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A Jaguar′s Kiss
A Jaguar′s Kiss
A Jaguar's Kiss
Katie Reus
Owen Wright, alpha of his wolf pack, hasn’t seen jaguar shifter Gabriela Segura in nearly ten years. She was his first love—until he did something to drive her away just as their relationship was heating up. Now Gabriela has returned to Montana, and his craving for her is stronger than ever….But a recent string of brutal attacks on humans have the wolves suspicious of the jaguars, threatening the tenuous peace between the packs. Before he can claim Gabriela as his mate, they must join forces to prove her family’s innocence and track down the true predator.

Owen Wright, alpha of his wolf pack, hasn’t seen jaguar shifter Gabriela Segura in nearly ten years. She was his first love—until he did something to drive her away just as their relationship was heating up. Now Gabriela has returned to Montana, and his craving for her is stronger than ever….
But a recent string of brutal attacks on humans have the wolves suspicious of the jaguars, threatening the tenuous peace between the packs. Before he can claim Gabriela as his mate, they must join forces to prove her family’s innocence and track down the true predator.
A Jaguar’s Kiss
Katie Reus
Chapter 1 (#u02ba0e24-9422-513b-8c92-6e9e4b0d94d6)
Chapter 2 (#u4f19f7aa-47f6-51f7-8593-705aef4e025b)
Chapter 3 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 4 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 5 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 6 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 7 (#litres_trial_promo)
Copyright (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 1
Gabriela Segura slowed her rental truck as she drove down Main Street in Bear Mountain, Montana. A faint smile touched her lips at the name of the town she’d grown up in. Wolf and jaguar shifters lived in a town named after a bear. Unfortunately the man who’d broken her heart also lived here. That thought made her smile wane as a familiar heaviness settled inside her. She mentally shook herself, trying to banish thoughts of the past.
Even though it was five o’clock in the morning, she spotted the bright blue neon OPEN sign at Lucky’s Diner. She mentally sighed in appreciation and found a spot about a block down from the restaurant. After traveling for nearly forty-eight hours straight and living off airport food, she wanted real coffee and a home-cooked meal. And God bless her mother; the woman just couldn’t cook so before she made it home, Lucky’s was calling her name.
The icy-cold wind whipped against her face the moment she opened the truck door, but with her jaguar blood it didn’t bother her much. She scented a wolf shifter nearby but didn’t look around. The Wright pack made their home in Bear Mountain and Gabriela would be fine if she never saw any of them again. Especially Owen Wright, son of the pack’s Alpha. If she hadn’t desperately needed a break from her job and the loss she’d recently experienced, she wouldn’t even be here.
As she opened the front door to the diner, the bell jingled loudly above her head. For a brief moment the place quieted and the dozen or so men in flannel shirts and cowboy hats looked at her with curiosity. She hadn’t been home in almost four years and she knew this place didn’t get many strangers. To many in this town, she would be just that.
Just as quickly the noise resumed, so she hurried to the counter and ordered a coffee before looking at the menu the harried waitress placed in front of her.
“Well, well, well, if it isn’t Gabby Segura. Couldn’t even call to let me know you’d be in town this morning.” A teasing, familiar female voice made her turn.
Her high school best friend, Sharon Damico, slid onto the swivel stool next to her. She talked to Sharon fairly often and her friend had even offered Gabriela a job should she ever want it—she shoved that thought from her mind. A twinge of guilt settled inside her for not calling to tell Sharon she’d caught an earlier flight but seeing her friend in uniform made her giggle.
Gabriela shook her head as she looked her friend up and down, taking in the brown-and-tan polyester uniform that proclaimed Sharon the sheriff of the town. “Nice digs.”
A half grin quirked Sharon’s mouth. “I wouldn’t talk if I were you.”
Gabriela ran a hand through her hair and laughed under her breath. After traveling for so many hours straight, she’d been wearing her now rumpled dark jeans and black sweater for longer than she cared to admit. She might need a shower and a bed but she needed good food more. “I won’t argue with you there.”
Sharon continued grinning and started to say more when the bell jingled again. At the scent of a wolf shifter, Gabriela tensed as she glanced over her shoulder. She inwardly cursed. It was Ethan Wright, brother of the one man on the planet she had no desire to see. Ever.
