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God’s Code
Aldivan Teixeira Torres
Philliphe is a victorious man in every aspect of life. Nothing else can wish to be happy until something terrible happens. The new situation provokes a great revolt in your world. Lost, just stumbled onto at  the thought of an innocent young man. His words are so comforting and optimistic that opens a new perspective amid so much pain. Is launched then the following challenge:Be able understand the God's will and as a consequence decipher your code?

God’s code
Aldivan Teixeira Torres

God’s code
By:Aldivan Teixeira Torres
©2018-Aldivan Teixeira Torres
Translator:Sara Pereira
Review:Aldivan Teixeira Torres
E-mail: aldivanvid@hotmail.com

This book, including all its parts, is protected by copyright and don’t can to be reproduced without Autor’s permission, resold or transferred.
Academic Qualifications: Degree in Mathematics with specialization in the same area.
Short Biography: Aldivan Teixeira Torres, was born in Arcoverde- PE-Brazil, created the series “The Seer”, the series sons of the light, poetry and screenplays. His literary career started at the end of 2011 with the publication of his first romance work Opposing forces .For whatever reason, he stopped writing only resuming his career in the second half of 2013. Since then he never stopped. He hopes that his writing will contribute to the Pernambuco and Brazilian culture, arousing the pleasure of reading in those that do not yet have the habit. His motto is “For literature, equality, fraternity, justice, dignity and the human being honour for ever”.

I dedicate this work to all the altruists, thinkers, philosophers, writers who contributed to the moral elevation of our society. However, I have noticed that there is much to be done in all aspects and therefore the decision to publish a code directed to the aggrandizement of all.
I also dedicate to the ordinary people of all classes who with a lot of game of waist they can survive in a country of good theory, but not of practice. And especially I recommend reading for those who have not yet found the meaning of life nor the knowledge of the benign forces of the universe that we usually call God.

I thank all lovers of literature and especially those who accompany my personal trajectory and that of my project "The Seer". It would be nothing without you. Nor can I forget about family, friends, relatives, acquaintances, co-workers who are always present in one form or another. You are part of me.
And first of all, I thank the creative father who, from my birth, took care of me and encouraged me in a special way. I owe everything to him. On this path, I walked, tried, tripped, but I leaned harder. It is as the saying goes: "He did not remove the stones so that I could learn from failure and go through the necessary procedures for victory."
Anyway, thanks to all the visible and invisible forces that accompany me.

"A spirit from above will be poured out on us again. Then the desert will become a garden and the garden will be considered a forest. In the wilderness shall the law dwell, and righteousness shall dwell in the garden. The fruit of righteousness will be peace. In fact, the work of justice will result in permanent tranquility and security." (Isaiah 32,15-17).

God's code tells an adventure of friends in the wilderness and its ultimate goal is to lead the reader to a reflection on how to conduct their relationship with God and whether both parties are satisfied.
The central point - The story of Philliphe - places us in front of important questions of our faith such as believing in God even in the crises, pains and tragedies of life.
The unfolding of history, the lived experiences, the actions of Yahweh form an interesting set of elements that aim to give a lesson to all those who like Philliphe lost the way of life leading them to a new stage capable of giving them the necessary strength to continue living and taking advantage of existence in the best possible way.
If what I have written helps, even if it is only one person, I am satisfied with the work done in the making of the book. Good reading.

The author.

Table of Contents

God’s code (#ulink_f5273358-29f2-5617-96c5-0c4eae2331c8)
Dedicatory (#ulink_73354f3d-cf4b-5197-b2b4-76af589877ab)
Thanks (#ulink_aea78aba-91a7-558b-89c0-07dbcc464645)
Introduction (#ulink_e1f8eeda-4808-5848-92c5-cdfbf46c4652)
Part I- Home (#ulink_1fa512ce-e46f-589c-a568-99dff0d76ce4)
The dense night in Philliphe's life (#ulink_9129971f-ad90-5417-82fa-ee2909329fb5)
The book (#ulink_b35cca81-ebc4-59ae-9b9e-c12cf619e47a)
Twenty days later (#ulink_26492f51-090a-5dff-9bc1-d75923c75332)
The Philliphe Experience (#ulink_312424cb-76ae-5b0e-a2e8-da71accac100)
The descent (#ulink_17f275c3-9a80-54bc-95d5-3bab9e55f6ef)
The trip (#ulink_5883bac6-941d-578e-984b-49a210fd881e)
The first day (#ulink_13f99590-0172-58a2-88e9-861eecfd0773)
Part II - Familyng (#ulink_21034bcc-9e27-57e3-8ac8-4ca303726153)
2.1- Values
2.2-Marriage (#ulink_ef5b04f2-c364-5a96-938d-73029ccdefc7)
2.3- Expenses (#ulink_97e7f4ed-89a3-5d66-a395-0622e6ea2827)
2.4- Memory (#ulink_2c99ac40-1e24-5067-85be-38f1c3367ce2)
2.5- Behavior (#ulink_62b7508d-9296-57e6-b5c8-b4cbfed02171)
2.6- Values of attention (#ulink_3c7b0737-4dad-5dcd-8899-fce87acbba8c)
2.7- Disagreements (#ulink_a466ed7b-cb0d-5246-a055-5e04c0aa8501)
2.8- General Conduct (#ulink_671150b9-9ec0-560b-93cc-05023b1f325c)
2.9- Inheritance (#litres_trial_promo)
Part III – Religious (#litres_trial_promo)
3.1- The various religions (#litres_trial_promo)
3.2- The concept of God (#litres_trial_promo)
3.3- Religious and secular festivals (#litres_trial_promo)
3.4- Idolatry and fanaticism (#litres_trial_promo)
3.5- Do not mess with God and the unknown (#litres_trial_promo)
3.6- How to pray (#litres_trial_promo)
3.7- Transfusions, UTIS, Surgeries (#litres_trial_promo)
3.8- Circumcision, promises, the Sabbath day (#litres_trial_promo)
3.9- Seers, letters, spiritual works, etc. (#litres_trial_promo)
3.10- The destiny of man (#litres_trial_promo)
3.11- The action of God through men (#litres_trial_promo)
3.12- The notion of sin (#litres_trial_promo)
3.13— Miscellaneous topics related to religion (#litres_trial_promo)
Part IV — On the way to another city (#litres_trial_promo)
4.1— Prostitution (#litres_trial_promo)
4.2— Virginity (#litres_trial_promo)
4.3— Types of union (#litres_trial_promo)
4.4— Types of relationship (#litres_trial_promo)
4.5— Sexual taboos (#litres_trial_promo)
4.6— Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) (#litres_trial_promo)
Part V— New Directions (#litres_trial_promo)
5.1— Types of regime (#litres_trial_promo)
5.2— Brazilian political history (#litres_trial_promo)
5.3— Corruption (#litres_trial_promo)
5.4— Miscellaneous topics (#litres_trial_promo)
5.5— Resuming the debate (#litres_trial_promo)
5.6— Confidences (#litres_trial_promo)
Part VI— Working (#litres_trial_promo)
6.1— First topics (#litres_trial_promo)
6.2— Public sector, private, competitions, technical training (#litres_trial_promo)
6.3— Quality of life, trade union movement and the rights and duties of the Worker (#litres_trial_promo)
Part VII — Scientific (#litres_trial_promo)
7.1— The role of the media (#litres_trial_promo)
7.2— Brazilian energy matrix, the universe (#litres_trial_promo)
7.3— Environment (#litres_trial_promo)
Part VIII— SocioeconomicCity (#litres_trial_promo)
8.1— Some important issues (#litres_trial_promo)
8.2— Other topics (#litres_trial_promo)
8.3— Sports and leisure (#litres_trial_promo)
Part IX— Educulting (#litres_trial_promo)
9.1— Educational modalities, public school versus the private and remuneration of education professionals (#litres_trial_promo)
9.2— Illiteracy, role of teachers, formation peoples, cultural heritage (#litres_trial_promo)
9.3— Programs supporting culture, literature and the challenge of publishing (#litres_trial_promo)
Part X— Health (#litres_trial_promo)
Part XI— Sodorra (#litres_trial_promo)
11.1— The Sermon of the Desert (#litres_trial_promo)
Part XII — Final (#litres_trial_promo)
Epilogue (#litres_trial_promo)

Part I- Home
It was once a simple middle-class family residing in the rural area of the municipality of Arcoverde-Brazil with surname Andrade Correia. The family was made up of five people: Philliphe Andrews, the father, Angelica, the mother, Samantha, Constantine and Bartholomew, their children. For a long time, they lived in peace.
Philliphe was the kind of distant father, very attached to work, who usually only paid more attention to his wife and children on weekends. It was little, but no one complained, for it was a necessary evil.
Everything was going on within normalcy until the fatal day. It was at the end of the school year, when the whole family gathered, packed their bags, got into the car, and set off for the weekend to get away from the monotony of everyday life.
Initially, nothing unusual happened. They were crossing the barriers of the busy BR 232 Highway and arriving near Caruaru, at the end of a curve, they were surprised by another car coming towards them. Result: Front collision, with cars coming off the main lane.
The rescue came fast, all were sent to the hospital in the capital of the harsh with the help of firefighters being treated in a state of emergency when they get there. Initial efforts were made to restore their health and some had to be referred to the ICU.
Within the hospital, two days passed and unfortunately the accident had resulted in fatalities: Four from the Correia Family and another from the Gouveia Family, occupants of the other vehicle. Of the first, the only one left was Philliphe. He still did not know, therefore, his state of health required care.
A little while later, the wounds were healing, and when the doctors realized he was well he was told the bad news that he had lost his entire family in the tragic accident. The reaction swung from the initial shock to revolt. And now? What would he do?
The first thing he did was collaborate in every way for a faster recovery. The goal was to get away from the sad, macabre place of the hospital.
With a week of effort, he was finally released and the first thing he did was to call a cab. He waited another fifteen minutes for the driver to arrive, a blue canopy, and on boarding the same he greeted the driver and indicated his destination: The bus station. At his signal, the car immediately left and faced a heavy traffic arrived in fifteen minutes to the desired location. Philliphe paid for the ticket, said good-bye, and went downstairs. He drove to the booth where he was informed that the next bus to Arcoverde would arrive in an hour. In order to pass the time, he crossed the avenue, took juice with cheese bread in the cafeteria and still had time to spend in a small bookstore where he bought his favorite magazines. After, he crossed the avenue in the opposite direction and returned to the bus station. He bought the ticket and waited some more.
Arriving the bus bound for his beloved Arcoverde, he did not waste time, entering immediately choosing one of the front seats. He waited a little longer and then finally they're off.
This was the beginning of the journey back. During the long journey, he had time to reflect on the present state, he took conversation with the neighbor of armchair and took the opportunity to read the magazines he had bought. When he felt tired, he took a nap.
Three hours later, he woke up with the bumps of the car and realized that he was near his land, the beloved Arcoverde of so many stories. Moments later, he holds the suitcase, knocks on the driver's cabin and asks to stop. The driver obeys the bus stops and finally he descends, towards its place (fifteen meters), near the town of Caribbean. Holding what was left of the suitcases, it takes another fifteen minutes to reach his house, and when he arrives, he falls exhausted on the bed. He would try to sleep to relieve his troubled mind and would only get up the other day to give a fate to his poor life.

