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Edge of Hunger
Rhyannon Byrd
The hunger is awakening… Ian Buchanan has always known that a deep, impenetrable darkness lives within him. Yet he is determined to lead a normal life, ignoring the unsettling dreams in which he succumbs to his wildest desires. Until psychic Molly Stratton tracks him down, claiming to share his sensual nightmares.Petite Molly even has the bite marks to prove it. She’s also received a message from the beyond warning that an enemy is near. And it’s time for the creature inside Ian to awaken. A creature with an insatiable hunger that must be controlled before it overtakes them both…

Here’s what Romantic Times BOOKreviews has to say about
bloodrunners series

Last Wolf Standing “4½ stars… Fast paced and exciting, Rhyannon Byrd’s Last Wolf Standing is hard to put down.”

Last Wolf Hunting “Top Pick. 4½ stars.”

Last Wolf Watching “Top Pick. 4½ stars… Rhyannon Byrd’s compelling, sexy characters and exciting story make Last Wolf Watching a must read.”
Also available from Rhyannon Byrd

Don’t miss the rest of the dark and sensual
PRIMAL INSTINCT trilogy, coming from Mills & Boon® Super Nocturne

Edge of Danger
September 2009

Edge of Desire
October 2009

And available now from Mills & Boon® Intrigue,

Last Wolf Standing Last Wolf Hunting Last Wolf Watching

Dear Reader,

I’m so excited to present Edge of Hunger, the first book in my new PRIMAL INSTINCT series with Mills & Boon® Super Nocturne. Set within a world where paranormal creatures live hidden among an unknowing humanity, the opening trilogy of this dark, provocative series tells the story of the Buchanan siblings, beginning with the rugged, deliciously sexy Ian Buchanan.

Ian is the ultimate bad boy, who finds himself fighting a dangerous, uncontrollable temptation when psychic Molly Stratton comes to town, claiming to bear messages from his mother’s ghost…and a warning that his life is about to change forever. Suddenly Ian must embrace his violent, visceral hungers if he’s to protect Molly from an ancient evil that has mysteriously returned to our world, causing the darkness that dwells within him to awaken. A primal darkness that will test the very bounds of Ian’s control, while proving humanity’s only hope for the future.

I’m thrilled to be sharing Ian and Molly’s story with you, and hope you’ll come to love their wickedly seductive romance as much as I do.

All the best,



www.millsandboon.co.uk (http://www.millsandboon.co.uk)
To Erotic Romance author Madison Hayes,
who is not only a genius of words, but a treasured friend I simply could not do without.

Thanks for all the endless support, and for always
being there when I need it most!

You’re the best!

Lots of love.


The hunger is coming…

There will be time, there will be time
To prepare a face to meet the faces that you meet… —T.S. Eliot
Henning, Colorado, Friday Afternoon

Ian Buchanan knew it the second he set eyes on her as she climbed out of a banged-up, dust-covered, dark blue rental. Knew it as he set down his hammer, watching her walk toward him, her small frame backlit by the burning orange glow of the sweltering afternoon sun while she carefully made her way through the rugged terrain of the building site.
And the first words out of that soft, pink mouth—her lips glossy and sweet looking, voice mellow with a sexy, husky little rasp to it—confirmed his suspicions.
“Mr. Buchanan, my name is Molly Stratton and I’m here because…well, I know this sounds crazy, but your mother, Elaina, asked me to come and find you.”
She didn’t laugh. Didn’t smile. She just stared up at him with the biggest pair of brown eyes he’d ever seen. Waiting.
“Is that right?” He ignored her small outstretched hand while he pushed his sunglasses up on top of his head, picked up his Coors, and took a long swallow of the beer. The glass rim of the longneck was cool against his sweat-salted lips, the beer even cooler as it went down his dry throat in a long, icy glide. She watched him while he drank, her dark gaze snagging on the column of his throat as it worked. A soft wash of pink warmed the delicate crest of her pale, freckle-dusted cheekbones as she stared, those full lips parted the barest fraction. Something down low in Ian’s belly cramped in reaction. His blood went thick.
Oh, yeah, she was trouble, all right.
Ticked at himself for reacting so easily to her, he set the bottle back down on top of his battered cooler with a distinct thud, noting from the corner of his eye the way she flinched at the harshness of the sound.
She was nervous—and obviously crazy as hell. Either that, or a pathetic little con, looking for an easy score.
“So tell me, sunshine,” he drawled, injecting just the right amount of ridicule into his deep voice. “You talk to the dead often, or is today just my lucky day?”
Reaching up to hook her windblown hair behind her left ear, she held his hard gaze without so much as a flicker of those long, thick lashes rimming the deep cinnamon brown of her eyes. “As a matter of fact, I do. How often depends on them…not me.”
Ian stared at her while those strange words played through his mind. She’d stopped just a few feet away from where he stood, her gaze both shy and direct in that way that always captured a man’s attention. The bristling Colorado mountain breeze played havoc with her shoulder-length, honey-blond curls, carrying a scent to his nose lost somewhere between want and need—and something hot caught fire in his blood, like a burning glow heating him from within. Even down deep, in those forgotten places where things always stayed cool and calm…and lifeless—where nothing and no one could touch him—he sensed an uncomfortable spark of awareness.
Dropping his sunglasses back down to shield his eyes, Ian picked up his hammer and went back to work, bracing the wall he’d just raised. He no longer held her gaze, but he still felt her, like a fine tension that vibrated from her body to his own, its rhythm rapid and quivering.
What the hell?
“I know it sounds…impossible,” she added, “but it’s true.”
Yeah, sure it was.
“Don’t they have medication for people like you, Miss Stratton?” he asked with a heavy dose of sarcasm, determined to ignore her…the heat…the irritating beads of sweat snaking down his spine beneath the damp cotton of his T-shirt. Not to mention the unwanted sexual hunger twisting belligerently in his gut. “What’d you do, miss a dose?”
“I’m not psychotic or delusional.” She sighed, sounding tired. Weary even. “And I’m not after your money or—”
“Good,” he grunted with a low laugh, his grin crooked as he glanced up at her through the dark shield of his glasses, “because I ain’t got any. Would you believe I blew every cent I own on the Psychic Friends Network?”
She frowned, but determination etched the delicate angles of her face, giving her the illusion of being tough, when he knew instinctively that she was anything but. Crazy? Obviously. But there was something vulnerable and soft in her that fascinated the hell out of him.
God, he was so fucked.
“Look, I realize this seems like some kind of joke to you, but I’m not trying to scam you,” she murmured, her left hand fidgeting with the bottom button of her shirt, just above the waistband of her jeans. “I really don’t want your money or anything else. The only thing I’m asking is that you pay attention to what I have to tell you.”
“Now see,” he replied in a slow slide of words worthy of any natural-born Southerner, “the problem is that I’m too much of a bastard to pay you even that.” He pointed the hammer in the direction of her car, needing her gone. Now. Before he gave in and forgot why bedding her would be such a bad idea. “So why don’t you just hightail your crazy little ass out of Henning and back to wherever it is you came from.”
A soft sound of irritation rumbled in her chest, making him grin despite himself. It was refreshing to know that little miss innocent looking had a temper, and he found himself wondering what she looked like when that passionate temper was truly riled.
Sweat popped out on his forehead that had nothing to do with the heat rolling up at them in waves from the sweltering ground—and everything to do with the feminine package standing before him. It was his own fault, but he’d been too long without a woman. Now he was in a bad way, and Ian knew he should’ve ignored his waning interest and dropped by Kendra Wilcox’s earlier in the week. If he’d gone ahead and gotten laid, then maybe he wouldn’t be getting geared up over the strange little female standing in front of him, talking about conversations with his mother’s ghost.
“Look, Mr. Buchanan. If forgetting about this whole thing was an option, then believe me, I would. Unfortunately, it isn’t. I’ve no other choice than to follow through with this, whether you act like an arrogant jerk or a gentleman.”
Mumbling around the nail he’d just placed between his lips, Ian arched one brow. “Much to my mother’s heartache, I never did take to the whole Southern gentleman way of life. It all started the fateful afternoon I put a frog down Sally Simpson’s pants in kindergarten,” he informed her, setting the nail in place. He flashed her an unrepentant smile, getting a perverse pleasure out of pushing her buttons. “And I’ve never changed.”
“And you sound remarkably proud of that fact.” Her voice held a hint of challenge that twisted the irritating hunger in his gut a notch tighter, and he nearly smashed his thumb as he swung down on the nail head. “A rebel through and through.”
“Which really shouldn’t come as a surprise,” he rumbled softly. “If you’re so chatty with my mother, then I’m sure she’s already warned you that I’m a stubborn son of a bitch. You’re wasting your time here, Molly.”
The use of her first name had her blinking with an odd look of surprise. And damn, but if he didn’t feel that strange little jolt between them again, like something electric and tangible skittering on the air. Something too intimate for comfort. He didn’t know why he’d used her first name, but he couldn’t deny that he liked the way it felt on his lips.
“She’s told me enough for me to know that you’d be less than cooperative,” she answered after a moment, while the wind picked up, molding the soft cotton of her plain white shirt to a petite pair of high, rounded breasts. “She also warned me that you’d react this way.”
Ian cut her a sharp look from behind his dark lenses, but bit back an even sharper retort. It was twisted, but the harder she pushed him, the more he wanted her.
“So, we can either go ahead and have this conversation here,” she pressed on with firm conviction, taking advantage of his silence, “or I can follow you around night and day until you give in and listen to what I have to say. Your mother isn’t going to leave me alone until you do.”
Bent over, his weight resting on one arm while he held the hammer in the other hand, Ian studied her. Studied her in the way a fighter sizes up his next opponent. She sounded so confident, but her body language told a different story. The little details he picked up on, like the way she kept licking at her lower lip, her left hand now clenching and unclenching at her side while her right held on to the leather strap of her purse as if it was a lifeline, told a story of their own. White knuckles. Rigid spine. In the base of her pale throat, her pulse fluttered with a telltale sign of nerves. Or was it fear? Arousal?
Whatever it was, Ian suddenly found himself captivated by the intimate sight of the pulsing vein beneath that smooth, flawless skin. It looked too delicate, too fragile, like something he could so easily sink his teeth into and mark. Taste. Something that was too much like the dreams he’d been having, and it scared the shit out of him.
“Even if what you’re saying is true, which I don’t believe for one second, what could my mother want with me?” he asked in a low, rough blast of words that felt ripped out of his chest, all traces of sarcasm and humor gone. “We didn’t talk for the last sixteen years of her life and she’s been gone for five months. Seems a little late to start mending fences now.”
“Elaina regrets that all those years were wasted,” she said with such an earnest expression, he honestly believed that she was buying her own bullshit. God, she really was a whack job. “Still, she contacted me because there are things she wants you to know. Important things she wishes she had explained while she still had the time. But first…” She paused, and the look in those big brown eyes made him want to reach out to her and—hell, Ian didn’t have a clue what he would have done. He was saved from finding out when she cleared her throat, wet her bottom lip with a nervous flick of her tongue, then quietly said, “I’m sorry to have to tell you that someone close to you is in danger.”
Aw, shit. What kind of sick game was this woman playing? Whatever it was, his patience was at an end.
“In case you’ve missed the clues, Miss Stratton, I’m going to spell it out for you all nice and slow like. I do not think this kind of crap is funny.” Each word came from his lips with biting precision, his voice low, hard, expression even harder as he pulled off his glasses and glared at her through narrowed eyes. “Never have, even when my mother was parading her psycho friends in and out of our lives and putting my little brother and sister through an emotional wringer. I’m warning you now, get back in your dingy little rental and just get the hell away from me.”
She crossed her arms over her chest, as if she could shield herself from the blast of his anger, but she didn’t budge. “Trust me, Mr. Buchanan. Ian. I’m not enjoying this any more than you are, but I made a promise to your mother and I’m keeping it. I know she made mistakes, but she’s trying to set things right. And if you don’t listen to her—to me—to us…then someone is going to end up hurt. I can feel it.”
Why in God’s name do I always have to go for thepsychotic ones? he silently cursed, running one hand through his hair so hard that his scalp stung. Must be inmy goddamn genes.
That was one of the reasons he’d kept things going with Kendra—the simple fact that she was so different from the women he usually hooked up with. The hard-nosed CPA didn’t take to bullshit any more than Ian did, and they both got what they wanted from each other, even if their encounters left him with that gnawing edge in his gut. Left him cold inside. Left him… wanting.
It sucked, sure—but he’d learned to live with it.
“Like I said before, my mother died five months ago. Now get off my property. This is private land and you’re trespassing.”
He watched her mouth firm. Then those delicate, narrow shoulders pulled back, determination showing in every rigid line of her soft, womanly body. “No.”
Ian laid down his hammer and rose to his full height, expecting her to turn and hightail it away. At six-four, he was tall and broad, with enough muscles to make most people back down when he wanted them to. Wearing his meanest scowl, he held her stare, the look in his eyes purposefully hostile and fury-darkened. When he finally spoke, his words came in a low, silken rasp that he expected to buy results. Immediate ones.
“What do you mean, no?”

