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Winning The Doctor
Harmony Evans
A passion more than skin deepMoving from Colorado to a seaside California town was a risky career move. But it could be the opportunity of a lifetime if Liza Sinclair can snag the plum job of designing a private clinic for America’s plastic surgeon to the stars. All she has to do is beat out the competition by impressing Anthony Marbet with her innovative designs . . . and keep her attraction to the gorgeous physician from derailing her dreams.The lovely architect has beauty and a vision that coincides with Anthony’s plans for his growing practice and the exciting expansion going on in Bay Point. His love life may be a work in progress, but Liza tempts him to take their strictly-business relationship to the next level. Can he create a blueprint for the future with the woman who fulfills his ideas of perfection—inside and out?

A passion more than skin-deep
Moving from Colorado to a seaside California town was a risky career move. But it could be the opportunity of a lifetime if Liza Sinclair can snag the plum job of designing a private clinic for America’s plastic surgeon to the stars. All she has to do is beat out the competition by impressing Anthony Marbet with her innovative designs...and keep her attraction to the gorgeous physician from derailing her dreams.
The lovely architect has beauty and a vision that coincides with Anthony’s plans for his growing practice and the exciting expansion going on in Bay Point. His love life may be a work in progress, but Liza tempts him to take their strictly business relationship to the next level. Can he create a blueprint for the future with the woman who fulfills his ideas of perfection—inside and out?
Anthony bent down, his lips grazing her ear, sending a thousand tingles down her spine.
“Not as easy as the Electric Slide, is it?”
She took a quick glance around the room, and it seemed like every eye was on them.
“I think we’re making a spectacle of ourselves.”
Anthony pulled her close.
As they rocked and swayed together to the music, the strength of his embrace and his own physical reaction to her signaled that something had changed between them. And she wasn’t sure she could handle it.
“Perhaps we are,” he said low in her ear, and his sexy voice made her cling to him even more. “Who cares?”
Her heart pumped wildly in her chest, and she worried what would happen if she began to care about him too much.
She didn’t dare speak, not trusting herself to stay unemotional.
He tilted her chin up with the tip of his finger and leaned in close to her face.
His full lips were tempting enough to bite, to kiss.
Did she want to? Yes.
Dear Reader (#ulink_21ff6cd4-202a-54cd-9d30-6c2810bc80f7),
Romance can happen anytime, anywhere. I think that is when it’s most memorable, don’t you?
You’re about to delve into a very special story about a man and a woman whose dreams collide...in a good way! They have to balance their deep attraction to each other while also working for a common goal.
Winning the Doctor is the second book in my Bay Point Confessions series, set in the fictional beach town of Bay Point, California. Be sure to check out the first book, Winning Her Love. I appreciate your continued support.
I love to hear from readers. Please visit my website at www.harmonyevans.com (http://www.harmonyevans.com) to connect with me.
Be blessed,
Winning the Doctor
Harmony Evans

www.millsandboon.co.uk (http://www.millsandboon.co.uk)
HARMONY EVANS received the 2013 Romance Slam Jam Emma Award for Debut Author of the Year. Her first book, Lesson in Romance, garnered two RT Reviewers’ Choice Award nominations in 2012. She currently resides in New York City. Connect with Harmony on Facebook, Twitter or at harmonyevans.com (http://www.harmonyevans.com).
Cover (#ue6cf27ab-6d71-50a2-bf30-cb82bcab60a7)
Back Cover Text (#u632d53f4-29ea-537f-8306-0554bace5ec6)
Introduction (#u0400bb35-208c-541d-9df9-68775b3dad94)
Dear Reader (#ulink_b71d4985-1c4a-5e2d-9702-6730bb99ae17)
Title Page (#u3ebf63b6-9465-5067-bc66-619960e0a47a)
About the Author (#u2563ca6b-37c1-56a9-8df6-5e2ef17feae1)
Chapter 1 (#ulink_d34a97ca-9ccc-5ef1-b733-1c13f88f17e4)
Chapter 2 (#ulink_07dcb9ee-ac29-579d-9244-fdf5e3b044f4)
Chapter 3 (#ulink_5c1d313d-4436-58d3-b6aa-b7b5498d6424)
Chapter 4 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 5 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 6 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 7 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 8 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 9 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 10 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 11 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 12 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 13 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 14 (#litres_trial_promo)
Epilogue (#litres_trial_promo)
Copyright (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 1 (#ulink_6d20d1c2-051f-50e7-a019-d7e0f2c49d58)
“I’m sorry, but I can’t meet with you.”
Liza Sinclair bit the edge of her tongue in shock and stared at the attractive doctor hovering in the doorway. He crossed his sizable arms and planted his feet as if he were blocking the entrance to an exclusive club.
If she had met him in a club, she would have confided to her friends that he was just the right kind of tall, not overpowering, nor underwhelming. His white, neatly pressed lab coat could not hide his athletic build, but in fact seemed to enhance it in the most distracting way.
Although the tiny cleft in his strong chin lent his face a slice of playfulness, his grim expression was anything but welcoming. His tough-guy stance was a bit off-putting but not insurmountable. Liza inhaled a quiet breath. She wasn’t going to allow him to turn her world upside-down at 7 a.m. on a Monday morning.
Who does he think he is?
“But we had an appointment.”
Though it was difficult, Liza managed to keep her voice pleasant. She’d come too far to give up now.
A group of nurses walked past her, laughing and carrying on, almost bumping into her in the narrow hallway of Bay Point Community Hospital’s General Surgery unit. She twisted her head to the side in mild annoyance, accidentally exposing her scar. It began near her right earlobe and slid to the edge of her jawbone, where it mercifully ended. Though it was narrow, about the width of a piece of yarn and only an inch long, she was self-conscious about it, especially when meeting new people.
Even though she’d worn her long hair down, Liza resisted the urge to place her hand on her neck, having learned over the years that no matter how much she tried, her scar was eventually revealed. She drew in a breath before turning her head back to face Dr. Marbet, and consciously lowered her chin just a bit, hoping he hadn’t noticed.
It was too late. Something had changed in his deep brown eyes. Her cheeks suddenly warmed, kindling the thought that his interest in her was more than scientific, more visceral. But she knew that couldn’t possibly be the case.
He thinks I’m a patient.
“You know who I am, don’t you?”
His lips melted into a faint smile. “Of course I do, Ms. Sinclair, but that doesn’t change the fact that I’ve changed my mind.”
She stared at the man who had seemed so interested to meet her during their phone conversation a few days earlier. His call had been a complete surprise. When he told her his plans to open a boutique cosmetic surgery clinic and offered her the opportunity to interview, she’d jumped at the chance to design the structure from the ground up.
Though he was only in his early thirties, Dr. Anthony Marbet was a much sought-after cosmetic surgeon in California and throughout the United States. His skills at making beautiful people even more gorgeous were well-known in the entertainment business. His fees were exorbitant. Among his clients were the rich, the famous, people who attempted to break the internet, as well as those who valued their privacy more than a headline.
