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The Rancher′s Nanny Bargain
The Rancher′s Nanny Bargain
The Rancher's Nanny Bargain
Sara Orwig
This nanny is strictly off limits! Rancher Cade Callahan is desperate. As guardian to his brother's baby, he's completely clueless, and he needs a nanny quick! Hiring his best friend's very qualified sister seems like a no-brainer. But Erin Dorsey isn't the scrawny kid he remembers, and the ravishing redhead has him reeling.Cade has no use for marriage and likes to play the field. Erin is vulnerable because of a recent heartbreak, so Cade promised her brother to keep his hands off. But resisting the allure of his stunning nanny is easier said than done…

This nanny is strictly off-limits! From USA TODAY bestselling author Sara Orwig!
Rancher Cade Callahan is desperate. As guardian to his brother’s baby, he’s completely clueless, and he needs a nanny quick! Hiring his best friend’s very qualified sister seems like a no-brainer. But Erin Dorsey isn’t the scrawny kid he remembers, and the ravishing redhead has him reeling.
Cade has no use for marriage and likes to play the field. Erin is vulnerable because of a recent heartbreak, so Cade promised her brother to keep his hands off. But resisting the allure of his stunning nanny is easier said than done...
The Rancher’s Nanny Bargain is part of the Callahan’s Clan series.
“I’m as qualified as you are to give marital advice.”
“No, you’re not,” Erin teased. “You’ve never been engaged, so I’ve come closer to actually getting married.”
Cade got up and crossed the room to her. “That gives you a little experience, but I’ve got a lot because I spent fifteen years growing up as the child of a bad marriage,” Cade said. “That makes my advice more valid.”
“You were going to stay on your side of the room tonight.”
“See—this is why I shouldn’t get married. I didn’t do what I said I would. Scared of me?”
“Not in the least. I have no intention of marrying you. Now you go back to your side of the room and think about my brother.”
“I want to know something else. Give me a straight answer. Did you miss any sleep after our first kiss?”
“Cade, we aren’t going to do this.”
“I think you just answered my question,” he said in a husky voice as his gaze lowered to her mouth.
She couldn’t catch her breath.
* * *
The Rancher’s Nanny Bargain is part of the Callahan’s Clan series—A wealthy Texas family finds love under the Western skies!
The Rancher’s Nanny Bargain
Sara Orwig

www.millsandboon.co.uk (http://www.millsandboon.co.uk)
SARA ORWIG is an Oklahoman whose life revolves around family, flowers, dogs and books. Books are like her children: she usually knows where they are, they delight her and she doesn’t want to be without them. With a masters degree in English, Sara has written mainstream fiction, historical and contemporary romance. She has one hundred published novels translated in over twenty-six languages. You can visit her website at www.saraorwig.com (http://www.saraorwig.com).
To Stacy Boyd with so many thanks for being my editor. To Maureen Walters with special thanks for all the years together. With love to David and to our family.
Cover (#uf06fd764-ace8-5f7a-921e-0094b6f8c99d)
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Introduction (#u3b8d6dbd-bbdc-5c51-9890-bd849afb833a)
Title Page (#u463b5e17-c14e-58a7-99fb-0c50fcad52c7)
About the Author (#u753b2d4a-4b26-5349-bb4b-0900a17fc585)
Dedication (#ub57c9cbb-2aab-53c5-b6d1-b519e2189527)
One (#uc50003db-9eed-5914-9374-08bacaa973e4)
Two (#u49aa76cd-b2f4-5c1f-b1e1-543fbec1006b)
Three (#u24c2bace-1262-5b4c-a9f5-a7f8afda3672)
Four (#litres_trial_promo)
Five (#litres_trial_promo)
Six (#litres_trial_promo)
Seven (#litres_trial_promo)
Eight (#litres_trial_promo)
Nine (#litres_trial_promo)
Epilogue (#litres_trial_promo)
Extract (#litres_trial_promo)
Copyright (#litres_trial_promo)
One (#uacd04a4e-8408-5b8f-a2db-4471273e266d)
In his office at his ranch house, Cade Callahan sorted mail that had come while he was in Dallas at his commercial real estate office the past two days. But the letters blurred before his eyes.
All he could think about was the loss of his younger brother and his sister-in-law in the last week of June. How many times would he replay in his mind the moment he imagined their car had been struck by a drunk driver? Nate had been killed instantly, and Lydia had died on the way to the hospital. The drunk driver who hit them had died at the scene.
And Cade had been left as the sole guardian of his six-month-old niece, Amelia.
A shiver went down his spine as it always did when he thought about the tremendous responsibility he’d inherited. He knew nothing about caring for a baby. Which was why he needed Erin Dorsey.
He glanced at his watch. Within minutes she would arrive for an interview for the nanny job. He had high hopes for her.
At lunch, more than a week ago, with his closest friend, Luke Dorsey, Cade had complained about being unable to find a suitable nanny despite all the interviews he’d had. Luke had a surprising recommendation—his sister.
Recalling Luke’s younger sister Erin, Cade had remembered a timid, freckle-faced, scrawny little redhead, hovering in the background and keeping away from Luke and his friends. Cade hadn’t ever said more than hello to her and barely had received more than that in return before she’d disappeared from sight. She was years younger, probably twenty or twenty-one now.
When he’d mentioned to Luke that she was very quiet and very young, Luke’s blue eyes had twinkled.
“Not as quiet as when she was a kid,” he’d said. “And young is good. She’s energetic, upbeat, loves kids and they love her. Trust me, she’s great taking care of kids.”
“Is she an environmental engineer like you?”
“Not at all.” He’d gone on to list her credentials: an undergraduate degree in Human Development and Family Services, director of her church nursery, member of the Big Sister program while in college. “The only drawbacks for her would be a time limit and living on your ranch.”
“What’s the time limit?” Cade had asked, even though he’d had no intention of hiring Luke’s little sister.
“Erin just finished her bachelor’s degree. She’ll be starting back at the University of Texas for her master’s in January. She’s staying out a semester to earn money. I’ve offered to pay for school but she won’t accept my offer.” He’d grinned. “My sister is independent and wants to do it her way. Frankly, I can understand. We’re a big family and it will help Mom and Dad. I put myself through, something you know nothing about as Dirkson Callahan’s son who set all of you up in business.”
“Not Blake. Don’t get me started on my dad, or my mom. Mom won’t keep Amelia at all and made that plain from the first and flew to Europe with friends. Why the hell my dad had so many kids... Anyway, this is August, so it won’t help me to hire a nanny for a few months and then start over,” Cade had said before biting into a thick, juicy rib covered in dark red barbecue sauce.
“Think about it before you say no,” Luke had replied. “Hiring Erin now would give you time to get a really good nanny, and before she has to leave she could help you select the perfect replacement and train her. It would remove the pressure that you’re under now to choose a nanny quickly no matter how little you like any of them.”
He’d felt a slight bit defensive. “They all come highly recommended. I hate turning a baby over to a stranger, but I have to do something quickly. Grandmother and my cook have been taking care of Amelia and Grandmother doesn’t know much more about babies than I do. Maisie cooks, so she can’t care for Amelia all of the time. Sierra, Blake’s wife, has helped, too.”
“Hire Erin and you won’t be turning your niece over to a stranger.”
Maybe not a complete stranger, but he barely knew Erin and he hadn’t even seen her since he’d graduated from high school. He knew Luke’s argument to that—Cade had known his family since they were both kids. He knew he could trust her and believe what Luke told him about her.
“I wouldn’t recommend my sister to some of my friends,” Luke had said, “but I know I can leave the country and be certain you won’t hit on her.”
Amen to that one, Cade had thought, but he hadn’t say it aloud. “Well, hell—”
“You won’t hit on her because she’s not your type. She takes life seriously, while I know you’re a carefree, love-’em-and-leave-’em guy. Last year when the guy she was engaged to broke their engagement to marry someone else, she was crushed and she hasn’t gotten back into dating since then.”
Cade had been surprised to hear she had been engaged, but he’d said nothing. He still could only think of her as a waif who drifted in the background of Luke’s life. In addition to Erin, there were four younger kids in Luke’s family and they, too, had usually avoided Luke’s crowd.
