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Full Court Seduction
Synithia Williams
Playing for keepsStraight-laced conservationist Danielle Stewart is known for passionately protecting the Florida coastline. Only one man knows about the other side of Danielle, the one she keeps concealed behind prim cardigans and glasses. Back in college, Danielle shared a sizzling night with Jacobe Jenkins.Next day, he left for the NBA draft, and his talent for trouble making has made him as infamous as his on court skills. Now chance has thrown them together again, and Danielle sees a perfect way to boost awareness for her favourite cause.He’s older, wiser, and a lot more notorious, but one thing about Jacobe hasn’t changed: his deep attraction to Danielle. Supporting her conservation efforts could improve his public image—and give him a second chance with the woman he still regrets leaving behind. But the lasting kind of love takes more than a trick shot. Will he overcome his bad-boy reputation and put his heart on the line for what could be the biggest play of his life?

Playing for keeps
Straitlaced conservationist Danielle Stewart is known for passionately protecting the Florida coastline. Only one man knows about the other side of Danielle, the one she keeps concealed behind prim cardigans and glasses. Back in college, Danielle shared a sizzling night with Jacobe Jenkins. Next day, he left for the NBA draft, and his talent for troublemaking has made him as infamous as his on-court skills. Now chance has thrown them together again, and Danielle sees a perfect way to boost awareness for her favorite cause.
He’s older, wiser and a lot more notorious, but one thing about Jacobe hasn’t changed: his deep attraction to Danielle. Supporting her conservation efforts could improve his public image—and give him a second chance with the woman he still regrets leaving behind. But the lasting kind of love takes more than a trick shot. Will he overcome his bad-boy reputation and put his heart on the line for what could be the biggest play of his life?
The porch light flickered, casting the area in shadows. She’d been meaning to change that bulb.
“Thanks again,” she said, getting her keys out of her purse.
Jacobe took her elbow in his hand and turned her to face him. He stood so close that she had to tilt her head even farther back to meet his gaze. In the flickering light of the porch, she couldn’t make out the expression in his eyes.
“I respect your honesty, Danielle.” His other hand came up to brush across her chin. “Don’t think this kiss means otherwise.”
Her heart fluttered and anticipation tingled every inch of skin on her body. “Who said you could kiss me?”
His dark eyes met hers and the corners of his mouth tilted up in a sexy smile. “Tell me I can’t and I won’t.”
The air crackled around them. Sparks of heat filled her chest. Her eyes lowered to his lips. Full and soft. Based on the smoldering heat in his eyes, his lips desperately wanted to touch hers.
“One kiss,” she whispered.
Dear Reader (#u27c5340a-5bde-5b23-b15b-9c6c2b5350ad),
I’m no sports expert, but since I live in a house with an avid sports fan—my hubby—it’s no wonder I got the idea for a sports romance. Once that idea hit, I immediately wanted the story to be a basketball romance. Maybe because my favorite sport in high school was basketball and my first professional-athlete crush was a basketball superstar.
Full Court Seduction is the result of that inspiration. Jacobe Jenkins is a basketball star who needs to improve his reputation. Danielle Stewart is an environmental activist who needs publicity for her cause. They knew each other in college and shared one night neither one of them can forget. They come together for mutual benefit, yet their chemistry is hard to ignore.
Hope you enjoy Jacobe and Danielle’s journey to their happily-ever-after.
Synithia W.
Full Court Seduction
Synithia Williams

www.millsandboon.co.uk (http://www.millsandboon.co.uk)
SYNITHIA WILLIAMS has been an avid romance-novel lover since picking up her first at the age of thirteen. It was only natural that she would begin penning her own romances soon after—much to the chagrin of her high school math teachers. She’s a native of South Carolina and now writes romances as hot as their southern settings. Outside of writing, she works on water quality and sustainability issues for local government. She’s married to her own personal hero, and they have two sons who’ve convinced her that professional wrestling and superheroes are supreme entertainment. When she isn’t working, writing or being a wife and mother, she’s usually bingeing on TV series, playing around on social media or planning her next girls’ night out with friends. You can learn more about Synithia by visiting her website, www.synithiawilliams.com (http://www.synithiawilliams.com), where she blogs about writing, life and relationships.
For Ashley and Toya, my ride-or-die sisters since forever.
The biggest thanks to Farrah Rochon for organizing the Destin Divas Retreat. I plotted Full Court Seduction at that retreat and made a few new writing friends. I have to give special thanks to Destin Divas Jamie Wesley, Carla Freed and Lena Hart for helping me define a “Hollywood ending” for Jacobe and Danielle, and divas K. M. Jackson and Kaia Danielle for your valuable feedback on the draft. Finally, to my wonderful hubby, I truly appreciate you watching our two boys while I’m off in the writing world. Writing would be much harder without your support.
Cover (#u7d2f67bc-3551-589c-a8b3-7d4a3de5758d)
Back Cover Text (#ubf7c3136-e10f-50fe-9a80-077f3295c9ac)
Introduction (#u5d116700-0318-55c5-ae1a-dece5c43c06c)
Dear Reader (#u4503e943-c112-5a29-9c70-505b07cab1f9)
Title Page (#u73411a79-231d-596d-af9a-0dc831d9cd7c)
About the Author (#u22c13b84-4f4d-533b-a437-4e846cce3e82)
Dedication (#u979a8575-12ca-5e77-aa49-cec6d98f11b2)
Acknowledgments (#u0fa61751-3eab-5ce9-925f-e49027e7471c)
Chapter 1 (#u20f24e52-db80-5d87-a971-a93b52a0a407)
Chapter 2 (#ud9f53e0c-d877-50c0-b017-0efbdc4e7dbf)
Chapter 3 (#u0435e1c2-80d5-53c7-b882-fdc328174b8c)
Chapter 4 (#ub8386b29-4ef4-5539-9861-986d43a12d49)
Chapter 5 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 6 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 7 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 8 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 9 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 10 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 11 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 12 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 13 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 14 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 15 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 16 (#litres_trial_promo)
Epilogue (#litres_trial_promo)
Extract (#litres_trial_promo)
Copyright (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 1 (#u27c5340a-5bde-5b23-b15b-9c6c2b5350ad)
Event planning would be the death of her.
Which was why Danielle had taken a break from planning the next few events for the St. Johns River Watchers to get a cup of coffee. She was pretty sure that if she hadn’t taken the break, her heart was going to wave the white flag and go on permanent strike against the stress she put herself through.
The sound of footsteps running toward the kitchen of the small beachfront cottage that served as the River Watchers office preceded the appearance of Danielle’s education-and-outreach coordinator, who was rushing toward the door.
“Danielle, have you heard?” Debra said between huffs. Her cheeks were red from the sprint. She pushed her thin jet-black hair behind her ears, making her gothic-inspired cross earrings swing against her pale neck. Her black pants, boots and Nightmare Before Christmas T-shirt were splattered with glitter, a leftover from a presentation at a kindergarten class earlier today.
“Heard what?”
Debra looked to the ceiling and shook her head. “You’re not angry, so I’m assuming you haven’t heard. I spoke with Mr. Springfield today—the state hasn’t automatically denied the permit allowing Clear Water to discharge into Springfield Creek.”
Danielle set the mug on the counter, coffee and gala temporarily forgotten, and crossed to the small wooden dinette table. “What? They should be shutting down, not expanding.”
She’d fought on behalf of the River Watchers all last year to get Clear Water’s permits revoked. The small wastewater provider couldn’t handle the sewage from the rapidly growing area coming to them and had exceeded their permit limits for pollution levels going into a tributary of the river. The state had agreed and ordered Clear Water to come up with a plan to reduce pollution or shut down.
“They think that expanding their operation and adding another discharge point will make them meet our demands.”
“The creek can’t handle that.”
Debra nodded. “I know that. Mr. Springfield certainly doesn’t want it going into the creek. He worked too hard with us to put the easements in place that will stop it from future development. Now all those efforts are threatened if this happens.”
Danielle’s brain buzzed with a variety of ideas. They needed to do something. “We need to get in front of the county commissioners at their next meeting. Get them to deny any permits for the expansion. If this goes through it doesn’t just hurt Mr. Springfield, it had the potential to hurt everyone living in the Crescent Acres community.”