WHAT DID SHE MEAN? She had no idea.
You are insane, Molly. Freaking certifiable.
How did you explain death and ghosts and pure, bone-chilling evil?
How did you explain the existence of hell on earth…or the fact that monsters really did hide in the shadows?
That something was watching you over your shoulder?
That we, humanity, were no longer alone?
How did you explain to someone that their entire world was about to change, never to be the same again?
Molly didn’t know—didn’t have the answers. She was only the bearer of bad news, not its source, and she thought of the old saying: Don’t shoot the messenger.
Somehow, she didn’t think Ian Buchanan was going to be so understanding. Her mind felt dazed, and she knew why. It was pathetic, but the man’s physical presence had short-circuited her mental faculties. He was…she faltered for a word that would do all that beautiful, hard-edged male power and arrogance justice, but failed. Elaina had warned her that he’d be distrustful, but she hadn’t mentioned how bitter he’d become. Or how gorgeous. Despite his crass rudeness, the man was a walking, talking poster boy for every woman’s hidden bad-boy fantasy.
Beautiful and dark and delicious, he was everything Molly had always thought a man should be, but had never encountered. Hard, rugged lines. Ink-black hair, thick and healthy and windblown. And those eyes, the deep fathomless color of a clear blue sea. They were so much more than attractive. They held a fire. A dark, dangerous intensity that made her insides tremble. Made her breath catch. Made the air around her feel alive, as if it were crackling with electricity.
Not good, Molly. Stay focused.
“I can’t give you any proof, Ian,” she said, and there was no missing the hard edge of desperation in her words. “But if you don’t listen to me, if you won’t work with me, someone is going to die. Someone you care about.”
“I don’t know what you’re trying to pull, but it isn’t going to work, because anyone who knows me can tell you that I don’t give a shit about anybody but myself.”
“I don’t believe you,” she argued. “Not after the things that Elaina has told me about you.”
He smiled coldly, clearly disbelieving every word she’d said. “You wanna lead some guy on a wild-goose chase, try some other sucker, but leave me out of it. In fact, why don’t you give the local sheriff a call? I can guarantee he’ll get a kick outta you, sweetheart. You’re just Saint Riley’s type. He’ll be more than happy to help you try and save the world.”
“Dammit, this isn’t—”
She’d reached out to grab his arm as he moved past her, recognizing it as a mistake the second he looked down, the deep, raging blue of his gaze driving straight into her, all hostile and violent and strangely arousing.
The words tumbled past her lips without any direction from her brain. “She said that when the darkness calls—”
He tensed so quickly that her voice faltered, and she knew she’d struck a nerve. There was no give in the burning, powerful muscles beneath her hand—the bulging bicep rigid with fury…and something that she couldn’t put a name to. Taking a deep breath, Molly repeated the words Elaina had told her to say. “When the darkness calls, your mother said that you’ll know. That you’ll find—”
“No.” His lips barely moved as he ground out the word. “No fucking way.”
Trying not to get lost in those feverishly blue eyes, Molly stared up at him, imploring him to believe her. “She wants me to explain, Ian. Explain the things that she should have told you before. Warnings that she should have given you before you left home. Please, just listen to me!”
“You can find your own way back down the mountain,” he growled, yanking his arm from her hold with ridiculous ease. “Just stay the hell away from me.”
A moment later, he was slamming the door to his truck while he cranked the engine, leaving her standing in the cloud of dust kicked up by his tires.
When he cast one last look in his rearview mirror, she was still standing in the same spot, alone…watching him run from something that Molly knew he had no chance of evading.
It was one of the elemental truths of the universe. Night would always follow day. Summer would always follow spring. Death would always follow life. And try as you might, you could never outrun something that was already a part of you. She’d learned that lesson the hard way—and still carried the guilt to prove it.
Whether he believed her or not…listened to her or not…gave in or forever told her to go to hell, Molly knew one thing with absolute, undying certainty:
Ian Buchanan’s past had finally caught up with him.
The Midnight Hour

KENDRA WILCOX’S MOTHER had always warned her about picking up strange men. Especially beautiful ones. Ones who were too good to be true. But the stranger she’d met back at the bar was her best chance at getting over Ian Buchanan once and for all. No way in hell was she going to turn him down.
She’d waited for hours, but Ian hadn’t shown for their weekly Friday night bump and grind. Now she was pissed enough to do something reckless. Not that she cared about Ian Buchanan, she silently vowed, knowing very well it was a lie. Damn pain in the ass had wormed his way under her defenses, and she knew she was going to end up hurt. Hell, she was hurting already.
She needed this. Needed tonight. Needed to bang him out of her system, which was why she was now speeding down the road with the windows down, the midnight wind whipping through her hair…in another man’s ride.
Mr. Tall Blond and Deadly Handsome was going to be the perfect medicine for what ailed her. And if Ian found out about it later, all the better. His outrageous ego could use a good dent or two.
Kendra turned her head and smiled at the stranger beside her, remembering how he’d asked her, back at the bar, if she liked to be taken in the moonlight, under the skies, where she could scream as loud as she liked when she came—and he’d promised she’d come, harder and heavier than she ever had before. Thinking it would serve Ian right if she found someone new to scratch her sexual itches, she only hoped he proved to be as good as he claimed.
They pulled into a grassy meadow a few miles outside of town, and he came around to her door, taking her hand to lead her out into the verdant open field. She felt wild and reckless, like the night, the shots of tequila she’d downed with him before leaving the bar making her head feel fuzzy. Her mouth was dry.
The tall, blond Adonis smiled down at her, his ice-blue eyes shining bright and deliciously wicked in the silvery rays of moonlight bathing their bodies. Her head filled with the fertile scents of the forest, the damp ground beneath her feet, and his masculine warmth. He was so hot, he felt as if he had a fever, the skin of his palms burning as he curved them over her shoulders.
“Do you like it hard, Kendra?”
“Oh, yeah,” she slurred, pushing out her chest so that he could see her braless nipples pressed clearly against the thin cotton of her tank top. “The harder, the better.”
A low laugh rumbled up from his chest. He grabbed the thin cotton, ripping her shirt in half, making her gasp, then bent forward and captured one naked nipple in the dark, electric heat of his mouth. Between her legs, she grew warm and wet and swollen. Oh, yeah, this beauty was going to be sweet payback against Buchanan. She hoped he told everyone in Henning about tonight. Hoped Ian would hear all about how wildly she’d ridden this gorgeous stranger beneath the hazy light of the moon.
His teeth grazed her flesh, making her shiver and she started to call out his name…only to draw a blank.
Holy shit! She couldn’t remember it! The thought struck Kendra as hilariously funny and she gave an uncharacteristic giggle, making him grin against the underside of her breast. Oh…wouldn’t her mother love to know that a man she couldn’t even name was pressing his mouth against her naked skin, kissing his way up to the hollow of her throat.
“Tell me how bad you want it,” he whispered, nipping at her shoulder in a way that had her blood surging.
She grabbed at his denim-covered cock, and he laughed softly under his breath.
“Beg me, honey. I love to hear a woman begging for it.” His breath washed over her throat as he rasped the words against her sensitive flesh, his hands sliding across her ass, fingers kneading her through the denim of her jeans. “Beg me to make you scream.”
“Please,” she gasped, tilting her head to give him better access, ignoring the sudden warning note in her head that signaled something wasn’t…quite right.
Just go with it, Kendra. He can make you forget.Forget…everything. Forget…Ian.
Almost as if the stranger had read her mind, he pressed his forehead to hers, whispering, “Don’t worry, Kendra. After I’m done with you tonight, there won’t be anything left for Buchanan.”
She pulled back to look up at him, and her breath caught. Something about his face seemed…she didn’t know. Different somehow. She blinked her heavy lids, trying to bring him back into focus through her blurry vision, but her eyes refused to cooperate. Then one hand lifted, cupping her cheek, his thumb stroking gently…so gently against the corner of her mouth. In the moment, she forgot everything but his touch. It was reverent. Like a lover’s—and she realized that in all the time she’d known him, Ian had never touched her like this. Like she was special to him. Her lower lip trembled. She sighed, floating, somehow lost in the searing heat of this stranger’s gaze.
Then he smiled.
The curve of his lips was so beautiful, it took her tequila-soaked mind a moment to realize what he’d just said.
Buchanan! What the…? How did this man—this newcomer to the mountains—know about her and Ian?
“Shh…” he whispered, pressing his hand over her mouth. “No more time for questions.”
He gave a low, rough laugh, and Kendra watched in shock as his face seemed to rearrange itself within his skin. She heard something pop, then crack, followed by the chilling sound of bone snapping into place.
Panicking, she turned to run but stumbled. He had her down before she’d gone more than a few yards, his muscled weight crushing her into the damp ground.
“That’s my girl,” he murmured, flipping her to her back and pinning her arms above her head with an effortless strength that awed as much as it terrified. She watched through wide, burning eyes as his intent spread across the distorted features of his face like a stain, and a choked sound broke from her throat. A dry cry lost somewhere between a sob and a whimper. “No more time to play, Kendra,” he whispered. “Only time enough to die.”
And he wasn’t lying.
Everything that happened after that came to her in nothing but broken fragments—consciousness shattered by terror and disbelief and indescribable pain. She wanted to cry, but her mind was too numb. She wanted to fight back, but her body lay there upon the blood-soaked ground, too broken and weak.
She wanted to tear the son of a bitch to pieces, the same way he was tearing her apart—but in that, she failed, as well.
He’d cut her; deep slices in her stomach…her chest? She couldn’t tell; she hurt everywhere. Even deep inside, where he’d ripped her open with the vicious pounding of his body into hers. Everything faded—the sapphire stars in the sky, the chirping of the grasshoppers, the rich pine scent of the towering trees—until there was nothing. Nothing but the great rolling waves of pain that made everything black and ugly and raw.
She thought of Ian, and realized how stupid she’d been.
But her last thought, as his teeth sank into her throat, was that mother had been right after all.
And wasn’t life such a bitch of a waste.
Then Kendra Wilcox thought no more.
Saturday Morning, 3 a.m.

IAN WAS DREAMING OF HOME. Dreaming of the Deep South in the late fall, when he was young. It was the same strange dream he’d been having since he’d run away at sixteen. He sat huddled around a crackling fireplace with his small family. Dinner simmered on the stove, filling the weathered house with the rich scent of beans and corn bread, while young Riley sprawled on the threadbare rug and little Saige cuddled on his mother’s lap, begging for another story about their ancestors.
“Many years ago,” his mother murmured, “before this country was even discovered, our ancestors walked the earth, but they weren’t like us—”
“They were Merricks, weren’t they?” Saige interrupted, all but bouncing with excitement.
“Yes, sweetheart,” his mother answered with a smile, “they most certainly were.”
“And they kicked butt, didn’t they?” his brother added, grinning a little.
His mother winked at Riley. “That they did.”
“Until the Casus massacred them,” Ian inserted drily, sitting on the floor by the fire. He wrapped his thin arms around his scuffed knees; his lip curled in a snide expression his mother had always said was too scornful to belong to a twelve-year-old.
“That’s not true!” Saige protested, sticking her tongue out at him.
“Oh, yeah? Why do you think they’re all dead?”
“But they’re not all dead,” his mother said softly, and all three heads turned sharply toward her, big eyes curious and uncertain. This was a strange twist, for the stories had never taken this direction before. Not once, in all the countless tellings.
“What do you mean they’re not dead?” he asked quietly, though his words sounded belligerent and hard against the heavy silence of the house. He fought the urge to flinch as a log cracked sharply in the fireplace, the wet wood popping, then splitting.
Their mother’s slim brows arched high on the worry-wrinkled span of her brow. “Did I ever say they were dead?”
“If they’re not dead—” his eyes narrowed in suspicion “—then where are they?”
“Right under your nose,” she explained with a small smile that made him feel a little sick inside. She held his stare, the corners of her mouth curving just the tiniest bit—a strange glow warming the deep, dark blue of her eyes. “And one day, when the darkness calls to you,” she whispered, her voice so low he could barely hear the words, “when you can feel it in your bones, feel it roaring through your veins, in the beat of your heart—when your dreams are no longer your own, Ian—you’re going to meet him.”

