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The Autobiography of a Flea
The Autobiography of a Flea
The Autobiography of a Flea
Stanislas de Rhodes
‘The Autobiography of a Flea’ was initally published in 1887, and inspired a film directed by one of the first female pornographic directors from the 1970s. Starring the inimitable John C Holmes, it is recognised as a classic example of the x-rated genre.Can men of the cloth ever escape temptation?A young maiden, Bella, and her boyfriend Charlie consummate their passion under the moonlight, shrouded in petticoats. Little do they know that someone has been watching them – a priest – who blackmails Bella over the sight he has witnessed, enslaving her into a world of sexual subservience.‘The Autobiography of a Flea’ is narrated by the smallest voyeur of them all, who uses his size to avenge Bella's misfortune, revealing the sordid details of a priest's inner sanctum.

The Autobiography of a Flea
Stanislas De Rhodes

Table of Contents
Cover Page (#ue28213a7-8e58-582d-84a1-d565479d5203)
Title Page (#u89654562-661e-5e0b-8321-153822d77a7c)
Prologue (#u5f94fd85-a2a1-5933-9bdd-83232161ff1a)
Harper Perennial Forbidden Classics (#u5824a091-65f9-5d03-b8ef-7b4468c6b317)
Chapter One (#u16e8b438-c41d-5818-ab92-1c0f6b790ca3)
Chapter Two (#ub253e9f5-89b5-5976-ac37-ba3ef5c5d95c)
Chapter Three (#u69a62390-2e73-5aeb-a2cb-89e22ec0e340)
Chapter Four (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Five (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Six (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Seven (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Eight (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Nine (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Ten (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Eleven (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Twelve (#litres_trial_promo)
Copyright (#litres_trial_promo)
About the Publisher (#litres_trial_promo)

Prologue (#ulink_1a92fbdb-6229-529d-a3f0-7356d83a8c63)
…to break to every caprice of his horrid lust, and to bend to the indulgence of the most outrageous and unbridled sensuality.

Harper Perennial Forbidden Classics (#ulink_192072b3-30ae-5fc9-a357-ca63778b8a40)
Fanny Hill John Cleland
Justine Marquis de Sade
Venus in Furs Leopold von Sacher-Masoch
The Pearl Anonymous
My Secret Life Walter
The Way of a Man with a Maid Anonymous
The Autobiography of a Flea Stanislas de Rhodes
Sadopaideia Anonymous
Venus in India ‘Captain Charles Devereaux’
Emmanuelle Emmanuelle Arsan

Chapter One (#ulink_c97fa4d7-cdb0-5494-b525-46ac40ca3421)
Born I was – but how, when, or where I cannot say; so I must leave the reader to accept the assertion per se, and believe it if he will. One thing is equally certain, the fact of my birth is not one atom less veracious than the reality of these memoirs, and if the intelligent student of these pages wonders how it came to pass that one in my walk – or perhaps, I should have said jump – of life, became possessed of the learning, observation and power of committing to memory the whole of the wonderful facts and disclosures I am about to relate, I can only remind him that there are intelligences little suspected by the vulgar, and laws in Nature the very existence of which have not yet been detected by the advanced among the scientific world.
I have heard it somewhere remarked that my province was to get my living by blood sucking. I am not the lowest by any means of that universal fraternity, and if I sustain a precarious existence upon the bodies of those with whom I come in contact, my own experience proves that I do so in a marked and peculiar manner, with a warning of my employment which is seldom given by those in other grades of my profession. But I submit that I have other and nobler aims than the mere sustaining of my being by the contributions of the unwary. I have been conscious of this original defect, and, with a soul far above the vulgar instincts of my race, I jumped by degrees to heights of mental perception and erudition which placed me for ever upon a pinnacle of insect grandeur.
It is this attainment to learning which I shall evoke in describing the scenes of which I have been a witness – nay, even a partaker. I shall not stop to explain by what means I am possessed of human powers of thinking and observing, but, in my lucubrations, leave you simply to perceive that I possess them and wonder accordingly.
You will thus perceive that I am not a common flea; indeed, when it is borne in mind the company in which I have been accustomed to mingle, the familiarity with which I have been suffered to treat persons the most exalted, and the opportunities I have possessed to make the most of my acquaintances, the reader will no doubt agree with me that I am in very truth a most wonderful and exalted insect.
My earliest recollections lead me back to a period when I found myself within a church. There was a rolling of rich music and a slow monotonous chanting which then filled me with surprise and admiration, but I have long since learnt the true importance of such influences, and the attitudes of the worshippers are now taken by me for the outward semblance of inward emotions which are very generally non-existent. Be this as it may, I was engaged upon professional business connected with the plump white leg of a young lady of some sixteen years of age, the taste of whose delicious blood I well remember, and the flavour of whose –
But I am digressing.
Soon after I had commenced in a quiet and friendly way my little attentions, the young girl in common with the rest of the congregation rose to depart, and I, as a matter of course, determined to accompany her.
I am very sharp of sight as well as of hearing, and that is how I saw a young gentleman slip a small folded piece of white paper into the young lady’s pretty gloved hand, as she passed through the crowded porch. I had noticed the name Bella neatly worked upon the soft silk stocking which had at first attracted me, and I now saw the same word appeared alone upon the outside of the billet-doux. She was with her aunt, a tall, stately dame, with whom I did not care to get upon terms of intimacy.
Bella was a beauty – just sixteen – a perfect figure, and although so young, her soft bosom was already budding into those proportions which delight the other sex. Her face was charming in its frankness; her breath sweet as the perfumes of Arabia, and, as I always said, her skin as soft as velvet. Bella was evidently well aware of her good looks, and carried her head as proudly and as coquettishly as a queen. That she inspired admiration was not difficult to see by the wistful and longing glances which the young men – and sometimes also those of more mature years – cast upon her. There was a general hush of conversation outside the building, and a turning of glances generally towards the pretty Bella, which told more plainly than words that she was the admired one of all eyes and the desired one of all hearts – at any rate among the male sex.
Paying, however, very little attention to what was evidently a matter of everyday occurrence, the young lady walked sharply homewards with her aunt, and after arrival at the neat and genteel residence, went quickly to her room. I will not say I followed, but I ‘went with her’, and beheld the gentle girl raise one dainty leg across the other and remove the tiniest of tight and elegant kid boots.
I jumped upon the carpet and proceeded with my examinations. The left boot followed, and, without removing her plump calf from off the other, Bella sat looking at the folded piece of paper which I had seen the young fellow deposit secretly in her hand.
Closely watching everything, I noted the swelling thighs, which spread upwards above her tightly fitting garters until they were lost in the darkness and closed together at a point where her beautiful belly met them in her stooping position; they almost obliterated a thin and peach-like slit, which just showed its rounded lips between them in the shade.
