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Pure Indulgence
Pure Indulgence
Pure Indulgence
Janelle Denison
Kayla Thomas is counting on her latest idea to clinch the success of her bakery–aphrodisiac chocolates! But first she needs an unsuspecting test subject to ensure the candy is as stimulating as she hopes. So when yummy restaurant owner Jack Tremaine steps into her shop, she decides he's just the man she needs.And if Kayla just happens to be around when Jack needs to let loose some lust…well, it's all in the name of science, right?Jack is more than happy to sample anything Kayla's offering. The chocolates are good, but he has the feeling sex with Kayla will be absolutely delicious! Although he wants to convince her to add her delectable desserts to his dinner menu, it's suddenly more important for Jack to satisfy his hunger for the shapely chef. He simply has to kiss the cook–and he has no intention of stopping there….

Jack made the sound low in his throat as he chewed the chocolate. “I like it. What is the candy called?”
“Heavenly Kisses.”
A slow, purely male smile curved his lips. “The taste…the name…” His gorgeous blue eyes darkened with desire as he stared at Kayla’s mouth. “It conjures up all kinds of possibilities, don’t you think?”
“Try another,” she urged breathlessly, aroused by the sexual magnetism that radiated off him.
Kayla had no idea how long it might take for the stimulant to take effect on Jack…but by all appearances, the aphrodisiac seemed to be working fast!
He picked up another piece and bit off half of it, then lifted the remaining half to her mouth, tempting her. “Your turn,” he said, and gently slipped the chocolate past her parted lips.
Her tongue touched his finger as she accepted his offering, and he groaned again. She found herself mesmerized by the erotic heat flaring in his eyes. He stepped closer, bringing with him the delicious heat of his body.
“How about we see if that candy of yours lives up to its name?” he whispered just before his lips claimed hers….
Dear Reader,
Have you ever wondered if those advertisements for aphrodisiacs really work? Sprinkle a bit in your food or drink and voilà, you’re instantly in the mood? Well, Kayla Thomas, my heroine of Pure Indulgence, is curious enough to give it a try and decides to add an aphrodisiac to some very sensual candies she’s creating for her bakery shop. And who better to test those candies on than the sexy hero, Jack Tremaine? The results are very stimulating….
I hope you enjoy Kayla and Jack’s fun, sexy story. I love to hear from my readers, and you can write to me at P.O. Box 1102, Rialto, CA 92377-1102 (send SASE for goodies!) or at janelle@janelledenison.com. Be sure to check my Web site for information on all my upcoming releases at www.janelledenison.com.
Happy reading,
Janelle Denison

Books by Janelle Denison
Pure Indulgence
Janelle Denison

www.millsandboon.co.uk (http://www.millsandboon.co.uk)
To my Plot Monkey Pals, Carly Phillips, Julie Elizabeth Leto and Leslie Kelly. Thank you for great times, phenomenal brainstorming sessions and a special circle of friendship.
To my extraordinary editor, Brenda Chin. Thank you for your patience, support and understanding. You are a gem among editors!
And as always, to my husband, Don, who is my main indulgence…other than Starbucks, of course!

Chapter 1 (#ua05a0aaf-abc6-5a2e-9754-31d8bac3aa93)
Chapter 2 (#u2794b90f-b6c9-5252-a5ee-0823eb4564ec)
Chapter 3 (#u25452156-c95f-52d7-830e-42780deec036)
Chapter 4 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 5 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 6 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 7 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 8 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 9 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 10 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 11 (#litres_trial_promo)

“OH, GOD,” Jillian moaned in pure, unadulterated ecstasy. “Your triple fudge Bavarian torte is right up there with great sex—not that I’ve had any of that lately.”
Kayla Thomas grinned at her sister’s cheeky comment as Jillian sampled another bite of the new dessert Kayla had concocted that morning. “I can barely remember what sex is like, great or otherwise,” she replied wryly. “That’s how long it’s been for me.”
“Fortunately, you’re surrounded by the next best thing. Chocolate.” Jillian waggled her brows in a lascivious manner. “And lucky me, I get to be your official taste tester. This one is a definite winner and gets a five-moan recommendation.”
Kayla laughed and continued arranging an assortment of petits fours on a silver tray. “Oh good, I’ll be sure to put that on the packaging label.” Thoughtful for a moment, she then added, “Since the torte has your approval, I think I’ll include it as one of the desserts for the Chamber of Commerce function I’m catering tonight.”
Jillian licked bits of chocolate from her full bottom lip, obviously not wanting to waste even a crumb of the dessert. “You’ll have them all salivating for more.”
With a smile at her sister’s reply, Kayla glanced across the industrial-sized prep table separating them. They were alone in the kitchen area of Pure Indulgence since her two other employees were handling the front counter while Kayla prepared for the Commerce function that evening.
“I’ll just be happy if I can drum up a bit of extra catering business,” Kayla said.
“I have no doubts that you will.” Jillian set her empty plate in the sink, came up beside Kayla, and started putting the small, fancy cakes onto a scalloped paper liner to help speed up the packaging process. “You’re doing so great. Look at all that you’ve accomplished.”
Jillian’s tone was infused with genuine pride as she swept a quick glance around the back of the shop, taking in the cakes and pastries cooling on bakery racks, and the refrigerators filled with dozens of different desserts. “I always knew you’d be a success in your own right. No other place in San Diego comes close to creating desserts as outstanding as yours.”
Kayla appreciated Jillian’s support more than she could ever express. Despite a childhood spent with a mother constantly pitting them against one another, they’d managed to remain close. The bond had become even stronger after their mother had passed away and was no longer around to interfere in their lives.
“I learned most of my skills during those summers with Grandma Thomas. She taught me my way around a kitchen and how to bake from scratch,” Kayla said fondly. “But you’re the one that made Pure Indulgence, and all this, possible.”
Her sister made a pfft sound that Kayla recognized as a dismissal of her gratitude. “I might have helped to get your own bakery shop opened, but you’re the one who made it solvent after six months’ time. I had nothing to do with that.”
“You know I can’t thank you enough for your help.” Financially and emotionally, her sister had been a rock for Kayla the past year.
Jillian’s green eyes softened. “It was my pleasure. Truly.”
Kayla finished filling the tray and started on another, knowing deep in her heart that Jillian had more to do with her success than she’d ever admit or take credit for. When her sister had retired from her modeling career in New York nearly a year ago and returned to San Diego to start out fresh and new, Kayla had been working during the day as a secretary and spending her nights as a cocktail waitress. She’d been scrimping and saving so she could afford to open a small bakery. While she’d managed to accumulate quite a nest egg, she’d been years away from her goal.
Jillian, who’d made an ungodly amount of money as a cover model, had insisted on giving Kayla the cash she needed to open her bakery. Even after putting away every penny, Kayla would have been able to afford nothing more than a small shop in a run-down grocery center. Her sister had landed her a prime spot in Seaport Village, one of San Diego’s most exclusive shopping plazas.
