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Her Military Man
Her Military Man
Her Military Man
Laura Marie Altom
She Needed HimConstance Price, aka Miss Manners, is at her wit's end. Thanks to less-than-stellar ratings on her daily radio show, her boss is demanding a turnaroundfast! And that means asking Garret Underwoodher biggest critic and past loveto join her. Whenever the navy SEAL calls in, her ratings skyrocket! There's no way Connie can ask him to help. Or can she?But Could She Keep Her Secret?Garret's in town only temporarily and is "willing" to give Connie a hand. As much as she needs him, Connie plans to keep him at an emotional distance. Keeping him away from her ten-year-old daughter, on the other hand, won't be easy. But how can she tell the man she once loved he's the father of her child?

Now I know youre following me.
Guilty, Garret said with a grin, but I wanted to know how things went with your boss.
Why? Connie asked, turning to face him. So you could further rub it in that Im teetering on the brink of unemployment?
Youre not getting fired. From what Ive heard, your shows too popular to end. He shifted so he could reach out to touch her hair. To find out if it was as silky as he remembered. Unfortunately, he stumbled and pulled out the elegant knot shed styled, leaving her in what he thought was glorious disarray.
Whatd you do that for? she snapped. Im headed to the auto parts store to apply for a job there.
Not thinking, just doing anything he could to make those sassy lips stop snapping and start smiling, he grabbed her. Sure, the gentlemanly thing wouldve been asking her permission for what came next, but what the hell?
A gentleman wasnt something hed ever claimed to be.
And so he kissed her.
Dear Reader,
What a fun ride this book was, from the standpoint that Ive always had a secret thing for navy SEALs and my hero just happens to be one! Ive been waiting a long time to try my hand at this sort of thing, but was daunted by the fact that Im about as far from being military as a girl can get! That said, I thought if I cant go to a base or aircraft carrier, why not bring my own SEAL, smoldering Garret Underwood, home to Oklahoma?
Even with a busted leg, Garret brings an extraordinary amount of chaos into his old flames life. Uptight Constance puts up a valiant fight to resist him, but puh-leaze, hes a navy SEAL! Nuff said.
A major shout-out goes to photographer Carl Deal, who gives an amazing glimpse into SEAL life on his Web site, www.carldeal.com/seal.html. Not just logistics and fun lingo, but deep into these mens hearts. I was deeply touched by the whole SEAL history and philosophy.
Will Constance finally give in to the temptation of her very own military man? Im not telling! Youll have to read the book to find out.
Happy reading!
Laura Marie
Her Military Man
Laura Marie Altom

www.millsandboon.co.uk (http://www.millsandboon.co.uk)

After college (Go Hogs!), bestselling, award-winning author Laura Marie Altom did a brief stint as an interior designer before becoming a stay-at-home mom to boy/ girl twins. Always an avid romance reader, she knew it was time to try her hand at writing when she found herself replotting the afternoon soaps.
When not immersed in her next story, Laura enjoys an almost glamorous lifestyle of zipping around in a convertible while trying to keep her dog from leaping out, and constantly striving to reach the bottom of the laundry basketa feat she may never accomplish! For real fun, Laura is content to read, do needlepoint and cuddle with her kids and handsome hubby.
Laura loves hearing from readers at either P.O. Box 2074, Tulsa, OK 74101, or e-mail: BaliPalm@aol.com (mailto:BaliPalm@aol.com). Love lounging on the beach while winning fun stuff? Check out www.lauramariealtom.com!

Books by Laura Marie Altom
1086SAVING JOE * (#litres_trial_promo)
1099MARRYING THE MARSHAL * (#litres_trial_promo)
1110HIS BABY BONUS * (#litres_trial_promo)
1123TO CATCH A HUSBAND * (#litres_trial_promo)
This book is dedicated to all SEALs out there protecting our country, and to two special warrior women closer to homeKaren Lairmore and Debbie Parks. Thanks, ladies, for all the Pom rides, and most especially for the fun youve shown not only to Hannah, but to me!

Chapter One (#uf45c6c56-d439-51eb-8d38-dd7eeb9b0f31)
Chapter Two (#u763e4070-751f-5fda-9bee-c2fada025c61)
Chapter Three (#ua867ede7-a761-5014-a503-f5837bf39fc1)
Chapter Four (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Five (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Six (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Seven (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Eight (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Nine (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Ten (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Eleven (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Twelve (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Thirteen (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Fourteen (#litres_trial_promo)
Epilogue (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter One
Pardon my French, lady, but thats a load of
My, my Constance Price, aka Miss Manners, said with a relieved sigh. How could it be Wednesday when it felt so much like Monday? Thank goodness shed hit the censor button in time to avoid the juiciest portions of her callers rant from hitting Mule Shoe, Oklahomas airwaves. She liked to think her talk radio program was progressive, but not in a vulgar, do-any-stunt-for-ratings way. Monday through Friday, noon to 2:30, she prided herself in tastefully providing listeners with lifestyle tips on everything from hosting the perfect dinner party to sharing the perfect relationship. Sounded great in theory, but when it came to the whole guy-girl thing? Her own life hadnt turned out so hot. That said, how had she landed the job as Mule Shoes queen of manners? Well, the show shed originally pitched had had more of a Martha Stewart domestic-type theme. Much to her daily consternation, to expand the advertising base, Constances boss had tagged on the shows relationship portion. Of course, that sometimes opened the door to a lot of opinionated listeners.
Thank you, sir, for your enlightened view.
Enlightened, my
Thanks again, Constance said before disconnecting the caller, then taking a hasty sip of a Diet Coke she wished had a bit more kickwith an un-ladylike poke of rum! All right, as a refresher to my listeners, todays theme is breakupshow to handle them in a mutually respectable and mannerly fashion. Renee-Marie, she asked her shows redheaded Cajun producer and the stations part-time receptionist, do we have another caller?
Line two, Renee-Marie said with a wink.
A wink?
Shaking her head, Constance hit the feed. Miss Manners here. How may I assist you in living a more civilized existence?
Okay, the same obnoxious caller said, I get the hint about toning down my language. But while youve been sitting in your no doubt pink satin broadcast booth, Ive been off serving our country in godforsaken places you couldnt imagine in your worst nightmares.
Sorry Constance glared at Renee-Marie whod held up a note that read, Felix made me do it! Felix was the station owner, her boss and a royal pain in Constances derriere. Truly, I am, but
Look, all Im trying to say is theres no such thing as a mannerly breakup. I usually wouldnt have time for rehashing ancient history on a show about manners, but Ive been laid up with a busted leg, giving me far too many hours for reflection. Case in point, I once knew this girllets call her Luckywell
Chills ran up Constances forearms.
A million years ago back in high school, Garret used to call her Luckyon account of her being his lucky charm. Long story short, if ever thered been a textbook example of an unmannerly breakup, theirs was it!