“She has told a few people, but should you call her, I think you ought to know... While she was engaged, she was pregnant with his baby. She miscarried and that’s why the guy broke off the engagement. The doctors said she might be able to have a baby, but there was a higher than normal chance she might miscarry again. Her ex-fiancé said he wanted to know for certain that he had married a wife who could give him kids.”
“Well, damn, he must not have been deeply in love.”
“That’s what I thought, but what do I know—or you for that matter—about love and marriage? The breakup left her shaken and brokenhearted. We have a big family and she loves babies, so that loss tore her up because she wants marriage and kids. Plus she was in love with her fiancé. Now she doesn’t trust her own judgment in men. In short, she’s vulnerable. I know I can trust you not to cause her more grief.”
“If she works for me, some of the guys who work for me might ask her out, but she should be able to deal with them.”
“She’ll handle them, I’m sure. And I won’t have to worry about you, especially since you know this about her.”
“You act as if I’ve agreed to call her.”
“Go interview some more nannies and then you’ll call Erin.”
“It’s a shame you don’t have any confidence in yourself,” Cade had remarked.
Luke had laughed, then quickly sobered. “Look, Cade, she’s had a rough year and I’d like to see her where she can focus on a baby and get back to normal living. Take my advice. Stop worrying and get someone you know who can do the job.”
“I’ll think about it. Tell me again, what is it you’re doing?”
Luke smiled. “I’m an environmental engineer and I’ll be working for the government in Antarctica on wastewater management, permitting, removal of solid and hazardous waste—mainly effective wastewater treatment in the Antarctic which is not the same as in Texas—”
“I’ve got it. At least I’ve got as much as I want to hear about what you do. I’ll think about your sister,” he repeated.
* * *
Two days of interviews later, Cade contacted her.
Unable to get the image of a solemn, skinny kid out of his thoughts, he expected the same whispered, minimal conversation he’d got from her when they were kids, but was surprised to find the grown-up Erin friendly and confident. She’d turned him down politely, thanking him for the offer, preferring to keep her high-paying secretarial job until she went back to school.
But Cade had taken Luke’s advice to heart. He knew exactly what he needed: someone he knew, someone he could trust to watch baby Amelia. Using all his powers of persuasion, he’d convinced Erin to come interview before she made a hasty decision.
Now in his office at the ranch he glanced at the clock and saw she was due in four minutes.
As he shifted his attention to the papers in front of him, there was a light rap on the door. His tall, blond butler stood waiting. “Miss Dorsey has arrived.”
He smiled to himself. Erin Dorsey was as punctual as Mary Poppins. “Thanks, Harold. Tell her to come in.”
Harold stepped out of sight and in seconds she walked into the room.
For an instant Cade forgot his nanny interview. He could only stare at the tall, leggy redhead who entered the room. Blond streaks highlighted her long red hair that fell in curls around her face, framing her long-lashed green eyes. She wore what should have been a tailored, ordinary businesslike navy suit with a V-neck white blouse. On her, though, it was anything but ordinary or businesslike. The short skirt revealed long, shapely legs while a narrow belt circled a tiny waist. In a million years he would never have recognized her as Luke’s younger sister.
Dazed, he stared at her until he realized what he was doing. Then he stood and closed the distance between them as she offered her hand. When his fingers wrapped around her soft hand, the contact startled him again.
“You’ve grown up since I last saw you,” he said, causing her to smile, revealing a dimple in her right cheek. He didn’t remember any dimple, but he also didn’t remember seeing her smile as a little kid. But then again, he hadn’t ever paid attention to her. Now, her dazzling, dimpled smile sent the temperature in the room climbing. For an instant he thought he couldn’t hire her as a nanny because he wouldn’t be able to resist flirting with her or wanting to kiss that delicious mouth. Somehow he managed to shake that thought and pull himself back to business in time to hear her speak.
“I believe you have, too. I’m not still Luke’s ten-year-old kid sister which was probably the last time we saw each other.”
He bit back the reply that she sure as hell wasn’t. He waved his hand slightly toward two brown leather chairs that faced his wide cherrywood desk. “Please, have a seat,” he said. When she sat, he turned the other chair to face her.
He had already decided before she arrived that he wanted her for the job because he knew her and could trust her. More importantly, he knew her family values and they were what he viewed as ideal, what he wanted for his baby niece. Luke’s family was the family he always wished he’d had—caring and supportive of each other. His parents were invested in their kids and Luke had had his dad’s guidance and friendship—things that Cade had never known from his dad beyond financial support. Yes, Erin would be the perfect nanny in so many important ways. He would just have to resist her stunning looks and assume his normal professional manner.
“It’s been a long time since I last saw you,” he said, smiling at her.
She flashed a warm smile in return. “I’m surprised you remember me at all. I tried to stay out of Luke’s way when he had high school friends over. In those days tall, noisy boys intimidated me.”
Looking at her now, he doubted if any male intimidated her, because Luke’s sister had become a gorgeous, poised woman. Just the kind of woman that he hoped Amelia would one day grow up to be. As he thought about his little niece, he felt the too familiar dull ache that came each time he thought about her parents. He missed his brother and he always would. Little Amelia should have Nate and Lydia instead of an uncle and a nanny.
As if Erin guessed his thoughts, her smile vanished. “I’m so sorry about your brother and sister-in-law.”
“It was a tragedy. The drunk driver who hit them died in the crash, too. Three lives lost,” he replied, still thinking about his brother.
“At least their baby wasn’t with them, and how wonderful for you to be her guardian.”
“It’s an awesome responsibility and one that I never expected to have,” he replied, his thoughts shifting from Nate to Amelia. “You know, when Nate was working on their wills and he asked me if I would be Amelia’s guardian, I thought the likelihood of this ever happening was zero.” He remembered how shocked and dazed he had been over Nate’s and Lydia’s deaths back in June and how downright awestruck he’d been when he’d realized he had full responsibility for Amelia and would be his little niece’s guardian. “I don’t know one thing about babies.”
“Luke said your niece is six months old now.”
“That’s right.” He nodded. “Luke said you have experience taking care of babies and little kids. I—”
“Cade, I have to be honest with you.” She didn’t hesitate after her interruption. “As tempting as this job is, I have to decline. Out of courtesy to my brother, I’m here to talk to you, but I don’t see changing from the secretarial job I have till school starts.” Smiling, she shook her head. “I’m sorry, but this won’t work out. We can both tell Luke we tried.”
“Don’t be too hasty. Let’s talk about it,” Cade said, unable to resist a glance as she crossed her long legs. How did that wisp of a shy, plain kid grow into this gorgeous, leggy redhead?
Once again he had to shift his thoughts to the reason for the interview.
“Before you turn down this job, listen to what I have to offer. My grandmother is currently minding Amelia, here on the ranch. Grandmother can’t deal with the care of a baby on a permanent basis. In fact, she can’t deal with it for many more days. Anyway, at least meet Amelia and then let’s talk.”
“That seems unnecessary because I can’t take the nanny job.”
“The nanny job will fit in a lot more with the degrees you’re getting to work with children,” he reminded her. “Also, your brother is going to ask us both about our interview and it’ll make him a lot happier if you at least listened to my offer. Besides,” Cade added, smiling at her, “how much time does it take to meet a baby?”
There was a flicker in the depths of her green eyes and for another electric moment, he was tempted to forget about Luke and the nanny job and just enjoy the beautiful woman who sat in front of him.
Then she blinked, glanced away and the moment vanished, but it resonated long after. It was another warning that hiring her might not be as problem-free as he had hoped. But as long as she could take good care of Amelia, he could resist the volatile chemistry that had to be off-limits.
“I suppose you’re right,” she said, nodding. “All right, I’ll meet Amelia and we’ll talk.”
Stifling a triumphant smile, he rose. “If you’ll come with me, we’ll go see my grandmother. She’s in Amelia’s suite. Technically it’s not a nursery, but it’s what we could do on short notice.”
When Erin walked beside him to the open door, he realized in heels she was taller than most women he knew. He caught a faint scent of an exotic perfume that was enticing. Keenly aware of her, he motioned her ahead and she walked past him with a polite, “Thank you.”