Kayla had been overwhelmed by her sister’s generosity and had sworn she’d pay back every last cent, but Jillian wouldn’t hear of it. It was a gift, she’d said, so Kayla could finally follow her own dreams.
“You know,” Jillian said as she absently bit into a mocha butterball she filched from a nearby tray, “since tonight’s function is being held by the Chamber of Commerce, I’m betting there’s going to be plenty of single businessmen milling about, which means this could be a ripe opportunity for you to snag a guy and end your run of celibacy.”
Kayla rolled her eyes. “Easy for you to say, and not so easy for me to do,” she teased.
“It’s not so easy for me either,” Jillian replied in a guarded tone that Kayla understood all too well.
She watched Jillian polish off the gourmet candy, envying the way her gorgeous, slender sister could put away so many sweets without any weight gain, while all Kayla had to do was inhale the scent of sugar and an extra pound seemed to find its way to her already curvaceous hips. While their naturally blond hair and green eyes were sisterly traits they had in common, that’s where the physical resemblance between them ended.
Despite Jillian’s successful modeling career, the two of them shared the same self-doubts when it came to men. Kayla, who’d always been compared to her beautiful, thin sister by their mother, was especially self-conscious. Most men judged women by their looks, as Kayla had learned the hard way.
Kayla was softly rounded thanks to the extra twenty pounds she couldn’t seem to shed permanently, no matter how hard she tried. In Jillian’s case, all men saw were centerfold curves and not the warm, intelligent woman inside who craved the same kind of unconditional acceptance that Kayla did. It amazed Kayla how opposite she and her sister were in stature and appearance, how differently they were raised as children, yet as adults they shared a very common bond because of those contrasts.
When Jillian had returned from New York emotionally shattered after a relationship gone bad, she and Kayla had made a pact that neither of them would ever again compromise their identities to please a man.
Unfortunately, that alliance didn’t help to soothe Kayla’s more sensual cravings. To make matters worse, her needs had become heightened by the experimental chocolate aphrodisiacs she’d secretly started creating, and sampling. If all went well and she was able to substantiate that the candies did, indeed, boost a person’s sex drive, she’d have a surefire seller to add to her current line of desserts.
But in the meantime, with only herself to test those specialty candies, her body and hormones were becoming increasingly stimulated. Just a few bites left her aroused and aching for the touch of a man’s hands, the caress of his mouth on her breasts, the heat and friction of his body within hers. It had been much too long since she’d experienced those kinds of sensual intimacies with a man, and she was beginning to wonder if she needed to do something about her long run of abstinence, as her sister had suggested.
Her new creations would provide the perfect opportunity, if she was able to find a man she was attracted to. Based on what her candies did to a person’s libido, she’d be able to reap the benefits of a short, fun affair at the same time that she conducted her experiment. Once she proved that her creations met certain criteria, she would be ready to take the candies public.
Shaking off her thoughts for now, she snapped a clear, plastic lid onto the full tray of petits fours and retrieved the cut-up fruit and fondue sauces from the refrigerator. She added them to the growing stack of items she planned to take to the banquet tonight. “Tell you what, I’ll do my best to check out the unattached businessmen, but I won’t make any promises. I’m there to work, Jillian, not troll for men.”
Her sister made a playful face. “You know what they say about all work and no play…”
“Yeah, too much play makes the bills pile up and bankruptcy loom like a dark cloud.” For good measure, Kayla jabbed her sister in the side where she was ticklish.
“Okay, okay,” Jillian relented around breathless laughter. “Just try to keep an open mind while you’re working. One of us has to find our Prince Charming and live happily ever after.”
They spent the next hour boxing up the rest of the cakes and other desserts, then transferred them into the shop’s van that Kayla used for deliveries. Just as Kayla came back into the kitchen after loading up the last of the order, she caught her sister eyeing a plastic container of candies with too much interest.
“Hey, what are these over here?” Jillian asked, slanting Kayla a curious glance.
“They’re a new candy I just created.” She wiped down the stainless-steel countertops, all the while watching Jillian to make sure she kept her hands to herself. “I’m calling them Heavenly Kisses.”
An amused grin tipped the corner of Jillian’s mouth. “I love the name. Very sensual. What’s in them?”
“Espresso butter cream and caramel covered in white chocolate.” And a secret ingredient that claimed to stimulate lust in the person who consumed it.
“Oh, yum.” Enthusiasm deepened Jillian’s voice, and before Kayla could stop her, she opened the plastic lid, picked up one of the smooth, creamy-looking candies, and inhaled its scent. “It smells wonderful. I bet it tastes just as good.” She opened her mouth to take a bite.
Kayla sucked in a quick breath and released it on a long “noooo!” At the same moment, she lunged toward her sister, nearly tackling her in her haste to get the candy out of her hand. Thankfully, she managed to extricate the chocolate from her fingers before Jillian could eat it.
Jillian jumped back in startled surprise and frowned at her. “Geez, Kayla, you’re acting like that candy is poisoned or something.”
Definitely or something. Kayla put the candy back into the container and snapped the lid on tight. “Do you have to put everything into your mouth?” she asked, unable to tamp her exasperation over her sister’s habit of grazing while she was at the bakery. In this case, she would have gotten more than she bargained for.
“Hey, I’m very selective about what goes into this mouth of mine.” Jillian’s tone was defensive, but the amusement glimmering in her eyes contradicted her indignation.
Kayla ducked her head sheepishly. Undoubtedly her reaction was out of character and extreme, but she’d just saved Jillian’s libido from being whipped into a frenzy of need. And she wasn’t prepared to let anyone in on her secret just yet—not until she had a chance to test the candies more thoroughly.
She faced her sister again, and summoned an excuse for her odd behavior. “I’m sorry, Jilly. I didn’t mean to get so upset. It’s just that I’m not ready for anyone to taste these just yet.”
Jillian’s lip puffed out in a feigned pout that only enhanced how beautiful she was. “And here I thought I was your official taste tester.”
Kayla put the candies in her tote bag to take home, so no one else would try to eat them without her knowledge. “I promise you’ll get a chance to sample them, just as soon as I’m satisfied with the recipe.”
“Oh, all right.” Seemingly satisfied with that compromise, Jillian wrapped Kayla in a warm, affectionate hug. The significance of the embrace made Kayla smile. As kids they’d made an agreement that any fight or argument followed by a hug meant all was forgiven. As adults, the wordless pact was still as meaningful as ever.
“Good luck tonight.” Jillian grabbed her designer purse and slung it over her shoulder. “Call me later to let me know how things go, okay?”
“I will.”
Kayla watched Jillian sashay from the kitchen, and could only shake her head when her sister snatched a Chantilly cream puff from a cooling rack on her way out the back exit.
JACK TREMAINE WAS SEDUCED by her smile. As sweet and addictive as the desserts she was serving, the teasing curve to her sensual mouth lured his attention back to her time and again. Her laughter had the same effect, a husky, playful sound that instigated a spark of desire low in his belly.
