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Red Shadows
Gaby Crumb
Sean knows Ash from all his life. For him, he has benn  always the ”little brother” of his best friend until, one morning, when he finds him in bed and he must stop denying himself the attraction between them. Love, however, is likely to arrive at the wrong time because Sean thinks only about one thing: together with its ”Shadows” and an unexpected ally, chasing revenge for the murder of their own and their parents.

Gaby crumb

Red Shadows
This is a fantasy work. Names, characters, places, and events are the fruit of the author's imagination. Every resemblance to real people, living or dying, business, Events or locations is purely random. All rights reserved. Copyright © 2016 Gaby Crumb Translate by LISA MASONI Editor: TAKETIME Firs English Edition: 2017


A Dawn Blackridge ... A wonderful author and a precious friend.

I woke up with a terrible headache. Not that it was a surprise remembering how much I drank the night before but that week was a living hell under every point of view. I rubbed my eyes and the remembrance of the erotic dream that I had, filled my mind, as if the headache was not enough.
Damn it, not even get drunk worked anymore!
That brat continued to fill my thoughts and there was nothing I could do to free myself from him.
I turned to the side to sink the face on the pillow and try to sleep a little more, but suddenly I was much more than awake.
Shit, what the fuck did I do?

Asher slept quiet beside me and he was completely naked. The sheet was twisted around his legs, leaving completely discovered the rest of his body. As well as my own.
Shit, shit, shit! I stood up trying to make less noise as possible. Before wake him I needed to remember what the hell happened and certainly I would not be able to focus with him naked beside me. But since it was a week full of shit, it was in the natural order of things that, just standing up, I stumbled into a couple of Dr. Martens.
«But what the fuck..!»

I heard him giggling and I turned toward the bed. Asher had pilled the sheet up and he was leaning against the headboard.
«What the fuck are you laughing at?» I was pissed.
« Are you always in such a good mood in the morning?» he answered me.
«Ash listen! I will be very honest! I have no idea why we are in bed together, naked on top of that, but I think it's better if you go back to your home. And shouldn't you be at school? It's Thursday! On Thursday did not boys go to school?»
«The school is finished, Sean, we are at the end of June. So do not you remember anything?»
«We did not do anything, right?»
Asher raised an eyebrow and he looked at me almost amused.
«Well, it depends on your point of view. If for you the fact to fuck me is nothing, then we have not done anything.»
I stood staring open-mouthed while silently I thought how idiot I could be. Cameron would rip my balls.
«We fucked? Christ... it is not possible!»
«Sean, I'm naked, you are naked, what did you think we did, played cards?»
«You are not funny brat, they could put me in jail for that! You are seventeen!»
Ash laughed.
«Sean, I'm eighteen years old now. Yesterday was my birthday, do you remember? Anyway, they could put you in jail for a lot of reasons, but not for this. You know, right now it sounds that you are not the cold hard chief of the Red Shadows. You stay still, completely naked, looking at me like an idiot. You do not have the bad-boy attitude!»
I do not even answer him and I went to the bathroom. I needed a shower to clear out my mind. Then I would deal with that damn kid I wanted as a thirstily want water.
While the hot water slid over me, I tried to remember what had happened the night before. I remembered having spent the evening with the Reds, it was a quiet thing. No theft, no shooting, no idiot drug dealer who defied the odds and came to peddle his shit in our neighbourhood, no dead. Everything was ok. Cameron was out of town and he had asked me to look after his brother Asher. Well, apparently I had done much more than just a look.
I remembered perfectly the hot dream I had about me and Ash, it probably was not a dream but reality. Shit, I could not have been such an idiot. I had tried everything to put Asher out of my head, I fucked other men and even women, but the damn kid was always there making fun of me. I had hoped that stun me with alcohol would have distracted me just enough to make me collapse into a dreamless sleep, but my hangover only got me into a bigger mess.
How the hell was I going to explain it to Cameron?

