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Her Perfect Stranger
Her Perfect Stranger
Her Perfect Stranger
Jill Shalvis
For only one night, Commander Corrine Atkinson lets go of her iron control and seduces a perfect, sexy stranger. Come morning, control firmly in place, Corrine sneaks out of his bed and gets back to her own life.But Corrine's in for a big surprise. Her perfect stranger has turned into the wrong man! His name is Mike Wright and he's the newest member of the team she's commanding–which means spending all day in very close quarters. And he's wasting no time in reminding Corrine how good…how right it can feel to spend the night in the wrong man's bed!

“There is no ‘this.’”
Corrine said it with a finality she didn’t feel.
Mike ran a finger over her jaw, down her throat to the base of her neck, where her pulse had taken off. “Liar,” he chided softly as her nipples beaded and thrust against the material of her shirt.
“There can’t be a this,” she whispered.
“Oh, there’s definitely a this.” His finger continued its path over her collarbone to her shoulder, nudging the edge of her tank top off it. Stepping even closer, he dipped his head and nipped at the skin he’d exposed, while his fingers continued their seductive assault on her senses.
“How can you ignore me?” He dipped his head so that she could feel his breath on her skin. “After what we shared?”
“It was…just…sex,” she panted as he dragged that clever mouth back up her throat now, feasting as he went, his fingers toying with the edging of her top and the curve of her breast.
“Yeah. Sex. Great sex.”
Dear Reader,
I love reading THE WRONG BED books within Temptation. Writing them is a dream come true, and so was Her Perfect Stranger, a book that haunted me from day one until I finished.
Ever done something you regret? Commander Corrine Atkinson, the heroine in this story, does when she succumbs to a sexy, gorgeous stranger rather than face a stormy night alone. Yet the most incredible, erotic night of her life turns into a nightmare when she’s introduced to her new copilot…the very stranger she’d been with only the night before.
I’ve pitted two confident, dynamic, strong-willed (read: stubborn) people together, both of whom think their life is too full for love. They both learn how wrong they are. How lonely they are.
And how easy it is to fall hard in crazy love in spite of themselves.
Happy reading,
Jill Shalvis

Her Perfect Stranger
Jill Shalvis

www.millsandboon.co.uk (http://www.millsandboon.co.uk)
To Bruce and Leslie, for all your expertise, patience and, most of all, friendship. Without you, this book wouldn’t have happened. Thank you.

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

HE’D NEVER FORGET his first glimpse of her. Or his second. She walked in as if she owned the place, and in spite of the chaos around him, Mike Wright’s gaze went straight to her.
It was all indelibly imprinted on his mind: the harsh storm outside pounding against the fogged windows of the hotel’s pub; the lights flickering overhead as the electricity spiked with the repeated thunder and lightning; the loud strains of Bruce Springsteen blaring from the speakers mounted on the walls; and the even louder voices of the crowd around him talking, laughing, flirting.
He’d been preoccupied, thinking about the reason he was in Huntsville, Alabama, in the first place—his life’s work, flying space-shuttle missions. The primary pilot of STS-124 had broken his leg parachuting and the first team backup had contacted hepatitis. All of which left Mike, once the secondary backup, as primary. He’d been called home from Russia, where he’d been on loan from NASA to the Russian space agency for the past decade.
Mike loved being an astronaut, loved his testosterone-run life. But he loved women, too. All of them, all shapes and sizes and colors and temperaments, and everything else faded away the moment she stepped foot into the place—the storm, the crowd, the noise, everything.
She was wet. Drenched, actually, her dark, dark hair plastered to her head, her clothes molded to her body.
Another poor, unsuspecting victim of Huntsville’s weather.
He could empathize, having just come from Russia’s much more predictable climate. But this woman didn’t look like anyone’s poor, unsuspecting victim, not with all that attitude, fire and rage spitting from her eyes.
Drenched and inconvenienced, Mike guessed. And furious because of it. Amused, he watched as she pressed on through the thick crowd, and in spite of her petite stature, people moved out of her way.
It might have been the fact she was a woman, when most of the patrons were men. On-the-prowl men at that. But Mike thought it was most likely her queen-to-peasant look, which was icily effective.
She worked her way closer, heading directly toward the bar, and by coincidence, him.
“Something hot,” she demanded of the bartender, setting one hand down on the bar as she dropped her bag, establishing a spot for herself where there was none to be had. She looked to both sides, left then right, clearly expecting someone to get off a stool so she could sit.
Grinning now, Mike rose. “Please,” he said, gesturing for her to take over his seat.
“Thank you.” As if she wasn’t dripping a river of sleet and rain onto the floor, she sat and tossed back her hair. When the bartender slid what looked like an Irish coffee in her direction, she nodded her head regally and sipped. And then sighed. Sinfully. Her shoulders relaxed slightly, as if she’d just dropped the weight of the world.
After a good long moment she appeared to realize Mike was still standing next to her. Her dark-blue eyes were cool and assessing, in direct contrast to her wet, incredibly lush, incredibly sexy body.
“No coat?” he asked, referring to the fact that she wore only a black, long-sleeved silky blouse and skirt, both of which were so wet they couldn’t have been tighter if she’d painted them on. What should have been a very conservative, businesslike outfit became outrageously erotic, especially given that she had a body that could make a grown man drop to his knees and beg.
“Someone stole it at the airport.” She grimaced. “I hate airports. Let’s just say this is a day better forgotten all around.”
She didn’t have the Southern drawl of the people around him. Another misplaced traveler, he thought, just like him. “Got caught by surprise in the storm, did you?”
