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No Place To Hide
No Place To Hide
No Place To Hide
Madalyn Reese
It began with twisted words, then escalated to threatening photographs that revealed dangerous intentions.But Emma Toliver would sooner take her chances with some stalker than play safe house with the man who'd tried to destroy her onceeven as he'd seduced her. A man now prey to the same unseen evil - and her unwanted protector.Anthony Bracco had traded Armani for Levi's and corporate raiding for redemption. Still, Emma couldn't be sure if the passion between them was pureor plot. For she'd trusted Anthony before, only to suffer heartache. Could it be her greatest danger wasn't the enemy outsidebut the enemy within?

How much worse could this get?
First a stalker, and now Anthony Bracco in her home.
There was still anger simmering between them, and no matter how many ground rules they hid behind, it would eventually boil over.
Worse, anger wasnt the only thing simmering. Already shed felt that familiar separation of brain and body. Her brain would tell her to keep away, but her body couldnt possibly get close enough.
And now, sitting beside him, she could feel herself responding. Emma had never understood why he affected her this way, but apparently it was something that would never change or lose its power.
When his eyes had fallen to her mouth a few minutes ago, shed known she wouldnt have rejected his kiss. Struggling to pull herself together, she rushed into the hallway with Anthony in pursuit.
With no place to hide
Dear Reader,
This is definitely a month to celebrate, because Kathleen Korbel is back! This award-winning, bestselling author continues the saga of the Kendall family with Some Mens Dreams, a journey of the heart that will have you smiling through tears as you join Gen Kendall in meeting Dr. Jack ONeill and his very special daughter, Elizabeth. Rundont walkto the store to get your copy of this genuine keeper.
Dont miss out on the rest of our books this month, either. Kylie Brant continues THE TREMAINE TRADITION with Truth or Lies, a dicey tale of love on both sides of the law. Then pick up RaeAnne Thaynes Freefall for a haunting, mysterious, page-turner of a romance. Round out the month with new books by favorites Beverly Bird, whos Risking It All, and Frances Housden, wholl introduce you to a Heartbreak Hero, and brand-new author Madalyn Reese, who gives you No Place To Hide from her talented debut.
And, as always, come back again next month, when Silhouette Intimate Moments offers you six more of the best and most exciting romances around.

Leslie J. Wainger
Executive Editor

No Place To Hide
Madalyn Reese

has always had a cast of extras roaming through her head. Imagine her relief when she started writing and realized they were characters!
She lives in beautiful central Minnesota with her husband, three children, two cats and a dog, but can be found playing at eHarlequin.com in her twenty seconds of spare time. She loves hearing from readers, and can be reached c/o Harlequin/Silhouette Books, 233 Broadway, Suite 1001, New York, NY 10279, or online at madalynreese@madalynreese.com.
For my Beautiful Things:
My family, my friends and Susan Litman,
whom I could never thank enough for giving me
their support, patience and guidance.

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 1
I dont know why you insist on canary diamonds. Your skin tone needs cool colors like sapphire or deep amethyst, Emma Toliver said.
Amethyst? Ginny Lewis balked, her lined, pixie face crinkling with distaste. Isnt that a semiprecious stone?
Ginny, its the new millennium. Its not about showing off your money anymore. Its about showing off yourself.
Dont give me that bunk, young lady. I want the most expensive piece youve got.
Having a spat with Mr. Lewis again, are we?
He wants to buy a motor home.
Ooh, thats serious. I have just the thing.
Mrs. Lewis leaned eagerly forward, her voice fallen to a hush. One of your own designs?
Of course, but dont tell anyone. Im supposed to be out of stock right now. This piece is fresh from Charless hands and the only one Ill have for a while, Emma said, producing a black velvet box marked with her private design labels logo, Beautiful Things.
My lips are sealed, Ginny said. But I wish youd quit running out of material. Werent you bidding on some huge stone and metal auction thing? Please tell me you got it.
Yes, by some miracle, we did. But its been held up in the insurance process forever. They always seem to have trouble with rough, uncut stones, and of course thats what we need before we can get started again.
Quit whining and show!
Emma lifted the lid, watching Mrs. Lewiss face light up.
Oh, Emma Black orchids! How did you do it?
Enameled gold setting, the petals are carved obsidian and lab-darkened purple jadeite. See how beautiful semiprecious stones can be? she asked reverently, casting critical eyes on the bracelet. It was one of her favorites, a seven-inch line of miniature sensual blooms strung end to end.
The telephone drew Emmas attention from the unveiling. Im on phone duty. Well haggle in a second.
Tolivers Treasures, she said, watching Mrs. Lewiss expression turn more acquisitive by the second.
Its me, boss lady.
Wrinkling her brow, Emma turned to see her caller standing twenty feet away, speaking on his cellphone.
Whats the problem? she asked. Brady, her jewelry department manager, looked positively dour. As always.
Get rid of Mrs. Lewis. We need to talk.
If its about the auction lot
Save that argument for later. You got another e-mail from the Creep.
Emmas stomach lurched. Lovely. Any luck tracing it?
None. I called the Internet people again, but if you dont call the police today, I will.
I dont Never mind. Ill call as soon as Im through.
Emma hung up and took a few deep breaths. Definitely a cheesecake in her near future. Between her crazed schedule, Beautiful Thingss material shortage, constant attitude from Brady and the worlds scariest e-mails, she deserved at least three pieces.
Brady was right, though. They should have reported the e-mails immediately. He and the Internet guys had done everything they could. Now shed have to involve the authorities.
But not until shed dealt with her friend. Putting on her game face, Emma turned and calmly fastened the orchids around Ginnys wrist. There you go.
Please tell me this costs as much as a motor home.
Sorry, Emma replied, hoping she didnt sound distracted. Im asking twenty-five hundred. Not a penny more.
Five thousand.
Three. Final offer.
Sold. But youre never going to make money if you dont take advantage of your clients, dear.
Who says Im not?
Ginnys face split into a grin. Thats my girl. I dont suppose you could make a necklace and earrings to match?
Of course. Youll have to be patient, though. Charles and crew cant start carving until we have more jade.
Fine by me, long as I can wear them for the motor homes maiden voyage. Ginny shrugged.
Youre very good to me.
Nonsense. Im a superstitious creature. At this very counter your great-grandfather sold my grandfather his wedding set. That marriage lasted sixty-three years. Given my husbands retirement plans I need all the help I can get. And speaking of
Dont start.
I will start, thank you very much. A pretty girl like you should be married with children.
I am married. To this store. And Beautiful Things is my baby. I barely have time to breathe, let alone start a real family, and if you dont stop harping I wont have time to fast-track your necklace and earrings, either.
Tyrant. Keep acting this way and youll be single forever.
