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His Pregnancy Ultimatum
His Pregnancy Ultimatum
His Pregnancy Ultimatum
Mia Fredrickson has no idea what possessed her to share the bed of a complete stranger. Her handsome lover turns out to be Greek tycoon Nikolos Karedes, and when he discovers Mia's secret he insists they marry. But Mia refuses!However, as far as Nikolos is concerned, Mia's resistance is only temporary. He will have again what he enjoyed before–Mia–using his exceptional seductive skills to place her at his mercy!

She swallowed the lump that rose in her throat, aware the conversation had taken a subtle shift, and she became intensely conscious of his proximity.
It was all too easy to visualize the hard body beneath the trappings of his finely tailored apparel—broad shouldered, lean hipped, with the chiseled perfection of well-honed muscles.
“Would you deny me the pleasure of seeing our child grow inside you?”
Heat suffused her veins at the mere thought of its conception. How she lay awake night after night reliving in vivid detail the touch of Nikolos’s hands, his mouth, each caress… the electrifying passion they’d shared several times through the dark hours.
It was too much. He was too much.
“By making a public statement, you’ve irretrievably connected the two of us together. Something you could easily have avoided.” She met his gaze and held it. “So why didn’t you?”
He slanted her a musing glance. “To ensure there’s no doubt to whom you belong.”

Relax and enjoy our fabulous series about couples whose passion ends in pregnancies…sometimes unexpected! Of course, the birth of a baby is always a joyful event, and we can guarantee that our characters will become wonderful moms and dads—but what happens in those nine months before?
Share the surprises, emotions, drama and suspense as our parents-to-be come to terms with the prospect of bringing a new baby into the world. All will discover that the business of making babies brings with it the most special love of all….
To be delivered soon by Harlequin Presents

His Pregnancy Bargain
by Kim Lawrence #2441
The Brabanti Baby
by Catherine Spencer #2450

His Pregnancy Ultimatum
Helen Bianchin

www.millsandboon.co.uk (http://www.millsandboon.co.uk)


A slender form almost identical to her own burst forward the instant Mia emerged into Sydney’s airport arrival lounge, and within seconds she was engulfed in an enthusiastic hug.
‘Hey,’ she protested with a musing laugh. ‘It’s only been five months.’
A sisterhood of two, no parents since their untimely death a decade before, the girls had been the best of friends for as long as they could remember. Sibling rivalry didn’t exist, never had, and each was sure it never would.
Petite in height, sable-brown hair, dark brown eyes, their likeness was such they had on occasion been mistaken for twins.
Yet Alice was the elder by two years, divorced with a nine-year-old son.
Mia caught hold of her sister’s arm. ‘Let’s get out of here.’
It took a while to collect her bag from the carousel, clear the busy terminal and join the flow of traffic heading towards the city.
It was great to be home, although home was something of a misnomer, for she no longer had a home as such. During the past few years she’d lived on university campus studying for a pharmacy degree.
Mia rolled her shoulders in a bid to ease the lingering tension from too many sleep-deprived nights leading up to end-of-year exams, the lack of caffeine, and a weariness that had little to do with either one of them.
‘So, tell me,’ Alice begged. ‘What’s new?’
Hell. Where did she start? Not at all might be best, she decided, while her sister was negotiating busy inner city traffic. It would take a while to reach the northern suburb of Manly, and the kind of news she had to impart was better told seated at Alice’s dining-room table while sharing a pot of tea.
‘The exams went okay,’ Mia reiterated cautiously, aware she’d said as much via email.
‘It’s good to be back.’
Alice gave her a searching look as the car drew to a halt at a controlled intersection. ‘You look pale. Tired,’ she elaborated.
Mia offered a faint smile. ‘Thanks,’ she managed ruefully. ‘Just what I needed to hear.’
‘Nothing some home-cooked food and a good night’s sleep won’t cure.’ The brisk tone was accompanied by a competent smile.
Alice was the ultimate earth mother, taking pride in producing wholesome hearty meals, home-baked cookies and bread, charity bakes. She sewed, stitched, crocheted, knitted, and took pottery classes. It didn’t stop there, for she also took art, sculpted, and set oils on canvas. She served on her son’s school committee, ran as president of the parent-teacher association, and excelled in organisation of all things.
Ask Alice was an invisible bandana her sister wore with pride, for helping had become a mission in life. It made up for the five years of Alice’s marriage during which her husband conditioned her to believe she served little purpose and possessed no self-worth.
Mia took in the familiar sight beyond the windscreen. Old buildings merged with new, dull, well-worn red brick jumbled together with renovated terrace houses, newly lacquered ornamental iron railings vying with broken wood palings. An endearingly eclectic mix that marked inner-city suburbia.
Traffic, as usual, maintained a hectic pace in a never-ending river of vehicles jostling for position in a bid to catch the next set of lights and minimise road time.
City smells, combining aged buildings, fuel fumes, summer heat. Trees with spreading branches bordering a green-grassed park, and, above, a cloudless blue sky.
Mia turned her attention to her sister.
‘How’s my favourite nephew?’
‘Great. Matt is doing well in school, enjoyed a terrific soccer season, and is heavily into tennis for summer,’ Alice enthused. ‘He’s studying piano, guitar, and is a whiz at chess. He began martial arts classes this year.’
Maternal love was unconditional, and Alice believed in the ‘busy mind, active body’ theory…totally. Fortunately her son was an enthusiastic advocate who viewed each new venture as a conquerable challenge.
‘I can’t wait to spend time with him.’ They shared a mutual affection that dispensed with the generation gap, a love of sports, action movies, books. Pals, she accorded fondly, and hoped the friendship part of their relationship would never change.
‘He has plans,’ Alice warned, and Mia offered a wry smile.
‘Uh-huh. I take it para-gliding, bungee-jumping and all other dangerous activities are a definite no-no?’
Alice made a sound that was part sigh, part groan.
‘Don’t,’ she warned. ‘Even in jest.’
Traffic was heavy as they crossed the harbour bridge, and only began to ease as they cleared the inner northern suburbs.