The instantaneous response was unlike anything he’d experienced in a very long time, and he was undeniably intrigued by this woman’s ability to affect him with nothing more than an impish grin, lilting laughter, and sparkling green eyes. Years of being on the receiving end of so many women’s scheming smiles and sly designs of becoming Mrs. Jack Tremaine had obviously jaded him. She was like a breath of fresh spring air.
He took a drink of his cold beer to douse the heat spreading through his veins. He heard the business-related dialogue going on around him but was far more interested in watching the lovely lady interact with the guests than in participating in the conversation. Wearing a uniform of black skirt and white blouse, she moved with natural grace as she served the guests standing in line at the linen-draped dessert table. He assumed she was a waitress employed by the banquet facility hosting the San Diego Chamber of Commerce’s Annual Dinner. Despite the plain outfit, there was no denying that she had the kind of sexy, voluptuous body a man could lose himself in for hours, days, years. Her breasts were full and soft-looking, definitely more than a generous handful, and her curvaceous hips and long legs were designed to cradle a man in between.
There was nothing dainty, delicate, or overtly sophisticated about her, and that, along with her complete lack of pretense, drew him too.
She glanced up after serving a man a slice of some kind of cheesecake she’d just topped with caramel sauce and whipped cream, and their gazes met and held. She appeared startled to find him staring at her, and the amiable smile on her lips wavered. She even cast a quick, surreptitious look around to make sure that she was the one who’d captured his attention. Then she tipped her head and gave him an uncertain smile.
Before he could continue the silent, flirtatious exchange between them, another guest demanded her attention and the moment was gone. He waited for the line at the table to dissipate, and once she was alone, he excused himself from the group of businessmen and their significant others and headed over to sample a few of the desserts she was offering.
Busy replenishing trays from the portable refrigerator against the wall behind her, she didn’t see him approach, giving him the opportunity to appraise her up close. His gaze slid down her backside as she bent low, and he couldn’t help but admire the gentle flare of her lush hips, and the way her black skirt tightened very nicely over her shapely bottom, prompting all sorts of sinful, erotic fantasies.
His groin stirred, and he shook himself, hard. Good Lord, he felt like a horny teenager. He’d always preferred real full-bodied figures—and ones that were one-hundred-percent natural. They turned him on much more than the too-thin and artificially enhanced women he’d dated. Their looks were as fake as their interest in him as anything more than a wealthy meal ticket—like his date who’d disappeared to “powder her nose”. He’d regretted bringing Gretta even before he’d laid eyes on this woman, and now his feelings were magnified.
For the last few years he’d devoted ninety-nine percent of his attention to making a success of his fine dining restaurant, Tremaine’s Downtown, and he’d dedicated one percent to dating. As a result, he’d deliberately gone out with women who wouldn’t pose a threat to his time, and who wouldn’t affect him emotionally.
But now that his business was financially stable enough for him to open a second restaurant, he was becoming increasingly aware of how much was lacking in his personal life. He realized maybe he was ready to settle down in a committed relationship. He glanced at the woman in front of him and smiled to himself. Obviously he had a whole lot of lost time to make up for.
He hoped for a chance to get to know her before he had to face his date again. And there was no doubt in his mind that he’d be letting Gretta down tonight. Permanently.
The woman turned around with a platterful of fancy candies and came to an abrupt stop. Her green eyes, threaded with gold flecks, widened in surprise, and he could have sworn he heard her suck in a startled breath. Her blond hair was secured into a ponytail away from her girl-next-door pretty face, and she had a beautiful, flawless complexion. His fingers flexed at the urge to reach out and stroke her smooth cheek, to see if her skin was as creamy-soft as it looked.
A slow, lazy grin lifted the corners of his mouth. “You’re tempting me,” he said huskily. Boy, was she ever.
Her gaze turned wary, and she carefully set the silver tray down on the table, causing her blouse to stretch taut across those full, luscious breasts of hers. “Excuse me?”
“You’re tempting me…with all these desserts.” He waved a hand to encompass the array of confections surrounding him. “I have little to no willpower when it comes to anything sweet.”
“Oh.” She ducked her head, as if she couldn’t quite believe he was flirting with her, but not before he caught the delightful blush sweeping across her cheeks. “What can I get for you?”
Certain the first answer that came to mind would undoubtedly shock her, he decided to behave himself. “Everything looks fabulous. What do you recommend?”
A teasing light entered her eyes. “That all depends on what you’re in the mood for.”
Oh, man, another loaded question that begged for a suggestive reply. “Let’s go with something rich and decadent.”
She reached for a plate and slanted him a speculative glance. “Sounds like you’ve got yourself a major sweet tooth.”
He shrugged, and winked at her. “I rarely pass up dessert.”
“Ahh, a man after my own heart,” she said with a dramatic sigh that was underscored by a mischievous grin, which let Jack know that she was finally relaxing with him. “My personal motto is, ‘Life is too short. Eat dessert first’.”
He laughed in amusement. “I might have to adopt that motto for myself.” He read the place cards in front of each dessert, amazed at the varied and overwhelming selection of treats in front of him. “Hmm, I think I’ll try a slice of the chocolate praline layer cake.”
She nodded her approval, causing her silky ponytail to swish against her shoulders. He wondered how long her hair was, how the blond strands would feel running through his fingers, trailing across his chest, his belly, his thighs….
“Excellent choice,” she said, snapping him out of yet another arousing daydream as she passed him a piece of the decadent-looking cake, along with a fork.
He took a bite, and the silky substance literally dissolved in his mouth. “Oh, wow. This is absolutely delicious.”
She looked extremely pleased with his comment. “That’s one of my favorites, too, though I have to admit I have too many desserts that I’m fond of,” she said a bit sheepishly.
The woman was a mass of intriguing contradictions, from confident to modest in the span of a few moments. But it was those sincere traits that roused his libido and his interest in her. “If everything is as delicious as this, I can see why you have so many favorites.” He continued eating his layered cake, and moved down to the end of the table to check out a few pots of melted sauces. “What’s this over here?” he asked curiously.
“This is for the more health-conscious,” she said wryly, and gestured toward the platter of pineapple wedges, strawberries, peaches, and sliced bananas and apples. “Guests can eat the cut-up fruit just as it is, or for the more adventurous and daring, there’s fondue dip.”
“I’m definitely feeling adventurous and daring,” he said a bit wickedly.
Her gaze glimmered with humor. “In that case, there’s Caramel Kahlúa, Chocolate Rum, and Pink Squirrel fondue.”
“Pink Squirrel?” he repeated incredulously. “Do I even want to know what that consists of?”
She laughed, the light sound pure music to his soul. “Despite the name, it’s actually quite good. The dip is made up of marshmallow creme melted with creme d’almond, and creme de cocoa.”
He eyed the sauce dubiously. “I suppose I’d look like a wuss if I refused to eat something with such a frou-frou name.”
She leaned across the table and placed her hand on his arm in a way that was friendly yet arousing, even through his coat sleeve. “If you don’t mind me saying, I don’t think anyone could ever mistake you for a wuss,” she said in a low voice threaded with playful overtures.
He felt his chest expand a few inches beneath his dress shirt, and noticed just how close her glossy lips were. If he lowered his head and moved forward a few inches, he’d have the chance to see if she tasted as good as she looked.
