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Maverick / The Playboy′s Passionate Pursuit: Maverick / The Playboy′s Passionate Pursuit
Maverick / The Playboy′s Passionate Pursuit: Maverick / The Playboy′s Passionate Pursuit
Maverick / The Playboy's Passionate Pursuit: Maverick / The Playboy's Passionate Pursuit
Emilie Rose
Joan Hohl
Be swept away by passion… with intense drama and compelling plots, these emotionally powerful reads will keep you captivated from beginning to end.Maverick Joan Hohl ‘Will you do it for one million dollars?’ Normally Tanner Wolfe would have balked at being hired by a woman. But the price was high enough to gain his interest – the lady’s beauty definitely strong enough to keep it. Still the maverick bounty hunter wasn’t about to let her tag along on his mission…The Playboy’s Passionate Pursuit Emilie Rose Sexy, wealthy daredevil Toby Haynes had bet his best friend he could seduce starry-eyed Amelia Lambert into his bed. When she left him after a single night of passion, Toby swore he would win her back – then he would be the one to walk away!

Maverickby Joan Hohl

Praise for Joan Hohl
“A compelling storyteller who weaves her tales
with verve, passion and style.”
—New York Times bestselling author Nora Roberts
“Joan Hohl is a top gun!”
—New York Times bestselling author Catherine Coulter
“Joan Hohl writes romance that goes
straight to the heart.”
—New York Times bestselling author Jayne Ann Krentz
“Writers come and writers go. Few have the
staying power, the enthusiastic following
of Joan Hohl. That’s talent!”
—USA TODAY bestselling author Kasey Michaels
The Playboy’s Passionate Pursuitby Emilie Rose

“I want my five minutes.”
Toby’s words stopped Amelia in her tracks. Adrenaline raced through her veins, flushing her skin and quickening her breath. She’d foolishly wagered with Toby because she’d believed winning was a sure thing. She’d been wrong.
He stopped behind her, close but not touching “What’s my penance?” she asked.
“Eager, sugar?”
He nuzzled her temple, pressing his face to hers. Soft lips teased the shell of her ear. The nip of his teeth on her earlobe startled a gasp from her. Toby’s breath teased the sensitive skin beneath her right ear and his chest moulded her back. Sparks scattered through her bloodstream.
“Toby, this is not a good idea.” She couldn’t give in to him. Not now.
“You agreed. Five minutes. Of whatever I want.”


The Playboy’s Passionate Pursuit

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Joan Hohl
is a New York Times bestselling author of dozens of books. She has received numerous awards for her work, including the Romance Writers of America Golden Medallion Award. In addition to contemporary romance, this prolific author also writes historical and time travel romances. Joan lives in eastern Pennsylvania with her husband and family.

Dear Reader,
Hi once again, friends. Yes, yes, I know. It’s been a long time since my last book, some of you may think much too long. I hope! Well, as I am human and not a machine, parts wear out, I run low on fuel and at times need some TLC. Hey! Maybe I am a machine. A machine who needed a part removed recently. I’m recovering, but each passing year adds another to the score, and, sad as I am to admit it, my score is getting pretty high and I’m slowing down.
As you have likely noticed from the back cover, our hero in the story is, yet again, one of the Wolfe family, or Wolfe pack if you will! Any reader who has read any of my BIG, BAD WOLFE series knows the Wolfes are strong, honest men devoted to their profession – the law.
But Tanner is the maverick of the family. He follows his own rules. Tanner is a bounty hunter, and he does very well at it, thank you. Still, he has never broken the law, nor killed a man. And he always works alone.
Until the lovely Brianna knocks on his door…
Thanks for your loyalty all these years. I truly appreciate it.
Joan Hohl
For Melissa Jeglinski
For all the patience and understanding
she has shown me.
Thanks, Kid!
All things considered, she was a traffic stopper.
Tanner raised a questioning eyebrow at the breathtaking woman standing beyond the threshold of the apartment door he had just opened at the buzz of the doorbell.
“Mr. Wolfe?”
A tingle attacked the base of Tanner’s spine. Her voice had the effect of warm honey trickling down the length of his back. Her eyes were the color of brandy, her hair a rich, deep, glossy burgundy wine. Combined, they warmed him as if he’d imbibed the drinks themselves.
“Yes.” He was rather proud of the steady, almost bored sound of his voice, when bored was the last thing he was feeling. Hot, yes. Bored, no. He lifted one brow. She stood there, all five foot nine or so, slim and classically beautiful, dressed casually but expensively.
One deep, dark eyebrow arched, mirroring his action, as she asked, “May I come in?”
The tingle he felt grew into a sizzle. Damn, it had been a long time since a woman had had such a strong effect on him at first meeting. Come to think about it, no woman had ever had this strong an effect on him.
“Do you have a name?” He injected a droll note into his voice.
“Brianna Stewart,” she answered, extending a slim-fingered hand to him. “Now, may I come in?”
Curious—about the woman’s courage in entering the apartment of a stranger and about several other things—he took her hand, repressed a shiver, then nodded and stepped back, swinging the door wide as he did so.
“Thank you.” Head high, spine straight as an arrow, she walked past him into the neat-as-a-pin living room, her stride relaxed, easy. The late-morning sun’s rays slanting through the wide window struck fiery lights off her slightly-redder-than-auburn hair.
“What can I do for you, Ms. Stewart?” he asked. Other than sweep you up and carry you to my bedroom. Telling himself to grow up, he repressed the errant thought.
“May I sit down?” She made a graceful move of one hand to indicate his favorite plush leather recliner.
“Yeah, sure.” What else could he say? “Would you like a cup of coffee?” He wasn’t about to impart the information that it was the first pot he’d brewed since rolling out of the sack a half hour before she rang his chimes, so to speak. Hell, his hair was still damp from his shower.
“I’d like that, yes, thank you.” She smiled.
He suppressed a groan. As slight and polite as her smile had been, it dazzled his senses. What in blazes was wrong with him? he chided himself. She was just another woman. Okay, another gorgeous woman. Wasn’t she?
“You’re welcome. It’ll only take a minute.” Avoiding his mental question and telling himself to pull it together, Tanner escaped into the kitchen. Well, he had hoped to escape.
She followed him into the room. “I hope you don’t mind, but we can talk in here just as well.”
That’s easy for you to say. Keeping the thought to himself, where it belonged, Tanner said, “No, I don’t mind. Have a seat.” He flicked a hand at the retro yellow-and-white chrome-and-Formica kitchen set. “Would you like something with your coffee…some cookies, a muffin, a scone?” Me?
Knock it off, Wolfe.
Sliding onto a plastic-covered chair, she started to shake her head but hesitated, saying, “What kind of scones do you have?”
“Blueberry,” he said, removing two diner-type mugs from a wall cabinet.
“Yes, I would. Thank you again.” She smiled as if amused at herself. “Blueberry is my favorite.”
Damned if her full-blast smile didn’t cause a ripple along his nervous system. Lord, the woman was lethal. There was no way he’d admit to her that blueberry was his favorite, too. Even though it was likely obvious, as that was what he had to offer. “Want it warmed?”
“Yes, please.” She dazzled him with another smile.
Tanner grabbed two scones into paper napkins, shoved them into the micro and pressed the buttons for twelve seconds. He set the steaming mugs on the table while the micro hummed. The timer beeped while he was setting a carton of milk, a sugar bowl and two spoons on the table.
“Want butter or jam on that?” he asked, going to retrieve the pastries.
She shook her head, swirling the smooth red mass around her shoulders. On the spot, Tanner decided he loved red hair. It was a bit of a surprise, as he had always thought he preferred blondes…even though he didn’t consider himself much of a gentleman.
Settling his six foot four inch frame opposite her, he bluntly got to the point. “Okay, now, what brings you to Durango, and what can I do for you?” he said, certain she wanted something from him. The question was, what?
“I want you to find a man for me,” she said, her voice calm, almost serene.
What’s wrong with me? Tanner didn’t give voice to that thought, either. He knew what she meant. “Why?”
Her voice went hard. “Because he needs to be found.”
He smiled—almost. “Why, and by whom?”
Her eyes went as hard as her tone. “By my sister, my father, my mother, me and the law.”
Now they were getting somewhere. “The law?” Right up his alley. “For what?”
She drew a deep breath, as if to contain a long-simmering anger. “For the rape and murder of one young woman and the attempted rape of another.”
“Who sent you to me?”
Brianna raised her eyebrows. “You are a very well-known bounty hunter with an excellent reputation.”
“Uh-huh.” This time he did smile, wryly, repeating, “Who sent you to me?”
“Your cousins.”
He gave her a bored look. “Honey, I have a lot of cousins. Give me some names.”
She exhaled a weary-sounding, much-put-upon sigh. “Matt and Lisa.”
“Ah, the Amazon twins.” He smiled fondly at the memory of his six-foot, gorgeous, only female cousins, the former cop, Matilda, called Matt, and the legal eagle, Lisa. His smile vanished as quickly. “How do you know them?”
“Lisa’s my lawyer. She introduced me to Matt,” she explained. “But I already knew your mother. She was my history professor in college.”
The fond smile hovered once more, while his eyebrows rose in question. “You’re from Spruce-wood?” It was his hometown in Pennsylvania, before he’d moved out west to Colorado. His mother, the history fanatic, taught the subject at Sprucewood College. His father was chief of the Sprucewood Police.
“No.” She shook her head before clarifying. “Not really. I’m from the, er, suburbs.”
Tanner wondered about the slight hesitation but let it pass for the moment. “And the man you want found is Jay Minnich. Right?” Before she could respond, he said, “Are you the attempted-rape victim?”
“No.” She set her hair rippling again with a sharp shake of her head. “My younger sister, Danielle. The young woman he murdered was Dani’s best friend.”
“So I read.” Tanner nodded.
“Will you find him for us?” Her soft voice held a tinge of pleading. “There’s a bounty,” she quickly added.
“I know—ten grand.” His tone was dismissive, as though ten thousand dollars was nothing. “Posted by your father, the founder and president of Sprucewood Bank.”
She frowned at his tone but responded mildly. “Yes, but my father has raised the bounty.”
“When?” Surely Tanner would have heard about the bounty being raised if it had been announced. It hadn’t.
“Say again?” He felt he had somehow missed something.
A small, slightly superior smile touched her soft mouth. “Let me explain.”
“Explain away,” he invited, raising his mug to his lips and staring intently at her over the rim.
“Dani is an emotional wreck.” Her voice was low, sad. “Ever since the…awful events, she has withdrawn into herself. She’s terrified that terrible man will come back, find her and kill her, as she was the one who identified him. She won’t go out of the house…ever.” She paused to sigh before continuing. “In fact, she seldom leaves her bedroom, which she keeps locked at all times. Even her family members have to identify ourselves before she’ll open the door. She locks it again after we enter.”
“That’s too bad,” Tanner said sincerely. “It’s a horrible experience for any woman to go through, especially a woman her age.” Having read everything about the case, Tanner knew the girl was not long out of her teens. And he knew, as well, the woman seated opposite him was a few years older.
“Yes.” Brianna paused a minute, then went on. “Although we feel hopeful the law will eventually find this monster, for Dani’s peace of mind we want him found and incarcerated as soon as possible. That’s why my father entrusted me with finding the best bounty hunter and offering a higher bounty.”
From information he had gleaned here and there, Tanner suspected the felon was holed up somewhere in the Rocky Mountains, a big territory to scour. Although recently there had been a rumor the man had been spotted in and around Mesa Verde and the San Juan mountain range. That was still a lot of ground to cover. Tanner had previously considered hunting down the man, but he had been bone-tired from his last hunt. Still, he could always use the cash. But then, who couldn’t?
“How much higher?” he finally asked, a thread of skepticism in his voice.
Her soft voice hardened. “A million dollars.”
A cool mil was worth a man’s time needed to comb through that rugged terrain, however tired, Tanner decided. The thought of a million bucks was enough to reenergize a man. If that made him ruthless, tough. Nice guys seldom wound up catching the badasses. Hell, even cops had to be ruthless at times. He should know; there were enough of them in his family.
“Well?” A mixture of anxiety and impatience strained her voice and expression. “Will you accept the job?”
“Yeah,” he said in flat tones. “I’ll go scour the mountains for him.”
“Good.” She exhaled the breath he couldn’t help noticing she was holding. “I’m going with you.”
For a moment Tanner was on the verge of exploding, showering her with heated refusals. Instead he let loose a roar of ridiculing laughter.
“I don’t think so,” he said when his laughter subsided. “I’m not babysitting a rich man’s daughter in stilettos as she traipses around those mountains.”
