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Lost in a Stallion's Arms
Deborah Fletcher Mello
Luke Stallion, youngest heir to the legendary Dallas family, likes his footloose and fancy-free life just the way it is…with a different woman in his bed every week. Isn't variety the spice of life? Then he meets Joanne Lake. The full-figured fashion designer arouses a passion the playboy simply can't live without. But Joanne's got a secret–one that threatens the future of Luke's powerful clan.Volunteering together at a local homeless shelter has shown Joanne a side of Luke the world never sees. Although she knows the free-loving bachelor isn't ready to settle down, she wants to be the one to change his mind. But what happens when Luke discovers who she really is? Will she lose the chance to spend forever in her loving Stallion's arms?

The music picked up and Luke was moving with Joanne, his gyrations tight and precise
Their bodies were pressed so closely together it was as if they were one person instead of two. Then Luke pulled some fancy footwork on her, spinning Joanne around so that her back was against his chest as he pushed himself against her buttocks. Unable to resist, Joanne continued to move with him, savoring the sensation of his rock hard frame kissing the cushion of her soft curves. She raised her arms over her head, dancing against him, her fingers snapping in time to the music.
Luke slipped his arms back around her waist, spinning her around to face him. The look in his eyes was pure, unadulterated lust, and his hunger set every nerve ending in Joanne’s body on fire. As Luke continued to move against her, his left arm holding her tightly around the waist, his right hand moved up the length of her back and his palm came to rest against the back of her head. Without warning, Luke slipped his fingers into the short length of her hair as he dipped her over his arm.
The gesture took Joanne by surprise, causing her to gasp loudly, right before Luke leaned down over her, pressing his mouth against the curve of her neck. The sensation of his lips against her bare skin was overwhelming and Joanne moaned out loud, almost forgetting that they were surrounded by a crowd of people. As he lifted her back up, Luke smiled and wrapped both of his arms around her as he pressed his cheek to hers.
He whispered into her ear, his breath blowing hot against her flesh. “I’d say that was just my intro to foreplay. To give you a full definition, though, I would need a whole weekend alone with you.”

has been writing since she was thirteen years old and can’t imagine herself doing anything else. Her first romance novel, Take Me to Heart, earned her a 2004 Romance Slam Jam nomination for Best New Author. In 2005 she received Book of the Year and Favorite Heroine nominations for her novel The Right Side of Love, and in 2009 she won an RT Book Reviews Reviewers’ Choice Award for her ninth novel, Tame a Wild Stallion.
For Deborah, writing is akin to breathing and she firmly believes that if she could not write she would cease to exist. Weaving a story that leaves her audience feeling full and complete, as if they’ve just enjoyed an incredible meal, is the ultimate thrill for her. Born and raised in Connecticut, Deborah now maintains base camp in North Carolina but considers home to be wherever the moment moves her.

Lost in a Stallion’s Arms
Deborah Fletcher Mello

www.millsandboon.co.uk (http://www.millsandboon.co.uk)
To my very special friend,
Thank you for the inspiration.
I love you.
Now and always.
Dear Reader,
The Stallion men are back and it doesn’t get any better than this!
After a two-year hiatus I am so excited to bring you the next installment in my romantic series starring those billionaire brothers, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John Stallion.
I loved writing every bit of Luke’s story. The boy is twentysomething, young and every bit a stallion stud. He is a walking sex machine, bringing much pleasure to the vivacious Joanne Lake, a full-figured beauty who captures his heart.
I have been living and breathing the Stallion men for months now, and with each one I find myself more in love with the idea of love. I so hope that you enjoy getting to know each Stallion brother and that you fall in love with my Texas boys just like I have.
Thank you for continuing to support me on this amazing journey. Your thoughts of encouragement keep me writing and motivate me to write well. There aren’t enough words to express how much I value each of you.
You can keep up with me at
Until the next time, take care and God bless.
With much love,
Deborah Fletcher Mello

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 1
At six o’clock, when his morning alarm clock sounded, Luke Stallion was already standing beneath the heated spray of his morning shower. Six perfectly positioned stainless-steel showerheads were pelting water over every square inch of his muscular body.
Maneuvering the shower massage feature, Luke adjusted the spray until the pressurized water felt like hundreds of sturdy fingers were kneading the tension out of his very taut body. Closing his eyes, Luke tilted his head forward, allowing the water to rain down over his closely cropped haircut and beat against the back of his thick neck. As he tilted his head back again, the water hit him in the face with full force and pounded against his broad chest.
A rise of steam billowed in the open space, painting the tiled walls with a cloudy mist. Minutes passed before Luke moved to soap himself with the organic body wash he favored. He took a deep breath, inhaling the scent of sandalwood and vanilla, and just like that he was wide-eyed and awake, his earlier moments of sluggishness vanquished.
Luke was suddenly anxious about the mandatory meeting that had been scheduled for first thing that day. The memo had said no one was excused, and he could only begin to imagine what was so important. Having spent most of the night brushing up on the details of all his current projects, Luke was fairly confident that he would be able to respond to anything thrown at him, but then again, with his older brothers, just how sure could he be? He heaved a deep sigh.
Reaching for his requisite loofah sponge, he guided his large hands across the tight, sinewy lines of his torso. The soft sponge gently caressed his flesh, his skin like dark satin stretched over rock-hard marble. As he soaped and lathered each taut muscle, Luke had the overwhelming sensation that something big was going to happen to him today. Something that would change his life forever. He only wished he had a clue what that was so that he could be prepared for it.
Luke heaved a deep sigh. Leaning forward, he pressed his palms against the tile, the spray washing over his back and buttocks. Beaded water like tiny pearls tolled down his back, puddling in small streams before running down the backs of his long legs.
Some thirty minutes later he stepped from the shower, reaching for a large white towel that rested on the corner of the marble countertop. As he swiped at the moisture that dampened his skin, he admired his reflection in the mirror. His time in the gym was paying off nicely, definition clearly painting the muscular lines of his body. The new trainer was working him well, and Luke appreciated the benefits the hard work was producing.
Wrapping the towel around his waist, he stood staring at his reflection for a minute longer. Energy gleamed in the pools of black gold that were his eyes. They were his father’s eyes, and his brothers’. History glimmered back at him, a testament to the legacy he’d been bequeathed at birth. He was a true Stallion, through and through. Never mind him being prepared for whatever was coming. Whatever was coming had better be prepared for him, Luke mused, a soft smile pulling at his mouth. Nothing and no one had ever bested a Stallion man, and as far as he was concerned, nothing and no one ever would.

