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At His Majesty′s Convenience / Her Little Secret, His Hidden Heir: At His Majesty′s Convenience
At His Majesty′s Convenience / Her Little Secret, His Hidden Heir: At His Majesty′s Convenience
At His Majesty's Convenience / Her Little Secret, His Hidden Heir: At His Majesty's Convenience
Jennifer Lewis
Heidi Betts
At His Majesty’s ConvenienceWhen her boss accepted the role of king for a far-off land, Andi Blake willingly followed. Yet despite her devotion, Jake Mondragon had never looked at her with desire. Until Andi lost her memory and forgot she shouldn’t throw herself into her boss’s arms. Surprised – and enticed – by his secretary’s actions, the King thought Andi’s amnesia very convenient, but then she inconveniently regained her memory! Her Little Secret, His Hidden HeirFace-to-face with his ex-wife again, millionaire Marcus Keller received more than a jolt of deep attraction. He discovered he was a daddy. Vanessa had been pregnant when they divorced, bore him a son and kept it a secret. It was a betrayal he’d find it hard to forgive. But there was no way he would walk away from his child…his heir.

At His Majesty’s Convenience
Jennifer Lewis

Her Little Secret, His Hidden Heir
Heidi Betts

www.millsandboon.co.uk (http://www.millsandboon.co.uk)
At His Majesty’s Convenience
Jennifer Lewis
“Was I good at being your assistant?” Her serious gaze touched him. “I don’t remember anything about my job.”
“Exemplary. You’ve been far more than my assistant. My right-hand woman is a better description.”
She looked pleased. “I guess that’s a good thing, since we’re getting married.”
“Absolutely.” Jake swallowed. How would she react when her memory returned and she realized they had never been romantically involved? She wasn’t in love with him. Still, that kiss had been surprisingly spicy. In fact, he couldn’t remember experiencing anything like it in his fairly substantial kissing experience.
Maybe it was the element of the forbidden. He’d never considered kissing his assistant and it still felt … wrong. Probably because it was wrong of him to let her think they’d been a couple. But once a ring was on her finger, they really would be engaged and everything would be on the up and up.
At least until her memory came back.
Dear Reader,
I’ve always been attracted to amnesia stories. In fact the first book I ever wrote—which will never see the harsh light of day!—featured a hero with amnesia. I’ve written about twenty books since that first brave attempt, but I’ve always wanted to return to the theme of amnesia and explore it in a new story. There’s something so fascinating about someone waking up and having to interact with the world around them without the familiar filter of experience and memory that governs so much of what we do.
In this story, Andi’s amnesia allows the characters to step out of their accustomed roles, as monarch/boss and loyal admin, and see each other with fresh eyes. On the other hand, Andi’s memory loss gives her no choice but to trust Jake and what he tells her about their relationship, so things get very complicated when her memory returns and she realizes he’s taken liberties with the truth.
I hope you enjoy Jake and Andi’s romantic (mis)adventures!

About the Author
JENNIFER LEWIS has been dreaming up stories for as long as she can remember and is thrilled to be able to share them with readers. She has lived on both sides of the Atlantic and worked in media and the arts before she grew bold enough to put pen to paper. Happily settled in England with her family, she would love to hear from readers at jen@jenlewis.com. Visit her website at www.jenlewis.com.
For Lulu, a gracious lady and a powerful
communicator who’s encouraged me to slow
down and see the big picture.

More thanks to the lovely people who read this book
while I was writing it, Anne, Cynthia, Jerri, Leeanne,
my agent Andrea and my editor Charles.

He won’t ever forgive you.
Andi Blake watched her boss from the far end of the grand dining room. Dressed in a black dinner jacket, dark hair slicked back, he looked calm, composed and strikingly handsome as usual, while he scanned the printed guest list she’d placed on the sideboard.
Then again, maybe he wouldn’t care at all. Nothing rattled Jake Mondragon, which was why he’d transitioned easily from life as a successful Manhattan investor to his new role as king of the mountainous nation of Ruthenia.
Would her departure cause even a single furrow in his majestic brow? Her heart squeezed. Probably not.
Her sweating palms closed around the increasingly crumpled envelope containing her letter of resignation. The letter made it official, not just an idle threat or even a joke.
Do it now, before you lose your nerve.
Her breath caught in her throat. It didn’t seem possible to just walk up to him and say, “Jake, I’m leaving.” But if she didn’t she’d soon be making arrangements for his wedding.
She’d put up with a lot of things in the three years since she’d moved from their lofty office in Manhattan to this rambling Ruthenian palace, but she could not stand to see him marry another woman.
You deserve to have a life. Claim it.
She squared her shoulders and set out across the room, past the long table elegantly set for fifty of his closest friends.
Jake glanced up. Her blood heated—as always—when his dark eyes fixed on hers. “Andi, could you put me next to Maxi Rivenshnell instead of Alia Kronstadt? I sat next to Alia last night at the Hollernsterns and I don’t want Maxi to feel neglected.”
Andi froze. How could it have become her job to cultivate his romances with these women? Ruthenia’s powerful families were jostling and shoving for the chance to see their daughter crowned queen, and no one cared if little Andi from Pittsburgh got trampled in the stampede.
Least of all Jake.
“Why don’t I just put you between them?” She tried to keep her tone even. Right now she wanted to throw her carefully typed letter at him. “That way you can kiss up to both of them at once.”
Jake glanced up with a raised brow. She never spoke to him like this, so no wonder he looked surprised.
She straightened her shoulders and thrust the letter out at him. “My resignation. I’ll be leaving as soon as the party’s over.”
Jake’s gaze didn’t waver. “Is this some kind of joke?”
Andi flinched. She’d known he wouldn’t believe her. “I’m totally serious. I’ll do my job tonight. I’d never leave you in the lurch in the middle of an event, but I’m leaving first thing tomorrow.” She couldn’t believe how calm she sounded. “I apologize for not giving two weeks’ notice, but I’ve worked day and night for the last three years in a strange country without even a week’s vacation so I hope you can excuse it. The Independence Day celebrations are well under way and everything’s been delegated. I’m sure you won’t miss me at all.” She squeezed the last words out right as she ran out of gumption.
“Not miss you? The Independence Day celebrations are the biggest event in the history of Ruthenia—well, since the 1502 civil war, at least. We can’t possibly manage without you, even for a day.”
Andi swallowed. He didn’t care about her at all, just about the big day coming up. Wasn’t it always like this? He was all business, all the time. After six years working together he barely knew anything about her. Which wasn’t fair, since she knew almost everything about him. She’d eaten, slept and breathed Jake Mondragon for the past six years and in the process fallen utterly and totally in love with him.
Shame he didn’t even notice she was female.
He peered down at her, concern in his brown eyes. “I told you to take some vacation. Didn’t I suggest you go back home for a few weeks last summer?”
Home? Where was home anymore? She’d given up her apartment in Manhattan when she moved here. Her parents both worked long hours and had moved to a different suburb since she left high school, so if she went to see them she’d just end up hanging around their house—probably pining for Jake.
Well, no more. She was going to find a new home and start over. She had an interview for a promising job as an event planner scheduled for next week in Manhattan, and that was a perfect next step to going out on her own.
“I don’t want to be a personal assistant for the rest of my life and I’m turning twenty-seven soon so it’s time to kickstart my career.”
“We can change your title. How about …” His dark eyes narrowed. She couldn’t help a slight quickening in her pulse. “Chief executive officer.”
“Very funny. Except that I’d still be doing all the same things.”
“No one else could do them as well as you.”
“I’m sure you’ll manage.” The palace had a staff of nearly thirty including daytime employees. She was hardly leaving him in the lurch. And she couldn’t possibly stand to be here for Independence Day next week. The press had made a big deal of how important it was for him to choose a bride; the future of the monarchy depended on it. He’d jokingly given their third Independence Day as his deadline when he’d assumed the crown three years ago.
Now everyone expected him to act on it. Being a man of his word, Andi knew he would. Maxi, Alia, Carina, there were plenty to choose from, and she couldn’t bear to see him with any of them.
Jake put down the guest list, but made no move to take her letter of resignation. “I know you’ve been working hard. Life in a royal palace is a bit of a twenty-four-hour party, but you do get to set your own hours and you’ve never been shy about asking for good compensation.”
“I’m very well paid and I know it.” She did pride herself on asking for raises regularly. She knew Jake respected that, which was probably half the reason she’d done it. As a result she had a nice little nest egg put aside to fund her new start. “But it’s time for me to move on.”
Why was she even so crazy about him? He’d never shown the slightest glimmer of interest in her.
Her dander rose still higher as Jake glanced at his watch. “The guests will be here any minute and I need to return a call from New York. We’ll talk later and figure something out.” He reached out and clapped her on the arm, as if she was an old baseball buddy. “We’ll make you happy.”
He turned and left the room, leaving her holding her letter of resignation between trembling fingers.
Once the door had closed behind him, she let out a growl of frustration. Of course he thought he could talk her down and turn everything around. Isn’t that exactly what he was known for? And he even imagined he could make her “happy.”
That kind of arrogance should be unforgivable.
Except that his endless confidence and can-do attitude were possibly what she admired and adored most in him.
The only way he could make her happy was to sweep her off her feet into a passionate embrace and tell her he loved her and wanted to marry her.
Except that kings didn’t marry secretaries from Pittsburgh. Even kings of funny little countries like Ruthenia.
“The vol-au-vents are done, cook’s wondering where to send them.”
Andi started at the sound of the events assistant coming through another doorway behind her.
“Why don’t you have someone bring them up for the first guests? And the celery stalks with the cheese filling.” She tucked the letter behind her back.
Livia nodded, her red curls bobbing about the collar of her white shirt, like it was just another evening.
Which of course it was, except that it was Andi’s last evening here.
“So did they ask you in for an interview?” Livia leaned in with a conspiratorial whisper.
“I cannot confirm or deny anything of that nature.”
“How are you going to manage an interview in New York when you’re imprisoned in a Ruthenian palace?”
Andi tapped the side of her nose. She hadn’t told anyone she was leaving. That would feel too much like a betrayal of Jake. Let them just wake up to find her gone.
Livia put her hands on her hips. “Hey, you can’t just take off back to New York without me. I told you about that job.”
“You didn’t say you wanted it.”
“I said I thought it sounded fantastic.”
“Then you should apply.” She wanted to get away. This conversation was not productive and she didn’t trust Livia to keep her secrets.
Livia narrowed her eyes. “Maybe I will.”
Andi forced a smile. “Save a vol-au-vent for me, won’t you?”
Livia raised a brow and disappeared back through the door.
Who would be in charge of choosing the menus and how the food should be served? The cook, probably, though she had quite a temper when she felt pressured. Perhaps Livia? She wasn’t the most organized person in the palace and she’d been skipped over for promotion a few times. Probably why she wanted to leave.
Either way, it wasn’t her problem and Jake would soon find someone to replace her. Her heart clenched at the thought, but she drew in a steadying breath and marched out into the hallway toward the foyer. She could hear the hum of voices as the first guests took off their luxurious coats and handed them to the footmen to reveal slinky evening gowns and glittering jewels.
Andi smoothed the front of her black slacks. It wasn’t appropriate for a member of staff to get decked out like a guest.
All eyes turned to the grand staircase as Jake descended to greet the ladies with a kiss on each cheek. Andi tried to ignore the jealousy flaring in her chest. How ridiculous. One of these girls was going to marry him and she had no business being bothered in any way.
“Could you fetch me a tissue?” asked Maxi Rivenshnell. The willowy brunette cast her question in Andi’s direction, without actually bothering to meet her gaze.
“Of course.” She reached into her pocket and withdrew a folded tissue from the packet she kept on her. Maxi snatched it from her fingers and tucked it into the top of her long satin gloves without a word of thanks.
She didn’t exist for these people. She was simply there to serve them, like the large staff serving each of their aristocratic households.
A waiter appeared with a tray of champagne glasses and she helped to distribute them amongst the guests, then ushered people into the green drawing room where a fire blazed in a stone fireplace carved with the family crest.
Jake strolled and chatted with ease as the room filled with well-dressed Ruthenians. Several of them had only recently returned after decades of exile in places like London, Monaco and Rome, ready to enjoy Ruthenia’s promised renaissance after decades of failed socialism.
So far the promise was coming true. The rich were getting richer, and—thanks to Jake’s innovative business ideas—everyone else was, as well. Even the staunch anti-monarchists who’d opposed his arrival with protests in the streets now had to admit that Jake Mondragon knew what he was doing.
He’d uncovered markets for their esoteric agricultural products, and encouraged multinational firms to take advantage of Ruthenia’s strategic location in central Europe and its vastly underemployed workforce. The country’s GDP had risen nearly 400% in just three years, making eyeballs pop all across the globe.
Andi stiffened as Jake’s bold laugh carried through the air. She’d miss that sound. Was she really leaving? A sudden flash of panic almost made her reconsider.
Then she followed the laugh to its source and her heart seized as she saw Jake with his arm around yet another Ruthenian damsel—Carina Teitelhaus—whose blond hair hung in a silky sheet almost to her waist.
Andi tugged her gaze away and busied herself with picking up a dropped napkin. She would not miss seeing him draped over other women one bit. He joked that he was just trying to butter up their powerful parents and get them to invest in the country, but right now that seemed like one more example of how people were pawns to him rather than living beings with feelings.
He’d marry one of them just because it was part of his job. And she couldn’t bear to see that.
She needed to leave tonight, before he could use his well-practiced tongue to … Thoughts of his tongue sent an involuntary shiver through her.
Which was exactly why she needed to get out of here. And she wasn’t going to give him a chance to talk her out of it.
Jake pushed his dessert plate forward. He’d had all the sticky sweetness he could stand for one night. With Maxi on one side and Alia on the other, each vying to tug his attention from the other, he felt exhausted. Andi knew he liked to have at least one decent conversationalist seated next to him, yet she’d followed through on her threat to stick him between two of the most troublesome vixens in Ruthenia.
Speaking of which, where was Andi?