“Yes, and I hate surprises.”
Her voice was as cool as her eyes. Low and slightly husky. But combined with all those feminine curves, she became one irresistible contradiction. Fire and ice. Tough, yet sexy as hell.
Though Mike had planned to have only one beer, which he’d already had, before going up to his room and crashing for the night in preparation of the crazy week ahead, he didn’t budge. And when the guy behind him vacated his barstool, Mike took it for himself.
“Don’t bother,” the woman said without even looking at him as she continued to sip her drink, staring directly ahead.
Mike made himself comfortable, which included smiling at the pretty female bartender. “Don’t bother what?”
“Trying to charm me out of my panties.”
Mike laughed. This woman was truly sexy as hell, gorgeous as sin, cool and regal, and funny. A rarity. “Now why would I try do to that?” he asked innocently, though now that she’d planted the thought, he could think of nothing else.
“Why? Hmm. Maybe because I have breasts? I don’t know.” She shrugged. “It’s a male genetic disorder, I guess.”
Mike laughed. “You mean I can’t help myself? That’s a handy excuse, indeed.”
She looked at him then, a hint of a smile on her lips. “That’s right. As a man, you can’t help your self, you’re just a helpless slave to your body’s cravings. Will that help you sleep at night?”
“Oh, yes. Thank you.” Mike cocked his head and studied her. She was warming up, no doubt thanks to her drink. There was a blush to her cheeks now, and when she crossed her legs—remarkably well-toned legs, he couldn’t help but notice—they appeared to be drying nicely.
“To be quite honest,” he said. “I hadn’t entertained the notion of charming you out of your panties at all.”
She slanted him a doubtful glance.
“Really.” He lifted his hands in an innocent gesture. “Before you came, I was just going up to bed.”
“Don’t let me stop you.”
But she did. Everything about her stopped him cold, and it wasn’t just that her nipples were pressing against the material of her blouse, or that her skirt clung to her perfectly rounded hips. It wasn’t just that she smelled like heaven and sin all in one, or that he knew instinctively that her skin would be soft and creamy and in need of being warmed up by his hands and mouth. He couldn’t name exactly what kept him there watching her, why she fascinated him so.
Everything in his home country fascinated him, and he enjoyed being back after so long away, even given the work ahead of him. He needed lengthy training for the upcoming mission, training that would keep him busy day and night until launch, only four months off now. He’d be far from his own place, which happened to be a suitcase more often than not these days. In fact, he was no longer certain where home really was. He and his four brothers were close, but they were also scattered across the globe, in various military branches. So was his father.
His mother, a native Russian, had died when Mike—named Mikhail by her—was very young, which was probably why, when he’d had the chance to go to Russia after his stint in the Air Force, he’d jumped at it, wanting to understand the heritage he’d missed. He’d welcomed the opportunity to stay there, in the cosmonaut space program, working on the International Space Station. It was a lifestyle he loved, but he suddenly realized how isolated from female companionship he’d been lately.
A sharp bolt of lightning startled the large, noisy bar into an instant of collective silence. Thunder rolled immediately on its tail, and after another instant of stunned quiet, the room went back to its dull roar.
The woman next to him pushed her drink away and sighed. She shivered once, then crossed her arms. “Well. Back to work.”
Yeah, he should be working, too. He had plenty of reading to do. From now until launch, he’d be living and sleeping this mission, running like crazy to catch up with his crew—whom he’d not yet met—and who’d been training together for a year and a half already. He looked forward to meeting everyone involved, but at the moment, as the woman next to him shivered again, work and everything that went with it were far from his mind. “You have business at this hour?” he asked, slipping out of his jacket and putting it around her shoulders. “What do you do?”
Those midnight-blue eyes shot his hands a sharp glance, causing him to lift them from her shoulders. “I have some reading to catch up on,” she said, snuggling deeper into his jacket. “Thanks for the coat.”
“I don’t really care to discuss it.”
“Touchy about work,” he said with an agreeable nod. “Duly noted.”
“How about your name? Are you touchy about that, too?”
Reaching once more for her drink, she tossed her head back as she downed the last of it, then licked her lips in an uncalculated, outrageously sexy move that made Mike want to groan. “Tonight,” she eventually said, her full, bottom lip wet now from her own tongue, “I’m touchy about everything.” But she made no move to get up. “I don’t want to talk about my job, my name, my life. I don’t want to talk about politics or headlines.” She lifted those amazing eyes to his. “Still want to have a conversation with me or have I scared you off yet?”
There was more than a little dare in her expression, and Mike, the youngest of four boys in a military family, had never, not once in his life, walked away from a dare.
Lightning struck just then, and when the thunder came right on its heels, everyone in the room oohed and aahed.
Not the woman sitting next to him, though. Her gaze remained intense and direct and right on his, so that he hardly noticed the ruckus going on outside. He did, however, notice the growing crowd, as more people made their way in from the storm. Which was fine by him, as it forced him slightly closer to the woman still waiting for his answer.
“I don’t scare easily,” he eventually said.
“I’m losing my touch then.”
“Tell me your name.”
“I feel the need to call you something.”
“Fine. Call me Lola.” She lifted a brow in what might have been either self-deprecation or wry humor. “Yes, tonight Lola will do.”
Oh, definitely, she was warming up. Her skin was glowing and rosy. And her hair was starting to curl as it dried, with little wisps falling in her face even though she kept shoving them back.
“Usually men quake in their boots when I walk by,” she noted casually. “I have quite the reputation for being terrifying at work.”