Trapped within the oppressive layers of sleep, Ian stared at his smiling mother until his vision became cloudy, the silhouette of her body hazy against the thickening darkness. He knew what would happen next—but he couldn’t stop the recurring dream from bleeding into a nightmare. His throat hurt as the beginning vibrations of a feral growl shivered in his chest, his body aching as every muscle went rigid with a painful, gripping tension.
He tossed beneath his sweat-soaked covers, struggling to throw off the thick curtain of sleep, but he couldn’t shake it, as if the dream had lain itself out over his body in a wash of warm, wet cement, binding him in place as it hardened. His teeth gnashed, grinding and angry, but the dream kept going, like a film clip set on continuous replay.
The dream was changing…sucking him deeper… pulling him into darker, treacherous waters, where danger lurked in the thick, murky depths beneath his feet. Gone was his childhood home, his mother, his freckle-faced sister, Saige, and scrawny, pain-in-the-ass little brother, Riley. Now the ripe scent of the forest filled his head, humid night crowding around him like a falling sky, smothering and dark and too close for comfort. The heavy weight of midnight black surrounded him while the tension in his gut wound tighter, knotting and coiling…and then he saw it. The small, flickering glow of a campfire in the distance, its shivering light just visible through the stygian darkness. The wind surged, bringing with it the rich, provocative scent of sex, while a deep, rhythmic pulse of music suddenly began to fill the unnatural quiet of the woods.

He stood silent and still, aware of the slow, heavy thudding of his heart, of the intense surge of blood swirling through his rigid body. His hands flexed at his sides, the tips of his fingers burning with sharp, piercing sensations, while the thick wave of hunger rolling through him settled heavily in his cock. He breathed in, and broke open in some weird metaphysical way, aware of something unfurling from deep within him, stretching to existence within his fevered skin. Something that felt at home there in the clinging web of darkness. His senses sharpened, acute and predatory, while his body swelled, growing stronger, the muscles buried beneath his burning skin bulging with a primitive, animal craving that demanded freedom.
That wanted to answer the provocative call of the darkness.
Suddenly he was aware of the warm wind against his now-naked flesh. Of the damp air in his lungs, the fertile ground beneath his feet, too many smells assailing him with a chaotic swarm of information. The details consumed him, crowding his mind, battling for supremacy, until one need conquered, dominating all others.
The urge to hunt.
Lifting his nose to the wind, he searched for the thing he craved, just so that he could chase it and take it down. His nostrils flared and he sniffed, sorting through the sensitive data intake rushing into his head, and then he found it.
Yes, the creature within him hissed with thick satisfaction. Right there.
The change was almost complete. Some inherent part of him struggled against it, but the hunger was too strong. He exploded into action and felt himself running, charging, lungs heaving, thighs and calves working with preternatural force as he raced through the thick tangle of foliage and trees, their leaves and branches whipping against his face and arms and legs, leaving bloody scratches on his skin…and he knew what would happen next.
He’d been having this nightmare for weeks now. And each time it ripped something inside of him open a little more. Cut him just that little bit deeper.
No! Ian roared from the darkest depths of his unconscious psyche, while the dream kept going, each moment pissing him off more than the last. Goddamn it!No! Wake up, you idiot! Wake up!
But he couldn’t shake it. No, something dark and hungry in his gut wanted this too much—needed it—and an ugly, twisted feeling cut through him. Shame. Bitter and foul and consuming. But the craving was too huge to ignore—to overcome.
He needed what was out there.
Ian thrashed in the tangle of his damp sheets, drenched and aching as he struggled to throw off the infuriating bonds of the nightmare. But its claws were sunk too deeply into his flesh, trapping him in place. It was the same as it had been in all the other dreams. He saw himself breaking through the edge of the forest, rushing into the middle of a gypsy campfire. He saw the rapid, sensual swirl of the dancers as they spun around the rioting flames, the rich colors of their skirts flapping rapidly in the breeze, long hair flowing behind them in a wild explosion of curls. Along the shadowy edges of the campsite, couples writhed in ecstasy, the ripe, musky scent of sex filling the air while the pulsing music grew louder. Around the fire, the dancers moved with increasing urgency, clapping and stamping their feet, singing and laughing in their decadent revelry.
And a low, eerie chant began to hum beneath the music. Something thick and husky that sounded like Merrick…Merrick…Merrick.
They knew he was there. Dark sloe eyes caressed him, ruby-red lips curling in feline smiles of invitation he couldn’t deny. He reached for the one who first dared to dance too close to him, taking her down to the ground right there, aware of the sizzling, searing looks as the others watched.
Clothes were shredded in seconds. Then he took her the same way he did in each dream, spreading her long legs, thrusting into the slippery entrance nestled there within her crimson folds, the ebony curls above glistening with her juices, and he hammered her into the hard, damp floor of the forest.
Ian fisted his hands in his sheets until the fabric ripped, his body taut upon the mattress, his weight resting solely on his head and heels—and in the dream, his hands clawed at the rich soil, eyes narrowed and hot as he ground himself into the panting, dark-eyed girl. He slammed into her harder, with a viciousness that shocked him, but he couldn’t get deep enough, as if he were trying to reach something that she couldn’t give him. The need raged through him, savage growls crawling from his throat, like something wild and predaceous, but she wasn’t afraid of him. Sharp nails clawed his flesh, her voluptuous body arching and writhing beneath him, low, moaning pleas for more flowing from her lips while the others cheered them on. The music grew louder…swelling with each pulsing beat, until his head roared with it.
He thrust himself into her giving flesh, searching… aware of the pain his size brought her, but he couldn’t find what he needed. He snarled, throwing back his head, an animal roar ripping from his chest, the desperate sound slicing through the music and raucous laughter. His eyes screwed tight, the tendons in his neck bulging while his temples throbbed. His heart thundered, threatening to explode…building and building and building. And then he felt it.
Something…different. Something that had never happened before within the terrifying landscape of his nightmares.
It was the small, shy touch of a hand against his chest, pressed right over the painful thudding of his heart. Ian froze on a hard downstroke, sublimely aware of the delicious change in the body beneath his own, his rigid cock buried thick and deep within an impossibly snug, cushiony feminine channel that gripped him so tight it actually hurt.
He swallowed, his eyes burning from the sting of sweat as he lowered his head and stared down at the woman now lying beneath him. The gypsy was gone, and in her place was a shy, petite honey-blond gazing up at him with big brown eyes.
Oh, hell. It was her. Molly. Something in Ian’s chest snapped, making him jerk on top of her. He didn’t dare breathe or blink or speak, terrified of breaking the spell and losing her. He couldn’t let that happen. No, suddenly the most important thing in his world was holding on to the dream with everything that he had.

Holding on to the woman.
With the sound of his blood roaring in his ears, Ian shifted, grinding against her, making sure she had every inch of him buried inside of her, the base of his shaft rubbing against the pulsing heat of her clit. Her eyes went wide, full of shock and surprise and the hazy kind of pain that could only be seen in a woman’s gaze when she was being thoroughly taken. A strange, voluptuous kind of pain sharpened by the biting edge of pleasure. Her lips parted, and he read the word that slipped silently from her mouth.
She knew. Knew who he was. Knew he was the one penetrating her, staking her to the ground.
He wanted to smile at her, wanted to run his dirt-covered hands over her face, along the trembling pulse at the base of her throat and tell her it was okay, that he wouldn’t harm her, but he couldn’t say the words. His blood was raging, his body hot, streaming with sweat, and he knew his eyes looked wild. Savage. The intensity riding him was too violent to disguise—too ripped open and raw, stripping away whatever thin veneer of civilization he normally managed to pull around himself.
She stared up at him, panting and soft and rosy, pale skin gleaming and flushed. He knew, without any doubt, that she was as innocent as she looked. Not virgin, but…close. Whatever experience she’d had with men was limited, brief, fleeting.
That was about to change.
Watching her closely, he pulled back, then sank back in. He could have come just from thrusting into her— but no way in hell was he going to let it happen. He had to savor it…savor her. Make it last and wring from her everything she could give. Had to demand it, make her crazy. He wanted her screaming and clawing and crying with pleasure by the time he was finished with her. Wanted to break her apart, scattering the pieces until she had to have him put her back together again.
Shifting to his knees, Ian pushed up on his hands, muscles bulging and hard in his arms, and stared down at the tender place where his body joined hers.
“Watch me,” he growled.
She shivered and lowered her gaze, her shock at seeing his possession unmistakable in the thick look of lust that clouded her warm brown eyes. It rushed through him, the destructive power of that look, trashing his control, tearing some kind of violent, primitive sound from his throat. She was tight and he was big, too big to just slide in, no matter how slick she was. He had to put his strength behind it and drive at her, slamming her into the ground, the keening sound of her pleasure making him see red.
With a hoarse groan, Ian lowered himself over her, needing the tight tips of her velvety nipples against his skin, needing to cover her, to own her…and he suddenly realized that they were alone in the forest. The music was gone, the gypsies, the wild celebration—the churning noise replaced by her husky cries and the wet, slapping sounds of his body thrusting into hers. He drove her across the ground with his hips, taking and claiming and letting loose every hard, tight emotion that he’d always kept locked up, hidden away—and then she undid him.

