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The Twelve-Month Marriage Deal
The Twelve-Month Marriage Deal
The Twelve-Month Marriage Deal
Margaret Mayo
Forced bride… Called home unexpectedly, Elena not only finds her sister has fled her own wedding, but that she must take her place as the bride if the family business is to be saved from ruin! Willing on her wedding night!Arrogant billionaire Vidal Marquez is shocked – the ugly duckling has become a swan! Elena is furious about the marriage, so he makes a deal: twelve months in his bed as his wife, and then she can simply walk away… But Vidal’s bed is not a place any woman chooses to leave!

Elena wanted to back away, but it was impossible. All she could do was watch in fatal fascination as his face got closer and closer. Study the intent in his beautiful grey eyes framed by decadently thick lashes. Observe that his breathing got just that little bit faster. And his lips—his beautifully moulded lips—were opening the merest fraction.
There was not a thing she could do but await her fate. But at the same time she ordered herself not to respond, not to let him see by the simplest of movements that pressure was building up inside her, threatening to spill over the second his mouth claimed hers.
Was it disappointment she felt when he didn’t kiss her straight away? When he cupped her face in his hands, his thumbs stroking her expectant lips, his touch so gentle it was like the brush of a butterfly’s wing and yet as deadly as snake’s venom?
Elena couldn’t keep her promise to herself. Her resolve flew out of the window, her lips parting freely, the tip of her tongue coming out to moisten her lips and encourage Vidal’s touch, her head rocking back on her shoulders. It was wrong, all wrong, but somehow she couldn’t help it.
Margaret Mayo was reading Mills & Boon
romances long before she began to write them. In fact she never had any plans to become a writer. After an idea for a short story popped into her head she was thrilled when it turned into a full-scale novel. Now, over twenty-five years later, she is still happily writing and says she has no intention of stopping.
She lives with her husband Ken in a rural part of Staffordshire, England. She has two children: Adrian, who now lives in America, and Tina. Margaret’s hobbies are reading, photography, and more recently watercolour painting, which she says has honed her observational skills and is a definite advantage when it comes to writing.

Marriage Deal

Margaret Mayo

www.millsandboon.co.uk (http://www.millsandboon.co.uk/)

Chapter One
‘YOUR’RE expecting me to marry Vidal Marquez?’
Elena looked at her parents as though they were out of their minds. This was the last thing she had expected when they had asked her to come home. The very last thing. She didn’t know what she had been expecting, but it certainly had never entered her head that they would try to persuade her to marry Vidal.
Her already huge brown eyes widened into enormous orbs of shock and doubt and her heart began an unsteady tattoo. It was actually unbelievable; it was insanity of the highest order. How could they ask this of her? How could they even think it?
It was her sister who had been going to marry Vidal. They’d been engaged for months. And now her sister had run away! And no one knew where she was. So what had happened? And more to the point, why were they suggesting she take her place? Why was it so important?
None of it made any sense.
The afternoon sun streamed through the window, adding highlights to her glossy black hair. It was ironic that it was such a gorgeous day outside and yet here in her parents’ house her whole world was slowly falling apart.
‘It’s ludicrous.’ She stood tall and proud, her beautiful face flushed with fury and indignation, her golden eyes almost shooting sparks of fire. Her hair, cut just below her ears with a side fringe, swirled in complete disarray every time she shook her head. ‘For one thing I do not plan to get married for a very long time. I have a business to run, in case you’re forgetting. I’ve spent years getting where I am today and I have no intention of giving it up to marry—’ she drew in a deep, unsteady breath at the enormity of what her parents were asking ‘—my sister’s ex-fiancé.’
Elena deliberately put great emphasis on the word ex. She loved her parents dearly, but for the life of her she couldn’t understand why they were suggesting she take Reina’s place. Plenty of couples split up and there was never a thought of their siblings stepping in.
Actually it was hard to believe that Reina had done this. Her elder sister never put a foot wrong. She herself was the wilful one, the one who her parents sometimes despaired of. When she’d gone to live in Los Angeles they had feared for her well-being. And yet she was running a successful wedding-planner business while her sister had turned her back on the wedding of the year.
She could imagine how hard they had taken the news, Vidal’s family too. The wedding was already in the planning stages. Anyone who was of any note in Spain would already be on the guest list.
‘I’m sorry Reina’s putting you through this,’ she said, privately thinking that it was better her sister had found out now that she didn’t love Vidal rather than after their marriage, ‘but is this about losing face? Why would you even think about me taking her place? Why can’t the merger go ahead without a marriage between the families?’
‘Because,’ answered her father quietly, ‘we fear that without it the deal will be off. We didn’t tell you this before,’ he added unhappily, ‘but—it was an arranged marriage—for business reasons. We all thought that Reina was happy with the situation. We thought she actually loved Vidal, but—’ He lifted his shoulders and let them fall again, his face a picture of sadness and sorrow and fear for the future.
‘Arranged?’ Elena could not believe what she was hearing. The whole situation was getting more bizarre by the second. ‘No wonder Reina ran away. What were you thinking? And now you expect me to take her place. No way! Not ever! I don’t even like Vidal! If you want my opinion he’s a pompous, arrogant bas—’
‘Elena!’ Her father’s shocked voice resounded through the room. ‘I will not have that language in my house.’
‘Nevertheless it’s what he is,’ she declared firmly. God, she was seething. This was her worst nightmare. How could they even think about asking her to marry this—this…? Words failed her.
She had never understood why they wanted to merge the two banks anyway. Not that she’d ever had any inclination to work in the business; she’d opted for freedom. She loved her parents dearly, but sometimes found their affection stifling.
‘There is another reason,’ said her father, his arm about her mother’s shoulders now, putting on a united front, ‘and I hate having to tell you this, but—’ he dragged in a deeply troubled breath ‘—the bank is in trouble. We fear that we shall be financially ruined if Vidal doesn’t take over.’
Looking at him, Elena saw the deep lines of strain on his face and the worry in his eyes that she had assumed were because of her sister’s actions, but it now appeared that something more serious was afoot. Even her mother’s face was filled with fear, her brown eyes haunted, sunk more deeply than Elena had ever seen them.
Instantly, Elena folded her in her arms, holding her trembling body close. Her mother had always been such a strong woman that it hurt to see her like this.
Her parents’ bank was a private one, whereas Vidal dealt in corporate banking. Theirs wouldn’t be the first one in trouble that he had bought. They were talking about a merger, but Elena knew very well that if Vidal got his hands on it, it would be the end of the road for them. All she could hope was that he was offering them a fair deal. Though why she had to become a part of it Elena had no idea.