When she passed him, he couldn’t keep from letting his gaze drift down her back and linger on her hips. There was a slight, appealing sway with each step she took, and he thoroughly enjoyed the walk to the baby’s suite.
His grandmother, a tall, slender woman, stood in the center of the room holding Amelia. Strands of her gray-streaked brown hair had escaped the clip behind her head and a frown furrowed her brow. Her lavender blouse had come out of her slacks, adding to her disheveled appearance. Yet another reason to hire Erin instantly, Cade thought. His grandmother needed her rest.
Margo Wakely held her crying great-grandchild as she crossed the room. “Amelia is up from her nap and occasionally she doesn’t wake easily.”
“I’ll take her,” Cade said and instantly she handed Amelia to him. He spoke softly to his little niece while smoothing her pink jumper. Black curls framed her face and tears spilled from her big blue eyes. He kissed her lightly on the forehead while patting her back and talking softly to her for a minute before looking up.
“Grandmother, meet Luke’s younger sister, Erin Dorsey. Erin, this is my grandmother Margo Wakely,” he said, continuing to pat Amelia’s back.
“I’m sorry for your loss, Mrs. Wakely,” Erin said.
“Thank you. It’s still difficult and so sad for Amelia.”
“Here’s our baby,” Cade said, looking at Amelia who continued to cry. “Usually she’s a sweetie who’s happy.” He shrugged. “This isn’t good timing.”
“I’ve had lots of experience with babies. Let me take her.” She took Amelia from Cade and walked with her. In seconds Amelia quieted while Erin lightly patted her and walked back to Cade and his grandmother.
“Luke was right,” Cade said, looking at her handling Amelia with more ease than his grandmother had and far more ease than he felt. “You’re good with babies.”
“With my younger siblings I’ve been around babies since I was two. But don’t let a few minutes fool you. Sometimes they cry with me, too, although usually they don’t cry a long time. Probably because I’m relaxed around them. Besides helping with my younger siblings, I did a lot of babysitting, helped with the nursery at church, that sort of thing.” She looked down at Amelia, talking to her softly. “You’re right—she’s a sweetie.”
Amelia babbled, reaching out a small fist to grab Erin’s suit lapel and tug on it.
Erin picked up a pink rattle from toys spread on a nearby table and in seconds Amelia focused on the rattle. She took it in her chubby hand, making it spin and shake.
“She likes you,” Margo said. “I haven’t seen you in years, Erin. I remember one time when Cade left his books at your house and your brother drove over. I answered the door and you handed me his books while your brother waited in the car. You seemed a lot younger than Cade or Luke.”
“I am younger. Eight years, to be exact,” she replied and Cade was surprised because she was older than he had guessed.
“Now you’re all grown up and a beautiful woman,” Margo said, causing Erin to smile another dimpled smile that carried an impact Cade tried to resist.
“Thanks, Mrs. Wakely.” She gazed down at Amelia who was happily playing with the rattle. “Look at those big, dark blue eyes. Such a beautiful little girl.”
“I have to agree,” Margo replied, smiling at Erin, then casting a nod to Cade, as if giving him her seal of approval.
Cade wholeheartedly agreed. Erin was perfect for the job.
As she looked at Amelia, Cade’s gaze raked over Erin. There was only one drawback. His attraction. There could be no flirting with her—something he never thought would be a problem where Luke’s younger sister was concerned. And no kissing, he thought as he watched her full red lips graze Amelia’s soft cheek. Talking to Luke last week, Cade had dismissed anything sexual between them. Now he realized he had probably never in his life been as wrong about something.
He just had to remember Luke was her brother. Other than his brothers, Luke was his best friend, and Cade was not about to jeopardize their long-standing relationship for a brief flirtation that would be forgotten when Erin left for grad school.
Not one bit. Telling himself he could do this, he cleared his throat and got the attention of the two women.
“Grandmother, we’ll give Amelia back to you because Erin has limited time.”
“Thanks for quieting her down,” Margo said as she took the baby. “You have a nice touch and she likes you.”
Erin smiled again. “She’s a sweet and beautiful baby.”
“She looks a lot like her father and she has a resemblance to her uncle,” Margo said, smiling at Cade.
“Grandmother, I’ll be back soon. Call Maisie if you need some help,” Cade said, referring to his cook. He had already made arrangements for her to help his grandmother with Amelia when she needed it.
“I always call Maisie when I need her,” Margo said.
As he walked with Erin into the hall he said, “Amelia sleeps through the night, but it’s still a lot for Grandmother to take care of her. I try to be here as much as possible so I can take care of her in the evenings, but because of business, there are times I can’t be at the ranch. I need a nanny as soon as possible. You saw both of us with her. I’m a novice and Grandmother has forgotten what she knew about childcare,” he admitted.
“You’ll learn what to do.”
“It’s scary. When Amelia cries, I feel like I’m failing her and Nate and Lydia.”
“Relax a little, Cade. You take care of a lot of things on this ranch that are far more difficult and complicated. She’s just a little girl.”
“I meant it when I said that I don’t know anything about babies or kids. And I especially don’t know anything about little girls,” he confessed. Then he rolled his eyes and let out a groan. “I can’t bear to think of trying to deal with a teenage girl.”
Erin laughed softly. “She won’t be a teen for a few years so stop worrying about that. You’ll get accustomed to Amelia in no time.” Erin paused in the hallway to face him and her expression sobered. “I’m sorry I can’t do this. While I’d love to take care of Amelia and it would fit with my future career, living on your ranch or driving back and forth to my home in Dallas every day would be too much of a hardship. And I make a very good salary where I am. I wish you luck.”
He looked into those deep green eyes that he knew he wouldn’t forget for a long time and he knew what he had to do. “At least hear my offer before you turn me down.”
He needed Erin. Amelia needed Erin. At the same time, he had known since she walked through his office door and he got his first sight of her, that resisting the urge to have her wouldn’t be easy. But he hoped it would be possible. Besides, it was only a few months, not long enough to be much of a temptation.
“Come on,” he said, turning toward his office and feeling her follow behind him. “Is there anyone you’re seeing who’ll be upset about you accepting a job on a ranch or being away from Dallas all week?” he asked as they walked.
“No, there isn’t,” she replied. “Luke leaves this week for the Antarctic and isn’t scheduled to be back for the rest of the year. Mom is visiting her sister who lives in Arkansas—” She stopped, as if she suddenly thought of something. “I guess you weren’t talking about my brother and family.” She shook her head. “There’s no man in my life.”
“At the moment that works out better.”
They entered Cade’s office and sat in the leather chairs again. She crossed her legs and looked at him expectantly.
He placed his elbows on his knees and leaned closer. “I know you’re capable and reliable. I know you and your family. I trust your credentials and I can trust you to care for Amelia like she was your own. You’re perfect for this job.”
“Thank you for such faith in me but—”
“I know. You don’t think you’ll make enough money for this nanny job to be worth your time. So, let’s make it worth your time. It’s five months counting December and then you’ll leave for graduate school, right?”
“I’m quitting my job mid-December because I want to get ready to go to the university and I want a little time at home during Christmas.”
“Okay. Only four months, plus two weeks, then. That makes a bigger salary even easier.” When he paused to think, she waited quietly.
“Whatever your salary is for secretarial work, I’ll quadruple it if you’ll work for me,” he offered.
Her eyes widened as she stared at him, saying nothing.
“You can have the use of one of my cars while you live here. That way you won’t have wear and tear on your car or gas to buy when you come and go out here. You can have Saturdays and Sundays off after the first month and a ten-thousand-dollar signing bonus upon acceptance. The reason for asking you to stay on the weekends the first month is because everyone else is gone on the weekend. I’ll get my cook to stay Saturday and take off one day during the week, but I’m not ready to be alone with Amelia and have full charge of her care.”
“Mercy...” As her lips parted, his attention was drawn to them and his curiosity rose over what it would be like to kiss her. It still shocked him that the same person he could so easily ignore as a kid now took his breath away, made his pulse race and inspired fantasies about hot kisses. He had to force his mind back onto his offer when she finally spoke.