Gritting her teeth, Gabriela turned back to face Sharon, who had gone quiet. Sharon had no clue about shifters, but she did know about Gabriela’s former relationship with Owen. Gabriela fished out a bill and dropped it on the counter to pay for her coffee. She’d rather eat her mom’s cooking than deal with Ethan. For all she knew, Owen wasn’t far behind him. Seeing him now when she hadn’t showered in days and looked like a freaking hobo? No, thanks. “Mind if I call you later?” she murmured, hating that Ethan could probably hear her anyway, thanks to his oversensitive ears.
Sharon shook her head as she frowned in Ethan’s direction, but smiled softly at Gabriela. “No prob.”
“I promise I’ll call as soon as I’ve settled in. We can grab a drink the next time you have a night off.” Gabriela gave her a quick hug before sliding off the stool. Barely glancing in Ethan’s direction, even though she could feel his eyes on her, she skirted past him and was out the door in seconds. Thankful for the fresh air, she sucked in a deep breath. With his blue-black hair, Ethan resembled his brother so much it was difficult to even look at him.
Her flat boots were quiet against the sidewalk. So were the man’s behind her, but she could scent him, anyway. Out of all the shifter breeds, she could smell wolves the strongest. Probably because of that whole cats and dogs thing.
“Gabriela.” Ethan fell in step with her. He was about four years younger so she didn’t know him as well as she’d known Owen, but he had that same confident swagger now that he’d grown up.
She gave him a quick glance. “That would be my name.”
“What are you doing here?” He sounded genuinely confused.
She hadn’t been gone that long. Okay, well four—actually almost five—years was stretching it. “Uh, my family lives here.”
“I know that. But what…are you here because of the attacks?” Now his voice hardened and when she looked at him again, those blue eyes of his were stony and angry.
She had no idea what he was talking about and she didn’t plan to waste time chatting with him. The last few months at work had been hell. Some dear friends had died and right now she didn’t need any crappy reminders from her past literally staring her in the face and acting all hostile. Remaining silent, she pressed the key fob to the truck she’d rented. As she reached the driver-side door, she turned to look over her shoulder and tell Ethan to get lost.
That’s when she noticed the weapon in his hand. Maybe it was the lack of sleep the past few days, but she blinked once as she stared at the barrel of the gun pointed right at her.
“Step back,” he said quietly, his voice a sharpened blade.
“Are you seriously pointing a gun at me?” she asked, staring at the SIG, surprised her voice didn’t shake. Considering the “retrieval” work she did for the CIA, she dealt with all sorts of guns, but to have one held on her by a semiacquaintance in the middle of her small hometown....She shook her head, certain that this was a mistake. “What—”
“I don’t know why you’re here but if you think you can help your family cover up the attacks, think again,” he growled softly.
“Uh, attacks?” Gabriela hadn’t shifted in days and her reflexes were dulled. Not to mention she was in the beginning stages of heat and was extremely edgy. Something she definitely didn’t want to think about right now. For a moment she contemplated trying to take the weapon from him, but he read her expression.
Ethan shook his head and slid into her front seat, keeping his weapon trained on her. “I’m moving over to the passenger seat and you’re getting in the driver’s seat. Try anything stupid and I’ll pump you full of silver.”
She paused, trying to determine if she could shift to her feline form quick enough to escape. It was possible. He might clip her with a bullet, but she doubted he’d want to make a huge scene in the middle of downtown. Then again, he’d pulled a freaking gun on her. This was way too disturbing and she couldn’t get a read on what he was thinking or if he was even serious. Sure, she and Owen hadn’t parted on the best terms, but there had never been any hostility between her family and his pack. Ethan’s actions were…crazy.
When she spotted two men and Sharon—all humans—walking down the sidewalk, she realized she didn’t have a choice but to go with Ethan.
Most humans didn’t know about the existence of her kind. Her entire family went to great lengths to keep not only their shifter abilities a secret but the fact that jaguars roamed this area. If she decided to turn into a giant jaguar in the middle of Main Street…yeah, that would go over really well. And she couldn’t risk Ethan harming anyone innocent.
She got into the front seat and started the engine. Rage surged through her-potent and strong-and completely drowned out her fear. Though it didn’t smother her common sense. She might be angry but she wasn’t stupid enough to lunge for the weapon. When her claws unsheathed, ripping into the pseudo-leather of the steering wheel, she had to take a deep breath and get her jaguar under control. “Drive east, toward wolf territory.” Ethan’s words were clipped.
“Did you plan this? How did you I’d be at the diner?” No one had known she was coming back early. A slow trail of fear travelled down her spine.
He rolled his eyes, as if she was stupid, and that fear dissipated. “Of course I didn’t plan this, but I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to take you.”