The dense night in Philliphe's life
Dawns. Philliphe wakes up, bathes, changes clothe, prepares and eats breakfast (bread with eggs), he brushes his teeth and leaves for the city where he was to perform his public function. His position was fiscal auditor of the state farm, of high hierarchy and remuneration, fruit of his concurrence efforts.
In twenty minutes' drive, using his own car, he arrives at his place of work, the state farmhouse pole in Arcoverde, a large, two-story building. After passing the entrance gate, he passes through a corridor and another door and then he has access to the main hall where the work groups are located. He gently greets his colleagues and is comforted by the fact of the tragedy. He thanks and starts toil. He spent about eight hours on site and outside work with companions and in this turn no abnormality occurred. When he completes his assignments, he says goodbye, does the same course in feeling the opposite, he goes beyond the entrance-exit gate, and goes to the car that is parked in the neighboring street. When he arrived, he would settle into his seat, he turns on the ignition, and then proceed to solve some pending trade and then he leaves. He takes the main avenue of downtown, goes to the good neighborhood and a few moments later he has access to the highway BR 232.
With moderate speed, it takes only fifteen minutes to get home. He keeps the car in the garage, approaches the door, uses the key to open it and inside the house goes to the kitchen and arriving at the place takes the lunch ready. Heat the food in the stove and feed in a hurry so much his hunger. At the end of lunch, he will take care of domestic and site activities for the rest of the day. Early on, he decides to sleep.
On the other following days, the routine is repeated. Despite being completely normal, his life had changed from head to toe after the tragedy. He lived only from work to home, away from friends, from religiosity and from himself. Anyway, he did not believe in anything anymore.
Psychologically, Philliphe was devastated, sunk in an endless desert. At every moment he wondered: What sin had he committed to fall into such misfortune? Why had not God spared his family? What would he do with his life now that he was alone? Were there any possibilities for recovery?
No matter how much time passed, he could find no solution to his problems and the loneliness that beat in his chest ever stronger. He was living in a very dense night where there was only despair.
Forward, warrior, do not give up!

The book
Time advances a little more and Philliphe's mental state is the same: He could not cope with the drastic changes in his life. Even aware that nothing could change, his unconscious was uncontrollable and spoke louder. It was part of his personality and was intrinsically linked to the influences of his Maktub.
It was there that something interesting and unusual occurred: On the date that he had completed six months of the tragedy, searching the internet after dinner he found a website of a publisher and a book that really caught his attention because it specifically dealt with a theme that was a bit the desert life of feelings and hopes that lived in the present moment. The title was "The dark night of the soul" and the author was called Aldivan Teixeira Tôrres. Instigated, he decided to buy the book, making the registration on the website and after all procedures he printed the ticket because it would be a good opportunity to learn and travel a little enriching his knowledge and who knows how to help him wake up a little. That was the bet.
He continued to surf the internet a bit, including social networks, news sites, soccer, chat in chat rooms, listening to music and researching a little to help in his daily life in his profession. However, even when the browsing session was over, the question of the book did not leave his head.
Tired from the day he'd actually been run, he headed for the bedroom to sleep. He approached the bed and before going to bed, he remembered the ticket he had printed. He kept it in his purse so he would not forget to pay it the other day. After the act, he finally relaxed.
The night followed, the dawn arrived, and around six o'clock in the morning, Philliphe finally woke up. As usual, he got up quickly, stretched himself, went to the bathroom, showered, went back to his room, he changed into clean clothes and a brown suede shoe he had bought, he went to the kitchen and got there, made eggs with bacon, stuffed the bread adding curd. Then he ate some fruit and was satisfied.
He brushed his teeth, washed his face, went to the bathroom to defecate, and at the end of the act, he approached the kitchen sink and washed his hands. As he was vain, went to the bedroom and next to the mirror of his wardrobe huge clothes, took care of the last details, which included the treatment of the face with creams, use of fine perfume with fragrance of roses, and finally comb the hair that was a little hissing.
Ready! Now he could go to the garage, pick up his big car, and go to work on his beloved Arcoverde. And that's what he does. Despite his discontent with life, he had always been responsible with his commitments and work was not a choice, but a matter of necessity.
Facing the normal traffic on the BR 232 lane and in the urban area of the city, he finally reaches work after fifteen minutes of effort. With great education, he enters the institution and wish a good day to all his work colleagues. Not all are reciprocal, but it does not matter. He had already done his part.
He starts with his bureaucratic work and when asked, leaves with the team. With great professionalism and competence, stands out in the crowd. He was to be congratulated for its integrity and honor always tested.
At the end of eight o'clock, he hit the point and walk away. As usual he will deal with other personal issues in banks, financial institutions, lottery houses, shops, etc. He pays the ticket for the book and then finally goes home.
This time, he finds a congested traffic, but nevertheless he arrives in time at home to take care of the domestic and site pending. Now he was alone and absolutely everything was on his back.
At night, he still has time to access the internet and check the payment confirmation of the book on the website. Now all that remained was to wait and find out what Aldivan Teixeira Tôrres, the seer, wanted to go through with it.
While dreaming of the arrival of the book, he went to sleep at about 11:00 p.m. One more day fulfilled in a solitude and deep incomprehension.

Twenty days later
A little time is spent within normalcy in Philliphe's solitary life between work, social activities, home life, weekends, and leisure. Completing exactly six months and twenty days after the tragedy, coming from work, he is notified by neighbors that there is something for him waiting to be picked up at the couriers of the Caribbean Village.
Immediately, he will see what it's like walking out of his place. On the short route, it crosses the highway, and climbs on the 1.5 km (one kilometer and a half full of curves) path that separates it from the aforementioned urban agglomeration.
Along the way, in addition to finding several acquaintances and greeting them, he has the opportunity to reflect, analyze and ponder the possibilities. What was waiting for him at the post office? Was it a letter from distant relatives from the South who had not heard for some time? A charge? Or even an unexpected declaration of love? These and other hypotheses filled his mind at that moment.
Enough! Says Philliphe inwardly. Gathering a force never before seen, he recovers the lost tranquility and cleanses his disturbed mind. He decides to hurry up, crosses the last bend, and approaches the first houses. His anxiety was about to end.
With a further three hundred meters, he enters the main street, turns right and over five houses, arrives at the building where the post office worked. Full of education, he excused himself as he entered the room and contacted the official in charge, his Xavier, an old man of about 60 years, white, unshaven, broad-bellied, broad back, black hair drained, wrinkled cheeks, thick and firm arms, green eyes, upright posture, wearing yellow cotton shirt, dark sunglasses, cap, watch bound, jeans, leather belt, black social shoe and brown underwear that showed a little, being very well known in the region. The dialogue is then initiated:
— Good afternoon, Xavier, do you have any correspondence for me?
—Good afternoon, Philliphe. You have an order from São Paulo sent by a publisher. It's a book?
—Oh, I know. It's a book. Let's see.
Philliphe walks closer, signs a two-way form, picks up the package and begins to unwrap it. Despite his poor ability, he loses little time in the operation. Having removed all the paper that involves the merchandise, he does a quick analysis of the product and presents it to the interested party.
—This title book "The Dark Night of the Soul" interested me a lot. Therefore, the synopsis presents a little of the period in which we turn off from God, living in sin and teaches the forms of recovery. I want to learn from him and who knows overcome my bad moment. (Philliphe)
— I understand. Very interesting. Who is the author?
— Aldivan Teixeira Torres, common seer or son of God.
—Can I take a look?
—You can. Make yourself comfortable.
Philliphe handed the book over to Xavier, who examined it quickly. At the end he returned and commented:
—Very good choice. I also want to buy. How can I get it?
—In the internet, on the website of the publisher you saw. A register is made and a ticket is printed. It's worth it!
— Got it. Thank you.
—You're welcome. Now I have to go.
— See you.
— Up until.
Quietly, Philliphe left the post office and returned the same way. Facing a little sun and dust, he overcame the same obstacles as before. With thirty minutes of effort, he completes the total journey, he enters the house, he passes through the room and corridor and he arrives at the room.
He sits on a chair by a small table and patiently begins to leaf through the book, which has more than three hundred pages long. For two hours, he has the opportunity to travel a little and get out of the hard routine and loneliness that life imposed on you. He likes very much and at the end the guard and promises to resume the reading the other day at about the same time.
Afterwards, he prepares his dinner, feeds himself, goes to watch TV, listens to music, surfs a little on the internet and when he gets tired, he finally goes to sleep. The next few days promised.

