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Expecting the Rancher′s Heir / Taming Her Billionaire Boss: Expecting the Rancher′s Heir
Expecting the Rancher′s Heir / Taming Her Billionaire Boss: Expecting the Rancher′s Heir
Expecting the Rancher's Heir / Taming Her Billionaire Boss: Expecting the Rancher's Heir
Kathie DeNosky
Maxine Sullivan
Expecting the Rancher’s HeirMelissa Jarrod treasured her secret no-strings affair with rich rancher Shane McDermott. Then a pregnancy test rocked the Aspen heiress’s world. An out-of-wedlock baby would spook investors in her family’s business. Shane was a man of honour and proposing a marriage of convenience came naturally.But Melissa wouldn’t settle for anything less than love! Taming Her Billionaire Boss No one quit on Blake Jarrod! So when his devoted assistant suddenly resigned, the hotelier wanted answers. Samantha Thompson wasn’t talking. Blake gave himself her one-month’s notice to seduce the truth from her. And despite his rule about business and pleasure never mixing, Blake intended to make the most of this endeavour…DYNASTIES: THE JARRODS A powerful family divided by secrets, reunited to forge a dazzling future

Expecting the

Rancher’s Heir
Kathie DeNosky

Taming Her

Billionaire Boss
Maxine Sullivan

www.millsandboon.co.uk (http://www.millsandboon.co.uk)
Expecting The Rancher’s Heir
Kathie DeNosky
He traced her perfect coral lips with his tongue, then coaxed her to open for him.
When he stroked her tongue with his, he could tell from her soft moan that she was as turned on as he was.
Unfortunately, sitting on a bale of straw in a stable had to be one of the least sensual places on earth. Cursing himself as nine kinds of a fool for starting something he couldn’t finish, he groaned and reluctantly broke the kiss.
“I think it’s about time we took that hot shower,” he said, setting her on her feet.
“We?” she asked as he rose to take her hand in his and hurry her toward the stable doors.
He didn’t even try to stop his wicked grin. “I’ve decided it’s about time for the ranch to ‘go green.’ We’ll save water by showering together.”
Dear Reader,
When I was offered the opportunity to participate in the DYNASTY: THE JARRODS series, I was not only honored to be asked to write Expecting the Rancher’s Heir, I was intrigued by the idea of a no-strings affair suddenly becoming a very serious dilemma. Then, when I discovered it was set in the beautiful Rocky Mountains, my imagination took off.
Shortly after returning to Aspen for the reading of her father’s will, Melissa Jarrod entered into a no-strings affair with local rancher Shane McDermott, one of the investors in Jarrod Ridge Resort. They’ve managed to keep it from her family and the other investors, but when their liaison takes an unexpected turn, it’s just a matter of time before their secret comes to light.
I hope you enjoy reading Expecting the Rancher’s Heir as much as I enjoyed writing it. I love hearing from my readers. Please feel free to e-mail me at Kathie@ Kathiedenosky.com or send snail mail to PO Box 2064, Herrin, IL 62948, USA. And don’t forget to stop by my website, www.kathiedenosky.com.
All the best,
From the Last Will and Testament of Don Jarrod
… And to my daughter, Melissa, I bequeath the third portion of my estate. In particular, I entrust you with executive oversight of the Jarrod Ridge spa complex. Though you may think I didn’t notice, the success you’ve had with your fitness concern in Malibu truly impressed me. Ever since you were a little girl, I’ve been so proud of you, even though our family business kept me away from home, and from showing how much I truly loved you. I only ask that you make your younger half-sister, Erica, feel as loved and welcome in her new family. You always held your own among your headstrong brothers; now show her the way.

About the Author
KATHIE DENOSKY lives in her native southern Illinois with her big, lovable Bernese mountain dog, Nemo. Writing highly sensual stories with a generous amount of humor, Kathie’s books have appeared on the Waldenbooks bestseller list and received the Write Touch Readers Award and the National Readers’ Choice Award. Kathie enjoys going to rodeos, traveling to research settings for her books and listening to country music. Readers may contact Kathie at PO Box 2064, Herrin, Illinois 62948-5264, USA or e-mail her at kathie@kathiedenosky.com. They can also visit her website at www.kathiedenosky.com.
This book is dedicated to the wonderful authors I worked with on this series, Maureen Child, Maxine Sullivan, Tessa Radley, Emilie Rose and Heidi Betts. It was a pleasure working with all of you.
And a special thank you to Charles Griemsman and Krista Stroever for asking me to be included in such a great project.

“Don’t say pregnant. Please don’t say pregnant,” Melissa Jarrod whispered, afraid to open her tightly closed eyes. Maybe if she repeated it enough times she could will the white stick in her trembling hand to give her the results she wanted.
When she finally worked up the courage to take a peek at the pregnancy test she held, her eyes widened and it felt as if her stomach dropped all the way to her feet. The word pregnant in the little results window couldn’t have been clearer.
“I can’t be pregnant,” she said disbelievingly as she glanced at herself in the bathroom mirror. “We’ve been careful.”
But as her gaze dropped to her flat stomach, she realized that the way her luck had been running lately, it was not only possible, it was highly probable. She and Shane McDermott had been in a physical relationship practically from the moment she returned to Aspen two months ago. She sighed heavily. Although they’d taken the proper precautions, there had been that one night only a few days after they’d started seeing each other when they’d gotten carried away and passion had overtaken them.
Hoping the results of the test might be wrong, she quickly picked up the box to check the directions. No, she had done everything correctly. She turned the box to the side to see if there was a disclaimer or some reassurance that the test could have given a false-positive reading. Her spirits sank further when she found what she was looking for. The percentage of error was so low, it was almost impossible that she wasn’t pregnant.
Wandering into the bedroom, she sank onto the side of the bed. What was she going to do and how on earth was she going to tell Shane?
He had made it perfectly clear from the beginning that he wasn’t interested in a serious relationship, and that had been just fine with her. When she’d first come back to Aspen for the reading of her father’s will, she hadn’t been certain just how long she would be staying. But she, her brothers and her newfound half sister had learned they were required to take over the running of the Jarrod Ridge Resort for at least one year or forfeit their inheritance of the thriving enterprise. Even so, it would have been utter foolishness to engage in anything long-term, knowing that she would eventually return to California at some point in the future.
But with the positive results of the pregnancy test, their casual affair had just taken a very serious turn and become a lifelong commitment. At least for her. But how would Shane react when he learned that in a little more than seven months he was going to be a father?
Lost in a tangle of disturbing thoughts and fighting a wave of sheer panic, Melissa jumped when her cell phone rang. Reaching to pick it up from the night-stand, she noticed the number for the Tranquility Spa on the caller ID.
“What’s wrong this time, Rita?” she asked, taking a deep steadying breath.
Whether real or imagined, the assistant manager of Jarrod Ridge’s elite spa had reported a crisis nearly every day since Melissa had stepped in to temporarily take over the manager’s position. But for the first time in two months, she welcomed the insecure woman’s concerns. Anything was a welcome distraction from her own current dilemma.
“I’m sorry to bother you, Ms. Jarrod, but the yoga instructor called in sick this morning and I haven’t been able to reach our backup. We have a room full of guests and no one to lead the yoga class. What should I do?” Rita whined, her voice clearly filled with indecision, as well as a good amount of panic.
“First of all, breathe, Rita,” Melissa said, rising from the bed to pull a leotard from her dresser drawer. “I want you to calm down, then escort the guests over to the juice bar for a complimentary drink.”
“Then what?” the woman asked, sounding a little more in control of herself.
How on earth the woman had managed to land the assistant-manager position, Melissa would never know. Although Rita was very nice, she couldn’t make a decision on her own if her life depended on it.
Melissa checked her watch. “I’ll be there in ten minutes to teach the class.”
The last thing she wanted to do was lead a yoga session this morning. She needed to figure out when and how she was going to tell Shane, as well as her family, about the pregnancy. But the choice had been taken out of her hands. The Tranquility Spa had a stellar reputation for giving Jarrod Ridge guests five-star treatment and she wasn’t about to let that status slip on her watch.
Putting her long blond hair into a ponytail, she stuffed her things into her gym bag, then grabbed her car keys from the kitchen counter as she started out the door of the lodge. Since her return to Aspen, she had been staying in Willow Lodge, one of the exclusive log cabins owned by Jarrod Ridge Resort.
She could have stayed in her suite at the family estate, but that had never been an option for her. Jarrod Manor might have been where she grew up, but she had always thought of it as more of a prison than she had a home. She hadn’t been back but a handful of times since moving out to go to college eight years ago and she didn’t particularly care to go back now.
As she steered her SUV under the canopy of the resort’s main entrance, she relegated thoughts of her dismal, lonely childhood to the back of her mind. Even though Willow Lodge was the cabin farthest away from the manor, she could have walked the short distance. But as soon as the yoga class was over, she fully intended to make the drive over to the next valley where Shane’s ranch was located and tell him there had been an unexpected complication in their no-strings relationship. That is if she could find the place.
She had only been to Rainbow Bend Ranch once and that had been years ago. If she remembered correctly it was in a remote valley that was several miles off the main road.
When she parked the Mountaineer, her heart raced at the sight of the man standing beside the truck just in front of hers. Shane McDermott was handing his keys to one of the valets and she didn’t think she had ever seen him look so darned sexy.
Tall and devilishly handsome, he was a cowboy from the top of his wide-brimmed black Resistol to the soles of his big-booted feet. Shane was the type of man she had always fantasized about, and if the expressions on the faces of the female guests standing by the resort’s main entrance were any indication, he was the type of man they dreamed about, too.
No wonder he had a reputation for being a ladies’ man. They were drawn to him like bees to pollen.
Her heart came to a complete halt when he walked over to open the driver’s door of her SUV.
“Good morning, Ms. Jarrod,” he said, removing his hat as any self-respecting cowboy would do when greeting a lady.
A slight breeze ruffled his thick black hair and it reminded her of how it had looked the other night after she had run her fingers through it when they’d made love. She did her best to ignore the tingle that coursed through her at the thought of what they had shared.
“Good morning, Mr. McDermott,” she answered, getting out of the car to hand her keys to one of the uniformed valets.
“I thought Friday was your day off,” he said, smiling congenially.
“It usually is.” She breezed past him and hurried toward the resort doors. “One of the spa’s yoga instructors called in sick this morning and I’m going to have to teach her class.”
He fell into step beside her. “After you finish twisting the resort’s guests into pretzels do you have the rest of the day off?”
She couldn’t help but wonder where Shane was going with his line of questioning. In order to avoid gossip among the Jarrod Ridge employees and the disapproval of some of the older, less progressive-minded investors, they’d been extremely careful to conceal their affair. Not even her family knew about them, and they had managed to maintain the appearance of being nothing more than acquaintances by limiting being seen together. They hadn’t even spent an entire night together for fear of someone seeing him leave her place. Thus far, they’d been successful by not being seen together at all.
But if Shane continued questioning her as they walked toward the spa, there was a very real possibility that someone would take notice, and by the end of the day, the rumors about them would be spread all over the resort, if not the entire town of Aspen. Or even worse, her nerves could very well get the better of her and she would blurt out in the middle of the crowded lobby that she going to have his baby.
Neither scenario was appealing. She knew for certain that she couldn’t cope with the fallout that was sure to follow on top of everything else she had to deal with.
“I’ll come by Willow Lodge later,” he said, smiling. His icy blue eyes danced with mischief. “I have something I want to talk to you about, Lissa.”
“Would you keep your voice down?” she hissed.
She quickly looked around to see if anyone overheard him. He was the only person who had ever called her Lissa and it never failed to send an exciting little thrill coursing through her.
“I have something I need to discuss with you, too, Shane. But I’d rather not go into it …” Her voice trailed off when a bellman seemed to take more than a passing interest in seeing them together. When the man moved on, she turned back to Shane. “I thought you were supposed to have a luncheon meeting today with some of the other Jarrod Ridge investors, Mr. McDermott.”