“Ah, but we’re not talking about work, remember? And not your real name, or life, or politics, or headlines.”
At her own words repeated back, her lips curved. “You’re not a local. You don’t have the slow Southern ways. And you don’t have the accent, either, that lazy, drawn-out way of speaking that makes so many women want to swoon.”
He sent her a lazy, drawn-out smile and drawled in a perfect imitation of an Alabama local, “I can make up the accent, if it’d make you swoon.”
“Is it real?”
“The smile? Or the accent?”
“Are you trying to charm me out of my panties?”
“You have quite a memory,” she said, but smiled at her own expense. “I’ll have to quit giving you things to make fun of me with.”
“I wasn’t making fun,” Mike assured her. “Much.”
“Hmm.” She studied him with a sidelong glance. “You’ve very neatly avoided telling me if you’re a local or not.”
“Maybe your need for anonymity tonight goes both ways.” Without thinking, he lifted a hand and stroked her cheek.
At the contact, she went utterly still, as if his touch had stunned her every bit as much as it had stunned him. And it had stunned him. He’d touched plenty of women in his life, some he’d known no longer than he’d known her, but never had his entire body quivered at that touch as it did now.
She searched his gaze long and hard, as if assessing him for something very important. Maybe…honesty?
He was being honest. Here, amid the crowd, sitting with the most arresting woman in the place, he didn’t want to think about work, either. He didn’t want to think about anything other than what he was doing, which was enjoying the company of a beautiful stranger.
She seemed to come to a conclusion about him. She nodded thoughtfully, then uncrossed her legs. Her stockings made the most arresting silk-on-silk sound, and for the longest moment he couldn’t get his mind wrapped around anything but the thought of what her legs would feel like without the stockings. “Another drink?” he asked.
“That’s how a good number of the people in here are going to get in trouble tonight.” She glanced around. “Look at those women. Lonely. Drinking. Easy prey for all those men watching them.”
“Maybe they want to be prey.”
A sigh escaped her, a sound of…longing? “Yes,” she said, so softly he had to lean closer. “Maybe so. Maybe they don’t know how to just go after what they need, even if it’s not practical.”
“Are we talking about sex?” He grinned as she raised an eyebrow. “Because really, sex can be quite practical. It’s a great stress reliever, for one. And spectacular exercise. Not to mention it’s just a feel-good sort of thing.”
Her lips quirked. “You’re speaking from experience, of course.”
“Oh, no. A man should never kiss and tell.”
That made her laugh, and she looked surprised at the rusty sound, as if she didn’t do it often. “I need to get a room,” she decided, slapping her palm on the bar as she reached for the bag she’d dropped at her feet. “There was a crowd at the front desk before.”
He glanced at the very large—and getting larger by the moment—throng of people. “You don’t have a room yet?”
“No, I wanted to get warm before standing in line.”
Which was the last thing she said before the lights went out.

“DON’T PANIC,” came the low, unbearably sexy voice of her perfect stranger. “I’ve got you.”
And he did. He’d slid off his bar stool to stand right beside her, his hand reaching for hers. Corrine could feel the heat of him, the strength in the tall, leanly muscled body that she’d been trying not to notice since he’d first spoken to her.
He wasn’t her type.
Which was damn laughable, because it had been so long, she didn’t actually remember what her type was. At work, a man with a cocky, knowing smile and such a laid-back manner would drive her crazy.
But here it was the opposite.
At work she was serious, intense, and…okay, a perfectionist. She freely admitted that. She wasn’t a sexual creature, not at all. In fact, working as a woman in a man’s world, she tended to ignore her sexuality and the needs that went along with it, for long periods of time.
Hell of a time for her libido to lift its head.
“The power will come back on in a moment,” he reassured her as everyone around them seemed to panic. “Nothing to be worried about.”
Corrine wasn’t worried, and it wasn’t just his bone-melting voice making it so, but the fact that she didn’t worry about things out of her control. It was a supreme waste of time, and she hated wasting anything, especially time.
Someone trying to get out of the bar jostled her. She wouldn’t even be in this madhouse if she hadn’t had to fly here from Houston for an emergency meeting of the utmost importance—meeting the new pilot. After this she could only hope there weren’t any delays in her next project—commanding upcoming space shuttle mission STS-124. As it was her team would have to work hard to bring the replacement pilot on board.
Given the angry, disturbed, upset voices around her, general panic seemed imminent, so Corrine both forgave and ignored the person who’d pushed her. But she didn’t intend to be pushed again.
“I’m going to make my way to the front desk,” she said, turning her head toward where she imagined her stranger’s ear would be. Making herself heard in the uproar was difficult. “I’m going to get a room and just sleep the power outage away—” Oh God. Her mouth brushed skin. His ear, she thought, but it was hard to think at all because her body tingled with the most mind-numbing awareness.
She recognized it, cataloguing the fact in her technical mind. But it didn’t stop the phenomenon. “I’ll come with you.” That was all he said, but in the dark, his voice seemed even lower, even more husky and sexy, if possible. Before she could figure out how to lose him, he’d taken her bag and was tugging her toward the door.
There wasn’t much light. None from the windows, which looked out into the pitch-black, stormy night. But since the generator hadn’t kicked on, the bartender had lit candles along the length of the bar, and was doing her best to calm people down.
