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The Tycoon's Rebel Bride / The Billionaire's Unexpected Heir: The Tycoon's Rebel Bride
Kathie DeNosky
Maya Banks
The Tycoon’s Rebel Bride Maya Banks Tycoon Theron Anetakis had only one problem – and she just walked through his door. Isabella Caplan didn’t intend letting the executor of her father’s estate arrange a marriage for her to another man! She had pined for Theron long enough. Now it was time to seduce her hot-blooded hotel tycoon and bring him to one bended knee. The Billionaire’s Unexpected Heir Kathie DeNosky Becoming the owner of Hickory Hills thoroughbred farm had not been in billionaire Jake Garnier’s plans. Becoming a father was even more unimaginable. But his new business came with one Heather McGwire, manager…and mother to Jake’s secret baby. Jake couldn’t walk away. Marriage seemed the only solution.

The Tycoon’s Rebel Bride by Maya Banks
He didn’t know it yet, but her trip was a thing of the past.
In a distinctly masculine scrawl, he’d written his instructions for her to come to his office the next morning.

An amused smile curved her lips. As arrogant as she remembered. Theron had only got more gorgeous over the last few years. While she’d been waiting to grow up so she could stake her claim, he’d only become more desirable. More irresistible.

It wouldn’t be easy. She didn’t imagine he’d fall readily into her arms. The Anetakis brothers were hard. They could have any woman they wanted. They were ruthless in business, but they were also loyal.

She’d made her decision already.

The trip to Europe was off. Her seduction of Theron was on.
The Billionaire’s Unexpected Heir by Kathie DeNosky
From the desk of Emerald Larson, owner and CEO of Emerald, Inc
To: My personal assistant, Luther Freemont
Re: My grandson Jake Garnier
Within a few days, my grandson Jake will be arriving in Louisville, Kentucky, and settling in at the Hickory Hills thoroughbred farm. During the search to find the Garnier siblings, my team of investigators discovered that Jake has a six- month-old daughter he knows nothing about. The baby’s mother, Heather McGwire, manages the farm, and Jake is not going to be happy that we failed to immediately disclose that information. I expect you to intercept his calls until he works this out on his own. He’s more like his father than any of my other grandsons, so this will be a true test for Jake. We’ll see if he accepts the responsibilities of fatherhood, or runs from them the way his father did.

As always, keep me informed of the progress. And it goes without saying, I rely on your complete discretion in this matter.

Emerald Larson

The Tycoon’s Rebel Bride

Maya Banks
The Billionaire’s Unexpected Heir

Kathie DeNosky

www.millsandboon.co.uk (http://www.millsandboon.co.uk)

The Tycoon’s Rebel Bride

Maya Banks

Dear Reader,
How often in life do we think we’re on course, know exactly what we want and are taking steps to achieve that goal? There’s comfort and security in knowing just where you’re headed. But what if you got there and realised it wasn’t where you wanted to be after all?

This is the issue that Theron Anetakis struggles with in The Tycoon’s Rebel Bride. He’s ready to settle down, start a family, have a peaceful companionship with the woman he’s chosen. That is until Isabella Caplan bursts into his well-ordered existence with the force of an F5 tornado.
She manages to upend his world, but worse, she makes him question what it is he truly wants. And she teaches him the most important lesson of all: to go after what you want and never settle for less.

I hope you enjoy Bella and Theron’s story as much I loved writing it. Their story is fraught with excitement and emotion, but most important, a deep and abiding love. It’s my hope you’ll sigh along with me as they find their path to happily ever after.

Maya Banks
MAYA BANKS has loved romances from a very (very) early age and, almost from the start, she dreamed of writing them as well. In her teens, she filled countless notebooks with overdramatic stories of love and passion. Today her stories are only slightly less dramatic, but no less romantic.
She lives in Texas with her husband and three children and wouldn’t contemplate living anywhere other than the South. When she’s not writing, she’s usually hunting, fishing or playing poker. She loves to hear from readers and she can be found online at either www.mayabanks. com or www.writemindedblog.com, or you can e-mail her at maya@mayabanks.com.
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To Fatin and Ali, two terrific ladies I am very privileged to know and call friends

Chapter One
Theron Anetakis sifted through the mountain of paperwork his secretary had left on his desk for him to read, muttering expletives as he tossed letters left and right. Occasionally one would garner more than a brief glance and then he’d shove it to a separate pile of things requiring his attention. Others, he consigned to the trash can by his feet.
His takeover of the New York offices of Anetakis International hadn’t been without its pitfalls. After the discovery that one of the staff members had been selling Anetakis hotel plans to a competitor, Theron and his brothers had cleaned house, hiring new staff. The culprit, Chrysander’s former personal assistant, was behind bars after a plea bargain. They had been leery of replacing her and allowing another employee unfettered access to sensitive company information, but in the end, Theron had opted to bring in his secretary from the London office. She was older, stable and most importantly, loyal. Though after the debacle with Roslyn, none of the Anetakis brothers were keen to trust another employee implicitly.
Theron’s arrival from London had been met by a pile of documents, contracts, messages and e-mails. Two days later, he was still trying to make sense of the mess. And to think his secretary had already weeded out the majority of the clutter.
He paused over one letter addressed to Chrysander and almost tossed it as junk mail, but yanked it back into his line of vision when he saw what it said. His brow furrowed deeper as he scanned the page, and stretched out his other hand for the phone.
Uncaring of the time difference, or that he would probably wake Chrysander, he punched in the number and waited impatiently for the call to go through. He spared a brief moment of guilt that he would also be disturbing Marley, Chrysander’s wife, but hopefully he would pick up the phone before it wakened her.
“This better be damn good,” Chrysander growled in a sleepy voice.
Theron didn’t waste time with pleasantries. “Who the hell is Isabella?” he demanded.
“Isabella?” There was no doubt as to the confusion in Chrysander’s voice. “You’re calling me at this hour to ask me about a woman?”
“Tell me…” Theron shook his head. No, Chrysander wouldn’t be unfaithful to Marley. Whatever this woman was to Chrysander, it must have been before he met Marley. “Just tell me what I need to know in order to get rid of her,” Theron said impatiently. “I’ve a letter here informing you of her progress, whatever the hell that means, and that she’s graduated successfully.” Theron’s lips thinned in disgust. “Theos, Chrysander. Isn’t she a bit young for you to have been involved with?”
Chrysander exploded in a torrent of Greek, and Theron held the phone from his ear until the storm calmed.
“I do not like your implication, little brother,” Chrysander said in an icy voice. “I am married. Of course I am not involved with this Isabella.” And then Theron heard Chrysander’s sharp intake of breath. “Bella. Of course,” he murmured. “I’m not thinking clearly at this hour of the night.”
“And I repeat, who is this Bella?” Theron asked, his patience running out.
“Caplan. Isabella Caplan. Surely you remember, Theron.”
“Little Isabella?” Theron asked in surprise. He hadn’t remembered her at all until Chrysander mentioned her last name. An image of a gangly, preteen girl with ponytails and braces shot to mind. He’d seen her a few times since, but he honestly couldn’t conjure an image. He remembered her being shy and unassuming, always trying to fade into the background. She’d been at his parents’ funeral, but he’d been too consumed with grief to pay attention to the young woman. How old would she have been then?
Chrysander chuckled. “She’s not so little anymore. She will have just graduated. Was doing quite well. Intelligent girl.”
“But why are you getting a report on her?” Theron asked. “For God’s sake, I thought she might be a former mistress, and the last thing I wanted was her causing trouble for Marley.”
“While your devotion to my wife is commendable, it’s hardly necessary,” Chrysander said dryly. Then he sighed. “Our obligation to Bella had temporarily slipped my mind. My focus of late has been on Marley and our child.”
“What obligation?” Theron asked sharply. “And why haven’t I heard of this before?”
“Our fathers were longtime friends and business partners. Her father extracted a promise from our father that if anything should ever happen to him that Isabella would be looked after. Our father preceded her father in death, so I assumed responsibility for her welfare when her father also passed away.”
“Then you should know that, according to this letter, she’s arriving in New York two days from now,” Theron said.
Chrysander cursed. “I can’t leave Marley right now.”
“Of course you can’t,” Theron said impatiently. “I’ll take care of it. But I need details. The last thing you need right now is to be saddled with another concern. New York is my responsibility. I’ll count this as yet another problem I’ve inherited when we traded offices.”
“Bella won’t be any problem. She’s a sweet girl. All you need to do is help her settle her affairs and make sure her needs are provided for. She doesn’t gain full control of her inheritance until she’s twenty-five or she marries, whichever happens first, so in the meantime Anetakis International acts as the trustee. As you are now the New York representative of Anetakis, that makes you her guardian of sorts.”
Theron groaned. “I knew I should have bloody well made Piers take over the New York office.”
Chrysander laughed. “This will be a piece of cake, little brother. It shouldn’t take you long at all to make sure she’s settled and has everything she needs.”

Isabella Caplan had no sooner made it past the airport security checkpoint when she saw a man in a chauffeur’s uniform holding a sign with her name on it.
She held up a hand in a wave and made her way over. To her surprise, two other men stepped forward to flank her. Her confusion must have showed because the chauffeur smiled and said, “Welcome to New York, Ms. Caplan. I’m Henry, your driver for today, and these gentlemen are from Mr. Anetakis’s security detail.”
“Uh, hi,” she said.
“I’ve arranged for someone to collect your luggage from baggage claim,” Henry said as he herded her toward the exit. “It will be delivered to the hotel shortly.”
Outside, one of the security men held the limousine door open for her then got in after her, while the second climbed into the front seat with Henry. Privacy wasn’t in the cards, and what she really wanted to do was wilt all over her seat.
Isabella leaned back as the limousine pulled away from the passenger pickup area en route to Imperial Park, the hotel owned by the Anetakis brothers. Chrysander had arranged a suite anytime she visited New York, not that it had occurred often.
This trip had been planned as nothing more than a brief stopover on her way to Europe, a fact she’d apprised Chrysander of in her correspondence. All of that had changed the minute she’d received a terse missive from Theron Anetakis informing her that he was now overseeing her affairs, and he would meet briefly with her in New York to make sure she had everything she needed for her trip abroad.
He didn’t know it yet, but her trip was a thing of the past. She was going to stay in New York…indefinitely.
The limousine pulled up in front of the hotel and ground smoothly to a halt. Her door opened, and the security guard who’d ridden in front extended his hand to assist her out. Once inside the lobby, she was ushered immediately to her suite, bypassing the front desk altogether.
Within ten minutes, her luggage was delivered to her room along with a bouquet of flowers and a basket filled with an assortment of snacks and fruits.
If that wasn’t enough, just as she settled onto the couch to kick off her shoes and catch her breath, another knock sounded. Grumbling under her breath, she went to open the door and found another hotel employee standing there. He extended a smooth, cream-colored envelope.
“A message from Mr. Anetakis.”
She raised an eyebrow. “Which Mr. Anetakis?”
The young man looked discomfited. “Theron.”
She smiled, thanked him and then closed the door. She turned the envelope over and lightly ran her finger over the inscription on the front. Isabella Caplan. Had he written it himself?
Experiencing a moment of silliness, she brought the paper to her nose, hoping to catch his smell. There. Light but undeniably his scent. She remembered it as though it were yesterday. He obviously still wore the same cologne.
She broke open the seal and pulled the card from the envelope. In a distinctly masculine scrawl, he’d written his instructions for her to come to his office the next morning.
An amused smile curved her lips. As arrogant as she remembered. Summoning her like a wayward child. At least Chrysander had dropped by her suite to check in on her. But then she’d been a mere eighteen, and he’d also provided a veritable nanny to chaperone her for her visit to the city.
She’d be more than happy to meet Theron on his terms. It would make it that more satisfying to rock him back on his heels. The basis for her big trip to Europe had been solely because that was where Theron lived. Or had lived. When Chrysander married, he and his wife moved to his Greek island on a permanent basis. Which meant that Theron had moved a lot closer to Isabella. Finally.
The trip to Europe was off. Her seduction of Theron was on.
She sank onto the couch and put her feet up on the coffee table. Vibrant red toenail polish flashed in front of her as she wiggled her toes. The delicate ankle bracelet flashed and shimmered with the movement of her foot.
Theron had only gotten more gorgeous over the last few years. He’d lost the youthful handsomeness and replaced it with raw masculinity. While she’d been waiting to grow up so she could stake her claim, he’d only become more desirable. More irresistible. And she’d only fallen more in love with him.
It wouldn’t be easy. She didn’t imagine he’d fall readily into her arms. The Anetakis brothers were hard. They could have any woman they wanted. They were ruthless in business, but they were also loyal, and honor was everything.
The phone rang, and she sighed in aggravation. The phone was across the room, and she was quite comfortable on the couch. Shoving herself up, she stumbled over to answer it.
There was a brief silence.
“Ms. Caplan—Isabella.”
She recognized the accented English, and a thrill skirted down her spine. It wasn’t Chrysander, and given that Piers was out of the country and had never so much as had a conversation with Isabella, it could only be Theron.
“Yes,” she said huskily, hoping her nervousness wasn’t betrayed.
“This is Theron Anetakis. I was calling to make sure you made it in okay and are settling in with no difficulty.”
“Thank you. Everything is fine.”
“Is the suite to your liking?”
“Yes, of course. It was kind of you to reserve it for me.”
“I didn’t reserve it,” he said impatiently. “It’s my private suite.”
She looked around with renewed interest. Knowing that she was staying where Theron spent a lot of his time gave her a decadent thrill.
“Then where are you staying?” she asked curiously. “Why would you give up your suite?”
“The hotel is undergoing renovations. The only available suite was…mine. I’m temporarily taking a different room.”
She laughed. “I could have taken other accommodations. There was no need for you to move out for me.”
“A few days won’t make a difference,” he said. “You should be comfortable before your trip to Europe.”
She swallowed back the denial that she would be going to Europe. No sense in putting him on guard as soon as she arrived. There’d be plenty of time to apprise him of her change in plans. Mainly when he had no chance of talking her out of it.
A mischievous smile curved her lips. “I received your summons.”
He made a sound of startled exclamation that sounded suspiciously like an oath. “Surely I didn’t sound so autocratic, Ms. Caplan.”
“Please, call me Isabella. Or Bella. Surely you remember when we weren’t so formal? Granted it’s been a few years, but I haven’t forgotten a single thing about you.”
There was an uncomfortable silence. And then, “All right, Isabella.”
“Bella, please.”
“All right…Bella,” he conceded.
He made an exasperated sound in her ear and then said, “Now what was it we were discussing again?”
He sounded distracted, and though he was unfailingly polite, she knew he wanted rid of her as soon as possible. She grinned. If he only knew…
“We were discussing your autocratic demand for me to appear at your office tomorrow.”
“It was a request, Bella,” he said patiently.
“And of course I will honor it. Shall we say ten in the morning then? I’m a bit tired, and I’d like to sleep in.”
“Of course. Don’t overtax yourself. Order in room service tonight for dinner. Your expenses are being taken care of.”
Of course. She hadn’t expected anything less and knew better than to argue. The Anetakis brothers were thorough if nothing else. And very serious about their perceived obligations.
“I’ll see you tomorrow then,” she said.
He uttered an appropriate goodbye, and she hung up the phone. A smile popped her lips upward as she hugged her midsection in delight. Oh, she’d planned to pay him a visit the next day, all right.