Crescent Acres was a low-income neighborhood in an area just south of Jacksonville, Florida. Springfield Creek flowed right through the neighborhood before it entered Mr. Springfield’s property. Many of the people who lived there fished and played in that creek. If a sewer provider that already couldn’t meet their current permit limits started dumping poorly treated wastewater into the creek the effects could be devastating.
“I’m already talking to the commissioner’s clerk to see about getting on the agenda,” Debra said.
“Any idea what stance the county wants to take?”
Though the county leaders sometimes voted to preserve the areas going into the river, they also rarely took a huge stance on environmental issues.
Debra shook her head. “No idea.”
Danielle slapped her fist into her opposite palm. “We’ve got to get them to fight this.”
Debra chuckled. “I think they’re already expecting your call. The clerk remembers how much you hounded the state to go after Clear Water last year.”
“I only scheduled a small press conference.”
Debra smirked. “You put out a rally cry to our supporters to show up in front of the Clear Water gates with old toilets and signs that said ‘Poop in the toilet, not our river.’”
Danielle shrugged and smothered a grin. She was pretty proud of that idea. “It got everyone’s attention. We’ll need something equally big to get people paying attention again. That was just a year ago, but no one is watching what Clear Water is doing now. I can’t believe they have the nerve to try and dump into Springfield Creek.”
“They’ll be ready for battle after you gave them so much grief before.”
Danielle had been with the River Watchers since graduating from the University of Miami five years ago. When her sampling efforts proved Clear Water was dumping catastrophic amounts of pollution into the river, she’d spearheaded a movement against the provider. Her actions quickly turned the small organization into the most well-known conservation watchdog in the community. She’d gone from organizing their monitoring program to an executive director in a record five years.
“Does it look like I can’t go to battle with them?” Danielle turned, picked up her coffee mug off the counter and took a sip.
“Of course you don’t look like you’re ready for battle. That’s why you win. You surprise people with ferocious tenacity beneath your girl-next-door exterior.”
“I do not.”
“Yeah. You do.” Debra eyed Danielle from head to toe.
Danielle straightened her glasses and smoothed the front of the white cardigan she wore over a navy sundress. “Maybe I use that as a slight tactical advantage.”
“You’re never afraid to do battle with anyone, which is why I love working with you.”
“Don’t try and butter me up for a raise,” Danielle teased. “I won’t be able to cover the part-time salaries of the interns next fiscal year if we can’t get any more donors.”
“I’m not worried. Since you became executive director a year ago the donations have improved. The idea for the River Gala and silent auction this year was smart. I’m sure that’ll help raise some funds.”
Debra nodded and looked at Danielle like she was the great black hope. Danielle’s earlier freak-out about the success of the events she planned came back full force. They would need several successful events, not just the gala in a few weeks, to keep their doors open.
“If it makes you feel any better,” Debra said. “I think Mr. Springfield knows this is going to be a huge battle for us. He gave us a gift to thank us for our efforts.”
“A gift?”
“Two tickets...wait let me start over. Two—courtside—tickets for tonight’s Jacksonville Gators game.” Debra pulled the tickets from her back pocket. “He said to go, enjoy and relax before the fight. I know you’re a huge fan. I figured you’d be excited.”
Danielle rushed over to Debra’s side to snatch the tickets. “Are you for real?” She scanned the tickets to confirm the unbelievable news.
“Yep. Mr. Springfield has to go out of town tonight. He said he couldn’t think of two more deserving ladies than us.”
“Tonight’s game is a big one for them. They’re playing Miami.”
“Ooh, double the eye candy. Miami has some sexy players.” She bumped Danielle with her elbow.
“I wasn’t thinking about the sex appeal of the players. If this game was after the gala it would’ve made a great prize for the auction.”
Debra poked Danielle’s shoulder. “Will you stop thinking about the gala for a second and accept this completely fantastic gift?”
Danielle rubbed her shoulder even though the spot didn’t hurt. “I don’t always think about work. And we had drinks a few weeks ago.”
“Drinks with the other river rats a month ago doesn’t count,” Debra said, referring to the other conservation leaders in the area.
They’d gotten the nickname after a snarky reporter accused the environmental community of “scurrying around the river looking for problems” like rats. Instead of getting offended, Danielle insisted they accept the nickname. They did look for problems, and they made sure the problems were fixed.
Some called her overzealous. She didn’t care. There wasn’t much she could hold on to in her life. She was single, her parents were always busy with other things, she had no siblings, and she hadn’t had a significant relationship since college. Her passion for protecting the river was about the only thing to keep her warm at night. A state some would consider depressing if they didn’t consider her reasons.
The Ridgeport area was her home. She’d inserted herself in the community, made connections with residents and other activists there. What she did to protect the people hurt by industries like Clear Water, and their appreciation for her efforts, was the only proof she had that she mattered to someone.
“Come on, Danielle. We’ve got courtside seats. We have to go.”
Danielle did a quick count in her head. It had been over a month since she’d done anything remotely fun that had nothing to do with raising money for the River Watchers. “Why not?”
Debra did a quick shimmy of her hips and grinned. “Yay! It’s going to be so much fun. Hey, we’re right behind the bench. Maybe you can put that unassuming girl-next-door charm on blast and snatch a towel from one of the players.”
“Really, Debra, how am I supposed to do that?”
“They won’t suspect you of stealing a towel,” Debra said with a wiggle of her eyebrows. “Try to go for one that Jacobe Jenkins uses to wipe the sweat from his brow. Since you salivate every time you see him on television or on a billboard.”
Danielle waved a dismissive hand, but her heart wasn’t so indifferent. It jumped with a secret thrill of excitement. “I do not salivate.”
Debra’s smirk screamed, Yeah, right. “Yeah. You do. You both were at the University of Miami at the same time. Did you drool over him then, too?”
Drooling over Jacobe Jenkins was an understatement. Hiding how much desire gripped her whenever he came near had become her number-one priority. Except for that one night. Danielle tried to force the long-ago encounter from her mind and focus on the myriad of ways Jacobe Jenkins had irritated her, when he wasn’t sending her estrogen levels through the roof.
“Every time I was around Jacobe he was being a cocky jock who thought the world was his to command, or he was on his way to a party.”
Debra held up both hands in front of her body. “Shut the front door. You did not tell me you know Jacobe Jenkins!”
“I don’t know Jacobe. I knew him. A hundred years ago when we were freshmen in college. I tutored him a few times in Biology 101. He left for the draft right after freshman year, and I never saw him again. A few brief interactions do not count as knowing him.”
One night of fast and hot sex the night before the draft could count as knowing him, but Danielle was taking that secret to her grave.
“It’s still cool that you kinda know him. It’ll be fun to sit right behind him and the rest of the team at the game. Maybe he’ll see you and recognize you. Then he can introduce me to one of his sexy teammates. That team is full of grade-A, prime-choice, hot-guy sexiness.”
“First of all, I doubt he’d recognize me. Second, if he did I doubt even more that he’d speak to me. Third, prime-choice, hot-guy sexiness? What is that?”
“Um, every single man on that team.”
Debra and Danielle both laughed. Someone cleared their throat. They both stifled the laughter and turned toward the door. One of the female interns who took water samples along the river stood there with a cooler in her hand. “I’m going to take some samples on the beach today. You need anything before I go?”
Danielle shook her head and tried to look professional. Hard to do after being caught talking about prime male sexiness. “No, Marie, we’re good.”
As soon as the young woman walked away, Danielle bumped Debra. “We’ve got to stop talking about the men of the Jacksonville Gators like they’re pieces of meat. It’s not professional in front of the interns.”
“The interns drool over those men, too,” Debra said, grinning. “So, are you really good to go? Don’t you want to see the super-hot men on this team up close?”
A shiver of anticipation raced through Danielle. Seeing Jacobe up close and in person would be fun. Based on media reports, he was cockier and even more arrogant than she remembered. Shortly after joining the league he’d gotten into some trouble for fighting and partying hard. The team that had drafted him had traded him to Jacksonville two years before. Jacksonville had been a laughingstock of the league until Jacobe joined and they picked up a few more free agents and draft picks. Some were even talking play-offs this year. Of course he wouldn’t recognize her, but she was a fan of the team, and seeing him again even if from afar would be kind of thrilling.
You seriously need to find a man.
Danielle pushed that thought aside. She didn’t need anyone to validate her. She had her work. People moved on. The cause remained the same.
She looked at Debra and nodded. “I’m in.”