She hadn’t asked how he’d gotten her name. At the time, it didn’t matter because she was so excited about the project.
Now, she wondered if the man was playing games. Her stomach clenched as a flurry of negative thoughts raced across her mind. How was it possible that he’d changed his mind as soon as he opened the door and saw her?
She lifted her chin, her inner resolve like steel. “May I ask why?”
His brown eyes locked with hers. “I’ve decided to go with a professional firm, rather than hire an independent architect.”
He can’t be serious, Liza thought as she gripped the handle of her leather portfolio case, hoping the action would throw focus on another part of her body, and her pounding heart could slow down.
After extensive research, she’d moved from Denver, Colorado, to Bay Point, California, a little more than two months ago, choosing sun and surf over her beloved snowcapped mountains. Located halfway between San Francisco and the border of Oregon, Bay Point was in the midst of a major revitalization. After years of structural and population decline, people were starting to flock to the little town on the Pacific coast to build new homes and start new businesses.
Making the trek to Bay Point was an opportunity for her to nurture and grow her burgeoning one-woman architectural firm. She hoped the move, though fraught with risk, would pay off professionally and financially.
“But you haven’t even given me the chance to show you my work.”
She tightened her grip on her portfolio case. There was no way she was leaving the hospital without at least getting the opportunity to share her sketches with Dr. Marbet in person.
He drew in a breath and paused, seeming to consider something for a moment. A few uncomfortable moments passed, and his eyes never left her face. She felt like she would melt under his gaze, but she still held on to her portfolio as tightly as she held on to her dreams.
Finally, his eyes looked at the gold watch that slid from the edge of his pristine lab coat. He stepped aside and swept his hand toward the interior of the room.
“Ms. Sinclair, you have fifteen minutes.”
Liza held back a frown and nodded. When they’d spoken on the phone, she hadn’t asked how long the appointment was going to be, but she’d assumed it would be longer than it took her to take a shower.
She slipped by him, eager to get inside before he changed his mind again.
She’d chosen a navy silk dress, instead of a suit, to wear to the interview. The classic, sleeveless design made her feel like she was born into money, not someone who’d worked her butt off to acquire it. She resisted the urge to sashay into the room.
Her bare arm whispered against his lab coat as she passed, sending sharp tingles up and down her skin. She could feel his eyes on her back.
Bypassing the leather sofa along one wall, she tried to relax and headed straight for the oval conference table. The half-closed blinds tamped down the morning sunlight and cast a husky glow into the room.
Liza set her portfolio down and turned around just as Dr. Marbet shut his office door.
He ran a hand over his close-shaved black hair. “I’m sorry if I seemed a little rude just now, but I have a heavy surgery schedule today. Still, that’s no excuse.”
When they’d spoken on the phone, she’d instantly loved his voice, smooth and professional at the surface, pure silk lingering just below. His words weren’t exactly an apology, but his tone had changed dramatically and that was good enough for her.
Liza folded her arms, more from habit than annoyance. “I can come back another time if that’s more convenient for you.”
He raised a brow, as if weighing her offer, and then shook his head. “No. Now is fine. Besides, my schedule is booked for the rest of the week.”
Her heart quickened as he approached her and extended his arm. “Let’s start over, shall we?”
He wasn’t smiling, but his handshake was firm and friendly. She nodded, feeling her shoulders relax just a bit. “I’d love to, and I promise that I won’t take much of your time.”
He gently let go of her hand, leaving an invisible nest of warmth on her palm.
“Thanks for changing your mind,” she added, watching him walk away, his steps purposeful, yet relaxed.
Dr. Marbet closed his laptop, and three flat-screen monitors on the wall directly behind him turned off in tandem. Liza assumed they were used for viewing X-rays and other diagnostic tests.
“I trust you’ll make my decision the right one, Ms. Sinclair,” he replied as he checked his watch again, instantly re-igniting her nerves.
His athletic frame skirted around the desk and as he leaned against it, he seemed both nonchalant and alert.
“I have my first patient at eight thirty, so let’s get started.”
He unbuttoned his lab coat, revealing a crisp, blue formal shirt topped off with a bright yellow silk tie that would be outlandish on other men, but on him looked elegant and dignified.
“As I stated on the phone, opening up a private cosmetic surgery practice has long been a dream of mine, so this project is very important to me. Tell me what you remember about my vision for the clinic.”
Liza boldly took a few steps toward him. “I recall that you want your patients to feel welcome and at home, so the architectural design will be a cornerstone of the clinic’s success.”
He shoved his hands into the pockets of his lab coat. “Right. They already know that when they come to my clinic, they are receiving the best medical care that money can buy, so I’ve got that covered. But I want the building to be designed in such a way that their experience can be uniquely personal.”
She nodded in agreement. “Your facility would be the first of its kind in Bay Point. Why do you see a need for it now?”
Dr. Marbet crossed his arms again and stroked his chin thoughtfully. “In this immediate area, the only place for women and men to have a cosmetic surgery or even a non-surgical procedure, something simple like fillers to correct wrinkling, is here at BPC. Even though this is a fine facility, it’s still a hospital.”
Liza smiled. “Intimidating and impersonal. A hospital isn’t the most private place in town.” She sighed and chose her next words carefully. “I can appreciate your concern for the locals, but I know that many of your patients are famous.”
“Now, where did you hear that?”
She shrugged, not willing to admit that perusing internet gossip sites on a regular basis was one of her favorite guilty pleasures.
“Word around town.”
He started to roll his eyes but stopped and grinned. “There are a lot of things you will hear in Bay Point. Some true, some not. But yes, some of my patients are extremely well-known in the media.”
“And you want more of them,” she prodded.
Dr. Marbet nodded as if the answer were obvious. “Most plastic and cosmetic surgery, that is not the result of certain injuries, is not covered by traditional insurance. Wealthier clients have the funds to pay out-of-pocket for their care. In private practice, I’ll have costs, too.
“The lack of privacy here at the hospital is a big problem and keeps many potential clients away,” he added.
Liza took a few more steps closer, careful to maintain a respectable distance. She had to know if there was another reason why he was building the clinic, something deeper. Something other than just making more money.
“Are you happy?”
He narrowed his eyes, and she worried that her question may have been too personal for a job interview. Still, she had to know if there was another reason why he was building the clinic.
“You mean here at the hospital?”
She nodded. Even though she was curious to know more about Dr. Marbet than just his opinion on his workplace, it was a good place to start building a connection.
“I’ve been at Bay Point Community for over six years. The medical benefits, regular hours, a normal schedule, most of the time are definite pluses,” he said with a wry smirk. “But there are enough minuses that I feel it’s time to strike out on my own,” he added, sighing deeply, as if his shoulders were laden with a heavy burden.
Liza clasped her hands together and smiled, happy that they shared something in common.
“I understand. Being my own boss was one reason why I started my own design firm. No one to answer to on a daily basis but my own perfectionist nature.”
No one to answer to, no one to blame when she failed and no one to celebrate the successes with either, she noted mildly to herself.
