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My Private Detective
My Private Detective
My Private Detective
Rebecca Winters
Dana's in prison for a murder she didn't commit - and Heidi's determined to find out who did, determined to see Dana set free. But she has no idea how to go about it. Then, like the answer to a prayer, she meets Gideon Poletti, a San Diego homicide detective, who shows up at the school where Heidi teaches. He's there to give an adult education class in criminology. And he's doing it in her classroom.Not only is Gideon a celebrated detective, he's the most attractive man she's ever met. But she tells herself she doesn't have time for romance - her friend's very life is at stake! She joins Gideon's class to learn two things. Can he help her? And will he? To her relief and gratitude, he says yes to both.Their quest for justice uncovers a shocking truth, one Heidi could never have predicted. Nor could she have predicted that her "private" detective would fall as hard for her as she has for him!

“She didn’t kill Amy!” Heidi blurted
Tears sprang to her eyes. “Dana’s family lives next door to mine. We grew up like sisters. I know her as well as I know myself. She’s dying in that prison, Gideon.” Her voice trembled. “I’ve got to get her out of there or my life’s not going to be worth living, either.”
“Lord,” she heard him whisper.
“When I found out that a famous detective from San Diego’s homicide division was teaching a criminology course in my classroom, I considered it a godsend. That’s wh—”
“You don’t need to explain,” he interjected.
“You’ll never know how grateful I am that you let me join the class. I’ve already learned so much. I know vital evidence was overlooked in her case.” Heidi gazed up at Gideon. “The other night I phoned John Cobb, Dana’s attorney.”
“He’s one of the best around.”
She took a deep breath. “I hope you’re right, Gideon. He believes in Dana’s innocence, but he said that unless we come up with compelling new evidence, he wouldn’t be able to get the case reopened.”
“That’s because he knows how difficult it is.”
“But surely it’s not impossible….”
He reached out to squeeze her hand. “No. Nothing’s impossible if you want it badly enough.”
Dear Reader,
Recently I saw a documentary about a retired newspaper reporter who happened to be at a local library doing some genealogy and came across a twenty-year-old article about a murder that had been committed in the town where she lived. Being curious by nature, she made enquiries and found out the case was still open.
Intrigued, she started to dig around, talk to the police, interview people who knew the victim. Within a few months she’d solved the crime. There was a trial and the culprit was imprisoned.
When she was asked how she was able to do what no detective had managed to accomplish, she chuckled before answering. “I don’t know why. Perhaps it was a fresh eye, a new look at an old problem—the answer just seemed obvious to me.”
By the time the documentary was over, I had plotted My Private Detective, a romance novel in which a good cop, Gideon Poletti, brings a fresh eye to a closed murder case—only to fall madly in love with the convicted woman’s friend…who might know more than she’s telling.
Happy reading!
Rebecca Winters
P.S. If you have access to the Internet, I hope you’ll visit my Web site at http://www.rebeccawinters-author.com

My Private Detective
Rebecca Winters

My Private Detective


“MR. COBB REALLY TOLD YOU there’s nothing more he can do?”
Heidi Ellis felt her heart plunge as she stared at her best friend through the Plexiglas partition at Fielding Women’s Prison outside San Bernardino, California.
Dana Turner had always been a tall, dark-haired, vibrant beauty. But seven and a half months of confinement had already taken their toll.
Haunted by the pale, fragile-looking creature, who’d grown even thinner since her last visit, Heidi feared her friend wouldn’t last the year in this place, let alone thirty more. She was in prison for the murder of her sister—a murder she didn’t commit.
Heidi gripped the phone receiver more tightly. “I don’t believe that.”
“You have to,” Dana said in a dull voice. “He’s supposed to be one of the best criminal attorneys in Southern California. I’m resigned to the fact that this is my life from now on.”
“I’ll never be resigned to it!”
“You don’t have a choice. I told Mom and Dad the same thing. They’re so devastated that every time they see me, they age another year.”
That wasn’t surprising. They’d lost Amy, and now their older daughter was wrongfully incarcerated for her murder.
“I think it would be better if no one came to visit me anymore. It can only drag everyone down further than they already are.”
None of the Ellises—neither Heidi nor her parents—had been subpoenaed to testify at Dana’s trial. In fact, Dana had asked that they not attend. It had made Heidi feel so helpless. She still felt that way, but anger had begun to replace her fears.
“You know me better than that, Dana. I refuse to just sit by. There has to be a way to reopen your case and get it heard again. Someone else killed your sister. Whoever committed the crime is running around free while you’re…”
Her voice trailed off because she was afraid she’d dissolve in tears in front of Dana. That wasn’t going to help her friend. Taking a deep breath to compose herself, she said, “I’m not sure how to go about it, but I’m going to find a way to get you out of here, no matter what I have to do!”
Dana’s sweet smile tore Heidi’s heart to shreds. “I love you for being so loyal. But there’s a time to quit, and this is it.”
“No! As soon as I leave here, I’m going to call your lawyer and ask him exactly what I have to do in order to get the court to take another look at your case.”
Her friend shook her head sadly. “He’s worked tirelessly on my behalf. If he says it’s all over, then it is.”
“He’s only one person, Dana. No one’s infallible. I’m thinking of hiring someone else and starting from scratch. Dad’s attorney knows a trial lawyer in Los Angeles who has the same kind of reputation as Mr. Cobb. If your attorney can’t help, then I’m phoning this other attorney as soon as I get home this evening.”
Dana frowned. “Don’t you dare use your money to try to help me. You’d be throwing it away. I couldn’t bear that.”
“My mom and dad love you, too, Dana. They told me they want to contribute because they believe in your innocence. They’ve known you all your life!”
Dana’s lovely face crumpled, and she broke down sobbing.
“I’m going to get you out of here. As long as you’re behind these bars, I’ll never be happy again.”
“Don’t say that. You’ve got your own life to live.”
“What life would that be? We’re like sisters! When you bleed, so do I. You’d stand by me no matter what, so let’s not resume that discussion. When you go to sleep tonight, be assured that I’ve already made phone calls to get the process started.”
“You mustn’t ruin your life for me!” Dana cried, burying her face in her hands.
“That’s my decision. In fact, the sooner I leave here, the sooner you’ll be freed from this place. So I’ll say goodbye for now. The next time you see me, I’ll be bringing good news. Hold on, Dana. Just hold on.”
She replaced the receiver and stood up. Dana followed suit. They pressed their hands together against the glass. Her friend’s ravaged face was the last thing Heidi saw before she turned sharply away and left the building; the last thing she heard was the horrifying sound of doors locking behind her.
To some degree, Dana had always suffered from claustrophobia. Heidi could just imagine how much worse that condition had become since she’d been here. The prison doctor refused to give her medication for it. That was another injustice that needed to be corrected.
As soon as Heidi got into her car, she pulled out her cell phone and called her parents. Fortunately they were home. She asked them to call the Turners and find out Mr. Cobb’s home phone number, then call her back.
Halfway to San Diego, she heard from her father, who gave her the number. She phoned immediately, and it didn’t surprise her to get the attorney’s voice mail. On a late Sunday afternoon he could be anywhere.
“Mr. Cobb? This is Heidi Ellis, Dana’s friend. I’ve just been to the prison to visit her. She needs medication for her claustrophobia. Surely something can be done to help her with that. But more importantly, we’ve got to get her out.” Her voice trembled as she spoke.
“Dana doesn’t belong in there. She’s not going to last very long. I’d like to reopen the case. If you’d get back to me at home and tell me what has to be done to make that happen, I’d be very grateful.
“I’m going to be frank. If you feel you can’t do any more for her, please let me know so my family and I can retain another attorney.
“Please call me as soon as you can. I don’t care how late it is. Thank you very much.”
Heidi gave him the number at her apartment and ended the call.
It felt good to have done that much, but when she hadn’t heard from Mr. Cobb by the time she’d returned to San Diego, she was frantic.
Unable to concentrate, she drove to her parents’ home in Mission Bay. Decisions needed to be made as soon as possible. Every minute that passed drained more of the life out of her friend.