* * *
The Jacksonville arena buzzed with the excitement of the rivalry game. The same energy pumped full throttle through Danielle and Debra. Danielle had only been to two other Gators games. Each time she’d sat in the nosebleed seats. The Gators had almost made it to the play-offs last season, but had lost in overtime. That was the last game she’d come to. She and the rest of the fans had felt the team’s disappointment that night. This year they’d played each game as if it were a rematch of that heartbreaking loss. With each win, ticket prices increased. Nosebleed seats were getting to be out of her budget. Courtside had only been a dream before Mr. Springfield’s gift.
Debra gripped Danielle’s arm. “Oh, my God, there he goes again!”
“Are you going to do that all night,” Danielle said, swatting at Debra’s hand. Every time Jacobe came anywhere near the bench Debra went into a fit of hormones. They both wore Gators T-shirts and jeans. Debra’s proudly included Jacobe’s number, 06, on the back. Jacobe wasn’t on the bench often. He’d spent most of the first half contributing to his team’s six-point lead over Miami. The few times he did come to the bench, Debra’s enthusiasm rivaled that of someone who’d just won the Powerball jackpot.
Debra released Danielle’s arm. “I can’t help it. He’s so damn fine.”
Danielle couldn’t argue with that. Instead, she took stock of Jacobe’s fineness herself. And, boy, was that man fine. Six feet and four inches of long, lean muscle, smooth, terra-cotta skin and walnut-colored eyes. He played point guard and led the team with ease and confidence. His large body was a thing of grace and beauty. He handled the ball with self-assurance, ran up and down the court without hesitation and effortlessly faked out the opponent defending him. Since he’d been traded to the Gators she’d seen images of him everywhere, but being this close to him in action proved how inadequate billboards, television commercials and nosebleed seats were at portraying his skill and hotness.
Danielle alternated between greedily studying his powerfully built body and jumping up to cheer with the rest of the fans every time he scored. When she’d first come into the arena she’d considered keeping to her seat to try not to draw any attention to herself. That idea was immediately dropped after she was swept away by the buzz of electricity in the crowd. What did it matter if he did happen to look behind the bench? Jacobe had more than likely forgotten about her. Even if he happened to remember the tutor he’d slept with one night in college, she doubted he thought of her often or remembered much about her.
That night she’d known she would be treated as just another groupie, but knowing that hadn’t kept her away. Despite the attraction that sizzled between them, Jacobe had never tried to hook up with her. He’d been dating a girl named Christy, and, unlike many of the jocks she knew, he’d been faithful to her. Getting Jacobe to stray from the girl he’d started dating in high school had been a game for so many girls. A game Danielle had prided herself on staying out of. Then she’d heard that Jacobe and Christy had broken up.
To this day she couldn’t believe her audacity, but a switch had gone off in her head after hearing about the breakup. A part of her felt that if he was single she wasn’t being just another girl trying to steal him away. The thought of that day crept into her head, dulling the noise of the crowd as she remembered how she’d lit into him for keeping her waiting for another tutoring session.
“Yo, I said I was sorry. I have a party to prepare for,” he’d said.
“You know what, go to your party and quit wasting my time,” Danielle shot back. “I’ve got better things to do than babysit jocks.”
“You know what, I’ve got better things to do than get lectured by you,” he’d said, then turned to his roommate, who’d come with him to the library. “Come on, man, let’s get out of here.”
His roommate had snickered and tapped Jacobe on the arm. “Dude, why don’t you two just hit and get it over with? You know all that fighting is just foreplay.”
Jacobe’s sexy brown eyes had raked over every inch of her body. “I’d love to. She doesn’t want to handle all this.” He’d given her a cocky smile before turning and leaving.
That one simple statement had made her blood boil, though not from rage. She hadn’t known if he was truly interested or just wanted to tease her, but she’d gone to his pre-draft party that night wearing a sexy black dress she’d bought on a whim a month earlier. She’d gotten her answer. He had been interested, and she was able to handle what he offered.
They’d left the room in an awkward silence. Jacobe had promised to call. She hadn’t believed him. The next day he’d flown to New York for the draft, and she’d never heard from him again. Through the grapevine, she’d learned he’d reconnected with Christy.
She didn’t regret their time together. Over time she’d gotten over him never calling. She’d gone over there to discover if he’d felt the same attraction she’d spent the year trying to ignore, and she’d gotten her answer.
The buzzer for the end of the second quarter sounded. Danielle jerked out of the past. Debra was too busy cheering to notice Danielle was distracted. The crowd clapped as the Gators ran off the court. Danielle joined in. Jacobe walked over to the chair right in front of where Danielle stood, snatched up a towel and wiped his face.
He looked up into the crowd, spread his arms wide and waved them up and down. “This is our house!” he yelled, getting the crowd hyped even more. His intensity burned off him in waves.
A tiny shiver ran through her. His gaze lowered from the upper stands and landed right on hers. Most of the air evacuated her lungs. He held her gaze barely a second before looking away.
He took a step, paused, frowned and then turned to stare directly at her again.
Danielle’s heart thudded, and the remaining air in her lungs dissolved like cheap tissue paper. Her stomach clenched right before a thousand feathers tickled her inside. His eyes lightened, maybe with recognition—she couldn’t tell—but the smile that spread his lips sent a bolt of lightning straight to her core.
Then he turned and walked with the rest of the team into the locker room. Danielle stood there, stupefied. Had the moment happened, or had she just imagined that? He couldn’t possibly remember her, could he? No, not after all these years.
“Danielle, what was that?” Debra’s excited voice zipped Danielle to the present.
“What was what?”
“He looked at you, and he looked happy to see you.”
Danielle pushed her glasses farther up her nose and shook her head. “No, he looked into the crowd. He wasn’t looking at me.”
“I saw the look.”
“Forget the look. The look means nothing.” She was going to make it mean nothing anyway. “Let’s go to the concession stand. I want some popcorn.”
The lines were so long that the trek for popcorn and sodas took most of halftime. By the time they made their way back to the seats, the teams were running onto the court to warm up. Danielle staunchly avoided watching Jacobe. She may have enjoyed that second of eye contact, but that didn’t mean she had to visually stalk him for the rest of the night.
Debra chocked on her popcorn and grabbed Danielle’s arm. “He’s coming over.”
No need to pretend she didn’t know who she was talking about. “His chair is right in front of us.”
“No, he’s looking at you and coming this way.”
“Will you stop it, Jacobe Jenkins isn’t—”
“Danielle?” A male voice that didn’t sound quite sure if he was getting her name right interrupted.
Danielle’s hands became slick. Her heart fluttered like a hummingbird’s wings against her ribs. Oh, wow. It was him.
She slowly pivoted in her chair to look into a pair of sexy brown eyes. He smiled at her with a hint of unsureness in his gaze.
“Oh...hi, Jacobe.”
“Danielle Stewart...right?”
She nodded. “That’s me.”
“What are you doing here?”
“Enjoying the game.”
He laughed. “Yeah, I guess so. What have you been up to?”
Danielle glanced around. Some of the courtside reporters were looking their way. A few even snapped some pictures. Danielle squirmed self-consciously in her seat. “I work for the St. Johns River Watchers.”
“You live around here?” Sweat ran down his face, to his neck and into the jersey covering his wide, muscled torso.
Why in the world was a sweaty man so damn sexy? “Yep.”
He ran the towel over his face, thankfully removing the distracting sweat. Unfortunately, the movement brought attention to his fantastically sculpted arms. “This your first game?”
“No. My first courtside seat, though.”
He nodded. “Cool. What are you doing after the game?”
She blinked, thrown off by the question. “Going home.”
He shook his head, dismissing her statement. “The guys from the team usually meet up at a pool bar downtown called The Hall. Meet me there after the game.”
Debra’s leg bounced like a supercharged Chihuahua in Danielle’s periphery. “The Hall?” Had her voice really just squeaked? She cleared her throat.
“Yeah. You know where it is? They’re usually selective about letting people in after a home game because the team hangs out there afterward, but I’ll call ahead and tell them you’re cool. Come by. Let’s catch up.”
One of his teammates called. Jacobe looked over his shoulder to acknowledge him, then looked back at her. “I’ll see you there later.” Not a question.
She was too stunned to get angry at his direction or think of an excuse to say no. “Um...yeah. Sure, we’ll stop by.”
He grinned. “Cool.” He spun and rejoined the team.