The Philliphe Experience
Another week passes with Philliphe fulfilling all his obligations involving work in the public sector, on the site, household chores, professional and personal relationships, and leisure activities. His life had been agitated and lonely since losing loved ones in the tragedy.
With the arrival of the weekend, he had more time to complete the pending work and complete the reading of the book that increasingly instigated him. On Sunday he came to an end and concluded that it was very worthwhile to buy it. With it he had learned a little of the light-Dark duality, the deadly sins of the dense part of the dark night, struggles, failures, and conquests of the main characters, the value of forgiveness and the possibility of recovery, and especially was astonished by the sensitivity of the author. How he wanted to meet him and learn from him!
He handles the book with more care and in one of the notes acquires the contact of Renato, companion of adventures of the author of the book. Without thinking much, he decides inwardly to look for him because it was not so far, the Serra do Ororubá in Mimoso-Brazil. The objective was to ask him for help, to know the seer and who knows to get rid of the weights he had always carried and which were aggravated by the tragedy that had occurred.
He was decided! He calls his boss, tells him that he is traveling, and do not know when he'll be back. In response, he has all his understanding and he is released for 15 days. Afterwards, he immediately begins to pack his trousers, shorts, briefs, sandals, shoes, shirts, socks, caps, sunglasses, watches, toiletries and his inseparable photo album. At the end, he takes care of the other details, warns the neighbors that he will leave and asks them to look a little at his place in his absence, he closes the house and the garage and he goes to the edge of the highway Br 232 to get the first stocking course to Pesqueira.
As he lived nearby, he quickly reached the point, he waited about forty minutes, and finally managed to drive. From there it's only eight minutes and the driver kindly leaves him in the center, near the town square. He comes down, pays for the ticket, thanks the driver and says goodbye. He begins to walk.
When he approaches the first person, he asks for guidance on how to get to the Ororubá mountain, specifically in Renato's house. Cordially, the young man who approaches Bernardo gives all the necessary information for the first and even offers to accompany him. Not wanting to abuse his goodwill, Philliphe dismisses it, he shakes hands, and thanks effusively. He preferred to go alone.
Following his directions, he goes ahead a few meters, turns right, crosses the bridge of the canal, walks a little more, entering a particular terrain. He can already see the famous mountain range that many considered sacred. Now it was only to move on to the foot and up its steep paths.
In fifteen minutes, he gets to the bottom and as he was not used, he makes a stop. At the time, the expectation, anxiety and restlessness took gigantic proportions with him distracted all the time shrouded in questions. Some of them were: What awaited him? What would Renato be like? And the guardian? Does he really existed? These and other issues would only be healed with time and it was no use getting hurt.
He decides to resume the walk. He begins to climb the dangerous slopes and at every step he feels more determined and prepared for everything. Towards the future! He thinks. Although his chances of finding them were small, it would be interesting to have an experience with Renato and the author of the book "The Dark Night of the Soul."
A little further on, he completes one third of the ascent, then he stops for five minutes, returning soon to walk with more vigor. At this moment, everything began to weigh a little more, including the suitcase which required a greater effort. Keep going always! He repeats it mentally in order to cheer himself up. The strategy works because at least he feels psychologically calmer. He moves forward more.
Exactly ten minutes later, he completes halfway. Despite the tiredness that was reflected in the sweat poured by his body he does not discourage, maintaining an acceptable pace. He keeps walking, overcoming stones, dust, thorns, facing the scorching sun, disbelief, and running against time. And how he ran!
Ten steps forward he feels the mighty force of the mountain, its voices, acting against itself. Inspired by the experience of the seer, he takes this step, celebrates his victory and continues on the path. At a given moment, he turns back, and sees the urban agglomeration of Mimoso at the bottom of the valley. How beautiful the landscape! It was explained the force, the patriotism and the passion of the pair of the series "The seer" the most interesting that had known in Literature and that still promised a lot.
Philliphe continues walking, a few minutes later enters the dangerous curve despite the nervousness common to those who walk there, he surpasses it. Ready! Now there were only a hundred yards to reach the marvelous top of the Ororubá Mountains. Fate was about to unfold.
The remaining route ends in just five minutes and before taking the last step, the traveler forces one last stop. He was feeling like a football player about to take a penalty or a woman about to go into labor after nine months of waiting. I explain: His life had been a great Ferris wheel, he had been the son of a mason and a maid, and with much effort had completed elementary school. He had been in business for about ten hours a day without being discouraged. Five months later, he had met Angelica, fell in love, and in two years they had been engaged and married. With her wealthy help, he had quit the trade, attended a college, had been involved in contests, and how competent he had been in several, current auditor of the state farm. With the consolidation in the job, he bought a place in the rural area of the city and moved with his wife there because what he liked was pure air and tranquility. From the fruits of the marriage appeared three children. Everything seemed fine until the day of the tragedy. He had fallen from heaven to hell, he had completely lost his faith, revolted, and was now without destiny.
Now he was there, after discovering the wonderful world of a being named Aldivan Teixeira Torres, author of the series the seer, who promised recovery to the most difficult cases. It was this that had motivated him to overcome his limits and believed that Renato, his partner, could help him in his trajectory at least as an arrow. Well, it was at least what I expected.
The expectation increases. Philliphe finally makes a move and when he sets his foot on the mountain, the earth shakes, the weather gets cloudy, he feels shivers, and a cloud of smoke covers the whole top. From within the cloud, a mysterious old woman approaches. With each step of it, the nervousness increases. Who would it be and what did he want?
He was about to find out. Getting close, the stranger tries to introduce himself and start the dialogue:
—Good morning, Philliphe, I am the spirit of the land that inhabits this sacred mountain. You can call me a guardian. How can I help you?
Philliphe became static. Does it mean that he stood before the wise Abigail of the mountain, the first mentor of the seer? He could not believe it was true. Gathering a force never seen before, he can communicate.
—Guardian? Do you really exist? How do you know me?
— Calm. I understand your astonishment. I am myself. I have lived in this place for centuries and have many mysteries. What do you want?
— I want to talk to Renato, your adopted son. Maybe he can help me in solving some problems.
—Of course, anything is possible. Follow me and feel comfortable.
Philliphe obeys the guardian and both begin to walk on the mysterious top of the mountain towards the residence of the last. What did destiny prepare for that brave traveler? Let's keep following.
After twenty minutes at a brisk pace, overtaking the natural obstacles of the woods and turning from side to side, they finally reach the humble, straw-covered hut. As a good hostess, the guardian invites him in, he accepts, and together they enter the little house. Within the single span, they find Renato sitting in the center next to a small table and the strange lady makes her introductions.
— Renato, this is Mr. Philliphe, a traveler who wants to talk to you.
Renato gets up, gets closer and greets the traveler.
—Pleasure, Renato. What specifically do you want?
—I am a reader of the series the seer who at the moment faces serious problems. Would you help me?
— Maybe. What afflicts you?
— Thank you. I'll briefly tell a little of my story. My name is Philliphe Andrews, someone searching for the essence and the truth. From my birth, because of my humble origin, I face prejudices and many professional difficulties. However, I always thought it was possible to win and for this I persisted fighting for my dreams. In this arduous way, I worked in commerce, I found love, I got out of poverty, I got engaged, I married, I had children, I went to college and today I am a high-ranking official. However, a tragedy haunts me and since then I have no peace.
—What a tragedy?
—The loss of my whole family in an accident.
Tears trickle down his Philliphe's already wrinkled face. There was an example of constant suffering and struggle. Renato is moved and hesitant to consult his mother at heart.
—What do you think, Mother?
— His case is very complicated. His heart is still full of bitterness and revulsion for not conforming to his own Maktub. He feels wronged by God and destiny. (Guardian)
— How did you expect me to stay? My wife and kids were good people who deserved better luck. What did they do wrong to deserve this? I was always a follower of God's laws and deserved at least one protection to the height for me and my family.
— Calm down, Philliphe. Do not feel this way. There are things that have no explanation. (Renato)
—You cannot judge God or question him because he is far above you. How can the earthen vessel confront the potter? (Guardian)
—I know. I just wanted to understand why all this in my life. (Philliphe)
—Where do you really want to get? (Asks Renato)
—You know, I had the pleasure of reading the book "The Dark Night of the Soul", I learned a little about the darkness, the possibilities of recovery, about the deadly sins, about the darkest night, and when I finished reading it, grew in me the desire to try, to start over with a more calm and clean mind. I want to understand a little God, my destiny, how to take back happiness and win again. Do you think this is possible?
—My friend, with my long experience gained in my wanderings with the seer, I can say that anything is possible. I just do not know where is the starting point because I also have my doubts beyond the desire to also know God. (Confesses Renato)
—Can I give my opinion? (Intruded the guardian)
—Of course. (Renato and Philliphe)
— Seek the son of God, he is the only one on earth who can find a way out of this case. (She answered)
— Great idea. What do you think, Philliphe? (Renato)
—Approved too. My dream is to meet you in person. (He reinforced)
—Very well. Just wait a moment and I'll pack my bags as a precaution. Probably, we are facing the beginning of a new saga that promises a lot. (Renato)
— It's ok. (Philliphe)
Renato went to look after the suitcases and the last details for the match. What would happen? Another intriguing adventure was drawn between the lines.

The descent
With everything ready, Renato said goodbye to his adoptive mother and together with Philliphe they left the cottage. With a few more steps, they take the shorter path that would take them to the destination. For the moment, the silence reigns between the two fueling the doubts of both that would probably be healed in the promised encounter.
The great crossing begins .. With the two living in completely different moments. While one was pre-adolescent and by nature enthusiastic for adventures, the other was a man made, about forty years old, willing to learn, to recover values and to find a God who confessed not to know or to understand. What connected them was mutual thirst for knowledge and empathy.
Further on, they overtake the great stone and begin their descent. They walk another hundred meters and at the request of the visitor they make a stop to rehydrate. Renato seizes the moment and begins a conversation:
—Where are you from?
—Fifteen-foot yard, near Arcoverde, you know?
— I know. I've been several times in Arcoverde and I've been there. I really like it.
— I also liked it here. This valley is very beautiful with Mimoso in the background. I understand the inspiration of you and your partner in the books.
—Thank you. Our region is special in every corner. And the mountain, did you like?
—You have given me much, and now I am more convinced than I want. Forward always!
— Very well, my friend, good. It is the first step to the desired success and peace. Anything, we're here.
—Thank you very much. Can we continue?
—Of course yes.
They resumed their walk. Keeping a steady rhythm, they descended the steep mountain range, between curves and homesickness’s in the narrow path. In fifteen minutes, they arrive at the imposing Juazeiro already on the flat terrain. They stop one more time. Gently, Philliphe gave some water and food to Renato who forgot his canteen. The forces restored, they walked back the last three hundred meters with the imposing agglomeration of Mimoso very close. Now there was little left.
In the rest of the way, between conversations and jokes, they overcome the last barriers that present themselves. The moment is of construction and it seems that the two realized this because they do not miss an opportunity. Towards the future and success!
The route is completed. In front of the bungalow almost destroyed by time, they clap their hands and from inside it emerges a normal young, thin, medium height, black hair, light tan, slender with features that stand out. Looking surprised, he communicates.
— Renato, you here? How are you? Is that you? What's your name?
— Hi, how are you? I came on an important mission. This is Philliphe, one of your readers.
The seer smiled and approached more politely greeted the two.
— It's all right. Be welcome. Pleasure, Philliphe, you can call me a seer, son of God or even Aldivan.
—The pleasure is mine. I've been your fan since forever.
Philliphe, still disbelieving, gave him a long, hard hug. The emotion took over the presents and the hug ended up being triple. They were as if they were the three musketeers, one for all and all for one without even being aware of it.
As they embraced, they moved away a little and the seer spoke up:
—Sorry for the bad way. Please enter.
The two accept the invitation and together they enter the house. They pass the entrance, realize that it is empty, they go to the living room, praise the furniture and decor, the host thanks, and finally sit on the armchair seats, facing each other. Curious by nature, the seer did not hold back and resume the conversation:
— What brought you here?
— We came to ask for your guidance and help. Philliphe came to me, spoke of his troublesome troubles, and at my mother's suggestion we came to looking for you. (Renato explained)
—Ah, I get it. What's troubling you, Philliphe? (The son of God)
—I lost my whole family in a tragic accident. Now I want to understand why, to find God, to reorganize my history a little. (He answered)
—Interesting. Do you think I can help you? (The Seer)
—I think so. Because of your charisma and talent, you are capable. (Philliphe)
The seer becomes emotional, analyzes the situation coldly and decides to help that poor man suffering because he learned in his worst moments the value of a support and someone who believes in himself. Luck was on!
—Very well. I accept the challenge. What does Renato suggest? (Fortune teller)
—I have no idea. (The boy replied without reaction)
—How do you feel, Philliphe? (The son of God)
—Totally destroyed, revolted, and without faith and hope. I live a dense night. (Philliphe)
—An almost desert existence. (Renato concluded)
— This is it! (The seer shouted)
—What's it? (Philliphe)
—How about we go to the desert and try to find God? (Seer)
— Great idea. (He praised Renato)
—Where would it be? (Philliphe inquired)
— I've heard of an extremely inhospitable place in the municipality of Cabrobó, in the outback of Pernambuco. The village is called Desert Crossing and from there we could leave for our adventure, the desert wild giant of the city. What do you think? (Aldivan)
— For me, I'm ready. What do you think, Philliphe? (Renato)
—I too. What are we waiting for? (Philliphe)
— Well, I'll call my family and tell them I'm leaving. Besides, I have to pack. Can you help me? (Fortune teller)
— Yes. (Both)
The three of them went to the bedroom and together began to pack the suitcase of the seer. While taking care of the details, they take advantage to improve the team's interaction. The climate now is pleasant despite the great challenge that presents itself.
Twenty minutes later, they finish their bags, they leave the message, close the house. The seer leaves the keys with the neighbor and together they depart towards the highway BR 232. There began another saga of the series the seer that already had conquered the heart of many. Keep going always!