The laughter ringing through the conference room of Stallion Enterprises’ corporate headquarters belied the serious nature of the business meeting the executive board was supposed to be holding. The Stallion brothers, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, were chuckling heartily as they sat discussing the impending anniversary celebrations for Mark, John and John’s father-in-law, Edward Briscoe. It had been one year since all three men had jumped the holy matrimony broom, each of them taking a wife within weeks of each other.
The joint anniversary celebration had been the brain child of John’s wife, Marah, and her twin sister, Eden Waller. Mark’s wife, Michelle, had been pulled into the excitement, albeit reluctantly—the other women were adamant that since Edward and his wife, Juanita, and Michelle and Mark had both eloped, then their one-year anniversary celebrations needed to be the talk of Dallas. The three-day event was scheduled to coincide with the family reunion and the annual Black Rodeo hosted by the Briscoe-Stallion family at the renowned Briscoe Ranch.
“I swear,” John was exclaiming, disconnecting the call on his personal cell phone. “This party is going to send us to the poor house. Every time Marah calls it’s about the price of something having gone up. This thing is costing a fortune!” The man tossed up his arms, feigning annoyance.
His brothers all laughed, three pairs of dark eyes focused on his wide grin. The family resemblance ran deep, all four men imposing in stature. They each boasted well-formed physiques, black-coffee complexions, chiseled jawlines, seductive bedroom eyes and charismatic smiles.
Luke laughed. “I can’t believe you and Mark keep giving in so easily. Those women have both of you whipped silly!”
Mark laughed with him. “Love will do that to you, baby brother. You should try it.”
Luke shook his head from side to side. “Not me. I’m following in Matthew’s footsteps.” He gestured in his brother’s direction. “You go, Mr. Bachelor of the Year!” he exclaimed, acknowledging their sibling’s most recent claim to fame.
Matthew laughed. “That’s right, baby brother! Don’t go out like that. Enjoy it while you can!”
“What do you mean?” Mark asked. “Go out like what? John and I didn’t do anything but get married.”
“And married to very beautiful, talented, exceptional women,” John added. “I have to tell you boys, it beats that dating game you two want to keep playing.”
Luke’s head waved from side to side. “I like that game. I play it very well.”
“Me, too, as evidenced by the fact Texan magazine is giving me an award for it,” Matthew intoned. “In fact,” he said, gazing down at the Rolex watch on his wrist, “I plan to play with Miss Daphne Cuthbert at seven o’clock this evening, so let’s get this meeting wrapped up.”
“Does Daphne have any sisters?” Luke queried.
Matthew nodded enthusiastically, gesturing with his hands. “As a matter of fact, her sister, Janette, has a pair of legs that go from here to—”
John held up his hand. “Spare us.” He chuckled. “You two are determined to learn your lessons the hard way,” he said, his head shaking from side to side. “Don’t say Mark and I didn’t warn you!” Shifting the stack of manila folders on the table in front of him, John laughed heartily, his brothers laughing with him. “On to new business,” he said, shifting back into CEO mode without batting an eye.
Not skipping a beat, his siblings shifted with him, their earlier elation replaced with disciplined reservation. John leaned back in his leather executive’s chair, his arms folding over his chest as his gaze shifted from one brother to another. His forehead was furrowed as he fell into deep thought, something serious clearly crossing his mind. The other three men leaned forward, each of them attentive. Luke pulled his yellow-lined notepad closer, his ballpoint pen poised in anticipation.
John began slowly. “The reason I called this meeting is because Stallion stock has been under accumulation over the last few weeks. Too swiftly and too much of it. It’s raising some concerns about who is suddenly so interested in us and why.”
“Isn’t interest a good thing?” Luke asked, meeting John’s gaze evenly. “It’s near an all-time high, isn’t it?
John nodded. “That’s true, but it’s not a good thing if it’s all being purchased for the wrong reasons. One entity in control of too many shares could present us with some major problems.”
Matthew nodded. “Word on the street is someone wants us and wants us bad. We have to figure out who and why. I’ll be contacting all of our major stockholders in the next few weeks to see if anyone can shed any light on the situation, but we can’t afford to let our guard down. This could be a problem for us.”
A look of confusion crossed Luke’s face. “I don’t understand…” he started.
“We four have controlling interest in the company right now, but if one individual acquires enough of our stock, we could find ourselves in the middle of a hostile takeover attempt,” John answered.
Mark shook his head. “No one would be that bold, would they?
John shrugged. “Anything is possible, but no matter what, we need to make sure we’re on top of our game in case this gets ugly. We’ve all worked too hard to get where we are. We will not lose this company.”
There was a pregnant pause as each man fell into his own thoughts, remembrances of Stallion Enterprises’ growth and their individual contributions to the company crossing their minds.
John hadn’t yet graduated from Morehouse College in Atlanta before he’d begun negotiations for his very first acquisition. He’d formulated a solid business plan, the base of it grounded in determination and an adventurous spirit. Taking a chance on a small complex of rental units in foreclosure, he’d financed the deal with his share of the insurance money they’d all received after the untimely death of their parents. After investing a small sum of money to renovate and upgrade the property, he’d sold it some four months later for a sizeable profit. The rest had been history.
Building a financially secure future for his younger siblings had been foremost in John’s mind, his determination motivating him to move mountains for his family’s survival. Stallion Enterprises was now a respected corporate empire built on commercial real estate and development as well as a shipping company, with entertainment interests, and Mark’s newest pet project, a nationally ranked professional race team. Success had come after much hard work.
As the company had grown, John had ensured that his parents’ dreams of each of them attending and graduating from college had come true. Matthew had attended Harvard on a full academic scholarship, later earning a juris doctorate from Harvard’s prestigious school of law. Mark had followed John to Morehouse, graduating with honors and a dual degree in engineering and physics.
And then there’d been Luke. The baby of the family had finally graduated from Texas Southern University with a degree in business management. Luke had done the six-year program, his two freshman years causing John much angst as the young man’s focus had been on everything but his studies. And each of them had eventually thrown their hats into the Stallion ring, committing themselves fully to the company.
Looking around the table, John couldn’t help but smile. His dreams come true had been more than even he had imagined. John knew their parents would have been proud. His gaze fell on Luke, who returned his smile as if he’d been able to read the older man’s thoughts.
John turned his attention back to business. “Let’s move on,” he said softly.
A stack of manila folders rested in the center of the table. John pulled one file in particular from the heap waiting for his attention. He studied the typed file label only briefly before handing the profile of documentation to Luke. Leaning back in the cushioned executive’s chair, John clasped his hands together in his lap. He nodded his head in Luke’s direction, and the young man’s eyes widened with a mix of curiosity and rising excitement as his older brother began to speak.
“Luke, you’ve been doing an excellent job for us. Your work has been truly impressive. We were thrilled with the results you managed to attain with the union negotiations. Both sides have commended your actions. As well, the legal department had some good things to say about what you did on that last acquisition.”
Luke’s lips bent into a slight smile as his other siblings nodded their agreement.
John gestured in Mark and Matthew’s direction as he continued. “We’ve been discussing what’s next for you, and we all agree that you might be ready to handle your own division.”
Excitement pulled at Luke’s expression. “Might?” the young man questioned, looking from one sibling to the other.
“Time will tell,” John said, shrugging his broad shoulders.
A look of confusion washed over Luke’s expression. “So, what does that mean?”
John leaned forward, his clasped hands moving from his lap to the conference tabletop. “It means that you are now solely responsible for the West End rejuvenation project.”
Matthew nodded. “We will support whatever you want to do as long as you stay within the parameters dictated by the town council.”
Mark interjected. “And please, don’t irritate the mayor. We need him on our side.”
John continued. “The details of the budget and the town council’s criteria are all there. From start to finish you have exactly two years to get this project completed. Right now, you have eight weeks to pull your team together. I need you to give us your assessment of the property acquisitions, any revisions to the original proposal and budget and a detailed timeline. Any questions?”
“What’s the budget?”
“One hundred million dollars, and not a penny more. Do you think you can handle it?” John answered.
Luke nodded, grinning broadly. “I welcome the challenge.”
Matthew clasped his hands together on top of the table. “We hope so, baby brother. This one’s a big deal. This rejuvenation project will be a coup for the city of Dallas and Stallion Enterprises’ reputation. We’re putting a lot of trust in you. If you really want to impress us, come in twenty million dollars under budget without compromising the integrity of the project.”
Luke came to his feet, extending a large hand toward John. “You won’t be disappointed,” he said as he shook his brother’s hand, his broad smile warming his dark face. “Thank you for the trust.”
John nodded. “Just remember, if you need help, don’t be too proud to let someone know. The only stupid question is the one you don’t ask.”

