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Sin City Temptation
Sin City Temptation
Sin City Temptation
Sharon C. Cooper
Is love in the cards?Former police officer Trinity Layton will do anything to keep her personal security business afloat - even babysit professional poker player Gunner Brooks. Bizarre incidents have been plaguing the poker tour, and Trinity has been hired to keep Gunner safe. But when the gorgeous playboy convinces her to pose as his girlfriend, she might be the one who needs protecting, as their passionate charade quickly becomes all too real.A gambler in the game of life, Gunner has made his fortune playing for the greatest prizes. The last thing he needs during this tournament is a bodyguard hanging around, especially one as alluring as Trinity. And being together 24/7 just tripled their odds of falling for one another. Now, as Gunner prepares for the championship of his career, he's playing for the highest stakes of all: Trinity's heart.

Is love in the cards?
Former police officer Trinity Layton will do anything to keep her personal security business afloat—even babysit professional poker player Gunner Brooks. Bizarre incidents have been plaguing the poker tour, and Trinity has been hired to keep Gunner safe. But when the gorgeous playboy convinces her to pose as his girlfriend, she might be the one who needs protecting, as their passionate charade quickly becomes all too real.
A gambler in the game of life, Gunner has made his fortune playing for the greatest prizes. The last thing he needs during this tournament is a bodyguard hanging around, especially one as alluring as Trinity. And being together 24/7 just tripled their odds of falling for one another. Now, as Gunner prepares for the championship of his career, he’s playing for the highest stakes of all: Trinity’s heart.
“Oh, my God,” she whispered and pushed him away. “What are you doing?” she said, her hand hovering near her mouth, her eyes wild and accusing.
“If you don’t know, apparently I wasn’t doing it right.”
“Don’t get cute! You know what I’m talking about!” She ran her hands through her shoulder-length hair and paced around the room. She stopped and glared at him. “I don’t know what possessed you to kiss me, but you’d better make sure it doesn’t happen again!”
“I’m attracted to you and, based on that kiss, I’d say the feelings are mutual. So I did what I’ve longed to do for years. And I must say, it was even more amazing than I imagined it would be.”
“Like I said, it can’t happen again,” she huffed. “Otherwise, I’m going to have to put someone else on this assignment.”
Now she had his attention. With two long strides, he stood before her and gently grabbed her chin, forcing her to meet his gaze.
“We have an agreement.” He leaned in close, but stopped just before his lips touched hers. “And if I wanted someone else to guard me, I would have hired someone else. I want you. Besides, sweetheart, we signed a contract. You’re mine for two months.”
Dear Reader (#u2f4d197b-9238-59c6-aac4-b9a57fd48f41),
Trinity Layton has recently launched her own personal security agency. It’s a good thing, too, since her brother’s best friend, Gunner Brooks, is in need of a bodyguard. After once having a crush on Gunner, Trinity thinks she’s immune to the sinfully sexy poker player, but he tempts her in ways she’s not prepared for.
Gunner can admit to being a skirt chaser back in his college days, but now he’s no longer the self-centered, egotistical womanizer Trinity once thought him to be. He plans to show her the man he has become. But there are two things Trinity Layton can’t stand: gamblers and liars. And what she remembers of Gunner is that he’s both.
So go ahead. Dive into Sin City Temptation. But I must warn you, be prepared for a fun ride of passion, suspense and steamy sex scenes!
Sharon C. Cooper
SharonCooper.net (http://www.SharonCooper.net)
Sin City
Sharon C. Cooper

www.millsandboon.co.uk (http://www.millsandboon.co.uk)
SHARON C. COOPER spent ten years as a sheet metal worker before becoming a bestselling author. While enjoying that line of work, she earned her BA from Concordia University in business management with an emphasis in communication. When Sharon is not writing or working, she’s hanging out with her amazing husband, doing volunteer work or reading a good book (a romance, of course). To read more about Sharon and her novels, visit sharoncooper.net (http://www.sharoncooper.net).
To the hero in my life, AL. Thank you for your ongoing support and encouragement. I can’t imagine doing all that I do without you in my corner! I love you more than words could ever express!
Acknowledgments (#u2f4d197b-9238-59c6-aac4-b9a57fd48f41)
Many thanks to the readers who support my work and make me want to continue writing passionate stories!
Cover (#u1c334b0a-f125-530a-bf8b-d2db50cac3c2)
Back Cover Text (#u61698819-a685-57d8-bbc0-f9d52acc48f5)
Introduction (#u6e7b8d86-4272-5c22-ae6d-f7a61a313d63)
Dear Reader
Title Page (#ued523a1e-3008-5eab-b4ed-6bb792558b1e)
About the Author (#ueccf6498-f0be-51e6-a5d9-4ab70619938b)
Dedication (#ua8443a80-0dc9-565c-9da6-9c531f557918)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Copyright (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 1 (#ulink_959fe1be-c85b-5b3d-9cc8-32efeb16e7e4)
“I still can’t believe he stole my money.”
Trinity Layton paced the length of her office. Anger bounced inside her gut each time she thought about how her business manager had somehow stolen thousands from her. What made the situation even worse—if she hadn’t heard from the IRS claiming her taxes were delinquent, there was no telling when she would have realized something was amiss.
“When was the last time you talked to Ryan?” her brother, Maxwell, asked as he lounged on the sofa on the other side of her office, flipping through a magazine.
“Two weeks ago.” She dropped down in her desk chair and folded her arms across her chest. “I tried calling him yesterday after getting off the telephone with the IRS. The first few times I called, I got his voice mail. A few hours later, his phone was disconnected. So I dropped by his office. The only things I found were late notices and dust bunnies floating across the floor. It’s like he’s vanished.”
“That’s messed up.”
“Yeah, and he better hope the cops catch him before I do,” Trinity mumbled. “He hasn’t filed our taxes for the last two quarters. Can you believe that mess?”
She swiveled her chair around to stare out of the large window behind her desk. She had started Layton’s Executive Protection Agency, LEPA, nine months ago, using the money from a settlement she had won against the Los Angeles Police Department. After nine years on the police force, when a lieutenant post became available, she applied for the position. Despite being more than qualified, she’d been told that she was too young and inexperienced. Within days, she had filed a discrimination lawsuit.
“So what are you going to do?” Maxwell asked. She turned to face him just as he tossed the magazine onto the table in front of the sofa. “Do you have enough money to take care of the back taxes?”
“Yeah, I’m good, but this nonsense throws off my budget for the next couple of months. Worst case scenario, I’ll have to tap into my savings.” She could also borrow from the money she’d been setting aside from her own paycheck for the homeless shelter she was looking to open at the end of the year. That would be a last resort.
“Would you have loaned me the money if I needed it?”
“Of course.”
She stood and walked across the room and sat on the sofa next to her brother, her champion. The one person always willing and ready to bail her out of any situation. She laid her head on his shoulder and looped her arm through his. “I appreciate you always coming to my rescue.”
“That’s what big brothers are for.” He turned slightly to look at her, forcing her to lift her head. “You seem fairly calm about all of this.”
“Don’t let my outer calmness fool you. When I see Ryan Coleman, someone is going to have to pull me off of him! I trusted that brotha. I gave him an opportunity to build his business while I build mine, and this is how he repays me. I’m surprised he would do something like this.”
“We’ve known him for years. He wouldn’t steal money for no reason, especially from you. He must be in a desperate situation.”
“Maybe, but he knew he could have come to me. He was like a brother to me. I’m sure we could’ve worked something out.”
Trinity and Ryan had met when they both were thirteen years old, when he and his parents moved in next door to her family. He was an only child and had spent most of his time hanging out with her and Maxwell.
“So I assume that overall business is good, besides this.”