She’d been single and on her own for so long that she’d practically convinced herself she didn’t need anyone. All she needed right now was to secure this design gig, and since she didn’t know how much time she had left in the interview, it was time to start talking business.
“Dr. Marbet. I can assure you that with me at your side, you’ll be able to bring your vision to life.”
He gave her a questioning look. “You and your perfectionist nature?”
The teasing lilt in his voice emboldened her, and for the first time, she felt she had his complete attention.
“So what makes you think you’re qualified to design my clinic other than the fact that, per your website, you’ve been featured in Architectural Digest and House Beautiful?”
“Why don’t I show you instead?”
Dr. Marbet arched a brow and they walked to the conference table. When they reached it, he stood close enough for her to appreciate that he didn’t reek of cologne, which she hated, or of antiseptic, which she’d expected from a physician.
Instead, he had a nice, clean, soapy smell.
Simple, pleasant and very sexy.
So sexy that it made her want to inhale deeply, but she was the model of restraint, of self-denial. The situation was awkward enough without her acting like she’d never been close to a clean-smelling, handsome man who looked good enough to savor, for one night. Or maybe even a lifetime.
Liza opened up her portfolio case and laid her best work on the table.
“Here are three designs I created, as part of a team of architects, when I was working for a large firm in Denver. One is a private school, one is an office building and the other is a restaurant.”
Dr. Marbet’s arm brushed against hers, a gesture she was sure was completely innocent, yet her skin pulsed an invisible beat, as he pointed at the first one.
“Ah. Very interesting. I love the open-air feel of the school, and those courtyards scattered about are different. Random, and yet organized at the same time.”
His eyes danced, and she could tell by the look on his face that he was impressed.
“Yes, I designed those in order to encourage more small groups, rather than the large crowds one would see in a typical school yard.”
Liza’s heart raced, and even though she knew it would be tough to rein in her growing excitement, she realized she had to remain calm.
“I could see a courtyard area working well for your clinic.”
He nodded. “Perhaps as an extension of the waiting room. It would be more peaceful, during what is obviously a very stressful time.”
“We could create a separate, private courtyard, specifically for your high-profile clientele.”
He braced his palms against the table as he bent to take a closer look at the renderings, and she had the sudden urge to rest her hand against the curve of his back.
“I like that idea, Liza.”
She hitched in a quiet breath at the sound of her name on his tongue.
“This design was actually for a client in South Carolina,” she continued, as if her world hadn’t just stopped. After all, when she got the gig, she’d hear him say her name all the time. Might as well practice subduing her reaction to it, she thought. “They loved it and the climate was obviously perfect for it, but they decided to go for something a little more traditional.”
Dr. Marbet looked back and shot her a quirky smile. “You mean boring, right?”
She smiled back, pleased again at his response. It was a good sign. It meant that he was a risk taker, and that, if hired, she would be able to take some artistic chances.
“People pay good money for architects to stretch the boundaries of their own creativity. It’s truly a shame when they revert back to traditional design ideas out of fear.”
He straightened, and his expression turned serious, turning her momentary joy into concern.
“Aesthetics aside, the surgical units and patient rooms are also extremely important. I plan on having the latest technology, equipment and treatments available at my clinic. The design must be able to support a state-of-the-art facility. Will it?”
“Not to worry, I’m well aware of and have experience in the complexities of health-care facilities planning,” Liza assured him, with a wave of her hand. “The innovative care and the excellent patient experience will be the focus of the design, not the other way around.”
Dr. Marbet’s brown eyes met hers. “We’ll need to work together to ensure that the dimensions of each room and unit are appropriate to the equipment it will contain.”
There was a sudden, invisible spark between them. Working closely on a regular basis with Dr. Marbet would present its own challenges, namely to her heart. With his good looks, he probably had a lot of women throwing themselves at his feet, and she resolved that she would never be one of them.
She squeezed her thumb and index finger together. “I’m available almost 24/7.”
He let out a mock groan. “Aw. No three a.m. blueprint reviews? I’m not on my own yet. You do realize that I still sometimes work odd hours?”
Liza laughed. “If that’s what it takes to get the project done, I’ll brew a thermos of coffee and adjust my schedule.
“I know we’re probably running out of time, so let me show you a few more.” She pointed to the second design. “This one was for a technology start-up in Austin. They loved it, but sadly they lost all their funding the day before we were going to sign the contract.”
Dr. Marbet shook his head and whistled through his teeth. “Better before you put pen to paper than if you’d already started.”
“Tell me about it. We were very wary of working with start-ups after that fiasco.”
He folded his arms. “Don’t worry. Money won’t be an issue with this project. This is a private clinic, funded by myself and a few key and very wealthy investors.” He gestured toward the table. “Tell me about this one.”
Liza felt a burst of pride. “This is one of my favorites. The design was for a high-concept restaurant by a famous farm-to-table chef.”
He leaned one hip against the table. “What happened to this project?”
“Food poisoning in the chef’s other restaurant. A lot of people got very ill, and one almost died. My former firm actually pulled out of that deal first.”
Liza shook her head, remembering the stern warnings from their corporate counsel. “We didn’t want to be associated with the bad publicity.”
Dr. Marbet made a face. “Smart move. I don’t blame them.”
“Yes, and that experience was so awful that it cemented my dream to break away from corporate and start my own business.”
His grin was slow, easy and smoldered all the way to her heart.
Dr. Marbet turned back to the table and examined each rendering again. When he was finished, he turned around. Moments passed. Though his expression didn’t reveal anything, she remained inwardly confident.
And this is the part where you tell me I’ve got the project.
He crossed his arms, his tough-guy stance reappearing, and her confidence began to waver.
“Ms. Sinclair. Although these designs are very good and I appreciate you showing them to me, since none of them have actually been built, it appears that you have no real track record in commercial design.”
Though his tone wasn’t harsh, Liza felt the snap of his words in her heart. But she wouldn’t take things personally—this was too important. She calmly took a big breath, thankful that she’d already prepared for this moment, the not-so-subtle accusation.
“Since I started my own firm a few years ago, my focus has been on residential design. As you’ve seen in the renderings today, when I worked at Begley, Stuart and Harris in Denver, I assisted on many commercial projects. But as time went on, I quickly realized that both my residential and commercial designs were, and still are, for clients who are more open-minded to an aesthetic that is typically unconventional.”
He stared at her, and she felt as though he was testing her in some way.
“It sounds like you and I may have a similar vision,” he began, sounding strangely hesitant. “However, you should know, I still have a few more architectural firms who will also be pitching this project over the next several weeks.”
Liza’s heart sank, and she felt her willpower start to lag.
Competition. Something she loathed and welcomed at the same time. Although she was dying to know the names of the other firms he was considering, she wouldn’t dare ask.
“I understand. Thank you for your time,” she uttered.
Her voice felt muffled to her ears, as if her throat were lined with cotton. Rejection always hurt, whether personally or professionally, and she didn’t think she would ever get used to it.