He watched, dazed, as the damp, silken beauty of her mouth curled, lips lifting to form an incandescent smile that lit her up, made her glow, and something powerful and terrifying ripped through him. His control snapped, and he went over the edge, digging one hand around her thigh, lifting her leg up high as he shoved deep…then deeper still, his other hand fisting in her hair, pulling her head to the side. She sobbed, a sound more pleasure and anticipation than pain, and he lost it. His gums burned as he felt the terrifying length of his fangs slip free.
She cried out, stiffening beneath him, but he couldn’t stop. He buried his face in the crook of her neck, breathed a damp patch of lust against her throat, and greedily sank his teeth into her. Molly screamed, jerking beneath him, and he bit deeper, the ecstasy and bliss instantaneous, hot and thick and sinful.
The warm, rich spill of her blood filled his mouth in a smooth rush, flowing down his throat, and he swallowed hungrily, growling as he pulled against the wound in her neck, dizzy with pleasure at the lusty taste of her. More. He needed more. Working his jaws, he pulled tighter against her, feeding from the small punctures, every inch of his body aware of her flying apart around him in a shattering climax that squeezed his shaft like a clenching, silken fist.
With a snarling cry, he ripped his fangs from her, drugged by her taste, by the evocative sight of her crimson blood dripping down the pale skin of her throat. She gasped breathlessly as he leaned down, dragging his tongue over her flesh, taking the meandering trails of blood for his own, trapping them in his mouth. He lifted his head, staring into her dazed eyes, and for the first time in his life he was completely focused on every mind-shattering detail of the woman beneath him. The rapid quivering of her heart against his. The panting of her sweet breath and the delicate shiver of her hands across his back. She was too small for him. But it was too good, the feeling one he wanted over and over and over.
He was painfully aware that nothing had ever felt so perfect…so right. That no one had ever felt like this. Like his.
Ian shuddered from the dangerous, unsettling thought, already closing himself off even as she blinked up at him, dewy cheeks flushed and so beautiful that it took his breath away. He watched in horror as those bee-stung lips curled up the slightest fraction, her eyes shining as she gifted him with another sweet, shy smile—even after he’d fed from her like a bloody monster—and fear, sick and meaty and rank, sliced through him.
Danger! Red alert! Get the hell out of here, youdumb-ass son of a bitch!
Her mouth opened, small hands clutching at him, and he thought he heard her scream his name in panic as she lost her hold—but in the next instant, he jerked awake, his body drenched in sweat, heart hammering like a staccato drum in his chest, painful and piercingly sharp.
Rolling to his side on the damp sheets of his wrecked bed, he felt his lips pull back over his teeth as he fought to get control of his ragged breathing, to find a slower intake of air that didn’t make his lungs burn, his vision swim. Squinting through his narrowed eyes, he focused on the digital glow of the clock sitting on his dresser, the blinking of the numbers making him think of a bomb slowly ticking its way to detonation.
When the darkness calls, Ian…
Like hell! He had enough to deal with right now! He didn’t need his mother’s words whispering through his brain. Not when he was on the edge and a breath away from losing what little control he could claw on to.
He drew in a deep, desperate breath through his nose, eager for the scent of something clean and fresh, something that could pull him out of the ugliness in his head. But the smell of the room reminded him too much of the acrid taste of fear. And there was no denying that he was afraid—that terror beat through his body like a deafening, rolling wave of thunder.
Visions of blood and lust, of violent sex and ungodly, animalistic hunger, still burned through his mind, but he fought against the waves of memory, focusing on regaining control, slowing his heart…his breathing. Struggling to keep from coming all over his sheets like some green-eared teenage boy in the throes of a wet dream.
Goddamn it! It was her! She’d planted this in his head with her little mind games today. And he refused to think about how he’d felt with her—in her. No way. That was emotional no-man’s-land.
Seconds ticked by that flowed slowly into minutes, while he lay there, struggling for control of his body—fighting the urge to replay the dream in his head, knowing it would destroy him. Send him out on a shaky, treacherous ledge that only she could rescue him from. He sucked in air through his gritted teeth, heavy and hard, welcoming the dull throb beginning to pound through his head, until he suddenly became aware of someone knocking on his door. Loud and rattling, it shook the thin wood within its weathered frame like a lone reed caught in a gale-force wind.
Rolling onto his back, Ian took quick stock of his condition. He was drenched in sweat, his body hot, muscles aching, and a wry look downward showed he was in some deep shit, and it was getting deeper by the minute.
The knocking rattled his door again, sharp and insistent. He threw his legs over the side of his bed, running one shaky hand through his damp hair, trying to throw off the jittery feeling the dream had left in his gut. It was probably Riley, asking for help. Again. Why his brother thought he would want to run off and play Galahad with him, he had no idea. Probably Riley’s attempt to keep an eye on him, making sure he still walked the straight and narrow.
Huh. As if he wanted to go back to the way he’d been before coming to the mountains. Thanks, but no thanks. He was done with living on the edge. Done watching his back 24-7. The constant strain of fighting his way through each day had worn him down and he had no desire to ever return.
Grabbing his jeans from the floor, Ian navigated through the dark rooms of his apartment, hoping it wasn’t his brother…or Kendra. He’d left her a message earlier, just wanting to check on her, after the whacked-out stuff Molly Stratton had said that afternoon.
“Jesus, give me a goddamn minute!” he called out when the knocking grew louder, impatient and strong. Hitching his jeans up over his hips, he closed a few but tons as he reached for the door, pulling it open.
And there she was. Little Miss Molly.
Holy shit. What had been a serious hard-on turned into a burning lead pipe in his jeans, curving high to his left, so that the partly closed denim only just managed to keep him from flashing her his goods.
She still wore her jeans, but the white shirt had been replaced with a soft sage-colored T-shirt. Her braless nipples pressed against the thin cotton, thick and tempting, like hard little berries that he wanted to roll around on his tongue. Ian stared, unable to believe his eyes, wondering for a moment if he was still somehow trapped within the dream.
The silence stretched out, punctuated only by their soughing breaths, until he finally took a step forward. His brain justified moving closer to her as an intimidation tactic, but his cock knew better. He just wanted to be near her. Wanted to watch the soft flush bloom across her fair complexion. Wanted that warm honey scent of her skin in his head. She blinked up at him, pulling that full lower lip through her small white teeth, and his patience snapped. “How the hell did you find me?”
“I asked around.” He struggled to focus on her words and not the husky sound of her voice that seemed to roll down his spine, or the sleep-rumpled look on her freshly washed face—but it was impossible. “A teenager down at the gas station told me you were staying here while you finish your house.”
He ripped his gaze away from the curve of her mouth to glare into those big brown eyes, hazy and soft beneath the glowing moonlight. “Parker needs to learn to keep his mouth shut,” he muttered in a quiet rasp.
Her mouth twisted. “I think he thought I was in trouble, so please don’t be angry with him.”
His eyes narrowed. “Why?”
She blinked, startled by his tone. “What?”
“Why did he think you were in trouble?”
“Oh.” Her gaze slid away from his, focusing on his chest, which was bare. He watched, seeing the moment when she realized where she was staring…and the heat crept back up across that flawless skin. But she didn’t look away, and the heat spread into her eyes, the smoldering burn there slamming down into his already aching erection, making him wince. He wanted to rearrange himself, but didn’t want to draw that luminous gaze any lower. That’d be too much.
“Molly!” he snapped, the harshness of his tone making her jump. He snagged that startled gaze as it flew up and growled, “Why did Parker think you were in trouble?”
“Oh, sorry,” she mumbled. This time she didn’t look away from his face, keeping her eyes above his broad shoulders, and he almost grinned. “I was…um, upset, when I talked to him a little while ago. But I’m okay now.”
“Upset how?” he demanded, grabbing her chin. He tilted her face into the soft stream of light barely reaching them from the streetlight down on the corner, and could see the sticky trail of tears that had dried on her skin. “You were crying,” he said in an odd monotone. “Did someone hurt you?”
“No,” she whispered, shaking her head, the soft, silken ends of her hair brushing against his wrist. “I was just…emotional. But I’m not hurt.”
He curved his hand around the back of her skull, and made a fist in her hair, pulling her head back so that he could stare down into those deep brown eyes. Her hair was soft, so damn soft. He just wanted to rub his face in it. Feel it on his skin, on his body. Wanted it wrapped around his fist as he made her do things good girls like her never did; which was why he always steered clear of them. He’d realized long ago that he couldn’t do the pretty when it came to sex. His urges ran too dark, too raw, too primitive for the likes of soft women. Hell, just look at the sick stuff he’d been fantasizing about in his sleep!
She claimed she wasn’t hurt, but he refused to think about how he’d been…hurting her in his dream. Fucking her to within an inch of her life on the hard forest floor, sinking his goddamn teeth into the fragile column of her throat.
Drinking her blood.
Hunger clawed at his insides with vicious insistence while he slowly looked her over, feature by feature, and he knew the time for retreat when it came. “If nothing’s wrong, then why the hell are you here?” he grated.
She trembled, and he didn’t know if it was from his look or the harsh sound of his voice. “I’m sorry for barging in on you, but I wanted to…to check on you. I was…worried.”
She’d been worried about him? Something scary and soft shivered through his insides at her strange words, and he let go of her, refusing to acknowledge the pleasure he got out of just touching her, feeling her warm curls sift through his fingers as he pulled away. “Why would you be worried about me?”
She rolled her lips inward, brown gaze zinging from his face, to the hard bulge of his biceps, and back to his chest again, the smooth curve of her cheeks turning red. Her arms wrapped around her middle, as though she was holding herself together. “Because I felt it.”
Leaning against the doorjamb, Ian crossed his own arms and glared at her. “Felt what?”
Her lids lowered, shielding her gaze from him. “Your dream,” she said thickly.
Something inside his gut clenched so hard, he felt the tremor slam through his body like a physical blow. “What the hell are you talking about?”
Her gaze flicked up to his. “You…you did something to me.”
Shock gripped him and he uncrossed his arms, his hands fisting at his sides. For a long, tense moment, he stared her down. The energy in him was pumping, making him feel wired, on edge, crawling up his spine, curling around the backs of his ears. He tried to keep it together, but hell, he was creeping himself out. No wonder she was looking at him as if he was some sort of monster from the deep, dark lagoon.
Hell, for all he knew, he was.
Ian worked his jaw, aware that he had to scrape the words out of his throat. “What did you say?”
“You did something to me. In…the dream.” She wet her lips, her blush visible even in the hazy moonlight coming from above, shining around the pale wash of her hair like a halo, making her glow. She looked…soft, like something warm and sweet that you just wanted to wrap yourself around; that you wanted to feel melt over you like a warm summer rain. A sweet piece of candy that you left on your tongue to savor, to enjoy as its flavor trickled down your throat. All sunshine and smiles. Things he didn’t want—things he sure as hell didn’t deserve.
She looked ethereal, surreal…something too good for him to touch, even if she was out of her goddamn mind.
Yeah, and you’re so together, Buchanan. A rock. Justa grounded kind of guy.
He ignored the sarcastic asshole living in his head, and tried to get his mind around what she was saying. Another scam? That had to be it. She was messing with his mind, though God only knew why. What could she want from him? He had nothing to give. Nothing but a screwed-up past and a questionable future. If it was a con, he couldn’t imagine what she hoped to get from it.
As if reading his thoughts, she whispered, “I’m not making this up. And this time, I can prove it to you, Ian.”
He knew he was trying to intimidate her, knew it made him an ass, but he did it anyway. “And what was I doing in your dream, baby? Did I have you tied to my bed, making you beg for it?” He gave a gruff laugh, lifting his brows. “Come on, Molly. Tell me. If anything else, this should prove to be some pretty entertaining bullshit.”
Her mouth trembled, cheeks fiery and warm, eyes glassy and wild with a sheen of moisture, but he knew she wasn’t going to cry. No, she was…turned on, he thought with a sharp, cracking jolt of realization that slammed through him. His words had aroused her as much as they had him.