His stomach muscles clenched, and he forced himself to glance away from the temptation of her mouth. He released a taut breath. Oh, man, he was craving her a lot more than the scrumptious confection on his plate—though he was fairly certain she wouldn’t appreciate being accosted over the dessert table.
He took another bite of his cake, determined to keep their conversation on track. “You certainly seem to know your desserts.”
“I should.” She fussed with the assortment of candies, rearranging them on the tray just so, then filled an empty plate with a few different chunks of fruit. “I run my own dessert shop.”
“Pure Indulgence?” he guessed.
She stopped stirring the Pink Squirrel fondue, and her gaze jerked to his in startled surprise. “You’ve been there?”
“No, it’s on your name tag.” He grinned and pointed his fork at the pin secured on her blouse above her left breast. “As is your name, Kayla.” Even her name had a soft, seductive ring to it.
“My name tag…of course.” She rolled her eyes and shook her head, as if she couldn’t believe she’d forgotten the badge that identified her. She poured a small amount of Caramel Kahlúa fondue over the bananas she’d selected for him, and drizzled the squirrel sauce over the strawberries. “Since I don’t have the advantage of you wearing a name tag, care to share?”
“Jack Tremaine.” She didn’t seem to connect his last name to his five-star restaurant, which was more than fine with him for the moment. “It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance.” Deliberately, he stretched his hand toward her, giving her little choice but to accept it.
She slipped her warm palm against his much larger one, and he closed his fingers around her slender hand. “It’s nice meeting you, too,” she said, sounding breathless.
His heartbeat quickened. The sprinkling of gold in her eyes had darkened in awareness, and she dampened her bottom lip with her tongue. There was no denying the chemistry and latent desire that rippled between them, and it was damn nice to know that his interest was reciprocated. He glided his fingers along the soft skin of her wrist, and wished they were alone instead of in a banquet room with two hundred other people.
“Miss,” a woman said, diverting Kayla’s attention to the other end of the table where an elderly lady was pointing at the small, cut up squares that looked similar to brownies. “What’s in these Snicker Brownie Bars?”
Kayla pulled her hand back, and he let her go. “Excuse me while I help this guest,” she said to him, seemingly reluctant to abandon his end of the table. She exchanged his finished cake with the plate she’d just prepared for him. “Here, give this fruit and fondue a try. I think you’ll like it.”
Not ready to leave her just yet, Jack remained where he was and sampled the fruit and different sauces while listening to Kayla as she listed the ingredients of the brownie bars and swayed the older woman to try a small piece.
Absently, his gaze skimmed the table of sweets as he bit into a juicy strawberry topped with the marshmallow cream dip. He’d only sampled a few items so far. Still, he was highly impressed with the wide variety she offered that would please even the most discriminating palate. He was equally swayed by the fact that she’d obviously made the desserts herself.
He popped a sliced banana into his mouth and chewed. As the rich flavor of the Caramel Kahlúa sauce tempted his taste buds, he couldn’t help but wonder if the standard desserts he served at Tremaine’s Downtown were too ordinary in comparison. It had taken him and his chef years to perfect the main courses and side dishes that blended French cuisine with seafood fare. There was no doubt they had helped to garner a five-star recommendation for his establishment and rave reviews, yet he’d never given much thought to the desserts he’d initially chosen when the restaurant first opened years ago.
Now, he did. Just as he’d spent the time and care refining and improving the entrées at Tremaine’s Downtown to a high standard of excellence, maybe it was time to revamp and spruce up the dessert menu, as well. It would be a way to make sure that the final course of the meal lived up to the whole Tremaine’s Downtown experience.
“So, what do you think of the fondue?” Kayla was back, her expression expectant as she waited anxiously for his answer. “The Pink Squirrel especially?”
“Incredible,” he stated with honest enthusiasm, and licked a smear of Caramel Kahlúa from his thumb. “All of it, and especially the pink squirrel.”
“See, you aren’t a wuss at all,” she teased as her dancing eyes drifted to a spot just below his lower lip. “But you do have a bit of the sauce right below your mouth.”
He swiped at his chin with the back of his hand. “Did I get it?”
“Ahh, no…” Tentatively, she reached out and removed the sticky substance in a slow caress of her thumb. If it were just the two of them, he would have grabbed her wrist and sucked the sweetness right off her finger, and nibbled and tasted his way up her arm from there.
“See?” She showed him the smear of white froth, a smile in her eyes and on her lips. “That’s why only the adventurous should attempt to eat the Pink Squirrel fondue. It can be quite messy.”
“Maybe next time you’ll just have to feed it to me so I can avoid the mess.” That adorable blush swept across her cheeks again, and he had to stifle an amused laugh. “So, tell me, do you make all these desserts, cakes and candies from scratch?”
She grabbed a napkin to wipe her sticky finger and nodded. “Using only the finest, freshest ingredients, of course.”
Judging by the tastes he’d encountered, he didn’t doubt that in the least, which made his interest in her twofold. “And where is your shop located?”
“Seaport Village,” she said, naming one of San Diego’s biggest and most popular landmarks for tourist shopping. “Pure Indulgence has been there for about six months now.”
Finished with his fruit and fondue, he handed her the empty plate, which she put in the plastic bin of dirty dishes behind her. “Have you ever heard of Tremaine’s Downtown?”
“Of course I have. You can’t live in San Diego and not have heard of the restaurant, though I’ve never been there myself.” She refilled the fork and napkin holders, keeping busy as she talked. “But if you’re looking for a recommendation, I hear the food and service there are outstanding.”
He pushed his hands into the front pockets of his trousers. “So I’ve been told a time or two.”
She blinked at him, momentarily confused by his comment, then understanding dawned. “Ohmigosh, Tremaine’s Downtown is your restaurant?”
“Yep. And I was thinking, after trying your desserts and seeing that there’s more out there than chocolate mousse and plain cheesecake, it’s time I update my dessert menu. Make it more exotic and different, rather than just offering the same old thing that everyone else does.”
“Updating is always a good thing,” she agreed. “As is offering your dining customers something different and unique to your restaurant alone.”
“Exactly,” he said, pleased that she concurred with his way of thinking. “Do you accept custom orders? Such as creating one-of-a-kind desserts that could be exclusive to Tremaine’s Downtown alone?”
Her eyes widened, and she placed a hand on her chest. “You want me to design your desserts?”
Her tone was incredulous, her expression so awed that he wanted to laugh, but instead he nodded seriously. “Yes, I do.”
“Oh, wow,” she breathed in amazement. “I’ve never had anyone ask for an exclusivity agreement before, but in this case, it can certainly be arranged.”
“Excellent.” That’s precisely what he wanted to hear, and he experienced a rush of anticipation over the thought of giving his dessert menu an overhaul, especially with his new restaurant, Tremaine’s Uptown, being built within the next year. And it didn’t hurt that he’d be in close contact with Kayla and could get to know her better. “Do you have a business card with you?”