The trip
On the way to the highway, travelers are distracted talking to each other, admiring the landscape that was still green as we were in September of the current year of 2014.
The Mimoso region was really beautiful. But they were aware that the world was not only restricted there and that the adventures gave them the conditions to know the most varied places of the immense country that they inhabited. And this was very good. With each new experience, they increased their thirst for knowledge and expanded their culture that was also influenced by each person they encountered along the way. Going ahead, literature and for pleasure! It was one of the team's mottos.
With this thought in mind, they complete the journey of approximately one kilometer without major problems or surprises. They arrive at the edge of the lane and would take the first self-discharge to the nearby bus station, Arcoverde. From there they would take a bus to their final destination, Cabrobó. While they wait, they take the time to listen to the good and lively Brazilian music in the pile radio that Renato had not forgotten to bring. Music helps in the relaxation of everyone. An hour later, finally an autoloading passes: A silver colored beast, wide and spacious. The three enter and luckily have seats for all to be seated, they lie side by side. On the short route, they take advantage of being friendly, they meet new people and have a good chat involving a driver and other passengers. With this, time seems to go very fast. When they least expect it, they arrive in the city. As the bus station was far from the center (St. Kitts) they have to wait for the delivery of the passengers in each of the points until they arrive. The moment that this materializes, they say goodbye, they pay the ticket and they thank the driver. Now the second part of the journey began, much longer and more stressful.
Philliphe and the seer will find out about the bus schedules for Cabrobó while Renato waits to sit on the benches. The clerk informs the two that the next one leaves in two hours. In the reunion with Renato, they decide jointly to go out a little, to look for a restaurant and to make a reinforced snack.
So, they do. They leave the bus station, cross the main avenue and ask for directions. Some people arrive at a restaurant called the sunset located one block to the left. Upon entering the establishment, they are directed to a table with chairs that was still empty and a menu is provided so they could assess what to order.
They spend about fifteen minutes in this exercise and end up, by majority of votes, choosing casserole cooked with beef jerky. They call the waiter, they pass the request and while they wait the conversation begins.
— Very anxious about your first adventure trip, Philliphe? (Inquires the seer)
— A lot. You know, in my whole life nothing has ever happened and after reading your book I dreamed of this moment. (Philliphe)
— I understand perfectly. My first time, I felt that way too. (Reported by Renato)
— The first time is always special, the best of all. Then you become addicted like me. I cannot live standing still in the spiritual and corporeal realms. (The Seer)
—Wonderful. If only I can find a solution to my problem I'm satisfied. I have to understand that I'm have certain age. (He observed Philliphe)
—You consider yourself old? How old are you? (The Seer)
—Around forty but I have suffered so much in my life that I seem to be fifty. (Philliphe)
—With the advances of medicine, it's practically halfway through life. (Seer)
—Besides that, age is something in our heads. For example, I am fifteen years of age and a thirty-year-old mental. (Renato explained)
—Bright, mate! Do you see, Philliphe? Do not worry about it. (Seer)
—Thanks for the strength of the two. It eased my pain a little. (Philliphe)
Philliphe is thrilled to have found two characters so cool and different." "How many millions did not dream of being face to face with the super seer, powerful of the books and who politely declared "The son of God" and how many others did not want to be with Renato, symbol of overcoming, who had been instrumental in all the adventures of the series? As well as having met the miraculous guardian? It was a good thing he had risked, sought his destination at the right time, and that the two had bought their cause.
Tears continue to roll from his face, the seer and Renato worry, comforting him with a hug. Together the three are reassured. A few moments later, finally the chow is ready and delicately is served in the plates of each one.
He begins a pause for the reinforced snack and everyone politely begins to feed in silence. In the meantime, people leave and enter the restaurant, a song in the background begins to be played which touches the sensitive hearts of the three further inciting communication again.
— Do you like Brazilian Popular Music (MPB), son of God? (Question Philliphe)
— I like. I have an eclectic taste for music: I like music that has lyrics, quality and touch to the bottom of my heart. Specifically, I love international music with its main exponents (although I do not understand it), sertanejo, pop, rock, funk, romantic, country, axé, etc. (The Seer)
—And you, Renato? (Philliphe)
—I like music without shame. Kkkkk. (Laughing, Renato)
—What do you mean, kkkk? (In a fit of laughter, Philliphe)
—Two-way, swear words and bold. They mess around with my imagination! (Renato)
— You're ashamed, Renato! You're going to pray that it's better. (Fortune teller)
— Do not tease me. You may be the son of God, but you are not yet holy. Do not force me to speak. (Renato says, angry)
—Charger, kkkk. Peace, Renato! (Fortune teller)
— You two are figures, eh? Really in music there is taste for everything and all styles have to be respected. I, in particular, am of the ancients and I like my small foot of saw as every good sertanejo. When I was with my late beloved Angelica, we enjoyed several happy moments together listening to this kind of music. You know, it's very magical, inexplicable. (Philliphe)
— I get it. I also love music and it awakens me too many different feelings. Actually, I listen to music at all times because it does me a lot of good. (The Seer)
— Like the one that's ringing now? (Philliphe)
—Yes, a great impossible love. (The Seer)
—Not good, mate. We already talked about this. Follow your life. (Renato)
—It's inevitable, Renato. Is there anyone who controls the urge of the heart? (The Seer)
— Do not recriminate him, Renato. You are not old enough for this, but one day you will understand. We need to support him. Count on me always, my friend. (Philliphe)
The seer is one more that is moved. Stop eating, cries until the music fades. His colleagues embrace him and he finally heals quickly. They finish eating, they call the waiter again and this time ask for something to drink: Beer for Philliphe, soda for Renato and a juice of guava for the psychic.
They watch the movement of the establishment. Five minutes later, the drinks are served and then the silence breaks again.
—Well, Philliphe, tell us a little more about yourself. What is your routine like, your day to day life? (The Seer)
— My life now comes down to work involving the public sector, my place, and my home. I've been like this since I lost what was most important in my life, my children and my wife. And yours? (Philliphe)
— My life is hectic. I also work in the public sector, six hours a day, and when I get home I study for competitions and perform my role as a writer. I consider myself homely and when I go out for a walk, usually on weekends, I prefer to do it with someone. (The Seer)
— My activities revolve around my studies and help my mother at home. I like going out with friends on weekends and flirt. (Renato)
—In addition to these activities, which others do you enjoy? (The Seer)
—I like reading and music. It's my relaxation. And you? (Philliphe)
— Many music, movies, football, reading only on the weekends when I'm not too busy. Some things I wanted to change one day was to take time to exercise and dance my weaknesses. (The Seer)
—In my case, dance is my forte because I already participated in several contests with my flirting and won. Studying is also good because it is my future. (Renato)
—Your flirtatious? I'm impressed by this boy's daring at this age, seer. (Philliphe)
— I'm not impressed anymore. He has done more dazzling and secret things. I know everything! (The Seer)
—Like what? (Challenge Renato)
— Never mind. KKkk (laughs). Philliphe, changing the subject and what if we fail? I mean, if we do not find what you want on this unpredictable trip? (Questioned the seer)
— I do not believe. From the little I know of you, you are winners in everything you do. I'm relaxed and let's see in what this madness will result. (Philliphe)
— Very well. Philliphe. Regardless of the outcome, know that we are with you for whatever comes. (Renato)
— This. Friends always. (The seer completed)
The incredible duo of the series the seer got up and hugged the protege. They formed a perfect trio ready to fight for the necessary knowledge and revelation concerning the fourth saga. But what were they really looking for? Was it the knowledge of God, of his lines written at any moment that influenced the two types of destiny? Or maybe just self-knowledge that would heal the wounds of life? Or even the sacred God’s code, something never before revealed in the history of mankind? Or even a junction of the three? What was known at the time was that Philliphe's grief was too great and deserved a joint reflection and a subsequent direction. A new life, so to speak, he sought and deserved after so many particular tragedies.
Ending the hug, they finish the drink, they call the waiter, he brings the bill, they get up, they go to the cashier and they pay. After, with long strides, they leave the restaurant and come back the same way towards the bus station. In ten minutes, they are there, they go to the counter, buy the tickets to Cabrobó and sit in the cement armchairs waiting. It would be more than thirty minutes of anguish until the arrival of the driving.
In this interval, they talk a little more with each other and with other people, they listen to music, buy popcorn and admire the traffic that at the moment is very busy. They take turns in these activities until the arrival of the bus that appears in the expected time. They rise from the cement armchairs, and with steady, wide strides, they approach the drive in the scorching sun, which causes shivers and sweats.
With a few more steps, they get into the car and as usual, they pick up the front seats. They relax, talk to each other and moments later with everyone inside is finally given the start. Toward the fate of the three, in yet another complicated and challenging episode.
It began a long monotonous journey, tiresome and distressing, but inspiring for all. On their part, they were willing to make every effort to achieve success, solve their personal problems, learn a little more. But that alone was not enough to succeed. Unknown forces were still involved in the adventure, the light-dark confrontation was very present, the Maktub hid more and more and involved both types of destiny. It was all a matter of time and they would have to wait. From Arcoverde to Cabrobó it would be approximately 250 km (200 km) that could be covered counting the stops in approximately four to five hours.
The great crossing begins...the three strive to spend time in the most comfortable way possible. While the seer takes advantage to read a good book, Philliphe sleeps next and Renato talks animatedly with a girl on the other bench. Her name is Michelle Lopes. Let's see how our august character comes out in dialogue.
— Hi, my name is Renato and yours?
— Michelle Lopes. From where you?
—I live in the Serra of Ororubá, near the district of Mimoso-Pesqueira-Brazil and you?
—In Arcoverde anyway. How old are you?
—Fifteen and you?
—Eighteen. Beginning the Faculty of Pedagogy. And you? Do you study too?
—Yes. I'm in the first year of high school. Study in the city of Pesqueira in the college Christ King.
— Ah, that's good. Very well! I see it's a good college.
—It is true. But it is as the saying goes, who makes the college is the student.
—I agree. And besides studying, what do you do?
—I support my mother at home, and professionally I am a writer's assistant. I am an adventurer of the celebrated seer.
—Oh! Cool. Congratulations! How is it?
—It's like that. Opportunities, adventures arise and we engage in problem solving. We're already in episode four.
— Wonderful! I was curious. Could you tell me a little about this experience?
— Yes of course. In the first episode, the goal was to reunite the "opposing forces". Me and my colleague the seer, using our art made a trip in time and fell in the early twentieth century, a Mimoso dominated by colonels and a bad witch. For thirty days, we had the opportunity to investigate the injustices, and by gathering the facts we realized the total imbalance of the opposing forces and the suffering of a young girl named Christine, dominated by a perverse and bloodthirsty father. After many attempts, we reached an agreement with the darkness, a battle that would decide the destiny of all. And so, it was done. In a great war under the control of the seer and the celestial force, we were able to finally defeat the force of darkness and restore peace. Everything has improved, so we can help Christine be truly happy. Having completed this work, we made the journey back to our time and was written the first title of the series with suggestive name: Opposing forces. The mystery of the cave. A time later, the seer came to us on the mountain full of inquiries about his dark night of the soul, when he turned away from God, he sank into sin, being totally dominated by his messenger and the respective power of darkness. my mother and the Hindu prepared him for the capital sins. However, not all efforts were able to soothe him. It was then suggested that we take a trip to an island where the kingdom of angels was located where we might heal our troubles and find the revelation that was needed. On the way, we boarded a pirate ship, we had incredible adventures with stigmatized people and we still had the opportunity to learn more about the dark night. With luck, after many breakdowns, we managed to reach the promised island. We live other experiences until we get the promised revelation. The book's quest is: Could it be that a criminal recovers the moment he is sunk in the dark night? Or is the likely recovery just a palliative for an even darker night? After the revelations, we completed our work and returned to our home with another mission accomplished. The result was the second book in the series entitled "The Dark Night of the Soul". Already in the third book, I helped the seer rebuild his own history and the development of his gifts. On the way, we find an incredible light master named Angel who directed us to another vision. What she revealed was a northeastern contrast in the early twentieth century, focused on a group's battle for justice, equality and freedom of expression. Inspired by this story, we were finally able to make the link between the world of that time and the present, with its differences and similarities, achieving the miracle of the "Meeting between the two worlds", title of history. And this is it. Now we are going to meet again with inexplicable fate.
— How interesting. Congratulations to both of you. Success will surely come.
—Thank you. What brings you on this trip?
— I have relatives in Cabrobó and I intend to visit them. I do this at least once a year.
— Who do you live with?
— I live with my parents and another brother. And you?
—With my foster mother. My biological mother died and my father lost my guard because he beat me a lot.
—I'm sorry. I wonder how hard your childhood must have been.
—Very complicated indeed. But I survived. I thank my mother and the seer for having supported me so much and believed in me.
— By the way, is he here?
— Yes. Is the one in front with armchair.
—Thank you. Excuse me.
Michelle Lopes got up, took two steps forward, and gently clapped her hands in front of the concentrated seer engaged in the reading of an interesting book. Reluctantly, he turned his attention away and focused it on Michelle's striking face and silhouette in jeans, a pink cotton blouse and sandals. He smiled and gently communicated.
—Yes. What do you want, lass?
—My name is Michelle Lopes, and by talking to one of your colleagues, I've heard your story. Could you give me a hug?
— Of course. My name is Aldivan Teixeira Torres. But I am also known as a seer or son of God. Feel free.
The seer got up, Michele leaned closer, and with a step forward the embrace finally came. Aldivan was moved with such kindness shown by a stranger. That is why he did not expect it, and with each passing moment, his dream of conquering the world became more palpable.
When the embrace closed, the seer sat back and gently resumed the conversation.
—Sit down here, Mrs. Michelle, let's talk a bit, because we still have half a way to go. (Invited the seer)
—Thanks. Will not I bother?
— Nothing. Not at all, at ease.
Half disgraceful, Michelle nodded and sat down. Because she was skinny, space was enough for her. At the same time, the seer put the book in his bag to pay attention to his new friend. Luckily, they did not wake up Philliphe and then the conversation was resumed.
— Renato told me the vicissitudes of you. Tell me, what's it like living this?
— Very cool. You know, I love this mister. With each new mission completed, I feel more prepared to move on and win.
—I understand. I feel like this with pedagogy, I love children and it is very useful to collaborate with their development.
— Of course. Each is part of the aggrandizement and evolution of society. You're to be congratulated, too.
—Thanks. And what is writing for you?
— Something natural like eating, studying or working. One of my faces. And for you, what is teaching?
— A passion. Despite the great challenges that education imposes on us, it is comforting.
— Literature is also a challenge. I was born in a country without much literary tradition possessing a great pocket of poverty and where the average number of books read per year is only one per person.
— Damn it! And this does not discourage you?
— No way. The greater the challenge, the greater is my willingness to win and I direct every effort to do so.
— Very commendable. I need to learn to be like that, too. The problem is the great obstacles in the way.
—I was not always like this. This is something acquired only through experience. How old are you?
—Eighteen and you?
— Almost thirty-one. It is explained. You will have enough time to learn the paths of success and happiness.
— I hope so. What are you going to look for in Cabrobó?
—We are going to the village called the Desert Crossing to meet us. Do you know it?
— I've never been, but I've heard of it. Good choice. They speak much of their magical properties and some consider it sacred. Good luck.
—Thank you.
—Well, I'm going back to my corner. Much pleasure, Aldivan and success in your walk.
—I wish the same for you.
— Goodbye.
Michelle got up, greeted the seer with a kiss on her face and walked away. She returns to the side of Renato who was already annoyed by his absence. The conversation again unfolds between the two on various subjects as the bus advances. Cabrobó was approaching.
About half an hour later, they finally arrive. The bus stops and everyone comes down with their heavy suitcases. Gently, Michelle says goodbye and only the three musketeers remain: Renato, the seer and Philliphe. Together, they go to the filling point that was next to the bus station and hire one of the cars. They put the luggage in the suitcase, greet the driver, get in the car and finally the match is given. Towards the desert crossing!
The short distance of fifteen kilometers is traveled with much excitement and energy on the part of the members of the trip. More than anxious, they were happy with their detached attitude toward life. And that new emotions and knowledge would fill their thirsty souls.
The car, a gray van, enters the main street of the village and stops right in the center, next to a square. The trio goes down, picks up the bags, pays the ticket, says goodbye to the driver and right there in the center, they find a hostel. With a few steps, they enter it and even without having booked the stay, they get lodging next to the owner of the establishment that her name was Luiza for all three. After hitting the bases, they will rest from the long journey. What awaited them in this instigating adventure? Keep following, readers.
Two hours later, travelers wake up simultaneously. One at a time, they get up from bed, take a bath, have a snack in the kitchen, brush their teeth, get together and decide to start the great crossing that was marked in their respective destinations. In order to do this, they pack their bags and leave the hostel. Gathering information, they hire two young people experienced in this type of adventure. They are Rafael Potester and Uriel Ikiriri.
The group goes to the great desert of Cabrobó with all the necessary devices to spend a few days in that inhospitable place. It would be possible? Even though it sounded crazy, the visitors did not seem to care. On the contrary, they seemed quite animated.
On the way to the entrance of the desert, a total of eight hundred meters (800 m), they used to know each other better and to distract some of the mission that was very complicated. Follow some passages.
—What exactly are you looking for in the desert? (Asked Rafael)
—We see a little more of ourselves and the force that commands us. (Summarized the seer)
— We still want to help our friend Philliphe in his personal affairs. (Complementary Renato)
—Got it. (Rafael)
— What questions would they be? (Uriel was interested)
—I want to heal my despair that has settled down since I lost my whole family in a car accident. I want to understand why all this is the best way to please God. (Philliphe explained)
—Complicated indeed. It is as the saying goes, God writes right by crooked lines and it is not for us to judge. But this questioning is interesting, go ahead. (Uriel)
—You can count on us on this great adventure. We will be your angels. (Pronounced Rafael)
— Oh, thank you, we will need it. (The seer nodded)
—I feel more relaxed. (Renato declared)
—Thank you for the interest and we are also at your disposal. (Philliphe)
—Where are you from? (Rafael)
— I and Renato are from Pesqueira and our friend Philliphe from Arcoverde. And you? (The Seer)
— We are from here and the universe at the same time. (Replied mysteriously Rafael)
— I did not understand. (The seer verified)
— Neither. (Reinforced Philliphe)
—What do you mean? (Wanted to know Renato, incredulous)
—What my colleague meant is that we all have a divine origin. We have a corporeal and a spiritual birth. Is not that right, Rafael? (Intervened Uriel)
—Exact. (Rafael)
—You're awesome. (The Seer)
—I would say philosophers. (Philliphe)
—Or maybe Angels. (Renato concluded)
— You believe in this, boy? (Uriel)
—Yes. For all that I have lived, I do not doubt anything. (Renato)
— That's right. (Uriel)
—As I said, we will in a way. And this is enough for now. (Rafael)
—It's ok. (Conformed the curious Renato)
— Let's continue then. Follow us and beware of venomous animals. (Uriel recommended)
—Ok. (The Trio of visitors)
The group drew even closer to the entrance to the great desert. With another hundred yards they passed the fence that divided the ground and began to walk on the interesting and mystical place full of dust, stones and a scorching sun. What awaited them? The next chapters promised.