Pure adrenaline fueled Luke Stallion’s ride from the corporate offices of Stallion Enterprises’ luxury high-rise to the deteriorating Oak Cliff neighborhood the family was intent on revitalizing. It was a typical inner-city, working-class neighborhood renowned for its booming atmosphere back in the 1950s and 60s. Time had painted a new but not improved façade over the landscape despite the efforts of many grassroots and church organizations working to bring the community back to its original glow. The Stallions were hoping to do their part to inject some much-needed energy back into the area.
Parking his Mercedes coupe on the street, the young man exited the vehicle, set the lock and alarm, deposited six quarters into the meter and set out on foot to explore the strained area.
The first lesson his brother John had taught them all was to learn every single detail of any venture they were pursuing. The more knowledge gained, the better, inevitably preparing them for the unexpected. Even before graduating from high school, Luke had been allowed to follow behind his brothers as they’d pursued their many business acquisitions. Luke vividly remembered trailing on John’s heels as his brother had inspected every one of the steel ships that would become the cornerstone of their shipping empire. Luke had just been fifteen years old, and at the age of twenty-four his big brother had been recognized as the youngest self-made billionaire CEO.
Luke recognized that he had some pretty big Texas boots to fill in order to reap half the success John had. The fact that Mark and Matthew had achieved just as much notoriety since joining the family business didn’t make the challenges ahead of him any easier. He welcomed the opportunity to prove himself worthy of his brothers’ trust and looked forward to using this project to garner some attention of his own. He sighed, pausing to study the empty storefronts and dilapidated buildings that landscaped the neighborhood.
His thoughts trailed back to the earlier banter between him and his siblings. He and Matthew joked good-naturedly about John and Mark marrying as quickly as they had. Both men had fallen head over heels in love before any of them had realized it. Although Luke professed to not being able to imagine himself falling in love and committing to any one woman, he had to admit that the idea had recently become especially appealing.
Luke liked the changes that had come over Mark and John. They were both more relaxed and easygoing since they’d gotten married. Both of them reeked of pure contentment, seemingly enjoying fabulously full relationships. Luke loved to witness the attention the wives lavished upon them—both Mark’s wife, Michelle, and Marah, John’s wife, committed wholeheartedly to the men in their lives. Luke secretly wished that for himself.
Being young and single had its moments, Luke mused, but he was hardly determined to keep it that way. For the moment he considered bachelorhood only a game of time and one that he played well, but he wasn’t interested in taking it to a championship. The carefree lifestyle and the many beautiful women that went along with it was one thing, but the emotional security and companionship John and Mark had attained definitely appeared more desirable.
Being a master of casual romance had begun to grow weary on his spirit, and Luke felt he was almost ready to just let it all go. His big brothers had taught him well, but they’d also shown him that moving on had its positives. As if to prove that thought, Luke couldn’t help but admire an Asian beauty who was peeking out of the door of a small variety store on the corner. He winked an easy eye and tilted his head in greeting as she tossed him a wide smile of snow-white teeth.
But relationships aside, at this point in his young life, what Luke wanted more than anything else was to prove himself capable of running his own division. In that moment, that was far more important than any romantic commitment could begin to be.
An hour later Luke had managed to circle the twenty blocks twice, stopping periodically to speak with the residents and remaining shopkeepers to ask their opinion about their neighborhood. Many had eyed him warily but were eventually taken in by his boyish good looks and charismatic demeanor. His warm personality was captivating, drawing people to him, and Luke worked that to his advantage, inciting conversation out of the more wary personalities.
One of the senior citizens had pointed him in the direction of the local community center, a makeshift facility housed in an abandoned warehouse off Arkansas Avenue. The building was home to the youth and senior centers, the food bank and a temporary shelter for families displaced from their homes. Although maintenance and upkeep of the building were funded through the city’s budget, there was barely enough money to keep the lights on. Infrequent donations from a few generous benefactors and volunteers helped to offset many of the expenses that would have closed the center’s doors and sent many back into the streets to fend for themselves.
Luke stood at the bottom of the steps of the facility peering up at the glass doors that beckoned him inside. The old man who’d guided him to the entrance pointed with his left index finger, his right hand clutching a brown paper bag as if it were filled with gold. Luke nodded his gratitude.
“Thanks,” he said, pressing a crisp twenty-dollar bill into the old man’s wrinkled hand. “I appreciate the help.”
The old guy threw him a toothless grin. “No problem! Like I told you, this here is the heart of Oak Cliff. If you want to know what this neighborhood needs, sonny boy, you’ll find it here,” the man exclaimed excitedly as he turned an about-face, his newly gotten gains waving between his fingers.
Luke smiled warmly, watching as the man disappeared out of sight. With one last glance over his shoulder he climbed the short span of stairs, pulled the glass doors open and stepped inside.
A rush of noise and the pungent scent of lemon disinfectant greeted him at the entrance. A large reception area with a massive counter that spanned the lengths of two walls sat at the room’s center. The floor was a checkerboard of black-and-white linoleum, the covering worn thin from age. The walls were painted a vibrant sunshine-yellow, the bright color gleaming with energy. Select posters of beaming parents and children above messages of encouragement smiled down on them, the décor sparse but warming.
There were four children—three little girls and a small boy—playing in the center of the floor. The space around them was strewn with plastic blocks and Matchbox cars. A teenage girl sat watching from one of two wooden benches, her gaze moving back and forth between the noise of their childish banter and the paperback book that rested open in her lap.
The young woman glanced in the direction of the door that had closed loudly behind Luke. She met his curious stare with one of her own, her mouth slowly lifting into a friendly smile. Luke smiled back, lifting his hand in a slight wave. Before he could ask for assistance, the little boy let out a loud scream, calling out to everyone that could hear that there was a strange man in the lobby.