She nodded. “Yeah, business is okay. Of course, it could always be better. I had hoped to have a few more high-end clients by now. Granted, I’m grateful for the repeat customers, but I need things to be steadier. I have to come up with some new ideas to build my business.” She knew it was going to take longer than a few months to create the type of clientele list she desired to have one day.
“Anything I can do to help?”
“How about you refer some potential clients my way? Living in Vegas, and being a police sergeant, you must know some people with money who need personal security.”
He ran his hand over his mouth in thought, brushing his short beard with his fingers before he stood. “Actually, I do know someone who might be able to benefit from your services.”
“What?” She stood and approached him. “You know someone and you haven’t said anything before now?”
He slipped into his lightweight jacket.
“The person I’m thinking about just recently mentioned a situation. He might not go for it, but I think he needs a bodyguard.”
Trinity didn’t miss his hesitation. “Well, who is this person?” She placed her hands on her hips and tilted her head, more curious than ever.
Maxwell leaned against the door to her office. “Gunner Brooks.”
* * *
Trinity narrowed her eyes at her brother. He knew she couldn’t stand his old college roommate and fraternity brother. As a matter of fact, she’d rather eat dirt and drink turpentine than deal with the likes of Gunner Brooks.
She walked back to her desk, shaking her head. “No thanks. I don’t know what type of mess Gunner is involved in and I’d just as soon not know. I’m not desperate enough to take him on as a client.”
“Hold up.” Maxwell pushed away from the door and approached her desk. “A minute ago you wanted to build the business. And what about the homeless shelter? The sooner you get a steady income coming in for the agency, the sooner you can start raising capital for the shelter.”
“But nothing. I mention a potential client, who is not only wealthy, but also very well connected, and you’re not interested?”
“Maxwell, you know how I feel about poker and...and gambling, period. After what Daddy put our family through, how can you even suggest I work with Gunner?”
“Trinity, that was a long time ago, and hell, you can’t compare Dad with Gunner. Dad was a gambler who relied on luck, never studying how the game is really played.”
She couldn’t believe what she was hearing and glared at her brother. “How is that any different than what Gunner does?”
“Are you kidding me? There is a huge difference.” Maxwell pulled his keys out of his jacket pocket. “Gunner is a professional poker player. He doesn’t rely on just luck. To do what he does takes patience, analytical skills, and don’t even get me started on the type of self-control a player has to have in order to be any good at the game. Hell, those qualities alone would have ruled Dad out.”
He shook his head as if remembering something about Maxwell Layton, Sr. “Dad was an out-of-control gambler who would let losing twenty bucks send him on a drinking binge, whereas Gunner treats playing poker like a job, understanding you win some, you lose some. Unlike a person who has a gambling problem, Gunner is always studying the game, learning his opponents’ playing styles, and more than that, Trinity, he takes what he does very seriously.”
Trinity rolled her eyes and sat at her desk. “If you say so, but from what I can tell, it’s all the same. He’s a gambler.”
Trinity would never forget the number of times she had heard her parents arguing about how her father spent the grocery or bill money at the casinos. How many times had she wondered what type of man would gamble away the household funds, not caring whether or not his family had a roof over their heads or food on the table?
“Listen, Trinity, try not to compare Gunner to Dad. Gunner has made an amazing living doing something he has trained for, spending his days and nights studying the game. Dad was a wannabe and unfortunately he didn’t have what it took to be that type of poker player.”
Trinity fought back the anger that surfaced. “And it was at our expense. He left us.” She gripped the arms of her chair in order to control the rage brewing in her gut. “He left Momma broke with two kids, not caring whether we lived or died. For that, I will never forgive him.”
“Well, you need to try.” Maxwell bent down and kissed the top of her head. “He’s been dead for years. You need to figure out a way to forgive him so that you can move on and not hold on to all the anger built up inside you. It’s not healthy.”
Forgiving her father was easier said than done. It was because of him that they had moved to Los Angeles from Vegas with nothing. If it weren’t for her mother’s family taking them in and helping her find a job, they would have had to continue living in a shelter.
Trinity dropped her shoulders, knowing that her brother was right, but unable to wrap her mind around the idea of working with Gunner or being anywhere near him, for that matter.
“I don’t think you’re in any position to turn down potential clients. Besides, just because you have issues with Gunner, doesn’t mean you can’t provide him with a top-notch bodyguard and take care of those back taxes. Unless, of course, you’d prefer to draw money from your savings.”
Trinity rocked in her seat. She really couldn’t afford to turn down work. Maxwell was right. It was not like she had to hang out with Gunner for any long period of time. All she had to do was find out what his needs were and then connect him with one of her more than qualified security specialists. And if he was still the notorious playboy that she remembered, she was sure he’d be more than excited to have one of her supermodel-look-alikes as a bodyguard.
With a renewed energy, she rubbed her hands together, excited about the possibility of getting a wealthy new client. “Okay, give him my number.”
* * *
Trinity glanced up from the computer. Connie, her assistant and best friend, hurried into the office and closed the door. She stepped to Trinity’s desk, her hand pressed against her chest and a dreamy expression on her face.
“Oh, my God,” she breathed. “The sexiest human being that ever walked the face of the earth is standing at my desk and he’s asking for you.”
“Oh,” Trinity said nonchalantly and waved her off good-naturedly. “That’s probably Gunner Brooks.”
“I knew he was nice-looking, but dang! The internet didn’t do him justice. That man is downright fine!”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, just send him in.” Days after her conversation with Maxwell, Gunner had called and set up an appointment to meet with her.
Trinity went back to typing the letter she was working on, not surprised by the effect Gunner had on Connie. She had witnessed the same reaction plenty of times when visiting Max on the University of Southern California campus when he and Gunner roomed together. Girls were always fawning over Gunner, willing to do anything he asked of them. Funny thing was, he didn’t have to say or do much to attract them. There was something about him. Some type of allure that caused women to stop and take notice. Trinity never could put her finger on what it really was that warranted that type of reaction. Thankfully, she was immune to his charming ways.
Moments later a shiver ran up and down her arms and the intoxicating scent of sandalwood and vanilla filled the space. She didn’t have to look up to know that Gunner had stepped into her office.
Trinity slowly swiveled in her chair and came face to face with the man who had starred in many of her dreams. She stood as Gunner decreased the distance between them and quickly realized that she wasn’t as immune to him as she had thought. Smooth skin the color of rich dark chocolate and a gaze that burrowed into her flesh made her temporarily forget that she couldn’t stand him. He flashed his million-dollar smile and everything within her turned to mush. It didn’t help that he had his baseball cap pulled low over his eyes, making him look sexy as hell. She always did have a weakness for men wearing baseball caps.
Crap. This might not be as easy as I thought.
She swiped sweaty palms down the sides of her black slacks and stepped from around the desk. She didn’t want to be attracted to a man who could easily talk a woman out of her panties and into his bed with only a few words.
“Trinity.” His deep voice washed over her like liquid fire, sending heat to every nerve ending in her body. He definitely hadn’t lost the swagger that had made him one of the most popular men at USC. His easy, confident gait carried him the short distance across the room and he stopped in front of her. “It’s been a long time.”
She blew out a breath and straightened her back, refusing to let his nearness unnerve her. Extending her hand, she planned to keep the meeting as professional as possible. Yet instead of shaking her hand, Gunner grabbed hold of her and pulled her into his arms. The contact sent a heated jolt of awareness through her body and she trembled involuntarily.
“We’re way past handshakes,” he mumbled near her ear and placed a lingering kiss on her cheek. Her eyes drifted closed, hypnotized by the caress of his lips and the heady scent of his cologne. He took a half step back, still not releasing her, and held her at arm’s length. “You have grown into a beautiful woman.”
His last comment broke the trance and Trinity gracefully shook out of his grip. She walked back around her desk, needing to put some distance between them.
