked her sister. She lifted her legs onto the mattress top, tucking them beneath her bottom.
Maitlyn shrugged her shoulders as their sister Kamaya pulled a brush through the length of her hair. “All I know is what Kendrick told me. She’s a friend and she just stopped by to say hello to him. He’s going to drop her off at the airport when he takes me and Zak to our plane.”
“Since when does my twin bring a friend home?” Kamaya questioned, her eyebrows raised. She twisted a strand of Maitlyn’s hair around a large-barreled curling iron.
“A friend with a baby,” Tarah added.
Maitlyn shook her head. “It’s not Kendrick’s baby, so does it matter?”
Tarah pursed her lips in annoyance. “Are we sure about that?”
Maitlyn blew a deep sigh. “Tarah, you know good and well Kendrick is not that baby’s father. Vanessa’s not her mother. It’s her cousin’s baby or something. I don’t know why you even want to go there.”
“I’m just saying,” Tarah intoned. “They both look a little too comfortable together if you ask me.”
“Actually I think they’re kind of cute together,” Maitlyn mused. “I like her.”
“I just find it strange that the first time he brings a friend home for us to meet it’s at your wedding. This can’t be casual,” Kamaya said before standing back to stare at Maitlyn’s head.
The three were interrupted by their mother, who peeked her head into the bedroom. “You girls need to stop gossiping about our company. Your daddy and I taught you better than that.”
“We weren’t gossiping,” Tarah replied. “We just had some questions.”
Katherine changed the subject. “Don’t do her curls too tight, Kamaya. Maitlyn doesn’t look right with tight curls.”
“I know, Mama. They’re going to fall some.”
Katherine smiled. She moved to Maitlyn’s side and leaned to kiss her daughter’s cheek. “You were a beautiful bride today. Zakaria is a very lucky man.”
Maitlyn nodded. “I think I might keep him,” she said, joy glowing across her face.
“Mama, you don’t think it’s odd that Kendrick suddenly shows up with a woman and a baby we don’t know anything about?”
“Tarah, you’re about to work my last nerve,” Katherine admonished. “Leave them two alone. If there was something Kendrick wanted us to know he would have told us.”
Tarah crossed her arms over her chest. “You sure about that? ’Cause Kendrick is always keeping secrets!”
“Yes, I am.” Katherine gave Tarah a light smack against her right thigh. “Now, mind your own business. If you spent as much time sweeping off your own porch you wouldn’t have time to be sweeping off anyone else’s.”
“Ouch!” Taryn muttered, rubbing at the offending spot.
Maitlyn laughed. “Like she’s ever listened before!”
“Tell me again why you got married before sunrise to hang out with your family all day afterward?” Tarah snapped.
Maitlyn laughed. “Tell me why you think everyone should do everything by the book? I had my dream wedding and there were some things I needed to get done before my husband and I disappear for a few days. It’s all worked out perfectly.”
Kamaya laughed. “Maitlyn took Senior’s ‘work before pleasure’ rule literally!”
* * *
In the guest bedroom, Vanessa pulled her knees to her chest, curling her body around Gabi’s. They had both been sleeping soundly when the sound of laughter pulled Vanessa from her sleep. Noise and laughter never seemed to stop ringing throughout the family’s home and she couldn’t miss hearing her name being spoken a time or two.
Kendrick had forewarned her about his sisters. Maitlyn being clued in had helped, the woman running interference when the other two had bombarded her with questions. Vanessa smiled.
She and Tarah were the same age, twenty-seven. They liked the same music, had shoe fetishes, dressed similarly, and both were in school working on advanced degrees. She imagined that if she were closer to her two brothers she would probably be the same way. But there was a considerable age difference between her and her siblings. It didn’t help that both men had stayed in Mexico when their father was named ambassador to the United States, choosing not to move to Washington, DC, with the rest of the family. She didn’t know enough about her brothers to be in their business that way. Tarah had the advantage there. Vanessa thought they could be good friends if things were different.

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Twelve Days of Pleasure
Twelve Days of Pleasure