‘So,’ said her father firmly a few seconds later, ‘you will do this? It’s not only for ourselves, you understand, but our employees too. Some of them have been with us for a very long time. We owe them to do the best we can.’
Elena screwed her face up and shook her head. ‘I can’t, I’m sorry, but you’re asking the impossible.’ Surely they realised the absurdity of her marrying a man she did not love, a man she hadn’t seen in years, a man who did nothing for her whatsoever?
What she could remember of Vidal Marquez was that he had always thought himself a cut above everyone else, even as a child. Therefore it went without saying that he would be unbearable to live with. No wonder Reina had got out while she could.
Her heart felt heavy when she saw her father’s arms go round her mother as she almost collapsed. They were making this so very difficult. She loved them to death, didn’t want to do anything to hurt them, but marrying a man she didn’t even like was too big an ask.
When she saw that even her father, usually such a strong man, had tears in his eyes, she said quietly, ‘Are you sure there isn’t any other way of saving the bank?’
Her father shook his head. ‘None at all.’
She closed her eyes and let her breath out on a deep sigh. ‘I really don’t want to do this,’ she said quietly, ‘but—I don’t like seeing you two so worried either. I’ll give it some serious thought. Though I’m not actually promising anything, you understand.’
Faint relief shone on their faces and they both put their arms around her.
Elena did not see how she could do as they asked, though. It would mean putting her whole life on hold, maybe even cancelling it altogether. She loved what she did and had thought when her mother called and said she was needed at home that it was to help plan her sister’s wedding—not her own!
Tension reigned in the Valero household for the next few days. Elena hated seeing her parents’ distress, but she hated even more the thought of marrying a man she did not love. There must be some other way to save the bank.
Vidal had always looked down his nose at her. There was eight years’ difference between them and as a child he had always considered her of no consequence. Vidal’s younger brother, Fernan, was more her own age and he had been her constant companion, while Reina had been friends with Vidal. It was why she had not been surprised when their engagement had been announced. Never in her wildest dreams had she imagined that it was not a love match.
‘You are coming tonight?’ asked her father over breakfast on Saturday.
‘To the charity dinner?’
He nodded. ‘Your mother and I think it important that we go. We need to keep up appearances. We don’t want anyone to know that we’re in any kind of trouble.’
‘Of course I’ll come,’ she said immediately. ‘Will the Marquezes be there?’
‘I imagine so,’ said her father.
Her heart did a little hop, skip and a jump. It meant that Vidal would be there too. Was he aware that her parents were attempting to pair her up with him? And if so, what were his thoughts on the matter? She imagined that he would be as horrified as she was. Unless getting his hands on their bank was far more important than marrying for love. He’d done well for himself, she’d heard. His banking organisation was now the biggest in Spain. And she would face the man himself in just a few short hours.
Vidal could not take his eyes off the strikingly beautiful young woman who had just entered the room. Of its own accord his heart leapt and he instantly wanted to get to know her. She was tall, slim and very, very elegant, confident in the knowledge that she looked good.
Her short, dark hair revealed a long, slender neck around which a choker glistened with black gemstones. Her skin was soft and honeyed and he knew that he had to hold her, to touch, to feel—to enjoy!
Two thin straps that matched the necklace held up a black dress that moulded her body in such a way that each movement she made showed off the rounded curves of her breasts, each sway of her hips emphasised the pertness of her bottom.
He felt himself growing hard. This woman needed serious investigation.
She slowly circled the room, talking and laughing as she met people she knew—and was introduced to those she did not. She was vivacious and exciting, confident in her skin, walking with the grace of a female panther. He wondered if she had claws to match. There was something about her that was oddly familiar. Yet he could not recall ever having met her before.
‘She’s grown into quite a looker, hasn’t she?’
Vidal turned and realised that his father had been watching her also.
‘Who is she?’
‘Why, Elena, of course. I’m surprised you didn’t recognise her.’
Elena! Elena Valero! Surely not? ‘I thought she lived in America?’
His father nodded. ‘She does. She’s home on a family visit.’
Now he knew who she was he could see the young girl she had once been. But what a transformation. From gauche to graceful. From plain to sensationally, heartstoppingly beautiful. From stick thin to enticingly slender with curves in all the right places.
Dios! His heart tapped out a rapid tattoo. She had turned into a magical creature who was in danger of sliding beneath his skin with the stealth of a viper. Reina had rarely spoken about her sister so he’d not really thought about her in all these years. Now she filled his mind and he couldn’t wait for her to finish circling the room and reach his side.
Would she fail to recognise him? Or had he perhaps not changed as dramatically as she had? How many years had it been since he’d last seen her? Six since she went to America. But even before that he’d been too busy getting on with his life to take any notice of her. As far as he was concerned she’d been a wild child. Thoroughly spoilt, totally conceited, no interest in anything except herself.
He could not take his eyes off her, though, and suddenly she turned and looked at him, nothing more than a fleeting glance before she resumed her conversation. But it had been enough to heighten his desire even further.
Her eyes were enormous in her elfin face, but there had been no recognition. She’d felt him watching her, that was for sure, it had been a critical stare, but she had no idea who he was.
Nevertheless it felt like a lifetime before she reached his side. A lifetime in which he had enticed her into his bed, undressed her slowly, allowing his eyes to appreciate every inch of her amazing body before finally making crazy, fantastic love. Thank goodness she couldn’t see his heart hammering like a mad thing within his chest.
‘Vidal!’ She held out her hand.
So she did know him! All this time she had known exactly who he was—giving her the advantage! And the cold glare she had sent in his direction had been condemning rather than curious. He was none too pleased at the thought. In fact, he was rather annoyed.
‘Well, well, well, if the little girl hasn’t grown up.’
Immediately the words were out he knew that it had been the wrong thing to say. He wanted to bed her, not offend her. But hell, he’d been caught off guard and it was not a feeling he was accustomed to.
Elena lifted her chin and glared, beautifully, her eyes, more gold than brown at this moment, exquisitely fierce. ‘How many years has it been since we last saw each other?’
‘Quite a few,’ he admitted, wondering what it would really feel like to have this woman beneath him. Heavens, he hadn’t felt like this since he was a teenager and in love for the first time. His body was infused with a heat that threatened to overcome him.
‘Exactly,’ she retorted sharply. ‘You’ve changed, I’ve changed. Is it so remarkable?’