He glanced around the dining room. The flickering light from the candles along the table and walls created deep shadows, but he didn’t see her. Usually she hovered close by in case he needed something.
He summoned one of the servers. “Ulrike, have you seen Andi?”
The quiet girl shook her head. “Would you like me to find her, sir?”
“No, thanks, I’ll find her myself.” At least he would as soon as he could extricate himself from yet another eight-course meal. He couldn’t risk offending either of his bejeweled dinner companions with an early departure since their darling daddies were the richest and most powerful men in the region. Once things were settled, he wouldn’t have to worry so much about currying their favor, but while the economy was growing and changing and finding its feet in the world, he needed their flowing capital to oil its wheels.
He could see how men in former eras had found it practical to marry more than one woman. They were both pretty—Maxi a sultry brunette with impressive cleavage and Alia a graceful blonde with a velvet voice—but to be completely honest he didn’t want to marry either of them.
Carina Teitelhaus shot him a loaded glance from across the table. Her father owned a large factory complex with a lot of potential for expansion. And she didn’t hesitate to remind him of that.
Ruthenia’s noblewomen were becoming increasingly aggressive in pursuing the role of queen. Lately he felt as if he were juggling a bevy of flaming torches and the work of keeping them all in the air was wearing on his nerves. He’d committed to choosing a bride before Independence Day next week. At the time he’d made that statement the deadline had seemed impossibly far off and none of them were sure Ruthenia itself would even still be in existence.
Now it was right upon them, along with the necessity of choosing his wife or breaking his promise. Everyone in the room was painfully aware of each glance, every smile or laugh he dispensed in any direction. The dining table was a battlefield, with salvos firing over the silver.
Usually he could count on Andi to soothe any ruffled feathers with careful seating placements and subtly coordinated private trysts. Tonight, though, contrary to her promise, she’d left him in the lurch.
“Do excuse me, ladies.” He rose to his feet, avoiding all mascara-laden glances, and strode for the door.
Andi’s absence worried him. What if she really did leave? She was the anchor that kept the palace floating peacefully in the choppy seas of a changing Ruthenia. He could give her any task and just assume it was done, without a word of prompting. Her tact and thoughtfulness were exemplary, and her organizational skills were unmatched. He couldn’t imagine life without her.
After a short walk over the recently installed plum-colored carpets of the west hallway, he glanced into her ever-tidy office—and found it dark and empty. He frowned. She was often there in the evenings, which coincided with business hours in the U.S. and could be a busy time.
Her laptop was on the desk, as usual. That was a good sign.
Jake headed up the west staircase to the second floor, where most of the bedrooms were located. Andi had a large “family” bedroom rather than one of the pokey servants’ quarters on the third floor. She was family, dammit. And that meant she couldn’t pick up and leave whenever she felt like it.
A nasty feeling gripped his gut as he approached her closed door. He knocked on the polished wood and listened for movement on the other side.
He tried the handle and to his surprise the door swung open. Curiosity tickling his nerves, he stepped inside and switched on the light. Andi’s large room was neat and free of clutter—much like her desk. It looked like a hotel room, with no personal touches added to the rather extravagant palace décor. The sight of two black suitcases—open and packed—stopped him in his tracks.
She really was leaving.
Adrenaline surged through him. At least she hadn’t gone yet, or the bags would be gone, too. The room smelled faintly of that subtle scent she sometimes wore, almost as if she was in the room with him.
He glanced around. Could she be hiding from him?
He strode across the room and tugged open the doors of the massive armoire. His breath stopped for a second and he half expected to see her crouched inside.
Which of course she wasn’t. Her clothes were gone, though, leaving only empty hangers on the rod.
Anger warred with deep disappointment that she intended to abandon him like this. Did their six years together mean nothing to her?
She couldn’t leave without her suitcases. Perhaps he should take them somewhere she couldn’t find them. His room, for example.
Unfamiliar guilt pricked him. He didn’t even like the idea of her knowing he’d entered her room uninvited, let alone taken her possessions hostage. Andi was a stickler for honesty and had kept him aboveboard more times than he cared to remember. Taking her bags just felt wrong.
She’d said she’d leave as soon as the party was over. A woman of her word, she’d be sure to wait until the last guest was gone. As long as he found her before then, everything would be fine. He switched off the light and left the room as he’d found it.
He scanned the east hall as he headed for the stairs, a sense of foreboding growing inside him. The packed bags were an ominous sign, but he couldn’t really believe she’d abandon Ruthenia—and him.
“Jake, darling, we were wondering what happened to you,” Maxi called to him from the bottom of the stairs. “Colonel Von Deiter has volunteered to play piano while we dance.” She stretched out her long arm, as if inviting him to share the first dance with her.
Since coming to Ruthenia he sometimes felt he’d stepped into a schnitzel-flavored Jane Austen story, where people waltzed around ballrooms and gossiped behind fans. He was happier in a business meeting than on a dance floor, and right now he’d much rather be dictating a letter to Andi than twirling Maxi over the parquet.
“Have you seen Andi, my assistant?”
“The little girl who wears her hair in a bun?”
Jake frowned. He wasn’t sure exactly how old Andi was—mid-twenties, maybe?—but it seemed a bit rude for someone of twenty-two to call her a little girl. “She’s about five foot seven,” he said, with an arched brow. “And yes, she always wears her hair in a bun.”
Come to think of it, he’d literally never seen her hair down, which was pretty odd after six years. A sudden violent urge to see Andi with her hair unleashed swept through him. “I’ve looked all over the palace for her, but she’s vanished into thin air.”
Maxi shrugged. “Do come dance, darling.”
His friend Fritz appeared behind her. “Come on, Jake. Can’t let the ladies down. Just a twirl or two. I’m sure Andi has better things to do than wait on you hand and foot.”
“She doesn’t wait on me hand and foot. She’s a valued executive.”
Fritz laughed. “Is that why she’s always hovering around taking care of your every need?”
Jake stiffened. He never took Andi for granted. He knew just how dependent on her he was. Did she feel that he didn’t care?
Frowning, he descended the stairs and took Maxi’s offered hand. He was the host, after all. Two waltzes and a polka later he managed to slip out into the hallway.
“Any idea where Andi is?” he asked the first person he saw, who happened to be the night butler.
He shrugged in typical Ruthenian style. “Haven’t seen her in hours. Maybe she went to bed?”
Unlikely. Andi never left a party until the last guest had rolled down the drive. But then she’d never quit before, either. He was halfway up the stairs before he realized he was heading for her bedroom again.
Jake stared at her closed door. Was she in there? And if not, were her bags still there?
He knocked, but heard no movement from inside. After checking that the corridor was deserted, he knelt and peered through the keyhole. It was empty—no key on the inside—which suggested she was out. On the other hand, the pitch darkness on the other side meant he couldn’t see a thing.
He slipped in—didn’t she know better than to leave her door unlocked?—and switched on the light. The suitcases were still there. Closer inspection revealed that one of them had been partially unpacked, as if an item was removed. Still, there were no clues as to Andi’s whereabouts.
Frustration pricked his muscles. How could she just disappear like this?
At the foot of the stairs, Fritz accosted him, martini in hand. “When are you going to choose your bride, Jake? We’re all getting impatient.”
Jake growled. “Why is everyone so mad for me to get married?”
“Because there are precious few kings left in the world and you’re up for grabs. The rest of us are waiting to see who’s left. None of the girls dare even kiss us anymore, let alone do anything more rakish, in case they’re making themselves ineligible for a coronet. They’re all fighting for the chance to be called Your Majesty.”
“Then they’re all nuts. If anyone calls me ‘Your Majesty,’ I’ll fire ‘em.”
Fritz shoved him. “All bluster. And don’t deny you have some of the loveliest women in the world to choose from.”
“I wish the loveliest women in the world would take off for the night. I’m ready to turn in.” Or rather, ready to find and corner Andi.
Fritz cocked his head. “Party pooper. All right. I’ll round up the troops and march ‘em out for you.”
“You’re a pal.”
Jake watched the last chauffeured Mercedes disappear down the long driveway from the east patio. He needed some air to clear his head before tackling Andi—and watching from here ensured that she couldn’t leave without him seeing her.
Could he really stand to marry Maxi or Alia or any of these empty-headed, too-rich, spoiled brats? He’d been surrounded by their kind of women all his life, even in New York. Just the circle he’d been born into. You’d think a king would have more choices than the average Joe, but that was apparently not the case.
Something moving in the darkness caught his eye. He squinted, trying to make out what was crossing the lawn. An animal? Ruthenia had quite large deer that he was supposed to enjoy hunting.
But this creature was lighter, more upright, and moved with a kind of mystical grace. He stepped forward, peering into the gloom of a typical moonlit but cloudy night. The figure whirled and twirled on the lawn, pale fabric flowing around it.
A ghost? His back stiffened. The palace was nearly three hundred years old and built over a far more ancient structure. Tales of sieges and beheadings and people imprisoned in the dungeons rattled around the old stone walls.
Long, pale arms extended sideways as the figure twirled again. A female ghost.
Curiosity goaded him across the patio and down the stone stairs onto the lawn. He walked silently across the damp grass, eyes fixed on the strange apparition. As he drew closer he heard singing—soft and sweet—almost lost in the low breeze and the rustling of the trees.
Entranced, he moved nearer, enjoying the figure’s graceful movements and the silver magic of her voice.
He stopped dead when he realized she was singing in English.
Despite the hair streaming over her shoulders and the long, diaphanous dress, he recognized his assistant of six years, arms raised to the moon, swaying and singing in the night.
He strode forward faster. “Are you okay?”
She stopped and stared at him and the singing ceased. Her eyes shone bright in the darkness.
“What are you doing out here?” He walked right up to her, partly to prove to himself that she was real and not a figment of his imagination. His chest swelled with relief. At least now he’d found her and they could have that talk he’d been rehearsing in his head all night.
“Why don’t we go inside?” He reached out for her hand, almost expecting his own to pass through it. She still looked so spectral, smiling in the cloud-veiled moonlight.
But the hand that seized his felt warm. Awareness snapped through him as her fingers closed around his. Her hair was longer than he’d imagined. Almost to the peaks of her nipples, which jutted out from the soft dress. He swallowed. He’d never noticed what … luxurious breasts Andi had. They were usually hidden under tailored suits and crisp blouses.
He struggled to get back on task. “We need to talk.”
Andi’s grip tightened on his, but she didn’t move. Her face looked different. Transfixed, somehow. Her eyes sparkling and her lips glossy and parted. Was she drunk?
“You must be cold.” On instinct he reached out to touch her upper arm, which was bare in the floaty evening gown she wore. As he drew closer, her free arm suddenly wrapped around his waist with force.
Jake stilled as she lifted her face to his. She smelled of that same soft scent she always wore, not a trace of alcohol, just flowers and sweetness. He groped for words, but failed to find any as her lips rose toward his.
Next thing he knew he was kissing her full—and hard—on the mouth.

Jake let his arms wind around her waist. The movement was as instinctive as breathing. Their mouths melted together and her soft body pressed against his. Desire flared inside him, hot and unexpected, as the kiss deepened. His fingers ached to explore the lush curves she’d kept hidden for so long.
But this was Andi—his faithful and long-suffering assistant, not some bejeweled floozy who just wanted to lock lips with a monarch.
He pulled back from the kiss with great difficulty, unwinding himself from the surprisingly powerful grip of her slim arms. A momentary frown flashed across her lovely face—why had he never noticed she was so pretty?—then vanished again as a smile filled her soft eyes and broadened her mouth.
She lifted a hand and stroked his cheek. “You’re beautiful.”
Shocked, Jake struggled for a response. “You’re beautiful. I’m handsome.” He lifted a brow, as if to assure himself they were both kidding.
She giggled—in a most un-Andi-like way—and tossed her head, which sent her hair tumbling over her shoulders in a shimmering cascade. She twirled again, and the soft dress draped her form, allowing him a tantalizing view of her figure. He’d certainly never seen her in this dress before. Floor-length and daringly see-through, it was far dressier and more festive than her usual attire.
“Happiness is glorious joy,” she sang, as she turned to face him again.
“Huh?” Jake frowned.
“Mysterious moonlight and wonderful wishes.” Another silver peal of laughter left her lips—which looked quite different than he remembered, bare of their usual apricot lipstick and kissed to ruby fullness.
Unless she’d suddenly turned to poetry—very bad poetry at that—she must be intoxicated. He didn’t smell anything on her breath, though. And didn’t she always insist she was allergic to alcohol? He couldn’t remember ever seeing her with a real drink.
He peered at her eyes. Yes, her pupils were dilated. Still, Andi experimenting with illegal substances? It seemed impossible.
“Did you take something?”
“Steal? I’d never steal from you. You’re my true love.” She gazed at him as she spoke the words, eyes clear and blue as a summer sky.
Jake groped for words. “I meant, did you take any pills?”
You’re my true love? She was obviously tripping on something. He’d better get her inside before she tried to fly from the parapets or walk on the water in the moat. “Let’s go inside.”
He wrapped his arm around her, and she squeezed against him and giggled again. This was not the Andi he knew. Perhaps the stress of threatening to leave had encouraged her to take some kind of tranquilizer. He had no idea how those things worked, but couldn’t come up with any other explanation for her odd behavior.
“You smell good.” She pressed her face against him, almost tripping him.
Jake’s eyes widened, but he managed to keep walking. Her body bumping against his was not helping his own sanity. Now she’d slid an arm around his waist and her fingers fondled him as they walked. His blood was heating in a most uncomfortable way.
Maybe he could bring both of them back down to earth.
“It was cold of you to seat me between Maxi and Alia.”
“Who?” She marched gaily along over the lawn, still clinging to him. No reaction to the names.
“Maxi and Alia. Both of them fighting over me was a bit much to take on top of the cook’s roulade.”
“Pretty names. We haven’t met. You must introduce me sometime.” She pulled her arm from his waist and took off skipping across the damp lawn.
Jake paused and stared for a moment, then strode after her.