IT WAS TEN AFTER NINE Thursday night as Gideon Poletti approached the nursing station. “Can you tell me which room you’ve put Daniel Mcfarlane? He asked to see me.”
The registered nurse on the oncology wing at St. Anne’s looked up from a chart. “He’s in west-160. Please keep your visit short. He has surgery in the morning.”
“That’s what I heard.”
While he’d been following up a lead in a missing person case, Gideon had received a phone call from Ellen Mcfarlane. Her husband, Gideon’s former boss, was in the hospital with prostate cancer.
Last year everyone in local law enforcement had gone through a hard time accepting the retirement of the brilliant, shrewd head of the San Diego Homicide division. The city had lost a great warrior.
Though another qualified detective with years of service in every department had been installed to head the division, it would be impossible to fill the older man’s shoes.
Gideon had always been good friends with Daniel, both on and off the job. But the older man had made himself scarce since his retirement, and Gideon hadn’t seen him in several months.
Following the arrows to the west wing, he found the room in question. Ellen was at her husband’s bedside. For a man about to undergo surgery, Daniel appeared as vibrant as ever. Unlike a lot of men in their late sixties, he still had most of his dark hair, which was finely streaked with silver.
“Gideon!” He sat up in the bed. “I’m glad you could make it.”
“I came as soon as I could.”
He hugged Ellen, who excused herself so the two men could talk. Then Gideon shook Daniel’s hand before pulling up a chair next to the bed.
“I’m sorry to hear about your illness.”
“So am I.” The older man chuckled. “But the doc assures me the surgery’s routine and I’ll be my old self in no time. I’ve decided to believe him.”
“I believe it, too, Daniel. Now, what can I do for you?”
A sheepish expression crossed the older man’s face, something Gideon had never seen before. He had a premonition that his friend was about to ask him an unusual favor.
“If you can’t or don’t want to help me out, all you have to do is say so. It would mean some sacrifice on your par—”
“Daniel,” Gideon interrupted him. His curiosity had reached its peak. “What is it?”
“All right. As soon as I retired, I was besieged with requests for speaking engagements, teaching seminars, interviews, you name it. I was even offered a university position.”
Gideon nodded. “I can imagine.”
“I turned everything down because of a promise I made to my wife. We’ve spent most of this year traveling or vacationing at our cabin in Oregon.
“Then a few weeks ago I got a call from the local school district asking me to teach an adult community education class on criminology. My daughter, Kathie, is a teacher serving on that board, and she put them up to it. I think she’s worried that her old man’s missing the department.”
“I think she’s probably right.”
Daniel smiled. “Yes and no. I’m working on a book, which I’m enjoying very much. But I won’t lie to you. There are times I miss the old adrenaline rush.
“However, that’s not the point. Because of Kathie, I said I’d teach one class. The first session was last night. But this morning my doctor phoned the house with the results of some tests taken last week. He said he wanted me to come in and have the surgery immediately.”
Gideon could see where this was headed.
“Tomorrow night’s the next class. The spring quarter runs for six weeks, and the classes are on Wednesday and Friday evenings from seven to nine. If all goes well, I’ll be able to finish up the last six classes or so. But I need someone to fill in for me for the rest of April and part of May. You’re the man I want to take my place.”
“I’m not a teacher, Daniel.”
“Neither am I,” Daniel said with a grin. “All you’d have to do is pretend you’re investigating a murder. Proceed as if you were in charge of the crime scene. Just verbalize the steps so they’ll know what you’re thinking and doing. Emphasize forensics—the class is particularly interested in that. That’s it!”
“Not quite. I’m not the legendary Daniel Mcfarlane.”
Daniel ignored that comment. “Before you say no, Gideon, hear me out. My daughter’s built me up to be some kind of paragon, which I’m not. However I do know a man who is, and that’s you.”
“Come on,” Gideon scoffed.
“It’s the truth. The day you resigned from the NYPD to move to San Diego and join the force was our good fortune. Right from the start you were the officer who stood out from the rest. Over the years you’ve distinguished yourself again and again. The way you helped bring down that Russian Mafia ring last fall was damned impressive.”
“Don’t give me the credit, Daniel. My friend Max Calder is the one who deserves it.”
“I agree it was a team effort. Nevertheless, because of your undercover work with the FBI, the powers that be were considering you to take my place. But they don’t like to promote any detective to that position until he’s at least forty-five.”
By now Gideon was on his feet. “I would never want your old job. Not only could no one else ever measure up, Kevin needs me around on a regular basis. Serving on that special task force took a year out of my life and made it difficult to spend enough time with him. He’s been much happier since I went back on regular assignment.”
“That’s the beauty of this class. If it’s Kevin’s night for visitation, he could go with you and do his homework at the back of the room.”
Gideon grunted. “You’re a sly old fox, Mcfarlane. Go on. I’m still listening.”
“You’d be teaching ten mystery writers, most of them women.”
His wink didn’t fool Gideon, who’d been divorced for ten years now. Daniel had been after him to get married again. But Gideon had his own ideas about that. His ex-wife’s betrayal had caused a lot of damage.
Finding out he wasn’t Kevin’s biological father until Fay asked him for a divorce had killed something inside Gideon. Though he eventually started dating again, he was content with his bachelor status. His son meant everything to him.
“A couple of these writers are already published,” Daniel explained. “Several seem to be on the verge. Kathie’s counting on me, so I want the best detective on the force teaching this group. How about it?”
There was no way Gideon could turn Daniel down. They’d been friends and colleagues for too long.
“I tell you what,” Gideon said. “I’ll check with the sergeant to make certain I’m free on those nights. When he hears that you’re the reason for the request, I’m sure I won’t have a problem. The important thing is for you to get well.”
“Thanks, Gideon. They’re a nice group. Tomorrow night they’ll be bringing their latest ideas for a mystery. I gave them an assignment. They’ll each have two minutes—no more—to present a synopsis they’ve been working on. I told them I’d pick the one that intrigued me the most, and we’d start there.”
“Where’s the class?”
“Mesa Junior High in Mission Beach.”
“I was there last year for one of Kevin’s soccer games.”
“Just go to the main office a few minutes before seven. Larry Johnson runs the adult-education classes. He’ll have an attendance roll and room key.”
“All right. I’ll take care of it. Now I’d better leave. The nurse told me to make this brief. I think I’ve already overstayed my welcome.”
The older man smiled his thanks. “I owe you for this. Naturally you’ll be compensated.” He sighed in obvious relief. “You have no idea how much I appreciate this.”
Gideon knew. This class might seem a minor obligation to most people, but Daniel took his commitments seriously. So did Gideon.
He got to his feet and grasped Daniel’s shoulder firmly. “I’m glad to help out. Take care and mind the doctor. I’ll check back with you tomorrow.”
The two men shook hands once more, and then Gideon left the room. Daniel’s wife was coming down the hall.
“Don’t worry about anything, Ellen. I told him I’d take over his class until he’s on his feet again.”
“Bless you,” she murmured as they hugged goodbye. “Daniel thinks the world of you. He wouldn’t even consider anyone else.”
“That’s nice to hear. Your husband’s tough. He’ll pull through this and he’ll be better than ever.”
“I hope you’re right.”
“I know I am. I’ll call in the morning for an update.”
“Please do. His surgery is scheduled for 6:00 a.m.”
“Good. It’ll be over before you know it.”
Gideon left the hospital and headed for his house in Ocean Beach. En route he phoned his supervisor to see what could be arranged.
Since the divorce when Kevin was three, Wednesdays had been set aside for the boy’s midweek visitation with Gideon. The decree also allowed visitation every other weekend, every other holiday and six weeks every summer.
It had never been enough for Gideon, but Fay had remarried within months of their divorce. Because of her desire that Kevin bond with his new stepfather, she’d refused to deviate from the stipulations set by the court.
Not wanting to cause any more trauma to their son, Gideon had accepted the situation. He believed children needed their mothers. But now that Kevin was in eighth grade, he was begging to live with Gideon full-time.
Kevin didn’t dislike his stepfather, but he’d never developed any real affection for him. Of course, the boy loved his mother, but she and her husband were both busy stockbrokers. Kevin had been raised by a series of nannies until he started junior high. Then there’d been a string of baby-sitters.
That was the problem.
According to Gideon’s attorney, Kevin was now old enough to choose which parent he wanted to live with. But Fay would be impossible if Kevin moved in with Gideon. She would heap enough guilt on their son to traumatize him.
In the long run Gideon felt it was better to leave things as they were.
Gideon had explained all this to Kevin, who’d cried quietly, then clung to him, vowing that the day he turned eighteen he was going to come and live with his father.
They were father and son, no matter that Kevin’s biological father was some high-powered stockbroker from New York who had no idea he had a child.
Unbeknownst to Gideon, Fay had slept with her boss while she was engaged to Gideon. Afraid to tell him the truth, she’d passed the baby off as Gideon’s. After almost four years of marriage, she got involved with another stockbroker in San Diego and then asked Gideon for a divorce.
Though he’d known his wife was always striving for something he couldn’t seem to give her, he hadn’t realized she’d gone as far as to have an affair.
Shocked by her refusal to try to keep their marriage together through counseling, he sued for custody of Kevin. That was when he learned about her previous affair. A DNA test confirmed that Kevin wasn’t Gideon’s son.
When the judge heard the case, he decreed that Gideon was Kevin’s father in all the ways that mattered and granted him the most liberal visitation rights under the law.
Unless Fay softened, which would probably never happen, there was nothing to do but go on making the best of a situation Gideon would never have wished on an innocent child. He certainly wasn’t about to tell his son he was another man’s child. It wasn’t information Kevin needed to know. Gideon had consulted several counselors at the time of the divorce, and they all agreed.
There was a bright side to Daniel’s request for help. Gideon would take his suggestion and bring Kevin to class on the visitation nights. His son had always been curious about Gideon’s work. He could do his homework and listen at the same time. They’d have dinner either before class or after and make a special night of it.
Once school was out at the end of May, Kevin would be spending the first half of the summer with Gideon. This year they were going to vacation in Alaska for a couple of weeks and do some salmon fishing with Max and his wife, Gaby.
Since his marriage, Max had resigned from the FBI and was now a detective in the same division of the San Diego Police Department as Gideon. It was a little like the old days, when the two of them had been rookie cops together in New York. Only this was much better because those dark days of pain and lies were behind them both.
Fortunately Kevin had always been crazy about Max. Now he was equally crazy about Gaby, who was expecting a child in August. Already Gideon’s son had volunteered to baby-sit. Kevin’s happiness was all that mattered to Gideon these days.