“I do.” He looked as if he didn’t have a care in the world, and she couldn’t help but wonder how quickly that would change when she shared her news.
“Then what are you doing here now?”
Melissa hadn’t meant to sound so blunt, but if she didn’t get to the yoga class pretty soon, poor Rita was sure to suffer a nervous breakdown and guests would start complaining. Besides, she needed to put some space between herself and Shane. The scent of leather and woodsy aftershave were playing havoc with her equilibrium and it was all she could do to keep from swaying toward him.
“I came early to see that the new herd of trail horses I sold the resort is living up to expectation.” He arched one dark eyebrow. “Do you have a problem with that?”
Sighing, Melissa shook her head. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to be so short with you. The yoga class was supposed to start fifteen minutes ago and I really do need to get to the spa.”
“Then I won’t keep you, Ms. Jarrod.” His voice grew a bit louder as they reached the entrance to Tranquility Spa and she knew it was for the benefit of anyone who might be eavesdropping. He gave her a conspiratorial wink as he dipped his head ever so slightly and touched the wide brim of his cowboy hat. “It was nice running into you again. I hope you have a nice Labor Day weekend.”
As she watched Shane turn and stroll down the hall toward the meeting rooms, Melissa sighed. The man looked almost as good from the back as he did from the front. His Western-cut, dark brown suit jacket emphasized the width of his strong shoulders and his blue jeans fit his long, muscular legs to perfection.
His well-toned physique rivaled that of a Greek god and she had intimate knowledge of the power and strength of each and every muscle when he had held her, kissed her, made love to her.
A tiny shiver streaked straight up her spine. She forced herself to ignore the sudden warmth that followed as it spread throughout her body. Opening the door to the spa, she took a deep breath and prepared to teach the yoga class.
Lusting after Shane McDermott was what had landed her in her current predicament. It would definitely be in her best interests to remember that.
“Melissa, did you hear me?” Avery Lancaster asked. Engaged to Melissa’s brother Guy, the petite blonde had become a very close friend in the month since they met.
“Um, sorry,” Melissa murmured as she took a sip of her water. With her mind still reeling from the results of the pregnancy test, she found it hard to concentrate on the conversation.
“I asked if you’ve tried the cucumber sandwiches Guy added?” her friend asked patiently as she pointed to the leather-bound folder Melissa held.
Perusing the new healthy-choices section her brother had added to the Sky Lounge lunch menu since taking over managing the resort’s restaurants, Melissa shook her head. “No, I hadn’t even noticed the new dishes.”
Avery frowned. “Is something wrong?”
“Oh, just the usual stuff that goes along with managing a spa,” Melissa lied, closing the menu and setting it on the table. She hated not being truthful with her friend, but she needed to talk to Shane about the pregnancy before anyone else.
“Still having problems with your assistant manager, little sister?” Guy asked, walking over to join them. He leaned down to kiss Avery, then seated himself beside her.
“Actually, Rita is doing a little better than she was,” Melissa said, thankful to have something to focus on besides her own dilemma. “She did have a moment this morning when I thought her nerves were going to send her into a panic attack, but we got it straightened out.”
“In other words, you took care of it,” Guy said, knowingly.
“Well, yes,” Melissa admitted. “But in all fairness to Rita, there wasn’t anyone else to teach the yoga class this morning.”
“Are you still taking the weekend off like you planned?” Avery asked.
“Blake thinks I should,” Melissa said, shrugging. Guy’s fraternal twin and the new CEO of Jarrod Ridge Resort, her oldest brother had pointed out at the last managers’ meeting that she needed to back off to see if Rita could handle the assistant manager’s position or if she needed to be replaced. “I’ll only be a phone call away, so I don’t suppose it would hurt to be off for a few days.”
“You haven’t taken any time for yourself since you started managing the spa,” Guy pointed out. “We both know if Rita knows you’re available, she’ll call.”
Melissa rubbed at the tension building at her temples. “I can’t just leave her on her own. What if something happens like this morning?”
Guy looked thoughtful for a moment. “If Rita runs into something she can’t handle, she can get hold of me or Blake. I’ll be around most of the weekend, and you know that Blake will be, too.”
“You and Blake both intimidate Rita.” Melissa couldn’t help but laugh. “Besides, what do you know about running a spa or teaching yoga?”
“Me? Intimidate someone?” Guy grinned. “Just because I demand the best from my kitchen staff, it doesn’t mean that I’m a tyrant.” Reaching out, he patted her shoulder. “Don’t worry. I’ll take care of whatever comes up at the spa. You just relax and enjoy a little down time.”
Never having been encouraged by their father to develop close family ties while they were growing up, Melissa and her four brothers had become a lot closer as adults. She couldn’t help but wonder what it would have been like if they’d had a strong bond when they were children. Maybe growing up in Jarrod Manor wouldn’t have been as lonely for her.
“Thanks, Guy,” Melissa said, smiling. “If you need me …”
Her brother shook his head. “I won’t.” Checking his watch, he rose. “Break’s over. Time to go back to the kitchen and see how things are going.” He kissed Avery’s cheek. “I’ll see you this evening.”
Watching Guy make his way across the crowded restaurant, Avery sighed happily. “Isn’t he just the best-looking man ever?”
“You’re in love,” Melissa said, unable to keep from feeling a bit envious.
Although they’d had a rocky start, Avery and Guy had the kind of loving relationship she had always envisioned for herself. Unfortunately, what she and Shane had together would never go any further than what it was now—a strong physical attraction that would most likely cool considerably once he learned of her pregnancy.
As she and Avery finished lunch, they chatted about the upcoming dinner honoring the Food and Wine Gala investors. By the time they parted in the lobby an hour later, Melissa was more than ready to get back to Willow Lodge. Shane would be coming over soon, and although she had no idea how he would take the news about the baby, they needed to get used to the idea that in about seven months they were going to be parents.
Shane walked out of the meeting room toward the Jarrod Ridge lobby with a single-minded purpose—find Lissa and convince her to spend the three-day weekend with him at his ranch. The resort’s annual Food and Wine Gala had been in full swing for the past couple of weeks, and everything had been extremely busy. The time they’d been able to spend together had been limited, and, now that the event was over, he fully intended to remedy that as soon as possible. He certainly wasn’t looking for anything long-term to develop out of their affair, but he wasn’t yet ready to give up on whatever they had going on between them, either. He had enjoyed spending time with her the past couple of months and looked forward to at least a couple more before they went their separate ways.
“Shane, my boy, it’s good to see you again,” a deep, booming voice said from somewhere behind him.
Stopping, Shane turned to smile at one of his late father’s oldest friends. “It’s good to see you, too, Senator Kurk. How have you been?” he asked, shaking the man’s hand.
“Can’t complain,” the senator said, smiling. Tall and commanding, the white-haired man had been a member of congress for as long as Shane could remember. “It’s always good to get out of Washington for a few days and come back home to spend a little down time with my friends and family.”
“I’m sure it is,” Shane agreed. “I’ve heard they’re keeping you busy these days with several important national issues.”
Senator Kurk chuckled. “And if that isn’t enough to keep me awake at night, I’ve been named the head of a new investigative committee.” He looked thoughtful. “Aren’t you an architect?”
Shane nodded. “I specialize in stables.”
“Interesting,” the man said. “I suppose your studies included other areas of architecture, as well?”
“Of course.” When the man remained silent, Shane started inching away. “I’m sure you’ll get to the bottom of whatever it is your committee is looking into, Senator,” he said, hoping the man wasn’t at liberty to share what the committee was investigating.
As much as he liked Patrick Kurk, the good senator could be as long-winded and boring as any other politician, and Shane had plans that didn’t include listening to him drone on about what ailed the nation. The sooner he got over to the lodge, the sooner he would start what he was certain would be a very enjoyable weekend with one of the most exciting women he had ever had the pleasure of knowing.
“Excuse me, Senator,” one of the man’s aides said, hurrying up to join them. “The Rotary Club meeting is about to begin and your speech is first on the agenda, right after the opening remarks.”
Relieved that his trip over to Willow Lodge wouldn’t be delayed any further, Shane smiled. “I won’t keep you, Senator. Maybe we can get together for some trout fishing on the Rainbow River the next time you’re in town.”
“I’ll take you up on that the first chance I get,” Senator Kurk said, turning to go. “It was good seeing you again, Shane.”
Walking out of the resort, Shane forgot all about politicians and senatorial committees as he started out. He was on a mission to get Lissa to join him for the three-day weekend and he wasn’t going to give up until he got what he wanted.
Given her concerns about feeding the gossip mongers at the resort, he was pretty sure it wouldn’t be all that easy to talk her into staying with him at Rainbow Bend. But there wasn’t a doubt in his mind that what they shared would be worth whatever he had to do to convince her.
Shane shook his head as he looked around to see if anyone was watching, then took the hidden shortcut back toward the luxury lodges. He had been jumping through hoops for the past couple of months just to please her, and it was beginning to get old.
Instead of going directly to the lodge where she was staying, it had become a ritual for him to head toward the stables, then cut back through a small patch of woods. She had insisted that no one would think anything of him going to check on the herd of horses he had sold the resort, and he supposed she was right. But he couldn’t control other people’s opinions of him and didn’t give a damn what they thought anyway. Lissa, on the other hand, was a very private person and he respected her need for discretion even if he didn’t completely understand it.
Slipping through the stand of pine trees behind Willow Lodge, he took the porch steps two at a time. Just as he raised his hand to knock, Lissa opened the door.
“What took you so long?” she asked, taking him by the hand to pull him inside.
As soon as they cleared the doorway, he took her into his arms and used his boot to shove the door shut behind them. “I don’t know a man alive who doesn’t want to hear a woman ask that question, angel.”
She looked as if she had something more on her mind, but it would just have to wait. It had been almost three days since he had held her, kissed her, and he had every intention of immediately remedying that particular problem.
His mouth came down on hers, and she let out a startled little squeak, but to his satisfaction, she didn’t protest or try to push him away. Instead, she wrapped her arms around his waist and pressed herself against him.
Her response to him never failed to send a flash fire rushing from the top of his head straight to the region south of his belt buckle. Today was no different. In the blink of an eye, he was hotter than a two-dollar pistol on a Saturday night.
Shifting to pull her more fully into him, Shane deepened the kiss. As he stroked and teased, her sweet taste, the floral scent of her silky blond hair and the feel of her soft body pressed to his much harder one had him feeling as if his jeans had shrunk at least two sizes in the stride. He quickly decided that he would do well to end the kiss or there was a good chance he’d end up emasculating himself.
“I’ve been wanting to do that ever since I saw you at the resort this morning,” he said, leaning back to smile down at her.
The dazed look in her vibrant blue eyes and the heat of passion coloring her creamy cheeks was one of the most beautiful sights he had ever been privileged to see. Soft and feminine, Lissa looked the way a woman was meant to look when a man kissed her.
She shook her head as if to clear it. “Shane, before this goes any further. We need to talk.”
“Yes, we do,” he agreed.
“There’s something I need to tell you.”
“Me first,” he insisted.
He took her by the hand and led her into the great room. Settling himself into one of the oversize leather chairs in front of the stone fireplace, he pulled her down to sit on his lap.
“This is really important, Shane. There’s been an unexpected development that—”
He placed his index finger to her soft lips. “It’ll have to wait.”
“This is something that can’t wait.”
He gave her a quick kiss to divert her. “I have something I want you to do with me this weekend.”
The kiss distracted her just as he had intended. “W-what?”
“I want you to spend the next few days at my ranch with me.” When it looked as if she was about to protest, he shook his head. “Hear me out, angel. Most of my ranch hands are off for the holiday weekend and the ones who aren’t couldn’t care less who I have staying with me. Cactus, my housekeeper, has already left to visit his sister in Denver for the next few days, and we’ll have the entire house to ourselves. Unless you tell them, no one who cares will ever be the wiser that you stayed with me.”