I let the hot water wash away thoughts at least for a few minutes and I concentrated only on Ash. Finding him next to me, naked, had seriously put me to test my self-control. The amazement was, fortunately, bigger than the desire I had of him for a few weeks, but I had had to move quickly to avoid to stretch my hands to his body. His golden skin was a temptation every fucking time.
I sat with my hands on the tiles of the shower and looked at my dick getting hard while Ash’s naked pictures on top of me bouncing in my head. The confusion about what really happened and what I had only dreamed about it made me feel frustrated and nervous. I sent myself to hell knowing that the only way to calm down and regain some of lucidity, would have been to jerk off, because, at that time, my cock seemed to be much stronger than my brain.
I grabbed my cock and squeezed in my fist, angry and eager, when the doors of the shower were opened, suddenly making me turn. I found myself in front of a smiling and still naked Ash, damn him.
«Can I make it to you?» he said coming in.
I was watching him while the water drenched his hair and skin, slipping on him.
«Ash, get out soon from this fucking shower.»
I told him, but I did nothing to push him away. God, I just wanted to grab him and fuck him until he screamed.
«Stop it Sean, you do not want me to come out and I will not do it. I want to touch you and I want you to touch me and you want the same things.»
«You do not know what you are saying, little boy. Whatever happened between us tonight was a mistake that must not be repeated.»
«Mm, you look like the magician of set phrases. You love me and it is also quite obvious. And do not call me little boy!»
Ash closed the doors of the box behind him and in the limited space he fell literally on me. He reached out taking my dick in his fist and starting to move slowly.
«You're so big, Sean. I did not think you were so big when I imagined of you.»
I let out a groan. I tried to stay still, to find the strength to reject him, but his hand was perfect. It seemed made for squeeze my dick. I felt his thumb to rub the tip and spread the drops of semen that had started to leak, sending me lights of pleasure throughout the body.
«Every time I looked at a porno I imagin to touch you and suck you. Every time I see you with Cam, or hanging out with the other Shadows, or alone, I always expect you notice me, look at me. Until last night you've never done it.»
Ash moved his hand quickly and talked to me on my skin, whispering and making me shiver as he licked my neck. I wanted to rip him from me and tell him that I would continue to ignore him, but it was useless. I was a bad boy at the head of a gang, I was the head of my neighbourhood, and I did not allow anyone to tell me what to do yet, but at that time, I could only bend myself toward Ash’s fist and put my hand through his hair before let me go to that devastating pleasure that that kid was sparking in me.
I watched him as I took up my breath. He was desperately beautiful and quite excited. I should return the favour but he was Asher, was only seventeen and I was hoping that his life would become much better than mine. He was good at school and had a future to be built, tie him to me would be a too big mistake.
«Now are you happy, Ash? You got what you wanted, so you can go away.»
I expected him to be angry and came out of the shower but he took his lower lip between his teeth and smiled.
«At your order, sir. Can I take a shower? Then I’ll be on my way.»
«Of course!»
I was surprised, but at the same time glad that he did not make any fuss. I was deciding whether to let him take a shower and go or stay there and also end quickly to wash, when Ash began to touch himself.
«What the fuck are you doing?»
«I do not go out from your home with an hard cock, Sean. I will solve the problem, then I will be on my way as you asked me. Now if you do not want to stay here and watch, you can go out and let jerk off in peace.»
«Christ, I thought your brother had brought up you better than that.»
Ash laughed.
«I hang out with you and the Red Shadows since I was little, Sean, I'm not a bad guy who goes around shooting and stealing, but I'm also not a shrinking violet. You and my brother can protect me as you wish, I doubt that you will keep me from having sex if I feel like it though. I know what I want, and you can’t make me change my mind.»
In record time I was banging him on the wall.
«Do you want to give your ass around? You can forget it, brat!»
«Is it just fine if I give it to you, Sean?»
«Not to me idiot. I was drunk, if I was sober I would not even touched you.»
«Are you sure?»
«When did you become so arrogant, little kid?»
«Since I have to deal with a gang of idiots who do not realize that I am not a child anymore. Now let me go, my desire as gone.»
But now I was lost. The idea of Ash, with another man, any other men, almost made me get out of my head. I grabbed his chin and forced him to look at me before using the other hand to begin to touch him. I heard him gasp and the idea to let him be gone, seemed totally ridiculous. I took him to climax, enjoying every moan, every twitch of his tight cock in my fist and I could not find a wrong thing. Fuck Cam if he had discovered it, fuck if it would be the last time, fuck everything. At that moment, Ash was mine.

I watched him get dressed while I was still lying naked on the bed. When he was ready to leave, he went to the bed and I did not have the strength to fight his sweet and inexperienced kiss.
«We did not do sex tonight. You wanted to take me home but then we touched each other and kissed and we went to your house. You were so drunk that you fell asleep.»
I laughed.
«I know you want me, and if you are worried about my brother, you can feel comfortable, I will not say him anything.»
«Your brother is only a part of the problem, Ash. You are just seventeen, oh well eighteen, and I’m twenty-four. My life isn’t totally honest and you really deserve better. Your brother promised your mother he would not have brought you into the lap of the bands and I will not put myself in the middle. It's true, I want you, and I do not even understand why, but there can be nothing between us.»
«Yes, yes, I know the lesson, Sean. I'm going home now.»

I let him get away from me even if it was the last thing I wanted to do. I do not even know how we were gathered together the night before but it did not matter. I was sure that now that I had him in my bed, I had touched his skin, I knew what he could do to make me lose my head, I would have fallen into his net whenever he wanted to.
I was fucked! Shit!

«Are you listening to me?»
I looked at Cameron. It was my best friend since forever. I remember that after the death of his parents, he and Asher had spent a week at my house. We had talked about his brother, deciding together how he should deal with the eleven year brother that followed him like a shadow.

Their parents had been murdered in front of their house, before the eyes of frightened neighbors, who tried however to help as best as they could. A month later my parents were murdered too, and Cameron had never left me alone. That bloodshed was continued with Connor and Axel’s parents and Colin’s father and Robert's mother because they did not want to surrender to the Black Devils, let their children join that band.
Me, Cam, Axel, Colin, Connor and Robert were all friends since we’re children. Blinded by the hate for the Devils and hungry for revenge, we made up a team, learning to defend ourselves and to defend our neighborhood. We had become the Red Shadows, shadows with a red blood soul, like the one of our fathers and our mothers. They died to give us a chance to live a different life. They don’t want us to become a street gang, selling drugs and with an itchy trigger finger.
In the end we had become, however, a band. Overwhelmed by hate until we had lost one of us, Robert. That loss still hurt everyone. After losing him, we had calmed down and we were dedicated to protect our neighborhood without creating too much troubles. But now the Devils were trying again to enter our territory.