God willing, Emma replied with a wink.
Ginny clicked her tongue and bent to sign the charge slip, muttering, If your parents were alive Id tell them how rotten you turned out.
Pulling a tolerant but affectionate face, Emma handed over the bag and leaned forward to accept Ginnys peck on the cheek.
No more bickering with Mr. Lewis.
Bah. He loves it and you know it. Behave yourself, the older woman ordered, then scurried away in a waft of expensive perfume.
Emma put the charge slip in the till and faced the stairs. They loomed, beckoning her to another of the Creeps e-mailed photographs, which would make her flesh crawl.
The Creep had been following her with a camera, and over the last six days hed sent forty-two pictures.
Being followed was bad. The photographs were worse. But the big black Xs superimposed on her face in every shot were downright creepy. Hence the nickname.
It wasnt really necessary to look at this mornings new arrival before calling the police, was it?
No, shed spare herself that much. Dealing with the police could turn into an all-day project, but at this point Emma didnt care how long it took. Her apartment was on the fourth floor of the Tolivers Treasures building, and shed already lost an entire weekend, waiting for the Internet company to track this person down.
The e-mails had stopped over the weekend, probably only because she hadnt gone out. No opportunity, no photos, right? So Fridays trip to the bank had been her last venture until this mornings coffee run, when the promise of caffeine and a crowded sidewalk had lured her from the building.
Obviously, the Creep had been waiting.
Every hair on the back of her neck prickled at the thought, and Emmas eyes narrowed. She dared whoever it was to keep this up. Shed be more than happy to introduce the Creep to the infamous Toliver temper. And her stun gun.
Squaring her shoulders, she marched for the stairs. No way would she let some whacko ruin the most important week of her life.
But she never made it to the stairs. A few feet away those suspicious hairs snapped to full attention.
She was being watched. She could feel it.
Turning instinctively, Emma found herself eyes-to-chin with Anthony Bracco.
She had to be imagining this. Fate couldnt be this cruel.
Emma blinked and prayed the apparition would disappear. It didnt. And he was angry. Muscles along a sharp jawline pulsed like a heartbeat as he ground his teeth.
Her day now completely destroyed, Emma looked up. Anthony hadnt changed. Not male-model handsome, but close enough. His eyes were an odd, indefinable color somewhere between brown and gray, like rich, dark smoke quartz. Framing them were thick lashes even blacker than his hair, and his eyebrows had a natural, devilish arch.
How fitting, considering the man was Satan.
What fresh hell is this? she snapped.
A new record, Anthony replied in his raspy, chocolatey voice. It only took you ten seconds to quote Dorothy Parker. Get upstairs. We have a problem.
No, we dont have a problem. You have a problem. If you dont get away from me Im calling security.
Go ahead. Youll undoubtedly need them in a few minutes.
Are you threatening me?
Hold the tantrum, please. Believe me, if this wasnt urgent I wouldnt be here. Go. God forbid one of your precious clients should discover how awful you really are, Anthony said, forcibly turning Emma and propelling her up the stairs.
Emma felt as if shed been struck by lightning. She was numb everywhere but her waist, where Anthonys hands transferred their heat through thin yellow silk.
What was he doing here? This was insane.
Arriving at the top, Emma batted his hands away and turned into her office, barely giving him time to step inside before she slammed the door.
What do you want?
He ignored her to hurry behind the desk. Too stunned to react right away, she stared. What a waste of gorgeous male. Wide shoulders in an expensively shiny white T-shirt, and tight, narrow hips in button flys. Sinful. He was even more gorgeous than hed been two years ago, when hed lived in hand-made Italian suits.
But she hadnt fallen hopelessly in lust with the man for his looks. It was the way he crackled with energy that had initially caught her attention. In second place was his self-confidence. Shed learned too late it was actually cold, hard arrogance, but hed been enchanting up till then.
Emmas temper gauge shot straight to the red when Anthony shoved her chair out of the way and started fiddling with her computer.
What the All right. Thats it, Emma spat, lunging for the telephone.
In one deft move Anthony caught her wrist, then quickly captured the other as she went for the security button.
A brief, futile tugging match ensued, ending when Anthony landed on the desk chair with her in his lap. Glaring at him, she warned, Get your hands off me.
Mmm, Anthony murmured, far too close to her mouth, just like old times.
His eyes were hooded as he watched her. Waiting. Daring her to do her worst.
Much as shed love to accommodate him, her hormones had other ideas. Damn the man. He had some colossal nerve, showing up here like he owned the place. Hed disappeared two years ago after trying to seize control of her store, and shed prayed daily that hed stay gone.
No such luck, but she had to be careful. If she mashed him into a pulp hed probably sue. Leaning away, she said, Thered better be a point to this.
There is. Look, he ordered simply, swiveling the chair so Emma faced the computer monitor.
On the screen was the Creeps latest e-mail, a picture of Emma in the yellow dress outside the local coffee shop. And as usual, there was a big black X superimposed over her face.
Forgetting herself for a moment, she slumped in his arms. I was only outside for three minutes.
Thats all it takes.
Emma turned to lock narrowed eyes with Anthony. Seeing a certain smugness there she tried to wriggle free, demanding, How did you know about the e-mails?
Your Internet provider called the FBI for help. How long has this been going on?
Let me go. And how did you know my Internet
Would you stop digging your bony butt into my thigh? That hurts.
Her temper blew and Emma pushed at him, grinding the heels of her hands into his chest.
Ow! You Anthony said, cut off by Emmas yelp as he let go.
Silk slid on denim, and she would have landed on the floor if he hadnt grabbed her arms. But as soon as she had a foot on solid ground she stumbled away, choking on angry words.
Anthony followed, asking, Why didnt you report these? If you dont start explaining Ill tie you to the couch.
Try it, Anthony. You think I fought dirty last time? Try me again and see what happens.
A deliberately provocative statement. I might take you up on that offer someday.
Lucky me.
Anthony huffed out a laugh. Okay. Weve established that I still hate you and you still hate me. Very productive. Can we move on now? I have a lot to say and not much time to say it.
Start with how you knew my Internet service called the FBI.
Ive been getting e-mails like this for three weeks, he said. Pictures, mostly.
Yeah? And?
And I dont have time to explain everything right now, so close your mouth and listen. Were in trouble, Emma. The FBIs right behind me and you need to promise youll cooperate.
Oh, Ill cooperate, all right. Just as soon as you get out of my store.
I cant. Theyll be here in a second. Im under FBI protection until this guys behind bars, he told her.
He looked sincere, but Emma knew that meant less than nothing. Hed looked sincere last time, too.
Do you think Im stupid? I have no reason to believe a word youve said.
Youre impossible.