‘I almost didn’t recognise you.’ He wasn’t going to tell her that he had failed to do so. Oh, no. He had no intention of putting himself down in her eyes. ‘May I be permitted to say that the transformation is sensational?’
He didn’t let his eyes move from hers. Just listening to her voice caused an ache in his gut. It was soft and lilting, like the finest music. Infierno, this woman was sending threads of temptation through every fibre of his body. He had never met anyone who had ignited his fire so suddenly and so thoroughly.
‘Thank you, kind sir.’
It was a mocking comeback and it didn’t please him. ‘I hear you’re on a rare visit to your family.’
‘Rare?’ Her back stiffened and she stood just that little bit taller. ‘Just because you and I haven’t bumped into each other, doesn’t mean that I don’t come home often.’
‘But not as often as you should.’ Cold grey eyes looked into hers. ‘What I’d like to know is why you felt the need to move to America in the first place. Doesn’t life here satisfy you? According to your sister, your parents were heartbroken, and I can perfectly understand why. Maybe they didn’t say anything to you. You saw it as an adventure, but they felt that you were turning your back on them.’
‘How do you know what they felt? How dare you criticise me?’ she shot back, her eyes hotter than ever. ‘What I do is none of your business. I’d like to say it’s been nice speaking to you, Vidal, but I’m afraid it hasn’t. If you have nothing kind to say to me then it’s best we don’t speak at all.’ And she began to walk away.
In an instant he caught her arm. ‘Elena, we have a lot to catch up on.’ His whole body went up in flames as he crushed her enticing body close to his, felt those long, sensuous limbs slide agonisingly against his more powerful ones, experienced the torment of her amazing breasts pressed into his chest.
‘Do we?’ she asked coldly. ‘I don’t blame my sister for walking out on you. You’re an arrogant swine who’s poking his nose into something that doesn’t concern him.’ Tugging herself free, and with a final condemning glare, she marched away.
He had no choice but to let her go, not if he didn’t want to create a scene. But his eyes followed her, watched the swing of her hips, the long graceful movement of her legs, half expecting her to glance back over her shoulder. She did not disappoint. And he met her eyes head on.
Such beautiful eyes, sloe shaped and a rich, dark golden-brown, fringed by long, thick, black lashes. There was a curious mixture of hauteur and interest in the way she looked at him and he allowed himself to smile faintly. Have no fear, Elena Benitez Valero, you’ll never walk away from me again.
To think that he had almost married Reina!
The thought hit him hard as he got ready for bed later that night. He had not spoken to Elena again, but he had watched every movement she made, saw the ease with which she talked to almost everyone present, flirting outrageously with the young men sitting either side of her at the dinner table.
He had also noticed the way that she carefully avoided looking at him and was grimly amused. Perhaps it meant that she too had felt a spark ready to ignite? Could it be that beneath the arrogance she was Miss Fire and Brimstone? His body hardened at the thought of getting to know her—intimately. Very intimately.
When he had agreed to marry her elder sister it had merely been a convenient partnership to form the merger of their banks. Reina had been willing and no one except themselves, his brother and their parents had been aware that it was not a love match.
But recently Reina had begun to have doubts. She wanted a real marriage, she said, she wanted to fall in love and live the fairy-tale dream. So he had done the honourable thing and released her from their engagement. Naturally, for Reina’s sake, he had let everyone believe that they had fallen out, and he had seen no reason why he should not still help her parents.
In fact, he had been ready to put things into motion—until tonight when he met Elena!
In an instant he’d had a dramatic change of heart. Elena would fit the bill as his wife perfectly. He had only to think of her delectable body, those fantastic breasts cupped in his hands, her incredibly long legs wrapped around him and those plump, delicious lips pressed hard against his, to know that he wouldn’t be satisfied until he had her in his bed.
He had made up his mind.
No Elena, no merger.
He knew how worried her parents must be. They had no idea yet that he had been thinking of going ahead with the merger regardless of his marriage to Reina. Maybe this was the reason Elena was here. Maybe they were trying to persuade her to take her sister’s place!
The thought brought a smile to his lips.
All he had to do now was sit back and wait.
Or maybe use a little light persuasion!
Elena wouldn’t agree to it straight away, he was aware of that. She wouldn’t worry whether her parents’ bank prospered or sank. She had turned her back on them. Goodness knew what she got up to in America. He didn’t know and he didn’t care.
Regardless, she was a stunning woman now and all he wanted was her beside him—every night.
Vidal went to sleep with a smile on his face.
Having met with Vidal again Elena was even more convinced that marriage to him was out of the question. He had changed almost beyond recognition. Gone was the young man she remembered. This man oozed sophistication. It crept out of his pores like an unwanted drug. His thick, dark hair, which had always refused to be tamed, now sat sleekly on his well-moulded head. And his powerful body suggested hours spent in a gym.
His eyes hadn’t changed; they were still a startling grey and actually rather attractive. It was his arrogance that really annoyed her. He might be the president of El Banco de Marquez, but his manners and his attitude towards her had certainly not improved.
She had known he was watching her across the room; she had felt his eyes on her the whole evening. It had sent cold shivers down her spine and a resurrection of the dislike she had felt for him when she was younger.
But what she hadn’t expected was the way he had greeted her. Little girl indeed! Was that how he still saw her? Admittedly he had tempered his comment by saying she had grown up sensationally—but she guessed that was designed to make himself look good.
And his suggestion that she wasn’t being fair on her parents had really got her back up. She rang them every day, for pity’s sake, and visited as often as she could. They had never uttered one word of reproach and had always insisted that they were proud of her for making something of her life.
It was why she couldn’t understand why they wanted her to give it up to marry Vidal.
What sort of a marriage would it be when he still treated her as Reina’s baby sister? He would never accept that she had grown up, or that she was a successful businesswoman in her own right. She couldn’t imagine anything worse than being married to him. He might have grown more handsome, staggeringly so. And he most definitely looked the part of one of the richest men in Spain. But as for anything else…

Chapter Two
‘I FEAR I’m wasting your time—as well as my own.’ Elena’s chin was high, her eyes fiercely defiant. Vidal had telephoned almost before she had got out of bed this morning and said that they needed to talk—so here they were in a tiny restaurant tucked away in the back streets of Seville having breakfast, and she had scared herself to death by feeling an unexpected and extremely scary response to him.
He wore a different cologne from last night, something light and musky and intensely sexy. And he looked as fresh as if he had had eight hours’ sleep. Yet she knew he couldn’t have had more than four. The dinner had gone on and on, with music to dance to if people wanted, although most had ignored it, preferring to catch up with each other instead.