“What you’re offering is ridiculous,” she whispered, still staring at him as if he had offered her all the gold in Fort Knox. “It’s definitely something I have to consider, now that I’m going to grad school.” Her gaze flickered as she said, “You know, if I hadn’t known you all my life and if you weren’t really close friends with my brother, I would suspect some ulterior motive for that kind of money. As it is, I know you well enough to know you’re offering me the job for the right reasons.”
“Yes, I am. Because I trust Luke’s recommendation. And because Amelia is the highest priority in my life and I want the best nanny I can possibly get.” He had to, for her and for his brother. When he was away from Amelia, he didn’t want to worry about her. Or even when he was with her. Funny, he thought, how he could handle all kinds of things on his ranch, but taking care of a little baby scared the daylights out of him.
He looked at Erin and held his breath, hoping she wouldn’t take a lot of time to make a decision.
She shook her head slowly and he wondered if she intended to say no. He needed her desperately. If she turned him down, how much more should he offer to get her to accept the job?
“I don’t need time. I can’t possibly turn down your offer. When do you want me to start?”
Two (#uacd04a4e-8408-5b8f-a2db-4471273e266d)
“As soon as you possibly can.”
He felt relief surging in him and he could hardly stifle the smile that split his lips. Although temporary, he felt positive that he just hired an excellent nanny, and someone who could teach him how to be a parent so that later, he could select the best long-term nanny for his niece.
“I feel desperate and so does my grandmother, not to mention my cook who is doing some double shifts. Although sometimes I relieve her and cook for us so that she can help my grandmother,” he explained. “Actually, tomorrow would be the best possible time for you to start, but I know you can’t change your life that fast.”
“No, I can’t, but I can move to your ranch Monday and get to know Amelia. If you or your grandmother can be here the first day or two, it would be nice, so I can see Amelia’s routine and learn what I need to know about her.”
“I’ll work that out. Move in Monday and if I can help you, let me know. There are a lot of guys on this ranch willing to pitch in and help you move,” he said. Every guy on the ranch would help once they got a glimpse of her. “I have a small plane and I also have a private jet I keep in Dallas. If you want, I can either have my pilot fly you here, because from the ranch it’s a little over 160 miles to Dallas, or have someone pick you up in Dallas in a limo and move your things. From the ranch to Downly is twenty miles.”
“My head is swimming. Let me think and I’ll send you a text or call you later today. How’s that?”
“That’s excellent,” he said, sitting back and smiling at her. She did look a bit overwhelmed.
“I’m stunned by your offer and am trying to adjust to the change in my life and what this job will mean to me,” she said, her gaze shifting to his as she looked intently at him.
He became aware of how close they sat, her knees almost touching his, her exotic perfume filling the air. Her green eyes had darkened slightly and her rosy lips were turned up in a slight grin. He also became aware of how much he wanted to lean closer and taste them.
Would she always be such a temptation? he wondered. Or was it just the shock of seeing her looking so different, so mature, so feminine? He told himself he’d get used to the new Erin, with some time. Meanwhile, he had nothing to worry about where she was concerned. He had no qualms that she would be circumspect, professional, focused on Amelia.
He would, too, if he always kept in mind how vulnerable Erin was and how much she was into marriage, family and permanent commitment. Also, how much he valued her brother’s friendship.
And she would never flirt with him or come on to him. He remembered how solemn she used to be. The reminder should be a reassurance to him, but for some reason it wasn’t.
“When you’re here, if you ever have any problems, don’t hesitate to tell me,” he said, his voice a deeper rasp.
“Thank you,” she replied. “You know, I wouldn’t do this if it weren’t for your friendship with Luke and all the years we’ve known you.”
“I wouldn’t do this if it weren’t for Luke, either,” he said.
“And I doubt if I’ll need any help, but I will let you know if I do. I don’t even know what I need to bring.”
“Let’s go look at where you’ll stay.” He stood but paused as he exited his office. “One more thing,” he said, “I’d like you to be on duty Friday nights. If you have some place you want to go on a Friday, let me know and I’ll work around it, but on Fridays, I’d like to go out.”
“That’s fine. I think that would work out really well,” she added and he smiled.
“Don’t sound so happy to be rid of me,” he said and she looked startled.
“I’m joking,” he added swiftly, wanting to get back to being impersonal. “If you don’t want to stay by yourself with Amelia, there are a couple of wives of the cowboys who work for me who live on the ranch. I can get them to stay on Friday night so you’ll have someone else here with you.”
“I’ll be fine. They’re all here on the ranch, so someone I can call won’t be far away if necessary. Right?”
“Right. Come meet Maisie, my cook. She’s still in the kitchen. She has a house here and her husband works for me, too. Harold, my butler, has a house on the ranch and his wife cooks for the people who work here.” Cade took Erin’s arm lightly to lead her out, and was surprised when the faint contact sent tingles up his arm. Yes, he thought, the woman was certainly tempting. Thank goodness once he had her situated and familiar with her charge and his staff, he could throw himself into work and see her less.
But how could he do that?
He needed to learn how to cope with Amelia. He needed to follow Erin around and see how to care for his charge. He also needed to bond with Amelia and when he did, Erin would be present, too. They were going to be thrown together, living together in his ranch house, spending a lot of time together with Amelia. And he had to remain cool and professional, the boss and his nanny.
He clung to the knowledge that even though Erin was gorgeous, there were other beautiful women who were far more lighthearted, ready to party, wanting the same freedom he did and who hadn’t lost a baby or been hurt badly in a recent broken engagement. There were so many reasons to remain professional and distant with her, so why did they seemed to evaporate when he looked into her big, green eyes?
They entered the kitchen where a slender woman with braided blond hair wiped the countertops. “Ahh, hello, there,” she said. “You must be Luke’s younger sister. I can see a family resemblance.”
Erin laughed. “I’ve heard that before, but not often.”
“Erin, meet Maisie Elsworth, my cook and the person who keeps this place going. If you have questions about Amelia, the job or the ranch, or need help, Maisie is the person to ask.”
“Absolutely,” Maisie replied, smiling. “You’ll love little Amelia and maybe you can teach this Wild West cowboy how to calm her. She’s adorable.” Maisie looked away and wiped her eyes, turning her back. “You’ll have to give me a moment. I feel as if I lost one of my own boys when we lost Amelia’s dad. The same for the little one’s mother. So sad, and sometimes it hits me out of the blue,” she said, still wiping her eyes.
Cade stepped up to put his arm around her and give her a squeeze. He stood quietly while she became composed again and turned to Erin.
“Sorry,” Maisie said. “Moments come without warning when I realize they’re gone forever and I think of little Amelia.”
“Don’t ever apologize because you love someone,” Erin said. Cade thought about her miscarriage and how much she must have hurt over losing her baby, and how much she was still hurting.
“Ahh, you’ll be a good nanny for our little baby,” Maisie told her. “I hope your brother is fine. I miss seeing him. They were fun boys, but now they’re grown men and busy and I don’t see them.”
“You see me plenty, Maisie,” Cade said with a grin. “You’ll see more of me today, but right now, I want to show Erin where she’ll be staying when she moves in.”
“It’ll be good to have you with us,” she said to Erin and Cade wondered whether he had just complicated his future while making Amelia’s more secure.
Next, Cade took Erin to a suite that held four rooms. She walked into the center of the living area, turning to look at the room that had oak floors, a thick area rug in two tones of blue, watercolor paintings of horses on the walls, and glass and teak furniture.
Cade watched her turn to look around, his gaze running over her. He was still amazed by the changes in her appearance, even though common sense told him she wouldn’t look the way she had at ten.
“Go ahead and look at the bedroom, the closet and the adjoining bathroom,” Cade urged, wanting her to be happy with the job and where she would live. “There’s also a small office with computer equipment.”
He watched her thick red hair swing slightly across her shoulders as she walked out of sight into the bedroom. When she returned, she smiled—another friendly, dimpled smile that under other circumstances he would have accepted as an invitation to flirt.