Opportunity? “What’s the matter with you? Why are you doing this to me? I just got back in town. All I want is to see my parents and brothers.” She tried to keep her voice calm but it was difficult when all she wanted to do was shout at him. She shuddered, remembering the last time she’d been shot. It had been in Colombia as she’d escaped a drug lord’s compound with vital information for her team. Even if she could heal at supernatural speeds, a bullet slicing through her body still hurt something fierce.
“Quiet,” he snapped. “I’m taking you to my brother.”
At the mention of Owen, Gabriela had to focus on keeping her heart rate steady. On top of all this, seeing the man who had broken her heart when she’d been a fragile sixteen-year-old? Terrific.
Even though he’d told her to be quiet she couldn’t resist asking one more question. “Seriously, what is this about?”
Ethan leveled the gun at her, his eyes angry. “I can shoot you, dump you in the bed of the truck and drive the rest of the way. I know you’ll heal but it’ll still hurt. Your choice. Stop with the questions or…?” He tipped the gun slightly, making his point clear.
* * *
Gabriela wasn’t sure how much time had passed, but she knew it hadn’t been more than an hour since Ethan had kidnapped her. And no one would be missing her right now. Her parents didn’t know that she’d managed to jump on an earlier flight for her last connection and they weren’t expecting her home until tonight. That psycho Ethan had been tight-lipped the entire drive into wolf territory. It wasn’t until they’d passed a cluster of log cabins she knew the majority of his pack lived in that he’d told her to stop in front of the only two-story cabin. Then he’d snapped metal cuffs on her wrists and dragged her inside. They weren’t silver so they didn’t chafe her skin, but they were titanium. Shifters were stronger than humans, but titanium was still titanium.
Sniffing the air around her, she had a feeling Ethan had dumped her in his brother’s office because she could smell his familiar pine scent. She could also hear Ethan on the phone downstairs talking to who she assumed was Owen and knew her time alone was limited. Since she had on cuffs he probably didn’t think she was much of a threat. It’s not as if she could shift to her jaguar form like this. Well, she could, but her arms and legs in cat form were a lot bigger and she wasn’t positive the change would break the cuffs. If it didn’t, she’d be in serious pain.
She didn’t plan to stick around long enough to see why this crazy wolf had kidnapped her. Thankfully Ethan had cuffed her hands in the front so she had some mobility. Quietly riffling through the top drawers of the giant oak desk, she smiled when she finally found a very slim letter opener. It was as long as a screwdriver but much thinner and flatter. The cuffs on her wrist were thicker than normal and so was the lock opening. Picking up the end of the opener with her mouth, she slid the shiny tip into the circular opening.
A slam sounded from downstairs. Shouts followed. Her heart beat erratically. She recognized that voice. Owen.
No, no, no.
Forcing her hands to remain calm, she began twisting the opener with her mouth. She’d done this before—of course she’d had better tools then but she knew exactly…click. The tiny lever inside sprung free, releasing her manacles.
As they fell from her wrists, the door flew open, slamming against the back wall with a sickening crash. She felt as if her heart actually stopped for a moment. Everything around her funneled out as she stared into the clearest blue eyes she’d ever seen. Owen had always been big, but he’d grown even taller since she’d last seen him. He was probably six-foot three now. And he had that GQ thing going on. Tall, strong jaw, incredibly broad shoulders and muscles that couldn’t be disguised by a mere T-shirt. His blue-black hair and blue eyes gave him an exotic, appealing look. Of course she could see the wolf lurking beneath the surface. Just a hint of danger that even humans wouldn’t be able to ignore.
“Gabriela,” he whispered, some foreign emotion injected into that one word.
That broke the spell. Fisting the cuffs, she chucked them at his head and turned, diving for the glass window. Unlike wolf shifters, her change to animal form was seamless. Her clothes and shoes shredded as she became a jaguar. Vaguely, as if from a great distance, she heard Owen cursing behind her, but she didn’t pause in her escape. Drawing on the strength of her hind legs she used the window frame as a springboard—and tried to ignore the pain of the glass slicing into her paws—to propel herself to the oak tree.
The sun had risen farther in the sky, illuminating everything for her, not that she needed it with her extrasensory abilities. Nimbly, she jumped from branch to branch until she hit the dirt running. She could hear the sound of a growl behind her, but ignored it. If Owen or Ethan thought they could kidnap her and hold her hostage, they’d have to catch her first.