Debra leaned in. Danielle lifted her hand to stop her from saying anything. “Stop. The reporters are still watching. Save the gushing for after the game.”
“Fine, but there will be tons of gushing in the car.”
Danielle nodded and took a sip from her soda. She had to keep her composure for the reporters still looking her way. She knew they had to be wondering who she was.
For the entire third quarter, she replayed the conversation and wondered what it meant. He’d seemed almost happy to see her. Happy? Had he thought of her over the years? Maybe she’d jumped the gun in assuming he could so easily forget her and move on. Maybe Jacobe wasn’t as self-centered as she remembered. Maybe the whole bad-boy persona that the media portrayed was just that—a persona.
All those maybes floated away when, halfway through the fourth quarter, Jacobe pushed a referee aside so he could deliver a right hook to an opposing player and left the guy knocked out cold on the floor. He smirked, then stepped over the downed opponent. Danielle sighed and shook her head. Apparently, Jacobe was still the arrogant, cocky jock she’d taken him for.
Chapter 2 (#u27c5340a-5bde-5b23-b15b-9c6c2b5350ad)
Typically, when Jacobe entered The Hall after a game and heard the drum of old-school hip-hop and smelled the Buffalo wings the place was known for, he was instantly ready to party. Tonight, the tension that had taken over his neck and shoulders since he’d knocked out Rob Jackson wouldn’t go away. He shouldn’t have done that. The league would probably suspend him for that. Not what he needed right before the play-offs. Taking the Gators to the play-offs would secure his place as one of the best players in the league, which was something he knew, but the trouble in his past kept others from admitting it. It would also make the final argument for him to be signed by Phoenix next year. They were building a superteam, and Jacobe was aiming to be on that team.
He could see the years of winning the finals in his future if that happened. The chance was now a big if. His agent had already called and told him not to talk to any reporters while he tried to smooth things out with managers of both teams.
He shouldn’t have hit Rob, but he damn sure didn’t regret it. How’s your son? Oh, wait, you don’t have a son.
Rob had tossed out the low blow right before Jacobe knocked him out. Jacobe kept his private life private, but Rob had been his teammate four years ago when Jacobe had learned that the woman he’d dated since high school had played him for a fool.
Tossing aside thoughts of Rob, suspension and the worst mistake of his life—Christy—Jacobe scanned the crowded room. After home games The Hall was typically brimming with people. The team came there to play pool and celebrate after a win and the locals had figured that out. The high-top tables were filled with people, along with the chrome stools around the bar. There were people at the pool tables that lined the room, as well, except for the empty table at the end. That’s where the Gators played.
His search wasn’t just to check out the crowd. He looked for one person in particular. It wasn’t long before his gaze landed on Danielle Stewart and the friend she’d been with at the game, sitting at the end of the bar sipping on fruity-looking drinks. His tension eased.
Danielle Stewart. Just thinking of her brought a smile to his lips. His prim-and-proper tutor who had lectured him about the importance of recycling and saving the planet while simultaneously giving him a raging hard-on. If it weren’t for that one night in college, he never would have believed she’d felt any of the attraction that always bubbled up in him like molten lava when she was around.
“That’s the girl from the game, right?” His teammate Kevin Kouky asked from his right. At six foot seven, Kevin was taller than Jacobe’s six-four. His golden-brown skin was hidden behind a myriad of tattoos and one-inch plugs filled his ears.
“That’s the girl,” Isaiah Reynolds, another teammate, said from his left. Where Kevin’s appearance made old ladies cross the street when they saw him coming, Isaiah made them smile and want to pinch his cheeks. He and Jacobe were the same height, but the similarity ended there. Isaiah had “boy you could take home to mama” down pat with his prim-and-proper attire, right down to his signature bow ties.
Will Hampton nodded and grinned. “That’s the girl alright.” The mischief in Will’s eyes sparkled brighter than the diamonds in his ears. The shortest of the group at six one, Will was also the jokester of the team.
Jacobe hadn’t called any man a friend in years. Outside of accepting the mentorship of movie star Irvin Freeman and singer Dante Wilson, Jacobe kept most people at arm’s length. History had taught him that. Away from the stadium, the only people he preferred hanging with were Kevin, Isaiah, and Will. They were cool, though he still wasn’t sure if he could trust them.
“Her name is Danielle,” he said. “We knew each other in college. I haven’t seen her since the night before the draft.”
Kevin bumped him with his elbow. “You seemed pretty happy to see her.”
Jacobe shrugged. He had been surprised to see her. Pleasantly surprised. After Christy’s betrayal he’d often wondered what would have happened if he’d called Danielle again. “I wouldn’t mind reconnecting.”
Especially in the bedroom. He didn’t know what bit of fate had put Danielle in the courtside seats behind the bench tonight, but he had no intention of squandering the good fortune. He’d love nothing more than a repeat of their night together.
Danielle and her friend stopped their conversation to look their way. Her eyes widened behind those cute black-and-gold glasses she wore before she turned toward her friend. The dark-haired woman elbowed Danielle and said something. Danielle looked back his way and gave him a shy smile.
Ah, yeah, he was going to thoroughly enjoy reconnecting with Danielle Stewart. She’d driven him crazy back then, pestering him to use his popularity for good. The only person who’d seemed to think he could be good at something other than playing ball.
Her lectures had always fallen on deaf ears. Mainly because he couldn’t stop himself from thinking of peeling off those cute little cardigan sweaters she seemed to always wear and kissing her until the passion in her warm dark eyes was because of him instead of whatever cause she was championing. He’d always wondered what she would do if she’d known that while she droned on about ecosystems or some other nonsense, he’d wanted nothing more than to plop her on top of the nearest desk and make her glasses fog up.
He lifted his head in acknowledgment, then crossed the room her way. Isaiah, Kevin and Will followed. People stopped and congratulated him and the guys on the win. He spoke, but kept his attention on Danielle. She wore a fitted gold-colored Jacksonville Gators T-shirt that made her luscious breasts look like twin works of art, ankle-length jeans that hugged her ass perfectly and flats. Her thick, dark, shoulder-length hair was parted on the side to sweetly frame her heart-shaped face.
“You came,” he said when he got to her side. He opened his arms and leaned in for a hug. He had to hug her. She was too cute and curvy to not hug.
Her eyes widened, but she leaned in from the waist and patted his back. Jacobe fought the urge to pull her in for a real hug instead of one that left enough space for two small kids to run through.
“Well, you invited me.” Her eyes met his and she sucked in a breath, then looked away. “This is my coworker, Debra.” She straightened her glasses and gave another shy smile.
She was still attracted to him. Good, because if she’d shown up with any intentions of reliving their night together he was game. He needed a distraction. They’d won, but the price he’d have to pay for hitting Rob hovered over him like a cloud.
He reached out a hand to the pretty woman next to Danielle. “Nice to meet you, Debra. I’m Jacobe. These guys here are my teammates, Kevin, Isaiah and Will. Fellas, this is Danielle Stewart.”
The guys nodded and shook the ladies’ hands. Jacobe watched both of them for any signs that they were interested in Danielle. Interest did light up their eyes, but mainly in the way they darted glances between Jacobe and Danielle. He hoped his instincts were right. He didn’t need another teammate sleeping with the same chick as him. He had definite plans to eventually sleep with Danielle again.
Debra grinned and shook his head. “I know who all of you are. We’re both big fans.”
Jacobe looked back at Danielle. “You’re a fan?”
She nodded and met his eye without glancing away like she had before. “I am.”
“How long have you been in Jacksonville?”
“Since right after college.”
Jacobe frowned, upset by the idea that she’d been so close without him even knowing. Though he had thought of her over the years, he hadn’t gone so far as to track her down. “I didn’t know that.”
“We don’t exactly hang out in the same circles.” She glanced at his teammates.
“I guess not.”
Debra leaned forward. “So, Jacobe, how do you know Danielle?”
Jacobe met Debra’s eyes and searched for any indication she already knew about his one night with Danielle. He couldn’t fault Danielle for telling people about that night—a few of the women he’d had one-night stands with over the years had loved to brag about it afterward. He would be slightly disappointed if Danielle had done the same. That night had been spontaneous and wonderful, awkward but somehow special. A secret between them. He’d never expected her to brag.
“What did Danielle say?”
“That she helped you study, but that’s about it.”
Relief eased more of the tension. She hadn’t bragged to her friend. “Danielle tried helping me out in biology. I was a little hardheaded then.”