Since he didn’t particularly want any of the other staff to see Andi in this compromising state, Jake hustled her into his private chambers and locked the door. That was the accepted signal that he was off duty for the night and not to be disturbed.
Andi made herself quite at home, curling up on one of the sofas, with a languid arm draping along the back. “Happiness is as happiness does,” she said dreamily.
Jake resisted the urge to pour himself a whisky. “Listen, what you said about leaving. I saw your bags—”
“Leave? I would never leave you, my love.” Her face rested in a peaceful smile.
Jake swallowed. “So you’re staying.”
“Of course. Forever and ever and ever.” Her eyes sparkled.
“Ah. That’s settled then.” He moved to the liquor cabinet, deciding to have that whisky after all. “I am relieved. The thought of managing without you was quite frightening.”
Andi had risen from the sofa and was now waltzing around the room by herself, singing, “Someday my prince will come.” She twirled, sweeping her pale evening dress about her like smoke. “Some day I’ll love someone.” Her radiant smile was almost infectious.
Almost. Jake took a swig of his drink. Did she really think they were having some kind of relationship outside their well-established professional one? As much as the idea appealed right this second, he knew it would really mess things up once she snapped out of whatever chemical induced trance she was in.
He’d better remind her of that. “We’ve worked together a long time.”
She stopped twirling for a moment, and frowned. “I don’t think I do work.”
“You’re a lady of leisure?”
She glanced down at her evening gown. “Yes.” She frowned; then her expression brightened. “I must be. Otherwise why would I be dressed like this?”
Had she temporarily forgotten that she was his assistant? “Why are you dressed like that?” She’d certainly never worn anything so festive before.
“It’s pretty, isn’t it?” She looked up at him. “Do you like it?”
“Very much.” He allowed his eyes to soak up the vision of it draped over her gorgeous body. Desire licked through him in tiny, tormenting flames.
Andi reached out and tugged at his shirt. Even that made his synapses flash and his groin tighten.
“Why don’t you come sit with me.” She stroked the sofa cushion next to her.
“I’m not sure that’s a good idea.” His voice came out gruff.
“Why not?”
“It’s late. We should get to bed.” The image of her in his bed flooded his brain, especially as it was right there in the next room. But caution tightened his muscles.
“Oh, don’t be silly—” She frowned. “How odd.” She glanced up at him. “I can’t think of your name right now.”
Jake was about to tell her, but something made him stop. “You don’t know my name?”
She looked up for a few moments, as if searching her brain. “No, I don’t seem to know it.”
Panic tightened his chest. “What’s your name?”
She looked toward the ceiling, scrunched up her brow and clenched her fists. When she finally looked back at him, her expression had changed from glee to confusion. “I’m not sure.”
“I think we should call for a doctor.” He pulled his phone out.
“A doctor? What for? I feel fine.”
He hesitated. “Let me look at you. Did you bump your head?”
She shrugged. “I don’t think so.”
He put his phone back in his pocket and touched her temples with his thumbs. Her eyes sparkled as she looked up at him and her scent was a torment. He worked his fingers gently back into her hair—which was soft and luxurious to touch. “Hey, I feel a lump.”
“You have a bruise.” He touched it gently. A big goose egg. That explained a whole lot. “We’re definitely calling the doctor. You could have a concussion.” He dialed the number. “Listen, sorry it’s so late, Gustav, but Andi’s taken a fall and bumped her head. She’s not talking too much sense and I think you should look at her.”
Gustav replied that he’d be there in the ten minutes it took to drive from the town, and to keep her awake until he got there.
After letting the staff know to expect Gustav, Jake sat down on the sofa opposite her. It made sense to find out just how much of her memory had vanished. “How old are you?” Odd that he didn’t know that.
“Over twenty-one.” She laughed. Then frowned. “Other than that, I’m not too sure. How old do I look?”
Jake smiled. “I’d be a damned fool if I answered a question like that from a woman.” He decided he’d be better off following the lawyer’s strategy of only asking questions he knew the answer to. It was pretty embarrassing that he really didn’t know how old she was. “How long have you lived here?”
She stared at him, mouth slightly open, then looked away. “Why are you asking me these silly questions? I’ve lived here a long time. With you.”
Her gaze—innocent yet needy—ate into him. She stroked the sofa arm with her fingers and his skin tingled in response. She seemed to have lost her memory, and, in its absence, assumed they were a couple.
Jake sucked in a long breath. They’d never had any kind of flirtation, even a playful one. She always seemed so businesslike and uninterested in such trivial matters. He’d never really looked at her that way, either. Much simpler to keep business and pleasure separate, especially when a really good assistant was so hard to find and keep.
Right now he was seeing a different aspect of Andi—alarming, and intriguing.
She rose and walked a few steps to his sofa, then sank down next to him. Her warm thigh settled against his, causing his skin to sizzle even through their layers of clothing. He stiffened. Was it fair to offer a man this kind of temptation?
At least it was keeping her awake.
Her fingers reached up to his black bow tie and tugged at one end. The knot came apart and the silk ribbons fell to his starched shirtfront.
“Much better.” She giggled again, then pulled the tie out from his collar and undid the top button of his shirt. Jake watched, barely breathing, trying to suppress the heaving tide of arousal surging inside him.
After all, it would be rude to push her away, wouldn’t it? Especially in her delicate and mysterious condition.
When her fingers roamed into his hair, causing his groin to ache uncomfortably, he had to take action. He stood up rapidly. “The doctor will be here any minute. Can I get you a glass of water?”
“I’m not thirsty.” Her hurt look sent a pang to his heart.
“Still, it’s good to keep hydrated.” He busied himself with filling a glass at the bar, and took care not to accidentally brush her fingertips as he handed it to her. Her cheeks and lips were flushed with pink, which made her look aroused and appealing at the same time.
She took the glass and sipped cautiously. Then looked up at him with a slight frown. “I do feel odd.”
Jake let out a sigh of relief. This seemed more like the real Andi than the one spouting loopy epithets. “You’ll probably feel better in the morning, but it can’t hurt to have the doctor take a look.”
Alarm filled him as tears welled in her eyes. “It’s just so strange not being able to remember anything. How could I not even know my own name?” A fat tear rolled down her soft cheek.
Disturbing that he now knew how soft her cheek was.
“Your name is Andi Blake.”
“Andi.” She said it softly. Then frowned again. “Is that short for something?”
Jake froze. Was it? He had no idea. He didn’t remember ever calling her anything else, but it had been six long years since he’d seen her résumé and frankly he couldn’t remember the details. “Nope. Just Andi. It’s a pretty name.”
He regretted the lame comment, something you might say to a six-year-old. But then he didn’t have experience in dealing with amnesiacs, so maybe it wasn’t all that inappropriate.
“Oh.” She seemed to mull that over. She wiped her eyes. “At least I know my own name now.” Then she bit her lip. “Though it doesn’t sound at all familiar.” Tears glistened in her eyes. “What if my memory doesn’t come back?”
“Don’t worry about that, I’m sure—” A knock on the door announced the arrival of the doctor, and Jake released a sigh of relief. “Please send him in.”
Andi’s tearful trembling subsided as the doctor checked her over, peering into her eyes with a light, checking her pulse and breathing, and taking her temperature.
As the local doctor, he’d been to the palace before and knew Andi. She showed no sign of recognizing or remembering him. His questions revealed that while she remembered general concepts, like how to tie a knot, she recalled nothing about her own life.
“Andi, would you excuse us a moment?” The doctor ushered Jake out into the hallway. “Is she exhibiting mood changes?”
“Big time. She’s not like herself at all. She seemed happy—silly even—when I first found her. Just now she was crying. I think the reality of what’s going on is setting in.”
“Sounds like a pretty textbook case of temporary memory loss, if there is such a thing.” The older man snapped his briefcase closed. “Lots of emotion. Mood swings. Loss of long-term memory. I’ve never seen it before, myself, but in most cases the memory eventually starts to come back.”
“When? How long will she be like this?”
The doctor gave a Ruthenian shrug. “Could be days, could be weeks. There’s a slim possibility she won’t ever recall everything. She’s certainly had a good bump to her head, but no signs of concussion or other injury. Do you have any idea what happened?”
Jake shook his head. “I found her out dancing on the lawn. I didn’t see anything happen at all.”
“Make sure she gets plenty of sleep, and encourage her with questions to bring back her memory.” The doctor hoisted his bag onto his shoulder. “Call me anytime, of course.”
“Thanks.” Jake frowned. “Can we keep this amnesia thing between us? I think Andi would be embarrassed if people knew what was going on. She’s a very private person.”
The doctor’s brow furrowed even more than usual. “Of course.” Your Highness. The unspoken words hovered in the air. Jake sensed slight disapproval at his request for secrecy, but he knew the physician would honor it. “Please keep me posted on her progress.”
Jake went back into his suite and locked the door. Andi was sitting on the sofa and her mood seemed to have brightened. Her tears were gone, and a smile hovered in her eyes as she looked up at him. “Will I live?”
“Without a doubt. It’s late. How about some sleep?”
“I’m not at all sleepy.” She draped herself over the sofa, eyes heavy-lidded with desire. “I’d rather play.”
Jake’s eyes widened. Could this really be the same Andi he’d worked with all these years? It was shocking to imagine that this flirtatious person had been lurking inside her the whole time. Unless it was just a mood swing caused by her condition.
She rose from the sofa and swept toward him, then threw her arms around his waist. “I do love you.”
Gulp. Jake patted her cautiously on the back. This could last for days. Or weeks. Or longer.
His skin tingled as her lips pressed against his cheek. “I’m so glad we’re together.” Her soft breath heated his skin as she breathed the words in his ear.
And this was the woman who’d announced, only a few hours before, that she was leaving for good, that night.
At least that was off the agenda for now.
His phone rang and he tensed. What now? “Excuse me.” He extricated himself from her embrace and pulled it from his pocket.
A glance at the number revealed the caller was Maxi. She’d formed a new habit of calling him at bizarre times like the crack of dawn or during his morning workout. This call in the wee hours was a new and even more unappealing attempt to monopolize his time.
Still, maybe there was some kind of emergency.
“Hi, Maxi.”
“Jake, are you still awake?” Her breathy voice grated on his nerves.
“I am now.” He glanced at Andi, who was twirling around the room doing the dance of the seven veils, or something. “What do you want?”
“So impatient. I just wanted to chat. About you and me.”
He shoved a hand through his hair. Maxi was definitely not The One. In fact she could be voted Least Likely to be Queen of Ruthenia, since she was firmly in his “keep your enemies closer” circle. He’d been drawing her in and inviting her confidence on purpose. Not because he loved her, or was even attracted to her. He’d found evidence that her family was involved in weapons dealing and possibly worse, but he didn’t have enough proof to do anything about it yet.
None of the other girls dealt in arms or drugs, as far as he knew, but they were all empty-headed and silly. Right now he was more attracted to his own assistant than to any of Ruthenia’s pampered beauties.
An idea crept into his brain.
Since Andi seemed to assume they were a couple, why not make it a reality? He had to marry someone. He could announce to the press tomorrow that his chosen bride was his own assistant.
A chill of sangfroid crept over him. Could he really arrange his own marriage so easily? Andi was agreeable, intelligent and practical, perfectly suited to life in the spotlight. She’d worked just outside it for years and knew the whole routine of palace life perfectly. Apart from her presumably humble origins—he really didn’t know anything about her origins, but since he’d never met her parents at a ball, he was guessing—she’d be the ideal royal wife.
They’d known each other for years and he could simply announce that they’d been involved for a long time but kept their relationship secret.
The announcement would send the long-fingernailed wolves away from his door for good. He and Andi could marry, produce an heir and a spare or two, and live a long, productive life in the service of the citizens of Ruthenia—wasn’t that what was really important?
Andi had wandered into the bedroom and a quick glance revealed that she now lay sprawled on his bed.
Heat surged through him like a shot of brandy.
Her dress draped over her, displaying her inviting curves like an ice-cream sundae with whipped cream on top. Her gaze beckoned him, along with her finger. His muscles itched to join her on the bed and enjoy discovering more of Andi’s wickedly intriguing sensual side.
“Maxi, I have to go. Have a good night.”
“I can think of a way to have a much better night.”
Jake’s flesh crawled. “Sleep knits up the raveled sleeve of care.”
“Is that Moby?”
“Shakespeare. Goodnight, Maxi.”
“When are you going to choose your wife?” Jake flinched at the blunt question, and the shrill voice that asked it. “Daddy wants to know. He’s not sure whether to contribute funds for the new hydroelectric project.”
Jake stiffened. This is what it all boiled down to. Money and power. Well, he didn’t want to build Ruthenia with ill-gotten gains from the black market, and he’d rather share his life with a hardworking woman than one who thought she could buy her way into a monarchy. “I’ve already chosen my wife.”
“What do you mean?” she gasped.
He moved across the room, away from the bedroom where Andi now sprawled enticingly on the bed. She was humming again, and wouldn’t hear him. “I intend to marry Andi Blake, my longtime assistant.”
“You’re joking.”
“Not in the slightest. She and I have had a close relationship for six years. We intend to enjoy each other’s company for many more.”
Already his pronouncement had an official ring to it. Marriage to Andi was a perfectly natural and practical course of action. He was confident Andi would agree, especially since she seemed to have romantic feelings toward him.
“People are going to be very, very …” She paused, apparently struggling for words.
“Happy for us. Yes. Of course you’ll be invited to the wedding.” He couldn’t help a tiny smile sneaking across his mouth. Maxi had clearly intended to be the featured host of the event.
“Invited to the wedding?” Her growl made him pull the phone away from his ear. “You’re impossible!”
The dial tone made a satisfying noise. And now he wouldn’t have to even make an announcement. Maxi would do all the legwork for him.
All he had to do was tell Andi.

Morning sunlight streamed through the gap between heavy brocade curtains. Hot and uncomfortable, Andi looked down to find herself wearing a long evening dress under the covers. Weirdest thing, she had no idea why.
She sat bolt upright. Where was she?