Lucky was a looker. In fact, she reminded me a lot of you. Oh, she put on a great self-effacing act. You know, acting all demure and polite about what a closet sex kitten she truly was, but let me tell you, that girl could purr.
Constance cleared her throat, loosening the collar of her high-necked, long-skirted, prairie-style dress in the process. Might I remind you this is a family show. Please refrain from the more base details of your story.
Yes, maam Was that a mocking grin behind his words? Garret used to do the same thingtease her about being too formal. Like shed been born a century too late. So, like I was saying, Lucky he coughed better known as youpretended to be one thing, but inside His sad laugh rang over otherwise dead air. Dead. Out of necessity, the way things had been left between them. Anyway, without airing dirty laundry, all Im trying to say is how about not just laying all the guilt for poorly done exits on guys? As in the case of a certain lucky charm I used to know, there are some she devils out there deserving credit.
Constance? Renee-Marie silently screamed behind the studios soundproof window.
No way was the caller Garret.
The man hadnt stepped foot in Mule Shoe since the day hed left for the Navy ten years earlier. Since that day, all color and hope and joy had been sucked from Constances life. At least until her daughtertheir daughterLindsay, had been born.
On the flip side, who else could it be? The guys wrath felt targeted on her.
Really? Or was that guilt and regret over never having told Garret the truth about their little girl exploding in her head? In her heart, shed called him a hundred times, written a hundred more letters, but somehow shed never found the right words. How many times had she told herself fear kept her secret safely locked inside? Fear of her sad childhood playing out again? Only this time, with her daughter?
For the sake of her showher sole means of financial supportshe had to pull it together. Constance cleared her throat off air, then managed somehow to inquire in a blessedly detached voice, as if she hadnt just joined Garrets cat-and-mouse game, Ever considered there may have been a reason behind Luckys actions? That maybe shed actually been trying to help you?
He laughed sharply. By making out with another guy? Worse yet, my supposed best friend?
Yes, but did you look hard enough to see if the kiss was genuineor maybe all for show? Covering her face with her hands, Constance told herself to shut up. The man wasnt Garret any more than her heart was on the verge of pounding straight up and out of her chest over the notion that maybe he was Garret, come home to haunt her. If hed had any idea why shed kissed Nathan that horrible night, maybe he wouldnt now be so cruel. Maybe the whole time, this Lucky person to whom you keep referring, was kissing that other guy, she was thinking about you. Wondering if
Give me a break. See? This is what Im talking about. This show is bogus. Entirely one-sided with the favor always going to the ladies. Youre always talking about how guys are basically snaggle-toothed brutes and women nothing but sweetness and light.
Thats not true. Just the other day we did a show on women who curse and how that affects the men who love them.
He laughed again, filling her mind and heart and soul with a huskier, world-weary vision of her first love. No way. It couldnt be him. No, no, no. Im gone. Peace out.
Well she eventually said after a four- or five-second dead air lag to regain her composure.
Seriously, the guy couldnt have been Garret.
Last shed heard through a friend of a friend, the Navy SEAL was rarely even in the country, let alone backwoods Oklahoma. He didnt even come home for Christmasinstead always sending his mother a plane ticket to meet him somewhere exotic.
How did she know? Strictly beauty shop gossip. Well, except for that time shed run into his cousin Hillary at the county fair. And then, Constance had only asked about him to be polite.
Yeah, right.
Renee-Marie, do you have our next caller?
Miss Manners, my names Pat, and I just want to tell you how much I adore your program. You dont pay that obviously ill-bred oaf the slightest bit of attention. Oh, and for the record, though Im sixty-eight years young, and its been fifty years since my last breakup, I still believe kindness is a virtuemost especially with those we no longer want in our daily lives.
And so the afternoon lagged on
Miss Manners, Im Jim, and I gotta say I agree wholeheartedly with Military Man. All this manners stuff is hoity-toity horse crap. Oh, and just curious, how long were you two an item?
Miss Manners, Im Vicki, and I agree with you in that manners are a beautiful, necessary part of life. That military man you used to date is obviously never going to land another girlfriend, much less a wife, if he persists in being such a barbarian.
Thanks to all my callers, Constance finally said. That wraps the show for today, so until tomorrow, Im Miss Manners, wishing you mannerly days and deliciously refined nights.
Sharply exhaling, Constance disconnected her mic.
Great show! Felix burst into the drab, brown-paneled broadcast booth with all the grace and forewarning of a Sooner State twister. Wowza, whered you find that guy? Waitdont answer. I dont wanna know if you two never really dated and the whole thing was rigged. But whatever you do, keep him coming. The phones going nuts. All twenty of your faithful listeners mustve called everyone they know to tell them about the show. Weve had so many calls in the last five minutes, my cousin Wanda said the first time she tried getting through, there was actually a recording saying circuits are busy.
Thats all well and good, Constance said, fishing under the brown laminate counter supporting her announcer turret and mic for her worn leather purse. But Im pretty sure I know this guy, and trust me, hes rough around the edges. Its best we never hear from him again.
Crap on a stick, Felix said, youre going straightaway to sign the guy, right? Because with that much passion between you, the shows a surefire hit.
But, Felix, I
He sobered. Look, you know how I hate being the heavy, but remember that talk we had the other day?
A-about my ratings? Her gaze plummeted to her scuffed brown boots.
Yeah. How theyre the lowest in this stations historyand thats saying something, considering some of the junk weve had on the air.
But, Felix, I told you just as soon as folks realize how important caring about others feelings and incorporating manners into their everyday lives is, that
Manners schmanners, he said with a glint of his right gold canine. All I care about are advertising dollars. Get this guy back on by the time Im back from my trip, or your shows in the can.
Felix blustered off while Renee-Marie wandered in. Theyd only been friends for a little under a yearthe time Constance had been doing the show. Before that, Constance had worked more than a dozen small jobs that never seemed enough to pay the black hole of bills that came along with being a single mom.
Shed always dreamed of going to college, maybe earning a degree in history or literature to match her love of all things eighteenth and nineteenth century, back when everything seemed morecivilized. Shed fantasized about using that degree to work in a big city museum. Or the ultimate dreampenning a historic novel.
But then her and Garrets relationship had moved to the next level, and suddenly being with him in every way a man and woman couldeven though technically theyd still been teenagershad meant more than future career aspirations. Her love for Garret had been like a living, breathing entity all its own. Hed made her feel cherished and safe and beautiful and interesting and above all, loved.
Shed have done anything for himanything. Meaning, when shed discovered she was pregnant a week before graduation, shed loved him enough to let him go. To want him to follow his own dream of getting out of Mule Shoe, out from under his deceased fathers lengthy shadow.
Felix doesnt really mean it, Renee-Marie said, wrapping Constance in a warm hug. About firing you if you dont track down that caller. You know how he is. Meaner than a crawdad with somebody dunking his tail in boilin butter. Thisll all blow over.