Chapter 2
“Mizz Joanne! Mizz Joanne! Some man out here! Come quick, Mizz Joanne!”
Joanne Lake shook her head from side to side as she heard her name being called again and again, Mrs. Stanton’s baby boy screaming at the top of his lungs. No matter how often they told that child to use his inside voice when he was inside, little Bryson preferred saying everything loudly, and he always had much to say.
Before she could lift herself from her seat, the boy came storming through the office doors. He barely missed slamming his face into the corner of the desk as he came to an abrupt halt. Joanne winced as he narrowly avoided what could have been a very nasty accident.
“Some man out here, Mizz Joanne. We don’t know him. He’s strange,” Bryson Stanton sputtered, words spilling out faster than he could catch them.
Joanne smiled, shaking her head as she admonished him. “Bryson, stop yelling. And what did I tell you about running when you’re inside the building here? You could have hit your head and taken an eye out!”
“But there’s a man—”
“I heard you, and I’m coming,” she said as the little boy clasped her fingers in the palm of his small hand and tugged anxiously, trying to pull her to her feet.
“You got to come now, Mizz Joanne! Quick! He’s a stranger! Stranger danger!” Bryson exclaimed loudly, his outstretched arms waving excitedly to emphasize the urgency.
Moving from the space of the small office to the outside reception area, Joanne chuckled softly at the child’s exuberance, sensing that things weren’t nearly as pressing as he’d proclaimed.
And then she saw him, 286 pounds of pure delectable dark chocolate standing six feet tall in navy slacks, a white polo shirt and leather slip-ons. Joanne’s eyes widened with curiosity and obvious interest as her gaze raced from the top of his neatly cropped haircut down to the tips of his very expensive shoes.
The handsome man was standing in conversation with Bryson’s older sister, Brenda, the sixteen-year-old leering at the stranger as if he were a bowl of ice cream and she were a spoon. As Joanne eyed them, she was only slightly taken aback by the girl’s brazen behavior. Brenda looked as if she were just a hair away from throwing herself into the man’s lap. Joanne and Brenda had had more than their fair share of conversations about the appropriate way for a young woman to behave, and Brenda was clearly intent on doing the opposite of what she had been shown.
Shaking her head, Joanne cleared her throat, interrupting whatever conversation Miss Brenda imagined herself having with a man as fine as that one. And the dark stranger was surely one fine man.
“Brenda, would you take the kids back to the recreation room, please. I’ll handle this,” Joanne said firmly.
“But, Miss Joanne, me and him was just—”
The stern look Joanne gave the girl cut her words off before she could think to finish her sentence. Brenda rolled her eyes skyward, sucking her teeth in annoyance. Snatching her book from where it rested on the bench, she tossed Luke one last smile. As she turned, gesturing to the little ones who stood watching, she gave Joanne one last glare. Joanne raised her eyebrows in response.
When Brenda had herded the kids toward the space behind her, Joanne turned her attention to the dark stranger who was staring at her with a wide smile plastered on his chiseled face. “I’m sorry, sir, but unless you’re a resident, the center is actually closed for the evening. Is there something I can do for you?”
Luke nodded slowly, suddenly at a loss for words. He hadn’t been expecting to see such an exquisite woman come into the room. The stunning female was absolutely beautiful. Her warm smile was engaging, brightening her face with energy. She was a full-figured beauty with a deep copper complexion, a closely cropped hairstyle, and the most luscious, ready-to-be-kissed pout of any woman Luke had ever seen. The look she gave him sparked a wave of emotion that had his cheeks burning with warmth at the perverse thoughts that suddenly coursed through his mind.
Joanne repeated herself. “Excuse me, but I asked if there was something I can help you with?” she queried, a look of rising concern filling her dark brown eyes. “Sir, are you all right?”
Luke shook his head quickly from side to side. “Excuse me. I’m sorry. My name is Luke, Luke Stallion, and I was just wondering if I could ask you a few questions. My company is acquiring some of the property in this area as part of the city’s rejuvenation project, and I’m researching how we can best benefit the neighborhood.” Luke finally extended a hand to shake hers. “One of your neighbors thought you might be able to help me.” He flashed her a dimpled smile.
Joanne’s gaze moved from the man’s face down to his outstretched palm as her own hand was suddenly lost beneath the fingertips that clasped hers tightly. Her gaze moved back to his face, her breath suddenly caught in her chest as the heat of his touch surprised her. She pulled her hand from his, clasping it against her abdomen, as she tried to ignore a distinct rise of discomfort.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Stallion. My name is Joanne Lake. I’m just one of the volunteers here. You probably want to talk to the center’s director. His name is Daniel Manchuck, and he’ll be back on Monday. I’m sure he’ll be delighted to answer any questions you may have.”
“I appreciate that, but I’d also like to know what you think, as well, Ms. Lake. I’m hoping to reach out to everyone in the neighborhood for their input.”
Joanne raised a curious eyebrow. “That’s interesting, Mr. Stallion. Most corporations couldn’t care less what a community thinks about their business decisions. Why do you?” Joanne shifted her weight onto one full hip, her arms crossing over an ample chest.
“I beg to differ, Ms. Lake. I’d argue that most corporations care very much. Ultimately, unhappy customers could negatively impact a company’s bottom line, and none of us wants to see that happen.”
“Heaven forbid your company’s bottom line isn’t favorable,” Joanne said, a hint of cynicism rising in her voice.
A slow smile pulled at Luke’s full lips. “Most companies just want to know that their efforts are received favorably. Ultimately, Stallion Enterprises wants to know that what we do benefits everyone in the long run.”
“I’m sure,” Joanne said, her tone everything but convinced.
Luke’s eyes roamed around the room, taking in the view of the space that surrounded him. “This is some facility you have here,” he said, changing the direction of their conversation. “I’m impressed.”
Joanne eyed him warily before responding, her eyes following where his eyes led. “We’re very proud of the center. Everyone involved here is totally dedicated to making things better for the families that utilize our services.”
Luke nodded. “I know you’re closed, but would you consider giving me a quick tour?” he asked sweetly.
Joanne paused for a brief moment. Had it been anyone else, she would have politely refused, but there was something about the man that made her suddenly respond with a resounding yes. “I’d love to, Mr. Stallion.”
Luke grinned widely, his dimples blossoming full in his cheeks. “Please, call me Luke. My father was Mr. Stallion.”
The beautiful woman grinned back, her head bowing slightly in acknowledgment. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Luke. Call me Joanne.”

For exactly two hours, thirty-seven minutes and twelve seconds Joanne had guided Luke Stallion from one end of the community center to the other. They’d toured the recreation room where kids were doing their homework and playing board games, had strolled easily through the kitchen as the last free meal was being served and had even walked through the men’s housing unit, where the lucky few were preparing themselves to bed down on a cot for the night.
Luke had asked question after question about the center’s policies and procedures, picking Joanne’s brains for all the information he could about them and the neighborhood. The woman had been impressed when he’d stopped to offer one of the young men help with his calculus homework. Afterward, the two guys had joined in a quick pickup game on the basketball court. She’d been awed speechless when Luke had taken off his shirt, flexing his muscles as he’d dropped ball after ball into the hoop.
His nicely toned physique had been startling. His sturdy neck melded down to broad, sculptured shoulders, beefy biceps and bulging forearms. His pecs were so defined that they cast a shadow on his perfectly defined abdomen. The V shape of his torso ended at the waistband of his slacks.
His thighs bulged as if barely contained. His pants creased from the hips to a prominent bulge in the front. Joanne had to fight not to stare, wondering what might be hidden beneath the covering of his slacks.
The man’s rock-hard build had only been outdone by his engaging eyes and the generous smile that had commanded her full attention. The prominent businessman had made quite an impression on the many residents availing themselves of the center’s services. The impact he’d had on Joanne had been just as engaging.
Joanne heaved a deep sigh as she closed her apartment door behind her, then tossed her purse and keys onto the glass tabletop in the foyer of her home. Silence greeted her, the quiet in her house kissing her hello. I really should get myself a pet, she thought, more aware than ever before that there was no companion, male or otherwise, to welcome her home.
Moving from the entrance into the home’s living space, Joanne dropped down into an upholstered wing chair and kicked off her low heels. She lifted her feet onto the matching ottoman, wiggling her toes in front of her. Her day had been long, starting before six that morning with an hour of Pilates to stretch her muscles. After a quick shower and a granola bar breakfast, she’d had meetings with her fabric designer, two potential buyers for her new dress line and the staff of seamstresses who sewed for her design company, Lake Fashions. She’d conducted more business before her salad-and-sandwich lunch than some folks did in a whole day.
Her entire afternoon had been devoted to the community center and the mountain of paperwork that had needed attention there, and now she had a full night of designing ahead of her. Her time with Luke Stallion had put her a few hours behind schedule, but it had been a few hours that had been well wasted.
Luke Stallion. Joanne was suddenly aware that she was grinning broadly at the very thought of the handsome man. The image of him was still very vivid in her mind’s eye. The staggering looks he’d given her had ignited a fiery flood of emotions through her bloodstream, leaving her heated with desire she’d not experienced in a very long time. She suddenly shuddered at the intense feelings sweeping through her.
She hadn’t told him so, but she was acutely aware of who the Stallion brothers were, having met the oldest brother, John, at a cotillion fundraiser many years back. The man had been exceptionally charming, catching the attention of every single female searching for love within a hundred-mile radius of Dallas.
Joanne had only been seventeen at the time, but it had been more than evident that the eldest Stallion had been something special. Now, having met the younger brother, Joanne would firmly attest that good looks and that dynamic charm ran strong through the family’s bloodline. John had just been the tip of the dessert tray. Luke was clearly the icing and the cake.
Joanne remembered reading in the society page that John and another brother had both married, taking themselves off everyone’s potential husband list. Thinking about Luke and the brief time they’d just shared together, she couldn’t help but hope that his personal relationship status might be single and available.