Chapter Two
Theron sat back in his chair and surveyed the skyline of the city from his window. After a busy morning of meetings and phone calls, he actually had a few minutes to breathe. He glanced at his watch and grimaced as he remembered that Isabella Caplan was due in a few minutes.
He felt like a revolving door. Isabella was in, and then she’d depart for Europe, while Alannis would be arriving in a week’s time from Greece. Thankfully he’d be rid of his obligation to Isabella in short order. He’d make sure she was adequately provided for, arrange for someone from Anetakis International to meet her in London and have a security team see to her safety for the duration of her stay.
Alannis, on the other hand…He smiled ruefully. She was his own doing. He and Alannis had what could only be considered a close friendship. Perhaps an understanding was a better term, though he was open to the relationship growing into more. He knew he needed to settle down now that he was taking over the New York office. It was something he’d discussed candidly with Alannis a few weeks before.
They’d make a good couple. They understood each other. She was from a solid Greek family, old friends of his father’s. Her own father owned a shipping company. They were well matched, and so it stood to reason that they’d gravitate toward each other.
She’d give him friendship and children. He’d give her security, protection.
Yes, it was time to settle down. His move to New York was in all likelihood permanent, as Marley had no desire to move from the island where she and Chrysander had made their home. And if he was going to be living here on a permanent basis, it seemed the best course to find a wife and start his family.
His thoughts were interrupted by a knock on his door. He frowned and looked up as he uttered the command to enter.
“Sir, Ms. Caplan is here to see you,” Madeline, his secretary, said as she poked her head in the door.
“Send her in,” he said brusquely.
As he waited, he straightened in his seat and drummed his fingers idly on the desk. He tried to draw on his vague memories of the girl but all he could picture was a very young Isabella with big eyes, gangly legs and braces. He wasn’t even sure how old she was now, only that she’d graduated. Wouldn’t that make her somewhere around twenty-two?
He summoned a gentle smile as the door swung open. No need to scare her to death. He was on his feet and walking forward to greet her when he pulled up short, all the breath knocked squarely from his chest.
Before him stood not a girl, but a stunningly beautiful woman. An invisible hand seized his throat, squeezing until he twisted his neck to alleviate the discomfort.
She smiled tentatively at him, and he felt the gesture to his toes. For a long moment, all he could do was gawk like a pimply-faced teenager experiencing his first surge of hormones.
Isabella was dressed in formfitting jeans that slung low on her hips. Her top, if you could call it an actual top, hugged her generous curves as snugly as a man’s hands. The hem fell to just above her navel, and that, coupled with the low-slung jeans, bared her navel to his view.
His gaze was drawn to it and the glimmer of silver in the shallow indention. He frowned. She had a belly ring?
He looked up, embarrassed to be caught staring, but then he locked eyes with hers. Long, dark hair fell in layers beyond her shoulders. Long lashes fringed sparkling green eyes. A hint of a smile curved plump, generous lips and white teeth flashed in his vision. Two dimples appeared in her cheeks as her smile broadened.
This was not a woman who could ever escape notice. The past several years had wrought big changes. To think he’d remembered her as someone who faded into the background wherever she was. A man would have to be blind, deaf and dumb to overlook her in a room.
“What the hell are you wearing?” he demanded before he could think better of it.
She raised one dark brow, amusement twinkling in her eyes. Then she glanced down as she smoothed her hands over her hips.
“I believe they’re called clothes,” she said huskily.
He frowned harder at the playfulness he heard in her voice. “Is this the sort of thing Chrysander allowed you to run around in?”
She chuckled, and the sound skittered across his nape, raising hairs in its wake. It was warm and vibrant, and he derived so much pleasure from it that he wanted her to laugh again.
“Chrysander has no say in what I wear.”
“He is—was your guardian,” Theron said. “As I am now.”
“Not legally,” she countered. “You’re doing a favor for my father, and you’re the executor of his estate as it pertains to me until I marry, but you’re hardly my guardian. I’ve managed quite well on my own with minimal interference from Chrysander.”
Theron leaned back against his desk as he studied the young woman standing so confidently in front of him. “Marry? The terms of your father’s will is that you gain control of your inheritance when you turn twenty-five.”
“Or I marry,” she gently corrected. “I plan to be married before then.”
Alarm took hold of Theron as he contemplated all sorts of nasty scenarios.
“Who is he?” he demanded. “I’ll want to have him fully investigated. You can’t be too careful in your position. Your inheritance will draw a host of unwanted suitors who only want you for your money.”
Another smile quirked at the corner of her mouth. “It’s nice to see you again, too, Theron. My trip was fine. The suite is lovely. It’s been awhile since I last saw you, but I’d recognize you anywhere.”
Her reproach irritated him because she was exactly right. He was being rude. He hadn’t even properly greeted her.
“My apologies, Isabella,” he said as he moved forward. He grasped her shoulders and leaned in to kiss her on either cheek. “I’m glad to hear your trip was satisfactory and that the suite is to your liking. May I get you something to drink while we discuss your travel arrangements?”
She smiled and shook her head, and then moved past him toward the window. Her hips swayed, and her bottom, cupped by the too-tight denim bobbed enticingly. He sent his gaze upward so that he wasn’t ogling her inappropriately.
It was then that a flash of color at her waist stopped him. He blinked and looked again, certain he had to be mistaken. As she stopped at the window, the hem of her shirt moved so that a tiny portion of what looked to be a tattoo peeked from between her jeans and her shirt.
His gaze was riveted as he strained to see what the design was. Then he scowled. A tattoo? Obviously Chrysander had failed miserably in his role as her guardian. What the hell kind of trouble had she gotten herself into? Tattoos? Talk of marriage?
He closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose as he felt the beginnings of a headache.
“You have a wonderful view,” she said as she turned from the window to look at him.
He cleared his throat and sent his gaze to her face. Anywhere but at the breasts hugged tight by the thin T-shirt. Theos, but the woman was a walking time bomb.
“Have you already made all the arrangements for your trip to Europe or would you prefer for me to see to them?” he asked politely.
She shoved her fingers into her jeans pockets, a feat he wasn’t certain how she managed, and leaned against the window.
“I’m not going to Europe.”
He blinked. “Pardon?”
She smiled again, the dimples deepening. “I’ve decided not to travel to Europe for the summer.”
He put a hand to his forehead and massaged the tension. Damn Chrysander for getting a life and saddling him with Isabella Caplan.
“Does this have anything to do with your sudden desire for marriage?” he asked tiredly. “You still haven’t answered my question about the intended groom.”
“That’s because there isn’t one yet,” she said mischievously. “I never said that I had a man lined out yet, just that I intended to be married before I turned twenty-five. As that gives me three more years, there certainly isn’t a need to start ordering background checks.”
“Then why aren’t you going to Europe? It was your plan at least a week ago according to the letter you sent to Chrysander.”
“I sent Chrysander no such thing,” she protested lightly. “The man Chrysander hired to oversee my education and my living arrangements informed Chrysander of my trip to Europe. I simply changed my mind.”
His hand slipped to the back of his neck as a full-blown migraine threatened to bloom.
“So what do you intend to do then?” He was almost afraid to hear the answer.
She smiled broadly, her entire face lighting up. “I’m getting an apartment here in the city.”
Theron choked. Then he closed his eyes as he felt the cinch draw tighter around his neck. If she stayed here, then he would be stuck overseeing her affairs, checking up on her constantly.
Suddenly her impending marriage didn’t strike such a chord of irritation. She was twenty-two. True, it was young to marry these days, but certainly not outside the realm of possibility. Perhaps the best thing he could do for her was to introduce her to a man well equipped to provide security and stability for her.
The thought was already turning in his head, gaining momentum, when she spoke again.
“I’m sorry?” he said when he realized he had no idea what she’d said to him.
“Oh, I only said now that we’ve gotten my arrangements out of the way, I need to be going. I have an apartment to find.”
Alarm bells rang at the idea of Isabella traipsing around a city she wasn’t intimately familiar with, alone and vulnerable. Hell, she could wind up in an entirely unsuitable neighborhood. And then there was the matter of her security. Now that she was going to be here and not in Europe, he’d have to scramble to get a team in place. The last thing he needed was for her to be abducted as Marley had been.
“I don’t think this is something you should do alone,” he said firmly.
Her expression brightened. “That’s so sweet of you to offer to go apartment hunting with me. I admit, I wasn’t looking forward to it on my own, and your knowledge of the city is so much better than mine.”
He opened his mouth to refute the idea that he’d volunteered anything, but the genuine appreciation on her face made him snap his lips shut. He let out a sigh, knowing he was well and truly screwed.
“Of course I’ll accompany you. I won’t have you staying just anywhere. I’ll have my secretary come up with a few suitable places for you to view and then we’ll go. Perhaps tomorrow morning? You’re welcome to stay in the suite for as long as you need it.”
She frowned. “But I hate to put you out.”
He shook his head. “It’s no bother. Chrysander still has a penthouse here that I can use. I need to be looking for a place as well now that I’ve permanently relocated here.”
Her eyes sparked briefly, but then her expression faded to one of neutrality.
“In that case, I appreciate the offer, and I’d love to go apartment hunting with you tomorrow. Shall we do lunch as well?” she asked innocently.
“Of course I’ll feed you,” he said with a grunt. Why did he feel as though he’d been run over by a steamroller? The idea that this mere slip of a girl had run so roughshod over him left him irritated and feeling like he’d been manipulated, but there was nothing but genuine appreciation and relief in her expression.
She hurried over and threw her arms around him. She landed against his chest, and he had to brace himself to keep from stumbling back.
“Thank you,” she said against his ear as she squeezed him for all she was worth.
He allowed his arms to fold around her as he returned her hug. Her body melted against his, and he felt every one of those generous curves he’d noticed earlier. His hand skimmed over the small portion of flesh on her back that was bared by her shirt, and he wondered again over the tattoo he’d seen there. It was driving him crazy not to know what it was.
He shook his head and gently extricated himself from her grasp. “Let me call for the driver so he can return you to the hotel.”
She kissed him on the cheek and then turned toward the door. “Thank you, Theron, and I’ll see you first thing tomorrow.”
He was left rubbing his cheek where her lips had brushed just seconds before. Then he cursed and strode around to the back of his desk again. He’d been so ready to condemn Chrysander for being involved with someone so young, and here he stood lusting over the same girl. Pathetic. It had obviously been way too long since he’d been with a woman.
He buzzed his secretary and quickly gave her instructions to find three or four possible apartments. If all else failed, he could give her Chrysander’s penthouse to use.
After talking with Madeline, he then picked up the phone to arrange for a security detail for Isabella.
As he hung up, he remembered that Alannis would be arriving in a week, and he groaned. He’d counted on not having Isabella to contend with when his future fiancée arrived. One woman was always more than enough, and splitting attentions between more than one was a recipe for disaster.
But maybe Alannis would have ideas where Isabella was concerned. Together they could introduce Isabella to a few eligible men—men who’d passed muster with Theron, of course.
Deciding that this was another task suited for Madeline, he buzzed her and asked her to compile a list of eligible bachelors complete with background checks and a checklist of pros and cons. She sounded amused by his request but didn’t question him.
Theron sat back in his chair and folded his hands behind his head. This wouldn’t take long at all. He’d find her an apartment, find her a husband, and then he would turn his attentions to his own impending nuptials.