Im impossible? After what you tried to pull last time you were here, I think Im entitled to a little skepticism. So why dont you tell me what youre really doing here? And cut to the chase so I dont have to waste my time foiling your evil plans again.
Fine. Well do it your way.
Emmas eyes widened as Anthony began pulling his shirt from his jeans. What are youare you insane? If you think Im going to
You asked for this, Anthony said, dragging the T-shirt over his head, leaving his hair a shiny mess. Just remember I tried to be reasonable.
He locked eyes with her again, twisting around to expose the back of his left shoulder. Raw challenge shone from those eyes, and Emma felt her anger seep away in a moment of breathless regret. Why could she never rein it in until it was too late?
Disobeying every order issued in her head, Emmas eyes fell to Anthonys back.
This couldnt be happening.
But the gruesome evidence on Anthonys left shoulder was all too real.
A scar. A very big, very fresh, X-shaped scar.

Chapter 2
Oh my God.
When those words wheezed from Emma, Anthony knew hed gone too far. Hed come prepared for the temper, but hed forgotten an actual human being lurked beneath its fire.
A brilliant diamond quivered on her right ring finger, shooting rainbows as she lifted her hand to touch his back.
Dont. It itches like sin.
Emmas normally glowing complexion blanched, almost matching her icy green eyes as she jerked her hand away. What happened?
Self-explanatory. Are you ready to listen now?
Yes. No. I
At the sudden unfocused look in her eyes, Anthony dropped the shirt to grab Emma. Oh Lord. Dont faint.
He registered the feel of ropy muscles beneath cool skin and felt a surge of powerful disappointment. This wasnt how he remembered her at all. The Emma Toliver he recalled had been lusciously ripe and tough as nails. She was still beautiful, but she looked wrung out. Tired.
Tired was bad. When she reached her limits, Emma always came out swinging and God help her target. The fight wouldnt end until she was the only one left standing.
He should know. He was still recovering from the last time hed backed her into a corner.
As she blinked away the haze, Anthony regrouped. Emma, Im sorry. I didnt mean to scare you, but I need your attention.
Mission accomplished, she said, shaking off his hands to swoop down for his shirt, then slam it against his chest.
Anthony grunted at the impact and while he hurried back into the garment, she said, I understand this is serious, and I can only imagine how you ended up with an X on your back. Finally messed with the wrong person, did you?
Is that your version of I told you so?
Thats beneath my level, Bracco. Ill cooperate with the FBI, but if you set foot in my store again, I swear to God Ill
Hold it, Anthony interrupted. If youd stop ranting for three seconds Ill explain why I came here alone.
Emmas haughty, expectant expression made him want to howl. Letting the sarcasm flow, he said, In case you werent aware, you have a tendency to fly off the handle, and the people trying to catch this guy dont deserve the wrath of Emma. Theyre stretched so thin they can barely cover me, let alone produce a second team for you. So that means youre stuck with me, and theres something I want to say before this gets any worse.
Hands on hips now, Emma inquired, What?
Against his wishes, his body recognized that parts of her were still as lushly feminine as he remembered. The pose stretched silk across her breasts, highlighting a wispy lace bra barely containing the objects of many an unwanted erotic dream over the last two years.
Oh God. Total disaster. Why had he let himself panic like this? The FBI would protect her. He didnt have to, and she wouldnt let him anyhow.
But making sure she was safe wasnt the only reason hed come. The agents didnt need her attitude, so he had some work to do before they got here. After a deep breath, he said, I apologize.
Are you feeling all right?
Why? he asked, praying his reaction to her wasnt visible.
I figured you must be gravely ill if youre apologizing. Or is that scar finally showing you the error of your ways?
He couldnt help it. And I suppose you consider your own actions completely justified.
Lets compare, shall we? You tried to seduce me out of my store. I simply allowed you to tie your own noose. Id say I was completely justified.
You would say that. All I wanted was the businesses, Emma. Nothing personal.
He watched as a red taint bled up her neck into her face. You made it personal.
All right, lets stop this, Anthony said. If it makes you feel better, I admit what I did was unforgivable. I was an ass, and believe it or not, I am truly sorry. Are we understood?
Yes. I get what youre saying. Now that you need something, youre trying to kiss up.
Fine. If thats the way you want it to be, so be it. But I refuse to spend this entire investigation sniping with you, so either we agree to act like adults or we dont speak at all.
Can I have that in writing?
Anthony squeezed his eyes shut and visualized throttling that long, skinny neck. Ten minutes. Thats all it took Emma to drive him nuts.
How was he supposed to survive this? First some psycho calling himself the Doppelg?nger had sworn vengeance for the companies Anthony had chopped up. And now he was face-to-face with the biggest wrong hed ever committed.
All he wanted to do was find the nearest corner and die quietly of guilt. But no. Dop meant to punish him, and making him deal with Emma again definitely took the cruel and unusual prize.
And hed just made it harder on himself by lying straight to her face.
Coward. Shed find out how he knew about those e-mails and tear him apart with her bare hands. And considering this newest nightmare shed been sucked into, he wouldnt blame her one bit.
Watching Emma stare at him with one eyebrow raised, Anthony marveled at his own stupidity. God help him. Lies told in the heat of the moment were the least of his worries. There were other lies she could uncover. Like what had really happened two years ago.
He had to tell her. He owed her that much. But how did you tell someone theyd been nothing more than a convenient pawn, a casualty in the cold war between you and your father?
Still not the worst of it. If she found out what hed done more recently, he was a dead man. Why couldnt he have left well enough alone?
Footsteps sounded in the hall, preempting self-recrimination hour. He knew who was outside the door: a group of seriously unhappy FBI agents who were about to encounter one of the bigger challenges of their careers.
They didnt even knock. Jim DeBerg came in first, followed by Layne Crawford and Walter Hornsby. The three of them looked at Anthony accusingly, while Emmas angry expression shifted to tolerance.
Stepping forward, she seized control. Huge surprise. Good morning. Im Emma Toliver. You must be the FBI.
She shook hands with Jim first, Anthonys best friend and a man very young to be where he was in the bureau. Thirty years old, and already in the Behavioral Sciences Unit.
Jim introduced himself. Special Agent Jim DeBerg. I dont know how much Anthony told you, but weve certainly got a mess on our hands, Miss Toliver.
So I hear, she acknowledged, turning to Layne Crawford.
Layne scared Anthony to death. She was a tiny little thing, sixtyish, with brilliant blue eyes that never stopped watching. Jim had summoned her a week ago and Anthony still knew nothing about her. He didnt even know what position she held in the Bureau, if she even held one. All he knew was that she loved to make people talk.
Not a big fan of talking himself, Anthony avoided her at all costs.