Presently Bella dropped her note, and being open, I took the liberty to read it. I will be in the old spot at eight o’clock tonight, were the only words which the paper contained, but they appeared to have a special interest for Bella, who remained cogitating for some time in the same thoughtful mood.
My curiosity had been aroused, and my desire to know more of the interesting young being with whom chance had so promiscuously brought me in pleasing contact prompted me to remain quietly ensconced in a snug though somewhat moist hiding place, and it was not until near upon the hour named that I once more emerged in order to watch the progress of events.
Bella had dressed herself with scrupulous care, and now prepared to betake herself to the garden which surrounded the country house in which she dwelt.
I went with her.
Arriving at the end of a long and shady avenue the young girl seated herself upon a rustic bench, and there awaited the coming of the person she was to meet.
It was not many minutes before the young man whom I had seen in communication with my fair little friend in the morning presented himself.
A conversation ensued which, if I might judge by the abstraction of the pair from aught besides themselves, had unusual interest for both.
It was evening, and the twilight had already commenced: the air was warm and genial, and the young pair sat closely entwined upon the bench, lost to all but their own happiness.
‘You don’t know how I love you, Bella,’ whispered the youth, tenderly sealing his protestation with a kiss upon the pouting lips of his companion.
‘Yes I do,’ replied the girl, naïvely, ‘are you not always telling me? I shall get tired of hearing it soon.’
Bella fidgeted her pretty little foot and looked thoughtful.
‘When are you going to explain and show me all those funny things you told me about?’ asked she, giving a quick glance up, and then as rapidly bending her eyes upon the gravel walk.
‘Now,’ answered the youth. ‘Now, dear Bella, while we have the chance to be alone and free from interruption. You know, Bella, we are no longer children?’
Bella nodded her head.
‘Well, there are things which are not known to children, and which are necessary for lovers not only to know, but also to practise.’
‘Dear me,’ said the girl, seriously.
‘Yes,’ continued her companion, ‘there are secrets which render lovers happy, and which make the enjoyment of loving and of being loved.’
‘Lord!’ exclaimed Bella, ‘how sentimental you have grown, Charlie; I remember the time when you declared sentiment was “all humbug”.’
‘So I thought it was, till I loved you,’ replied the youth.
‘Nonsense,’ continued Bella, ‘but go on, Charlie, and tell me what you promised.’
‘I can’t tell you without showing you as well,’ replied Charlie; ‘the knowledge can only be learnt by experience.’
‘Oh, go on then and show me,’ cried the girl, in whose bright eyes and glowing cheeks I thought I could detect a very conscious knowledge of the kind of instruction about to be imparted.
There was something catching in her impatience. The youth yielded to it, and covering her beautiful young form with his own, glued his mouth to hers and kissed it rapturously.
Bella made no resistance; she even aided and returned her lover’s caresses.
Meanwhile, the evening advanced: the trees lay in the gathering darkness, spreading their lofty tops to screen the waning light from the young lovers.
Presently Charlie slid on one side; he made a slight movement, and then without any opposition he passed his hand under and up the petticoats of the pretty Bella. Not satisfied with the charms which he found within the compass of the glistening silk stockings, he essayed to press on still further, and his wandering fingers now touched the soft and quivering flesh of her young thighs.
Bella’s breath came hard and fast, as she felt the indelicate attack which was being made upon her charms. So far, however, from resisting, she evidently enjoyed the exciting dalliance.
‘Touch it,’ whispered Bella, ‘you may.’
Charlie needed no further invitation: indeed he was already preparing to advance without one and instantly comprehending the permission, drove his fingers forward. The fair girl opened her thighs as he did so, and the next instant his hand covered the delicate pink lips of her pretty slit.
For the next ten minutes the pair remained almost motionless, their lips joined and their breathing alone marking the sensations which were overpowering them with the intoxication of wantonness. Charlie felt a delicate object, which stiffened beneath his nimble fingers, and assumed a prominence of which he had no experience.
Presently Bella closed her eyes, and throwing back her head, shuddered slightly, while her frame became supple and languid, and she suffered her head to rest upon the arm of her lover.
‘Oh, Charlie,’ she murmured, ‘what is it you do? What delightful sensations you give me.’
Meanwhile, the youth was not idle, but having fairly explored all he could in the constrained position in which he found himself, he rose, and sensible of the need of assuaging the raging passion which his actions had fanned, he besought his fair companion to let him guide her hand to a dear object, which he assured her was capable of giving her far greater pleasure than his fingers had done.
Nothing loth, Bella’s grasp was the next moment upon a new and delicious substance, and either giving way to the curiosity she simulated, or really carried away by her newly roused desires, nothing would do, but she must bring out and into the light the standing affair of her friend.
Those of my readers who have been placed in a similar position will readily understand the warmth of the grasp and the surprise of the look which greeted the first appearance in public of the new acquisition.
Bella beheld a man’s member for the first time in her life, in the full plenitude of its power, and although it was not, I could plainly see, by any means a formidable one, yet its white shaft and red-capped head, from which the soft skin retreated as she pressed it, gained her quick inclination to learn more.
Charlie was equally moved; his eyes shone and his hand continued to rove all over the sweet young treasure of which he had taken possession.
Meanwhile, the toyings of the little white hand upon the youthful member with which it was in contact had produced effects common under such circumstances to all of so healthy and vigorous a constitution as that of the owner of this particular affair.
Enraptured with the soft pressures, the gentle and delicious squeezings, the artless way in which the young lady pulled back the folds from the rampant nut and disclosed the ruby crest, purple with desire, and the tip, ended by the tiny orifice, now awaiting its opportunity to send forth its slippery offering, the youth grew wild with lust, and Bella, participating in sensations new and strange, but which carried her away in a whirlwind of passionate excitement, panted for she knew not what of rapturous relief.
With her beautiful eyes half-closed, her dewy lips parted, and her skin warm and glowing with the unwonted impulse stealing over her, she lay, the delicious victim of whosoever had the instant chance to reap her favours and pluck her delicate young rose.
Charlie, youth though he was, was not so blind as to lose so fair an opportunity; besides, his now rampant passions carried him forward despite the dictates of prudence which he otherwise might have heard.
He felt the throbbing and well-moistened centre quivering beneath his fingers, he beheld the beautiful girl lying inviting him to the amorous sport, he watched the tender breathings which caused the young breast to rise and fall, he recognised the strong sensual emotions which animated the glowing form of his youthful companion.
The full, soft and swelling legs of the girl were now exposed to his sensuous gaze.
Gently raising the intervening drapery, Charlie still further disclosed the secret charms of his lovely companion until, with eyes of flame, he saw the plump limbs terminate in the full hips and white palpitating belly.