“Isabella!” Sadie cried as she threw open the door to her apartment.
Isabella found herself enveloped in her friend’s arms, and she returned the hug just as fiercely.
“Come in, come in. It’s so good to see you again,” Sadie exclaimed as she ushered Isabella inside.
The girls sat down in the small living room, and then Sadie pounced. “So? Did you see him?”
Isabella smiled. “Just came from his office.”
Isabella shrugged. “I told him I wasn’t going to Europe and that I was going to look for an apartment here. He’s going to help me,” she added with a small smile.
“So he took it well?”
Sadie flipped her long red hair over her shoulder, drawing attention to her pretty features. A year older than Isabella, she had graduated the term before and moved to New York to pursue a career on Broadway.
“I wouldn’t say well,” Isabella said in amusement. “I think it was more a matter of him wondering what on earth he was going to do with me. The Anetakis brothers take their responsibilities very seriously. They’re Greek, after all. And I am one huge responsibility Theron needs to be rid of. I’m sure he was looking forward to herding me onto a plane for Europe as soon as possible.”
“Okay, so spill,” Sadie said eagerly. “What’s your plan?”
Isabella grimaced. “I’m not altogether sure. I had planned to go to Europe and be an all-around nuisance to him there. Now all of a sudden he’s here in New York so I’m having to scramble with the change of plans. The good news is we’re having lunch tomorrow when we go apartment hunting. I guess I’ll see where things go from there.”
“How did he react when he saw you?” Sadie asked. “It’s been what, four years since he got a good look at you?”
“Ugh. Yes. Thank goodness I’ve finally blossomed.”
“So? Did he appreciate your womanly charms?” Sadie asked with a wide grin.
“I’m sure he noticed, but I think it was a cross between interest and being appalled. You have to understand that Theron is very, uhm, traditional.” She sighed and leaned back against the couch. “But if I had shown up dressed like a good, modest Greek girl, he wouldn’t have given me a second glance. I would have been relegated to little sister status, just as Chrysander has done, and there would be no changing it.”
“Ah, so better to throw out the challenge from the outset,” Sadie acknowledged.
“Exactly,” Isabella murmured. “If he never sees me as a nonthreatening entity, then it will be damn hard for him to turn a blind eye to me.”
Sadie laughed and clasped Isabella’s hands in hers. “I’m so glad to see you again, Bella. It has been too long and I’ve missed you.”
“Yes, it has. Now enough about me. I want to hear all about you and your Broadway career. Tell me, have you landed any roles?”
Sadie twisted her lips into a rueful expression. “I’m afraid the parts have been few and far between, but I haven’t given up. I have an audition next week as a matter of fact.”
Isabella frowned. “Are you making it okay, Sadie?”
“I have a job. Not many hours. Just a couple of nights a week. The money is fantastic and I get to look drop-dead gorgeous,” Sadie said cheekily. “It’ll do until I get my big break.”
Isabella viewed her friend with suspicion. “What is this job?”
Sadie grinned slyly, her eyes bright with mischief. “It’s a gentleman’s club. Very posh and exclusive.”
Isabella’s mouth dropped open. “You’re working as a stripper?”
“I don’t always strip,” Sadie said dryly. “It’s not required per se. But I get better tips when I do,” she added with a bigger grin.
Isabella stared for a long moment and then burst out laughing. “Maybe I should take lessons from you. Theron would have to notice me if I did a striptease in front of him.”
Sadie joined in her laughter until the two of them were wiping tears. “If he didn’t notice you, hon, then the man is dead.”
Impulsively, Isabella leaned up and hugged Sadie. “I’m so glad I’m here. I’ve missed you. I have such a good feeling about being here in New York. Like maybe this will actually work and I can make Theron fall in love with me.”
Sadie returned Isabella’s hug and then pulled away, a gentle smile on her face. “I have every faith that Theron will fall hopelessly in love with you. But if he doesn’t? You’re young and beautiful, Bella. You could have your choice of men.”
“I only want Theron,” she said softly. “I’ve loved him for so long.”
“Well then, we need to think of a way to catch him, don’t we?” Sadie said with a grin.

