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To Make A Marriage
Carole Mortimer
How much longer could Andie keep her pregnancy a secret? Both her sisters knew, and soon she would start to show!Andie was fiercely determined to bring up her child alone. The conception had taken place in a moment of madness, with a man whom Andie was convinced was in love with another woman.However, Adam Munroe was also a close family friend and Andie knew she couldn't avoid him forever….

“Go, Adam.”
He drew in a short breath. “I—”
“Just go, Adam,” she bit out, turning away from him so that he shouldn’t see the sudden tears that welled up in her pained green eyes. “Please!”
He swallowed hard, gathering up his scattered clothes, not speaking again until he was once again fully dressed—and looking remotely approachable. “Andie, I—I don’t know what to say,” he began shakily.
“Then it’s probably best that you say nothing,” she told him tersely. Anything he said now could only make the situation worse. If that were possible!
“I don’t know what happened,” Adam said. “One minute we were furious with each other, the next—! I’m sorry, Andie.”
Not as sorry as she was. Because, in the absence of the woman he really wanted, she had only been a substitute. But she knew as she looked at him that, despite everything, she still loved him!

Some women are meant to wed!
Meet the Summer sisters: Harriet, Danielle and Andrea—or Harrie, Danie and Andie, as they’re known to their friends! All three are beautiful and successful, though they’ve found their careers more satisfying than relationships…. Until now!
Quinn, Jonas and Adam are about to cross the sisters’ paths. Harrie, Danie and Andie find their hardworking, well-ordered lives thrown into confusion. Even though they hadn’t been looking for love, each sister finds herself wildly attracted! But will the exceptional men they’ve fallen for pop The Question?
Find out the answer in Carole Mortimer’s fast-paced, emotionally gripping three-part series:

Harrie’s story:
To Have a Husband
Danie’s story:
To Become a Bride
Andie’s story:
To Make a Marriage

To Make a Marriage
Carole Mortimer


‘TWICE a bridesmaid, never a bride,’ he teased close to her scented earlobe.
The perfume of Andie, as he always thought of it. He had no idea what the name of the perfume was that she always wore, he just knew that whenever he smelt it, either on Andie or someone else, he was filled with warm thoughts of her…
She turned to face him now, a welcoming smile on her peach-coloured lips, green eyes glowing warmly as she reached up to kiss him in greeting.
Perfection. There was no other way to describe Andrea Summer. And today, in the frothy peach-coloured satin and lace of her bridesmaid’s dress, with her long blonde hair a profusion of silky curls down the length of her spine, entwined with tiny peach-coloured tea-roses, she looked like a fairy-tale princess.
She laughed softly, a throatily husky laugh that sent shivers of pleasure down his spine. ‘I think you’ll find that it’s “Three times a bridesmaid”,’ she corrected softly.
‘It is?’ he drawled with pretended ignorance. ‘But you have to admit, your clock’s ticking away, Andie; you’re almost twenty-six now,’ he continued mockingly, ‘and both your older sisters have married in the last couple of months.’
She shrugged dismissively as she glanced over affectionately at those two sisters with their new husbands; the eldest, Harrie, had been married to Quinn McBride for several weeks now, and this was Danie’s wedding day to Jonas Noble.
‘They have obviously found the right men for them,’ Andie murmured fondly.
His own smile slipped for the fraction of a second, before he regained control. ‘No “right man” for you yet, hmm, Andie?’
She laughed softly once again. ‘I would have thought you, of all people would have known there’s actually no such thing as the right person; it’s all a case of taking pot luck!’ she taunted contrarily.
Him, of all people…? Yes, he had always given the impression he was a confirmed bachelor; in fact, he had made a religion out of it! But this young woman—lovely to look at, always elegantly dressed, with a mischievously warm sense of humour—if she were only aware of it, could have changed all that with one crook of her little finger…!
How long had he felt that way about her? For ever, it seemed to him. Oh, there had been women in his life in the past, beautiful women, accomplished women, brunettes and redheads, as well as blondes, but none of them in any way had measured up to Andie.
‘I hope you don’t intend telling Harrie and Danie that!’ He smiled.
Andie didn’t return his smile. ‘I don’t happen to believe that’s true for them; I’m as sure as they are that Quinn and Jonas are the right men for them.’
He was bored with the subject of Harrie and Danie; it was Andie he was interested in. It always had been. ‘It’s really good to see you here today,’ he told her sincerely.
Andie frowned at the statement. ‘I would hardly miss my own sister’s wedding!’
‘I can think of a couple of other family occasions you’ve missed this summer,’ he persisted. ‘The summer fête,’ he added as she looked at him questioningly, referring to the fête held every June at Rome Summer’s—Andie father’s—estate. ‘A family weekend at the estate a week later. Your father said that you had the flu.’
Andie shrugged, a smile playing about those peach-coloured lips. ‘If that’s what Daddy said, then that’s what I had,’ she dismissed. ‘No mystery there.’
He took two glasses of champagne from a passing waiter; the wedding reception was being held at one of London’s leading hotels. He held one of the glasses out to Andie, but was surprised when she shook her head and reached for a glass of orange juice instead. ‘Don’t tell me you’ve given up drinking champagne?’ he exclaimed, knowing that in the past champagne was the only alcohol Andie had ever drunk.
‘It’s a new diet I’m trying out,’ she dismissed, taking a sip of the juice.
‘Diet?’ He scowled, looking down at her already more than slender frame. ‘You’re far too thin as it is—’
‘You’re starting to sound like Rome now,’ Andie taunted, blonde brows raised as she looked up at him from under thick dark lashes.
An irritated flush coloured the hardness of his cheeks. The last thing he wanted was to sound like her father, damn it! It was the very last thing he felt like whenever he was around her. Although, perhaps, to Andie, fourteen years his junior, that was exactly what he seemed…
‘It’s being featured in Gloss next month,’ Andie continued lightly, referring to the monthly magazine of which she was senior editor. ‘I thought I would try it and see if it really works.’
He scowled. ‘You need to diet like—’
‘You need to earn any more money?’ she finished with barbed sweetness. ‘Have you never heard the phrase, “you can never be too rich or too thin”?’
His gaze narrowed thoughtfully at that slight edge to her tone. They had met briefly a couple of times during the last few months, never long enough to have a real conversation, as they were doing now, but he had been sure the flu excuse Rome had given him had been genuine and it hadn’t been because Andie had been deliberately avoiding him. Now he wasn’t so sure…
‘I’ve heard it,’ he grated. ‘But I don’t think you believe it any more than I do.’
‘Really?’ Her manner had definitely changed now, that hardness still there in her voice. ‘We’ve known each other a long time, granted—but I don’t think that gives you the right to tell me what I think!’
He reached out and grasped her arm. ‘Andie—’
‘I think you’re going to have to excuse me,’ she cut in firmly, having glanced across the room to where the bride and groom were now taking their seats at the top table in preparation for the start of the meal that was about to be served. ‘It looks as if I’m needed.’
She was needed, all right. By him! He had felt this way about her since the day he’d looked at her, on her eighteenth birthday, and realised she was no longer an impish child but a beautiful, desirable woman. Almost eight years ago, he groaned inwardly.
His hold on her arm tightened. ‘Andie, have dinner with me one evening next week,’ he prompted forcefully.
She turned to look at him with cool green eyes. ‘I don’t think that’s a good idea, do you?’
Good idea, be damned. This woman, it seemed, made him lose all sense of what was a good idea every time he came near her!