BY FRIDAY MORNING Heidi had reached an all-time low. Mr. Cobb’s office had indicated that he was out of the country and wouldn’t return before Sunday night. On Thursday she’d taken a personal-leave day from school to spend time with her parents while they discussed what to do about Dana’s situation.
After much soul-searching, Heidi decided she’d have to wait until she could talk to Mr. Cobb before she asked her father to get hold of that other attorney. It was the only honorable thing to do. But it was hard to wait when she knew a week with no news was like a year to Dana.
When Heidi arrived at school on Friday morning, she felt emotionally exhausted. Without much enthusiasm, she went through the stack of mail and flyers that had accumulated in her teacher’s box over two days. After scanning each piece, she tossed most of them in the wastebasket, then hurried out of the main office to her room at the end of the west hall.
The first bell at Mesa Junior High in Mission Beach wouldn’t ring for half an hour. She breathed a sigh of relief to know she had thirty more minutes to get the room ready for class.
Six years of teaching had taught her to present new geography units to her ninth-graders on Thursdays. That way, the kids who thought the weekend started on Friday morning couldn’t use the excuse that they’d missed the initial presentation. But she’d had to make an exception and stay home yesterday because Dana’s problems had superceded anything else.
Now that fourth term of the school year had started, it was time to cover the Middle East, an area so foreign to most of her students they had no clue it wasn’t another neighborhood in San Diego.
Her classes included a pretty-equal mix of Asian, African-American, Hispanic and white students. Her goal was that by the time school was out, they could each, on a map of the world, place the oceans, continents, countries and major cities.
After she’d unlocked the door to her room, the first thing she noticed was the writing on the front board.
Rule 1. Never assume anything!
She frowned. The information she’d put on the board for the substitute had been erased. Why?
She glanced at her books and papers, which had been rearranged on top of her desk. That was odd. All the substitutes who’d ever taught for her had always left everything exactly as they’d found it.
Wondering what was going on, she rang the office, using the switch on the wall behind her desk. One of the secretaries answered.
“This is Sheila. What can I do for you?”
“Hi, Sheila. It’s Heidi. You wouldn’t happen to know who subbed for me yesterday, would you?”
“Yes. That huge teachers’ seminar in the district drained all the subs, so different teachers from our building took your classes on their free periods and let the kids do any homework they wanted. Is there a problem?”
“No, I was just surprised that my lesson plan was erased from the board.”
“That’s probably because the community school just started their adult classes. Mr. Johnson arranged the schedule. He’s put someone in your room on Wednesday and Friday nights from seven to eight-thirty. Just a sec and I’ll see who it is.
“Okay—found it. The teacher’s name is Mcfarlane. According to this, the class is an introduction to criminology.”
Her heart gave a strange thud.
“If you don’t want him in there, I’ll ask another teacher.”
“No! No—don’t do that!” Please, don’t do that. Maybe this is the answer to my prayers. “I’d forgotten about community school.” All the teachers had to take turns sharing their rooms.
“You’re sure it’s okay?”
“Mr. Johnson says that if any of you have complaints, you should put a note in his box and he’ll talk to the person. They’ve been told to leave the rooms exactly as they find them. If you’re missing anything, I’ll send a student aide with the supplies you need.”
“Thanks, Sheila, but I’m fine. I just had to make sure I didn’t have a bunch of gremlins in here.”
The other woman snorted inelegantly. “Sometimes adults are worse than the kids.”
They both chuckled, but in reality it wasn’t very funny.
“Sheila, will you ask one of your aides to get me a list of the teachers who watched my classes yesterday? I want to thank them.”
“Sure thing.”
“Talk to you later.”
She shut off the switch, then wrote an outline of the material to be covered in the Middle East unit on the board. But the entire time she was writing, her mind dwelled on the words she’d just erased.
Rule 1. Never assume anything!
Heidi’s thoughts went back to that excruciatingly painful day in late August when she’d learned the dreadful news. Based on circumstantial evidence, the jury had assumed Dana was guilty of first-degree murder. The judge gave her a thirty-year prison sentence for killing Amy.
Ever since Heidi had found out that her friend had been convicted of a crime she didn’t commit, the joy had gone out of her life. Many times since that day, Heidi had talked with Dana’s parents about getting the case reopened, but there’d been no new evidence. Mr. Cobb’s hands were tied. Now Dana herself had lost all hope.
Heidi couldn’t blame her or her parents for feeling so utterly defeated. That was why someone outside the Turner family had to pursue other avenues for them. Heidi was that person.
She frequently wished she was an attorney who had the legal know-how to begin an investigation of her own. She’d give anything to find evidence that would prove her friend’s innocence.
If that criminology class could be of any help at all…
By the time she realized how far her tortured thoughts had wandered, the second bell had rung, and the student-body officers had already started announcements over the PA system.
“Hi, everybody. We want to congratulate our girls’ volleyball team for their great win yesterday against Clairemont. Way to go, Mesa! Let’s all get out and support our girls next week for their big game against Torrey Pines.
“This next announcement concerns the social-studies service project scheduled for today. Those students whose last names start with A to M, will go this morning. The buses will be outside the building in fifteen meetings. Teachers, please take attendance. We’ll call the students down when it’s time to board.”
That announcement affected about a third of Heidi’s class. She’d already signed all their permission slips to help plant trees at a new senior citizens’ facility. Unfortunately she’d forgotten.
If truth be known, she’d forgotten a lot of things. After her talk with Dana last Sunday, she’d come back so weighed down with pain for her friend it had been difficult to concentrate or feel enthusiasm for anything.
After the announcements Heidi said, “Good morning, students. Those of you leaving on the bus will have just enough time to copy the material from the board. No one is exempt from tonight’s assignment, so let’s get busy.”
The class moaned, but they knew she meant business and settled down to work. All the while they were writing, Heidi’s mind was on her friend. No matter how many times she tried to put herself in Dana’s place, she couldn’t.
The more she thought about it, the more she felt it would be worth attending the night class in criminology that was being held in her room. At least it was a place to start, to ask questions. Heidi didn’t know how much longer she could stand to watch her friend waste away. Especially with the real murderer still out there.
Six hours later she locked the door to her room and hurried through the crowded halls to the community-education office. Larry Johnson’s secretary was still at her desk.
The other woman looked up and smiled. “Hello, stranger. Haven’t seen you since the Christmas party when you were with that medical student you were dating. I heard it was pretty serious.”
“I thought he might be the one, Carol, but it didn’t work out.”
Jeff Madsen hadn’t been able to handle Heidi’s preoccupation with Dana’s murder case. Maybe it was too much to ask of a man who was overwhelmed with studies and hospital rotations. In any event, the meaning went out of their relationship. He stopped calling as often. She stopped caring. One day she woke up and realized it was over.
“Well, you know what they say—you’re lucky to have escaped a situation that wasn’t meant to be. I went through your experience several times before I got married. Mark my words. Some terrific guy is still out there searching for you.”
“I hope.” The breakup with Jeff had taken its toll. But even worse was Dana’s imprisonment, which had robbed Heidi of any potential for happiness.
“With your looks, are you kidding?”
“It’s nice of you to say that, Carol.”
“I only speak the truth.” She sighed. “Okay. You must’ve had a reason to come in here when school’s already out for the day.”
Heidi nodded. “I’d like to sign up for the night class being held in my room.”
She rolled her eyes. “You and a thousand others.”
“We’ve got a genuine VIP teaching this term.”
“Sheila told me it was a Mr. Mcfarlane.”
“It’s the Daniel Mcfarlane. He retired last year as head of Homicide at the San Diego Police Department. The man has more commendations than a five-star general.
“His daughter’s on the community-ed board, so we were the only school in this city lucky enough to get him to teach a criminology class. It’s a one-time deal. Everyone’s been trying to get in.
“The bad news is, he stipulated ten people max. Those spots filled up within five minutes. Sorry.”

Heidi couldn’t believe how upset she was by the news. All day she’d been counting on being able to attend. The more she’d thought about it, the more she’d realized this was exactly what she needed if she wanted to learn how to investigate a crime.
According to Carol, it was the only criminology class being taught in the entire school district. She must have moaned aloud because the other woman said, “I wish I didn’t have to turn you down. However, I do have an idea…”
“I think I have the same idea, Carol, but it wouldn’t be fair to hang around in my room tonight on the pretext that I’ve got work to do.”
“Then just talk to him before class. Ask him if he’d consider letting in one more. You never know.”
Yes, she decided. That was exactly what she’d do. “You’re right. I’ll try it. Thanks.”
Back in her room, she cleaned the board and set up the chairs in a semicircle for the night class. Then she left school and hurried home to eat and get ready to come back.
At quarter after six, she pulled into the school’s parking lot and rushed into the building again.
She didn’t want Mr. Mcfarlane to know it was her classroom he was using, since she didn’t want to put any undue pressure on him. Her plan was to wait in the hall until he showed up. At that point she’d prevail on him to let her be part of his group. If he agreed, she’d tell him how she’d found out about the night class.
A few people had entered the building ahead of her. Heidi walked past the main office to the west wing but slowed down when she saw that her door was already open.
She checked her watch. The man was forty minutes early for his class. If he’d come ahead of time to prepare, he might not like being disturbed.
After a slight hesitation, she peered around the edge of the door. Her eyes widened in surprise as she saw a rugged-looking man in his midthirties writing something on the board. He had to be six foot two or three, with wavy dark-brown hair cut fairly short. The navy business suit, toned with a royal blue shirt, couldn’t disguise his hard-muscled physique.
Heidi found herself staring at him in fascination.
He couldn’t possibly be the retired investigator Carol had raved about.
Her spirits fell. An older man might be more malleable. Heidi didn’t know what to think about this stranger.
Maybe Mr. Mcfarlane couldn’t come tonight and had sent a substitute. In that case, it was possible his replacement wouldn’t let Heidi sit in on the class. Then again, he could simply be an assistant and Mr. Mcfarlane would arrive shortly. All she had to do was go in the room and her questions would be answered.
After another minute of watching him, she realized how embarrassing it would be if he happened to glance in the direction of the door and saw her eyeing him with such frank pleasure.
Gathering her courage, she walked in. When he looked over, she momentarily held her breath. Between thick dark lashes glowed a pair of brilliant blue eyes the same hue as his shirt. They swept over her in guarded male admiration.
“Hello,” they said simultaneously.
He smiled and put down the chalk. “Hi. I’m Detective Gideon Poletti.”
“I’m Heidi Ellis.”
His narrowed gaze wandered over her hair and face. It set her pulse racing. “Your name’s not on the list.”
“No. I came early to see if I could join the class,” she said, hating that she sounded out of breath. “I guess I’ll have to wait to speak to Mr. Mcfarlane.”
“He had surgery this morning and won’t be able to teach for at least a month.”
“Oh, no!” She bit her lip to prevent the tears that threatened the moment he’d said Mr. Mcfarlane wouldn’t be coming. She’d been counting on this opportunity to try to help Dana, long shot though it was. These days her emotions hovered near the surface. There was little she could do to hide them.
The detective eyed her with concern. “I can understand your disappointment. Daniel’s a legend in this part of the state. Unfortunately he needed to find a substitute and asked me to do the honors. I could never hope to fill his shoes, but you’re welcome to join the class.”
“Thank you,” she whispered. “Thank you very much. Please don’t think my reaction had anything to do with you personally. It’s just that I was hoping he’d let me in. And then when I realized someone else had come, I wasn’t sure, and—”
“You don’t have to worry,” he assured her before she could finish. “Welcome to the class.”
Grateful for his willingness to add her to the group, she shook the hand he extended. Hers became enveloped in a strong grip. Warmth spread through her body before he released it. She wondered if he’d experienced the same tingling sensation.
When he let her go, he said, “Take any seat in the semicircle. It looks like the teacher who’s here during the day went to the trouble of setting things up for this class. I’ll have to find a way to thank whoever it was.”
“You already have,” came her tremulous reply.
He blinked as realization dawned. “This is your room?”
“Guilty as charged. That’s how I learned about the criminology class. Mr. Mcfarlane left something written on the board Wednesday night.”
His lips twitched in amusement. “What did it say?”
“‘Rule 1. Never assume anything.’”
“That sounds like Dan.”
“You know him well?”
“He was my boss until his retirement last year.”
She couldn’t tear her eyes away from the intensity of his. “If he chose you to replace him, then it means this class is very fortunate.”
I’m very fortunate, she thought. Maybe you’ll be able to help me.
“I don’t follow.”
“Considering his reputation, I’m sure Mr. Mcfarlane wouldn’t have asked you to take over for him unless he thought you were the best.”
“That would be nice if it were true.”
The man’s charm was already working on her.
“Thanks again for allowing me to participate. I’ll pay at the community-ed office after class.”
“That’s fine.” He moved to her desk and handed her the attendance sheet. She noticed he didn’t wear a wedding ring. “Why don’t you add your name. Be sure to put a home phone number next to it, in case I need to get in touch with you. I’m not anticipating any emergencies, but you never know.”
Heidi took it from him. There were phone numbers written by the names of the other class members. It was ridiculous, but for just a moment she’d hoped he’d wanted hers for personal reasons.