She looked thoughtful for several long moments before she finally nodded. “We need to discuss something at length and I think it would be a very good idea to have the privacy of your ranch to do it.”
Surprised and more than a little pleased by how easily she had agreed, he hugged her close. “Talking wasn’t what I had in mind when I asked you to go with me. But I guess we can hash over whatever you think is so important while we rest up from more pleasurable pursuits.”
She gave him a warning look. “Will you be serious?”
“Angel, I thought you’d have figured out by now that when it comes to making love, I’m always serious,” he murmured as he kissed the side of her slender neck. “But if you think it’s necessary, I’ll be more than happy to take a few minutes to refresh your memory.”
“After I tell you what I discovered this morning, I think you’ll agree that there should be less emphasis on teasing and making love this weekend and more concentration on making some very serious decisions about what we’re going to do,” she said, pulling from his arms to stand up. He watched her shoulders rise and fall as she took several deep breaths. “Shane, there’s no easy way to put this and I doubt you’ll be happy to hear about it.”
His smile slowly faded. Her body language and the seriousness of her tone warned him that whatever was on her mind was most likely something unpleasant. But he had never been one to avoid an obvious problem. He preferred to hit the difficulty head-on, deal with it and move forward.
“Why don’t you just tell me outright and get it over with, Lissa?”
“A-all right.”
The slight tremor in her voice and the lone tear slowly slipping down her cheek when she turned to face him caused his heart to stutter and had him moving to get to his feet in the blink of an eye. But her next words stopped him stone cold.
“Shane, I’m … pregnant.”

Feeling as if he had taken a sucker punch to the gut, Shane stared at her as he sank back down into the plush chair. Rarely at a loss for words, he suddenly couldn’t have strung two words together if his life depended on it.
Pregnant. Lissa was pregnant. That meant he was going to be a … he swallowed hard against the knot forming in his stomach … a daddy.
He shook his head in an effort to make some sense of his tangled thoughts. He wasn’t sure what he had expected her to tell him, but the fact that she was having a baby—his baby—certainly hadn’t been it. Hell, he had never expected any woman to announce that he had made her pregnant.
“The baby belongs to you,” Lissa said, sounding a little defensive.
He shook his head. “There wasn’t a doubt in my mind about that, angel. When did you see the doctor?”
“I haven’t.” She bit her lower lip to keep it from trembling and he knew she was thoroughly stressed. “I just took the home test this morning.”
“Maybe it was wrong.”
“I don’t think so. I’ve missed one period and getting close to missing the second.” Her shoulders slumped. “Besides, the test boasts the highest accuracy rate of all the in-home brands.”
Suddenly needing a good dose of fresh air and a little time to come to grips with her news, Shane rose to his feet. Walking over to her, he used the pad of his thumb to wipe the tear from her cheek.
“Why don’t you pack a bag for the weekend while I go get my truck?”
“But what if someone sees us leaving town together?” she asked, looking uncertain.
“We’ve got bigger things to worry about than what some busybody with nothing better to do than spread gossip is going to say about seeing the two of us together,” he interrupted, anticipating her argument. Taking her into his arms, he pressed a quick kiss to her forehead. “Once we get to Rainbow Bend, we can discuss things, sort it all out and decide what we’re going to do. For now, get your things together and be ready to go when I get back.” Without waiting for her to change her mind or find an excuse to stay at the resort, he quickly released her and walked outside.
Pulling the door closed behind him, Shane stood on the deck for several mind-numbing moments and gazed at the panoramic view of the Rocky Mountains against the bright blue September sky. Splashes of gold from the aspen trees making their annual autumn transformation painted the slopes and quavered delicately in the slight breeze. He saw none of it.
He was too focused on the fact that he had done the one thing he had sworn he would never do. Hell, he had never even considered fathering a child as part of his life plan.
But he had just learned that particular horse had left the barn and there was no sense in closing the gate now. As he saw it, all there was left to do was man up, accept his responsibilities and do the right thing. It was what his morals demanded and his father would have expected of him.
Filling his lungs with the crisp mountain air, Shane straightened his shoulders and descended the steps. Walking toward the main part of the resort, he knew exactly what he had to do.
He had made Melissa Jarrod pregnant. Now, it was time for him to make her his wife.
The drive to Shane’s ranch was mostly spent in quiet reflection as they both contemplated the ramifications of the unexpected turn in their no-strings affair. By the time they reached Rainbow Valley, Melissa felt as if her nerves were stretched to the breaking point. Grappling for something—anything—to keep from thinking about their dilemma, she glanced around.
She had only been to the Rainbow Bend Ranch once before and that had been several years ago when her father had coerced her into accompanying him on a horse-buying trip for the resort. It had been a lame attempt on his part to bridge the ever-widening gap between them. She hadn’t wanted to be there and spent the time wishing she was anywhere else, instead of taking in the gorgeous scenery.
But as Shane drove the truck over the ridge and down the winding road leading into the picturesque valley, she couldn’t get over the breathtaking view. “This is beautiful, Shane. You’re so lucky that you got to grow up here.”
“I like it,” he said, stopping the truck beside a rustic two-story log ranch house. “But not everyone appreciates the isolation.”
Melissa frowned. “You make it sound as if it’s stuck out in the middle of nowhere. I wouldn’t consider ten miles outside of Aspen all that far from civilization.”
“That’s because you haven’t been here in the winter,” he answered, shrugging one shoulder. “When we get a heavy snow, the road up on the ridge can be closed off for weeks at a time, making trips into town few and far between.”
“How did you get back and forth to go to school when you were a child?” she asked, remembering that he had graduated with honors.
“When I was younger and winter hit, I stayed in Aspen with my dad’s sister and her family until they moved to New Mexico.” He got out of the truck and walked around to open the passenger door for her. “By the time they left Colorado, I was almost out of school and old enough to stay on my own.”
“That’s when you stayed at Jarrod Ridge, wasn’t it?” she guessed. Required by her father to work at the resort after school and on weekends, she vaguely remembered seeing Shane working with the horses the few times she had escorted guests to the stables.
Nodding, he reached into the bed of the truck for her overnight case, then placed his hand on the small of her back as he guided her toward the house. “My dad and yours had an agreement that I could stay at Jarrod Ridge the winter of my senior year, in exchange for me wrangling on the weekends and acting as a guide on some of the trail rides.”
“Considering how much you’ve always loved horses, you probably didn’t have much of a problem with that,” she said, smiling as they climbed the steps to the wraparound porch.
He shook his head, then reached around her to open the front door. “Since the resort buys all of its stock exclusively from Rainbow Bend, it was like taking care of my own horses.”
When they entered the house, Melissa got her first glimpse of Shane’s home and it came as no surprise that everything from the pieces of antique harness and tack decorating the walls to the foyer’s chandelier made of elk antlers was rugged and thoroughly masculine. Just like the owner. There wasn’t so much as a hint that a woman had ever lived there and she couldn’t help but wonder what had happened to his mother.
Melissa tried to think if she had heard anything about the woman. Nothing came to mind. Had his mother passed away when Shane was a child like her mother had?
“Cactus left this morning for Denver, so we’ll be on our own for meals,” Shane said, interrupting her thoughts. He hung his wide-brimmed hat on a peg beside the door, set her small bag on the floor and reached to help her out of her jacket. “Just let me know when you get hungry and I’ll throw a couple of steaks on the grill.”
She frowned. “For the past couple of weeks, it seems that I’m hungry all of the time.”
“Is that because of the pregnancy?” She watched his gaze zero in on her midsection as if he was looking for a significant change to have taken place in the past few days. Apparently finding none, he raised his gaze to meet hers. “I remember one of my hired men joking about his wife eating like a field hand when she was pregnant with their little boy.”
“I wouldn’t say I’m that bad yet, but I do think the pregnancy could be the cause for the increase in my appetite.” She nibbled on her lower lip as she tried to remember what some of her friends had mentioned about the early stages of their pregnancies. Nothing came to mind about constantly being hungry. “Since I’ve never been pregnant before, I’m not really sure,” she said, shrugging.
He stared at her for several long seconds before nodding. “We’ll have to check with your doctor about that when you go for your first visit.” Looking thoughtful, he added, “In fact, it would probably be a good idea to start making a list of the things we need to ask him.”
“Whoa, there, Cowboy. What do you mean by ‘we’?” She shook her head. “I don’t remember inviting you to go along with me.”
“Doesn’t matter. I’m going,” he stated, as if it were a foregone conclusion.
“We’ll discuss my reasoning later, as well as make a few important decisions,” he said, giving her the same charming grin that never failed to make her pulse race. He picked up her bag and ushered her toward the stairs. “Right now, I’ll show you to the bedroom and let you freshen up while I put the steaks on to cook.”
When he guided her up the steps and down the hall, she was a bit surprised that he opened a door and showed her into one of the guest rooms. They’d never spent an entire night together and she had assumed when he asked her to spend the weekend with him, he had intended for her to sleep in his room. But after hearing the news of her pregnancy, she had no doubt that his previous insatiable desire for her had cooled considerably.
He set her bag on the bed, then turning to go, took her into his arms. “When you get ready, come down to the kitchen. I should have supper ready in about twenty minutes.” Then, before she could react, he softly kissed her cheek and left the room.
As she unzipped her case and started to put her clothes away, a sadness she couldn’t quite understand filled her. Why did Shane’s diminishing interest in her bother her so much?
It wasn’t as if they were in love. They had both agreed before beginning their affair that the time they spent together would be relaxed and casual with no emotional involvement getting in the way of their respective careers.
Now that she had been given the responsibilities of running the resort’s world-class spa, she had her hands full. She would love to have a husband and family of her own one day, but now just wasn’t a good time to do it. Besides, Shane wasn’t the right man to make that dream come true. His reputation for moving from one woman to another was only slightly better than her brother Trevor’s.
Along with raising championship quarter horses, Shane was a highly successful architect specializing in the design of exclusive stables. His client list included some of the richest, most famous people in the equine world and he simply didn’t have time for more than a casual relationship, anyway.
Melissa bit her lower lip to keep it from trembling. It was times like this that she missed having a mother the most. She would love to be able to turn to her mother and ask for her advice. Unfortunately, Margaret Jarrod had died of cancer when Melissa was two and she had grown up without the love and nurturing guidance of a mother.
Shaking off her uncharacteristic gloominess, she finished unpacking, then took a deep breath and stepped out into the hallway as she headed for the stairs. She had known her time with Shane would end at some point. She just hadn’t realized it would be so soon. Nor could she have anticipated that she would be pregnant with his baby when it happened.
“When do you intend to call the doctor’s office for your first appointment?” Shane asked, reaching for his glass of iced tea. Lissa had been extremely quiet for most of the meal and it was past time they addressed the issue that had been on both of their minds since she made her announcement that afternoon.
When she looked up from the bite of steak she had been pushing around the plate with her fork, she shook her head. “I really haven’t thought that far ahead. I only took the test this morning. Then, before I had the chance to recover from the shock of the results, I was called to take over the yoga class at the spa and later met Avery for lunch.”
“Shortly after you finished that, I showed up at your door and here we are,” he guessed.
She nodded. “I still haven’t had time to fully comprehend the fact that I’m actually going to have a baby.”
“It is pretty unreal, isn’t it?” He was having a hard time wrapping his mind around that fact himself.
Her vivid blue gaze reflected some barely contained panic and he was fairly certain he had that deer-in-the-headlights look about him, as well.
“I knew it was possible,” she said, finally laying her fork down. “But seriously, only one time unprotected and I get pregnant? The odds against that happening have to be pretty high.”
“Looks like that’s all it took for us.” He reached across the table to cover her hand with his. “But I want you to know, you aren’t going to have to go through this alone. We’re in this together. I’ll be there to support you every step of the way, Lissa.”