‘I really do have to go,’ she insisted, gently but firmly removing her arm from his grasp before placing the half-drunk glass of juice in his now free hand. ‘I hope you enjoy the rest of the wedding,’ she added with banal politeness.
He had never enjoyed a wedding in his life, had determined long ago that he would never marry. But as he watched Andie walk gracefully across the room to take her place at the top table; he knew he would do anything to make Andie his own. Anything…

‘I’M REALLY sorry to interrupt, Miss Summer, but there’s someone outside to see you!’
Andie looked up with a frown, having been poring over a fashion layout that lay sprawled across the top of her desk. She had asked April not to disturb her for an hour, desperately trying to meet today’s deadline, but as she looked at her secretary’s expectantly flushed face her frown deepened.
‘And who might that someone be, April?’ she prompted dryly, knowing it had to be someone important—or April wouldn’t have disturbed her at all.
April drew in a deep, excited breath. ‘It’s—’
‘Adam Munroe,’ the man himself announced with a smile as he strolled into the office, dressed as impeccably as usual, his charcoal-grey suit tailored across the width of his shoulders and the narrowness of his waist and thighs, his pale blue shirt made of silk, only the bright blue and yellow pattern of his tie giving any indication of the less than conservative nature that lurked beneath his outward appearance.
The arrival of Adam Munroe in the office was reason enough for April to have gone all aflutter, Andie allowed ruefully as she slowly put her marker pen down on the desk-top.
A long-time friend of her father’s, Adam was a well-known film producer, but, with his tall, rugged good looks, and silver-blonde hair, he was gorgeous enough to have starred in one of the films he’d financed.
‘Thank you, April,’ Andie told her secretary dismissively, a slightly knowing smile playing about her lips as she watched April’s slow retreat out of the room, the girl’s avid gaze fixed on Adam the whole time.
Not that Andie could exactly blame April for that, either; Adam had been breaking female hearts with his charming elusiveness ever since she could remember. Elusive, because Adam always made it plain to the women he became involved with that the friendship would never lead to a permanent relationship. Not very romantic, but it certainly didn’t seem to deter those women from becoming involved with him. In fact, the opposite!
Andie stood up slowly. ‘After totally captivating my secretary so that I doubt I will get any more work out of her today—to what do I owe the honour of this visit, Adam?’ she teased as she moved forward to kiss him lightly on the cheek.
He grinned, warm pale grey eyes surrounded by long dark lashes. ‘I was just passing, and wondered if you would care to join me for lunch?’
She raised blonde brows. ‘Isn’t eleven-thirty in the morning a little early for lunch?’ she queried.
He shrugged, making himself comfortable on the edge of her desk, disturbing several of the photographs that lay there in the process. ‘Not when you haven’t had any breakfast yet, no,’ he observed pointedly.
Andie gave a wry smile, shaking her head. ‘Hectic night again, hmm, Adam?’ she taunted, moving back behind the desk to look up at him with mocking green eyes.
‘Not particularly,’ he replied dryly. ‘I don’t seem to be sleeping too well at the moment.’
‘Alone, that is,’ he put in before she could complete her comment.
Andie chuckled. ‘Maybe that’s your problem; you obviously aren’t used to it!’
‘Very funny.’ He scowled. ‘The problem with you Summer sisters is that you have no respect for your elders!’
Andie held back her smile this time, although it lurked in the brightness of her eyes and the slight curve of her lips. ‘Have Harrie and Danie been casting aspersions too?’ She referred to her two older, now married, sisters.
Adam gave a grimace. ‘When haven’t the three of you teased me unmercifully?’
It was true, of course. But Andie and her sisters had known Adam, almost as an honorary uncle, for twenty years, and the fact that most women fell over themselves to meet him had been a constant source of amusement to the three of them as they’d been growing up. School friends, and then university friends, and eventually work friends, had constantly sought invitations to their father’s home in the hope that Adam might be a guest at the same time.
‘You know you love it, Adam,’ she said.
‘What I would love is some lunch.’ He stood up. ‘Going to keep me company?’ He quirked blonde brows enquiringly.
‘I’m very busy, Adam.’ She gave a weary look at the layout on her desk.
‘You still have to eat,’ he persisted.
‘Not at eleven-thirty in the morning, I don’t!’ she rejoined.
Adam gave an impatient sigh. ‘I don’t usually have this much trouble getting a woman to have lunch with me!’
Andie laughed throatily. ‘A little denial is good for the soul!’
‘It’s my soul,’ he returned. ‘Please allow me to know what is and isn’t good for it—and almost having to beg you to have lunch with me is not good for it!’ he assured her scathingly.
If he weren’t a mature self-assured man of almost forty, Andie would have said he had the look of a petulant little boy at that moment—one that couldn’t get his own way!
She shook her head. ‘You aren’t begging, Adam. And I wouldn’t allow you to, either,’ she added seriously. ‘But I’m not being deliberately difficult; I really am extremely busy.’ She indicated the photographs scattered over her desk-top.
‘Rome is of the opinion that you work too hard—and I have to agree with him when you can’t even take the customary hour for lunch,’ Adam told her, eyes narrowed on the slenderness of her frame in the silky plum-coloured trouser suit and pale cream blouse.
She had lost weight the last few months, Andie inwardly acknowledged. But she also knew it was a weight she would shortly regain. And more!
That thought sobered her somewhat, and looking up at Adam, ‘Just when did you and my father have this cosy discussion concerning the amount of work I do or don’t do?’ she prompted.
‘At Danie’s wedding on Saturday,’ Adam drawled challengingly. ‘And there was nothing cosy—or underhand—about it; I merely remarked that you were looking at little pale, and Rome said that you’re working too hard. That was the extent of our conversation concerning you,’ he finished decisively.
‘So you thought you would take pity on me today and invite me out to lunch.’ Andie nodded, green eyes sparkling with anger now. ‘It’s very kind of you, Adam—’
‘Don’t get all polite on me, young lady,’ he came back.
‘For one thing—I wouldn’t recognise you if you did! And for another—I’m not being in the least polite.’
‘You just hate to eat alone,’ she guessed.
Adam gave a reluctant smile, shaking his head as he raised his gaze exasperatedly to the ceiling. ‘Either this used to be easier, or I’m just getting old!’
It wasn’t either of those things, but she was busy—and, more to the point, she did not want to go out to lunch with Adam. Her life was complicated enough already at the moment, without that!
‘It was a lovely wedding on Saturday, wasn’t it?’ She changed the subject—to one she knew he would find distasteful. Weddings and Adam Munroe just did not mix!
‘Lovely,’ he echoed with predictable sarcasm. ‘First Harrie took the plunge, and then Danie on Saturday; I expect it will be your turn next!’ he added disgustedly.
Andie looked down at her ringless left hand—knowing it would remain that way too. The man she loved, she just couldn’t have…
‘I doubt that very much,’ she answered gruffly, blinking back sudden, unaccustomed tears. She had become so emotional lately! Definitely one of the symptoms of her condition that she wasn’t too happy about. ‘I’m destined to be an old maid, I’m afraid,’ she explained self-derisively.
‘Hey, I was only teasing.’ Adam seemed to have seen that glitter of tears in her eyes, coming around the desk to put his arm about her narrow shoulders. ‘There’s plenty of time yet for you to fall in love and get married; you’re only twenty-five, Andie—’
‘Twenty-six in a couple of months’ time,’ she put in huskily, knowing he had completely misunderstood the reason for her emotion. It wasn’t a question of falling in love and getting married; if she couldn’t have the man she loved—which she most certainly couldn’t!—then she wouldn’t marry at all. Ever.