The first day
Heat up some more. Even so, the group remains steadfast in its purpose in that desert vastness. There, at that moment, everything was at stake and they could not even think about failing. However, it was not within their power to manipulate God's designs, much less fate that were uncontrollable.
They complete five hundred meters. At this very moment, a cold breeze blows softening the heat that suffocated everyone. Philliphe, the more mature, suggests a pause and the the others grant it; therefore, the limit of each should be respected. They take the break to resume the conversation.
—Where exactly do you want to take us, Uriel and Raphael? (Philliphe questions)
—Against your destiny. (Rafael)
—Can you be more specific? (The Seer)
— I explain. In this desert, there are ten spiritual cities each with a great expert in the various human areas. With their help, we can unveil "God’s code" which encloses the will of the divine in relation to the behavior of creatures. We believe that your pretensions will be satisfied. (Uriel)
— Splendid. That is exactly what we are looking for! (Marvelous Renato)
—Is it still far from the first city? (Philliphe)
— Calm. We hardly started. (Uriel)
—Can we continue? (Rafael)
— It's all right with me. (The Seer)
—I too. I've had enough rest. (Philliphe)
— Let's go then! (Renato consented)
The walk is then resumed. With each step, they felt more confident and convinced than they even wanted even if the challenge was gigantic. Luck was thrown next to two mysterious young men who appeared to be from another world by the way they acted. Keep going always!
Time passes a little. We arrived at fourteen o'clock and the group went to a second time for lunch. Rafael and Uriel take the kettle from their backpack and kindly distribute it among their travel partners. It would be the only meal of the day and they would only eat in the promised city again.
During lunch, they happily talk, listen to music, hydrate themselves and put on sunscreen because the sun was still strong. At that very moment, they remained with faith, claw and hope, though a little anxious and nervous. But this was already expected because they were about to discover a great mystery and even find meaning for their troubled lives, specifically in Philliphe's case.
They finish the meal in thirty minutes and they are on their way back to the first city that was still far away. Luckily, they could get there at the end of the night. So, every minute was important and the guides were keen to point this out.
They remain steadfast in the course and the feelings that predominate at the moment are the same although at every moment fate is closer. In addition to these, the homesickness begins to beat hard for the trio because they were accustomed to amenities that there in the desert would not find. Especially the seer who still had mother and brothers who helped him in all tasks.
Two more hours pass without further news and no living soul. The fatigue weighs on everyone by the long route already traveled and by the inhospitable climate that sucked their energies. As if calling for help, The Seer and Philliphe suggest another stop. The others accept and in the next eight minutes take advantage to drink plenty of liquids, eat something and receive guidance from the guides. After, they go forward and promise to walk uninterruptedly for another three hours. What a marathon!
In the period that has already been mentioned, they slow down but continue with the regular strides. When the light goes down once and for all, the guides use powerful flashlights that allow visibility. When the three o'clock is over, a new stop. This time it would be about thirty minutes.
In addition to the basic hydration, they decide to sit in circles in that dusty and hard soil. Side by side, the conversation inevitably arises.
— How much longer to get to town? (Asked the impatient Philliphe)
—Calm. Approximately two and a half hours. (Rafael)
—What is her name? (Renato)
— Familyng. (Uriel)
—Why this name? (The Seer)
—Because they consider themselves a great family and follow some basic precepts. Arriving there, we'll look for Isael.
— Cool. Got it. (The Seer)
— Any more information? (Rafael)
—No. Enough. (Philliphe contented himself)
—It's fine with me, too. (Renato)
They continued their rest in peace and silence. After the thirty minutes, they gathered the remaining energies and resumed the walk. Now the fate of the team was about to unfold.
In the remaining course, they had some problems: Renato had been stung by a scorpion and luckily the guides had brought the antidote and applied it immediately. He will improve. Besides, Philliphe had exhausted his strength because of his age and had to be helped. Glad they were close. At that point, Rafael and Uriel uttered words in another language, and then the portal had opened. Familyng showed in all its splendor and visitors were allowed to enter.
After passing the portal, they began to walk the narrow streets with their slopes of the tiny Familyng with its seven thousand inhabitants. The guides took them to a hostel in the main square in order to rest since it was past 10:00 pm. When they arrived at the hotel, they found the bases of the evening in the waiting room and, with certainty, went to the rooms (two). The guides stayed in one and guided them in another.
Immediately after arriving in the rooms in their respective beds, the members of the teams fell asleep. It had even been a long trip for those who were not used to it. They would dream of the next day that promised great news. Until the next chapter, readers!

Part II - Familyng
2.1- Values
Dawns. Soon the trio formed by Renato, Philliphe and the seer wake up and after fulfilling their basic needs like going to the bathroom, drinking coffee, brushing their teeth and wearing clean clothes decide to wake up the guides that they had not yet raised.
With the permission of the owner, they take the key and with her help they open the door, they approach the dormitories and delicately shake Rafael and Uriel. The strategy works and even with the scare they do not get upset. Then they join the group, take a shower and eat breakfast. After this, they leave the inn and after walking a little they arrive in the square and meet in the same with the guest Isael who had been warned by telephone.
All greet each other, hug each other, and settle into the seats available in the seats. The guides then take the word:
—Well, everyone, a challenge starts here. We will discover together "God’s code", words of God for angels and men. In the end, we will know more this invisible God and we will know which way to go. Okay? (Rafael)
—How will this be? (Philliphe inquired)
— We will ask inspiration to the divine and we will promote a democratic chat between us. At this moment God will reveal Himself. (Uriel explained)
—What subjects will be covered? (The seer was interested)
— There will be ten blocks involving the various human areas. We will start with the family block that has as an expert Isael. (Rafael)
—This. I am on hand to help you. (Isael was pronounced)
— Where do we start? (Renato asked)
—What do you suggest? (Uriel)
— I want to know about the values necessary and indispensable for a good family base. (Renato)
— Very well. All right, everybody? (Uriel)
—Yes. (The others).
—Let's begin. At the word, Isael. (Uriel)
— The family is a whole and for this whole being harmonious and happy is necessary commitment of all its members. Specifically, parents have greater obligations to be the trainers of their children. (Isael)
— And what is needed in addition to maintain cohesion? (Philliphe inquired)
— A daily work motivated by love and understanding, founding a good base of values. (Explained Isael)
—And what values would you recommend? (The Seer)
—Examples of humility, loyalty, generosity among others and you? (Isael)
— Complicity, faith, and claw. (Rafael)
—Temp to God, persistence and dedication. (Uriel)
—Work, love of life and respect. (The Seer)
—Honesty, simplicity, and delivery. (Renato)
— Patience, love, and affection. (Philliphe)
— Splendid. God is acting between us. And what would they do when all their efforts seem to have no effect and the children rebel? (Isael)
— I'd give them a good spanking for them to learn. Kkkkkk. (Renato)
—Jesus, Renato, I did not expect that. (The seer was amazed)
— Just kidding. I would change the focus and let life teach them. (Renato)
—I would try other ways to make them see the path of light. (The Seer)
— And what about more dialogue? I would do it, therefore, a good conversation always produces results. (Remembered Rafael)
—Good. In addition, I would ask for help to the heavens to help me in difficult times (Uriel)
—Very well. He would use my example to inspire them and declare my love for them. (Philliphe)
— Good, Philliphe. This is what we should do. We must love our children at all times whether they are wrong or not. Love works miracles. (Isael)
— About religious direction, what do you suggest, Isael? (The Seer)
— I recommend not forcing anything. Let the children grow up and decide which way to go since free will exists for this. (Isael)
—I agree. I disapprove of the conduct of the parents who take the child to his Church, baptize him, without even thinking about the consequences. (Rafael)
—It is important to be open-minded and to understand that God is in all beliefs and that religiosity is not a prime factor for the salvation of an individual. (Uriel)
— The biggest problem is when the parents are of different religions, there the beast catches. (Philliphe recalled)
— It's a big problem, and the kids get hurt. (Reinforced the seer)
—Independent of this, the own life, the day-day ends up to influence the individual building slowly its Maktub and the two types of destiny. It changes religion, beliefs, rebels, the important thing is the maintenance of values, that is, it is not the fact that it is an A or B religion that will have character. (Renato)
—Bright, Renato. Character is essential and it is only possible to construct it with the values quoted and as I said with a continuous work. (Isael)
—What do you think is most important to keep the family together? (Philliphe)
—Love, understanding, respect. To be a companion in good and bad times. (Isael)
— I did it. Too bad I lost my loved ones so early. (Philliphe)
Inspiring tears stream from Philliphe's eyes wetting his entire face. The fact thrills everyone who comes to console him. Here was an example of a battling man struck by fatality.
—What do you want me to say? You know it was not anyone's fault. It had to happen. (Isael)
—The important thing is that you have not given up on life and that you are here to learn a little about this pain. (Rafael)
— We will learn together with God and in the end the goal is to overcome this even if you do not forget. (Uriel)
—Strength, my friend. (The Seer)
—We're here. (Renato)
—Thank you all. Can we take a break? (Philliphe)
—Of course. What do you think? (Isael)
—Yes. (The others)
The group stopped a bit and took the time to hydrate themselves, eat a snack, wander around the square and listen to a song. The next family-related subitems promised great discoveries and would enrich "God’s code" that showed some of the invisible God present in all. Let's continue then.

