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Midwife...to Mum!
Sue MacKay
The family she’s always longed for…Locum midwife Ally Parker never puts down roots, and that suits her just fine. A former foster kid, she’s used to moving on. Her new job is meant to be just another temporary placement…until she meets her boss, sexy single dad Dr Flynn Reynolds!It might have started as a fling, but soon Flynn and his adorable son have Ally longing to stick around…Can Flynn persuade Ally that she’s finally found her for ever family?Midwives On-CallMidwives, mothers and babies—lives changing for ever…!

Praise for Sue MacKay (#ulink_bf01c101-a45b-5d8a-a896-58a0a25663e5)
‘A deeply emotional, heart-rending story that will make you smile and make you cry. I truly recommend it—and don’t miss the second book: the story about Max.’
—HarlequinJunkie on The Gift of a Child
‘What a great book. I loved it. I did not want it to end. This is one book not to miss.’
—Good Reads on The Gift of a Child

Welcome to Melbourne Victoria Hospital—and to the exceptional midwives who make up the Melbourne Maternity Unit!
These midwives in a million work miracles on a daily basis, delivering tiny bundles of joy into the arms of their brand-new mums!
Amidst the drama and emotion of babies arriving at all hours of the day and night, when the shifts are over, somehow there’s still time for some sizzling out-of-hours romance…
Whilst these caring professionals might come face-to-face with a whole lot of love in their line of work, now it’s their turn to find a happy-ever-after of their own!
Midwives On-Call
Midwives, mothers and babies—lives changing for ever…!
Eight special stories to collect and treasure:
Just One Night? by Carol Marinelli Meant-to-Be Family by Marion Lennox Always the Midwife by Alison Roberts Midwife’s Baby Bump by Susanne Hampton Midwife… to Mum! by Sue MacKay His Best Friend’s Baby by Susan Carlisle Unlocking Her Surgeon’s Heart by Fiona Lowe Her Playboy’s Secret by Tina Beckett
These titles are also available in eBook format from millsandboon.co.uk (http://www.millsandboon.co.uk)

Dear Reader (#ulink_2cc64875-eefb-526b-872e-d648f7d9ca2b),
I’m so excited to have written one of the Midwives On-Call continuity stories set in Melbourne.
When Kiwis visit Australia we call it hopping across the ditch. In this case my story has hopped over there. It’s fun to write a story set in a very different location from my usual haunts.
Flynn and Ally are made for each other—it just takes them time to work that out. But who could go wrong with love on the beautiful Phillip Island, which sits just below Melbourne and the Victoria coastline? Throw in the cutest little boy and a big friendly dog and life’s a beach.
I hope you enjoy reading Flynn and Ally’s story, and seeing how it ties in with the other stories in this series.
Drop by my website, suemackay.co.nz (http://www.suemackay.co.nz), or send me an email at sue.mackay56@yahoo.com (mailto:sue.mackay56@yahoo.com)
Sue MacKay
With a background of working in medical laboratories, and a love of the romance genre, it is no surprise that SUE MACKAY writes Mills & Boon® Medical Romance™ stories. An avid reader all her life, she wrote her first story at age eight—about a prince, of course. She lives with her own hero in the beautiful Marlborough Sounds, at the top of New Zealand’s South Island, where she indulges her passions for the outdoors, the sea and cycling.

Midwife… to Mum!
Sue MacKay

www.millsandboon.co.uk (http://www.millsandboon.co.uk)

Table of Contents
Cover (#u36b44d2d-600c-5ecc-889d-8c64031a4403)
Praise for Sue MacKay (#ulink_6950ad8f-a3ab-583a-bab7-528289acceaf)
Introduction (#ulink_491ec819-ed43-5736-8cad-d88e65c6cf07)
Dear Reader (#ulink_4cdbf9ab-5a01-515a-b800-0f6176382449)
About the Author (#ucb94aba6-2543-5e87-abb1-6dd5b679ecb9)
Title Page (#uc1c22773-0cb5-5019-9eba-43797fa01253)
CHAPTER ONE (#ulink_dc668e39-eee3-5917-bac8-6060bf852a9d)
CHAPTER TWO (#ulink_bc012327-3df3-567f-8e1b-03129d010d3a)
CHAPTER THREE (#ulink_57b71d34-e1bd-5ee8-9a77-71a4d1fe798c)
CHAPTER FOUR (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER FIVE (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER SIX (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER SEVEN (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER EIGHT (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER NINE (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER TEN (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER ELEVEN (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER TWELVE (#litres_trial_promo)
Endpage (#litres_trial_promo)
Copyright (#litres_trial_promo)

CHAPTER ONE (#ulink_a42b97a2-43aa-59f9-8ac2-66544120aaec)
ALYSSA PARKER DROPPED her bags in the middle of the lounge and stared around what would be her next temporary living quarters. She could pretty much see it all from where she stood. Dusting and vacuuming weren’t going to take up her spare time, like it had at the last place. She’d have to find something else to keep her busy after work. Take up knitting? Or hire a dog to walk every day?
Her phone rang. Tugging it from her jacket pocket, she read the name on the screen and punched the ‘talk’ button. ‘Hey, boss, I’ve arrived on Phillip Island.’ The bus trip down from Melbourne city had been interminable as she’d kept dozing off. It had taken the ferry crossing and lots of fresh air to clear her head.
‘How’s the head?’ Lucas Elliot, her senior midwife, asked.
‘It’s good now. Who have you been talking to?’ She and some of the crew from the Melbourne Midwifery Unit had gone out for drinks, which had extended to a meal and more drinks.
‘My lips are sealed,’ Lucas quipped. ‘So, Phillip Island—another place for you to tick off on the map.’
‘Yep.’ Her life was all about new destinations and experiences. Certainly not the regular nine to five in the same place, year in, year out, that most people preferred.
‘How’s the flat?’
‘About the size of a dog kennel.’ Stepping sideways, Ally peered into what looked like an overgrown cupboard. ‘It’s an exaggeration to call this a kitchen. But, hey, that’s part of the adventure.’ Like she needed a kitchen when she favoured takeout food anyway.
‘Ally, I forgot to tell you where the key to the flat would be, but it seems you’ve taken up breaking and entering on the side.’
She was Ally to everyone except the taxman and her lawyer. And the social welfare system. ‘It was under the pot plant on the top step.’ The first place she’d looked.
‘Why do people do that? It’s so obvious.’ Lucas sounded genuinely perplexed.
Still looking around, she muttered, ‘I doubt there’s much worth stealing in here.’ Kat, the midwife she was replacing temporarily, certainly didn’t spend her pay packet on home comforts.
‘Are you happy with the arrangements? I know you enjoy everywhere we send you, but this should be the best yet as far as location goes. All those beaches to play on.’
‘It’s winter, or haven’t you noticed?’ Ally shook her head. ‘But so far the island’s looking beautiful.’
His chuckle was infectious. ‘I’ll leave you to unpack and find your way around. You’re expected at the medical centre at eight thirty tomorrow. Dr Reynolds wants to run through a few details with you before you get started with the Monday morning antenatal list.’
‘Same as any locum job I do, then?’ She couldn’t help the jibe. She’d been doing this relief work for two years now. It suited her roving lifestyle perfectly and was the only reason she remained with the Melbourne Midwifery Unit. They’d offered her fixed positions time and again. She’d turned them all down. Fixed meant working continuously at the midwifery unit, which in turn meant getting too close to those people she’d work with every day.