“Excuse me,” Connie said, standing near the door. “May I get either one of you a cup of coffee or maybe some ice water?” She looked pointedly at Trinity, humor in her eyes.
Trinity hadn’t noticed her standing there, and ignored the knowing look Connie gave her. “Nothing for me, thanks.” She turned her attention to her guest. “What about you, Gunner?”
“Actually, coffee would be great.”
“Cream, sugar?” Connie asked sweetly.
“Black would be perfect. Thanks, sweetheart.” Gunner winked and returned his attention to Trinity, who had to keep herself from rolling her eyes at Connie’s departing giggle.
“It’s good to see you again, Gunner.” Trinity hoped her words sounded more sincere than she felt. He might have been one of the finest men she’d ever met, but he was still someone she wanted nothing to do with. “I’m glad you were able to stop by. Please have a seat.”
He removed the ratty baseball cap that had a gold omega symbol across the front, and sat in one of the leather armchairs facing her desk. Ruggedly handsome, Gunner exuded self-confidence, making it hard for Trinity not to stare at him. Every move he made her gaze seemed to follow. It wasn’t until he crossed an ankle over his knee and his eyes met hers that she realized she was entranced.
He smiled. Heat rose to her cheeks and she diverted her eyes to the file that she’d been working on earlier. It was time to get it together and tap into her professional demeanor. Breathing in and out slowly, without making it seem too obvious, she felt herself relax...some. Placing the file off to the side, she grabbed her notepad.
“Okay, let’s get started.” She scribbled the date and time on the pad of paper before she returned her attention to him.
“Why don’t we catch up first?” Gunner said and slouched a little in his seat, appearing cool and relaxed.
No one would ever believe he was wealthy by his posture or by the way he was dressed. A gold T-shirt that read I Always Wear My Poker Face, stretched across his taut muscles and hugged his large biceps. With well-worn jeans and a pair of scuffed wheat-colored Timberland boots, he looked more like a thug than the multimillionaire that she had researched.
“Excuse me,” Connie said.
Seeing the coffee in her hand, Trinity waved her in. Connie placed the steaming liquid in front of Gunner and a bottle of water with a cup of ice in front of Trinity before closing the door behind her.
“I haven’t seen you in years. I was surprised when Max told me that you had left LAPD and started your own personal protection business. I’m impressed.” He fingered a stunning gold bracelet on his wrist that had writing on it, which she couldn’t make out, but was outlined with diamonds. She glanced up to find him studying her.
Trinity sat back in her seat and took another deep breath before speaking. “Thanks. It’s been my lifelong dream to have my own business. After serving on the police force for nine years, it seemed to be a logical business to go into.”
“You must be a serious bad-ass. I heard you worked SWAT the last two years you were with LAPD.”
Trinity twirled her ink pen between her fingers. Apparently, she wasn’t bad-ass enough, seeing that she’d gotten snubbed for the lieutenant position. It was the second time she hadn’t been seriously considered for a position that she was more than qualified to hold. Her superior had often made comments about her still being wet behind the ears, and how women were created to stay home and have babies.
Her gripped tightened on her pen. She’d had plenty of time to let the bad feelings she had for LAPD pass. Yet, every now and then animosity of how she had been treated snuck in.
“Hey,” Gunner sat forward, “didn’t mean to bring up any bad memories. Are you all right? It looked as if I lost you for a moment there.”
Trinity gave herself a mental shake. “Oh, yeah, I’m fine. Being on the force and then getting the SWAT assignment prepared me for all of this,” she said, raising her hands and glancing around her office. “No regrets.”
He regarded her spacious office as he nodded. “Nice digs you have here.” Trinity followed his gaze, proud of what she had accomplished. The location of her office building was costing her a pretty penny, but it was worth it to be in a prime area. “So how long have you been in business?” Gunner asked. “Tell me a little about your agency.”
She rocked a little in her leather office chair, finally feeling comfortable with having him in her space. “I opened the agency about nine months ago and so far things are going well. I started with five security specialists on call. Now I have twenty that I use on a regular basis. All are very well trained and either have a police or military background, as well as expertise in various areas of personal security.” She stopped rocking and slid forward in her seat. “So I have no doubt that I have someone who can meet your needs. Why don’t you tell me why you need a bodyguard?”
* * *
Gunner sat back in his seat, still finding it hard to believe that little Trinity Layton was all grown up. Thanks to her brother, Maxwell, he had kept up with her career, the good and the not-so-good aspects. But what Maxwell failed to mention was how fine his sister was. Flawless skin the color of coffee with a hint of cream. Her brown hair that hung just past her shoulders was longer than he remembered, with copper highlights that brought out the gold specks in her light brown eyes. She was cute back when she’d visited them at USC, but now she was downright gorgeous. He’d bet that whenever she arrested anyone, they went willingly in order to be close to her.
Gunner had originally shot down the idea of hiring a bodyguard when Maxwell first suggested it, since he could take care of himself. Yet, he reconsidered when Max explained that Trinity was trying to build the agency’s clientele. Now, after seeing her again, he was glad he’d flown to LA to meet with her.
“In the last couple of weeks, a few professional poker players who are gearing up for the PPO, the Poker Play-Offs, have been involved in a few incidents.”
“What type of incidents?” Trinity asked.
For the first time since he arrived, she seemed relaxed and genuinely interested in what he had to say. When he had first walked into her office, she appeared to be about ready to bolt for the door. Her expression reminded him of the first time he’d met her. They both seemed to be shocked into speechlessness. Gunner couldn’t believe Maxwell had a cutie-pie sister, but he wasn’t sure what her thoughts had been. All he knew was there was a sweet shyness about her mixed with a little I-don’t-take-crap-from-anyone. He had been attracted to her back when he was in college, but never made a move on her. Not because she happened to be Max’s little sister, but because Trinity was serious-girlfriend material, and back then he was all about having a good time without the commitment.
Now that Gunner was thinking more and more about settling down and having a family, he was viewing commitment and relationships differently. He no longer dated just to be dating. Instead, he only spent time with women whom he was attracted to and could see building a future with. Needless to say, the list was short. Most women only saw him as their ticket to financial freedom. He knew enough about Trinity to know that she was the type of woman he was looking to settle down with—independent, had good values and came from a good family. The fact that she was absolutely gorgeous didn’t hurt either.
Gunner toyed with the PPO diamond bracelet that he had won the previous year, the fifth of his collection. “A participant was jumped shortly after leaving a tournament,” he finally answered. “Another walked into a grocery store and was stabbed in the side by an unknown assailant, the knife barely missing some major organs. And just recently, one of the tournament participants left a popular restaurant and was hit in the head with a steel rod. The attacker got away.”
“Those incidents sound like something that could happen to anyone, especially someone who hangs out at a casino, gambling away hard-earned cash. I’d think that would be an everyday occurrence in Vegas.” The distaste with which Trinity said the words didn’t go unnoticed by Gunner. He had a feeling she didn’t like him, but the disgust he heard in her tone sounded like something else was going on.
“This has caught some of the players’ attention because none of the individuals in these instances were robbed. Only roughed up or injured to the point of having to drop out of the tournament. Also, each occurrence happened away from the casinos. And most important, the victims were favorites to earn one of nine spots at the PPO’s Main Event.” When it looked as if she didn’t understand how huge that was, he continued. “The PPO is to poker what the Super Bowl is to football. Each year, individuals compete for a seat at the final table. Three of the nine people favored for this year are out of commission and unable to compete.”
Understanding showed in Trinity’s eyes and she stopped twirling the pen in her hand. “I assume you’re one of the favorites?”
Gunner met her gaze and nodded. “I am. Assuming someone doesn’t take me out first.”