Chapter 3
Luke heard them before he saw them, hushed giggles and laughter coming from the darkened room. He shook his head slowly as he made his way into the kitchen, switching on the room’s bright lights as he did. He didn’t bother to look in the direction from where all the noise was coming. He knew clearly what he would or wouldn’t see, having interrupted his brother and new sister-in-law more times than he cared to count. It amazed him that the two couldn’t be in the same room together for five minutes before they were wrapped around each other like bark on a cedar elm tree.
Luke moved to the refrigerator, opening the stainless-steel door to peer inside the cold cavity. His name was written on a yellow sticky note affixed to a large plate of food wrapped in aluminum foil. Lifting up the foil edge he peered inside, fried chicken and macaroni and cheese awaiting his attention.
“Who fried chicken?” Luke asked, addressing the couple cuddled against the pantry door.
“You know the only cooking I do is takeout,” Michelle said with a soft chuckle. “Engines are my specialty. I don’t do cakes.”
“Aunt Juanita was here,” Mark responded, his answer muffled in his wife’s neck.
Michelle giggled softly as she nuzzled her husband back.
“They have hotel rooms for that kind of nonsense,” Luke said nonchalantly, moving himself and his plate from the refrigerator to the microwave oven. “You two should give it a try sometime.”
Mark laughed loudly as Michelle leaned her back against his chest, her husband’s arms wrapping warmly around her. The two of them turned to stare at the younger man. “Luke’s got jokes. My little brother thinks he’s funny!”
Luke shrugged, a wry smile pulling at his mouth. “Your little brother doesn’t want to keep walking in on the two of you making out all over the house like you don’t know what a bed is for. It’s creepy!” Luke cringed, skewing his face like a five-year-old might. “And it’s starting to seriously warp my psyche.”
Michelle laughed. “No date tonight, Luke?”
Luke crossed his arms over his chest as he leaned back against the center island. “Rub it in, why don’t you. Just add salt to my wound. I don’t have a date, and you two keep going at it like rabbits.”
Michelle moved to Luke’s side, rubbing the palm of her hand against his forearm. “You should talk to Eden and Marah. I’m sure those two would be thrilled to fix you up with someone.”
Luke rolled his eyes. “Heaven help me. I don’t know which is scarier—those two playing matchmaker or me constantly walking in on you and him naked.” Luke cringed.
Michelle gave him a light punch to his shoulder, her cheeks heating with color. “You were supposed to be gone that night. You should have warned us.”
“No, you should have warned me,” Luke said with a hearty laugh. “I’m so scarred that I’m ready to go spill my guts to Oprah.” He pulled his freshly heated meal from the microwave oven, inhaling the decadent aroma rising from the plate.
“So, do you have any plans for tonight?” Mark asked.
Luke chuckled, pulling a spoonful of macaroni to his mouth. “Don’t act like you’re interested in my plans, Mark. I’ll be out of your way in a few minutes. Then you two can go back to doing what you were doing.”
“What?” Mark feigned innocence, pretending to be hurt by his brother’s insinuation. “You act like I don’t have your best interests at heart.”
Luke laughed. “I am not stupid, big brother. The only thing you’re interested in right now is Mitch.” His sister-in-law’s childhood nickname rolled off his tongue as he met her amused gaze. “Ain’t that right, Mrs. Stallion?”
Michelle laughed with him, moving back to her husband’s side. “You two need to stop.” She leaned up to kiss Mark’s mouth. “But since you brought the subject up, we’ll just head upstairs and get out of your way,” she said, eyeing her husband suggestively.
Mark broke out into a full grin, following behind Michelle as she pulled him from where he stood and headed in the direction of the door. Behind them Luke rolled his eyes skyward, the trio still sharing a warm laugh with each other as the couple made their exit.
Watching them, Luke couldn’t help but smile. He’d been responsible for introducing his brother to one of his dearest friends. The wild child of the family, Mark had been headed out on one of his cross-country jaunts to the annual black bike festival in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Luke had recommended Michelle, the best mechanic he knew, to get his brother’s bike travel-ready. Before anyone knew what had happened, Michelle had tamed the once wild Stallion and Mark had fallen in love with a woman who was headstrong and beautiful.
Minutes later the house was quiet, only the sound of the large grandfather clock in the center hall ticking in the background. As Luke sat finishing his evening meal, he couldn’t stop himself from thinking about the woman he’d met earlier.
With her enigmatic personality, Joanne Lake had lit up the room, commanding his full and undivided attention. Luke couldn’t remember the last time he’d met a woman with the wealth of confidence Joanne had exuded. Joanne could easily have been the poster child for women who were not a size 6 but loved every curve and dip of their bodies. With her understated style and poise, she’d tempted every one of his senses, and he found himself completely intrigued by her.
Luke’s hand tightened around the glass of tart lemonade he’d been drinking. He was thinking about the easy lift to Joanne’s mouth, her gentle smile sending waves of heat through every nerve ending in his body. When she’d laughed, the sensuous sound had been like lighter fluid tossed on an already raging flame. The wealth of it had left him breathless. Luke shifted in his seat, the pressure building deep inside of him threatening to take full control of his senses.
Luke sensed that given some time he and Joanne could become fast friends. He imagined that having a woman like her for a friend wouldn’t be a bad thing at all. After all, he had many female friends. Most were just casual companions that he would spend some recreational time with. Rarely did it have anything to do with any serious boyfriend-girlfriend expectations. Luke imagined that he would enjoy just hanging out with Joanne, the two of them enjoying the camaraderie of each other’s company, neither having any expectations whatsoever.
And then again, he thought, mulling over the details of their afternoon one more time, Joanne’s self-confidence had been sexy as hell, seriously inciting some testosterone-fueled male curiosity. As images of her shot through his mind, an unexpected quiver of heat suddenly radiated through his groin. Maybe having Joanne for a friend might actually become more of a problem than not, he mused.
For a brief second, before they’d parted company, he had thought of asking her to dinner. And then he’d hesitated, unable to form a complete thought about where, what or when. The moment had been interrupted as Joanne had been called away to the telephone, leaving him tongue-tied while another volunteer showed him to the exit door. Standing on the sidewalk outside the center, the first waves of nightfall beginning to sweep dark and full across the sky had found him flustered, his own confidence suddenly challenged.
Luke pushed his empty plate away from him, shaking his head as he replayed the experience over and over again in his head. The two could hardly become friends if he did that again.
The next time, he thought suddenly, he would take full advantage of any opportunity he had to spend time with Ms. Lake and get to know her better. And he was determined that there would definitely be another opportunity. He’d be better prepared when that moment took place. Better prepared to discover all he could about Ms. Lake and hopefully intrigue her enough to want to know more about him. Fast friends and a solid friendship needed to start somewhere.