Tapping the toe of one stiletto-clad foot, Brianna smiled serenely. “Mr. Wolfe, I don’t need a babysitter, thank you. I can take care of myself.”
“Yeah, right,” he mocked her. “In a fine restaurant or an upscale dress shop. Go home to Daddy, baby,” he advised. “I hunt alone.”
“I don’t think so,” she shot back at him. “This time there’ll be two hunters in the mountains.”
Tanner laughed again.
He should’ve kept his mouth shut.
Brianna sat ramrod straight across from Tanner Wolfe, her coffee and scone cooling, her gaze meeting his stare for glaring stare. There was no way he’d keep her from going hunting with him. Not when her sister’s life and happiness depended on capturing her offender.
Brianna wasn’t about to sit idly by and leave that to someone else. She had to take action, be a part of the hunt. It was the way she had been raised and the way she lived her life. One put family above all else. Besides, back in Pennsylvania, at the university, that was the way she ran her research library. Always in charge.
It didn’t matter that this wasn’t as routine as finding obscure facts for a student’s thesis or a professor’s lecture. This was a life-or-death situation—and it could very well be her own death.
But she was doing it for Dani.
She gave Tanner her iciest stare and waited for his reply.
“I said no, Ms. Stewart.” His eyes had narrowed to glittering dark stones. “I won’t be responsible for anyone else. I always hunt alone.”
“Why?” Deliberately, with a show of nonchalance, she raised her mug and took a deep swallow. “I would think two hunters would be better than one.”
“Why? Because you’re a woman, that’s why.”
A woman indeed. Brianna fought back a sneer. The man’s arrogant, superior tone was getting to her. “I’ve heard there are women bounty hunters.”
“There are,” he said, raising his own mug and draining it. “But they’re tough, not sleek and pampered daddy’s darlings.” His smile was no longer gentle. “Even so, I won’t hunt with any one of them, either.”
Now Brianna was getting more than annoyed. She set down the mug to keep from flinging it at his thick head. She detested a condescending male attitude. She drew a deep breath before educating him.
“Mr. Wolfe, I don’t know about women bounty hunters, but this ‘daddy’s darling’ knows how to take care of herself. My father, an avid hunter, began teaching me about firearms when I was twelve. I’ve followed him up one mountain and down another. I’ve trekked beside him in Africa. And, although I hunt with a camera, I’m an expert shot with both a rifle and a handgun.”
“I’m impressed.”
He sounded bored.
Damn him, Bri thought, gritting her teeth to keep from screaming at him. “I’m not finished,” she said, her voice tight. “I’ve also had training in the martial arts and Krav Maga. I know how to defend myself.”
“I’m glad to hear it.” He didn’t sound at all glad; his voice carried a thread of impatience. “A woman should be trained to protect herself. But that changes nothing. I still hunt alone.”
He was a Wolfe, all right, spelled wolf, pure alpha male, self-contained and confident. That was certain despite his appearance.
Not that there was anything wrong with the way he looked. It was just that he didn’t seem to fit the rest of the Wolfe clan.
Her friends Lisa and Matt were twins, blonde and gorgeous. Bri had never met their parents, but she had met their father’s brother, the Sprucewood chief of police, and she had seen pictures of several of the other Wolfes, uncles and cousins. They were all tall, blond and handsome. She had not seen a picture of this particular Wolfe cousin.
Tanner Wolfe was different from the rest. For one thing, he didn’t have the same blond hair as the others. While he was every inch as tall as the rest of his family, that’s where the resemblance ended. The other Wolfe males, while handsome, looked the role of tough law-enforcement officers.
The only descriptive word for this Wolfe that had flashed through her mind when he’d opened the door was saint. Tanner Wolfe had the face of a saint, with soft brown eyes and a gentle, if possibly deceptive, smile. His hair was wavy and shoulder-length, light brown with red-gold highlights, very clean and shiny.
When she’d first seen him, he had literally taken her breath away. Her immediate thought was that she had rung the wrong doorbell. This saintly-looking soft-eyed man could not be a tough bounty hunter.
But he was. In spades.
Tanner Wolfe was believed by many to be one of the very best criminal hunters in the business.
“Did you fall asleep?”
His softly voiced question drew Bri from introspection. Blinking, feeling foolish, she naturally bristled.
“No, of course not,” she denied too strongly, but she sure wasn’t about to tell him she’d been doing an inventory of his attractive male attributes. Nor that she’d felt an immediate physical attraction to him.
“Then what were you doing?” Amusement now tinged his soft voice, irritating Bri enough to blurt out the truth—or at least the partial truth.
“I was wondering how someone who looks as nice as you could be so intractable.”
“Intractable?” He laughed.
The sound did funny things to her insides, making them kind of quiver. She didn’t like the sensation.
“Yes, intractable,” she said. “You know, you’re being unreasonable by refusing to let me go with you.”
“Unreasonable?” He was no longer laughing. In fact, he scowled at her. “Tracking a man is hard, dangerous work.”
Bri heaved an impatient sigh. “So is tracking a wild boar or a rogue tiger. But I’ve tracked both. I’m not a fool, Mr. Wolfe. I’m fully aware of the danger.”
“In that case, run along home to Daddy and let me do what I get paid to do.”
“No.” Sliding back her chair, Bri stood up. “Let’s just forget it. I’ll find another hunter, one who will allow me to go with him.”
“No.” Tanner literally sprang out of his chair. “I’m telling you it’s not safe.”
“And I’m telling you I can take care of myself, possibly even help you.” Bri raised her chin, tilting it at a defiant angle. “And I’m telling you I am going—with you or without you. It’s up to you, Mr. Wolfe.”
“You really are a spoiled brat, aren’t you?” he said, his soft voice sounding edgy with frustration and anger. His eyes and mouth were hard. The saintly appearance was gone now, replaced by the hunter.
“No,” she calmly denied. “I’m really not. What I am is confident of my abilities and determined to help catch this monster.” She drew a deep breath, steeling herself for the blast of fury she expected him to hurl at her. “I’ll say it once more—I am going, either with you or with another hunter.”
He didn’t speak for long seconds, staring at her with narrowed eyes, as if warning her to be careful. His look was absolutely deadly.
Gritting her teeth, Bri managed to hold his gaze, her pulse racing, her heart thumping. She felt like running but stood firm, resolute.
Bri had never allowed any man to intimidate her. Damned if she’d back down from this one, even if he did scare the breath from her body. “A woman.”
“What?” Although she had thought Tanner’s stare couldn’t possibly become any more fierce, it did. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
Bri managed a halfway credible shrug. “I mean, I’ll look up a woman hunter.”
“You will not go after that killer with a woman hunter.”
“I’ll go with whom I please,” she said, her voice calm, resigned.
Although his eyes flashed with anger, he exhaled a quiet sigh of concession. “Okay, you win. I’ll take you with me. But I’ll have one thing understood before we go any further with this.”
“And that is?” Bri had a hard time containing her sense of victory, along with a thrill of excitement.
“I give the orders.”
“And you will follow them, at once and without protest or question.”
Bri went stiff with outrage. Just who did this guy think he was? she railed in silent frustration. Unable to keep her feelings inside, she shot back, “I am not a child to be ordered around. Who do you think you are?”
“I’m the bounty hunter you want or you wouldn’t have sought me out in the first place.” He smiled, stirring all kinds of emotions inside her. His gaze skimmed her from head to toe, flooding her body with heat. “Just for the record, I’m well aware you’re not a child. However, those are my demands.”
Defeat was a bitter pill to swallow, but Bri knew she had little choice. She had deliberately sought him out, and not only on the advice of her friends or his cousins.
Bri was thorough in everything she did. She had done her research. She had pulled the information that not only was Tanner considered one of the best bounty hunters around, many believed him to be the best at finding his man in rough terrain like mountains.
“All right,” she reluctantly agreed. She thought she should feel steam spewing from her ears; instead she felt…protected? She gave a mental shake of her head. No, Tanner Wolfe wasn’t feeling protective of her; he was very likely feeling superior.
“Good.” He flicked a hand at the table. “Have a seat. We’ve got a lot of plans to go over.”
Wary but resigned, Bri slid onto the chair she had vacated moments before. She picked up the mug, took a sip, made a face and set it down again.
“That’s gotta be cold.” He grabbed the mug along with his own and turned away. “I’ll get us refills.” He raised his eyebrows. “What about your scone?”
Bri shook her head. “No, thank you. It’s fine this way.” Raising the pastry to her mouth, she took a bite. “It’s very good.”
“Whatever.” Shrugging, he turned away.
Chewing another bite of the scone, she watched him, studying him from the rear. It was a very nice rear, narrow, firm and taut. His back and shoulders weren’t bad, either, broad and muscular, not in a pumped-up way, but more lean and rangy.
Mugs refilled, Tanner returned to the table, giving her another chance to more closely examine the front of him. That was even better.
His flat, muscled chest veed to a slim waist. His legs were long, straight, his thighs nicely straining the denim of his jeans as he arranged his tall frame in the chair. He regarded her in calm, watchful silence.
Quiet and composed, his features appeared sculpted from marble, sharply delineated. His nose was straight, cheekbones high, jawline defined, square and hard, as if the sculptor had carved it lovingly. If it weren’t for those soft eyes and that tender smile, he’d look like a statue. That tiny flare of excitement flashed inside her again. Why? The question hammered at her mind. Bri couldn’t find the answer, and that seriously bothered her.
“What are you staring at?” His quiet voice jolted her out of her reverie.
Damn, once again he’d caught her brooding, staring. What in the world was the matter with her? she chastised herself. She had never been so strongly affected by any man. The closest she had ever come to feeling so drawn to a man had been a disaster, for he had proven to be a handsome, charming son of a bitch, a practiced user of young, susceptible women. At the time, she had been both.
“You,” Bri admitted, but that was all she intended to admit. “I’m trying to figure you out.”
He grinned. “How are you making out?”
“Not too well,” she said, deliberately grinning back at him. “You’re not easy to read.”
“Don’t feel bad,” he said, growing serious. “I can’t figure you out, either. You’re sure not what you appear to be.”
Bri raised her brows. “How do I appear to be?”
He studied her a moment. “My first impression of you was of a beautiful woman, very well dressed, well-bred and educated.”
Despite her suspicion of easy compliments—the SOB had been extremely easy with them—Bri felt her cheeks grow warm, flushed not only by his words but by the open admiration in his eyes. “I—I don’t know—”
Tanner silenced her with a quick shake of his head. “Don’t get all flustered. I doubt you’ll be as pleased with my opinion of how you’re different from my snap impression.”
Bri raised her mug to her lips to sip at the hot brew, looking relaxed, while in fact she was steeling herself for whatever he said next. “Go on.” How in the world she had managed a cool tone, Bri hadn’t a clue.
“I think you have been spoiled rotten,” he said with blunt honesty. “You want what you want, when you want it. I read you as self-centered, self-confident and too damned sure of yourself.”
Why Tanner Wolfe’s assessment of her personality should hurt her, she couldn’t imagine, but hurt it did, like the very devil. Odd, usually she wasn’t so sensitive to anyone else’s opinions of her. Since the episode with the silver-tongued weasel, she thought she had grown a thick skin.
“Now you want to take a shot at me?”
“Of course,” Bri said. “But first I’d like to know how you managed to come to that conclusion in such a short time with me.”
“Easy.” Tanner laughed. It sounded relaxed, genuine. “I recognized the traits because they’re very similar to my own.” He paused to laugh again. “The only difference is I’m not beautiful.”
“You’re spoiled?” She couldn’t help laughing, thinking he was wrong on one point. He was beautiful, just in a different, masculine way.
“Sure,” he answered, laughing with her. “I have great parents. While instilling morals, values, ethics, good behavior and good housekeeping skills into their sons, they also spoiled the hell out of us. In a good way,” he quickly added, grinning.
“You have two brothers, both older than you, right?” she asked, although she knew the answer.
“Yeah.” He nodded. “Justin’s the oldest, now thirty-two. Then Jeffrey, thirty. And lastly, yours truly, twenty-nine.” He grinned again. “There’s also a slew of cousins.”
“So I’ve heard.” She grinned back at him.
“How old are you?”
Well, no one would ever accuse him of being hesitant. The thought brought a smile to her lips. “I’m twenty-seven.”
“You’re too young to risk your life traipsing around in the mountains, looking for a killer.”
Bri rolled her eyes while heaving a sigh. “I believe we’ve already plowed that field, Mr. Wolfe. I’m going, period.”
“I know, but I had to try one more time.” His sigh was heavier than hers. “And the name’s Tanner. It would get pretty tiresome hearing Mr. Wolfe over and over for who the hell knows how long.”
“Okay…Tanner,” she agreed. “My friends call me Bri.”