He waited for Layne to introduce herself by title, but she gave only her name and stepped back in deference to Walter Hornsby. A giant in his mid-thirties, his job was to coordinate the practical aspects of the investigationsecurity and communication with the police.
Hornsby gave his usual muttered greeting while Anthony watched Emma. She was an expert at reading people, but this time he could see her struggling. Good luck. He would enjoy watching her realize these three lived to annoy.
Jim began. Do I need a warrant to look at your computer?
Not necessary, Emma responded. Be my guest.
While Jim clicked through messages, Laynes eyes burned into his skull. Silence thundered through the room until she finally glanced at Emma.
Miss Toliver, is there somewhere I can speak to Mr. Bracco in private? she asked.
No one will disturb you in the boardroom, Emma said, Anthony knows where it is.
He led Layne from the room like a man leading his own executioner to the gallows. Two doors down on the right was the boardroom, brightly lit by wide, paned windows and dominated by a long walnut table. The room smelled of aged wood, and the old leather chair he slumped into creaked beneath his weight.
Layne sat primly, ankles crossed. She stared at him awhile before saying, You were placed in protective custody for your own safety. I thought that was understood.
It was.
Interesting, as you completely disregarded our cautions this morning. Jim said you were already halfway here by the time he called you with the Internet service info, so Id dearly love to hear how you knew about Emmas e-mails before we did.
Im psychic?
Layne smiled. Shes a beautiful woman. Lovely bone structure, and all that delightful blond hair. Given your rathercolorful past together, I would assume theres unfinished business.
Anthony bobbed his chin, neither denying nor admitting anything.
Youre right, Layne said. It doesnt matter, does it? But I must insist you share your insight with me. Frankly, Im concerned I might have missed something in your e-mails.
Knowing he was being played with, Anthony lied, It wasnt anything concrete. There was a lot of publicity on what I did to Emma, and Doppelg?nger could have seen it. Then Jim was talking about sympathetic symbols, someone this guy might relate to as one of my business victims, and it got me thinking. Thats all.
Layne shocked him by uttering two syllables that crisply defined her disbelief. Pardon my French, she added as an afterthought. But I wasnt born yesterday. Tell me the truth or Ill start digging. You know Ill findsomething.
Purposefully mirroring Laynes speech patterns, minus the French, he asked, Hypothetically speaking, if I admitted Id found out about the e-mails in a lessintellectual manner, would you find it necessary to inform Emma?
That remains to be seen.
Why are you threatening me? Im not the criminal in this equation. I havent done anything wrong.
Excuse my need to poke holes in your reasoning, but theres a very dangerous man out there who disagrees, Layne said. In his mind youve done many things wrong. Now, I fully appreciate the fact that youve turned your life around, and believe me, I applaud and respect you for it. But if you hide things from us we cant move forward.
With a sigh of defeat, Anthony said, I have an insider here at the store. Charles, Emmas goldsmith.
Laynes brows shot to her hairline. Dare I ask why?
I tried to call Emma about four months ago. She was out so I got Charles instead, and we talked. I told him the truth about what really happened back then, and it sorta developed into something else. Anyway, Brady told him about the e-mails this morning, and Charles called me. You were gone. Jim was out. I panicked.
Ignoring his admission, Layne asked, Sorta developed into what, exactly?
Anthony rubbed his eyebrows. Emma didnt have enough capital to get this auction lot of metals and stones she needed for Beautiful Things, so Charles and I rigged her bid. Ive got about half a million sunk into her design label and she doesnt know.
Layne was silent for a decade or so, then observed, You cant help yourself, can you? Emmas a proud woman. If she finds out she wont be amused.
No, she wont. After what happened two years ago you can imagine what shell think, but I took measures to make sure shed never find out.
Is there a chance shed understand why you did it?
Are you kidding? Anthony asked. I had my reasons, but at the time I didnt know any of this would happen. So whats done is done. Theres nothing I can do about it now.
Agreed. However, we have a problem. If were to continue baiting this Doppelg?nger creature
Anthony interrupted, No way. Forget it. I may not care much for the woman, but I cant condone using her as bait. Besides, sooner or later her temper will take over and shell run for the hills. Maybe thats for the best.
You cannot allow that to happen. This is a game for him, Anthony. A sick, twisted game. Hes become fixated on Emma and we need to maintain his target areathe storein order to trap him. If it closes or she leaves, hell believe weve cut off access, and I dont want to imagine what might happen next. However, Jim, Walt and I have better things to do than play referee between you and Emma. That means you have an occupation nowto ensure the store stays open and she stays here, come hell or high water.
I cant! Anthony argued. She hates me.
Then I guess youd better remedy that, hadnt you? Whatever you have to do to keep her here, youll do.
No way. It wont work. You havent witnessed her in action, Layne. If you want my honest opinion, Emma might be put to better use. Get her talking to this guy on the Internet. Shell have him crying for his mommy inside of an hour.
Interesting, but lets put it this way. Either you keep Emma here or Ill tell on you.
Anthony ground his teeth. Speaking of sick, twisted games
Layne smiled.

Left alone with Jim and Walter, Emma worried at a thumbnail while the two men crowded over a file on her desk.
This was insane. Absolutely insane. One minute she was stressed over business and now this. And no one seemed too interested in telling her anything.
Taking matters into her own hands, she slipped behind the agents to see what was in that file.
Neither of them objected as she watched them flip through printed-out e-mail photographs of Anthony. There were twenty or so, and it turned Emmas stomach to see the big black Xs over his back in every shot.
Dont think about it. If she thought about it, shed lose more than her cool.
But she couldnt believe her eyes. Not a single suit in any of them. And in all the pictures, Anthonys hair was much longer than it was today. He hadnt shaved, either.
Anthony scruffy? What the heck was going on?
She had to admit the fresh-out-of-bed look was no insult to the eye, but back then, Anthony had always been preening, his appearance like an arsenal for corporate warfare.
The smile was his nuclear warhead and the scruff would steal some destructive force.
The scruff was gone now, but her curiosity was on full alert. If he was gearing up for a return to Bracco Inc., his fathers Chicago-based acquisitions company, he wouldnt be running around looking like that. And Tolivers Treasures was gossip central. It seemed inconceivable she wouldnt have heard he was back in St. Paul after his highly publicized disappearance.
But with Anthony looking like that, no one would have recognized him. Hed better not be up to something. If he was, hed have much more urgent problems than a stalker.
And she couldnt get that scar out of her mind. The sight of it was burned indelibly on her brain, and a very unwanted pang of sympathy whispered to the surface.
Stop it, she scolded herself. Dont let him get to you again. Even in the throes of an unhappy reunion he still had that annoying aversion to explanations, and the live-wire quality was so subdued she could hardly believe he was the same person.
And what was that apology about? It was two years late but she suspected hed actually meant it.