The group return to the starting point in the square after a brief rest. With all gathered, the chat is resumed.
—What family sub-theme does you suggest to start a new discussion? (Asks Rafael)
— How about we talk about marriage? (The seer suggested)
—I think it's good. Do you guys agree? (Rafael)
—Yes. (The others)
—With the word, the seer. (Rafael)
— What are the requirements to achieve happiness in your marriage Isael? (The Seer)
—First, choose the right person. Afterwards, cultivate the relationship with love, respect and understanding. I think this is enough. (Isael)
— What do you think of current relationships where separation has become commonplace? (Philliphe)
— Advances of modernity. Every day, the demands on each other have become greater and tolerance has diminished what is a great pity. (Isael)
— Is it possible to be happy even without being married? (Asks Renato)
— Of course, young man. Happiness lies within ourselves and not in the other. Being alone is just a detail. (Isael)
— How to know if I'm going to be a good father? (The Seer)
— Easy. If you are a good son, you will be a good father. (Isael)
— I agree. It's a matter of values. (Philliphe)
— Let each of us give the example that in the future we will reap the fruits of our efforts with a prosperous family blessed by Yahweh. (Rafael)
— Unity is strength! Search for your fellow man, says Yahweh. (Uriel)
— In my case, despite the terrible example I received from my father, I know that if I ever marry I will not disappoint my children. I will treat all with justice, love and respect, things I have learned from the guardian, my foster mother. (Renato)
—Congratulations to you, young man. This is a rarity. (Isael)
— And how it is! My father also beat me for some reason because I had learned this from his parents. However, I will not follow this example because it educates with dialogue and not with violence. (The Seer)
—It depends. Have you ever been a father? Have your children push the limits and challenge you? (Inquiry Philliphe)
— No, I never was. But does anything solve with aggression? (The Seer)
—Not aggression. But sometimes spanking is a holy remedy. In my own experience. (Philliphe)
— Not a good solution. You will only cause fear in your children. (Intervened Raphael)
— In addition, small children do not understand much of values. It takes patience. (Uriel)
— That's what I say. You should never hit a child for any reason. Why not hit someone your own size? Mistreating children is easy and frustrating. (The Seer)
— Got it. You really are right. I made a mistake with my children thinking I was doing good. (Philliphe confessed)
— It's all right. It's over. The important thing now is to move on, rebuild life and I see that you are willing to do so. (Isael)
—I hope so. (Philliphe)
— You have children, your Isael? (The Seer)
—No, I have not. (Isael)
— If you had, what minimum requirements did your son-in-law or daughter-in-law have to have? (The Seer)
—First, my son's love. Also, be a hard worker, honest, friendly and out of the dark. (Isael)
—Damn it! How much demand! Kkk. (Laughter) (The Seer)
—But that's how it is. In order to achieve a healthy relationship, this is the minimum. Ever thought your daughter-in-law or son-in-law would be angry with you and harm you with spiritual work? Of bad people I want distance, that is, each in its place. (Isael)
— You're quite right. You shall not seek evil, and you shall have the shadow of God within your reach, thus says Yahweh. (Rafael)
—And more: "Evil is a wound that bleeds and has no cure". (Complementary Uriel)
— Even so, we must remember the power of free will. We can advise, but never interfere with the decision of our older children. (Isael)
— And what a Maktub! I learned from the seer. (Philliphe recalled)
— We must also be authors of our own history, helping both types of destiny. Never mere spectators! (Renato recalled)
— God says also: Take your yoke and your staff and follow me. This is what really matters to be happy being married or not. (The seer concluded)
— Stop of five minutes for reflection. Holy God and strong God continue to inspire us to write his “ Code”. Let's go guys? (Isael)
—Yes. (The others)
In this time span, Rafael, Uriel and Isael meet and share secrets. What would be of more interest in the next subitems? Keep following, readers.

2.3- Expenses
The pause ends and the group meets again in the same place as always, on the benches of the square. This time it is Uriel Ikiriri who takes the floor initially:
—We'll talk about family expenses now. Who is eligible to ask the first question to Isael?
— I. I will speak from my personal experience. Since when I was very humble, I consider this life as very fleeting always making a point of spending all my salary until the end of the month. Of course, I've never wasted my financial power with nonsense, but I've always looked for alternatives to enjoy my work. Would this be a correct attitude? (Philliphe)
— This is a view followed by some people and cannot be conceptualized as correct or not. I'd say you're closer to the first one. However, I would advise the family to keep at least ten percent of their income as a reserve because you never know when we will need it. Life takes many turns and is unpredictable. (Isael)
— I got it. Thank you. (Philliphe)
— In what activities would you suggest concentrating a family's expenses? (The Seer)
— It depends on the financial situation of each one of them. There are some who can only meet their basic needs and others who cannot. I would recommend for a middle-class family focus on food, health, education, leisure, transportation, donations and reservations. Being that for these last two ten percent for each. (Isael)
—It's ok. (The Seer)
—Do you think the formation of an important personal patrimony? (Renato)
—No way. Remember what the master said: "Gather no treasures in the land where thieves rob, and moth and rust erode, but in heaven, for there is their eternal abode." A family having a roof to live, food on the table and a life with a harmony is the essential and nothing can afford it. (Isael)
—The treasures in the sky are only achieved with a great dedication to the neighbor. Whenever possible it is good to help those who need it. (Complemented Rafael)
—With money? (Renato)
— Not only that. With some advice, with support, give yourself without waiting for a return. Anyway, being more human is what most people are missing. (Rafael)
— I confess I was selfish. When I was with my family, I only thought about her and I did not care about the others. Was I punished for this? (Philliphe)
— Do not say that. God always believes that the human being can improve and impose nothing. "God is not a hangman, he is a father." What happened was a fatality and this moment that you are living should be used for reflection, for the evolution of your soul. (Uriel)
— Like what happened to me on my dark night. It was a time of learning and when I was prepared, God acted and resurrected me in every way. (The Seer)
— Then teach me, Son of God! Brings back my light, my peace and tranquility. I want to wake up and say to myself: I am happy! Even though I never forget my personal tragedies. (Pleaded Philliphe)
Philliphe did not restrain his tears. Every now and then he was discovering a world he had not even imagined before the tragedy. Still, he was in a hurry to overcome his inner wounds that were not yet healed. His commotion was such that it thrilled everyone present.
The seer came close, embraced him firmly, and the others followed his example, making the embrace six times more. When he had calmed down a little, the others left, leaving only the seer at his side. The conversation was then resumed.
— What I can do for you, you can be sure I'll make you my friend Philliphe. Together, we will discover God and he will comfort you. Have faith! (The Seer)
—Thank you very much. You're the most special person I've ever met. (Philliphe)
— Thank you for sharing your pain with us. When we do that, it gets less heavy. (The Seer)
—Can we continue, then? (Rafael)
—Yes. (The others)
—What would you say to a family that cannot control their spending, how to achieve stability? (The Seer)
—Look, you have to have the least sense to avoid waste. If you only get X, just spend up to x, give it to anyone who hurts. However, many do not control their impulsivity that has even turned disease. (Isael)
— I'm a bit of that. I confess. Sometimes I plan to buy two pants and two shirts and I leave with five of each. It looks like it's stronger than you. (The Seer)
—Normal. Others are even worse. To control this is that it is the art of the few. (Isael)
— I also suffer from the same problem. How to control? Is there a way? (Philliphe was interested)
—Some. Not use a credit card, take only a limited amount of money, be demanding on yourself, among other things. (Isael)
— Poh! What a torture! I give up! (Philliphe)
— I also though I do not use a credit card. (The Seer)
— Isael is exaggerating. The important thing is to have a good mental attitude, cautious. (Rafael)
— If you have difficulty, seek a psychologist, psychoanalyst or psychiatrist. They are professionals who can help. (Uriel)
— Planning! (Isael concluded)
—Personal, I'm hungry. Let's stop again? (Renato suggested)
—Can be? (Asked Rafael)
— Yes. (The others)
— Let's eat and then we resume. (Rafael)
The team got up from the seats and headed to the nearest restaurant, across from the square. Renato had a great idea because everyone was really hungry. Upon arriving at the establishment, they choose a table with chairs unoccupied and when they find the menu to evaluate. What would fate reveal in the next few moments? God’s code for men and angels was slowly building and promising great surprises. Keep going always! Towards knowledge.