“This is marvelous,” she said. “I’ll go back to the office and give notice today. They won’t mind letting me go because I’m temporary anyway. I’ll just leave sooner than I had planned.”
He suspected they were going to mind letting her go, but he merely nodded. “Good. We’ll stop by my office and I’ll write a check to you for your signing bonus.” They fell into step and he was aware of her close beside him. When they entered his office he hastily wrote the check, his fingers brushing hers when he handed it to her.
Every physical contact, no matter how slight or how much he tried to ignore it, was noticeable—all red flag warnings that he would have to deal carefully with her.
What made the feathery brushes of their hands noticeable besides his reaction was awareness that she responded, too. Her reaction showed in tiny ways: a surprised look, a flicker in her eyes, a deep breath. Some kind of chemistry existed between them, an attraction that he could not pursue and she didn’t want.
When they walked to his front porch, she turned to face him, offering her hand.
“Thank you for this fantastic offer. I’m going to love taking care of Amelia and now I won’t have to worry about finances so much,” she said, withdrawing her hand that was soft and slender.
“Even though you’re on a full scholarship, I know your brother has offered to pay your college expenses and you’ve always turned him down.”
“He put himself through school and I want to do this on my own, too, the way he did. I have my undergraduate degree now, so I’m making progress and I see the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel.”
“Congratulations. That’s commendable,” Cade said, realizing she had a streak of independence that was so like her brother. “For the present, you have my phone number in case you need anything. And the offer of help to move still stands. I’ll see you Monday.”
“Thanks. I never dreamed I’d be in a business arrangement with you someday. And I’m sure you wouldn’t have thought it possible to be in one with me,” she said, her eyes twinkling. “I might as well have been wallpaper for all the attention you ever gave me back then.”
He smiled and held back a reply that came to mind instantly, that he definitely noticed her now and she wasn’t anything like wallpaper. He glanced at her full lips and wondered again about kissing her. More forbidden thoughts plagued him, thoughts that he would have to squelch. How many times would he have to remind himself?
“Cade, thank you again so very much for this job. I’m thrilled and looking forward to getting started,” she said.
With an effort, he stepped back. “See you Monday,” he said, taking a deep breath.
“Sure,” she said, giving him one more long look before she hurried to her small black car. She waved as she drove away.
He had an excellent, trustworthy nanny—and a nagging worry that he might be bringing trouble home in a big way. Was he going to be able to ignore the chemistry that smoldered between them today? Was he going to be careful to avoid trying to seduce his nanny? He had to or he’d lose his best friend forever. Besides, he wasn’t interested in commitment and Erin was the marrying kind. She had already been hurt badly and was vulnerable. He couldn’t hurt her more.
Cade watched her car go down the ranch drive, but all he really saw were big green eyes and a rosy mouth that looked ripe for kissing.
* * *
When Erin glanced at her rearview mirror, Cade still stood on the porch of his sprawling ranch house. A tall Texas rancher, a man worth millions, yet he looked like other cowboys from ranches all over Texas. Except he was more handsome than most.
Smiling, she thought about how he had been shocked that she had grown up. He had never paid attention to her the years he was in high school. All her brother’s friends had seemed big and intimidating and they had seldom taken notice of her, which was a relief to her. She just tried to avoid them and go ahead with what she wanted to do.
By the time Cade graduated from college, she was in her early teens and was attracted to him, thinking he was to-die-for handsome. She had a silly, schoolgirl crush that she told no one about. She knew the times he was at their house he didn’t notice her any more than he had when she was nine years old and he had been in high school.
She hadn’t seen Cade in years and it was a surprise to see an appealing, good-looking rancher. A grown man now—handsome, filled out and older, with that air of confidence that was as evident as it was with her brother.
Even though Cade was still her brother’s closest friend, there was only a little she knew about him.
When she rounded a bend in the road and his house disappeared from the view behind her, she let out her breath. With the check he had just given her, there was no way she could turn down his job offer, but it was going to hurt badly at times.
She still wasn’t over her losses completely, though the pain had eased somewhat. Losing her baby had been devastating and when Cade handed Amelia to her, she’d had a terrible clutch to her heart and felt tears sting her eyes. As she drove down the graveled, dusty ranch road, a pang still tore at her. She didn’t think she would ever stop hurting over losing her baby, even though it had been early in her pregnancy, and she knew that Amelia was going to be a constant reminder of what she had lost.
Now she had taken a job that was going to dredge up that pain again every day until she got accustomed to dealing with Amelia and could focus on her charge without thinking about her miscarriage. Amelia looked so adorable, she should bring cheer just by being a sweet baby.
Cade, however, might not be so easily handled. He loomed, another giant difficulty because of his incredible appeal. What might make working for him difficult was the chemistry between them. Where had that come from? She felt it and she knew he had. Or maybe he stirred that reaction in all the women he met.
Several times today, he had looked at her intently, giving her the look a man gives a woman when he actually sees her as an attractive woman. She wasn’t so out of practice that she didn’t recognize it.
It wouldn’t have mattered if he had spent the whole interview flirting with her. She didn’t want to date, didn’t want to fall in love, didn’t want any kind of relationship. The pain of her broken engagement was still too real, too intense. The consequences of any relationship would bring back too many hurtful memories.
She didn’t want to get involved emotionally with any man at this point in her life and definitely not Cade. She knew his views on relationships and his cynical view of marriage. She might not ever be able to have a baby, but she still wanted marriage and children in her future and that was not what Cade had ever wanted. If she could resist Cade’s appeal and deal with the hurt and reminders of her loss that Amelia would unknowingly cause, this job would be great. A huge windfall for her, and good experience for her future career. Cade’s offer had been irresistible. No way could she have turned it down.
Even though Erin tried to avoid thinking too much about her doctor’s warning that she might not ever be able to carry a baby full-term, it was impossible to forget. If she couldn’t bear a child, she would adopt. She would have a family, one way or another, but that would come in her future. Now she intended to concentrate on grad school and her career.
For a few months she would take care of a precious little girl. Amelia Callahan was a beautiful baby with lots of thick black curls and big dark blue eyes like her uncle. Erin remembered the few minutes when she held her and Amelia had stopped crying, looking into Erin’s eyes as if they were bonding.
And you bonded with her uncle, too.
She ignored the insinuating voice inside her head. She hadn’t bonded with Cade; she’d simply looked at him while he spoke to her. Yeah, and drowned in his eyes. And nearly ignited when he touched her.
Who was she kidding? Working for Cade was going to take difficult to new levels.
Living on the ranch, she could only hope Cade would be gone most of the day. It would make her job easier if he wasn’t around. She was going to love precious little Amelia and when December came, it would be dreadful to say goodbye.
In the meantime she’d simply avoid caring too much about Amelia’s appealing guardian.
* * *
On Monday Erin changed clothes several times, finally deciding on practical navy slacks, a short-sleeve matching cotton blouse with a round neckline and navy pumps. She brushed her hair and stood looking at herself until she realized she was thinking about how Cade would view her. She had to stop that. And she had to put a halt to the heart-pounding, prickly awareness of him that had plagued her all weekend.
Her apartment bell buzzed and she went to the intercom to hear her brother’s voice. “Am I too early?”
“No. I’m ready to go. Come up.”
She opened her apartment door and in minutes Luke swept into the room. “Hey, you look nice,” he said, studying her and then turning his eyes on her bags, laptop, carry-on and purse stacked near the door.
“Thanks, Luke, for helping me load my car.”
“Sure. I’m glad you’re doing this and I’m glad he’s paying you well. I figured he would.”
“The pay is fantastic. Now I don’t have to worry about school.”
“I still say, anytime you need anything or if you run short of money, let me know. I’m single, earning a good living and I’ll be happy to help you. You don’t have to pay me back, either—that’s the best part.”
She smiled at him. “The best part is that you made the offer. That gives me a secure feeling that I can always turn to you if something disastrous happens.”
“Damn straight. Speaking of something disastrous... Let me remind you again—”
“Luke,” she cautioned and laughed. “Don’t tell me to avoid going out with Cade. He never even noticed me until he wanted to hire me. He knows I’m your little sister and he won’t jeopardize his friendship with you. Now stop worrying about me.”