Constance wished she could be so sure.
One thing was for certain, if the caller was Garret, hed be easy enough to find. His mother lived only ten miles from Constance. All shed need do was head that way, then politely inquire whether or not her son was in town.
On the one hand, if the caller was him, and if by some miracle Constance got him to agree to make a few guest appearances, then what? Yes, her much-needed job would be safe, but what about her most closely held secret?
You going to be all right? Renee-Marie asked.
Maybe, Constance said. Assuming Felix knocked off his foolish insistence on her old beau joining her show.
GARRET UNDERWOOD switched off the kitchen radio, wincing when the sudden movement stung deep within his bum left leg. Two months earlier, hed busted it jumping from a helicopter onto a ships deck in choppy seas. Diagnosis? Comminuted fracture of his proximal femur. Docs fixed him with a steel rod, meaning no cast but plenty of pain. Recovery time? A good three or more months, whichtaking into account time already servedleft a minimum of three weeks to go.
He was now up to his neck in physical therapy. Plenty of weight-bearing exercises that left him aching, but if thats what it took to get back on the job, so be it. His doc had yet to make a final decision as to whether or not hed even still be fit to return to duty. He said he was waiting to see final X-rays to give his ultimate okay. Garret didnt need pictures to tell him hed be fine. He had to be. For if he no longer had his work, where did that leave him?
Lord knew he couldnt spend the next fifty or so years stuck back in Mule Shoe.
He looked up to see his mother smiling. She calmly asked, Mind telling me what that was all about?
Shed passed the morning in her garden, picking the first of that seasons green beans, zucchinis, cukes and tomatoes. Shed started her crop early in her greenhouse, placing her well ahead of everyone elses garden game. At sixty, wearing jeans and a Rolling Stones T-shirt, Audrey Underwood looked a damn sight younger than he felt.
Tapping the portable radio shed unhooked from the waistband of her jeans, she said, I heard the whole thing. You do know Miss Manners is her, dont you? Your Constance? The station has a billboard of her out by the cattle auction.
Yeah, Garret said, trying not to glare, but not quite succeeding. I know its her. How many other people in the county had heard him make a complete jackass of himself? But even if you did hear me, what makes you think I was talking about her?
Oh, she said, setting her basket loaded with greens on the white tile counter beside the sink. The homey sight of her bountiful harvest completed the already disgustingly pleasant space. Yellow-flowered wallpaper set the tone for white cabinets and a worn brick floor. The flood of sunshine streaming through every paned window on the south wall didnt do much for his mood, either. Where was a stinkin cloud when a guy needed one? Maybe I dont believe youre over her because even after all this time, you still wont say her name.
Laughing, shaking his head while wobbling to his feet, he said, Give me one good reason I should? That girls a snake.
That girls a woman now.
He snorted. A woman who ran off and married my best friend, then had his kid.
Theyre divorced. Have been for quite some time.
And Id care why? he asked from in front of the picture window overlooking blue sky and rolling green pasture where a half dozen Herefords stood chewing their cud. Twenty or so stubby oaks dotted the landscape that otherwise consisted of nothing much but alfalfa and ragweed reaching as far as the overgrown fencerow serving as the boundary between his moms property and the Griggss. Though his dad had been gone for nearly twelve years, Garret remembered like it was yesterday when the two of them used to walk that fence, checking for breaks, mostly just swapping guy stories.
Though his dad, Ben, had been an attorney by trade and only a part-time farmer, hed loved the land. Hed made sure that financially, Garrets mother could live in the rambling two-story white Victorian plopped on the edge of five hundred acres of pasture and forest for as long as she liked or was able.
Honey, she said, stepping up behind him, resting her hand on his shoulder. Let it go. Let her go.
What makes you think I havent?
She shot him The Look. The one hed always hated, because no matter how many missions hed fought, or how many hellholes hed barely made it out of, it was a look that instantly reduced him to a scraped-knee kid all of about eight. How do pork chops sound for dinner? Mashed potatoes. Maybe sugar peas and a peach cobbler with plenty of ice cream?
Dont do that, he said, swinging about to watch as she hustled back to the sink to wash vegetables.
Do what? she oh so innocently sang over her shoulder.
It was no family secret the woman had been after him to settle down and give her grandkids for the past five years. But if she was for one second by way of reverse psychology suggesting he look up Constance, she could forget it. Hed been trained in all manner of mental warfare and he wasnt about to succumb. Never mind, he grumbled. Need help?
She winked. Only if youre offering to get me a few dozen grandkids.
MONDAY AFTERNOON after the longest, dullest weekend everbut wait, hed already barely survived that the weekend beforeGarret sat in an entirely too girly white wicker rocker on the front porch of his mothers house, trying to remember the last time hed had fun.
For mid-April, the heat was fierce. Hot sun made even the usually blaring cicadas too weary to sing. Having been based on the East Coast for so long, hed forgotten what Oklahoma heat was likeand this wasnt anywhere near the prime of it.
He swigged bottled water, wishing it was beer, but his mom had strict rules about not drinking before five, and seeing how he was already in piss-poor shape, it probably wasnt that hot of an idea to screw up his liver in addition to his leg.
Lord, how he wanted out of Mule Shoe and back to his own place in Virginia. Not that he was in the studio condo all that much, but it was the point of the matter. He needed his own space.
Far from memories being back here evoked.
Hard to believe that after all this time, after all hed been through, all that old angst over Constance was still there. Simmering just beneath the surface.
Sitting here in the sweltering sun, if he closed his eyes and held his breath, hed be back to their first time.
A sun-drenched May afternoon when hed picked her up in Big Redhis old Chevy truckfor a day at the swimming hole on the backside of the Underwood land. The pond had a rock bottom and was spring-fed, meaning the water was clear and cool. Stubby oaks and maples and a few odd cedars provided dappled shade, save for the one grassy bank his dad had cleared for his mom years earlier where hed planned on building her a gazebo. Hed died before making it happen, but at that moment, seeing how perfect the spot was for Constance to settle her oil-slicked bikini-clad bod on top of her towel, Garret was damn glad there wasnt a gazebo mucking up the view.
Lord, Connie had been beautiful. Legs so long that every time hed seen her in her cheerleading uniform, hed been glad for the protection of his own football uniforms cup.
The afternoon started out casual enough as they shared chips and Twinkies and talked in the blazing sun. Not before and not since had he ever felt more comfortable opening himself up to a woman. Shed had this way of looking at himstaring right into his soul. Made him spill secrets that in retrospect had been better off left inside. But hed been a kid. Stupid in love. Stupid in the way shed made him feel like the star of her life. As if being with her, he could do and be all things. With every part of his being, hed secretly fantasized that one day, Connie would be his wife.
Later, theyd swum and laughed and took turns dunking each other. But then, he wasnt even sure how, maybe because of the way water drops sparkled in her dark hair, hed kissed her.