As a jaguar, she was a heck of a lot faster than them. Her family wasn’t native to this area, and with the exception of the local doctor, they were the only jaguar shifters living in Montana that she knew of. Still, she could travel these woods blind. First she needed to know she had outrun her pursuers. Then she was going to figure out why a member of the Wright pack had kidnapped her in broad daylight. And there was going to be hell to pay.
* * *
Owen wrenched his shirt off and raced out of his office, heading down the stairs.
“I’ll radio the guys on perimeter duty to track her,” Ethan said as he hurried after him.
It took all of Owen’s restraint not to knock his brother out right now. He’d actually kidnapped Gabriela in some misguided attempt to force her family to reveal who had been behind the recent jaguar killings in the area. It didn’t matter that Ethan had admitted the gun hadn’t been loaded. Gabriela hadn’t known that.
Owen barely kept from snarling. “Radio everyone and tell them to give her a wide berth. No one is to go after her.” His inner wolf was clawing at the surface and right about now he was ready to slice his brother to shreds for putting shackles on Gabriela.
Owen whipped around and had his brother slammed up against the outside wall of the cabin before he even realized he’d curled his fist around Ethan’s neck. “I’m your Alpha and you’ll do as I say. Anyone touches her, they’ll answer to me. And I’ll punish you for it, too.”
With wide eyes, his brother coughed out an “okay.”
Not bothering to wait and see if Ethan followed his orders, Owen finished stripping and shifted to his wolf form. Unlike the beauty of Gabriela’s shift, which he’d seen hundreds of times back when they’d been friends, his was more brutal. He held in a growl as his body underwent the change. Bones broke, shifted and realigned with a painful burst as fur quickly grew, covering what had once been skin.
Then he was running. He raced through the forest, tracking her sweet honeydew scent. When he’d received that call from his brother telling him what Ethan had done, Owen had seen red. He hadn’t seen Gabriela in about nine years and hadn’t spoken to her in ten. Not since he’d been seventeen years old and stupid and had screwed up the best thing in his life.
She’d been his best friend and he’d hoped they’d be more. But he’d lost even her friendship. It had made his decision to join the army at eighteen easy. Some days it was hard to believe so much time had passed since he’d spoken to her.
He bounded over icy patches of dirt and grass, barely feeling the cold. As a shifter he had a higher body temperature anyway, but right now all his focus was on finding Gabriela. He felt practically numb as he strained to run faster, faster.
That familiar sexual hunger he’d experienced when he was a teenager was back, only this time it was stronger, needier. His entire body craved her in a way he didn’t quite understand. Or didn’t want to.
Back then he’d been too stupid to realize what she was to him. Then he’d somehow hurt her and it had been too late to explore what might have been. She’d refused to see him. Absolutely wouldn’t talk to him or take his calls and hell, at seventeen he’d been full of pride. He hadn’t been willing to beg her to explain what he’d done wrong.
Now he had to talk to her. To see her and convince his inner wolf she was real. Her honey-brown hair was shorter than it had been years ago, falling a few inches below her shoulders. She was still tall, about five-feet ten, and lean and lithe. The way she moved as a human mirrored her movements as a jaguar and it had always fascinated him.
Now her speed and agility frustrated him.
The deeper into his territory he went, he realized where she was headed. Owen’s father had been Alpha before him—right up until the day he’d died five years ago—and had given the Segura family an area of the forest to hunt. With the growing attacks against humans lately, Owen had rescinded his father’s offer and taken back his pack’s land. It had been a difficult choice, but he’d needed to calm his pack’s growing anger.
But she wouldn’t know that. She probably assumed the cabin her family had once used to store extra changes of clothes and food was still protected.
Instead of following her trail toward the river bed where he knew she was headed in an attempt to try to cover her scent before doubling back to the cabin, he ran west toward the cabin in her family’s former territory. Why follow her when he could just beat her to her final destination?
Once he neared the small building, he slowly circled, making sure he was alone. Then he rolled around in pine boughs to mask his scent before he shifted to his human form. Using a side window that was unlocked, he climbed inside and found himself in one of the guest rooms. The place had the bare minimum of furniture but he found clothes that fit him and settled down to wait, bracing for the coming confrontation.
Chapter 2
Gabriela waited until she was on the front porch of her family’s cabin before shifting to her human form. Breathing hard from the run, she glanced around the surrounding forest but didn’t see anyone lurking in the trees. She could faintly scent wolves but the smell didn’t seem recent.