“I’m worrying about what Cade will do, although I don’t think he’ll hit on you for the reasons you just gave. I can promise that he notices you now. He didn’t when you were eight or nine years old, but...well, you look a lot different now. Let me remind you that while Cade loves the ladies, he is dead set against marriage. When it comes to long-term relationships, there’s not a serious bone in his body. He doesn’t know what a real family is—I know he always enjoyed being at our house partly because of our parents. He’s close with his brothers and his mother had good intentions, but she was more interested in a social life. What I’m saying is Cade is not your type and you don’t need another hurt.”
“Be advised. I will come back from Antarctica and punch him out if he tries to date you,” he said, grinning at her.
She laughed, shaking her head and not taking him seriously. “No, you won’t. He’s your lifelong best friend. I think that covers it all. He knows how you feel and he knows I’m your little sister. I’m going to be the nanny. I’ll be with his grandmother and his little ward, but I won’t be with him. Frankly, I think he’s scared to take care of Amelia by himself and he doesn’t know how.”
“You’ve got that right. For once in his life he is terrified. He told me as much when I spoke to him. He doesn’t know anything about babies, even though he had younger brothers. They’re too close in age for him to have learned anything about babies. Oh, and speaking of his brothers... Little brother Gabe Callahan is single, closer to your age, likes to party and I imagine he’ll ask you out. And Gabe doesn’t take anything seriously—definitely not a relationship.”
“Duly noted,” she said, laughing at her brother. “If I get asked out, I can deal with that, and since I’ll be the nanny and Cade is desperate and doesn’t know how to care for Amelia, I’ll have the best possible excuse to turn down any invitations by any guys I meet. Cade’s already asked me if I would stay on Friday nights so he can go out. Stop worrying.”
“Okay,” he said, though she got the impression he really wanted to continue his dire warnings.
“Let’s get the car loaded before I’m late arriving at his ranch. I’ll text you and keep you posted on how I’m getting along. Everyone you work with there will wonder why you keep getting reports from me on my well-being.”
“They’ll know it’s because I can’t be there myself and I’m a class-A worrier when it comes to my baby sister. Cade is a great guy and my best friend, but I don’t want you hurt by him.”
“Luke, for the last time, you’ve got to stop. I believe you’re the one who wanted me to interview with him and go to work for him,” she said sweetly and Luke clamped his mouth shut. “Let’s go,” she said, picking up a bag which he took from her hands.
After her car was packed and her apartment locked, she hugged Luke. “I hope you love your work. You know, environmental engineers can find jobs in Texas.”
He grinned. “This is a change and I’ll learn new things. The South Pole needs protection. They have wastewater problems just like Dallas does.”
“Don’t give me one of your lectures about protecting our earth. I’m recycling.”
“Keep at it. Every little bit helps. For my part, I’m excited about working there.”
“Good. I’m excited about my new job, too. Amelia is a precious little girl.”
Her brother studied her. “You’ll work there a little over four months—you shouldn’t get too attached in that time.”
She brushed off his concern. “That little girl needs someone to care for her and I’m happy to get the job—and very happy to get the money,” she added lightly. But inside, she was afraid she was already attached to Amelia, yet willing to care for her because her guardian was clueless about baby care. “It’s too short a time for any attachment I form to get too strong,” she lied. “Now you stop worrying and take care of yourself.” She hugged him again.
“Don’t I always?” Luke grinned as he held open the car door for her to get behind the wheel. He closed her door and stepped back, and she saw him watching her as she drove away. She turned the corner and he was lost to sight, but his warnings about Cade echoed in her mind.
Would this job be the blessing for all as she hoped? Or was she driving straight into trouble and more heartache?
* * *
When Erin arrived at the ranch, Cade came out in long strides to greet her. Her heartbeat jumped. This wasn’t going to be the easiest job, she realized right away. The instant she saw him all her intentions to resist Cade’s appeal vanished like smoke in the wind.
August sunshine spilled over him, and locks of his raven hair blew slightly in the breeze. Emitting a contagious vitality, he looked tan, strong and fit in his tight jeans, boots, and a red plaid shirt with the sleeves rolled up.
“Welcome to the ranch,” he said, smiling at her. “My grandmother is thrilled about your arrival today. Frankly, she’s not accustomed to caring for a baby and she’s worn threadbare.”
Erin smiled at him, aware of his dark blue eyes as his gaze swept over her. If he had stayed in Dallas where he worked with his younger brother Gabe, in commercial real estate, and left her with his grandmother, Maisie, Harold and the rest of his staff, her life would be peaceful. As it was, while she looked up at such blue eyes and thick, black hair, she wondered if she would have another peaceful moment until this job ended in December.
“I’m eager to get started and to get to know Amelia,” she said, trying to focus on her job.
Cade shouldered a carry-on and took her laptop from her hands. Their hands brushed in a casual touch that stirred more sparks.
“We’ll get all your things,” he said as Harold came out of the house and hurried to carry her luggage.
Holding Amelia in her arms, his grandmother stepped out and stood watching on the porch while Erin made her way up the walk, Cade beside her. At the top of the steps, she paused to greet Margo and Amelia.
“I’m so happy you’re here,” Margo said.
She returned the pleasantry. “Let me take Amelia,” she said once she entered the house and set down her purse. Dressed in a blue-and-yellow jumper and yellow blouse, Amelia smelled sweet. When she studied Erin with her thickly lashed big blue eyes, Erin smiled at her.
“I’m glad you’re here so you can tell me about her routine,” Erin said quietly to Margo.
“We haven’t exactly established a routine. It’s been a long, long time since I’ve had the care of a baby. I had two girls and Crystal was my youngest. She’s Cade’s mother. By the time the boys were born, Crystal had a nanny and help, so there was little for me to do about their care. They’re close together in age and I didn’t raise boys, so I didn’t really have them with me often.”
Erin nodded, thinking how different that was from her mother’s life and her own, caring for her little nephews who stayed with her parents for a lot of nights. Her parents had raised a big family with boys and girls and they loved having their grandchildren around.
“We’ll go to what is the nursery for now,” Cade said. “Amelia’s suite is between my suite and yours. The sitting room is now a playroom. Like I said earlier, we really didn’t have time to change things when I got Amelia. I wanted to get her settled and familiar with where she is. I think she needs stability after the upheaval in her life.” He clamped his mouth closed and a muscle flexed in his jaw. She guessed he was having a bad moment about losing his brother and sister-in-law, or possibly a bad moment thinking about Amelia losing a mommy and daddy. She could understand because of her own heartaches and she looked at Amelia, smoothing the baby’s unruly curls from her forehead.
Big blue eyes studied her solemnly and Erin smiled at Amelia, knowing the baby would grow accustomed to her as time passed.
She glanced at Cade to find him watching her and she wondered what he was thinking. But she didn’t ask.
Cade paused in front of Amelia’s suite and motioned her in, though he moved down toward another open door.
“I’ll put these in your room and be right in.”
Erin entered the baby’s suite and turned to see Margo settle on a sofa. She glanced around at a room she had barely looked at the day of her interview. Stuffed toys were scattered on a blanket on the floor. There were more on a chair, plus rattles and blocks. A toy box overflowed with baby toys on one side of the sofa. There was a baby swing at one side of the room and a baby chair in the middle of the room.
Erin sat in a rocker and rocked while still holding Amelia. “She doesn’t seem interested in getting down or in her toys.”
“She woke early this morning, so she might be getting sleepy again,” Margo said. “Cade is here with you and if you don’t have any questions, I think I’ll go answer my emails. Call me if you need me,” she added and Erin nodded, wondering if she was going to be alone with Cade often or if he would disappear to work. Whatever happened, she realized her job as nanny had started instantly and she wasn’t going to get any schedule from Margo regarding Amelia.
Getting down on the floor with Amelia, Erin rolled a clear plastic ball filled with sparkling objects and little silver bells. As she looked at the pretty little girl, she knew she was in for another heartache because she was going to love this baby so much by the time she finished her temporary job. Amelia was easy to love. Maybe she found reassurance from those who were taking care of her. Whatever made Amelia happy, Erin was drawn to her. In almost four months, she was certain she would love the girl as her own, but she would let her go because that would be best for Amelia.