Danielle raised a brow. “Just a little.”
Debra leaned forward and looked expectantly between him and Danielle. “Was she just as driven back then as she is now?”
“When it came to biology and giving back she was. I remember her always trying to get me to volunteer for various causes or skip parties to study.”
Danielle smirked and leaned against the bar. “Tried but was unsuccessful. You never wanted to volunteer, and there was always some party to attend.”
“I gave back in my own way. You always liked to judge.”
Her shoulders straightened. “I didn’t judge.”
“Yes, you did.” He looked back at Debra. “When she rolled up the sleeves of those cute little sweaters she wore I knew she was pissed and that someone was about to get chewed out.”
Debra laughed. “She still does that. In the office we say she’s ready for battle.”
Danielle held up her hands. “I’m going up against politicians and businessmen. I have to be ready for battle.” The familiar fight-for-what’s-right tone came to her voice.
Isaiah watched her with growing interest. “Politicians and business men? What do you do?”
“I’m the executive director for the St. Johns River Watchers.”
Jacobe exchanged glances with the fellas to see if they recognized the organization’s name. Isaiah nodded. Of course he would know. Kevin and Will shrugged.
“Impressive,” Isaiah said.
“The River Watchers?” Jacobe asked. “What’s that?”
Her look said she was disappointed but not surprised by his ignorance. “We’re a watchdog organization that makes sure businesses, governments and citizens aren’t doing anything to harm the river. Our goal is to protect the river and, ultimately, the beach.”
Jacobe wasn’t surprised by her career path. “You’re still trying to save the world, huh.”
Her shoulders stiffened. “And you’re still turning your nose up at saving the world.”
Kevin cleared his throat. “Oh, look, I think I see the sign to get out of the cross fire.” He looked at Isaiah, Will, and Debra. “Pool, anyone?”
The others agreed quickly and scuttled away. “Wow,” Danielle said, watching the four leave. “We still know how to clear a room.” She took a sip from the straw in her fruity drink.
Jacobe chuckled. “We didn’t even have to raise our voices this time. Remember when they kicked us out of the library?”
She smiled. “Yes, the study session before our first test of the semester. You were so distracted and you kept pulling out your cell phone to do other things.”
“The test right before a rivalry game,” he replied. “I was trying to watch videos of the other team’s footage.”
“You couldn’t wait until we’d finished? One hour, that’s all we had.”
“I couldn’t help it. We met right after practice. I had basketball on the brain.”
“How hard was it to focus for an hour?”
“Very.” He thought of that day. Basketball hadn’t been the only thing on his brain. “You had on that pink sweater with a tight white T-shirt under it.” She’d buttoned the sweater to right beneath her breasts. The swell of her chest above it was like a beacon to his eyes. “I had to look at videos on my phone or stare and wonder how you’d squeezed into that shirt.”
Her mouth snapped shut and her eyes were wide. He chuckled. “Yes, I was checking you out back then. I thought you would have figured that out by now.”
“I hadn’t. I thought it was just that night.”
He shook his head. “I wanted you long before that night.”
She tucked her hair behind her ears and stared into her drink. “You never said anything.”
“I’m not into cheating. Too much drama.” Something he’d learned the hard way.
Her eyes flew to his. “Neither am I. I only...did what I did because I’d heard you and Christy broke up.”
“We had.” They should have stayed broken up.
“But then I heard you two were back together.”
“We got back after the draft. She said she was pregnant.” He couldn’t stop the anger from creeping into his voice.
Her eyes widened. “You have a kid?”
He shook his head. “Thought I did. Turns out he wasn’t mine.”
“That’s why I hit Rob tonight. He brought it up.”
She scowled. “In the middle of the game. That’s a dick move.”
Jacobe grinned. He’d always loved her candor. Her spark. “Some would say the same about me hitting him.”
Her brows pulled together and she drew her lower lip between her teeth. “I’d thought that when you hit him and walked away so coldly. I guess I understand now. I’m sorry to hear about what Christy did.”
“I don’t want to talk about that.” He shouldn’t have told her. Only a few people knew about that situation. A part of him didn’t want Danielle to think he’d slept with her that night and gotten back with Christy on a whim.
He needed to change the subject before the old familiar bitterness of that situation took a hold of him. He’d come here for a distraction. He let his gaze slowly roam over every inch of Danielle’s sexy curves. “Instead of talking about the past, how about we get out of here?”
The sympathy in her eyes evaporated. “Excuse me?”
“I thought we could catch up. It’s been years.”
“Yeah, and we can catch up right here, right now.”
“You don’t have to be shy with me, Danielle. You popped up at my game, in the seat right behind me. Kind of reminds me of that night. I’m good with us hooking up again.”
Danielle leaned back. “I was there because one of our donors gave us his courtside seats. I didn’t think you’d even remember or recognize me.”
“Why wouldn’t I?”
“Because I never heard from you again after that night in college.”
“That was my mistake. Believe me.”
A vision of Christy in his hotel room after the draft, crying and saying they belonged together and that she was pregnant, popped into his mind. She’d dropped a positive pregnancy test on the bed when he’d accused her of showing up just because he’d been drafted. Would Danielle understand the sense of responsibility that had come over him when he’d seen that plus sign and Christy’s tears? That nothing else had mattered other than being a better father than the one he’d had.
“You know you’re just the same as you always were.” Danielle broke into his thoughts.
He met her gaze, was surprised to see anger in her eyes. “Excuse me?”
“I came here because you invited me. I thought that maybe, despite that night together, you would be cool and decent. That we could... I don’t know, talk like the adults we are. I didn’t come here so you could try and sleaze your way into my bed.” She hopped down from the stool. “You have a good night.”
He watched her storm off. She said a few quick words to Debra, who glared at Jacobe before she dropped her pool stick and followed Danielle to the door. Kevin, Isaiah, and Will gave him confused looks. Jacobe cursed and rubbed the bridge of his nose. Damn. Now he’d have to go down to that River Watcher place and apologize for being a jerk.
* * *
Jacobe’s shoulders were tense as he entered the main conference room for the Gators with his agent, Eric Jones. Eric had caught a red eye flight from Los Angeles to be here for this early morning meeting. Eric would probably be the only one who had Jacobe’s back today.
Meetings with the management staff were never fun. He had a pretty good idea of the lecture he was about to receive. Tone down the aggression. We can’t afford to lose you right before the play-offs. Try and keep your name out of the headlines. He’d heard the same lines constantly over the past few years. Never mind that he had toned down his behavior recently. The situation with Christy was a blow he hadn’t known how to handle. He’d taken out his aggression on and off the court. For the most part, he considered himself over that blow. It was only when assholes like Rob used the situation against him on the court that his efforts to stay out of trouble were forgotten.
Three people sat around the conference table. Coach Simpson in the usual polo shirt and khakis he wore on off days. His teal-gray eyes met Jacobe’s with determination. Rebecca Force, the team’s public relations supervisor, sat primly next to the coach. Brian McClain, one of the team’s owners, was the last person at the table. Jacobe’s shoulders tightened even more. Brian reminded Jacobe of his high school principal with his graying brown hair, stiff suits and perpetual frown. Like his high school principal, Brian never saw anything good in Jacobe off the basketball court and made no qualms about his opinion that Jacobe joining the team would be a distraction. Only their joint goal of a play-off win for the Gators kept them civil toward each other.
“Are we waiting on anyone else?” Eric asked, after they greeted everyone and sat in the chairs to Coach Simpson’s left.
Rebecca shook her head. “No, just waiting on you two.”
“Sorry for keeping you all waiting,” Jacobe said.
Rebecca gave him what he guessed was supposed to be a friendly smile. The tightness around her eyes contradicted the action. “You’re actually right on time. We met for a few minutes before you got here to discuss a few things.”
The hairs on the back of his neck stood up. “Let me guess—you met early to talk about me.”
Eric held up a hand. “Wait a second, Jacobe. Before you get upset, let’s hear what she has to say. Though I would have liked to have been included in any discussions regarding my client.”
Jacobe would have liked that too. He looked at Rebecca. “What do you have to say?” He didn’t bother to hide his frustration.
He didn’t like being discussed beforehand like he was a threat that needed to be neutralized. Never had. Not when he was sent to the principal’s office in school, or when his mom used to get on the phone with her girlfriends and discuss the latest note sent home from school and all the reasons Jacobe couldn’t be well behaved like other kids.