“That’s too bad.” He smiled at her startled look. “I like Brianna better. It’s a lovely name and fits you perfectly. Like you, it’s classy.”
Bri grew warm with pleasure. He thought she was beautiful and classy? Though many men before him had called her beautiful, his compliment left her speechless for a long moment. Finally she found her voice, if rather weak and a bit breathless.
“Thank you,” she murmured, feeling herself grow warmer. “That was very nice of you.” Oh, gag me, she thought, disgusted with the inanity of her response.
“You’re welcome.” Tanner’s lips twitched, betraying his urge to grin.
She didn’t blame him. She joined him, laughing easily at herself. “Pretty lame, huh?”
He shook his head. “No, surprising. I would have thought you’d be used to compliments.”
“Well, yes,” she said. “But—”
“But what?” His eyes gleamed with a teasing light.
“Oh, let’s just forget it,” she said, certainly not for a moment about to admit he flustered her simply because she felt a physical attraction to him. A strong attraction.
“What do you mean, why?” She frowned. “Because it’s getting silly, that’s why.”
“Too bad.” He sighed. “I thought it was just getting interesting.”
Bri rolled her eyes. This man is impossible. Gorgeous, sexy as hell, but impossible. “I think it’s time to get down to the business at hand.”
He gave another, deeper sigh. Boy, this guy was some actor, Bri thought, struggling against the urge to laugh, amazed at how much she was enjoying their banter, not to mention his company, his appeal. No, let’s not go there again, she told herself. As they were going to be spending a lot of time together, it would be in her best interest to avoid thinking about his appeal.
“Are you sulking?” she asked after several long moments—moments in which she had thought about nothing but him.
He smiled. “I never sulk. Children sulk. And, just on the odd chance you hadn’t noticed, I’m a man, not a child.”
“Oh, I’ve noticed,” she said, thinking she had noticed too damn much.
He smiled again. “Oh, I’ve noticed you, too.”
His smile was an invitation to sheer temptation. Pull it together, Bri told herself, fighting to control her rapid heartbeat and leaping pulse. You’ve had one go-round with a sweet-talkin’, overconfident type. That encounter was one too many.
But Tanner was an attractive, sexy man. And she was every bit as susceptible as any other normal woman. Why did the devil have to look so angelic?
Tanner smiled—a devilish, suggestive and too damned appealing smile.
Now Bri not only felt warm, she felt hot all over. And tingly. And funny inside. Stop it, she told herself. As if that helped.
“Uh…um…business,” she said, stumbling a bit over her words—something she had never done. “I really think it’s time to get down to business.”
“Too bad.” Tanner shook his head, looking or trying to look sad. His gleaming eyes gave him away. “But, if you insist, we’ll get down to the nitty-gritty.”
“I do. And that is?”
“Set a day to leave and gather the supplies needed for this hunt.”
“I can leave tomorrow.”
“I haven’t told you yet everything we’ll need to take with us,” he said. “So how can you be ready by tomorrow?”
She shot him an impatient look. “If you’ll recall, I did tell you I have been hunting since I was a kid. I know how and what to pack.”
“Okay, kid,” he said, heavy on the kid. “But I think I’ll do a list, just to be on the safe side, make sure we’re on the same page, so to speak.” Getting up, he walked to the counter and pulled open a cabinet drawer. He took out a pencil and a pad of paper, then hesitated, turning his head to glance at her. “More coffee?”
“No, thank you.” Bri shook her head and shot a glance at her watch. “How long is this going to take?”
His lifted one brow. “Why? Are you in a hurry?”
“No, but the only thing I did was check in to the hotel and get my room card. I left my stuff with the bell captain and came right here.”
“How did you know I’d be here?”
“Lisa told me.” She smiled, maybe a bit smugly. “She spoke to your mother last night, who told Lisa you had called and said you had just returned.”
Tanner scowled.
Bri rushed to clarify her statement. “Your mother knew I was coming here to try to hire you.” She drew a breath and went on more normally. “She told Lisa she would let her know as soon as she heard from you.”
“Women.” He heaved a sigh and shook his head.
She bristled at his dismissive tone. “What’s wrong with women?”
Tanner slid a wry look at her. “Most of the time, like children, they should be seen and not heard.”
Stunned, Bri was speechless for a moment. Though sorely tempted to explode all over him, she forced herself to remain calm, icy calm. “Mr. Wolfe, that is the stupidest, most sexist remark I’ve ever heard. What century are you living in?”
“Honey, I’m right here and now,” he said, every bit as calm and icy. “I may not be politically correct, but I’m honest. I’m a women jabber. Simple as that.”
“Forget it.”
“Gladly. Now…”
“No,” she shook her head, sliding her chair back and rising. “I mean forget about finding that poor excuse for a man. I’ll hire someone else.” Before the last word was out of her mouth, she turned to leave. “Or hunt him myself.”
“No, you won’t.” His voice was sharp with command. “I’m going, with or without you,” he repeated her earlier ultimatum back to her. “Now, Brianna, sit down and let’s get down to business.”
Bri hesitated, telling herself that if she had any sense or pride, she would tell Tanner Wolfe to go to hell, walk out of there and look up another hunter. Her sense must have deserted her, for she sighed and swallowed what was left of her pride. In the final analysis, she was determined Minnich would be caught and she wanted the best mountain hunter. So, still glaring at Tanner, she reseated herself.
“Smart girl.” He offered a slight smile. She refused the offer. Instead he shrugged. “Okay, let’s get it done.”
Smart girl. Yeah, right. She had caved to the caveman, dammit. She soothed her tattered composure by reminding herself Dani’s well-being was worth her pride.
Bri blinked herself out of her musings. “What?”
“You said you had your supplies,” he said patiently. “What kind of weapons do you have?”
“Oh.” Bri felt flustered and foolish. Telling herself to get with it, keep up with him, prove she was a smart girl, she replied, “I’ve got a.270 rifle with a three-by-nine scope and a.357 hunting revolver.” She arched her brows at his sudden intent expression. “What do you pack?”
“A.30-06 and a 7mm rifle with the same scope, and a.44 mag.” He looked impressed. “And you really do pack some heavy-duty heat.”
Not as much as you do, she thought, referring not to his weapons but to his body. “I told you I knew what I was doing,” she said, working at not sounding too smug or too breathless. “Anything else?”
His lips twitched, evidently amused by her. “Clothes, backpack, sleeping bag?”
“Yes.” Now her lips twitched. “All of the above.”
He smiled. “Wanna tell me about them? Just a hint?” His smile grew into a grin.
Bri gave a mock sigh, fighting the smile tickling the corners of her mouth. Darn him, why did he have to be so attractive? “I have clothes suitable for mountain terrain, including a ski jacket neatly packed in my backpack, along with other necessities. My sleeping bag is the best available and waterproof. I lay it on a nearly weightless ground sheet. Now are there any other questions?”
“As a matter of fact, there are,” he said. “What about food? Have you thought of that?”
This time she gave him a droll look. “Of course I have, but I didn’t bring much with me. I figured we could get what we needed here in Durango.”
He nodded. “You figured correctly.” He pushed the chair back and stood. “Let’s get lunch. We’ll take my truck.”
“Wait a minute,” she protested while standing and following him from the kitchen. “Who said anything about lunch?”
“I just did.” He shot a glance at the big red-rimmed clock on one wall. “It’s nearly one. I’m hungry for something more substantive than a scone. Aren’t you?”
“Well, yes,” she admitted reluctantly, because she was feeling too attracted to the arrogant Neanderthal. “Why not take separate vehicles?”
Tanner paused, holding open the door for her. “You know your way around Durango?”
She had never even been to Durango, Colorado, before. “Well, no, but—” She was about to mention the restaurant in her hotel, but that’s as far as she got before he cut her off.
“That’s what I thought. We’ll take my truck.”
Bri had no intention of doing so. She shook her head. “I want to go to the hotel and freshen up a bit. Give me directions. I’ll meet you at the restaurant in a half hour.”
The restaurant Tanner had directed her to was done in Western decor, not honky-tonk but with style and ambience. Now, in early afternoon, there were few patrons, so the place was quiet.
“This is very nice,” she said to Tanner, seating herself in the chair the host held for her. She smiled at the man. “Thank you.”
“Wait till you’ve tasted the food,” Tanner said.
She looked over the long list of dishes offered on the menu. Her glance halted at shrimp and pasta in a light herb dressing. On the spot, she dumped the idea of her normal luncheon salad.
She placed her order when the waitress came, then looked up at Tanner. She felt certain he would order red meat, like a rare steak. He surprised her. A talent he seemingly had in abundance.
“I’ll have the pasta, as well, but with chicken.”
The server no sooner turned away when a young woman came to an abrupt stop at their table. She was blond, petite and more than pretty. Her big blue eyes sparkled with surprised pleasure. Her teeth gleamed in a brilliant yet sensuous smile.
“Tanner, honey!” Miss Sunshine exclaimed, moving into his arms when Tanner stood. “I haven’t seen you in ages. What have you been up to?”
For some inexplicable reason, everything about the young woman annoyed Bri, from her cooing voice to the possessive way her arms curled around his neck. For a few seconds Bri was even more annoyed at the way Tanner smiled down at the small woman clinging to him. Her annoyance fled with his drawled response.
“Well, Candy, I’m up to the same six feet four inches I was at the last time I saw you… ‘ages’ ago. What has it been—all of a week or two?”
Somehow Bri contained the laughter bubbling up inside her at his reply. And her name! Candy. It certainly fit, all right. She was arm candy for hungry males.
The thought sobered Bri. Was Tanner one of the hungry males? She was so startled, so bothered by the very idea of Tanner being that predictable, she almost missed him setting the woman from him and turning to her. She quickly rose.
“Brianna, I’d like you to meet Candy Saunders. She’s from back east, too—”
“The Hamptons,” Candy was quick to arrogantly insert, rudely cutting Tanner off. All sweetness and light were gone, her eyes and smile calculating as she swept a dismissive glance over Bri.
Looking bored, Tanner rolled his eyes at Bri, a wry smile twitching the corners of his mouth. “Candy of the Hamptons, meet Brianna Stewart of Pennsylvania.”
Candy gave a delicate sniff, obviously not impressed. “How nice. Are you visiting someone here in Durango?” She arched one perfect bleached eyebrow. “One of Tanner’s friends, perhaps?”
Bri didn’t know whether to laugh or slug the overbearing woman. She did neither, of course. Instead she answered drily, “No, I’m not visiting. I have business with Mr. Wolfe.”
“Really?” Both eyebrows went up.
“Yeah, really,” Tanner said, now sounding as bored as he looked. “If you’ll excuse us?” He indicated a table toward the back. “I think your friend is getting impatient for you to join him.”
Candy turned back to him, instantly changing to Miss Sunshine again. “Yes, of course, darlin’,” she cooed, raising a small hand to lightly drag her dagger nails down his face. “Toodles,” she said, drawing her hand away and wiggling her scarlet-tipped fingers at him. “Call me.” Without so much as a glance at Bri, she sashayed away.
“Toodles?” Battling another bubble of laughter sparked by the drama queen, Bri resumed her seat just as the server approached the table with their meals.
“That’s Candy,” he said, shrugging.
Yes, Bri mused, but did he like candy? Mentally dismissing the oddly disturbing idea, she asked, “A good friend of yours?” The question was out before she could stop herself. Dammit, she didn’t give a rip either way…did she?
Tanner saved her from her self-condemnation. “No.” He shook his head, setting his long waves rippling, brushing his shoulders. “She’s a bit of an airhead, I’m afraid, and calls every man ‘darlin” in that cloyingly sweet voice.” He shrugged. “But she can be polite and even amusing at times.”
“I see.” Bri hid a frown of dissatisfaction by lowering her head to inhale the aroma wafting from the steaming plate the server set in front of her.
The food was delicious. The conversation, which didn’t include candy of any sort, ranged from favorite foods to favorite movies to general likes and dislikes. Bri relaxed, let her guard down.
It was a mistake she rarely made.
On leaving the restaurant, feeling mellow—too mellow—she soon realized she had been led down the conversational garden path, so to speak.
“Where are you staying?” Tanner asked as they headed for their vehicles.
“The Strater Hotel. It’s lovely.”
“Yeah, a landmark, built in 1887.” His tone held a tiny note of the proud resident. “You know, Will Rogers stayed there. And Louis L’Amour wrote several of his Western novels while he was staying there.”
“He must have stayed a while,” she said, smiling at his instructive tone. “Or written very fast.”
He grinned.
Bri felt something inside go all squishy. Why did he have to have such a sexy grin? She swallowed a sigh of self-disgust—or was it longing?—and was relieved when they came to her rental SUV. “This one’s mine.”