‘That old, hmm?’ Adam murmured softly, raising her chin to look into her face. ‘Almost ancient, in fact.’
Andie shook her head, straightening away from him. ‘You misunderstood the reason for my—emotion, I’m afraid, Adam,’ she spoke firmly. ‘I just find it very odd to realise that Harrie and Danie are no longer just my sisters, but are now Quinn and Jonas’s wives.’
And she did find it strange. Three months ago none of the sisters had shown signs of marrying anyone, the three of them extremely close, so much so that they had never particularly needed other friends. And now to share not one of her sisters with a husband, but both of them, within the space of two months, was a little hard to take. Especially now…
Adam looked sympathetic. ‘Harrie’s the wife of a banker. And Danie—madcap Danie—’ he shook his head a little dazedly ‘is now the wife of a doctor. Amazing!’
It did take some adjusting to, Andie agreed. But there would be a lot more adjusting for Andie to do in her own life in the near future, than just to that of her sisters’ marriages…
‘Andie, come and have lunch with me?’ Adam cajolled.
‘If for no other reason than it will do wonders for my reputation to be seen with a very beautiful young woman!’ he added encouragingly.
Andie looked sceptical. ‘Another one?’ she parried, knowing Adam had a succession of beautiful young women in his life.
He gave an irritated sigh, moving back impatiently. ‘You know, I think Rome should have smacked your backside more when you were young enough to take notice!’ He stood up.
‘Mummy would never have let him.’ Andie spoke confidently on behalf of her gentle-natured mother.
Adam sobered. ‘True,’ he agreed distractedly.
Andie knew the reason for that distraction. Had known it for some time. Adam had been in love with her mother…
He had been around a lot when Andie and her sisters had been children, appearing at the estate most weekends. Despite a dislike of the countryside and all things connected to it… It had only been as Andie had grown older that she’d realised the reason Adam had put aside his aversion and visited them anyway. Ten years ago her mother had died, and if the three sisters and their father had been heartbroken at the loss, then Adam had been inconsolable.
Because he had been in love with Barbara…!
Andie had been stunned by the realisation at the time, although it hadn’t been a realisation she’d shared with her sisters, somehow finding the subject too difficult to discuss with her already distressed siblings. But she had wondered how her father would react, knowing Rome couldn’t help but see the younger man’s emotional state. Strangely enough Rome had seemed to draw comfort from the fact that Adam had loved Barbara too, an unbreakable bond developing between the two men, and now, ten years later, their friendship was stronger than ever.
Andie shot Adam a questioning look. ‘Does this mean you’ve withdrawn your invitation to lunch?’
Adam looked crossly at her. ‘No, it doesn’t,’ he snapped. ‘And I’m no longer asking—I’m telling! Whatever that stuff is—’ he waved an uninterested hand over the fashion layout she had been working on ‘—you’ll deal with it much more efficiently once you’ve had something to eat.’
The fact that he was right didn’t make the invitation any more palatable; she did not take kindly to being ordered about. By anyone!
She shook her head. ‘The answer is still no, I’m afraid, Adam—’
‘You aren’t afraid at all,’ he cut in harshly. ‘Damn it, Andie, you and I used to be friends—’
‘We still are,’ she assured him coolly, completely unruffled by his loss of temper. Her father had a quiet way of doing the same thing when he couldn’t get his own way, too… ‘But as I’ve already stated—several times—I’m busy.’
‘Fine,’ Adam bit back, his jaw clenched. ‘Perhaps I’ll see if April wants to join me instead.’
Andie gave a grin. ‘I have no doubt she would love to. But I’m also sure her fiancé would have a few things to say about it!’
Adam frowned darkly. ‘You never used to be this difficult, Andie,’ he said slowly.
She straightened in her high-backed chair, the sunshine coming in the window behind her giving her long hair the colour of ripe corn as it lay in a loose plait down her back, fine tendrils curling beside her ears and over her smooth brow.
‘I never used to be a lot of things, Adam,’ she told him tautly, the words tinged with an unhappiness she hoped he couldn’t detect; the last thing she needed in her life at the moment was an over-curious Adam Munroe. It had been difficult enough, initially, to deal with an over-anxious Rome, without having Adam on her case now, too!
Adam looked appreciatively about the luxury of her executive office. ‘You obviously enjoy being numero uno of Gloss,’ he observed.
She gave an acknowledging inclination of her head. ‘In the same way you enjoy running your own film production company,’ she replied noncommittally, having the distinct feeling Adam was just making conversation now, delaying his departure for as long as he possibly could. Although why he should want to do that she couldn’t imagine…
Adam gave her a considering look. ‘Does that mean you’ve become a career woman, Andie?’
Not exactly! Especially as this was the last week she would be working on the magazine for some months to come. Which was another reason she was so determined to make sure everything was done perfectly for this, her final issue, for some time…
But despite the fact Adam was a close family friend, she had no intention of telling him any of that. Her nine months’ leave of absence wasn’t public knowledge, and she preferred that it remain that way!
‘Not at all,’ she dismissed lightly. ‘Will you be coming down to the estate this weekend?’ she asked, her expression still deceptively noncommittal.
Grey eyes narrowed warily. ‘Why?’
‘No particular reason,’ Andie said casually. ‘I just thought I should warn you, if you were, that Rome is not in the best of moods at the moment.’
Which was definitely an understatement! Her sister Danie had promised a few weeks ago to do everything she could to distract their father’s attention from Andie and her present dilemma, but as it turned out Danie hadn’t needed to do that; Audrey, their father’s assistant for the last twelve years, had managed to do that quite successfully for them!
‘I didn’t think he looked too happy on Saturday,’ Adam said. ‘But I put that down to the losing-a-daughter syndrome.’
Andie chuckled softly. ‘Daddy has been trying to give us away for years!’
Adam grinned. ‘I wouldn’t put it quite like that. He wouldn’t give any of you away to just anyone.’
‘That’s comforting to know,’ Andie replied dryly—although she knew that was actually the case. Luckily for Harrie and Danie their father approved of their choice of husband—otherwise one or both of them would have had a battle on their hands!
‘Rome just wants a grandson to whom he can pass his business empire,’ Adam assured her knowingly.
Andie looked down unseeingly at the photographs on her desk-top. ‘And if we should all produce daughters?’ she prompted gruffly.
Adam laughed, seeming unaware of her distraction. ‘Then you’ll all just have to keep trying until that male heir materialises!’
‘I’m sure Harrie and Danie will be thrilled to know that!’ Andie gave a hollow laugh.
‘Look on the bright side, Andie,’ Adam drawled. ‘Until you find a husband it isn’t a problem that need bother you!’
How little he knew…!

She didn’t look well, Adam decided concernedly. Oh, there was no doubting Andie was as beautiful as ever. That would never change. Apart from her blonde hair, which she had inherited from her father, she looked exactly like her mother. And Barbara had been the most beautiful woman he had ever known…
But he knew Rome was worried about Andie, and, after seeing her at the wedding on Saturday, Adam had to admit he felt the same way. Andie still looked good enough to eat, but there was an air of fragility about her now that he had never noticed before, and a haunted look to those deep green eyes.
‘So I really can’t tempt you, then? To come out to lunch with me,’ he pressed as she looked at him beneath mockingly raised brows.