Not surprisingly the front door wasn’t locked. People rarely ventured out here and there was nothing to steal inside, anyway. The first step she took inside, she realized her mistake. The scent of wolf and pine subtly hit her. Inwardly cursing that she hadn’t smelled it sooner, she tried to move back.
Before she could run, the door was slammed shut behind her and she found herself pressed up against the door by a very large, very angry-looking Owen. Thank God he was at least clothed, though it didn’t matter because she wasn’t. She could feel the heat and muscles of his body through the shirt and pants she was pretty sure he’d stolen from one of the closets.
When she swung out at him, he easily caught her wrist and pinned it against the door above her. Angry at his strength, she let out a growl. Faking a blow with her other hand, she slammed her knee into his groin when he went to grab her other wrist. She wasn’t afraid he’d physically or sexually assault her but she wasn’t going to let him hold her hostage. And she’d fight him to escape.
He let out a pained groan but didn’t lessen his hold and managed to grab her free wrist in the process.
She’d never felt so exposed or vulnerable in her life. In her clandestine profession she was used to being the one in control. Being able to get out of any situation. Of course that was because of her agility and her ability to sneak into places undetected. Not because of super strength. Right now she wished she was physically stronger. “What’s wrong? Nothing down there to hurt?” she taunted. It was definitely not true. She could feel him, but when his eyes darkened, she took perverse pleasure at pissing him off.
His eyes watered slightly and she realized he was containing his pain. “Why the hell did you throw those cuffs at my head?” he rasped out.
A burst of sharp laughter escaped despite her fear at being held captive. “Seriously?”
“When my brother called and told me what he’d done I rushed in from the woods. Taking you was stupid. An impetuous decision.” There was an edge to his voice and she realized it wasn’t directed at her.
“Impetuous? That little psycho kidnapped me at gunpoint.” Gabriela subtly tried to wiggle out from his grasp, but it was useless. With the cool air of the unheated cabin rushing over her body and the sharp adrenaline surge she’d just experienced, she was horrified that her nipples were hard. Okay, she was horrified to be completely naked in front of Owen.
Her only saving grace was the fact that he didn’t seem to notice. He hadn’t looked down at her once. She wondered if she should feel insulted or relieved.
“His gun wasn’t loaded—not that I’m excusing his behavior. The attacks around here have been escalating and he thought our pack could use you.” His voice was grim.
“What attacks?” When she’d questioned Ethan he’d clammed up.
Owen’s eyes darkened and she saw his inner wolf staring back at her for an instant. He sniffed, not subtly, as he tried to see if she was lying. Apparently satisfied she was innocent, he continued. “Humans in the area have been killed—massacred—by a large feline. Law enforcement thinks it’s a cougar but there aren’t any around here. Not with two other apex predators in the area. Not enough hunting grounds and…the humans have been targeted too close to town. One in his backyard. There’s no way this is a normal animal. The last victim was definitely hunted down.”
Gabriela frowned as Owen’s words sank in. Her parents hadn’t said a word to her about this. Of course she hadn’t been home in four long years so she didn’t really blame them. “Wait a minute. You think my family has something to do with this?” He shrugged and it infuriated her. There had never been any bad blood between her family and his pack. They weren’t friends, but they respected each other as shifters. “You’re insane.” When he didn’t respond she continued, “So your psychotic little brother decided kidnapping me was a genius plan?”
Now Owen sighed. He looked tired and much older than his twenty-seven years. “Ethan thought we could hold you hostage and try to bargain with your family. Convince them to turn over the perpetrator for you. He figured if it’s one of your brothers they’d give themselves up if they thought you were in danger.”
Her body was rigid with outrage. “And your father was okay with this?” Disbelief laced her voice. Gabriela just couldn’t fathom Wesley Wright allowing that to happen on his land.
“Dad died four years ago,” Owen said abruptly, his voice devoid of emotion even while she could see the agony on his face.
It was as if someone sucker punched her in the stomach. No one in her family had told her. Of course no one talked much about the wolves to her, especially not about Owen. They didn’t know exactly what had happened to end their friendship, but her family was smart enough to figure out that Owen was off-limits in the conversation department. She’d been traveling so much the past few years she’d been pretty awful at keeping in contact, anyway. She let her arms relax, not bothering to struggle anymore. “I’m so sorry. I had no idea.” Another sudden thought slammed into her. “So that means you became Alpha at…twenty-three?”
Swallowing hard, he nodded again and let his hands drop, freeing her wrists. She didn’t move away but she did cross her arms over her bare breasts. Looking away he stripped off his T-shirt and handed it to her. Though he still didn’t step back and give her even the illusion of personal space.