The days when she set herself up to get dumped by anyone—friends, colleagues or lovers—were long over. Had been from the monumental day she’d turned sixteen and taken control of her life. She’d walked out of the social welfare building for the very last time. It hadn’t mattered that she’d had little money or knowledge on how to survive. She’d known a sense of wonder at being in charge of herself. Since then no one had screwed up her expectations because she’d been in charge of her own destiny. Because she hadn’t allowed herself to hope for family or love again.
‘I’m being pedantic.’ Lucas was still on the other end of the line. ‘I wanted to make sure everything’s okay.’
Why wouldn’t it be? She didn’t need him fussing about her. She didn’t like it. It spoke of care and concern. But Lucas did care about the people he worked with, which, despite trying not to let it, had always warmed her and given her a sense of belonging to the unit. Since she didn’t do belonging, it showed how good Lucas was with his staff.
She told him, ‘I’ll take a walk to get my bearings and suss out where the medical centre is as soon as I’ve unpacked.’ Tomorrow she’d collect the car provided for the job.
‘Even your map-reading skills might just about manage that.’ He laughed at his own joke. ‘I’ll leave you to get settled. Catch you in four weeks, unless there’s a problem.’
Stuffing the phone back in her pocket, she headed into the bedroom and dumped a bag on the bed. At least it was a double. Not that she had any man to share the other half with. Not yet. Who knows? There might be a hot guy at the surf beach who’d like a short fling, no strings. Her mouth watered at the thought of all those muscles surfers must have. Winter wouldn’t stop those dudes getting on their boards. There were such things as wetsuits.
After dropping her second, smaller bag full of books and DVDs out of the way in the corner of the lounge, she slapped her hands on her hips and stared around. Four o’clock in the afternoon and nothing to do. Once she started on the job she’d be fine, but these first hours when she arrived in a new place and moved into someone else’s home always made her feel antsy. It wasn’t her space, didn’t hold her favourite possessions.
Except… Unzipping the bag, she placed two small silver statues on the only shelf. ‘Hey, guys, welcome to Cowes.’ Her finger traced the outlines of her pets. If she ever got to own a pet it would be a springer spaniel like these. Make that two spaniels. One on its own would be lonely.
She hadn’t forgiven the Bartlett family who’d given her these on the day they’d broken her heart, along with their promise they’d love her for ever. She’d wrapped the statues in an empty chocolate box and tied it with a yellow ribbon, before burying them in the Bartletts’ garden. The gift had been a consolation prize for abandoning her, but one dark day when she’d felt unable to carry on, she’d remembered the dogs she’d abandoned and had sneaked back to retrieve them. They’d gone everywhere with her ever since, a talisman to her stronger self.
Having the statues in place didn’t make the flat hers, though. Again Ally stared around. She could do a lap of the cupboards and shelves, learning where everything was kept. By then it’d be five past four and she’d still not know what to do with herself.
This moment was the only time she ever allowed that her life wasn’t normal. Define normal. Doing what other people did.
Standing in the middle of a home she’d never been in before, didn’t know the owner of, always brought up the question of what would it be like to settle down for ever in her own place.
As if she’d ever do that.
What if it was with a man who loved me regardless?
The answer never changed. That person didn’t exist.
She followed her established routine for first days in new towns. First, off came her new and amazing knee-high black boots, then she pulled on her top-of-the-line walking shoes.
Sliding on her sunglasses, she snatched up the house key and stuffed it and her wallet into her pocket and headed out. There had to be a decent coffee shop somewhere. Might as well check out the options for takeout dinners, too. Then she’d head to the nearest beach to do some exploring.
The coffee turned out to be better than good. Ally drained the paper mug of every last drop and tossed it into the next rubbish bin she came across. The beach stretched ahead as she kicked up sand and watched the sea relentlessly rolling in. Kids chased balls and each other, couples strolled hand in hand, one grown-up idiot raced into the freezing water and straight back out, shouting his head off in shock.
Ally pulled out her phone and called the midwifery centre back in the city, sighing happily when Darcie answered. ‘Hey, how’s the head?’
‘Nothing wrong with mine, but, then, I was on orange juice all night.’
‘You shouldn’t be so quick to put your hand up for call.’
Darcie grumped, ‘Says the woman who works more hours than the rest of us.’ Then she cheered Ally up with, ‘You can move into my spare room when you get back to town. As of this morning it’s empty, my flatmate having found her own place.’
‘Great, that’s cool.’ Darcie was fast becoming a good friend, which did bother her when she thought about it. But right this moment it felt good to have a friend onside when she was feeling more unsettled than usual at the start of a new assignment. Today she sensed she might be missing out on the bigger picture. This was the loneliness she’d learned to cope with whenever she’d been shuffled off to yet another foster home full of well-meaning people who’d always eventually packed her bags and sent her away.
‘You still there?’ Darcie asked.
‘Did you get called in today?’
‘I’ve just finished an urgent caesarean, and I’m about to get something to eat.’
‘I’ll leave you to it, then. Thanks for the bed. I’ll definitely take you up on that.’ After saying goodbye, she shoved her hands deep into her jacket pockets and began striding to the farthest end of the beach, feeling better already. Being alone wasn’t so bad when there were people at the end of a phone. At least this way she got to choose which side of the bed she slept on, what she had for dinner, and when to move on to the next stop.
A ball came straight for her and she lined it up, kicked it back hard, aiming for the boys running after it. One of them swung a foot at it and missed, much to his mates’ mirth at a girl kicking it better.
‘Girls can do anything better.’ She grinned and continued walking a few metres above the water’s edge, feeling happier by the minute. How could she remain gloomy out here? The beach was beautiful, the air fresh, and she had a new job in the morning. What else could she possibly need?
The sun began dropping fast and Ally stopped to watch the amazing reds and yellows spreading, blending the sky and water into one molten colour block, like a young child’s painting. Her throat ached with the beauty of it.
Thud. Something solid slammed into her. For a moment, as she teetered on her feet, she thought she’d keep her balance. But another shove and she toppled into an ungainly heap on the sand with the heavy weight on top of her. A moving, panting, licking heavy weight. A dog of no mean proportions with gross doggy breath sprawled across her.
‘Hey, get off me.’ She squirmed between paws and tried to push upright onto her backside.
One paw shoved her back down, and the dark, furry head blocked out all vision of the sunset. The rear end of the animal was wriggling back and forth as its tail whipped through the air.
‘Sheba, come here.’ A male voice came from somewhere above them. ‘Get off now.’
Sheba—if that was the name of her assailant—gave Ally’s chin a final lick and leapt sideways, avoiding an outstretched hand that must’ve been aiming for her collar.
Her relief was premature. The dog lay down beside her as close as possible, and farthest away from the man trying to catch her. One paw banged down on her stomach, forcing all the air out of her lungs.
Somewhere behind her a young child started laughing. ‘Sheba, you’re funny.’
The sweet childish sound of pure enjoyment had Ally carefully pushing the paw aside and sitting up to look round for the source. A cute little boy was leaping up and down, giggling fit to bust.
‘Sheba. Sit now.’ The man wasn’t nearly as thrilled about his dog’s behaviour.
Ally stared up at the guy looming above her. ‘It’s all right. I’m fine, really.’ She even smiled to prove her point.
‘I’m very sorry Sheba bowled you over. She doesn’t understand her own strength.’ As he glanced across at the child his annoyance was quickly replaced by something soft she couldn’t read. ‘Adam, don’t encourage her.’
‘But it’s funny, Dad.’ The boy folded in half, still giggling.
Ally clambered to her feet, dusting sand off her jeans, and grinned. ‘What is it about kids and giggling? They don’t seem to know how to stop.’ Just watching the boy made her happy—especially now that the dog had loped across to bunt him in the bottom, which only made the giggles louder. Laughter threatened to bubble up from deep inside her stomach.