Rebecca broke into his thoughts. “The league commissioner called this morning.”
Jacobe scoffed. “Already? I guess he couldn’t wait to tell me I’ve messed up. So what is it? A fine? One-game suspension?”
Eric glared at Jacobe. “Let me do the talking.”
Brian jerked forward in his chair. “Try a five-game suspension.”
The words stunned Jacobe into temporary silence. “Five games?” He’d expected to miss a game, maybe two, not five. They were a few weeks away from the play-offs. If the team lost at this time they could miss their chance at being a number-one seed. Worse, they may not make it at all.
“Yes. Five,” Brian said. “Your antics are hurting the team. When the rest of the owners overrode me and brought you here, I knew it would be a problem. You don’t care about this team. You don’t care about anyone but yourself.”
“I care about the team.” The words were automatic. Programmed. Though the guys on the team had grown closer to him than any other teammates he’d had since college, he cared mostly about making his way to the play-offs and, ultimately, Phoenix.
“Of course he cares about the team,” Eric said. “He’s done everything to dedicate himself to the team.”
“If he cared about the team he wouldn’t have knocked Rob out.”
“Rob deserved a lot more than being knocked out.”
Coach sighed and leaned his forearms on the table. “What did he say that set you off?”
“Something he shouldn’t have.”
Brian scoffed and tossed his hand toward Jacobe. “See, utter lack of caring about the consequences of your actions.”
Eric held up his hands. “Look, he gets why he shouldn’t have hit him during the game.”
“After would be better?” Brian asked.
After the game Jacobe wouldn’t have hit him just once, but that was beside the point. “I shouldn’t have let my temper get the better of me. I want to take the team to the play-offs just as much as you want to get us there.”
Brian didn’t reply. He just sat back in his seat and crossed his arms. He might hate Jacobe, but they both wanted wins.
Rebecca glanced between Jacobe and Brian. When Brian didn’t say any more, she focused on Jacobe. “Your popularity with the team’s fans is high, but last night there was a lot of chatter on the internet about how you’re not good for the team.”
“You’re winning,” Eric said with a grin. “They’ll get over it.”
She lifted a hand. “That may be true, but Jacobe will be gone for five games. If the team starts to lose, then it’ll be easy to blame your hot temper and lack of focus for the losses.”
“If you’re telling me to play nice, I hear you. No more fighting on the court.”
Rebecca shook her head. “We need more than that.”
“We need a plan. Today.”
Eric looked around the table. “You can’t be serious?”
Coach Simpson nodded. “We are. We want Jacobe to remain a Gator, that’s no secret. We also want everyone to see that he’s an asset to the team.” Coach tilted his head slightly in Brian’s direction. The hairs on the back of Jacobe’s neck twitched some more. He eventually wanted to go to Phoenix, but if that didn’t pan out he didn’t need the Gators refusing to sign him next year.
“We’ve finally hit our rhythm as a team,” Coach continued. “If we keep playing like we’re playing we’ve got a shot at the play-offs and, I believe, the title. We’ve built something great here. Let’s keep it going.”
“I hear you, Coach, but I can’t play if I know every time I foul someone I’m going to be called into the conference room and told to behave.”
Brian snorted. “That was a lot more than a foul.”
Rebecca cut in before Jacobe could respond. “That’s why we met before you were here. We all want you to remain a Gator next year.”
Jacobe narrowed his eyes and studied them. Coach and Rebecca eyed him intensely, and Brian looked like he was tired of the entire fiasco. Wariness had his stomach churning.
Eric shifted in his seat. “You keep saying that. Are there plans to drop him?”
Rebecca and Coach both shook their heads and said simultaneously, “You know we want him.”
Brian sat forward and nailed Jacobe with a hard stare. “You’re a free agent next year. We won’t keep a liability.”
“Are you threatening my client?” Eric’s voice turned hard.
Rebecca tried again for the friendly smile. “Of course not. Which is why I’m working on a plan to make you more likable.”
Jacobe’s shoulders tightened. “Excuse me?”
“You aren’t seen out and about doing things in the community. If you take up a project or a cause, people will see that you’re giving back instead of just...”
“Being a distraction and hindrance,” Jacobe finished for her.
He gritted his teeth. Like many other athletes, Jacobe gave to various charitable organizations. Mostly to programs that mentored young boys and gave them direction and support. He gave his money but not his time. He was still getting his own life figured out—how could he possibly make a good mentor?
Eric gave him a reassuring look before turning to Rebecca. “What are you thinking?”
“We’ve come up with a list of organizations that you can be seen with.”
Jacobe shook his head. This was his image problem. He’d find a way to fix it. “I’ve already got an idea.”
Rebecca frowned. “You do?”
“How about protecting the river,” Jacobe said. “It’s a big part of our city. I’ve got a friend who works to protect the St. Johns River and the beach. You can’t deny that seeing me out there saving sea turtles or some stuff like that would make people like me.”
Eric nodded and tapped his finger on the table. “That could work. Being green is in right now.”
He almost laughed. He’d known Danielle back when saving the planet wasn’t just a fad and she was the earth’s number-one champion. “I know it’ll work.”
“Can you set up something with them by the end of the week?”
“I’m sure I can.” He already planned to see Danielle later that day to apologize. He still wanted to sleep with her, but he wouldn’t assume she would readily fall into his bed. That night in college was a once-in-a-lifetime action. He had a feeling that the woman she was today wasn’t going to come to him on a spontaneous whim. He’d have to earn a place in her bed.
Chapter 3 (#u27c5340a-5bde-5b23-b15b-9c6c2b5350ad)
“I’m sorry, Danielle, but I don’t think the River Watchers should push council to oppose Clear Water’s expansion.”
Danielle fought to keep calm as she stared at the board president. Liberty Meyer was only on the board as an attempt to prove the River Watchers were open to voices from all sides. After Danielle had gone for Clear Water and a few other industries like a pit bull on crack, some in the business community had accused the River Watchers of being too biased. Liberty was a vocal member of the manufacturers’ alliance and the River Watchers’ attempt to bring the business community in on the discussions. Much to Danielle’s chagrin, Liberty ran and won a seat on county council after being assigned to the board. Making her a double pain on Danielle’s backside.
“Our organization serves as champions to our natural resources,” Danielle said in a surprisingly calm voice. “If they’re allowed to expand and dump into Springfield Creek it’ll be devastating to the local ecosystem. Not to mention the neighborhood downstream that uses the creek for fishing and recreation.”
“Clear Water expanding will bring jobs,” Liberty countered. “If we don’t bring jobs, that can be detrimental to the population. I care about the flowers and the fish and birds as much as everyone sitting around this table.”
Danielle barely stopped herself from snorting.
“But I care more about the men, women and children that rely on me as a member of the county council to keep our economy strong and vital.”
“I care about the people here, too. This isn’t just about the birds and the flowers, Liberty. Clear Water can’t meet their permit limits. There’s an entire population who’ll be swimming in sewage if they dump into the creek.”
Liberty rolled her eyes and waved a hand. “Oh, Danielle, please. That’s why we have engineers who can design and build a system that can properly treat the waste. People won’t be in sewage. This is why I’ve always said you’re too biased when it comes to these types of decisions.”
Debra’s hand gripped Danielle’s leg beneath the table. The movement effectively stopped Danielle from pouncing onto Liberty. That wasn’t the first time the woman had thrown out the comment. Danielle and Debra both believed Liberty was trying to make a case with the board to remove Danielle as director.
Mr. Springfield, who’d watched the exchange silently with the rest of the board members, rapped his knuckles on the table. “Ladies, ladies, you both make very good points. Since I’m directly affected by the expansion, I have to defer from voting, but I think this is important enough for the board to take both sides into consideration. If Clear Water can truly improve by expanding, it’s better than having a poorly run system out there. If they cannot, then none of us here want them discharging into Springfield Creek. Let’s take a little more time, talk to the people in Environmental Protection and see if Clear Water will come to a board meeting to discuss their plans.”
There was a round of agreement at the table. Danielle and Liberty gave tight smiles and stiff nods. Mr. Springfield had made a valid point, though Danielle doubted Clear Water would be willing to come to the table and speak to them.
Danielle nodded. “I’ll make the necessary contacts. I’ll also speak with the Environmental Protection again and send my findings to the board.”