* * *
Silence fell between Trinity and Gunner. She had recently read about the PPO, not fully understanding how it worked. What she did remember though, was that the fee to enter the tournament was over ten thousand dollars with a multimillion-dollar cash prize. She had also learned that Gunner had participated in the PPO every year since he was twenty-one and had won the main event five times. Despite his laid-back attitude and disinterested demeanor, Gunner Brooks was worth an obscene amount of money.
Trinity stood and unplugged her laptop. “Let’s go over to the round table so that I can show you what I’m working with.” When she glanced up to find him with an amused expression on his face, she realized what she’d said. “Uh, I mean so that I can show you the security specialists that you can choose from.”
He followed her to the table and waited until she sat before he took the chair next to hers. Trinity quickly realized that suggesting they move to the table might not have been a good idea. Not only did he smell divine, if he sat any closer to her, they could share the same seat.
Moving her chair over without making it too obvious, she hurried and pulled up the computer file that contained portfolios of all of her bodyguards.
“All of our security specialists are highly qualified.” She glanced at him before returning her attention back to the computer. “Would you prefer a male or a female bodyguard?”
“Female,” he said simply. He’d always been a man of few words and Trinity wasn’t surprised that he would want a woman protecting him. Men like him typically chose a woman, not wanting people around them knowing they had a bodyguard.
“How long will you need our security specialist?”
“I want someone who is available 24/7 for the next two, two-and-a-half, months. They’ll need to be willing to travel to tournaments, as well as other events during the PPO.”
Trinity mentally calculated the amount of money she would make with this contract and did a happy dance in her head. With the payment plan she had in place for her clients, the down payment alone would more than cover the back taxes. She’d also be able to save some money. She was going to owe her brother big for referring Gunner.
Trinity opened the computer file and the faces of ten women of varied nationalities appeared on the screen. Gunner stirred next to her, but he said nothing.
“Okay, let’s start with Diamond. She’s a certified stunt woman and a martial arts instructor who works at one of the dojos here in town. She’s available for the assignment and has no problem with spending a couple of months traveling to tournaments with you.”
Trinity went through all of the women’s profiles, but was pretty sure Gunner would pick Willow. She looked like a beauty queen and had a degree in finance, but most important, she was a weapons specialist with a black belt in tae kwon do. Any man of his caliber would love to have a woman like her by his side.
When Gunner clicked through the choices again and arrived at the end without responding, she wondered if she might have misunderstood exactly what he was looking for.
“If you would prefer someone different or have changed your mind and would rather go with a male bodyguard, that can easily be arranged.” She turned the laptop slightly toward her and started to pull up a different set of specialists, but Gunner placed his hand over hers, halting her fingers on the keyboard.
Trinity’s heart lurched in her chest and she stared down at his large hand that covered hers. Heat from his touch soared though her body. She couldn’t end this meeting fast enough.
She eased her hand from beneath his and placed it in her lap as Gunner said, “You don’t have to show me anymore. I’ve decided.”
Chapter 2 (#ulink_4297bc06-a1de-5c64-bccb-69d342eae285)
Gunner pushed back from the table and stretched out his legs. Scratching his head, he kept his gaze on the computer screen. He had taken an early commuter flight to meet with Trinity this morning, hoping to set everything in place before flying back to Vegas for a tournament that evening. But right now, he was so exhausted and attracted to Trinity, he could barely think straight.
He twisted his upper body from side to side, trying to work out a few kinks in his back before he leaned back and stretched his arms above his head. Resettling in his seat, he lifted the tepid cup of coffee to his lips and glanced at Trinity over the rim of the cup. He couldn’t get over how gorgeous she was. A Gabrielle Union lookalike, he had no doubt that she turned heads wherever she went. He zeroed in on her left hand, checking her ring finger. Max had never mentioned her being in a serious relationship or being married, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t. And if she wasn’t, he wondered why not. A woman like her would be a welcomed addition to any man’s life. Who knows, maybe even his life.
“Okay, so who’s it going to be?” Trinity folded her hands on top of the table. “I assume you saw someone you like?”
A slow smile spread across Gunner’s lips. I definitely see something I like. Only it isn’t on the computer screen. “Where did you find these women? Their skills and accomplishments are very impressive and they look as if they should be strutting their stuff on some runway, modeling the latest fashions. You have an awesome team.”
Trinity smiled, which was something she hadn’t done much of since he had arrived. Her whole face lit up and he liked it.
“Thank you. It wasn’t easy finding them,” she said. “I wanted to recruit people who could easily blend in with my clientele. The women I have just shown you are refined, but won’t have a problem kicking someone’s butt if necessary.”
Gunner nodded, his gaze steady on Trinity. The longer he stared at her, the more he could sense her cool, calm demeanor slipping. She was trying to be professional, but he’d known years ago that there was a mutual attraction between the two of them. And he had every intention of confirming that the attraction was now stronger than ever.
She scooted back in her seat and her fresh lavender scent sailed into his space. Never one for holding back on going after what he wanted, he nevertheless resisted the urge to touch her since it seemed to make her uncomfortable. Enchanting eyes, a smile that could light up the darkest room, and a do-me-baby body that had him adjusting himself every few minutes. Oh, yeah, he definitely wanted her. He could still remember how it felt when he found out she was Max’s baby sister. It was like having ice-cold water dumped on his head. He couldn’t believe that this Nubian princess, this love-at-first-sight woman, was related to his roomie. He’d made the right decision in not pursuing her all those years ago, but now all bets were off. She was all grown up and he planned to get to know the woman she had become.
“So?” Trinity’s voice invaded his musings. She crossed her long leg over the opposite knee, her high-heel-clad foot swinging back and forth. “Which one is it going to be?”
Gunner sucked in a breath and released it slowly. He placed his lucky baseball cap on his head and pulled it low over his eyes before he turned his attention to her.
“None of them.” He stood.
“What?” She leaped up. “What do you mean none of them? Those women are the best security specialists in the business. You will never find one more capable than any one of them.”
Gunner nodded, loving the way her light brown eyes grew darker the madder she got. “I believe you, but there is one female bodyguard who’s on your staff whose profile you didn’t show me.”
Trinity put her hands on her hips. Her expression indicated that she was thoroughly confused. “Who? I showed you everyone.”
Gunner shook his head and picked up his almost empty coffee cup. “Nope. Not everyone.”
* * *
Anxiety stirred in Trinity’s gut. She couldn’t afford to lose this contract.
“Well, let me show you some other choices. I’m sure we have someone who will fit your needs,” she said.
“I told you. That won’t be necessary. I already know who I want.”
Trinity’s patience was slowly being overshadowed by her anger. Gunner might’ve played games for a living, but she didn’t like games. If he was playing her... She shook her head, not completing the thought. Okay, think, Trinity, think. There had to be a way to save this contract. Who did I miss? She searched her mind, mentally going through her list of female security specialists, and came up empty. She couldn’t think of anyone she had missed.
“Gunner, I’m sorry, but unless you have a name of the person you’re thinking about, I can’t help you. Won’t you reconsider one of the individuals that I’ve shown you?” She had never begged anyone for anything, but thinking about the amount of money at stake and her financial situation, she wouldn’t be too proud to beg right now.
He approached her, his lazy gait intensifying his sex appeal. This man was a danger to any woman’s peace of mind. For every step forward he took, she took an unconscious step back until the heel of her foot hit the wall and there was nowhere to go. He didn’t stop until he stood before her, totally invading her personal space. Trinity couldn’t step away even if she wanted to and at the moment she wasn’t sure she did. His dark, sexy eyes, slightly shielded by the brim of his cap, held her captive. So much for being immune to his good looks and charming ways.
She swallowed hard, trying not to lean in and capture his tempting lips. I will not give in to temptation. I will not give in to temptation, she chanted over and over in her head. But her defenses were weakening. Okay, think, Trinity. Think.
“Uh, is it someone from a different agency?” she finally asked. “Because if it is, I’m hoping you’ll give me a chance to change your mind.”