Then also his ardent gaze fell upon the centre spot of attraction – on the small pink slit which lay half-hidden at the foot of the swelling mount of Venus, as yet hardly shaded by the softest down.
The titillation which he had administered and the caresses which he had bestowed upon the coveted object had induced a flow of the native moisture which such excitement tends to provoke, and Bella lay with her peach-like slit well bedewed with Nature’s best and sweetest lubricant.
Charlie saw his chance. Gently disengaging her hand from its grasp upon his member, he threw himself frantically upon the recumbent figure of the girl.
His left arm wound itself round her slender waist, his hot breath was on her cheek, his lips pressed hers in one long, passionate and hurried kiss. His right hand, now free, sought to bring together those parts of both which are the active instruments of sensual pleasure, and with eager efforts he sought to complete conjunction.
Bella now felt for the first time in her life the magic touch of a man’s machine between the tips of her rosy orifice.
No sooner had she perceived the warm contact which was occasioned by the stiffened head of Charlie’s member, than she shuddered perceptibly, and already anticipating the delights of venery, gave down an abundance of proof of her susceptible nature.
Charlie was enraptured at his happiness, and eagerly strove to perfect his enjoyment.
But Nature, which had operated so powerfully in the development of Bella’s sensual passions, left yet something to be accomplished, ere the opening of so early a rosebud could be easily effected.
She was very young, immature, certainly so in the sense of those monthly visitations which are supposed to mark the commencement of puberty; and Bella’s parts, replete as they were with perfection and freshness, were as yet hardly prepared for the accommodation of even so moderate a champion as that which, with round intruding head, now sought to enter in and effect a lodgement.
In vain Charlie pushed and exerted himself to press into the delicate parts of the lovely girl his excited member.
The pink folds and the tiny orifice withstood all his attempts to penetrate the mystic grotto. In vain the pretty Bella, now roused into a fury of excitement and half-mad with the titillation she had already undergone, seconded by all the means in her power the audacious attempts of her young lover.
The membrane was strong and resisted bravely until, with a desperate purpose to win the goal or burst everything, the youth drew back for a moment, and then desperately plunging forward, succeeded in piercing the obstruction and thrusting the head and shoulders of his stiffened affair into the belly of the yielding girl.
Bella gave a little scream as she felt the forcible inroad upon her secret charms, but the delicious contact gave her courage to bear the smart in hopes of the relief which appeared to be coming.
Meanwhile, Charlie pushed again and again, and proud of the victory which he had already won, not only stood his ground, but at each thrust advanced some small way further upon his road.
It has been said, ce n’est que le premier coup qui coûte, but it may be fairly argued that it is at the same time perfectly possible that quelquefois il coûte trop, as the reader may be inclined to infer with me in the present case.
Neither of our lovers, however, had, strange to say, a thought on the subject, but fully occupied with the delicious sensations which had overpowered them, united to give effect to those ardent movements which both could feel would end in ecstasy.
As for Bella, with her whole body quivering with delicious impatience, and her full red lips giving vent to the short excursive exclamations which announced the extreme gratification, she gave herself up body and soul to the delights of coition. Her muscular compressions upon the weapon which had now effectually gained her, the firm embrace in which she held the writhing lad, the delicate and moistened, glove-like sheath, all tended to excite Charlie to madness. He felt himself in her body to the roots of his machine, until the two globes which tightened beneath the foaming champion of his manhood, pressed upon the firm cheeks of her white bottom. He could go no further and his sole employment was to enjoy – to reap to the full the delicious harvest of his exertions.
But Bella, insatiable in her passion, no sooner found the wished-for junction completed than, relishing the keen pleasure which the stiff and warm member was giving her, she became too excited to know or care quite what was happening, and in her frenzied excitement, quickly overtaken again by the maddening spasms of completed lust, pressed downwards upon the object of her pleasure, threw up her arms in passionate rapture and then, sinking back in the arms of her lover, with low groans of ecstatic agony and little cries of surprise and delight, gave down a copious emission, which finding a reluctant escape below, inundated Charlie’s balls.
No sooner did the youth witness the delivering enjoyment he was the means of bestowing upon the beautiful Bella and become sensible of the flood which she had poured down in such profusion upon his person, than he was also seized with lustful fury. A raging torrent of desire seemed to rush through his veins and furiously he plunged his instrument to the hilt in her delicious belly; then, drawing back, he extracted the smoking member almost to the head. He pressed and bore all before him. He felt a teasing, maddening feeling creeping upon him; he tightened his grasp upon the young mistress, and at the same instant that another cry of rapturous enjoyment issued from her heaving breast, he found himself gasping upon her bosom, and pouring into her grateful womb a rich tickling jet of youthful vigour.
A low moan of salacious gratification escaped the parted lips of Bella, as she felt the jerking gushes of seminal fluid which came from the excited member within her; at the same moment the lustful frenzy of emission forced from Charlie a sharp and thrilling cry as he lay with upturned eyes in the last act of the sensuous drama.
That cry was the signal for an interruption which was as sudden as it was unexpected. From out of the bordering shrubs there stole the sombre figure of a man; it came and stood before the youthful lovers.
Horror froze the blood of both.
Slipping from his late warm and luscious retreat and essaying as best he could to stand upright, Charlie recoiled from the apparition as from some dreadful serpent.
As for the gentle Bella, no sooner did she catch sight of the intruder than, covering her face with her hands, she shrank back upon the seat which had been the silent witness of her pleasures and, too frightened to utter a sound, waited with what presence of mind she could assume to face the brewing storm.
Nor was she kept long in suspense.
Quickly advancing towards the guilty couple the newcomer seized the lad by the arm while with a stern gesture of authority he ordered him to repair the disorder of his dress.
‘Impudent boy,’ he hissed between his teeth, ‘what is it that you have done? To what lengths have your mad and savage passions hurried you? How will you face the rage of your justly offended father? How appease his angry resentment when in the exercise of my bounden duty, I apprise him of the mischief wrought by the hand of his only son?’
As the speaker ceased, still holding Charlie by the wrist, he came forth into the moonlight and disclosed the figure of a man of some forty-five years of age, short, stout and somewhat corpulent. His face, decidedly handsome, was rendered still more attractive by a pair of brilliant eyes, which, black as jet, threw around fierce glances of passionate resentment. He was habited in a clerical dress, the sombre shades and quite unobtrusive neatness of which drew out only more prominently his remarkably muscular proportions and striking physiognomy.
Charlie appeared, as well indeed he might, covered with confusion, and it was to his infinite and selfish relief that the stern intruder turned to the young partner of his libidinous enjoyment.