“I appreciate that.” She stared at him for several long moments before she finally sat back from the table. “But if you mean monetarily, I think we both know that isn’t necessary. I’m financially independent and have more than enough to handle whatever expenses there are before and after the birth.”
Given their initial agreement to keep things casual, he could understand her misinterpretation of his promise, as well as her reluctance to believe he would commit himself to anything more than monetary assistance. But the idea that she considered him so shallow and irresponsible that he would just walk away from her and the child they created still didn’t sit well.
“I’m not talking about child support,” he stated, doing his best to keep his tone even.
“What are you talking about, Shane?” she asked, looking confused.
Rising to place their plates on the kitchen counter, he turned to face her. “I’m telling you that I’ll be with you for doctor appointments, the baby’s birth and raising him.”
“In other words, you’re telling me you’re going to want joint custody.” She nodded. “I can understand that and I don’t see a problem. I’m sure we can work something out.”
“Custody is going to be a nonissue,” he said, shaking his head. He walked over to squat down beside her chair, then reaching up to brush a strand of long blond hair from her cheek, he smiled. “I’m pretty sure that sharing the responsibility of a child is automatic when his parents are married.”
Her eyes widened and her mouth opened and closed several times as she obviously tried to find her voice. “Married?” she finally gasped.
Her expression stated louder than words ever could that she didn’t believe him. “Married as in the tiered cake, white dress and ‘I do’?”
“Why not?”
She closed her eyes, then opening them, shook her head as she pinned him with her crystalline gaze. “Have you lost your mind, Shane? You can’t possibly be serious.”
“Angel, marriage is one subject I never joke about,” he said, meaning it.
“We can’t get married, Shane,” she insisted. “Beyond the basics, we really don’t know that much about each other.”
“Sure we do.” He stood up and, lifting her into his arms, sat down in the chair to settle her on his lap. “I know you like when I do this.” Kissing the side of her neck, he was rewarded with her soft sigh. “And you really like this,” he added, slipping his hand beneath the tail of her aqua T-shirt. He used his fingertip to trace the satiny skin covering her ribs. As he slowly lowered his head, he moved his hand. “But you love this.”
His mouth covered hers at the same time his hand cupped her breast and to his immense satisfaction, Lissa didn’t so much as put up a token protest. Encouraged by her response, Shane deepened the kiss and once again marveled at her sweetness and the feeling of completion he always experienced when he held her.
He had kissed a lot of women in his time, but not one of them made him feel the way Melissa Jarrod did. Her slender body fit perfectly against his and her passion never failed to excite him in ways he could have never imagined.
His lower body tightened predictably and he decided he had better break the kiss before things got out of hand. At the moment, Lissa needed his comfort far more than she did his lust.
Drawing in some much-needed air, he smiled. “I told you I knew a lot about you.”
She shook her head as if to clear it. “I wasn’t talking about pleasing each other sexually and you know it.”
“Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t that a huge part of marriage?” he asked, unable to keep from grinning.
“Maybe for a man, but a woman needs more from a relationship than just good sex,” she insisted. “I need more.”
He raised one eyebrow. “Would you care to enlighten me?”
Leaning back, she stared at him for a moment as if she thought he might be a little on the simple side. “Do you realize we’ve never spent more than a few hours together at any one time? I may know you intimately in bed, but I don’t know anything about you otherwise. I don’t know what you like to read, what kind of movies you prefer or even what your favorite color is.”
He frowned. “I don’t see how any of that would make or break a marriage.”
She pulled from his arms and stood up. “Don’t you see? Those are the kinds of things you know about the person you are committing to spend the rest of your life with.” Sighing heavily, she turned to face him. “I don’t even know what side of the bed you sleep on or if you snore.”
“So you’re telling me that knowing whether I snore or not is more important than a gratifying love life?” he asked, laughing.
If looks could kill, the one she sent his way would have him laid out in two shakes of a squirrel’s tail. “Will you be serious, Shane? I’m trying to explain what constitutes a committed relationship.”
Oh, he knew exactly what she was driving at. Lissa thought she needed to know what made him tick. But she was wanting more from him than he was comfortable giving. He had never been in the habit of sharing more than the surface details about himself with anyone and he wasn’t inclined to do so now.
Unfortunately, if he wanted her to go along with his plan, he was going to have to give her something she considered relevant. “Nonfiction, action-adventure, red and left.”
She looked confused.
“I mainly read nonfiction and my favorite movies are action-adventure. I like the color red and I prefer the middle of the bed. But if I had to choose a side, it would be the left.” He grinned. “As for the snoring, you can let me know about that tomorrow morning.”
“Those things are nice to know,” she said, looking a little more satisfied with his answers. “But that’s just the tip of the iceberg.”
Before she could press him further and delve into areas he would rather not go into, he decided to turn the tables and ask a few questions of his own. “What about you? What is there about Lissa Jarrod that you think I need to know?”
He gave himself a mental pat on the back at her pleased expression. “Let’s see. I like pizza, I hate Brussels sprouts—”
“Who doesn’t?” he said, making a face.
She laughed. “And I adore romantic movies.”
“What about horses?” he asked, wondering if they had that in common. “Do you like to ride?”
“I haven’t ridden in several years, but I used to enjoy going on some of the trail rides offered at Jarrod Ridge.” Smiling, she added, “I even had a favorite horse named Smoky Joe that I always rode.”
Shane stood up and took her into his arms. “I don’t remember you going on any of the rides I guided.”
Loosely wrapping her arms around his waist, she gazed up at him. “That was because I was too young. When you were eighteen and leading those trail rides, I was only eleven.”
“Now hold on just a minute,” he said, frowning. “Didn’t you tell me one time that you worked at the resort when I did?”
“Yes.” He felt her body tense. “Of course, I wasn’t on the payroll. But I started doing simple things like delivering messages from one office to another. That was when I was eight.”
“Ah, the pre-e-mail and text-messaging days.”
She nodded. “By the time I turned ten I had graduated to showing guests how to find their way around the resort grounds. Then, at sixteen, I started working the front desk.”
Shane wasn’t opposed to a kid doing a few chores. Hell, his dad had him mucking out stalls and feeding horses from the time he was old enough to carry a feed bucket. But it sounded as if Donald Jarrod had his kids doing more than just simple chores.
“Whose idea was it for you to go to work at such an early age?” he asked, remembering that he had seen all of the Jarrod children working various jobs around the resort.
She shrugged one slender shoulder. “My father wanted all of us to know the business inside and out. I suppose he thought by starting us out young, we would learn what made Jarrod Ridge the premier resort in Aspen.”
He could tell by the tensing of her muscles and the tight tone of her voice that they were skirting a touchy subject. “Do you think it would be all right for you to go riding tomorrow?” he asked, deciding to lighten the conversation. It was obvious she didn’t care to talk about her father or the resort and he would have a much better chance of her agreeing to marry him if she were in a better mood. “I’d really like to show you the rest of the ranch. But if you think it would hurt you or the baby, we can wait,” he hastened to add.
Her expression brightened. “I would really like that. I’m pretty sure it will be all right. I have a friend in California who rode her horses until she was six months pregnant and everything was fine.”
“Great.” He pressed a kiss to her forehead. “If you think what you saw of the ranch from the top of the ridge is beautiful, you’ll really like seeing Rainbow Falls.”
Her eyes twinkled with excitement, making him glad that he had thought of taking her to see it. “You have a waterfall on your property?”
“I love waterfalls. They’re always so peaceful and relaxing. We even have the sound of a waterfall piped into the massage rooms at the spa.”
“We’ll have to get up early,” he warned. “It will take us several hours to get there because of the terrain, but believe me, it’s well worth it.” For reasons he didn’t understand and wasn’t inclined to dwell on, he wanted to make the outing special for her. Thinking quickly, he added, “I thought we could pack a few sandwiches and have lunch by the falls.”
“That sounds absolutely wonderful, Shane.” She covered her mouth with her hand to hide a yawn. “I can’t wait.”
“I think you’ll have to.” He chuckled. “Aside from the fact that it’s already dark outside, you’d probably fall asleep in the saddle before we rode out of the ranch yard.”
“You’re probably right.” She yawned again. “For the past few days, it seems that I can’t get enough sleep.”
“Is that because of the pregnancy, too?” He knew a whole lot more about pregnant mares than he did about pregnant women, but he figured it could be the reason behind her fatigue.
“I assume that’s the reason,” she said, resting her head against his chest.
Shane tightened his arms around her and lowering his head, covered her mouth with his for a quick kiss. Then, reluctantly stepping back, he turned toward the kitchen counter. “Why don’t you go into the living room and put your feet up while I load the dishwasher and clean up?”
“Are you sure I can’t help?” she asked, sounding tired.
“Positive. It won’t take but a few minutes.” He rinsed their plates and started stacking them in the dishwasher. “There is one thing you could do for me, though.”
“What’s that?”
“Turn on the sports channel and see if you can catch who won the game this afternoon between the Rockies and the Cardinals.”
“You’re a baseball fan?”
Looking at her over his shoulder, he grinned. “I like baseball as much as the next guy. But this game is kind of special. I have a bet going with Cactus and I’d like to see who wins. He thinks the Cardinals will sweep the Rockies in this three-game series and I say they won’t.”
Laughing, she shook her head as she started toward the living room. “Men and their sports.”
As he started the dishwasher, he couldn’t help but think about how fast his plans had changed. When he had first come up with the idea of bringing Lissa to the ranch for the weekend, he had thought they would be spending the majority of their time within the confines of his bedroom. But that had changed in the blink of an eye with her announcement that she was going to have his baby.
Now, even though it made him as jumpy as a day-old colt, his main priority was convincing her to let him do the right thing by her and the baby. He wiped off the counter, then turning out the kitchen light, headed for the living room.
He had three days of uninterrupted time with her to figure out how to get her to say yes. Given her argument about their not knowing enough about each other, it probably wasn’t going to be easy.
Smiling to himself as he walked down the hall, he decided he was more than ready for the challenge. His personal code of honor demanded that he make her his wife and help her raise their child. And there wasn’t a doubt in his mind that before he took her back to Aspen, she would agree to be just that.

When Shane turned off the television, Melissa asked, “How much money did you win from your housekeeper?”
“None. If he had won, I was going to have to cook for the next month.” Shane laughed. “But since he lost, the old boy is going to have to keep the driveway cleared of snow until spring.”
“How old is Cactus?” she asked, hoping he was younger than Shane made him sound.
“I’m not sure,” he said as he rose from the couch to take her hand in his. “He’s a little sensitive about his age, but I’m pretty sure he’s at least seventy and probably a few years older than that.”
“He’s that old and you’re going to make him get out in the cold to clear the snow?” she asked, allowing him to help her to her feet. She didn’t like the idea of Shane taking advantage of the older gentleman. “Tell me you’re going to take pity on him and let him out of this stupid bet.”
“Not on your life.” Grinning, he shook his head. “I don’t feel the least bit sorry for him. He’ll be on a tractor with a heated cab, a built-in CD player that he can crank up as loud as he wants with his favorite bluegrass music, and if I know Cactus, he’ll have a Thermos of Irish coffee to keep him company.”
“You make it sound like he was going to win either way.”
Shane nodded as they climbed the stairs. “We go through this every fall. He’ll come up with a bet he knows he can’t win in order to do something he enjoys.”
She didn’t understand that kind of logic. “Then why doesn’t he just volunteer for the job?”
“Because that’s not how the old guy works,” he explained. “When his arthritis started making it hard for him to do some of the ranch work, I knew he didn’t want to leave the ranch. It’s been his home for as long as I can remember. So I started complaining about needing someone to cook and take care of the house.” Shane grinned. “I didn’t really need anyone to do that, and he knew it. But he couldn’t come right out and ask me for the job.”
“So that’s when the bets started?” she guessed.
Shane nodded. “He bet me that I couldn’t beat his time at saddling a horse. If he won, I had to buy him a new pair of boots and if I won, he would take the housekeeping job.”