She sighed her impatience. ‘I’ve already explained—’
‘Several times,’ he agreed tersely. ‘Will you be at the estate this weekend?’
Now her expression became guarded. ‘Why?’
It never used to be like this between them! He had always had a close friendship with all of the Summer sisters, and Andie, as the youngest, had been able to twist him around her little finger. But there was a barrier between them now—and it wasn’t a situation he was particularly happy with.
‘No particular reason,’ he replied. ‘But it’s a fact that I have been invited down this weekend, and, if Rome is as bad-tempered as you say he is, it might be nice to have some happier company along!’
Andie gave a loud laugh. ‘Ever the bluntly honest Adam!’
He grimaced. ‘You wouldn’t know me if I suddenly became all charming and polite!’
‘True,’ she acknowledged evenly. ‘It might be interesting to see, though,’ she added softly.
Was it his imagination, or was there a wistful note in her voice…?
Wishful thinking, Adam, he instantly told himself.
Although there didn’t seem to be anyone in her life at the moment; Andie had attended the wedding alone on Saturday. But Adam knew there had been men in her life in the past, and to even imagine that she might have been nurturing a secret passion for him all these years was the height of stupidity on his part.
‘So what’s wrong with Rome?’ he abruptly changed the subject.
Andie frowned as she obviously readjusted her thoughts to coincide with his. ‘Audrey has handed in her notice.’
‘Audrey has?’ Adam gasped disbelievingly.
Because he didn’t believe it. Audrey Archer had been Rome’s personal assistant for so long now, had become part of the Summer family life, it was almost impossible to think of any of them without including Audrey in the equation.
Andie gave an unhappy grimace. ‘We’re all as surprised as you obviously are, Rome most of all—’
“Surprised isn’t exactly the way I would have described my own reaction,’ Adam said.
‘No…?’ Andie looked puzzled by his words.
Were all of the Summer family blind? Adam wondered impatiently. It had been obvious to him for years that the beautiful Audrey was in love with her employer. Just as it had also been obvious that, although Rome might be unaware of it, to all intents and purposes, apart from the physical side of things—which, Adam had decided long ago, was none of his business!—Audrey had been Rome’s wife in everything but name for at least the last ten years!
Audrey went everywhere with Rome, had dedicated the last twelve years of her life to all of the Summer family, becoming a surrogate mother to the three girls after their mother had died ten years ago; what on earth could have prompted her decision to leave them all now…?
With blinding clarity Adam suddenly knew the answer to that, too. Audrey had lost hope, had given up any romantic dreams she might have had of Rome one day coming to realise he loved her too.
Adam, probably more than most people, knew exactly how painful it was to love someone in that hopeless way. To have to stand in the background and watch the person one loved as they lived out their life, possibly with someone else, because that love would never, could never, be returned.
But the saddest part of this situation was that Adam was sure Rome actually did love Audrey—he just didn’t know that he did! Ten years ago Rome had been devastated by Barbara’s death, hadn’t even seen there were other women in the world in the two years that had followed. Since that time Adam knew the other man had confined his relationships to brief, meaningless affairs, never seeing the love, or the beautiful woman who had felt that love, that was right in front of his nose!
‘And what are any of you doing to try and stop her going?’ he bit out tersely.
Andie looked taken aback at his accusing tone. ‘What can we do?’ she said. ‘We’re all upset, naturally—’
‘Oh, naturally!’ Adam came back scornfully.
Her eyes blazed deeply green as she glared at him. ‘But Audrey seems to have made up her mind,’ she continued determinedly, ‘and so—’
‘Hell!’ Adam butted in furiously. ‘Are all of the Summer family so wrapped up in their own lives, their own feelings, that none of you can see what this must be doing to Audrey?’
Andie’s cheeks were pale now. ‘Aren’t you being a little unfair, Adam—?’
‘No, I’m not, damn it, not even a little bit!’ His hands were clenched at his sides. ‘But I can tell you now that you’ve helped make my mind up about going to the estate this weekend. I shall most certainly be there—if only to lend Audrey a shoulder to cry on!’ he blazed angrily.
Andie’s gaze was cold now as she looked across at him unblinkingly, although a nerve pulsed in her throat. ‘I’m sure she’ll be very grateful—’
‘You know something, Andie, I came here today full of good intentions, hoped we could share an enjoyable lunch together,’ he told her harshly. ‘But after listening to this I don’t have any appetite for food, either. For goodness’ sake, Audrey is a part of your family!’ he groaned protestingly.
As I am, he could have added. But didn’t. Because if Audrey, who had been closer to Rome than anyone else these last ten years, and a second mother to Harrie, Danie, and Andie, could be allowed to just leave their lives without protest, then what chance did he have of meaning anything more to any of them?
It was certainly a leveller. One that made him feel slightly sick…
Andie gave a deep sigh. ‘I’m well aware of that, Adam,’ she said. ‘And I have tried talking to her—’
‘Obviously with little result if she still intends leaving,’ he rasped.
She eyed him suspiciously. ‘Maybe you will have more success this weekend,’ she said softly.
Adam’s mouth set angrily. It wasn’t just because of Audrey, he inwardly acknowledged, shaken beyond words at the way she was being allowed to fade out of the lives of the Summer family. Could he, ultimately, expect the same fate?
He had met Rome almost twenty years ago, a young man of nearly twenty himself, with big ideas, and no money to back them up. Rome had been very much a business gambler in those days, and for several years he had become Adam’s financial backer, Adam eventually in a position to pay him back, while at the same time being self-supporting. The last fifteen years had undoubtedly been highly successful ones for Adam, so much so that his film production company was worth millions.
His unhappy beginnings had been put behind him. In fact, they were something he preferred never to think about. But as a result, having no family of his own to speak of, over the years he had come to feel as much part of the Summer family as Audrey must do, had always regarded Rome as the older brother he had never been privileged to have, and he had always looked on the three girls as indulged nieces. They were his family!
He had been a fool to think nothing would ever happen to change that…
‘Maybe I will,’ he agreed grimly. ‘It’s a sure fact someone has to try!’
Andie looked at him wordlessly for several long, tension-filled minutes, until finally she turned back to the work on her desk-top. ‘Perhaps I’ll see you there,’ she muttered, once again picking up her marker pen.
‘Perhaps you will,’ he rejoined grimly, turning on his heel and walking purposefully to the door. But he paused before leaving and his hand on the door-handle, he inserted, ‘If you can manage to drag yourself away from your own interests long enough!’
Those green eyes were hard as emeralds as she looked across at him. ‘I’m sure that if you can I can,’ she finally answered in freezing tones.
Adam shot her a glittering glance through narrowed lids before swinging the door open, closing it determinedly behind him as he left.
The pretty young secretary seated at the desk outside turned to give him a shy smile, and it took tremendous effort on Adam’s part to eliminate his scowl for the few seconds it took to give her a smile in return, before leaving. After all, she hadn’t done anything to annoy him.
Who was he really angry with? he asked himself as he strode outside in the sunshine.
Rome, for being so blind that he couldn’t see the unselfish love right in front of his eyes? A love he was about to lose…
Or Andie for seeming so indifferent about Audrey’s imminent departure?
Or was he just angry with himself?
The latter was probably the more truthful, he accepted. He had gone along for years believing nothing would ever change, that Rome, Audrey, and the three girls would be there, as they always had been.