Liza turned her back on him, put her renderings in her portfolio case and zipped it up. When she turned around, his eyes were curious, leaving her to wonder what he truly thought about her.
Dr. Marbet walked her to the door but stopped short of opening it.
“You know you can try to hide it, but I can tell you’re disappointed.”
She parted her lips in shock at his words, and at his gentle tone, but he was completely right. There was no use in denying it: she’d wanted to walk out of his office with the project, not empty-handed.
“You can?” she asked, raising a brow. “How can you tell?”
Dr. Marbet chuckled. “I’m not a mind reader, but I can read faces pretty well. When you’re disappointed, your lips turn down at the corners just slightly.”
She felt her face get hot with embarrassment, and she covered her mouth with her hands. “They do not.”
He chuckled a little. “Defend your lips all you want, but I know you thought you’d be the only one I’m considering for this project.”
Though his words hit hard, his voice was light and teasing, causing her to wonder if he was playing with her feelings.
Liza smiled and shrugged, trying to appear nonchalant. “That’s because I know I’m the best. I’d like to prove it to you. One can always hope, right?”
“Don’t worry.” He smiled, opening the door. “I’ll be in touch. You’re not out of the running yet.”
That lovely three-letter word left her future hanging by a string, but instead of making her quake with fear, this time she felt empowered because it meant she still had a chance to succeed.
She started to walk out, and then turned around to catch him watching her again.
“I probably shouldn’t be asking this, but what made you change your mind about interviewing me in the first place?”
“Let’s just say it was a promise I made to an old friend.”
Chapter 2 (#ulink_21ec94cd-a475-5ce4-85cf-ef7e83d62c54)
The waves of the Pacific Ocean tumbled onto the sand as Anthony jogged along the Bay Point shoreline just after sunrise. He’d pulled a double shift at the hospital and had been on his feet over twenty-four hours. His muscular thighs screamed for relief through the first mile, easing up only slightly during the second.
The beach was one of his favorite places to run, and lately, to escape.
He took in deep gulps of air as his feet kicked up wefts of sand. Running, no matter what the surface, usually cleared his mind and relieved the constant stress that went with the job of being a physician. His demanding schedule at the hospital meant he didn’t have a lot of bandwidth for himself, so he treasured his time alone.
But today he wasn’t alone. She was in his thoughts.
Liza Sinclair. The attractive architect had impressed him with her confidence, her design portfolio and her never-ending curves. And if he’d had the opportunity to sleep in the hours since he’d met her, he figured she would have invaded his dreams, too.
There wasn’t a picture of her on her website, which he thought was a bit odd, and he hadn’t been sure what to expect when she arrived for her appointment. So when he opened his office door and saw how beautiful she was, he instinctively knew he was in trouble.
Liza’s clear, mocha-hued skin looked fresh and appealing. To his discerning eye, she was a natural beauty. The kind of looks his patients paid thousands of dollars to achieve with expensive fillers and invasive surgery.
He remembered staring into her eyes. The flash of longing there had struck him by surprise. Liza was the kind of woman who could steal his time...and his heart. It was as though his whole life had changed in an instant. He didn’t know what the future held other than the fact that he wanted Liza in it.
At least, at that moment.
Deep down, he knew he couldn’t afford any distractions. With a twinge of guilt, he recalled his on-the-spot decision to cancel the interview.
Her beautiful face had remained composed, almost serene. Yet the light of excitement had dimmed in her eyes, and he sensed her disappointment.
Even worse, he’d lied to her, telling her he’d decided to work with a professional firm, instead of a private architect, which wasn’t true at all.
He stopped running and grasped his knees, gulping in the salty air. He was in great shape and had several marathons under his belt, but for some reason, this morning he felt like he had never run a day in his life.
Anthony yawned as he took his shirt off and slung it over his shoulders. He was due back at the hospital in less than eight hours. It was time to head to his condominium in town for some much-needed sleep—that is, if he could get Liza off his mind.
As he turned on his heel, his phone vibrated against his bicep. Reaching up, he removed it from his armband and slid his thumb across the screen.
“Hello, stranger,” he said, good-naturedly.
“What did you think of her?” Doc Z barked. “When I didn’t hear from you right away, I got worried.”
Dr. Ivan Zander, or Doc Z as he was commonly known, was one of his favorite professors in medical school. After graduation, the two men had stayed in touch throughout Anthony’s residency in plastic and reconstructive surgery. Doc Z had even recommended him for a prestigious fellowship at UCLA Medical Center. Over the years, Doc Z had not only become a mentor but also a good friend, and most recently, an investor in his clinic.
Anthony chuckled as he started the long trek back home. “Come on, Doc. You don’t fool me. The funny bone doesn’t exist, neither does your penchant for worrying.”
“That’s because everything always goes my way,” Doc Z said.
The tone in his voice sounded haughty, but Anthony knew different. Doc had worked hard his entire life but at a mighty price. He was sixty-eight years old, never married, no children. Nothing to keep him warm at night except the soft glow of his computer screen. Instead of investing in relationships, Doc Z invested in stocks, bonds and upstart businesses like Anthony’s.
“Stop stalling, okay?” Doc Z continued. “What did you think about Liza?”
“She’s perfect.” In more ways than one.
Like an itch on his back that he couldn’t scratch, it made Anthony a little uncomfortable realizing how easily those two words had rolled out of his mouth. He blamed it on lack of sleep and lack of intimacy. Besides, no one was perfect, least of all him.
“Aha! I told you you’d like her,” Doc exclaimed triumphantly, interrupting his thoughts.
“Don’t gloat, Doc. It’s so unlike you,” Anthony replied, meaning the exact opposite.
“Why shouldn’t I?” Doc Z fired back. “She’s talented. Smart. And I handed her to you on a silver platter. What more could you want?”
Anthony sidestepped the waves rolling onto the shore. “A little more time to process what this all means would be helpful.”
“You think too much. I’ve done all the work. Now, all you have to do is hire her.”
Anthony stopped in his tracks, not caring if his shoes got wet. “Who said anything about hiring, Doc? When you called me a few weeks ago and told me about Liza, I only agreed to interview her as a favor to you. Plus, per your request, I didn’t mention that you were the one who had recommended her.”
“Which I appreciate, so what’s the problem?” Doc interjected.
Anthony huffed out a breath. Liza was the first woman, in a long time, who amounted to more than a ten-second blip on his brain, something that was none of Doc’s business.
He started walking again. His sneakers were now wet, and he couldn’t wait to get home and out of them.
“For starters, I still don’t understand why you asked me. If you want me to hire her so badly, I think I have a right to know.”
“I’ve known Liza’s family for years, since she was a little girl. I made her father a promise that I’d always watch out for her. He passed away about a year ago.”
“And her mother?”
Doc sighed heavily. “Gone too. Died a year before her husband as a result of complications from botched cosmetic surgery she had done in Costa Rica.”
Anthony’s heart squeezed in his chest. He couldn’t imagine the grief Liza had felt losing her mother and father in such a short time period. Both of his parents were still alive, thankfully, and though they lived thousands of miles away in South Carolina, he was still very close to them.