«Sean, come on, man, what the fuck? You're not even listening to me.»
I stared at him.
«Are we making the right choice, Cam?», I asked thoughtful.
«We're doing the only possible one, Sean. Why suddenly do you have doubts? You've convinced us to do this thing and now, what? You don’t want to do that?»
«No, I am good. I was just thinking. Will you tell Ash?», I asked him without looking him in the eyes.
«No, I will not do it. I want him out of this, Sean, I want him out of this life. I want that he studies, he is smart and deserves a better life than the one we lived after the death of our parents. I do not want he spend his time angry. I want him to find someone and built a life out of this shit.»
I nodded. I agreed. I also wanted the same things for Ash. Even if I wanted him in every way and I wanted him for myself, that does not change the fact that he should have had a different life from the one he could find staying in the neighborhood.
«Today he turns eighteen. He told me he is gay, you know it?»
«It seems to me that he did not hide it from you.»
«He said that he had doubts, then last week he told me that his doubts were over. That little shit ... I asked him how could he be sure and do you know what he answered? That when you k off thinking only about a man there was not much room for doubt.»
We both laughed. Cam was absolutely straight and he knew about my bisexuality. It was the first one to whom I had said it and he didn’t care. When I told the others, I discovered not to be the only one to be attracted to men. That day we had all taken a colossal hangover, some of us were celebrating having had the courage to come out and toasted the others because there would be more women for them, because when you said to be bisexual you ended up to ninety percent fall in love with a man. Cameron was absolutely convinced of that.
«You know that, when he’ll suffer for a guy I will send him straight to you. I do not know what to tell him and would end up shooting at that dick who will mess up with my brother. You're usually more friendly.»
I almost choked with the beer I was drinking and I decided it was time to change the subject because the memory of the day before with Ash, naked in my bed, did not want to leave me alone.
«Come on, that's enough talk. Tell me about the delivery. Was he there?»
«Yes, he was with us all the time. The trip was also fun. He and Connor get caught all the time. We delivered the goods and everything went well. Ryan took the money. We throw the bait, Sean.»
«Now we wait for him to take a bite. While you were away, Axel had a little problem with The Bulldog. The bastards shot him and hit Colin, I used an entire bottle of whiskey to convince him not to go into their territory and try to take them all out. I think those bastards are allying with the Devils. We are outnumbered Cam, we must be careful.»
«Do you want to take new recruits?»
«No, only Ryan will become part of the gang. We need him.»
«How do you want to proceed?»
«As we have always done, Cam. They have the numbers, we have the brain and now Ryan. We will not stop until even just one of those sons of bitches will be on the streets.»
«Do you never ask yourself what our parents would say if they could see us now? A gun on that we are no longer afraid to use. Sometimes I wonder how it would be if they were still alive.»
«They all died, Cam. Imagining how it would be cannot bring them back to life.»
«Go and do the hard dick-head with someone else, Sean. I know you miss your parents like me and Ash miss ours. The fact that you do not allow yourself to think about them does not make it less real than the fact that you miss them.»
I looked askance at him.
«Have you finished, Dr. Freud?
Cameron laughed.
«I wonder how you've become our boss, you're such a dick sometimes.»
«I became the chief because I am always a dick and because I am the most intelligent of you all.»
Cameron stood up and smiled at me.
«Sure, boss, believe it. We can meet at the King tonight, we take a beer and catch up with the others.»

I looked at Cam going away and for a second I was tempted to stop him and tell him that I wanted his brother. Then I shook my head. Shit, that boy would make me crazy. I had to have more sex, maybe that was why I could not stop thinking about him. If I had had sex with another man, one with whom I could be without paranoia, I would have vented a bit and I would have not thought about Ash. Being with him was not possible and moreover it was ridiculous that I was so obsessed. And then, I had much else to think about.
I grabbed the phone and called the number I had recorded only a few days before. Ryan answered at the second ring.
«Ryan, it's Sean. I have just spoken with Cameron, and he told me that everything is ok.»
«Yes everything is ok. We delivered the goods as agreed. Now we just wait for our friends to even notice that they were screwed. Are you ready?»
«We will be.»
«Well, just because the Devils will know that you have fucked up the goods and have delivered it on their behalf, will break a big mess.»
«We had to take risks if we want to come out of the closet. Up to now they have sent on the street only the last recruits, if we want to take the big boys then we have to stand tall and create a little casino.»
«I know, I was there when we came up with this brilliant plan, remember?»
«I do not think I will ever forget the day when me and your boss shook hands.»
Ryan laughed again.
«What's it like being on the other side of the fence?»
«In the end we were always on the same side, only with different methods», I answered to him.
«Yeah, and that's the only reason why we are now working together. I have to go now. Do not get shot, Sean. Connor will never forgive it to you.»
«Did I miss something between you and one of my Shadows?»
«Not your fucking business, my friend. I'll be in contact.»
I greeted him and put away the phone. I hated to wait.