If only she could guard her heart from falling in love with the handsome rancher who was Amelia’s guardian. How was she going to resist him when they had to be together for Amelia’s sake? How was she going to resist him, too, when he already made her heart pound and she wanted to be in his arms?
* * *
Cade entered the nursery and saw Erin on a blanket on the floor rolling a ball around in front of Amelia, while Amelia laughed and grabbed for it.
When Erin looked up at him, her red hair swung across her shoulders and he drew a deep breath. Why hadn’t Luke told him his sister had grown into such a beauty?
He knew exactly why and he needed to remember that he had promised Luke he would not do anything to hurt Erin. As he gazed into her green eyes, he tried to remember what he had intended to tell her.
“Ah, Erin, I see Grandmother has already fled the scene and left it all to you,” he said, looking down at her and looking at Amelia. “Amelia seems happy.”
“For having such upheaval in her life, she’s a happy baby. I think they sense what’s happening around them.”
He sat on the end of the sofa, so close he could easily reach out and touch her and Amelia. “She’s doing better,” he said as he shifted his attention to the baby. “At first she cried a lot. Thank goodness she doesn’t cry as much now because that tears me up. When she’s been fed and isn’t sleepy and everything should be all right, but she still cries, I feel as if she wants Lydia or Nate.”
“Cade, I’m sorry,” Erin said softly, touching his hand lightly. She removed her hand instantly and drew a deep breath as he turned to look at her.
The moment had changed again as soon as she’d touched him. He was instantly hot, wanting to reach for her, wanting to flirt with her, to kiss her. That slight touch that was simply meant to console him stirred a potent desire within him.
Wide-eyed, Erin looked at him, then shifted away. When her cheeks turned pink, he decided she felt the same rush of desire as he had—and the knowledge only deepened his response to her.
“Amelia’s happy now,” she said, casting her gaze on the baby rolling the ball around. Erin laughed as she caught the ball and placed it back in front of Amelia.
“Now that you’re here, my grandmother will be going home to Dallas.”
“That’s fine. You’ve hired me and I can manage. That’s my job.”
“I know you can take care of her easily, but I really expected Grandmother to at least give you a day. But I should have known because I know my grandmother. She’s not into childcare.”
“Your grandmother has been here since the accident?”
He shook his head. “No. Last May my older brother—actually my half brother—Blake Callahan married. His wife, Sierra, is expecting. She’s been so good—she took Amelia for a week when I couldn’t right after the accident in June. I didn’t want to impose on her, but she insisted.”
“That was nice of her,” she said, smiling at him and turning back to Amelia. His gaze ran over Erin’s profile and he noticed her dark lashes were long and thick. Her skin was flawless, soft looking. He realized the drift of his thoughts and tried to refocus. He told her more about his new sister-in-law.
“Sierra is like you are with Amelia, totally relaxed and competent with a baby. She has a big family with lots of kids. Her grandfather was involved in an agency in Kansas City that had a shelter for the homeless. They’ve branched out and have a home for kids who need a place, and this past year they opened a small animal rescue.”
“I hope I get to meet her.”
“You probably will because I’m close with Blake. Sierra’s family is the opposite of ours. My dad, Dirkson Callahan, is not into family and kids. He attended the funeral, left when it was over and we haven’t seen him since. He’s too busy making money.”
“I’ve known you a long time, but I don’t know your family.”
“My dad is Dirkson Callahan and his first marriage was only eight months long, no children. He married Veronica next and had Blake, but divorced when Blake was a baby. He never acknowledged Blake, not until recently when Blake contacted him. Then my dad married my mom, Crystal, and I’m the oldest, then Nate and then Gabe. After Mom and Dad divorced he hasn’t married again, but there were plenty of mistresses.”
“You make me more grateful than ever for my parents.”
“You’re lucky. Anyway, when Nate’s will was read, I was named guardian, but I already knew that because Nate asked me before they did their wills and set up a trust. Nate and I were always close. Anyway, Grandmother took pity on me and came to help me until I could get a nanny. And Maisie was around to help out, of course.”
“It sounds to me as if you’ve had everything covered.”
“I want everything perfect for Amelia. I owe it to Nate and Lydia.” He reached out and cradled the baby’s cheek before she grabbed her ball again. “Amelia seems fragile. I don’t know whether she likes me, I don’t know what to feed her. I’m at a loss,” he admitted. “I’ve never felt so helpless.”
“Now I’m here for her, and before I leave you can hire another nanny and you’ll be fine. So will Amelia because you love her. Don’t worry, Cade, I’ll teach you how to care for her.”
He bit back a reply that she could teach him a lot of things, but he wouldn’t have been referring to Amelia.
“There’s one rule of thumb when it comes to babies,” she said. “Use common sense.” Her eyes seemed to twinkle when she added, “You run this ranch and it’s loaded with babies, just the four-footed kind.”
“They’re easy and that’s different. I think you’re on the verge of laughing at me,” he said, looking into those green eyes that captivated him.
“Not really. You’re worrying too much. She’s going to love you. I’ve already seen her reach for you, so she likes you and trusts you or she wouldn’t do that.”
“I hope so,” he said. “Look, I know Grandmother abandoned you but I have to make a long-distance call. Then I’ll come back.”
“You don’t need to come back—not that I don’t want to see you, but we’ll get along fine.”
“Can I get anything for you right now?”
“No. We’re fine. We’ll get to know each other. She’ll probably take a nap later.”
“I do know she had lunch before you came because I fed her. Don’t hesitate to go get my grandmother if you need to. She shouldn’t have left you the first hour you’re here. Or go ask Maisie. She’s polite and honest. And you can always call me on my cell if you need me.”
“This isn’t a difficult job,” she said, smiling at him. “Go do what you have to do,” she said, rolling the ball back and forth in front of Amelia who patted it and tried unsuccessfully to grab it. Erin glanced up to meet Cade’s solemn gaze and the moment she looked into his eyes, he felt fiery sparks between them.
Unfortunately—or maybe fortunately—he needed to get some business taken care of, so he had to leave her. He suspected the better he got to know Erin, the more difficult it was going to be to keep a professional attitude with her. And he had to.
No matter if it killed him.
* * *
Only when Cade left the room did Erin let out the breath she’d been holding. How on earth was she going to get through the next few months when desire arced between them like that? Though the two times she’d been with him had been relatively brief, this heart-pounding, breathtaking fiery attraction had flared to life each time. It was as unnerving as it was unwanted. She was certain it would disappear and nothing would come of it, but until that happened, his appeal shocked her.
Amelia gave the big ball a push and it rolled away. She held out her tiny arms and waved them, wanting the ball back. Laughing, Erin got it and rolled it to Amelia. “Here’s your pretty ball, sweet baby,” she said softly, wanting Amelia to get accustomed to being with her.
This job wasn’t really that different from the many she’d had as a babysitter except she would live on the ranch for the next few months. Living on his ranch with Cade—that was the difference. She had felt sorry for his hurt and wasn’t thinking beyond sympathy for him and for little Amelia when she had placed her hand on Cade’s as a reassurance.
The instant she’d touched him, everything had changed. Her sympathy vanished, replaced by a fiery awareness of Cade as an appealing, sexy man. The contact made her tingle; even more, the slight touch of her hand on his had made her want to be in his arms.
She hadn’t felt a shred of desire for any man since she’d had the miscarriage last year. After Adam broke their engagement and called off the wedding, even the tiniest flicker of desire was gone. She hadn’t wanted to date. No man had appealed to her. She had thrown herself into school and been numb otherwise.
That had ended the minute she walked into Cade Callahan’s office and looked into his dark blue eyes. That strong physical awareness didn’t diminish, even though she knew all about Cade’s attitude toward commitment and his decision never to marry. She knew he liked to party and liked women who wanted to party. He was definitely not the type of man she would ever want to get involved with. Intimacy with Cade, however spectacular physically, would be meaningless emotionally.