“Actually I do.” Withdrawing a card from her pocket, she handed it to him from across the table. “I never leave home without them.”
Another brush of their fingers sent a surge of awareness rippling between them. He caught the flash of heat and desire in her dark gaze, and felt the intimate connection that teased them both with an abundance of possibilities. It was an attraction he intended to pursue, right along with sampling more of her decadent desserts.
“This is great, Kayla Thomas.” He tucked the business card into his inside coat pocket for safekeeping. “You’ll definitely be hearing from me.”
Their eyes met and held, her mouth curving into that soft, sensual smile of hers that too easily wreaked havoc on his libido. “I’m looking forward to it,” she said, her voice husky.
“Jack, darling, there you are!”
Jack stiffened at the high-pitched, overly possessive sound of his date’s voice interrupting his too-short interlude with Kayla. Reality intruded with an unpleasant jolt, and he reluctantly turned to find Gretta Ward fast approaching on her stiletto heels. The other woman eyed Kayla with disdain before she came up to Jack’s side, hooked her arm through the crook of his elbow, and pressed her silicone-enhanced breasts and lithe, slender body against his.
His gut clenched hard as he watched the hopeful smile fade from Kayla’s lips. Disappointment etched her features, and he knew she’d come to the conclusion that Gretta was his girlfriend and everything that had transpired between them had been a flirtatious farce. She likely thought he’d been toying with her like some kind of insensitive jerk. Of course that was far from the truth, but there was no way to explain the situation without making a bigger mess of things.
Gretta pouted up at him, her sulky expression adding to the dramatic display. “I’ve been looking for you for the past fifteen minutes.”
She scolded him in a way that made him feel like a small child, which grated on his nerves, as did most of Gretta’s antics. Over the years, he’d gotten into the habit of dating convenient women, and he didn’t realize how much they bored and disgusted him, until now.
Very calmly, he replied. “You disappeared off to the ladies’ room, and while you were gone I thought I’d try out the desserts.”
Gretta wrinkled her nose at the assortment of cakes, candies and other treats, then brazenly slipped her hand inside his coat and smoothed her palm over his chest in a blatant display of ownership. “I’m the only sweet thing you need, darling.”
He inwardly cringed and tried to disengage her from his arm to give himself breathing room. Like a leech, she refused to let go. “The fruit and fondue are great. You ought to give it a try.”
“I’ll pass.” Gretta slanted a quick, assessing glance toward Kayla. “I work hard at keeping my figure in shape, and that means watching what I eat.”
While Gretta’s tone was casual, her words sounded too much like a deliberate slur against Kayla’s softer, fuller curves. And judging by the quick flash of pain he saw in Kayla’s eyes, followed closely by her physical withdrawal, he knew Gretta’s comment had struck a vulnerable nerve.
“Besides,” Gretta went on, dismissing Kayla in favor of returning her attention to Jack, “you know I don’t eat anything made from refined sugar and that fondue is no doubt filled with sugar and carbohydrates.”
No, he didn’t know that about her, and her attempt at familiarity in front of Kayla annoyed him. Though by the calculating look in Gretta’s eyes, she’d probably watched them from afar and was purposefully goading Kayla while staking her claim on him.
Of which she had none, he thought irritably.
After three dates with Gretta, and especially after tonight, it was becoming increasingly obvious that it was time to sever their relationship before she entrenched herself any deeper into his life. Each of the three times they’d been together, she grew more smothering, more demanding, and now, too damned possessive. The signs were ones he recognized too well—like many that had come before Gretta, she had designs on becoming Mrs. Jack Tremaine.
Not likely. She was far from what he considered wife material, which made him look at Kayla in a whole new light.
The contrast between the two women was glaring. While Gretta was outwardly beautiful and sophisticated with an amazing body compliments of plastic surgery, she lacked the warmth and genuine goodness that Kayla exuded so effortlessly, so naturally. And those traits were beginning to matter to him, in ways he was more than ready to open himself up to. With the right woman.
A man and his wife came up to the table, and Kayla quietly excused herself to help the couple choose their desserts. But not before he saw the regret glimmering in her eyes.
He felt like the world’s biggest heel.
He wanted to call her back, apologize for Gretta’s rude comments, and explain that his interest in her was real. But there was nothing left to say to Kayla…not until he ended things with Gretta.
Which couldn’t be soon enough for him.

“SO, HOW DID your catered event go tonight?”
“Not bad.” Tucking the cordless phone between her neck and ear, Kayla settled against the pillows propped against the headboard of her bed, glad to hear her sister’s encouraging voice after her busy, exhausting evening. “Better than expected, actually.” If you don’t count what an absolute fool I made of myself over the gorgeous, sexy Jack Tremaine.
She cringed at the embarrassing memory, still unable to believe that she’d read all the signals between them so inaccurately. She’d thought, hoped, that the attraction was mutual, that the interest she’d glimpsed in the depths of his devastatingly blue eyes had been real.
Obviously, she’d only imagined what she wanted to be real—for her to be the focus of a good-looking man’s attentions, and for him to look deeper than at surface appearances.
The truth of the matter was, she wasn’t head-turningly gorgeous or sophisticated, and she never would be. That wasn’t who she was, as she’d learned the hard way in her previous relationship.
Doug had been a good-looking man she’d met after struggling to shed those stubborn twenty pounds that always seemed to hang on to her hips and thighs. They’d dated for a year, and she’d thought he might be “the one”, until she’d gradually started gaining the weight back. Then, she’d seen a very judgmental side to the man she’d thought she’d known so well. That side had reinforced every negative comment her mother had ever made about her less-than-perfect body. Doug had issued her an ultimatum that had struck right where she was the most vulnerable—get skinny again, or get dumped.
Knowing she was destined to be curvaceous, and refusing to change for any man ever again, she’d ended the relationship. It had taken her months to come to terms with the fact that she’d never be svelte and slender like her sister, to believe in herself and accept her full curves and ordinary, but pretty features. She only had relapses when someone or something dredged up the insecurities she’d lived with most of her life.
And Jack Tremaine’s date had managed to do that exceptionally well.
“Did you dazzle the Chamber of Commerce members with your awesome desserts?” Jillian asked, pulling her back from her unpleasant memories.
“I had no complaints.” And that was enough for Kayla to consider the evening a victory. “A few chamber members took my business card for future events, so, all in all, it was great exposure.” Though it remained to be seen if any of them actually followed up on their promises to contact her—especially Jack Tremaine.
“Here comes the million-dollar question. Did you meet any good-looking businessmen this evening?” Jillian’s tone was low and teasing.
Kayla’s cheeks flushed at the one man in particular who loomed larger than life in her mind, and she closed her eyes to bring him into better focus. Too easily, she conjured up seductive blue eyes that set her pulse fluttering, pitch-black hair cut into a short, executive style that accentuated his chiseled features, and big hands with long, tapered fingers designed to bring a woman’s body immense pleasure. Then there was that sexy, lean frame of his that filled out his charcoal suit as if it had been custom made for him—and no doubt probably had.