Something was wrong with him. Something more than a scar.
You keep at this, Jim told Hornsby. Write down anything that strikes you even if it seems coincidental. Im off to depose Miss Toliver.
Depose? she repeated. Will I need an attorney?
Nah. Is there another private space available? Someplace comfortable. We probably wont take that long but you never know.
Emma led him up a discreet staircase tucked in one corner of her store office. They emerged into what used to be a guest room but was now her design office. Passing through it, they entered a hallway and finally convened in her living room.
Colorful place, Jim said. Jewel tones. No surprise there, I guess.
Emma shrugged. I love shiny things.
He sat in a Queen Anne armchair, spreading a file open in his lap. He scanned a few pages and Emma stole the opportunity to examine him more closely. Not what she might have expected an agent to look like. He was way too young, for one thing, and handsome. Not quite in Anthonys league, but handsome.
All right, he said, catching her staring.
He raised his eyebrows and she crossed her arms over her chest. If he planned to grill her she should at least be allowed to stare.
He began again. Ill just index the info we already have. If we need to make corrections, go ahead and stop me. Emma Rae Toliver. Age, twenty-six. Five foot ten and Ill spare you the weight estimate. Blond hair, green eyes. Owner, Tolivers Treasures. Beautiful Things, too. Started the design business three years ago. No siblings. Mother, Meredith Sullivan-Toliver, deceasedlets see. Twenty-two years ago. Aneurysm?
Emma nodded.
Jim continued, Father, Marshall Toliver, no middle initial. Remarried one, two, three times. Deceased four years ago. Passed in his sleep. Cardiac arrest at age fifty.
She nodded again and Jim scratched his cheek before saying, Says here the final Mrs. Toliver, Vivian, retained the family residence upon his death. Hows your relationship with her?
Fine. We dont see each other much but were very close.
What about the other two wives?
We talk once in a while, exchange Christmas cards. Thats about it.
It doesnt say if there were any children, Jim stated.
There werent any.
Why not?
Emma fought a rising tide of irritation and answered, My father didnt want more children.
Is Vivian remarried?
Excuse me. Emma stopped him. What does that have to do with anything?
Its just a question. I might ask a lot of seemingly irrelevant things, but please answer anyway.
Why? Trying to catch me in a lie or something?
The agent gave her a tolerant look. Can I do my job without the hostility, please? I understand youre less than thrilled to be involved in all this, but the sooner you cooperate, the sooner its over.
Emma sat back in the chair, unrepentant but answering, Yes. Vivian is remarried. Twin boys, obviously quite young. I baby-sit for them occasionally but I dont know her husband very well.
Better, Jim said. Tolivers Treasures. Opened 1876. Hasnt changed much. China, silver, art and books still on the main floor, jewelry on the second floor balcony. Famous for its loyal clientele and architectural features like original oak paneling and staircase. Very beautiful, by the way. I was impressed.
Thank you. Emma said. Now will you humor me by answering a technical question?
If you didnt know I was getting e-mails, why do you know so much about me?
Jim gave her a long look. Shouldnt be a surprise that you were a suspect until this morning. Never our chief suspect. You dont fit the profile. Too much to lose.
Emma absorbed that as Jim went on. Next, the security system. Major upgrade when you expanded the workroom for the design business. Many a service call since then. Whats the problem?
If the roof components set to full sensitivity, it goes off all the time. Thunder, planes, anything can trigger it.
Risky. Ill have Hornsby take a look. See? Something positive. Youll get your security system fixed for free.
Be still my heart, Emma muttered. The security system worked just fine the way it was.
Jim watched her down the length of his nose. Sarcastic, arent you?
Not usually. Its been quite a morning.
Well, well try to keep this as painless as possible. And I should bring you up-to-date quickly.
He hesitated at the sound of footsteps in the hall.
That would be Brady, Emma explained, just before Brady hollered.
Emma? You up here?
She said, Hes my right hand, so Id appreciate it if hes allowed to hear whatever you have to say.
Saves time. Jim shrugged.
Emma got up to meet Brady in the doorway. Seeing Jim, he asked, Whats going on? Whos that? And whos the guy in your office?
Ill explain in a minute. Brady, this is Jim DeBerg, FBI.
That was fast, Brady said, crossing to shake Jims hand. Emma watched them size each other up. Jim calmly scanned Bradys dark features as Brady disguised his wary expression.
As the department manager headed for the couch, she caught Jims eyes on his ponytail. It stretched halfway down his back, just a few inches shorter than Emmas hair. Over the years they must have gone fifty rounds about the danger of long hair in a jewelers workroom, but Brady refused to cut it off.
Too bad his wife liked it or Emma might actually have an ally in harping about safety.
The two men muttered social niceties while Emma sat down next to Brady, groaning as Jim produced another file.
Same drill as last time. Brady Edgar Wilson. Age, thirty-eight. Married to Tanya. No children. You manage Tolivers Treasures jewelry department. Supervisor for Beautiful Things. I see that your father, Edgar, worked as a goldsmith here as well. Fifty years? Is that correct?
Yes, Brady answered. He was very happy here.
Must have been. Anything to add before we get started?
All right then, heres the deal.
Jim proceeded to explain that their suspect referred to himself as The Doppelg?nger, a German word meaning a ghostly double that haunts its earthly counterpart. Theyd taken to calling him simply Dop.
The situation began when Anthony was attacked just over three weeks ago, on June fifteenth. Dop claimed responsibility the next day, telling them in a virtually untraceable e-mail that Anthony was evil and Dop had marked him so the world would beware.
But its been two years since Anthony was fired from Bracco and no ones heard a peep from him since, Emma said. Why now?
Jim said, Were guessing Dop couldnt find Anthony before he came back to St. Paul. Very few people knew where he was and they werent real likely to share.
Any guess why this persons after Emma now? Brady asked.
Emma frowned at him. Jim might be young but at least he was finally giving them details. And she couldnt help but be impressed when Jim took Brady down a couple pegs with, Let me be honest. Were not dealing with your garden-variety stalker. It would be irresponsible on my part or yours to assume theres a logical reason for what Dop does. So what I need you to do right now is listen. Let me get through the facts and maybe something will ring a bell with you. Until then, bear with me.
Brady relaxed while Jim backed up to clarify a few things. Anthony hadnt had any warning. No e-mails like Emma was getting. They hadnt started until afterward but the pictures had been taken beforehand, showing them that Dop had been following Anthony for at least two weeks prior to the attack.
Emma couldnt help it. Where was he when it happened?
At home. But hed spent most of the night at his parents house. Well, his mom and stepfathers, actually. I understand youve met Sophia and Geoff? Jim asked.