Theyd been going out since just before Halloween, so it wasnt as if he hadnt kissed her before. Hell, most Saturday nights theyd round second base, sometimes even third, but something about this day was different. Never had they been so absolutely alone with nothing bearing witness but the blue, blue sky and a few chattering squirrels.
Maybe hed kissed her with such urgency because it would be a long time before he saw her again.
In his heart, where it mattered, shed always be his. For the time being, though, hed known parting ways was for the best.
Hed already signed his enlistment papers, seeing how for as long as he could remember, hed wanted to join the SEALss legendary ranks. Shed be heading off for Normanto the University of Oklahoma, where shed be taking godforsaken history courses thatd put him in a coma. Truthfully, other than burning lust for each other, they didnt have a thing in common. She was book smart. He was a jock, obsessed with getting in tough enough physical and mental shape to make it through BUD/S training.
With all that in mind, mixed with a good dose of apprehension and excitement for his future, too young and stupid to have put on the brakes for nobilitys sake, Garret had kissed her more. Then, with a big romantic whoosh, hefted her out of the water and into his arms, carrying her back to their towels and the sun.
Hot as it was, it didnt take two seconds for them to dry and for the realization to kick in that, come mid-June when he shipped out for boot camp, itd be a good, long while before he saw Connie again. At the thought, emotion swelled his chest, making it so tight, he hurt.
For the longest time, they just stared at each other, and then they were kissing again and he was fumbling to untie her bikini top needing her so bad he could hardly think. Every time she moaned against him, she made him want her more, so when she arched up to meet him, they were both struggling to yank off their still-damp swim bottoms.
Sweet lord, shed been hot and slick and welcoming. The first few seconds had been awkward, but then shed pulled him back for another kiss, and the rest was history.
A sweaty, crazy erotic joining that by all rational accounts of first times shouldnt have been that great, but to his way of thinking, was just about as close to heaven as hed ever get on this earth.
After their first time, for those precious last few weeks before graduation, theyd discovered practice really did make perfect.
Now, see? he thought, rolling the sweating water bottle along his forehead. Memories like that were no good. Hed loved her, had hoped to marry her when hed returned from training. To have caught her kissing his best friend stungbad. He had no need for her, either in or out of bed.
As for Nathan, he hadnt spoken two words to the guy in the past ten years.
Garret eyed a rising dust cloud caused by a small sedan flying down the dirt road running in front of his mothers house. A faint breeze carried the dust storm right up onto the front porch, leaving him coughing and feeling none too kindly toward whoever the too-fast, inconsiderate schmuck was whod just now turned into his moms driveway.
Taking another swig of water, he watched through narrowed eyes as the dust settled, but sun glinting off the windshield made it impossible to see the driver. Whoever it was turned off the engine, took a second, then opened the door with a screech loud enough to startle a fence-sitting crow into cawing flight.
The driver rose, giving him a view of sleek, dark hair attached to a creamy-complexioned face partially obstructed by oversize black sunglasses. Dressed in a severely cut black pantsuit, she took her time tiptoeingno, prancingacross the gravel drive. Didnt want to scratch those three-inch heels?
The closer the woman came, the more his stomach fisted.
No. No freakin way.
Hidden as hed been by sweet-smelling lilac bushes, Garret guessed he mustve been as big a shock to Constance as she was to him. Only no, that couldnt be, seeing how she was invading his turf.
Garret, she said, holding out her slim, lily-white hand for him to shake.
Trying hard to be adult about the situation, Garret nodded from where he sat, then crossed his arms. With the image of her sun-bronzed naked body still burning behind his eyes, the only thing he could think to say was a slow-drawled, See youve been keepin out of the sun.

Chapter Two
Isis that why youre in town? Constance asked, ignoring the mans ridiculous question while withdrawing her hand. She gestured toward his left leg, which, judging by the odd angle at which he held it, he seemed to favor.
Never had she been so glad for the protective cover of sunglasses so he wouldnt see her gaping at the man hed become. Garret had always been a big boy, but now
Her mouth went dry, trying so very hard to forget their last few daysand nightstogether.
NowGarret Underwood was all man.
Even slouching as he was in one of his moms feminine wicker chairs, there was no hiding the sinewy strength lurking beneath the too-tight sleeves of his camo-green T-shirt. His chest and shoulders were broad, his chiseled facial features and molasses eyes stone cold. Even his dark, spiky, short hair looked foreboding, as though any warmth he mightve once had toward her was long gone and never coming back.
His only answer to her question about his leg was Yep.
How long have you been back? she asked, forging ahead not because she wanted to, but because her boss had given her no choice. As a single mom, she had responsibilities that went far beyond what she wanted to do. In making sure Lindsay was always comfortable and happy, Constance had mastered the sometimes tough art of doing what she had to. Period. Yes, talking to Garret was awkward, but it had to be done. Which was why she was now sucking it up and trying to make the best of what he had apparently decided to make an untenable situation.
Too long.
Maintaining a polite front, she said, It was, um, lovely talking with you the other afternoon. Assuming that was you who called my show?
You know damned well it was me, and how bout we skip the small talk and get straight to business. He straightened with catlike ease that belied his apparent injury. Why are you here?
Nice to see you, too, she said, glancing away from him to the far-off garden where his mother staked tomatoes. A bee hummed nearby, close enough for Constance to hear, but not give her an excuse to run.
He just stared.
All right, she said with a sigh. If thats how you want it. Truth is, this is the last place I want to be, but that big mouth of yours has me over a barrel.
Wishing hed had the foresight to grab his sunglasses before heading out to the porch, Garret winced. As much as he despised the cheating wench, he still wanted her with a biting clarity he hadnt felt since
Well, since the last time hed seen her ten years ago.
And he said, coaxing her to continue with his hands, wanting more than ever to be a million miles from this town, but most especially, this woman.
And she notched her proud chin higher as much as it pains me to say it, I need you. Head bowed, she slipped off her jumbo glasses, allowing him a sight he doubted she wanted him to see. Her big blue eyes were red-rimmed and swollen, as if shed spent the night crying. Why?
The only way I can keep my job is if you agree to guest star on my show. Apparently she cleared her throat the fine folks of Mule Shoe prefer you over me.
Judging by her defeated posture, she believed what shed just said.
What? He hadnt for a second thought her tears had been about him, had he?
Seems to me, he said, telling himself he didnt care if her show was tanking, what folks like isnt so much me, but conflict. Something they dont get a lot of when it comes to your shows usual fare.
So youre an expert? she said, bristling.
Moms your biggest fan. In the time Ive sat around here healing, Ive heard enough of your show to realize youre a more effective sleep aid than a case of NyQuil.
Scowling, shaking her head, she said, Apparently, the years weve been apart havent been kind. Theyve turned you into a jerk.