I was going to go home to work a little in the workshop when I saw Ash. He was with some friends, they were entering the B & B, a fast food restaurant frequented by teenagers. I swallowed as I watched him. As it annoyed me to admit it, he was still a teenager and for no reason would have to return to my bed even though every fiber of my being was screaming that it was there that he had to be. In my bed, with me next to him. Trying to dismiss the thought I stood up. I did not need to torture me again and I had more important things to think about. Too bad that my cock does not think the same way.
On Friday evening the King was filled with boys and girls from sixteen to thirty years. All they wanted was to socialize and have fun to start in a better way the weekend. The next day there would be no school, many would not have worked, and everyone could go home later. It was a safe place and it was our lair. We had helped the owner when, a few years before, had been blackmailed by a gang from another neighborhood and to thank us he kept us always the best table in a corner of the room where we had a compete view of the entire room. It was on a mezzanine floor over the other tables and a small dance floor and you could see anyone who entered. When I arrived that evening, the others were already all there.

I stood watching them for a minute before reaching them, they were engaged in a conversation and they were all laughing. If you watched them you could just see some guys a bit dark, amusing themselves all together, but I did not escape the details of each of them. Axel, as always was next to Colin. He watched him as if he was always saving him from an impending tragedy. I was amused to note how he gravitated around him attracted like a magnet without being able to admit that there was something more than friendship between them. Colin loved him but it was not a secret to anyone, no one except Axel. Colin probably would have already left the city if it was not that he could not abandon him. Often Cam and I were wondering what it would take for them to realize they love each other, but Axel told everyone he was straight, went with women, and every time it happened, Colin became silent and absent.
Connor was instead the most cheerful of them all. He was our eyes and our ears. He was the one who put me in contact with Ryan. I had the secret belief that many of the leaks that we had in the last few months were just the work of Ryan. Connor was secretive about his private life, and never introduced anyone because he knew that we knew him so well that we had only to look once to see if his companion was just a fuck of an evening or something more.
Then there was Cameron. My best friend, my right arm and more than once my consciousness. He was resting on the sofa with the new conquest. Thinking about it, it was already some weeks that Cam took her to the King. I liked Elise. She was tiny and with a skin so clear to make it seems like a porcelain doll, but she could put in place anyone who bothered her. Cameron had sweated seven shirts to be able to have a date with her, it had become a matter of principle for him and when he had gained it, we all thought that, as usual, he left her soon after fucking her. But apparently, Elise was damn smart and Cam seemed to be increasingly fascinated by her.
Finally I was there. Taciturn and always a little pissed off at the world, I would have liked to get out and make a completely different life, but when my parents were killed, every dream for the future had been buried and replaced by a desire of revenge.
The bastards would pay for all they had done to our neighborhood and to our families. We had been in a hurry to take revenge and totally disorganized we had lost one of ours. They even paid for it!

When reached the others we greeted everyone with only a nod. I sat next to Connor who wasted no time to update me.
«The cargo was delivered, Sean, everything went as planned. The Devils should meet the buyers in two days, and when they do it they will have a nice little surprise.»
«Are we sure that they do not notice before that we fucked up the goods?»
«No, but they should control the whole thing to notice right away and it will not be so because it is already packed.»
«It will not be enough, Connor. This delivery will take out only small fish. I want Lucas. I want that bastard rot in hell.»
«And I want the same thing. We need to be patient.»
«I know. It's just that we have waited so long and I'm tired I have to wait more.»
«We have to do things right Sean, or it will backfire us.»
I nodded and watched him with a half smile.
«With Ryan is everything right?»
«All right.»
My smile widened further.
«Do you have to say something, Connor?»
«No, but if you want I can tell you to mind your fucking business,» he answered me.
I laughed while Connor got up flipping the bird. I exchanged a few words with the others. Every Shadow was ready to face the mess the Devils would have discovered when they found that they have been fooled, but we still had two days before the outbreak of the confusion, and that night we all don’t want to think too much and enjoy the evening.

At King you could find everything. Women interested in men or in other women, men interested in other men or women, so I began to look around. I wanted someone to fuck for driving Ash out of my mind, anyone would be fine that night, but apparently my karma wanted to play some more, because the only person that caught my attention was Ash.

Washed out tight jeans and white shirt wrapped to his chest and arms. When had Ash put on that wicked body? It seemed that these dresses were sewn on his skin. The artfully disheveled hair made my hands itch to the desire to stuffing them with my fingers and tighten them while I plundered his mouth. Those lips and that angelic smile were a temptation which rekindled my cock instantly.
Shit, it was not possible that I had fucked up until this point. I was watching him while friends embraced him and laughed with him, making him the good wishes. He reciprocated every hug and every smile, and I felt jealous of each one.