The guy was shaking his head, looking bemused. ‘Beats me how he keeps going so long.’
Ally winced. Slapping the sand off her left hip just made it sore. Sheba must’ve bruised her.
‘Are you all right?’ the man asked, worry darkening his expression. ‘Look, I apologise again. I hope you haven’t been hurt.’
‘Look,’ she used his word back at him. ‘I’m fine. Seriously. Sheba was being playful and if I hadn’t been staring at the sunset I’d have seen her coming.’ She stuck her hand out. ‘I’m Ally. That’s Sheba, and your boy’s called Adam. You are?’
‘Flynn. We’ve been visiting friends all day and needed some fresh air before settling down for the night.’ He looked at her properly, finally letting go the need to watch his boy and dog. ‘What about you?’
‘Much the same. The beach is hard to resist when the weather’s so balmy.’ He didn’t need to know she’d only just arrived. Running her hands over the sleeves of her jacket, she smoothed off the remaining sand, trying to refrain from staring at him. But it was impossible to look away.
Despite the sadness in his eyes, or because of it, she was taking more notice of him than a casual meeting on the beach usually entailed. The stubble darkening his chin was downright sexy, while that tousled hair brought heat to her cold cheeks. If she played her cards right, could this be the man she had her next fling with?
She glanced downward, taking in his athletic build, his fitted jeans that defined many of his muscles. The sun glinted off something on the guy’s hand and she had her answer. A band of gold. Said it all, really.
‘Can I call you Ally?’ Adam bounced up in front of her.
Blink, blink. Refocus on the younger version now that the older one was out of bounds. ‘Of course you can.’ As if they were going to see each other again. Though they might, she realised, if Flynn brought his son to the beach often. She’d be walking along here most days that she wasn’t caught up with delivering babies and talking to pregnant mums.
Hopefully, if they ran into each other again, Flynn would have his wife with him. A wife would certainly dampen the flare of attraction that had snagged her, and which should’ve evaporated the moment she’d seen that ring. Flings were the way to go, but never, ever with a man already involved with someone else. She didn’t do hurting for the sake of it, or for any reason at all, come to think of it.
Guess she’d have to keep looking for someone to warm the other half of that bed. Whoa, Ally, you haven’t been here more than an hour. What’s the hurry?
The thing was, if she was playing bed games there wouldn’t be long, empty nights that had her dreaming of the impossible. She could shove the overpowering sense of unworthiness aside as she and a man made each other happy for a short while, and then bury her face in the pillow while he left. Every parting, even as casual as her relationships were, was touched with a longing for the life she craved, had never known, and was too afraid to try for.
Flynn Reynolds dragged his gaze away from the most attractive woman he’d met in a long while and focused on his son. Except Adam stood directly in front of her, talking nonstop, and Flynn’s gaze easily moved across the tiny gap to a stunning pair of legs clad in skin-tight jeans. His breathing hitched in his throat. Oh, wow. Gorgeous.
The woman—Ally, she has a name—laughed at something Adam said, a deep, pure laugh that spoke of enjoyment with no hidden agenda. Very refreshing, considering most women he met these days seemed intent on luring him into their clutches with false concern about him and Adam. He hated it that many women believed the way to attract him was by being overfriendly to his son. What they didn’t get was that Adam saw through them almost as quickly as he did.
What they also didn’t get was that Flynn wasn’t interested. Not at all. So why was his gaze cruising over the length of this curvy woman with a smile that had him smiling back immediately, even when it wasn’t directed at him? Especially since he apparently didn’t do smiling very much these days.
He looked directly at his son. ‘Time we made tracks for home. The sun’s nearly gone and it will be cold soon.’ Any excuse to cut this short and put some space between him and Ally before his brain started thinking along the lines of wanting to get to know her better. He wasn’t ready for another woman in his life. Certainly wouldn’t have time for years to come, either.
‘Do we have to?’
‘Yes, I’m afraid so.’
What I’m really afraid of is staying to talk to Ally too long and ending up inviting her home to share dinner with us. If she’s free and available. As if a woman as attractive as her would be seriously single. The absence of rings on her fingers didn’t mean a thing.
He looked around and groaned. ‘Sheba,’ he yelled. ‘Come here.’
Too late. The mutt was belly deep in the sea, leaping and splashing without any concern for how cold the water had to be.
Adam ran down to the water’s edge and stood with his hands on his skinny hips. ‘Sheba, Dad says we’re going home. You want your dinner?’
Beside Flynn, Ally chuckled. ‘Good luck with that.’
Glancing at her, he drew a deep breath. Her cheeks had flushed deep pink when the mutt had dumped her on the sand, and the colour still remained, becoming rosier every time she laughed. Which was often.
He noticed her rubbing her hip. ‘You did hurt yourself.’
She jammed her hand in her pocket. ‘Just a hard landing, nothing to worry about.’
‘You’re sure?’ He’d hate it if Sheba had caused some damage.
Adam and Sheba romped up to him. Then the dog did what wet dogs did—shook herself hard, sending salty spray over everyone. Now Ally would complain and walk away. But no. Her laughter filled the air and warmed the permanent chill in his soul. It would be unbelievably easy to get entangled with someone like her. Make that with this woman in particular.
He sighed his disappointment. There was no room in his life for a woman, no matter how beautiful. Not even for a short time. Adam and work demanded all his attention. Besides, how did a guy go about dating? He hadn’t been in that market for so long he wouldn’t know where to start. Was there a dating book for dummies? I don’t need one. It’s not happening. He gave himself a mental slap. All these questions and doubts because of a woman he’d met five minutes ago. He was in need of a break. That was his real problem. Solo parenting and work gobbled up all his time and energy.
‘Let’s go.’ He grabbed Sheba’s collar and turned in the direction of their street. ‘Nice meeting you.’ He nodded abruptly at the woman who’d been the first one to catch his interest since Anna had died two years ago. It had to be a fleeting interest; one that would’ve disappeared by the time he reached home and became immersed in preparing dinner, folding washing and getting ready for work tomorrow. Damn it all. It could’ve been fun getting to know her.
‘Bye, Ally,’ Adam called, as they started walking up the beach.
She stood watching them, both hands in her jacket pockets. ‘See you around.’ Was that a hint of wistfulness in her voice?
‘Okay,’ Adam answered, apparently reluctant to leave her. ‘Tomorrow?’
‘Adam,’ Flynn growled. ‘Come on.’ He aimed for the road, deliberately stamping down on the urge to invite the woman home to share dinner. He did not need anyone else’s problems. He did not need anyone else, full stop.
Anyway, she probably wouldn’t like baked beans on toast.
Baked beans. He only had to close his eyes to hear Anna saying how unhealthy they were. They’d eaten lots of vegetables for lunch so he could relax the rules tonight. Beans once in a while wouldn’t hurt Adam, and would save him some time. Who knew? He might get to watch the late news. Life was really looking up.

CHAPTER TWO (#ulink_24327191-189c-5f11-8ea8-c29b214feb4f)
PLASTERING ON HER best smiley face the next morning, Ally stepped inside the medical centre, unzipping her jacket as she crossed to the reception desk. ‘Hi, I’m Alyssa Parker.’ Lucas always wrote her full name on her credentials when sending them to medical centres. It was a technicality he adhered to, and she hated it. ‘Ally for short. I’m covering for Kat while she’s away.’