He watched her head shake from side to side, heard a low, trembling “no” whisper past her pink mouth. His eyes narrowed as he studied her, and it hit him that she looked like a woman who’d just rolled out of bed with a lover. Something aggressive and violent twisted in his stomach. Had she gone out and found some jerk-off to nail tonight, while he’d been alone in his bed, dreaming about her?
“It didn’t happen like that.” Her words came in a rush, and she slumped against the door frame, her body melting against the weathered wood as if she needed it to keep her upright. But her eyes changed, filling with an inner strength that aroused him even more than her shivering innocence, if that was possible.
He wanted to demand who she’d been with but heard himself say, “Yeah? Then just what did I do to you in this dream, Miss Stratton?” He wanted to shake her up, throw her off balance, the same way she’d done to him. “There’s no way in hell I’d get you beneath me and not fuck you. Not-a-chance-in-hell,” he ground out.
“You did,” she breathed softly, the wild look taking her eyes again. “You…we had sex,” she said in a whispery little rush. “But…”
“Yeah? Spit it out, honey.” He grinned and gave her a crude look, letting his inner asshole free. “I’m dying of curiosity here.”
She trembled, hugging herself tighter, her mouth quivering, eyes bright and wide as she stared up at him. She blinked. Then swallowed. “You bit me, Ian.”
He froze, locked into place, while the floor fell out from beneath him. “What did you just say?”
She swallowed again, trembling like a leaf, lifting one hand to press her fingers against the left side of her neck, beneath the fall of her hair. “You bit me…and I can…I can still feel the marks.”
Ian watched, trapped within a thick, oppressive daze, as she slowly pulled her hand away, turning her fingers for him to see. And there, glistening on Molly Stratton’s pale little fingertips was a dark, crimson smear of blood.
MOLLY’S HEART POUNDED to a painful beat as she watched Ian come closer, the movement of his body predatory and primal, like an animal’s. He moved in a way that was too natural for a human male, too elemental, all that power and shocking intensity pulsing from him in slow, heated waves that made her want to shiver and melt all at once. She saw his muscles shift beneath the burnished silk of his skin, almost too gracefully for such a big man, as if strength came to him too easily, without effort and dangerously smooth. It reminded her of the way he’d moved over her in the dream.
He reached toward her with one large hand, the callused tips of his fingers scraping her skin, and moved the fall of her hair back from the side of her throat. The second he found the bite marks he’d made, his eyes flared into a hot, wicked blue, then narrowed, staring…unblinking. His breath surged between his slightly parted lips with a rough, uneven cadence.
She wet her bottom lip with the tip of her tongue, a wave of chill bumps spreading over the sensitized surface of her body, while inside, chaos reigned. Her heart fluttered wildly like a trapped bird that might burst from her chest with her next breath, the sound of her pulse roaring in her ears like the midnight break of surf against craggy, weatherworn cliffs. The subconscious landscape of her emotions was a dark, gothic setting, complete with smoke-gray skies and thunderous cracks of lightning rumbling like ominous bellows in the distance.
All you need is Shelley’s Frankenstein lurking in theshadows to make you feel right at home.
She shook off the whimsical thought, wishing he’d just say something.
“Unbelievable,” he finally breathed out in a low, stifled rasp. Molly watched the word as it formed on his lips, mesmerized by the shape of his mouth, the texture and hue, something inside of her coming a little undone by the salty, sweet scent of his breath. It sat on her palate like the promise of something forbidden and sweet, like a sin. Pure, perfect temptation. His fingers slid farther beneath her hair, curving around the back of her head, and she stole another quick look up at his eyes to find him watching her, his stare as hot as it was intensely blue.
Oh, God, she silently moaned, while her voice remained frozen, locked inside the prison of her throat.
His gaze moved over her face as if she was something he’d never seen before. Like Adam discovering Eve, he stared at her as though she were some foreign creature. A revelation. A curse. Something he should fear. Something that could destroy him.
“What do you want from me?” he ground out through teeth that were clenched in confusion and some indefinable emotion, his fingers tightening the slightest fraction in her hair. “How the fuck did this happen?”
“I…I don’t know.” Scraping the confession out of a dry throat, Molly became aware of tiny pinpricks of sensation swirling through her system. She could feel its rush through her blood, behind her eyes, pulsing like tender heat in her lobes, against the backs of her knees. Desire, unfathomable and unwanted, and completely inexplicable, considering the circumstances. But there all the same. She couldn’t deny, or ignore, its existence, no matter how badly she wanted to. She felt betrayed by the sheer depth of her reaction, as if lust had mounted a revolt against her common sense.
The sultry summer breeze blew harder, and his scent surrounded her, engulfed her, making her dizzy… making her want. His hand shifted again, slipping lower, curving around the back of her neck, and his skin was too hot, burning her flesh. So alive and warm and impossibly male. She blinked, and suddenly his body was even closer. So close now that his forehead nearly touched hers, their breath soughing together in a hectic, frenzied rush. “No more games. I want an answer, and I want it now. How did this happen?”
“I…I have no idea.” She could tell from his grim expression that he didn’t believe her, and the words rushed up from inside of her like a gasping, swelling burst of frustration and fear. “I swear, Ian. I have no idea how it happened. That’s why I came here. I was worried. I needed to see that you were okay.”
“To see that I’m okay?” he growled, lashes so long and thick they cast shadows against his skin. “Christ, woman. I’m not the one who almost had their fucking throat ripped out.”
A police car came roaring around the corner in the next instant, siren blaring as it sped past the weathered apartment building and into the night. They both jumped, flinching from the jarring screech of the siren’s wail.
Pulling away from her, Ian pushed one rugged hand back through his damp hair, the muscles in his arm and chest coiling and flexing with the action, drawing her eye. “I need a cigarette,” he muttered, turning and disappearing into the darkness behind him. He didn’t slam the door in her face, so Molly assumed she wasn’t being told to leave. He moved deeper into the shadows of the apartment and she followed, pulling the door shut behind her.
Without the light from the street, darkness blanketed the room. The loss of sight made her other senses sharper, the panting sound of her breath filling her ears, the surface of her body so sensitive, it was as if she could feel the shadows against her skin. They slipped over her flesh like tiny, featherlight touches of a fingertip, stroking her cheekbones, her chin, the line of her throat.
Just stay calm. Don’t freak. And for God’s sake,don’t start crying again. He’ll think you’re out of yourmind. Not that he doesn’t think that already.
Taking a deep, trembling breath, Molly squinted against the darkness, unsure of where to walk, until a low glow of light spilled into the murky gloom from a doorway on the far side of the room. Following the light, she found him facing her, one powerful shoulder braced against the far wall beside a window in the small kitchen, head lowered as he lifted his arms to light the cigarette perched between his lips. He’d switched on a small light that shone over the sink, the muted glow too weak to reach the shadowed corners, casting him in a hazy glow of gold.
Slanting a curious look in her direction, he spoke in a graveled, hesitant rumble. “Why did you scream my name at the end? Did I hurt you?”
She moved cautiously into the kitchen and collapsed into one of the pine chairs beside a small table, wishing she’d pulled on something heavier. The chill of the air conditioner seeped through her thin shirt, freezing her to the bone, while Ian stood there half-dressed, his body vital and big, covered with a light sheen of sweat, as if impervious to the cold. “No.”
“Then why the scream?” he demanded, taking a long draw off the gleaming cigarette, the details of the room lost beneath the force of his presence. She had the feeling she could have been surrounded by ravenous predators and still have remained oblivious to the danger, her entire focus centered on the hard, beautiful bulk of Ian Buchanan.
“Answer me.” The harshness of his gritty tone made her flinch. The soft glow of light glinted off the broad width of his shoulders, his skin gleaming like bunched satin, and yet, he was completely untouchable. Like a wild, caged animal. Beautiful, but deadly.
Molly looked away and drew an unsteady breath. “I didn’t want…”
“What?” he snapped, the word lashing with whipcord strength.
A self-conscious shrug rolled across her shoulders, her eyes still focused on a distant patch of his kitchen floor. “I didn’t want you to…leave me there alone.” The confession slipped from her lips without any direction from her brain, startling and unintended. She wanted to snatch back the telling, vulnerable words, but it was too late. He was already absorbing them, working them over in his mind, that dark blue gaze zeroed in on her with ruthless, uncompromising intensity when she sneaked a quick peek at him from beneath her lashes.
“Tell me what you remember.”
She flushed, keenly aware of the heat suddenly rising up beneath her skin, burning in her cheeks. Her tongue felt thick in her mouth, every part of her oversensitized, as if she were experiencing everything too keenly. The coolness of the air. The stuttering speed of her pulse. The press of that beautiful blue gaze, the mesmerizing color probably the envy of every woman he’d ever known.
“Molly!” he snapped again.
The words jerked from her lips in rapid succession, beyond her control. “We were in a forest. It was night. You were…different.”
A rough, humorless laugh rumbled up from his throat, and he took another deep pull on the cigarette, his silence making her ramble with the need to fill the uncomfortable space. “We had sex, but you…you didn’t…”
Her voice faltered, and in a graveled tone, he said, “Come?”
“Yes.” She shivered, her body clenching with remembered sensation. It had been unlike anything she’d ever known, being under him, consumed by him.
“Believe me,” he grimaced, the barest hint of a wry edge to his words, “I know.”
Her gaze flickered briefly to the immodest bulge in his jeans, and she wanted to ask why—why he hadn’t allowed himself release when inside of her—but couldn’t, suddenly afraid of what he might say. He’d seemed to enjoy what had happened between them, but she knew men were fickle creatures, not to be trusted with emotional issues. His words, if delivered cruelly, could cut her to the quick, and she was already feeling too raw, the defenses she’d spent so many years building suddenly seeming frail and unstable. She didn’t know him well enough to trust him. Hell, she didn’t know him at all.
And yet, for some inexplicable reason, she felt perfectly safe, alone there with him in the middle of the night, with nothing but the quiet stillness for company. Those storm-dark eyes moved over her face, lingering over her individual features. Then he lowered his head, reaching out toward the ashtray perched on the edge of the kitchen counter. She knew if she hadn’t been watching him so closely, she would have missed it, that bleak shadow of fear that crept over the rugged angles of his profile. He slanted a sharp look in her direction when her breath sucked in on a gasp, and for a single instant, she could have sworn she heard his raspy voice in her head. Heard the unspoken question he was too afraid to ask.
“No,” she whispered, her body trembling with a low vibration.
He ground out the cigarette in the stainless steel ashtray and turned toward her, feet braced apart in an aggressive stance, powerful arms crossed over his broad chest. “No what?”
She rolled her lips together. “You’re not evil.”
He grunted in response, distracted, and began pacing the width of the room. She watched his bare feet against the faded linoleum, long and dark, but as perfectly proportioned as the rest of him. Her gaze traveled up the length of his body, over the hardness of his thighs, the corrugated stretch of his abdomen, and he raised his arms, shoving his fingers back through the rumpled mass of his hair. She could do nothing but stare at the bulging power of his biceps with wide-eyed fascination. He was so perfectly sculpted, it was as if a master artisan had cut him from marble like David, and the gods had breathed life into him.
But he was no angel.
And yet…he wasn’t a devil, either.
“I mean it, Ian. You’re not evil, no matter how… physical your dreams might be.”
“Yeah, and how can you be so sure? You don’t know me. Don’t know what I’m capable of. Don’t know what I dream about doing to the women in my bed.” He stopped pacing, turning his head to look at her, eyes sharp and dark, so blue they looked black. “Or maybe you do.”
She struggled to ignore the surge of lust that poured through her, thick and warm in her veins, but it wasn’t easy. Not with him prowling around, wearing nothing more than those barely buttoned faded Levi’s. She could see the dark silky trail of hair slipping down into the shadowed V of his open fly, and a wave of hunger rolled through her so sharp and sweet and strong that she went light-headed, forced to lean her upper body against the table for support.
The corner of his mouth twitched—such a slight fraction of movement, she knew she would have missed it if she hadn’t been staring so intently.