Bracing his hands on the rockers arms, Garret sprang to his feet, too late remembering he just happened to be short one leg, leaving him wobbling. Reaching for support in the form of soft curves.
Mustve been instinct that had her reaching out to help, because judging by her forked tongue, she didnt hold him in high regard. Tsk-tsking, he shook his head. You must not be too ferocious, otherwise, youd have let me fall.
After swiftly releasing him, then delivering one last glare, she turned, marching across the porch and down the stairs.
When shed reached the brick sidewalk, he called, After what you didsleeping with my best friend, having his kiditll be a cold day in hell before I help you, Connie.
Her sexy derriere still to him, she froze.
You and Nathan
That made her spin back around, blue eyes flashing fire. That part of my lifes ancient history.
Scratching his jaw, he chuckled.
Notice, Im not laughing, she said.
As if he cared.
Garret, come on. Lose the chip on your shoulder. What happened with Nathan might as well be a million years ago. I need this job and, according to my boss, getting you in the studio is the only way I get to keep it.
Arms crossed while he leaned against a porch post, he said, No.
Youve changed, she said, scavenging through a bedraggled black leather purse, then drawing out keys. I used to carry a soft spot for you, asking for your safekeeping every night in my prayers, but no more. After turning down my request without even considering it, for all I care, the devil can have you.
While she stormed across the driveway, this time apparently not caring if gravel gnawed her shoes, Garret laughed. Ironic how hed just been lamenting that he never had any fun, when the best entertainment hed had in years had just magically appeared.
Tottering inside for that beer, taking a moment in the living room to let his eyes adjust from bright sun to gloom, Garret had to wonder himself whatd led him to flat-out turn her down.
Truth? Lovely though Constance still was, he couldnt stand the sight of her. In his whole life, no one had ever done him so wrong. Hed loved her. Believed with everything in him shed loved him, too. He shouldnt have even been listening to her stupid show, but with his mom blaring it every afternoon, Constances raspy bedroom voice was hard to ignore.
Dammit, he thought, hobbling into the kitchen, yanking open the fridge. Cool air washed over him, cleansing the heat just looking at her had brought on. From the moment Constance had stepped those long, long legs up onto his mamas porch, hed been back to exorcising demons. Rehashing what mightve been.
Popping the top on a longneck Coors, relishing that first endless swig, Garret sadly came to grips with the fact that no matter how hard hed tried, no woman had ever done it for him like her.
There. Hed admitted it.
And fire hadnt fallen from the sky.
The world wasnt about to end.
Only the very notion was nuts. In his line of work, gorgeous women came on to him every time he came up for air. But while a surprising number of his friends had snagged those women, then married them and the whole nine yards, Garret wanted no part of it. If he didnt know better, hed say whatever happened between him and Constance had been like slow-acting relationship poison. Oh, make no mistake, he loved women in all shapes and sizes, but as far as surrendering his heart and soul to one?
After another swig of beer, he chuckled. Hed already tried that and it hadnt worked out.
From her place in the feed stores lengthy Saturday-afternoon line, Constance jumped, turning to see what oddly familiar-sounding man had crooned the words in her right ear. You, she said, eyeing Garret.
Not happy to meet again? he asked. Even favoring one leg, hed managed to sling a fifty-pound feed bag over his shoulder. He wore khaki cargo pants and another camo-green T-shirt that clung to his chest the way she used to.
She flashed him a half smile, wishing that two years earlier when Lindsay had asked for a live bunny for Easter, shed said no. If she had, she wouldnt now be stuck in line waiting to pay for bunny chow.
Missed me that much, have you? His words were spoken low enough that only she could hear over the bustling crowd of at least fifteen talkative old geezers and two crying babies. A blaring Conway Twitty song and a baying hound out in the bed of Tom Neilsons truck added to the chaos.
Shoulders straight, she said, I have nothing to say to you.
Funny, seeing how theres plenty Id like to say to you. He followed her when it came time to move up in line. Town gossip says your boss is out of town and you need me to agree to your request before he gets back. A million years ago, Idve done damn near anything for you. Now He looked her up and down, his gaze so hot it left her chilled. Im not as charitable.
She made the mistake of glancing over her shoulder to gape, only to catch him wink. From there on out, she kept her mouth shut and carefully stared straight ahead.
Whod told Garret Felix had left?
Oh, who was she kidding? In a town the size of Mule Shoe, Felix and his wife attending a Vegas broadcasting convention was big news.
They moved up in line again, only instead of Garret vanishing from her world and prospering elsewhere, as per Connies wishes, he doggedly kept behind her. Did he have to smell so good? Like earth and wind and sweat and seawhich was stupid, really, seeing how smack-dab in the center of Oklahoma, there wasnt a whole lot of sea in sight!
Hey, Miss Manners, Harvey, the store owner and checkout clerk, called when mercifully, it was Constances turn at the register. Hows Lindsays bunny brigade doing? She ever unload all those babies?
She, um, sure didall but one she couldnt bear to part with.
Yep, he said with a friendly chuckle. Reminds me of my own girls. Just be grateful your little one doesnt have an affinity for horses. Now theres some real money.
Dont I know it, Constance said, pulling out her wallet, thankful not only that her daughter preferred small livestock, but that she was almost free of Garret.
Harvey finished ringing up Lindsays Vitakraft Rabbit Menu and Funny Bunny Fruit Bites, then said, Thatll be $14.68.
She opened her wallet, only to find herself short the $4.68. Um Something would have to go back. Shed thought she still had fifteen left from buying groceries that morning, but shed forgotten shed had to buy toothpaste and floss, which had forced her to make a last-minute stop at the drugstore. Eyeing the bunny treats, she picked up the brightly colored bag. Without these, how much?
Here, Garret said, slapping a five on the counter.
Thank you, but no, Constance said, as if his money were contaminated, plucking it up with her thumb and forefinger, then turning to hold it out to him.
Oh, come on, he said. My moneys just as good as anyone elses. And anyway, Im not buying that rabbit candy for you, but your kid.
She doesnt need your charity.
Look, Garret said under his breath, leaning forward to talk in her ear. Just because you and I have issues, dont punish her. I like kids. Take the money.
Harvey stood staring, then put his fingers to his lips and nodded. I know you. Youre Ben Underwoods boy. Arent you a Navy SEAL?
Ill be damned. Shoot, your moneys no good here, son. Constance, you just run on along, and take those treats with you. I know times are tough, so you tell that little angel of yours to stop by after school Monday and she can sweep the back room to pay for this.
Th-thank you, she said, hustling to remove not just her purchases but herself. Ill be sure Lindsays here.
Sounds real good, Harvey said with a wave before turning back to Garret. Son, its good to have you home. And just as soon as this line clears out, how about us swapping stories? If you remember, I put time in myself back in 44 and 45. I was there when we crossed the Rhine. And did you know
Outside, safe in bright sun, Constance dared to breathe.