Vidal had been one of the last to leave. As had she. There had been so many people she hadn’t seen for years who had kept her talking.
And he had kept his eyes on her.
She had given no hint that she was aware of it, ignoring him completely, even slipping away before he could stop her to say goodnight.
For some insane reason this morning, though, from the instant she’d set eyes on him a fire had ignited inside her, flaring swiftly, burning fiercely, filling her with irrational feelings that set off a mild panic.
She told herself that it was angry resentment she felt, not a response to a magnificent body, and that she ought never to have accepted his invitation. What was the point when she had no intention of agreeing to the plan?
Actually she had no idea what Vidal’s feelings were on the matter, so in one way it would be interesting to hear what he had to say. If he had an ounce of compassion in him surely he would go ahead with the so-called merger without marriage. They could then sort out the whole sorry affair and that would be an end to it.
‘What makes you think that you are wasting my time?’
His voice was a rough, low growl, and the intent look in his eyes made her feel as though he were trying to hypnotise her. He had gorgeous eyes, sometimes grey, sometimes silver, depending on the light—or the mood he was in—with savagely thick lashes that could hide his feelings in a second.
‘I cannot think of a nicer way to start the day,’ he continued. ‘As I said last night, Elena, you’ve grown up remarkably. You are now a confident, extremely beautiful, extremely elegant young lady.’
‘Whom you almost didn’t recognise,’ she countered coolly. ‘Whereas I had no trouble identifying you.’
‘I am flattered,’ he said, but although his voice sounded sincere she caught a flare of something else in his eyes. A look that said he was furious that she should have recognised him when he hadn’t realised who she was.
‘Don’t think it’s flattery,’ she retorted. ‘I would have had to be blind not to notice you watching me the entire evening. I’m curious, though, as to what was in your mind. Were you weighing me up, wondering whether I’d be a better proposition than my sister? Don’t worry,’ she added quickly when his dark brows rose questioningly. ‘My parents have told me what the position is. I imagine this is the reason I’m here now?’
Vidal held out his hands in open submission. ‘Guilty as accused.’
‘And do you really think I’ll say yes?’ He was out of his mind if he thought that. Entirely deranged. Not in a million years would she marry this man. She had no intention of getting married, not to anyone, not for a very long time. She’d gone out with guys in Los Angeles, but never seriously. She didn’t have time, for one thing, it had been hard work building up her agency and now that she had made it she had no intention of letting anything—or anyone—get in the way.
‘No, I don’t,’ he surprised her by saying. ‘I can think of no woman who would agree to such a thing.’
Relief flooded through her, filling her body with a warm feeling of liberation, and she took a sip of her coffee. Vidal understood! She had done him an injustice! She smiled, and was just about to tell him how happy she was that he felt the same when his next words had her gasping in horror.
‘Unless, of course, she thought that there was something in it for herself?’ His voice had gone an octave lower and he looked at her from beneath half-closed lashes.
Immediately Elena flashed her magnificent eyes. ‘How dare you suggest such a thing? I need nothing from you—or indeed any man. I’m quite capable of supporting myself, thank you very much.’ It hurt that he thought she was so mercenary and she would have liked nothing better than to slap his face hard.
‘But you are going to be a dutiful daughter and help out your parents?’
‘By marrying you?’ she countered fiercely, jabbing a piece of toast with her knife. ‘You’re out of your mind if that’s what you’re thinking.’
‘But you will!’ he insisted.
His arrogant confidence angered Elena even further. ‘I’m worried about my parents’ future, naturally, but there has to be another way out of the situation. If you were half a man you would let the business deal go through without all this nonsense of uniting the banks by marriage. I was appalled when my mother told me that Reina’s was an arranged marriage. I thought she loved you. I was happy for her. But I can honestly say that I don’t blame her for leaving you. The marriage would never have worked, not without love. And neither would marriage to me work. At least you knew Reina. You and I are strangers.’
She felt like getting up and storming out, or at the very least throwing something at him. How could he accuse her of being mercenary? The man was seriously insane. But at least she now knew how much he wanted their bank. If he was prepared to marry her, a woman he’d never liked, never had time for, then he had to be desperate.
‘We could have fun getting to know each other.’ The words were dropped quietly into the air between them. There was even a tiny smile curving the corners of his mouth.
‘Fun?’ Elena wanted to scream the word at him; it was hard keeping her voice level. ‘How can you say that? How can you describe marriage between two people who dislike each other’s guts fun?’
His smile widened. ‘Perhaps we’re each interpreting it differently?’
‘Precisely,’ she snapped. ‘Mine is that it would be hell.’ She deliberately put emphasis on the word and saw the sudden change in his eyes, quickly disguised. ‘If you want to know what I think, Señor Marquez, I believe that you’re prepared to do whatever it takes to get your hands on my parents’ bank. Even if it means marriage to someone you—you despise.’ Her breathing had deepened by the time she had finished and it was all she could do to sit still.
Vidal’s face really did harden now. His eyes grew fiercely angry, his brows drawing together in a ferocious frown. ‘So that is what you think of me? Let me tell you, something, Señorita Valero, if it were not for the fact that I do not wish to see your parents in trouble I would not be doing this. Do you think I want to marry someone like you? Someone who has turned her back on her family? When they could do with your support you have not been here. Tell me, what is it that you do over there in the States? If I remember rightly all you were ever interested in was having a good time.’
Elena could not believe she was hearing this, and especially from Vidal. He certainly wasn’t doing anything to enamour her with him—in fact, he was driving her further and further away. She was tempted to get up and storm out of the restaurant, except that she did not want to give him the pleasure of seeing how much he had hurt her by his unkind comments.
‘I don’t have to tell you anything,’ she snapped fiercely, her head held high, her eyes shooting sparks of fire. ‘You can think what you like, but the fact remains that the thought of marrying a man I do not love fills me with horror. My parents are aware of this and I believe they are hoping that you will do the honourable thing and go through with the merger regardless.’
His eyes glinted shafts of steel and he sat up straighter in his chair, his body as taut as a bow string. ‘Good try, Elena, but it is not to be. If you don’t agree to marry me then the deal is off.’
Elena let out her breath on a deep sigh, feeling as though all the stuffing had been knocked out of her body. This was turning into a nightmare. ‘What are you made of, Vidal? Certainly not flesh and blood. You don’t have a compassionate bone in your body. You’re cruel and mercenary and marriage to you would be sheer hell. Do you really think I’d be prepared to put myself through that?’