“I’m right behind you.” He moved his head, indicating the much larger, kick-ass SUV. “I’ve got some calls to make before I go for the food supplies and some loose ends to tie up tomorrow. Suppose I pick you up the day after tomorrow? I want to get an early start. Is five okay with you?”
In that instant Bri became wary of his intentions. “You will be here, won’t you?”
At once, his pleasant expression changed, his features growing taut. “Didn’t I just say I will?” His voice carried both anger and insult.
“Yes.” Bri was not about to apologize. “But I want to be certain you won’t take a flit on me.”
“A flit…” He shook his head. “What are you getting at? Do you believe—” As he paused, she pounced.
“That you’re going to take off on your own, leave me cooling my heels here in Durango?” she finished for him. “Oh, yeah, Mr. Wolfe, that’s exactly what I think you might try. I guess I should have listened to your cousins. They warned me you were a loner, a maverick who went his own way alone.” He started to speak, but she charged on. “And that’s what you intend to do to me, isn’t it?”
“Okay, I admit I prefer to do my hunting alone, as I always have. But I had agreed to your going with me, so why in hell did you get the idea that I was planning to take off without you?” Now Tanner sounded angry, and his features had hardened, turning the saint into the bounty hunter.
Bri wasn’t impressed by either his voice or the hard look of him. At least she worked to appear unimpressed. In truth, she was shaken, trembling inside. But that was because she was just as angry.
“Oh, couldn’t be because you now seem eager to get rid of me while you get your stuff together, now could it?” She didn’t wait for him to ditch the stunned, speechless look, but continued, “It might even have worked except for one minor detail. You forgot that I’m carrying the check.”
“I didn’t forget a damned thing.”
Whoa. If she had thought he was angry before, she was now seeing real anger. More like fury. And furious, Tanner Wolfe was downright frightening.
“Good, because even if I’d have bought into your softening-up routine in the restaurant—” he again opened his mouth to interrupt but she held up her hand, keeping him still while she rushed breathlessly on “—and you skipped off on your own and brought in that bastard, you wouldn’t have gotten anything but the original ten thousand bounty.”
“Finished?” His cold tone was chilling.
The tremor inside Bri turned into an icy shiver she was hard-pressed to hide from him. “Yes.” How she had managed so calm a tone amazed her.
“Feel better for having your little rant?” There was something new and dangerous in his voice that froze the icy shiver solid.
Bri stiffened her spine and raised her chin to a defiant angle. “I was not ranting.”
“Coulda fooled me,” he drawled. “And there was no softening-up in the restaurant. I guess I’m not too bright, because I thought we were having a nice time getting to know each other.” He gave her a quizzical look. “What made you think I was setting you up, anyway?”
How did one explain a feeling, a sudden onslaught of intuition? she asked herself. A hard lesson learned from another man who’d been a pro at stringing along women?
“I’m not quite sure myself,” she admitted. “When we were talking, I relaxed, and the next minute I began to feel suspicious.” She told herself the sudden feeling had nothing to do with how he had allowed that man-eater Candy to step into his embrace.
At the back of her mind, another unsettling suspicion niggled at her. The suspicion that he might have been in a hurry to send her packing so he could go back to the restaurant to indulge in some after-dinner candy. Then he would collect his stuff and head into the mountains without her.
Bri brushed the suspicion off, not about to recognize it. There was no way she would voice it to Tanner. His heavy sigh dissolved her uncomfortable reverie.
“Do you want to spend the next two nights with me?”
Yes, she thought at once. “No,” she said in firm denial of her first response.
“Then I suppose you’ll have to trust me.” He smiled quite like a chess player who had his opponent checkmated. “That is, if you still want to go with me.”
“You know I want to go with you,” she snapped, angry at him, at herself for stepping so blindly into his game of strategy. “As long as you remember who holds the purse strings.”
Tanner shook his head as if in pity for her. “I don’t forget details, Brianna, even when they are recited by a spoiled little rich girl.”
Bri simmered over his parting shot at her the rest of the day and all through the next, all the while she wandered around, checking out the shops closest to the hotel.
She’d show him what a spoiled little rich girl could do.
Damned if she wasn’t wearing killer heels.
Tanner stared in amazement as he brought the SUV to a stop in front of her hotel. It was early, still dark, not so much as a hint of gray on the eastern horizon. But standing in the well-lit entranceway of the hotel, leaning indolently against the brass handrail, he spotted the incongruous heels at once.
At any other time, the so-called shoes—consisting of two narrow straps across her toes and ribbons wound around her ankles, paper-thin soles and those slim, long, spiked heels—would have looked sexy. Worn with jeans and a field jacket over a green camp shirt, they looked ludicrous…and sexy.
Brianna stood there waiting for him, her gear piled next to her left leg, the strap handle of a rifle carrier in her right hand by her side. To his chagrin, her gorgeous mass of auburn hair was tucked away inside a New York Yankees baseball cap. He felt plain, ordinary and underdressed in black jeans, a black leather jacket and sturdy boots. He also had pulled his hair away from his face, tied it with a leather thong at his nape.
Stepping from the SUV, Tanner circled around the back to open the trunk lid. The hotel doorman stashed the gear next to Tanner’s. Before he could dip into a pocket to tip the man, Brianna handed him a couple bills and uttered a soft, “Thank you.”
“Good morning,” Tanner said to her.
“Mmm,” she hummed in reply, turning away to get into the front passenger seat.
It would appear she was still ticked off at him. Tanner sighed and slid behind the wheel. Mentally shrugging, he drove away from the hotel, heading out of Durango.
“I love your shoes,” he drawled. “I can just imagine you tromping around rough mountainous terrain in them.”
She laughed. “I’d hoped you’d appreciate them.”
“Oh, I do. They’re spectacular, and the color is perfect. Glittery gold straps go great with jeans, field jackets and caps.”
“I thought so.” She laughed again when he flashed her a grin. “I’m sorry to have to disappoint you, but I won’t be wearing them to tromp around any rough terrain. I do have hiking boots with me.”
“Aw, gee, that’s too bad,” he said. “I was looking forward to watching you try to keep up with me.” Now the quick look he sent her was glittery with teasing. “Then again, I’ll likely still be watching you try to keep up with me.”
“In your dreams,” Brianna shot back. “What you’ll likely be watching is my back.”
Tanner couldn’t help himself; he roared with laughter. She was so damned sure of herself, so boldly feisty. He also couldn’t help but admire her. On the spot, he decided it was probably because she reminded him of himself.
“We’ll see,” he said, still chuckling.
“Yes, I guess we will.” She grew quiet, gazing out through the windshield and side window at the landscape as it changed from mountainous to flatter, barren desert.
“Where are we going?” she asked.
“Not far from Mesa Verde.”
“Mesa Verde? I thought you said our quarry was headed deep into the San Juan Mountains.”
“What I said was I had picked up a rumor that he was heading there.” He spared her a brief glance. “Before I go tearing into the mountains, I want to check out the rumor for myself.”
“And who are you going to check out these rumors with—the ghosts of the Indians who lived there?” Her tone held more than a hint of sarcasm.
“Clever,” he said, sighing. “Actually, I didn’t say we were going to Mesa Verde itself. The rumor I’d picked up was that he had been spotted around Mesa Verde before hightailing it to the mountains. I’m headed for a town where the rumor came from.”
“Oh, okay.” Brianna was quiet for a moment—a short moment. “I wouldn’t mind stopping in Mesa Verde.”
Stunned by her startling remark, Tanner nearly lost control of the vehicle. It went off the road, onto the rough shoulder, before he righted it.
“You want to do what? Have a look-see at Mesa Verde?”
“What’s wrong with that?”
“Brianna,” Tanner said between clenched teeth, “I thought we were out here to search for a rapist/killer, not go on a sightseeing jaunt.”
“Well, of course we are,” she said, abrading his irritation with her reasonable tone. “I meant someday I’d like to explore the cliff dwellings.”
“I’m sorry.” In truth, he wasn’t at all sorry. “I thought you wanted me to stop today to go crawling around the ruins, and we have no time to waste.”
“But you wasted all day yesterday,” she protested.
Tanner was on the sharp edge of impatience. “Brianna, I told you I had a lot to do yesterday. Besides having to make some phone calls to tie up a few loose ends, I had to get our food supplies, which I paid for.”
She sighed. “Okay, explanation accepted.”
“Big of you,” he drawled with a bite.
“I know,” she said sweetly. “And, of course, I’ll reimburse you for the supplies.”
“Damned straight you will, honey.” His voice had a hard edge he didn’t like. Get a grip, Wolfe, he warned himself, before you find yourself without a mission…and the company of the gorgeous but irritating Brianna. As he fully expected, she retaliated.
“Don’t go all predator on me. I’m not one of your prey,” she shot back at him. “And don’t call me ‘honey.” ’
Predator? She thought of him as a predator? Tanner frowned, not sure whether he wanted to laugh or curse a blue streak. Hell, predators killed their prey, sometimes ate it. He worked hard not to kill his, even the ones who deserved it. And he sure as hell didn’t eat his prey, the mere thought revolting.
On second thought, he mused, gliding a quick glance over her body, he wouldn’t mind taking a nip of Brianna’s satiny-looking skin. The mere thought of tasting her was enough to stir his body. Get your mind back to business, Wolfe, he warned himself, where it’s safe. This ultrasuperior, haughty, independent woman was not for tasting, not by him. Damned shame, too.
“I’ll make a deal with you,” he said, shifting in his seat to relieve an uncomfortable ache in that sensitive area. “You don’t call me ‘predator,’ and I won’t call you ‘honey.’ Deal?”
“Deal,” she said, shaking the hand he held out to her.
“How about ‘sweetheart’?” he asked, not missing a beat.
“Tanner Wolfe,” Brianna cried sternly, before she gave way to laughter. “You’re a…a…”
“Devil?” he asked, grinning in delight at having made her laugh instead of berating him.
She raised her hands in surrender. “I give up,” she said. “You win—for now.”
“Looks like a draw to me,” he said as he slowed down. “Good timing, too. We’re here.”
“So I see,” Brianna said, peering through the windshield as he drove into the town. “This is it?”
“Yeah, I know, not much to look at.”
“A little larger than other towns I’ve driven through.” She sat forward, as far as the seat belt allowed, to get a better look at the old town.
“Will we be here long enough for me to look for a coffee shop or diner? I need some caffeine.”
He parked the SUV in front of a small café. “You want to go traipsing around in those?” He sent a pointed look at her shoes.
Brianna shook her head. “Of course not.” She feigned shock. “I couldn’t walk around in public in heels and this attire,” she went on haughtily. “I’d never dream of committing such a fashion faux pas.”
Was she serious? Tanner stared at her for a moment, then laughed.
Brianna laughed with him. “I suppose it is time to change, isn’t it?” She flashed a megawatt smile.
Tanner felt something strange inside, a sensation unlike anything he had ever felt before. It was as if there was something coming alive, unfolding deep within him, a current of soft warmth. It was weird. He had experienced heated desire many, many times. But this feeling was different. And it was directly related to the woman seated next to him. He had to swallow, moisten his throat and lips before he even attempted to reply.
“Yes, I suppose it is.” He sighed, not even caring if she heard him mutter, “I’m gonna miss ’em.” Swinging open the door, he said in the most normal tone he could manage, “I shouldn’t be long. Wait for me inside.” Stepping out, he motioned to the place. “We might as well have lunch while we’re here. Then we won’t need to stop again.” He raised a brow. “Okay?”
“Fine.” She nodded, quickly calling after him as he slammed the door and started away, “I’ll need to get in the back to get my boots.”
He was lifting the trunk before she had finished. “Yeah, I know.”
Releasing the seat belt, she turned to look at him. He grinned, lifting a Western hat and settling it on his head. “I needed this, too.”
Bri felt her breath catch with his grin. Darn, what the devil was it about this man? What something did he have that no other man had ever possessed to make her heart race, her breath catch, her body go all warm and squishy? Her feelings were even more intense than they had been with—She cut her thoughts short, not even wanting to think that rotten man’s name.
His voice brought her to her senses. She blinked. “What?” God, she hated the confused, disoriented sound of her own voice.
Tanner frowned. “Are you all right?”
“Yes, of course,” she answered crisply. “Why wouldn’t I be all right?”
“Beats the hell out of me.” He shook his head, still frowning. “All of a sudden you seemed…I don’t know…kinda lost or something.”
Sure, Bri thought, it was the something that got to her. “I was, er, just thinking.” Brilliant, Brianna, she chided herself.
“About?” He was frowning again.
About…about…jeez. “About maybe I should just go with you,” she said, wincing inside at the inanity and wondering how she could extradite herself from him so she could think clearly.