Chapter Three
“Alannis,” Theron greeted her smoothly. “I trust things are well with you?”
He listened as she uttered a polite greeting, somewhat distant and reserved, but then he expected nothing less. Alannis was steeped in propriety and would never offer a more effusive greeting. It simply wasn’t her style.
“I’ve made arrangements for the Anetakis jet to fly you from Greece to New York a week from now. Will your mother be traveling with you?”
It was a senseless question, meant to be more polite than inquisitive since he knew well that Alannis’s family would never allow her to travel to see an unmarried man unchaperoned.
“I’ll look forward to your arrival then,” he continued. “I’ve arranged for a night at the opera shortly after you arrive.” If all went well, he’d request a moment alone to propose and then the two families could go ahead with the wedding plans.
Of course now he needed to apprise his brothers of his intentions.
He hung up the phone and stared at it for a long moment. He had no doubt Chrysander would, in his newfound loving bliss, be reluctant to encourage Theron to enter into a loveless marriage. Piers on the other hand would shrug and say it was Theron’s life and if he wanted to mess it up, that was his prerogative.
In time he could grow to like Alannis very well. He liked her already and respected her, which was more than he could say for a lot of the women of his acquaintance. He knew better than to expect a woman to love him as deeply as Marley loved his brother. But he’d like to think he could be friends with his future wife and enjoy her companionship in and out of bed.
He frowned when he thought of Alannis naked and in his bed, beneath his body. He glanced down at his groin as if expecting a response. If he was, he was disappointed.
Alannis…she came across as cold and extremely stiff. He supposed he couldn’t blame her for that. She was most assuredly a virgin, and it would be up to him to coax the passion from her. It was his duty as her husband.
With a sigh, he checked his watch, and to his irritation noticed that Isabella was late. He drummed his fingers impatiently on his desk. Madeline had provided three possible apartments, all in good areas and in close proximity to the Imperial Park Hotel. She hadn’t as of yet provided a list of eligible men.
No matter. The first order of business was to see her settled. The sooner, the better. Then he’d worry about marrying her off.
When he heard his door open, he looked up, startled. Then he frowned when he saw Isabella stride inside. On cue, his intercom buzzed, and Madeline’s voice announced somewhat dryly that Isabella was on her way in.
“Good morning,” Isabella sang out as she stopped in front of his desk.
He swallowed and then his gaze narrowed as he took in her attire. It wasn’t exactly immodest, and as such he couldn’t offer a complaint. It covered her. Sort of.
His mouth went dry when she put her hands on his desk and leaned forward. Her breasts spilled precariously close to the neckline of her T-shirt, and he could see the lacy cups of her bra as they pushed the soft mounds upward.
He cursed under his breath and directed his gaze upward. “Good morning, Isabella.”
“Bella, please, unless you have an aversion to the name?”
He didn’t, though it somehow seemed more intimate, particularly when he took the meaning of the Italian form of her name. Beautiful. That she was. Stunningly so. Different from the usual sophisticated type of women he gravitated toward, but beautiful nonetheless. There was something wild and unrestrained about her.
He ground his teeth together and shifted his position. Where his groin had remained stoic when thinking of Alannis, it had flared to life, painfully so, as soon as Isabella had walked into his office.
He was her guardian, someone to look after her welfare, and here he sat fantasizing about her. Disgust filled him. Not only was it disrespectful to Isabella but it was disrespectful to Alannis. No woman should have to put up with her soon-to-be fiancé lusting after another woman.
“Bella,” he echoed, taking her invitation to use her nickname. It suited her. Light and beautiful.
He rose from his seat and walked around the front of his desk. She eyed him curiously, and he found himself asking her why.
She laughed. “You’re dressed so casually today. I’m so used to seeing you in nothing but suits and ties.”
“When have you seen me?” he asked in surprise. He thought back to the times when she would have seen him, and while he probably was wearing a suit, it was hardly a basis for her supposition.
She flushed, and he watched in fascination as color stained her cheeks. She ducked away, her hair sliding over her shoulder.
“Pictures,” she mumbled. “There are always pictures of you in the papers.”
“And you get these papers all the way out in California?” he asked.
“Yes. I like to keep up with the people looking after my financial well-being,” she said evenly.
“As you should,” he said approvingly. “Are you ready to go? I have a list of potential apartments. I took the liberty of scaling down the possibilities to a few more suitable to a young woman living alone.”
And then he realized he’d made a huge assumption. There was certainly no reason to believe that a woman as beautiful and vibrant as Isabella would be living alone. He refused to retract the statement or ask her if she was currently involved with anyone. But he’d need to know because if she was involved, seriously, then he could forego the whole process of introducing her to prospective husbands.
“I’m ready if you are,” she said as she smiled warmly at him.
As they walked from the building that housed the Anetakis headquarters, Theron put his hand to the small of Isabella’s back. She felt the touch through her shirt. It seared her skin, and she was sure that if she could look, there would be a visible print from his fingers, burned into her flesh.
After loving him from afar for so many years, she’d been prepared for disappointment, that maybe the man he’d become wouldn’t live up to the dream. She’d been so far removed from the truth that reality overwhelmed her. He was more, so much more than she could have imagined. Her feelings hadn’t gone away when she’d seen him again. They’d cemented.
She sat next to him in the back of the limousine. In addition to the driver, Henry, there was one additional member of his security detail that rode up front. When they pulled up in front of the first apartment building, she noticed that another smaller car pulled in behind them, and two men got out and cautiously scanned the area.
“I don’t remember the security being this tight the last time I visited,” she murmured as they walked toward the entrance.
Theron stiffened. “It’s a necessary evil.”
She waited for him to say more but he didn’t volunteer further information.
Three hours later, they’d toured the apartments on his list with him vetoing the first two before she could even offer an opinion. He was tight-lipped about the third but offered her the choice between it and the last on their list.
She stifled her laughter and solemnly informed him that she liked the fourth. He nodded his approval and set about securing it for her.
“Will you have your things shipped to the apartment?” he asked as they walked back to the limousine.
She shook her head. “I plan to shop for everything I need here and have it delivered. It will be quite fun!”
He growled something under his breath but when she turned to him in question, he pressed his lips together.
“I’ll arrange for someone to take you shopping,” he said grudgingly.
She raised an eyebrow. “I assure you, I have no need of a babysitter, Theron. Chrysander saddled me with one four years ago, and I had no more need of it then than I do now.”
“You will not roam all over the city by yourself,” he said resolutely.
She shrugged and offered a faint smile. “You could always go with me.”
He gave her a startled look.
“No? You seem the logical choice given I don’t know anyone else here.” She purposely kept silent about Sadie. There was no reason for Theron to know about her, and he wouldn’t approve if he knew she worked in a strip club. And find out he would, because the instant she let him know of someone she was spending time with, he’d perform an extensive background check and then forbid her to associate with Sadie any longer.
Not that she’d listen, but she intended for their relationship to get off to the best possible start. Lust was fine for now, but she wanted to make him fall in love with her. She wanted him to need her.
“You’re right, of course,” he said with a grimace. “I forget you’ve lived in California and have only been here to visit.”
She slid into the limousine and smiled over at him as he got in on the other side. “Does that mean you’ll go shopping with me?”
He grunted, and she couldn’t hold the laughter in any longer. His eyes widened, and he stared openly at her as though he found the sound of her laughter enchanting.
All the breath left her as she saw for just one moment a look of wanting in his eyes. Just as soon as it flashed, he blinked and recovered.
“I’ll see if my schedule permits such a trip,” he said tightly.
“Where are you taking me for lunch?” she asked, more to remind him of their date than any real curiosity over their destination. She didn’t care where or what they ate. She just wanted the time with him.
“We have an excellent restaurant at the hotel,” he said. “My table is always available to me. I thought we could eat there and then you could retire to your suite to rest.”
She resisted the urge to roll her eyes. He was smooth. Plotting the easiest way to get rid of her. She couldn’t blame him. She was an unexpected burden, and he was a busy man. She chewed her bottom lip and looked out the window at the passing traffic as she contemplated how to get him to see beyond the inconvenience to the woman who loved him and wanted him so badly.
“Is something the matter, Bella?”
She turned to see him staring at her in concern. She smiled and shook her head. “Just a little tired. And excited.”
He frowned. “Maybe you should allow me to see to the furnishing of your apartment. If you would mark down your preferences, I could have a designer work with you so that you didn’t have to go out shopping for all the things you need.”
“Oh, no, that wouldn’t be near as much fun. I can’t wait to pick out everything for the apartment. It’s such a gorgeous place.”
“What are your plans, Bella?” he asked.
She blinked in surprise. “Plans?”
“Yes. Plans. Now that you’ve graduated, what are your career plans?”
“Oh. Well, I planned to take the summer off,” she hedged. “I’ll focus on the future this fall.”
He didn’t say anything, but she could tell such an approach bothered him. She smiled to herself. It probably gave him hives. He and his brothers all were intensely driven with a take no prisoners approach when it came to business. They weren’t the world’s wealthiest hotel family for nothing.
When they arrived at the hotel, Theron ushered her inside as his security team flanked them on all sides. It was odd and a bit surreal, almost like they were royalty.
A few minutes later, they were escorted to Theron’s table at the restaurant. It was situated in a quiet corner, almost completely cutoff from the rest of the diners.
He settled her into her chair and then circled around to sit across from her. He dropped his long, lean body into his seat and stared lazily at her.
“What would you like to eat, pethi mou?”
Isabella cringed at the endearment. He’d called her the same thing when she was thirteen. Little one. It set her teeth on edge. Hardly something that evoked images of the two of them in bed, limbs entwined.
“What do you suggest?” she asked.
She studied his lips, the hard, sensual curve to his mouth and the dark shadow already forming on his jaw. She was tempted, so very tempted to reach across and run the tip of her finger along the roughness and then to the softness of his lips.
What would it be like to kiss him? She’d kissed several boys in college. She said boys because next to Theron, that’s all they were. Some were very good, others awkward and “pleasant.”
But Theron. Kissing him would be like chasing a storm. Hot, exciting and breathless. Her pulse jumped wildly as she imagined the warm brush of his tongue.
She blinked and shook her head as she realized Theron had been calling her name for a few seconds.
“Sorry,” she murmured. “Lost in my thoughts.”
“I was suggesting you try the salmon,” he said dryly.
She nodded jerkily and tilted her head toward the waiter who was standing beside the table waiting for their order.
“I’ll have what he suggests,” she said huskily.
Theron placed their order in succinct tones, and the waiter hurried away shortly afterward.
“Now, Bella,” Theron said, as he sat back in his chair. He looked comfortable, at ease as he raked his gaze over her features, setting fire to every nerve receptor. “Perhaps we should talk about your future.”
A nervous scuttle began in her stomach. “My future?” She laughed lightly to allay the pounding of her heart. If she had any say, her future would be inexorably linked to his.
“Indeed. Your future. Surely you’ve given it some thought?”
He sounded slightly scornful, impatient with someone who didn’t have an airtight plan. If he only knew. She’d done nothing else for the past years but plan for her future. With him.
“I’ve given it a lot of thought,” she said evenly.
“You mentioned marriage. Are you truly considering being married before you turn twenty-five.”
“I count on it.”
He nodded as if he approved. She almost laughed. Would he be so approving if he knew he was her intended groom? A sigh escaped her. She felt so evil, like she was plotting an assassination rather than a seduction.
“This is good,” he said almost to himself. “I’ve taken the liberty of forming a list of possible candidates.”
Her brow crinkled as she stared at him in puzzlement. “Candidates? For what?”
“Marriage, Bella. I intend to help you find a husband.”