‘I haven’t got where I am today by being soft,’ he growled, ‘and I certainly don’t intend to start now. You either marry me or your parents lose their business. It’s as simple as that.’
Simple? How could he say it was simple? He was using emotional blackmail. He was trying to use her to get what he wanted. Reina had thwarted him so now it was her turn. Damn the man! If he thought she was going to change her mind then he was very much mistaken.
‘You do not care who you hurt to get what you want, do you?’ she demanded, her eyes fiercely aggressive. ‘You’d marry someone you don’t even like to further your massive ego, to pile more coffers into your bank. My God, I hate you.’
Vidal shrugged indifferently, his silver eyes ever watchful on her face. ‘You’re entitled to your opinion.’
It was as though her words had meant nothing, as though they had drained away like water off a duck’s back. Hot, fierce anger pulsed and pounded inside her head. This man was unbelievable! ‘You’re not denying it?’
Vidal gave a tiny shrug, his lips pulling down at the corners. ‘I think we should forget this entire conversation and finish our breakfast instead.’
He was denying it! Only good manners stopped Elena from getting up and walking out. And the thought that her parents would be devastated if she arrived home too soon, especially if she told them that Vidal Marquez was a swine and she wouldn’t marry him if he were the last man on earth.
There had to be some other way of persuading him to go through with the deal. Maybe she ought not to have been so hot-headed? Maybe she ought to have been nice to him instead of getting his back up right from the beginning. She had played this all wrong. Taking a deep breath, she forced herself to calm down. ‘I guess you’re right, we should enjoy our food.’
But enjoy was not a word she could associate with eating in front of Vidal. She merely nibbled on her toast and drank copious amounts of coffee. Neither the merger nor marriage was mentioned again, they both did their best to be pleasant and amiable, but nevertheless their hostility simmered beneath the surface, waiting for one wrong word to bring it back to life.
It never happened. Polite to the end, Vidal took her home, suggesting as she got out of the car that they meet again the next day to discuss the matter more fully. ‘I realise it was wrong of me to want to talk business over breakfast,’ he said. ‘Come to my office tomorrow and we can discuss matters there.’
Elena wanted to tell him to go to hell, that there was nothing left to talk about. Hadn’t she made herself clear? But he had gone, his powerful car roaring away into the distance. She stood there watching until he had completely disappeared and then walked slowly into the house.
Her parents were waiting and she had to tell them that they hadn’t yet reached a decision. She had never seen her mother look so disappointed and it was all she could do not to fling her arms around her and promise that she would find some other way to help them.
Not that there was a way. Even though her weddingplanner business was doing very nicely for itself she didn’t have nearly enough resources for what they needed.
The following day Elena shivered as she dressed carefully for her further meeting with Vidal. She knew that she would need every inch of armour if she was to remain cool and positive so she wore a severely tailored black suit, teaming it with a cream shirt. A pair of stiletto heels gave her the height she needed to match up to Vidal’s impressive stature and she was ready.
It was the end of the day and they were meeting in the bank’s inner sanctum reserved for boardroom meetings. Deliberately she was a few minutes late. There was no way she wanted to be there first, tapping her fingers impatiently, trying to still her racing pulses while she waited for Vidal.
Instead he was the one doing the tapping. From outside the door she could hear his footsteps as he paced up and down, and she paused a moment or two listening.
Although she had intended remaining cool and calm, as she once again denied that marriage to him would work, Elena’s heart rate increased. There was no disputing the fact that Vidal was one hell of a sexy man. Had the circumstances been any different she might have found herself actually fancying him. As things stood he was the most hateful man on earth. Nevertheless when she eventually turned the handle and entered the room she managed a neutral expression.
‘I’d begun to think you weren’t coming.’ In contrast to the business suit that she wore he was in shirt-sleeves, rolled up to the elbow, revealing strong, sinewy forearms covered with fine, silky, black hairs. His jacket was on the back of a chair, suggesting that he had been here for some time. The collar of his shirt was undone, the knot on his tie loosened. Making her almost wish that she weren’t so formally dressed.
Nevertheless she held her head high as she faced him across the boardroom table. ‘I’ve not changed my mind.’
Clearly her forthrightness shocked him because his eyes grew instantly hard, his face developing harsh angles. ‘So there’s actually no point in you being here?’ He sighed. ‘What do your parents think of your decision? Or have you not told them yet?’
Elena lifted her shoulders, pausing a moment before letting them drop again. ‘I’ve said nothing. I thought we should talk again first. I thought we might come to a mutually satisfactory arrangement.’ The moment the words left her lips and she saw the dangerous narrowing of Vidal’s eyes, Elena knew that she was wasting her breath.
‘Were you not listening yesterday when I said that it was marriage or nothing?’ There was a glimmer of steel in his eyes now, his tall, powerful body silhouetted in front of the only window in the room. ‘You’re wasting my time, Elena. If that is all you have to say then I suggest you turn right round again and go.’
‘And you’re being unreasonable.’ Elena knew that she had to make one last desperate attempt to change his mind. Unfortunately he was a man like no other and it dismayed her when a shiver of awareness ran down her spine. She wanted to avert her eyes—except that it would give him an advantage. Instead she looked boldly into his face, refusing to analyse the feelings that were creeping like an illness through her body.
‘I would suggest that you look more closely at yourself, Elena,’ he said softly, his voice all the more dangerous because of its quietness. ‘I thought my offer was very reasonable.’
Elena shook her head angrily. ‘You really think that agreeing to marry a man I do not even like is a practical solution?’ What planet did he live on?
‘It is if you want to help your parents.’ His hard eyes didn’t leave her face. ‘On the other hand why am I not surprised? You’ve done very little to help them so far.’
If the expanse of the table had not been between them Elena would have hit him. This was the third time he had insinuated that she didn’t care about them. Her eyes blazed like molten gold. ‘You know nothing, Vidal.’ And her whole body grew rigid with anger. ‘But I’ll tell you this—somehow I’ll find another way of getting them out of this mess, and it won’t be with your help. I can think of nothing worse than tying myself to a man like you.’
With that she spun on her heel and marched out of the room.
He did not try to stop her.
As she walked away, Elena heard the telephone ring and Vidal’s deep voice answering. The next second he called her name.
‘Elena!’ And then more urgently, ‘Elena! It is for you. It is your father.’