Fortunately Tanner performed that all by himself with two succinct words. “Think again.”
“Huh?” She smothered a groan.
“Brianna, I am not about to take you with me to talk to an informant. Somehow I feel said informant would very likely pretend he didn’t even know me. Understand?”
“Yes…yes, of course,” she said, feeling more ridiculous by the minute. Looking away from his curious expression, Bri undid the ties around her slim ankles, slipped out of the heels and tossed them into the backseat. “If you would please hand me my pack, I’ll change and then go…get some coffee.”
“Wouldn’t it be easier if you told me where the boots are so I can hand them to you?”
Smart-ass. Bri gritted her teeth to keep from saying the word aloud. “There’s a plastic bag attached to my backpack. They’re in there.”
“Now we’re getting somewhere,” he drawled, his lips twitching with a smile.
Bri felt her own lips tickle, then she gave way to the laughter bubbling up into her throat. She couldn’t explain to herself why it was that when he laughed or smiled, she had to respond in kind.
The trunk lid slammed shut. A moment later he opened her door. “Your slippers, Cinderella.” His eyes danced with silent laughter.
“Thank you.” She took the sturdy boots from him. “And if you’re expecting me to call you Prince Charming, you have a long wait ahead of you.”
Tanner laughed out loud, tipped his hat respectfully at her and strolled away.
Now, she thought, that was charming. And disarming, thus dangerous to her peace of mind—never mind her libido. Brianna was not a child or a fool. She was a smart, well-educated woman. A woman with the appetites and desires of every healthy human, female or male. She was attracted to Tanner Wolfe, and he was attracted to her. It didn’t take a mental giant to figure that out. Human nature would have its way.
Yeah, she mused, pulling on the socks she had jammed into the boots, she had to be careful, on her guard, against herself as well as him. The two of them were going to be spending a lot of time together, closely together, in the mountains.
She had been hurt badly before and was determined she wouldn’t be again. She couldn’t emotionally afford to get involved with Tanner Wolfe, bounty hunter.
Groaning softly at the very idea, she yanked on the boots, grabbed her shoulder bag and stepped out of the SUV.
Drawing a deep breath, she strode out, determined to put off her ruminations until later. But her stride soon turned into a meandering stroll, while her mind raced ahead with what-ifs.
Bri knew full well the possibilities, knew they narrowed down to one. Her imagination drew a vivid picture of herself and Tanner, their limbs entwined, their mouths fused, his body—
Hold it right there, she told herself, blinking to erase the too-explicit scene from her mind. She was breathing hard and fast. Suddenly aware, she glanced around her to see if anyone had noticed her flushed cheeks, her forehead damp with perspiration. If anyone did, she’d blame it on the noonday sun directly overhead. In her jacket, no wonder she was so uncomfortably warm.
Her breathing slowing but still uneven, Bri turned on her heel to practically run back to where Tanner had parked the SUV in front of the café.
Pulling herself together and shrugging out of her jacket, Bri entered the café, her throat parched. Whether her thirst came from the heat or from her thoughts, she didn’t know; all she knew was she needed a cold drink to cool down her fevered mind.
She was seated in a booth, a large glass of ice water set next to a steaming cup of coffee in front of her, working at appearing cool, comfortable and slightly bored, when Tanner entered the café. His sharp gaze locating her at once, he strode to the booth and slid onto the bench across from her. Removing his hat, he set it on the bench next to him. “Hi.”
His soft, almost intimate voice sent tingles dancing along her spine.
“Hi, yourself.” How Bri had found her impersonal yet friendly tone she hadn’t a clue.
“The coffee looks good,” he said, indicating her cup with a swift movement of his head. “It’s warming up outside.”
“I noticed.” Bri immediately decided that had to be the biggest understatement of her life. “That’s why I asked for the ice water.”
“Hmm…and I’m parched.”
You’re telling me? she thought, taking a quick sip to cool her drying throat.
“Hungry?” she asked, not able to think of anything else to say.
Tanner didn’t respond for a few tense seconds, during which he slid a slow, intense look from her face to her waist. “Er, yeah.”
He didn’t have to say any more; Bri felt his exact meaning in every cell in her body. Oh, boy, she thought, watching his eyes darken as she thoughtlessly wet her dry lips with a glide of her tongue. Oh, yes, indeedy, she was in deep trouble.
“What?” Try as she would, Bri couldn’t control the slight tremor in her voice.
“I asked if you were hungry. Are you?”
“Yes.” There was no way in hell she was going to run her gaze over him, no matter how much she wanted to do so. “And, as you said, we may as well eat now. I have menus.” She handed one to him.
“Thanks.” He smiled.
Damn him. Keeping the thought firmly inside her mind, where it belonged, she opened the menu and pretended to peruse the lunch specials even though she had already made her selection.
They didn’t talk much or tarry during the meal, and within forty-five minutes of Bri having entered the café, they were back in the SUV and on the road.
Bri contained her patience until they were at last heading for the mountains.
“So what did you learn from your informant?” she asked when he remained silent.
He slanted a grin at her. “I thought you’d never ask. You surprised me by holding out for as long as you have.”
“You have no idea how long I can hold out,” she shot back at him, leaving it up to him to decide whether her response contained a double meaning.
He slanted a sideways, contemplative look at her, his eyes alight with devilment. “Is that a challenge?”
Bri raised her eyes and fluttered her eyelashes, her expression one of pure innocence. “Why, Mr. Wolfe,” she said, her voice as close to a purr as she could make it, “a woman would have to be very brave to challenge you.”
He gave a short bark of laughter. “Yeah, that’s what I meant.”
“You think I’m a brave woman?” Bri felt inordinately flattered even though she knew she was a brave woman. Her father had tested her, and she had passed his test of bravery and endurance. She had aced it, actually.
“Oh, yeah, you’re brave,” he said, sparing another glance at her. “You’re brave and a bit reckless and, I’m afraid, very, very dangerous.”
That last stopped her cold. She stared at him in astonishment. Her…dangerous? In what way? She had never deliberately harmed or intimidated anyone in her entire life.
“Dangerous to whom?” she asked, too bewildered by his remark to feel anything but puzzled.
Tanner sliced a smile at her that made her tingle all over. “I’d say you’re dangerous to every male between the ages of fifteen and a hundred and fifteen.”
Bri just couldn’t hold back; she laughed.
“You don’t think so, huh?”
“Of course I do,” she said as her laughter subsided. “I’m sure every male out there between those ages is just trembling in fear of running into me. Get real, Wolfe,” she said drolly. “I’m far from being dangerous to anyone of any age.”
He slowed down a bit to give her a dry look. “Does that include the man we’re on the hunt for?”
Bri stiffened. “That’s different.”
“In what way?”
“In the obvious way,” she retorted, getting really rattled. “He’s different. He’s a killer.”
“Yeah, he’s a killer and a rapist,” he agreed in an annoyingly reasonable tone. “But there are a lot of killers and rapists out there, and you’re not on the hunt, packing heat, for them.”
“No, I’m not,” she snapped, getting seriously angry. “And that’s because I’m not a hunter or a killer. But if we catch up to this…this monster, I will not hesitate a moment to use my weapon.”
“Wait a minute.” In an instant, Tanner practically stood on the brake, bringing the vehicle to a squealing, jarring stop. “You, me, neither one of us is going to shoot to kill him. Is that understood?” He didn’t wait for a response. “I’m warning you, Brianna, if you don’t give me your word on this, I’ll turn around, drive back to Durango and drop you at the Strater like you were on fire. I have never killed a man in my life and I’m not about to start now, and neither are you—not as long as you’re with me. Have you got that?”
Bri didn’t know whether to laugh or weep. She did neither; instead she calmly faced him. “I never so much as entertained the idea of killing the man, Tanner. I only meant I’d use my weapon to wing him, enough to bring him down. I don’t want him dead. That’s too easy.”
He frowned. “Then what do you want?”
She hoped Tanner could actually see the icy determination on her tight lips. “I want to see him rot in prison for the rest of his life, living with his conscience—if he has one—and the memory of every woman he killed or hurt. I hope he lives to be one hundred and every day is spent in fear some other convict will decide to mete out his own brand of punishment.”
Tanner suppressed a shudder at the deadly, frigid tone of Brianna’s voice, her cold expression. Wow, he thought, when this woman hates, she puts every part of herself into the lethal emotion. On the spot, he found himself hoping she never decided to turn that emotion on him.
“You still haven’t told me what you learned from your informant.”
The change in her was startling. Her tone had thawed to conversational, her expression, while not exactly warm, had relaxed somewhat. Swallowing a sigh of relief, Tanner put the SUV into gear and drove forward once more.
“He was seen leaving town two days ago. Apparently he’s heading deep into the wildest section of the mountains. He left on horseback, leading a packhorse, and from the direction he was going, I suspect he’s making his way to the Weminuche Wilderness.”
Brianna frowned. “I vaguely recall having heard of it, but where and what is the Weminuche Wilderness?”
“The Weminuche is one of the largest designated wilderness areas in the country at somewhere around nine and a half thousand acres,” he said, keeping his eyes on the inclining road. “While many tourists hike and bike in it, there are sections that are nearly inaccessible. It seems our man is heading in that direction.”
“Well, if he is on horseback, leading a packhorse, I would think we could catch up to him in this SUV before he can reach one of those sections. Couldn’t we?” She sounded satisfied with her deduction.
Tanner hated having to burst her confidence bubble, yet he had no choice. “No, we can’t, Brianna. Even this vehicle can only go so far into the mountains. Later this afternoon, we’ll stop for the night and go on by horseback in the morning.”
She shot him a puzzled look. “But… How…I mean, where are we going to get horses out here?”
“I have a friend who owns a horse ranch tucked out of the way in a small valley.” He shot her a grin before she had a chance to question him further. “We can spend tonight there.”
By the quick glance he sent her, Tanner could tell by her expression she had questions, lots of questions, likely tripping over one another to see which one she could get out first. Within moments, she appeared to have sorted them out. She shot them out rapid-fire.
“How do you know your friend is there? How can you know we’ll be welcome to spend the night? How can you be sure he’ll have horses for hire? How—?” That’s as far as he let her go.
“I know,” he cut in, “because I know my friend. If he’s not there when we arrive, he’ll be out in the hills somewhere, and we’ll wait until he returns.”
Tanner didn’t hesitate to cut her off again. “Brianna, you’ll have to trust me on this. We can’t follow our man in this SUV. It can go a lot of places but not into the roughest terrain in the mountains.”
“I understand that,” she shot back impatiently. “But you just sprang this other person at me out of the blue. Who is he, other than your friend?”
“His name is Hawk,” he began. Apparently she thought it was her turn to interrupt.
“What’s his real name?”
“Hawk.” He slanted a droll look at her. “His last name is McKenna. And, yes, he’s a half-breed.”
“I do not like that expression,” Brianna said in a clipped, stern-teacher tone.
Tanner was hard put not to laugh. “Neither do I, but that’s how Hawk refers to himself. He’s not ashamed of his heritage. Matter of fact, he’s proud to have both Scot and Apache blood in his veins.” Now he laughed aloud, softly, almost as if to himself. “I think you’ll find that Hawk is something else.”
“And what might that something be?”
“Different,” he said after a moment’s silence. “He’s one of a kind.”
“One of a kind of what?” Her tone was clear warning she was getting edgy again.
Tanner shrugged. “One of a kind of man, of human being. I don’t know how to explain it, he just is.”
“Does he live alone?”
“Tanner…” There was a sharp note of impatience in her voice.
He laughed. “It’s the truth, Brianna. Hawk is usually alone, but now and again he has his sister staying with him. Cat isn’t as proud of her heritage.”
She frowned. “Cat? Hawk and Cat?”
Tanner slid a quick grin at her. “Hawk is just that—Hawk. He’s named after his maternal great-grandfather. Cat is short for Catriona, the Scot and Irish name for Catherine. She’s named after her paternal great-great-grandmother.”
“And she doesn’t like being of mixed racial parentage,” Brianna said, obviously choosing her words with care.
“No, she doesn’t. So every so often she runs away from the world by hiding out with Hawk.”
“Hiding out?” she nearly yelped. “Is he hiding out from the law?”
“No, Brianna, Hawk is not hiding from the law. He’s not a criminal.”
“Well, what is he, then? A hermit? Has he always lived away from society? How old is he?” She once again zapped the questions at him rapid-fire.
He shot the answers back at her in kind. “A man. No. Since he became an adult. I’m not sure—somewhere in his midthirties, I suppose.”
“Odd,” she murmured.
“Don’t you think it’s odd, a man deciding to live away from family, friends…women…at such a young age?”