Chapter Four
Isabella eyed Theron suspiciously, wondering if he’d suddenly developed a sense of humor.
“You intend to do what?” she asked.
“You want a husband. After my initial misgivings, I’ve decided it’s a sound idea. A woman in your position can’t be too careful,” he continued, obviously warming to his subject. “So I’ve taken the liberty of drawing up a list of suitable candidates.”
She burst out laughing. She couldn’t help herself. As absurdities went, this might well take the cake.
He blinked in surprise then frowned as she continued to chuckle. “What do you find so amusing?”
She shook her head, the smile not dropping from her lips. “I’m in the city all of two days, and already you’re planning to marry me off. And tell me, what do you mean by a woman in my position can’t be too careful?”
“You’re wealthy, young and beautiful,” he said bluntly. “You’ll have every man between the ages of twenty and eighty plotting to wed and bed you, not necessarily in that order.”
She sat back in mock surprise. “Wow. And not a word about my intelligence, wit or charm. I’m glad to know I don’t plan to wed for superficial reasons.”
Theron sobered then reached over and took her hand. Warmth spread up her arm as his fingers stroked her palm. “This is precisely why I felt I should be involved in your search for a husband. Men will try to take advantage of you by pretending they’re something they’re not. Fortune hunters will pretend they know nothing of your wealth. They’ll be swept away by your kindness and generosity. It’s important that any man we allow close to you be carefully vetted by myself.”
Her lips twitched, but she dare not laugh. He was utterly serious, and she had to admit that his concern was endearing. It would be quite sweet if he weren’t so intent on marrying her off to another man.
“Don’t be disheartened, pethi mou,” he soothed. “There are many men who would give you the world. It’s a matter of finding the right one.”
It was all she could do not to cringe. If that wasn’t a painful lecture, she’d never heard one.
“You’re right, of course,” she murmured.
Because what else was she going to say? What she really wanted to do was lean over and ask him if he could be that man. But she already knew the answer to that. He couldn’t be that man. At least not yet. Not until he had time to get used to the idea.
Theron smiled his approval and slipped his fingers from hers as he leaned back in his chair. She glanced down at her open hand, regretting the loss of his touch.
“So tell me, what are your requirements in a husband?” he asked indulgently.
She gazed thoughtfully at him, her mind assembling all the things she loved most about him. Then she started ticking items off on her fingers.
“Let’s see. I’d like him to be tall, dark and handsome.”
Theron rolled his eyes. “You’ve described the wishes of half the female population.”
“I also want him to be kind and have a sense of responsibility. As I’d prefer not to have children right away, his agreement on that matter would also be important.”
“You don’t want children?” he asked. He seemed surprised, but then he likely thought all women aspired to pop out a veritable brood as soon as they got a ring on their finger.
“I didn’t say I didn’t want them,” she replied calmly. “Let me guess, you’d want them immediately?”
He arched one brow. “We aren’t discussing me, but yes, I see no reason to wait.”
“That’s because you aren’t the one having them,” she said dryly.
For a moment it looked as though he would laugh, but then he waved his hand and urged her to continue with her wish list.
She pretended to consider for a moment. “I want him to be wealthier than I am so that my money is a nonissue.”
Theron nodded his agreement.
Then she let her voice drop, and she leaned forward. “I want him to burn for me, to not be able to go a day without touching me, holding me, caressing me. He’ll be an excellent lover. I want a man who knows how to please me,” she finished in a husky, longing-filled voice.
He stared at her, his eyes sharp. For a moment she imagined that there was answering passion in his eyes as they flickered over her exposed skin.
“Do you not agree that these are things I should expect?” she asked softly as she studied him.
He cleared his throat and looked briefly away. Was she affecting him at all or was he completely immune? No, there was something in his eyes. His entire body emanated sexual awareness. She might be young, but she wasn’t naive, and she certainly wasn’t stupid when it came to men. She’d had her share of interested parties. She could read harmless, flirty interest, and then there was the dark, brooding intensity of a man whose passions ran deep and powerful.
Never before had she felt the intense magnetism that existed between her and Theron. She’d spent years searching for something that even came close to the budding awareness that had begun in her teenage years.
She’d experimented with dates. Kisses, the clumsy groping that had inevitably led to her showing the guy the door. There was only one who ever came close to coaxing her to give him everything. In the end, it had been him who’d called a stop to their lovemaking. At the time, she’d been embarrassed and certain that she’d made some mistake. He’d kissed her gently, told her that he was greatly honored by the fact that he would be her first, but that perhaps she should save her gift for a man who held a special place in her heart.
Then, she’d seen it as a cop-out, a man running hard and fast from a woman who obviously equated sex with commitment or at least a deeper relationship. Now, she was just grateful that she hadn’t blithely given away her innocence. Travis was right. Her virginity was special, and she’d only give it to a special man.
She blinked again when she realized Theron was talking to her.
“I think you are wise to place emphasis on…these qualities,” he said uncomfortably. “You wouldn’t want a man who’d mistreat you in any way, and of course you’ll want someone who shares your vision of marriage and a family.”
“But you don’t think I should want a good lover?” she asked with one raised eyebrow.
His eyes gleamed in the flickering lamp situated in the middle of the table. Her breath caught and hung in her chest, painful as her throat tightened. She swallowed at the raw power radiating from him in a low, sensual hum.
“It would indeed be a shame if a man had no idea what to do with a woman such as yourself, Bella.”
He looked up in relief when the waiter came bearing the tray with their food. Isabella, on the other hand, cursed the timing.
Theron surprised her, however, when after the waiter retreated, he caught her eye and murmured in his sexy, accented voice, “Your mother died early in your childhood, did she not? Has there been no one else to speak to you about…men?”
She gaped at him in astonishment. Did he honestly think she’d reached the ripe old age of twenty-two without ever hearing the birds and the bees talk? She wasn’t sure who was more horrified, her or Theron. He looked uncomfortable, and hell, so was she.
Picking up her fork, she cut into her fish and speared a perfectly cooked piece. It hit her tongue, and she nearly sighed in appreciation. It was good, and she was starving.
Theron was clearly waiting on her to answer his question. His really ridiculous question aimed more at a fourteen-year-old, pimply faced girl than a twenty-two-year-old woman.
“If I say no, are you volunteering to head my education?” she asked with a flash of a grin.
He shot an exasperated grimace in her direction. “I’ll take that as a yes that someone has spoken to you of such matters.”
“Next you’ll be offering to buy my feminine products,” she muttered.
He choked on the sip of wine he’d just taken and hurriedly set the glass back down on the table. “You imp. It’s not polite to make someone laugh as they’re taking a drink.”
“I’ll remind you that you started this conversation,” she said dryly.
She watched him take a bite and then wipe his mouth with his napkin. He had really gorgeous lips. Perfect for kissing.
“So I did,” he said with a shrug. “I merely wondered if you’d spoken to another woman about men and husbands and of course which men make the best husbands.”
“And lovers,” she added.
“Yes, of course,” he said in resignation.
She sat back in her seat and stared at him in challenge. “You don’t want the woman you marry to be a good lover?”
He gave her what she could only classify as a look of horror. “No, I damn well do not expect my wife to be a good lover. It’s my duty to…” He broke off in a strangled voice. “We’re not discussing my future wife,” he said gruffly.
But her curiosity had been well and truly piqued. She sat forward, and placed her chin in one palm, her food forgotten. “It’s your duty to what?”
“This is not a conversation that is appropriate for us to have,” he said stiffly.
She sighed and nearly rolled her eyes. He sure didn’t mind playing the guardian card when it suited him, and the last thing she wanted was to plant any sort of parent role into his brain. But she desperately wanted to hear just what he considered his duty to be to the woman who’d share his bed.
“You’re my guardian, Theron. Who else can I talk to about such matters?”
He let out a long-suffering sigh and took another sip of his wine. “I don’t expect my wife to be sexually experienced when she comes to my bed. It’s my duty to awaken her passion and teach her everything she needs to know about…lovemaking.”
Isabella wrinkled her nose. “That sounds so medieval. Have you ever considered that she might teach you a thing or two?”
He set the glass down again, a look of astonished outrage on his face. Clearly the thought had never occurred to him that any woman could teach him anything when it came to sex. So he fancied himself a good lover then. She had to fight off a full-body shiver. She wanted his hands on her body so badly. She’d be more than willing to be an eager pupil under his tutelage.
“I assure you, there is little a woman could teach me that I am not already well acquainted with,” he said with a thread of arrogance.
“That experienced, huh?”
He grimaced. “I don’t know how our conversation deteriorated to this, but it’s hardly an appropriate conversation between a guardian and his ward.”
And up went the cement wall again. At least he was struggling to put her back on a non threatening level which meant he considered her just that. A threat.
She dug cheerfully into the remainder of her meal, content to let silence settle over the table. Theron watched her, and she let him, making sure not to look up and catch his stare. There was curiosity in his gaze but there was also interest, and not the platonic kind. He might fight it tooth and nail, but his eyes didn’t lie.
When they were finished eating, Theron queried her on her next course of action.
“I’ll need furniture, of course. Not to mention food and staple items.”
“Make a list of food items and any other household things you need. I’ll have it delivered so that you don’t have to go out shopping,” Theron said. “If you can stand a few more days in the hotel suite, I’ll see if I can fit in a furniture shopping trip later in the week.”
“Oh, I need everything,” she said cheerfully. “Towels, curtains, dishes, bed linens—”
He held up his hand and smiled. “Make a detailed list. I’ll see that it is taken care of.”
He tossed his table napkin down and motioned for the waiter. Then he glanced at Isabella. “Are you ready to return to your suite?”
Isabella wasn’t, but she also knew that she’d monopolized Theron’s entire morning, and he was a busy man. She nodded and rose from her seat. They met around the table, and he put his hand to the small of her back as they headed for the exit.
“I’ll see you up,” Theron said when they walked into the lobby.
The elevator slid open and the two stepped inside. Even before it fully closed, Isabella turned to Theron. He was so close. His warmth radiated from him, enveloping her. She could smell the crispness of his cologne.
“Thank you for today,” she murmured.
She reached automatically for his hands and knew that he was going to lean in to kiss her on either cheek. The elevator neared the top floor.
“You’re quite welcome, pethi mou. I’ll have my secretary call you about your apartment and also about our shopping trip.”
As she thought, when the elevator stopped, he leaned down, his intention to kiss her quickly. She stepped into his arms, her body molding to his chest. Before he could react, she circled her arms around his neck and as his lips brushed against her cheek, she turned her face so that their lips met.
The air exploded around them. Their mouths fused and electricity whipped between them like bolts of lightning. At first he went completely still as she boldly kissed him. And then a low growl worked from his throat and he took control.
He yanked her to him until there was no space between them. His arms wrapped around her body, and his hand slid down her spine, to the small of her back and then to cup her behind through her tight jeans.
She was intensely aware of his every touch. His fingers felt like branding irons against her skin, burning through the denim of her pants. His other hand tangled roughly in her hair, glancing over her scalp before twisting and catching in the thick strands.
It wasn’t a simple kiss, no loving caress between two people acquainting themselves. It was the kiss of two lovers who were starved for each other.
No hesitancy or permission seeking. It was like they’d been separated for a long period and were coming back together, two people who knew each other intimately.
The warm brush of his tongue coaxed her mouth further open and then he was inside, licking at the edge of her teeth and then laving over her tongue, inviting her to respond equally.
She went willingly, tasting him and testing the contours of his lips.
His hand moved from the curve of her bottom up underneath her shirt and to the small of her back where his large hand splayed out possessively as he crushed her to his hard body.
Her breath caught, and she gasped when his hand made that first contact with her bare skin. Her breasts swelled and throbbed against his chest.
She dare not say a word or make a sound, because if she did, the moment would be lost. He would remember who he was kissing. Instead she focused her energy on making it last as long as she could.
When his lips left hers and stuttered across her jaw and to her neck, she moaned, unable to remain silent. She shivered and quaked, her senses awakening after a long winter.
Never had she felt anything like his lips, whisper soft, across the delicate skin beneath her ear.
Her knees buckled, and she clutched frantically at him. Suddenly his mouth left her, and he cursed. She closed her eyes, knowing the moment was over.
He yanked her away, his hands tight around her arms. His eyes blazed, equal parts anger, self-condemnation and…hunger. She stared helplessly back at him, unable to say anything.
He cursed again in Greek and then shook his head before shoving her out of the elevator. He ushered her to the door where he jammed the card into the lock.
He held the door open with one hand, and she slowly entered. When she turned around to say something, he was already letting the door close. Before it clicked shut, she heard his footsteps hurrying away.
Turning until her back rested against the door, she closed her eyes and hugged her body as she relived those precious moments in Theron’s arms.
Their passion had been immediate. The chemistry between them was positively combustible. The last unknown was unveiled. In every other aspect, Theron had proved himself to be her perfect match. All she hadn’t known is if they were sexually compatible, not that she’d harbored any doubts, and now in the space of a few heated moments in the elevator, the last piece had fallen neatly into place.
Now all she had to do was make him see it.