“That’s terrible. I know it’s a growing trend to go overseas for all types of surgical procedures. Though the costs can be significantly less than the United States, there are definite risks that many patients don’t know about or even consider.”
“It’s a problem, for sure,” Doc replied. “But right now, all I care about is convincing you that hiring Liza would be a very good thing.”
Anthony shook his head. “Now that I know a little bit about her family background, I’m even more uncomfortable with this plan. Is Liza okay? She seemed to be, but I don’t know. I need the architect to be on point and fully engaged with this project.”
“She’s a very strong person,” Doc replied without hesitation. “But she needs something different. That’s why she moved from Denver to Bay Point. She was successful there but a bit unfocused.”
“Yes, her residential work is fantastic, but her commercial work is lacking.”
“Minor detail,” Doc gruffed.
“Minor detail?” Anthony exclaimed, sloshing through the sand. “This clinic has to be designed right. Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I wanted you to meet her and judge her on her own merits. You saw her portfolio. She’s great at what she does.”
“True. Her commercial renderings were amazing, but none of them has ever been built.”
“So? What’s the problem?” Doc said. “That wasn’t her fault. She told you that, didn’t she?”
Anthony nodded. “Yes, but it’s still a huge problem for me, and as one of the main investors in this project, I’m surprised you don’t feel the same.”
“I don’t feel the same because I know Liza personally. Trust me, Anthony. She’ll do great work.”
“If you feel so strongly that she is the right person for the role, why couldn’t I tell her that you’d recommended her? You’ve put me in a really awkward position.”
Doc was silent for moment. “Liza is a very independent woman. If she knew I was trying to help her, she wouldn’t be pleased. She can never know that I’m the one who brought her to you.”
“Just in case you didn’t hear me earlier, I interviewed Liza as a favor, Z,” Anthony emphasized again. “I didn’t promise that I would hire her.”
“You’d be doing me an even greater favor by changing your mind.”
Anthony was very curious about Liza. How she would use her creativity, not to mention how she would feel in his arms. However, the situation was making him a little uneasy.
“Let me put it to you this way,” Doc continued. “Even though I do have a ton of money invested, ultimately it’s your gig and your decision. But I honestly believe that having Liza design the clinic is in your best interest...and mine.”
“Because you always get your way, right, Doc?” Anthony said with a smirk.
Doc laughed. “Yeah. Besides, everyone needs a little help, a first chance, a shot at doing something they’ve never done before. You did, remember?”
Anthony opened his mouth to protest, but no words came out.
Doc was right. When Anthony was in medical school, Doc had promised him that if he worked hard, he would help him succeed. True to his word, Doc had mentored him and opened doors to people and opportunities that Anthony would have never had access to by himself.
He stared out across the open waters. “Going with an independent architect as opposed to a small or even midsized firm is risky. Liza is going to have fewer resources, and since she recently moved to the area, I’m sure she won’t have the construction contacts that a full-services firm would.”
“She’s a smart woman who will navigate her way quickly. She designed my home. You can trust her.”
“I don’t know, Doc.” Anthony shrugged, lifting a fistful of sand and watching the granules slip through to the ground below.
“Tell you what. If you hire her, I’ll pay her fee. The entire thing.”
Anthony sucked in a breath and whistled “That’s very generous of you, Doc, and possibly, very stupid.”
“Not at all. I believe in you. I believe in her. Someday, so will you.”
“I’ll think about it.”
“Think quickly.”
“So what’s on your plate for the rest of the day? Besides making me feel guilty.”
Doc chuckled. “No patients today. Just me, a good book and a glass of chardonnay under the umbrella by my beautiful, sparkling pool. And you?”
“Sleeping, and then back to the hospital later this afternoon. I’m thinking about taking a drive out to the construction site tomorrow morning.”
“Oh? Take Liza. You won’t regret it.”
“I’m not so sure about that,” Anthony replied, rubbing his temple.
Doc laughed. “Have I ever steered you wrong?”
Anthony ended the call and grimaced, suddenly remembering the sweet, caring tone of Liza’s voice when she’d asked him if he was happy.
The question had come out of the blue, and he had to admit, he’d been pondering it ever since.
For the most part he was. He had plenty of money, a great career and a small group of close friends. Plus, he was about to embark on a brand-new adventure, building and owning his own business, something he’d dreamed about for years.
He slipped his phone into his pocket and inhaled the salty air into his lungs. The beach was empty at this hour except for seagulls dive-bombing the ocean for their breakfast, and Anthony couldn’t have been happier at the lack of human beings in close proximity.
Bay Point was a small town, and everyone seemed to either know him personally or know about him. While it was great for attracting new patients, it was terrible for maintaining privacy.
Not that he’d had much of a personal life lately.
Kneeling down, he scooped up a handful of sand, brought it in for closer inspection. The color was unusual: pale beige flecked with bits of white, green and black. He couldn’t have counted the number of grains even if he’d had the desire or the time. But he could count the number of times he’d walked along this beach with a woman.
“Zero,” he muttered to himself, as he stood up and angrily pitched the sand back into the Pacific.
Yet, he’d chosen to spend his nights alone.
His demanding schedule had made it nearly impossible to sustain a long-distance relationship with his former girlfriend in Miami, when he’d first moved to Bay Point six years ago. She’d complained that he was more devoted to his career than to her.
Yet even when the relationship was over, he had little interest in pursuing another one, despite the seductive looks he regularly received from local women. That was just asking for trouble in a town like Bay Point, which seemed to thrive on gossip, rumors and innuendos.
Anthony didn’t have time to fall in love—with any woman, let alone Liza Sinclair.
Lust, maybe. But love?
He brushed the sand from his shorts, dismissing the thought, and put his shirt back on.
Love was for men with nine-to-five careers, not for men like him. Building his clinic and serving his patients were all that mattered. Falling in love with Liza—or any woman for that matter—was not part of his plan.
Chapter 3 (#ulink_67b8656a-5737-5fac-88f1-e28a598d630c)
Liza eased her white pickup onto the gravel and braked in front of an abandoned motel. Judging by the broken windows, chipped plaster and the weed-choked parking lot, the Sunray Inn hadn’t had any travelers in years.
She pushed her sunglasses on top of her head and carefully rubbed her eyes, so as to not disturb her mascara.
“Too bad this place isn’t still open,” she muttered under her breath. “I could use a few more hours of sleep. These morning meetings are killing me.”
The doors were covered in signs with faded red lettering warning would-be criminals and the curious that the structure was condemned and that trespassing would be punishable by law. The largest sign of all declared that the place was SOLD. As tired as she was, just seeing that one word energized her at the prospect of seeing the new owner.
Dr. Marbet had occupied her thoughts for the past few days. Some positive, some negative and some deliciously naughty, and yet, all were colored by the cold, hard, truth.
The design project wasn’t hers.
Not yet.