Crap. He knew.
This was bad. She was already in over her head, and getting deeper with every moment she spent up on this damn mountain. But she owed it to Elaina. Dammit, she owed it to herself. She wasn’t going to screw up. Not this time around. She had a chance for redemption, to make a difference, and she was going to grab hold of it, even if it killed her.
Which seems a likely possibility, her conscience muttered.
He moved toward her, stalking closer until he stood in front of her knees, his feet braced outside of her own, staring down at her. Leaning forward, he braced his right hand on the table at her side, caging her in. “I can still taste your blood in my mouth,” he rasped, his gaze flicking over her face, lingering on the swell of her lower lip. “This kind of shit isn’t normal.”
“Not for most people, no. But you’re not like others, Ian. That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you. It’s why I used up my entire savings to buy a plane ticket and come here.”
“I’m a contractor, for God’s sake. Not a fucking vampire.” Impatience cut itself into his features, the shadow of bristle on his cheeks accentuating the hollows of his expression.
She shook her head, craning her neck as she stared up at him. “I never said you were a vampire.”
“Then why did I…” He jerked his chin toward her throat.
“I only know what I’ve been told. According to Elaina—”
“Christ,” he grunted, lifting away from her. “I don’t want to hear any more bullshit about what my dead mother has told you.”
Breathlessly, she said, “I’m telling you the truth. I swear it.”
“Yeah, then explain—”
“I don’t—”
“—how I’m able to wake up in my bed with the taste of your goddamn blood in my mouth!” he roared.
“But I—”
“And this time, don’t lie about it! I want to know how it happened, Molly!”
She slammed her left hand down on the table, tired of him yelling at her…of not knowing how to make him listen. “I don’t know how it happened! I swear. I’ve never dreamed about you before. I’ve never had anything like this happen to me before—sharing a dream with someone that is somehow, in some way, actually happening. All I know is what Elaina has told me, and I’ve been trying to tell you, but you won’t listen! She led me to you, told me where to find you. Wanted me to warn you that you’re in danger—that you’re being hunted.”
“It’s the nightmares,” he growled, his gorgeous, arrogant face set in a hard, obstinate expression that made her want to scream with frustration. “You’ve done something to me.”
“No, that’s not true. Think, Ian. You’ve been having nightmares for weeks now, and we only just met. I swear, I have nothing to do with them. The darkness… this all has to do with what’s hiding within you. You know that. I know you do. Elaina’s been telling you stories about the Merrick since you were a little boy.”
He stumbled back another step, eyes bleeding to black, and shoved his hands into his hair. Locking his fingers behind his head, he glared up at the ceiling with his jaw clenched so hard it looked painful. Molly stared at the dark tufts of hair under his arms, the stark lines of his throat, wanting so badly to reach out and touch him. To place her hand over the center of his chest and feel his heart pounding against her palm, vital and urgent and strong.
“Ian, I know you don’t want to believe me, but after what’s happened, how can you still think I’m here to con you? This thing is real. I have the bite marks on my neck to prove it. We need to help each other figure it out, because I can guarantee you this is more than I signed up for. Elaina told me how to find you, wanted me to talk to you. To tell you things that she’s afraid no one else will. But she didn’t say a damn thing about…about whatever the hell it was that happened tonight. She told me this thing inside of you needs to feed for power, but she didn’t say…”
Her voice trailed off, and he lowered his gaze back to her, muttering, “That it would feed off you? That it would take your blood?”
“Yes.” She swallowed nervously, folding her arms across her chest, resisting the urge to lift her fingertips and touch the tingling warmth of the bite on her throat, the tender flesh slowly throbbing with residual pulses of pleasure.
His eyes narrowed, studying her with fierce intensity, and then he rasped, “Son of a bitch. You actually liked it, didn’t you?”
“What?” She blinked, floundering for the right thing to say.
“Face it, Molly. Any other woman would have run screaming in the other direction by now. Would have hauled her ass out of Henning the second she woke up and found her throat bleeding. But look at you, coming here, wanting to talk. To help me. What is it with you?” He stalked toward her again, his body closing off any escape route. “You got a death wish? Or do you just get off on the hard stuff?”
Towering over her, his callused hand slipped under the fall of her hair again, his rough fingertip smoothing over one of the two puncture wounds, and she gasped at the insane rush of sensation that curled through her center, settling heavily between her thighs. Her sex heated…swelled, feeling heavy and empty all at once, and his nostrils flared, those dark eyes cutting to her own confused stare, and she knew he could smell the need. That dark, uncontrollable ache twisting deep inside, clawing at her, making her crave. Making her need things that she didn’t even understand. That she feared.
“What’s your answer, Molly?”
Shakily, she said, “Be crude if it helps you deal. I have a thick enough skin by now to take it. You may piss me off, but it’s not going to scare me away. I’m not going to run.”
“And you’re not going to give me any answers, either, are you?”
Her eyes slid closed, tears threatening to spill from the excess emotion crashing through her system. “I wish I could explain how the dream happened, Ian. But I can’t.”
He sighed, the heat of his body covering her like a glittering ray of sunshine. “Okay, I’ll bite,” he drawled in a deep, graveled voice, and she could feel the press of his eyes on her face, watching her. “It’s not like your story won’t be entertaining as hell. So let’s hear it. What can you tell me?”
With a deep breath, Molly lifted her lashes. “I can tell you about Elaina. I can tell you what she’s told me.”
“In your dreams, right?” he murmured, his gaze settling heavily on her mouth, making her lips tingle.
“That’s how she talks to me, yes. Don’t ask me why, because I don’t know. It’s just the way that it’s been since I was a teenager.”
He latched on to that like a pit bull with a bone, suddenly holding her stare. “What happened when you were a teenager?”
Flustered, she tore her gaze away from his and focused it on the table. In the center sat one of those store-bought scented candles that freshened the air, its name no doubt flowery and feminine. And that easily, something inside of her softened, shifted into a calmer focus, her body relaxing in the chair, tension releasing like the gentle escape of air from a balloon. She silently laughed at her screwed-up logic, ridiculously reassured, comforted even, by a freaking candle, as if it made him seem less dangerous. God, maybe she was crazy. The fact that he owned a scented candle didn’t make him any less of a threat to her stability. Didn’t make him domesticated or tame. He probably just didn’t like his kitchen smelling like cigarette smoke.
Pressing one hand to her stomach, holding in the wild spiral of emotions, she said, “What happened to me isn’t important. It’s what’s happening to you that we need to focus on. There’s something…inside of you, Ian. Something that you need to learn to control. Something that will cause you to be hunted. That’s going to put the people you care about in danger.”
“I told you before, there’s no one I care about.”
“I don’t believe that,” she argued. “I bet there’s someone that you’re worried about tonight. Elaina told me there is. And she’s in danger from this…this evil that’s going to try and hurt you both.”
He moved closer, hands braced on the back of the chair, his warm, earthy scent surrounding her, the heavy look in his eyes as sexual as it was angry. “And what makes you think I care about her, or even like her?” A hard, gritty laugh slid past his lips, low and sexy as hell. “Trust me, little Molly-Do-Right, people like Kendra and me don’t need to like the people we have sex with.”
“Then why?”
His head tilted to the side. “Why what?”
“If you disliked her so much, why sleep with her?”
For a moment she didn’t think he was going to answer as he pushed away from her again, as if she were something not to be trusted that could turn on him at any moment. He grabbed the black T-shirt hanging over the back of a nearby chair, then pulled it over his head, turned and stalked to the cupboard to the right of the sink. Pulling down a short, thick glass and a half-empty bottle of scotch, he splashed the liquor into the bottom of the glass. “You wanna know why I slept with her? Because I liked her body. Liked the fact that she didn’t ask for more than I was willing to give. Liked that she kept it light. I don’t have to like or care about the women I take to bed,” he told her without turning around, voice a gritty rasp of sound. “In fact, I rarely do.”
She swallowed the thick feeling in her throat. “I see.”
His eyebrows lifted as he turned to look at her over his shoulder. “Do you?”
Molly nodded. “Emotional safety. You don’t get too close. I wonder if Kendra felt the same way, or if she hoped you’d fall in love with her.”
Tossing back the dark amber liquor, he wiped the corner of his mouth with the back of his wrist. “Why the hell are we talking about her like she’s dead?”
His question startled her, and with it came a nauseating sense of certainty. Molly didn’t know why she’d started referring to the woman in the past tense—but she feared the heavy knowledge settling like a sickening bulk of reality in her gut. Her brow broke out with a clammy sheen of sweat and she pressed one hand over her heart, its rhythm rapid and light against her palm. “I warned you something would happen, Ian. I have a horrible feeling that it already has.”
He didn’t say anything. Just settled his lower back against the counter and stared, probably thinking she was the biggest freak alive.
“Why do you think Elaina picked you?” he rumbled, his deep voice low and rough.
“What?” she asked, caught offguard by the change in topic.
He stared, hard, as if trying to figure out a problem. “Why you?”
“Oh, I don’t really know. I don’t know why any of the voices I hear come to me. Maybe I’m able to draw them in some way. Maybe she couldn’t find anyone else who would do something this crazy.” Her words came faster, cut with frustration. “Right now, we have something much more important to talk about. Were you even listening to what I said?”
“Yeah,” he said, his voice raspy. He took another drink. “I was listening.”
“Then will you try calling her?” Panic was crawling its way up her spine, making her dizzy…nauseous. God, she’d been sitting here arguing with him, and a woman was dead. Murdered. She didn’t know how she knew, but she was certain of it. Just as she was certain it had something to do with the man standing before her, glaring at her as though she was something he wanted to scrape off the bottom of his shoe and be done with.
When he didn’t immediately respond—just kept staring—she added, “Please, Ian.”
Sighing, he slammed his glass down on the counter, went to the phone hanging on the wall beside the softly humming refrigerator and quickly punched in a number. He held the receiver to his ear for a moment, then set it back into the cradle. “She isn’t home,” he muttered, glaring at her. “Which means she probably hit her favorite haunt tonight and made a new friend.”
“Or maybe something terrible has happened,” she argued, lifting her chin.
A rude sound of impatience rumbled in the back of his throat. “Christ, you just don’t let up, do you?”
“I don’t have time to sit around and beat you over the head with this. I need you to listen to me, to believe what I’m telling you and help me make things right, and then I need to get back home.” Where she might have to beg for her job back, if they’d decided to fire her for leaving so suddenly, and hope that the voices in her head would finally stay quiet, leaving her in peace. Giving her a goddamn break for once in her life.
“Where’s home?” she heard him ask through the pity party she was throwing in her mind.
“Not important,” she snapped, frustrated with herself and the whole horrible situation. “Will you come with me to check on Kendra?”
He slowly shook his head from side to side. “You’ve got to be kidding.”
“I’m not.”
“There’s no way in hell I’m going to go skulking about in the dark because you think the bogeyman’s out there. Get real.”
“Fine. If that’s the way you want it, then I’ll go alone.”
She stood, walking toward the living room, and he grabbed her arm, his long fingers biting into her flesh as he gripped her in a tight hold and spun her back around. “Are you crazy?”
“You don’t believe me. Think I’m out of my mind. So fine. What’s it to you if I go wandering about in the dark?”
“You’re not going anywhere,” he growled, anger roughening the edges of his speech, “except back to wherever you came from.”
“Wrong. I’m doing whatever I damn well please. Whatever it takes to get your mother out of my head so she can move on to wherever she’s meant to go!”
“Christ,” he grunted under his breath, releasing her arm. He rubbed his palm against the scratchy edge of his jaw, then quietly said, “The sheriff’s going to laugh his ass off when he finds out I let myself get dragged out into the night by a little pain in the ass like you.”
“Don’t worry,” she whispered, struggling to hold back her relief that he’d caved. She wasn’t exactly thrilled to be spending more time with him, when he insisted on being such a jerk, but she couldn’t deny that she’d rather deal with his crass rudeness than handle things alone. Especially when she still didn’t have a clear understanding of exactly what she was up against. “If I’m wrong and she’s okay, then you can laugh in my face and tell me to get lost. The sheriff will never have to know.”