A man straightened from the file he was reading and she gasped as the piercing blue eyes that had followed her into sleep last night now scanned her. Her smile widened. ‘Flynn.’ The buzz she’d felt standing by this man yesterday returned in full force, fizzing through her veins, heating her in places she definitely didn’t need warmed by a married man. He was still as sexy, despite the stubble having been shaved off. Stop it. But she’d have to be six feet under not to react to him.
‘Ally. Or do you prefer Alyssa?’
‘Definitely Ally. Never Alyssa. So you’re Dr Reynolds?’ They hadn’t swapped surnames the previous day. Hardly been any point when the chances of meeting again had seemed remote. Neither had she learned his first name when she was told about this job. She became aware of the receptionist glancing from her to Flynn, eyebrows high and a calculating look in her eyes.
Fortunately Flynn must’ve seen her, too. ‘Megan’s our office lady and general everything girl. She’ll help you find files and stock lists and anything else you want.’
‘You two know each other?’ Megan asked her burning question.
Ally left that to Flynn to deal with and took a quick look around the office, but listened in as Flynn told the receptionist, ‘We met briefly yesterday. Can you tell the others as they arrive that we’re in the tearoom and can they come along to meet Ally?’ Then he joined her on the other side of the counter. ‘I’ll show you around. You’ve got a busy clinic this morning. Three near full-term mums and four who are in their second trimester.’
‘Three close to full term? Was there a party on the island eight months back that everyone went to?’ She grinned.
‘You’d be surprised how many pregnant ladies we see. Phillip Island’s population isn’t as small as people think. One of the women, Marie Canton, is Adam’s daytime caregiver when he’s not at preschool.’
So Adam’s mum worked, too. Ally wondered what she did. A doctor, like her husband? ‘Will Marie be bringing Adam with her?’
‘I’m not sure.’
‘What time’s my first appointment?’ she asked, suddenly needing to stay on track and be professional.
But Flynn smiled, and instantly ramped up that heat circulating her body, defying her professionalism. ‘Nine. Was it explained to you that Kat also does high school visits to talk to the teenagers about contraception?’ Flynn stood back and indicated with a wave of his hand for her to precede him into a kitchen-cum-meeting-room. ‘You’ve got one on Thursday afternoon.’
‘I didn’t know, but not a problem.’ What was that aftershave? She sniffed a second time, savouring the tangy scent that reminded her of the outdoors and sun and…? And hot male. She tripped over her size sevens and grabbed the back of a chair to regain her balance. ‘I’m still breaking these boots in,’ she explained quickly, hoping Flynn wouldn’t notice the sudden glow in her cheeks. He mustn’t think she was clumsy but, worse, he mustn’t guess what had nearly sent her crashing face first onto the floor.
But when she glanced at him she relaxed. His gaze was firmly fixed on the boots she’d blamed. Her awesome new boots that had cost nearly a week’s pay. His eyes widened, then cruised slowly, too slowly, up her thighs to her hips, up, up, up, until he finally locked gazes with her. So much for relaxing. Now she felt as though she was in a sauna and there was no way out. The heat just kept getting steamier. Her tongue felt too big for her mouth. Her eyes must look like bug’s eyes; they certainly felt as though they were out on stalks.
Flynn was one sexy unit. The air between them sparked like electricity. His hair was as tousled as it had been yesterday and just as tempting. Her fingers curled into her palms, her false nails digging deep into her skin as she fought not to reach out and finger-comb those thick waves.
‘You must be the midwife.’ A woman in her midforties suddenly appeared before her. ‘Faye Bellamy, part-time GP for my sins.’
Ally took a step back to put space between her and Flynn, and reached for Faye’s proffered hand. ‘That’s me. Ally Parker. Pleased to meet you.’
‘Pleasure’s all ours. Darned nuisance Kat wanting time off, but I’ve read your résumé and it seems you’ll be a perfect fit for her job.’ Bang, mugs hit the benchtop. ‘Coffee, everyone?’
Kat wasn’t meant to take holidays? Or just this one? ‘Yes, thanks. Where’s Kat gone?’
Flynn was quick to answer. ‘To Holland for her great-grandmother’s ninetieth birthday. She’s been saving her leave for this trip.’ He flicked a glance at Faye’s back, then looked at Ally. ‘She could’ve taken two months and still not used up what she’s owed,’ he added.
‘Europe’s a long way to go for any less time.’ Not that it had anything to do with her, except she would have been signed on here for longer and that meant more weeks—okay, hours—in Flynn’s company. Already that looked like being a problem. His marital status wasn’t having any effect on curtailing the reaction her body had to him.
She took the mug being handed to her and was surprised to see her hand shaking. She searched her head for something ordinary to focus on, and came back to Kat. ‘Bet the trip’s another reason why there isn’t much furniture or clutter in the flat.’ A girl after her own heart, though for a different reason.
‘Morning, everyone.’ A man strolled in. ‘Coffee smells good.’ Then he saw Ally. ‘Hi, I’m Jerome, GP extraordinaire, working with this motley lot.’
Amidst laughter and banter Ally sat back and listened as the nurses joined them and began discussing patients and the two emergencies that had happened over the weekend. She felt right at home. This was the same Monday-morning scenario she’d sat through in most of the clinics she’d worked at ever since qualifying. Same cases, different names. Same egos, different names. Soon her gaze wandered to the man sitting opposite her, and she felt that hitch in her breathing again.
Flynn was watching her from under hooded eyes, his chin low, his arms folded across his chest as he leaned as far back in his chair as possible without spilling over backwards.
Ally’s breathing became shallow and fast, like it did after a particularly hard run. The man had no right to make her feel like this. Who did he think he was? The sooner this meeting was finished the better. She could go and play with patients and hide from him until all her body parts returned to their normal functions. At the rate she was going, that’d be some time around midnight.
The sound of scraping chairs on the floor dragged her attention back to the other people in the room and gave her the escape she desperately needed.
But fifteen minutes after the meeting ended, Flynn was entering her room with a frightened young girl in tow. ‘Ally, I’d like you to meet Chrissie Gordon.’ He ushered the girl, dressed in school uniform, to a chair.
‘Hi, Chrissie. Love your nail colour. It’s like hot pink and fiery red all mixed up.’ It would have lit up a dark room.
‘It’s called Monster Red.’ Chrissie shrugged at her, as if to say, Who gives a rat’s tail? Something serious was definitely on this young lady’s mind.
Given that Flynn had brought Chrissie to see her, they must be about to talk about protection during sex or STDs. Or pregnancy. The girl looked stumped, as if her worst possible nightmare had just become real. Ally wanted to scoop her up into her arms and ward off whatever was about to be revealed. Instead, she looked at Flynn and raised an eyebrow.
‘Chrissie’s done several dip-stick tests for pregnancy and they all showed positive.’ Flynn’s face held nothing but sympathy for his patient’s predicament. ‘I’d like you to take a blood sample for an HCG test to confirm that, and then we’ll also know how far along she is if the result’s positive.’
It wasn’t going to be negative with all those stick tests showing otherwise. ‘No problem.’
Ally took the lab form he handed her and glancing down saw requests for WR and VDRL to check for STDs, antibodies and a blood group. She noted the girl’s date of birth. Chrissie was fifteen. Too young to be dealing with this. Ally’s heart went out to the frightened child as she thought back to when she’d been that age. She’d barely been coping with her own life, let alone be able to manage looking after a baby. Face it, she doubted her ability to do that now. Locking eyes with Flynn, she said, ‘Leave it to me.’
His nod was sharp. ‘Right, Chrissie, I’ll call you on your cell when the lab results come back.’