Gunner shook his head. “Oh, no, I’m going with your agency. It’s just that you didn’t show me the bodyguard that I have in mind.” The back of his hand slid down her cheek and an erotic jolt shook everything within her. It took all she had not to lean into his touch. “There is only one person on your team that I would consider having my back for the next couple of months.”
“Who?” she asked just above a whisper, her gaze meeting his.
Seconds ticked by before he spoke. “You.”
* * *
She tilted her head, totally shocked by his response. “Me?”
The right corner of his mouth lifted into a sexy grin. “Yeah. You.”
He pushed a lock of her hair behind her ear, and Trinity held her breath until he dropped his arm. Of all the things he could have said, the last thing she expected was for him to request her.
She blew out a quick breath and stepped around him. “Gunner, I’m flattered, but I...I’m not available,” she stuttered, floored that he would request her to guard him. “I’ve shown you plenty of women who are more than capable of handling this assignment. We can go through the choices again. I’m sure any of them will exceed your expectations.”
“Why aren’t you available?” Once again, for each step he took toward her, she took two steps back. It was as if they were creating their own dance moves. “Are you married? Kids?”
She shook her head. “No. No, nothing like that. It’s just that I have to be here to run my business. I can’t afford to take an assignment for that long.”
“What if I paid you double your rate?” He finally stopped moving toward her.
Trinity took a moment to catch her breath. His closeness had her all worked up, which was uncharacteristic for her. She had stared down hardened criminals and dealt with out-of-control drug addicts on a daily basis for years. Yet there was something about Gunner that made everything within her jumble together.
She shook herself and mentally calculated what the amount would be if he doubled her rate. She would be crazy to turn down that kind of money. But she also knew that she’d never be able to handle being in his presence 24/7. Despite what she told herself, she was not immune to Gunner Brooks. The attraction she felt for him was stronger than ever.
“Well?” Gunner prodded. “Do we have a deal?”
Trinity shook her head. “Gunner—”
“What if I tripled your fee? Then would we have a deal?” he asked, his voice an octave lower.
Trinity’s breath caught in her throat. She knew he was wealthy and could easily afford her rates, but triple? Her mother hadn’t raised a fool.
“When would you like for me to start?”
Chapter 3 (#ulink_8952aabd-4f93-5226-a068-afe36dda5b86)
“I can’t believe you’re moving in with a man.”
Trinity rolled her eyes at Connie, ignoring her friend’s comment and laughter. In all honesty, Trinity couldn’t believe she’d be temporarily moving in with Gunner either. The whole situation felt like an out-of-body experience. What were the chances she’d be living under the same roof as the person she’d had a crush on years ago? On the other hand, this would give her an opportunity to understand what several of her security specialists dealt with when a client hired a twenty-four-hour guard. So far, she wasn’t looking forward to spending so much time with Gunner.
“I don’t know why you’re making such a big deal about all of this,” Connie said, standing in the doorway of Trinity’s walk-in closet. “Do you know how many women would kill for this opportunity? Not only is the man wealthy, but he’s also gorgeous. If I had the skills to be one of your security specialists, heck, I’d be in his face explaining to him why I was the better choice.”
Trinity shook her head and smiled. Connie Shaw, her best friend since high school, was five-four and a hundred and ten pounds soaking wet. Trinity couldn’t ask for a better assistant, but knew her friend could barely fight off a fly, let alone some unknown enemy.
Trinity didn’t know if Gunner’s concerns regarding someone taking out professional poker players were warranted, but she had every intention of protecting her new client. She was an expert in her line of business, and she didn’t plan on allowing her personal feelings to get in the way of her doing her job.
“Since Vegas will probably be a thousand degrees this time a year, I’m thinking you’re going to need these.”
Trinity looked up to see a canary yellow, two-piece bathing suit dangling from Connie’s fingers, a wicked grin spread across her friend’s mouth. Trinity might take a swimsuit, but it would definitely not be that particular one. The scrap of material barely covered her most prized possessions.
“Connie, you can put those items back where you found them. This is not a pleasure trip.” Trinity went back to packing. She grabbed her toiletries from the bathroom and stuffed them in her carry-on suitcase.
“I know it won’t be professional for you to have any fun on this trip with the hunk.”
“His name is Gunner.”
“Okay, then I know it won’t be any fun on this trip with Gunner, the hunk, but what if it—”
“It won’t.”
“Or what if he—”
“He won’t.”
Connie threw the rolled-up pair of socks that she had in her hand at Trinity, who caught it before it made contact with her head.
“Stop that and let me finish my sentence!”
“Violent, are we?” Trinity teased.
“If you keep up this attitude, you’re going to end up an old maid who lives with nine cats,” Connie said and disappeared into the closet, but soon returned with a pair of red do-me-baby stilettos. “You never know when love might find you, but at this rate and with this negative attitude of yours, you’re going to miss it!”
Trinity continued packing, adding the shoes that Connie put near the bed to one of the larger suitcases sitting on the floor. She tuned Connie out as she went on her usual rant regarding Trinity’s love life, or lack thereof. Ever since Connie started dating Todd, a guy from her cooking class, she’d been pointing out the fact that Trinity wasn’t seeing anyone and hadn’t had a date in months.
As far as Trinity was concerned, getting her business to turn a profit was her main goal. Besides, right now, she didn’t have anything to offer anyone. She had too many balls in the air and she refused to let any of them fall by taking her eyes off her aspirations. This time next year, she wanted LEPA to have a solid list of clients and she wanted her homeless shelter up and running. Every aspect of her life was wrapped up into those two objectives.
“It’s getting late. Are you still planning to visit your homeless friends, or should I say your peeps, this evening?” Connie asked.
Trinity glanced at her Michael Kors watch, last year’s birthday present to herself. Connie was right—if she didn’t leave soon, it would be dark before she made it to the outskirts of Skid Row, a heavy populated area where the homeless resided in downtown Los Angeles.
“I’m glad you said something.” Trinity placed a few more items in the suitcase. She grabbed the bag of clothes that was set aside for Lucy, a homeless woman that Trinity went to see a couple of times a month. “I still think you should go with me. I might need you to check on Lucy, Fred and Henry while I’m gone.”
Connie, who was sitting on the bed near the suitcase, looked at her as if she had lost her mind. “You know I can’t handle being around homeless people. If that makes me a horrible person, I’m sorry, but unlike you, I can’t stomach the area where they live or the condition in which they live.”
Trinity moved the suitcase and sat next to her friend as she slipped into her tennis shoes. “It doesn’t make you a bad person. I remember when my mom moved Maxwell and me from Vegas to Los Angeles. We were homeless, living out of her raggedy car that barely got us to LA, and eating one meal a day until some of her relatives took us in.”
Trinity would never forget hearing her mother’s sobs fill the interior of the car when she thought that she and Maxwell were asleep. Even as a child, Trinity had started planning for the homeless shelter that she would one day open.
“As a cop, I remember the first time I worked the area. I was a mess. My heart broke for each and every homeless person I came in contact with. I just wanted to take them home with me or find suitable housing for all of them.” Trinity adjusted her pant legs and stood. “That’s why I have to get this homeless shelter up and running. Every night when I curl up in my warm bed or eat a hot meal, I think of them. We live in one of the richest countries in the world. As far as I’m concerned, there is no excuse for anyone to be homeless.”
“But I thought you said that many of them prefer to stay where they are, that they’re choosing to be homeless.”
“Yeah, but not all of them.” Trinity would never forget the time that she had found an opening at a woman’s shelter for Lucy. The woman had refused to go, claiming it was unsafe and that people would steal her stuff.
“That’s unbelievable. I can’t imagine choosing the streets over a warm bed.”
Trinity stood near the dresser, looking into the mirror. She pulled a lightweight sweatshirt over her head and exchanged her expensive watch for the one that she used when working in the yard.