Chapter Five
Theron pinched the bridge of his nose between his fingers and cursed long and hard. His head felt like someone had taken a hammer to it, he was tired, and he hadn’t slept more than an hour the entire night.
Madeline kept staring at him throughout the morning as though he’d lost his mind, and maybe he had. He’d forgotten two meetings and had waved off three phone calls, one of which was from his brother Piers.
All that occupied his thoughts was a dark-haired minx with sultry green eyes. Theos mou, but he couldn’t forget her kiss, the feel of her mouth on his, her body molded to his as though she were made for him.
He was her guardian. He was responsible for her well-being, and yet he’d damn near hauled her into the bedroom of her suite and made love to her. His body still ached to do just that.
He shook his head for what seemed like the hundredth time since he’d gotten to his office this morning. No matter what he did, though, he couldn’t rid himself of her image. Her scent. She was destined to drive him crazy.
Impatient and more than a little agitated, he slapped the intercom. Madeline’s calm voice filtered through as she asked what he needed.
“Do you have that list drawn up for me yet?”
“Which list would that be?”
“The list of eligible men I asked for. The men I intend to introduce Bella to.”
“Ah, that one. Yes, I have it.”
“Bring it in then,” he demanded.
A few moments later, Madeline walked through his door holding a piece of paper.
He motioned for her to sit down in front of his desk. “Read them off to me,” he said as he leaned back in his chair.
“Did you sleep at all last night?” Madeline asked, her eyes narrowing perceptively.
He grunted and closed his eyes as he waited for her to give up and do as he asked.
“Reginald Hollister.”
Theron shook his head immediately. “He’s an immature little twerp. Spoiled endlessly by his parents. Bella needs someone…more independent.”
Madeline made a show of scratching him off. “Okay then, what about Charles McFadden?”
Theron scowled. “There’s rumor that he abused his first wife.”
“Bradley Covington?”
“He’s an ass,” Theron said.
Madeline sighed and quickly crossed him off.
“Tad Whitley.”
“Not wealthy enough.”
“Garth Moser?”
“I don’t like him.”
“Paul Hedgeworth.”
Theron frowned as he tried to think of a reason why he shouldn’t consider Paul.
“Aha,” Madeline said when nothing was forthcoming. She drew a large circle around his name. “Shall I invite him to your cocktail party Thursday night?”
“He’s too handsome and charming,” Theron muttered.
Madeline smiled. “Good, then Isabella should be well pleased.”
She glanced down her list then looked back up at Theron. “I think we should include Marcus Atwater and Colby Danforth, as well. They’re both single, very good-looking and aren’t currently in a relationship.”
Theron waved his hand in a gesture of surrender. This was probably best left to Madeline anyway. She’d know better what Isabella would like than he would.
They were interrupted when the door burst open and Isabella hurried in, a bright smile on her face.
“Sorry to just barge in,” she said in an out-of-breath voice. “I didn’t see Madeline…oh, there you are,” she said when she caught sight of his secretary.
Madeline rose and smiled in Isabella’s direction. “Quite all right, my dear. I was just on my way out. I’m sure Mr. Anetakis has time for you. He appears to have canceled all his morning meetings.”
He scowled at Madeline, not that she seemed particularly intimidated. She patted Isabella on the arm as she passed and then she turned as she reached the door. “I’ll hold your calls and take messages.”
“That won’t be—”
But Madeline was gone, and he was left with Isabella. His gaze drifted over her to see that she was wearing shorts. Really short shorts that bared her long, tan legs.
A dainty ankle bracelet hung loosely at her foot. She wore sandals that showed off bright pink toenails. As his gaze drifted upward again, he saw that the T-shirt she wore was cut off so as to bare her midriff, and the belly ring she wore, and it molded to her breasts like she was planning to enter a wet T-shirt contest.
He wasn’t going to survive this.
He cleared his throat and gestured toward the seat that Madeline had vacated. “I’m glad you’re here, Bella. We need to talk.”
She turned for a moment, and he caught a glimpse of the tattoo on her back. It sparkled almost. It was either a fairy or a butterfly. He couldn’t tell and it was making him nuts. He wanted to go over and shove her shorts down so that he could see it.
A tattoo. He caught himself just short of shaking his head again. What had she been thinking? If she was his, she would have never done something so foolish. There was no reason to take such a risk with her body.
Theos, now he was sitting here considering what he would and wouldn’t allow her to do if she was his. She wasn’t his. Would never be his. He mustn’t even entertain such a thought.
She settled into the seat in front of him which put her breasts right in his line of vision. He certainly couldn’t accuse her of baring too much cleavage. The shirt covered her very well, but the shirt clung to the globes, outlining every curve and swell. It was far more enticing than the lowest cut neckline.
“What did you want to talk about?” she asked.
By now he was hanging onto his temper and control by a thread. And yet she stared calmly at him as though they were about to discuss the weather. He wanted to beat his head on the desk.
He rubbed his hand tiredly over his face and then focused his attention on the matter at hand.
“About last night…” he began.
She held up her hand, startling him into silence.
“Don’t ruin it, Theron,” she said huskily.
He blinked in surprise. “Ruin what?”
“The kiss. Don’t ruin it by apologizing.”
“It shouldn’t have happened,” he said tightly.
She sighed. “You’re ruining it. I asked you not to.”
He stared at her open-mouthed. How the hell was he supposed to hand her the lecture he’d carefully planned when she looked positively disgruntled over the fact that he’d brought it up?
“If you positively must regret it, I’d appreciate it if you did so quietly,” she said before he could offer anything further. “You’re allowed to forget it ever happened, you’re allowed to regret it, you’re allowed to swear on all that’s holy that it’ll never happen again. Just don’t expect me to do the same, and I’d appreciate it if you didn’t patronize me by making light of it. As kisses go, I thought it was damn near perfect. You saying differently doesn’t make it any less in my mind.”
He was speechless. A first for him. He who always had something to say. He was the diplomat in the family, always the level-headed one, and yet he’d been reduced to a mindless, gaping idiot by this infuriating woman.
She crossed one leg over the other and pressed her hands together in her lap. “Now, if that’s all you had on your mind, I thought we could finalize the arrangements for the apartment and plan our shopping trip? I arranged for the papers I need to sign for the apartment to be faxed here since I was sure you’d want to look over everything first.”
That was it? She could so easily shove what happened the night before out of her mind when he’d been consumed the entire morning? The memory didn’t just consume him, it tortured him endlessly.
Even now he looked at her lips and remembered the lush fullness against his mouth. He could remember her taste and scent. The throb in his groin intensified as he imagined how she’d look, spread naked on the bed as he moved over her.
He cursed again and ripped his mind to present matters.
“Check with Madeline and see if she has the agreement. I’ll have my lawyer look it over if you like. As for shopping, Madeline will know my appointments for the week. Stop on your way out and have her schedule a few hours for us to pick out your furniture.”
She flashed him a smile that warmed parts of his body that didn’t bear mentioning. With a toss of her long hair, she rose gracefully from the chair. She gave him a small wave bye then turned and walked to the door.
A fairy. Her tattoo was a fairy with a sprinkling of glittery dust and sparkles radiating from the design.
It suited her.
But it brought up another very intriguing thought. Did she have any other tattoos? Maybe one or two that could only be seen when she wore no clothing? It made him twitchy as he imagined going on a hunt with her body as the map.
Isabella left Theron’s office, biting her lip to keep from smiling. He’d certainly been prepared to give her an endless lecture on how they could never again do what they’d done the night before. It wasn’t anything she hadn’t expected which was why she’d been prepared to head it off before he ever got started.
She mentally patted herself on the back at the expert way she’d diffused the situation. He was probably still off balance and trying to figure out just what had happened.
She approached Madeline’s desk and politely asked if Madeline had received a fax for her.
Madeline tapped a stack of papers at the edge of her desk and then smiled up at Isabella.
“Did he tell you about the party?” Madeline asked.
Isabella picked up the rental agreement and frowned. “No, he didn’t mention it.”
Just then Theron stuck his head out the door. “Bella, I forgot to tell you that I have a cocktail party planned this Thursday that I’d like you to attend. Seven p.m. at my penthouse. Madeline will arrange for a car to pick you up at the hotel.”
Before she could respond, he withdrew into his office again and closed the door.
“Well, there you have it,” Madeline said in amusement. “I don’t suppose he’s also told you the occasion?”
Isabella turned back to the older woman, her frown deepening. “Why do I get the idea that I’m being royally set up?”
“Because you are?” Madeline said cheerfully.
Isabella flopped down in the chair beside Madeline’s desk. “Tell me.”
Madeline pulled out a sheet of paper and thrust it toward Isabella. “I wasn’t told to keep this secret so I’m not violating anyone’s confidence, and I figure if I was invited to a party where my future husband was in attendance, I’d at least want the opportunity to buy a gorgeous dress for the occasion.”
Isabella snatched the paper and stared back at Madeline in astonishment. “Husband?”
Madeline’s eyebrows went up. “He didn’t tell you that he was searching for a husband for you? I’d have to think that came up in conversation at least once.”
“Well it did, briefly I mean. Just yesterday. He’s already found someone?”
Isabella tried to keep the horror from her voice, but she wasn’t entirely certain she’d been successful judging by the sympathy she saw in Madeline’s eyes. She’d gone along with it because she hadn’t really thought that Theron was serious, and even if he was, she figured she had plenty of time.
“Maybe he’s in a hurry so that he can concentrate on his own upcoming wedding,” Madeline said in a soothing voice.
“What?” Isabella croaked.
“He didn’t tell you that, either?” Madeline asked cautiously. “Well then, you didn’t hear that from me.”
Isabella leaned forward. “Tell me,” she said fiercely. “Is he really getting married? Is he engaged?”
Madeline looked stunned for a moment and then understanding softened her expression. “Oh dear,” she breathed.
She got up and walked around to where Isabella sat stiffly, her hands gripped tightly in her lap. “Why don’t we go into the conference room,” Madeline said quietly.
Isabella let Madeline lead her into the other room where Madeline shut and locked the door. “Have a seat,” she directed Isabella.
Numbly Isabella complied and Madeline took the seat next to her.
“Now, how long have you had this crush on Theron?”
“Crush?” Isabella asked in a mixture of amusement and devastation. “A crush is a passing fancy. I’ve been in love with Theron ever since I was a young girl. Back then it might have been considered a crush, but now?”
Madeline shook her head and patted Isabella’s hand. “He has the right idea to introduce you to potential husbands then. He has an arrangement with the Gianopolous family to marry their daughter Alannis. She and her mother arrive in New York in less than a week’s time. I’d hate to see you…hurt. Perhaps the best thing to do would be to focus on the men Theron has in mind for you. This fascination with Theron can only end in disappointment.”
Isabella knew that Madeline was nothing but well-intentioned, but she also had no idea of the depth of Isabella’s feelings and her determination.
Still, the thought of Theron already being engaged, of having a commitment to another woman…She closed her eyes against the sudden stab of pain. No wonder he was so put off by the kiss they’d shared the night before.
“When do they marry?” she asked in a soft voice.
“Well, he has to propose first, but from what I understand that’s a mere formality. He didn’t want a long engagement, so I imagine it will be this fall sometime.”
“So he hasn’t even proposed yet?”
Relief filled Isabella. If he hadn’t asked, then there was time to make sure he didn’t.
Madeline frowned. “I don’t like the look you’re giving me.”
Isabella leaned forward and grabbed Madeline’s hands. “You have to help me, Madeline. He’s making a huge mistake. I need to make him see that.”
Madeline shook her head vehemently. “Oh, no. I’m not getting involved in this. Theron has made his choice, and I make it a point never to get involved in my employer’s personal life. You’re on your own.”
Isabella dropped Madeline’s hands with a sigh. “You’ll thank me for this when he’s a much happier man.”
Madeline stood and regarded Isabella with reservation. “Don’t make a fool of yourself, Isabella. No man is worth losing your self-respect over. If your mother was alive, she’d probably tell you the same thing.”
“My mother loved my father very much,” Isabella said softly. “He loved her, too. They’d both want me to be happy. They’d want me to marry the man I loved.”
“Then I’ll wish you luck.”
Isabella smiled, though it was completely forced. “Thank you, Madeline.”
They left the conference room, and Isabella quickly signed the rental agreement before handing it over to Madeline. “Let him read over it and if he has no objections, fax it back for me, please.”
“And your shopping trip? When would you like to schedule that?”
Isabella shook her head. “I’ll go by myself. When is the cocktail party again?”
“Thursday night. Seven.”
Isabella slowly nodded. “Okay, I’ll be there.” She turned to walk out of the office, her mind reeling from the unexpected shock of Theron’s upcoming proposal. She flipped open her cell phone and dialed Sadie’s number.
“Sadie? It’s me, Isabella,” she said when Sadie answered the phone. “Are you busy? I need to come over. It’s urgent.”

Chapter Six
“This is a disaster,” Isabella groaned as she flopped onto Sadie’s couch.
Sadie sat next to her, concern creasing her pretty features. “Surely you aren’t giving up. He hasn’t even proposed to her yet.”
“Yet. That’s the problem,” Isabella said glumly. “Yet means he fully intends to, so for all practical purposes, he’s engaged.”
“She might not say yes,” Sadie pointed out.
Isabella gazed balefully at her. “Would you say no to Theron Anetakis?”
“Well, no…”
“Neither will she,” Isabella said with a sigh. She stared up at the ceiling as she raced to come up with a plan. “She’s no doubt a good Greek girl from a good Greek family. She’ll have impeccable breeding, of course. Her father probably has loads of money, and she would probably drink battery acid before ever going against her parents’ wishes.”
“That exciting of a girl, huh?”
Isabella laughed as she looked back at Sadie. “I’m not being very charitable. I’m sure she’s lovely.”
“Now you make her sound like a poodle,” Sadie said in amusement.
Isabella covered her face with her hands and tried not to let panic overtake her. Or despair.
“Oh, honey,” Sadie said as she wrapped her arms around Isabella. “This doesn’t change anything. Truly. You still have to do the same thing as always. Get him to see you. The real you. He won’t be able to resist you once he spends time with you.”
Isabella let herself be embraced by her friend. At the moment she’d take what comfort she could get. Being alone had never really bothered her, but now she was faced with the possibility of not being with the one person she wanted.
“We kissed last night,” she said when Sadie finally drew away.
“See? I told you,” Sadie exclaimed.
“Don’t celebrate yet,” Isabella said glumly. “He gave me the lecture this morning, or at least he tried.”
Sadie’s eyebrow went up. “The lecture?”
“Oh, you know, the whole this can never happen again, it was a mistake lecture.”
“Ah, that one.”
“At least now I know why.”
“Okay, so it won’t be as easy as you thought it might be,” Sadie said. “That doesn’t mean you won’t be successful. From what you’ve said, it hardly sounds like a love match.”
Isabella sighed again. “So what do I do, Sadie?”
Sadie squeezed her hand and smiled. “You make him fall in love with you.”
“Which requires me to make him see past this whole guardian-ward thing. The kiss was…” She took a deep breath and smiled dreamily. “It was hot. I need him to see me like he did in that moment.”
“If I can make this all about me for a moment, I might have a somewhat devious method for getting him to see you sorta naked.”
Isabella reared her head back in surprise. “You certainly have my attention now.”
Sadie grimaced. “I’d planned to ask you this anyway, and it sounds awfully self-serving, but it could work. Maybe.”
“So, tell me,” Isabella said impatiently.
“I have an audition Saturday night. Well, it’s not exactly an audition but it could turn into one if I play my cards right.”
“Will you just get on with it?” Isabella said. “The suspense is killing me.”
Sadie grinned. “I have to work this Saturday. It’s a pretty big deal. A group of rich out-of-towners who only come through once a year. Well this weekend is it and they’ve rented out the entire club for the night. All of the dancers are expected to be there, no excuses. Only I have this party I was invited to. Howard Griffin is going to be there and Leslie is going to introduce me.”
“Who is Howard? And who is Leslie?” Isabella asked.
“Howard is producing a new Broadway musical. And, he’s opening auditions next week. They’re by invitation only. People would kill to get an invite from him. Including me. Leslie has an invite but then she’s all over Broadway right now. Everyone wants her. I met her a couple of weeks ago, and we became friendly. She’s doing me such a huge favor by basically recommending me to Howard. I can’t miss that party.”
“Okay, so what does that have to do with me?”
Sadie gave her an imploring look. “If I don’t show up for work, I’ll lose my job, and until I land enough steady roles—big roles—I can’t afford to lose the kind of money I make at the club. So I thought you could fill in for me just for a few hours Saturday night.”
Isabella burst into laughter. “You want me to pose as you in a strip club? Sadie, we look nothing alike. I’m a terrible dancer. I’d get you fired in two seconds.”
Sadie shook her head vigorously. “First of all, I wear a blond wig. We’re of similar height and with the right makeup, no one would be able to tell the difference if you wear the same clothes. No one looks at your face in that place anyway,” she added dryly.
“And how does this have anything to do with Theron? He’d have heart failure if he knew I even went into a strip club, much less worked there for a night.”
Sadie’s eyes twinkled in amusement. “Just think about it. If he knew where you were, he’d blow a gasket, and he’d no doubt go haul you out by your hair which would of course force him to see you half naked.”
“How does this not get you fired?” Isabella asked pointedly.
A frown creased Sadie’s forehead. “Damn,” she muttered. “I hadn’t thought of that.”
Isabella instantly took pity on her friend. “How about I cover for you without Theron knowing, and I’ll figure out another way to get his attention.”
“Are you sure?” Sadie asked anxiously.
“I’ll give his security team the slip. Apparently he’s hired a team to follow me around New York. If you ask me, he’s taking this guardian thing a bit far.”
Sadie’s mouth gaped open. “You have a security team?”
“Yeah, I know, ridiculous isn’t it? I’m to report to his office bright and early in the morning to meet them, and then, according to Theron, I’m to go nowhere without them.”
A mischievous smile curved Isabella’s lips.
“Why do I get the impression you’ll see this security as a challenge?” Sadie asked.
Isabella’s grin broadened. “It’ll make Theron crazy. See, I can give them the slip to cover for you at the club. Word will get back to Theron. He’ll never know where I went, but it’ll give him another chance to lecture me. I’ll think of some way to get his attention. If the lecture gets too bad, I’ll just kiss him again.”
“You know, I hope he’s worth all this trouble you’re going to,” Sadie said. “My first thought is that no man is worth all this effort.”
“He’s worth it,” Isabella said softly.