She liked that Shane would go to those lengths to preserve the older man’s dignity. It told her a lot more about his character than he realized.
“You did it to save his pride.”
“Exactly.” Chuckling, Shane opened the door to the room he had shown her earlier. “So, with this latest bet, he not only gets to drive the tractor and pretend he’s doing ranch work again, he has something to gripe about while he’s doing it. And if there’s anything he likes better than complaining, I don’t know of it. He got his nickname because he’s prickly as a cactus.”
Melissa smiled as she entered the room. “He sounds like quite a colorful character.”
“He is.” Leaning one shoulder against the doorframe, Shane folded his arms across his wide chest. “He can be an ornery old cuss, but he’s got a heart of solid gold. I’ll make sure you get to meet him sometime.”
“I’d like that.” When he stood there as if he waited for something, she rose up on tiptoes to kiss his cheek. “Good night.”
Before she could back away, he put his arms around her. “It will be once we go to my room.”
“I don’t understand.” With his strong arms around her and the feel of his hard body pressed to hers, she suddenly felt winded. “If you wanted me to spend the night in your room … why did you put my case … in here?”
“I thought you might like to have the privacy this afternoon when you freshened up,” he said, nuzzling the side of her neck. “I never intended for you to sleep here.”
When his lips skimmed the hollow below her ear, a tingle raced up her spine. “Oh, I thought—”
“—I’d want you to leave my bed once we’d made love,” he finished for her. “Not a chance, angel.”
That wasn’t what she had been thinking, but it was better than telling him that she thought he had lost interest in her now that she was pregnant. Some men couldn’t get away from a woman fast enough when they learned of an unplanned pregnancy. Not knowing him any better than she did, what else was she to think?
But apparently she had been wrong about his desire waning. She sighed. It was just one more example of their lack of knowledge about each other, not to mention a serious breakdown in communication.
Before she could point that out, he asked, “Where’s your bag? I’ll take it to my room.”
Taking a step back, she walked over to open one of the dresser drawers and removed her nightshirt. “After I unpacked, I put it in the closet.”
He frowned as he pointed to the garment she held. “I’ve never known you to wear nightclothes.”
“That’s because you always left my place before I put them on,” she shot back. “And since you seemed surprised to learn that I do wear a nightshirt, I assume you don’t wear anything to bed.”
“Nope,” he said, grinning. “I don’t like the encumbrance.”
She shook her head. “This is what I was talking about earlier, Shane. If we had spent more time get ting to know each other, we would know these things.”
“You never wanted me to spend the night because you were afraid someone at the resort might find out and start gossiping about it,” he pointed out.
She couldn’t argue with him about that. It had been at her insistence that he leave Willow Lodge each night after they’d made love.
“But that’s water under the bridge now,” he said, shrugging.
Too tired to debate the issue any further, she nodded. “I suppose you’re right.”
He put his arm around her shoulders and steered her out into the hall. “I’ll help you move your things to my room in the morning before we leave. Right now, we need to get to bed. We’ll have to be up early if we’re going to have lunch at the falls tomorrow.”
When he led her into his bedroom and turned on the bedside lamp, she took a moment to look around. A lot could be learned from someone’s personal space.
She wasn’t at all surprised to see the large room was decorated in the same rustic, masculine style as the downstairs. A king-size log bed with a Native American–print comforter and pillows dominated the room. The bright colors of the matching drapes contrasted perfectly with the dark log walls and heavy, peeled-log dresser and chest of drawers.
If she had ever had any doubts about Shane being the quintessential cowboy, they were gone now. One look at his choice of decor was all it took to know that he was a lot like the land he loved—rugged and a little wild. The type of man that was dangerous to a woman’s peace of mind. The very type women just couldn’t seem to resist.
“How long has your family owned the ranch?” she asked.
“A little over a hundred and twenty-five years.” He unbuttoned his shirt. “Hasn’t your family owned Jarrod Ridge about as long?”
Fascinated by the play of his chest muscles when Shane shrugged out of the shirt, it took a moment for her to realize what he had asked. “Y-yes, my father’s great great-grandfather started it and every generation since has expanded the business.”
“What do you think your generation will add to the resort?” he asked, unbuckling his belt and reaching for the button at the waistband of his jeans.
“I don’t know,” she said absently. She was far too engrossed in watching him reveal his magnificent body to worry about what would happen at Jarrod Ridge.
When he pushed the denim down his thighs, her heart skipped a beat. She had watched him strip off his clothes many times since they began their affair. She had even helped him take them off a few times, but the sight of his well-developed physique never failed to take her breath away.
“Aren’t you going to change?” he asked as he reached for the waistband of his boxer briefs.
He either didn’t know the effect he had on her or he was intentionally trying to drive her crazy. She suspected it was the latter.
Suddenly feeling as if she would burst into tears and not entirely certain why, Melissa quickly took off her clothes and pulled the nightshirt on. Walking around to the right side of the bed, she got in and closed her eyes. She was on Shane’s ranch, in his bed and pregnant with his baby. It was all too much to comprehend.
Overwhelmed by the events of the day and completely exhausted, she couldn’t stop a tear from slipping from beneath her lashes. She swiped it away with the back of her hand and turned onto her side in hopes that he hadn’t noticed.
“Lissa, are you crying?”
She felt the other side of the bed dip as Shane stretched out beside her. A moment later, he wrapped her in his arms and turned her to face him.
“What’s wrong, angel? Why are you crying?”
His concerned tone and the feel of him holding her so tenderly against him was all it took for the floodgates to open. Sobbing her heart out and unable to stop herself, she clung to him as the torrent of emotion ran its course.
“I—I don’t know … why … that happened,” she said when she was finally able to get her vocal cords to work. She had never been more embarrassed in her entire life.
“I think I do,” he said as his hand continued to stroke her hair in a soothing manner. “You’ve had a hell of a day and you’re so tired you can barely keep your eyes open.”
His understanding words and the gentle tone of his deep voice helped ease some of her humiliation. “You’re probably right. I think this has quite possibly been the most stressful day I have ever endured.”
He reached over to switch off the lamp. Then, cradling her to him, he kissed her so tenderly another wave of tears threatened.
“Try to get some sleep, angel.” His arms tightened around her. “It’s all going to work out. I give you my word on that.”
Too exhausted to think about everything that had happened since her return to Aspen two months ago for the reading of her father’s will, Melissa snuggled against Shane and closed her eyes. Maybe with the morning light things would be clearer. Maybe then she would be able to cope with the fact that her life had spun completely out of control and there didn’t seem to be a single thing she could do to stop it.
When Shane led the gelding out of the barn and over to the fence, he smiled. “Does this horse look familiar?”
Lissa’s blue eyes twinkled with excitement. “He looks just like Smoky Joe.”
“That’s because he’s old Smoky’s little brother,” he said, handing her the reins. After hearing that the blue roan had been her favorite at Jarrod Ridge, Shane purposely chose the horse for her to ride to Rainbow Falls.
“Thank you,” she said as she softly stroked the horse’s velvet muzzle. “What’s his name?”
“He’s registered with the American Quarter Horse Association as Smoke Storm, but we just call him Stormy.” Walking back into the barn to get a saddle and blanket from the tack room, Shane returned to placed the saddle over the top fence rail. Then, smoothing the saddle blanket over the gelding’s back, he added, “I don’t want you to worry that he might be more than you can handle. In spite of his name, there’s nothing stormy about him.” He picked up the saddle and positioned it on the blanket. “I’ve seen kittens with more piss and vinegar than this guy.”
Lissa smiled as she hugged the animal’s neck. “Smoky Joe was that way, too. You could do just about anything with him.”
Shane nodded. “That’s why we bred the same mare and stallion several different times. The colts they foaled were all good-natured and perfect for people who aren’t used to riding a lot.”
“In other words, perfect for the inexperienced guests at Jarrod Ridge,” she guessed.
He pulled the cinch tight. “That was the idea.”
While Lissa and Stormy got to know each other, Shane quickly saddled his sorrel stallion. “Need a leg up?” he asked, turning to see if she needed help mounting the roan.
“I think I can get this,” she said, slipping her booted foot into the stirrup.
He stepped behind her in case she had problems and immediately decided that he would have done well to take her at her word. When her perfect little blue-jeans-clad bottom bobbed in front of his face as she climbed onto the saddle, the air rushed out of his lungs like helium from an overinflated balloon.
Holding her soft body to his throughout the night, then waking up with her in his arms this morning without once making love to her, had been a true test of his control. But Lissa hadn’t needed his lust. She had needed his comfort and he had been determined to give it to her or die trying.
Exhausted, emotionally spent and extremely vulnerable, she had tried to give the impression that she was fine. He knew differently and once he had taken her into his arms, she had finally let down her guard and accepted the support he had promised her. But not without considerable cost to his well-being.
With her breasts pressed to his chest and her delicate hand resting on his flank, he had spent the entire night aroused. And if that hadn’t been enough to send him hovering on the brink of insanity, he had awakened this morning with one of her long, slender legs intimately lodged against his overly sensitive groin.
That had sent him straight into the bathroom for a cold shower. By the time he finally stepped from beneath the icy spray, his teeth had chattered uncontrollably and he would have bet everything he had that he could spit ice cubes on command.
Unfortunately, his gallantry was beginning to wear thin. He wasn’t sure how much longer he would be able to play the consummate gentleman without going stark, raving mad.
“Earth to Shane. Come in please,” Lissa said, bringing him back to the present.
She laughed. “I asked if you are going to just stand there daydreaming or if we’re going for a ride?”
“Uh, sorry,” he muttered. He couldn’t tell her that he had been thinking about how much he wanted to hold her, how much his body ached to be inside her. “There are a couple of different ways to get to the falls and I was trying to decide which would be the fastest,” he said, thinking quickly. There was only one trail leading to the waterfall, but she didn’t know that and he wasn’t about to admit that he’d been fantasizing about stripping them both and making love to her until they both collapsed from exhaustion.
“How far is it to Rainbow Falls?” she asked as he mounted the stallion and they rode through the corral gate.
“It’s only about three miles as the eagle flies, but having to skirt some of the steeper terrain and due to all of the bends in the river, it takes a few hours,” he explained.
She gave him a wistful look. “I wish I had known about this trip before we left the lodge. I’d have brought my camera. I’m sure the scenery is going to be gorgeous.”
He decided not to remind her that once he made her his wife, she would be able to take as many pictures of his ranch as she wanted, any time she wanted. But he wasn’t a fool. If he did remind her of that fact, she would most likely come up with more ways they didn’t know each other and be on the defensive.
That was the last thing he wanted. His plan hinged on the element of surprise. When he played his ace in the hole, he had no doubt he would have her agreeing to marry him faster than he could slap his own ass with both hands.
“Shane, this is absolutely breathtaking,” Melissa said as they rode single file over the ridge and around a switchback into the upland valley.
“It isn’t much good for pasturing the horses, but I like to camp out here occasionally,” he said, leading the way down the slope.
“I love camping out,” she said, remembering the wonderful time she’d had when her father allowed her to go on a couple of overnight trail rides with some of the resort’s guests.
It had taken considerable thought on her part and several arguments with her father to convince him that she would be there to address any special needs of the Jarrod Ridge guests. He had finally relented, but only after she had pointed out that she would technically still be working for the resort and not just frittering away her time. God forbid that she did something with her time that she actually enjoyed, she thought, unable to keep from feeling resentful.
“What’s wrong?” Shane called over his shoulder.
Jarred back to the present, she focused on the man riding the big red stallion ahead of her. “Nothing. Why do you ask?”
Stopping his horse, he turned in the saddle. “I’ve seen happier faces on condemned felons.”
“The sun was in my eyes,” she said, hoping he would drop the matter.
“If you say so.” His expression told her that he wasn’t buying her excuse, but to her relief, he let it go.