Liza scowled and leaned her chin on the steering wheel. Her fingers grazed her scar, reminding her it was there, and that she wasn’t perfect.
As if she needed a reminder at all.
She blew out a breath. Competition be damned.
Over a sleepless night or two, she had come to the conclusion that she would refuse to dwell on the negative. On the what-ifs. And on the fact that Dr. Marbet was more than just a figment of some 2 a.m. fantasy: he was the key to fulfilling her dreams.
Liza popped in a breath mint to remove the scent of her early-morning coffee, opened the door and stepped out of her vehicle.
She looked down and saw that the heel of her high wedge sandals had hit a medium-sized rock. Ignoring the urge to kick the blasted thing away, she leaned her hip against her truck and bent at the waist to massage her throbbing ankle.
Moments later, she heard the squashy crunch of tires on gravel fast approaching.
A truck pulled up next to her, swirling a cloud of dust into her face. It was the same model as hers, but it was black and in better condition.
Straightening, she braced her hip against her vehicle and started to cough.
Dr. Marbet hopped out and circled around his vehicle. “I’m sorry about driving in so fast. I saw you examining your foot, and it looked like you were in trouble.”
Her heart warmed at the concern etched on his face, but just as quickly, she realized that was his job. He was a doctor. He was supposed to care.
“No big deal, Dr. Marbet,” she choked out, struggling not to cough again. “I’m just going to die from gravel dust inhalation.”
“No you won’t. I’ll take care of you.”
His smile seemed genuine and his hand gently patted her on the back, amplifying the butterflies that had begun to swirl inside at his soft touch. It was gentle, yet deliberate, and she chalked that up to his bedside manner automatically kicking in.
As if responding to the perfect antidote, her urge to cough ceased almost immediately. The pleasurable sensations he invoked spread quickly throughout her body.
Moments later, he lifted his hand. “If we are going to be possibly working together, can we kill the formalities?”
She nodded. “I suppose I can manage that, Anthony.”
His name sounded so luscious as it tumbled out of her mouth that she momentarily forgot her injury.
“Ouch,” she exclaimed loudly as she took a step forward.
He knelt on one knee and visually inspected her ankle.
“What happened?”
She grimaced as embarrassment mingled with pleasure at the caring look in his warm, brown eyes.
“I think I might have twisted it getting out of the car.”
He balanced his elbow on one knee and kept his gaze on her.
“Clumsy much?” he asked, his tone playful.
“Lots much,” she admitted. “I guess I’m overdressed. I probably should have worn flats, but I assumed this location would be paved.”
“You look fine,” he said, casting his eyes up her body, clad in a soft floral-print dress that hit just above her knees.
Anthony kept his eyes on hers. “May I examine you?”
Despite having grown up in a family of physicians, she never liked going to one. However, she would make an exception for Anthony. This was a chance to be touched by one of the most gorgeous men she’d ever seen.
For medical purposes only, of course.
Her ankle didn’t even hurt that much anymore, but she decided to keep that little tidbit to herself.
She nodded her consent and held her breath.
“Tell me if any of this hurts,” he instructed, before looking down at her ankle.
Anthony began to palpate her flesh, and she bit her lip as her loins began to quiver with every gentle touch. She could feel the low heat emanating from his palms and wondered what he would do to treat her if she fainted right on the spot.
The pads of his thumbs pressed and circled over her skin, little ripples of wonder that journeyed up through her body. She knew she shouldn’t be feeling this way. The man was a physician, and he was only doing his job, but she couldn’t help it. His fingers were skilled and felt so good that she didn’t want him to stop.
Anthony tilted his head up. “Any pain?”
Liza shook her head. “I think you massaged it all out of me.”
He slowly removed his hands from her ankle.
“See if you can rotate it comfortably.”
She did as he asked, and though there was a tinge of pain, she’d survive.
“I’m okay now, thanks.”
He stood up and dusted a few pieces of gravel from his dark blue slacks. As he did, she watched his muscled arms flex under his light gray T-shirt.
“Great taste,” she said.
Anthony looked down at his pants. “What? You mean these?”
“No, not in clothes,” she said. “In cars. You have great taste in vehicles.”
Puzzlement crossed his face, and she half covered her mouth, realizing that she’d just insulted him.
“Not to say that you don’t have good taste in clothes, too,” she said, trying to recover. “It’s just weird to see you in normal clothes, and not just a lab coat.”
He crossed his arms in a way that made her heart skip a beat. His biceps nestled against his sides in that casually sexy way that only some men could achieve.
“What’s so strange about it? I’m a regular guy who wears regular clothes,” he said, sounding off-put.
“I’m sorry. My dad and uncle were physicians, and I saw them so much in their hospital scrubs that whenever they didn’t have that stuff on, it always surprised me.”
He grinned, lowering his voice. “I guess I’m not used to having someone notice.”
The man had to be joking, she thought. Who wouldn’t notice a body like his?
Their eyes met, and a sudden spark was there. It was indefinable, yet she could feel it and knew he was aware of it, too. She made a show of brushing her hands together as if she could simply rid herself of what she’d just experienced between them.
“There’s a first time for everything.”
He laughed. “No kidding. I wasn’t expecting you to drive a truck.”
She put one hand on her hip. Now, who was insulting whom?
“Women can’t drive trucks?”
“Hold on. I never said that. But you should be wearing jeans or maybe a cowboy hat. Not a sundress and heels.”
Liza stared at him, openmouthed. “I know I’m dressed a bit formally, but I’m here for a meeting, not a hoedown.”
He laughed again, and she couldn’t help but smile, feeling exasperated and pleased.
“Actually, when I drove up and saw your truck, my first thought was that someone was trying to break in.”
She took a quick glance behind her and shivered. “Into this old place? It looks like the Bates Motel. Besides, do I look like a burglar to you?”
Anthony leaned against his own vehicle, an easygoing quality in his stance.
“No. Not at all.” He grinned, regarding her. Not in an offensive way but rather curiously. More appreciative of...what? she wondered. Something. It was the unknown that made her blush.
She cleared her throat and carefully picked her way over the gravel, being mindful of reinjuring her ankle.
“I’m surprised anybody would know this place is here. It’s near the highway but still pretty secluded. I even drove past it a couple of times.”
He joined her on the cracked sidewalk that led to the motel’s office. “I know. But the sale was listed in a few local papers several weeks ago. Ever since, there have been some issues. A few more broken windows to christen the ones already here.”
“The location will certainly give your patients plenty of privacy, that’s for sure.”
She pointed to the long entranceway. “Those trees lining the private road in here must be sixty feet tall!”
“Yes, I’ve been advised to get rid of them, but I never will. Privacy aside, those trees are home to hundreds of birds.”
“The property is still zoned commercial, I assume?”
He nodded. “Absolutely. I checked with City Hall before I purchased it, and we’re good to go there. Of course, once I decide on the final design, we’ll have to submit it to the commercial zoning board for approval.”
“And there will be construction and other permits to secure as well. Don’t worry, I’ll take care of everything,” she replied confidently, as if she already had the job.