Isabella climbed out of the taxi in front of Theron’s office building and walked briskly toward the entrance. She took the elevator up to his floor, and when she entered his suite of offices, she saw a pile of luggage in the hallway.
She walked into Madeline’s office to ask what was going on, but saw that the area was full of people. She approached Madeline’s desk and leaned over to whisper.
“What’s going on?”
Madeline cleared her throat. “Alannis and her mother arrived early. That is your security team,” she said, pointing in the direction of three intimidating-looking men. “And the others are this morning’s appointments which are waiting because Alannis and company are in his office.”
Frowning, Isabella straightened and glanced toward Theron’s closed door. Without another word, she headed for his office, ignoring Madeline’s calls.
Part of her wanted to run as fast and as far away as she could, but another part of her wanted to see for herself the woman that Theron wanted to marry.
She threw open the door and walked in. Theron who was standing in front of his desk looked up and frowned when he saw her. Not good. An older woman also turned, and her frown was much larger. The last, who had to be Alannis, picked up her head and stared curiously at Isabella.
Of course she wouldn’t be homely, because that would be asking far too much. Alannis and her mother both were extremely beautiful in a classy, elegant way. While her mother wore her hair upswept in a neat chignon, Alannis’s hair fell to her shoulders in a dark wave. Her brown eyes were warm and friendly, and she smiled tentatively in Isabella’s direction.
“Bella,” Theron said gruffly. “Did Madeline not tell you I was occupied?”
The reproach was clear in his voice, but Isabella ignored it. She was too busy trying to find fault with Alannis. Unfortunately for her, unless Alannis’s voice was grating, the woman was darn near perfect. She and Theron even looked fabulous together.
“She might have mentioned that you were busy,” Isabella murmured.
“Who is this?” Alannis’s mother asked imperiously.
Theron turned and smiled reassuringly. “This is the girl I told you about, Sophia.” Then he looked back at Isabella. “Isabella, I’d like you to meet Alannis Gianopolous and her mother, Sophia. Ladies, this is Isabella Caplan, my ward.”
Sophia immediately lost her guarded look and smiled warmly at Isabella. To Isabella’s further surprise, the older woman approached her, holding her hands out.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Isabella. Theron has told us so much about you. I think it’s wonderful that he’s taking the time to introduce you to potential husbands.”
Sophia kissed her on either cheek while Isabella murmured her stunned thanks.
“I’m very happy to meet you, Isabella,” Alannis offered with a shy smile.
“Likewise,” Isabella said weakly. Her gaze found Theron’s again. She looked for any sign that he was miserable, but his expression was unreadable.
“Was there something you needed?” Theron prompted.
She made a show of checking her watch. “You told me to be here this morning. Well, here I am.”
He frowned for a moment and then remembrance sparked in his eyes. “Ah, yes, of course. You’ll have to forgive me.” He flashed a smile in Alannis’s direction. “In the excitement of Alannis’s arrival, I completely forgot about your security team. They’re waiting out front. I’ve briefed them on my expectations. Madeline can go over the rest with you.”
He walked over to his intercom and proceeded to tell Madeline that he was sending Isabella out to meet her security force.
And just like that, she was dismissed.
Sophia hugged her warmly while Alannis gave her a friendly smile. A moment later, Isabella found herself all but shoved from the office.
Numbly she made her way back to Madeline’s desk. Madeline gave her a quick look of sympathy before getting up and circling her desk.
“Come with me,” she directed as she all but dragged Isabella after her.
Isabella allowed herself to be led into the same conference room as the day before. Madeline shut the doors behind them and then turned on Isabella.
“I’ve changed my mind. I’ve decided to help you.”
Isabella looked at her in surprise. “What do you mean?”
Madeline sighed. “Alannis is a lovely girl.”
“Now you’re making her sound like a poodle,” Isabella pointed out, remembering that Sadie had told her the same.
“She’s truly lovely, but she’s all wrong for Theron. I knew it the moment I met her and her forceful mama. Alannis is a mouse while Theron is more of a lion.”
“Maybe he wants a mouse,” Isabella murmured.
“Have you given up then?” Madeline asked as she tapped her foot impatiently.
Isabella gave her an unhappy frown.
Madeline shook her head in exasperation. “This marriage would be a disaster. You know it and I know it. Theron has to know it somewhere behind that thick skull of his.”
“I thought you had a strict policy against interfering in your employer’s personal life?” Isabella said.
Madeline snorted. “I’m not going to interfere. You are.”
Isabella raised her eyebrows.
“He plans to propose this Friday night after the opera. He has the tickets, the ring, the entire evening planned. I’ve given you the information. What you do with it is up to you,” she said with a shrug.
“So soon?” Isabella whispered.
“Yep, which means you have to move fast,” Madeline said cheerfully.
Isabella slowly nodded. Her mind was already racing a mile a minute.
“While you’re pondering, let me introduce you to your security team,” Madeline said as she herded Isabella back toward the office where the men waited. “They have strict instructions to accompany you wherever you go.” She turned to Isabella and grinned. “Should make things interesting for you.”
Isabella only half heard the introductions. She had to crane her neck to look up to the three really large men. They certainly fit the part of security, though she couldn’t imagine that subtlety was their strong point. But then subtlety wasn’t one of Theron’s strong points, either.
As Madeline introduced the last man, Theron’s door opened and he and Alannis and her mother came out. Alannis’s arm was linked with Theron’s, and his head was bent low as he listened to something she said.
Isabella stared unhappily at them until Madeline elbowed her in the ribs.
“You’re being far too obvious, my girl,” Madeline whispered. “Smile. You don’t want mama bear to be suspicious. I get the impression she can be a barracuda when it comes to her daughter.”
Isabella forced a smile to her lips just as the three approached.
“I trust you found your security team to your liking?” Theron asked politely.
Isabella nodded and smiled more broadly. Then in an even bigger effort to kill them all with kindness, she turned her attention to Alannis. “How was your trip? Everything went well, I hope.”
Alannis’s smile lit up her entire face. “It did,” she said in only slightly accented English. “I’m very happy to be here.” She glanced up at Theron, and Isabella flinched at the open adoration in her expression.
“We look forward to seeing you again Thursday evening,” Sophia said.
“Thursday?” Isabella parroted. She glanced at Theron in confusion.
“The cocktail party,” Theron said smoothly. “I, of course, extended an invitation to them, as well.”
“Of course,” Isabella said faintly.
Though his almost fiancée stood at his side, clinging to his arm like seaweed, Theron’s gaze was on Isabella, his dark eyes probing. His eyes traveled a path of awareness over her skin.
Did he love Alannis? Did he feel a certain affection for her? She was older than Isabella, but not by much. Maybe a few years? There was youthful innocence in Alannis’s eyes that made Isabella feel older and more jaded.
Isabella swallowed the rising knot in her throat and she turned brightly to Sophia. “I too look forward to seeing you again. Perhaps you can tell me all about Greece. I’ve heard it’s such a lovely place to visit. Maybe I can honeymoon there after I marry.”
Sophia beamed at her while Theron’s face darkened.
“We should go now,” Theron said to Sophia. “You and Alannis have had a long trip. I’ll have your luggage delivered to the hotel at once.”
He nodded in Isabella’s direction as he and the other women walked past. “Let me know if you have any problems, Bella.”
She nodded, unable to speak past the lump in her throat that she couldn’t quite make go away.

Chapter Seven
He couldn’t stop thinking about her. Theron rubbed his face in annoyance as he focused on what Alannis and Sophia were talking about. He’d taken them to lunch after they’d settled into their suite, but he was only reminded of having eaten with Isabella at this same table just before kissing her senseless in the elevator.
Sophia was overjoyed with his plan to propose to Alannis after the opera. He’d planned the evening meticulously, buying tickets for Alannis’s favorite performance with a plan to end the evening with an after-party at his hotel.
So why wasn’t he more enthused?
Alannis was obviously excited. Theron was sure Sophia had hinted broadly of his plan to ask Alannis to marry him, although he’d asked Sophia to keep the details secret.
It seemed everyone was thrilled except him.
“Have you found suitable candidates for Isabella?” Sophia asked.
“Pardon?” Theron asked as he shook himself from his thoughts.
“You mentioned that you were trying to find her a husband,” Sophia said patiently. “I wondered if you’d found a suitable match yet.”
“Oh. Yes, of course. I plan to introduce her to a few carefully screened men at the cocktail party Thursday night.”
Sophia nodded approvingly. “She’s a beautiful young girl. She seems lonely, though. I doubt she’ll have any problem in finding a husband.”
Theron frowned. No, she wouldn’t have any trouble in that area. Men would line up for a chance to be her husband.
Sophia leaned forward, excitement lighting her eyes. “You know, Theron, I’d love to sponsor Isabella myself. She could return to Greece with me. Myron would be more than happy to introduce her to any number of fine young men from good families.”
“That’s a wonderful idea, Mama,” Alannis said.
“I’ll bring it up to her when I speak to her next,” Theron said. He wasn’t sure why, but the idea of her leaving the country and marrying someone so far away left a very bad taste in his mouth.
Not that her marrying closer made him feel any better.
He listened as Alannis recounted the details of her trip and her excitement over visiting New York for the first time. But his mind simply wasn’t on the present. His thoughts were occupied by a vibrant, dark-haired temptress with a smile that would melt a man at twenty feet.
As if he’d conjured her, he glanced up and saw her across the room. She was walking beside the host as he directed her to a table by the window.
Remembering Sophia’s assertion that she seemed lonely, he took the opportunity to study her. Sophia was right. Isabella did look lonely. Even a little sad.
She was dressed in jeans and a plain T-shirt. Her hair was drawn into a ponytail, and the smile that he’d just pondered over was absent.
She was seated by herself, and then she smiled up at the waiter as he attended her. But her smile didn’t quite reach her eyes.
For the first time he reflected on her circumstances. How difficult it must be for her to be alone in an unfamiliar city. No family, and if she had friends, he hadn’t been made aware of them. Guilt crept over him as he remembered his eagerness to rid himself of her.
Now he was glad he’d planned the cocktail party for Thursday night. Maybe instead of making it a bland gathering at his penthouse with polite conversation, he could turn it into a party at the hotel welcoming Isabella to New York. He could still introduce her to the men on Madeline’s list, but at least she would have some fun if he livened things up a bit. A girl her age would be bored silly at the kind of gathering he’d first envisioned.
Feeling marginally better, he refocused his attention on Alannis and reminded himself that in a few days’ time, he’d be asking her to be his wife. She’d be his lover and the mother of his children. She was the woman he’d spend the rest of his life with.
Cold panic swept over him until sweat beaded his forehead. Instead of infusing comfort and contentment, the idea of making such a commitment filled him with dread.
Why was he reacting so badly now when a week ago he looked forward to a life with Alannis? It didn’t make any sense.
Again his gaze wandered to where Isabella sat. She stared out the window, a pensive expression on her face. Her fingers twined in a strand of her hair as she twirled it absently. She sipped at a glass of water, her gaze never breaking.
Theron reached into his pocket and pulled out his Black-Berry. He thumbed a quick message to Madeline asking her when his shopping trip was scheduled with Isabella. After all, he didn’t want to commit to an appointment with Alannis at the same time.
After a moment, Madeline returned his message. He frowned when he read it and then glanced up at Isabella again. She was going alone? She didn’t want him to go with her?
Still frowning, he keyed in his response to Madeline.