There were coves with moored craft, a marina, and heavy greenery hugging the elevated rock-face where luxurious homes perched high sharing magnificent views of the inner harbour and city.
Sun-dappled water, stunning architecture…a place where she’d been born and spent her formative years. Excelled and survived, loved and been betrayed, only to emerge as a strong, determined young woman whose focus became unwavering in pursuit of her goal.
Except for one little blip that had the power to change her life for ever.
Alice’s home was situated in a wide tree-lined street, a solid double-brick structure with medium-size rooms her sister redecorated with considerable flair at regular intervals.
Externally it was similar to many houses in the established suburb, but indoors it held an air of homeliness that was both inviting and relaxing.
‘Coffee, tea, or something cold?’ Alice queried as she preceded Mia down the hallway.
‘Tea would be great.’ There was only one guest room, which she occupied during university vacations, and she deposited her bag, released her knapsack, then she quickly freshened up before joining her sister in the kitchen.
Aromatic tea steamed from two cups, and there was a selection of home-made cookies set out on a plate.
‘We have an hour before I need to go collect Matt from school,’ Alice declared, indicating a chair opposite. ‘So…out with it.’
She could prevaricate, brush off her sister’s intuitive questioning, or at least delay giving an answer until…when? Tonight, when Matt was asleep? Tomorrow? There was never going to be a good time.
‘I’m pregnant.’ No lead up, just the basic fact. Yet the very starkness of her announcement caused acute anxiety as to Alice’s reaction, for Mia’s stance on pre-marital sex was a shared, well-known fact.
Together, they’d laughed about it, exchanged views, pursued the ‘fors’ and ‘againsts’, whether saving oneself for the right man and marriage didn’t belong way back in the previous century! ‘What if the sex turns out to be…well, less than anticipated? How will you know if you have nothing to compare it with?’ Alice had teased.
Now, there was a tremendous sense of vulnerability along with the anxiety. Everything she’d believed in, all that she’d held dear in her emotional heart, was laid bare, and open to criticism.
It was bad enough she’d resorted to self-castigation every day…every waking hour, since that fateful night.
‘Just…I’m pregnant? That’s it?’ Alice demanded, aghast.
Mia closed her eyes, then opened them again. Dear heaven, what was the matter with her? ‘I need to fill you in,’ she managed ruefully, and caught her sister’s intent expression.
‘In spades. No detail spared. And it would help to know whether I’m to congratulate, commiserate, console, or rejoice with you.’
Her stomach executed a somersault, then went into free fall. ‘Commiserate,’ she admitted, and didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.
‘You weren’t—?’ Shock and anger meshed with a fighting spirit second to none. ‘It wasn’t—?’
‘No,’ she reassured at once, her own shock a visible entity. ‘Nothing like that.’
Alice leaned forward and covered her sister’s hand with her own. ‘So—what happened?’
The genuine concern evident in her sister’s expression almost moved her to tears, and she shook her head in self-chastisement of the emotional roller coaster she’d been riding for the past few weeks. One minute she’d be fine, the next a teary mess.
Where did she start? ‘Who,’ she corrected wryly. Oh, yes, it was definitely who.
‘I assume he’s to die for,’ Alice opined with a faintly wicked smile. ‘Considering he managed to persuade you to discard every one of your preconceived convictions about sex before marriage?’
His image came sharply into focus, haunting, taunting her with what they’d shared together. The excitement, the ecstasy…and her wantonness to experience it again, and again. A willing pupil beneath a skilled lover’s touch, she reflected.
‘Incredible,’ she said simply, aware of the warmth flooding her cheeks as she held her sister’s gaze.
‘Off the planet, huh?’ Alice’s grin was replaced with curiosity and a degree of mild reproof. ‘You didn’t tell me you were with anyone.’
Alice’s surprise was understandable, given they spoke on the phone each week and resorted to email almost every day.
‘I’m not.’
Her sister’s eyes narrowed fractionally. ‘If you don’t give me the rundown…the total rundown,’ she endorsed, ‘I’ll be forced to take dire action!’
Mia managed a faint smile. ‘The short version won’t wash?’
‘Don’t even think about it!’
There was nothing else for it but to start at the beginning…something she should have done at the onset, instead of dropping a verbal bombshell in her sister’s lap.
‘I was supposed to meet a friend at an evening function.’ A night out had seemed a good idea at the time, following weeks of intense study. It had also provided the opportunity to dress up…a marked change from wearing the usual university garb of jeans and tee shirt. ‘She didn’t show,’ Mia went on to explain. ‘When I checked my cellphone there was a text message to say she’d become suddenly ill.’ She effected a faint shrug. ‘I didn’t know anyone there, and I was about to leave when I noticed a fellow guest standing alone on the other side of the room.’
A man whose magnetic presence had made the room and everyone in it fade into insignificance.
Even from a distance he’d had an alarming effect on her equilibrium. Disturbing, disruptive, lethal. In that instant she’d instinctively known her emotional life was about to go into a tail-spin.
Yet not even she, in her naïvety, could have possibly imagined how the evening would end, or its far-reaching implications.
Nor would she have believed she could fall so quickly, so easily beneath a man’s spell.
Not one day passed when she didn’t query her sanity in mindlessly giving in to temptation…yet that was a misnomer, for she’d been fully aware of her actions, and honesty demanded acceptance she’d been a willing, eager participant.
‘You dated him?’
Oh, hell, this was where it became…difficult. ‘Not exactly.’
Alice’s expression sharpened. ‘What do you mean…not exactly?’ There was fleeting comprehension, followed by full-blown shock. ‘You slept with him that same night?’
There hadn’t been much sleep, only sheer physical and emotional exhaustion in the early pre-dawn hours.
‘Dear God, Mia.’ Her sister’s voice reduced to a stunned whisper. ‘What were you thinking?’
She closed her eyes against the anguish of her foolishness. ‘That’s just it. I didn’t think.’
Her sister’s eyes narrowed. ‘I take it the sex was consensual?’
‘Oh, hell, yes.’ The man, the night, the sex filled her mind in vivid detail. His powerful image, his touch, everything about him was indelibly imprinted in her mind.