With her hand in the stranger’s large, warm one, Corrine followed. An odd thing, following, something she as a leader didn’t often do. But this man seemed to be a leader, as well, and she let him muscle his way through the mass of people. She had to admit, in a very sexist sort of way, that walking behind had its advantages. First of all, he smelled delicious, all woodsy and male. And second, even in the dark she could make out his broad shoulders and strong back. If only the light was slightly better, she could check out his—
“Uh-oh,” he said, turning around so abruptly she plowed into him. He slipped one of his hands to her waist, holding her upright with ease as she caught her balance. “Looks like quite a few people beat us to the punch.”
He was right.
Here in the lobby of the hotel, candles and battery lanterns cast an almost surreal light. The receptionist had a long line of people in front of her, and she looked harried, harassed and near hysteria.
In less than three minutes, the line started to dissipate. Far too quickly. Around them the grumbling increased, mimicking the force of the storm outside, as the wind and rain slashed against the walls, making it nearly impossible to hear.
“They’re out of rooms,” groaned the woman in front of them. “Now what?”
Corrine listened to the storm ravaging the hotel, and shivered. The thought of going back out there and finding another place to stay really irritated her, because damn it, she’d just started to dry off. That she’d told her assistant not to bother with reservations for the one night until her barracks room was ready was coming back to haunt her now. She marched up to the desk. “I want a room,” she said coolly to the now teary receptionist.
The woman merely hiccuped.
Corrine briefly entertained the idea of ordering the woman to get a grip, that she should be helping people find other rooms in other hotels, or at the very least, looking sure and confident so people would stop yelling at her, but there was no point. “Check one more time,” she said instead, in that voice of authority that always had people cracking. “I’ll take anything.”
Next to her, her stranger stirred, setting a hand very lightly on the base of her spine. At the touch, Corrine’s every nerve leaped to attention and turned her knees wobbly.
“I don’t think she has anything,” he said quietly in her ear, causing all sorts of tremors inside her belly and other, far more erogenous, zones. “Or if she does, she’s too worked up to find it.”
Corrine sighed and nearly melted into the hand that was lightly, so lightly, rubbing the aching spot at the base of her spine. She caught herself just short of purring, and straightened, locking her traitorous knees while she was at it. “I know.” She looked toward the double doors that led out into the night.
They opened and more people pushed their way in, seeking shelter. Rain and wind pelted everyone within ten feet of the doors. “It’s back out there, then,” she said with a shiver. “To find another place.” She’d have to get a cab first, which wouldn’t be easy in this weather. She’d be wet to the bone within two seconds. The thought wasn’t appealing, but she had no choice and wasn’t one to cry over spilled milk.
Intending to bid her stranger goodbye, she turned to him, but he spoke first.
“I have a room,” he said very softly. “And I’m happy to share it with you.”

CORRINE STARED at her perfect stranger, shocked. Although it was dark all around them, she could feel his searching gaze on her, like a caress. In the depths of his warm, blessedly dry jacket, she shivered.
Not from the cold now, but from something far more complicated.
Another woman joined the nervous young receptionist behind the desk. “I’m the manager,” she said to Corrine. “We’re terribly sorry for the inconvenience, but as you can see, with no power and the generator not operating properly, we’re in no position to get you a room or help you find another place. You can wait the storm out here in the lobby or make your own arrangements.”
Wait the storm out? In this cold, dark, noisy room with all these other unhappy people?
Or she could hike back out there and try to catch a cab.
Some choice.
The man behind her stirred, just enough to have his thigh brush the back of hers, and everything inside her went still, then hot.
He’d offered his room.
And his bed.
Probably his body, too.
Please, her own body begged her brain. Oh, pretty, pretty please.
“Ma’am?” The manager looked at Corrine, impatience shimmering. She had other people to cater to at the moment, to smile at and try to appease.
What to do?
Corrine had been born to rule. Just ask her parents, who’d called her Queen Bee since day one. Her mom, a biochemist, and her father, a cardiologist, joked that it was in her genetic makeup to be the boss.
Corrine had to admit she’d lived up to their predictions.
Maybe if she’d been raised by people who hadn’t understood her, who hadn’t encouraged her to do whatever she wanted to do, be whatever she wanted to be, she might have turned out to be a holy terror, but truthfully, she wasn’t spoiled at all. Shortly after her family had moved to Houston when she was a child, she’d dreamed of becoming an astronaut. She worked damn hard for what she wanted, and never gave up until she got it. No matter if it was being high school valedictorian, or graduating from college a year early, or entering the Manned Space Flight Program at NASA because she was determined to fly space shuttles. She’d not only entered, but had succeeded beyond everyone’s expectations.
Except her own, that is.
Thanks to unwavering tenacity, sheer stubbornness and damned hard work, she’d risen through the ranks, flown on a record four missions to date as pilot, and was now going to be only the third woman in history to command a mission.
So maybe she was confident. And okay, a little tough. But to make it in space and aeronautics, traditionally run by men, she had to be. Corrine knew she used that toughness to purposely scare and intimidate the people around her, but she’d never have made it so far if she hadn’t.
In that spirit, she considered demanding a staff room, but something happened. The man’s fingers, still on her waist, spread wide now, his thumb skimming over her side, then her belly, making the muscles there quiver like crazy.
“I have a room,” he said again quietly, her perfect stranger. Her perfect, mouthwateringly gorgeous stranger, who had an unbelievably sexy voice, with sexy eyes, sexy hands and an even sexier body to go with it.
What his fingers were doing to her system should have been illegal. She could no longer even see straight, she was so consumed with lust for this man, who was more handsome than the devil, thrillingly rough around the edges and full of promised sin. He had a slow, sensual smile that lit up the night. He was intelligent, humorous, and he wanted to share his room with her.