She didn’t want to discuss the unreasonable demands Donald Jarrod had placed on his children. It was something she had spent her entire adult life trying to forget and she certainly didn’t want to ruin an otherwise glorious day thinking about her childhood. Besides, she didn’t know Shane well enough to share the dirt on a family that, up until her father’s death and the subsequent discovery that she had an illegitimate half sister, had an impeccable reputation.
They rode in companionable silence for some time before he pointed to the river. “As soon as we go around this bend, you’ll see Rainbow Falls just off to the right.”
Riding side by side once they cleared the tree line, Melissa’s attention once again turned to Shane. He was an expert horseman and handled the stallion with ease. But aside from admiring the way he sat the horse, she simply loved watching him.
With his black Resistol pulled down low on his brow to shade his eyes and a day-old growth of beard, he looked a little wild, possibly dangerous and totally delicious.
A tremor coursed through her and she had to remind herself that lusting after the man was not conducive to getting her life back under control. Not only had she become pregnant because of it, the physical attraction she had for him was in danger of transforming into something deeper, something more meaningful.
Even though what she felt for him was probably nothing more than a temporary infatuation, in the end it could still do a lot of emotional damage and leave behind some deep long-lasting scars.
As devastatingly handsome and charming as Shane was, he just wasn’t the type of man for her. He had the reputation of moving from one woman to another, leaving a string of broken hearts in his wake. Given the circumstances they found themselves in now, that was one complication she could definitely do without.
He had made it clear right up front that he wasn’t looking for a lasting commitment. Neither was she. She had her own business in California and she might be returning to her life there once the year required to obtain her inheritance was over. She’d reasoned that it was better not to look for anything deeper than a casual relationship until she had decided what she was going to do. After witnessing what some of her friends went through as they tried to maintain long-distance commitments, she had quickly decided it wasn’t for her. Things never seemed to work out, and the hurt and disillusionment that went along with a breakup was something she definitely wanted to avoid.
Besides, she hadn’t really taken Shane’s proposal seriously. That’s why she had dismissed outright his outrageous suggestion that they get married. It had to have been a knee-jerk reaction to the startling news, and once he had more time to think about it, she was certain he would see reason. He would probably even be relieved that she’d had the foresight to turn him down.
The sound of rushing water brought her out of her disturbing introspection and, looking up, Melissa realized they had ridden around the bend in the river and arrived at Rainbow Falls. It was everything Shane had told her and more.
Cascading from the ridge high above, the water fell a good seventy-five feet onto the massive boulders below, then slowing, it formed the lazy river that meandered across the valley floor. What caught and held her attention more than anything was the faint rainbow caused by the sun reflecting off the mist created by the falling water.
“It’s absolutely beautiful,” she said, understanding why it had been named Rainbow River.
“I was pretty sure you would like it.” She could hear the satisfaction and pride in Shane’s voice and knew he was pleased that she hadn’t been disappointed.
They stopped the horses along the riverbank just out of the icy mist and dismounted. As soon as her feet hit the ground, her legs felt as if the tendons had been replaced with stretched-out rubber bands and her muscles had turned to Jell-O.
When she took a wobbly step, Shane was immediately at her side to support her. “Are you all right?”
Nodding, she took another tentative step. “I should go riding more often. Maybe then I would be in better condition.”
Shane took her into his arms. “I think you’re in great shape, angel.” He laughed. “You’d have to be to twist yourself up like a Christmas bow in those yoga classes.”
“Yoga is more about stretching and relaxing the muscles.” Smiling, she enjoyed the feel of him holding her to him. “Horseback riding takes a certain amount of tensing the thigh muscles to help you stay balanced in the saddle.”
“Your thigh muscles don’t seem to be all that weak when you hold on to me,” he said, nuzzling the side of her neck. His deep baritone sent shivers of excitement streaking up her spine and her legs threatened to fail her for an entirely different reason this time.
Before Melissa had the chance to respond to his suggestive words, his mouth came down on hers and she forgot all about her weak knees or the internal lecture she had given herself about lusting after the man. All she wanted, could even think about, was the feel of his lips moving over hers with such gentle care.
When he used his tongue to coax her to allow him entry to her tender inner recesses, she wrapped her arms around his waist and held on for dear life. As he teased and coaxed her to answer his exploration with one of her own, a lazy heat spread throughout her body and her lower stomach tightened with the ache of unfulfilled desire.
But the spell that seemed to hold her in its grip was broken when he moved his hands to lift the tail of her pink T-shirt and the icy mist coated her bare abdomen. The breeze had shifted, carrying the spray farther than when they first got off the horses and they were both getting wet.
Shane quickly moved them out of the way, but the mood was effectively shattered and not a moment too soon. What on earth had she been thinking?
She had forgotten all about why going blithely along as if nothing had happened wasn’t going to solve her dilemma. They hadn’t fully discussed or made any decisions about her being pregnant, and that was something they were going to have to address in the very near future. The pregnancy couldn’t be hidden indefinitely. Once she started showing, people were going to start talking and asking questions. She wanted to be ready with some answers when they did.
Unfortunately, it was always this way when Shane held her, kissed her. Sound judgment and common sense seemed to take a backseat to the passion and desire he created within her.
“I think we’d better … break out those sandwiches we made … before we left your house,” she said, trying to catch her breath. “I’m starting to … get hungry.”
His mouth curved upward in a wicked grin. “To tell you the truth, Lissa, I am starved to death right now. But my hunger hasn’t got a damned thing to do with food.”
Doing her best to ignore the excitement that his candid comment evoked, she walked over to the roan and began unpacking one of the saddlebags. “You, Mr. McDermott, are incorrigible.”
He laughed as he helped her spread a blanket for their picnic. “More like insatiable, angel.”
“That may be, but do the best you can to contain yourself,” she said, smiling as she carried their lunch to the blanket.
Kneeling at the edge of the fleece, she avoided his intense blue gaze as she placed the sandwiches on plates, then opened two small bottles of apple juice. If she looked at him, there was a very good chance she would abandon her resolve and that was something she couldn’t afford to let happen.
“We have things to talk about and decisions to make,” she said, taking a sip from her juice.
His expression turning serious, Shane lowered him self to sit on the blanket beside her. “Let’s put a hold on that for right now. We’ll have plenty of time to make our plans tomorrow.” Smiling, he reached for a sandwich. “You need to take today to relax and regroup, anyway. Yesterday was a pretty rough day for you.”
It was the first reference he had made to her meltdown the night before, and she was grateful that he didn’t seem overly interested in pursuing it now. “Maybe you’re right.”
“I know I am,” he said, sounding so darned sure of himself, she wasn’t sure whether she should kiss him or take something and bop him with it.
Either way, she decided to take his advice. There would be plenty of time tomorrow to figure what to do about a carefree affair that had unexpectedly become a very serious issue.

The first shadows of evening had just begun to stretch across the valley when Shane and Lissa rode back into the ranch yard. All in all, it had been a pretty good day, he decided as they dismounted. He had been more than a little pleased by her reaction to his ranch and looked forward to showing her more when they had time.
“I’ve been thinking that supper in front of the television would be nice tonight,” he said, leading their horses into the stable. “We can watch a movie on one of the satellite channels or pop a DVD in the player.” Unsaddling the stallion, he carried the tack and blanket into the tack room, then returned to the center aisle of the stable to do the same with the roan. “Although, I think I had better warn you. I don’t have much in the way of romantic movies in my collection.”
“Why doesn’t that surprise me?” she asked, laughing as she reached for a brush to groom the gelding. “I have to admit though, a night of vegging out does sound nice. And whatever you choose to watch is fine with me. I’ll probably fall asleep before the opening credits even get started.”
Finished with brushing the stallion, Shane led the animal down to his stall, then returned for Stormy. “Why don’t you go on to the house and take a hot shower? It will only take me another few minutes to feed and water the horses.”
Without waiting to see if she took him up on his suggestion, Shane walked Stormy to his stall, then set about giving the animals oats and filling their water troughs. He was surprised when he turned around to find that Lissa had sat down on a bale of straw beside the tack room door to wait for him.
“I thought you were going to take a shower and change,” he said, walking up beside her.
Shrugging, she smiled. “I thought we could go back to the house together.”
He liked the sound of that and without hesitation, he picked her up and sat down to settle her on his lap. Her arms automatically circled his neck and she laid her head on his shoulder.
Damn, but he loved holding her like this. “Legs still a bit wobbly from riding so much?”
“A little. But not as bad as the first time I dismounted.” She snuggled closer. “Thank you for today,” she said softly. “I really enjoyed seeing your ranch and Rainbow Falls. It’s all very beautiful.”
Her warm breath whispering over his neck and the feel of her cradled against him sent his hormones racing. His arousal was not only immediate, it left him feeling light-headed from its intensity.
“I’m glad you had a good time,” he said, shifting to a more comfortable position.
“I’ve been thinking, Shane.”
He didn’t like the sound of her tentative tone. “About what?”
“This weekend should probably be our last time seeing each other.”
Her voice was so quiet he wasn’t sure he had heard her correctly. But a bucket of ice water couldn’t have been more effective at putting an end to his overly active libido.
Sitting her up on his lap, he met her gaze head-on. “You want to explain yourself? What do you mean this is our last time together?”
She sighed. “Jarrod Ridge is a family-oriented resort. Some of the older investors would likely take a dim view of our having an affair.”
“What do you think is going to happen when they find out you’re pregnant out of wedlock?” he shot back. The way he saw it, they’d take the news a whole lot better and be less likely to condemn if she had the baby’s daddy standing beside her.
She nibbled on her lower lip a moment before shaking her head. “I’ve thought about that, too. I’m hoping they won’t find out.”
A chill raced up his spine. She wasn’t talking about …
“I’ll have to check with our attorney, Christian Hanford, to see if there’s a way to keep from losing my inheritance if I move back to California. But having the baby out there would keep the talk down around the resort,” she said, oblivious to the fact that she had damned near given him a coronary before she finished explaining. “You and my family will be the only ones who know that I’ve had a child. I know they’ll keep that kind of news quiet in order to keep from jeopardizing our business.”
Why did everyone’s opinion matter so much to her? For that matter, why did the whole family protect the Jarrod Ridge reputation as if it were as valuable as the gold in Fort Knox?
“Why the hell are you protecting the resort above all else, Lissa?” he asked before he could stop himself. But once the words were out, he couldn’t really say he regretted the question.
She looked stunned. “What do you mean?”
“Why are you scared to death about what everyone is going to say or think?”
Shane knew he was treading on dangerous ground, but he had a feeling that it had been drilled into her as a child that appearances were everything and the reputation of the resort came before anything else. Even if it meant sacrificing her own happiness or well-being.
Her body stiffened and he knew he had hit the nail on the head. “My father’s death caused enough upheaval. Jarrod Ridge doesn’t need unrest among the people with a vested interest in its success,” she insisted. “We need their funding to bring more events to the resort.”
He could tell she was avoiding having to answer his questions. He decided to let that slide for now. But eventually she was going to have to stop putting that damned resort and its precious reputation ahead of her own wants and needs. And if it took him having to bring that to her attention, he was up for the challenge.
“I’m one of the investors in the resort and I couldn’t care less what the majority of those old goats think.”
He pulled her close and wondered what kind of childhood she’d had. If being put to work at the age of eight and her unrealistic concerns about gossip were any indication, it had to have been miserable.
“But we aren’t going to talk about any of that now,” he said, determined to change the subject. “This afternoon, we made an agreement to get this all straightened out tomorrow. I’m going to hold you to that.”
Deciding not to give her the opportunity to argue the point further, he captured her mouth with his. Resistant at first, he felt her begin to relax against him as he traced her perfect coral lips with his tongue, then coaxed her to open for him. His blood heated and his body reacted as it always did when she was in his arms. When he stroked her tongue with his, he could tell from her soft moan that she was as turned on as he was.
Unfortunately, sitting on a bale of straw in a stable had to be one of the least sensual places on earth. Cursing himself as nine kinds of a fool for starting something he couldn’t finish until they went to the house, he groaned and reluctantly broke the kiss.