‘Thanks, Dr Reynolds,’ Chrissie whispered, as her fingers picked at the edge of her jersey, beginning to unravel a thread. ‘You won’t tell Mum, will you?’
‘Of course not. You know even if I wanted to—which I don’t—I’m not allowed to disclose your confidential information. It’s up to you to decide when to talk to your mother, but let’s wait until we get these tests done and you can come and see me again first, if that’ll make it easier for you.’ Flynn drew a breath and added, ‘You won’t be able to hide the pregnancy for ever.’
‘I know. But not yet, okay?’ The girl’s head bowed over her almost flat chest. ‘I’m afraid. It hurts to have a baby, doesn’t it?’
Ally placed a hand over Chrissie’s and squeezed gently. ‘You’re getting way ahead of yourself. Let’s do those tests and find out how far along you are. After I’ve taken your blood I’ll explain a few things about early-stage pregnancy if you like.’
‘Yes, please. I think.’ Fat tears oozed out of Chrissie’s eyes and slid down her cheeks to drip onto her jersey. ‘Mum’s going to kill me.’
‘No, she won’t,’ Flynn said. About to leave the room, he turned back to hunker down in front of Chrissie and said emphatically, ‘Angela will be very supportive of you. You’re her daughter. That’s what mothers do.’
Yeah, right, you don’t know a thing, buster, if that’s what you believe. Did you grow up in la-la land? Ally clamped her lips shut for fear of spilling the truth. Some mothers couldn’t care two drops of nothing about their daughters. Some dump their babies on strangers’ door-steps.
But when she glanced at Flynn, he shook his head and mouthed, ‘It’s true of Angela.’
Had he known what she’d been thinking? The tension that had been tightening her shoulders left off as she conceded silently that if he was right then Chrissie was luckier than some. A big positive in what must feel like a very negative morning for the girl. ‘Good,’ she acknowledged with a nod at Flynn. As for his mind-reading, did that mean he’d known exactly what she’d been thinking about him back there in the staffroom?
‘Have you had a blood test before?’ she asked Chrissie. She’d wasted enough time thinking about Dr Reynolds.
Flynn disappeared quietly, closing the door behind him.
‘Yeah, three times. I hate them. I fainted every time.’
‘You can lie on the bed, then. No way do I want to be picking you off the floor, now, do I?’
She was rewarded with a glimmer of a smile. ‘I don’t weigh too much. You’d manage.’
It was the first time anyone had suggested she looked tough and strong. ‘I might manage, but me and weightlifting don’t get along. How heavy are you anyway?’
‘Forty-eight k. I’m lucky, I can eat and eat and I stay thin. My mum’s jealous.’ At the mention of her mum her face fell and her mouth puckered. ‘I can’t tell her. She’ll be really angry. She had me when she was seventeen. All my life she’s told me not to play around with boys. She wants me to go to university and be educated, unlike her. She missed out because she had me.’
Handing Chrissie a cup of cold water and a box of tissues, Ally sat down to talk. Her first booked appointment would have to wait. ‘I won’t deny your mother’s going to be disappointed, even upset, but she’ll come round because she loves you.’ Flynn had better have got that right because she didn’t believe in giving false hope. It just hurt more in the long run.
‘You think? You don’t even know her.’
‘True. But I see a young woman who someone’s been making sure had everything that’s important in life. You look healthy, which means she’s fed you well and kept you warm and clothed. Your uniform’s in good condition, not an op-shop one. You’re obviously up to speed with your education.’ She daren’t ask about her father. It didn’t sound like he factored into Chrissie’s current situation so maybe he didn’t exist, or wasn’t close enough for it to matter. ‘I’m new here. Where do you live?’
‘Round in San Remo. It’s nice there. Granddad was a fisherman and had a house so Mum and I stayed with him. He’s gone now and there’s just us. I miss him. He always had a hug and a smile for me.’
‘Then you’ve been very lucky. Not everyone gets those as they’re growing up.’ She sure as heck hadn’t. ‘Let’s get those blood samples done.’
Chrissie paled but climbed onto the bed and tugged one arm free of her jersey and shirt. Lying down, she found a small scared smile. ‘Be nice to me.’
Ally smiled. ‘If I have to.’ She could get to really like this girl. Pointless when she’d be gone in a month. Despite Chrissie’s fear of what the future had in store for her, she managed to be friendly and not sulky, as most teens she’d met in this situation had been.
Ally found the needle and tubes for the blood in the top drawer of the cabinet beside the bed. ‘Do you play any sport at school?’ She swabbed the skin where she would insert the needle.
‘I’m in the school rep basketball team and play soccer at the club. I get knocked about a bit in basketball because I’m so light, but my elbows are sharp.’ The needle slid in and the tube began to fill. ‘I’m fast on my feet. Learnt how to get out of the way when I was a kid and played rough games with the boys next door.’
Ally swapped the full tube for another one, this time for haematology tests. Flynn was checking Chrissie’s haemoglobin in case she had anaemia. ‘I see one of the beaches is popular for surfing. You ever given that a try?’ All done.
‘Everyone surfs around here. Sort of, anyway. Like belly-surfing and stuff.’
‘You can sit up now.’ Ally began labelling the tubes.
‘What? Have you finished? I didn’t feel a thing.’
‘Of course you didn’t.’ She smiled at the girl, stopped when she saw the moment Chrissie’s thoughts returned to why she was there, saw the tears building up again. ‘You’re doing fine.’
‘I’m not going to play sport for a while, am I?’
‘Maybe not competitively, but keeping fit is good for you and your baby.’
Chrissie blew hard into a handful of tissues. ‘You haven’t told me I’m stupid for getting caught out. Or asked who the father is, or anything like that.’
‘That’s irrelevant. I’m more concerned about making sure you do the right things to stay healthy and have an easy pregnancy. Have you got any questions for me?’
Chrissie swung her legs over the side of the bed and stared at the floor. ‘Lots, but not yet. But can I come see you later? After school? You’ll have the tests back by then, right?’
‘The important one, anyway. But won’t you want to see Dr Reynolds about that?’ She was more than happy to tell Chrissie the result, but she had no idea how Flynn might feel if she did.
‘He’s going to phone me, but I might need to see someone and I don’t want to talk to a man. It would be embarrassing. I’d prefer it’s you.’
‘That’s okay.’ Ally scribbled her cell number on a scrap of paper. ‘Here, call me. Leave a message if I don’t answer and I’ll get back to you as soon as I’m free. Okay?’
‘Thanks.’ Sniff. ‘I didn’t sleep all night, hoping Dr Reynolds would tell me I’d got it wrong, that I wasn’t having a baby. But I used up all my pocket money on testing kits and every one of them gave me the same answer so I was just being dumb.’
‘Chrissie, listen to me. You are not dumb. Many women I’ve been midwife to have told me the same thing. Some of them because they couldn’t believe their luck, others because, just like you, they were crossing their fingers and toes they’d got it wrong.’ Ally drew a long breath. ‘Chrissie, I have to ask, have you considered an abortion? Or adoption?’
The girl’s head shot up, defiance spitting out of her eyes. ‘No. Never.’ Her hands went to her belly. ‘This is my baby. No one else’s. I might be young and dependent on Mum, but I am keeping it.’
In that moment Ally loved Chrissie. She reached over to hug her. ‘Attagirl. You’re awesome.’ It would be the hardest thing Chrissie ever did, and right now she had no idea what she’d let herself in for, but that baby would love her for it.
‘Have you ever had a baby?’ Chrissie pulled back, flushing pink. ‘Sorry, I guess I’m not supposed to want to know.’
‘Of course it’s all right to ask. The answer’s no, I haven’t.’