IAN SHOOK HIS HEAD at her softly spoken words. The woman was unbelievably naive if she thought they could go wandering about town and keep it from Riley.
Not likely.
He was aware of her slim figure following behind him as he walked into the dark living room, the press of her eyes on his back as she watched him through the long shadows. Grabbing his cell phone off the coffee table, he turned back to her, saying, “He’ll know.” He grimaced with a wry twist of his lips. “Trust me. He’s like Santa Claus. He always knows.”
Her brows pulled together in a quizzical frown. “Are you friends with the sheriff?”
“You could say that,” he muttered, pulling on his shoes before scanning the room for the keys to his truck. “I’m surprised Elaina hasn’t mentioned it.”
“It’s not like we have chats,” she said with a sigh. “Basically she just nags me about coming to find you and delivering the warning I gave you this afternoon.”
“Huh. That sounds like her. God knows that woman loved to nag,” he grunted as the phone he’d stuck in his pocket began to buzz. Flipping it open, Ian couldn’t believe the name glowing on the screen. “Speak of the devil.”
“Who is it?”
A low laugh rumbled in his throat as he held up the phone, waggling it in the air. “The sheriff.”
“That’s not funny,” she murmured, frowning.
He snorted, another wry smile kicking up the corner of his mouth. “Tell me about it.” Hitting the call button, he put the phone to his ear. “Yeah?”
“Get dressed,” Riley’s deep voice grunted over the line. “I need you to meet me.”
His smile faded, replaced by a rising wave of apprehension. “What’s going on?”
“It’s Kendra.”
Ian screwed his eyes closed, a sharp, guttural curse jerking up from his chest. No. Hell no. This so wasn’t happening.
“Where are you?” He couldn’t bring himself to ask why his brother was calling.
Riley shouted for someone to hold on, before saying, “Out on Marsden Road.”
“I’m on my way.”
There was a heavy pause, and then Riley said, “Aren’t you going to ask what happened to her?” When he didn’t respond, Riley growled, “She’s been killed, Ian. Murdered.”
He swallowed, unable to scrape up so much as a grunt. “I’ll be there in fifteen,” he finally managed to choke out, before disconnecting the call. Fury crawled its way through his system, sickening and thick, consuming his body heat along its way, until he was standing there, shivering, his skin cold and clammy. Not wanting to look at Molly, he scanned the room, finally eyeing the flash of his keys on the TV stand by the window.
“The sheriff’s your brother, isn’t he?” she asked softly. “Riley?”
He tried to nod, but the movement came out too jerky, like a spasm. “Yeah. Like I said, I’m surprised Elaina left that little bit of information out.”
“She told me that you had a brother and sister, but that’s all.” She took a deep breath, then quietly said, “Something’s happened, hasn’t it?”
Ian turned to look at her over his shoulder, wondering what the hell she was, what the hell was happening. “Kendra’s dead.”
She flinched, shaking, the color draining out of her face as if she were bleeding out, leaving her pale and ghostly, like the damn voices she apparently heard in her screwed-up little head.
“I have to get out there. Riley’s waiting for me.” His gut felt as if it’d been stripped with acid, and he struggled to keep down the scotch. “Where are you staying?” he asked, heading for the door.
“Out at the Pine Motel.” She moved through the front door as he jerked it open, standing beside him as he quickly locked it.
“The Pine Motel? Christ,” he muttered, “That place is a dive.”
“Thanks for that remarkable observation,” she said thickly, and he could hear the threat of tears in her voice as she followed him down the rickety stairs. He headed toward his truck, her dark blue rental parked beside it, the moonlight no kinder to it than the sun had been.
Giving her his meanest glare, hoping it’d make her listen, he said, “Get back there, then lock the windows and door and don’t answer it for anyone. You understand?”
She lifted her chin, opening her car door and sliding behind the wheel. It struck him that she looked too small within the run-down rental, too fragile and easily breakable. “Don’t worry. I know how to take care of myself.”
Ian could tell that the low sound of doubt he made in response grated on her nerves more than any snide comment he could have delivered.
“When will I see you again?” she burst out, when he started to turn away.
He shook his head, jamming his hands into his front pockets before he did something stupid, like try to touch her. “You won’t.”
“I want you to stay away from me,” he growled, cutting her off. “Tomorrow, when dawn hits, you get your ass in your car and go back to wherever it is you came from. You hear me?”
“There’s nothing wrong with my hearing.”
“No,” he rasped, “just your sanity.”
“I’m not crazy. I wish I was. And I’m also not running. Not until we’ve set things right.”
“Get out of town, Miss Stratton.” He punctuated the order with a hard look of warning, then slammed her car door. Ian waited until she’d started the engine and driven out onto the street, her taillights disappearing down the road, before turning around and climbing into his truck.
He sat for a moment, staring at nothing, lost in thought, wondering if he’d ever see her crazy little ass again, hoping that she was smart enough to do what he’d told her before things got any more screwed-up than they already were. She could end up hurt. Hell, if she was right, if something was gunning for him with murder on its mind, she could even end up dead.
With a low growl of frustration, he jammed the key into the ignition, hit the gas and headed into the night.
Saturday Afternoon