Itd been bad enough running into Garret like that, but then running out of money, and Garret offering to buy a gift for their daughter.
Their daughter
Hands shaking so badly she could hardly open the door of her tan 92 Civic, let alone ease the keys into the ignition once shed set her purchases on the passenger side, Constance forced air into her lungs. All those years ago shed made her bed the second shed allowed Garret into it.
Leaning forward, she dropped her head against the steering wheel, praying Harvey kept Garret occupied with war stories for at least fifteen to twenty minutes.
How had her life come to this?
Constantly wondering if someday Garret would tire of playing G.I. Joe, then swoop in to take the only thing in her life worth havingher precious little girlwas Constances worst nightmare. The mere thought of Lindsay going through the same hell she had as a child in being torn between two parents was inconceivable. Not to mention a huge part of the reason that, to this day, Constance had so closely guarded her secret.
The air in the car was stiflingly hot, even with the windows down; the air-conditioning had gone out last summer. Over the winter, shed hoped to find funds to fix it, but then the houses hot water heater had died, so who knew when shed have cash for luxuries like cool air?
Nathan, her ex-husband but continued confidant and close friend, had on numerous occasions offered to loan her money or just outright pay for whatever she or Lindsay had needed, but with each new offer, shed politely but firmly turned him down. Hed been a doll all those years ago to help her out of what at the time had seemed an insurmountable problem. Never did she want to burden him again.
A decade ago, the three of themGarret, Nathan and shehad been great friends. Then she and Garret moved beyond friendship. Suddenly, pregnant, scared and refusing to bog down Garrets life by telling him of the baby, shed confided in Nathan, hoping hed have suggestions for what she should do. Never had she expected him to propose marriage!
Though her initial reaction had been a swift hug and an equally speedy refusal, hed explained that as a lifelong friend, he loved Garret, too. He wanted him to follow his dreams. Garret was too young to be burdened with a kid. When Constance had pointed out so was Nathan, hed brought up the practical matter of his healthy trust fund. A baby and wife would be no financial burden. As for the demands on his time, hed begged her to let him do this. Not just as a favor to her, but to Garret. Years later Nathan had admitted he loved herhad always loved her. Hed hoped shed feel the same, but how could she when Garret had already claimed her heart?
Of course, in retrospect, Constance saw the mistake shed made in keeping Lindsay from Garret all these years. But seeing a problem and knowing how to fix it were two different things.
Not long into her and Nathans marriage, when Constance still slept in her own bed, dreaming of one day reuniting with Garret, Nathan had been kind enough to see her through her pregnancy. Shortly thereafter, when shed caught glimpses of sadness and regret in Nathans eyes, shed released him from what hed believed a lifelong obligation. As much as she adored Nathan as a friend, she wanted him to experience the same joy she and Garret had fleetingly found.
A thump on the cars roof made her jump.
She looked sharply up only to have the knot in her stomach tighten. Garret stood alongside her and, judging by the rich scent of grain, that thump had been him resting the feed bag on top of her car.
Would you mind? she barked. That rough papers no doubt scratching my paint.
He laughed. Hate to be the bearer of bad news, sweetie, but judging by this scratched-all-to-hell side panel and that crunched front right fender, your rides got a lot bigger issues than a wee scratch to the roof.
Thats not the point, she said. You cant just go around tossing feed bags on top of womens cars.
Would it be all right to toss other things up there?
The question was so ludicrous, the look on his sinfully handsome mug so sincere, she couldnt stop the grin tugging the corners of her mouth. Go away.
I will, but first, answer me one thing.
Mom said you and Nathan didnt work out. He not paying child support?
What is it with you and outrageous questions? I thought the army taught respect?
Yeah, but Im in the Navy. He winked. So? Want me to teach Nathan a lesson on how real men are responsible for those they marry and bring into this world?
No, she said, ramming on the ignition. I thoughtand I quoteitd be a cold day in hell before you did me any favors? Besides which, having you talk to Nathan is the last thing I need.
True, I said that. But my chat with your ex would be for your little girl. Seems to me after what just happened in there, she needs help from someone in getting the child support thats rightfully hers. Might as well be me.
Stay out of it, she said. And whatever you do, stay away from Nathan.
AFTER AN AWKWARD, silent dinner with his mother, then a polite hour of TV watching, Garret now found himself back on the front porch sitting in a too-small rocker. Crickets chirped. The smell of damp earth from the freshly watered garden mingled with the sweet scent of potted petunias lining the porch.
Outside, all was calm, so why, inside, did Constances request for help still haunt him?
Why did he care what happened with her job or Nathan?
It was a simple issue of right and wrong. Lots of times during grueling runs and missions, hed had too much time to think, playing out scenarios, what-if dioramas of his life.
When his mom had told him Constance had had a quickie wedding to Nathanprobably because she was pregnantGarret had wondered what if shed gotten pregnant with his child? Lindsay couldve been his. Lord knew theyd been careless enough. What twist of fate had made Lindsay Nathans instead of his little girl?
How would Garrets life have been different?
His dream of entering the Navy was a noble kid fantasy. But if hed discovered Constance had been carrying his child, hed have no doubt followed in his fathers footsteps and been a lawyer. Sure, school wouldve been tough with a wife and kid, but hed have managed. He still wouldve lived out his life fighting for the good guys.
So why had Nathan and Constance broken up?
Nathan had initially hidden his feelings for Connie well, but Garret had on more than one occasion suspected his supposed best friend of having a thing for her. Could anyone blame him? Shed been the school beauty. Their graduating class had numbered just under seventy, and though thered been plenty of pretty girls, Constance had held most every title: Homecoming Queen, Miss Mule Shoe High, Head Cheerleader, Most Likely to Succeed. Nathans folks owned the biggest ranch for miles around, and Nathan had every toy imaginable. Every toy that is, except for the hottest girl.
What had ultimately driven Nathan to betray their friendship by making a play for Constance, Garret would never know. Just as hed never know what shed seen in Nathan to have run off with him. Another thing about Connie bugged Garretwhy hadnt she gone to college? Sure, shed had the baby, but lots of women had children and still went to school. It wasnt as if money wouldve been an issue, seeing how Nathans folks were well-off.
Swiping his fingers through his hair, Garret stared into the night, wishing his stupid leg would heal. Wishing even more that itd never broke. That way, he couldve come home to see his mom for Christmasor even better, as hed mostly done since leaving, sent her a plane ticket to somewhere with a beach where they could both meet up, away from gut-wrenching memories of what mightve been.

Chapter Three
Mom? Lindsay asked, clutching Toby, her favorite rabbit, to her chest. Whats up?
Nothing too exciting, Constance said, looking up from the dismal family budget with a forced smile. In dusks gloom, she sat at the rolltop desk in the living rooms southwest corner, fingering the simple gold chain she always wore. Her stepfather used to sit there paying bills, as had her grandfather. Everything had worked out fine then, and it would now, too. By sheer will, if need be.