An image of a blue-eyed youngster bent over double and giggling like his life depended on it flicked up in her mind. Go away, Adam. You’ve got a mother, and anyway I’d be a bad substitute.
‘So while I will tell you lots of things over the weeks I’m here, I only know them from working with other mums-to-be and not from any first-hand experience.’ She would never have that accreditation on her CV. She would not raise a child on her own, and she wouldn’t be trusting any man to hang around long enough to see a baby grow to adulthood with her.
Flynn appeared in the doorway so fast after Chrissie left that she wondered if he’d been lurking. She said, ‘She’s only fifteen and is terrified, and yet she’s coping amazingly well, given the shock of it all.’
‘You must’ve cheered her up a little at least. I got the glimmer of a smile when she came out of here.’ He leaned one shoulder against the doorframe. ‘I meant what I said about her mother. Angela is going to be gutted, but she’ll stand by Chrissie all the way. From what I’ve been told, Angela’s always been strong, and refused to marry Chrissie’s dad just because people thought it was the done thing. Her father supported them all the way.’
Another baby with only one parent. But one decent parent was a hundred percent better than none. ‘Aren’t you jumping the gun? Chrissie didn’t mention the father of her baby, but that could be because she’s protecting him. They might want to stick together.’
‘They might.’ Flynn nodded, his eyes fixed on her. Again.
When he did that, her stomach tightened in a very needy way. Heat sizzled along her veins, warming every cell of her body. Damn him. Why does he have to be married?
‘Right, I’d better see my first patient. First booked-in one, that is. I told Chrissie I’ll talk to her later today. Is that all right with you?’
‘Go for it. As long as she’s talking with someone, I’m happy. You did well with her.’ There was something like admiration in his voice.
She didn’t know whether to be pleased, or annoyed that he might be surprised. ‘Just doing my job.’
The way he enunciated that one word had her wondering if he had issues with Kat and her work. But that didn’t make sense after he’d been fighting the other woman’s corner about using her holiday time. ‘Being a filler-in person, I don’t have the luxury of knowing the patients I see. Neither do I have a lot of time with them so I work hard to put them at ease with me as quickly as possible.’
‘So why aren’t you employed at a medical practice on a permanent basis? Wouldn’t you prefer getting to know your mums, rather than moving on all the time?’
If he hadn’t sounded so genuinely interested she’d have made a joke about being a wandering witch in a previous life and ignored the real question. But for some inexplicable reason she couldn’t go past that sincerity. ‘I get offers all the time from my bosses to base myself back at the midwifery unit, but I don’t do settled in one spot very well. Yes, I miss out on seeing mothers going the distance. I’m only ever there for the beginning of some babies and the arrival of others, but I like it that way. Keeps me on my toes.’
‘Fly in, do the job and fly out.’ Was that a dash of hope in his eyes? Did he think she might be footloose and fancy-free enough to have a quick fling with him and then move on? Because she’d seen the same sizzle in his eyes that buzzed along her veins.
Then reality hit. Cold water being tipped over her wouldn’t have chilled her as much. Sorry, buster, but you’re married and, worse, you’re not even ashamed to show it.
She spun around to stare at the screen in front of her. What was the name of her next patient?
‘Ally, I’ve upset you.’
Of course he had. He only had to look at her to upset her—her hormones anyway. Flicking him a brief smile, she continued staring at the computer. ‘Holly Sargent, thirty-five weeks. Anything I need to know about her that’s not on here?’
When Flynn didn’t answer, she had to lift her head and seek him out. That steady blue gaze was firmly fixed on her. It held far too many questions, and she didn’t answer other people’s enquiries about anything personal. ‘Flynn? Holly Sargent?’
‘Third pregnancy, the last two were straightforward. She’s had the usual colds and flu, a broken wrist and stitches in her brow from when she walked through a closed glass slider. Full-time mum.’
Ally looked at her patient list. ‘Brenda Lewis?’
‘First pregnancy, took six months to conceive, family history of hypertension but so far she’s shown no signs of it, twenty-five years old, runs a local day care centre for under-fives.’
Her anger deflated and laughter bubbled up to spill between them as she stared at this man who had her all in a dither with very little effort. ‘That’s amazing. Do you know all your patients as thoroughly?’
‘How long have you got?’ He grinned. ‘Makes for scintillating conversations.’
Deliberately rolling her eyes at him, she said, ‘Remind me not to get stuck with you at the workplace Friday night drinkies.’
‘Shucks, and I was about to ask you on a date,’ he quipped, in a tone that said he meant no such thing.
So he was as confused as she was. That didn’t stop a quick shiver running down her spine. She’d love to go out with this man. But hello. If that isn’t a wedding ring, then what is it? He’s obviously a flagrant playboy. ‘Sorry, doing my hair that night.’
‘Me, too,’ he muttered, and left her to stare at his retreating back view.
A very delectable view at that. Those butt muscles moved smoothly under his trousers as he strode down the hall, those shoulders filled the top of his shirt to perfection. A sigh trickled over her bottom lip. He would’ve been the perfect candidate for her next affair. Flynn might be the one you can’t easily walk away from.
‘Get a grip, man,’ Flynn growled under his breath. How? Ally was hot. Certain parts of his anatomy might’ve been in hibernation for the past couple of years, but they weren’t dead. How did any sane, red-blooded male ignore Ally without going bonkers?
‘Flynn.’ Megan beckoned from the office. ‘Can you explain to this caller why she should have a flu jab?’
‘Can’t Toby do that?’ The practice nurse was more than capable of handling it.
‘Busy with a patient and…’ Megan put her hand over the phone’s mouthpiece ‘… this one won’t go away.’
‘Put her through.’ He spun around to head to his consulting room. See? You’re at work, not on the beach with nothing more important to think about than getting laid. Forget all things Alyssa. Alyssa. Such a pretty name, but it had been blatantly obvious no one was allowed to use it when talking to their temporary midwife.
‘Dr Reynolds.’ Mrs Augusta’s big voice boomed down the line, causing him to pull the phone away from his ear. ‘I’ve been told I have to have a flu injection. I don’t see why as I never get sick.’
Except for two hits with cancer that had nearly stolen her life. ‘Mrs Augusta, it’s your decision entirely but there are certain conditions whereby we recommend to a patient they have the vaccination. Your recent cancer puts you in the category for this. It’s a preventative measure, that’s all.’
‘Why didn’t Megan just tell me that?’
‘Because she’s our receptionist, not a qualified medical person. It’s not her role to advise patients.’
‘All right, can you put me back to her so I can book a time? Sorry to have been a nuisance.’ Mrs Augusta suddenly sounded deflated, all the boom and bluster gone.
‘Pat, is there something else that’s bothering you?’
‘No, I’m good as gold, Doctor. Don’t you go worrying about me.’
‘How about you make an appointment with me when you come for your jab?’
‘I don’t want to be a problem, Doctor.’
That exact attitude had almost cost her life. By the time the bowel cancer had been discovered it had nearly been too late and now she wore a bag permanently. ‘I’ll put you back to Megan and you make a time to see me.’ When he got the receptionist on the line he told her, ‘Book Mrs Augusta in with me at the first opening, and don’t let her talk you out of it.’
A glance at his watch on his way out to the waiting room told him he was now behind the ball as far as keeping on time with appointments. ‘Jane, come through.’ As he led the woman down the hall, laughter came from the midwife’s room. Sounded like Ally and Holly were getting along fine. A smile hovered on his mouth, gave him the warm fuzzies. Everyone got along with their temp midwife.
Jane limped into his room on her walking cane and sat down heavily. ‘I’m up the duff again, Flynn.’