‘For you, miserable girl, I can only express the utmost horror and my most righteous indignation. Forgetful alike of the precepts of the holy mother church, careless of your honour, you have allowed this wicked and presumptuous boy to pluck the forbidden fruit! What now remains for you? Scorned by your friends and driven from your uncle’s house, you will herd with the beasts of the field, and exiled as by Nebuchadnezzar of old, shunned as contamination by your species, you will be glad to gather a miserable sustenance in the highways. Oh, daughter of sin, child given up to lust and unto Satan. I say unto thee –’
The stranger had proceeded thus far in his abjuration of the unfortunate girl, when Bella, rising from her crouching attitude, threw herself at his feet, and joined her tears and prayers for forgiveness to those of her young lover.
‘Say no more,’ at length continued the stern priest; ‘say no more. Confessions are of no avail, and humiliations do but add to your offence. My mind misgives me as to my duty in this sad affair, but if I obeyed the dictates of my present inclinations I should go straight to your natural guardians and acquaint them immediately with the infamous nature of my chance discovery.’
‘Oh, in pity, have mercy upon me,’ pleaded Bella, whose tears now coursed down her pretty cheeks, so lately aglow with wanton pleasure.
‘Spare us, father, spare us both. We will do anything in our power to make atonement. Six masses and several paters shall be performed on our account and at our cost. The pilgrimage to the shrine of St Eugulphus, of which you spoke to me the other day, shall now surely be undertaken. I am willing to do anything, sacrifice anything, if you will spare this dear Bella.’
The priest waved his hand for silence. Then he spoke, while accents of pity mingled with his naturally stern and resolute manner.
‘Enough,’ said he, ‘I must have time. I must invoke assistance from the Blessed Virgin, who knew no sin, but who, without the carnal delights of mortal copulation, brought forth the babe of babes in the manger of Bethlehem. Come to me tomorrow in the sacristy, Bella. There in the precincts, I will unfold to you the divine will concerning your transgression. At two o’clock I will expect you. As for you, rash youth, I shall reserve my judgement, and all action, until the following day, when at the same hour I shall likewise expect you.’
A thousand thanks were being poured out by the united throats of the penitents, when the father warned them both to part. The evening had long ago closed in, and the dews of night were stealing upwards.
‘Meanwhile, good-night and peace; your secret is safe with me, until we meet again,’ he spoke and disappeared.

Chapter Two (#ulink_b1e41d59-3285-5ed0-9d1c-2b502a8395f9)
Curiosity to learn the sequel of an adventure in which I already felt so much interest, as well as a tender solicitude for the gentle and amiable Bella, constrained me to keep in her vicinity, and I, therefore, took care not to annoy her with any very decided attentions on my part, or to raise resistance by an ill-timed attack at a moment when it was necessary to the success of my design to remain within range of that young lady’s operations.
I shall not attempt to tell of the miserable period passed by my young protégée in the interval which elapsed between the shocking discovery made by the holy father confessor, and the hour assigned by him for the interview in the sacristy which was to decide the fate of the unfortunate Bella.
With trembling steps and downcast eyes the frightened girl presented herself at the porch and knocked.
The door was opened and the father appeared upon the threshold.
At a sign Bella entered and stood before the stately presence of the holy man.
An embarrassing silence of some seconds followed. Father Ambrose was the first to break the spell.
‘You have done right, my daughter, to come to me so punctually; the ready obedience of the penitent is the first sign of the spirit within which obtains the divine forgiveness.’
At these gracious words Bella took courage, and already a load seemed to fall from her heart.
Father Ambrose continued, seating himself at the same time upon the long-cushioned seat which covered a huge oak chest: ‘I have thought much, and prayed much on your account, my daughter. For some time there appeared no way in which I could absolve my conscience otherwise than to go to your natural protector and lay before him the dreadful secret of which I have become the unhappy possessor.’
Here he paused, and Bella, who knew well the severe character of her uncle, on whom she was entirely dependent, trembled at his words.
Taking her hand in his, and gently drawing the girl to the same seat, so that she found herself kneeling before him while his right hand pressed her rounded shoulder, he went on.
‘But I am wounded to think of the dreadful results which would follow such a disclosure, and I have asked for assistance from the Blessed Virgin in my trouble. She has pointed out a way which, while it also serves the ends of our holy church, likely prevents the consequences of your offence from being known to your uncle. The first necessity which this course imposes is, however, implicit obedience.’
Bella, only too rejoiced to hear of a way out of her trouble, readily promised the most blind obedience to the command of her spiritual father.
The young girl was kneeling at his feet. Father Ambrose bent his large head over her drooping figure. A warm tint lit his cheeks, a strange fire danced in his fierce eyes; his hands trembled slightly, as they rested upon the shoulders of his penitent, but his composure was otherwise unruffled. Doubtless his spirit was troubled at the conflict going on within him between the duty he had to fulfil and the tortuous path by which he hoped to avoid the awful exposure.
The holy father then began a long lecture upon the virtue of obedience and absolute submission to the guidance of the minister of the holy church.
Bella reiterated her assurances of entire patience and obedience in all things.
Meanwhile, it was evident to me that the priest was a victim to some confined, but rebellious spirit which rose within him, and at times almost broke out into complete possession in the flashing eyes and hot passionate lips.
Father Ambrose gently drew the beautiful penitent nearer and nearer, until her fair arms rested upon his knees and her face, bent downwards in holy resignation, sank almost upon her hands.
‘And now, my child,’ continued the holy man, ‘it is time that I should tell you the means vouschsafed to me by the Blessed Virgin by which alone I am absolved from exposing your offence. There are ministering spirits who have confided to them the relief of those passions and those exigencies which the servants of the church are forbidden openly to avow, but which, who can doubt, they have need to satisfy. These chosen few are mainly selected from among those who have already trodden the path of fleshly indulgence; to them is confided the solemn and holy duty of assuaging the earthly desires of our religious community in the strictest secrecy. To you,’ whispered the father, his voice trembling with emotion, and his large hands passing by an easy transition from the shoulders of his penitent to her slender waist – ‘To you, who have once already tasted the supreme pleasure of copulation, it is given to assume this holy office. Not only will your sin be thus effaced and pardoned, but it will be permitted you to taste legitimately those ecstatic delights, those overpowering sensations of rapturous enjoyment, which in the arms of her faithful servants you are at all times sure to find. You will swim in a sea of sensual pleasure, without incurring the penalties of illicit love. Your absolution will follow each occasion of your yielding your sweet body to the gratification of the church, through her ministers, and you will be rewarded and sustained in the pious work by witnessing – nay, Bella, by sharing fully – those intense and fervent emotions the delicious enjoyment of your beautiful person must provoke.’
Bella listened to this insidious proposal with mingled feelings of surprise and pleasure.
The wild and lewd impulses of her warm nature were at once awakened by the picture now presented to her fervid imagination – how could she hesitate?