GIDEON TURNED AND FINISHED writing information on the board. It was important he keep himself occupied until the rest of the class arrived. Otherwise he might be tempted to stare at the schoolteacher sitting only a few feet away.
There was only one word to describe her. Knockout. The woman was a knockout.
Short and curvy, she had gleaming red-gold hair to her shoulders and blue eyes that lightened or darkened depending on her emotions. He imagined that every boy lucky enough to be in her class had a terrible crush on her.
She was like the most scintillating ornament on the Christmas tree, the one that drew your gaze again and again.
They’d spoken only a few words, yet he already felt the impact of her personality and was excited by it. How many years had it been since he’d sensed a real connection to a woman on first meeting?
Her room was as exciting as she was. He liked the idea that this was her world. It told him a lot about her. Artifacts and posters from every continent had been mounted on the walls with a decorator’s flair.
Her furniture wasn’t standard school issue. She’d had this large mahogany desk brought in, along with a small brass desk lamp, a comfortable padded leather chair and an Oriental rug, of all things, in shades of deep blue and green.
There were several small potted trees surrounded by a dozen potted flowering plants. She’d created a setting of warmth and comfort. No schoolroom he’d ever sat in had looked like this.
It all appealed to him. She appealed to him. Without conscious thought he let his eyes wander to her hair, which seemed to have a life of its own.
She didn’t wear a wedding ring, which was surprising. Any woman as utterly feminine and desirable as she was should have been claimed by some fortunate man a long time ago. Maybe she was living with somebody, though.
Since the divorce, Gideon had been operating in deep-freeze mode where the opposite sex was concerned. It was shocking to discover he could be this affected by a five-foot-two female he would have to pick up in his arms in order to properly kiss.
“Ladies and gentlemen,” came a male voice over the PA system, jerking Gideon from private thoughts he hadn’t entertained in a long, long time. “I’m Larry Johnson, head of the adult-education program for the northern region. Welcome to Mesa Junior High. It’s seven o’clock, time for class to start.
“In case you’re having trouble finding your room, please stop by the community-ed office in the main foyer. We have maps of the building. There will be no bell rung for a break to use the rest rooms or get a drink of water. That will be at the discretion of each teacher.
“At eight-thirty a bell will ring to signal the end of the class. If you have business with the office, Carol Sargent, the secretary, will be here until nine. A reminder to teachers—please drop by the office with your attendance rolls before you leave the building tonight. Enjoy your evening.”
While Gideon had been lost in thought, the rest of the class had entered the room. When he turned around, he discovered that every chair in the semicircle had been taken.
Two men and eight women were looking at him with expectant expressions, waiting for an explanation. Nine women if you counted the attractive newcomer who seemed less carefree than the others. He couldn’t forget the disappointment in her eyes when he’d told her Daniel wouldn’t be teaching the class.
“Good evening. I’m Detective Poletti, but you can call me Gideon. I work for the Homicide division of the San Diego Police Department.
“I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I’m afraid Lieutenant Mcfarlane had to undergo emergency surgery this morning. His wife told me it went very well, and the doctor estimates he’ll be back teaching this class by mid-May at the latest. But for the time being, you’re stuck with me.”
He imagined he could hear their collective sigh of disappointment, even though they didn’t make a sound.
“No one understands more than I do how you feel about that announcement. When I left the New York City Police Department and moved here fourteen years ago, I was made a detective and assigned to Lieutenant Mcfarlane’s office.
“There aren’t many people in law enforcement who have his brilliance and instincts. His reputation for solving crimes is unequaled. I was lucky enough to work under him until he retired last year. With Daniel gone, I can tell you there’s a void in the department that will never be filled.
“Having said that, life has to go on. Daniel asked me if I’d teach this class until his return. I’m prepared to honor his wishes, but I won’t take it personally if you’d prefer to drop out and take the class again when he can be here.”
A hand shot up. It was the redhead’s.
“Yes, Ms. Ellis?”
“Heidi, please. This is my first night here, and I can’t speak for the others…but I don’t intend to drop this class. I’ve been looking forward to it.” The throb in her voice was echoed in her eyes.
The others sounded equally enthusiastic in their concurrence, but he hardly noticed because he was still reacting to her declaration.
Just as he had a few minutes ago, when she’d seemed almost desperate to join the class, he sensed an urgency behind her request that went beyond sheer interest. He wasn’t so egotistical that he believed she felt a personal attraction to him. That was no more than wishful thinking.
His instincts, which had been refined over years of detective work, were telling him she had something at stake here. That in itself intrigued him. He wanted to find out what she was after.
He also wanted to find out if she was involved with anyone.
After marking everyone present, he said, “Thank you for your faith in me. Daniel told me I’d like this class. I have to admit I’m looking forward to teaching you the fundamentals of solving a crime. I’ll probably enjoy it a lot more than you will, for the simple reason that for once, I won’t be dealing with a real homicide.”
At those words everyone laughed—except Heidi Ellis, who averted her eyes. Before Gideon went home tonight, he intended to discover what was going on inside her beautiful head.
“I understand that your assignment was to bring a synopsis of a mystery you’re planning to write. At the end of class I’ll collect them. Over the weekend, I’ll read through them and make comments before I pass them back.
“For now, why don’t you get them out and we’ll start the oral presentations. Two minutes each should be long enough to give the class an idea of your basic plot.
“I’ll refrain from making comments about your stories until everyone’s had an opportunity to speak. At that point, I’ll let you know which mystery I think we should pursue as a class. Mr. Riley?”
“Call me Bob.”
“Okay, Bob. I can see you’re ready to go. Let’s begin with you. Come up here so everyone can hear you.”
The other man lumbered to the front of the room. “My story is about a serial killer in Houston, Texas, who wants to get back at the female teacher who humiliated him in class.”
Startled by the unexpected beginning, Heidi glanced up, and her eyes happened to meet Gideon’s. They both smiled. It was a private moment, over within seconds, yet he’d felt a connection with her that was even stronger than before.
“His hatred is so great that later on in life, he gets a job as a painter for the Houston school board.
“This man now has the freedom to enter any public school at any time and case it without being suspected. He picks his opportunity, then strangles his victim, who is always a female teacher. His original teacher has long since retired, but he doesn’t care about that. Ten teachers are killed before he’s caught.”
Gideon’s eyes met Heidi’s once more, then he thanked Bob and asked the woman seated next to him, Nancy to come up and read her synopsis.
“I’m really nervous, you guys, so don’t laugh. My story is about two world-class skiers, a guy and a girl, training in Vail, Colorado. They’ve lived together for six months and share a room at the hotel where the American team is staying.
“But their relationship has been plagued by violent arguments. She accuses him of not being interested in her career and wanting all the fame for himself. He accuses her of sleeping around.
“One morning after completing their first run, they go up on the double chairlift to start the second. Halfway to the top of the mountain, she falls out of the chair. Steve is horrified but can’t do anything until he’s let off at the top so he can ski down to her.
“By the time he reaches her, she’s dead. There’s an inquest, and it’s determined that Steve pushed her to her death. He maintains that he’s innocent, that he was in love with her. But the facts suggest otherwise.”
Nancy looked at Gideon. “That’s all I have so far.”
“That’s fine. Next let’s hear from Patricia.”
“Call me Pat,” she said after taking Nancy’s place.
“This is my very first story, so it’s not really thought out the way the others have been. I want to write a novel about this nurse who kills people on life support because she thinks she’s doing them a favor.
“I’m a nurse, so I feel comfortable about writing a murder mystery set in a hospital. There are a lot of suspects, including this one doctor she’s in love with and…”