Then how come you look so bummed?
Just my allergies, Constance said, pushing back the rickety, straight-backed wood chair with its cracked black leather seat. You know how I get this time of year.
Yeah, Lindsay said, perching on the edge of the lumpy blue floral sofa. While scratching behind the rabbits floppy ears, she touched her chin to the top of his soft head. I know.
You get your current events report finished?
Uh-huh. I found this cool story on a girl shark who swam from Australia to South Africa.
Sounds cool. Constance closed the spiral notebook she used to keep track of financesor rather, their lack thereof.
Yeah, it is. You gonna come hear me give my speech? Miss Calloway said cause its spring open house, theres gonna be cookies and stuff. And the big kids are having special speakers visit to talk about jobs. Kellys dad owns the video store. She said hes handing out free movie coupons.
Thats nice of him.
Ohand before I forget, Mrs. Conklin sent you some paper on a play were doing for the end of school program. I have to learn my lines and you have to help.
Whats the play?
Red Riding in the Hoodits supposed to teach us not to use drugs and stuff.
Sounds good.
To get the budget further out of her mind, Constance shoved the notebook into a desk drawer, only she mustve slammed it too hard as the wobbly knob theyd tried supergluing fell off in her hand.
Lindsay burst out laughing.
Think thats funny, do you? Constance leaped up from the desk chair to push her daughter back on the sofa and tickle her good.
Stop! Lindsay shrieked, giggling and snorting and tickling Constance right back. Youre gonna make me pee!
Then I guess its a good thing you
A knock sounded on the screen door, then an all-too-familiar male voice asked, This a private party, or can anyone join in?
Constance froze. Closed her eyes and struggled for breath.
Mom? Lindsay asked. Everything okay? Who is that?
No one special, Constance said, back on her feet and tidying her hair.
Just your father.
Whatre you doing here? Constance asked, opening the screen door only wide enough to poke her head through, hopefully making it clear that Garret wasnt welcome.
Truth? he said with a shake of his head. Im not sure. Guess I felt like we need to finish our talk.
What talk? Constance asked, glancing over her shoulder to check where Lindsay might be lurking. To her horror, her daughter stood about three feet behind her.
Hi, Lindsay said to their unwanted guest. Do I know you?
No! Constance said after a gasp, pushing open the door, storming out, then slamming it behind her. Only, since it was a fairly puny antique wood door, she didnt get much bang for her buck.
You must be Lindsay, he said, leaning heavily on the nearest rickety wicker chair, glancing around Connie to wave at her daughter through the screen. I heard about your rabbits.
I like em lots, Lindsay said, pushing at the door so hard in her attempt to get out that the screens trim dug into Constances back.
Lips pressed, Constance crossed her arms and stared off at the neighbors pasture. When she was a kid, all the land for as far as she could see had belonged to her parents. But over the years, tough times had forced her to sell off more and more until now all that remained was the three-acre parcel the house and barn sat on.
Shed been an only child. Her parents now lived in a Galveston, Texas, retirement home where she and Lindsay visited as often as they could. But with gas prices so steep, and her car hardly reliable, itd been six months since theyd last made the trip.
Taking a deep breath, she told her heart to resume its normally peaceful rate. Until she worked up the courage to tell Garret the truth about Lindsays parentage, her secret would be secure.
But just to be on the safe side, while he and Lindsay rambled on about rabbits, Connie blurted, Were busy. Now, just isnt a good time totalk.
Meeting her challenging stare head-on, he said, I need a few simple questions answered. Promise, it wont take but a few minutes of your precious time.
Wanna see my rabbit house? Lindsay asked.
No, Constance said for him. Mr. Underwoods busy, too.
Ouch. Apparently unfazed by her cool demeanor, he shot her a slow, sexy grin, then surveyed the front porch so different from his mothers. While theyd both grown up in the quintessential white farmhouse, his mothers had fared better. Constances home was more brown-speckled than white, seeing how more bare wood showed than paint. Flower boxes under the windows used to hold cheery geraniums, but now all they held was cracked dirt.
Weeds choked the once-thriving flower gardens on either side of the winding fieldstone walk. On her own, always working or helping Lindsay with her studies, Constance barely had time to keep the veggie garden going; no way did she have the luxury of planting and constantly watering flowers.
Looks like this place could use some TLC, Garret said. The place looked as if it hadnt seen fresh paint in the decade since Garret had left, and the approach up the dirt drive showed the roof to be in even sorrier shape. A couple of forest-green shutters had gone missing, as well.
I guess, Constance said.
Lindsay wandered out the door. Want to hold Toby?
Love to, Garret said, gently taking the creature from the girl. Favoring his still-healing leg, he held the rabbit close for inspection. Garret twitched his nose right along with the little guy.
Lindsay said, Be careful not to touch his face. That makes him grumpy.
Thanks for the advice. Last thing I need is a rabbit bite to go along with my bum leg.
Whats wrong with your leg? It looks fine.
I know, but it broke. Doctors had to put a steel pin in it to hold the pieces together. Until I get the all clear from my doctor, Im supposed to be careful.
A steel pin? The blue-eyed, dark-pigtailed girl grimaced, looking to her scuffed sneakers. Yech.
Tell me about it, he said with a laugh, surprised by how natural it seemed to be getting along with a child whose very existence had caused him countless hours grief. How many nights had he lain awake, wondering what Connie and Nathans baby looked like? Their little girl? The girl who, timewise, couldve just as easily been his? Swallowing the knot in his throat forming over a broken past that could never be fixed, he vowed that before returning to Virginia, he would resolve his feelings for the girls mama. Hed thought himself over Connie, but judging by the simmering emotions hed managed to hold in check since the day hed foolishly called into her show, he was no more over their breakup than his love for any and all ice cream.
Is that steel gonna be in you, like, forever?
Fraid so, Garret said with a slight frown before handing Lindsay her pet. He just hoped that was the end of it. His physical therapist and doctor both assured him his break was healing well, but if it didnt, the issue of his returning to active duty as hed known it was up for debate. In the meantime, Garret worked out as best he could and mostly ate right, determined not to let a broken leg diminish his physical edge.
Does it hurt? she asked, having all that metal in you?
He laughed. Sometimes, but
Lindsay, Constance snapped, shouldnt you get to work on your report?
Do I have to? the girl whined.
Yes, Constance said, hating to be a nag, but figuring the less time she spent with Garret the better. Having him here was dangerous on too many levels. It wasnt that she didnt think hed make a great dad, just that she was afraid. She didnt have a clue how he felt about kids. What if hed always wanted one, and upon discovering the truth about Lindsay, he swooped in and took her off to some foreign locale, never to be seen again?
When Lindsay tugged the screechy old screen door open, then trudged up creaky stairs to her room, Constance finally felt able to breathe.