“I want to have a place available to those who’ve fallen on hard times and do want to get off the streets.”
“And if anyone can do it, I know you can.” Connie slid off the bed and grabbed her large handbag from the chair near the window. “Is Jesse able to check on your peeps while you’re away?”
Trinity nodded with a hair clip between her teeth. She pulled back her hair and put it into a ponytail. Jesse was one of her old partners at the LAPD, a good friend, who often worked the area near Skid Row.
“Yeah, he said he’ll keep an eye on them while I’m away.”
“Okay, but in the meantime, you be careful down there.”
Trinity turned off the bedroom light and followed Connie out of the room and down the short hallway to the small living room area of her Hollywood Hills condominium. Trinity didn’t know what to expect with regard to where she’d be living when she went to Vegas, but she was definitely going to miss her cheery condo. During her time on the police force, most days she couldn’t wait to get home. She looked forward to her walls painted with bright colors, her large bay window that let in lots of sunlight, and most important, she loved the cozy environment that she had created. The intimate space kept her grounded...and sane.
“Do you still want me to pick you up at six in the morning?” Connie asked, standing at the door, her hand on the doorknob.
“Definitely, that should give me plenty of time to get to the airport and check my bags.”
“All right then, I’ll see you in the morning. Be safe out there.”
Forty-five minutes later, Trinity found a parking spot near San Pedro Street. She did a once-over of her attire, ensuring that she had remembered to leave anything of value at home. Most times when she visited, she didn’t have any problems, but every now and then some fool approached her thinking that she was an easy target. Just in case, she had a small handgun in her ankle holster and a Swiss Army Knife shoved down into the pocket of her jeans.
She climbed out of the car and grabbed the supplies that she had specifically brought for Lucy, Fred and Henry. Since the day they helped her catch a man who had robbed several Dollar Stores and killed two people, she had adopted them as family.
Trinity discretely put her finger under her nose. She didn’t think she’d ever get used to the smell of garbage and funk as she walked the short block to where her peeps hung out. Trash littered the area. A suffocating sensation tightened her throat as she wandered deeper into the throes of homeless people, noticing there were more of them than the last time she was there. Trinity stepped around a man who was stretched across the sidewalk, facedown, and prayed that he was alive. With the poor conditions, lack of food and nonexistent health care for them, it wasn’t uncommon for some to die right there on the street.
She spotted Fred and Henry first, wondering why Lucy wasn’t with them. It wasn’t until she got closer that she noticed someone lying on cardboard behind the makeshift card table they had set up.
“Well, if it isn’t our favorite cop,” Fred said, tossing the cards that were in his hands to the table and telling Henry to deal. They all knew she was no longer a cop, but still referred to her as one. “I was just thinking that it was about time we saw you.”
“I know. I was hoping to get here last week, but things have been a little busy.” She handed each of them a bag of toiletries, as well as some food. She set Lucy’s bags next to her shopping cart, which was sitting near her head and was spilling over with junk. Trinity glanced down at Lucy’s sleeping form. “How’s she been doing?”
The last time Trinity visited, Lucy was having hip trouble and could barely walk, but refused to seek medical attention.
“About the same,” Henry said. “She’s been sleeping a lot more, but says she’s fine.”
“Lucy,” Fred called out trying to wake her without taking his eyes off the recently dealt cards in his hands. “Trinity’s here to see you.” Fred winked at Trinity and she rewarded him with a smile.
Lucy removed the blanket that had been covering most of her face and head, but didn’t sit up. Trinity didn’t miss the dark circles beneath her eyes or how pale her café au lait complexion looked.
“What’s going on, Luce?” Trinity asked. She eased behind Fred’s crate and knelt down near her friend, feeling her forehead and then checking her pulse, which seemed a little fast. “Are you feeling okay?” Trinity helped her sit up, pushing the knit cap Lucy was wearing farther away from her face so that she could get a better look at her eyes.
Lucy swatted Trinity’s hand away. “Stop that. I feel fine. Besides, I told you to quit all that fussing over me. We’re going to have to find you a man so you can get married, have some babies and fuss over them.”
Trinity shook her head and smiled. She had to endure the marriage speech in various forms during every visit. Like many women, Trinity dreamed of the day she’d fall in love, get married and start a family, but she didn’t see the fantasy coming to fruition anytime soon.
Trinity studied her friend and concern welled up in her heart at how bad Lucy looked. Her health was clearly declining and Trinity would never forgive herself if she didn’t do everything she could for Lucy.
Just another reason why I need to get that shelter up and running.
Pulling out one of the bottled waters she’d brought, Trinity opened it and handed the bottle to Lucy, insisting that she drink from it. Lucy had once been married. Years ago, she had been a housekeeper for a wealthy family and enjoyed the work until she was accused of stealing. Anger bubbled inside Trinity every time she thought about the bad hand Lucy had been dealt. Instead of taking her word and basing their decision on Lucy’s commitment to their family, her employer terminated her without proving whether or not she’d stolen anything. Then, after a long period of unemployment, her husband eventually left her, taking the kids with him. That was twenty-some years ago and Lucy never forgave herself for not fighting to keep her children. Now they were grown, with kids of their own, and wanted a relationship with Lucy, but she refused. According to her, she didn’t want to be a burden to them, and nothing Trinity did or said could convince Lucy otherwise.
Trinity dug through the bag of food that she’d brought and pulled out a protein bar. “Why don’t you try eating something? I can tell you’ve lost some weight—making me even more concerned.”
Lucy pushed the bar away. “I told you that I was fine. Why don’t you pick on Fred or Henry?”
Right now Trinity’s main concern was getting Lucy some medical attention, but she had no idea how. She was leaving for Vegas in the morning and unless she was able to convince Lucy to go to the hospital at that moment, there was no telling when her friend would get some help.
Lucy looked away when her eyes met Trinity’s concerned ones. “I’m worried about you,” Trinity said in a low voice. “I can’t leave town knowing that you’re not well.”
“Trinity,” Lucy said in that tone that mothers, no matter the nationality, use to get their child’s attention. “I told you I was fine. Now give it a rest!”
“Luce, let me take you to the hospital.” Trinity ignored Lucy’s growing agitation. “I’m heading out of town in the morning, and I won’t be able to focus on what I’m supposed to do if—”
“She ain’t gonna go,” Henry said. He adjusted his broken glasses, held together by duct tape, and looked over their rims at Trinity huddled next to Lucy. Trinity should’ve known Henry was listening, considering his hearing was sharp, unlike his poor eyesight. “We tried to get her to go up there to that clinic a few blocks over,” he pointed behind them, “but she wouldn’t hear of it.”
“Henry, mind your own business.” Lucy glared at him as she repositioned herself against the brick building. “I’ve been taking care of myself for over fifty years. I don’t need you—” she turned to Trinity “—or you telling me what to do. Besides, shouldn’t you be home packing or something? And what is this trip? Where are you off to?”
Trinity sighed and stood. She glanced at the brick wall behind her, before leaning against it. She’d have Jesse stop by as often as he could to check on Lucy and she’d see if she could get his brother, who was a doctor, to make at least one of those trips with him.
Trinity told them about her pending trip to Vegas and answered their numerous questions. She was going to miss them. They treated her like one of their children and she felt just as close to them as she did her own mother.
“So this fella you’re going to be guarding, I assume he’s not married?” Lucy perked up.
Trinity shook her head, trying to hide a smile. Lucy didn’t quit. “No. He’s not married and before you ask, he’s not my type.”
“He’s male and breathing, right?”
“Yes, but...”
Lucy attempted to stand and Trinity, as well as Fred, who was still sitting on a crate, turned slightly and helped her up. “But nothin’. You are a young, beautiful woman. There is only one reason you’re still single and that’s because you’re not giving these young men a chance to get to know you.”