Yes, Emma said. Geoff Turner was a thoracic surgeon at the hospital where Sophia was Director of Nursing, and theyd gotten married shortly after Anthony disappeared. Were on a charity board together. American Red Cross.
Oh yeah. Jim nodded. You have a fund-raiser this Thursday night, right?
Emma looked at Brady again. The Red Cross charity auction was a loaded topic around here. During the festivities, she was supposed to meet with Trenton Neville, one of the worlds most influential jewelry merchandisers. He needed to be in St. Paul that day and hed added the auction to his agenda so they could discuss Beautiful Things.
And he wasnt messing around. Neville planned on bidding upward of twenty-thousand dollars on whatever shed donated.
But last week, Brady had accidentally sold the gardenia necklace earmarked for the auction, forcing Emma to sacrifice a piece she cherished. Not only was the rose necklace the first piece Charles, her master goldsmith, had ever crafted for Beautiful Things, but it held other, more personal and private meanings.
Thanks to Brady and their material shortage, she had to give it up.
And now it seemed all the arguing and juggling might have been unnecessary. With this psycho on the loose, they probably werent going anywhere Thursday night and it was to be hoped Trenton Neville had a heart. Or a really good sense of humor.
Her temper meter nudged upward a bit. Shed seen Anthonys mother, Sophia, a week ago at a fund-raiser planning meeting. All things considered, Emma understood why she wouldnt have said anything. But if Sophia had, the Creeps e-mails would have been reported instantly to the proper authorities.
She turned her attention back to Jim, who told them Anthony had stuck around after his parents party, talking with his stepfather into the wee hours. He went to sleep there for a while, but around four-thirty in the morning he drove home.
Anthony remembered seeing movement in the backyard as he pulled into the garage and was jumped almost the second he stepped outside to investigate.
Dop made the first slash immediately from Anthonys neck to the base of his shoulder blade. Blood trail evidence showed Anthony had fought for an extended period of time before blood loss and a blow from his attacker rendered him unconscious.
Anthony couldnt remember Dop finishing the X. The working theory was that the second cut had been made after hed gone down.
Dops calling card, presumably, Jim said.
Listening in horror, Emma felt her stomach begin to churn again. Even if Jim was an agent and had probably told worse tales, she couldnt believe his nonchalant delivery.
But shed seen Anthony with her own two eyes. She knew the outcome, so there was no reason her stomach should be performing acrobatics.
Problem, Jim said. It was a new moon, and Anthonys yard light was out. Probably not a coincidence. At any rate, the only physical description he can give us is that Dop is fast, taller than himself, and wore black clothes and a ski mask. Finding someone taller than six-two does narrow the field, but thats all weve got for a physical description.
Still in gruesome narrative mode, Jim explained that Anthony had been found two hours later by his housekeeper. The X itself hadnt been deep enough to damage bone or muscle, and the EMTs didnt find another knife wound. But time had been Anthonys enemy. The fight had cost him copious amounts of blood and his prognosis at the scene had been grave.
Emmas stomach seized. Thank God shed skipped breakfast. Her entire mind was flooded with a vision of Anthony lying helpless on the ground, bleeding and unconscious. He might have been ambitious and unethical, but no one deserved that.
This couldnt be happening.
And then Jim said, The worst part was, those people whod been at that staff party were on duty when Anthony was brought in. So everyone was shook up and Sophia was a wreck. Luckily, Geoff kept his head and was calm enough to resuscitate him.
Emma covered her mouth, feeling bile rise into her throat.
Emma? Jim asked sharply. Are you all right?
Oh, no. Brady panicked, dragging her off the couch and explaining, Weak stomach.
Emma stumbled along after him, limp as a rag doll. Her mind seemed to have exited stage left with the word resuscitate.
Brady herded her into the hall bathroom, propped her against a cool tile wall and asked, Are you gonna throw up?
Unsure of the answer, Emma bobbed her head vaguely and closed her eyes to avoid his inspection. The last thing she needed right now was Brady asking why she was so completely shattered.
But thats exactly what she was. Horrified. And eaten alive by guilt and shame.
Her stomach lurched again at the thought that the only thing separating her from Dop was a push over the edge of sanity. They both hated Anthony Bracco with a passion, but she wouldnt wish this on anyone.
Anthony was just a man. A bad man, but she should have listened to her therapist. It was time to let go. If she didnt, ancient history would taint the rest of her life and shed never get rid of her temper.
Deep breaths, Brady ordered. As soon as theyre gone Ill get you the biggest cheesecake I can find Oh. Sorry. Well wait until your stomach calms down. But for now, sit down, and for once in your life, let someone else take the wheel.
He stopped to wet a washcloth and press it to her forehead. Theyd spent so much of the last three months arguing over the business that Emma almost started bawling at the simple act of kindness.
Im gonna go speak with whats-his-name out there for a few minutes, Brady said soothingly. Ill give you time to pull yourself together, but dont leave this room until I come back.
Emma nodded, hoping he was aware that Anthony was in the building. She could read between the lines. Brady looked calm, his square face stoic and watchful, but if he came across Anthony, his perpetual bad mood might turn ugly.

Chapter 3
The boardroom had fallen quiet. Only the sound of Laynes pen scratching on a legal pad could be heard while Anthony stoically picked at a brass rivet on his chair arm. He didnt know what came next, but the day had to take an upward turn soon.
But not quite yet. The door opened for Jim and Hornsby, followed by Brady Wilson, who hadnt changed one bit. He still had that snooty demeanor. Anthony had no idea why Emma put up with the guy.
Wheres Emma? Layne asked after chilly introductions.
Upstairs, Brady answered. I hope youre proud of yourself, Bracco.
Mr. Wilson, Jim cautioned, Your personal grievances with Anthony can wait. Right now we have business to discuss.
Brady sat down at the head of the table, the snootiness evaporating before their eyes as he said to Jim, Look. Let me be straight with you. Theres a lot going on around here that you dont understand, and Im not at liberty to share. But I have to ask that you keep Emma out of this. Shes got enough on her plate.
What do you mean? Jim asked.
Brady looked down at the table. Just understand that if shes not real cooperative, its not her fault.
So how do you suggest we make things easier? Jim asked.
Turning his eyes on Anthony, Brady said, Get him out of here, for one thing.
Im sorry but we cant do that, Walter said. I appreciate the warning but you need to understand what were up against. Were trying to install a reliable security system at Anthonys house, and weve had to tear out and upgrade all the electrical wiring to support it. The same drill you went through when you upgraded the stores system.
Brady grimaced.
Yeah. It hasnt been a small or easy task. So until thats finished we simply dont have the men available to protect two people at separate sites.
But Brady started shaking his head. Weve got security here at the store. Cant we use them?
No, Jim said, They have their own job to do.