“What do you think?” he asked.
That she was crazy. That she had an intensely structured, controlled schedule for the next months. She was too mature for this.
Oh damn, but that sounded pretentious. Why couldn’t it be simple? Why couldn’t she be as entitled to one night of frivolity as anyone else? She’d been too long without this sort of connection, and she deserved it, deserved one night of pure selfishness and pleasure, where no one would bow to her, kowtow to her commands or try to brownnose. She was entitled to be a woman once in a while.
Wasn’t she?
As calmly as possible, she turned back to the manager, on the off chance this had all been some mistake.
But the woman was shaking her head. “I’m sorry.”
The relief Corrine felt surprised her, but she was always honest, maybe to a fault. In light of that, she had to admit, at least to herself, that she didn’t really want a way out of this. She’d flown into Huntsville to deal with an emergency. Whatever it was, it was big, and it would affect both her and the space-shuttle mission she’d lived and breathed for a year and a half now.
For these remaining months she wouldn’t have any time to herself. None. This was it. This one last night.
It scared her how much she wanted it.
Turning in the dark, she bumped into his chest, and could tell by his quick, indrawn breath that she affected him every bit as much as he affected her. Silly, she wanted to tell him. Juvenile. We’re acting like hormonal teenagers.
His fingers played again at the base of her spine. And all those hormones unleashed by her own hunger leaped and jerked within her. Breathing became optional. She wanted to melt to the floor in a boneless heap of jelly.
It should have been embarrassing. Awkward, at the very least. There should have been fear and doubt, for a million different reasons; that she didn’t even know his name should have led the pack.
Instead, the strangest feeling of…rightness flooded her.
In the dark she craned her neck, trying to see his face clearly. She couldn’t, and she felt more than actually saw his slow, easy smile.
Everything inside her reacted, helplessly.
Oh yeah. She was absolutely in the right place with the right man. “Yes,” she said.
She inhaled deeply. “Yes, I’d like to share your room.”
The receptionist and manager had both leaned close to hear her answer, and then looked like maybe they wanted to cry in relief. “His key will work,” the manager said. “The electronic keying system is on emergency power and is one of the few things actually operating right now. You’ll have no problem getting into the room.”
Behind them, the crowd was growing impatient.
Her perfect stranger, who smelled like heaven and had a touch nearly as divine, didn’t say a word, just took her hand, lifted it to his lips and then, still holding on to her, took the lead.
And for the second time that night, and for only the second time in her entire life, she followed.

MORE THAN ONCE in his life Mike had been accused of being cocky and confident, yet laid-back and easygoing. Sometimes downright lazy.
But as anyone who’d ever worked with him could attest, he was actually a very controlled man. It wasn’t often he lost that control, but he nearly did now. He had an incredibly beautiful woman by the hand and was taking her to his room, and he had no idea what she expected.
The guys would laugh hysterically at that, he knew, for Mike had quite the reputation, especially when it came to women.
But the truth was, much of that bad-boy rep was hype, at least in the past few years, when he’d been far too busy to live up to it.
Through the dark, he glanced at her over his shoulder and found her watching him. He squeezed her hand and smiled.
She returned both the squeeze and the smile, and his body actually twitched with excitement. With any luck at all, his fantasy and reality were going to commingle tonight.
They crossed the large, noisy lobby carefully, winding their way through the unsettled crowd.
“Are all these people stranded?” she wondered aloud.
Mike didn’t stop, but squeezed her hand again. “Looks like it.”
“This is terrible.”
It was, and he felt badly, too, but not enough to invite more up to share his room. In the midst of work, work, work, he’d somehow found a little something for himself. Frivolous. Dangerous even, considering the day and age and all the problems associated with recreational sex, but there was something about this woman that told him she was different.
A soft glow from various lanterns and candles lit the way to the elevators, which of course weren’t working. There were people there, too, staring with dismay at the closed doors.
Mike’s room was on the sixth floor.
It could have been worse, far worse. “We have to take the stairs,” he said regretfully, pulling her up beside him. He felt bad, though not for himself. Given the physical demands of his job, not to mention the rigorous training he was constantly put through, he could take the stairs in two minutes without breaking a sweat.
But she wouldn’t find it so easy. Her wet skirt, while not skimpy by any means, had to be confining, and those heels…well, they showed off her mouthwatering legs, but they couldn’t be comfortable. In the dim light, her damp hair shone. Her skin did, too, along with her eyes, which were filled with deep, dark mysteries. “Six flights of stairs,” he added apologetically.
She murmured noncommittally.
“We’ll take it slow,” he assured her, and could have sworn she laughed. But when he peered through the dark at her face, she was smiling slightly.
“Ready when you are,” she said.
When he opened the door to the stairwell, an inky blackness greeted them. To reassure the woman next to him, he once again took her hand. “Don’t worry,” he said, pulling from his pocket a pen that was also a flashlight. When he flicked it on, she looked at him in surprise.
“You actually carry a flashlight? In your pocket?”
Yes, he carried a flashlight. And a hand-held electronic organizer. And a state-of-the-art cell phone that could download from the net and retrieve his e-mail. He was a techno-geek and couldn’t help himself, but in his defense, he’d spent years and years in Russia, far from his home country. His toys somehow made him feel closer.
“You must be an engineer,” she decided.
“I am not.”
Her lips were curved, her eyes lit with humor, and she was so beautiful she took his breath away.
“Are you sure?” She was still teasing. “Now that I think about it, you look like one.”