Anthony glanced down at her ankle again. “If you’re sure you’re okay, I’ll give you the grand tour.”
“I’m fine. I just need to grab something from my truck.”
Liza walked back to her vehicle, ignoring the whisper of pain in her ankle, and retrieved her camera. Taking pictures of the existing property would help her get a sense of scale, although she wished the motel were already torn down. It would have made visualizing another building in its place a lot easier.
“Let’s go,” she said.
Due to his long legs, Anthony edged out a bit ahead of her. He slipped his hands into his front pockets, stretching the fabric of his pants over his tight buttocks.
“As you can see, the property has been vacant for a while,” Anthony explained. “Once you get past the trees, it doesn’t look like much from the front. But I bought this place fairly inexpensively, considering that the value is in the land.”
Liza caught up to him. “From what I’ve heard, there’s been more and more outside interest in building in Bay Point since Mayor Langston instituted his redevelopment plan.”
“Yes, and I was lucky to get the property when I did.”
Liza breathed a sigh of relief. “I’m glad to hear that if this project doesn’t work out and you decide to go with someone else, the opportunities for commercial architecture and design projects are plentiful. It’s one of the reasons I moved to Bay Point.”
He pinned his gaze on her. “And the other reasons?”
She paused and turned away to fight back the tears that suddenly sprang to her eyes.
There was no way she was getting into the details of how the grief over losing her mom, and then her dad, had made life in Denver almost unbearable.
Liza turned back abruptly and forced a smile. “Sun, surf and a fresh start, what else?”
Plus the chance to work with a very hot man, she thought. An unexpected bonus.
Anthony grinned, seeming to be satisfied with her answer. “Keep that pretty smile on your face because you’re about to see something amazing.”
She followed him under an arch that connected one side of the motel with the other. Looking overhead, she could see the stucco was cracked in many places, weeds poking through like disembodied roots in some dank underground cave.
When they emerged, she gasped aloud.
“Beautiful, isn’t it?”
Ahead of them was a clear view of the Pacific Ocean. Miles and miles of blue, hauntingly still water, framed by the orange glow of the sun rising in a clear sky.
“Amazing,” she said, inhaling quietly but deeply. The salty scent of the air was both delicate and mysterious, like a secret that would never be revealed.
Liza tore her attention away from the ocean and focused on Anthony. She had to fight the urge to pick up her digital camera and snap a photo of him.
With his powerful arms outstretched and the sun glowing behind him, he looked like he could be on the cover of one of those money or entrepreneurial magazines. The guy who’d captured the world and held it in the palm of his hand. A man who’d made it, and made it big.
Liza smiled. And it would be she, not some bureaucratic architectural firm that moved like a sloth and charged a king’s ransom for its services, that would push him to even greater heights.
Without warning, a quick fantasy of him in the same position but completely nude skittered through her mind. The sun glinting off his black hair, his arms outstretched, the lower half of him stirring to life right before her very eyes.
“I’d say the view is priceless,” she murmured.
He motioned her forward, and the fantasy ended. She followed him to the edge of the weed-choked patio.
When she looked down, she almost swooned, not realizing how steep a cliff they were on. All that was between them and certain death was a rickety old wooden fence. The kind with two long pieces of wood and a space in the middle, wide enough for a small car to plow through, like in those old cop shows from the ’70s.
Anthony peered down. “Stairs to the beach will be a requirement of the new design.” He pointed to the right. “There’s a narrow opening over there that may work.”
They both leaned against the wood, her barely grazing it, him with a bit more pressure, and she felt the railing wobble.
“Careful,” she warned, clasping his arm. Her voice was sharp, but only because of the flash of fear that had slid through her body, at the mere thought of something happening to him.
Even though she’d only known him for a very short time, she would be upset that he got hurt in any way, but she wasn’t about to reveal her feelings about him. Not only was it unprofessional, but also too embarrassing if he didn’t feel the same way.
His eyes met hers, but she didn’t let go. “What are you, my guardian angel?”
She pursed her lips and retorted. “If you fall off this cliff, I can’t build you a clinic, now can I?”
He moved away from her, forcing her to release her grip, and seemed surprised at her answer.
She took a few snapshots of the motel. When would this man realize that she was just as career driven as he was?
“I wish this broken-down place was demolished. My wheels are already starting to turn.”
He smiled, and took another step away from the railing. “Agreed. There are a few loose ends to take care of, and I want to have the architect in place before the demolition. In fact, I want that person to select the construction team for the build.”
“That’s not a problem. I’ve already started to make connections and get references from local companies. I think it’s best to hire a builder from the area rather than out of town, because they are more familiar with the regulations.”
She fingered the lens of her camera. “Once the building is razed, we’ll need to have the land graded and surveyed. There are a thousand things to do before we even think about laying the foundation.”
Anthony nodded. “I’ve read up on the LEED rating system. I want my clinic to be LEED-certified, from the ground up.”
Liza tilted her head, hugely impressed and excited. Barring his statement about saving the trees to preserve a natural habitat, she never would have pegged Anthony for an environmentalist.
“That’s great to hear. LEED certification is the gold standard in healthy, resource-efficient building practices. But going green is going to add to your cost and could extend the project timeline,” she warned.
“I don’t care about the cost, but I do want to ensure we are using as many environmentally friendly materials as possible.”
She smiled. “Building green certainly fits with your vision. It will show your patients and employees that you care about their overall health and well-being as well as every aspect of their experience at the clinic.”
“Exactly. My position at Bay Point Community Hospital is secure, and even when the clinic is open, I’ll still be a part of the staff but on a part-time, on-call basis. I don’t want to rush this. I want to do it right.”
Anthony walked over to a small pool. Liza followed and saw that it was empty of water, but littered with trash.
“I can appreciate that sentiment,” she said, stepping away from the edge. “I always suggest that my clients use environmentally friendly materials when available. I’m glad you care about the Earth as much as I do.”
“Another thing we have in common.”
Liza couldn’t help noticing how his eyes quickly traveled over her body.
“And another reason why you should work with me, instead of a huge firm,” she added, with a grin of pleasure.
They toured the grounds for another half hour. His arm brushed against hers every so often, those brief touches warming her in places the sun never could.
As they walked, she listened closely as Anthony gave her a quick lesson on the flowers and shrubs that were native to the region.
“You’re quite the horticulturalist,” she said in a teasing voice.
He shrugged. “I don’t get to garden much with my schedule. So I’m really looking forward to working with the landscaper. I want to keep as much of the existing plants and vegetation as possible.”
Liza took pictures throughout the tour. An hour later, they were back in the parking lot.
“Can I see some of the photos you took?”
Liza nearly gasped aloud. When he wasn’t looking, she’d taken some pictures of him. Just for fun, she said to herself, not for fantasies.
“Um. I’ll email them to you later today, okay?” she blurted, and stuck out her hand. “Thanks again for the tour. Now that I’ve seen the land and that incredible coastal view, it will be easier to design something you like and meets your needs.”