Alice discarded her tea and sank back in her chair. ‘You had a wild night with someone you’d never met before?’ She shook her head in silent disbelief. ‘My sensible sister who’s so selective with her body she steadfastly refused to sleep with the man who wanted to put a ring on her finger?’
How could she explain all it had taken was one look, and she’d felt her bones melt? Recognition on some intense instinctive level that went beyond anything she’d ever known before.
‘Someone must have spiked your drink.’ It was the only logical explanation Alice could summon, and Mia shook her head.
‘I wasn’t drinking.’ There was nothing, no one to blame but herself.
‘Have you told him you’re pregnant?’
How could she, when she didn’t even know his name, let alone where he lived, worked?
Her silence was sufficient answer, and Alice’s features softened with distress. ‘He’s married?’
The thought almost destroyed her. If only for the reason it pegged him as a cheater, and made a bad situation worse. ‘I have no idea.’
‘Yet you had unprotected sex?’ Her sister’s face paled at the implications. ‘Are you insane?’
‘One of the condoms broke.’
Alice’s gaze widened. ‘One?’ She waited a beat. ‘Oh, my.’
Oh, my didn’t come close. The sex had been mind-blowing, passion at its zenith…for her. Had it been the same for him? He hadn’t said, but then neither had she. In truth, she hadn’t been capable of uttering a word.
‘You don’t have his name? Anything?’
It sounded crazy to admit an exchange of names hadn’t seemed important at the time. Worse, it hadn’t even entered the equation.
‘I left while he was still sleeping,’ Mia revealed after an agonising silence, not adding her sense of sick shame, or the furtiveness with which she’d donned her clothes and crept from the room, the hotel, and summoned a cab.
Oh, Lord…how could she have discarded every moral she’d held dear all her life for one night with a man she’d never met before? Worse, would undoubtedly never see again?
It didn’t make sense any more now than it had then. And she couldn’t even claim her decision to go with him had been clouded by alcohol.
‘Are you considering a termination?’
Pain clenched deep inside, a tangible entity that momentarily clouded her eyes. She wanted this child. So much so, she couldn’t bear the thought of extinguishing its foetal life. It was a part of her, him. A vivid reminder of what they’d shared. ‘Do you think I haven’t agonised over that decision every hour of every day?’
‘I recognise the wisdom associated with termination, given the circumstances,’ she offered slowly as she met and held her sister’s gaze. ‘But I don’t think I can do it.’ She lifted a hand and smoothed a stray tendril of hair behind her ear, then attempted a faint smile that somehow didn’t quite come off.
As close as they were, she couldn’t bring herself to admit that what she’d initially damned as unbridled lust was something much deeper, more meaningful than just the slaking of physical need. It touched her heart, her soul, and captivated both on a level she hadn’t dreamed possible.
The child she carried represented part of that.
‘No verbal warning about bringing a child into the world and raising it as a single mother?’
‘I look at Matt and know my life would be as nothing without him,’ Alice assured quietly. ‘He’s my light, my laughter, my joy.’ She paused in reflective silence as she chose her words. ‘There are a number of working mothers in today’s world. I guess I have to say emotionally it would be easier to share things with a supportive partner,’ she added. ‘Someone who could cut me some slack every now and then. Share the responsibility. However, if you want reassurance single parenthood can work…I have no regrets, not one.’
‘I know it.’
Alice’s hands reached out and covered her own. ‘I’m sure whatever decision you make will be the right one.’
For me? Or the child?
It was something that had kept her awake nights, diminished her ability to study, and with morning sickness beginning to kick in she was forcibly reminded of the need to make a choice…soon.
‘If seeing the pregnancy through is an option, you could transfer to a university here and move in with me.’
Tears sprang, clouding her vision, and she blinked to dispense them.
Unconditional love. It was beyond price, and infinitely precious. ‘Thanks.’
Alice knew her well. Too well. ‘If I take that option, the responsibility is my own.’
‘I kind of figured you’d say that.’ An absentminded sip from her cup brought a murmur of disgust. ‘I’ll make fresh tea.’
Mia checked her watch. ‘You don’t want to be late collecting Matt.’
Her sister groaned. ‘I need to take him on to the tennis club for coaching.’
‘We can pick up something to go, and drink it while we watch him.’
They did, and Matt’s enthusiastic welcome lightened Mia’s heart a little as she applauded his good shots with as much fervour as his mother.
Was this where she’d be in ten years? Cheering her son or daughter on from the sideline? Ensuring there was a host of extra-curricular activities to strengthen the mind and body, thus avoiding the pitfalls of vulnerable youth?
The conception of this tiny foetus growing inside her womb was a mistake. Yet its presence existed. If she carried it to term, it would never know its father. And what empathy could she hope to achieve as a mother with her child if she went with honesty and revealed the child’s existence was the result of a one-night stand with a stranger?
‘Did you see that backhand?’
She had, in an abstracted way. ‘Poetry in motion,’ she conceded, punching the air for Matt’s benefit.
At that moment her cellphone buzzed with an incoming SMS message, and she frowned as she read the text.
‘Problem?’ Alice queried, and Mia offered a rueful smile.
‘Nothing I can’t handle.’
Alice’s gaze held hers. ‘But not one you particularly want to?’
Mia rolled her eyes in an expressive gesture. ‘It’s—awkward.’
‘Explain awkward.’
‘It’s from Cris.’
‘One of the students you share lectures with?’
‘Yes. His family are Sydney based.’
‘That’s a problem, how?’
‘He’s nineteen, and he hasn’t told his family he’s gay.’
Alice’s expression didn’t change. ‘Okay, so why do I get the impression there’s more to it than what you’re telling me?’
Mia took her time in answering. ‘He’s a nice guy.’
‘And you feel protective of him?’
She summoned a mental image of the tall, lean young man who made her laugh, shared his sharp brain and the benefit of a photographic memory. ‘I value his friendship. We share two of the same lectures, and tend to hang out together.’
‘There’s a preconceived image on campus he’s your toy boy?’
‘No.’ She’d formed friendships with several fellow students and enjoyed their company. Yet she wasn’t a girlie girl who lived to follow the latest fashion trends, and she veered away from the thinly veiled sexual overtones prevalent in many of the male students.