«Sean, I go away with Elise. Ash will celebrate until morning at least, and I do not want to know what he will do. I trust him and I know he will not do shit. Besides, I think he has got a boyfriend.»
I turned to Cam that with a smile was watching his brother.
«What makes you think so?»
«Last night by chance I saw a hickey on his neck.»
For a moment I missed my breath. I did not remember having made him a hickey, but there were many things I did not remember. Ash had told me that we had touched and kissed, but for me the memories were still confused between dream and reality. Except for what had happened in the shower. What I remember is perfectly clear, every caress, every moan, every desire I had while he was in my arms.
Cameron went away and I stood like an idiot staring at Ash wishing what I could not have. Then he looked up and his eyes were on mine. His smile spread more and gave me a slight nod. I did not answered, I only looked at him. I was not an insecure man and always knew what I wanted, I knew how to bring a man or a woman when I wanted to fuck, but with him I was totally helpless, baffled by all that he made me feel, devastated by what he made me want.

I kept telling myself that I should spend the evening to look for a man to vent my desires, and instead I could only go from angry to trying to breathe when my cock threatened to get out of my pants while I was looking at him. Ash was definitely making me pay for my refusal. After that initial smile, he had not look at me once, or so it seemed. He continued to flirt with a guy who certainly had at least my age.
He placed his hands on his hips as Ash danced the small runway with sensual moves, shaking that sinful ass I wanted for myself. When they were not dancing, he fished some ice from a glass and he rubbed it on his neck, laughing, while the idiot looked at him, biting his lips. I could bet that his cock was hard and that if he could he would have fucked Ash immediately. The bastard was getting closer and closer and I could not stop watching.

The others had vanished. Who was left and who was on the dance floor or at the bar drinking and chatting, probably they had also told me something before I they leave, but my attention was only for him. That damn kid that reduced me to a pile of desire and anger that was about to explode.
I moved only when I realized he was going away and that this bastard was leaving behind. I knew he would go in the bathroom and anger mounted inside me with the force of a hurricane. I do not give a shit if he was celebrating his birthday, I did not give a fuck even if that was his boyfriend. The day before he had been in my bed, in my shower and told me he want me, now probably he is going to have sex in a toilet with an idiot who did not even know.

I knew I should leave him alone. I was the one to tell him that among us there could be anything and I felt like a little girl betrayed by her first love, but my reasoning powers seemed completely gone when I entered the room, opening the door. Damn, I was pissed. The boys there looked at me and hurried to leave the room, they knew that I would not hurt any of them, but they also knew that when I was angry they had to keep a safe distance. Ash had to be in one of the bathrooms and while clenched my fists trying to calm myself not to make a scene in a crazy hysterical style, one of the doors opened and he came out quiet. Alone. He looked around and smiled at me.
«Do you kicked everyone out of the bathroom?»
I stared at him but did not move while he went to the sink to rinse his hands. Another door opened and another guy came out calmly, but quickly leave the bathroom just after looked at me.
«What the fuck are you doing Ash?» I asked him with a snarl.
«What the fuck do you want to be doing in a bathroom Sean? I pissed and now I wash my hands,» he replied smiling.
«Do not get too smart with me, boy. I'm not really in the mood for tricks .»
«What tricks do you mean? And stop with this story of the little boy!»
«Where's your boyfriend? He's waiting outside?»
«Oh, I see. My brother asked you to control me and you're doing everything like a snarling guard dog? Well, you can tell him that I've been a good boy. Me and that guy we danced, flirted a little bit and stop. He went off with his friends, and I will reach them when we have completed this kind of scene.»
I approached him, relieved that the idiot would not have touched him, but still excited because my body could not stop to remember him as he moved on the track.
«You are playing with fire, Ash,» I said, lowering my voice.
«I'm not doing anything, Sean. Until a few days ago you don’t give a fuck if I was or was not with someone and you feel now right to break my balls? You were clear yesterday and although I don’t like it, I do accept it. Now l I’ll be clear with you. I'm eighteen, I'm not a child, and I do whatever I want with who I want. If you and my brother don’t agree, it is your problem. Moreover, do you have nothing better to do than control myself while he fucks his girlfriend?»
Amused I approached him and pushed him into one of the bathrooms.
«I do not think your brother has taught you to speak to other people in this way ...»
Those lips, those damn lips were like the call of a siren. He was pissed off and his breathing quickened and damn ... I wanted him so much. Having tasted him only had made me hungrier.
«What the heck do you want, Sean? You want me to go home by midnight like Cinderella? Do you want my ass remaining chaste? Well you arrive a bit later for that.» Ash snapped.
Anger and jealousy came back loud and pushed my desire of him to the limit. I shoot up him pasting my mouth to his. I knew I wanted him, I felt it, but he pushed me away. His eyes blazed and fuck he was even more beautiful so surprised and angry.
«I will not kiss you only to be rejected, Sean. I want you, but I know that then your paranoia will be back. I may be only eighteen but I'm not so stupid to hurt myself.»
Without another word he passed near me and left the room leaving me with an hard cock and an open mouth like a fool. I had vastly underestimated him.