“Leave the child alone,” Henry chimed in. “She’s young. She has plenty of time to settle down.”
“It’s not her I’m concerned about,” Lucy said. Trinity grabbed hold of Lucy’s arm and cringed when it looked as if her friend would topple over. Lucy waved her off. “I’m concerned that we’re not getting any younger and I want her to find that special someone before we leave this world.”
Chapter 4 (#ulink_57d58261-a56c-50fb-b1d0-6b64c92af76d)
The next morning, besides a little small talk, Trinity and Gunner rode in silence. He had picked her up from McCarren International Airport and immediately Trinity was reminded of his net worth. Admiring the interior of Gunner’s sleek black Maybach Exelero, the most expensive car ever created, she wondered how many lifetimes it would take her to afford such a luxury vehicle. With its ultra-smooth ride, butter-soft leather seats and impressive dashboard, it had to be one of the sexiest cars she’d ever been in.
Trinity stole a glance at Gunner. A sexy car for a sexy man. It amazed her how he could make a simple T-shirt and jeans look sexy as hell. It didn’t help that he smelled heavenly, sending all of her senses into overdrive.
“Was your flight all right?” Gunner asked when they were on the highway headed to his house.
“It was fine. Thank you for making all of the arrangements. Riding in first class was nice.”
“No problem. It’s the least I could do since I’m asking you to leave your home and provide me with around-the-clock service.” He winked.
Trinity knew what type of service he was referring to, but she hated how he made it sound. She planned to make sure he knew up front what services she offered...and what she didn’t.
Thirty minutes later, they pulled up to a breathtaking house that looked like something straight out of House & Home. The sprawling two-story home, flanked with palm trees, shrubs and more windows than Trinity could count, clearly showed the expanse of Gunner’s wealth. The house sat back from the street with spectacular mountains as its backdrop.
Gunner pulled into the three-car garage. “So what’s it going to take for you to relax around me?” he asked when he turned off the car.
“Who said I’m not relaxed?”
Gunner gave a short laugh that lacked humor and stepped out of the car. He started around the front of the vehicle to open the door for Trinity, but she jumped out before he reached her. She appreciated him being a gentleman, but it was important that he saw her as his security detail. Even though she didn’t officially start work until the next day.
“You’re kidding, right?” He closed the car door. “As close as you were sitting to the passenger-side door, for a minute I thought you were going to bolt from the car the moment I stopped at a traffic light.” Gunner popped open the trunk and removed her bags, lifting them with ease, as if they were empty.
He was right. She had to get herself together and remember that this was a job. He was like any other client. He was just a man. All she had to do was ignore the strong attraction between them. How to do that was the problem. It had been easy when she visited her brother at USC, because, back then, whenever she saw Gunner he was usually hugged-up to some girl. Trinity had thought he was a dog, unworthy of her attraction to him. But now things were different. He seemed more focused, more reserved. She wondered when the transformation had taken place.
“Listen,” he said, taking his cap off and running his hand over his short hair, exhaustion covering his features. “Maybe we got off on the wrong foot. I hope you don’t feel that I forced you to take the assignment. I honestly think you’re the best person for the job. When I’m playing poker, I need to be as focused as possible, no distractions. I didn’t think I could do that with someone I wasn’t familiar with watching my back. At least with you, though we haven’t seen each other in a while, I’m comfortable. Besides, Max said that you’re the best and I believe him.”
Trinity snorted. “Well, I don’t know if you should listen to him. He’s kind of biased.” She tried lightening the tension. “But I do appreciate you giving me this opportunity. My agency is still fairly new and I need to do whatever I can to make sure it’s a success.”
Gunner yawned, the third time in the past few minutes. She didn’t know what the life of a poker player was like, but she assumed that it included late nights. At least that’s how it had been for her father. As a kid, she rarely saw him. In the mornings before she and Maxwell went to school, he’d be sleeping if he was even home. And by the time they returned from school, he’d be gone, gambling away the little money they had.
That thought brought her back to the present. She couldn’t stand gamblers. Her father died still trying to strike it rich while hanging out in casinos.
“Why don’t I show you around and then you can get settled in?” He yawned. “Ah, man, excuse me.” He tilted his head from side to side, as if working out a kink in his neck. “I’m sorry. It’s been a long day.”
Trinity glanced at her watch. “Uh, it’s only nine-thirty in the morning. You must’ve been awake all night. You didn’t have to pick me up. I could have easily gotten a cab.”
“Nah, I wanted to. It was the least I could do since I had you dropping everything to take on this assignment.”
Trinity waved him off. She couldn’t tell him that he had single-handedly saved her agency by writing one fat check. “I’ll tell you what. You get some sleep and I’ll get settled, then show myself around. Besides, I need to check out your security system, windows and stuff like that.”
He shook his head. “I’m not much of a host, but the least I can do is show you around and help you get settled.”
“All right—” she shrugged “—suit yourself.”
Gunner let them into the house and set her bags inside the mudroom. “I’ll come back for these.” With his hand on her elbow, a blast of desire shot up her spine and it took everything within her to remain cool. God help me. She clearly needed to start dating if a man’s touch alone caused her nerves to short circuit.
As they strolled down a short hallway, Trinity eyed a powder room to the left and several closed sliding doors on the right, which she assumed were closets. Then they stepped into the kitchen.
“I guess there’s no need to tell you what room this is.”
Trinity glanced around at the high-end granite countertops, custom maple java cabinets, and the top-of-the-line stainless-steel appliances. She ran her hands along the curved breakfast bar, and then stood near one of the high-back black leather bar stools.
“This is definitely a cook’s kitchen. Absolutely gorgeous.” Cooking was enjoyable in her small two-bedroom, two-bathroom Hollywood Hills condominium, but preparing a meal in his kitchen would be a privilege. “So do you cook?”
Gunner shook his head. “Not a lick. I can’t even make toast without burning it.” He guided her out of the kitchen area.
The semi-open floor plan provided a clear view of the family room. Off to the left, Trinity noticed another space that would probably be considered a formal dining room if it had a table or even a chandelier. With each step she took, all she could think about was why one person needed so much space.
They moved into the family room and Trinity immediately went to the wall of windows. She stood there for several seconds, gawking at the amazing view of mountains everywhere her gaze landed. Between the kitchen and the view, she could see why Gunner had purchased the home. Absolutely breathtaking. She suddenly remembered why she was there. From a security standpoint, the wall-to-wall windows and the lack of window covering presented a security nightmare.
Trinity turned from the windows and looked up. There were even square windows inches below the twenty-foot ceilings. A quick glance around the space revealed either a lack of a security system or one that didn’t cover the windows. There was one other thing that struck Trinity as odd—no furniture.
“Did you just move in?” she inquired.
Gunner chuckled. “No, actually I’ve lived here for two years. I guess it’s a little hard to tell, huh?”
“Yeah, a little.”
“Maybe while you’re here, I can get you to help me pick out some furniture. You’re going to soon realize there are a few other rooms that are also vacant of furniture.”
Trinity smiled, not surprised by the admission. “You are such a guy.” It took her brother Maxwell a couple of years to furnish a couple of rooms in his house as well, and his wasn’t half the size of Gunner’s.
She continued her walk through the first floor, no longer waiting for Gunner to guide her. After spotting another bathroom, a huge bedroom and a home office, she realized that they were back near the kitchen. Stepping up to the sliding glass doors, she glanced out at the backyard, not surprised to see an enormous pool that took up much of the yard.
“So, do you swim?” Gunner asked.
“Occasionally,” she responded when she turned from the glass doors. Gunner stood several feet from her, leaning against a wall in the kitchen, his dark skin creating a perfect contrast next to the stark white backdrop. Damn, this man is too sexy for his own good.