“I think it’s about time we took that hot shower,” he said, setting her on her feet.
“We?” she asked as he rose to take her hand in his and hurry her toward the stable doors.
He didn’t even try to stop his wicked grin. “I’ve decided it’s about time for the ranch to ‘go green.’ We’ll save water by showering together.”
When they reached the house, Shane stopped only long enough to remove their boots, then led Melissa toward the stairs. No matter how foolish it might be, she willingly followed him straight into the master bathroom.
She was determined not to think about this weekend being the end of their affair or the loneliness she would suffer once it was over. It might not be smart, but she wanted to store up the memory of his tender touch and the strength of his lovemaking. She would need them on those lonely nights that lay ahead of her once they stopped seeing each other.
“You do realize you’re way overdressed for a shower, don’t you?” he asked, his blue eyes twinkling with mischief as he closed the door.
She smiled. “I could say the same thing about you, Cowboy.”
“Really?” He reached for the snaps on his chambray shirt as he took a step toward her. “I’m pretty sure I can remedy that.”
“Don’t.” She reached up to remove his hat, then hanging it on the doorknob, took his hands in hers and lowered them to his sides. “Let me see if I can take care of it for you.”
Releasing the first closure, she kissed his tanned collarbone. “That wasn’t too difficult,” she said, lightly skimming her nails along his skin as her fingers traveled on to the next snap. She flicked it open, then pressed a kiss to the newly exposed skin. “Neither was that.”
His abdominal muscles contracted when she continued on to the next one. She smiled as she slowly released each closure to nibble and kiss his perfect torso. “I think I’m starting to get the hang of this.”
“Oh, I would say you’ve become quite proficient at it.” His voice was husky and when she glanced up, the heated look in his blue gaze stole her breath.
As they continued to stare at each other, she finished unsnapping his shirt and tugged the tail of it from the waistband of his jeans. Parting the lapels, Melissa moved to push the garment over his shoulders and down his arms.
Her heart skipped a beat as she gazed at his sculpted chest and abdomen. Unable to resist, she touched the hard ridges of his stomach with her fingertip, then traced the thin line of hair from his navel to where it disappeared into the waistband of his jeans. She was rewarded with his sharp intake of breath.
“You’ve got a good start there, angel,” he encouraged. “Don’t stop now.”
“I don’t intend to.” Unbuckling his leather belt, she shook her head. “I was always taught not to quit until a job was finished.” She released the button at the top of his jeans and toyed with the metal tab below. “And to make sure the job was done to the best of my ability.”
Slowly, intentionally, she pulled the zipper downward. By the time she eased it over his persistent arousal to the bottom of his fly, Melissa wasn’t certain which one of them was having more trouble drawing their next breath.
“Oh my, Mr. McDermott,” she teased as she lightly touched the bulging cotton of his boxer briefs. “You seem to have a bit of a problem.”
His big body jerked as if an electrical charge had coursed through it. “You caused my current dilemma. Now what are you going to do about it?” he asked through gritted teeth.
The feral light in his eyes caused a delicious warmth to spread throughout her being. “What would you suggest I do?”
“Finish what you started.”
Smiling, she put her hands on his sides, then slipping her fingers inside both waistbands slid his jeans and underwear over his hips and down his legs. He quickly stepped out of them, then kicked them to the side.
She took a moment to appreciate his perfection. Her heart skipped several beats as she let her gaze slide from his handsome face down his torso and beyond. Muscles developed by years of hard ranch work padded his shoulders and chest and his stomach was taut with ridges of toned sinew. Every cell in her body tingled as she took in the beauty of Shane’s male body and his strong, proud arousal.
“I love your body,” she found herself murmuring.
“It was made just for yours, angel.” Lifting the hem of her T-shirt, his grin was filled with such promise it sent goose bumps shimmering over her skin. “Since you’ve been so nice and helped me out, I think it’s only fair that I return the favor.”
“I think so, too,” she said.
As methodically as she had removed his clothing, Shane removed hers and tossed them into the growing pile on the bathroom floor. When he removed the last scrap of silk and lace, he stood back.
“You’re absolutely gorgeous, Lissa.” He pulled her into his arms, and the feel of hard masculine flesh touching her much softer feminine skin caused a need within her so deep it reached all the way to her soul.
“I think we’d better take that shower while we still have the strength,” he said, his voice hoarse.
She waited until he adjusted the water, then stepped under the luxurious, multiheaded spray. When he joined her, Shane turned her away from him, then reached for a bottle of shampoo. As his large hands began to gently massage her scalp and work the shampoo down the long strands, Melissa didn’t think she had ever felt anything more sensual than having him wash her hair.
Neither spoke as he rinsed away the last traces of shampoo, then reached for the soap. Working the herbal-scented bar into a rich lather, he held her gaze as he slowly smoothed his hands over every inch of her body and by the time he was finished she felt more cherished than she ever had in her entire life.
“My turn,” she said, taking the soap from him.
Treating him to the same sensuous exploration, she took the time to commit to memory every muscle and cord of his perfect physique. When she finally touched him intimately, she watched him tightly close his eyes. His head fell back and a groan rumbled up from deep in his chest a moment before he took the soap from her, rinsed them both thoroughly, then gathered her to him.
He lowered his head and the moment his mouth came down to cover hers, she put her arms around his wide shoulders and her eyes drifted shut. She could feel herself being lifted and automatically brought her legs up to wrap them around his lean hips. They fit against each other perfectly, and when he entered her with one smooth stroke, Melissa reveled in the feeling of being one with him.
As water sprayed over them from all sides, their wet bodies moved together in perfect unison, and all too soon, she felt herself start to climb toward the peak of completion. Her muscles tensed as the need grew and intensified. Then, as if something inside of her broke free, pleasure filled every fiber of her being and stars danced behind her tightly closed eyes.
Almost immediately Shane’s body surged within her a final time and he crushed her to him. She held him just as tightly as he rode out the storm and found his own shuddering release.
When she finally gained the strength to move, Melissa leaned back to look at his handsome face as he still held her to him. For the past couple of months, she had told herself their affair was strictly physical and she could walk away from it at any time with no regrets. She now realized that she had been deluding herself. From the moment he introduced himself at a meeting between her family and the Jarrod Ridge investors, she had not only been attracted to him physically, she had been drawn to his charming personality and easy sense of humor.
“You’re amazing,” he said, giving her a tender kiss as he lowered her to her feet. He turned off the shower, then helping her out of the enclosure, patted them both dry with a large, plush towel. “Why don’t I pop a pizza in the oven and find something for us to watch on one of the movie channels, while you dry your hair and get dressed?” he asked as he wrapped the towel around her, then tucked it under her arms.
“That sounds wonderful,” she said, realizing she was actually quite hungry.
He gave her a smile warm enough to melt the polar ice caps. “I’ll meet you downstairs on the couch in about twenty minutes.”
Feeling more relaxed than she had since taking the pregnancy test, Melissa picked up the hair dryer and turned it on. She wasn’t going to think about their predicament, what they were going to do about it or that in less than two days she would no longer be enjoying a few stolen hours with Shane. Tonight she was going to concentrate on the moment and face tomorrow when it came.
“What’s your life like out in California?” Shane asked as the movie he had selected for them ended.
The film’s storyline had been about a woman returning to her hometown and the life she had left behind to do that. That got him to thinking. He knew what it had been like for Lissa since returning to Aspen for the reading of her father’s will. She had to stay for at least one year and manage the Tranquility Spa in order to inherit her share of Jarrod Ridge. But her life in Los Angeles remained a complete mystery to him.
“Life in southern California is, in a word, hectic.” She shrugged one slender shoulder. “I’ve been there since I started college and you would think I’d be used to the pace after all this time.”
Her answer surprised him. “But you’re not?”
“Not really.” She shook her head and shifted on the couch to face him. “Everyone is always in such a hurry to get somewhere or to do something. Then, when they do accomplish whatever they set out to do, they are in a huge hurry to do something else.”
“Life in the fast lane can be draining,” he said, wondering why she had chosen to go to college so far from home. “But I think it’s that way in most urban areas.”
She nodded as she removed the fluffy tie holding her hair in a ponytail. “It’s a little better in Malibu where I live now, but life still moves a lot faster than Aspen.”
“That is a nice area.” He had been to Malibu a few times and although it was way too crowded for his taste, Shane had found the view of the ocean to be beautiful. “Do you live near the beach?”
“I have a condo not too far from the Malibu Pier.” She smiled. “I like living on the beach and my spa and yoga center, Serendipity, is only a couple of miles away. That’s another plus for me.”
“Who’s running things while you’re away?” he asked, reaching out to tuck a wayward strand of hair behind her ear. “I’m sure you left someone you could trust in charge.”
He ran his index finger over her hair. He loved the feel of the silky golden threads against his skin. He drew in some much-needed air and forced himself to concentrate on what she was saying. Lissa felt it was important that they talk and learn about each other. Besides, if he was going to get her to go along with his plans of getting married, he was going to have to pay a little closer attention.
“I have two wonderful assistant managers.” She smiled fondly. “Michael is very efficient at managerial duties and in the treatment room his hands are pure magic.”
“Oh, really?” For reasons he didn’t quite understand and wasn’t ready to analyze, the only hands Shane wanted her to consider magical were his.
Her enthusiastic nod caused a slow burn to start in the pit of his stomach. “Michael warms the oil with his hands, then when he puts them on your body and starts kneading the muscles …” She closed her eyes and smiled as if imagining the man’s hands on her. “… it’s pure heaven.”
The irritation in Shane’s gut exploded into all-out anger and he couldn’t figure out why. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that Lissa seemed to enjoy having the man’s hands on her a little too much. It might even be the probability that she had been alone with the guy in a dimly lit room with nothing but a thin sheet draped over her nude body. Or more likely, it was a combination of all of it. Whatever the reason, he didn’t like it one damned bit.
But Shane couldn’t understand the proprietary feeling he had toward her. It wasn’t as if he hadn’t been with his share of women before Lissa returned to Aspen. It would be ridiculous of him to expect her to have gone without companionship before they started seeing each other. Yet he couldn’t quite shake the territorial feeling that ran through him.
“Aren’t some of the women who work for you just as good at giving massages?” he asked, wondering why she hadn’t asked one of her female employees.
She nodded. “In their own way, yes, they are very good. But being a man, Michael naturally has more strength in his hands and gives a more thorough deep-tissue massage.”
“How long has he worked for you?”
“Let’s see, he and his life partner, Hector, moved from Florida into the condo below mine about three years ago, and I hired them both shortly after that,” she said, looking pleased with herself. “I was really lucky to get them before another spa snapped them up. Besides Michael being the best masseuse I’ve ever seen, Hector is a master yoga instructor and conducts most of the yoga and meditation classes at Serendipity. He’s my assistant manager for the yoga center.”
Shane’s anger cooled immediately when he realized neither of the men were interested in Lissa. The fact that he felt such relief was almost as disturbing to him as his possessiveness had been. He had never been the jealous type and couldn’t imagine what the hell had gotten into him.
Deciding it was time for a change of topic, he asked, “Do you miss not living near the beach?”
“Absolutely,” she said, nodding. “Listening to the waves is nice, especially at night when I’m ready to go to sleep. I like to sit on the beach sometimes and watch them roll in to shore. It reminds me of how small and insignificant my problems are compared to the big picture.”
“Don’t you miss watching the seasons change, angel?”
“They do change,” she admitted. “But it’s subtle and not nearly as big of a change as here. It’s beautiful here in the fall.” She grinned. “And I do love Aspen in the winter. There’s nothing like flying down the mountain on a pair of skis after a new snow.”
“You like the fresh powder?”
“Absolutely.” She tilted her head. “What about you? Do you like to ski?”
He gave her a mischievous grin. “I have been known to tear it up on a few of the slopes around here. I’ve also done a little cross-country skiing.”