Cris didn’t cause her to put up barriers on any level.
‘I’ve been invited to dinner on Thursday evening.’
‘I think you should go,’ Alice opined as Matt finished up with his coach and came off the court. ‘How difficult can it be?’
Maybe Alice was right. And besides, if she declined on some fabricated excuse the invitation would inevitably be extended to another evening.
SMS made for easy, quick communication, and within minutes it was set, with Cris alerting he’d collect her at six.
‘It’ll be fun,’ Alice assured as they walked to the car.
Mia wasn’t so sure. Twice the next day she considered cancelling. Wednesday she made the call, only to cut the connection.
Thursday was way too late, for only an emergency would do…and her patron saint refused to oblige her with one.
Consequently Mia dressed with sophistication in mind. Stiletto heels, the classic black dress, minimum jewellery with the exception of stunning drop ear studs. In the need to complete the image, she swept her hair into a smooth knot and secured it, then teased a few tendrils free to curl below each temple.
‘Don’t go,’ a tiny voice warned as she collected her evening purse and exited the guest room. Fool, she admonished. No one would eat her. Besides, she was capable of taking care of herself.
‘Looking good.’
Mia offered her nine-year-old nephew an affectionate smile. ‘You think?’
‘Wow, definitely,’ Matt declared with a male appreciation beyond his years.
‘Your ride has just pulled into the driveway,’ Alice forewarned a few seconds ahead of the sound of a car door closing.
Mia rolled her eyes expressively. ‘I wish this didn’t seem like such a big deal.’
Somehow ‘the family would like to meet you’ had seemed a light-hearted invitation at the time, but, now it was imminent, she wasn’t so sure.
‘Cris is a fellow student, a friend. I’m sure his family are very nice.’
The name Karedes numbered high among the city’s social echelon, and nice was debatable, given Cris’ version of his family.
Elder brother, Nikolos, who ruled the Karedes Corporation with a fist of steel; their widowed mother Sofia, whose influence was superseded only by Angelena the family matriarch, Nikolos and Cris’ widowed paternal grandmother.
The doorbell pealed, and Mia drew in a deep breath as she crossed into the hallway.
‘Hi.’ Her greeting held genuine warmth for the young man standing in the aperture.
He was attractive, with dark soul-searching eyes, a warm smile and generous heart; his tall frame and lean features held promise of the man he would become.
Introductions were made with ease, and minutes later Mia slid into the passenger seat of a Porsche.
‘Yours?’ she teased as he sent the car purring down the street.
‘It belongs to my brother.’
‘And he lets you borrow it?’
‘When I’m home.’ Cris effected a negligible shrug. ‘He has others.’
‘As in plural?’
A shiver slid down her spine, for which she had no logical explanation. ‘Perhaps you should fill me in on the evening’s game plan.’
The Porsche growled to a halt at a traffic intersection, and he spared her a penetrating look. ‘You’re a friend I happen to regard with affection.’
‘Platonic friend,’ she conceded, and earned his swift smile.
‘That’s the description I’ve offered.’
‘They’ll adore you. What’s not to like?’
Mia offered a slightly rueful smile. There was a part of her that wanted to tell him to turn the car round and take her home.
Get a grip. It was only one evening. A few hours. She’d exchange social pleasantries, decline the obligatory glass of wine and eat fine food.
Rose Bay held an eclectic mix of well-established homes, many with panoramic views of the harbour, and stately came to mind as Cris eased the Porsche to a halt outside a magnificent set of ornate wrought-iron gates guarding entrance to a sweeping driveway that led to a double-level plantation-style home in cream-plastered brick.
Wide bi-fold doors, timbered shutters, pillars and an elegant porte-cochère, set in beautiful landscaped grounds, the home…mansion, Mia amended…gave hint to serious family wealth. Very serious wealth.
Something Cris had neglected to mention.
As if to compound it, a Maybach sat parked beneath the porte-cochère. Its opulent lines were easily identifiable as the ultimate in the Mercedes group.
‘You’re impressed.’
It was a statement, uttered without emotion, and she allowed her gaze to settle on his features. ‘Am I meant to be?’
His expression became unreadable as he drew the Porsche to a halt in a designated parking bay. ‘It’s only stuff,’ he said quietly. ‘Material possessions gathered and passed from one generation to another as a visual attestation to entrepreneurial success.’
‘Which you hate?’
‘No. I merely prefer not to hang onto the familial coat-tails.’ He reached for his seat belt as Mia undid her own. ‘Okay, let’s go do this.’
‘Face the fray?’ she teased lightly, and was rewarded with a teasing smile.
‘You got it in one.’
Seconds later they gained the spacious bi-level marble-tiled external entrance, and two large panelled doors swung open to reveal an impeccably attired butler.
‘Good evening.’
A butler? Why should she be surprised?
Cris executed an introduction. ‘Costas has been with the family for years.’
‘The family are assembled in the lounge.’
When it came to strict formality, she’d take warm spontaneity any time. Didn’t families of Greek origin fall into the latter category?
Perhaps not.
Mia crossed the wide expanse of marble-tiled floor at Cris’ side, a few steps behind the butler, who paused on reaching what she presumed to be the lounge.
‘Ma’am, your son and his guest are here.’
It was a large, exquisitely furnished room in which two women were seated and a man stood in side profile beside a wall of French doors.
A man whose height and stance struck a familiar chord. One Mia instantly dismissed, despite the swift curl of apprehension twisting her stomach.
The younger of the two women rose to her feet and moved forward.
‘Mia. How nice to meet you at last.’
‘My mother, Sofia Karedes,’ Cris alluded with a smile. ‘Mia Fredrickson.’
‘Allow me to introduce my mother-in-law.’ Sofia indicated the older woman remaining seated. ‘Angelena Karedes.’
The matriarch, Mia concluded, meeting Angelena Karedes’ intense unwavering gaze. Nothing, she deduced, would pass unnoticed beneath those sharp dark eyes.
‘Mia.’ It was a polite acknowledgement, nothing more.
‘My elder son, Nikolos.’
He turned, and she felt as if her heart suddenly ceased beating.