The pious priest drew her yielding form towards him, and printed a long hot kiss upon her rosy lips.
‘Holy Mother,’ murmured Bella, whose sexual instincts were each moment becoming more fully roused. ‘This is too much for me to bear – I long – I wonder – I know not what!’
‘Sweet innocent, it will be for me to instruct you. In my person you will find your best and fittest preceptor in those exercises you will henceforth have to fulfil.’
Father Ambrose slightly shifted his position. It was then that Bella noticed for the first time the heated look of sensuality which now almost frightened her.
It was now also that she became aware of the enormous protuberance at the front of the holy father’s silk cassock.
The excited priest hardly cared any longer to conceal either his condition or his designs.
Catching the beautiful child in his arms he kissed her long and passionately. He pressed her sweet body to his burly person, and rudely threw himself forward into closer contact with her graceful form.
At length the consuming lust with which he was burning carried him beyond all bounds, and partly releasing Bella from the constraint of his ardent embrace, he opened the front of his cassock, and exposed, without a blush, to the astonished eyes of his young penitent, a member the gigantic proportions of which, no less than its stiffness and rigidity, completely confounded her.
It is impossible to describe the sensations produced upon the gentle Bella by the sudden display of this formidable instrument.
Her eyes were instantly riveted upon it, while the father, noticing her astonishment, but detecting rightly that there was nothing mingled with it of alarm or apprehension, coolly placed it into her hands. It was then that Bella became wildly excited with the muscular contact of this tremendous thing.
Only having seen the very moderate proportions displayed by Charlie, she found her lewdest sensations quickly awakened by so remarkable a phenomenon, and clasping the huge object as well as she could in her soft little hands, she sank down beside it in an ecstasy of sensual delight.
‘Holy Mother, this is already heaven!’ murmured Bella. ‘Oh! father, who would have believed I could have been selected for such pleasure!’
This was too much for Father Ambrose. He was delighted at the lubricity of his fair penitent, and the success of his infamous trick (for he had planned the whole, and had been instrumental in bringing the two young lovers together and affording them an opportunity of indulging their warm temperaments, unknown to all save himself, as, hidden close by, with flaming eyes, he watched the amatory combat).
Hastily rising, he caught up the light figure of the young Bella, and placing her upon the cushioned seat on which he had lately been sitting, he threw up her plump legs and separating to the utmost her willing thighs, he beheld for an instant the delicious pinky slit which appeared at the bottom of her white belly. Then, without a word, he plunged his face towards it, and thrusting his lecherous tongue up the moist sheath as far as he could, he sucked it so deliciously that Bella, in a shuddering ecstasy of passion, her young body writhing in spasmodic contortions of pleasure, gave down a plentiful emission, which the holy man swallowed like a custard.
For a few moments there was calm.
Bella lay on her back, her arms extended on either side, and her head thrown back in an attitude of delicious exhaustion, succeeding the wild emotions so lately occasioned by the lewd proceedings of the reverend father.
Her bosom yet palpitated with the violence of her transports and her beautiful eyes remained half-closed in languid repose.
Father Ambrose was one of the few who, under circumstances such as the present, was able to keep the instincts of passion under command. Long habits of patience in the attainment of his object, a general doggedness of manner and the conventional caution of his order, had not been lost upon his fiery nature, and although by nature unfitted for his holy calling, and a prey to desires as violent as they were irregular, he had taught himself to school his passions even to mortification.
It is time to lift the veil from the real character of this man. I do so with respect, but the truth must be told.
Father Ambrose was the living personification of lust. His mind was in reality devoted to its pursuit, and his grossly animal instincts, his ardent and vigorous constitution, no less than his hard unbending nature, made him resemble in body, as in mind, the satyr of old.
But Bella only knew him as the holy father who had not only pardoned her offence, but who had opened to her the path by which she might, as she supposed, legitimately enjoy those pleasures which had already acted so strongly on her young imagination.
The bold priest, singularly charmed, not only at the success of his stratagem which had given into his hands so luscious a victim, but also at the extraordinary sensuality of her constitution, and the evident delight with which she lent herself to his desires, now set himself leisurely to reap the fruits of his trickery, and revel to the utmost in the enjoyment which the possession of all the delicate charms of Bella could procure to appease his frightful lust.
She was his at last, and as he rose from her quivering body, his lips yet reeking with the plentiful evidence of her participation in his pleasures, his member became yet more fearfully hard and swollen, and the dull red head shone with the bursting strain of blood and muscle beneath.
No sooner did the young Bella find herself released from the attack of her confessor upon the sensitive part of her person already described, and raised her head from the recumbent position into which it had fallen, than her eyes fell for the second time upon the big truncheon which the father kept impudently exposed.
Bella noted the long and thick white shaft, and the curling mass of black hair out of which it rose, stiffly inclining upwards; and protruding from its end was the egg-shaped head, skinned and ruddy, and seeming to invite the contact of her hand.
Bella beheld this thickened muscular mass of stiffened flesh, and unable to resist the inclination, flew once more to seize it in her grasp.
She squeezed it – she pressed it – she drew back the folding skin and watched the broad nut as it inclined towards her. She saw with wonder the small slit-like hole at its extremity and taking it in both her hands, she held it throbbing close to her face.
‘Oh! father, what a beautiful thing,’ exclaimed Bella, ‘what an immense one, too. Oh! Please, dear Father Ambrose, do tell me what I must do to relieve you of those feelings which you say give our holy ministers of religion so much pain and uneasiness.’
Father Ambrose was almost too excited to reply, but taking her hand in his, he showed the innocent girl how to move her white fingers up and down upon the shoulders of his huge affair.
His pleasure was intense, and that of Bella was hardly less.
She continued to rub his limb with her soft palms and, looking up innocently to his face, asked softly – ‘if that gave him pleasure, and was nice’, and whether she might go on, as she was doing.
Meanwhile, the reverend father felt his big penis grow harder and even stiffer under the exciting titillations of the young girl.
‘Stay a moment; if you continue to rub it so I shall spend,’ softly said he. ‘It will be better to defer it a little.’
‘Spend, my father,’ asked Bella, eagerly, ‘what is that?’
‘Oh, sweet girl, charming alike in your beauty and your innocence; how divinely you fulfil your divine mission,’ exclaimed Ambrose, delighted to outrage and debase the evident inexperience of his young penitent. ‘To spend is to complete the act whereby the full pleasure of venery is enjoyed, and then a rich quantity of thick white fluid escapes from the thing you now hold in your hand, and rushing forth, gives equal pleasure to him who ejects it and to the person who, in some manner or other, receives it.’
Bella remembered Charlie and his ecstasy, and knew immediately what was meant.
‘Would this outpouring give you relief, my father?’