But nothing had stayed the same. Harrie and Danie were both married now, with homes of their own. Audrey had decided it was time for her to leave the family. And Andie—Andie had become a stranger to him.
And self-pity, he decided determinedly, was not an option!

AUDREY gave a wistful smile. ‘It’s simply time for me to move on, Andie,’ she lightly answered the latter’s enquiry.
Andie hadn’t meant to come to the estate at all this weekend, had felt she was going to need time on her own after her enforced leave of absence from the magazine had started yesterday. But annoyed as she might have felt at Adam’s remarks earlier in the week, they had struck a chord, and she had decided she had to come down after all and talk to Audrey.
She had arrived at the estate the previous evening, but this was the first opportunity she had had to talk to Audrey on her own, Rome a glowering presence at the dinner table the evening before, but luckily out on estate business this morning.
Audrey looked as beautiful and composed as she usually did, the blue of her tailored dress a match for the colour of her eyes, her blonde hair loose about her shoulders. But there was also a sadness in those blue eyes Andie had never seen there before…
‘But move on where?’ she questioned now as the two women enjoyed a mid-morning cup of coffee together in the sun-lounge.
Audrey gave a laugh. ‘I haven’t exactly thought that far ahead yet,’ she admitted.
Andie’s eyes widened at the admission. ‘You haven’t…?’ she said slowly. ‘But I assumed—I thought you must have found yourself a better job?’ She frowned her confusion.
Was it her imagination, or did Audrey’s gaze suddenly become slightly evasive. And if so, why had it?
Could Adam be right, after all—damn him!—and there was more to Audrey’s decision to leave than was at first apparent?
Audrey shrugged. ‘I’m actually thinking of not getting another job for a while. I have quite a bit of money saved—after all, what do I have to spend it on?—and so, I thought I might travel, see some of the world.’
Andie didn’t feel in the least reassured by this answer. ‘But you travel with Daddy all the time…’
The other woman sighed. ‘Travelling with Rome is nothing more than a series of business meetings. Most of the time I have no idea which country I’m in at any particular moment; boardrooms look the same the world over!’
This explanation sounded feasible enough, Andie decided. After all, Audrey was only in her early forties, still young enough to want to do some of the things that she might have dreamed of in her youth. And yet…
Adam had put these doubts into her mind, Andie realised irritably. After all, it was Audrey’s life, and she must be allowed the freedom to do with it what she wanted. The same freedom Andie had recently insisted on in her own life…
‘You never know,’ Audrey added with a smile, ‘I might just meet someone and have children of my own. I’m not too old yet, you know.’
‘You most certainly aren’t,’ Adam remarked firmly as he strolled unannounced into the sun-lounge. ‘And whoever he is, he’ll be a lucky man!’ he added warmly.
Andie had known Adam would be here this weekend—he had made that more than obvious on Monday!—but, nevertheless, she was rather nonplussed at having him walk in on her conversation with Audrey in this way.
It was also a little disconcerting to hear him talking to Audrey in this slightly flirtatious way, especially as she was still processing Audrey’s remark through her own thoughts!
She was ashamed to admit she had never thought of Audrey in that particular way before, had always assumed the older woman was happy with her life and career. Or maybe Adam was right, and they had all just selfishly taken Audrey’s presence here for granted all these years…!
But Audrey was quite right, too; at only forty-two, there was still time for her to have a family and home of her own.
From the warmly appreciative way Adam was looking at Audrey now, he was more than aware of the other woman’s attraction. And why shouldn’t he be? There were only just over two years’ difference in their ages…
‘Thank you for that kind remark, Adam,’ Audrey told him warmly as she stood up to kiss him on the cheek.
‘I’m not being kind, Audrey.’ He looked down at her intensely. ‘I’m stating a fact.’
‘I thank you, anyway.’ Audrey smiled up at him as she squeezed his arm. ‘I’ll just go and get another cup and you can join us for a coffee,’ she said before disappearing out of the room.
The silence that followed her departure was stilted to say the least, Andie decided as she glanced across at Adam beneath long lashes.
He was dressed casually today, in a black silk shirt teamed with fitted black denims, having thrown his silver-grey jacket into one of the wicker chairs as he’d entered the sun-lounge a few minutes ago. He was looking tall and lithe, his slightly overlong silver-blonde hair brushing the collar of his shirt, a slender gold watch nestling in the golden hair of his right wrist.
Adam looked exactly what he was, Andie realised: a highly successful businessman, and a very eligible bachelor!
His expression was guarded as he looked across at her. ‘You decided to come down, after all,’ he murmured distantly.
He was still angry, Andie realised. But by what right? Okay, so they had all been a bit unthinking where Audrey’s resignation was concerned, but Adam had no idea of the circumstances of the last few weeks—and he would remain in ignorance as far as she was concerned! He had no right to judge what he didn’t understand. Besides, she still stuck by her position that it wasn’t for any of them to stand in the way of what Audrey had decided she wanted to do.
‘Yes, as you can see,’ she replied, sitting forward in her seat as she prepared to stand up. ‘You’ll have to excuse me, I’m afraid; I was just about to go over to the hothouse to check on Mummy’s roses.’
Adam gave her a derisive glance. ‘I’m sure they can continue to grow for the next ten minutes or so without your checking on them! Long enough for you to sit with me while I drink my coffee, at least.’
She drew in a sharp breath at his undoubted mockery. She and Adam seemed to have been at odds with each other just recently—and she couldn’t say it was something she was very comfortable with.
‘I’m sure they can,’ she acknowledged softly as she remained seated. She was feeling slightly vulnerable since her leave-taking of the magazine yesterday, and certainly didn’t feel up to another confrontation with Adam. ‘Did you know that it was Jonas presenting Danie with a bunch of yellow roses, just like the ones Mummy loved to grow, that confirmed for Danie that she was in love with him?’ she continued conversationally.
‘No.’ Adam smiled as he stretched his long length in the chair opposite hers. ‘Although that sounds like the unpredictable Danie we all know and love,’ he went on affectionately. ‘How do you feel about having a doctor in the family?’
Her aversion to anyone in the medical profession, since going into hospital at the age of five to have her tonsils out, had become a family joke. And as Adam had been almost part of that family for the last twenty years…
She retained her casual demeanour. ‘He could come in useful, I suppose,’ she answered flippantly.
Adam chuckled. ‘I’m sure Jonas would be pleased to hear it!’
‘He’s an obstetrician, did you know?’ Andie said.
‘I think Rome did mention it.’ Adam nodded. ‘I wonder how on earth Danie ever met him?’ he asked thoughtfully.
Andie knew exactly how her impulsively madcap sister had met the gorgeous Jonas Noble. But that was something else that wasn’t for public knowledge. And in this particular case, Adam was definitely part of the public…
‘Rome is out on the estate somewhere,’ she very firmly changed the subject. ‘But he shouldn’t be too much longer.’
‘I’m not complaining,’ Adam drawled, smiling warmly as Audrey returned with the promised cup and saucer.
‘What man would complain about having coffee with two beautiful women?’
‘One beautiful woman, I’m afraid,’ Audrey announced.
‘The post has just arrived, so I’ll have to leave the two of you for a while,’ she told them regretfully.
‘Shall I pour, or would you like to be Mother?’ Adam invited sardonically, once he and Andie were alone once more.
Andie gave him a sharp glance, her hands clenched tightly on the arms of her chair as she felt her cheeks lose all their colour, breathing shallowly in her shock.
Did Adam know? Had her father, despite her request for privacy, confided her condition to this man, his best friend?