Tanner shifted another glance at her. “I didn’t say he was a cloistered monk, Brianna. When he’s in the mood for company, he does see his family, friends.” He paused deliberately, as she had. “And he does see women.”
“You know—”
The SUV plowed over a natural speed bump, silencing her except for a startled, “Oh!”
“Sorry,” he said, biting back laughter. “I told you it was rough—and it’s going to get rougher.” He couldn’t hold back a slight grin. “A whole lot rougher.”
She glanced around at the terrain, the narrow shoulders bordering the macadam road, and the thickening forest beyond. She frowned and shifted in her seat. “You said we’d stop at sunset. The sun’s starting to track west now.” She glanced around again. “Tanner…”
“There’s a clearing up ahead,” he said, anticipating her question as well as the need causing her suddenly restless shifting. He swept a hand in an encompassing movement. “We’re in a national park area. Not only is there a clearing, there are restroom facilities.”
Brianna sighed in relief. “I’m glad to hear it.” She smiled. “I wasn’t thrilled with the idea of asking you to stop while I made a dash into the bushes.”
He laughed. “I know what you mean. I’m experiencing the, er, same pressure.”
“Don’t you dare make me laugh, Tanner Wolfe,” she said. “I would rather not embarrass myself, thank you.”
“Well, you’re in luck, Brianna Stewart,” he assured her. “The clearing is just beyond the bend up ahead.”
“Here we are,” he said moments later, pulling the vehicle into a spacious clearing by the side of the road. Along one side of the area, just beyond a posted sign reading Restrooms, was a good-size building. They headed toward it quickly.
Within minutes, they were back on the road. An hour and a half later, Tanner made a quick turn.
“What exactly—Oh!” she said, startled by the jostling of the SUV as he drove off the paved road onto a dirt, stone-strewn track undeserving of the name road. “Where are you going?” Bri demanded, glancing at the forest, which seemed to be closing in on them.
“To Hawk’s place.” He shot a flashing glance at her frown. “What? You expected Hawk to be living smack-dab in the middle of a superhighway?"
Bri’s frown turned into a scowl. “No, of course not,” she said, one hand gripping the edge of the seat, the other clinging to the dash in an attempt to keep from being flung back and forth within the confines of the seat belt like a rag doll.
“Just hang on,” Tanner said, his grip solid on the steering wheel. “It’s gonna get worse before it gets better.”
“I…d-didn’t…think it c-could get any worse,” she finished in a rush.
“Ah, honey, you’re in for a bouncy surprise.”
She sighed, ignored the cramping in her fingers and glared at him. “I told you not to call me ‘honey.” ’
Tanner laughed all the way down the track to the valley that spread away from it at the bottom. Tucked on the leeward side of the mountain was a one-story ranch house much like the ones seen in Western movies.
Hawk’s place was hardly the small, run-down outfit Bri had been expecting to find. In the waning afternoon light she could see several rail-fenced corrals, all containing horses, their coats gleaming in the slanted sunlight. But the ranch was the least of the surprises in store for her.
Bri was so distracted by looking around the property she never noticed Hawk McKenna standing in the shadows of the wraparound porch until he stepped out into the light. At his side stood the biggest dog she had ever seen. More like a pony.
Her startled gaze watched man and animal as they sauntered toward the vehicle Tanner pulled to a stop.
Hawk was not quite as tall as Tanner, but slimmer, rangier. Though older, McKenna was every bit as handsome as Tanner, if in a different, somewhat rougher way.
Where the younger man’s appearance was sculpted, Hawk’s features had a harshly rough-hewn look. His hair was even longer but as clean and well kept as Tanner’s. Most startling of all, it was the same shade of brown and, in the golden glow of slanting sun rays, shot with streaks as dark-red as Bri’s own.
Tanner got out of the truck and the two men hugged like long-lost brothers. The dog, not barking or whining, just stood beside his master as if waiting for his turn to greet the company.
As soon as the men were done hugging and slapping each other on the back, the animal moved to Tanner. When he greeted the dog, it jumped up, front paws on his shoulders, standing almost as tall as Tanner.
“Hey, Boyo. No kisses, not on my face,” Tanner said, laughing as he twisted his head to avoid the excited dog’s eager reception. “Yeah, the hand’s okay.” Still laughing, he ruffled the dog’s coat.
Boyo, Bri thought. What kind of name was that for such a large dog? He was massive, formidable, his silvery-gray coat marked by small streaks of black. Fortunately the dog appeared friendly or she wouldn’t have considered stepping foot from the safety of the SUV.
Tanner’s sudden appearance at her door broke into her concentration on the animal.
“Brianna, are you getting out?” He grinned, pulled her door open. “Or are your fingers locked on the seat and dash?”
Startled from her inspection of the dog, Bri gave him a dry look and a blatant lie. “I’m afraid to move, since I feel as if every bone in my body was disjointed during the ride down here.”
“I thought maybe you were terrified by the sight of Boyo.”
“That, too,” she admitted. “But I see he’s friendly.” She frowned. “What kind of name is Boyo for an animal his size?”
“It’s Irish for boy,” he explained, laughing again. “Come on, Hawk will protect you.”
Lord, Bri loved the sound of his laughter. Steeling herself against her feelings, she took the hand he held out to her.
His hand wasn’t soft, his nails weren’t manicured as were the hands of her father and most of the other men she knew. His broad, long fingers were used to work, hardened and rough.
An image flashed before her with sudden clarity. His rough hands caressing her body, gripping her bottom to draw him closer as he crushed his mouth to hers.
A tremor shot through her.
“Are you cold, Brianna?” Tanner frowned, placing the other hand at her waist to steady her as she jumped to the ground.
“No…” Bri took a quick breath, stalling for time to come up with a reasonable excuse. “I’m hungry.” Was that reasonable enough? “It’s been a long time since lunch, don’t forget. Aren’t you hungry?” She stretched and took a few steps, easing the stiffness in her back from sitting so long and being jarred on the drive into the valley.
“Plenty to eat in the house,” Hawk said.
“Come on, Bri. Come meet Hawk.” Tanner gently took her by the arm to lead her around the SUV toward his friend. “And Boyo.”
Hawk McKenna had a solid handshake and a winning smile. For some inexplicable reason, she instantly both liked and trusted him. Something inside told her this was a good man. Something about him reminded her of Tanner.
Wait a minute. Tanner…good? Trustworthy? She had to admit her mental jury was still out on that verdict.
Boyo stood by his master, his long, black-tipped tail swishing back and forth, his body trembling in eagerness to greet her.
Bri tentatively reached out a hand to the animal to sniff.
“You may touch him,” Hawk said, his deep voice edged with amusement. “He won’t bite you.”
She touched the dog’s muzzle and was promptly rewarded by a swipe of his tongue. Laughing, Bri caressed his head, scratched him under his wide jaw and ran her hand over his back. The rough, wiry feel of his coat against her palm surprised her; he had looked so sleek and smooth.
“You have a nice spread here, Mr. McKenna,” she said, glancing up at him, her compliment sincere.
“Thank you.” He smiled at her before sweeping the property with an appreciative look. “It’s home.”
He led them to the house, Boyo in step on the far side of him.
“Welcome,” Hawk said as he pushed the door open, stepping back and sweeping his arm in invitation.
Boyo trotted into the kitchen, and within moments they could hear him lapping up water.
“Thank you.” Bri smiled at him as she stepped into what was obviously the living room. She glanced around her at the sparse yet homey decor.
“This is very nice,” she said, turning to smile at Hawk. “Navajo?” she asked, indicating a beautifully woven blanket hanging on one wall.
“Yeah,” Hawk answered. “A gift from a friend.”
“It’s lovely.” Bri smiled, moving forward for a closer look. “You have nice friends. That blanket must be worth a small fortune.”
“It is. And I do.” Hawk nodded and glanced at Tanner. “And Wolfe, there, is the friend.” He smiled, slow and easy. “Wanna tell Ms. Stewart what you paid for the blanket, Tanner?”
“No.” Tanner shook his head but smiled back. “He earned it, Brianna,” he explained. “He helped me track a man, a real badass, two years ago. The jerk was a multiple killer with a big bounty on his head.” He shot a dry look at Hawk. “I wanted to share the bounty with him. He said no but that he’d accept a particular blanket. You see—”
“Wolfe,” Hawk said, a warning in his tone.
“You don’t scare me, ole son, so save your breath.” Tanner grinned at him.
Hawk narrowed his eyes. Tanner’s grin widened.
Fearing that any second they’d be at each other, fists flying, Bri held a hand in the air in the signal to halt. “Don’t start anything here, you two. This house is too beautiful to wreck it in a free-for-all.” Her voice was soft but stern. “If you’re going to beat up on each other, take it outside.”
Tanner and Hawk stared at each other a moment, then roared with laughter.
Bri placed her hands on her hips, glared at the two of them and tapped one booted foot on the hardwood floor. “I do hope you’re not laughing at me.” Though pleasant, her voice held a sting.
“Wouldn’t dream of it, ma’am.” Hawk was obviously fighting to contain a grin.
“Never gave it a thought, ma’am.” Tanner didn’t bother to hold back a grin. He laughed out loud.
“O-kay. I’ve had enough of your silliness.” Bri was having difficulty maintaining the laughter rising in her throat. “I need a bathroom first, a proper bath and something to eat. Oh, and my pack.”
Hawk slanted a sober look at Tanner. “She always this bossy?”
Tanner nodded, sighing. “’Fraid so. It’s enough to drive a simple man to distraction.”
Bri rolled her eyes and opened her mouth to blast the two of them. She wasn’t fast enough.
“Yeah.” Tanner gave a slow head shake. “I just don’t know what to do with her.”
Bri was torn between amusement and annoyance. She was silent just long enough for Hawk to get in another shot.
“Oh, buddy, I’d know what to do with her.” Teasing laughter danced in his dark eyes.
“Well, yeah, but—”
That’s as far as she let Tanner get. “But you’re going to be too busy getting my gear from the SUV. Right?” Her tone held a definite warning.
“Er, yeah, right, I’m on it.” Softly chuckling, Tanner turned and strode out the door.
“And I’m gonna finish supper.” Hawk headed for the kitchen, clearly visible in the open floor plan, flicking a hand toward a hallway on the far side of the living room. “Bathroom’s the second door to the left.”
“Thank you.” Bri headed for the hallway, hearing Hawk ask Boyo if he was hungry, too.
She was washing her hands, grimacing at her appearance in the mirror, when a soft knock sounded on the door.
“I’ve brought your pack, Brianna. Should I leave it here, outside the door?”
“No.” She opened said door as he finished speaking. “I’ll take it. Thank you.” She rewarded him with her most brilliant smile, took the pack and then closed the door in his face.
“Whoa,” Tanner murmured on an exhaled breath, thinking Brianna had the most beautiful and arousing smile he had ever had aimed at him. His jeans were suddenly tight, chafing him in a delicate part of his body.
The sound of the shower reached him through the door. Tanner imagined her standing under the tingling spray, naked and wet, the water sluicing down her slim body. Not only did his jeans get tighter, his chest grew tight, too.
Damn, get away from the door, Wolfe, before you explode and embarrass yourself by having to listen to McKenna laugh his ass off.
Drawing deep breaths and telling himself he could control his own body, his automatic reactions to a beautiful woman, Tanner gathered up the gear at his feet and headed to the bedrooms. He opened the door just enough to place Brianna’s gear inside the room Hawk had designated as hers, the one Cat stayed in when she visited. From there he went to his room, the one he always used when he stayed at Hawk’s place.
By the time Tanner nonchalantly strolled into the kitchen, he, aided by a cold shower, had worked his mind over matter…at least enough that it didn’t show.
“Your lady friend is something, Wolfe,” Hawk said, leveling a hard look at Tanner. “But why in hell did you bring her along on a hunt?”
“I didn’t have a choice,” he began, but apparently Hawk wasn’t hearing him.
“Are you trying to get that beautiful creature killed?” Hawk demanded.
Tanner sighed. “I told you, I didn’t have a—”
“Choice,” Brianna finished for him in a decisive tone. “I played the trump card.”
“Yeah,” Tanner muttered, turning to look at her. Brianna stood in the entrance to the kitchen area, her still-wet hair hanging straight down her back, her face free of makeup, but glowing from her shower.
“What trump card?” Hawk frowned, glancing between his two guests, who continued to stare at each other.
“Money,” they answered in unison.
Hawk arched his dark brows. “I like money,” he said, his voice laconic. “Though not enough to endanger a beautiful woman—or any woman, for that matter—by taking her along on a manhunt for a killer.” His gaze narrowed on Tanner. “How much money are we talking about?”
Tanner switched his steely stare to Hawk. “An impressive amount of money.”