‘Undoubtedly, my daughter; it is that fervent relief I have in view when I offer you the opportunity of taking from me the blissful sacrifice of one of the humblest servants of the church.’
‘How delicious,’ murmured Bella; ‘by my means this rich stream is to flow, and all for me the holy man proposes this end of his pleasure – how happy I am to be able to give him so much pleasure.’
As she half-pondered, half-uttered these thoughts she bent her head down; a faint, but exquisitely sensual perfume rose from the object of her adoration. She pressed her moist lips upon its top, she covered the little slit-like hole with her lovely mouth, and imprinted upon the glowing member a fervent kiss.
‘What is this fluid called?’ asked Bella, once more raising her pretty face.
‘It has various names,’ replied the holy man, ‘according to the status of the person employing them; but between you and me, my daughter, we shall call it spunk.’
‘Spunk!’ repeated Bella, innocently, making the erotic word fall from her sweet lips with an unction which was natural under the circumstances.
‘Yes, my daughter, spunk is the word I wish you to understand it by, and you shall presently have a plentiful bedewal of the precious essence.’
‘How must I receive it?’ enquired Bella, thinking of Charlie, and the tremendous difference relatively between his instrument and the gigantic and swollen penis in her presence now.
‘There are various ways, all of which you will have to learn, but at present we have only slight accommodation for the principal act of reverential venery, of that permitted copulation of which I have already spoken. We must, therefore, supply another and easier method, and instead of my discharging the essence called spunk into your body, where the extreme tightness of that little slit of yours would doubtless cause it to flow very abundantly, we will commence by the friction of your obedient fingers, until the time when I feel the approach of those spasms which accompany the emission. You shall then, at a signal from me, place as much as you can of the head of this affair between your lips, and there suffer me to disgorge the trickling spunk, until the last drop being expended I shall retire satisfied, at least for the time.’
Bella, whose zealous instincts led her to enjoy the description which her confessor offered, and who was quite as eager as himself for the completion of this outrageous programme, readily expressed her willingness to comply.
Ambrose once more placed his large penis in Bella’s fair hands.
Excited alike by the sight and touch of so remarkable an object, which both her hands now grasped with delight, the girl set herself to work to tickle, rub and press the huge and stiff affair in a way which gave the licentious priest the keenest enjoyment.
Not content with the friction of her delicate fingers, Bella, uttering words of devotion and satisfaction, now placed the foaming head upon her rosy lips and allowed it to slip in as far as it could, hoping by her touches, no less than by the gliding movements of her tongue, to provoke the delicious ejaculation of which she was in want.
This was almost beyond the anticipation of the holy priest, who had hardly supposed he should find so ready a disciple in the irregular attack he proposed; and his feelings being roused to the utmost by the delicious titillation he was now experiencing, he prepared himself to flood the young girl’s mouth and throat with the full stream of his powerful discharge.
Ambrose began to feel he could not last longer without letting fly his roe, and thereby ending his pleasure.
He was one of those extraordinary men, the abundance of whose seminal ejaculation is far beyond that of ordinary beings. Not only had he the singular gift of repeatedly performing the veneral act with but very short respite, but the quantity with which he ended his pleasure was as tremendous as it was unusual. The superfluity seemed to come from him in proportion as his animal passions were aroused, and as his libidinous desires were intense and large, so also were the outpourings which relieved them.
It was under these circumstances that the gentle Bella undertook to release the pent-up torrents of this man’s lust. It was her sweet mouth which was to be the recipient of those thick slippery volumes of which she had had as yet no experience, and, all ignorant as she was of the effect of the relief she was so anxious to administer, the beautiful maid desired the consummation of her labour and the overflow of that spunk of which the good father had told her.
Harder and hotter grew the rampant member as Bella’s exciting lips pressed its large head and her tongue played around the little opening. Her two white hands alternately bore back the soft skin from its shoulders and tickled the lower extremity.
Twice Ambrose, unable to bear the delicious contact without spending, drew back the tip from her rosy lips.
At length Bella, impatient of delay, and apparently bent on perfecting her task, pressed forward with more energy than ever upon the stiff shaft.
Instantly there was a stiffening of the limbs of the good priest. His legs spread wide on either side of his penitent. His hand grasped convulsively at the cushions, his body was thrust forward and straightened out.
‘Oh, holy Christ! I am going to spend!’ he exclaimed, as with parted lips and glazing eyes he looked his last upon his innocent victim. Then he shivered perceptibly, and with low moans and short, hysteric cries, his penis, in obedience to the provocation of the young lady, began to jet forth its volumes of thick and glutinous fluid.
Bella, sensible of the gushes which now came slopping, jet after jet, into her mouth and ran in streams down her throat, hearing the cries of her companion and perceiving with ready intuition that he was enjoying to the utmost the effect she had brought about, continued her rubbings and compression until gorged with the slimy discharge, and half-choked by its abundance, she was compelled to let go of this human syringe, which continued to spout out its gushes in her face.
‘Holy Mother!’ exclaimed Bella, whose lips and face were reeking with the father’s spunk. ‘Holy Mother! What pleasure I have had – and you, my father, have I not given the precious relief you coveted?’
Father Ambrose, too agitated to reply, raised the gentle girl in his arms, and pressing her streaming mouth to his, sucked humid kisses of gratitude and pleasure.
A quarter of an hour passed in tranquil repose uninterrupted by any signs of disturbance from without.
The door was fast, and the holy father had well chosen his time.
Meanwhile Bella, whose desires had been fearfully excited by the scene we have attempted to describe, had conceived an extravagant longing to have the same operation performed upon her with the rigid member of Ambrose that she had suffered with the moderately proportioned weapon of Charlie. Throwing her arms round the burly neck of her confessor, she whispered low words of invitation, watching, as she did so, their effect on the already stiffening instrument between his legs.
‘You told me that the tightness of this little slit,’ and here Bella placed his large hand upon it with a gentle pressure, ‘would make you discharge abundantly of the spunk you possess. What would I not give, my father, to feel it poured into my body from the top of this red thing?’ It was evident how much the beauty of the young Bella, no less than the innocence and naïveté of her character, inflamed the sensual nature of the priest. The knowledge of his triumph – of her utter helplessness in his hands – of her delicacy and refinement – all conspired to work to the extreme the lecherous desires of his fierce and wanton instincts. She was his. His to enjoy as he wished – his to break to every caprice of his horrid lust, and to bend to the indulgence of the most outrageous and unbridled sensuality.
‘Ay, by heaven! it is too much,’ exclaimed Ambrose, whose lust, already rekindling, now rose violently into activity at this solicitation. ‘Sweet girl, you don’t know what you ask; the disproportion is terrible, and you would suffer much in the attempt.’
‘I would suffer all,’ replied Bella, ‘so that I could feel that fierce thing in my belly, and taste the gushes of its spunk up in me to the quick.’