She bit her bottom lip and pressed a hand to the butterflies taking flight in her stomach, debating whether or not to share her secret with Jillian. She was dying to confide in someone about Jack Tremaine, and Jillian was not only her sister, but one of her best friends.
“Okay, so I did meet a guy,” Kayla said on a rush of breath. “And I have to confess that he looked more scrumptious than that triple fudge Bavarian torte you were eating earlier today.”
“Whoa!” Jillian’s breezy laughter drifted over the phone line. “I didn’t think anything topped that dessert!”
Kayla giggled, too, and added naughtily, “I wanted to top him with the dessert and eat him up, bite by delicious bite.”
“You are so bad,” Jillian scolded lightly, though she was enjoying their playful banter just as much. “Is he single and available?”
Her little fantasy of having Jack Tremaine covered in her richest, most mouthwatering torte came to a screeching halt. “Unfortunately, no. After he spent a good fifteen minutes flirting with me, this svelte young woman on stiletto heels came along, hooked her arm possessively through his and glared at me. I think if I’d dared to touch him, she’d have clawed my eyes out.”
Kayla still found it hard to believe she’d misjudged Jack Tremaine so badly, that she’d let his charming words suck her in. The other woman hadn’t seemed at all his type intellectually, neither had her cool personality. But then again, his lady friend had the kind of Barbie-doll shape that turned a man’s head. And sometimes men found outward beauty more attractive than brains.
“What can I say,” she said, striving for a flippant tone that she didn’t completely feel. “Some girls have all the luck, and the figure to go with it.”
“Kayla…” Jillian said softly.
“I’m okay. Really,” she assured her sister, and directed their conversation back to business. “The guy I met is Jack Tremaine, who owns Tremaine’s Downtown. He said he was interested in revamping his dessert menu and took my business card, but it remains to be seen if he’ll actually call.”
“Wow, Kayla, that would be quite a name to add to your résumé.”
“Tell me about it,” she said wryly, and gave her sister the details of her conversation with Jack. Then she brought their call to an end with a promise to meet her for lunch later in the week.
Once Kayla hung up the phone, she tried to fall asleep. It was late and she was exhausted, yet peaceful slumber eluded her. She tossed and turned restlessly as Jack Tremaine starred in her most erotic fantasies, and her silk and lace chemise slid arousingly across her breasts, her stomach, and thighs.
With a low groan of frustration, she got up, grabbed her matching robe, and slipped into the silky garment. Some women went gaga over purses or shoes, but pretty lingerie was Kayla’s one weakness over chocolate. And because she wore plain, loose clothing in public that didn’t draw any attention to her body, in private she indulged that sensual, feminine side of herself freely and without guilt.
She padded barefoot into the kitchen and was greeted by her orange tabby-cat, Pumpkin, who’d appeared on her doorstep last Halloween as a stray and had made Kayla’s home her own since then.
Bending down, she scratched Pumpkin behind her ears, which triggered an automatic rumbling sound deep in the cat’s throat. “Hi, purry-bug,” Kayla murmured affectionately. “Are you looking for a late-night snack, too?”
“Mrroww,” the cat replied.
“I thought so.” Smiling, Kayla gave the tabby a few cat treats, then poured herself a glass of milk. She set a few of the espresso butter cream candies she’d brought home with her on a plate. She hadn’t had a chance to sample them earlier because of her busy schedule getting the desserts ready for the Chamber of Commerce dinner.
Sitting at the small dining table, she took a bite of her newest aphrodisiac creation, and the combined ingredients of espresso, caramel and rich, smooth white chocolate literally melted in her mouth. Amazingly, there was no odd aftertaste of the aphrodisiac powder that she’d purchased on a whim from a new-age Web site that catered to the mystical and magical. The all-natural stimulant was said to increase and enhance a person’s sexual response when consumed, and so far, Kayla found that claim to be true.
After eating three of the Heavenly Kisses candies she knew she had to stop or her body would be feverish with need and her night would be even more agonizing. Already, that familiar tingling sensation was spreading through her veins, making her feel warm all over. Her breasts grew heavy and sensitive, her nipples hardened, and a slow, steady ache spiraled low.
She took a big gulp of cold milk, but knew from previous samplings that it was too late to douse her growing desire, the stripping away of her inhibitions, or the slow building need for an orgasm. But beyond her body’s aroused state, she was excited by the possibility that she’d hit upon a unique addition to add to her growing selection of confections. She imagined a whole new line of desserts, all designed to arouse a lover’s passion, and she couldn’t wait to offer such a fun, sexy item on her bakery menu.
Oh, yeah, she thought with a naughty grin, and licked the lingering flavor of caramel and white chocolate from the corner of her mouth. But before she could make that claim, there was other data she needed to analyze, such as how long it took after eating the candies to become stimulated and what different levels of arousal they could create.
At this point, she only had her own physical responses to go by, and it wasn’t enough to come to any kind of solid conclusion. She had to test her candies on an unsuspecting person, someone without any kind of precontrived notions. She needed that tangible proof that her enticing creations ignited a man’s sexual appetite as much as it did hers.
But who to use as a guinea pig for her experiment? One man in particular immediately came to mind, and she wouldn’t have hesitated to use him for her research—if he wasn’t already taken. That left her choices quite limited, and she wasn’t about to use her aphrodisiacs on just anyone.
She sighed. As for tonight, she was on her own to deal with her body’s demands, so she did the only thing she could. She returned to bed and took her fantasies of Jack Tremaine with her.
FIVE DAYS AFTER the Commerce dinner, Jack still couldn’t get Kayla Thomas off his mind, and like a man driven by a deep burning need, he had to see her again. Thoughts of her had consumed him during the day when he should have been concentrating on the proposals and estimates he needed to review and approve for the new restaurant. Those thoughts had followed him right into some pretty intense erotic dreams. Each morning he’d awakened with an aching hard-on, and a cold shower had been a lousy substitute for what he really wanted—the reality of Kayla, soft and warm beneath him.
The image of that provocative fantasy had the fly of his jeans growing uncomfortably tight as he drove toward Seaport Village, reminding him just how long he’d been without a woman.
He’d never slept with Gretta and had ended things with her the night of the dinner, which had resulted in her slamming her door in his face. But her scorn was a small price to pay for his freedom. With new and exciting prospects beckoning to him, he felt more charged and alive than he had in months, possibly years. Tremaine’s Downtown was getting a new dessert menu, and now he was completely free to explore his attraction to Kayla.
Jack turned into the Seaport Village parking lot, parked his Escalade, and headed to the directory in front of the shops. He found a listing for Pure Indulgence and followed the map to her place of business, which was located between a wind-chime store and an art gallery.
He stepped inside the bakery shop and was immediately embraced by the delicious fragrance of sweet confections and baked goods. It was after six in the evening, yet the place was impressively packed with customers waiting their turn to order from the glass displays filled with an array of cakes, cookies, candies, and other treats. Two young girls worked quickly and efficiently behind the counter, but Kayla was nowhere in sight.