Because she was going to be ‘Mother’—in six months, she was going to have a baby!
The realisation of her pregnancy nine weeks ago had come as a tremendous shock to her, one that she hadn’t taken to too readily initially. After all, without the baby’s father in her life, it was something that she would have to go through alone.
But four weeks ago there had been the scare that she could lose the baby, and from feeling in the depths of despair, not knowing quite what to do, she had suddenly realised how much she really wanted her child. So much so that she wasn’t willing to do anything that might jeopardise the pregnancy going full-term. Which was why, on Jonas’s advice, she had taken a nine-month leave of absence from her high-powered, time-demanding job…
Her family knew of her pregnancy, of course, as did Audrey, but they had all been sworn to secrecy. Had her father now broken that promise and confided in Adam…?
Andie looked at him searchingly, seeing only lighthearted enquiry in his expression as he didn’t wait for her answer but poured the two cups of coffee himself, and started sipping the strong, milky brew unconcernedly.
No, he didn’t know, Andie realised with a thankful sigh. There would be plenty of time for that later, once her pregnancy began to show.
Strangely, she had lost weight at the beginning of her term, but Jonas had assured her that was only because of the worry and strain she had initially put herself under, because of her uncertainties, and that eventually she would start to put that weight back on. If the tightness of her clothing about her waist was anything to go by, that was starting to happen now!
But not enough, she was relieved to realise, for Adam to be in the least suspicious that his sardonic remark was actually fact! She was glad about that; Adam was the very last person she wanted to know about her pregnancy.
Because although she knew Adam had always been in love with her mother, Andie—for her sins!—had always loved Adam. Oh, she had always known it was a pointless love, that her feelings would never be returned, but she couldn’t help that, she loved Adam anyway. So his pity—or even worse, his scorn!—concerning her pregnancy, were not things she felt able to cope with on top of everything else…

Adam sipped the coffee without tasting it, his thoughts broodingly introspective. He had been pleased on his arrival to see Andie had come down this weekend after all—damn it, he was more than pleased! But it had become glaringly obvious during the last few minutes that the strain which he had sensed between them on Monday was still there. In fact, it was worse!
He drew in a ragged breath. ‘How is Rome this weekend?’ His coffee finished, he relaxed back in his chair.
Andie grimaced. ‘About the same.’
Considering Audrey—from the little Adam had heard of the two women’s conversation when he’d arrived—was still intent on leaving, he wasn’t in the least surprised by Andie’s reply.
He shook his head. ‘I suppose I’ll have to have a chat with him,’ he said reluctantly; ordinarily Rome was the most genial of men, but not when it came to interference in his personal life. And whether Rome realised it or not, Audrey was very much in his personal life!
Andie gave a rueful smile. ‘He’s extremely volatile at the moment, so make sure you have your body armour on first! I only asked him to pass me the pepper at dinner last night, and he almost bit my head off,’ she explained with a pained grimace.
Adam groaned. ‘Maybe I should come and look at the roses with you before tackling Rome.’ He thought of the confrontation he would no doubt have with the older man once he had said what he felt needed to be said on the subject of Audrey’s resignation. ‘Isn’t there some sort of saying about stopping along the way to smell the roses…?’ he wondered.
Andie laughed as she stood in one fluid movement. ‘I think that applies to people who need to relax more—not someone who wants to avoid someone else!’
Adam looked up at her appreciatively. Her golden-coloured hair was loose today, falling silkily down her back, framing the loveliness of her face, a face dominated by those beautiful green eyes, her skin having attained a light golden tan from the summer months.
Yet as he continued to look at her he realised there was something different about her…
But as he stood up to accompany her out to the hothouse at the back of the house, where Barbara had spent so much of her time tending her beloved roses, he couldn’t quite decide what it was.
The heady perfume of the beautiful blooms assailed them as they entered the heated greenhouse, bringing back vivid memories to Adam of the woman who had first grown and tended them. Barbara had been such a lovely woman, inside as well as out, and her death ten years ago, from cancer, had been yet another blow in Adam’s life. He—
Now he knew what was different about Andie! Like her mother before her, Andie always looked perfect, her make-up in place, no matter what the time of day, her clothes always beautifully tailored. Andie’s make-up was still perfect, but for once she wasn’t wearing any of her designer label clothes. Instead, she had on a loose green shirt over fitted denims, the former so big it looked as if it could be one of Rome’s cast-offs!
Not that Andie didn’t look as gorgeous as always; in fact, the casual clothing gave her a more approachable appearance, Adam decided thoughtfully. He was just surprised at the change in her, that was all…
She paused in the act of dead-heading roses, turning as she seemed to sense his gaze on her, a slight blush colouring her cheeks as she looked at him—warily, it almost seemed to him…? Had their friendship really come to that?
Probably, he acknowledged with a regretful sigh for the easy camaraderie they had once shared. But what had he expected? Nothing stayed the same. The fact that Harrie and Danie were now both married was testament to that.
‘I was just thinking how much like your mother you are.’ He spoke quietly, knowing, with this newfound strain between them, that Andie would not welcome any comment he might make concerning her personal appearance.
Andie’s expression changed from guarded to noncommittal. ‘She would have approved of Harrie and Danie’s choice of husbands,’ she commented huskily.
Yes, she probably would. Barbara, like Rome, had adored all of her daughters, wanted only the best for them. From the little he had seen of Quinn and Jonas, he had a feeling Barbara would not have been disappointed.
But what about Andie—would Barbara have approved of her lifestyle…? Andie was a career woman, had been the senior editor of Gloss for three years now, and showed no signs of wanting to change that for a husband and family of her own.
Yes, Barbara would have approved, he decided; Barbara would approve of anything that made her daughters happy.
Besides, Harrie and Danie still had their respective careers, as well as their husbands!
‘So here you are, Adam,’ Rome’s rasped comment as he entered the greenhouse interrupted what Adam had been about to say. ‘Audrey said you were around somewhere.’
Adam briefly studied the older man, and he did not like what he saw. Rome’s boyish good looks—blonde-haired, blue-eyed—were still the same, but there was a look of strain about those eyes and his mouth, a hardness to the latter that boded ill for anyone who got in his way.
‘And, as usual, she was right,’ Adam returned lightly.
‘How on earth are you going to manage without her, Rome?’
Rome glared at him through narrowed lids. ‘No one is indispensable, Adam,’ he responded coldly.
Adam raised blond brows. ‘No employee, possibly,’ he returned acidly. ‘But I always thought of Audrey as being more than that,’ he added challengingly, aware that Andie was listening to the verbal exchange with a pained expression.
But it had taken only one look at Rome’s face, at the hard implacability of his expression, to realise that the friendly chat he had intended having with his longtime friend was out of the question; Rome looked as approachable as a wounded bull-elephant!
Rome gave a dismissive shrug of broad shoulders. ‘Obviously Audrey had decided differently,’ he rasped harshly. ‘And, as I have learnt to my cost recently, there is absolutely no point in trying to stand in the way of a woman who has made up her own mind what she intends doing with her own life!’
The remark, Adam knew, could have been directed at Harrie and Danie as much as at Audrey, and their determination to marry the men of their choice with as little delay as possible. However, Adam sensed, rather than actually saw, Andie’s reaction to her father’s remark, could feel the tension emanating from her as she paused in her care of the roses.
Leading Adam to wonder about the decision concerning what she intended doing with her own life Andie could possibly have made recently for her to assume Rome’s remark was actually directed at her…?