When I came out of the bathroom I looked for him with my eyes. He was sitting at the table with his friends with a beer in front. I tried to look inside of me for all the good reasons that were supposed to convince me to stay away from him and turn my attention to someone else, when the King’s doors burst open and a young girl began screaming for help. I went running toward her, and when she saw me he looked at me with big brown eyes full of tears.
«Two guys..., down the road are beating my brother ...»
Axel and Colin were close to me and just a look between us was enough. I retrieved the gun that I kept tied to the ankle and I released the safety catch. We ran to the end of the alley and saw two boys intent to take another kick. They did not hear us coming and when we were close enough, I pointed the gun and screamed.
«Let him go or I'll blow your head off!»
In my peripheral vision I saw Axel and Colin also point their guns and advance slowly. I was not sure if the two bastards were not armed, but it was too late to think about it. They turned, raising their hands, laughing.
«Be quiet, Shadow, we were just doing two caresses to our friend. You know that if Lucas wish we can take you all down. But our boss has a soft heart and want let your shit people to become part of the Devils. Your friend here has declined the invitation so rudely and deserved punishment.»
They took a step back and then another, always with a mocking smile Colin and Axel came to the lying boy, while I remained motionless staring at the two Devils. I saw them look and move an arm ... it was at that moment that I fired. Axel and Colin did the same. We took them both. One to the thigh and the other to the shoulder and again we shot before they had time to take their weapons. They started to run and we fired again. One of them was hit again and fell to the ground, the other races and reached a car. We left him go and we approached the one to the ground.
«You know what is the fault of you bastards? That you are too sure, tough, arrogant, but you have no brain. The next time you step into my territory, that you hurt one of my neighborhood I'll send you out to your boss in a plastic bag.»
I bowed, grabbed his face and shook his jaw as I pressed on his wound with my foot.
«If you can not die, tell your boss that he should very well know that he should not piss me off.»
I rose up and turned to Axel.
«Take this dick out of my territory. Leave him somewhere, I do not care if he does not survive.»
I waited for Axel and Colin to go away and turned to the voices behind me. Near the boy lying in the street there was Connor and Ryan. I looked at the latter that he gave me a nod. When I moved my eyes on Connor my message was clear. He would take care of the beaten boy.

I went back to the King and decided to go home and when I reached the car I found Ash leaning against the hood. He looked at me silently and I surrendered to the need I had of him beside me. I opened the door and before getting in I looked at him.
«Come on.»
He did not answer and he went up putting himself in the passenger seat. I was not interested at that time if someone would see us, I would have thought about it the next day. We made the trip up to my house in silence. There was not a heavy silence of those who do not know what to say, it was just a waiting silence. Waiting to be alone, safe, together. Waiting to give ourselves the certainty that between us there was something we could not ignore, like my need to tighten him, kiss him, touch him. As his need to stand by me because he knew how much I hated to hurt someone. He was a boy but knew me very well.