Chapter 4
On Monday morning, one whole hour before the community center’s doors were officially unlocked for the day, Luke sat outside on the steps in wait. He was anxious to speak with the center’s director and even more excited with the prospect of seeing Joanne again. Joanne Lake had been on his mind all weekend, thoughts of the woman sneaking in when he least expected them. He’d shrugged it off at first, and then she’d snuck into his dreams, disrupting his sleep, and his curiosity had kicked into overdrive.
Stopping by his office first to handle some necessary paperwork, his morning had started bright and early. As he sat watching children being hurried off to school and parents rushing to work, he was grateful for the brief respite of quiet to collect his thoughts and formulate a game plan for the rest of his day.
Both John and Matthew had beat him to the office that morning, the two men huddled together in deep discussion when Luke had entered the luxury office space. The duo had reiterated the importance of the rejuvenation project, and Luke had to admit that he was already feeling some pressure. Add to that his sudden preoccupation with a woman he’d only met briefly and he knew he had to have a solid course of action to follow before he lost control of both situations. John and Matthew both had reminded him that a man with distractions was a man who made mistakes. Luke didn’t have room for any mistakes, and he had no intentions of losing control.
His thoughts were suddenly interrupted, a soft voice murmuring behind him.
“Hey, money! What ’chu doin’ here?”
Luke turned to see the young woman from his previous visit eyeing him eagerly. His full lips bent into an easy smile. “Good morning. It’s Brenda, right?”
She nodded enthusiastically, her gaze sweeping over the denim jeans, denim shirt and bright white sneakers that he was dressed in. “So, you come back to see me?” she asked coyly, fingering the ribbon that held her shirt closed at her neck.
Luke chuckled. “I came to see Ms. Lake.”
Brenda rolled her eyes and scowled. “What ’chu want her fo’?”
“It’s business,” Luke responded, rising to his feet and taking a step back as Brenda eased herself closer to him. “So, are you headed off to school?”
The girl scowled, shrugging her narrow shoulders skyward. “I guess. You gon’ be here when I get back?” she asked, her tone hopeful.
“Probably not,” Luke answered, crossing his arms over his chest. “But you have a good day, okay?”
The girl angled her head. “Come back soon, you hear!” she exclaimed as she walked away, moving to join a gathering of teens who were watching them closely. She turned, tossing him a brash wink. “I know Miss Lake can’t handle a man like you. But I’ll be here if you want some real fun!”
Brenda laughed, her friends snickering with her, and Luke suddenly felt like he was the punch line at the end of a very bad joke. He frowned, his mood shifting ever so slightly. “Goodbye, Brenda,” he said, no hint of playfulness in his tone.
Joanne was standing inside the center’s reception area when Luke entered the building. His grin was full and wide, his excitement shining in his eyes when he saw her. “Good morning, Ms. Lake,” he said, tipping his head in greeting.
“Good morning, Mr. Stallion,” Joanne greeted, her own excitement spilling over in her voice.
“We’re being formal with each other again, Ms. Lake. I thought we’d gotten past all that,” Luke said teasingly as he leaned his elbows on the counter.
“You started it.”
Luke laughed. “I guess I did. Joanne.”
She tilted her head. “Luke,” she said, responding with his first name. “So, what brings you back here this morning?”
“I’m still searching for information. I was hoping to meet with your director, of course, and talk to more of your clients.”
Joanne nodded her head. “Well, Daniel’s not here yet, but we expect him shortly.”
Luke nodded, his eyes flitting back and forth across her beautiful face. “So, tell me again, what is it that you do here?”
The woman smiled. “Do you suffer from short-term memory problems, Luke? You don’t seem like a man who’d forget a detail like that so quickly.”
Luke chuckled. “I didn’t. I was just making conversation.” The coy look she gave him sent a shiver up and down his spine.
Joanne studied him momentarily, her gaze racing from the top of his head down to his feet. The man’s stare was unnerving, causing a rise of perspiration to bead across her brow and in the deep valley between her breasts. She fanned a hand before her face, turning quickly to keep him from seeing the expression that crossed it.
“You’re welcome to sit and wait, Mr. Stallion. Daniel shouldn’t be much longer.”
“Will you wait with me?” Luke asked, his tone hopeful. “We could…just…talk,” he said, suddenly stammering.
Joanne shook her head, still refusing to meet his gaze. “I’m sorry. I have to go head downtown to help some of our clients arrange payment plans for their utility bills.” She tossed him a quick glance over her shoulder. He was still looking at her intently. Joanne spun back around to face him. “Perhaps another time,” she said as she took a deep inhale of air and held it.
“I’ll hold you to that,” Luke answered, his deep tone promising. “So, perhaps when you get back?”
Joanne paused, warm breath seeping slowly past her lips. “I may be a while. You’ll probably be gone by the time I get back.”
Luke tossed her a quick wink. “Don’t count on it,” he said huskily. Their eyes met and held for a minute until Joanne broke the connection, turning away from him.
Crossing the room toward the front door, Joanne was acutely aware of him watching her side-to-side sashay with much appreciation. A slight smile pulled at her mouth as she fought to contain the rising anxiety, wanting to pretend not to notice. Behind her, Luke was still staring, unable to take his eyes off her.
Hours later when Joanne walked back through the doors of the center, Luke and Daniel Manchuck, the center’s director, were knee deep in conversation. Joanne peeked into the office where the two men sat, curious about the hearty laughter that echoed down the corridor toward the reception area. The two men sat on opposite sides of an old metal desk, legs and arms crossed comfortably in front of them. Conversation flowed between them like they’d been friends since forever. A leather portfolio sat in Luke’s lap, his large hand wrapped easily around an ink pen as he jotted notes into the margins of a note pad. He was firing questions at the other man as fast as they could be answered, clearly interested in what they were discussing.
The man was drop-dead gorgeous, Joanne thought, admiring the casual styling of his attire. Even with him sitting, it was evident that Luke Stallion was one well-built specimen of maleness. Having been given a sneak peek at what lay beneath his wardrobe only served to fuel some wicked thoughts in the woman’s mind. She closed her eyes briefly, imagining what it might be like to draw her palms across his broad chest and caress the dark chocolate lines of his sculpted back. Joanne gasped softly, her eyes opening quickly to see if anyone had seen her. The two men were still lost in conversation as she resumed staring. Joanne stood eyeing him for some time before either realized she was there.
As he spun around in his chair, Dan’s gaze swept across the doorway. He suddenly took note of her quietly standing in the entrance. Waving his hand in her direction, he gave her a bright smile. “Hey, Joanne! We didn’t see you standing there.”
Luke looked up just as Joanne lifted her hand in greeting, calling out both their names. “Gentlemen, good afternoon. I didn’t want to interrupt. You two looked busy.” A brilliant smile flooded her face. “It’s good to see you again, Luke,” she said directing that smile in his direction.
As if startled, Luke jumped to his feet, spilling half his papers onto the floor as he knocked over the chair behind him. A wave of heat flushed his dark face as he struggled to regain his composure. “Hi,” Luke finally managed to mutter. He knelt down to scoop up the documents that had dropped out of his hands, managing only to drop the balance of them instead.
Joanne laughed out loud at the sight of him looking so bewildered and nervous. “It’s just a hello,” she said giggling softly as she moved to help him pick up his papers.
Only slightly embarrassed, Luke laughed with her. “Not too smooth, huh?” he said, chuckling deeply.
Joanne’s eyes shimmered with amusement. “No. Not smooth at all.” She handed him his documents, her hand brushing gently against his as she did.
There was no mistaking the sudden current of electricity that passed between them, both pulling back as if they’d been burned. Surprised, Joanne stood quickly, taking a step away from him. Her own cheeks were suddenly bright with color.
Heat warmed Luke’s cheeks as well as he gestured with the papers in his hand. “Thank you,” he said, moving to pick up the chair he’d been occupying. A wide grin spread from ear to ear. “Dan, do you think you can help a brother out here?” he said with a deep chuckle.
“There is no saving you from that smooth move, guy,” Dan said, humor washing over his expression. He looked from one to the other. “Since you two are already acquainted, I’ll dispense with the introductions and get right to business. Joanne, why don’t you come take a seat. We were just discussing some of the new programs you were hoping to initiate here. Luke has some great ideas, as well.”
“Really?” Joanne said, her expression curious as she moved to sit down.
Luke nodded. “I was just telling Dan about Briscoe Ranch. We’ve initiated some great community programs for students to come out and work with the horses. I think a joint program between our two organizations might be beneficial to the kids here.”
Joanne nodded her head as she moved to take the seat beside him. She didn’t miss the stare Luke gave her, his gaze sweeping from her head down to her toes and back again. She was glad for her wardrobe choice that morning, having selected one of her own designs. The dress was a form-fitting wrap in a summer floral that accentuated her full bust line and fuller rear end. The dress draped her nicely, highlighting everything that was feminine about her. She felt herself smiling foolishly as she took in the appreciation that washed over her from Luke’s deep gaze.
Luke couldn’t stop himself from staring. She was even more beautiful than he remembered. Everything about her was screaming out for his attention, and she had it, full and undivided. Luke was totally enthralled, feeling as if someone or something had blindsided him with some sort of magic charm. The feelings were unsettling, like nothing he’d ever experienced before and definitely nothing his big brothers had warned him about. The sound of his name suddenly pulled him back into the moment. “Luke?”
“I’m sorry. I lost my train of thought,” Luke said, shaking his head slightly. “Where were we?”
Joanne raised a curious eyebrow. “I asked what Stallion Enterprises would be gaining from any venture between us.”
Luke nodded. “The knowledge that we are serving people in need.”
Dan interrupted. “Before I forget,” he said extending his hand and a small slip of paper toward Joanne. “Luke has made a very nice donation to the center. I’d appreciate it if you’d pass this on to accounting for me. I have a meeting downtown in ten minutes about those permits, and I know I’ll forget it,” he said, glancing down at the watch on his wrist.
Joanne reached for the personal check being passed to her. As she did she cut her eye in Luke’s direction. He was watching her intently. Daniel moved from behind his desk toward the door.
“Luke, I hate to rush off, but I leave you in very capable hands. It was a pleasure meeting you. I look forward to us talking more.”
Luke shook the hand that had been extended toward him. “The pleasure was all mine, Dan. How about we do lunch next week?”
Dan pointed a finger in Luke’s direction. “I’ll buy.” He turned toward Joanne, leaning as he wrapped an arm around her shoulder in a friendly embrace. “Thanks, Joanne. I’ll call you later and let you know how we made out.”
“Good luck,” Joanne exclaimed as Dan rushed out the door.
As quickly as he was out of sight, silence spread like wildfire in the space between Luke and Joanne. She looked down to the check in her hand, her eyes widening in surprise as she surveyed the amount. “This is quite generous of you,” she said, lifting her gaze to meet his.
Luke smiled. “It’s the least I can do. The center clearly needs all the help it can get.”
Joanne rose from her seat, moving to the other side of the desk to sit in the space Dan had just occupied. Her expression was suddenly serious as she fell into deep thought. Luke sensed that Joanne wasn’t wildly happy about his donation.
“Is something wrong?” he asked, noting the furrows that creased her forehead.
Joanne shrugged, her shoulders lifting toward the wide hoop earrings that adorned her ears. “The center can use as much money as it can get, so I don’t want to sound unappreciative, but have you ever considered giving more?”
“More than that?” Luke queried, not quite understanding her question.
“More than money.”
“I’m not sure I understand.”
“There are boys and young men here who don’t have a male figure in their lives to emulate and look up to. The center is always looking for mentors. Have you considered donating your time, as well?”
Luke hesitated, suddenly thrown by her tone and the direction the conversation had taken. “Well, I—” Luke started.
Joanne interjected before he could finish his thought. “I didn’t think so. Money is always the answer for you, isn’t it? As long as you can pay for it, then the problem is solved, right?” she said. Her tone was cutting.
Luke bristled. “No, not at all. I have no problems doing what I can when I can.”
Joanne nodded, waving a hand dismissively. “I’m sure. And please, I’m really not trying to be critical. It’s just that I’ve met your type before.”
Luke eyed her curiously, leaning forward in his seat. “And just what is my type?”
“Wealthy men who think flashing that wealth absolves them of any personal responsibility to the social ills that plague our society. Men more concerned with their bank accounts than with their neighbor.”
Luke rolled his eyes. “Give me a break. Wealth by no means absolves any of us from anything. Yes, I have money and my financial security enables me to do things other people can’t do. But since it is my money to spend as I see fit, then there should only be a problem with that if what I am spending my money on is doing other people more harm than good. And even then that’s debatable.”
“What about getting your hands dirty every now and then? What about getting down in the trenches and working with the poor and underprivileged one-on-one? Have you ever thought about doing that?”
“As a matter of fact, I have. I have volunteered many times before, Ms. Lake, as time and opportunity have allowed me to. But since you don’t know me, you wouldn’t know that, would you? And for a woman who’s not trying to be critical, you’re sure doing one heck of a job. You’re also passing judgment without being informed.” Luke crossed his arms over his chest, leaning back in his seat as he continued to stare her down.
A flash of something Joanne didn’t recognize gripped her nerves, a wealth of emotion rising without warning. The man was eyeing her so intensely that it felt like he could see straight through her. She felt exposed and vulnerable, and she didn’t like it one bit.
She took a deep breath, fighting to collect her thoughts. “My apologies,” she said finally, contrition filling her face, “and perhaps I was, but I’ve encountered too many wealthy people who care right up until the check clears the bank, and then they forget all about the people they were supposed to be helping until the next time they need a tax deduction. Children can go hungry between those deposits.”
She paused, her gaze locking with his. “So now that you’ve written your check, Mr. Stallion, what next? What will the children and their families have to look forward to after you and your money sweep in to make the neighborhood a better place for all the poor people and then you disappear? Because that’s how this is going to work, isn’t it? You’ve written your check and now you’re going to disappear?”
Luke took a deep inhale of air, filling his lungs and blowing it slowly past his full lips. He pushed himself up and out of his seat, leaning over the desk on his forearms, his eyes meeting hers evenly. He smiled deeply, the gesture pocketing full dimples in his dark cheeks. “Joanne Lake, I’m not going anywhere, so you can take my check, and that promise, straight to the bank.”