His room. She remembered the soft touch of his lips on her cheek. Her skin heated at the memory. “Good night, Andi,” he’d said. So she was Andi.
Who was Andi? She racked her brain, but the racks were empty. She couldn’t even remember the name of the handsome man who’d put her to bed, though she knew they were close.
How could her whole reality just slip away? Her heart pounded and she climbed out of bed. Her chiffon-y dress was horribly wrinkled and had made an uncomfortable nightgown, leaving lines printed on her skin.
She moved to the window and pulled one of the heavy drapes aside. The view that greeted her was familiar—rolling green hills dotted with grazing sheep, rising to fir-covered mountains. The village in the middle distance, with its steep clay-tiled roofs and high church steeple.
Looking down she saw the long rectangular fishpond in the walled courtyard. She didn’t recall seeing it from this angle before.
But then she didn’t recall much.
Andi what? She pressed a hand to her forehead. Blake, he’d said. How could even her own last name sound alien and unfamiliar?
She walked to the door and cautiously pulled it open. She caught her breath at the sight of him, standing in front of the mirror, buttoning his collar. Thick black-brown hair swept back from the most handsome face she’d ever seen. Warm, dark eyes reflected in the glass. Mouth set in a serious but good-humored line. Heat flooded her body and she stood rooted to the spot.
He turned. “Morning, Andi. How are you feeling?”
His expression looked rather guarded.
“Okay. I think. I … I can’t seem to remember much.” Had she slept with him last night? Her fully dressed state seemed to suggest not. Her body was sending all kinds of strange signals, though—pulsing and throbbing and tingling in mysterious places—so she couldn’t tell.
“What can you remember?” He didn’t look surprised at her announcement. Did he know what was going on?
“Why can’t I remember?”
He took a few steps toward her and put his hand on her arm. Arousal flashed through her at his touch. “You bumped your head. The doctor says you’re not concussed.”
“How long have I been like this?” Fear twisted in her stomach.
“Just since last night. The doc said your memory will come back soon. A few weeks at most.”
“Oh.” Andi frowned, feeling ridiculously vulnerable, standing there in her wrinkled dress with no idea of who or where she was. Except that she was very—very—attracted to this man. “What should I do in the meantime?”
“Don’t worry about a thing. I’ll take care of you.” He stroked her cheek. The reassuring touch of his fingers made her breath catch and sent tingles of arousal cascading through her.
She frowned. How should she put a question like this? “Are we … intimate?”
His gaze flickered slightly, making her stomach tighten. Had she said the wrong thing? She felt sure there must be something between them. She remembered kissing him last night, and the memory of the kiss made her head grow light.
“Yes, Andi. We’re going to be married.” He looked down at her hands, gathering them in his.
“Oh.” She managed a smile. “What a relief that I have you to take care of me until my memory comes back.” If it did come back. “It’s embarrassing to ask, but how long have we been together?”
“Oh, years.” He met her gaze again.
“It seems impossible, but I don’t remember your name.”
“Jake.” He looked slightly flustered, and why wouldn’t he? “Jake Mondragon.”
“Jake Mondragon.” She smiled dreamily, allowing herself to relax in his sturdy presence. And his face was kind, despite the proud, sculpted features. Totally gorgeous, too. She was very lucky. “So I’m going to be Andi Mondragon.”
Jake’s eyes widened. “Uh, yes. Yes, you are.”
Why did he seem surprised by the idea? It was hardly an odd one if they’d been together for years. “Or was I going to keep my original surname?” Curiosity pricked her.
He smiled. “I don’t think we’d discussed whether you would change it or not.”
“Oh.” Funny they hadn’t talked about that. After all, what would the children be called? “How long have we been engaged?”
He lifted his chin slightly. “Just since yesterday. We haven’t even told anyone yet.”
Yesterday? Her eyes widened. “How odd that I would lose my memory on the same day. I can’t even remember the proposal.”
She watched his Adam’s apple move as he swallowed. He must be upset that she couldn’t even remember such a momentous and important moment. “I’m sure it will come back eventually.”
An odd sensation started forming in the pit of her stomach. Something felt … off. How could she have forgotten her own fiancé? It was disorienting to know less about her own life than someone else did. “I think I should lay low for a few days. I don’t really want to see anyone until I know who I am.”
Jake grimaced. “I’m afraid that’s going to be hard. The media will probably want an interview.”
“About my memory?”
“About our engagement.”
“Why would we tell the media?”
Jake hesitated for a moment. “Since I’m the king of this country, everything I do is news.”
Andi’s mouth fell open. “You’re the king?” She was pretty sure she wasn’t some kind of royal princess or aristocrat. She certainly didn’t feel like one. But maybe that explained the long evening gown. She glanced down at its crumpled folds. “How did we meet?”
Jake’s lids lowered slightly. “You’re my longtime assistant. We just decided to marry.”
She blinked. That explained all the sizzling and tingling in her body—she’d been intimate with this man for a long time. How bizarre that she had to hear about her own life from someone else. From the man she’d apparently dated for years and planned to marry.
Then again, if she’d been seeing this man for years, why did his mere presence send shivers of arousal tingling over her skin and zapping through her insides?
A deep breath didn’t help clear the odd mix of confusion and emptiness in her brain. She hoped her memory would return before she did anything to embarrass him. “I guess I should get changed. I feel silly asking this, but where are my clothes?”
Jake froze for a moment, brow furrowed. “You wait here. I’ll bring some for you.”
“It’s okay, I don’t want to put you to any trouble. If you’ll just tell me where they are.” She hated feeling so helpless.
“It’s no trouble at all. Just relax on the sofa for a bit. I’ll be right back.”
She shrugged. “I suppose you probably know what I like to wear better than I do. Still, I could come with you. I need to figure out where everything is.”
“Better that you get dressed first. I’ll be right back.”
He left the room abruptly, leaving Andi uneasy. Why was he so anxious for her to stay here? Like he didn’t want anyone to see her. Maybe he didn’t want people to know about her loss of memory.
She glanced around the room, already feeling alone and worried without him. Did he have to leave? As the king, you’d think he’d just call for a servant to bring her clothes.
Or did things not work that way anymore? When your memory had taken flight it was hard to distinguish between fairy tales and ordinary life.
She lay back on the sofa and tried to relax. She was engaged to a handsome and caring man that she was fiercely attracted to. Maybe her real life was a fairy tale?
Jake strode along the corridor, hoping he wouldn’t run into anyone—which was an unfamiliar feeling for him. Usually he prided himself on being up-front and open, but right now he didn’t want anyone to know Andi had been about to leave.
That felt … personal.
He was confident she’d keep it to herself until she’d squared things with him. She’d proved over the years that she was the soul of discretion and confided in no one.
Her job was her life. At least it had been until she decided she’d had enough of it. Hurt flared inside him that she could even consider abandoning him and Ruthenia, especially now he’d realized she was the ideal wife for him. This odd memory loss would give him a chance to turn things around and keep her here for good.
He reached her door and slipped into the room with a sense of relief. Her packed suitcases still sat on the floor next to the bed. He closed the door and began to unpack, hanging the clothes back in the closet and placing some items in the large dresser. He intended to make it look as if she’d never thought of leaving.
Some things startled him. A lacy pink nightgown. A pair of black stockings and garters. When had she had occasion to wear these? He didn’t think she had been on a single date since they’d moved to Ruthenia.
Guilt speared him at the thought. She was so busy working she had no life at all outside of her job. Why had he assumed that would be enough for her?
He placed her toiletries back in the bathroom. Handling her shampoo bottle and deodorant felt oddly intimate, like he was peeking into her private life. She had a lot of different lipsticks and he tried to arrange them upright on the bathroom shelf, though really he had no idea how she kept them.
She looked a lot prettier without all that lipstick on. Maybe he should just ditch them and she’d be none the wiser?
No. These were her possessions and that would be wrong.
He arranged her eyeliner pencils and powders and bottles of makeup on the shelf, too. Did all women have so much of this stuff? She had a ridiculous assortment of hair products, too—gels and sprays and mousses—which was funny since her hair was almost always tied back in a bun.
It took a full twenty minutes to get her bags unpacked and rearranged in some sort of convincing order. He shoved the bags under the bed and stood back to admire his handiwork.
Too perfect. He pulled a pair of panty hose from a drawer and draped them over the bed. Better.
He was about to leave when he remembered he was supposed to bring her back something to wear. Hmm. Mischief tickled his insides. What would he like to see her in? Not one of those stiff, bright suits she always wore.
He pulled a pair of jeans from one of the drawers. He’d never seen her in those, so why not? A blue long-sleeved T-shirt seemed to match, and he pulled some rather fetching black lace underwear—tags still attached—from the drawer.
He removed the tags. Why not let her think she wore stuff like this every day?
He rolled the items in a soft blue-and-gray sweater and set off down the corridor again, glancing left and right, glad that the palace was still quiet at this hour.
Andi’s uncharacteristically anxious face greeted him as he returned to his rooms. She seemed quite different from last night, when she was spouting garbled poetry and dancing around the room. Now she sat curled up on the sofa, clutching her knees.
“How are you feeling?” Her rigid posture made him want to soothe and relax her.
“Nervous. It’s odd not knowing anything about myself or my life. More than odd. Scary.”
Jake tried to ignore the trickle of guilt that slid down his spine. He had no intention of telling her the truth about her plans to leave. And come to think of it, he hadn’t seen any tickets or itineraries in her room. Maybe her plans weren’t all that firm, anyway. “Don’t worry. It’ll all come back eventually. In the meantime, we’ll just carry on as usual. Does that sound okay?”
She nodded.
“I brought some clothes.” He set them down on the sofa beside him.
She unrolled the sweater and her eyes widened briefly at the sight of the lacy bra and panties. “Thanks.”
She glanced up at him, and then at the pile of clothes again.
He resisted a powerful urge to see her slip into that sexy underwear. “You can change in the bedroom if you want some privacy. There are fresh towels in the bathroom if you’d like to take a shower.”
Andi closed the bedroom door behind her. If Jake was her fiancé, why did the thought of changing in front of him make her want to blush crimson? She’d probably done it numerous times in the past. This whole situation was so weird. Her own fiancé felt—not like a stranger, but not like an intimate companion, either.
Must be pretty uncomfortable for Jake, too, though he didn’t seem too flustered. Maybe he was just the sort to take things in stride. He had a reassuring air of composure, which was probably a good thing in a king.
Andi slipped out of her crumpled evening gown and climbed into a luxurious marble shower that could accommodate about six people. Unlike the scenery outside the window, and even the dressing room/sitting area, which felt at least somewhat familiar, everything in the bathroom suite seemed totally strange, like she’d literally never been there before. Maybe the memory was selective like that in its recall.
The warm water soothed and caressed her and she dried off feeling fresher.
She managed to arrange her hair into some semblance of order using a black comb, and applied some rather masculine-scented deodorant. They obviously didn’t share this bathroom as there were no girly items in here at all. Unease pricked her skin again. No real reason for it though. Probably plenty of engaged couples slept in separate rooms. And one would expect extra attention to propriety in a royal household.
The black underwear he’d brought made her want to blush again. Why? It was her own, so why did it feel too racy for her? The bra fit perfectly, and the panties, while very low-cut, were comfortable, too. She was glad to quickly cover them with the practical jeans and blue T-shirt. No socks or shoes? Well, she could go retrieve those herself. She tied the soft sweater around her shoulders and stepped outside.
Jake’s mouth broadened into a smile at the sight of her. “You look great.” His dark eyes shone with approval.
She shrugged. Something about the ensemble felt funny. Too casual, maybe. It didn’t seem right to wear jeans in a royal palace.
“You didn’t bring any shoes.” She pointed to her bare feet.
“Maybe I wanted to admire your pretty toes.”
Heat flared inside her as his gaze slid down her legs to the toes in question. She giggled, feeling suddenly lighthearted. “My toes would still like to find some shoes to hide in. Why wasn’t I wearing any last night? I looked in the bedroom and the dressing room, but I didn’t see any.”
“I don’t know.” Jake’s expression turned more serious. “You were twirling barefoot on the lawn when I found you.”
Andi’s skin prickled with unease again. “So we decided to get engaged, and then I lost my memory?”
Jake nodded. His guarded expression didn’t offer much reassurance.
He took a step toward her. “Don’t worry, we’ll get through this together.” He slid his arms around her waist. Heat rippled in her belly. His scent stirred emotions and sensations and she softened into his embrace. She wondered if he was going to say he loved her, but he simply kissed her softly on the mouth.
Pleasure crept over her. “I guess I’m lucky it happened right here, and that I’m not wandering around some strange place with no idea who I am like those stories you see on the news.”
“It is fortunate, isn’t it?” He kissed her again. This time both their eyes slid closed and the kiss deepened. Colors swirled and sparkled behind Andi’s eyelids and sensation crashed through her, quickening her pulse and making her breath come in unsteady gasps. Her fingers itched to touch the skin under his starched shirt.
She stepped back, blinking, once they managed to pull apart. Were their kisses always this intense?
Jake smiled, relaxed and calm. Apparently this was all par for the course. Andi patted her hair, wishing she could feel half as composed as he looked. Terror snapped through her at the prospect of facing strangers and trying to pretend everything was normal. “Can we keep our engagement a secret for now?”
Jake’s eyes widened for a second. “Why?”
“Just so I don’t have to answer a lot of questions when I don’t even know who I am.”
He frowned. “I’m afraid it’s too late. I told someone on the phone last night.”
“Who?” Not that she’d even know the name.
“Maxi Rivenshnell. She’s a … friend of the family.”
Andi paused. The name had a nasty ring to it. Maybe it was the way he pronounced it, like something that tasted bad. “Maybe she won’t tell anyone.”
“I suspect she’ll tell everyone.” He turned and strode across the room. Shoved a hand through his dark hair. Then he turned and approached her. “But nothing’s going to stop me buying you a ring today, and you’re going to choose it. First, let me summon your shoes.”