Find out when she’s going. Clear my schedule.
As soon as Isabella left her suite, a man fell into step beside her. She still hadn’t gotten used to this whole security team thing, and it made her nervous to have men dogging her heels everywhere she went.
He got onto the elevator with her and stood in the back as they rode down. When they got to the lobby, they were joined by the other members. Trying to pay them no mind, she headed out the front where the taxis waited.
Before she got two steps toward the first in line, one of the men stepped in front of her, barring her path. She drew up short and sighed in exasperation.
“Look…what is your name?” They had been introduced to her yesterday, but she’d been reeling from the news of Theron’s upcoming engagement. “Or should I just call you Huey, Louie and Dewey?”
The man in front of her flashed white teeth as he grinned. So they did have another expression besides the stone statue look.
“You can call me Reynolds.” He gestured to the two men on either side of her. How had they gotten there anyway? “The one on your left is Davison and the other guy is Maxwell.”
“Okay, Reynolds,” she said patiently. She addressed him because he seemed to be in charge, and he was the one blocking her way to the taxi. “I need to get into that taxi. I’m going shopping. There isn’t any need for you guys to follow me on a girly trip. You could wait here at the restaurant.”
He smiled again. “I’m afraid I can’t do that, Ms. Caplan. Our orders are to go everywhere you go.”
She muttered an expletive under her breath and watched as amusement crossed his face again. “Even to the bathroom?” she asked sweetly.
“If necessary,” he said, wiping the smile right off her face.
“Well, hell,” she grumbled. And then she pointed out the obvious. “There’s no way we’ll all fit in that cab.” She smiled as she waited for him to agree.
He looked sternly at her. “We have strict instructions that when you go anywhere, you’re to take the car that Mr. Anetakis provided for you. This morning, however, you’re to wait here for Mr. Anetakis to arrive.”
She frowned and then stared at Davison and Maxwell. If she expected confirmation or denial from them, she was sorely disappointed. They simply stood, their gazes constantly moving around and beyond her as though looking for potential danger.
“You must be mistaken,” she said to Reynolds. “I’m not meeting Theron today. I’m going shopping for my apartment.”
Reynolds checked his watch and then looked up as a sleek, silver Mercedes vehicle pulled up and stopped just a few feet from where they stood.
To her never-ending surprise, Theron stepped from the car and strode in her direction. As he drew abreast of her, he pulled his sunglasses off and slipped them into the pocket of his polo shirt.
He reached for her hand, his fingers curling firmly around hers. Then he turned to Reynolds. “Is there a problem?” he asked with a frown.
Reynolds gave a quick shake of his head. “Ms. Caplan was about to leave in a cab. I was in the process of explaining to her why she couldn’t.”
Theron nodded his approval and then turned back to look at Isabella. “It’s important that you heed my instructions, pethi mou. The arrangements I have made are for your well-being and safety.”
“Of course,” she murmured. “I won’t keep you. I’m sure you’re here to see Alannis.” She glanced over at Reynolds. “Will you call for the car since I’m not allowed in a taxi?”
Theron raised one eyebrow. “A few days ago, you wanted me to accompany you. Have you changed your mind?”
Confusion crowded her mind, and she scrunched up her brow as she stared up at him. “I assumed that since you have guests here, that you wouldn’t have time to go with me.”
“Ah, but you’re my guest, too,” he said as he pulled her hand. He guided her toward the still waiting Mercedes and gestured for her to get into the back. Then he spoke to Reynolds over the door. “You’re excused until we return. My team will handle her security.”
Isabella scooted over and settled into the comfortable leather seat. Theron ducked in and sat down next to her. As the driver pulled away, Isabella shook her head and smiled ruefully.
“When was the last time you didn’t get your way about something?”
He gave her a puzzled look.
“And why all the security?” she asked in exasperation. “It seems a little pretentious.”
His face immediately darkened. “Before they were married, Chrysander’s wife was abducted and held for ransom. She was pregnant at the time. Her kidnappers have never been apprehended. I take no chances with the safety of those under my care.”
“How are Chrysander and his wife?” she asked softly.
“They are well. Marley prefers the island so they stay there. Chrysander occasionally leaves for business purposes but he doesn’t leave Marley or their son very often.”
“I can’t imagine Chrysander so in love,” she said with a laugh. “He seems so intimidating.”
“You obviously don’t feel the same around me,” Theron said dryly.
She let her gaze wander slowly up his body until she stared into his eyes. “The way I feel about you in no way compares to how I feel around Chrysander.”
There was a surge in his expression, an awareness that he fought. Such conflicting emotions shooting across his face. Before he could respond to her enigmatic statement, she turned to look out the window.
“So what made you come along this morning?” she asked cheerfully.
Though she was no longer facing him, she could feel his every move. She could feel him breathe so tuned into his body was she.
“I would have thought you’d be far too busy with work and entertaining your…guests.”
“I’m not too busy to renege on a promise I made,” he said. “I told you I’d go shopping with you and here I am.”
She turned then and smiled. “I’m glad. Thank you.”
They spent the morning going down the list of items she wanted for her apartment. Theron seemed appreciative of the fact that she didn’t take forever making her selections. But the fact was, she didn’t really labor over furniture styles because if things went the way she wanted, then she wouldn’t be staying in the apartment long term. And if they didn’t go her way, she wasn’t going to stick around New York City only to watch Theron with another woman.
By two in the afternoon, she was tired and hungry and told Theron so. He suggested they eat at the hotel again. She was thrilled that he didn’t seem intent on rushing back to Alannis as soon as the shopping was done.
When they got back to the hotel, they were met by Reynolds who told Theron he and the others would stand by in the restaurant while they ate. Already, she was growing used to the small entourage of people who followed Theron wherever he went.
If he was this protective over someone he deemed “under his care,” then how much more so would he be when it came to someone he loved?
She smiled dreamily as they were escorted to Theron’s table. She could handle his overprotective tendencies if it meant he loved her.
“You look well pleased with yourself, pethi mou.”
Theron’s voice broke through her thoughts.
“Are you happy with your purchases?”
She nodded and smiled. “Thank you for going with me.”
“It was my pleasure. You shouldn’t be alone in such an unfamiliar place.”
After placing their orders, Theron sat back in his seat, glass of wine in hand and stared over the table at her.
“So tell me, Bella. Why New York? Did you not have friends in California you preferred to stay close to? And have you given more thought to what you will do now that you’ve graduated from university?”
She smiled patiently. “My indecision must drive someone such as yourself insane, but I really do have a well-thought-out plan for my future.”
“Such as myself?” he asked. “Dare I ask what that’s supposed to mean?”
“Just that I imagine your life is planned out to the nth degree and that you have no patience for people who aren’t as organized as you. Am I right?” she asked mischievously.
He struggled with a scowl before finally relaxing into a smile. “There’s nothing wrong with having one’s path planned out in advance.”
“No, there isn’t,” she agreed. “I have mine quite mapped out, however, things don’t always go according to plan. The real test is how you manage when your plans fall apart.”
“Very wise words coming from someone so young.”
She wrinkled her nose and rolled her eyes. “Do you keep reminding yourself of my age so that you aren’t tempted to do something outrageous like kiss me again?”
He blinked at her, his mouth falling open. Then he snapped it closed and his jaw tightened. “I thought we agreed to forget that ever happened.”
“I agreed to do no such thing,” she said lightly. “You can do as you like, however.”
He was saved from making his response when the waiter returned bearing their food. Isabella watched Theron all through the meal. His agitation was evident in his short, jerky motions as he dug into his food and ate. Several times he looked up and their gazes connected. There was such fire in his eyes. He wasn’t immune to her. Not by a long shot. If she had to guess, he was very affected.
She’d already shoved her plate aside when she heard Theron’s name called from a few tables away. She glanced over to see a handsome man approach their table. He was well dressed, he screamed wealth and refinement, and he looked at her with undisguised interest even though it was Theron’s name he spoke.
Theron looked less than pleased by the interruption, but it didn’t seem to bother the man who now stood at their table.
“Theron, it’s good to see you. I was happy to receive your invitation for Thursday night.”
He glanced over at Isabella as he spoke and she stared back, wondering if this was one of the men on Theron’s infamous potential husband list. She cocked her eyebrow in question but Theron ignored her.
“Are you coming?” Isabella spoke up, offering the man a bright smile. “I have it on good authority that Theron is using Thursday’s little soiree to find me a husband.”
She grinned at the man’s look of surprise. Then he laughed while Theron scowled even harder.
“You must be Isabella Caplan. I’m Marcus Atwater, and yes, I’ll be attending. Now that I know my attendance puts me in the running, I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
Isabella smiled and extended her hand. “Please, call me Bella.”
Marcus took her hand but instead of shaking it, he raised it to his lips and kissed it.
“All right, Bella. A beautiful name for an equally beautiful woman.”
“Is there something you wanted, Marcus?” Theron asked pointedly.
His glare could melt steel, but Marcus didn’t seem to be too bothered—or intimidated.
Isabella sat back. Maybe Theron seeing another man openly flirt with her would bring out those protective instincts. Maybe, just maybe if he suddenly had a little competition…
“Nothing at all,” Marcus said congenially. “I saw you with a beautiful woman, and I merely wanted to make her acquaintance and see for myself if this was the mysterious Isabella Caplan, the same woman you were throwing the party for. I’m glad now that I came over.” He glanced back at Isabella again. “Save me a dance Thursday night?”
She smiled and nodded. “Of course.”
She watched him walk away before turning back to Theron. “So tell me, how did he rate among the other men you considered for my husband?”
Theron gave her a disgruntled look. “He’s toward the top,” he mumbled.
“Oh good, then you won’t mind if we spend time together at your cocktail party.”
“No,” he said through gritted teeth. “He would be a good choice. He’s successful, doesn’t have any debt, he’s never been married before, and he’s healthy.”
“Good God, tell me you didn’t hack into his medical records,” she said in disbelief.
“Of course I did. I wouldn’t suggest you marry a man who was in ill health or had defects that could be passed on to your children.”
He seemed affronted that she’d ask such a question.
She stifled her laughter and tried to look serious and appreciative. “So can I assume that any man at your party has been carefully screened and has your stamp of approval then?”
He nodded slowly but he didn’t look happy about the fact.
“Well then, this should be fun,” she said brightly. “A room full of wealthy, good-looking men to choose from.” She leaned forward and pretended to whisper conspiratorially. “Did you also find out if they were good in bed?”
Theron choked on his drink. He set it down and growled in a low voice, “Of course I didn’t question their sexual prowess.”
“Pity. I suppose I’ll have to find out myself before settling on one man in particular.”
“You’ll do no such thing,” Theron snarled.
Her eyes widened innocently as she viewed his obvious irritation. He looked near to bursting a blood vessel.
His phone rang, and he looked relieved as he fumbled for it. After a few clipped sentences, he rang off and looked over at her.
“You’ll have to excuse me, but I have to go. I have an important meeting I can’t miss.”
She shrugged nonchalantly. “Don’t mind me. I was going up to my suite anyway.”
Theron motioned for Reynolds and then rose from his chair.
“Your security detail will see you up to your suite. And Bella, don’t try to go anywhere without them.”

Chapter Eight
Theron’s admonishment still rang in Isabella’s ears the next morning as she plotted her path past her security team. It wasn’t that she minded them going shopping with her. They might even be able to offer a male perspective on which dress looked best on her. She wanted to look good for the cocktail party, and not because of the men Theron had invited with her in mind.
As soon as she stepped out of her room, Reynolds fell into step behind her.
“Good morning,” she offered sweetly.
“Good morning,” he offered in return. “Where would you like to go this morning?” He pulled out his cell phone to call for the car.
“I want to do a little sightseeing,” she said. “I don’t know my way around the city very well, so I’ll have to rely on you.”
“What interests you?” he asked politely.
She pretended to think. “Museums, art galleries, oh, and I’d like to see the Statue of Liberty.”

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