Layne said, Anthony, why dont you step outside for a while? See what you can do to smooth things over?
He got up while Brady protested, Its not that simple. He cant just
Give him a chance, Layne said. Trust me, Brady, none of us wish to upset Emma. But this is the hand weve been dealt, so weve all got jobs to do, including you. Youre in charge of protecting Emmas businesses during this investigation. The Bureaus job is to protect her from the suspect. But none of us can protect Emma and Anthony from each other. Thats something they have to work out for themselves.
Brady sucked his teeth, took a deep breath, then shot Anthony a glance full of defeat and frustration. Shes in the guest bath upstairs.
Anthony left and stood in the hall, thinking about what Brady had just done. Pretty shocking, considering what Emma might do if she found out what Brady had told them.
What did he mean by a lot going on around here that you dont understand? Was it business or personal? Charles had told him Emma was ready to rip the roof of the insurance office to get at the stones theyd helped her acquire. But that would hardly be enough to send someone like Emma over the edge.
Hoping Brady was exaggerating, Anthony headed toward the office steps, and on his way upstairs he gave himself a pep talk. He wasnt the same person hed been back then. Not everything was win or lose. There were degrees now, and he had rules.
Rule number one: Keep life simple. That was laughable under the circumstances. Dop aside, Emma was as complicated as it got. Keeping her here wouldnt be easy because he was already fighting the urge to run rather than tangle with her again.
The woman was flat-out vicious. He hadnt known how vicious until that night they were supposed to sign the contracts giving him fifty-one percent control over Tolivers Treasures.
Not for one second had he planned on actually taking the store from her. He may have been jealous of her for who she was and what she had, but hed never intended to let things go that far. Hed singled her out for one reason and one reason only. The temper. Hed been counting on her to use it. But not the way she had. She was the one whod made things personal.
When he got to the apartment that night, he found candles, champagne on ice and Emma in a filmy black silk dress that didnt hide one dang thing. And shed stroked his ego, thanking him for solving the crisis hed created.
He should have seen it comingshould have known shed mercilessly use their powerful attraction against him the same way hed used it against her. Giving him hungry looks and touching him, whispering things that made his blood roar after ten days of a strict hands-off policy.
Shed ripped his original plan completely off the rails. Made him believe, if only for a few minutes, that he could pull it off. Get what hed come for, and keep Emma and the store, too.
By the time dinner was over, shed had him so drunk on his own power, and so beyond ready to rip that dress off with his teeth, hed never considered he might already be in her tempers grasp.
Idiot. Just before shed nuked him, the only thing on his mind was feeling her beneath him, making her surrender everything until his greed for Emma Toliver had been sated.
And nuke him she had. One nanometer away from a kiss and shed punched him so hard his jaw was sore for weeks afterward.
Then shed started yelling, things that were carved into his skull to this day. Sadistically awful things, like he destroyed companies to make him feel as powerful as his father.
One ego brutally murdered. Granted, it had needed killing. But for a couple weeks, hed refused to relive what shed said. Why should he? Emma hadnt really known anything about him. She couldnt understand the pressure hed been under or the hell his father put him through. Shed been his ticket out of the war with Maxim Bracco, and another casualty had meant nothing to him. Especially a casualty who had a fiercely loyal clientele, a perfect life and a respectable business to run.
Shed made a fool out of him, and since thats what hed singled her out to do in the first place, it shouldnt have hurt quite so much. Somehow those moments where hed believed he could defeat his father and win Emma had never completely gone away, despite the nuking. And her judgment of him hadnt been exactly accurate, but shed been right enough that two years later he still judged himself by it.
Anthony took a deep breath and let it out. Sometimes it floored him to remember the way hed been. He couldnt even conceive of that mind-set anymore and hed spent most of the last year trying to make up for his former life, donating time, money and brain power to the people hed hurt.
Emma had been a problem, though. Hed had no idea what to do about her. Eventually the guilt goaded him into picking up the phone and the rest was history. Charles had been a godsend. When hed called about that material auction, it seemed like the perfect solution: a way to make amends without having to see her again.
Face it, pal, he told himself. Youre scared of her. And if that auction comes back to haunt you, youll have no one to blame but yourself.
Which reminded him of rule number two: Never take yourself too seriously. Also laughable. Between Jim and Emma, there wasnt a slugs chance in a salt mine hed be allowed to regrow the ego.
And in light of the reunion with Emma, Anthony wouldnt even touch his third rule: No women for a while. Now that hed seen her again, his sacred, final law was dead as a doornail. He might be afraid of her, but she owned him.
Reaching the top of the staircase, Anthony hesitated, finding himself in an office that hadnt existed two years ago. It wasnt really a surprise that the business was invading her living space, nor that it was right next door to her bedroom.
Dont peek. Get your mind right before you go any farther.
Pressing fingertips to his forehead and grimacing, Anthony tried not to look. But he couldnt help himself. He peeked into her bedroom, and all he could see was that evil black dress.
It took more than one deep breath to clear the image from his mind. The war is over, he told himself. You dont have to be like your father anymore. You cant. You learned the hard way. Now be a real man and face the music.
Keeping his eyes out of her bedroom, Anthony moved on down the hall to knock on the bathroom door. Emma, let me in.
Go away.
Im not going away. In fact, Im pretty certain youll have houseguests for the foreseeable future.
There was no response.
Are you gonna make me stand out here all day? What if one of your employees comes upstairs?
That did it. The door is open, Einstein.
Anthony drew one more deep breath and turned the knob. Stepping inside to find her slumped on a brocade bench, he said, My mother did teach me some manners, you know.
The jade eyes turned on him and for a moment Anthony hardly recognized her. She seemed shrunken. Vulnerable. And white as paper. Hed never seen her this way and he abruptly realized why Brady was so concerned about Emma.
Not until that moment had he ever realized how much he relied on Emma Toliver being evil. It was easier to justify what hed done to her when he thought of her as a witch.
Blowing out a breath, Anthony leaned against the door and stuck his hands in his pockets. He needed to get her talking, so he said the only thing that came to mind. Did Jim upset you?
Id rather not talk about it.
Neither would I, but tell me anyway.
Emma bit her bottom lip, an action Anthony remembered well. She always did that when trying to control her temper. After a pause, she said, He told me what happened to you.
Jim has a tendency to be blunt. Im sure the truth isnt half as bad as what he told you.
It doesnt get much worse than nearly dying, Anthony.
No, youre right. It doesnt. But you can see for yourself Im fine. No harm done other than the obvious.
How can you be so
Emma trailed off and fiddled with the big diamond on her right hand. Feeling relatively safesafe enough to let his guard down a bithe soothed, Ive had more time to deal with this than you have. Believe me, a week ago I wasnt quite so flippant.