‘Holy Mother of God! It is too much – you shall have it, Bella, you shall know the full measure of this stiffened machine, and, sweet girl, you shall wallow in an ocean of warm spunk.’
‘Oh, my father, what heavenly bliss!’
‘Strip, Bella, remove everything that can interfere with our movements, which I promise you will be violent enough.’
Thus ordered, Bella was soon divested of her clothing, and finding her confessor appeared charmed at the display of her beauty, and that his member swelled and lengthened in proportion as she exhibited her nudity, she parted with the last vestige of drapery, and stood as naked as she was born.
Father Ambrose was astonished at the charms which now faced him. The full hips, the budding breasts, the skin as white as snow and soft as satin, the rounded buttocks and swelling thighs, the flat white belly and lovely mount covered only with the thinnest down; and above all the charming pinky slit which now showed itself at the bottom of the mount, now hid timorously away between the plump thighs. With a snort of rampant lust he fell upon his victim.
Ambrose clasped her in his arms. He pressed her soft and glowing form to his burly front. He covered her with his salacious kisses, and giving his lewd tongue full licence, promised the young girl all the joys of paradise by the introduction of his big machine within her slit and belly.
Bella met him with a little cry of ecstasy, and as the excited ravisher bore her backwards to the couch, already felt the broad and glowing head of his gigantic penis pressing against the warm moist lips of her tender virgin orifice.
And now the holy man, finding delight in the contact of his penis with the warm lips of Bella’s slit, began pushing it in between with all his energy until the big nut was covered with the moisture which the sensitive little sheath exuded.
Bella’s passions were at fever height. The efforts of Father Ambrose to lodge the head of his member within the moist lips of her little slit, so far from deterring her, spurred her to madness until, with another faint cry, she fell prostrate and gushed down the slippery tribute of her lascivious temperament.
This was exactly what the bold priest wanted, and as the sweet warm emission bedewed his fiercely distended penis, he drove resolutely in, and at one bound sheathed half its ponderous length in the beautiful child.
No sooner did Bella feel the stiff entry of the terrible member within her tender body, than she lost all the little control of herself she had, and setting aside all thought of the pain she was enduring, she wound her legs about his loins, and entreated her huge assailant not to spare her.
‘My sweet and delicious child,’ whispered the salacious priest, ‘my arms are round you, my weapon is already half-way up your tight belly. The joys of paradise will be yours presently.’
‘Oh, I know it; I feel it, do not draw back, give me the delicious thing as far as you can.’
‘There, then, I push, I press, but I am far too largely made to enter you easily. I shall burst you, possibly; but it is now too late. I must have you – or die.’
Bella’s parts relaxed a little, and Ambrose pushed in another inch. His throbbing member lay skinned and soaking, pushed half-way into the girl’s belly. His pleasure was most intense, and the head of his instrument was compressed deliciously by Bella’s slit.
‘Go on, dear father, I am waiting for the spunk you promised me.’
It little needed this stimulant to induce the confessor to an exercise of his tremendous powers of copulation. He pushed frantically forward; he plunged his hot penis still further and further at each effort, and then with one huge stroke buried himself to the balls in Bella’s tight little person.
It was then that the furious plunge of the brutal priest became more than his sweet victim, sustained as she had been by her own advanced desires, could endure.
With a faint shriek of physical anguish, Bella felt that her ravisher had burst through all the resistance which her youth had opposed to the entry of his member, and the torture of the forcible insertion of such a mass bore down the prurient sensations with which she had commenced to support the attack.
Ambrose cried aloud in rapture, he looked down upon the fair thing his serpent had stung. He gloated over the victim now impaled with the full rigour of his huge rammer. He felt the maddening contact with inexpressible delight. He saw her quivering with the anguish of his forcible entry. His brutal nature was fully aroused. Come what might he would enjoy to his utmost, so he wound his arms about the beautiful girl and treated her to the full measure of his burly member.
‘My beauty! you are indeed exciting, you must also enjoy. I will give you the spunk I spoke of, but I must first work up my nature by this luscious titillation. Kiss me, Bella, then you shall have it, and while the hot spunk leaves me and enters your young parts, you shall be sensible of the throbbing joys I also am experiencing. Press, Bella, let me push, so, my child, now it enters again. Oh! Oh!’
Ambrose raised himself a moment, and noted the immense shaft round which the pretty slit of Bella was now intensely stretched.
Firmly embedded in her luscious sheath, and keenly relishing the exceeding tightness of the warm folds of youthful flesh which encased him, he pushed on, unmindful of the pain his tormenting member was producing, and only anxious to secure as much enjoyment to himself as he could. He was not a man to be deterred by any false notions of pity in such a case, and now pressed himself inwards to his utmost, while his hot lips sucked delicious kisses from the open and quivering lips of the poor Bella.
For some minutes nothing now was heard but the jerking blows with which the lascivious priest continued his enjoyment, and the cluck, cluck of his huge penis, as it alternately entered and retreated in the belly of the beautiful penitent.
It was not to be supposed that such a man as Ambrose was ignorant of the tremendous powers of enjoyment his member could rouse within one of the opposite sex, and that its size and disgorging capabilities were of such a nature as to enlist the most powerful emotions in the young girl in whom he was operating.
Indeed Nature was asserting herself in the person of the young Bella. The agony of the stretching was fast being swallowed up in the intense sensations of pleasure produced by the vigorous weapon of the holy man, and it was not long before the low moans and sobs of the pretty child became mingled with murmurs, half-choked in the depth of her feelings, expressive of delight.
‘Oh, my father! Oh, my dear, generous father! Now, now push. Oh! push. I can bear – I wish for it. I am in heaven! The blessed instrument is so hot in its head. Oh! my heart. Oh! my – oh! Holy Mother, what is this I feel?’
Ambrose saw the effect he was producing. His own pleasure advanced apace. He drove steadily in and out, treating Bella to the long hard shaft of his member up to the crisp hair which covered his big balls, at each forward thrust.
At length Bella broke down, and treated the electrified and ravished man with a warm emission which ran all over his stiff affair.
It is impossible to describe the lustful frenzy which now took possession of the young and charming Bella. She clung with desperate tenacity to the burly figure of the priest, who bestowed upon the heaving and voluptuous body the full force and vigour of his manly thrust. She held him in her tight and slippery sheath to his balls.
But in her ecstasy Bella never lost sight of the promised perfection of the enjoyment. The holy man was to spend his spunk in her as Charlie had done, and the thought added fuel to her lustful fire.
When, therefore, Father Ambrose, throwing his arms close round her taper waist, drove up his stallion penis to the very hairs of Bella’s slit and, sobbing, whispered that the ‘spunk’ was coming at last, the excited girl, straightway opening her legs to the utmost, with positive shrieks of pleasure let him send his pent-up fluid in showers into her very vitals.