No. The silent cry rose up from the depths of her soul. It couldn’t possibly be…
There had to be a mistake. How could Cris’ brother and the man with whom she’d spent a wild night of unbridled sex be one and the same?
Yet his identity was beyond doubt. His height and breadth of shoulder were achingly familiar. So too were his broad-sculpted facial features, the strong jaw, dark eyes, and a mouth that was to die for.
All it took was one look, and her bones began to melt.
Dear heaven…just thinking about what they’d shared almost brought her undone.
He knew. It was there in the depths of his eyes, the sensual curve of his mouth…an instant recognition that appeared fleetingly as he moved forward to greet her.
She wanted to obey an instinct to turn and run, and it was only courage that forced her to remain.
Her name on his lips sent the blood surging through her veins, heating her body to fever pitch, and it was all she could do to utter a brief acknowledgement.
Did he recognise her discomfort? Worse, did anyone else in the room sense it?
She wanted to rage against fate for being so unkind. It was bad enough accepting she’d discarded every moral she’d held dear for all of her adult years. Difficult to condone it had happened with a stranger. Discovering she was pregnant went right off the Richter scale.
Yet this…this was her worst nightmare.

MIA tried for calm politeness, and held the instinctive feeling she failed miserably.
‘Nikolos.’ His name on her lips sounded strange, even to her own ears, and she dismissed the inclination to close her eyes, then open them again in the hope she was locked into some nightmarish dream.
In the name of heaven, get a grip. In the list of awkward situations, this took top place in her book. But doubtless not in his.
In his late thirties, Nikolos Karedes bore the air of a seasoned sophisticate, well-versed in every social nicety.
Yet she’d caught a glimpse of the man beneath that façade…someone who’d destroyed her previously held defences with galling ease. Worse, she’d allowed him to.
As if she’d had a choice, she reflected wryly, aware of the intervention of a divine power over which she’d had no control.
Had it been the same for him? That instinctive knowledge they were twin halves of a soul? Or was it merely fanciful thinking on her part?
The latter, she perceived with rueful acceptance. Without a doubt.
So her name was Mia…Nikolos perceived. The petite sable-haired young woman who’d managed to get beneath his skin in a way no other woman had. The thought, taste of her had driven him mad with longing since that unforgettable night they’d spent together twelve weeks ago. She was an itch he couldn’t scratch…heat and light and passion, and so much more.
Did she have any idea how he’d felt when he’d woken and found her gone?
Or the steps he’d taken in subsequent days and weeks to try to discover who she was? Each avenue he’d explored had brought no result. It was as if she’d appeared out of nowhere, only to disappear.
He’d wanted to wring her neck…dammit, his own, for not anchoring her close to him in sleep so that her slightest move would have brought him awake.
There were occasions when he wondered if he’d dreamed the entire night, her…yet he retained a vivid memory of her scent, the clean, fresh smell of her hair, the silky smoothness of her skin beneath his hands, his mouth.
As to her response…the tentative surprise, the burgeoning sensuality beneath his touch, her generosity in giving herself up to him so completely… It had proven a powerful aphrodisiac that had changed want to need through the night, and seeded an emotion he hadn’t cared to define.
Mia glimpsed the momentary darkness evident in his dark, almost black eyes. The faint edge of mockery, and something else she was unable to determine. Anger? Why anger, for heaven’s sake?
‘Please take a seat.’ Sofia indicated a chair close by, and Mia sank into it with a feeling of relief.
‘What can we offer you to drink?’
Something strong to settle the wild tango in which her nerves were indulging would be great…except alcohol in any form was a no-no. ‘Thank you. A soda,’ she indicated. ‘Or mineral water.’
Mia was acutely aware of Cris’ interested gaze, and that of his grandmother. Sofia seemed intent on acting the gracious hostess. As to Nikolos…his part in this wretched tableau was something at which she could only hazard a guess.
What had held the portent of being a difficult evening had taken a shift for the worse.
How long before she could leave? Two hours, three?
Mia accepted a frosted glass from the proffered tray.
‘Cris has spoken very highly of you.’
She could do polite conversation. ‘We share a few classes at university.’
‘How old are you?’ Angelena Karedes demanded, and earned Sofia’s chiding protest.
‘Please. Mia is a guest.’
Oh, hell, could the evening get any worse? ‘Twenty-seven.’ She waited a beat. ‘Would you like to check my driver’s licence?’
The old lady’s eyes gleamed. ‘Sassy. I like that.’ The gaze didn’t shift. ‘What do you see in my nineteen-year-old grandson?’
Mia’s chin tilted slightly. ‘A friend.’
One word, that wasn’t really a word at all, yet it conveyed a wealth of meaning.
‘Yiayia,’ Nikolos chided gently. ‘Enough. You embarrass our guest.’
The matriarch’s sharp gaze speared her own. ‘Are you embarrassed, child?’
‘Do you mean me to be?’
‘Dinner is served.’
Costas’ announcement was timely, and brought an inward sigh of relief that was short-lived as she found herself seated opposite Nikolos.
Accident or design?
Design, Mia decided. As the eldest male and presumably head of the family, there could be little doubt the reason for his presence was to check out his younger brother’s friend and deduce an ulterior motive for the friendship.
Familial protectiveness or necessary caution? Undoubtedly both, and, while she could see the sense of it, she abhorred the not-so-subtle interrogation.
Would she have felt differently if Nikolos weren’t present, and part of it? Innate honesty compelled an affirmative answer.
He disturbed her…mentally and emotionally. It was almost as if every nerve cell recognised him on a base level, and she had to fight to retain her composure.
Difficult when he was there, almost within touching distance on the opposite side of the dining table.
The thought of eating anything made her feel ill, yet good manners ensured she sampled a few morsels from each course…of which there seemed far too many. Or was that merely her imagination, due to her acute sensitivity of the man seated close by?
‘Are you a perpetual student,’ Angelena queried, ‘intent on gaining academic successes without putting theory to practice?’
‘If I’d known you would be so intensely interested in my background, I could have brought my CV for your perusal.’
Strike one for Mia, she accorded silently, and heard Cris’ appreciative chuckle.