Elena felt her heart slam against her ribcage as she took the phone. There had to be something seriously amiss for him to be ringing her here. ‘Papá, what is wrong?’
‘It is your mother,’ he said. ‘She is not well. I did not want to disturb you at this crucial time, but—’
‘But what, Papá? What has happened to her?’
‘She is in hospital, mi querida. She collapsed shortly after you left. I am sorry to have to tell you this now, but I am very worried about her and I thought that you—’
‘You did right,’ she breathed, feeling her heart panic. ‘Are you with her?’
‘Then I will be there as soon as I can. Did they say what is the matter?’
‘Not yet. They are doing tests.’
Vidal had been listening to her conversation and as soon as she handed the phone back to him he insisted on taking her to the hospital himself.
‘I have my own car,’ she protested.
‘Maybe, but you are in no fit condition.’
Elena gave in reluctantly and sat quietly all the way to the hospital in the back of his chauffeur-driven limousine. Vidal held her hands tightly, trying to stem the trembling that would not stop. His hands were warm, but hers were icily cold. In fact, she felt cold all over.
‘My mother’s never ill,’ she said as they pulled to a halt and she jumped out.
‘I’m sure she’ll be all right.’ Vidal laced his arm protectively about her shoulders as she hurried along the hospital corridor and Elena did not even think about shrugging him away. She needed human contact; she needed every shred of comfort.
They met her father pacing one of the side rooms, unable to sit and wait for the news. There were tears in his eyes as he hugged Elena. ‘I’m sorry I fetched you out of your meeting.’
‘I’d have been cross if you hadn’t,’ she scolded with a faint smile. ‘Have you heard anything yet? What happened? She was all right earlier.’
Her father nodded. ‘I know, she was cooking dinner when she collapsed. I don’t know what’s wrong with her. How long are they going to be?’ He glanced at his watch for what Elena guessed was the hundredth time in the last half an hour. ‘No one tells you anything in this place.’
‘I’ll go and find out,’ said Vidal firmly.
Elena was glad he was taking charge. Her father, usually a strong, capable man, looked broken. And so sad that she wanted to hold him in her arms and comfort him. But she knew that if she did they would both break down in tears and it wasn’t what was wanted. They needed to be strong.
Before Vidal even made a move a doctor came to see them. ‘Your wife’s comfortable,’ he said quietly to her father, ‘but unfortunately we have discovered a heart murmur, which we believe has been made worse by stress. She told me that she has been under some considerable strain recently, but mentioned that she hopes it is about to be resolved. If so there will hopefully be no recurrence. But you do need to look after her, Señor Valero. No more worries, you understand?’
‘Thank you,’ he answered with a confirming nod. ‘I will take care of her.’
When the doctor left the room, Elena hugged her father, tears spilling from her eyes. ‘I had no idea Mamá had anything wrong with her. We must stop her from worrying so much.’
Her father looked from Elena to Vidal and back again. ‘You are the one with that power, my child. Is it good news?’

Chapter Three
VIDAL watched Elena’s face as she struggled to answer her father’s question. There had been times during their last two meetings when he had felt that he was in danger of bursting a blood vessel. Not only was she gorgeous to look at, but feisty too, and he loved that in a woman. Every hormone in his body jerked into life whenever they met and he wanted her with a desperation that was not good for his health.
Reina had been so different. Good-looking, yes, but he’d never felt for her what he was now feeling for Elena. He and Reina had not even slept together, although no one would ever have believed it. They had kept up the illusion of being very much in love.
‘Papá, of course it is good news. I was on the verge of telling Vidal that I would marry him when you telephoned.’ Elena turned, daring him to dispute it, fierce anger flaring in her eyes.
Vidal immediately smiled and pulled her to him, relieved that her father couldn’t see her expression. Golden daggers of light shot across the space between them, blinding him, telling him that although she had agreed to the union in principle she had no intention of sharing his bed.
How naïve she was. Did she really believe that he would settle for anything less? She didn’t know him very well if that was the case. It would be interesting persuading her to think differently. Even the thought of it sent a hot surge of desire through his loins. ‘You have done the right thing,’ he whispered in her ear. ‘I knew all along that you’d see sense.’
Her eyes flashed more arrows of fury, but when she turned back to her father they had gone.
‘Mi querida,’ he said, enfolding her in his arms, ‘you have made me so happy. Your mother, too, will be relieved. It will help her pull through this. She has been out of her mind with worry.’
‘No more,’ she told him quietly.
‘You are a good daughter.’
Elena nodded, though Vidal was well aware of the conflict raging inside her.
‘I am proud of you.’
‘I am proud of her too,’ Vidal said to her father, holding Elena against him. ‘I have to admit that she took some persuading. Which I perfectly understand since she has her own life in America. But loving daughter that she is she put her parents’ troubles first.’ With slow deliberation he lowered his head and touched his lips to hers.
Elena stiffened, though Vidal gave no indication that he was aware of it, giving a satisfactory smile instead as he lifted his head, quelling the urgent feelings that had shot like lightning through his limbs. It was going to be a fight, persuading this lady to change her attitude towards him.
At least the first hurdle was over. There would be many more, he was aware of that. He was also aware that his life, which had become rather routine and unexciting of late, was about to be turned upside down.
And how he was going to enjoy it!
It was not until they left the hospital and were on their way back to the bank to collect her car that Elena allowed herself to give full vent to her feelings. ‘Don’t think that because my mother’s health has forced me into agreeing to marry you that I’m happy about it.’
‘I never thought for one moment that you would be,’ came Vidal’s calm reply. ‘But I admire you for putting your parents first.’
‘I had little choice,’ she retorted.
‘It occurs to me, Elena, that neither of us had any choice. Not if we want to help save your parents’ bank.’
And was that really his concern? Elena wondered. Or was it the fact that he would be the one gaining? Another step towards total domination of the banking industry? ‘Maybe,’ she agreed. ‘Nevertheless there are a few ground rules I wish to make.’
One black eyebrow rose. ‘I hardly think you’re in a position to talk rules, Elena.’
She ignored his comment, fixing her stormy golden eyes onto his silver ones. Her heart struggled to beat its regular rhythm. It felt like a dead weight in her chest, desperately wanting to resume normality, but knowing that it couldn’t while her emotions ran so high.
Vidal’s brows slid up, his expression reminding her that whatever she said it would make no difference. Vidal would do what Vidal wanted to do.
She took a deep breath and spoke. ‘I need your assurance that this marriage will be in name only.’