It would serve him right if she wasn’t there, since he hadn’t called ahead to make an appointment. But instead of planning a meeting with her, which seemed impossible with his schedule lately, he’d grabbed the first free moment he’d had in days, and before anything else could demand his attention, he’d headed toward Seaport Village.
After a few minutes of waiting for the crowd to thin, he caught the attention of one of the workers and motioned her over. “Excuse me, is Kayla Thomas here?”
The girl eyed him curiously. “Did you have an appointment to see her?” she asked, though her cautious tone told him she didn’t think it was likely.
The woman obviously thought he was selling something, when in fact he’d be buying. But he understood the woman’s hesitation, as well as her loyalty in protecting her boss from unwanted solicitors. “She should be expecting me,” he replied easily, and with just enough assertiveness to sound confident that Kayla would agree to see him. “Tell her it’s Jack Tremaine.”
“Let me see if she’s available,” she said, then disappeared through a swinging door that led to a back kitchen area.
Kayla was immersed in accounting paperwork in her office when her full-time employee, Sarah, knocked lightly on her open door, then stepped inside.
“Do you need help out front?” Kayla asked automatically.
From six to seven during the week was the shop’s busiest time, when tourists wanted a sweet treat before heading back to their hotels, and locals stopped in to buy their families’ favorite dessert on their way home from work. Kayla was always prepared to step in and help at the front counter if necessary.
“It’s the normal six o’clock rush, but we’ve got it under control,” Sarah assured her. “Actually, there’s a man here who asked to see you. His name is Jack Tremaine, and he said you were expecting him?”
Just the mere mention of Jack’s name was enough to send an unexpected warmth spreading through Kayla’s veins, not to mention a good dose of shock. After five days of not hearing from him, she’d convinced herself that he hadn’t been serious about his interest in revamping his dessert menu. She’d also considered the possibility that he’d found a more experienced, well-known company to handle the job instead of taking a risk with a small, up-and-coming bakery.
She’d finally come to terms with that probability, and now here he was, asking for her—and she was nowhere near prepared to see him again. Not mentally, anyway. She felt thrown off balance, and she didn’t care for the bit of hope scratching below the surface of her shock.
She took a deep breath in an attempt to regain her composure, and said to her employee, “Give me a minute, and I’ll be right out.”
Once Sarah was gone, Kayla stood and made a quick trip to the rest room. As she was washing her hands, she caught sight of her reflection in the mirror and cringed. Good Lord, she looked a mess. Then again, she had spent most of the day elbow-deep in flour and sugar.
She took off her stained apron, but there were a few smudges of chocolate on her baggy T-shirt that she couldn’t do much about. As for her hair, wispy strands had escaped her ponytail and there were sugar granules on her cheek. She wiped them away with her hand. She didn’t wear much makeup, but what she had put on that morning was nearly gone. She found herself opening the medicine cabinet over the sink and using the colored, flavored lip gloss she kept in there to keep her lips from getting dry and chapped.
She made a sound of disgust at herself for even primping that much for Jack Tremaine. He wasn’t there to seduce her, for crying out loud, and she had no desire to try and impress him. Okay, so that was a blatant lie, but what he saw was what he got—a woman who worked hard for a living and had no qualms about looking the part.
With a decisive nod, and determined to be all business this time with Jack Tremaine, she headed out to the front of the shop.
Broad-shouldered and a good six inches taller than any of her customers, all of which at the moment were female, she was able to spot him immediately. He was standing by one of the display cases, checking out the goods and conversing with a few of her customers who no doubt were drawn to his good looks and disarming grin.
He’d obviously asked about their favorite Pure Indulgence desserts, because the older, gray-haired woman next to him was raving about the Boston Cream pies and custard tarts, while another patron chimed in about how fantastic the lemon cheesecake bars were.
He thanked them for their opinions, and reached out to take a sample from the tray on the counter that she always kept filled with bite-size pieces of the previous day’s desserts so her customers could try something new before purchasing the item. It was amazing how many extra sales she generated due to that platter of tidbits, and those samples had become one of her best forms of advertising.
Jack tossed a generous chunk of baked apple crisp into his mouth, then turned around to find her standing behind him. He came to an abrupt stop, his vivid blue eyes widening ever so slightly, making him look like a little boy who’d just been caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Except, other than the impish grin curving the corner of his sensual lips, there was nothing boyish about him.
She didn’t think it possible, but the man was even sexier and more gorgeous than she remembered, and she supposed his casual attire was partly responsible for making him look so damned tempting. Unlike the suit he’d worn the other night, the collared shirt he wore accentuated his wide chest and flat belly, and well-worn jeans gave her a perfect view of his narrow hips and long, powerful-looking legs. His body was athletically honed, strong and lean and all male, and built to make a woman entertain all kinds of lascivious, sinful thoughts. The man was dangerous, potent stuff.
“Hi, there,” he said once he had the chance to swallow his mouthful of apple crisp.
“I’m glad to see you’re enjoying the samples,” she said, more amused than she wanted to be by his natural, easygoing charm.
“I couldn’t help myself.” His sultry grin matched the deep, velvet-edge timbre of his voice. “I told you the other night that I have little willpower when it comes to anything sweet.”
So he had, though his words today sounded like a seductive warning directed toward her. His vibrant gaze drifted to her lips, as if contemplating just how sweet she’d taste, and a tremor of awareness rippled through her.
Damn her traitorous body, anyway, she thought, and crossed her arms over her chest to cover the telltale sign of her tight nipples pressing against the front of her shirt. “Be careful, you wouldn’t want to overdose on sugar.”
“I doubt that’s possible,” he murmured in bemusement. “But, man, what a way to go.”
She almost laughed, then caught herself. He was flirting with her again, and as much as she enjoyed being on the receiving end of his teasing banter, the last she’d seen he had a girlfriend and had no business swapping innuendoes with her.
Business, Kayla. Keep your mind on business, she reminded herself sternly. Since he was the one who’d come to her shop, she waited patiently for him to explain why.
But instead of stating the reason for his presence, he tipped his head and studied her with too much insight. “You look a little surprised to see me.”
“Pleasantly surprised, if that makes you feel any better,” she said, wondering how this man managed to see beyond her attempt to be professional and composed around him. “I’ll admit I wasn’t sure whether or not I’d hear from you again.”
His gaze caught and held hers steadily. “There’s one thing you ought to know about me right up front. I’m a man of my word, and I don’t ever say anything that I don’t mean or that I don’t follow through on.”
His tone was adamant, his eyes honest, and she believed him. “That’s good to know.”
He nodded succinctly. “I know I probably should have called first to let you know I was stopping by, but I was able to get away from the restaurant tonight and took a chance on you being here.”
He cast a quick glance around the shop, and while the initial rush had died down, there were still half a dozen customers waiting to place their orders. “Is this a bad time to talk? Because if it is, I can make an appointment and come back later.”
She appreciated his consideration, and her resistance toward him softened a notch. There was no reason to postpone the appointment. Besides, she was curious to find out what he wanted, and if he was still interested in her services. No sense postponing the inevitable.
“Now is fine,” she said, and could have sworn she heard him exhale a sigh of relief. “Come on back to my office where we can talk privately.”