‘Are you going to give it up, Yiayia?’
His grandmother lifted one eyebrow. ‘Have you known me to retreat from anything?’ She turned her attention back to Mia. ‘What field were you in before choosing to pursue a pharmacy degree?’
For one second she considered going for shock tactics, then opted for fact. ‘I was a cosmetics consultant.’
Those shrewd eyes sharpened. ‘In a department store?’
‘On referral from cosmetic surgeons to teach patients how the skilful use of cosmetics can minimise facial disfigurement.’ Exacting work, with often pleasurable results.
‘I imagine it was gratifying,’ Sofia indicated with interest. ‘Did you work with children, or mainly adults?’
Between them they were gradually building up her profile, and she mentally chastised herself for her own cynicism in wondering if it wasn’t some preconceived test.
Mia sipped water from her glass, and when it came to dessert she passed on the baklava and settled for fresh fruit.
Another hour, she perceived, then she could plead a need to leave.
‘Are you intent on seducing my grandson?’
Now there was a question!
Nikolos fingered the stem of his wine goblet as he waited to see how Mia would handle the elderly lady’s irascible manner, intrigued by the slight tilt of her chin, the faint edge of defiance deepening her dark brown eyes.
‘You are a refreshing change from the simpering socialites who trip over themselves to attract my grandson’s attention.’
Costas’ appearance was a welcome intrusion. ‘Coffee is served in the lounge, ma’am.’
Thank heaven the evening was almost at an end. For the past few hours she’d felt like a specimen beneath a microscope…dissected, analysed, and categorised.
Mia requested tea, and when she finished she stood up, thanked Sofia, Angelena, then she turned towards Cris.
‘Would you mind calling me a cab?’
‘Don’t be ridiculous.’ His protest was immediate.
‘I’ll drive Mia home,’ Nikolos inclined smoothly.
A silent scream rose and died in her throat. Oh, dear Lord, no. She didn’t want to be alone with him. Hell, she didn’t want to have anything to do with him!
Except somehow she couldn’t dismiss an instinctive feeling he intended to allow her no choice.
‘A cab is fine,’ she managed evenly, tempering her firm tone with a polite smile.
If she thought he’d let her escape so easily, she was badly mistaken. Nikolos leant down and brushed his lips to Angelena’s temple, then accorded Sofia a similar gesture of affection.
‘Goodnight. I’ll be in touch.’
Mia cast Cris a desperate glance, and received a faintly raised eyebrow indicating a silent What’s the fuss?
If he only knew!
‘This isn’t necessary,’ Mia said quietly minutes later as Nikolos opened the passenger door and stood waiting for her to slip into the front seat.
‘You want to cause my mother distress by beginning an argument on her doorstep?’
She flung him a dark glance as she slid into the car, and the door closed with a refined click before he crossed to the driver’s side.
The instinct to get out and run was uppermost, and she banked it down.
‘I’ll accept a ride to the nearest cab-stand,’ she indicated stiffly as Nikolos eased the vehicle towards the gated entrance.
‘Afraid, Mia?’ he posed as the Mercedes gained the leafy avenue and gathered speed.
Sheer bravado was responsible for her answer. ‘No.’
‘You should be.’
‘I don’t see why.’
He spared her a brief glance. ‘No?’ She looked so delightfully petite seated against the opulent leather. ‘You’d have me believe what we shared was of little consequence? A one-night stand between two consenting adults?’
Her heart thudded in her chest, then kicked to a faster beat. ‘Something like that.’
‘The hell it was.’
She wanted to hit him, and would have if he hadn’t been in control of a car. ‘There’s a cab-stand at Double Bay. You can drop me there.’
Nikolos’ hands tightened on the steering wheel as a knot tightened in his gut. Something primeval stirred deep within in the knowledge he’d been her first and only lover. He tamped down the need that rose so swiftly, and stifled a husky oath in self-castigation.
He was far beyond the ready lust of a teenager. Yet this woman had the power to test his control, and it irritated him. Worse…thoughts of her kept him awake nights, and ruined him for any other woman he could easily have bedded. Heaven knew there were a number from whom he could choose.
Except it was Mia’s features he wanted to see, the warmth of her smile…and he gently extricated willing fingers, made a seemingly reasonable but regretful excuse and went home alone.
‘When we’ve talked,’ Nikolos declared. ‘I’ll take you home.’
‘We have nothing to discuss.’
He brought the vehicle to a halt at a set of traffic lights and turned towards her briefly. ‘Yes,’ he reiterated hardily. ‘We do.’
‘Do you insist on a post-mortem with every woman with whom you’ve had sex?’
The lights changed, and he moved the vehicle forward with the flow of traffic. Minutes later he entered Double Bay and after finding no convenient parking space he swung the car into the entrance of the Ritz-Carlton hotel, requested valet parking, then led her into the hotel lounge.
Refined elegance, she perceived as a waiter hurried forward to usher them to a table, took an order for tea, then unobtrusively retreated.
Mia schooled her features as she deliberately met Nikolos’ dark gaze. ‘Can we get this over with?’
Was that her voice? She sounded so calm, when inside her nerves were shredding into a tangled mess.
‘Why did you leave?’
Her eyes widened slightly, then became shadowed. Twelve weeks had passed since that fateful night, yet every detail was etched in her mind. The magic of his touch, the unleashing of emotions she hadn’t known she possessed…
Dear God, how could she have stayed and faced him in the morning? Calmly risen from the bed, showered, dressed, shared breakfast, then walked away as if the night had meant nothing more than the sharing of good sex?
Instead of an earth-shattering experience that had changed her perspective, her life?
‘There was no reason to stay.’
‘No name, no contact number,’ Nikolos pursued silkily. ‘No means by which I could get in touch with you. Why?’
‘I was unaware there was any protocol involved. What would you have had me write on a note? “You were great?”’ She was on a roll. “‘Call me some time and we’ll do it again?” Would that have fed your ego? Salved your conscience?’
He didn’t move, but she had the sensation his body coiled like a tightly wound spring.
‘You gifted me your virginity. That had to mean something.’