Taking the shirt, she quickly tugged it on. His scent wrapped around her like a warm embrace and she hated that her inner jaguar was practically preening, wanting to strut around for him. It was a stupid biological reaction she’d had to him ever since she was sixteen. Her body just flared to life in his presence. “What happened?” she asked, her throat tight. She and Owen might not be friends anymore but she knew how close he and his father had been.
“Rogue vampire. The pack hunted them down but it didn’t bring him back.” Owen’s eyes locked on hers and when he let her see such raw pain there, it ripped at her insides.
For a moment he looked like that seventeen-year-old boy she’d been friends with. Heck, he looked even younger than that. He reminded her of the kid she’d first gone hunting with as a cub. The kid she’d gotten into a lot of trouble with over the years. She wasn’t supposed to feel sorry for him or care about him, but she did. Seeing him all vulnerable made something inside her break.
Without thinking she stepped forward and wrapped her arms around his waist, holding him tight against her. “I’m so sorry.” To her surprise he didn’t pull away. He hugged her with a startling fierceness, pulling her close as he buried his head against her neck.
And didn’t let go. “I…haven’t been able to mourn much.”
The statement seemed to rip from his throat. Even more surprising than his hug was the honesty in the admission. They hadn’t seen each other in a very long time. Once they’d been closer than anything, even family, but…she shut that thought down and just held him.
It felt strangely right to be in Owen’s embrace. Even if she was wearing only his shirt and his crazy brother had tried to kidnap her a few hours ago. Being with him now reminded Gabriela of when she’d been sixteen. She’d entered her first mating cycle and her body had become aware of Owen almost overnight. It didn’t matter that they’d been friends since they were young cubs. She’d been so stunned by the realization that Owen was attractive and strong and exactly what her inner jaguar wanted in a mate. Then to discover he wanted her, too had been another surprise. Of course their relationship had been short-lived after that.
When she started to pull away he held her tight. “Don’t,” he murmured against her hair. The uncharacteristic note of need in his voice made her heart turn over.
That’s when she felt his erection against her lower abdomen. She’d be lying to herself if she said it didn’t turn her on. Gabriela was glad she had the power to get him hot, but she knew it wasn’t because of his attraction to her. It was just biology and the mating heat she was putting off. It wasn’t real. “Owen, I’ve literally just started my mating cycle. What you’re feeling is because of my pheromones. I need to leave—”
“What I’m feeling has nothing to do with that and you know it,” he growled softly, his hold on her completely possessive.
Uh, what? Maybe his brain was more rattled over the subtle scent of her heat that seemed to be growing stronger each second that ticked by. The cycle only happened once a year for jaguar shifters and usually she just took a week off work and holed up in her condo in a desperate attempt to ease her sexual frustration. It had hit her a couple weeks early this year, on one of the plane rides home. She’d been able to contain her discomfort and sexual frustration but being around Owen was going to disrupt everything. Hugging him had definitely been a mistake. Any sort of touch with this big, very sexy male was stupid. Her body was tingling in raw awareness and she needed to get away from him now. “Owen—”
His mouth was on hers before she could blink. She couldn’t breathe, could barely think as his tongue delved into her mouth.
There were no teasing little strokes. This was hot and needy and very grown-up. None of the innocent kisses from when they were teenagers.
Gabriela wanted to push him away. She really meant to. When her hands slid away from his waist, they somehow wound around his neck instead of shoving at his chest like common sense told her to do.
His hands were holding her in a very possessive manner. One was cupped against her behind, tugging her so that her hips were flush against his—like she needed the encouragement—and the other threaded through her hair as he cupped the back of her head.
She was too physically on edge to fight what he was offering. Lifting one leg, she wrapped it around his hip and began slowly grinding against him. Without any panties, she didn’t have much of a barrier against him and the rubbing sensation was deliciously erotic. She couldn’t believe what she was doing but she also didn’t have the strength to stop herself. It had been so long since she’d been with a man and to be held in Owen’s arms like this was too good to walk away from.
She thought about blaming it on her mating heat but she wasn’t stupid. Right now, not just any man would do for her. She knew she was stupid for letting him kiss her and hold her like this but just once she wanted to feel what Owen had to offer. Then she could get him out of her system. And a tiny, very dark part of her hoped that when she walked away from him, it hurt him, too.
Of course that would imply she meant something to him other than a warm female body. And she didn’t. To him, she was a feline and would never be good enough. He’d made that clear years ago.

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