Yawning, she leaned her head back against the couch. “I’ve missed being able to participate in the winter activities we have in the mountains.”
“They have some nice skiing in California,” he reminded her.
“Yes, but I would have to drive several hours to get there.” She smiled. “I like having a ski slope practically in my backyard.”
“Then why did you go to college in California in the first place?” he asked before he could stop himself.
Shane had a feeling it had something to do with her getting away from home and the control of Donald Jarrod. But she’d shied away from discussing her relationship with her father, and from her expression, she wasn’t interested in discussing it now.
She hesitated as if choosing a suitable answer. “I was young and wanted to spread my wings a bit.” Hiding another yawn behind her hand, she gave him a sheepish grin. “I think I need to go up to bed before I fall asleep right here.”
He knew she was making an excuse to escape before he had the opportunity to ask any more questions. “You’re probably right.” Turning off the television, he rose to his feet, then helped her to hers. “What do you say we go upstairs and see just how good I am at giving a massage?”
“But I don’t have a problem with tightness in my shoulders or neck,” she said as he led her toward the stairs.
“Angel, I wasn’t talking about massaging your back.” He couldn’t stop his wicked grin. “The areas I had in mind are on the front side of your body and a whole lot more interesting.”
Shane lay staring at the ceiling long after the woman in his arms drifted off to sleep. The evening had been perfect and given him a glimpse of what life could be like once he and Lissa were married.
Married. The word alone should have had him running for the hills, and he still couldn’t quite believe that he was actually going to take the plunge.
Two days ago, the idea of marriage and having a child never crossed his mind. It was simply something he had never allowed himself to contemplate. He had witnessed the hell his father went through when his mother left and that was more than enough to convince Shane he wanted no part of the institution.
He could remember the nights he had lain in bed as a small boy listening to his mother and father argue about how unhappy she was living out in the middle of nowhere. Eventually her pleading for his father to sell the ranch and move them all to a metropolitan area had turned to threats of her leaving.
Then, one day when he was nine, Shane came home from school to find his mother gone and his father passed out with an empty whiskey bottle at his feet. Cactus had stepped in to watch over him and when his father finally sobered up after a two-month bender, Shane asked several times where his mother was. “Gone” was all he could get out of his father each time he asked. Shane finally gave up and stopped asking.
But Hank McDermott was never the same after that. Other than being there to raise his son and instill a strong set of values in him, it was as if his dad had quit caring about everything else and reminded Shane of a horse that had its spirit broken. Once full of life, his father rarely left the ranch and removed everything in the house that hinted a woman had ever inhabited the place.
Shane had never wanted to give that kind of power over him to any woman. Never wanted a child of his to lie awake at night wondering where his mother was and why he never heard from her again. But with Lissa’s announcement that she was pregnant, he suddenly found himself determined to do the very thing he had vowed never to do—get married.
Glancing at her head resting on his shoulder, he took a deep breath and tried to relax. As long as he kept everything in perspective and his feelings for her under control, everything should be fine.
He would be a good provider, a faithful husband to her and a loving father to their child. That’s all any woman could ask of a man and all Shane was ready or willing to give.

“It’s about time you hauled your sorry butt out of bed.”
At the sound of the elderly gentleman’s comment, Melissa stopped abruptly just inside the kitchen doorway. Standing at the stove, wearing nothing but a pair of long underwear and boots that had seen better days, the man had his back to her and apparently only heard her approach. She assumed he was Shane’s housekeeper, Cactus, and he obviously thought that Shane had come downstairs for breakfast.
How could she let him know that she wasn’t who he thought she was without startling him?
When he suddenly turned around, they both jumped. “God’s nightgown! Where in the name of Sam Hill did you come from?”
“You must be Cactus,” she said, unsure of what else to say. “Shane’s told me a lot about you.”
“Well, he never told me a damn … danged thing about you,” he stammered. “If he had, I sure wouldn’t be standin’ here in nothin’ but my long johns.” His wrinkled cheeks turned fiery red above his grizzled beard. “Excuse me, ma’am. I’ll go get myself decent.”
The man disappeared into a room off the kitchen as quickly as his arthritic legs would allow. A moment later, Shane walked up behind her to wrap his arms around her waist.
“How did you manage to get breakfast started so fast?” he asked, kissing her nape.
Her skin tingled from the contact. “I didn’t. It appears that your housekeeper, Cactus, has arrived home a little earlier than expected.”
He sighed as he rested his chin on her shoulder. “I’m sorry, Lissa. I should have known this would happen. Whenever he goes to see his sister they always get into an argument and he ends up coming home early about half the time.”
“It doesn’t matter.” She turned within the circle of his arms to smile up at him. “Cactus probably doesn’t know anyone affiliated with the resort. Besides, I seriously doubt that he would tell them I was here, even if he did.”
Shane kissed the tip of her nose. “Why is that, angel?”
“Because he knows I could tell them I caught him cooking breakfast in his long underwear,” she said, laughing. “If his blush was any indication, I think I embarrassed him all the way to the roots of his snow-white hair.”
Rolling his eyes, Shane shook his head. “He definitely marches to the beat of his own drum. But don’t worry. He’ll get over it.”
“Boy, I got a bone to pick with you,” Cactus groused as he limped back into the room. “Why didn’t you tell me you were gonna have a lady friend comin’ for a visit this weekend?”
“I didn’t figure it would matter, since you weren’t supposed to be here,” Shane answered, unaffected by the older man’s irritation. Releasing her, he walked over to the coffeemaker. “Have a seat at the table, Lissa, while I pour us a cup of coffee. Lissa, this is Cactus Parsons, my housekeeper and the orneriest old cuss you’d ever care to meet.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Cactus,” she said, smiling.
He nodded. “Ma’am.”
Remembering something one of her friends had mentioned about not drinking caffeinated beverages while pregnant, Lissa shook her head. “Thank you, but I think I’ll pass on the coffee.”
When Shane walked over to sit beside her at the table, Cactus asked, “How do you like your eggs, gal?”
“Say scrambled,” Shane whispered. “That’s the only way he knows how to cook them.”
“I heard that, and it ain’t true,” the old gentleman retorted. “I know how to put cheese in ‘em or if your lady friend would like onions and green peppers, I can make ‘em that way, too.”
Shane laughed. “But they’re still scrambled.”
“It don’t matter,” Cactus insisted, his toothless grin wide. “They’re still different than just plain old eggs.”
Having grown up in the house where teasing and good-natured banter hadn’t existed, Lissa enjoyed listening to the exchange between the two men. It told her a lot about the kind of man Shane was.
Besides going out of his way to preserve an old man’s dignity by making bets they both knew were a complete farce, Shane went along with and even encouraged the man’s complaints because he knew it made Cactus happy.
That was something her father certainly would have never done for one of his employees. For that matter, he hadn’t bothered to do anything even remotely similar to that for his own children.
There wasn’t a single time in her life that she could remember her father teasing or playing with her or her brothers. He had reminded them on a daily basis from the time they were old enough to listen that if they weren’t excelling academically or working to somehow improve Jarrod Ridge, they were letting themselves down and disappointing him.
“Here you go, gal,” Cactus said, interrupting her thoughts as he placed a plate of bacon and eggs in front of her.
As soon as the plate touched the table, the food that had smelled so delicious only a few moments before caused a terrible queasiness in the pit of her stomach. Glancing at Shane, she watched his easy expression turn to one of concern and she knew she must look as ill as she felt.
Unable to make an excuse for leaving the table, Melissa jumped from the chair and ran as fast as she could for the stairs. She barely managed to make it into the master bathroom and slam the door before falling to her knees.
She had never in all of her twenty-six years been as sick as she was at that moment. If the fact that she was pregnant hadn’t sunk in before, it certainly had became very real now.
Feeling as if the blood in his veins had turned to ice water, Shane took the stairs two at a time as he chased Lissa. What the hell was wrong with her?
She had seemed fine when they got up and came downstairs for breakfast. Then, without warning, she’d turned ghostly pale and bolted from the room like a racehorse coming out of the starting gate.
As soon as he entered his bedroom he heard her and found the bathroom door locked. “Lissa, let me in,” he demanded.
“Go … away … Shane.” Her voice sounded weak and shaky.
“Not until I know you’re going to be all right.” If he had to, he would break the damned door down. But he wasn’t going anywhere until he found out what was wrong with her.
“I think … I have … morning sickness,” she said, sounding downright miserable. “Please leave … me … alone so I … can die … in peace.”
Feeling completely useless, Shane drew in a deep breath and walked over to sit on the end of the bed while he waited for her nausea to run its course. He felt guilty. If not for one of his swimmers, she wouldn’t be in there feeling as if death would be a blessing.
He rested his forearms on his knees and stared down at his loosely clasped hands. He wished there was something he could do for her, but he was at a total loss. Horses didn’t suffer through morning sickness and, since he never intended to have a wife and kids, he had never bothered to learn more than the basics about human pregnancies. Now he was going to have to play catch-up and learn all he could on the subject.
Several minutes later as he sat there mentally compiling a list of things that he wanted to research, he heard the bathroom lock click open and Lissa slowly opened the door. His heart slammed against his ribs at her appearance.
She looked as though she had just been through hell. Her usual peaches-and-cream complexion was still a pasty white, perspiration dotted her forehead and her long blond hair hung limp around her shoulders.
“I asked for privacy,” she said, sounding completely spent.
“I gave you as much as I thought you needed.” He might fall short with his lack of knowledge, but there was no way he would have left her on her own and gone back downstairs. “Does morning sickness last the entire length of the pregnancy or is it a short-term thing?”
Walking over to sit down on the bed beside him, she shook her head. “Every pregnancy is different. Some women have it for the entire nine months and others aren’t bothered by it at all. My friend in California only had a problem with morning sickness for a month or so before it disappeared.”
Nine months of being sick every morning? Just the thought made his skin crawl. In his estimation even a day or two was way too much.
“Is there something the doctor can give you to keep it from happening?” he asked, hoping there was.
He put his arm around her shoulders and tucked her to his side. Surely in this day and age there had to be something to help a woman get through it.
“I think there is medication to help with the nausea, but since I haven’t been to the doctor yet, it’s irrelevant at the moment.” She yawned. “Maybe it would be a good idea for you to take me back to the resort this afternoon.”
Shane didn’t have to think twice about his answer. “No way.” Rising to his feet, he pulled her up with him, then walked her around to the side of the bed. “There’s no one there to take care of you and as sick as you are, I don’t want you being by yourself.”
“If I need something or someone, I can call Erica,” she said, referring to the half sister the Jarrod children had learned of during the reading of their father’s will.
“We both know you wouldn’t do that,” he stated, pulling back the comforter. “Your sister would want an explanation, and you aren’t ready to give her one.” He motioned for her to lie down. “I told you that I was going to see you through all of this and that is exactly what I intend to do, angel. Now, stretch out and take a nap. Maybe you’ll feel better when you wake up.”
“You’re not going to be a bully about this, are you?” she asked. He thought she might dig her heels in and try to resist him telling her what to do, but to his satisfaction she climbed into bed. “Because if you are, I’m not—”
“Only if I have to be, to make sure I keep you and the baby safe and well,” he said, careful to keep his voice gentle. Pulling the cover up over her, he sat down on the side of the bed. “Now get some rest, Lissa.” It was only after he kissed her smooth cheek that he realized she had already fallen asleep.
Shane wasn’t certain when he had developed the fierce protectiveness that coursed through him now, but there was no denying its presence or its overwhelming strength. Staring down at the blond-haired woman in his bed, he silently made her a promise. No matter what it took, he would do everything in his power to keep her and their child safe and healthy.
“Where’s Cactus?” Melissa asked when she came downstairs to find Shane sitting at the computer in his office.
“He and a couple of the men who stayed around for the weekend are playing poker down at the bunkhouse,” Shane answered, looking up from the screen.
“What excuse did you give him about my … sudden exit from the room?” She could only imagine what the outspoken old man had to say about that.

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