‘Oh, no, Elena.’ It was instant denial, his steady eyes fixed firmly on hers. ‘How could I possibly marry a woman as beautiful as you and not take you to bed? What you are suggesting would be sheer torture.’
He had her over a barrel and he knew it. Elena sat in stunned silence for several long minutes. ‘I can’t believe you’re saying this. We hardly know each other. How can you—?’
‘Querida.’ His voice gentled and he slid an arm across her shoulders. ‘We have known each other most of our lives. We played together as children.’
‘No,’ she protested, ‘it was Fernan who was my friend, not you. You were too old for me. You looked down your nose at me.’
‘But I noticed you.’
‘And you used to tell me to run away. It’s what I feel like doing now.’ As far as she could possibly get. Back to America would be perfect.
‘But you won’t because of your mother’s health.’
There was a light of triumph in his eyes and Elena felt like taking a swipe at him.
‘Perhaps I should persuade you that it won’t be as hard as you evidently think?’ As he spoke, Vidal’s arm tightened, his eyes not wavering from hers.
Elena felt as though she had been turned to stone. She wanted to back away, but it was impossible; all she could do was watch in fatal fascination. Watch as his face got closer and closer, so close that she could see the pores in his skin. Study the intent in his beautiful grey eyes framed by his decadently thick lashes. Observe that his breathing got just that little bit faster. And his lips—his beautifully moulded lips—opening the merest fraction.
There was not a thing she could do but await her fate, while at the same time she ordered herself not to respond, not to let him see by the simplest of movements that pressure was building up inside her, threatening to spill over the second his mouth claimed hers.
Was it disappointment she felt when he didn’t kiss her straight away? When Vidal cupped her face in his hands, his thumbs stroking her expectant lips instead, his touch so gentle it was like the brush of a butterfly’s wing, and yet at the same time as deadly as snake’s venom?
Elena couldn’t keep her promise to herself. Her resolve flew out of the window, her lips parting freely, the tip of her tongue coming out to moisten her lips and encourage Vidal’s touch, her head rocking back on her shoulders. It was wrong, all wrong, but somehow she couldn’t help it.
Taking his cue from her, Vidal slowly lowered his head until his lips claimed hers. It was a defining moment and Elena now knew without a shadow of doubt that there was no way on this earth that she could live with him and not let him make love to her. For a reason she did not even try to fathom there had been an instant connection, one that she could not deny or refuse.
If she had to marry this man then why not make the most of it? It would be hell on earth if she didn’t. He was the sort of man no woman could resist.
Her fate was sealed.
‘I will, however, be prepared to wait until you are ready.’
Her eyes widened. As far as she was concerned it was an empty promise. Hadn’t he just seen how easily she responded to him? No way would Vidal wait. He was a hot-blooded male who needed a woman.
‘And—I’ll tie you to the marriage for one year only. At the end of it you’ll be free to walk away and carry on with your life as though it has never happened.’
Her eyebrows rose. ‘How very noble of you.’ And how easy he made it sound. One year wasn’t very long. On the other hand she couldn’t bear to think that she would be losing her freedom for twelve whole months. It sounded like for ever. In the normal run of things it would fly by, but married to Vidal, no matter that she found him gut-wrenchingly attractive, it would feel like a life sentence.
She was in an unenviable situation and wasn’t sure that she could cope. It wasn’t simply the fear of their impending marriage. There were other issues. Had anyone given any thought to her business? Who was going to look after that in her absence? Why would everyone think she could give it up just like that?
Except that she had a very capable assistant. Kate could run the business single-handed. She was making excuses here. There was no solid reason why she couldn’t marry Vidal.
Elena flew back to LA the next day, shocking Kate with the news that she was going to get married.
‘Can you look after the business for a while?’ she asked, not daring to tell her assistant yet that it would be for a whole year.
‘Can I?’ Kate’s face was radiant. ‘Take as much time off as you like. You know everything will be in safe hands. Oh, I’m going to love this. You’re sure you trust me?’
‘Was it love at first sight? Oh, my God, it’s so romantic. Did you ever envisage planning your own wedding?’
Elena shook her head. ‘I was never going to get married. Believe me, it’s as much a shock to me as it is to you.’
The shock lasted until she returned to Spain and Vidal turned up at the house saying he had come to take her out to dinner. Her heart went into overdrive. Her mother, out of hospital by this time, was flustered, her father grateful, but Elena couldn’t even look at him. This was the man she was going to marry, this was the man she was going to live and sleep with for the next year. Was it any wonder her heart felt as though it were trying to escape from her ribcage?
Vidal himself showed no sign of hysteria. In fact, his composure was admirable. ‘You’ll excuse me if I take Elena away from you,’ he said to her parents. ‘We have a wedding to plan.’
Elena hated the nonchalant way he said it. A wedding to plan. He made it sound as ordinary as if he had said they were going out to dinner. Except that her mother’s eyes shone. ‘Of course, Vidal. Of course. And thank you. Thank you very much.’
Once in his limousine, sharing the back seat, there was no escape.
‘Look at me, Elena.’
Up until that point she had rigidly refused to meet his eyes. It was enough feeling his presence, feeling a sense of shock that the attraction she’d tried to tell herself she had imagined was still there, still very real. She had thought about him constantly all the time she’d been in LA. The image of the strong lines of his face, those dangerously attractive eyes, would not go away. They had penetrated her dreams as well as her daytime thoughts.
Reluctantly she turned her head and instantly wished that she hadn’t when she met the silver intensity of his gaze. And once their eyes met she couldn’t look away. There was something in their depths that electrified her soul. He did not even have to speak to make her feel like this. Simply looking at him, feeling the magnetic power in those amazing eyes, stealing a glance at his beautifully moulded mouth, wondering what it would be like to feel those lips against hers in a deeply passionate kiss—not the sort he had given her earlier—was enough to warn her that she needed to be careful.
Very careful.
These were dangerous feelings. This marriage wasn’t going to be for real. She mustn’t let herself get carried away and lose all sense of direction. It was for one year. Twelve months. Three hundred and sixty five days. That was all.
If she wasn’t sitting right next to him and her mind was working properly she could have divided it into hours and minutes, seconds even. And afterwards it would end. She and Vidal would go their different ways. The job would be done.
The job! How had she got herself into this? How was she going to go through with it?
‘What are you thinking?’
‘That I must be crazy,’ she answered without thinking.
‘If you’re crazy then I’ve never seen a more beautiful crazy woman.’ During the few days that he’d been away Vidal hadn’t been able to get Elena out of his mind. She had danced before his eyes night and day. The meetings he’d attended had held his attention for a few hours at a time, but once they were over the amazing Elena had been back in his thoughts.