Thus he lay for full two minutes, while at each hot and forcible injection of the slippery semen, Bella gave plentiful evidence, by her writhings and cries, of the ecstasy the powerful discharge was producing.

Chapter Three (#ulink_8038d2cf-b4ee-57d2-9494-9b4636fe65c9)
I do not think I ever felt my unfortunate infirmity in the matter of a natural inability to blush more acutely than on the present occasion. For even a flea might have blushed at the wanton sight which thrust itself upon his vision on the occasion I have herein recorded. So young, so apparently innocent a girl, and yet so lewd, so lascivious in her inclinations and desires. A person of infinite freshness and beauty – a mind of flaming sensuality fanned by the accidental course of events into an active volcano of lust.
Well might I have exclaimed with the poet of old: ‘O Moses!’ or with the more practical descendant of the Patriarch: ‘Holy Moses!’
It is needless to speak of the change which Bella’s whole being underwent after such experiences as these I have related. They were manifest and apparent in her carriage and demeanour.
What became of her youthful lover I never knew nor cared to enquire, but I am led to believe that holy Father Ambrose was not insensible to those irregular tastes which are so largely ascribed in his order, and that the youth was led by easy stages to lend himself, no less than his young mistress, to gratification of the insensate desires of the priest.
But to return to my own observations so far as they extended to the fair Bella.
Although a flea cannot blush, we can observe and I have taken upon me to commit to pen and ink all those amatory passages in my experience which I think may interest the seeker after truth. We can write, at least this flea can, or else these pages would not now be before the reader, and this is enough.
It was several days before Bella found an opportunity of again visiting her clerical admirer, but at length the chance came, and, as might be expected, she quickly availed herself of it.
She had found means to apprise Ambrose of her intention of visiting him, and that astute individual was accordingly ready to receive his pretty guest as before.
Bella no sooner found herself alone with her seducer than she threw herself into his arms, and pressing his huge carcass to her little form, lavished upon him the most tender caresses.
Ambrose was not slow in returning to the full the warmth of her embrace, and thus it happened that the pair found themselves hotly engaged in the exchange of burning kisses, and reclining face to face upon the wellcushioned seat before alluded to.
But Bella was not likely now to be contented with kisses only; she desired more solid fare, which she knew from experience the father could give her.
Ambrose, on his part, was no less excited. His blood flowed quickly, his dark eye flamed with unconcealed lust, and his protuberant dress displayed only too plainly the disorder of his senses.
Bella perceived his condition – neither his inflamed looks, nor the evident erection, which he took no trouble to conceal, escaped her – and she sought to add to his desires, if possible, not to diminish them.
Soon, however, Ambrose showed her that he required no further incentive, for he deliberately produced his fiercely distended weapon in a state the bare sight of which drove Bella frantic with desire. At any other time Ambrose would have been more prudent of his pleasures than thus early to have proceeded to work with the delicious little conquest. On this occasion, however, his senses ran riot with him, and he was unable to check the overwhelming desire to revel at once and as soon as possible in the juvenile charms thus offered him.
He was already upon her body. His great bulk covered her figure most powerfully and completely. His distended member bore hardly against Bella’s stomach, and her clothes were already raised to her waist.
With a trembling hand Ambrose seized the centre chink of his wishes – eagerly he brought the hot and crimson tip towards its moist and opening lips. He pushed, he strove to penetrate – he succeeded: the immense machine slowly but surely entered – already the head and shoulders had disappeared. A few steady, deliberate thrusts completed the conjunction, and Bella had received the whole length of Ambrose’s huge, excited member in her body.
The ravisher lay panting upon her bosom in complete possession of her inmost charms.
Bella, into whose little belly the vigorous mass was thus crammed, felt most powerfully the effects of the throbbing and hot intruder.
Meanwhile, Ambrose began to thrust up and down. Bella threw her white arms around his neck, and twined her pretty silk-clad legs all wantonly about his loins.
‘How delicious,’ murmured Bella, kissing rapturously his thick lips. ‘Push up me – push up me harder. Oh, how it forces me open – how large it is! How hot – how – oh my – oh!’
And down came a shower from Bella’s storehouse, in response to the strong thrusts received, while her head fell back and her mouth opened in the spasms of coition.
The priest restrained himself; he paused an instant; the throbbing of his long member sufficiently announced his condition; he wished to prolong his pleasure to the utmost.
Bella squeezed the terrible shaft in her innermost person, and felt it grow harder and even stiffer while its purple head pressed up to her young womb.
Almost immediately afterwards her unwieldy lover, unable to prolong his pleasure, succumbed to the intensest of keen and all-pervading sensations with his glutinous fluid.
‘Oh, it is coming from you,’ cried the excited girl. ‘I feel it in gushes. Oh! give it me – more – more – pour it into me – push harder; do not spare me! Oh, another gush! Push – tear me if you like – but let me have all your spunk.’
I have before spoken of the immense quantity Father Ambrose possessed the power of discharging, and he now surpassed himself. He had been bottled up for nearly a week, and Bella now received such a tremendous stream of his nature that his discharge more resembled the action of a syringe than the outpouring from the genitals of a man.
At last Ambrose dismounted, and Bella, on standing once more upon her feet, felt a clinging slippery stream trickling down her plump thighs.
Hardly had the father withdrawn than the door leading into the church opened, and, behold, two other priests presented themselves within its portal. Concealment was, of course, impossible.
‘Ambrose,’ exclaimed the elder of the two, a man apparently between thirty and forty years old, ‘this is against our rules and privileges, which enact that all such sport shall be had in common.’
‘Take it then,’ growled the person addressed. ‘It is not too late – I was going to tell you of what I had got, only –’
‘Only the delicious temptation of this young moss-rose was too much for you, my friend!’ exclaimed the other, seizing, as he spoke, upon the astonished Bella, and forcing his large hand up her clothes to her soft thighs. ‘I saw it all through the keyhole,’ whispered the brute in her ear. ‘You need not be frightened, we shall only treat you the same, my dear.’
Bella remembered the conditions of her admittance to the solace of the church, and supposed this was only a part of her new duties. She therefore rested unresistingly in the arms of the newcomer.
Meanwhile, his companion had passed his strong arm around Bella’s waist, and covered her delicate cheek with kisses.
Ambrose looked stupid and confounded.
The young lady thus found herself between two fires, to say nothing of the smouldering passion of her original possessor. In vain she looked from one to the other for some respite, some means of extrication from her predicament.
For, be it known, that although she fully resigned herself to the position into which the cunning of Father Ambrose had consigned her, a bodily feeling of weakness and fear of the new assailants nearly overcame her.

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