Chapter 5
“You like this man!”
Joanne groaned loudly as her best friend, Marley Brooks, hovered above her.
Marley stood with her hands on her narrow hips, her braided extensions swaying against her shoulders. “You like this man and so you went right on the attack. Now what kind of sense did that make?”
“I did not attack him!” Joanne exclaimed, dropping her head back to the tabletop and banging her forehead against it. “I can’t believe that I attacked him like that!”
Joanne was suddenly rattled. It galled her to admit that her friend was right. The entire time she’d been in the man’s company all she could think about was kissing him. His full lips had been inviting, begging her to meet his mouth with her own, and even in their disagreement, Joanne hadn’t been able to contain the rise of desire that had consumed her. The only way she knew to rid herself of her wanting had been to pretend he wasn’t a man she could imagine herself being with. All she could think to do was to attack the one thing about him that she knew the two had in common—their wealth.
Marley laughed, her gaze moving to the man standing behind the counter of the coffee shop. “Rick, we need two caramel frappucinos with extra caramel, please.”
The man named Rick nodded his head, giving her a thumbs-up as Marley dropped down into the seat beside her friend.
“So, is he as cute as I’ve heard?” she asked excitedly.
Joanne groaned again. “Cuter,” she said, still not bothering to look up. “And I made a complete idiot out of myself.”
Marley shrugged. “You always do. Why do you always have a problem with the rich boys? We both know you’re not looking for any unemployed Joe still living with his mother.”
Joanne sat herself upright, meeting the other woman’s gaze. “You say that like all I do is judge a man by how much money he makes.”
“If the shoe fits…”
Joanne rolled her eyes skyward. “Oh, please…”
Their conversation was interrupted as Rick dropped the two iced drinks onto the table in front of them. He paused, giving Marley an annoyed look. Marley gave him one back.
“I swear, Rick, just give me five more minutes. I do get a break!”
Grunting his response, Rick moved back to his station, his attention drawn to a customer in need of a coffee fix.
Marley leaned back in her seat, crossing her arms over her chest. “So, what happened next?”
“Nothing. He stood up, put his papers back into his briefcase, winked at me and walked out of the room.”
“So, do you think he’ll really come back?”
Joanne nodded. “Before I left they told me that he’d been put on the volunteer schedule for the next three weeks. I’ll see him again tomorrow.”
“Sounds like boyfriend might like you back,” Marley said with a soft giggle.
“It’s not like that. He’s just volunteering.”
“You kill me. One minute you want him volunteering and then when he does, you sound like it’s the end of the world.”
“Oh, like he’s a guy I really want to see after he called me judgmental.”
“And you telling him his giving spirit wasn’t really so giving might not make him want to jump your bones anytime soon, either.”
“What are you trying to say?”
“I’m saying you’ve got some issues, my friend, and those issues aren’t going to help you in your search for a man. See a shrink and get yourself fixed.”
Joanne dropped her head back down to the table. “Go back to work, Marley. I don’t know why I told you.”
Marley giggled. “Because I’m your best friend and you tell me everything!” She sipped her drink before continuing. “So, if you’re really not interested in Mr. Stallion, will you introduce him to me? I promise I won’t run him, or his money, off.”
Joanne lifted her eyes to glare at her friend. “Marley, bite me!”
Still laughing, Marley stood back up, grabbing her beverage as she moved toward the back of the service counter. “Yep, you do like that man!”