2.4- Memory
Having chosen the meal (couscous with jerky), the group waits a little in total interaction with each other. Moments later, they are served and the conversation is still lively.
—What do you think of our chat? (Rafael)
—Very instructive. I like debates. (The seer said)
— I'm also enjoying it and more and more anxious for what to turn I hope to continue this journey and confront my ideas with this knowledge of God if it is possible. (Philliphe)
—Very possible, my dear Philliphe. Let's remember the teacher's message: "Where two or more are gathered together in my name I will be with them." Let us have faith! (Uriel)
—Will take! (Philliphe)
—I believe! Jesus always shows himself through the simplest and humblest men, and I can say for the little that I know that Isael, The Seer, Raphael, and Uriel are examples of this. (Renato)
—Don't depreciate! God is in everything! You and Philliphe are also his instruments at this very moment. An adventure in the desert. (Rafael)
— I? (Renato and Philliphe asked together and incredulously)
—Y es. We are one team, one whole, six spirits of God and the seventh is invisible. We will make history! (Rafael)
—That's right. God has never communicated so openly to mankind as now. We are blessed. (Complementary Uriel)
— Can you tell me what provoked it, Uriel? (The Seer)
— It could be said that it was your courage and audacity allied with Philliphe's questions. God wants to show himself entirely to you and to the world with the purpose of clarifying the pertinent doubts besides showing your personality often misrepresented over the centuries by mortals. Understanding it is our mission now. (Uriel)
— Got it. (The Seer)
— Who are you? (Renato asked)
— It's not the moment yet young man. The walk is long and this is not important right now. (Uriel)
— Uriel's right. Just have confidence in us. (Rafael)
— In addition to trust we need your faith in our credibility. (Isael)
—You're doing well what! (Suspicion Renato)
— Deep. Too deep. It seems that fate is preparing one more of yours. He began by urging me to read a book entitled "The Dark Night of the Soul" and through it I got to his main characters. From the encounter came the idea of nothing to seek God in the desert and upon arriving in the village we find you two who became our guides. We begin the great crossing of this immense desert and on the way, we have ten cities to know. We are first and every minute I am surprised. I need urgent answers! (Philliphe)
— Calm, human! Everything will be revealed. Be patient. (Rafael)
—Excuse us, Rafael. We promise to be less anxious. Is not Philliphe and Renato? (The Seer)
—Yes. (Both, unwillingly)
—Let's focus on food then. (Uriel suggested)
— And what a food! (He observed Isael)
— Approved. (The Seer)
Everyone continued to eat the meal which was very well prepared by the way. By the end of it, silence prevailed, further increasing the expectations of those present. However, they were to some extent controlled.
At the end of the meal, they asked for something to drink, waited another five minutes, the drink arrives and is quickly sucked. Then they go to the bathroom, do their physiological needs, wash their hands, go to the cashier, pay the bill and leave the group again at the same starting point.
The short route is covered in eight minutes and they sit in the same places as before. The conversation resumes, continuing the elaboration of the "Testament," a code that angels and men strove for billions of years to meet and had not had the opportunity.
—Let's restart. According? (Rafael)
—Yes. (All).
—What do you suggest as a family subitem, Philliphe? (Uriel)
—Let me see. How about we talk about those who are gone? (Philliphe)
— It can be. Interesting. What does Rafael think? (Uriel)
—Perfect and you, Seer and Renato, what do you think? (Rafael)
—Seems to be promising. Approved. (The Seer)
—I'm interested, too. (Renato)
— Unanimously, the theme will be the memory of the deceased. With the word, Isael. (Rafael)
—Life is beautiful and cruel at the same time with us. Beautiful because it places Angels on our path that make our lives feel meaningless and cruel because it separates us in one way or another from these same people. This is complex. (Isael)
— I know that. I formed a family that for me was everything and in our best moment I lost it. How frustrating to know that you will never again have the opportunity to touch, converse or even share good and bad times of life with those you love. (Philliphe)
— I've been through this too soon. I lost my mother when I was a child and I was alone with my father. After his death, as a form of revolt my father took advantage to mistreat me that forced me to run away from home. I then found the guardian who got my adoption and is being a second mother to me. However, I miss my biological mother. "It looks like it's blood stuff." (Renato)
— I've also had significant losses. The closest were my grandparents, a father and a niece. At each point in time, it was difficult to accept separation. "They are wounds that time does not heal." (The Seer)
—What did you learn from your losses? (Rafael)
— As my recent history I'm still on my way. One of the reasons I'm here. (Philliphe)
—My mother left me early. I have few memories of this. (Renato)
— I have few memories of my grandparents. I lost my father when I was fifteen and despite his usual detachment was very hard. I recently lost my niece. The losses so far have taught me the importance of life, of every moment, and of being strong. Life goes on! (The Seer)
— Very well. We are with you! (Encouraged Rafael)
—The important thing is not to give up life. (Uriel)
—And also remember that there is always hope. We will be able to rediscover those we love on another plane or right here in the new promised land. (Isael)
— How will that be? (The seer was interested)
—It is written: "At the end of time, after the judgment, there will be a new heaven and a new earth. There will be no more crying, suffering, death or war. People will be good and help one another in a perpetual cycle of happiness." (Isael)
—That's what the alpha and omega promised. (Guaranteed Rafael)
—Do you believe this? (Uriel)
—I believe. (The Seer)
—I too. (Renato)
— I believe! (Philliphe)
—When will this be? (Renato)
— This date is a mystery, and only God and his children know of it. (Rafael)
—Do not worry, Renato. It's still going to take a long time. (The Seer)
—How do you know? (Renato)
—I guessed. This world has a long way to go. (The seer argued)
— I agree. We are in the beginning of labor pains. (Rafael)
—Probably some of you are still going to reincarnate here again, making the planet evolve. (Uriel)
—Until the cycle is completed. (Isael)
— So be it! I want to be is happy in the time I have left. (Renato)
—I too. Rebuilding my life and my self-esteem is all I need. Thank you all. (Philliphe)
—You're welcome. With me, one for all and all for one! (The Seer)
—One for all and all for one! (The others)
The silence began. They took another five-minute break, and moments later they were ready to start chat again. What new revelations would come up to compose "the will"? The code was expanded and demonstrated at every moment a face of God that the majority did not know. Keep following.

2.5- Behavior
Patiently, Rafael resumed the conversation:
— Who this time suggests the subject? (Rafael)
— I. Let's work on family behavior. All right, everybody? (Uriel)
— Yes (The others).
— With the word then Master Isael. (Uriel)
— Well, behavior in a person is everything whether in family or society. You have to be able to deal with situations in the best possible way. (Isael)
— Like what, for example? (Asks Philliphe)
— They are countless. For example, the subtlety of a man opening a car door for a woman or pulling a chair to it in a restaurant, talking less and listening more, being nice and friendly with people. (Explained Isael)
—Got it. I do some of these things. I leave to be desired in others. After all, nobody is perfect, right? (Philliphe)
—Of course not, my friend. No one is. In my case, I take my good education wherever I go. One of my marks is knowing how to treat people well. (The Seer)
— You're to be congratulated, my friends. What you see in the world today are mostly arrogant, proud people, owners of the truth that by any thing swear, strike or even kill. We are living the world of competition and save yourself anyone who can! (Remembered Rafael)
— True truth! We must remember that God seeks the meek and humble of heart. (Uriel)
— Good to know that! We are on the right way. (The Seer)
— And you, Renato, how is your behavior? (Philliphe wanted to know)
—Normal. Sometimes I'm kind and others I explode. At home, I'm well-behaved except for my privacy. (Renato)
—What do you mean? (Philliphe)
— When I am at ease or another I fart! (Renato)
—Arg! (Exclaimed Philliphe)
—Kkkkk. (Laughing, Rafael and Uriel)
— You're ashamed, Renato! (The seer fought)
— Why? Does not the son of God fart by accident? (Renato)
—I 'm normal. However, I keep my education at all times. (The Seer)
—Example! Neither do I! (Philliphe)
—The worst is when you let go at lunchtime. Once, my mother patted me and from there I never did again at this time. (Renato)
—It's one of the worst at this hour! Others that bother also are burping and yawning. (Philliphe said)
— It's still good that you have remedied it! This is third-rate people. What do you think, Rafael and Uriel? (The Seer)
— They're things that happen, but it's best not to repeat them if possible. (Rafael)
—So, says Yahweh: Do not worry about the digestion or its results. Rather, follow the remarkable examples of cooperation, charity and optimism left by many to bear fruit. (Uriel)
— Nice. So, I'll keep releasing my puns at least at home. KKKk. (Renato)
— kkkk. (Laughter of Rafael, Uriel, Philliphe, Seer)
— But what is good education is better to always keep. (The seer arose)
— How about we stop for a bit and take a walk around? (Renato suggested)
—It can be. What do you think? (The Seer)
—I hope you do not delay. There are still some topics left for today. (Remembered Rafael)
— We have exactly fifteen minutes. (Uriel)
— So, let's go! (Philliphe)
The group leaves, rumbles to the square and one of them points to a stall that sells salty, fruits and sweets in general. They go there, each ordering a loaf of bread and kindly Philliphe offers to pay. They take five minutes savoring this deliciousness that was not very well recommended to consume.
After eating, they also pass some electronics stores, clothes and pizzas just to check some prices. At the end, they return to the same place as before. Each one sits in its place and with an airier look are about to resume the elaboration of the "Testament."

2.6- Values of attention
—Then let us continue with our proposal. Any suggestion? (Rafael)
—I. How about we talk about the value of attention? (The Seer)
—I liked it. Can you be more specific? (Rafael)
— I have a story to tell. Do you want to hear? (The Seer)
— I do and you? (Rafael)
The others positively nodded and for a moment the seer thought the best way to tell a remarkable story. He had to synthesize enough for everyone to understand the content of it. Taking the necessary courage, he pronounced himself:
— It was once a middle-class family living in Franca, in the interior of São Paulo. The family surnamed Foster Pereira was composed by the divorced father Roberto and the children Severino and Charles. Roberto, the head of the family, was a successful entrepreneur very dedicated to work. His only goal was to raise wealth to provide what was best for his children. So far so good. The problem was that his focus distanced him a little from those he loved. One day a fatality happened and his children drowned in a pool in a friends' house. And now? To whom will I leave my wealth? Roberto thought. It was at this point that he learned that much more important than money was the affection with the children that he had deprived himself of. He had not had the opportunity to say to his children: I love you! And this was destroying him. Therefore, my brethren, if God gives you the opportunity tell your close family and friends how important they are in your life right now. Do not leave it for later because we do not have control of what will happen in five minutes and it may be late. (The Seer)
— Very deep, Son of God! I also experienced something similar in my family. The accident also showed me the most revolting side of being alone and that only money is not enough to be happy. (Philliphe)
— This is quite common. In my case, besides not paying attention to me, my father beat me and enslaved me, which was worse than the example presented. (Unleashed Renato)
—What a pity, Renato! I'm glad you got over it. Congratulations on the courage of change. (Isael)
—Thank you. I still have unhealed wounds but I live happily with my adoptive mother. I am also happy to be part with the seer of this wonderful series. (Renato)
— You're irreplaceable, Renato. With his intelligence and cunning he took us out of serious trouble. Returning to the subject, what did you think of the story, Rafael and Uriel?
—An example of many cases in this country. It is not only the money and the thirst for power that separate a family. There is also misunderstanding, intolerance, and especially lack of respect. Family is not chosen and it takes the minimum effort to live in peace and harmony. (Rafael)
—So, says Yahweh: Parents, commit to forming a good family foundation for your children and be an example of dedication to them in every way. Money is important yes, but it is not enough to achieve happiness. "What good is your home being made up if there are unhappy people in it? It is better to live in a hut and have peace with yourself." (Uriel)
—Is it possible to attain full happiness, Uriel? (The Seer)
— Very difficult these days, but fully possible. It is enough for a man to work for his goals, to be faithful to his values and the laws of God, and even in the face of failure, he does not give up. And other things shall be added unto them according to their works, according to the word of the Lord. (Uriel)
—Hallelujah! The tragedy destroyed me completely but I feel that I was happy while I could with my family. (Philliphe)
— Good, friend Philliphe. Now we are going to work to give new meaning to our lives. (The Seer)
— I believe in miracles, though! (Exclaimed Philliphe)
— Being here is already a miracle! To enjoy your company and those of Rafael, Uriel, Isael, the seer excites me. (Renato)
—Thank you! (Philliphe)
—We're doing great. "God’s code" is flowing. When completed, Angels and men will be able to know the invisible God and their real values. Enough of misrepresentations! (Rafael)
— We are six spirits who are present and one seventh omnipresent, coordinating everything. Let's pray to continue with your grace. (Uriel)
Each member of the team got up from where they were sitting and gathered in a circle. Uriel and Rafael raised their hands and prayed in a language totally foreign to the others. At the end of the prayer, the earth trembled and a fire from the sky penetrated all those present. It was there that they had a mysterious and edifying vision that cannot be revealed here.
Ten minutes later, the fire completely integrated with the present and filled them with the holy spirit. With a signal, Rafael ordered everyone to return to their places. And now? What are the next lessons? At every moment surprising things were happening and urged them to continue testing their limits, discovering the real value of their existence. In front! Toward the next chapter moved by Yahweh.