Jake parked his Mercedes in his usual reserved spot in the town’s main square. No need for chauffeurs and armed escorts in tiny Ruthenia. He rushed around the car to help Andi out, but she was already on her feet and closing the door by the time he got there.
She’d devoured her breakfast of fruit and pastries in the privacy of his suite. At least he knew what she liked to eat. Despite obvious confusion over little things like how to find her way around, she seemed healthy and relatively calm, which was a huge relief.
Of course her reluctance to announce their engagement was a slight hitch in his plans to unload his unwanted admirers, but word would get out soon enough. Ruthenia had more than its share of gossiping busybodies, and for once they’d be working in his favor.
He took her arm and guided her across the main square. Morning sunlight illuminated the old stone facades of the shops and glinted off the slate tiles of the church steeple. Pigeons gathered near the fountain, where a little girl tossed bread crumbs at them and two dogs barked a happy greeting as their owners stopped for a chat.
“The local town,” murmured Andi.
“Does it look familiar?”
“A little. Like I’ve seen it in a dream rather than in real life. It’s so pretty.”
“It is lovely. You and I saw it together for the first time three years ago.”
She paused. “You didn’t grow up here?”
“No, I grew up in the States, like you. I didn’t come here until the socialist government collapsed in a heap of corruption scandals and people started agitating for the return of the royal family. At first I thought they were nuts, then I realized I could probably help put the country back on its feet.” He looked at her, her clear blue eyes wide, soaking in everything he said. “I couldn’t have done it without you.”
His chest tightened as he spoke the words. All true. Andi’s quiet confidence and brisk efficiency made almost anything possible. The prospect of carrying on without her by his side was unthinkable.
“Was I good at being your assistant?” Her serious gaze touched him. “I don’t remember anything about my job.”
“Exemplary. You’ve been far more than my assistant. My right-hand woman is a better description.”
She looked pleased. “I guess that’s a good thing, since we’re getting married.”
“Absolutely.” Jake swallowed. How would she react when her memory returned and she realized they were never romantically involved? He drew in a breath. She wasn’t in love with him. Still, she was sensible enough to see that marriage between them would be in the best interests of Ruthenia.
And that kiss had been surprisingly spicy. In fact, he couldn’t remember experiencing anything like it in his fairly substantial kissing experience.
Maybe it was the element of the forbidden. He’d never considered kissing his assistant and it still felt … wrong. Probably because it was wrong of him to let her think they’d been a couple. But once a ring was on her finger, they really would be engaged and everything would be on the up and up.
At least until her memory came back.
“The jeweler is down this street.” He led her along a narrow cobbled alley barely wide enough for a cart. The kind of street he’d have to fold in his wing mirrors to drive down without scraping the ancient walls on either side. Thick handblown glass squares glazed the bowed window of the shop, giving a distorted view of the luxurious trinkets inside.
Despite its old-world ambience—or maybe because of it—this jeweler was one of the finest in Europe and had recently regained its international reputation as part of Jake’s Rediscover Ruthenia campaign. He’d bought quite a few pieces here—gifts for foreign diplomats and wealthy Ruthenian acquaintances. Why had it never occurred to him to buy something lovely for Andi?
He opened the heavy wood door and ushered her in, unable to resist brushing her waist with his fingers as he coaxed her through. The formally attired proprietor rushed forward to greet them. “Welcome, sir.” Jake was grateful the man remembered his aversion to pompous titles. “How can we assist you today? A custom commission, perhaps?”
Jake hesitated. Andi might well like a ring designed to her exact specifications—but he needed a ring on her finger right now to make an honest man of him. He certainly didn’t want her memory coming back before the setting was tooled. “I suspect you have something lovely in the shop already.”
He took Andi’s hand in his. It was warm, and he squeezed it to calm her nerves. “We’re looking for an engagement ring.”
The elderly jeweler’s eyes opened wide. His gaze slid to Andi, then back again. He seemed unsure what to make of the situation. Perhaps he’d been following the local gossip columns and was already designing one with Maxi or Alia in mind. “Should I be offering you my congratulations?”
“Most certainly.” Jake slid his arm around Andi.
“Wonderful.” The jeweler bowed his head slightly in Andi’s direction. “My best wishes for you both. And in time for Independence Day, too.” A smile creased his wrinkled face. “The whole nation will be overjoyed. I do think a custom creation would be most appropriate. Perhaps with the family crest?”
“Why don’t we take a look at what you have in stock?” He tightened his arm around Andi’s waist, then loosened it, suddenly aware of how intent he was to hold on to her. Not that she was resisting. She leaned into him, perhaps seeking reassurance he was happy to provide.
A large tray of sparkling rings appeared from a deep wooden cabinet. Jake glanced at Andi and saw her eyes widen.
“See if anything appeals to you.” He spoke softly, suddenly feeling the intimacy of the moment. The first step in their journey through life as a married couple. The rings were nearly all diamonds, some single and some triple, with a large stone flanked by two smaller stones. A few more had clusters of diamonds and there was a large sapphire and a square cut ruby.
Andi drew in a long breath, then reached for a small single diamond in a carved platinum band. She held it for a moment, then extended her fingers to try it on. “Wow, this feels weird. Like you should be doing it, or something.” She glanced shyly at him.
Jake swallowed. He took the ring from her—the diamond was too small, anyway—and gingerly slid it onto her slender finger. His skin tingled as he touched hers and a flutter of something stirred in his chest. The ring fit well and looked pretty on her hand.
“What do you think?” She turned her hand, and the stone sparkled in the light.
“Nice.” He didn’t want to criticize, if that was her choice.
The jeweler frowned. “It’s a fine ring, but for the royal family, perhaps something a bit more … extravagant?” He lifted a dramatic large stone flanked by several smaller stones. The kind of ring that would make people’s eyes pop. Jake had to admit it was more appropriate under the circumstances.
Andi allowed the older man to slide her choice off her finger and push the big sparkler onto it. His face creased into a satisfied smile as it slid perfectly into place. “Lovely. Much more suitable for a royal bride, if you don’t mind my saying.”
She tilted her hand to the side and studied the ring. Despite the large size of the stones it also looked elegant on her graceful hands. Jake wondered how he’d never noticed what pretty hands she had. He’d been watching them type his letters and organize his files for years.
“It’s a bit over the top….” She paused, still staring at it. “But it is pretty.” She looked up at Jake. “What do you think?”
“Very nice.” He intended to buy her many more trinkets and baubles to enjoy. It was worth it to see the sunny smile on her face, and they were supporting the local economy. “Let’s buy it and go get a hot chocolate to celebrate.”
She hesitated for a moment more, studying the ring on her finger. When she looked up, confusion darkened the summer-blue of her eyes. She seemed like she wanted to say something, but hesitated in front of the jeweler. The shop owner tactfully excused himself and disappeared through a low door into a back room.
“I guess he trusts us alone with the merchandise.” Jake grinned. “There must be a million dollars worth of rocks on this tray.”
“I’d imagine a crown inspires a certain amount of trust.” She looked up at him, eyes sparkling. “I’m still getting used to the idea that you’re a king.”
“Me, too. I’m not sure I’ll ever be completely used to it, but at least it’s starting to feel like a suit that fits. How does the ring feel?”
Andi studied the ring again. “It is lovely, but it’s just so … big.”
“He’s right, though. It makes sense to go dramatic. Do you want people muttering that I’m a cheapskate?” He raised a brow.
Andi chuckled. “I guess you have a good point.” Then she frowned. “Are people going to be shocked that you’re marrying your assistant?” She bit her lip for a moment. “I mean … did they know that we’re … intimate?”
Jake inhaled. “We kept it all pretty private.”
“Did anyone know?” Her serious expression tugged at him.
“A few people may have guessed something.” Who knew what people might imagine, even if there had never been anything to guess? “But on the whole, we were discreet so it’ll be a surprise.”
Andi’s shoulders tightened a bit. “I hope they won’t be too upset that you’re not marrying someone more … important.”
“No one’s more important than you, Andi. I’d be lost without you.” It was a relief to say something honest, even if he meant it in a business sense, rather than a romantic one.
“I guess I should get the fancy one. If they’re going to talk, let’s give them something to talk about.”
“That’s the attitude.” Jake rang the bell on the counter and the jeweler appeared again like Rumpelstiltskin. “We’ll take it.”
The old man beamed. “An excellent choice. I wish you both a lifetime of happiness.”
Me, too, thought Jake. He’d need to think on his feet when Andi snapped out of this thing.

Andi blinked as they stepped out of the dark shop into bright morning sunlight that reflected off everything from the gray cobbles to the white-crested mountain peaks that loomed over the town. The cold air whipped at her skin and she drew her warm coat about her. Out in the open she felt violently self-conscious about the huge ring on her finger, and gratefully tucked it into her coat pocket.
“The coffeehouse is just up the road.” Jake took her arm. “You may not remember, but they have the best hot chocolate in the known world and you love it.”
Andi’s muscles tightened at the reminder that he knew more about her than she did. “Do you go there often?” It seemed odd for a king to frequent a local café. Then again she had no idea what was normal. Very strange how she remembered things like old fairy tales but not her own life.
“Of course. Got to support the local businesses.”
He certainly was thoughtful. That cozy feeling of being protected and cared for warmed her as he slid his arm through hers again. How lucky she was! No doubt her memory would come back soon and—
A moped skidded past them on the narrow street. Its rider, a man in a black leather jacket, stopped and leaped off, camera in hand. “Your Highness, is it true you are engaged?” he asked, in a French accent.
Jake paused. “It is true.” Andi stared in surprise at his polite demeanor.
“May I take your picture?”
Jake took Andi’s hands in his. “What do you say, Andi? He’s just doing his job.”
Andi cringed inwardly. She didn’t want anyone seeing her in her confused state, let alone photographing her. She also didn’t want to make a fuss in front of a stranger. That might give the game away.
She swallowed. “Okay, I guess.” She pushed a lock of hair self-consciously off her face. She hadn’t had time to style it—not that she even remembered what style she usually wore—but Jake had assured her it looked lovely.
The man took about fifty pictures from different angles through a long, scary-looking lens that would probably show every pore on her face. Jake was obviously used to the attention and remained calm and pleasant. He even adjusted them into several dignified romantic poses as if they were at a professional shoot.
Almost as if he’d planned this encounter.
She fought the urge to frown, which certainly wouldn’t be a good idea for the pictures. How did the photographer know they were engaged when it had only happened last night?
Jake managed to politely disengage them from the impromptu photo session and continue down the road. He smiled and nodded at passersby, all of whom seemed quite comfortable rubbing shoulders with their monarch. But when they reached the main square she saw two more reporters, a woman with a tiny microphone clipped to her jacket and a tall man with a notepad. They greeted Jake with warm smiles and asked if congratulations were in order.
Andi tried to maintain a pleasant expression while unease gnawed at her gut.
“How does it feel to marry a king?” asked the woman, in soft Ruthenian tones.
“I’m not sure yet,” admitted Andi. “Since we’re not married. I’ll have to let you know after the ceremony.”
“When will that be?” asked the man. Andi glanced at Jake.
“We’ll make an announcement when we have all the details sorted out. A royal wedding isn’t something you rush into.”
“Of course.” The reporter was a middle-aged woman with soft blond hair. “And you’ve kept your promise of choosing your bride before Ruthenia’s third Independence Day next week.”
“The people of Ruthenia know I’m a man of my word.”
Andi only just managed not to frown. He’d become engaged to her at the last minute because of some promise he made? That was awfully convenient. The knot in the pit of her stomach tightened.
The woman asked if she could see Andi’s ring. Andi pulled it out and was alarmed to see it looked even bigger and brighter out here in daylight. The camera flashed several times before she could hide her hand back in her pocket again.
When Jake finally excused them, her heart was pounding and her face flushed. She let out a silent sigh of relief as he guided her into the warm and inviting coffee shop. She removed her coat and hung it on a row of iron hooks that looked hundreds of years old.
“I’m glad they didn’t ask any questions I couldn’t answer.”
“The paparazzi are polite here.” Jake took her hand and led her to a secluded table. “They know I can have them clapped in irons if they’re not.”
She glanced up to see if he was kidding and was relieved to see a sparkle of humor in his eye.
“The press has been helpful in letting the world know about my efforts to bring the country into the twenty-first century. It pays to keep them happy.”
“How could they know about our engagement already? Did that girl you spoke to phone them?” Andi sat in the plush upholstered chair. A small fire snapped and sizzled nearby. The coffee shop had dark wood paneling and varied antique tables and chairs clustered around the low-ceilinged space that looked unchanged since the 1720s—which it probably was.
“I doubt it. They seem to know everything. It’s a bit spooky at first, but you get used to it. Maybe they saw us inside the jeweler’s?”
“Or maybe he tipped them off.” Andi gingerly pulled her be-ringed hand from her pocket to take a menu from the elegantly attired waiter.
“Old Gregor is the soul of discretion.” Jake studied his menu. Andi wondered for a second how he knew to trust Old Gregor. Had he commissioned gems for other women? But he said they’d been dating for years.
She cursed the hot little flame of jealousy that had flickered to life inside her. Why were they suddenly engaged after years of dating? Was it somehow precipitated by this promise he’d made, or had she previously refused?
For a moment Andi was hyperaware of people at tables all around them, sipping their drinks and eating. Could they tell she was missing a huge part of her life?
He shrugged. “It’s their job. We live in the public eye.” He reached across the table and took her hand. His strong fingers closed around hers. She squeezed his hand back and enjoyed the sense of reassurance she got from him. “You’ll get used to it again.”
“I suppose I will.” She glanced warily about the interior of the intimate coffeehouse. “It’s so unnerving not to even know what’s normal. Then you can’t figure out what’s odd and unusual.”
“It would certainly be odd for us to sit here without drinking hot chocolate.” He summoned the waiter and ordered a pot of hot chocolate and a dish of cream. “And, just so you know, the waffles with summer berries are your favorite.”
“Did we eat here together a lot?” The place didn’t look especially familiar.