His fingers stroked lightly against her palm as he let go of her right hand, making her want to have him shake the other one.
“You’re welcome. It was fun.”
They both yawned at the same time, then laughed.
A smile stretched across his face. “I gather you’re not a morning person?”
“No,” she admitted. “But I’m adjusting. I keep my windows open at night, and the smell of the salt water in the air helps me wake up better than any alarm clock.”
“As a physician, I’m pretty much on call 24/7, so I have no problem waking up at the crack of dawn, or anytime for that matter.”
Liza couldn’t help giggling a little bit. “I actually had to tip-toe out of the B and B. Otherwise Maisie would have stopped me to chat. I don’t think the woman ever sleeps.”
“Or ever stops talking,” he laughed. “Maisie Barnell, Bay Point’s town matriarch, and the woman who can carry on a conversation longer than—”
“A wave can stay upon the seashore,” she finished, with a fake swoon.
His smile deepened, rounding his cheeks. “Very poetic.”
Liza palmed her camera and grinned. “Maisie has tons of poetry books in her parlor, so I guess I picked up a few lines.”
“She’s a great lady, but she’s forever trying to hook me up with every single woman in town.”
He paused, crinkling his brow. “She means well, but I don’t have the heart to tell her that my taste in women is far more sophisticated than what’s currently available here.”
Liza wasn’t surprised Anthony was sought-after. He was rich and handsome, with the kind of boyish good looks that would appeal to most women. However, she disliked when men thought they were “all that,” even when they were. The only thing that saved him was the hint of playfulness in his tone.
“Oh, is that why you’re still single?” she asked.
“Up until recently, there hasn’t been anyone to consider.”
Her heart clenched at the thought of Anthony’s interest in someone else. She didn’t know his “type,” other than the fact that it definitely wasn’t a small-town girl, and she fought the urge to push him for further details. His personal life was none of her business.
“Don’t tell Maisie that she’s fired. If you do, she’ll redirect her matchmaking skills back to me instead of you,” Liza teased.
“Maisie is easy enough to avoid, if you move out of town that is,” Anthony said drily.
She laughed. “Not a chance. In fact, I’m staying with her while my house is being built.”
Anthony raised a brow, and his grin appeared sympathetic. “You must have the patience of an angel, though I’m glad to hear you’re not simply passing through town.”
“I’m here for the long haul. I found a great piece of land at a great price. I’m going to build one of my own residential designs. The timing is perfect and I can’t wait to break ground.”
The smile disappeared from his face. “If I select you for this project, are you sure you’re going to have enough time to devote to me?”
Liza widened her eyes. “Devote to you?”
He quickly cleared his throat, and looked uncomfortable. “Sorry. I meant to say my project.”
Liza hid a smile and nodded. “I can assure you that I will be completely devoted to the design of the clinic. As far as building my own home, I’m taking my time and Maisie said I’m welcome to stay at the B and B as long as I want.”
Anthony heaved a sigh of relief. “I’m glad to hear that. It’s really important that whomever I choose can be my complete partner.” He gestured back toward the soon-to-be-demolished motel. “In what I’m trying to do here, of course.”
He extended his hand again, and she wondered if he’d forgotten that they’d already said goodbye.
“I’m sorry that I got you out of bed so early once again but I appreciate you accommodating my schedule. The next step will be the actual presentation. I’ll call you soon with the date.”
She kept her eyes on his and boldly trailed her fingers lightly across his smooth palm, before letting go.
As he turned to walk back to his truck, Liza told herself quickly that what she was about to ask was all in the name of continuing to solidify their business relationship and nothing more.
But the truth was, she didn’t want to wait days to see him, or hours to feel her heart race again. Whenever she looked into his eyes and felt his skin brush against hers, he inspired long-dormant fantasies that she wanted to flame. If only in her own mind.
“Wait. I’d like to talk more. Can we have dinner sometime?”
She kept her voice soft, yet businesslike, holding back an edge of flirtation.
“My treat. You look like you might need a break.”
He turned around, and though he stayed where he was, she could feel the electric pull of his body.
“That bad, huh?”
Her face warmed at his lazy grin. “No, not bad at all. That’s not what I meant.”
He rubbed his chin with the back of his hand. “I know what you meant. I have been working like crazy lately, and I could use a night off. I do have some free time on Saturday night. Does that work for you?”
“Perfect,” she responded, hiding her excitement behind a professional tone. “We can sync up on the details later this week.”
If she didn’t care about looking like a fool, she would have thrown her keys up in the air with joy. Liza looked back at the aging motel. “There’s a lot of potential here. Once this place is torn down, the possibilities are endless.”
He dug his keys out of his pocket. “Agreed. The moment I saw the view in the back, I knew this was the perfect place for my clinic.”
“If you don’t mind, I’d like to come here in the early evening and take some more photos. It will help me as I create the design.”
She pointed at the NO TRESPASSING sign. “I don’t want to be thrown in jail.”
Liza was surprised when he suddenly put his keys on the hood of his truck and walked around to where she stood by hers.
“Sure. You’re welcome anytime. However, even though this is a safe area, I would never want you coming out here alone at night.”
“Why not?” she asked.
He took a few steps toward her, and his eyes shadowed as they roamed over her face. Then he stepped back and leaned a hip against the side of his truck.
“As I said earlier, there’s been some issues with vandals, and I wouldn’t want you to get hurt.”
Warmth filtered quickly through her body. Though his concern may have been warranted, she could take care of herself.
“I’ll be fine, I assure you.”
He nodded and waved goodbye, got into his truck and started it.
Liza got into her own vehicle and closed the door, a smile of satisfaction on her face. Their second meeting had gone considerably better than the first. By inviting him to dinner, she would further cement her chances at designing his clinic. In her heart, the job was already hers.
She was so excited she could barely put the key into the ignition. She heard the quick blast of a horn, glanced over and saw Anthony motioning to her.
Curiosity mixed with fear as she started the car and lowered the power windows.
“Is anything wrong?” she asked, hoping he hadn’t suddenly changed his mind.
Anthony’s left arm was draped casually over the steering wheel, and she could hear the low hum of old R & B music playing.
“No. I just wanted to let you know that if you ever did land in jail for trespassing, I would bail you out.”
She tilted her head, feeling a little self-conscious. “Oh really, why?”
Even at a distance, his gaze was so strong that the intensity in his eyes felt palpable.
“Just look in the mirror. I would never deny the rest of the world the opportunity to enjoy that killer smile of yours.”
Liza kept her eyes on his, grateful for the distance. It made it easier to hide her attraction to him. He couldn’t possibly have guessed that she liked him. Could he?
Without waiting for her response, Anthony waved again, backed out and left.
She sat in her truck and replayed the undeniable hint of flirtation in his voice. A pleasurable tremor spun through her body as she thought about what the slightest change in his tone could possibly mean.
He was a beautiful man, perfect in every way, on the outside at least.
Her mother, who had always been obsessed with beauty, had taught her, practically drilled into her head, that men wanted perfection and wouldn’t settle for anything else.

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