HEIDI SAT THROUGH the next fifteen minutes of scenarios, still warmed by the detective’s smile. She’d thought him attractive the moment she’d caught sight of him from the hallway. But the amusement reflected in his face and eyes had made him totally irresistible—the kind of man you rarely met in real life. The chances of his being single and unattached were a million to one, she thought with resignation.
“Heidi?” He called on her last. “If you’re a writer, perhaps you’d like to share an idea for a mystery novel with the class.”
She lifted her head. Again she found herself gazing into eyes as blue as the ocean after the sun has burned off the haze.
Afraid it would sound suspicious if she stood up and gave a perfect outline of Dana’s case without the aid of notes, she said, “I wasn’t here for the first class to get the assignment. So if it’s all right, I’ll bring a synopsis next week.”
No one needed to know she wasn’t a writer. She figured that most, if not all, of the people in this room held a job and did writing in their spare time. For the next while she preferred to stay in the background; she’d wait to see what comments he’d make about her synopsis once she’d handed it in next Wednesday.
She hated any delay, but she was afraid to talk to him about Dana’s case so soon. After all, this was the detective’s first night teaching the class. She couldn’t risk alienating him right off the bat by asking for preferential treatment, not when an opportunity like this had finally come her way.
The detective eyed her for a moment, as if pondering her response. Then he got out of his chair to stand in front of them, legs slightly apart. Heidi tried not to be aware of his arresting masculinity, but it was impossible.
“Every story I heard would make a fascinating mystery, but I’m not an editor. My job is to turn you into professional sleuths in ten easy lessons—at least in your imaginations.” He flashed the class a quick smile that made Heidi’s heart falter briefly.
“On Wednesday night you learned that you must never assume anything. After hearing from everyone this evening, you can see why. Although we knew who the culprit was in all but one of the stories—Nancy’s—our minds were busy conceiving of any number of suspects who would’ve been capable of committing the crime. No doubt many of you would’ve chosen another character to be the culprit.”
Heidi nodded with the class. That was exactly what she’d done.
“How many of you have ever eaten a pastry called a Napoleon?”
Several hands went up, including Heidi’s.
“The French call them mille feuilles. A thousand leaves. The pastry is made up of many layers. A mystery is like that. As soon as you expose one layer, you find another, then another. Leaf by leaf, you carefully examine what you find.
“You subject the crime scene to thorough analysis. You follow up on every lead. You never leave a question unanswered, even if it takes you months, years or in some cases, all your life.”
Heidi shivered. He’d just zeroed in on her thoughts. Even if it took the rest of her life, she would never stop doing everything she could to see her friend go free.
“If some small point nags at you,” the detective continued, “you listen to your intuition and rethink it, rework it, until you’ve satisfied your curiosity.
“When I’m called to a crime scene, I try to keep an open mind, no matter how strongly I might be persuaded that a certain suspect has to be guilty because of circumstantial evidence.
“Consider Nancy’s story about the skier who was blamed for pushing his girlfriend to her death. We weren’t given a lot of information, yet based on the fact that he was sitting next to her, he had opportunity. We know he was jealous, so he certainly had motive.
“I don’t know how Nancy plans to finish her story, but by the time this class is through, she’ll understand what goes on at a crime scene. Armed with that information, I’m betting she’ll have come up with any number of alternative explanations.
“The victim might have been on drugs and fallen by accident. Or she could have decided to commit suicide—for any of a number of reasons. She might have hated her boyfriend enough to kill herself and hope he got blamed for it.
“Maybe she was pregnant with another skier’s baby and didn’t want her coach to know because he’d throw her off the team. Maybe she was pregnant with her boyfriend’s baby and didn’t want him to know. Or maybe she was afraid that if he knew, he’d insist she give up skiing.
“Possibly she jumped intending to kill the baby but not herself. Then again, maybe the bar holding the skiers in the chair gave way, and it was an accident, pure and simple. Especially if there was enough wind to make the chair sway and send her plunging before her boyfriend could prevent it.”
“I love that explanation!” Nancy cried out.
While everyone laughed and began a lively discussion of which version they felt she should use, Heidi thought back to Dana’s case. According to Dr. Turner, the prosecuting attorney had called it an open-and-shut case. A question of sibling rivalry that turned to jealousy, then murder.
But listening to Detective Poletti suggesting one possibility after another for the fictional skier’s death underscored Heidi’s belief that the police had overlooked something vital in Dana’s case. Something that would point to the real killer.
“Before I tell you which of your stories I’ve picked for the class to analyze, I’m going to pass out a packet detailing a homicide that happened in San Francisco a few years ago.
“This case will be your textbook. Inside is an incident report, crime-scene evidence reports, coroner’s report and a press report revealing the arrests made after a two-month investigation. Go ahead and look through it. Then you’re free to get up and stretch or use the washrooms at either end of the hall. We’ll reconvene in five minutes.”
Only the man named Tom left the room. The others immersed themselves in the information the detective had distributed. Heidi glanced through the pages, but her mind was still on Dana.
How she wished it was her friend’s case they were studying!
As soon as Tom was back, the teacher asked each of them to make one observation about what they’d read. Everyone said the same thing. They had no idea so much evidence could be gathered at a crime scene.
The detective nodded. “Perhaps now you’ll understand why many criminal cases fail to stand up in court. If the investigating officers overlook a piece of vital evidence, or if someone purposely or unwittingly disturbs the crime scene and tampers with the evidence before a team of experts can get in there, crucial bits of information are lost.
“It’s unfortunate that, on occasion, the police themselves have been accused of tainting or even planting evidence, but we’re not going to get into that in this class.
“Okay, let’s proceed to the mystery we’ll be examining. We’ll assume the crime scene is untouched and waiting for Mesa Junior High’s detectives to begin their investigation.”
A ripple of excitement swept through the room.
Heidi hadn’t met Mr. Mcfarlane, but she couldn’t imagine him enthralling the class the way Detective Poletti had. The man possessed so much genuine charm and charisma, everyone was mesmerized.
In fact, she couldn’t think of another man who exuded such confidence and intelligence without being at all overbearing. As she looked around, she realized the men, as well as the women, were captivated by his personality and easygoing manner.
“Emily Deerborn? I’ve chosen your synopsis.”
Everyone clapped for the beaming older woman and told her how lucky she was that her story had been the one selected.
The detective said, “Why don’t we ask Heidi to read it for us this time? When she’s finished, someone tell the class why I decided this was a good mystery for us to study.”
Heidi already knew why. Or at least she thought she knew. After she’d done her part, she sat down. At that point several hands went up, but their answers weren’t what he was looking for. Heidi raised hers.
His gaze swerved in her direction. “What’s your guess, Heidi?”
“A lot of the other stories dealt with motives that would have to be explored by interviewing suspects and witnesses alike. This story involved a poisoning carried out by four culprits. That means there’s an unusual amount of physical evidence that will have to be gathered in order for all four to be arrested in the end.”
Something flickered in the depths of his eyes. “I couldn’t have said it better myself. Emily has presented a case in which forensics will play a vital role. Daniel told me you signed up for this class to learn more about forensic science.”
Just as everyone nodded and made comments, the bell rang.
He glanced at his watch. “It’s time to go. Here’s your assignment.”
They all opened their notebooks and started writing.
“Over the weekend I want you to put on your detective hats. You’ll be writing up Emily’s incident report. I’ll start you off.
“It’s a Tuesday morning. You’ve been called to the scene of a possible homicide. You enter the office building with another detective and find two police officers, as well as two paramedics, already there, along with one witness who works in that office.
“Said witness came to work and discovered her boss slumped over the desk, so she called 911.
“With that scene in mind, list as many things as you can think of that need to be done on the spot. Use the textbook case I gave you to help make your list. Wednesday, we’ll put everything on the board and go from there.
“As you leave the room, please put your synopsis on the desk. Make sure your name’s on it.”
The class members got out of their seats and clustered around Detective Poletti. When he went into the hall, they followed, bombarding him with questions. Heidi hurriedly rearranged the desks for Monday morning.
She would have erased the board where he’d written his name and an outline of the class, but he came back inside and did it for her.
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” His eyes were smiling and alive. “What else can I do for you?”
“Not a thing. I’m ready to go. I need to pay my fee for the class before the secretary goes home.”
“Since I have to hand in the attendance roll, I’ll walk with you.”
He waited while she turned out lights and locked the door, then they started down the hall. Her awareness of him made it difficult to act naturally.
Jeff had been a much shorter man with an average build. Detective Poletti’s tall, well-honed frame was a revelation.
The last thing she wanted was to act like some of the other women in the class who’d already made their attraction to him obvious.
“You weren’t a detective in another life, were you?” he asked.
She chuckled softly without looking at him. “No. It just seemed to me that in a poisoning case, a lot of forensic work would be required in order to determine the culprit.”
“I’ll bet no one gets away with much in your geography class,” he teased.
“You’d be surprised. Kids come smarter and smarter these days.”
“You’re right,” he murmured. “Especially on the streets.”
Heidi turned her head to look up at him. “Was it a lot different in New York than here?”
“No. Gangs are everywhere.”
“I know. It’s a tragic situation that seems to be getting worse.”
He followed her into the community-ed office.
“Hi!” Carol greeted them, but her gaze rested on the man who’d just handed her the roll.
“Hi, Carol.” Heidi vied for the secretary’s attention.
“How much do I owe for the class? Detective Poletti was kind enough to let me sign up.” She opened her purse and reached for her checkbook.
“Make it out to Community School for a hundred dollars.”
“That’s all?”
The detective’s mouth curved upward. “Didn’t you know that law-enforcement officers, like teachers, aren’t in it for the money?”
“It isn’t fair. Considering all the times you’ll have to drive to our school, you’ll end up spending most of your teaching fee on gas alone.”
It was his turn to chuckle. “I’m not worried about it, but I appreciate your concern.” Their eyes met. Her pulse began to race when she realized that he seemed to be waiting for her.
After writing out the check, she handed it to Carol. “Thanks. See you later.”
“Good-night,” Carol said as they left the office and headed for the doors that led to the north parking lot.
He held one open for her. “Where’s your car?”
“Right ahead of us in the faculty parking area.”
“Before you leave, I’d like to know if you’re a writer, too.”
“No. I don’t have the patience.”
“Nor I. Under the circumstances, don’t worry about coming up with a mystery synopsis for the class.”
Now she understood why he hadn’t walked off yet. Again she’d hoped it had been for a more personal reason.
“Actually, I-I’d like to write one.” I need your input in Dana’s case. “If the others think I’m working on a book, then I won’t stand out. Besides, I don’t want anyone to believe you’re giving me preferential treatment because I missed Wednesday night or because you’re using my room.”
His face broke into a smile. “Well, then, I’ll expect a masterpiece.”
She knew he was teasing her, but it was hard to think of Dana’s case in that light. “Now you’ve made me nervous.”
Just then, several mothers she knew came out of the building and waved to her. Heidi could see the speculation in their eyes as they glanced at the handsome man standing beside her. She waved, trying to pretend she didn’t know what was going through their minds.
Afraid the detective might think she was lingering because of him, she said, “It’s getting late, so I’ll say good-night. Thanks again for letting me join the class.”
“My pleasure. See you next Wednesday.”
She hurried toward her car, aware of a weakness in her legs that made her thankful she didn’t have to walk far. By the time she got behind the wheel, he’d disappeared in the crowd of adults leaving the building.
Just as well she couldn’t see him. It was patently ridiculous to fantasize about a man who was probably married or living with someone. Her only concern should be to get everything she could out of this class. What she learned would teach her how to start looking for hidden evidence that could lead to a reopening of Dana’s case. At the very least, it should help her evaluate any private detective she might decide to hire.
But putting her new teacher out of her mind was easier said than done. By Sunday afternoon, she was still struggling to suppress thoughts of Detective Gideon Poletti as she wrote the synopsis and did the homework he’d assigned.
She was beginning to suspect he’d taken up permanent residence in her mind.