The entrance was lit by a small lamp as we entered into the house. I ever let it turned on as my mother had taught me, so as to avoid crashing on the mobile at the entrance as I tried to get to the switch that was not next to the door. I had never been able to understand why my father had put it in a so awkward position and he had never move it somewhere else.
I removed the gun from the ankle where I had shed it after the clash with the Devils and leaned it on the table watching it. Ash came up and clasped my hips making me turn towards him. I wanted to say something, but I did not even know what. It seemed almost absurd that he was there with me, it seemed absurd that I wanted him exactly where he was.
«Ash, I ...»
«Shh. We'll talk later. Now you need to take a shower and relax a bit.»
He took my hand leading me to the bathroom and I wondered if he'd taken a shower with me. He told me he did not want me to kiss him, and I understood. Between us there could not be just a fuck. For the bond that I had with his brother, the respect I had for him, but above all, because of what I felt it was beyond a fuck even if I struggled to admit it.
In the bathroom, he turned on the light and opened the shower, then went in front of me. He pulled the black T-shirt and opened my jeans while I was trying to take off my shoes with my feet.
He waited until I was in bare feet before pushing my jeans and boxers down. I was naked in front of him and did not know whether to undress him or not. He pushed me into the shower. I turned to look at him holding him. I do not want him to move away, questioning him silently. He let go my hand, but smiled sweetly.
«Come in. I'll be there in a minute,» Ash said to me in a sweet way.
But I did not move. I watched as he undressed, eating him with my eyes.
«Come on, Sean, enter into the shower.»
While the hot water bathed us and he closed the shower door, I looked at him and smiled.
«You're making the part of an adult with me, little boy?» I said smiling.
«You'd be surprised to know how much I am, despite I’m only eighteen.»
«You like to say it, don’t you?»
«That you now are eighteen.»
He took the shampoo and poured a bit on the hand before distributing the liquid on my hair. His hands were pleasant, but I wanted to kiss him. I wanted to kiss him so much that I could not seem to think of anything else.
«Nothing has changed Sean. I knew who I was and what I want yesterday that I was seventeen,» he answered.
I heard him, but I could not answer, focused on his hands in my hair and on his mouth. I did not dare to look down and watch his body because I knew I lost control and I would just reasoning with my dick. And Ash deserved more, deserved better.
I thought again that it was wrong we were together. Again in the shower, naked again, again with that desire that can not make me think lucidly.
«Stop thinking, Sean. You'll have time tomorrow to go back into paranoia. Tonight we do not need it. So shut up.»
«Do you also read my mind now?»
«Let's finish this shower. So then we can go to sleep.»
To sleep? I thought he had come home with me because he wanted to have sex. Did he wanted to sleep? Crist, I would never be able to keep my hands to myself. It was probably better than I took him home right away. I would had to think about what the fuck I was doing before we got in the car. Now everything would become a big mess, and ... and his mouth captured mine.
Shit, it really seemed that he was the adult between the two of us.
«I hear the hamster in your head that runs like a madman in the wheel. Make him rest Sean.»
«You're treating me like a moron, Ash,» I said huffily.
«Yes, as long as you continue to be a moron. Do you think that your body does not tell me what you want even if you do not speak? That way you’re looking at me is not clear enough to tell me that you want me?»
«Ash ..» I moaned eager and frustrated.
«Enough. I do not want to spend what's left of my birthday to discuss with you about your paranoia and the fact that you do not want to tell me that you love me even if it is clear that it is so.»
I picked up a bit of my manhood and I grabbed him by the hips turning him and pushing him against the wall. I grabbed the bubble bath and let it slip a few drops down his back.
«Since when you've become so wise?» I asked, beginning to touch him.
My hands slipped slowly on his wet skin and my sex awoke completely. I wanted to hug him, squeeze him and feel his body against mine. I needed him so much, I was almost breathless and my hands did not seem quite full of him. I wanted to squeeze his cock and feel him enjoy it for me, feel that he arced from my touch, that he wanted more. I wanted to hear he wanted me with the same intensity with which I wanted him. I wanted to be able to control myself, to regain my mental faculties, but that damn boy now annulled all.
I slipped with my hands on his hips. He spoke, his voice hoarse and low, but I was not listening anymore. I went over and unable to resist I leaned to him and felt his ass against my cock, his back against my chest and I could not control my hands as if they were guided by their own will, slipping from his hips to his belly, going on his stomach, on his abs then dropped down to his hard sex. I began to kiss his neck, tasting his skin, playing with the lobe of his ear.
«You make me lose control, Ash, you make me want to have you all to myself, just for me. You make me go crazy. I should control myself, reflect and know that it is not a good idea, but when you're with me I do not give a shit about anything. I do not know when I started to look at you, wanting you, but now I seem I do it forever. If we go along, if we end up in bed, if I enter into you I will not be able to let you go and it is unfair. I know it and you know it too, but do not care because the only thing I want is you. I should stop, you should stop ...»
Ash turned. Narrowed eyes, hatched lips. It was a pretty damn exciting vision and my dick is even more hardened. He put his arms around my neck, pulling me toward him as our erections touched and sending sparks up the spine.
«I will not stop you. Stop fighting Sean, love me and that's it.»
«You're only eighteen years old and ...»
«Enough of this story. I want you, I know who you are, I know what you hide in your eyes, and in your heart. I know, always know since we lost our parents. And I know you want me. We think about consequences if there are any, now I want you and that’s all.»
I went crazy by the desire to have him, yet I was still hesitant. It was a struggle between heart and reason, and both were strong and wanted to win. When Ash kissed me, I left him decide for both. I returned his kiss, gently stroking his lips with my tongue, while the hot water enveloped us relaxing our minds, but further energizing our bodies. Reluctantly, I moved away from him, who looked confused.
«We finish this shower so I can take you to bed.»
He smiled and we finished quickly to wash. Once out of the shower I wrapped Ash in a soft towel, took one for me and wrapped it on my hips. We were going in the bedroom when my phone began to ring. I paused a moment and then took Ash's hand going towards the bedroom.
«Do you not answer?»
«No, I need you now. Anyone can wait.»
Ash approached me taking off his towel and grabbing my to do the same. The phone stopped ringing to start soon after. I ignored him still preferring to concentrate on the curve of Ash’s ass on which I had placed my hands. He had a perfect hard ass and would soon be mine. But the phone did not stop ringing. Ash lifted his face, kissing under the chin and sliding his hands on my hips.
«It might be important, Sean. Answer it, I wait for you on bed.»
Saying that he turned away from me as light as a feather to go and lie on the bed. I watched him for a few seconds, then turned to go and retrieve the phone cursing whoever was calling.
«Come on. Hurry, there are news.»
«What happened?»
«Not on the phone. I called everyone. Join us at the usual place.»
Shit, they would not let me even fuck in peace. But Connor's serious tone does not bode good. I rubbed my face with the palm of the hand and went back to the bedroom.
«Do not tell me. You have to go…» he told me soon as I finished the call.
«I'm sorry kiddo, it seems that we can not celebrate your birthday as it should.»
«Never mind, we put away for another day perhaps. Everything is alright?»
«I do not know yet. I'll take you home, ok?»
«I' prefer to expect you here.»
«I could be gone all night Ash.»
«I do not care. Go, do what you have and come back to me,» he said smiling.
«You're hunting for trouble to be with me, Ash.»
I returned the smile, happy that he wanted to wait for me.
«Are you saying we're together? Are you my boyfriend?» Ash asked defiantly.
«I'm saying it will be a mess,» I retorted.
Ash got out of bed and joined me while I grabbed my jeans and a clean jersey from the closet.
«Are you worried about it, Sean, I see it. And I do not think for both of us. What is going on?»
I finished dressing, took his face and I obliged to look at me straight in the eye.
«Do you wait for me here?»
«Do not get yourself killed.»
With one last kiss I let him go and I left the house after having recovered the gun.