Hawk smiled—well, almost—and turned his narrowed gaze on Brianna. “How much?” It wasn’t a question so much as an order.
“A million dollars.”
Tanner admired her cool composure. Not many people, men or women, could withstand that particular piercing look from Hawk. In the next few minutes, Brianna ratcheted up his admiration for her even further.
Hawk whistled. “That’s a lot of dollars.”
Flashing her traffic-stopping smile, she nodded in agreement. “Yes, it is.” The smile fled, replaced by a haughty expression. “I take it you disapprove.”
“I don’t disapprove of the money,” Hawk said with a quick shake of his head. “But I do disapprove of Tanner taking along a woman.”
“Yet there are women bounty hunters,” she retorted. “Are there not?”
“She used that same argument on me,” Tanner inserted, just to remind them he was still there.
Hawk flicked a look at him.
Brianna ignored him.
“I don’t approve of women bounty hunters, either. It’s too dangerous for a woman.”
“Indeed.” Brianna’s voice was icy.
“Yeah, indeed.” Hawk matched her tone.
Tanner grinned, not that either one of them noticed. They were too busy trying to stare each other down. This should be interesting, he mused, settling down in a kitchen chair to watch the battle of wills.
No one knew better than he that Hawk was nothing if not tenacious. On the other hand, Tanner had personal knowledge of how stubborn Brianna could be. Yes, indeedy, he thought, controlling an urge to laugh, this should prove very interesting.
Brianna sighed as if sorely tried. “As I pointed out to your friend, I have had excellent training. I am well equipped to take care of myself.”
With that, she had lobbed the ball into Hawk’s court. Tanner waited for the return volley.
Hawk slammed it back at her. “I don’t give a f—” He caught himself up short before finishing with, “freaking damn how well you’ve been trained. You don’t belong in the mountains, tracking a criminal.”
Whoa. Tanner stared at his friend in surprise. Hawk was losing his cool, and that didn’t happen often. Tanner decided it was time to referee this match.
“Okay, boys and girls,” he said, pushing himself from the chair to step between the two combatants. “Take a break. It’s time for a truce.”
“But, dammit, Tanner, it’s just not safe!”
“Save your breath, ole buddy,” Tanner said, shaking his head. “I went through all that with her, chapter and verse.” He shot a quick glance at her face, her expression one of detachment. “It’s like talking to a brick wall.”
“How charming, so complimentary,” Brianna coolly inserted. “But can we drop the subject now? I’m so hungry I could eat a…brick wall, maybe.” A smile teased her lips and danced in her bright eyes.
“Told you so,” Tanner said with a grin, chiding Hawk.
Hawk heaved a deep sigh. “I give up.”
“Good.” She rewarded him with a charming smile. Too soon.
“On one condition,” Hawk went on, challenge hard on his voice.
Bri narrowed her eyes. “What condition?”
Tanner frowned, wondering what Hawk was up to now.
“You take Boyo with you.”
“But…” she began in protest.
“Good idea, Hawk,” Tanner said, deciding it was time to end this match. “Brianna, Boyo is a good hunter. You know, the Irish wolfhounds were bred to hunt and bring down wolves and elk.”
“Wolves?” She shifted her gaze to the dog, who had cocked his head at the sound of his name. “Well, he certainly looks big enough and strong enough for it. But he doesn’t seem natured to do that. He’s as friendly as a puppy.”
“Of course he is,” Hawk agreed. “Here he’s a big, sloppy sweetheart. Matter of fact, most wolfhounds are simply house pets these days. But take him out hunting, turn him loose on a scent, and he reverts to breed and can be one mean son of a—” Again, he caught himself from cursing. “He can be rough.”
“But…” she began.
Tanner smothered laughter to interrupt her. “You may as well give in, Brianna. Hawk can be as stubborn as you, maybe even more so.”
“Oh, all right. We’ll take Boyo…but only if I get food—pronto.”
Hawk slid a look at Brianna, a smile twitching the corners of his mouth. “Man, you’re tough. But you win. Food’s ready. Let’s eat.”
Tanner lost it and let loose the laughter he had been holding back.
Hawk followed in kind.
Brianna looked from one to the other before her laughter blended with theirs. She was first to regain control. “Okay, you clowns, what’s for supper?” She gave a dainty sniff. “Whatever it is, it smells wonderful.”
Hawk sobered except for a lingering chuckle. “It’s chili. Hope you like it spicy.”
“Love it,” she said.
Tanner wasn’t surprised. He’d figured Brianna Stewart wouldn’t have it any other way.
Bri sighed with contentment as she dabbed her lips with a napkin. The chili was delicious. And spicy. She had hungrily finished off two bowlfuls, along with several slices of Hawk’s homemade corn bread.
“That was a wonderful meal,” she said to her host. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” Apparently pleased with her response, Hawk pushed back his chair and stood. “Are you ready for coffee and dessert now?” He glanced from Bri to Tanner.
“Coffee,” Bri answered without hesitation. “But I couldn’t eat another bite.”
“Just coffee for me, too,” Tanner said.
When they had finished their coffee, Bri stood up and began clearing the table.
“You don’t have to help,” Hawk said.
“I know. But I want to do it.” She shooed him away with a hand. “You two go relax or something.”
“You win. I don’t often get out of kitchen duty.” Hawk led the way outside to let Tanner choose the horses for the hunt.
At the door, Tanner paused to tell Bri how to find the room where he had stashed her gear. No sooner had he shut the door behind him when Hawk lit into him.
“Are you out of your mind?” he demanded, striding for the stables.
Tanner sighed. “Don’t start, McKenna. I had my fill arguing with Brianna back in Durango. I’m not in the mood to argue with you.”
Hawk snorted. “In the mood or not, you’re getting an argument. Dammit, Wolfe—”
That’s as far as he got before Tanner cut him off. “Yeah, dammit. Hell, double dammit. What else was I supposed to do?”
Reaching the stable, Hawk yanked the door open and flicked on the lights to illuminate the dim interior. “How about making it clear you wouldn’t bring her. End of argument. Period.”
“I tried that.” Tanner gave his best friend a fierce scowl. “Didn’t work. She told me if I refused, I should forget it, she’d find herself another hunter.” He exhaled in a bid to ease the tension riding him.
“And you didn’t want to give up a big payoff?”
“Are you nuts?” Now Tanner was getting angry. “Hawk, you know me better than that. And you know as well as I do there are bounty hunters out there that will agree to any conditions, even to allowing a woman to hunt with them, if the price is right.”
Now Hawk sighed. “I know. But I don’t like this at all. Brianna is a beautiful woman. A nice woman.” He strode inside. “I’d hate like hell to see her hurt.”
“Don’t feel like the Lone Ranger. I feel the same way.” His mouth curved into a wry smile. “That’s why I’m not taking her along.”
Hawk narrowed his eyes suspiciously. “Aah, are you saying what I think you’re saying?”
“You got it, ole buddy.” He grinned. “I’m leaving her here, in your capable hands.”
“But what the hell’s the difference if you leave her in Durango or here with me?”
“Hawk, you’re not thinking,” Tanner chided him. “If I’d have left her in Durango, she’d have either contacted another hunter or set out on her own.” He shuddered. “I don’t even want to think about that. Out here, with you, she’s stuck. All she can do is ask you to drive her back to Durango.”
“Where she will promptly look up and hire another hunter,” Hawk pointed out.
“I know, but by then I’ll be way ahead of the pack, so to speak.”
Hawk shook his head as if in frustration. “And when you bring him in and hand him over to the law, you know damn well she will likely hand you a check for the original ten grand posted.”
“I know.” Tanner nodded. “And I don’t care. Hawk, it’s no longer the money. It’s Brianna and her safety.” He paused before continuing. “I’m attracted to her. Very attracted. It was there from the minute I opened my door and saw her standing there.”
A small smile tugged at Hawk’s lips. “That’s understandable. Brianna’s gorgeous and sexy as hell.”
“Tell me about it.” Tanner shook his head. “She had no sooner walked into my place and I wanted to swing her up into my arms and…well, never mind. I’m sure you can figure it out for yourself.”
“Sure.” Hawk nodded. “I’ve been there.”
“I have, too, but not like this,” Tanner admitted. “This is stronger than—” He broke off. “The point is, I couldn’t leave her in Durango and I can’t take her with me. This Minnich creep is a killer. He’s killed at least one woman, and the law suspects there’s more. If anything happened to her, if he got a chance to harm her in any way, I swear I’d go berserk.” He shuddered at the very idea of Brianna injured. “Hawk, I can’t take her with me. I can’t take that chance.”
Hawk nodded. “There’s the hunter I know and love like a brother. You had me a tad worried that you had slipped a cog.”
Tanner laughed. “Not to worry. Now let’s look at horses.”
Hawk paused at the second stall inside the stable. “We’re going to have to play it cool, you know?”
“Yeah.” Tanner nodded. “We can’t take a chance of her getting suspicious. Leave the lights on in here when we leave. I’ll bring her out to show her the horses we’ve chosen.”
“Show her the mare.” Hawk indicated the chocolate-brown horse in the third stall. “She would be the logical choice for a woman.”
In no time, Brianna had the kitchen spotless and went in search of her room, musing on the idea that Boyo obviously liked her, for he padded after her.
Finding the room easily, Bri stepped inside, and immediately wondered if Hawk had frequent visits from lady friends. The bedroom had definite feminine touches, including a vanity table and bench, the surface littered with an array of skin-care products, makeup and a silver-backed comb-and-brush set.
Along the back wall was a queen-size bed, set between two windows through which the last rays of sunlight shone. Crossing the room, Bri drew back a sheer curtain panel to stare out at the vista. A huge meadow spread out from the side of the house and along the foothills of the mountain. She was puzzled for a moment by a large, flat, whitish circle on the ground a good distance from the house.
Then realization dawned. The white circle was a helicopter pad, right there on the edge of the meadow.
How convenient, she thought, smiling as she turned away from the window. A chopper would come in very handy when snow blocked the roadways in the dead of winter.
She had to smile. Boyo had made himself comfortable and lay stretched out on the foot of the bed as if it were his right to do so. Deciding it probably was, she walked back across the room, sitting down at the vanity to gaze into the mirror. Her hair, drying now, twirled into its natural waves. Her face appeared pale and dull. Bri was considering whether to retrieve her makeup case when she heard the front door open, close again and Tanner call to her.
“Brianna, Hawk’s making a fresh pot of coffee. Do you want some?”
Sliding off the bench, she went to the door and called back, “Yes, I’ll be right there.” Glancing at the dog, she said, “You coming?” Boyo lifted his large head to give her a soulful look, then his head plopped back onto the mattress.
Guess not. A soft smile on her lips, she glanced again in the mirror, shrugged and left the room, thinking the hell with the hair and makeup. If Tanner and Hawk didn’t like her bare face and unruly waves, they could just get over it.
“I like your hair down like that,” Tanner said as she strolled into the kitchen. He grinned. “All kinda wild and loose around your face.”
Bri gave him a droll look. “Thank you.” Might as well admit to the truth, she thought, smiling back at him. “I didn’t bother to brush it.”
“You didn’t need to bother,” Hawk said, placing two steaming mugs on the table. Crossing to the countertop to retrieve the third, he tossed over his shoulder, “You’re among friends.”
“I would hope so, as it’s two to one here.” She calmly glanced from Hawk to Tanner. “Not that those are bad odds, you understand, or that I couldn’t handle the two of you. But it could get ugly.”
Silence for a moment. Then both men broke up with laughter.
“I like this gal’s style, Wolfe,” Hawk said between lingering chuckles. “She might even be able to handle you, maverick that you are.”
“I wouldn’t bet the ranch on it, ole buddy,” Tanner advised in a slow drawl.
Could she handle him? Bri asked herself hours later as she lay in the wide bed, staring at the diffuse moonlight shimmering on the ceiling through the sheer curtains. That same question had played games with her mind throughout the rest of the evening.
As soon as they had finished their coffee, Tanner had taken her to the stables to show her the horses Hawk had chosen for their use. Tanner’s mount was a big roan with a shiny dark-red coat. For Brianna he had picked a brown mare, smaller than the roan but with a sweet temperament. The minute Brianna stretched out her palm, the mare poked her head over the gate on the stall.
Pleased with Hawk’s selections, Bri introduced herself to the horses, talking softly to each as she stroked their noses and long necks in turn.
“I noticed from the bedroom window that Hawk has a helipad in the back pasture,” she said later as they walked back to the house. “Does he own and fly his own personal helicopter?”