“Do you really want to know?” he asked softly, suddenly wanting to tell her about himself, wanting to hear all about her in return. It was silly, dangerous even, because with that additional emotional connection, he knew whatever they shared this night was bound to be the most powerful affair he’d ever had.
She stared at him, searched deep in his eyes for God knew what. And then, finally, she shook her head. “It’s tempting,” she whispered regretfully, lifting her hand to gently touch his mouth. “But no. I don’t want to know.”
For a long moment he didn’t move, hoping, wishing she’d change her mind, but then the moment passed and he forced a smile. “I like to be prepared,” he said, directing the flashlight ahead of them. And please, God, let me be “prepared” with a condom in my shaving kit.
“Prepared.” She let out a little laugh, again a slightly rusty sound, as if she didn’t do it often, and he smiled back.
Make that a box of condoms, he thought.
They started up the stairs. At the top of the first flight, Mike paused. “Need a rest?”
“After one flight of stairs?” She shook her head. “Tell me I don’t look that fragile to you.”
She was petite but not frail, not with all those wonderful curves and a face so full of life. “You don’t look fragile to me,” he said after a good long look that stirred his body.
“Smart answer.”
They climbed another flight, and when Mike again paused at the top, she lifted a brow. “Do you need to rest?”
He smiled and they started on the next flight, but at a burst of wild laughter ahead of them, he once again slowed to a stop. Sprawled across the stairs, two men were sharing a flask of what had to be pretty potent stuff, given their wide, slack, idiotic grins.
“Looksy there,” one said, slurring his words as he nudged the man next to him. “Now that’s the way to pass the time, matey.” The drunk leered at Mike and gave an exaggerated wink. “Don’t need to tell you to keep warm, huh? You’ve got your heating blankie right there with you.”
Both men laughed uproariously, and as they did, slipped down a few stairs, to fall together in a heap. It made them laugh even harder.
“Feeling no pain, I see.” Mike stepped over them and helped her do the same.
The next flight of stairs began the same way, but then they heard a strange, heated moaning, then rapid panting. Mike didn’t know what he expected to find. A fight, maybe. Someone stabbed or shot, someone in labor…he couldn’t tell from the frightening sounds. He was prepared for anything, though, and tried to keep the woman behind him to protect her.
But she refused to be kept there, even for her own good. She evaded his hands and stayed stubbornly by his side.
The sounds came from a couple, and it wasn’t a fight or severe wounds, as he’d feared, but a wild mating. Clothes were half torn off both of them. They were writhing together against the wall, and given the scream of pleasure that tore from the woman’s lips, they were also deep in the throes of orgasm.
Mike looked at “Lola,” but she didn’t close her eyes or seem embarrassed. She just stared at the couple in front of them, as if mesmerized.
They had a perfect view. The woman was wedged up against the wall; the man could touch and grab at will, which he was doing. Her breasts were bare, and bouncing wildly in the man’s face, which elicited plenty of encouraging groans from both of them. His hands snaked up her skirt, where he held her hips so that he could thrust into her, time and time again.
“Now! Now!” she shrieked. “Oh, Billy, now!”
“Yeah,” said Billy as he pounded into her. “Yeah, baby.”
“Ohh.” Breasts jiggled. Her bottom bounced. Skin slapped against skin. “Oh, Billy, I’m going to come again!”
“Yeah, baby. Me, too.”
Together they let out more shrieks and cries, and then moaning gutturally, they slumped together.
The woman standing next to Mike let out a strangled sound of her own. “Can we get past them, do you think?”
She sounded…breathless, and her palm in his had gotten warm. Almost sweaty.
Mike knew the feeling. He had never considered himself voyeuristic, but witnessing this couple, with Lola beside him, his desire kicked up a degree. He was so hot, so hard and so unbelievably ready he could hardly nod. “Come on,” he muttered, and together the two of them started running.
Up the fifth flight, then the sixth.
At the top, Mike stopped, certain he’d gone too fast this time.
“If you ask me if I need to rest,” she said seriously, “I will smack you.”
She wasn’t even winded. Neither was he, but hell, they’d come a long way up.
“And if you marvel about what good shape I’m in,” she continued, “when you’re obviously in just as good a shape, I’ll—”
“I know,” he said. “Smack me. Don’t worry, I’ll restrain myself and admire your strength later. Come on.”
They made it to his door. No one was around, and the hallway was pitch-black except for the light from his trusty flashlight.
Taking out his key card, he looked down into her face. She was watching him with an unreadable expression. Slowly he reached out and stroked a finger over her cheek, her jaw. “Are you sure?”
“Already sorry you asked me?”
“Are you kidding?”
“Well then, I’m not sorry I’m here.” She lifted a hand, too, and touched his face, ran her finger over his lower lip, over his jaw so that his day-old growth of beard rasped loudly in the silent hall. When she rimmed his ear, he sucked in a harsh breath, every muscle tight and tense.
“Are we going to stand out here all night?” she asked. “Or go in and…”
“And?” he pressed, stepping closer and running his fingers down her neck now, delighting in the shiver that wracked her. He stroked his thumb over the pulse dancing wildly at the base of her throat.
“And finish this,” she whispered, her eyes closing, her head falling back slightly to give him more room. “Let’s finish what we started the moment we looked into each other’s eyes. Okay?”
“Oh yeah. It’s more than okay.” And with his body—and heart—buzzing, he put his key card in the slot.

THE ROOM SEEMED DARKER than the hallway. Dark but warm, and somehow inviting.
Definitely their safe haven from the storm.