2.7- Disagreements
—Can we remain friends? (Asked Rafael)
—Of course, yes. What do you guys think? (The Seer)
—Yes. (The others).
—Then we will start item seven. What does Renato suggest? (Rafael)
— I was thinking of talking about the issue of disagreements and their possible solutions. (Renato)
— I liked it. What do you think, Brother? (Rafael)
— Too good to reflect. (Uriel)
—This Renato is a genius. (Philliphe)
—That's why I chose you to be my adventure buddy. (The Seer)
—Thank you, guys. Any less. Let Isael speak. (Renato)
—Well, folks, a family or a society is a complex set of people each with its own personality and opinions. In the face of this, it is normal for misunderstandings to occur one time or another. The problem is when this happens frequently or goes beyond the limits. At this point, it is necessary to stop to rethink the attitudes and seek ways to resume harmony. (Isael)
— What would these means be? (Philliphe was interested)
— Well, every case is a case. In general, seek the point of friction, dialogue and negotiation so that the dissenting parties are satisfied. All with great respect. (Isael)
— Got it. I now remembered some discussions I had with my late wife. If I had this information I would not have hurt her. (Philliphe)
Philliphe bends down, picks up a handkerchief in his pocket, and wipes away some stubborn tears that come down from his eyes and wet his sweaty face. With each word he uttered, he remembered his family that caused uncontrollable emotions. But it was a good emotion and he felt that it was not far from the day when he would have overcome much of the stigmata caused by the tragedy. This was all that wonderful team that was trying to help him.
Three minutes later, he keeps his handkerchief and proposes to continue to participate and listen to others.
— Do not blame yourself, Philliphe. What happened, happened. The important thing is to live the present and prepare for the future if God allows it. (The Seer)
— Wise words, son of God. That's the key to your rebirth, Philliphe. (Isael)
—The problem is having the strength to get to this level. (Philliphe)
— Thus, says Yahweh: "If you listen to my voice in the various manifestations in your life, including this one, I promise that there will be no more crying or suffering in it. Only happiness and success. " (Rafael)
—"When I say that there will be no more crying or suffering, you will be fully prepared to face the failures, the tragedies and disappointments that happen. You will have no more influence in your life and you will walk in great strides in bringing about important victories", says Yahweh. (Uriel)
— So be it! (Philliphe)
— Remembering that for this to be possible will require a lot of commitment and dedication on our part. We are in the first of ten cities that we will pass, that is, we are at the tip of the Iceberg. (The seer clarified)
— I'm not afraid. Since I decided to look for Renato and you, I was aware that it would not be easy. I promise that there will be no lack of willingness on my part. (Philliphe)
— How nice! (The Seer)
— I'm happy too. Ever since you came to me on the mountain I noticed a different glow in your eyes. A characteristic glow of the warriors. Know that you can count on me for whatever you need. Friends always! (Renato)
— Thank you, Renato. The reciprocal is also true. (Philliphe)
—Very well. Do not forget us too. Needing, it's just keep in mind or call our names that will help them. We are at your disposal. (Rafael)
—We are as if we were your guardian angels. (Complementary Uriel)
— Consider me a friend too. (Isael)
—Thank you to the Three. Thanks also Renato and Philliphe for embarking with me on another adventure. (The Seer)
—You're welcome. I love our adventures, lol. (Renato)
—I appreciate that. (Philliphe)
— Well, folks, I'm exhausted. Now the next one that will choose will be me. What about that? (Rafael)
— No objection at all. (The Seer)
— Me neither. (Philliphe)
—I, much less. (Renato)
— I do not accept! lol Just kidding, brother. (Uriel)
—You can talk, Rafael. (Isael)
— Let's see... (Rafael)
Rafael frowned and left a suspenseful mood in the rim he was planning for the continuation of God’s code? Whatever it was would certainly be instructive coming from a being of so much enlightenment and experience which he had shown. Towards the next chapter!

2.8- General Conduct
— It's the following: I propose a challenge. Each one here will make a list of five distinct commandments essential for fellowship with God. It is not worth repeating or copying from the other. All right, everybody? (Rafael)
—Interesting. (The Seer)
—Instigating. (Philliphe)
— Exciting. (Isael)
—We will try. (Renato)
—Start, brother. (Isael)
—My five commandments are: Love and fear of God, Mercy, justice, war and sincerity. (Rafael)
— Great, brother. Could you be more specific? (Uriel)
— There is one God, multiple, omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, and we must love and respect him above all things; however great the distance of sin between God and the creature, as long as there is life there is always hope, since all sins have already been paid for by Jesus Christ. The mercy of Yahweh is infinite; we reap what we sow, this is the maxim. It is only with much appeal and faith that mercy can overcome justice; peace is preferable to war. However, we are prepared to fight for the two sons of God against the forces of darkness; be sincere with yourself and with the highest in every way. From sincerity comes trust and harmony. (Rafael)
— Pasta! (The Seer)
— Perfect (Philliphe)
—I sensed the vibrations here! God is with us! (Isael)
—What is the next? (Renato asked)
— I! Listen to what Yahweh says: Love the neighbor unconditionally and with a love equal to or greater than you; do not kill; do not steal; do not be proud; you avoid envy. (Uriel)
—I already do that! (Renato)
— I still do not follow all these items. (Philliphe confessed)
— I am hard at work on all these points. I leave it to God to judge my behavior. (Informed the seer)
— I'm with Philliphe and the seer. (Isael)
— Caution! Do not underestimate or over-value yourself. Follow what the son of God said. (Rafael)
— Love shows itself in small and great things, in a word of comfort to the afflicted, in the protection of the neighbor in the difficult moments, the resignation, the delivery, the complicity of the day to day; when I say that thou shalt not kill, it encompasses not only aggression itself, but every act of contempt, hatred, rage, or humiliation of the other. Remember, clay pot, you are not the owner of one's own life more than the next. Be very careful because I will ask for an account on an unforeseen day (The day of the thief) and if you have not prepared you can prepare for crying and darkness as I said two thousand years ago. As far as robbery is concerned, I cannot stand rogues or lazy people who walk like wolves in search of the working sheep, you are collecting debts instead of treasures. With whom will you pay me? Or what has the man to give me in return? As my son said, if your member leads you to sin, throw it away before your whole body is condemned. With regard to pride, this is what is leading many to perdition. You are dust and many are important because they have money, position or status. For I say: This is of no use to me as I measure my hearts and am looking for the truly pure, contrite, sincere, and honest. Some might ask me: How to achieve this? Learn from my children, meek and humble of heart in all situations in spite of all their greatness. In them lies my love and my grace. Finally, work and dedicate yourself to your goals and do not cultivate envy. Each one has what it deserves in the due time and it is no use to be comparing to nobody because each one has its history. I am the father of all and I am willing to cooperate so long as you do your part, Word of Yahweh. (Uriel)
—Glory to God! (Renato)
—Words that direct and calm my heart. (Philliphe)
— Hallelujah! (Isael)
— Who will be the next to list the five conduits? (Rafael)
— Can be me? (The seer inquired)
— Yes, son of God. (Rafael)
— My commandments are: Respect for God and people, not to cultivate prejudice of any kind, to practice charity, to proliferate love and friendship, to cultivate and maintain integrity. (The Seer)
— Detail for each of us. (Requested Uriel)
— I've learned from the experience of life that respect is at the heart of everything between family members, co-workers, friends, acquaintances because it imposes limits and a certain detachment necessary to maintain our privacy. Regarding prejudice, I do not admit it at all because the value of the human being is not in his race, ethnicity, color, sexual choice, sex, soccer team or social class, but in his attitudes, works and words that translate the of your being. In your heart is your true treasure. Already on the question of charity, whenever possible it is good to help those in need both of the material and of the spiritual. This act ennobles the soul. Concerning the conduct of relationships, I am open-minded and seek to cultivate love and friendship with all creatures. You know, it does not matter if you are of my sex or not, what matters is the affinity, the affection, the respect, the individuality of each one. The world is wonderful only because of diversity. Lastly, cultivating some basic values on a daily basis is essential to maintaining integrity, honor and dignity. I am happy with what I learned from my parents, teachers of life, friends, relatives, acquaintances, strangers and especially with God. They have made me an ethical being, accomplished and committed to my gift in order to help all of humanity. (The seer declared)
The seer stops for a little while. He runs his hand over his face in order to conceal something, perhaps some forgotten tear. In his thirty-one years of life, he had lived intense experiences and emotions: He had failed, he had been disappointed, he had spent a dark night of his soul far from God and good manners, but he reared himself. Now he was working for the success of his project "The Seer", giving up other dreams for him (because life is made of choices), and he had the awareness that God was with him all this time, in good and bad times. He felt ready for success and together with his colleagues wanted to show a little of the wonderful being that accompanied him to the world. Giving his testimony had mixed with him.
Feeling this moment, his colleagues approach, embrace and comfort him in every possible way. A few moments later, the seer calms down a little more, the colleagues return to their seats and then the chat is restarted.
— Thank you all. Sorry for my weakness. (The Seer)
— Do not worry. I've also had countless mood swings. (He observed Philliphe)
—We are a team. You can count on your old Renato always. (Renato)
—How old he is, is not he your Aldivan? (Played Isael)
—Old man in wisdom and young in age. (Answered the seer)
—Thanks buddy. (Renato)
— Well, as everything came back to normal, who is next to speak? (Rafael)
— I! (Philliphe declared)
—At ease, Philliphe. (Uriel)
Philliphe rose from his seat and stood about in the middle, with visibility between them all. He stood there for a moment as if to think of the best words to describe his lifestyle. What suggestions would you have for humanity to follow? It would be five more items uttered by a man suffered, marked and revolted by a tragedy, but deeply touched by God in that city called Familyng in the desert. Let us go to your next speech:
— My five commandments are: Dedication to work, socialization, leisure, helpfulness to each other, and separation of priorities. With regard to commandment one, I can say that work dignifies man whatever he may be. However, if his dream is better placed on the job market, fight and devote yourself to the end. This is my advice. Concerning question two, I understand that socialization is essential both for ideas and for projects. "Show yourself to the world without fear." Item three is essential for our mental health and should be enjoyed at least once a week. Remember: God worked six days and rested on the seventh. The last two items I learned after the tragedy and the advice I give is that you fight for your dreams. However, pay attention to who is on your side and support you in every way. Money is not everything, nor does it bring happiness. (Philliphe)
— Splendid! Life teaches us many things through its pains. (Isael)
— And how! Even though I was so young, I experienced cruel and odd experiences that made me reflect and take the right path. Do you want me to share? (Renato)
— Of course. We are here for this. (Rafael)
—God wants to listen to you son and make you understand. (Uriel)
—I want to know about your pain, too. (Isael)
—Waiting. (Philliphe)
— Feel free, comrade. (The Seer)
— My fifteen years of life have shown me many questions of existence, many of them opposing. Without any fear he declares that my commandments are: You will not harm your neighbor, you will follow the rules that do not interfere with your happiness, you will not play with the feelings of others, you will be loyal to all, and if you ask for good advice. (Renato)
— What's the importance of this to you? (Uriel)
— It's my "North" when I'm in doubt. (Renato)
— Very well. God loves you! Keep this. (Rafael)
— Thank you. I love him too. (Renato)
—God said: "Those who love me are those who keep my commandments and practice it continually. Because faith is worthless without works." (The Seer)
— Bright! Thank you for the words, son of God. (Philliphe)
— You're welcome. (Fortune teller)
— I believe that I insert myself in this context, is not it a partner? (Renato)
—Of course, yes. I just supplemented the information for the others. (The Seer)
— Now there is only one to talk Isael. (Intervened Raphael)
— It is true. My commandments are: Tenderness, faithfulness, fellowship, purity, and wisdom. These five elements combined make the human being have a very high degree of elevation. (Isael)
—Noted! (Philliphe)
—Well remembered! I often try to do this. (The Seer)
—Is it possible to get there? (Renato)
—Almost impossible. But when the human being opens the divine light everything is possible. (Rafael)
—With God I can do everything, without him I am nothing. (Complemented Uriel)
— Now it's enough! Let's stop a little and reflect. Ten more minutes to stop. (Requested Rafael)

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