When Luke poked his head into Matthew’s office, his brother was in deep concentration over a stack of legal documents. He was almost reluctant to disturb him, but he needed some advice. He knocked, raising his hand in a quick wave as Matthew lifted his eyes to see who was there.
“Hey, Luke, what’s up?”
“Do you have a minute? I could use a friend.”
Matthew dropped his ballpoint pen to the desktop. “For you, little brother, I have two minutes. Come on in and close the door.” Pushing himself away from the large mahogany desk, Matthew came to his feet. He moved to the other side of the room, gesturing for Luke to join him in the upholstered chairs that sat around a small conference table.
“So, what’s up?”
Luke took a deep breath, suddenly nervous. It wasn’t like this was the first time he’d had to turn to one of his kin for advice about women, but this wasn’t just any woman.
Matthew eyed his baby brother curiously, the young man’s brow creased in thought. “Are you okay?”
Luke met the man’s gaze, his head bobbing up and down against his neck. “Yeah, I’m fine. It’s just that…you see…well, there’s this woman—”
“She’s not pregnant, is she?” Matthew asked, concern flooding his face.
“No, nothing like that,” he replied with a nervous chuckle. “I think I could deal with that.”
“No time soon I hope because that truly is not the kind of trouble you need right now.”
“Really, Matthew, that’s not my problem. You see, I met this woman. She volunteers down at the community center and…” Luke paused, suddenly not sure what the problem was.
“Let me back up,” he said, changing gears. “Do you think we’re selfish? I mean, do you think we take our wealth for granted? This woman accused me of just tossing my money around without regard for people who are in serious need, and I have to tell you, it grated a nerve.”
“What was she saying, that you don’t give enough money away?”
“She thinks I need to be volunteering more of my time instead of giving my money away.”
“That’s different.”
Luke shrugged. “Do I give off the impression that I’m more about our money than anything else?”
Matthew sank back into the sofa, a slight smile pulling at his mouth. “Before I answer that, why are you so concerned about what this woman thinks about you? John always told us that what we thought about ourselves was more important than anything. If you know in your own heart that what you’re doing is right, then what does it matter what she thinks? Why is it bothering you so much?”
“Because she…” Luke paused, searching for the right words to convey what he was feeling. He suddenly found himself questioning exactly what that was. He met his brother’s stare, his expression pensive.
Matthew chuckled. “If I’m not mistaken, this woman has your nose wide open!”
“Look at you. Are you falling for this girl?”
Luke stood up, moving from his chair to the window, shaking his head vehemently. “No!” he exclaimed, almost shouting the word. “It’s not like that.” He peered through the blinds to the landscape outside. “I don’t really know her yet. She just…well…”
Matthew laughed out loud. “If you say so,” he said, clearly unconvinced. “Who is she?”
Luke shook his head, a shy smirk filling his face. “Her name is Joanne. Joanne Lake. That’s really all I know about her.”
“Is she cute?”
Luke grinned broadly, moving back to sit in his chair. He leaned forward, excitement blanketing his expression. “Brother, the woman is too fine! She is deliciously thick with curves that make a man weak in the knees.” He blew warm breath past his full lips, shaking his head as memories of Joanne flashed through his mind. A rush of heat suddenly ran south, moving him to cross his right leg over his left, his hands falling casually into his lap as he leaned back.
“Well, she must be something special for you to be so interested.”
Luke returned his brother’s stare. He nodded slowly. “Yeah, I think she is.”
Matthew rose from his own seat and moved to Luke’s side, patting a broad hand against the younger man’s shoulder. “Then get to know her and let her get to know you. You’re a pretty special guy yourself. If it works between the two of you, then you won’t have to worry about what she thinks about the money. It won’t matter to her one way or the other.”
Luke nodded. “Thanks.” He took a deep breath before continuing. “Do you think about getting married, Matthew? I mean, since John and Mark both tied the knot, do you ever think about it?”
Matthew smirked, then shrugged his shoulders. “Actually I try not to, little brother. I mean, why ruin a good thing? Look, you’re still young and idealistic. Committing yourself to a serious relationship should be the least of your concerns. You have all the time in the world to be worrying about that grown-up endeavor. For now, just enjoy yourself.”
Before Luke could reply, the office intercom sounded from Matthew’s desk, his secretary’s voice rising from the microphoned box. “Mr. Stallion?”
“Yes, Carol?”
“Vanessa Long is holding on line two for you. I told her you weren’t taking calls, but she insisted that you would take hers. She says it’s important.”
Luke raised a curious eyebrow. Vanessa Long was an old family friend by virtue of her long-time friendship with their brother Mark. There had been a time when the whole family had been certain that Mark and Vanessa would end up in wedded bliss, but shortly after high school Vanessa had come out of the closet, announcing her preference for women. Mark’s very best friend had suddenly become his very best lesbian friend.
There was nothing unusual about Vanessa calling the office or their home, but usually she was calling Mark. Rarely did Vanessa call any of the others. If she spoke to any of them it was usually by default, Mark being unavailable. Luke couldn’t help but notice the look that crossed Matthew’s face, his brother suddenly seeming anxious. He couldn’t keep himself from prying. “What’s Vanessa calling about?” Luke asked, curiosity flooding his face.
Matthew shrugged, ignoring his brother’s question. “Carol, tell her I’m in a meeting with Luke and I’ll call her back as soon as we’re free, please.”
“Yes, sir.”
The intercom’s soft hum quieted as the woman in the exterior office severed the connection. Matthew turned his attention back to his brother.
“And to answer your first questions, yes, I do think you sometimes take your wealth for granted. But that’s because you don’t have any memories of when we didn’t have money, not like the rest of us do. It’s all you know. Plus John and Mark spoiled you. You’ve always had everything you needed and most things you wanted.
“But no, you are not selfish. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Now, I have a ton of work to get through, and I’m sure you have a long list to complete yourself. I’ll see you at the house later,” Matthew said, dismissing him.
Luke smiled as his brother moved back to his desk and sat down. Matthew was good, but he wasn’t that good. He’d evaded Luke’s question, but curiosity was a strange beast, always intruding where it was least wanted. The younger man persisted. “So, you’re not going to answer my last question?”
Matthew focused his gaze on the pile of papers atop his desk, feigning interest in the stack of manila folders. “What question was that?”
“What’s Vanessa calling you for?”
Matthew looked up, tossing his brother an easy smile. “I guess once you leave I’ll be able to call her back and find out, won’t I?”
Luke laughed, heading toward the door, his brother’s smug expression following him out the exit.

Chapter 6
Between lending a hand in the recreational room with the younger kids, mentoring their older siblings with homework projects, driving senior citizens to doctor’s appointments and helping parents navigate government aid and applications, Luke spent a lot of time asking questions and familiarizing himself with the issues that were relevant to the neighborhood. And for each question he asked about what was needed and what was wanted, he was asking two questions about Joanne.
Had Joanne been even remotely aware that so many people were discussing her, Luke knew it would have been a problem. He lifted his gaze to stare at her across the room, watching as she sat in discussion with a group of teen girls about their college options.
Since their last extended conversation, when Joanne had questioned his moral principles, she seemed to be avoiding him, or at least avoiding any in-depth conversations with him. Initially, Luke hadn’t been sure how to take her aloofness, but he was still intrigued. The woman absolutely fascinated him.
Clearly, Joanne had issues with his wealth. Luke couldn’t help but wonder if it was because her own history had been so substantially modest. If what everyone said about her was true, Joanne hadn’t been blessed with the privileged life that had been advantaged to him.
Luke admired that Joanne had risen above the hand that had been dealt to her to be where she was today. Luke understood that without her will and determination and the strength of her convictions, her life could have followed a very different path. It was apparent that Joanne had challenged herself to do better, and failing had not been an option. Instinctively, Luke sensed that he knew exactly how to fix the issues between them. Joanne was clearly a woman who responded to a challenge, and Luke was intent on giving her one. The light-bulb moment had him grinning from ear to ear.
Mrs. Woodrow, the octogenarian who sat beside him, chuckled into his ear, her voice low as if the two were conspiring together. “Don’t know that she ever been married or nothin’. Ain’t never seen her wit’ no man since I been comin’ here.”
“Is that right?” Luke whispered back, dealing another hand of gin rummy.
The old woman nodded. “Hear she live in ’dem apartments over on Fourth Street. You know the ones I’m talking ’bout, ’dem go’berment projects just befo’ you gets to the schoolhouse.”

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