“Yes. We often brought business associates and visitors from the States here, since it’s so quaint and unchanged. Now that we’re engaged …” He stroked her hand inside his and fixed his dark eyes on hers. “It’s just the two of us.”
Andi’s insides fluttered as his gaze crept right under her skin. If only she could remember what their relationship was like. It didn’t sound as if they ate out unless in company, which was a bit odd. A secret affair.
It must be strange and unsettling for him to have her behaving like a different person.
Then again, he didn’t seem rattled by the situation. His handsome face had an expression of calm contentment. The chiseled features were steady as the mountains outside and it was hard to imagine him getting upset or bothered by anything. Jake was obviously the kind of man who took things in stride. Her hand felt totally comfortable in his, as if he was promising her that he’d take care of her and make sure only good things happened.
Why did it feel so bizarre that such a gorgeous and successful man was all hers?
Well, of course she had to share him with a small nation, but after the lights went out he was hers alone. Hope and excitement rose through her, along with a curl of desire that matched the steam rising off the hot chocolate.
Jake kept his gaze on her face as the waiter poured the fragrant liquid into two wide round cups and then dropped a dollop of thick whipped cream on top of each one. When the waiter moved away, Jake lifted her hand to his lips and kissed it. Sensual excitement flashed through her body at the soft touch of his mouth on her skin, a promise of what would come when they were alone together.
Andi fought the urge to glance around to see if anyone had witnessed the intimate moment. She drew in a deep breath and forced herself to display the kind of cool that Jake possessed naturally. She’d better get used to being in the public eye, since she’d be spending the rest of her life in it.
If she really was marrying Jake. The idea still seemed too far-fetched and outrageous to truly believe. He gently let go of her hand and she moved it quickly to her cup and covered her confusion with a sip. The rich and delicious chocolate slid down her throat and heated her insides. Perfect.
Everything was perfect. Too perfect.
So why couldn’t she escape the niggling feeling that when she got her memory back she’d discover something was horribly wrong?
Andi grew increasingly nervous as they drove back to the palace. None of the other staff knew about their engagement—at least as far as she knew. How would they react?
She climbed out of the car on shaky legs. Did she have a best friend here in whom she confided? Or was that person Jake? Tears hovered very close to the surface, but she tried hard to put on a brave face as they approached the grand doorway up a flight of wide steps.
“Good morning, sir.” A black-attired man opened the door before they even reached it. “And may I offer you congratulations.”
Andi cringed. They all knew already? Word spread around this tiny country like a plague.
“Congratulations, Andi. I’m not sure whether it’s appropriate to tell you that, as usual, the mail is in your office.”
She didn’t even know she had an office, let alone where it was. She gulped, realizing that she’d be expected to do her job, regardless of whether or not she could remember how.
Either that or tell everyone that her mind had been wiped blank, and she couldn’t face that. “Thanks,” she managed.
She kept her hand buried deep in the pocket of her wool coat as they crossed the marble-floored entrance hall. Faces looked vaguely familiar, but she couldn’t remember names or if they were friends as well as coworkers. Jake stopped to answer some questions about a phone call they’d received, and Andi hesitated, unsure which direction to walk in, or where to even hang her coat. Worse yet, a girl with lots of red hair rushed up to her, wide-eyed. “Why am I the last to know everything?”
Andi managed a casual shrug.
The redhead leaned in and lowered her voice. “I see you decided not to leave after all?”
Andi’s eyes widened. “Leave?” She glanced up to see if Jake had heard, but he was still deep in conversation several yards away.
“Stop acting innocent. I saw the suitcases you bought in town. Still, obviously something better than a new job came up.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Truer words were never spoken. Anxiety churned the hot chocolate in her stomach. Suitcases? A new job? That was odd. She needed to get to her room and see if she could find something to jog her memory.
If only she knew where her room was.
She remembered the way back to Jake’s suite, and was tempted to head that way without him just to get away from the inquisitive redhead. Then again, he was apparently her boss, so that might look odd.
The ring practically burned her finger, still hidden deep inside her coat. “Let me take that for you.” An older man with neat white hair crossed the floor. Andi stared. “Your coat,” he continued, demonstrating the hanger in his hand. “I wonder if it’s premature to call you Your Majesty?” he asked with a kind expression.
“Probably.” She managed a smile while shrugging the coat off. She looked up at Jake and their eyes met. He must have seen the plea in her face as he detached himself from his questioner and strode to her side. “Let’s head for my office.”
As soon as they were on the stairs, she whispered that she didn’t know where her room was. He frowned for a second, then smiled. “We’ll go there right now.”
The hallway was empty. “I don’t even know anyone’s name. It’s the most awkward feeling. People must think I’m so rude.”
“That was Walter. Worked here back when it was a hotel and always the first to know every bit of gossip. He probably spread the word.”
“This building was a hotel?”
“For a while. It had a few different lives while my family was in exile in the States. It took a lot of work to get it looking like this, and you were in charge of most of it.”
Andi bit her lip, walking along carpet she may even have selected. Jake pointed to the third polished wood door in a long hallway, only a few yards from his. “That’s yours. It wasn’t locked when I came to get your clothes.”
She tried the handle and it swung open. A neat, hotel-like room greeted her, with heavy brocade curtains and a small double bed. The dark wood furniture looked antique and impressive. She cringed at the sight of a pair of panty hose draped over the bed.
“Um, maybe I should spend a little time alone here. See if anything jogs my memory.”
“Sure.” Jake stroked her back softly. Her skin heated under her T-shirt as he turned her toward him and lowered his face to hers. All worries and fears drifted way for a few seconds as she lost herself in his soft and gentle kiss.
“Don’t worry about anything.” He pointed to a dresser. “Your phone’s right there and you’ve always told me I’m programmed in as number one.” He winked. “I’ll head for my office to deal with this electrical supply situation that’s cropped up. Call me if you need anything, and even if you don’t.”
Her fingers felt cold as he released them from his, but she couldn’t help a sigh of relief as she closed the door behind him and found herself alone in the room. At last she could … fall apart.
Part of her wanted to run to the bed and collapse on it, sobbing. But another, apparently more influential, part wanted to pull open the drawers and search for signs of who she was. She tucked the stray panty hose back into their drawer, wondering if she’d taken them out when she was dressing in her evening gown. She wasn’t wearing any when she’d woken up in the morning.
The drawer was rather disorganized, as if everything was just shoved in there without much thought. What did this tell her about herself? She frowned and pulled open the drawer above it. Three carelessly folded blouses and some socks gave no further encouragement about her organizational skills.
The closet door was slightly ajar and she pulled it open. An array of colorful suits hung from the hangers, along with several solid-colored dresses and skirts. At least it didn’t look as messy as her drawers. She pushed some hangers apart and pulled down one of the suits. A medium blue, it was tailored but otherwise quite plain. She tried to smooth out a horizontal crease that ran just below the lapels. Another crease across the skirt made her frown. Why would a suit hanging in a closet have creases running across it?
She pulled out another suit and saw that it too had lines running through the middle. A forest-green dress also showed signs of having been folded recently, and a navy skirt and … She stopped and frowned. All the items in the closet had crease marks running across them. Not deep, sharp creases, but soft ones, as if they’d been folded only for a short time. What could that mean?
After she hung the suit back in the closet, she walked into the attached bathroom. A floral smell hovered in the air and felt reassuringly familiar. Her favorite scent? She recognized it—which meant it was a memory. Cheered, she examined the cosmetics arranged on a low shelf. There were a lot of lipsticks. She pulled one open and applied it. A rather garish orangey-pink that didn’t do her complexion any favors. She put it back on the shelf and wiped her lips with a tissue.
She found the bottle of scent and removed the cap. Warmth suffused her as she sprayed some on her wrists and inhaled the familiar smell. Relief also swept through her that at least something around here felt familiar.
The scent … and Jake.
Excitement mixed with apprehension tickled her insides. How odd that they’d become engaged and she’d lost her memory in the same night. She couldn’t help wondering if the two things were related.
Jake was lovely, though. He’d been so sweet and encouraging with her since she’d lost her memory. She was lucky to be engaged to such a kind and capable man. A bit odd that he was a king, but that was just one facet of him. Just a job, really. No doubt she wasn’t bothered by his royal status or she wouldn’t have become romantically involved with him in the first place.
She picked up her hand and looked at her big diamond ring. It was beautiful and fit her perfectly. She’d feel comfortable wearing it once she got used to it.
Once she got used to any of this.
A knock on the door made her jump. “It’s me, Livia.”
Andi gulped. Apparently she was supposed to know who Livia was. So far no one seemed to know about her memory except Jake and the doctor, but that was bound to change unless it came back soon. She smoothed her hair and went to open the door.
It was the same red-haired girl from downstairs. The one who’d talked about her leaving. She had a huge grin on her freckled face. “You are a dark horse.”
Andi shrugged casually, as if admitting it, even though she didn’t know exactly whether Livia referred to the engagement or her memory loss.
“You never breathed a word. How long have the two of you been …?” Her conspiratorial whisper sounded deafening in the quiet hallway.
“Come in.” Andi ushered her into the room. Livia glanced around. Andi got the idea that she hadn’t been here before, so they probably weren’t the closest of friends, but maybe she could learn something from her. She managed a smile. “We didn’t really want anyone to know. Not until we were sure.”
Livia seemed satisfied with that answer. “How romantic. And after working together all these years. I never suspected a thing!”
“I hardly believe it myself.”
“So the suitcases were for your honeymoon.” Livia grinned and shook her head. “Where are you going?”
“Not sure yet.” Jake hadn’t said anything about a honeymoon. Surely they had to have a wedding first.
“This time make sure I’m not the last person in the palace to know. I know you’re always insisting that it’s part of your job to keep mum about things, but I can’t believe I had to learn about your engagement on the radio.”
“What did they say?”
“That you and Jake were out ring shopping in town this morning, and you told reporters you were getting married. Hey, let’s see the rock!” She reached out and grabbed Andi’s hand. “Wow. That’s some ring. I wouldn’t go on the New York City subway in that.”
So Livia had come from New York, as well? That meant they’d probably known each other at least three years. Andi felt awful that she didn’t even remember her.
Livia sighed. “And just imagine what your wedding dress will be like. You could probably get anyone in the world to design it for you. Some people have all the luck.”
Andi was sorely tempted to point out that she had the bad luck to not even know who she was, but a gut instinct told her not to confide in Livia. She sensed an undercurrent of jealousy or resentment that made her reluctant to trust her.
“Oh, there are the suitcases, under your bed.” Livia pointed. Andi could see the edges of two black rolling cases.
“You’re very obsessed with those.”
“I thought you were going to take off and leave us. At least to do that interview.”
Andi frowned. Had she planned a job interview somewhere?
“I was even starting to think that if we both went back to New York we could share an apartment or something. Guess I was wrong.” She widened her eyes, which fell again to Andi’s hand.
“You were. I’ll be staying here.” She smiled, and conviction filled her voice. How nice it was to be sure of something.
“I bet you will.”
A million questions bounced around Andi’s brain, as many about Jake and life at the palace as about herself. But she couldn’t think of any way to ask them without giving the game away, and she wasn’t ready to do that yet. On the other hand, at least Livia could help her find her way to her own office. That would be one less problem for her to bother Jake with.
“Why don’t you walk to my office with me?”
Livia looked curious. Andi worried that she’d made a misstep. She had no idea what Livia did at the palace, and her clothing, dark pants and a blue long-sleeved peasant shirt, didn’t offer any clues. “Sure.”
They set out, Andi lagging a fraction behind so that Livia could lead the way without realizing it. They went along the hallway in the opposite direction from Jake’s suite, and up a flight of stairs to the third floor. At the top of the stairs a blond man hurried up to them. “Goodness, Andi. Congratulations.”
“Thanks.” She blushed, mostly because she had no idea who he was. Luckily it was an appropriate response.
“Cook wanted me to ask you whether we should do duck or goose on Thursday for the Finnish ambassador.”
“Whichever she prefers would be fine.” She froze for an agonizing second while it occurred to her that Cook might be a he.
His eyes widened. “I’ll let her know. I suspect you have a lot on your plate right now, what with, well, you know.” He smiled. “We’re all very happy for you, Andi.”
She forced another smile. He’d looked surprised by her lack of decisiveness. She must usually be a very takecharge person. At least the engagement gave her an excuse to be out to lunch—literally and figuratively. She was “preoccupied.”
They reached a door halfway down a corridor on the third floor, and Livia hesitated. Andi swallowed, then reached out a hand and tried the door. The handle turned but didn’t open it. “Oh no. I forgot my key! You go on with what you’re doing and I’ll go back and get it. See you later.”
Livia waved a cheery goodbye and Andi heaved a sigh. She counted the doors along the hallway so she could find her way here alone next time. Back in her room she searched high and low for the key. When she found a black handbag at the bottom of her closet, her heart leapt.
She’d already discovered that the phone in her bedroom was for business only. Not a single personal number was stored in it. She’d called each one with hope in her heart, only to find herself talking to another bank or supplier. She must have another phone somewhere.
Eager to see her wallet and find out some more about herself, she dove into the bag with her hands. A neat, small wallet contained very few clues. A New York driver’s license, with an 81st Street address, about to expire. A Ruthenian driver’s license ornamented with a crest featuring two large birds. A Visa credit card from an American bank, and a MasterCard from a European one.
She seemed to be living a double life—half American and half Ruthenian. But that wasn’t unusual among expats. She probably kept her accounts open, figuring she’d go back sooner or later.
The bag did contain a keychain containing two keys—her bedroom and office? Other than that there was a small packet of tissues and two lipsticks. No phone. Disappointment dripped through her. Maybe she just had no life.
Except Jake.
She glanced at the business phone on the dresser and her nerves sizzled with anticipation at the thought of calling him. She felt a lot safer in his large, calm presence.
But she didn’t want to be a bother. She’d wait until she really needed him.
Keys and phone in the pocket of her jeans, she set off back for the locked office. Her instincts proved correct and the smaller key opened the door. Like her bedroom, her office was neat and featureless, no photos or mementos on the desk. She’d be worried that she was the world’s dullest person, except that apparently she was intriguing enough for a king to want to marry her.