His words were silky smooth and dangerous, and Mia barely repressed a shiver as sensation unfurled deep within at the memory…his disbelief, the husky curse, and his gentleness as he’d led her through the threshold of pain to pleasure beyond her wildest imagination.
And afterwards…dear heaven, afterwards he’d held her all night long as she’d become a willing wanton eager for his touch. Again and again.
‘It wasn’t such a big deal.’ And knew she lied…big time.
‘No?’ His gaze didn’t shift.
‘The prophylactic broke, remember?’
One of them.
The waiter arrived and laid out their tea, then took his leave.
‘If you weren’t taking precautions prior to intimacy,’ Nikolos continued, ‘I imagine you covered any possibility of pregnancy with a prescription for the morning-after pill?’
‘I considered it unnecessary.’ Foolishly, she accorded in silent self-castigation. What on earth had she been thinking of? Yet when she had thought, she’d rationalised her cycle hadn’t been in the fertile zone.
So much for the norm, the majority!
She became aware of Nikolos’ intent gaze, and held it with difficulty.
‘And was it unnecessary?’ he pursued quietly.
Oh, dear Lord, how did she answer that?
His eyes darkened and assumed a ruthless intensity as her silence stretched too long. ‘Mia?’
‘My body, my responsibility,’ she managed quietly, aware she was just barely holding it together.
‘Dammit, you weren’t alone in that bed.’
‘What do you want me to say? “Was it as good for you as it was for me?” Or are you afraid I’ll slap you with a paternity suit, demand a large financial settlement, or run to the media and besmirch the Karedes name?’ She was like a runaway train that couldn’t stop. ‘Or maybe all three?’
‘The truth will do for a start.’
She held his gaze fearlessly. The truth? ‘I took a pregnancy test three weeks ago, and had the positive result confirmed by a doctor the following day.’
He waited a beat as he attempted some measure of control. ‘Tell me, was I never to know?’
Her hand shook a little as she took time out to add milk to her cup. ‘Reality check, Nikolos. Just as you didn’t know my name, you hadn’t given me yours.’
The breath hissed from his mouth. ‘Have you had—?’
‘An abortion? No.’ The foetus inside her was a living entity. The thought of having it forcibly removed from her body made her feel ill. ‘This child is my responsibility.’
‘Mine, also. I’ll ensure you have specialist obstetrical care, and take care of all medical expenses.’
‘I don’t want anything from you.’
‘If you think I’ll walk away from this, you’re mistaken.’
‘You have no rights—’
‘Yes, I do.’
The thought of sharing the child hadn’t entered her head. Now that it did, it began to assume gigantic proportion.
‘I intend bringing up the child alone.’
‘What do you mean…no? The decision isn’t yours to make.’
‘The child will bear the Karedes name.’
Mia replaced the cup carefully down onto its saucer, then sank back in her chair. ‘Fredrickson,’ she corrected.
‘Karedes,’ Nikolos declared with chilling softness.
‘As I don’t intend changing my surname, Fredrickson will appear on the birth certificate.’ She rose to her feet and caught up her bag. ‘It’s been some evening. Your grandmother suspects I’ve snatched Cris for a toy boy and showed no mercy in her interrogation.’ She glared at him, and barely restrained herself from picking up the ashtray and throwing it at him. ‘As if that’s not enough, you shanghai me and take up where they left off.’
‘Sit down.’
‘Go to hell.’
‘Sit down—please.’
The please almost did it, except she refused to give in. ‘I’ll have the concierge summon a cab.’ She fixed him with an angry glare. ‘If you try to stop me, I’ll—’
‘Do what?’ Nikolos drawled.
‘Call Security and file a harassment charge.’
‘You might care to rethink that.’
‘Why?’ It was a cry from the heart. ‘You’re bent on detaining me against my will.’
‘This conversation would have been better served in private.’
‘We’ve said all there is to say.’
‘No,’ Nikolos drawled imperturbably. ‘We haven’t.’
She was tired, she had a headache, and she’d had enough. ‘It’s simple. I’m going to keep the baby. I don’t want your help…financial or otherwise. And I’d rather not see you again.’
His appraisal remained steady, and unnerved her…as he meant it to. ‘Tough. Because not seeing me again isn’t an option. Nor is refusing my help.’
Mia didn’t like his imperturbability, or the hint of elemental ruthlessness beneath his deceptively mild exterior.
Nikolos Karedes possessed an animalistic sense of power that was vaguely frightening. He had no hold over her, no means to force her into any situation she didn’t want or covet.
So why did she have the feeling he was intent on taking control? With or without her consent.
It was crazy.
Without a further word she turned and walked to the concierge’s desk, requested the attendant summon a cab, then when it swept into the entrance she made her escape.
As the cab eased forward she saw Nikolos emerge from the entrance and lift his hand in silent acknowledgement as he slid behind the wheel of his car.
Any satisfaction she experienced at initiating independence diminished with the knowledge Nikolos Karedes knew who she was, where Alice lived, and her anonymity no longer existed.

‘THE guy you slept with and Cris’ brother are one and the same? You’re kidding me…aren’t you?’ Alice challenged with a stunned expression as they shared lunch together at a café overlooking the harbour.
It was by way of being a celebration, given Mia had successfully confirmed a three-week placement in a local pharmacy. There was also an indication she’d be offered part-time work during the long summer holidays.
Alice expelled a long drawn-out breath, concern clouding her features. ‘Unbelievable.’
A slight understatement, if ever there was one, Mia acknowledged silently. ‘It made for an uncomfortable evening.’
‘Added to the subtle grilling re your friendship with Cris?’
‘Subtle didn’t enter the equation.’ Mia rolled her eyes expressively. ‘Cris’ grandmother breathed fire and brimstone.’
‘A dragon, huh?’
‘Oh, yeah. And then some.’
She met her sister’s gaze, interpreted the silent query, and fielded it. ‘You’re not going to let up, are you?’
‘Got it in one.’
‘Nikolos insisted on driving me home, we stopped off for coffee, and we…talked.’
‘As in?’
‘He asked, I told him, he offered help, I refused,’ Mia declared. She paused to sip chilled water from her glass. ‘Then I walked out and caught a cab.’
‘Not the best move.’