WHAT HAD BEEN a shitty night turned into a grinding, bitch of a day, every lead they followed slamming into a frustrating wall of nothing. By the time Ian finally made it back to his apartment, it was late the following afternoon. While the forensics team had dealt with the gruesome crime scene, he’d spent the hellish hours helping Riley retrace Kendra’s steps, talking to everyone they could find, while getting the third degree about her personal life. It was almost embarrassing, how little he was able to tell his brother about the woman he’d known for almost six months. And the crowd at Kendra’s favorite bar knew even less. A couple of people remembered her leaving with some blond guy, but no one could provide his name. One cocktail waitress coming back on shift had called him “tasty,” and the bartender was able to describe his eyes.
“Like a husky’s. That cold, ice-blue. Know what Imean?”
There’d been an odd moment when Riley had finally pulled up in front of his apartment building to drop him off, his brother’s expression one of intense frustration, as if he couldn’t decide what to say. Or how to say it. Then he’d scraped one hand back through his shaggy hair and asked, “Did you ever head out to that storage place over in Mountain Creek?”
After Elaina’s funeral, Riley had shipped their mother’s personal belongings back to Colorado, storing them in a nearby facility. Instead of selling the small house where she’d lived, which had been in Elaina’s family for generations, he had left it in working order, along with some furniture—since, according to Riley, Saige was thinking of spending some time there when she wasn’t wandering all over the world, searching for her bits of junk. Everything else had been brought to Colorado, including some things that Elaina had apparently wanted Ian to have. Not that he’d been interested. He’d told Riley to throw whatever it was into storage, along with the rest of her stuff, which his brother had done. Then Riley had turned around and given him a set of keys to the storage unit, warning him that he might want to get his hands on whatever she’d left him someday.
Considering what they’d just been through, it had seemed an odd thing to bring up, but then Ian had given up trying to figure out how Riley’s head worked a long time ago.
“I told you I wasn’t interested in anything of Elaina’s,” he’d muttered, opening his door.
Before he could climb out of the truck, Riley had reached over and grabbed hold of his arm. “I think maybe you should go out there.”
“What the hell for?” he’d growled, pulling free of his brother’s grip.
Riley had scowled as he’d slumped back against his seat. “If I told you, you’d never believe me,” he’d said with a hard sigh, sounding worn out. “Hell, I don’t even believe it myself. But if things…if things get weird, I’ll go out there with you. Help you find what she left for you.”
Shaking his head, Ian had climbed out of the Bronco, slamming the door behind him. As he’d walked around the front of the truck, Riley had stuck his head out the driver’s side window and shouted for Ian not to go anywhere until he’d heard from him.
Huh. As if he had the energy to go anywhere. Frustration had gnawed him down to the bone.
Slamming his backside down on his sofa, Ian tossed his cell on the battered coffee table, wondering if he should try Molly at the motel, then shook off the irritating thought. If she had half a brain, she’d have already hit the road by now, and what would he say anyway? Hey, you were right. Some jackass mangledKendra, leaving her body scattered over a field for anunlucky group of teenagers to come across when theystopped to take a leak. It was pretty sick and the kidsare probably going to need therapy. Guess I reallyshould have listened to you.
Naw, he could save that useless conversation for…never. He already hated himself enough at the moment—he didn’t need to add her scorn on top of it. She’d tried to warn him, but like the arrogant know-it-all his brother always accused him of being, he hadn’t listened. Seemed he’d spent years fine-tuning the worthless talent of shutting people out, ignoring them, even when they were trying to help him.
Scrubbing his hands down his face, Ian struggled to get his mind on something useful, something that would help Riley nail that murdering bastard’s ass, but his brain just kept buzzing with the images of Kendra’s broken body and the blood-soaked field that he knew he was never going to be able to fully erase from his memory. Hell, they couldn’t even be sure it’d been a human who killed her, the damage was so extreme.
If you can’t be honest with anyone else, jackass, atleast be honest with yourself. You know what it was, his conscience taunted him, scraping against his nerves like a jagged blade. You’ve known all along.
Ian clenched his jaw, doing his best to ignore the snide asshole in his head, wishing he could just get his hands on whoever…or whatever was responsible. He might not have been in love with Kendra, but he’d respected the hell out of her, and at the start of their affair, he’d enjoyed the time he spent with her. Kendra Wilcox had been a good person. Funny, beautiful, independent. She hadn’t deserved what she’d suffered. Christ, no one deserved to die like that.
Riley was going to come back for him the second something came up, and he needed to rest before things started rolling, but he was too angry to sleep, adrenaline still pounding through his system, keeping him on edge. If he couldn’t get some rest, food would be the next best thing to keep him going, but he couldn’t face another nuked dinner. Everything tasted stale to him these days, his appetites bored with the usual fare.
Muttering under his breath, Ian made his way into the kitchen, grabbed the bottle of scotch and a glass, then headed back toward the sofa, picking up the remote for his flat-screen TV; the only thing in the apartment worth lifting, if anyone ever bothered to break in. Flicking on a Rockies game, he sprawled out over the cushions, trying to focus his mind on RBIs and pitching averages, rather than the gruesome images he’d witnessed—trying not to think of Kendra and the strange little blond who’d warned him that someone close to him was in danger.
Like an idiot, he’d spent the entire damn night and day trying to convince himself that Kendra’s murder had nothing to do with him, that he couldn’t have prevented it from happening. But he knew better. There was a burning, gnawing sensation in his gut that felt too much like shame for him to buy his own bullshit. He made an attempt to drown out the unwanted, sour emotion by hitting the scotch, but it didn’t work worth a damn. Instead, he just kept sinking deeper into the guilt, like standing on the muddy banks of a river, his bare feet sinking farther and farther into the thick layers of sludge. Riley had pressured him all night for anything he could offer up, but he’d lied through his teeth, claiming that he didn’t have any information. He didn’t tell him about Molly, much less the fact that she’d delivered her strange little warnings straight to his face, begging him for his help.
And he sure as hell hadn’t mentioned the dream they’d shared. Instead, he’d done his best to avoid thinking about it, though it was always there, lingering at the edge of his consciousness…waiting for the moment to strike.
Like now, his conscience whispered, and he drained the glass, the liquor hitting his gut with a hot, fiery burn.
Exhaustion finally overtook him in the seventh inning, his last thoughts centering on Molly Stratton as he drifted into a restless sleep. He wondered where she was, what she was doing. Wishing he could get her out of his goddamn mind. Hating the grinding frustration… the illogical panic that burned like acid in his chest every time he faced the maddening possibility that he might never see her again.
Despite the oppressive heat of the evening, he slept hard, thanks to the booze. Until the dreams began again. Ian had half expected the fertile heat of the forest and the erotic frenzy of the gypsy campfire, and he’d been prepared to do everything he could to keep his focus on the first woman he got beneath him. If he went with it, then maybe he wouldn’t find himself drilling Molly into the damp forest floor, taking more of her than he had any right to.
But as always, fate had a way of turning around and biting him on the ass.
As Ian pulled himself up from the deep, murky levels of his subconscious, he opened his gritty eyes to a soft, flickering light—and instantly knew something was wrong. Something even more messed-up than before. Than the twisted nightmares that had been plaguing him for weeks.
There was no forest…no gypsy campfire…no sloe-eyed provocative brunette to slake his lust.
Instead, Ian found himself kneeling on a soft, intricately woven Persian carpet, the air around him filled with the intoxicating scents of woman and wood smoke as a fire roared somewhere in a distant hearth, the heat of the flames warm against his naked body. And sprawled before him on her back, her pale thighs spread indecently wide, lay Molly.
“What?” he heard her gasp, surprise softening her husky voice, blurring the edges of her speech, as if she’d only just realized it was happening again. She’d probably been snuggled up in one of the lumpy motel beds, carrying on some warped conversation with his mother’s ghost, only to suddenly find herself there, with him. Her gaze flicked its way down the pale line of her body, velvety brown eyes going wide with shock as she took in the unadulterated intimacy of their positions.
She moaned, and quickly covered herself with her arms.
Lust thickened in Ian’s throat, choking off his ability for speech. He gripped her wrists, pulling her arms away from her body, pinning them at her sides. The red-and-black swirl of the rug accentuated the warm, luminous glow of her skin, while her honeyed scent grew stronger with the rise of her pulse. Atop the delicate swell of her breasts, her nipples hardened like tender berries, lush and beautiful and ripe. He wanted to draw them into the heat of his mouth, suck on them until she came undone. Wanted to run his lips across her fever-warm skin, so smooth and soft and delicious, and work his way down the mouthwatering length of her body.
“Ian?” she whispered, her voice hushed…shaky. “How?”
He shook his head, unable to pull his heavy gaze away from the provocative details of her figure, each exquisite discovery making him ache just a little harder, a little deeper. “I don’t know.”
“Where are we?” she asked, her breasts rising and falling as the cadence of her breathing grew shorter and sharper.
“Don’t care. Just don’t move, don’t cover yourself,” he growled, a grittier edge to his voice than he’d ever heard before, graveled and rough. He released his hold on her wrists and shifted, rubbing himself against her, against those perfect breasts and the soft, slick folds nestled between her splayed thighs, her sex so tender and wet he damn near lost it then and there. There were so many things he wanted to do to her, to take from her. Harsh, explicit intimacies that had no place between strangers—and yet, he’d have taken them if he had the time. Hell, he’d have given her more of himself than he’d ever given any other woman in his entire life—have lost himself in her, content to spend days on end exploring the sensual secrets of her body, drowning in the discoveries…in the breathtaking details.
But time was the one thing he didn’t have.
He knew that with each harsh, erratic breath, the seconds he’d been granted with her were slipping away. Trying to grab hold of them would be like struggling to trap rushing water within his hand. Pointless, futile, and a waste of his time.
The scene was just too perfect to last. At any moment, Ian expected to have it ripped out from under him, leaving him completely destroyed.
He only hoped he didn’t crash and burn when it happened—when he lost her.
Pointless apologies for being such a jackass jammed painfully in his throat, leaving a bitter taste in his mouth. He choked them back as he caught the hazy, burnished glow of her gaze, saying, “I want to go down on you. I want it so bad I can taste it, Molly. But I don’t know how long this is going to last, and no way in hell am I missing the chance to fuck you again.”
She didn’t recoil at his crass honesty or try to roll away from him. She just lay there against the carpet, beautifully supplicant, arms bent, palms open either side of her flushed face, her hair a tangled fury of golden curls around the violent bloom of color in her cheeks. The luminous depths of her eyes pulled on him, dragging him deeper, as if he were falling into her, completely under her spell.
A log popped, crackling in the fireplace while an ominous bellow of thunder rumbled somewhere in the distance, the harsh pulse of the oncoming storm echoing the violent pounding of his heart. Taking her softly panting silence for consent, Ian pressed closer, wanting to cradle her hands within his own, to rub his thumbs into the humid cups and stroke her skin, but he fought the urge, afraid of where that closeness would take him. It was already scary enough, this wild, unknown emotional no-man’s-land he kept finding himself in every time he got close to her.
Settling deeper between her spread thighs, Ian braced his weight on one elbow, then greedily opened his mouth over the succulent tip of her left breast, so hungry for her, he wanted to eat her alive. He rolled the exquisite, berry-red nipple against his tongue…and fit himself against her. Their gazes locked. Held for a single, smoldering instant. Then he lifted his head and drove his body into her with a thick, grinding motion, having to work at her as hard as he had the night before. Her eyes went wide, white teeth sinking into the pansy-soft cushion of her lower lip…and Ian shoved deeper.
Locking his jaw, he slowly pulled back his hips, the sensations so acute they bordered on that intense precipice of pleasure and pain. When he’d almost pulled completely out of her—his muscles tensed, skin sweat-slick and burning—he shoved back in, harder this time, somehow giving her more of him. His left hand came up to fist in the pale curls that haloed her head, holding her steady as he came down over her. Needing her taste, he claimed her mouth in an urgent, eating kiss, savoring her throaty moans against his tongue like a breathless stream of promises. Wrapping his other hand around her hip, his fingers biting into her flesh, he powered himself into her as if his life depended on it. Each heavy, possessive thrust fed a part of his soul that was greedy for every part of her, as if he could break her open and claim the pieces for his own.
“Look at the reflection,” he commanded against her lips in a dark, husky whisper, sharing her breath, her nipples hard against his chest, dragging against his skin as he moved over her, inside of her.
She panted, shaking her head.
“Look at the goddamn reflection, Molly.”
His fingers tightened in her hair, turning her head for her, and she stared at the explicit image emblazoned upon the wall of windows that took up an entire side of the room.
“I bet you’ve never had that particular look on your face before,” he rasped with a low, wicked rumble of laughter. “Not Little-Miss-Molly-Do-Right. You’re too shy. Too buttoned-up. Except with me. You know how hot that makes me?”
She shook her head again, gasping, and he said, “I get off on knowing that I’m the only man who can crack that cool, pristine surface of yours and make you go wild. Make you scream and claw at me, completely out of control.”
And it was true. At the moment, her small nails were dug into his biceps so hard, he knew crescent marks would be left behind on his skin, a testament of her passion.
Her eyes drifted closed as the intensity cranked higher, her body writhing, drawing closer…and closer to the edge, before she suddenly turned her face away from him. She was holding it back, denying her body what it wanted. Fighting it. Hiding from it. Hiding from him.
Grasping her chin, Ian pulled her back. “Eyes open, Molls. I want to see it happen. Want to watch your face when you go over.”
“Oh, yeah.” The words were gritty and thick with lust, with pleasure. “Stop fighting it.”
“You’ll leave me again,” she said quietly, her lashes lifting, revealing eyes that glistened with tears, the look in their mysterious depths making his breath catch, while something in his chest clenched with pain. In that moment, Ian had the strangest feeling that even though she was the one pinned to the floor, she held all the power, and there was nothing he could do to reclaim it.
Lowering his mouth to the moist hollow of her throat, he told her, “I won’t. I won’t leave you.”
She drew in a deep, shivery breath, clutching his back, her hands cool against the scalding heat of his body, and broke with his next down stroke, the tight, rhythmic pulses of her orgasm pulling him in, holding him, refusing to let him go. His tongue flicked against the damp heat of her skin, wanting the salty sweetness of her flesh, needing it…craving it, and the next thing he knew, his fangs were buried deep in the side of her throat, near her shoulder. A sharp, hoarse scream pierced the air, the roar of his heartbeat deafening and fast in his ears, while the warm, heady spill of her blood filled his mouth, thick and hot and seductively rich. This was what he craved. This claiming of both her blood and her body. It was the one thing that satisfied that gnawing emptiness in his soul. The one thing that made him feel almost at peace, as if he was right where he belonged.
The thick pleasure slipped down his throat, his mouth working with greedy intent against her skin, needing more…and more, the hunger growing more insatiable than it had been before, suddenly frightening him with its power, its urgency. Ian fought himself for what seemed like endless, drugging moments. Wicked, decadent pleasure pulsed heavily in every cell of his body. Finally, he managed to rip himself away, terrified he would drown in that dark, destructive burn of gratification and drain her dry.
Can’t… Can’t lose her.
Ian screwed his eyes shut against the haunting beauty of her blood spilling gently from the puncture wounds, slipping across the translucent glow of her skin.
“Shit…shit,” he hissed, his fangs heavy within his gums, her taste exquisitely hot in his mouth, while his body slammed into her harder…faster. He wanted to run, to escape the uncomfortable knowledge sinking into his bones, but he kept his word, staying with her until the hot, blistering friction shoved him into his own raging explosion. He pulled free at the last second, erupting onto her pale stomach in hard, violent surges, the intensity of the orgasm all but destroying him, turning him inside out. He looked everywhere and nowhere—anywhere but at her face, in her eyes. He had no idea what’d he see there, and he was terrified of finding out.
“Ian,” she said softly, her voice hitching with emotion. “Don’t leave. Please. Not yet.”
He ground his jaw, not knowing what to say, how to give her what she needed. Comfort. Warmth. Caring. Those things were as foreign to him as color to a blind man.
You have to give her something, jackass.
“Molly,” he rasped, forcing himself to meet her gaze. “I…” He tried to choke out an apology, an explanation, the words somehow strangled inside of him, and she lifted her hand, cupping his cheek in her cool, soft palm.
“Shh, it’s okay,” she whispered, the look in her eyes so strangely tender, it scared the ever-loving hell out of him. “You don’t have to say anything, Ian. Just hold me.”
“Yeah. All right.” The simple words came out alarmingly shaky, his eyes suspiciously hot, the strange buzz of emotions slamming through him as terrifying as they were unfamiliar. There was more than just a beast awakening within him. The very fabric of his being, his personality, was being shifted, altered, molded into something new beneath the power of her hands.
He loathed it as much as he hungered for more, for everything she could give him. The rational part of his mind wanted to retreat, to escape the gauzy web of emotional overload closing in around him like a suffocating fog, but he held firm, unwilling to leave before giving her this one thing. He owed it to her after she’d given of herself so freely, so beautifully.
“Come on,” she teased, holding out her arms to him. “I promise I don’t bite.”
The corner of his mouth twitched with bitter humor, and he lowered himself over her, letting her take his weight, the delicious cushion of her body pressed against his own making him hiss, his fangs still heavy within his mouth, the exquisite taste of her blood lingering like a gift.
But it was her arms closing around him that undid him. That, and the way she suddenly smiled at him. Beautiful. Sweet. Shy and serene. So trusting, it blew his goddamn mind.
He should have known it was too good to last.
Her breath sucked in on a sharp gasp the second the dream began changing on him, the room melting away, like an acid trip gone bad. A blistering wind swept through the swaying pines, replacing the warmth of the fire, the carpet giving way to the fertile soil of the forest. The air was heavy, electric, the storm rolling in hard and fast.
“Ian!” Molly cried, her small nails digging into his arms, eyes huge within the startled expression of fear creeping over her face, the damp flush of satisfaction paling to ghostly white.
Ready to reassure her that everything was going to be okay, that he wouldn’t hurt her…that he’d protect her, he opened his mouth, when something cried out in the distance, like a wolf’s howl, but different. Harsher, thicker, grittier. Guttural and terrifying as hell.
“Fuck,” he snarled, sweeping his gaze from side to side. The hairs on the back of his neck were standing up, his body tense, ready for battle. Something was out there. Something evil. Something hungry.
Hating the helpless feeling of inevitability creeping over him, slimy and cold and slick, Ian scrambled to his feet, spinning in a circle. Panic clawed its way beneath his skin, digging painfully deep, shredding his confidence. “Go!” he barked at Molly, when she stumbled to her feet. Her pale body gleamed like a pearl beneath the ethereal streams of lavender moonlight, and it terrified him, how delicate and fragile she was. “Get the hell out of here!” he roared, knowing they were running out of time…that every moment she stayed with him put her life in danger.
Whatever was out there, it was closing in. Fast. And it wanted him.
She shook her head, chin lifting, and then her eyes suddenly went huge as she looked over his shoulder. He braced himself for the blow before it came, survival instincts surging into focus. Something heavy and thick slammed into him, taking him to the ground, knocking the air from his lungs at the same time Molly let out a bloodcurdling scream of terror.
“She’s going to scream like that when I fuck her stupid little brains out, just like that other useless bitch,” a grizzled voice rasped in his ear, the heavy weight of it pinning him to the ground, and Ian felt the stirring of that thing inside of him. Felt its growl breaking out of his chest, bleeding out in a feral sound of outrage and fury as the darkness rose beneath the fevered surface of his skin.
“Casus,” he snarled, the word surging up from the depths of his subconscious without any direction from his brain.
“Come on, Merrick,” it whispered huskily in his ear, the rank, meaty stench of its breath filling his nose, sliding down his throat, gagging him. “Give me a run for my money.”
And in the next instant, Ian awakened.
WITH A STRANGLED GASP, Ian opened his eyes, blinking against the shifting shadows of his living room, the low buzz from the TV drowned out by the hammering beat of his heart, the colors from the screen painting the room in a hazy, psychedelic glow. “Christ,” he hissed, scrubbing his hands down his face, struggling to get his breathing under control, his body slick with sweat, chest so tight that for a moment he almost believed he was having a heart attack.
But then a strange, fertile scent hit his nose, and he pulled his hands away from his face, squinting at the dark smear of dirt on his palms.
What the hell?
Suspicions mounting, he started to roll up into a sitting position when a cramp hit his gut, vicious and sharp, doubling him over. His lips pulled back over his teeth, body curling into a fetal position there on the sweat-damp sofa, muscles tensing as spasm after torturous spasm coiled through him, contorting him like a seizure. It felt like something inside of him was trying to force its way out, punching against his insides.
A raw, graveled cry of pain ripped out of his chest, and he struggled to hold himself together, afraid to let go and surrender to the thing inside that was doing everything it could to tear its way through, struggling to take control of his body. It scared the shit out of him, the possibility of what he might become, the things he might do, if the darkness battled its way to the surface.
Cursing, Ian twisted as another violent spasm shot through him, fiery and hot and painful, and the silver casing of his cell phone lying on the coffee table flashed at the corner of his eye. Riley! That was it. He needed to call his brother. Needed him there. God only knew what would happen if he couldn’t hold it in, couldn’t keep it together. Horrific images from the scene of Kendra’s murder flashed through his mind, ripping through the landscape of his terror like a scythe, thrashing and destructive. Gritting his teeth, he lunged for the phone, reaching out with his right hand, shouting when he saw that the tips of his fingers were bleeding. Razor-sharp talons slowly pierced through his callused fingertips, the bones in his hand expanding, musculature thickening, exactly the way it had in his nightmares. With horrified eyes, he watched as the blood ran down the back of his hand, over the heavy veins pumping beneath his skin, down his thick wrist, matting in the hairs on his arm.
Christ, he was turning into a goddamn, son of a bitching monster!
No. Not monster. Merrick.
No sooner had Ian thought the word, than his last dream came rushing back at him, and he remembered what the creature had said. Remembered its threat against Molly. And if he’d been able to slip into a dream with her again, fucking her, feeding from her, then she was probably still in Henning. Still close. And in a shit-load of danger.
“He’s going after her,” he gasped, panting, seething…knowing only that he had to get to her first.
He lifted his head, his lip curling as a low, aggressive snarl broke from his throat. The next thing Ian knew, he was rushing from the apartment, out into the unusually humid night, the air close and damp against his skin, a faint scent of electricity in the air. Thunder rumbled in the distance as a violent summer storm rolled its way in, eerily reminiscent of the dream with Molly. Vaulting over the banister of the second-story walkway, he landed in a low crouch on the warm asphalt of the apartment parking lot, knees bent, one hand flat against the ground between his legs for balance. The gritty tarmac was damp against the bare soles of his feet, the thick shadows of the night mysteriously brightened with a faint, luminous glow. The rational part of his brain knew that he shouldn’t be able to see so clearly, just as it knew that the leap from the second story should have injured him, but he sprang into motion. His body felt more alive, more powerful than ever before, the adrenaline pumping through his system as addictive as it was empowering.

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Edge of Hunger
Edge of Hunger