Liberty sat forward and crossed her arms on the table. “Don’t spend too much time on that. Remember the gala is the most important thing right now.”
Danielle took a slow deep breath before responding. “The plans for the gala are coming along very well. We’ve got several sponsors.” Five. “And ticket sales are promising.” Two sold today bringing them to a total of twenty.
“Really? I thought it would be slow considering the lack of promotion.”
Debra grabbed Danielle’s leg again. The limited promotion was due to the budget cuts on the advertisement. Budget cuts Liberty recommended. “We’ve been lucky to have been picked up a media sponsor.” The local free newspaper counted.
Liberty’s smile was fake and tight. “That’s good. I don’t know how we’ll keep things going as is if we don’t bring in more funding.”
Translation: make the gala a success or else Liberty had a good reason for Danielle’s dismissal.
The meeting ended soon after. Danielle was too annoyed and wound up to sit in her office and work on the final preparations for the river cleanup that weekend.
Debra poked her head in Danielle’s door. “Hey, I’m about to go pick up supplies for that school presentation later in the week. You need anything?”
“A hundred ticket sales,” Danielle said.
“Don’t let Liberty get to you. Sales always start slow. They’ll pick up.”
Danielle pushed aside her frustration with Liberty. She would make this gala a success. “I know they will.” She filled her voice with confidence.
“Hey, I’ve got something to get your mind off of Liberty. Let’s call the rest of the river rats and hang out tonight. Maybe we’ll come up with some good ideas to shut up Liberty.”
Danielle’s first impulse was to say no. She’d rather figure out how to get more ticket sales for the gala. Maybe even do some door knocking for sponsors. But if she thought about it too much she’d go crazy. A night out with people who understood would help. “Set it up.”
Debra clapped her hands. “Great! Look I’ve got to go. Most of the interns are out taking samples. We all have our cells if you need anything.”
Danielle smiled and waved at Debra as she floated out of the office. With no one there to help distract her from the fact that Liberty wanted her gone, Danielle opted for the best thing to get her mind off of the uncontrollable things in her life. Kicking off her kitten heels, she slipped on a pair of rain boots and stomped out the back of the cottage and down to the beach. Having an office right on the very water body they were trying to protect was the best thing about her job. Every time she thought her work was getting nowhere or that no one was listening or cared, she could look out her window and see the sun reflecting off the waves and remember what she was fighting for. The one thing that she could hold on to in her life.
It was cloudy and drizzling, so she’d put on her pink North Face raincoat for the walk. She liked the beach when it was sunny, but loved it on drizzly days like today. Not as hot, less crowded, and the waters were choppy due to the winds. The sound of each pounding wave would slowly knock away whatever frustration tightened her muscles.
She’d walked a mile down the beach and was on her way back when her cell phone rang in her jacket pocket. She stopped and pulled it. One look at the screen and the tension that had just drained from her shoulders slowly started back.
“Hi, Mom,” she said.
“Hello, Danielle, how are things going with my favorite daughter?” Adele Stewart asked in her cheery voice.
She was an only child, so the compliment didn’t give Danielle any false sense of importance. “The board meeting was rough this morning. I’m out walking the beach now.”
“Is this about the Clear Water expansion?”
“How did you know about that?”
“I read the board meeting agendas that you send me,” Adele said, as if Danielle should have known that.
As little attention as her parents gave her, she was surprised to know that her mom read them. The young girl who still wanted their attention was the part of her that added them to the River Watchers mailing list in the vain hope that they’d at least find her work interesting.
“That’s it, actually. I’ve got a board member who doesn’t think we should ask the town to oppose the expansion before the permit is on notice. I disagree.”
Adele sighed and Danielle pictured her mom shaking her head in disbelief. “I can’t fathom why everyone doesn’t understand the important role we play in making this world a better place.”
“Not everyone thinks that way.”
“They should. Don’t worry, honey, good always triumphs over evil.”
Danielle chuckled. “She’s not evil. She just has her own self-interests.”
“People who refuse to take responsibility for improving the world are a form of evil.”
Words Danielle had heard most of her life. She loved her parents, but many times she’d wished they’d stopped trying so hard to save everyone else in the world and just focus on raising her.
“Where’s Dad?”
“Oh, that’s why I called. We’re taking in another foster child—a boy, eight years old. His mother is in prison and the his father died last year.”
“Another? You’ve already got two kids.”
“I know, but I was so moved by his story when I went to the latest CASA meeting. Danielle, there are so many kids out there who need love. It’s our duty to do what we can.”
“I know, Mom, but you and Dad don’t have to take in every child you come across. I thought you were coming to Ridgeport for the river cleanup this weekend. That’ll be hard to do with a new kid in the house.”
“Oh, Danielle, don’t be selfish. We’ll try to make it if we can.”
Danielle bit her lower lip and dug the toe of her boot into the wet sand. Adele was an expert at hitting Danielle with the guilty stick. Danielle knew there were kids who needed love and affection. She knew that everyone wasn’t blessed to have two parents like she did. But all her life her parents were busy with the causes they took up after they couldn’t have another child.
“We don’t need our own child. Not when there are so many out there we can shower with love.”
Her dad has spoken those words to her mom when she’d cried after another failed pregnancy. Danielle had been nine when she overheard them. A few months later the various projects started. They’d built houses, feed the poor, championed animal rights, and now were taking in foster kids. They had taught her the importance of serving, but they’d also been too busy with their projects to give her any attention. From bad days at school, fights with her friends, or a choral recital they couldn’t attend, their comments were always the same. There were people out there who had it worse than her.
Danielle used to wonder why they didn’t want to shower their attention on her. Was she not good enough? Even though she was older, the feelings of not being enough for her parents hadn’t gone away.
“I’m sorry, Mom,” she said. “Bring him along. I’ve got to meet my new brother sooner or later.”
“We’ll see what the courts say,” Adele said dismissively. “Even though his mother is in jail, they may grant visitation. You know I like to make sure the kids see their parents on weekends if they can.”
She had her answer: her parents weren’t coming. Eventually, she’d stop caring when they missed something of hers because of another commitment. “Don’t worry about it. As long as you guys make the gala in a few weeks that’s all that matters. It’s the inaugural event. I need to make an impression. It would mean a lot to me if you two were there.”
“Of course, dear. Oh, your dad’s home. We’ve got to go get a few things for your brother’s room. I’ll give you a call later, okay? Love you. Bye.”
The call ended before Danielle could say anything more. Danielle stared at the phone for a few seconds, sighed, and then shoved it into her pocket.
“Good thing I don’t crave my parents’ attention,” she said to the wind. “I would be constantly disappointed.”
* * *
The sounds of excited conversation filtered from the house as Danielle trudged up the steps to the office’s back door. She left her rain boots in the mudroom, slipped on her heels and followed the sounds of conversation toward the kitchen. Halfway there, the deeper sound of a man’s familiar voice slowed her steps. Her pulse raced with anticipation and she carefully eased her way to the open door.
“Jacobe?” she said.
He stood next to the sink, a mug of coffee in his hand, surrounded by three of the interns. Blue-gray slacks covered his long legs and a crisp white shirt wrapped his muscles like the most desirable of Christmas presents. Unwrapping all of that toned, tight body would be something worth celebrating. He glanced up from the group and hit her with his devastating smile.
“Just the woman I was looking for.”
He sounded happy to see her. Heat flooded her cheeks. She looked away and pulled off the rain jacket. If she kept eye contact, she’d start grinning and stammering along with blushing.
“I was out walking the beach. From the looks of things, everyone here made you comfortable while you waited.”
The interns all grinned and hurried to talk over one another about how they’d completed their morning fieldwork. Danielle lifted her hands. “You’re fine. I’m not that much of an evil boss that I’m going to get angry about you being excited when a famous basketball player comes into the office.”
“You have softened up,” Jacobe said. “The Danielle I knew was always on task and never took a break.”
She lifted her chin and met his eye. “That was the Danielle I allowed you to know.”
“I think I got a glimpse of the more laid-back Danielle once.” The corner of his mouth lifted in a smile full of the sinful secrets of that more laid-back Danielle.
She ignored the butterflies crashing around her stomach like drunken seagulls. “You said you wanted to see me—well, I’m here. Let’s go to my office.” She looked at everyone in the room. “You all can get back to work.”
Jacobe grinned and strolled over to her. “That’s the Danielle I know and love.”