Shes a great kid, Garret said. Youre lucky.
Thanks, Constance said, arms crossed, wishing he would just leave.
Look, I have to ask. You seem short on money. Is Nathan not giving you any child support?
Glaring at him, she asked, What is it you dont get about the fact that Lindsay and I are fine on our own? The only help we need from anyone would be you agreeing to guest star a couple times on my show.
And I already told you no.
Why? Because youre too busy calling in to the show for the sole purpose of thrashing me? She laughed, only the strangled sound came out more desperate than merry. Tell me, Garret, how you can come all the way over here with a broken leg to drill me about my financial situation when you alone hold the key to me keeping my job? Only you refuse to use it?
My reasons for not helping you in that regard are complicated. A muscle erratically popped on his jaw. You wouldnt understand.
Just as she didnt understand how all those years ago shed found the courage to let him go? Yeah, complicated she understood. Just plain mean, she didnt. And it was meanness keeping Garret from doing her show.
And it wasnt mean to have kept Lindsay from him?
Ignoring her conscience, careful to keep her voice low to guard from prying, ten-year-old ears, Constance said, Since you apparently refuse to leave, please she gestured toward the relic of a porch swing feel free to have a seat, then explain why you cant help me out with this one, simple thing.
Rolling his eyes, he straightened, then eased backward, leaning on the porch rail. Youre being melodramatic. Your jobs not really in danger. From what I gather, everyone in town loves you.
Yeah, everyone except my boss. Whats wrong with you? she hissed. Whats happened in the past decade? Because the boy I used to know would never turn down a single mom in need.
For one thing, he said, eyeing her with a stare so intense she felt powerless to look anywhere but at him, Im a man now, sugar, and I dont take crap from anyone. And what you did to me, the way you treated me, that was crap. Now you expect me to just roll over and forget it ever happened?
If you feel so strongly about it, then why are you even here? Why do you care what Nathan does?
He laughed. Its your daughter Im thinking aboutnot you. Because truthfully, dont flatter yourself by thinking I want to hash things out with you for old times sake, its more about He looked sharply away, then limped off the porch. Hell, its none of your business.
He didnt turn back, just climbed into his moms beige Caddie and drove away.
Why was he doing this? What could he possibly want to prove? That he was better than her? Done.
Yes, as an adult instead of a scared seventeen-year-old, she realized shed been wrong for having hidden Lindsay from him all these years, but shed done it for his own good. Because of what shed done, Garret had been able to go off and accomplish every one of his dreams, while shed stayed in Mule Shoe raising a daughter on mostly minimum wage. Like his, her life was a constant battle, only in a far different arena.
But that constant struggle had made her strong. If Garret refused to help her, then fine. Shed darn well help herself.
If that meant giving up her beloved radio job because he refused to help, then what else could she do? Since office space at the station was limited, she did most of her preshow prep work at home, but instead of dreaming up new show ideas come Monday morning, it looked as if shed be looking for a new job instead.
FANCY MEETING YOU HERE, Constances worst nightmare said bright and early Monday morning.
She looked up from Pearlmans Office Supply stores back table, the one beside the two copy machines where customers laid out their projects. At the moment, her only project was a nearly complete job application. Are you following me?
He snorted. Dont flatter yourself. Im just here picking up flyers for my school presentation. Whatre you doing?
She hastily covered her application. Work for the show.
Top secret, huh? The smile he shot her was so crazy handsome and brimming with white teeth, her stomach lurched. The years hed been gone, shed told herself no man could be as steal-your-breath gorgeous as her memories had built him up to be, but shed been wrong. In reality, he was far better than anything she couldve imagined. He wore cargo-style pants again, but this time sand-toned, with a matching T-shirt that fit his muscular chest like a second skin.
Not secret, she said, I just dont like discussing show material before its fully developed.
Sure, he said with a nod and dead-sexy wink. Might give rogue callers like me a shot at taking your hoity-toity butt down a notch right off the bat, huh?
Despite herself, she grinned. I mightve phrased it more eloquently, but yes, thats the general idea.
I can respect that. Well, hey, he said, gesturing toward the checkout counter. Ive got everything I need. Catch you later.
Constance, hon Evelyn Pearlman, the store owner, bustled out of the storage area with a case of individual plastic-wrapped boxes of paper clips. I hope you havent gotten too far on that application because I just got off the phone with my sister, Marty, and she said her grandson, Lyle, could really use the job. I hope you dont mind, you know, seeing how youve been here at least thirty minutes working so hard on filling it out.
No, Constance said, lying through her teeth while swallowing the knot at the back of her throat. I dont mind at all. Lyles a good kid. Im sure hell make a great asset to your team.
Youre a dear for being so understanding. Evelyn crushed her in a quick hug. And you know, now that I think about it, I heard at the Chamber of Commerce breakfast that theyre hiring down at the IGA, but it sure will be a shame not getting to hear your show. I cant imagine what Felix must be thinking.
Yes, well, you know how it goes, Constance said, forcing a brave smile, daring Garret to say a word about her blatant lie as to what shed been doing in the store.
Well, good luck to you, dear. Hope everything works out okay. And you, she said to Garret, come right this way and Ill add up all your things.
While the middle-aged woman bustled on ahead, Constance was less than thrilled when Garret lagged behind while she gathered up her purse, rsum, pens and Liquid Paper. She was nothing if not always prepared.
Whyd you tell me you were in here working on your show? Garret asked.
Does it matter?
Your boss isnt really going to fire you, is he? From what I understand, your listeners love you.
If he werent, do you honestly think Idve come running to you for help? Or that Id spend my morning filling out job applications?
Garret, hon! Evelyn sang out. Your orders all ready!
Look, Connie, he said under his breath, maybe we should
Ive got to go, she said, not taking the chance of meeting his gaze for fear of bursting into tears. You heard Evelyn, IGAs hiring.
GARRET KNEW he shouldnt be lurking in the canned goods aisle, waiting for Constance to bolt from the IGA breakroom where she was filling out her latest application, but for some strange reason, he couldnt help himself.
He was still furious with her and Nathan, but he wanted to get a few straight answers from her about a lot of things before never seeing her again. But that was it, right?
Surely it had nothing to do with her looking so hot in her prim and proper black interview dress? Or that uptight knot shed made of her hair that ignited all sorts of ideas about how fun it would be taking it down, seeing it streaming over her
Garret? she asked, pretty lips puckered as she rounded the corner of an end cap piled with watermelon. Hands on her hips, she said, Now, I know youre following me.
Guilty, he said, but I wanted to know how it went.
Why? she asked, chin up, marching right past him toward the stores front. So you could further rub it in that Im teetering on the brink of unemployment?
Why? Good question. He shouldnt care if she lost her old job or found a new one. He shouldnt care, but he did. No doubt because he wanted her head in a good place when he finally sat her down to demand an explanation for the past.

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