Seeing no immediate answer to his question in either Andie or Rome’s faces, he turned his attention back to Audrey; he would try and talk to Andie later on in the weekend. Try—because that hadn’t been too easy to do just recently!
‘And what does Audrey intend doing with her life?’ he prompted the other man.
‘I have no idea,’ Rome answered scathingly. ‘I suggest you ask her that yourself.’
‘Meaning that you haven’t bothered?’ Adam countered, his expression deliberately innocent as the other man scowled at him.
‘Meaning that Audrey has made it more than plain that it’s none of my damned business!’ Rome snapped.
‘Hmm,’ Adam murmured thoughtfully.
‘What, exactly, does that mean?’ Rome challenged hardly.
“‘Hmm”?’ Adam repeated, realising he was provoking the other man but knowing he had no choice if he was to get anywhere in this conversation at all. ‘I’ve always thought of it as a pretty noncommittal remark, myself.’
‘Then why make it?’ Rome grated disgustedly. ‘You—’
‘Daddy,’ Andie interrupted softly. ‘Aren’t you being just a little—aggressive to your guest?’ she said, once she had Rome’s full attention.
Rome looked far from pleased at the obvious rebuke. Adam couldn’t say he was exactly overjoyed by it himself; since when had he been relegated to being Rome’s guest…?
But he already knew the answer to that, he acknowledged heavily. He and Andie, although still polite to each other—overly so, Adam felt!—were no longer friends, that easy camaraderie they had once shared no longer there. He knew the reason for that all too well, and regretted it more than he could say! More than he had ever regretted anything else in his life!
‘I can take a little aggression,’ Adam assured Andie lightly; in fact, he would relish it. His relationship with all of the Summer family had changed over recent months, necessarily so with Harrie and Danie, now that they were both married. But he had a feeling that if he were to speak as plainly to Rome as he wished to concerning Audrey, then he might jeopardise his friendship with the older man to such a degree that it would be irretrievable. Which meant his visits here would be a thing of the past…
Did he really want that?
Of course he didn’t! His friendship with the Summer family had been his anchor for more years than he cared to think about!
But he couldn’t just stand by and watch Rome make the biggest mistake of his life, either. He, perhaps more than most people, knew what it was like to love a woman who was completely out of your reach. As Audrey would be to Rome if he should let her leave…
‘Let’s walk back to the house,’ he suggested to Rome as he walked over to join the other man in the doorway.
‘There are a few things I need to discuss with you anyway.’
‘And I thought you just came down to visit with all of us,’ Andie put in with hard derision. ‘How silly of me!’
Adam glanced back at her, sighing heavily at the sparks in her eyes as they easily held his.
His own friendship with Andie, it seemed, was already irretrievable…

SHE didn’t have too much of an appetite at the moment, Andie thought—her morning sickness seemed to start in the late afternoon and continue until she went to bed! But the strained silence around this dinner table certainly wasn’t helping to improve that situation!
Adam and Rome didn’t appear to be talking to each other—indeed, Rome wasn’t particularly talking to any of them!—and any remarks that passed between Andie and Adam were politely strained. In fact, the only person who seemed to be talking naturally and easily, to everyone, was Audrey!
The older woman looked dazzlingly beautiful this evening, her knee-length black dress shot through with silver, her smile warm and charming, her manner as friendly as usual.
But Andie wasn’t fooled for a minute by the other woman’s charming ease, could still see that sadness in the deep blue of her eyes…
‘I thought salmon was a favourite of yours?’ Adam was the one to break the awkward silence, looking at Andie as she pushed the grilled fish around on her plate.
It had been—but as with so many other foods she had once liked, now the mere smell of it only seemed to increase her nausea! The thought of actually eating any of it was complete anathema to her…
She put down her knife and fork, giving up all effort to try and hide the uneaten fish under the salad—she obviously hadn’t been succeeding, anyway! ‘I’m really not very hungry,’ she dismissed. ‘In fact, if you’ll all excuse me, I think I may just disappear outside for some fresh air.’ She didn’t wait for their response, standing up to let herself out of the French doors into the garden, breathing the air in deeply, hoping to eliminate even the smell of the salmon from her already quivering senses.
‘Not exactly a lot of fun in there, is it?’
Andie turned sharply at the sound of Adam’s voice; his hair looking almost silver in the half-light of this late-summer evening. She hadn’t realised he had followed her—and she couldn’t say she was altogether pleased at the realisation now!
She gave a rueful shrug. ‘Rome has been like this for days,’ she replied, wishing Adam would go back into the dining-room and leave her alone. She might have made her decision concerning having the baby, but there were still a lot of things for her to think over, and that was something she couldn’t do around Adam!
Adam strolled across the patio to join her where she stood against the metal balustrade that looked out over the gardens. ‘I don’t think I’ve exactly helped,’ he admitted. ‘I told him earlier that he must be a fool if he’s seriously going to let Audrey just walk out of his life in this way,’ he explained.
Andie raised her eyebrows. ‘And you’re still alive to tell the tale?’ she responded mockingly, well aware of how volatile her father was at the moment; she wouldn’t have even dared to broach the subject with him herself! Although obviously Adam felt no such qualms…
He seemed relaxed about it. ‘And to have dinner. Although from the way Rome is stabbing at his food rather than eating it, I think he wishes the salmon were me!’ he joked.
Andie giggled. ‘So you just left poor Audrey to face his moodiness alone!’
Adam sobered, his gaze intent on the half-shadow of her face. ‘I was concerned about you.’
She stiffened. ‘Me?’ she echoed sharply, a pulse beating erratically in her throat. ‘Why on earth should you be concerned about me?’
He gave a slight shake of his head. ‘I don’t know… There’s something different about you.’
She turned away, swallowing hard. She was sure her pregnancy still didn’t show; her black silk trouser suit, with its mid-thigh-length jacket, completely hid the thickening of her waistline and slightly larger breasts.
The latter had been quite unexpected, and were a bonus as far as Andie was concerned; she had always thought herself lacking in that particular area!
So in what way was she ‘different’…?
‘That bad dose of flu took a lot out of me,’ she excused.
Adam disagreed. ‘It isn’t just that. Andie—’
‘Leave it, Adam,’ she cut in sharply, sure she knew what he was about to say. She didn’t want to hear it!
This man had been, and probably still was, in love with her mother, and, while she might be deeply in love with Adam herself, she was not willing to be a substitute for another woman—not even her own mother!
Adam turned, reaching out to lightly grasp her shoulders as he gently turned her to face him. ‘I think we need to talk—’
Her eyes flashed deeply green in the moonlight. ‘Why?’ she challenged, her head held back proudly.
He looked grim. ‘You know why, damn it!’
‘I have no idea what you’re talking about,’ she returned. ‘Now if you don’t mind, I came out here to appreciate the peace and quiet—not to engage in a verbal fencing match with you!’ She glared at him. ‘Besides,’ she added, ‘we both know how much you hate all this clean country air!’
Adam came down to the estate most weekends when he wasn’t busy elsewhere, but he had never made any secret of the fact that he simply did not understand the liking Rome and his family had for country life.
‘I could grow to like it, if I had to,’ he said quietly.
Her mouth tightened. ‘There’s absolutely no reason why you should,’ she responded hardly. ‘I think one of us should do the decent thing—and go back inside and rescue Audrey from my father’s foul temper!’