He couldn’t wait to make her his bride and take her to bed. He actually wanted to make love to her this very minute, but he knew that if he took things too quickly she might very well back out of the whole thing.
She smelled gorgeous. He didn’t know what the perfume was called, probably Aphrodisiac. If it wasn’t it should be. He hadn’t felt like this since—since when? The truth was he had never felt like this in his whole life.
Elena had an inner beauty, an untouched air about her, and he desperately wanted to find out what made her tick. It was the biggest wonder in the world that some other guy hadn’t snapped her up. Would she be hot in bed? Experienced? Or a total novice? His groin ached at the very thought. So many questions, so much he needed to discover about her. But where to begin? How to make her feel at ease?
At this moment she looked as though she wanted to be anywhere but here. Her incredible eyes were shaded by long silky lashes, her full and tempting lips pressed tightly together. He was not used to women backing away from him.
‘Are you scared of me, Elena?’ It wasn’t what he’d wanted to say, but the words had slipped out before he could stop them.
With a toss of her head her thick black fringe fell over one eye, making her look coquettish, though he knew that that was the last thing she would want. Coquettishness was not Elena’s style.
‘Is that what you think? Actually, I was wondering why we need to talk. Our families can arrange the wedding. There’s nothing that you and I need to do. Just turn up,’ she added bitterly.
‘Not so, Elena.’ He felt a flash of anger at her apparent indifference. ‘You need to choose your wedding dress, your bridesmaids, and we should shop together for rings. Then there’s the guest list—we should have a say in that. There’s a whole host of stuff to do. I’ll happily leave some of the organising to our parents, but there’s still plenty for us if we’re to make this marriage look genuine.’
‘But it isn’t genuine,’ she retorted with another flash of her spectacular eyes.
‘No one is going to know that,’ he cautioned, his silver eyes growing fierce. ‘No one. Do you understand?’
Elena nodded. Nevertheless her eyes warred with his. ‘I should tell you now that I’m not a good actress.’
‘You won’t need to be,’ he growled, and forgetting the warning he had given himself earlier, he hooked a hand lightly behind her neck and lowered his head to hers.
Elena had known what would happen when he kissed her again. It was why she had kept her distance, why she had not let him see by the merest movement of her eyes that she was turned on by him. And now it was too late.
The instant his mouth touched hers she went up in flames. Without conscious thought her lips parted and the feelings that raced through her were volcanic. It was as though her whole body had erupted. As though it had been waiting for this moment all its life and was going to take full advantage.
When Vidal felt her response he groaned and deepened the kiss, instantly setting off a further chain reaction until her whole body felt reborn, newly sensitised, dangerously explosive.
One tiny part of her couldn’t believe that this was happening and warned her to back away now. On the rare occasions she had thought about marriage she had had the ideal man in her head. She wanted someone with the same ambition as herself, someone prepared to launch out in a new direction and take chances. She had worked hard and surpassed her wildest dreams.
Vidal had worked hard too, very hard, extremely hard in fact, but he had remained in the banking industry, following his father’s footsteps, and that in anyone’s eyes would have made him boring.
And yet boring was most certainly not a word she associated with Vidal. How could a man who looked as good as he did be uninteresting? How could a man who twisted her nerves to screaming point be dull? Or who kissed her with dangerous gentleness? He was the devil incarnate. A man sent to test her, to bend her to his will without her even realising it.
His kiss was not just a kiss. It was a kiss to surpass all kisses. His mouth was not hot and hard, it wasn’t demanding even. But it was all the more treacherous because of its gentleness.
It was she who wanted more, who wanted to feel the fire in him, the urgency, the evidence that he truly desired her. Because how could they go through with this marriage if he didn’t?
As if her wishes had somehow transferred themselves to him, Vidal’s long, strong fingers moulded the back of her head, urging them closer and harder together. His kisses became more demanding, his tongue exploring her mouth, tangling with her tongue, encouraging her to do the same to him.
With her whole body now on fire Elena knew that if they had been anywhere but here she would have begged him to make love to her. She couldn’t have helped herself. He had awoken the animal inside her. Indeed she might not have had to beg because one glance at his face and she saw her own torment echoed there.
It was not until the car slowed to a halt that they pulled away from each other and Elena couldn’t help wondering how they were going to sit at their dinner table and pretend that they didn’t want to be in bed.
She was almost afraid to look Vidal in the eye, but he had no such compunction. ‘I think,’ he said softly, a meaningful smile curving his lips, ‘that I’m going to enjoy being married to you, Elena Valero.’

Chapter Four
VIDAL knew that bedding Elena before their marriage was out of bounds—no matter how much he wanted her, and that was one hell of a lot. His body was tortured with need and ached so much that he felt he would go out of his mind.
After that kiss—the all-important, ground-breaking, manic kiss in the back of his car, when he had felt a whole host of raw emotions, when she had returned it with a fiery hunger of her own—Elena had frozen on him, making it very clear that she did not want a repeat performance.
Whether she had scared herself by her instant reaction he did not know, but he certainly had no intention of keeping her at arm’s length after their wedding. Dios! He wasn’t made of ice. How could a man keep his hands off such a woman who besides torturing him with her sizzling, supple body could kiss so hotly and willingly?
It had been the most surprising, the most amazing kiss. One he had never expected, but which had given so much of herself away. Elena was certainly a hotblooded woman with the potential to carry them both into a world where nothing mattered except erotic sensations and mind-blowing sex. He had the feeling that with Elena he would experience something new every day, something incredible and exciting, and his tortured mind was already spinning away to a planet of its own.
They had spent the evening talking about their wedding and he had spent the night dreaming about her deliciously tempting body next to his, making electrical, uncontrolled, unstoppable love, and he consoled himself with the fact that he would have a whole year of this undeniably stimulating pleasure before he finally got her out of his system.
Which he had no doubt he would. He fancied her like hell, but marriage—long term? It would never work. From what little he had gleaned from her sister she had moved to America to have a good time. She’d felt no commitment to family. Which in his eyes meant that she wouldn’t make a good wife or mother. Which was just as well because he wasn’t ready to settle down yet.
A lover, yes, an instantly excitable lover, but no more. And he had twelve months of spectacular lovemaking to look forward to. Elena in his bed every night, himself inside her. She had the potential to be like no other lover he’d ever had. Everything in him cried out for fulfilment.

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