“No. He has the pad because he’s alone out here most of the time. Although Hawk is a careful man by nature, accidents can always happen—to humans and animals. He installed the pad for convenience and for a quicker medical rescue response if needed.” He tossed her a grin. “But, though he has lived here for a long time, he put in the pad only after Cat began using the ranch for a vacation getaway when she needed some space to be herself, breathe fresh air, roam free on the grounds.”
“I see,” Bri said, but then shook her head. “No, I guess I don’t see. I can understand her wanting to visit her brother, but you said before she uses Hawk’s place for a hideout. From what?”
“From the city, the crowds, the polluted air. Also from the jerks who get their kicks by making cracks about her heritage.”
Anger flashed through her like a bolt of lightning. “I detest that sort of thing.”
“Hey, don’t attack me,” Tanner said in a calming tone. “I feel the same way. But, like it or not, I’m afraid there are still some Neanderthals screwing up society. Men like the animal who attacked your sister and raped and killed her friend.”
“I know.” Bri nodded, exhaling to release the anger. “I have to deal with the crude type occasionally in the library.”
“You work in a library?”
“Yes. I’m a research librarian at the University of Pennsylvania.”
“The men come on to you, make suggestive remarks?” His voice carried an edgy note.
Confused by the sudden sharpness of his tone, she gave him a quick glance. His expression was bland, but his eyes were cold. Now what was biting him?
“Well?” he prompted, his voice now as cold as his eyes. “What did the crude jerks say to you?”
“Oh, the usual.” She shrugged. “You know, juvenile things like, ‘Oh, I’ve found the ice-queen types are always the hottest.” ’
“Wonderful.” His lip curled. “How smooth. How very debonair.” He shook his head. “That line should have all the women falling on their backs for him. Stupid kids.”
Bri shot a droll look at him. “That particular line came from one of the professors.”
Tanner stared at her a moment, then laughed. “Some men never grow up, do they, no matter how smart and well-educated they are.”
“So it seems,” Bri agreed with him, smiling as they strolled toward the house.
When they reached the porch, he came to a stop, turning to face her, grasping her shoulders. “I guess I’m no smarter than the others.”
“What do you mean?” Her voice began to fade and her breathing grew erratic, strained, as he lowered his head to hers.
“Fool that I am,” he murmured, his lips barely a half inch from hers, “I’m going to kiss you, Brianna.”
“Yes…please…” Her voice was swallowed up inside his mouth.
Incredible. His mouth claiming hers was absolutely incredible. And exciting. His tongue slid inside, sweeping every nook, tangling with her own.
Bri curled her arms around his taut neck, moving her body closer to him, against him. His arms circled her waist, drawing her closer still. Something seemed to sizzle through every cell of her being as he ground into her, making her all too aware of his erection.
Good heavens! She had never been kissed like this. At the time she had believed Mr. Smooth and Charming had been good, but he was a novice compared to the man she was now clinging to as tightly as ivy clings to a brick wall.
She wanted to cry out in protest when he lifted his head. She swallowed to keep it inside. “That was some kiss,” she said, striving for normal, attaining something similar to a croak.
“Yeah, it felt like more.” Releasing her, he stepped back, shaking his head. “But I’m not that much of a fool…I hope.”
Bri didn’t know whether to feel insulted or flattered. She felt confused. Who wouldn’t be when a man called himself a fool for kissing her? Numb, she allowed him to lead her into the house.
From then on he was all business—except for the occasional brush of his arm or his hand against her. Bri had reached a point in her life where she believed there were no accidents. She knew his touches were deliberate.
But why? That was the question nagging at her tired and befuddled mind. Nevertheless, she and Tanner went through their gear, deciding, along with the occasional suggestion from Hawk and nose nudge from Boyo, what they should take.
Bri was relieved to learn they were taking a pack animal, which allowed her to take a few items more than the absolute essentials. One of those items was a bag of dark chocolate Hershey’s Kisses she had stashed in an inner pocket of her backpack.
“You can’t have any,” she murmured to the curious dog sniffing at the pack. She ruffled his wiry coat, lowering her head to whisper, “They can make you very sick, and that would make me very, very sad.”
The gear packed and ready for an early departure, Bri had excused herself and gone to her room, Boyo at her side. Once in the room, the dog again stretched out on the foot of the bed. Yawning, Bri curled under the plump comforter, as the night had grown much cooler.
Though it had been a long day, she couldn’t go to sleep. Her mind was restless, repeating the same thoughts over and over.
Could she handle Tanner Wolfe?
Did she want to?
Damned straight, she wanted to.
Tanner couldn’t sleep. Even with his eyes squeezed shut, an image of Brianna shimmered before him, teasing his mind, tormenting his libido. That kiss, that blazing, scorching kiss. Would he ever get the memory of it out of his mind, his senses?
“Damn,” he muttered, tossing aside the comforter to allow the chill night air to cool his overheated body. “Stop reacting like a damn fool nineteen-year-old kid,” he grumbled, shifting position. “You’ve got a job to do. Get your mind off the woman and onto controlling your imagination and your hormones. There’s a lot of money at stake here…if she even pays you more than the original ten thousand posted.”
That last animal-like growl silenced him. Money?
He hadn’t really given a thought to the money since explaining his situation to Hawk. When had the money become secondary? Secondary? Tanner’s now-overactive mind repeated. Secondary to what?
“Brianna.” He whispered her name like a prayer. Brianna. Her name echoed inside his head like a mantra. She was the most unlikely woman. A gun-toting librarian. A woman of privilege who knew how to shoot and ride and track. Not at all the type he normally consorted with, he reminded himself, let alone fell for.
Jesus. When had she become so important to him? Not simply her safety but her, the woman? The woman he wanted more than he had ever wanted any woman before.
In that instant he knew without a doubt he would spend the rest of his life hunting down that killer, if necessary. Not for the money, Tanner thought, deciding then and there not to accept any, but for Brianna, for her peace of mind.
He would do it even at the loss of his own peace of mind…not to mention his sanity.
Tanner knew Brianna would not be there when he returned to Durango. He knew, as well, that she would never want to see him again.
Still, he ached for her, ached to be with her in the most intimate way a man could be with a woman. Tanner pulled the comforter around his body, which was both shivering and burning for Brianna.
Damn. What was the matter with him?
Tanner snorted. As if he didn’t know. Still, he wouldn’t admit it, not even to himself.
A light tap and a murmured “Brianna” woke Bri. Frowning, her eyes barely open, she wondered why Hawk and not Tanner had come to wake her.
“I’m awake,” she muttered, raking her fingers through sleep-tangled hair. Other than a small night-light plugged into a wall socket, the room was dark, and she reached to the nightstand to switch on the light.
“Coffee’s fresh and hot.”
“Give me a couple of minutes.” Yawning, she tossed the cover back, grinning as Boyo lifted his large head, alert and apparently ready for anything.
“Hi, fella,” she said, ruffling his hair. “Go back to sleep, you don’t have to get up yet.”
Obviously Boyo wasn’t about to do any such thing as go to sleep. After stretching his legs, he jumped from the bed and padded to the door, waiting patiently until Bri opened it for him.
The hallway was well lighted, as was the living room beyond. Smiling, she wondered if Hawk had turned on every light in the house. That is, until she opened the bathroom door.
The bright sunlight filling the room jolted her like a shock. What the heck time was it? she asked herself, frowning as she entered the room. Hadn’t Tanner said he wanted to get an early start?
Puzzled, she nevertheless took a quick shower and ran back to the bedroom to look at the clock she hadn’t bothered to glance at before. The digital numbers flashed 8:45. Stunned, she pulled the heavy blackout drapes over the sheers aside, staring in disbelief at the blaze of sunlight pouring through the window.
Suspicion tickling the back of her mind, Bri quickly dressed, braided her hair and left the room, following the aroma of fresh coffee.
Hawk stood by the stove. Boyo had his nose buried in his food bowl. There was no sign of Tanner or the gear he had set by the door last night.
The tickle of suspicion expanded into certainty. “Where’s Tanner?” Her voice was cold, her stance stiff, her eyes narrowed.
“He’s gone…left about five,” he answered, warm compassion meeting her icy stare.
“Gone?” she repeated, voice rising an octave. “He left without me? That son of a—”
“Now, Brianna,” Hawk cut her off in a soft, calming tone. “Come have a cup of coffee and some breakfast and I’ll explain everything to you.”
Annoyance curdled her tone. “Don’t speak to me as if I were a child, Hawk.”
“I’m not,” he said, still soothingly calm. “I’m speaking to you as if you were an intelligent, mature adult. Now, please, come and sit down.”
Still stiff with outrage at the deceiving rat Tanner, she nevertheless moved into the kitchen and sat down at the table. What else could she do? Rant and rave? She could do that sitting down over coffee.
Mere moments after her bottom hit the chair seat, Hawk set a plate of bacon, scrambled eggs and toast in front of her, followed by a steaming mug of coffee.
She sat there looking at the food, only sipping her coffee. She was way too angry to eat.
“I know you’re angry,” Hawk said, taking a seat across from her, “and I suppose you have every right to be. But not eating isn’t going to solve a thing. Tell you what—you eat a little something, and I’ll explain Tanner’s reasons for leaving without you.”
“I already know his so-called reasons. He doesn’t want me, any woman or anyone else hunting with him…the rat.” Her voice dropped to a deeper, arrogant tone, mimicking Tanner’s. “‘Like it or not, I hunt alone.” ’
“Yep, that’s Tanner,” Hawk agreed, surprising her. “Well, now that we agree on that, suppose you attack your breakfast.”
Bri rolled her eyes. She drew a breath to tell him what to do with his breakfast, but in so doing got a whiff of the food, and her stomach growled. She gave in immediately.
To her surprise, Bri finished every morsel on her plate and every drop of coffee. Without being asked, Hawk refilled her mug.
“Thank you. Breakfast was delicious,” she said, taking a careful sip of the hot brew. “Now I’m ready to hear Tanner’s reasons for stranding me here.”
Hawk smiled. “First of all, Brianna, you’re not stranded. Second, he actually didn’t deceive you.”
Bri’s back went ramrod stiff. “What do you mean? He deserted me when he said he would take me with him.”
“And he did, in his way,” Hawk countered. “He took you out of Durango and brought you here.”
“That’s not funny.” She was getting steamed all over again. Suddenly her delicious breakfast lay heavy in her stomach. “He didn’t say he’d bring me here, dammit! He said he’d take me along hunting with him.”
Hawk was shaking his head. “He couldn’t, Brianna.”
“That’s ridiculous.” She glared at him. “He selected horses. Showed me the mare I was to ride. Stashed my gear next to his own by the door. And now you tell me he couldn’t take me. Why the hell not?”
Bri realized she was on the edge of losing it. She paused to breathe, calm herself down.
“He told me he could not—would not—expose you to the danger of possibly facing a killer.”
“And I told him I can take care of myself, and Tanner knows it.”
“I’m sure he does.” Hawk nodded. “But then, I’m also sure it makes no difference to him.” He gave her a gentle look. “Although I know Tanner’s feelings about hunting alone, there is more to it in this instance.”
“What?” Bri frowned. “What other reason, other than his pure, arrogant bullheadedness?”
Hawk sighed. “Your safety is important to him, Brianna. Very important.”
Bri felt a tiny flare deep inside. Could Hawk possibly mean that Tanner cared for her? Oh, she was aware of the physical attraction between them. All too aware. But could he feel something stronger than that?
The mere idea, the thought alone, caused excitement to dance along her nerve endings. Then she came to her senses, telling herself to grow up and face reality. Tanner didn’t care for her. He treated her the way he would any woman who wanted to hunt a killer.
But it was a lovely thought…for a moment.
Sighing softly, she lowered her head so Hawk couldn’t see the disappointment mirrored in her eyes.
“Okay,” he said, sliding his chair back and standing. “I’ll get these dishes cleared away and then I’ll drive you back to Durango.”
Bri snapped her head up. “I’m not going back to Durango,” she said with quiet determination.
“You want to wait here for Tanner to return?” He hurried on before she could reply. “Not that I mind, you understand, but—”
“No, Hawk, I’m going after him.”
“Alone?” Hawk stared at her. “Brianna, you should know it’s never smart or safe to hunt alone.” He shook his head. “This man is a killer.”
Bri blinked, shook her head. “No, no, I’m not going after Minnich. I’m going after Tanner.”
“It’s just as dangerous.”
“I’ll be careful,” she assured him.
“What if you get lost?”
Bri gave him a long look. “I do know how to blaze a trail, Hawk.”
“No buts,” she said, shaking her head again. “I am going. Will you give me the use of a horse? I’ll pay you the going rate.”
“No.” Flat, final.
Nothing could have made her reveal the hurt his refusal gave her. “Okay, I’ll trek.” She moved to rise, but Hawk held up a hand.

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