Her gaze traveled down his six-foot-one form, his hands stuffed into the pockets of his jeans, his legs crossed at the ankle. She admired how comfortable he seemed in his own skin. He probably had no idea that he looked as if he was posing for the cover of GQ magazine. Her gaze eased back up his body and heat rose to her face. Desire rippled through her when she noticed how perfect his jeans outlined the enticing bulge pressing against the front of his pants. Lord help me. She had always been attracted to ruggedly handsome men and Gunner was no exception. Everything about him screamed hot sex god. From the five-o’clock shadow lightly covering his strong jaw to his devil-may-care attitude, he was the epitome of sensuality.
She glanced away. Please God, help me get through these two months without falling under his sensuous spell. She just had to stay focused on her reason for being there, and not get caught up in the passionate longing that soared through her body whenever she was in his presence.
She returned her attention to him. “I noticed you have an alarm keypad near the front entrance, and one in the kitchen near the door that leads to the garage. Yet there are no signs of motion detectors or any security on the windows.”
Gunner shrugged. “Yeah, the house came with this alarm system and it only covers the doors. I never had a reason to look into anything more.”
“Well, in light of what you’ve told me about the attacks, we’ll need to better secure the house...just in case.”
Gunner yawned and pushed away from the wall. She didn’t know why he insisted on showing her around when it was clear that he was exhausted. Since he was a gambler living in Vegas, she imagined he slept all day and hung out in casinos all night. The thought of what he did for a living still irked her. She remembered him being super smart in college. It seemed like such a waste that he hadn’t used his knowledge to secure a real job. Maxwell had often complained about how hard he had to work for a B, while Gunner breezed through school, carrying a 3.9 grade point average throughout his four years of college. And the way Gunner partied with a stream of women floating in and out of his dorm room, Trinity wondered when he had time to study. What bothered her the most, though, was why he had to become a gambler instead of using his brains for something more productive.
“I trust your judgment regarding the security system,” Gunner said, breaking into her thoughts. “Just let me know who to write the check to. Come on and let me show you the rest of the house.”
* * *
Gunner started out showing Trinity around his home, but when she walked ahead of him, he let her. Following behind her offered a much better view. He didn’t know what type of workout routine she did, but whatever she was doing, was definitely working. At five-eight, she was the perfect height for him, with an hourglass figure and long legs that went on for days. Right now, his gaze was on her tight round ass encased in tailored slacks. He couldn’t help but imagine how well her butt cheeks would fit into the palms of—
“Okay, so I assume most of the bedrooms are upstairs? I only saw one down here.”
“That’s correct.” He turned suddenly, hoping she hadn’t noticed the evidence of how his body had reacted to hers. “I’ll go and grab your bags. Your room is upstairs,” he called out over his shoulder. He was going to be in a lot of trouble if he got an erection every time she was near him.
Fifteen minutes later, after showing her the three bedrooms with attached bathrooms, he took her to the room that he had prepared for her stay.
“This is lovely.” Trinity smiled at him and he wished she would look at him like that more often. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you had talked to my brother or my mother to find out my favorite colors. The room looks exactly like I would have decorated it.”
She ran her hands along the light blue, silk comforter and then onto the footboard of the mahogany sleigh bed. Gunner would never admit to asking Maxwell a few questions regarding her favorite colors and her taste in furniture. Apparently, her brother knew her well. Now, if he could get her to let down her guard some, maybe he could show her the man he had become and not the man she knew back when he was in college.
“Let me show you the last room in the house, and the real reason I purchased this place.”
Trinity followed him out of the room and down the hall. He could have given her a room on the other side of the house, but she had given him a speech about being his shadow for the next two months.
“I’m glad you put my room near yours. If I’m going to be guarding you, it’s a good idea for me to be as close to you as possible.”
Gunner smiled to himself. He was sure she didn’t realize how her words sounded to him, but was glad she was okay with the living arrangement.
He pushed open the double doors with as much flair as his exhausted body could muster and ushered her in.
“Welcome to my humble abode.”
Trinity laughed when she stepped over the threshold. “There is nothing humble about this space,” she said, humor in her voice. This was one of the few rooms that he had hired an interior decorator to create for him. His favorite part, besides the four-poster king-size bed, was the blackout window treatments that were regulated by a remote control. Since he did most of his sleeping during the day, they were necessary and one of the best investments he’d made to date.
“Through the double doors to your left is the main reason I purchased the house.”
Gunner’s gaze followed the sway of her hips as she glided across the room. He couldn’t for the life of him imagine this sexy woman as a cop. Sure, she had no problem saying what was on her mind, and could even be considered aggressive at times, but the thought of her wrestling a criminal to the ground or against a wall to arrest them was mind-boggling. Since she had graduated at the top of her police academy class, he had no doubt that she could handle her business.
“Oh. My. Goodness! This room alone is worth whatever you paid. This is absolutely gorgeous.” She gasped and he knew she had spotted the highlight of the luxury space. “Get the heck out of here! It has a sauna, too?”
Gunner stood in the doorway, chuckling at Trinity’s expression. Between the four-person sauna, dual vanities, a huge Jacuzzi tub and the enormous size of the bathroom in general, he didn’t know which part was his favorite feature. It helped that the space had heated travertine floors and a window near the jetted tub that gave a picturesque view of the mountains. His Realtor had taken him to dozens of homes before finding this one. The lot size of the property was smaller than he wanted, yet he really liked the backyard and pool, but once he saw the master bathroom, he was sold.
“So what do you think of the place?” Gunner asked. He moved away from the door and leaned against the back of the love seat in his bedroom’s sitting area.
Trinity stood in the bathroom doorway. “It’s nice, but I have to be honest with you. Don’t you think it’s a little excessive? You’re just one person. Why do you need all of this space?”
“You have to understand,” he started without looking at her, “I grew up dirt-poor, living in the projects with my parents and my two sisters. We barely had a roof over our heads, let alone three meals a day.” He finally glanced up when Trinity moved closer to him. “It’s not that I need all of this, but when I was a kid, I had vowed that there were two things that I would have when I made a little cash. A nice, big house and the coolest car money could buy.”
Trinity laid her hand on his arm and an electric charge shot through him, making him want to pull her to him and never let go.
She quickly snatched her hand away. “Gunner, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to offend you. I have no right to judge you on how you spend your money.”
He shrugged. “No harm done. What I have might not be necessary, but it’s what I wanted. And sweetheart, I always get what I want.”
Chapter 5 (#ulink_c774ef0c-f811-5f8d-8a63-26cac64b4a3a)
Gunner tossed and turned. Despite his fatigue he couldn’t sleep, couldn’t get comfortable and he knew why. Trinity. He’d left her three hours ago to get settled in and familiar with his home. From the moment he spotted her at the airport, his body responded and the tightness in his groin hadn’t let up. He would admit that he had been with his share of women, but he could honestly say that none affected him the way she did. There was something about her. He’d felt it years ago and now the web of attraction was stronger than ever.
He jumped when a loud crash came from downstairs. What the... He leaped off the bed and hurried into his jeans, not bothering with his briefs or a shirt. His overactive imagination took him on a wild ride of trying to determine what had fallen, hoping Trinity was okay. He rushed out of the room and down the stairs, taking them two at a time.
“Stop!” Trinity stood and dropped the broom.
“What the hell happened?” He froze on the step leading down to the foyer, where Trinity was standing over a pile of broken glass. “Are you all right?”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine. I wanted you to stop because when I knocked over your vase, glass flew all over the place. I didn’t want you to step on any since you don’t have on a shirt.” She shook her head. “I mean since you don’t have on any shoes,” she said, flustered. She quickly turned from him and went back to sweeping up the glass near the large round table in the massive entryway. “I don’t understand. You have very little furniture down here, yet you have a table in the middle of the foyer with what was

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