‘It seemed a good idea at the time.’
‘So what happens now?’
‘Nothing, hopefully.’
‘You think he’s going to dismiss the fact you’re carrying a Karedes heir?’ Alice’s voice held a slightly incredulous note.
She’d known for three weeks, and in that time she’d considered the baby hers. Her responsibility, therefore her decisions were the only ones that would count.
Now she was forced to accept the father of her child intended to take an active role in its life. Which meant Nikolos Karedes would intrude in her life. Something she needed like a hole in the head.
There was a part of her that wanted to cut and run. Sure, a tiny imp silently derided. That’s really going to work!
‘You do realise just who Nikolos Karedes is, and the power he has in this city?’ Alice queried.
A chill shiver slithered the length of Mia’s spine. Why did she get the feeling she was losing a battle that had yet to be fought? It was crazy.
If only she hadn’t decided to spend the long summer break in Sydney…except she had, and it wasn’t possible to go back and change a set of circumstances that had brought her into contact with the man with whom she’d conceived a child.
So…she’d deal with it. All she had to do was remain resolute. Nikolos Karedes might imagine he possessed a few rights. But they had to be limited, surely?
‘I’m self-supporting, and entitled to make my own decisions,’ Mia reminded gently.
A half-share in their parents’ estate had allowed her to purchase her own apartment and have an investment portfolio. An apartment she’d leased out when she’d entered university. Her furniture had been placed in storage, and most of her clothes were stored at Alice’s home.
‘With regard to yourself,’ Alice agreed, frowning with concern. ‘However, when it comes to the child, Nikolos Karedes can insist on a DNA test, and with proven paternity he has legal rights with regard to custody, education.’
Mia felt the blood drain from her face. ‘You’re positive about this?’ A ridiculous query, given Alice worked as a para-legal, and possessed an extensive knowledge of the law. ‘What if he doesn’t choose—’
‘To stake a claim?’ Her sister paused for a few seconds, then offered gently, ‘Hasn’t he already stated he intends to be part of the child’s life?’
That put a different perspective on going solo. ‘So what do you suggest?’
‘Establish a convivial friendship with the man.’
‘Are you mad?’
Alice shook her head. ‘It wouldn’t be wise to make an enemy of him.’
The mere thought of him in that role sent a chill shiver feathering the length of her spine, and she placed a protective hand to her waist.
A silent groan of despair rose and died in her throat. How could she have been so foolish as to think she was in control, and able to call the shots?
As to Nikolos Karedes backing down…forget it.
Friends. How could they be friends?
She didn’t want to think about it. In fact, she refused to consider anything about the man for the rest of the afternoon.
Mia checked her watch. ‘We should go do some shopping before we collect Matt from school.’
‘A bid to divert the subject of conversation?’
‘Got it in one.’
Alice lifted both hands in a gesture of defeat. ‘Okay, time to butt out.’
‘No,’ Mia contradicted gently. ‘I love you dearly, and value your opinion, your advice.’
‘I’d prefer not to spend time second-guessing Nikolos Karedes’ next move.’
‘So let’s go enjoy the rest of the day, huh?’
Mia’s cellphone pealed within minutes of leaving the café, and she took the call.
‘Mia? It’s Cris.’ His voice held amusement. ‘Last night. You and Nikolos. What was that?’
If only you knew! ‘You could have rescued me.’
‘Darling, you were doing just fine on your own.’
‘You think?’
‘Sweetie, if I was hetero I could almost be jealous of how fast he moved in for the kill. So he drove you home, and…?’
‘There was no and…’
‘Of course not. But—’
‘I left and took a cab.’
His soft chuckle almost undid her. ‘No woman walks out on Nikolos Karedes.’
‘This one did.’
‘Wish I’d been there.’
‘Any fallout from last night?’
‘Oh, you could say that.’ His humour was infectious. ‘Yiayia lectured me on the age difference, my studies, the family honour. Sofia added her concerns, and brother Nikolos subjected me to one of his discerning looks over breakfast. Incidentally,’ he added following a fractional pause. ‘Nikolos has your phone number.’
‘You gave it to him?’ she demanded incredulously.
‘You mind?’
Yes, she did. Very much.
‘Oh, hell.’ Cris swore quietly. ‘Want me to go into damage control?’
There was little point. ‘No.’ She drew in a deep breath, then released it slowly. ‘I’m out shopping with Alice.’
‘Enjoy. We’ll talk soon.’
‘Cris?’ Alice queried as Mia cut the call.
‘I think,’ Alice offered cheerfully, ‘we need to do some serious retail therapy.’
‘It’s that or chocolate,’ Mia hinted darkly, and led the way into the next trendy boutique.
It was after four when they arrived home, and it took little prompting for Matt to tend to his homework before dinner.
Mia deposited an assortment of bright carrier bags in her room, then changed into cargo pants and a tee shirt before joining Alice in the kitchen.
They were about to begin preparations for a steak salad when the doorbell rang.
Alice dried her hands, and smoothed a hand over her hair. ‘I’ll get it.’
A few minutes later she returned carrying a large bouquet of pale roses in cream, peach and apricot. ‘For you.’
Mia felt the nerves in her stomach tighten. Who would send her flowers? It couldn’t be… She plucked the card, and read the slashing signature.
No message, just his name.
‘Should I guess?’ Alice prompted, and Mia shook her head as she extended the card.
‘Kind of makes a statement, don’t you think?’
‘I’ll get a vase.’
Mia drew a deep breath and released it slowly. ‘How do you feel about discarding dinner and we’ll take Matt and go grab a burger? My treat.’
‘Yes.’ Matt’s victory gesture clinched it, although his mother added the rider, ‘Finish your homework first.’
It was a futile act of defiance, but it felt good as Mia switched off her cellphone en route to the nearest burger outlet.
‘You think that’s going to work?’ Alice queried mildly as they collected their order and made for one of the outdoor tables.
‘It’s something I can control.’
Matt’s enthusiasm for a departure in routine was catching, and his natural flair for humour brought laughter during the ride home.
Until Alice turned the car into their street and Mia caught sight of Nikolos’ Mercedes parked at the kerb.

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