GIDEON TOSSED THE FRISBEE one last time, and a gust of wind blew it off course. The green plastic disc sailed over Kevin’s blond head and would have disappeared into the surf if it hadn’t been for Pokey.
“Good dog!” Kevin cried as the frisky beagle leaped in the air to catch it in time.
“Let’s go home.”
“Not yet, Dad!”
“We have to. You promised to get your homework done before I drive you back to your mom’s. She made a special concession, letting you spend this weekend with me because of my birthday.”
“I know. That means I won’t be able to sleep over next Saturday or Sunday.”
“True, but I still get you Friday night. Now you’ve only got one hour left. Beat you to the house!”
His ranch-style home was located two blocks from the ocean with easy access to the beach from a nearby side street.
He took off on a run. When he looked over his shoulder, Kevin wasn’t far behind. Pokey kept up with him. Though the dog stayed at Gideon’s, he adored Kevin and clearly rejoiced in the time they spent together.
Fay refused to have an animal in the house. No amount of pleading on Kevin’s part could change her mind. But like everything else about the situation, he and his son had learned to adapt.
Between Gideon and his housekeeper, Martha, who came in every weekday afternoon for an hour to clean and prepare meals, Pokey’s needs were met and he had the run of the house.
A few minutes later Kevin hauled his math book from his backpack and sat at the family-room table to start his homework. Gideon went in search of the synopses he’d brought home and joined his son. Pokey lay on the floor between them.
Kevin eyed the papers with curiosity. “What are you doing, Dad?”
“Homework. Just like you.”
He laughed. “Come on.”
“It’s true. You’re looking at the new criminology teacher for the district’s adult-education program.”
“Are you kidding me?”
“Nope. I have eleven students who signed up for community school.” One of them is probably the most terrific-looking female I’ve ever met in my life. And the most puzzling.
“I didn’t know that.”
“How could you? Daniel Mcfarlane underwent emergency surgery on Friday morning and asked me to take over his class.”
“What happened to him?”
“He has cancer, but I understand the operation took care of the problem. With some chemotherapy, he’ll be fine.”
“That’s good.” His son’s voice trailed off. “Hey, Dad…do your students listen to you and everything?”
Gideon laughed. “So far I haven’t had a problem.”
“Is it fun to teach?”
“As a matter of fact, it is.”
“How long are you going to be their teacher?”
“I’m not sure. Possibly till mid-May.”
“That long?” Kevin cried. “When’s your class?” Any change in Gideon’s routine upset his son if it wasn’t handled carefully.
“Wednesday and Friday nights.”
Kevin’s face fell. “But those are our nights together! Is that the reason you couldn’t come and get me until late on Friday?”
“Yes. But I’ve been thinking about that. How would you like to come to class and watch me teach?” Gideon asked before his son could jump to the wrong conclusion. “You can get your homework done at the same time. We’ll have dinner at the Jolly Roger first, and go for ice cream after.”
“You’d let me come?”
“Of course.”
The tears that were threatening disappeared.
“I realize this changes the way we’ll spend Wednesday and Friday nights for a while. But I couldn’t say no to Daniel when he asked me this favor, could I?”
“No, I guess not. Can I bring Pokey?”
“Do they let you have dogs at school?” Gideon countered.
Kevin let out a deep sigh. “No.”
“I tell you what. On Wednesdays I’ll get off duty early and pick you up at school. We’ll go to the park or the beach and play with Pokey until we have to leave for my class. How does that sound?”
“Okay, but what about Fridays?”
“I can’t get off early on Friday. But since we have the whole weekend together every other week, you can still come with me. We’ll have a late dinner after class on those nights.”
“How come Daniel had to ask you?”
Kevin, Kevin. “I think you already know the answer to that question.”
He lowered his head. “Yeah. He’s a good friend. I just wish Mom would let me live—”
“We’ve been over this ground before, son. And it’s not like we won’t be together. Besides, this will give you a chance to find out what I do for a living.”
“I already know,” the boy said glumly.
Kevin was going through a stage of worrying constantly that Gideon might get killed on the job. It was one of the fears family members harbored when a parent worked in law enforcement. But Gideon had assured his fourteen-year-old that being a detective was safer than being a street cop. Still, anxiety remained.
“Do you want to hear my students’ stories?” Gideon decided a little distraction right now was more important than insisting that Kevin finish his homework. His son could do that back at Fay’s.
“What stories?”
“My students are mystery writers.” Except for one, who had an entirely different motive for attending the class. Heidi Ellis presented a mystery in her own right. One that wanted solving…
“Mystery writers?”
“That’s right. They want to learn how to write what happens at the scene of a crime from a detective’s point of view. I’ll take them through the procedure step by step.”
“That ought to be interesting.”
The light had returned to his son’s eyes. Thank God.

AT ELEVEN ON SUNDAY NIGHT, Heidi finished correcting her students’ homework and reviewing her own and prepared for bed. While she was brushing her teeth, her phone rang.
Hoping against hope, she rinsed her mouth, then dashed into the bedroom to answer it. Caller ID was blocked.
“Hello?” she said anxiously.
“Ms. Ellis? John Cobb here.”
Filled with relief, she sank onto the edge of her bed.
“Thanks for calling me back. I know you’ve been out of town and I hate to bother you at home, but I’m desperate to help Dana. She’s barely hanging on.”
“I got your message earlier today and I’ve already made a call to her doctor and to the judge. We’ll get an order to the prison so the doctor there will give her the medication she needs.”
“Oh, thank you,” Heidi breathed.
“Let me assure you that I’m as eager as you are for some new evidence in this case so I can take it to the district attorney.”
She gripped the phone more tightly. “That’s why I’m calling. I’m going to get that evidence!”
There was a brief silence on his end. “It would have to be compelling. Ron Jenke, the prosecuting attorney, has a formidable reputation for winning cases. What he presented appeared to the jury to be an airtight case. Since you and I know Dana’s not guilty, that means we need a whole new approach to her case.
“Unfortunately the private detective the Turners retained after the trial never came up with anything I could use. He’s given up.”
“I know,” Heidi murmured. “When I visited Dana last Sunday, she told me there was no hope. But I told her she was wrong and promised that the next time she saw me, I’d have something good to report.” Visits to inmates had to be applied for weeks ahead. Even though Heidi knew there’d be Sundays when she couldn’t go, she’d already made application for six months’ worth of Sunday visits.
“Ms. Ellis, I’m sure you’re aware that her case will require the best criminal investigator around. He needs to be someone who’ll look at it in a completely fresh way. Someone who won’t be intimidated by Jenke or persuaded by the evidence that put Dana behind bars in the first place.
“There are investigators like that, but it’s hard to find them, let alone convince them to take a case that’s already been settled.”
Since the class, Gideon Poletti’s image had never left her mind. “I-I’ve found someone who’s a detective’s detective. Given a little more time, I may be able to persuade him to take Dana’s case.”
“Good for you! I’ll work with you any way I can. We’ll pray for a different outcome. Dana’s an innocent woman.”
“She is. I won’t rest until she’s back home. Under the circumstances, my parents and I would like to formally retain you as our attorney to help Dana. We’ll let the Turners know what we’re doing. They’re so deep in despair right now, maybe this will give them some hope.”
“They’re more fortunate than they know to have someone like you on their side.”
“Dana and I grew up next door to each other, Mr. Cobb. I’m an only child and I couldn’t love a sister more than I love her. As for my parents, they love her like a daughter. No matter how long it takes, I’ll fight to get her out of prison.”
“Be assured I’ll do everything in my power to help make that happen. Call me when you’re ready to meet.”
“Thank you very much. Expect a retainer in the mail in the next few days.”
“Let’s not worry about that right now, Ms. Ellis. Good luck. I’ll look forward to hearing from you soon.”
Heidi hung up, more convinced than ever that a man with a reputation like Daniel Mcfarlane’s would’ve made sure he sent the best detective in the business to replace him.
If Detective Poletti couldn’t come up with new evidence, no one could.
But Mr. Cobb had hit on one major problem. Her teacher was a human being with a personal life and a career that might make it impossible for him to take on Dana’s case.
As Heidi saw it, she’d have to make him care about her friend. The way to do that was to be certain her synopsis was the masterpiece he’d alluded to.