He followed her through the kitchen, his gaze taking in the wall-to-wall convection ovens, the abundance of cooling racks and proof boxes, and the industrial-size dough-and batter-mixing machines.
“This is quite a setup you have,” he commented, seemingly intrigued by the high-tech equipment she used to create her desserts in mass quantities. “I had no idea you had such a production line back here.”
She tossed a smile over her shoulder at him. “It sure does beat doing it the old-fashioned way of mixing and baking one dessert at a time.”
He laughed, the low, husky sound touching her in intimate places. “I’m sure it does.”
They entered her office, and she took the comfortable tweed chair behind her desk and expected him to take one of the seats in front of her. Instead, he boldly strolled around to where she was sitting, propped his fine backside against the corner of her desk, and crossed one ankle over the other.
The pose was predominantly male, and her pulse leapt at his shameless self-assurance and close proximity. She forced herself to keep her gaze on his handsome face and his sinful blue eyes, but out of her peripheral vision she could see the way his hard, muscular thighs stretched his faded Levi’s and she couldn’t miss the impressive bulge beneath the fly of his jeans. He was near enough to touch, tempting her to do just that, and it was all she could do to keep her hands to herself when she envisioned pushing him back on her desk and having her wicked way with him.
That burning, aching need she’d been fighting for days now made itself known once again, overwhelming her mind and body with a desire that pulled at her like a riptide. She swallowed a groan. Boy, she had it bad and probably should lay off the aphrodisiac candies, which seemed to have increased her sexual cravings even long after the effects of the stimulant should have worn off—which was a reaction she’d be sure to make note of later. Better yet, she needed to find a sexy, available guy to eat her creations, then release all his lust on her.
Oh, yeah, she could definitely go for having her own boy toy for a while. A guy whose sole purpose was to make her body sing with pleasure—over and over again. Especially if he had pitch-black hair, eat-me-up blue eyes, and a mouth made for sin.
Just like the man sitting in front of me.
Another rush of heat swept through her. Drawing a deep breath, she shoved those provocative thoughts right out of her mind before they got her in big trouble.
She leaned back in her chair, putting distance between them any way she could. “So, what can I do for you, Mr. Tremaine?”
“It’s Jack, please,” he insisted, “especially since we’ll be working together.”
She raised a brow at his presumptuousness. “We will?”
“I told you I was interested in having you design the desserts for Tremaine’s Downtown, and you promised me an exclusivity agreement.” He tipped his head questioningly. “Have you changed your mind?”
He looked a little anxious as he waited for her reply, and she found it hard to believe that such a confident man might be worried that she’d refuse his request. Not that she’d pass up such a golden opportunity, but it was nice to know that her agreement mattered to him, that he truly wanted her to create his desserts. It gave her a sense of feminine power that was foreign to her, but one she liked very much.
“No, I haven’t changed my mind,” she said softly, and immediately saw his shoulders relax. “And I’m glad you didn’t either.”
He graced her with another one of his breathtaking grins. “Then I guess that makes us even.”
Yes, it did, and she smiled back at him. “Do you have any preference on the kind of desserts you want?”
“That’s what I’m paying you for. To be creative and to provide a variety of different desserts. I’m completely open to new experiences and ideas, so don’t hold back.”
“It’s good to know you’re so daring,” she teased. “That gives me a whole lot of creative license.”
His eyes sparkled just as humorously. “Hey, I tried the Pink Squirrel the other night, didn’t I?”
She laughed at his indignant tone. “And you liked it, too,” she reminded him.
“That goes to show you the kind of risk-taking guy I can be, so bring it on, sweetheart.” He winked at her.
Bring it on. He had no idea just how adventurous her desserts could get, and she couldn’t stop herself from wondering what would happen if she mixed a bit of pleasure with their business. The result would be spontaneous combustion, no doubt.
“When do you think you’ll have the first dessert ready for me to try?” he asked.
“Let’s see,” she said thoughtfully, as she opened the day planner on her desk and skimmed through the pages. “It’s Wednesday and I need a few days to experiment with some new recipes, and to see what I can come up with. I could have something ready for you to sample, say, by Sunday?”
“That works for me. What time?”
“Since I’d prefer that we weren’t interrupted by business, how about six-thirty in the evening, a half hour after the shop closes?”
“Perfect. I’ll be here.”
She penciled in the appointment on her calendar, and as she did so, her arm brushed his jean-clad hip. She valiantly tried to ignore the heat of him, along with the tightening of her breasts that the chaste touch evoked. She could only imagine the sparks they’d ignite if they ever rubbed skin to skin.
He moved off her desk, straightened, and reached into his back pocket to withdraw his wallet. He pulled a check from his billfold and set it in front of her. She glanced from the staggering amount on the check, all the way back up to his deep, drown-in-them-forever blue eyes.
“What’s this for?”
“A down payment for your services,” he said matter-of-factly.
“I’d rather wait until services have been rendered and I have a better idea of what you owe.” She pushed the check back towards him. “You don’t even know if you’ll like the desserts I create.”
“Then we’ll just have to keep working at it until I’m completely satisfied.” He didn’t seem at all bothered by that possibility. “Besides, I have no doubt you’re worth every penny and you’ll give me my money’s worth. I also know that exclusivity doesn’t come cheap.”
No, it didn’t, but talk about blind trust in her abilities. She shook her head, certain any further argument would be futile. “Okay, fine.” If his bill was less than what he’d just given her, she’d issue him a refund. But, boy, would all that money look good in her business account.
“So we have ourselves a deal?”
Since he was towering over her, she stood, too. There was one issue she needed to address before she had her lawyer draw up a final contract and deliver it to Jack. “There’s something I need to ask you.”
He slid his fingers into the front pockets of his jeans. “Sure. Go ahead.”
She didn’t know an easy or tactful way to express her concern, so she just let it out. “I got the distinct impression at the Commerce dinner that your girlfriend wouldn’t be too thrilled to find out we’re working together. Is she going to be a problem for me?” The last thing Kayla wanted or needed was a jealous woman bad-mouthing Pure Indulgence and ruining her hard-earned reputation.
“I broke things off with Gretta the night of the dinner,” he told her, and there was no regret in his voice. “So there’s no girlfriend or significant other for you to worry about. I’m single and unattached.”
That revelation pleased her, more than was prudent, and she couldn’t stop the secretive smile that curved her lips. She’d just found the perfect test subject for her aphrodisiac desserts.

JACK WALKED INTO the kitchen area of his restaurant, a last check to make sure that everything was in order before he headed over to Pure Indulgence for his appointment with Kayla. It was fairly busy for a Sunday night, but thanks to his manager and well-trained staff there were no huge problems for Jack to worry about.
A steady stream of appetizers and dinner orders lit up the computer screen of the fully integrated system he’d purchased a few months ago, which kept the kitchen organized and his employees efficient. Behind the warming station his head chef made sure that the cooks processed and prepared the entrées at a steady pace, and still produced the high quality and visually appealing dishes that Tremaine’s Downtown was known for.

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