Why didn’t he just let her go? She cried inwardly. His grasp wasn’t tight on her arms, and yet she still tingled from his touch, warmth spreading through the whole of her body, her legs starting to feel as if they couldn’t support her weight.
She still turned to liquid gold at his merest touch? After all that had happened? Despite all the complications her baby was going to cause in her life? In spite of the fact that Adam would never—could never—return her feelings!
She gave a self-disgusted shake of her head. Adam was way beyond her reach—even more so now!—and always would be…
‘I—’ Adam abruptly broke off any reply he might have been going to make to her suggestion as the sound of shattering glass was clearly heard from the direction of the dining-room, quickly followed by the sound of raised voices.
Andie turned back in alarm towards the house. ‘You don’t suppose Rome has completely lost it, do you, and actually attacked Audrey?’ She gasped even as she pulled away from Adam and ran back towards the French doors that led into the dining-room.
From the scene that met her eyes as she rushed back into the room, Andie had a feeling it was probably more a case of the other way round!
Her father was alone in the room now, standing back from the table, the front of his white shirt and the black dinner jacket looking more than a little damp, a shattered wineglass on the table-top in front of where he had previously been seated.
‘What the hell have you done to Audrey?’ Adam demanded, obviously having assessed the situation in a couple of seconds—and drawn his own conclusions.
Rome turned to him with blazing blue eyes, the mature handsomeness of his face contorted with anger. ‘I’m sure it hasn’t escaped your notice,’ he replied furiously, ‘but I’m the one with white wine all over me!’
The situation wasn’t in the least funny, Andie inwardly thought, realising that Audrey must have been severely provoked to have thrown a glass full of wine—the glass included, by the look of it!—all over Rome. But, for some reason, she had the distinct urge to laugh!
For one thing, Rome looked ridiculous, with wine still dripping from his chin onto his already sodden shirt. And, for another—she simply admired Audrey for having the guts to act on her instincts. Andie could think of a few people she wouldn’t mind throwing wine over herself!
‘I noticed,’ Adam drawled dryly. ‘But I also know Audrey well enough to realise she must have been provoked into such an action,’ he opined hardly. ‘So what did you do to her?’ he repeated.
‘Nothing,’ Rome bit out harshly, dabbing at his wet shirt-front with one of the snowy white napkins now.
‘Daddy!’ Andie gasped reprovingly; she also knew Audrey well enough to realise Rome must have said or done something to elicit this response.
Her father glared across at her. ‘Whose side are you on?’ he accused angrily. ‘I—’
‘I’m not taking sides,’ Andie cut in. ‘But I think I know the two of you well enough to be sure Audrey would not simply have thrown a glass of wine over you without good reason!’ she added assuredly.
‘Then you are taking sides.’ Rome straightened to his full height of six feet two, throwing the damp napkin down disgustedly on the table-top. ‘I never thought I would see the day when one of my own daughters—’
‘If I still had the violin you forced me to learn to play when I was younger, then I would play it now!’ Andie cut across this attempted emotional pressure on her father’s part. ‘But as I don’t, and as you don’t seem in any hurry to enlighten us as to the reason for Audrey’s outburst, I think I’ll just go upstairs and see if Audrey will be any more forthcoming!’
‘She’s packing,’ Rome muttered as Andie turned to leave.
Andie came to an abrupt halt, turning slowly back to look at her father disbelievingly. There was certainly nothing in the least funny about this situation now!
‘She isn’t going to work the rest of her notice,’ Rome continued. ‘She intends leaving right now.’
Andie slowly shook her head as she saw the implacability of her father’s expression. ‘And you aren’t going to do anything to stop her?’
Rome thrust his chin out arrogantly. ‘There’s nothing I can do.’
‘Adam’s right,’ Andie snapped scornfully. ‘You are a fool!’ She turned on her heel and marched purposefully from the room, hurrying up the stairs and along the hallway that led to the bedroom Audrey had occupied for the last ten years.
But Andie hesitated outside the door, not sure how to proceed. Her father was in the wrong, she was sure of it, but that didn’t mean Audrey was going to be any more pleased to see her than she would have been had it been Rome himself who came knocking on her door! But she loved Audrey, all the sisters did, and, despite what Adam might have assumed to the contrary, there was no way she was going to just let the other woman walk out of their lives in this way.
She straightened her shoulders, giving a determined knock on the door.
‘Go away,’ came Audrey’s abrupt response.
Andie turned the handle on the door, relieved to find it wasn’t locked, entering the room to find herself confronted by Audrey holding a vase of flowers aloft in her hand as she stood poised ready to throw it at whoever came through the doorway.
‘I come in peace!’ Andie cried even as she held her hands up defensively.
Audrey gave a shaky sigh before placing the vase of freesias back on the dressing-table. ‘I thought it might have been someone else,’ she admitted.
Rome… Despite Audrey’s having had the vase of flowers raised as another weapon to launch at him, Andie could see that Audrey was actually disappointed it wasn’t him!
Andie closed the bedroom door behind her, taking in the open suitcase on the bed, the clothes thrown haphazardly inside. Audrey really was packing to leave!
She moved to sit on the edge of the bed, realising as she looked around just how much this room had become Audrey’s over the years. The décor was blue and cream, family photographs adorned the table by the window, Audrey’s own as well as ones of Harrie, Danie, and Andie as they were growing up; the pastels on the walls were to Audrey’s taste too. Audrey wasn’t just leaving a job; this was her home!
‘Audrey.’ Andie spoke firmly as the other woman continued to throw her clothes into the suitcase. ‘I asked you earlier today why you were leaving, and you mumbled something about it being time to move on—’
‘I believe I spoke quite clearly,’ Audrey rebuked—although she didn’t meet Andie’s questioning gaze.
‘Maybe,’ Andie acknowledged. ‘But now I would like you to tell me the real reason—and please, don’t insult my intelligence again with that mumbo-jumbo,’ she continued as Audrey would have spoken. ‘I’m pregnant, Audrey, not mentally deficient!’
Audrey paused in her trips backwards and forwards between the wardrobe and the suitcase. ‘I never for one moment thought that you were.’
‘Well?’ Andie prompted.
The other woman seemed to crumple in front of her eyes, tears filling those deep blue eyes. Audrey completely lost the tight control she had had over her emotions as she began to cry in earnest.
Andie rushed over to gather the older woman in her arms, moved beyond words at this complete breakdown of defences. She loved Audrey, they all did, and to see her hurting in this way was unacceptable.
‘Audrey, you have to tell me.’ Andie moved back slightly to look at her. ‘I promise you I won’t tell a single soul,’ she promised chokingly, close to tears herself now.
Audrey gave a tearful smile. ‘Surely it’s obvious, Andie; I’m in love with your father! I always have been. And I always will be!’
Andie blinked. She didn’t know what explanation she had been expecting; an affair with a married man possibly, perhaps even-wildly!—a past tale of manslaughter that Audrey could no longer live with, but it certainly hadn’t been this…
‘Oh, Andie…!’ Audrey laughed mirthlessly at Andie’s stunned expression as she moved away to reach for a tissue from the dressing-table, mopping up all trace of tears from her cheeks. ‘You don’t see any problem with that, do you?’ she asked hesitantly.
Considering Andie knew she had loved Adam as hopelessly most of her own life…no!
But, as she also knew only too well, it hurt to love someone so helplessly, to spend hours in the company of him and know that love would never be returned.
Although after the way her father had been behaving since Audrey had given him her resignation, Andie wasn’t sure that was completely true in this case…

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