She snorted. “Love had nothing to do with our relationship.” She spun away and marched from the kitchen. One of the interns winked at her as Danielle passed. She could only imagine the thoughts going through her mind.
She made her way down the hall to the last door on the right. Jacobe’s footsteps followed.
“You’re wrong,” Jacobe said. “There were a lot of things I loved about you.”
“What, my badgering you to come to our study sessions on time, or my endless lectures about what you could be contributing to make the world a better place?”
She stepped over the threshold into her office, but a tug on the back of her sweater kept her from taking another step. She faltered, then quickly turned. Jacobe let go.
“These little sweaters you wear. I loved those.”
Danielle looked down at her rather unremarkable outfit: gray slacks, a black-and-yellow polka-dot blouse and a bright yellow cardigan, then back up at him. “My cardigans?”
“Yes, you’re just as sexy in those now as you were then.” He lifted a hand and reached for her face. Danielle jerked back before he touched her. He grinned. “I was only going to compliment you on the glasses. I like these better than the ones you used to wear.” When he reached forward this time, she didn’t pull away. Jacobe ran a finger over the hinges and lightly brushed her face. “Between the glasses and the sweaters you’ve got the sexy, good-girl vibe going on. I always knew there was passion in you for more than just class work.”
Her body went up in flames. Taking a step back, Danielle inhaled a deep, shaky breath. “If you’re here to repeat your request from Saturday night, then you’ve wasted your time.”
She wished her office was big enough to stalk to the other side and put a decent enough space between them. Instead, there was little extra space in the small room. Between her desk, file cabinets and plastic tubs filled with materials they used for various functions, she barely had a clear path from the door to her seat behind the desk.
Jacobe followed her farther into the office. His huge, muscled form soaked up all the remaining space in the room. He pushed the door closed. When he faced her again, thankfully, he didn’t step closer and leaned against the door, instead.
“That’s not why I’m here. One of the reasons I came by is to apologize for the other night.”
She’d opened her mouth in preparation for a rebuff. She snapped it closed. “Come again? You’re apologizing?”
“Don’t sound so surprised. I am capable of admitting when I’m wrong. You remember that much about me.”
She did, actually. He may have given her a hard time when she fussed about him keeping her waiting and always had a reason for why he was late, but he never tried to blame his inability to keep to their schedule on anyone but himself. She would have had a much easier time not lusting after him if he’d blamed others for his problems.
“I do.”
“I am sorry about approaching you like that. I had a bad game, as you saw. When I spotted you, nothing but good memories of that night popped up. I can’t lie. I wanted you again.”
Her knees went weak. She sat on the edge of her desk to hide the effect. “Oh. Well, good memories or not, I wasn’t there to relive that one night.”
“I guessed as much when you stalked out mad as hell. I still want you, but I’m willing to earn my way into your bed. Not assume you’ll automatically let me there.”
Awareness—no, anticipation buzzed through her body. “You’re here to let me know you’re planning to seduce me?”
He straightened from the door and shook his head. “I do think you should know that I’m perfectly willing to pick up where we left off, but that’s not why I’m here. The other reason for this visit is because I need a favor that involves the River Watchers.”
Her brain fought to keep up. He wanted a repeat of that night? That shouldn’t make her so giddy. Pushing the giddiness firmly aside, she focused on the second statement. “A favor? Really?”
“What kind of favor?”
He rubbed his hands together and examined the various framed awards and news clippings on her office wall. “I’d like to volunteer, do some things to improve my image by helping the environment.” He focused back on her.
“Why?” She crossed her arms and studied him.
“Out of the goodness of my heart.”
She shook her head. “Not buying it. Try again.”
He grinned, completely unperturbed by her reply. “You’re still a hard-ass.”
“I still know when you’re avoiding getting to the point. Why do you suddenly want to help an organization you hadn’t heard of before Saturday?”
“I’ve got a five-game suspension. It’s going to be announced later today. I need something to boost my image in my free time.” He said “free time” as if it were a bad word. For him, she guessed it was. She could imagine how frustrated she’d be if someone took her work away from her.
“What do you have in mind?”
“I checked your website and saw that you have a few things coming up. A cleanup and silent auction. I’ll come help, invite the media, and show everyone that I’m more than just a distraction for the team.”
“You’ve got it all figured out.”
“Those were just my thoughts. You’re the head of this thing. You tell me where you need me to be and I’ll be there.”
She frowned, not sure if she liked the idea. The part of her that needed ticket sales for the gala knew having the star of the Gators attend her events would bring much needed attention, ticket sales and donations the River Watchers desperately needed.
The skeptical part thought this was an offer too good to be true. In her memory, those types of situations always ended with her left behind and forgotten.
“I can tell you’re not convinced,” he said. “I know having me around might cause a headache for you guys. I don’t want to cause you too much trouble. If you’d like, we can go out to dinner and discuss the arrangements.”
Skeptical, Danielle smirked. “We don’t need to go to dinner to discuss you volunteering here.”
“I know that. The dinner is my way of getting you out on a date.” He held up two fingers. “Two birds with one stone.”
Danielle stood and placed her hands on her hips. “Volunteering isn’t how you earn your way into my bed.”
Jacobe stepped away from the door. With one long stride, he stood before her in the pitifully small office. “Volunteering is only about my basketball image. I came here straight from a meeting with my agent, coach, PR and one of the owners. My suspension right before play-offs is making them question resigning me next year.”
Danielle doubted the Gators would turn away a talent like Jacobe just because of one disciplinary action. But he had been traded because of his outbursts. His point might be valid, but the look in his eyes said something else was on the line.
“What’s really at stake? This isn’t just about re-signing with the Gators.”
His head tilted to the side and surprise filled his gaze. “Why do you think it’s something else?”
“Just a feeling.”
He was quiet for a few seconds before speaking up. “Are you in the habit of turning down people who want to volunteer?”
Fine. He could keep his secrets. As long as he understood she wasn’t going to fall at his feet just because he was bringing publicity to the River Watchers.
“We can discuss volunteer opportunities right here in the office. It doesn’t have to be over dinner.”
“If it’ll make you feel better, we can do that. I still want to take you out tonight.” He tugged on the edge of her sweater, right above her breasts. “Consider a date as the second half of my apology.”
“The first half was more than enough.”
“Then consider it two old friends catching up.”
“We were hardly friends.”
“Then accept the fact that I just want to spend a little time with you. No expectations and no strings attached.” He took her hand in his and threaded their fingers together. “Believe it or not, I’ve thought of you a few times over the years and my thoughts weren’t always about that night. I really do want to go out with you tonight.”
His eyes never left hers. There was nothing sly or mocking in his gaze. The look, his smile and the delicious heat from his body delivered a sensual knockout that nearly stole her voice.
“Jacobe, we shouldn’t blur the lines.”
“Danielle, even if I found another organization to volunteer for I’d still be here asking you out.” He pulled slightly on her hand until she shifted closer to him. “One date. That’s all. Okay?”
His thumb brushed lazily across the inside of her palm. The light touch sent delicious shivers over her body. His gaze grabbed hers and held it hostage. Danielle was lost in the brown depths and lulled bythe slow play of his hands on her. Jacobe’s gaze lowered to her lips. Danielle felt every excited beat of her heart throughout her body.
She nodded. “One date.”
His eyes heated to delicious pools of melted chocolate. He leaned closer. He was going to kiss her. Danielle’s heart jackhammered.
She jumped back. He immediately let go. Her arm hit a small stack of papers on her desk. The sheets flew to the floor. Turning away from him, she quickly bent to pick them up. “Um...as for volunteering, I’ll let you talk with Debra. She helps coordinate volunteers.” She slapped the papers on her desk. He stood in the middle of the small path to the door. She tried to quickly scoot past him without touching.
Her breasts brushed his chest. White-hot desire slammed into her. Her nipples tightened. Danielle jerked forward and almost tripped. When he reached out to help her, she held her hand away and righted herself.
“No worries, I’m good.” She glanced at his face. He was watching her, smiling. Danielle looked away and opened the door. “I’ll get Debra.” She hurried out of the room before she turned into even more of a stuttering ninny.
Chapter 4 (#u27c5340a-5bde-5b23-b15b-9c6c2b5350ad)
“What’s really going on between you and Jacobe?” Debra asked as she and Danielle skimmed a row of party dresses in Revelry Dress Shop.

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Full Court Seduction
Full Court Seduction