She opened a silver laptop on the desk. Surely this would reveal a wealth of new information about her life—her work, anyway. But the first screen asked her to enter her password.
Andi growled with frustration. She felt like she was looking for the password to her own life and it was always just out of reach. Password, password. She racked her brain for familiar words. Blue, she typed in. The screen was blue. Nothing happened. Jake? Nothing doing. Love?
Nada. Apparently her computer, like her memory, was off-limits for now.
Irritation crackled through her veins. She pulled open the drawers in the antique desk and was disappointed to find nothing but a dull collection of pens, paper clips, empty notebooks. The entire office revealed nothing about her. Almost as if every trace of her individuality had been stripped away.
The way you might do if you were leaving a job.
A pang of alarm flashed through her at the thought. Had she stripped her office bare in preparation for abandoning it? She could see how getting engaged to Jake could mean her leaving her job as his assistant, or at least changing it dramatically. But surely Jake would have mentioned it?
She picked up her phone and punched in his number. Feelings of helplessness and anxiety rose inside her as she heard it ring, but she fought them back.
“Hi, Andi. How are you doing?”
A smile rose to her lips at the sound of his deep, resonant voice. “Confused,” she admitted. “I’m in my office and feeling more lost than ever.”
“I’ll meet you there.”
She blew out a long breath as she put the phone back in her pocket. It was embarrassing to feel lost without Jake at her side, but wonderful that she could call him to it at any moment. She glanced at the ring on her finger. The big diamond sparkled in the sunlight, casting little shards of light over her skin, a symbol of his lifelong commitment to her.
At least she knew what it felt like to be loved.
She flew to the door at the sound of a knock. A huge smile spread over her face at the sight of him, tall and gorgeous, with a twinkle in his dark eyes.
“I missed you,” he murmured, voice low and seductive.
“Come in.” Her belly sizzled with arousal and her nipples tightened just at the sight of him. “Do you always knock on my office door?” It seemed oddly formal if they’d worked together and dated for years.
A shadow of hesitation crossed his face for a split second. “I suppose I do. Would you prefer me to barge right in?”
“I don’t know.” She giggled. Nothing seemed to matter all that much now that Jake was here. “I guess it depends on if I’m trying to keep secrets from you.”
“Are you?” His brow arched.
“I have no idea.” She laughed again. “Hopefully if I do, they’re not very dark ones.”
“Dark secrets sound rather intriguing.” He moved toward her and lifted his hand to cup her cheek. Her skin heated under his palm. “I might have fun uncovering them.”
Their lips met, hot and fast, and his tongue in her mouth drove all thoughts away. She pressed herself against him and felt his arms close around her. Much better. Wrapping herself up in Jake was the best medicine for anything that ailed her.
His suit hid the hard muscle beneath it, but that didn’t stop her fingers from exploring his broad back and enjoying the thickness of his toned biceps. Her fingertips were creeping into his waistband when a sharp knock on the door made them jump apart.
She blushed. “Do we get carried away like that often?”
Jake shot her a crooked smile. “Why not?”
A glance at the door sent her cheer scattering. “I won’t recognize the person.”
“I’ll help you out.”
She drew in a deep breath as she approached the door. “Who is it?”
“Domino.” A male voice. “Just wanted to take a peek at Jake’s calendar for tomorrow.”
She glanced back at Jake and whispered, “I have no idea where your calendar is.”
“You can peek at it in my head, Dom.” Jake’s voice boomed across the room.
A compact, dark-haired man in a gray suit flung the door open and entered. “Sorry, Mr. Mondragon, I didn’t know you were in here. I just wondered if there was a set time for the Malaysian High Commission’s arrival.”
Andi listened while Jake rattled off a few planned events for the following day and tried to keep them filed in her brain in case anyone else asked her. It couldn’t hurt to practice using her memory again. Still, she didn’t truly breathe again until Domino backed out with a slight bow.
“I feel like the world’s most incompetent assistant. Is the calendar on the computer?”
“It’s password protected and I don’t know the password. Do you know it?”
Jake looked thoughtful. “No.”
“Any ideas what it might be?”
“None whatsoever. I guess there are some dark secrets between us.” He lifted a brow playfully. “Maybe you have it written down somewhere.”
“That’s another thing.” She frowned, apprehension twisting her gut as she prepared to tell him. “There’s nothing personal in here at all. It’s all business all the time, as if all the personal effects had been removed.”
Jake blinked and his gaze swept the room. A furrow deepened between his brows; then he shrugged. “I’m not much for personal knickknacks in the office, either. Why don’t we take a break and go stroll around the palace? Then at least you’ll know where everything is.”
Andi was a bit alarmed by the brusque way he changed the subject. One question burned in her mind. “Am I still your assistant? I mean, now that we’re engaged.”
“Yes, of course.” Jake looked startled for a second. “I’d be lost without you arranging my life.”
“Then prepare to get lost, since I can’t arrange my own computer desktop right now.” Tears loomed again. Apparently they’d never been very far away. “I still don’t remember anything at all.”
Jake took her into his arms again. His scent, familiar and enticing, wrapped around her as his embrace gave her strength. “The doctor said it would take time for your memory to return. Come on, let’s go for that walk. There’s no point getting upset over something you can’t control.”
The palace was so large that probably no one knew exactly how many rooms it had or how to get to all of them. As Jake explained, it had been the home of several dynasties of Ruthenian royals, all of whom had left their own stylistic stamp, so the building had everything from fortified turrets to elegant rows of French windows opening out onto a terrace for alfresco dancing.
As they walked about, on the pretext of discussing the decor, everyone stopped to offer their congratulations on their engagement. Some people hid their surprise, but Andi could tell it was a startling occurrence. Could they really have not noticed a romance occurring—over several years—right beneath their noses?

“Jake, congratulations on your engagement.” The silvery tones emerging from his phone dripped with acid. Jake glanced across his suite to where Andi reclined on the sofa looking through a tourist brochure about Ruthenia.
“Thanks, Carina.” Lucky thing she couldn’t see how happy he was not to be marrying her.
“Quite a surprise.” Her tone was cool. “I had no idea you were involved with your assistant.”
“You know how these things are. It seemed … unprofessional, but you can’t halt the course of true love.” He’d already explained the same to three other would-be queens, so it rolled naturally off his tongue.
“Indeed.” She cleared her throat. “Daddy accuses you of toying with my affections, but I assured him that I’m a big girl and that he should still fund the new industrial development.”
These veiled threats were becoming familiar, too.
“I do hope he will. We look forward to entertaining you both at the palace again soon.” He was smiling when he hung up the phone. Right now everything was going as smoothly as could be expected. He was now officially off the hook for choosing the next queen of Ruthenia. No one had actually pulled support from any key projects or threatened to fund a revolution. It was probably a plus that he hadn’t offended one Ruthenian big shot by choosing the daughter of another. Selecting his American assistant as his bride had left all the local families equally offended—or mollified. And so far things were working out nicely.
He couldn’t understand why he’d never plotted this tidy solution together with Andi, before she lost her memory. Choosing his wife now seemed like an agenda item he’d neatly checked off.
“Why don’t you join me on the sofa?” Her come-hither stare and soft tones beckoned to him.
Blood rushed to his nether regions and he stiffened. Of course there were some aspects of their engagement that should remain off-limits until Andi’s memory came back. It was one thing to pretend to love your assistant, it was quite another thing to actually make love to her.
“That dinner was delicious, but I find I’m still hungry.” Andi’s blue eyes sparkled. She curled her legs under her and stretched one arm sensually along the top of sofa.
Her voice called to a part of him that wasn’t at all practical. Jake was struck by a cruel vision of the black lacy underwear beneath her jeans and T-shirt. She’ll be angry if you sleep with her under false pretenses.
But were they really false? He did intend to marry her.
Which was funny, as he’d never planned to marry anyone. His parents’ long and arduous union—all duty and no joy—had put him off the whole institution from an early age. They’d married because they were a “suitable” match, his father the son of the exiled monarch and his mother the daughter of a prominent noble, also in exile. They’d soon discovered they had nothing in common but blue Ruthenian blood, yet they’d held up the charade for five decades in the hope they’d one day inhabit this palace and put the Ruthenian crest on their stationery again.
They were both gone by the time the “new regime” crumbled and Ruthenia decided it wanted its monarchy back. Jake had assumed the mantle of political duty, but it didn’t seem fair or reasonable to expect him to take it into his bedroom, as well.
He’d much rather take Andi into his bedroom. Her lips looked so inviting in that sensual half smile. And he could just imagine how those long legs would feel wrapped around his waist….
But that was a really bad idea. When she got her memory back she’d likely be pretty steamed about the whole scenario he’d cooked up. She’d be downright furious if he took advantage of her affections, as well. Much better if they kept their hands to themselves until they could talk things over sensibly.
“Do you want me to walk you back to your room?” His voice sounded tight.
“Why? I’m not going to sleep there, am I?” She raised a brow. She seemed far more relaxed, bolder, than he’d seen her so far. She was obviously feeling comfortable, even if her memory still showed no signs of returning.
“I think you should. It’s a question of propriety.”
She giggled. “You are joking.”
“No.” He felt a bit offended. “It’s a royal thing.”
“So, we’ve never …?” She rose from the sofa in an athletic leap and strode across the room. “I don’t remember the details about my own life, but I remember general stuff and I’m pretty sure that it’s totally normal for dating couples to … sleep together. So I don’t believe that we’ve been dating for years and never done more than kiss.”
Jake shrugged. She had a point. If only she knew he was trying to protect her. “Okay, I admit we may have been … intimate. But now that we’re engaged and it’s all official and formal, I think we should play by the rules.”
“Whose rules?” She raised her hand and stroked his cheek with her fingers.
His groin tightened and he cleared his throat. “Those official, hundreds-of-years-old rules that the king should keep his hands off his future bride until after the wedding.”
Her mouth lifted into a wicked smile. “These hands?” She picked up his hands and placed them squarely on her hips. Heat rose in his blood as he took in the curves beneath his palms. She wriggled her hips slightly, sending shock waves of desire pulsing through him.
I’m in full control of my hands and my mind. The thought did nothing to reassure him, especially when one of his hands started to wander toward her backside. Andi pressed her lips to his and her familiar scent filled his senses. Next thing he knew his hands were straying up and down her back, enjoying the soft curves under his palms.
His pants grew tight as Andi pressed her chest against his. He could just imagine what those deliciously firm breasts must look like in her lacy bra. If he coaxed her out of her T-shirt—which would not be difficult—he could find out right away.
But that might lead to other things.
In fact, he was one hundred percent sure that it would.
He pulled back from the kiss with considerable effort. “Don’t you have some … embroidery to do or something?”
“Embroidery?” Laughter sparkled in her clear blue eyes. “Do I really embroider stuff?”
He chuckled. “Not that I know of, but does a man really know what his fiancée gets up to in the privacy of her room?”
“I guess that depends how much time he spends there.” She raised a brow. “Maybe we should go to my room?”
Jake froze. That seemed like a really bad idea. Which underlined what a bad idea all this kissing and cuddling was. Much better to keep things professional, with just enough hint of romance to keep the people around them convinced. At least until Andi came back to her senses.
He flinched as Andi’s fingers crept beneath the waistband of his pants. He’d grown rock hard and the thought of pushing her away was downright painful. Her soft cheek nuzzled against his and his fingers wandered into her hair. She looked so different with her hair loose, much less formal and more inviting.
Her cool fingers slid under his shirt and skated up his spine. Jake arched into the sensation, pulling her tighter into his embrace. Her breathing was faster and her pink lips flushed and parted. He couldn’t resist sticking his tongue into her mouth and she responded in kind, until they were kissing hard and fast again.
“Still think I should go to my room?” She rasped the question when they came up for air.
“Definitely not.” He had to take this woman to bed, whether it was a good idea or not.
He reached under her T-shirt and cupped her breast, enjoying the sensation of skin and scratchy lace under his fingers. He could feel her heartbeat pounding, like his own, as anticipation built toward boiling point.
“Let’s go into the bedroom.” He disentangled himself from her with some effort and led her into the other room. The plain white bedcovers looked like an enticing playground and he couldn’t wait to spread her out on them and uncover her step by step.
He swept her off her feet—eliciting a shriek of delight—and laid her gently on the bed.
Suddenly horizontal, Andi looked up at Jake with alarm. Her entire body pulsed and tingled with sensation. About to reach for the buttons of his shirt, her fingers stopped in midair. Their eyes met, his dark with fierce desire that made her insides tremble.
Everything about this situation felt new and different.
Jake’s hands showed no hesitation as he unzipped her jeans and slid them off. Heat snapped in her veins, deepening the sense of unease creeping over her.
“What’s the matter?” Jake paused and studied her face.
“I don’t know. It just feels strange.”
“Go with it.” He lifted the hem of her T-shirt and eased it off over her head. Her nipples stood to attention inside her lacy bra, which was now exposed to view along with its matching panties. Jake’s devouring gaze raked her body and Andi felt both very desirable and very, very nervous.
Jake unbuttoned his own shirt and shrugged it off, revealing a thickly muscled chest with a line of dark hair running down to his belt buckle. His powerful biceps flexed as he undid the belt and the button of his pants.
Andi’s hesitation flew away. “Wait, let me do that.” She rose to the edge of the bed and unzipped his pants as excitement and arousal replaced her apprehension. She pushed them down to reveal dark boxers and powerful hair-roughened thighs.
Both in their underwear, they stretched out on the cool white sheets, skin to skin. She touched his chest with a tentative finger, enjoying the warmth of his body. She traced the curve of his pec and traveled lower, to where his arousal was dramatically evident against the dark fabric of his shorts.
Jake’s taut belly contracted as she trailed over it then paused.
She looked up at his face. The naked desire in his eyes further unraveled her inhibitions. She let her hands roam lower, tugging at his boxers until they slid down and his erection sprang free. She gasped, and he chuckled. Then she pulled the soft fabric down over his strong legs until he was totally naked.