The place was usually an old abandoned warehouse, where we found ourselves together whenever we had to decide something. When I entered they were all already there. I looked over and I saw Cameron approach me with a couple of beers in hand and he extended one to me.
«Has Connor ruined the evening to you too, huh?»
I clapped my beer against his, but I did not answer. We approached the others and waited until Connor spoke. Ryan spoke.
«It was reported that Montero has moved the date to delivery the goods. They will meet at dawn. They called me while I carried the boy with Connor to the emergency room. We have to anticipate the times, guys.»
«Why have they anticipated?» I asked looking at Ryan.
«I do not know, but I guess since he just had our expense wants ahead of the times with them to organize the shop. My bosses have been warned and we are ready.»
I looked at my Shadows, one by one. I knew they were waiting for me.
«The exchange between Montero and the Devils will go wrong, since we have already placed their merchandise. When Montero will think he was played, he will make a big mess between his men and the Devils, then the police will intervene and proceed with the arrests. We hope that Lucas will be furious and he will want to find the guilty. If everything will go like we planned, he will not be content to let out his henchmen, and he will be then that we let him know the fact that we sold his merchandise. He'll want money and our skin. We have no other way to do it out in the open, we have to piss him off. The police is trying to capture him for years, but there is no evidence linking the activities of the Devils to him. It is dangerous, but it is the only way to get it out and maybe take back our lives. Now we are well covered and we are not alone, but it does not mean it will be a walk in the park.»
They looked at me and Axel came forward.
«Sean, we watch our backs since when we are small, we protected this neighborhood alone as best as we could, waiting for the day when the Devils would pay. I say let's do it.»
The others nodded. I looked at their faces and I saw no trace of doubt. Finally I looked at Ryan.
«Tell your boss that we are ready.»

I looked again at my friends, my Shadows.
«Go home. Do what you want tonight. Tomorrow Ryan will notify us as soon as the bomb will explode.»
They went all away and I remained with Cameron.
«My brother is around to celebrate, and I'm going back to Elise. What will you do?»
I smiled, but I did not answer him and I do not looked into his eyes. I would not be able to lie to him. I waved his hand and left the store. I just wanted to go back to Ash.

I parked the car in front of the driveway and turned off the engine. I looked at the house where I grew up, I hoped for a moment that the time had not passed, I hoped to be able to come in and hear my mother laughing because my father had dragged her away from the stove and was circling through the kitchen to the beat of a music that was not there, maybe it was only the beating of their hearts.
But they were gone. The house was always shrouded in silence if I was not present and was the same even when I was inside. No one asked me how it had gone the day, no one was with me making plans for the future. It had been years since their death, but every day I relived it and it increased in me anger and determination.
I would have wanted to run after their death and start a new life away from all the shit that was in the neighborhood, but the anger was too big, and I made my choice. But sometimes that choice weighed a ton. My desire to escape was still there, present, but fought the battle with the desire for revenge and inexorably lost every time.
I looked at all the windows. The rooms were all dark, all but one. I smiled involuntarily, Ash was still there. That annoying kid, insolent and capable of making me his puppet, determined and self-confident, had been waiting for me. As the brain told me it would be better to left him alone, my heart did not care. He was there, for the first time in years, someone was waiting for me at home.

I got out and walked inside. I did not bother to be quite, or to turn on the lights at the entrance. Once inside, I went straight to the bedroom and two deep blacks eyes lifted to look at me. His smile lit up and I smiled back, my shoulder against the door frame looking at him.
«You have done quickly. I believed you would not come back before dawn.»
«But here I am,» I said without moving.
«Do you tell me where have you been?»
«At the old warehouse.»
«Has something happened?»
«I do not want to talk about it now.»
«And what do you want?» Ash asked with a sly smile.
I did not answer, but slowly I stroked my hard cock. It had begun to swell when I got to my room and saw Ash lying on my bed. It did not bother me I he could see that I was excited. I wanted him to see it. I needed it.
As if in answer to my gesture, Ash threw back the covers and got out of bed coming near me, wearing only boxer shorts and a shirt. I did not move and waited. I wanted him to lead that part of the game, it should be him to dictate the pace, because if I did it would be over very quickly. Besides I was not sure what experience he had done and I wanted him to feel safe with me.
When he was beside, he reached out to give me a kiss. He pulled away before I could develop it and rubbed his nose against mine, to regain soon after, again, my mouth. His hands slipped on my back and I remembered I still have the gun on me, but before I could get it out he'd already pulled it out from the back of my jeans. I watched him put the gun on the dresser without stop looking.
«I do not like it when you're armed,» he said whispering.
«I can not do without,» I answered him caressing his face.
«I know.»
Neither says anything more. His mouth on my and my tongue asked permission to enter. It was allowed, I held him to me as I was exploring his mouth and he lifted my shirt. We parted only for him to take it off and I could do the same with his one. I ran my hands over his chest and looked at him.

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