“DAD, THERE’S MAX!” Kevin started waving.
Gideon turned his head in time to see his closest friend walk through the crowded dining room of the Jolly Roger. Their friendship went back eighteen years or more. Gideon could honestly say he’d never seen Max this happy. Marriage had transformed him. The news that he was going to be a father soon kept a perpetual smile on his face.
“Hey, Kev, how’s it going?” The tall, dark-haired man patted Kevin’s shoulder before sitting down in the booth next to him.
“Great! Where’s Gaby?”
“She had to attend a seminar after work.”
“Heck,” Kevin muttered.
Gideon grinned. “So, lonely old you took us up on our invitation. I guess we’re better than nothing.”
Max grinned back. The guy was crazy in love with his wife, Gideon mused for the thousandth time.
At twenty-two, Gideon had fallen for Fay. He’d thought she’d loved him, too. But the affair she’d had during their engagement, plus the other affair after their marriage, had destroyed that belief.
He’d had several serious relationships with women since his divorce. But something had always prevented him from proposing. It wasn’t only the trust factor. Now that he’d turned thirty-seven, he realized he’d been waiting for his soul mate all along.
Someone who spoke to him, body, mind and soul.
Instantly an image of Heidi Ellis filled his head. She’d been making an appearance there more often than not since last Friday night. Just the prospect of seeing her in a little while practically doubled his pulse rate.
“Did I tell you Gaby saw the doctor last week and we’re having quadruplets?” he teased.
Gideon nodded.
“Dad! Hey, Dad—”
“What is it, son?”
Both Max and Kevin broke into laughter. Gideon looked at the two of them. “What’s wrong?”
Max turned to Kevin. “How long has your dad been like this?”
“Since last Friday.”
“What happened last Friday?”
“Daniel Mcfarlane had to have an operation, so he asked Dad to teach his criminology class at Mesa Junior High. That’s where we’re going after we eat. It’s a bunch of mystery writers who signed up for adult education.”
“Is that right?”
“Yeah. He read me their stories. Most of them are pretty weird.”
Gideon saw the gleam in Max’s eyes and knew exactly what he was thinking before he spoke.
“Mystery writers, eh? My guess is, most of them are women.”
“Two are men,” Kevin volunteered.
“I liked the one about the mummy that was discovered in the basement of this museum in New York. But it smelled, so they unwrapped it and found a corpse. The person had only been dead for about a week and—”
“Kevin, let’s change the subject. The waitress is bringing our orders as we speak.”
While their hamburgers and shakes were being served, Max’s shoulders shook in silent laughter.
“Why didn’t you pick that story, Dad?” Kevin asked after taking a huge bite of his burger. “It’s a lot better than the one about those call girls who poisoned the brownies.”
At this point Max let out a burst of laughter. “I think I’m going to have to come to class with you.”
By now Gideon was chuckling.
“Dad? A call girl’s a prostitute, right?”
“Yeah, Dad…” Max baited him gleefully.
“You’ll learn everything you need to know in class.”
“Chicken,” Max said under his breath.
“I’ll remind you of this moment when your son or daughter starts asking questions one day.”
“I can hardly wait.” Max was no longer joking, and the emotion in his voice said it all. The man was counting the hours until he could hold his own child in his arms. Gideon glanced at his son. Thank God for Kevin.
“So, tell me more about your students.”
“Dad says most of them are older ladies.”
Kevin’s running commentary was getting Gideon into deeper water by the second.
“They’re a happy, enthusiastic group of people.”
“Which one isn’t older?” Max asked dryly before filling his mouth with fries.
“Kevin? Would you mind telling our waitress to bring us some more water?”
The second he got up, Max said, “Who is she?”
“It’s a moot point if she’s already taken.”
“But you’re interested.”
“Maybe, hell! Is she married?”
“What’s she like?”
“She’s…” Gideon swallowed hard. “A candle flame in the darkness,” he said softly. He didn’t know where those words came from; he wasn’t usually given to poetic statements. But somehow this was exactly what he meant—what he felt.
Max straightened in his chair. “Good Lord.” All amusement had left his expression. “You sound like me when I first met Gabriella. Come on. I want a total description here.”
“Her name is Heidi Ellis. She’s a flaming redhead with blue eyes. Stands about five-two. Fantastic figure. Depending on her emotions, she’s cute, beautiful, adorable, sexy and…”
“And what?”
“I don’t know the rest. She’s a geography teacher, not a writer. In fact, the class is being held in her room. But I know that’s not the reason she was on the verge of tears when she thought I might not let her into Dan’s class. I sensed all kinds of undercur—”
“The waitress said she’d be right over.” Kevin interrupted, resuming his place.
Max looked at him. “Hey, Kev, what are you going to do while your dad’s teaching?”
“Homework,” Gideon answered for him. “He can listen while he works.”
The waitress came over to refresh their water, then left the bill in front of Gideon.
“That sounds pretty good,” Max said as soon as she’d left.
“I guess. But I wish Daniel had asked someone else to teach his class for him,” Kevin muttered.
Invisible messages passed between Max and Gideon.
“Look at it this way, Kev. Besides the fact that he’s helping out a friend, most kids don’t get to see their parents at work. At least you can hear about some of the things your father has to do on the job. You’ll probably learn a lot, even while you’re working on your science and math. I think you’re lucky.”
“I know. Your dad died when you were seven.”
“Both my parents died. I would’ve given anything to have my father around at your age. Just to be with him while he did his work would have meant a lot.”
Kevin nodded. “I’m sorry they died.”
Gideon could always count on Max, who was sensitive to Kevin’s insecurities and knew how to talk to him.
“So am I, but it was all a long time ago.” After draining his water glass, he glanced at his watch, then at Gideon. “I’ll take that.” He reached for the bill, but Gideon was too fast for him and grabbed it away.
“We invited you, remember? We’re glad you could make it, aren’t we, Kevin?”
“Heck, yeah.”
“Give our love to Gaby.”
Max smiled. “Don’t worry.” After getting to his feet, he said, “I’ll see you at the office in the morning. We’ll continue our conversation.”
Gideon nodded to his friend in silent understanding. Concentrating on his milk shake, Kevin waved as Max walked away.
“Ready to go, Kevin?”
“Hold it. I’m almost finished.”
While he gulped down the rest of his shake, Gideon’s thoughts flew to the night ahead, wondering what it would bring. He could hardly wait to find out.

HEIDI DIDN’T WANT Detective Poletti to think she was being forward by arriving for class early, so she waited until the last minute before walking into the room. Everyone else was already seated.
She was disappointed to discover that their teacher was nowhere in sight. Maybe he’d had a work emergency and Mr. Johnson had opened the door for them.
As she took the only seat left, which was next to the woman named Nancy, she noticed a cute blond boy about the age of her eighth-or ninth-graders seated a few rows behind the semicircle of desks. Obviously one of the students had brought his or her son along.
He had materials and books on his desk, but his attention darted around the room as he eyed the displays.
Nancy, who looked thirtyish, turned her head toward Heidi. “Isn’t this a great class?”
“To be honest,” she whispered, “I’m glad the other teacher couldn’t make it. This guy’s gorgeous, don’t you think?”
“He’s very attractive, I agree.”
“We’ve all been wondering if he’s married. Do you happen to know?” she asked as the subject of their conversation suddenly walked into the room, closing the door behind him.
Tonight he was dressed in tan chinos toned with a dark-brown turtleneck and blazer—almost the color of his hair. He flashed everyone the smile Heidi had found so heart-stopping the last time the class had met.
“Good evening. What a punctual crowd! Before we get started, let me introduce my son, Kevin, who’s seated behind you.”
While everyone else turned around, Heidi lowered her head, fighting not to react to that unexpected revelation.
Nancy now had the answer to her question. So did Heidi.
She drew in a deep breath, acknowledging to herself that it was better to know the truth before any more time went by. With a class full of women who were open in their admiration of him, he’d probably brought his son to make the statement that he was unavailable.
“Because of the nature of my work, he can’t go to the office with his dad.” His comment produced chuckles. “We both thought the next best thing would be for him to sit in on this class so he can learn along with you.
“I let him read all your synopses so he’d understand what we did in class last week. For what it’s worth, Lillian, he thought your mummy story was really cool.”
A hand shot up.
“Yes, Jackie?”
“Lillian’s the only one of us published in book-length fiction. Your son has discerning taste.”
The enthusiastic group agreed with her.
Even from the distance separating them, Heidi could see the way the boy’s eyes lit up.
“Did you hear that, Kevin? You picked a story that’ll probably turn out to be another bestseller.”
“With your help, Detective Poletti, I’m planning on it,” Lillian said in obvious delight.
He flashed the class a quick smile. “In that case, let’s get busy. First, I’m curious to find out how well you did your homework. After that, I’ll return your synopses. We’ll follow up with a five-minute break at eight. Then we’ll hear a mystery scenario from Heidi before I give you your assignment for Friday.”
Embarrassed, Heidi forced herself to look anywhere except at the man who held their class in thrall.
The next hour was illuminating. Just as they were all feeling pleased by his praise of their crime-scene workups, he showed the class why he was the expert.
Standing at the chalkboard, Detective Poletti proceeded to change, embellish and add to their pitiful efforts, explaining all the while. He did it with a speed and clarity that took her breath.
By the time he’d finished, the class sat there in stunned silence. He’d filled two blackboards with onsite procedures they’d never even considered, despite the textbook murder case he’d prepared for them as a guide.
“Don’t bother to copy this down. While I pass back your stories, Kevin’s going to give you a handout of what I put on the board so you can study it at home.” He motioned to his son.
“You’ll notice when you get your synopses that I’ve made a few suggestions for crime-scene procedures. Combined with the handout you’re receiving, you ought to be able to create a credible list that’ll add authenticity to your novels.”
Heidi found herself wishing she had a copy of the crime-scene report that had been written the night of Amy’s murder. Something told her it would pale in comparison to what she could see written on her blackboards. The detail, the number of procedures, the orderly exploration of evidence—she doubted the real crime-scene report was a fraction as thorough as this fictional one. First thing in the morning she intended to phone John Cobb’s office to get what information she could.
Deep in thought, she didn’t realize the boy had already started giving them the handouts. Everyone tried to engage him in conversation. Judging from his answers, he was embarrassed by all the attention. A pretty typical reaction for a boy his age.
“Thank you, Kevin.”
“You’re welcome.”
“You must be proud of your father.”
“I am.”
“Are you going to be a police officer one day?”
“Where’d you get your blond hair?”
“My mom.”
“What grade are you in?”
“Where do you go to school?”
“Oakdale Middle School.”
Heidi listened to the litany of questions that would have driven any of her own students crazy, too. He wasn’t a baby, but they were treating him like one. He showed remarkable poise by answering them, despite his obvious reluctance.
As he drew closer, she darted him a brief glance. He was a cute boy, but she couldn’t really see any resemblance to his attractive father. Sometimes that happened.
Dana, for instance, didn’t look like her parents nearly as much as Amy had. But Amy’s jealousy over Dana’s beauty and popularity had poisoned her soul long before someone had murdered her. That someone wasn’t Dana!
When it came Heidi’s turn, she thanked Kevin for the handout, remembering what he’d said about attending Oakdale Middle School. It was only a few miles from Mesa Junior High. That meant the Poletti family lived in Mission Beach.
None of it mattered of course. The fact that the detective’s residence was close to Heidi’s workplace should mean nothing to her.
Gideon Poletti was a professional. So if she was going to ask for his help, she needed to do it on a professional basis—and forget the way he made her heart pound.
He had a wife and child, for heaven’s sake! For all she knew, there were more children at home.
Disturbed by her preoccupation with him, she opened her notebook and took out her synopsis. As he left the room with his son, she immersed herself in Dana’s case. It was vital she make a compelling presentation. This was her one chance to capture the detective’s interest. Since he might recognize the case, she decided she’d better use real names.