Corrine stepped into the room and moved silently to the window. Pulling back the shades didn’t let more light into the room. The blurry window was streaming with rain and sleet, but this high up, with the windows sealed, the night and the storm were eerily silent. She could barely make out the city below, and it was easy to believe they were anywhere, anywhere in the world, all alone.
He came up behind her, not touching, just…there. “I’m not married,” he said. “Or attached.” When she craned her neck and looked at him, he gave a little smile. “I know, you don’t want to talk about yourself, and you don’t want to talk about me, either, but I just wanted you to know that.”
She had a hard time imagining this man without companionship. “You’re unattached?”
He shrugged. “I see women. Nothing serious has come my way. Not yet, anyway.”
She was selfishly relieved. She’d never been married, and hadn’t been attached in so long she’d almost forgotten what it was like. Oddly enough, given such a lack of romance, Corrine’s life was made up of men. But even being with men on a daily basis, she’d never been more aware of one in her life than she was right now. She felt surrounded by him, her perfect stranger, and she shivered again, though it had nothing to do with fear or intimidation or cold, everything to do with stark, demanding need.
If that need hadn’t been so strong, so undeniable, so utterly reciprocated, she would have died of embarrassment, because Corrine Atkinson didn’t need anyone, never had. But it was strong, it was undeniable and it was most definitely reciprocated. “I’m not married or attached, either,” she said, turning toward him. “If nothing else, you deserve to know that.”
His smile was slow and nearly stopped her heart. “Good,” he said.
More lightning flashed, but the thunder was muted, almost as if it was happening in another time and place.
“I love to watch a storm,” she said, suddenly nervous enough to let him in, just a little. “Especially at night.”
“It’s different at night,” he agreed. “More intense. When you can’t see, the other senses kick in, so you feel it more.”
Exactly. He understood.
Which caused even more nervousness. “My mother hates this weather. It messes with her hair.” Where had that come from? Corrine never shared herself, any part, including her family. To share meant opening up, and that wasn’t her way.
Before she could cover up that slip with a light joke, he stroked her hair. “It only makes yours all the more beautiful.”
Uncomfortable with compliments, she lifted a hand to the long, tangled mess, which had gone wild the moment she’d stepped out of the cab.
“I love the curls,” he said, and stroked it again.
She felt the touch to the tips of her toes. “I usually keep it confined.” Another personal fact, damn it. Her hair was one of those things about herself that she’d change if she could, like webbed feet or short, fat fingers. “I leave it long because I can pin it back. If I cut it short I look like a mop.”
He laughed.
Good Lord, who’d given her tongue permission to run off with her mouth?
“It’s so soft.” He tucked a particularly wayward curl behind her ear, his fingers tracing down along her jaw.
She could no longer breathe.
His hand danced down her throat to the lapels of his jacket, which he drew more tightly together.
He thought she was cold.
The gentleness of this man floored her, along with his size and shape and his utterly confident masculine air.
“I can sleep on the floor,” he said quietly, and the tenderness in his voice, combined with the careful way he was touching her, nearly did her in.
“No, I—”
He put a hand to his chest. “I wanted you here more than I wanted my next breath, but now that you are here, I don’t want to rush you.”
She stared at his hand, but that wasn’t what drew her eyes, not really. It was his chest, which was broad, muscled and calling for her hands.
She tried to remember the last time she’d been drawn to a man, but couldn’t. She saw attractive men all the time, and not one of them had ever sparked an interest in her.
This man wasn’t causing just a spark, he’d started a full-blown wildfire, and it wasn’t simply his physical beauty, though that was nothing to sneeze at. It wasn’t his smile, though that alone had been enough to set her hormones raging.
There was just something about him, so big and tough, yet so…gentle.
He’d probably laugh at that, or maybe get embarrassed. And yet again, maybe not; he seemed to be a man embarrassed by very little.
“You’re not rushing me,” she finally said.
He flashed his smile, then set his hands on her shoulders and turned her away from him again. In what started out as a light, sexy touch, he kneaded, then found the knot of tension at the base of her neck that she was rarely without these days. With a rough sound of empathy, he dug in.
She nearly melted to the floor, unable to contain her soft moan of pleasure as his fingers unerringly zeroed in on the place she needed them most.
“Mmm, you’re so tight. Try to relax a bit.” He smoothed the muscles all the way down her arms and out toward her fingertips, then started again at her neck. He did that, over and over, with infinite patience, until she had to grip the window-sill to keep from sliding to the floor in a boneless heap of massive gratification.
“If it gets any better,” she said, “I just might explode.”
“Promise?” As if rendering a woman completely out of control was an everyday occurrence for him, he laughed huskily when she let out another helpless little moan.
And it well might be for him, but not for her. Certainly not for her. When was the last time she’d had sex? She tried to remember, but his fingers were working their magic and now she could feel his chest, his thighs, brushing her back and legs, making her even weaker.
“It’s very late,” she said.
His fingers stilled, then he carefully stepped back. “Yes, it is. You’ll want to go to sleep.”
She turned to him, her heart in her throat. “I think maybe this is worth being tired for.”
He’d been wearing a solemn expression, but now she saw what he’d been hiding behind that in case she turned him down. Stark desire and need, even fear—everything she was feeling was in his gaze, and there was no way she could resist it, no way she wanted to.
She’d given herself this night, and she wasn’t going to take it back now. But even in their anonymity, there was something they had to discuss. “I don’t have any protection.” She actually blushed; she hadn’t done that since grade school. “I wasn’t…expecting this.”