So why did she have this volatile reaction to a mere look from him, or these tingles from an accidental contact of their hands or arms? He hadn’t flirted or tried to kiss her, yet the slightest brush of their hands made her heart thud and made her want to be in his arms, to have his mouth on hers.
How could she have this reaction to a man her brother had repeatedly warned her didn’t have it in him to be serious or to place any value on marriage and family?
How could she be drawn to a man like that?
She had to get more resistance to Cade and keep up her guard because she was going to be in close contact with him. They would have physical contact. They were sharing a baby and they would be sharing a house. Both their rooms opened into Amelia’s room.
Luke had warned her and he was right. She did not want to go home with a broken heart when this job ended no more than her brother wanted her to. But she had a problem. A big problem. How was she going to resist Cade, a man she had been attracted to since she was thirteen, a man who could make her tremble by a look and make her want him by the mere brush of his fingers? How could she stay under the same roof, day and night, and say no to him?
Three (#uacd04a4e-8408-5b8f-a2db-4471273e266d)
After playing for almost an hour with Amelia, Erin realized Amelia was tired and picked her up to change her and rock her to sleep. Leaving the door open between rooms, she unpacked her things.
That night for dinner they ate in the casual dining area adjoining the kitchen on one side. There was a large casual living area on the other side. Both areas were separated from the kitchen by islands, and there was a lot of space in all three rooms.
During dinner with Margo and Cade, Erin’s attention was on Amelia, although she was well aware of Cade. After dinner they moved to a sunny living area that overlooked part of the patio and flower beds of multicolored blooms surrounded by a green lawn. The house and lawn were an oasis in miles of mesquite and cacti.
Later when Erin left to put Amelia down for the night, Margo went with her. Leaving the task to Erin, Margo hovered in the background, sitting in one of the large recliners in the baby’s room until Erin stopped rocking Amelia. Erin put her down and stood beside her to make sure she stayed asleep. Finally, as they tiptoed out of the baby’s suite, Margo turned to Erin.
“Thank you for taking her today. I knew you would do fine and it’s an immense relief.”
“I enjoyed taking care of her. She’s a sweet, happy little girl.”
“Well, I’m not as young as I was and I’m really worn-out from childcare. I’m going to turn in early so I’ll say good-night now. But you go join Cade. There’s a baby monitor in Amelia’s room and you can hear it anywhere in the house so you’ll know if she stirs. You can see her, too, with this iPad that Cade bought for this purpose. You’ve been a great help today, Erin. I’m thankful you took this job and Cade is relieved, too, that you’re here. It’s wonderful to turn Amelia’s care over to someone who likes her and knows how to take care of babies.”
“Thank you,” Erin said, hating to tell Margo good-night and go back to Cade when it was only the two of them. Reminding herself of his polite attitude earlier in the day, she parted with Margo, took a deep breath and left to join him.
As she entered the room, he stood, his gaze sweeping over her and, again, her fragile peace of mind shattered. When he had come in from work, he had showered and changed to fresh jeans and a blue knit shirt. Locks of his unruly wavy hair fell slightly on his forehead. Standing quietly, he dominated the room and made her pulse quicken, a reaction she wished she didn’t have. Cade was too handsome, too appealing and she was thankful he had been professional and polite so far, because she wasn’t ready to deal with him otherwise.
As she glanced around the room that had comfortable furniture, soft lighting and an inviting casualness, she noticed Amelia’s toys had vanished, probably to her toy box.
“Thank you. You picked up her toys and put them away. Very nice, Cade, but I’ll always be happy to do that. It goes with my job.”
“Not necessarily,” he said easily. “I’m able-bodied and can pick up toys. Also, congratulations. You made it through your first day. Want a glass of wine to celebrate?”
Smiling, she shook her head. “Instead, I think a glass of iced tea will do nicely.” She followed him to the bar. “It was a good day,” she said as he poured her drink and held it out to her. When she took it from him, their fingers brushed, another casual bit of contact that should have gone unnoticed, but instead only heightened her smoldering awareness of him. She intended to drink some of her tea, stay about half an hour and then go to her suite.
“Let’s sit where it’s comfortable,” he said, grabbing himself a beer and moving to a brown leather chair, while she sat in a tan wing chair. “Anything new from your brother except warnings about me?”
“Not really. Since we graduated from high school each one of us goes on with life. Chunks of time pass between communications with him and once he leaves, I don’t expect to hear much from him.”
“That may be a good thing.” Cade smiled and she laughed, her dimple showing.
“You know my brother well. Luke’s the oldest, so he’s accustomed to telling the others what to do. I’m the next, and even though I’m twenty-two and there are several years between our ages, we’re close. It’s a little amazing you’re such good friends because you’re both alpha males—very much alike probably.”
“We don’t see each other as much now and we never did run each other’s lives.” He hesitated, then added, “Well, we both make suggestions, like him telling me to hire you.”
“I imagine a better description would be hounding you to hire me until you were desperate enough to listen to him.”
He smiled and her heart did another skip because it softened his features and it heightened his appeal.
“No,” he replied. “I had mixed feelings about it until I saw you with Amelia. She took to you instantly and you were relaxed with her. Actually, anyone watching you who didn’t know, would think you had been taking care of Amelia for a long time.”
“I’ve spent a lot of time with babies.”
“Well, Grandmother and I are grateful you’ve adjusted so quickly. She’s worn-out. I don’t know whether she told you or not, she’s going home tomorrow.”
Erin drew a sharp breath. “I thought she planned to stay awhile after I arrived,” she said, instantly thinking of the moments she would be alone with Cade.
“Not anymore. She said you don’t seem to need anyone, that you took charge from the first moment and she’s just watched.” His eyes narrowed. “Is there some reason you feel she needs to stay longer?”
His blue eyes were intent and she didn’t want him to realize how on edge she felt with him. He might guess why she didn’t want his grandmother to go.
“No, of course not.” She hoped she sounded positive and casual. “I’ll be fine. I just didn’t want her to feel unwanted.”
He stared at her a moment in silence and then shook his head. “Believe me, she doesn’t feel unwanted. She couldn’t wait to turn Amelia’s care over to you.”
Erin smiled at him. “I’m happy to have full charge of Amelia. She’s easy.”
“You’ll be great with Amelia.” He looked away with a muscle working in his jaw and she guessed that he was thinking about his deceased brother.
He sipped his beer and turned to look at her again. “When I’m out on the ranch, you can always get me on my phone and don’t hesitate if you need me. I’ll introduce you to my foreman and you can call him, too. Maisie is here during the day and you can get her if you need help. There will always be someone close.”
“That’s good to know.”
“I promised you a complete tour of the house—want to look now?”
“Yes. This is a good time,” she said, standing. She had the feeling that he was carefully trying to be friendly and yet keep a distance, which was a relief.
He showed her the formal, grand living area with elegant furniture and a massive stone fireplace with a large watercolor landscape above the marble mantel. She was relieved to see the fireplace had padding to protect Amelia if she fell against the stone hearth.
The open area had thick, handcrafted area rugs and columns that separated it from the dining room which was dominated by a polished cherrywood table that would seat twenty-four.
“Do you actually have this many people here for dinner?” she said, looking at the elegant table and then turning to catch him gazing at her with an intense look as personal as the touch of his hand, and made her forget his dining room.
“Occasionally,” he answered. His voice held a husky note and she walked into the hall.
“Where do we go from here?”
He followed in silence, a brooding look on his face. Was he regretting hiring her? She didn’t think the look he gave her was one of regret. Far from it.
They toured his house while conversation remained polite, impersonal, and she kept a discreet distance between them. In the entertainment room, she turned to him. “Amelia is a sound sleeper. I think I’ll look in on her and turn in myself.”
“Sure,” he said, walking beside her. “I told you earlier that my suite is on the other side of hers. Come look. I’ll show you,” he said and in a few minutes ushered her through a wide-open door into a big sitting room with floor-to-ceiling windows along one side of the room that led to a patio and yard. The sitting room had a large Navajo rug, a polished hardwood floor, a beamed twelve-foot ceiling and a giant television screen on one wall. Bookcases lined another wall and a stone fireplace was on the fourth wall. He’d decorated with oil paintings of landscapes and Western scenes.

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