AFTER THEY’D BEEN to the drinking fountain down the hall, Gideon walked Kevin back to class.
“What do you think so far?”
“It’s pretty interesting. But can we please leave right at eight-thirty?”
“That’s when the class is over.”
“I know. But all those women are just like mom. They love to gab and they never know when to stop.
Promise you won’t let them?”
Gideon laughed. “It’s a deal.”
When they’d returned to the room, his students were back in their seats. He’d made eye contact with Heidi Ellis several times throughout the first hour, but she’d always looked away first. Such intriguing behavior had dominated his thoughts all evening.
Pleased to have reached this point in the class, he leveled his glance in her direction. Her head was lowered; she seemed to be studying her notes. Not for the first time did his breath catch at the sight of all that flaming hair splayed over her shoulders.
“Heidi? If you’re ready, we’ll hear from you now.”
As she got up from her desk, it was hard for him to pretend dispassionate interest. Her curves were particularly appealing in the short-sleeved black sweater and tailored, gray wool pants.
She cleared her throat. “Dana Turner, twenty-five, is slowly dying in her cell. She’s been imprisoned for the murder of her younger sister, Amy, nineteen, a murder Dana didn’t commit. She’s just learned that another detective hired by her parents after the trial has given up on her case for lack of new evidence.”
The tremor in her voice alerted Gideon that this was no fabrication. Why did the name Turner ring a bell?
“Her attorney believes in her innocence, but he’s told her there’s nothing more he can do unless dramatic evidence should surface, warranting a new trial.
“The police incident report stated that when Amy’s parents returned home from a dinner and discovered Amy’s bedroom on fire, they dragged their daughter’s unconscious body into the hall. She was pronounced dead by the paramedics who’d arrived soon after.
“Evidence of a physical struggle between the sisters before the fire was attested to in court. There were corresponding scratches and bruises on their bodies. Traces of Amy’s hair and skin were found on a ring and under the fingernails of Dana Turner.
“Combined with her fingerprints on the gas can in the Turners’ garage, this allowed the prosecuting attorney to convince the jury that Dana killed her sister in cold blood by knocking her unconscious. After Dana set her bedroom on fire, Amy was overcome by smoke inhalation and died.”
Heidi paused to put the paper on the desk in front of Gideon. To the class she said, “T-that’s all I have because I don’t know the ending yet.”
Judging by the silence in the room as she took her seat, her emotional presentation had made an impact on everyone. Their response when they did begin to comment suggested she had a winning story there.
Gideon got to his feet. “Thank you for your synopsis, Heidi.”
When he said her name, her head swerved in his direction. Their eyes met, and they held that same imploring expression he’d seen last Friday. He could sense all kinds of tension coming from her.
“I’ll read it and get it back to you in our next class with some comments.”
“Thank you.” The words were whispered.
He had to forcibly look away from her before he could gather his thoughts.
“We’re going to need Emily’s input before I can give you tonight’s assignment. You can stay at your seat to do this, Emily. Will you describe the office where the body was found in your story? Be particular. Do it slowly so everyone can get down all the facts.”
When Emily had given them a detailed picture, he said, “Good. Now that we can see the room in our minds, this is your assignment. Make as many trips through the office as necessary to come up with a list for getting forensic evidence—taking photographs, fingerprint testing and so on. I’ll come up with a similar list.
“On Friday I’ll ask you to share yours before I pass out a copy of mine. The writer whose list comes closest to mine will receive a prize.”
A burst of approval resounded in the room, and then the bell rang.
“Let me remind you again of Daniel Mcfarlane’s rule—Never assume anything.”
“We won’t!” most of them replied.
To his surprise he saw Heidi slip out the door. Clearly she’d decided not to stay and straighten the room. He guessed that, for some reason, she’d wanted to get away from him.
There was nothing Gideon would have liked more than to run after her, but Kevin’s presence ruled out that desire.
“Let’s go, Dad.”
“Help me turn the desks around first.”
Together they made quick work of it. Gideon grabbed his things, and once he’d turned off the lights and locked up, they were off.
“I’ll turn in the attendance roll for you,” Kevin said.
“Thanks. Meet me at the car.”
Gideon rushed outside, hoping to talk to Heidi for a moment before she left the faculty parking lot. Unfortunately, her Audi was nowhere to be found.
Since she’d made it impossible to get an answer to the questions nagging him, he’d go to the one source who would know if the name Turner held particular significance. Daniel Mcfarlane.
After he took Kevin back to his mother’s, he’d swing by Daniel’s house. His mentor had come home from the hospital on Monday; according to his wife, he was feeling good and craving a report on the class.
“Dad? How come that writer didn’t tell us how her mystery ended? Don’t you have to know the end so you can plant clues?”
When did Kevin get so smart?
“Heidi Ellis isn’t a writer,” he said. “She’s a geography teacher. That’s her classroom we’re using.”
“Hmm. She’s got some interesting pictures on the back wall.” He turned his head in Gideon’s direction.
“Do you think she gets her hair dyed?”
Stifling his laughter, he said, “I don’t think it’s possible to manufacture that shade of red, do you?”
“I guess not. She’s good-looking for a teacher.”
She’s good-looking, period, sport. Take it from a man who knows.
“But if she’s got a son with red hair, I feel sorry for him.”
“How come? You wouldn’t look half bad with that color,” Gideon teased.
“No, thanks!”
“So how did the homework go?”
“I finished it.”
“Good for you.” Gideon made a right turn and drove halfway down the street before he stopped in front of the house. “Here we are. Your mom’s left the porch light on for you.”
“I wish I could sleep over with you and Pokey.”
“So do I.” He leaned across the seat to give his boy a hug. “I’ll see you on Friday at six-thirty sharp.”
Kevin clung to him. “Love you, Dad.”
“I love you, too, son. Have a good day tomorrow.”
Saying good-night to his son was always wrenching. Gideon watched until Kevin was safely in the house, then headed for Daniel’s home in Del Mar Heights.
Twenty minutes later Ellen showed him into the house. He found Daniel lying on the couch in his study watching TV. To Gideon’s relief, the operation didn’t seem to have set his friend back much. He hoped the chemo wouldn’t be too hard on Daniel.
“Gideon! What took you so long?”
He smiled at Daniel as he sat down in the over-stuffed chair next to him. “I think you’re a fake. You don’t look or act like someone who just got out of the hospital.”
“I feel good.”
“He says that now that you’re here, Gideon. Can I bring you some iced tea or a cup of coffee?”
“Iced tea sounds wonderful. Thanks, Ellen.”
“What about you?” she asked her husband.
“Nothing for me, honey.” When she left, he said, “Tell me how the class is going.”
“I have to admit I’m enjoying it more than I would’ve imagined. They’re a smart group. So far, they’ve picked up on everything, and they do their homework with an enthusiasm you wouldn’t believe. I guess that’s what being a writer is all about.”
“Good!” Daniel sighed. “I knew it was asking a lot of you to take over for me. I have to tell you I’m delighted to hear you’re not ready to give up yet.”
“Far from it.” Heidi Ellis’s emotional rendering continued to bother him. He reached into his pocket for her synopsis and handed it to Daniel.
“A new woman joined the class on Friday night. She’s not really a writer, but she insisted on doing a synopsis, anyway. I want you to take a look at it.”

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