His smile was sweet and self-deprecatory. “Neither was I. I’m just hoping that in my shaving kit I still have… Hold on.” He vanished into the bathroom, and she saw the quick small flash of his penlight. Then he was back, relief shining in his strong features as he held up two condoms.
“Two.” She went a little weak in the knees. “Well…” She was actually breathless. “It’s rumored two of anything is better than one, right?”
He let out a low laugh, then his mouth brushed her cheek. She turned toward him. Their lips connected once, then again, making her sigh. “You taste just the way you smell,” she murmured, not really meaning to say it out loud. “Like heaven.”
A sound escaped him, one that might have been humor mixed in with hunger, and slowly, slowly, he eased his jacket off her shoulders before drawing her close and moving her against him.
She nearly died of delight right then and there, because his body was large and hard and so thrilling she tipped her head back and wordlessly asked him to kiss her again.
He did, but she needed more. She had since she’d first set eyes on him, and it wasn’t entirely loneliness now, but a hunger she’d never experienced before.
Cupping her face, he continued to kiss her, more deeply now, touching her as if she were special, precious. Feminine.
She wanted to be all those things to a man, this man, if only for a night. He fascinated her. He was beautiful and physical. He was dangerous, if only to her mental health. And he was hard and aroused, for her.
She wrapped her arms around his neck at the same time he caught her up against him. His mouth was firm, demanding in a quiet way that reminded her of his voice. But he didn’t press her for more than that simple connection of their mouths, and she realized that he wouldn’t.
If she wanted more, which she most definitely did, she would have to take it. It wasn’t that he didn’t want her in turn; she could feel that he did, could feel the satisfying bulge between his powerful thighs. And his restraint made her want him all the more.
Later she would wonder what had come over her during that dark, stormy night, but for now, safe in his warm, strong, giving arms, there seemed no better way to satisfy the emptiness deep inside her. “More,” she said, sinking her fingers into his hair, lifting his head to look deeply into his melting brown eyes.
“More,” he promised. Still holding her, he turned toward the bed.
She felt a moment’s hesitation when he laid her on the sheets, but then he pulled off his clothes. Oh, how she wished there was light. But when he set a knee on the bed, then crawled toward her, she was able to catch sight of his incredible body and forgot everything else. His chest was broad, tapered down to a flat belly that she itched to touch. His thighs were long, taut with strength, and between them, he was hard and heavy.
Fully aroused.
He was a stranger, so that nothing about any part of him was familiar, yet she lifted her arms and welcomed him closer as if they’d known each other forever. His mouth took hers, more hungrily this time, and his hunger fueled hers. As if it needed fueling!
The heat spread, and when he undid her blouse, and then her bra, gliding both off her shoulders, she found herself panting, her hips already pressing insistently toward his. He excited her beyond belief, and if she could think, which she definitely couldn’t, she might have been horrified at her lack of control.
And yet it never occurred to her to stop him, not then, and not when he slid the rest of her clothes off and his condom on. Not when he cupped her face in his big hands and kissed her, deep and wet and long. And certainly not when he touched her first with his eyes, then his fingers, then his mouth, and then finally, oh finally, sank into her.
Outside, the storm continued to rage, while inside one of not such a different nature took its course, as well. Reality had little chance, between the flashes of lightning and the flashes of bare, naked hunger. The friction of his thrusts and the greed of her own body shattered her. It might have been terrifying, how far he lifted her out of herself, if he hadn’t been right there with her. She was still in the throes of a shockingly powerful orgasm—her third!—when he buried his face in her hair and found his own release.

MORNING WAS BOUND TO COME, Corrine knew, but damn it, did it have to arrive so soon?
Bright orange-and-yellow rays of sunlight filtered through the crack in the curtains, casting an almost surreal light in the room, assuring her that the storm had passed.
Definitely, morning. And with it, responsibilities.
She lay in the embrace of her perfect stranger. They were both deliciously, gloriously naked, pressed skin to skin, heat to heat. For an indulgent moment she just looked at him as he slept on, at all his masculine beauty, wondering at the hard, leanly muscled body that had brought her to paradise and back so many times in the night.
His eyes were closed, his face relaxed, his chest rising and falling evenly. His firm mouth brought back memories of what he could do with it, and made her body tingle all over. His lashes were dark, long and thick, resting against his strong cheekbone. His jaw had darkened with stubble, the same stubble that had rasped so satisfyingly over her skin all night long.
He was curled around her, one arm gallantly being used as her pillow, the other tightly anchoring her to him. His fingers cradled her breast possessively. From this angle, she couldn’t see much below his waist, but she could feel him pressed to her, every delicious, rock-hard inch of him. She sighed with pleasure. He was amazingly tough, strong, hard in all the right places, and so beautiful it almost hurt.
Just looking at him made her heart contract. He was someone she could have allowed herself to care for, if she ever allowed such things. But she couldn’t, at least not now, not with her all-consuming mission coming up. Some other time, perhaps…
Though she knew that was a lie. She’d always told herself that someday she’d allow Prince Charming into her life, but the timing was never right.
But damn it, when? When would it be right?
Her heart constricted again, but she ignored it. In her not-so-humble opinion, she had it all, the way her life was right at this moment. She had great parents who supported her incredibly busy lifestyle, and she had the best job in the world.
True, she didn’t have her own family, not a husband or children, but she didn’t have time for that. She did have needs, like any other normal, red-blooded woman, but those needs were easily met. When she felt the occasional itch, she went out and got it scratched. Carefully, of course, but she wasn’t shy.

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