Not even ten o’clock and his second pregnant patient of the morning. What had the council put in the water? ‘You’re sure?’ he asked with a smile. Nothing ever fazed this woman, certainly not her gammy leg, not a diabetic three-year-old, not a drunk for a husband.
‘Yep, got all the usual signs. Thought I’d better let you know so I can get registered with Kat.’
Now, there was something that did tend to wind Jane up. Kat’s attitude to her husband. Kat had tried to intervene one night at the pub when he’d been about to swing a fist at Jane. Something Flynn would’ve tried to prevent, too, if he’d been there. ‘Kat’s away at the moment so you’ll get to meet Ally.’ Of course, there were nine months to a pregnancy, and Kat was only away for one, but hopefully Ally could settle Jane into things so that she’d be happier with Kat this time round.
‘Is she nice?’ Jane’s eyes lit up.
More than. ‘You’ll get along great guns. Now, I’m surmising that we need to discuss your arthritis meds for the duration of your pregnancy.’
The light in those eyes faded. She accepted her painful condition without a complaint, but she knew how hard the next few months were going to be. ‘I’ve cut back already to what you’ve recommended before. There’s no way I’m risking hurting junior in there.’ Her hand did a circuit of her belly. ‘Can’t say I’m happy with the extra pain, but I want this wee one. Think I’ll make it the last, though. Get my bits chopped out afterwards.’
As he made a note to that effect in her computer file, Flynn tried not to smile. Her bits. He got to hear all sorts of names for vaginas and Fallopian tubes in this job. ‘How far along do you think you are?’
‘I’ve missed two periods. Should’ve come to see you sooner, I know, but that family of mine keeps me busy.’ Jane wasn’t mentioning the lack of money, but he knew about it. ‘Anyway, it’s not like I don’t know what to expect. They haven’t changed the way it’s done in the last three years, have they?’
‘Not that anyone’s told me.’
After writing out prescriptions, ordering blood tests, including an HCG for confirmation of the pregnancy, and taking Jane’s blood pressure, he took her along to meet Ally.
It wasn’t until he was returning to his room and he passed Faye, who rolled her eyes at him, that he realised he was walking with a bounce in his stride and a smile on his face. All due to a certain midwife.
What was it about her that had him sitting up and taking notice? It had happened instantly. Right from that moment when Sheba had knocked her down and he’d reached out a hand to haul the dog off, only to be sidetracked by the most startling pair of hazel eyes he’d ever seen.
Whatever it was, he’d better put a lid on the sizzle before anyone else in the clinic started noticing. That was the last thing he needed, and no doubt Ally felt the same.

CHAPTER THREE (#ulink_a6c17dec-b5c7-5001-9f1c-c21d7bf44566)
‘FLYNN,’ MEGAN CALLED from her office as he was shrugging into his jacket. ‘The path lab’s on line one.’
‘Put them through.’ Damn, he’d just seen Ally head out the front door for home. He’d intended talking to her before she left, maybe even walk with her as far as Kat’s flat, then backtrack to home. Which, given he lived on the opposite side of town, showed how fried his brain had become in the last twenty-four hours.
For an instant he resented being a GP. There were never any moments just for him. Like it had been any different working as an emergency specialist. Yeah, but he’d chosen that career pathway, not had it forced on him. So he’d give up trying to raise Adam properly, hand him over to spend even more hours with day carers? No, he wouldn’t. The disgruntled feeling disappeared in a flash, replaced with love. His little guy meant everything to him.
‘Flynn?’ Megan yelled. ‘Get that, will you?’
He kicked the door shut and grabbed the persistently ringing phone from his desk. ‘Flynn Reynolds. How can I help?’ Could you hurry up? I’m on a mission.
‘Doctor, this is Andrew from the lab. I’m calling about some biochemistry results on William Foster.’
William Foster, fifty-six and heading down the overweight path through too much alcohol and fatty food since his wife had died twelve months back. He’d complained of shoulder pain and general malaise so he’d ordered urgent tests to check what his heart might be up to. ‘I’m listening.’
‘His troponin’s raised. As are his glucose and cholesterol. But it’s the troponin I’m ringing about.’
He took down details of the abnormal results, even though Andrew would email them through within the next five minutes. Finding William’s phone number, he was about to dial but thought better of it. Instead, he phoned Marie on the run. ‘I’m going to be late.’
‘I’ll feed Adam dinner, then.’
Flynn sighed. ‘I owe you. Again.’
Marie chuckled. ‘Get over yourself. I love having him.’
Yeah, she did, but that didn’t make everything right. For Adam. Or for him.
William lived ten minutes away and halfway there Flynn decided he should’ve rung first to make sure the man was at home and not at the club, enjoying a beer. William didn’t know it yet, but beer would be off the menu for a while.
William opened his front door on the third knock, and appeared taken aback to find Flynn on his doorstep after dark. ‘Doc, what’s up?’
‘Can I come in for a minute?’
William’s eyes shifted sideways. ‘What you want to tell me?’
The man was ominously pale. He hadn’t been like that earlier. ‘Let me in and we’ll discuss it.’ From the state of William’s breathing and speech, Flynn knew there’d be a bottle of whisky on the bench. That wouldn’t be helping the situation. ‘It’s important.’
With a sigh the older man stepped back, hauling the door wide at the same time. ‘I haven’t done the housework this week, Doc, so mind where you step.’
This week? Flynn tried not to breathe too deeply, and didn’t bother looking into the rooms they passed. It was all too obvious the man was living in squalor. He wasn’t coping with Edna’s passing, hadn’t since day one, and nothing Flynn or William’s daughter had done or said made the slightest bit of difference. The man had given up, hence Flynn’s visit. A phone call would never have worked. Besides, he needed to be with William as he absorbed the news.
In the kitchen William’s shaky hands fidgeted with an empty glass he’d lifted from the table. He didn’t look directly at Flynn, not even for a moment, but every few seconds his eyes darted sideways across the kitchen. Sure enough, an almost full whisky bottle was on the bench, as were three empty ones. How long had it taken for him to drink his way through those?
It would be too easy to tell the man some cold hard facts about his living conditions and his drinking, but Flynn couldn’t do it. He understood totally what it was like to lose the woman he loved more than life. He suspected if it hadn’t been for Adam and having to put on a brave face every single day, he might’ve made as big a mess of his own life after Anna had been killed. He still struggled with the sense of living a life mapped out by fate, one that held none of his choices.
Pulling out a chair, he indicated William should sit down. Then he straddled another one, not looking at the condition of the once beautiful brocade on the seat. ‘William, your test results have come back. They’re not good, I’m afraid.’
‘Figured that’d be why you’re here.’
‘The major concern is that you’ve had a cardiac incident. A heart attack, William.’
Rheumy eyes lifted to stare at him, but William said nothing, just shrugged.
‘You need to go to hospital tonight. They’ll run more tests and keep an eye on you until they find the cause of the attack.’
‘What else?’ William wheezed the question.
‘They’ll give you advice on diet and exercise.’ Things he’d have no inclination to follow. The same as with any advice he had given him.
‘I meant what other tests were bad?’
He was about to add to the man’s gloomy outlook, but couldn’t see a way around it. All he could hope for was that he shocked his patient into doing something about his lifestyle before it was too late. ‘Your cholesterol’s high, which probably explains your cardiac arrest. You’ve got diabetes and your liver’s not in good nick.’
‘I hit the jackpot, didn’t I?’ The sadness in William’s voice told how much he didn’t care any more. ‘I don’t suppose you went on a bender when you lost your wife, Doc.’