“You’re gorgeous,” she breathed. Then she blushed, realizing that must sound silly when she’d seen him naked many times before.
“You’re far more gorgeous.” His slightly callused fingers tickled her skin as he ran his hand along her side, from her bra to her panties.
“But you’re not seeing me as if it was the first time.”
“Yes, I am,” he murmured. Then he looked up. “At least that’s what it feels like.” Excitement danced in his dark eyes. “I could never grow tired of looking at you.”
Andi swallowed. If Jake’s feelings for her were anything like the intense roar of passion pulsing in her veins right now, she could understand how this could feel new and fresh even after several years.
He slid his arm behind her back and tugged her closer. Her belly flipped as it touched his, and her breasts bumped against his chest.
“Time to unwrap this present,” he breathed. He propped himself on one elbow and deftly undid the clasp on her bra, releasing her breasts. She felt his breathing quicken as he tugged the lacy fabric off over her arms and lowered his mouth to one tight pink nipple.
Andi arched her back and let out a little moan as Jake flicked his tongue over the delicate skin. The sound of her own voice in the still night air startled her, and quickened her pulse further. She pushed her fingers into his thick hair and enjoyed the silky sensations roaming through her body as he licked and sucked.
“Kiss me,” she begged, when she couldn’t take the almost painful pleasure anymore. He responded by pressing his lips to hers with passion and kissing the last of her breath away.
Arms wrapped around him, she held Jake close. His warm masculine scent filled her senses and the heat of his skin against hers only increased her desire. Fingers trembling with anticipation, she took hold of his erection. Jake released a low moan as she ran her fingers over the hard surface, then tightened them around the shaft, enjoying the throb of pleasure that issued through him.
Had she really done this before? She couldn’t believe it. Again that odd sensation of unfamiliarity almost dampened her pleasure. Everything she did was like taking a step into the dark and hoping the floor would still be there under her foot when she put it down. Where would these strange and intense sensations and urges lead her?
Jake’s mouth crushed over hers once more and her doubts crumbled beneath the fierce desire to feel him inside her.
Working together they eased off her panties and he climbed over her. The inviting weight of him pressed against her chest for a moment; then he lifted himself up with his powerful arms and entered her slowly.
Too slowly.
She found herself writhing and arching to encourage him deeper. Her insides ached to hold him and her whole body burned hot and anxious with an urgent need to join with him. Her fingers dug into his back as he finally sank all the way in and she released a deep moan of pleasure into his ear.
Jake layered hot kisses along her neck and cheek as he moved over her, drawing her deeper into the mysterious ocean of pleasure that felt so strange and so good at the same time. They rolled on the bed, exploring each other from different angles and deepening the connection between them. Her hands wandered over his body, enjoying the hard muscle, squeezing and stroking him as he moved inside her.
She loved riding on top of him, changing the rhythm from slow to fast and back again as the sensations inside her built toward a dangerous crescendo. Jake was over her again when she felt herself suddenly lose control of her muscles and even her mind as a huge wave of release swept her far out of herself. She drifted in limbo as pulses of sheer pleasure rose through her again and again. Then she seemed to wash back up in Jake’s arms, exhausted and utterly at peace.
“That was …” She couldn’t seem to find the words. Any words, really.
Jake’s unroyal response made her laugh. “Exactly.” Then she frowned. “Is it always like this when we … make love?”
She could swear she felt him flinch slightly. “Yup. It is.”
“I guess that’s good.” She smiled. She must be one of the luckiest people on earth, to have a loving relationship—with really hot sex—with this ridiculously handsome man who just happened to be a king.
She stretched, still feeling delicious pulses of pleasure tickling her insides. She couldn’t help wondering how she’d arrived at this juncture. How did she find herself engaged to a gorgeous monarch? Maybe she was from some kind of upper-crust family herself. It was so odd not knowing anything about yourself. She opened her eyes and peered at Jake.
“Will you tell me some things about myself?”
His sleepy gaze grew wider and a smile tilted his mouth. “Like what?”
“My background, the kind of things I like to do, that sort of stuff.”
He frowned, still smiling that half smile. “Hmm, it’s hard to know where to start.”
Adrenaline buzzed through her at the prospect of nailing down a few details. “How about at the beginning. Did I grow up in New York?”
“No. You moved there after college.” He kissed her cheek softly. “You came to work for me right after you graduated.”
“What did I study in college?”
“Hmm. I can’t remember exactly. I think it was something to do with literature. Or maybe French. You spoke French fluently even though you’d never been to France. I remember that.”
“Oh.” It wasn’t so odd that he didn’t know what she’d majored in. That was before she met him. “Where did I go to college?”
Jake hesitated, and frowned. “Was it U Penn? Somewhere in Pennsylvania. I’m pretty sure of that.”
“You don’t remember where I went to college? You’re almost as bad as I am. Where did I grow up?”
Jake licked his lips. His eyes showed a mild trace of alarm. “Pennsylvania, definitely. Philly, maybe. Or was it Pittsburgh?”
“We’ve never been there together?” An odd knot of tension was forming in her stomach. She propped herself up in bed on one elbow.
“No, our relationship has always been pretty under wraps. The whole professional thing.”
“So you haven’t met my family.” Again, unease niggled somewhere deep inside her.
“No. You have parents and a sister somewhere, though. You get together with them for holidays.”
“In Pennsylvania?”
“I think so. You usually took the train.”
“Oh.” How odd that she couldn’t remember anything about them. Or Pennsylvania. And it was a little disturbing that Jake seemed to know so little about her. Did they never talk about her past? “What’s my sister’s name?”
Jake pursed his lips for a moment. “I don’t know.”
“I guess I didn’t talk about her that much.” Maybe she and her sister weren’t close. What a shame. Maybe she’d try to improve their relationship once she got her memory back. “What about my parents? Do you know their names or where they live? We could get in touch with them and see if they could jog my memory back into existence.”
Jake’s brow had furrowed. “I suppose we should be able to find that information somewhere.”
“It’s probably on my computer if I could just figure out the password.”
“We’ll worry about that in the morning.” Jake pulled her closer to him. “Right now let’s just enjoy each other.”
Andi let out a sigh and sank back into his arms. “You’re right. Why get stressed out over something I can’t control?”
But even in his soothing embrace, there wasn’t a single second when she didn’t ache to recover her memory—and her history. How could you really go forward, or even live in the moment, if you don’t know who you are?
After breakfast, Jake left Andi in her office to look over her files. She seemed anxious that she wasn’t able to do her job since she didn’t remember the details of palace life, let alone any specific events. He mused that he should have been concerned, too, since a key purpose of this whole engagement was to keep her at his side running the show, but somehow the palace was managing to tick along. And he was enjoying her company far more than he’d imagined.
How could he have worked with her for six years and not even know where her family lived? As far as he knew she was born behind the desk in his Manhattan office. And he cringed at not knowing her sister’s name. For all he could remember she just referred to her as “my sister.”
He strode to his current office, intent on mining it for the information he should know simply on the basis of their long acquaintance. They spent all day together—did they usually talk about nothing but work?
Andi was always excellent about keeping them focused so no time was wasted. She managed their affairs with such efficiency that there was little downtime for chin-wagging, especially since they’d moved to Ruthenia and tackled challenges higher than the legendary Althaus mountains that loomed over the palace. He’d always appreciated her professional approach to her job and to life in general.
But now he was beginning to realize he’d missed out on enjoying her company all this time. She was much more complex than he’d realized, more vulnerable and intriguing—and not just because of her missing memory. He’d never seen her as a person with emotions, with needs, before, because she’d done such an excellent job hiding that aspect of herself.
And he’d never realized she was so tempting. She’d hidden that, too.
He closed his office door and walked through to the cabinets in the file room, where the personnel files from New York were stored. Thanks to Andi’s relentless organization he quickly laid his hands on her file, and the résumé she’d submitted when she applied for the job as his admin back when he was simply a venture capitalist.
A quick scan revealed that she’d graduated from Drexel University in Pennsylvania—right state, at least—with a degree in business administration and a ridiculously long list of clubs and activities to her name. Apart from some temping in Manhattan, her first job was with him. She’d graduated from North Hills Senior High School in Pittsburgh—ha, right again, maybe he wasn’t so bad after all. He had to congratulate himself on being able to pick such a promising employee despite her lack of relevant work experience.
But that didn’t solve his current problem of finding out about her past and helping her recover her memory.
Wait. Did he even want her to recover her memory? If she did, she’d surely remember that their relationship had been strictly professional and the whole engagement his invention.
Discomfort rose in his chest, threatening to overwhelm the sense of satisfaction—of happiness, dammit—that had suffused his body and mind since their overnight encounter.
Andi was sensational between the sheets. He’d never have dreamed that his quiet, prim assistant hid so much passion and energy beneath her suited exterior. She even looked different, like she’d forgotten to put on the mask of no-nonsense propriety she usually painted on with makeup and pinned into place with a spritz of hair spray. The real Andi—the one without the mask—was soft and sexy and downright irresistible.
Desire stirred inside him again, tightening his muscles. Blood rushed to his groin as he thought about her in his arms that morning, scented with passion as well as her usual floral fragrance. He put the résumé back in its file.
Maybe her memory wouldn’t come back and they could start over from the night he’d found her dancing outside, freed of the inhibitions and anxieties built by a lifetime of experience. He couldn’t help believing that the woman who’d shared his bed was the real Andi, and that she’d been hiding inside all this time, waiting for a chance to be free.
Andi let out a cry of sheer joy. She’d finally cracked the password on her computer. A cryptic penciled list in the drawer seemed like a meaningless string of words—until she started typing them in one by one.
Queen had proved to be the key that unlocked her hard drive, and possibly her whole life. Funny! She must have picked it because she knew she soon would be queen.
That thought stopped her cold for a second. Queen Andi. Didn’t quite sound right. Still, she’d get used to it. And maybe Andi was short for a more majestic name, like Andromeda or something.
Her heart raced as the computer opened her account and laid a screen full of icons out before her. Yikes. So many different files, some with the names of countries, some of companies. She didn’t know where to start. A sound issued from the machine, and she noticed that the email icon announced the presence of fifty-three messages. She clicked on it with a growing sense of anticipation, and scrolled back to the last one she had opened. Eticket confirmation.
Frowning, she opened the email, which revealed an itinerary for Andi Louise Blake—apparently she wasn’t really named Andromeda—to travel from Munich to New York. The date listed was … yesterday.
Her blood slowed in her veins and her breathing grew shallow.
Obviously she hadn’t gone on the trip, and if it was a business-related one, surely Jake would have mentioned it. Munich—the nearest international airport, perhaps?—to New York, where she used to live …
She had been planning to leave.
Head spinning, she sat back in her chair. Why would she leave, if she was in love and about to get engaged?
She should just ask Jake about this. Why get all worked up when it could be a business trip that just got canceled at the last moment, maybe due to her loss of memory, or their engagement?
Andi glanced down at her ring with a growing sense of unease. She never had figured out why her clothes were creased as if they’d been packed. She must have changed her mind and unpacked at some point, but when? And why did Jake not know about her plans to take off?
Had she issued an ultimatum and forced him into proposing to her?
She swallowed, then started to chew on a nail. Her stomach curled up into a tight ball. Maybe she should see what else was going on in her email before she spoke to Jake.
It was hard to read with so much nervous energy leaping through her system. Her eyes kept jumping around on the screen. Most of the emails were business related—responses to invitations, scheduling questions, orders for supplies and that kind of thing.
Then one titled What’s going on? from a Lizzie Blake caught her eye. Blake—the same last name as her. What was going on? She clicked on it with her heart in her mouth.
Andi, I know you told me not to email personal stuff to this account, but I’ve tried calling you and you won’t call back. We saw a news story on TV yesterday saying that you’re going to marry Jake Mondragon, your boss. Is this true? How come you didn’t tell us? I thought you were getting ready to quit from the way you’ve been talking lately. Mom is pretty upset that you’d keep something like this from us. I remember you saying years ago that your boss was hot, but you never mentioned dating him, let alone getting engaged. Anyway, get in touch ASAP and let me know if I need to find a dress for a royal wedding. XX Sis.
Andi sat back, blinking. She had a sister called Lizzie. Who knew absolutely nothing about her relationship to Jake. And who’d been calling her but not getting through. She must have another phone somewhere that she used for personal calls.
She scanned the rest of the emails, but nothing else looked truly personal.
Where would she keep another phone? Brain ticking fast, she hurried back to her bedroom, glad she didn’t run into anyone in the hallway—especially Jake.
A pang of guilt and hurt stung her heart. She was avoiding him. Only this morning they’d lain in each others arms and she’d enjoyed such contentment and bliss that she hadn’t even minded about her memory being gone.
Now she was racked with suspicion and doubt. She locked her bedroom door behind her and started to go through the closet and drawers again. Finally, in the pocket of a black pair of pants she found a small silver phone. The pants showed signs of being recently worn—slightly creased across the hips and behind the knees—so maybe she had them on just before she lost her memory.
She flipped the phone open and pulled up recent messages. There were three from Lizzie and one from her mom, who sounded noticeably upset. Her voice, with its hint of tears, struck a sharp and painful chord deep inside her. On instinct Andi hit the button to dial the number.
“Mom?” Her voice shook slightly. “Is it really you?”
“Of course it’s me. Who else would be answering my phone?” A bright laugh rang in her ear. “What the heck is going on over there?”
Andi drew in a steadying breath. “I don’t really know, to be honest. I lost my memory.”
“Jake found me dancing around outside and I couldn’t remember anything at all. I didn’t even remember you or Lizzie until I saw her email and found the messages on my phone.”
“Oh, my gosh, that sounds terrifying. Are you okay?”
“More or less. It’s been strange and kind of scary, but I’m not sick or injured or anything.”
“That’s a blessing. Has your memory come back?”
Andi blinked. A blurry vision of a face—an energetic woman with short light brown hair and bright blue eyes filled her brain. “I think it’s coming back right now. Do you have blue eyes?”

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