Yeah, he had. Just one huge bender, when he’d almost killed himself. Big enough and frightening enough to put him off ever doing it again. But he knew he still might’ve if it hadn’t been for Adam. ‘I couldn’t afford to, William.’
‘I get it. Your boy.’
‘You’ve got family who care about you, too.’ Flynn tried to think of something that might interest William in getting his act together, but nothing came to mind, apart from his daughter and grandkids. That had been tried before and William hadn’t run with it. ‘Now, don’t get upset, but I’ve ordered the ambulance to transfer you to hospital. It should be here any minute.’
‘I don’t need that. I can drive myself there.’
‘What if you have another heart attack and cause an accident that hurts someone?’
There was silence in the kitchen. Not a lot William could say to that. He was a decent man, unable to cope with a tragedy. He wasn’t reckless with other people.
‘I’ll wait here until you’re on your way. Want me to talk to your daughter?’ Working in the ED, he’d have phoned the cardiologist and had William wheeled to the ward, no argument. Patients were in the ED because someone recognised the urgency of their situation. Urgent meant urgent—not talking and cajoling. He missed that fast pace at times, but if he got William under way to getting well then he’d feel deep satisfaction.
‘After I’ve left. Don’t want her telling me off tonight.’ William stared around the kitchen, brought his gaze back to Flynn. ‘Don’t suppose I can have a whisky for the road.’
By the time Flynn finally made it home Adam was in his pyjamas and glued to the TV. ‘Hiya, Dad.’
‘Hello, my man.’ Tonight he couldn’t find it in him to make Adam stop watching—an Anna rule or not. Instead, he turned to Marie. ‘I appreciate you bringing him home.’
Marie was already buttoning up her coat, the gaps between the buttons splayed wide over her baby bulge. ‘Have you decided who’s going to look after Adam when my little one arrives?’ Marie was determined to look after Adam right up to the last minute. She’d also sorted through the numerous girls wanting to take her place until she was ready to take Adam back under her wing and had decided on two likely applicants.
‘Caught. I’ll get onto it.’ He pushed his fingers through his hair. ‘Tonight?’
‘Whenever.’ She laughed. ‘It’s not as though you’ll be left high and dry. Half the island would love to look after Dr Reynolds’s boy. Not just because he’s such a cute little blighter either. There’s a family likeness between father and son.’
‘Haven’t you got a husband waiting at home for his dinner?’ He wasn’t keen on dating any of the island’s females. Too close to home and work. Anyway, no one had caught his interest in the last two years. Not until Ally had got knocked over by Sheba, that was.
Ally wasn’t answering when he phoned after putting Adam to bed. She wasn’t answering her phone when he called at nine, after giving in to the tiredness dragging at his bones and sitting down to watch a crime programme on TV. She might’ve answered if he’d rung as he was going to bed at ten thirty, but he didn’t want her to think he was stalking her.
But she sure as hell stalked him right into bed. As he sprawled out under the covers he missed her not being there beside him, even though she’d never seen his bed, let alone lain in it. He stretched his legs wide to each side and got the same old empty spaces, only tonight they felt cold and lonely. Make that colder and lonelier. In his head, hot and sexy Ally with those brilliant hazel eyes was watching and laughing, teasing, playing with him. How was he supposed to remain aloof, for pity’s sake? He was only human—last time he looked.
Was this what happened when he hadn’t had sex for so long? Should he have been making an effort to find an obliging woman for a bit of relaxation and fun? He yawned.
Did Ally know she’d cranked up his libido? Yeah, it was quite possible she did, if the way the air crackled between them whenever they came within touching distance was any indication.
So follow up on it. Have some fun. Have sex. Have an affair with her. It would only be four weeks before Ally moved on. He wouldn’t disrupt Adam’s routine too much or for too long.
Flynn rolled over to punch his pillow and instead squashed his awakening reaction to the woman in his head. The air hissed out of his lungs as he grinned. That had to be a good sign for the future, didn’t it?
‘Morning, Ally,’ Megan called as she stepped through the front door of the clinic on Tuesday. ‘I see you’ve found the best coffee on the island already.’
‘First thing I do on any job.’ She sniffed the air appreciatively just to wind Megan up.
Scowling happily at her, Megan lifted her own container then asked, ‘What did you think of the movie?’
‘It was great. Nothing like a few vampires to fill in the evening.’ She’d bumped into the receptionist and her boyfriend as they’d been walking into the theatre. ‘Seeing you there made me feel I’d been living here for a while.’
Megan laughed. ‘Small towns are like that. Believe me, people around here will know what you had for dinner last night.’
‘Then they’ll be giving me lectures on healthy eating. Fried chicken and chips from Mrs Chook’s.’ It had been delicious, even if she should’ve been looking for a salad bar. In winter? Hey, being good about food could sometimes be highly overrated. Anyway, she’d wanted comfort food because when she had gone back to the flat after work she’d felt unusually out of sorts. Arrival day in a new place, yes, that was normal; every other day thereafter, never.
This nomadic life had been one of her goals ever since she’d left school and become independent of the welfare system. Those goals had been simple—earn the money to put herself through a nursing degree then support herself entirely with a job that she could give everything to but which wouldn’t tie her to one place. Along with that went to establish a life where she didn’t depend on anyone for anything, including friendship or love.
So far it had worked out fine. Sure, there were the days when she wondered if she could risk getting close to someone. She had no experience of being loved, unconditionally or any other way, so the risks would be huge for everyone involved. She had enough painful memories of being moved on from one family to the next to prove how unworthy of being loved she was. At unsettled moments like this those memories underlined why she never intended taking a chance on finding someone to trust with her heart. Sometimes she wondered if her heart really was only there to pump blood.
In the midwife’s room she dumped her bag and jacket, then wandered into the staffroom, surreptitiously on a mission to scope out Flynn, if he’d arrived. He must’ve, because suddenly her skin was warming up. Looking around the room, her eyes snagged with his where he sat on a chair balanced on two legs. She’d known he was there without seeing him. She’d felt an instant attraction before setting eyes on him. What was going on? Hadn’t she just been remembering why she wasn’t interested?
She took a gulp of coffee and spluttered as she burned her tongue. ‘That’s boiling.’
Concern replaced the heat in Flynn’s gaze and the front legs of the chair banged onto the tiled floor as he came up onto his feet. ‘You all right?’ He snatched a paper towel off the roll on the wall. ‘Here, spit it out.’
Taking the towel to wipe the dribble off her lips before he could, she muttered, ‘Too late, I swallowed it instantly.’ And could now feel it heating a track down her throat. ‘I forget to take the lid off every time.’ But usually she wasn’t distracted enough to forget to sip first. ‘Black coffee takes for ever to cool in these cardboard cups.’]
‘Slow learner, eh?’ That smile should be banned. Or bottled. Or kissed.
It sent waves of heat expanding throughout her body, unfurling a need so great she felt a tug of fear. What if she did give in to this almost overwhelming attraction? Could she walk away from it unscathed? Like she always did? This thing with Flynn didn’t feel the same as her usual trysts. There was something between them she couldn’t explain. But they wouldn’t be getting started. Staying remote would keep things on an even keel. You’re not lovable. Forget that and you’re toast.
‘I called you last night to ask how you felt about your first day here.’
So much for remote. He wasn’t supposed to play friendly after hours. ‘That explains one of two missed calls. I went to a movie and switched it off for the duration.’
Flynn looked awkward. ‘I rang twice.’
‘Did I miss something?’ Had one of her patients gone into labour? Or developed problems? Had Chrissie wanted to talk to her again? This wouldn’t look good for her if she had.

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