Keeping her eyes on the gem, Emma nodded. Youre moving in?
I believe so. Weve been hopping from one hotel to the next because theyre still installing a security system at my house. Here, everything is contained under one roof, needs-wise.
Yes, everything of mine. What happens if you need to work?
I dont work. My former life as a lecherous, corporate-raiding swine was very profitable.
Hed given her the perfect opportunity for sarcasm, but she didnt take it. Instead, she said, Hows your mother? She must have been terrified.
She was, but Moms resilient. So far shes doing all right. And shes got Geoff. My stepfather, in case you didnt know.
The platinum head nodded, but Emma still wouldnt look at him. Do you like him?
Yes. I didnt always. Weve gotten to know each other better, though, and that helps.
I suppose saving your life helped, too.
Anthony grunted out a laugh. Yeah, that helped, too.
He wondered about this gentle probing she was conducting. Asking after his mother was the last thing he would have expected. But he could handle this. In fact, it would almost seem restful if the subject wasnt so dire.
He shouldnt have relaxed. The next probe was not gentle.
You said former life. Are you asking me to believe youre no longer a lecherous, corporate-raiding swine?
Im not asking you to believe anything.
Emma finally looked up, and to his relief there was color in her cheeks. Not the blazing, angry stain hed learned to fear, just an innocent, healthy glow as she said, Try to understand. As much as Id love to blame you for this, I know youre not really responsible for Dops actions.
Anthony raised his eyebrows. Someone had been in therapy. She said, But you and the FBI cant be here. Ive got a storeful of employees wholl be in danger if I stay. And I know you want to scream every time I say this, but my clients are like family. I cant see any other solution than to leave. If were gone, nothing will happen.
A silent curse echoed in Anthonys head. Shed already made up her mind, and it wouldnt be easy to sway her now.
You cant leave, he said, buying time to come up with some leverage. Mom said you have a Red Cross thing Thursday night. And theres a rumor going around that some jewelry honcho will be there to see a design that might earn you a patent. Well, it wasnt a rumor. Layne told me.
How did she know that?
I wish I knew. She scares me senseless. I havent gotten away with any of my usual tricks since she showed up, Anthony said, only half-joking.
Liar. You managed to get here, didnt you?
Yes, but she probably let it happen. Look, I know this situation has to be overwhelming, but if you turn your intelligence on it, you might prove to be a valuable asset to
Oops. Anthony thudded to a halt at the sight of her hostile glare. Hed attempted to call on her pride, and shed seen through him in seconds.
Nice try, she muttered as he backpedaled, crouching in front of her to make eye contact she couldnt evade.
If you run well never catch him.
Run? Thats your department. Im protecting people because I care what happens to them, not saving my own a
Emma. He cut her off, his eyes involuntarily dropping to her mouth. Blood pounded through his veins and a slow breath escaped as Emmas own eyes mirrored the action a moment later.
He had to get out of here. The attraction still had him in a stranglehold. If she did that again he wouldnt be able to stop himself from doing what he itched to do. Touch her. Feel her cool skin heat as his hands explored.
But if he did it, Emma would leave. Layne would find her, tell her about Charles and that auction, and then Emma would hunt him down.
Listen, he said, starting again. I know youre scared right now, but you need to understand something about Dop. If he feels youve cut off access, hell take his frustration out on someone important to you. Or he could pick another victim who doesnt have the resources we do. How will you feel if that happens?
She scratched at an eyebrow with a long pink nail, and the scar on his shoulder burned in response. Pushing harder, he added, I know you dont trust me, and frankly, I dont blame you. But I havent been idly sitting by and letting this happen. Ive learned there are ways of surviving the FBI, and if youre not careful, your perverse nature might find it amusing.
Sorry, but Im sick of being serious all the time. So how about this? We could work out some ground rules so we know how to act around each other.
Can I ask you something first?
Can I stop you?
Emma gave him a pained look and fired. Is this whole attitude adjustment a near death epiphany or what? Because I find it very disturbing.
There you go, sugarcoating everything again.
Answer the question, smart aleck.
Why do you want to know?
Why wont you ever talk about anything?
Isnt this where the nun smacks our knuckles for bickering in class?
Emma sagged against the wall, looked up at the ceiling and shook her head. Id forgotten how irritating you can be.
Relaxing a bit, he scooted her over on the bench and sat beside her. So youll stay?

As if I have a choice, Emma answered, leaning away. She still couldnt believe this was happening.
How much worse could it get? On top of everything else, a stalker and Anthony Bracco had been added to the pile. Not to mention having him in her home, along with the FBI.
And was she supposed to be buying his act? Hed deflected the question about his attitude the same way he used to deflect any question that hit too close to his schemes. She wasnt blind. He might have changed, but not in any significant way.
All the same, he was playing the responsible role quite well, warning her about Dop and what he might do if she left.
But whether Anthony had changed or not, there was still anger simmering between them, and no matter how many ground rules they hid behind, it would eventually boil over.
And anger wasnt the only thing simmering. He hadnt been here more than an hour, and twice already shed felt that familiar separation of brain and body. Her brain would tell her to keep away, but her body had its own ideas.
Even now, sitting beside him, she could feel herself responding. His energy may have been subdued but it was still there, if a little different. Emma had never understood why he affected her this way, but apparently it was something that would never change or lose its power.
When his eyes had fallen to her mouth a few minutes ago, she knew she wouldnt have rejected his kiss. Any form of comfort would have been welcome, but she must be losing her mind if she considered Anthony Bracco an acceptable alternative to cheesecake.
Struggling to pull herself together, Emma answered, I need time to think.
How much time?
You know what? Forget it. I cant believe Im even speaking to you. Im going back to work.
She rushed into the hallway with Anthony in pursuit, urging, Emma, you cant pretend this isnt happening.

Just as he figured, reasoning with her was a waste of breath. By the time Emma reached the stairs leading to the sales floor a professional smile was plastered on her face.
Denial. Complete and utter denial.
Emmas attitude worried him, but Anthony knew hed dodged the first bullet. It took him a moment to figure out how hed accomplished that. And then he realized something vital as he watched her shake hands with an older gentleman and lead him gently toward a counter.
Quiet moments were the enemy. If Emma was angry, shed run, just like he always did. Except shed run straight downstairs to work, where he was supposed to keep her. And since angering Emma Toliver seemed to be Anthonys specialty, Layne might never get a chance to deliver on that threat.
Whered she go? Jim asked from down the hall.
Anthony turned, gesturing toward the counter. Downstairs.
Wed better give her some time to recover before we take it any further. Hornsbyll be talking to store security in a minute. Ill have to help with the employees, but lets have a talk first.
Jim closed the door as Anthony sank into a creaky chair. So, the agent said simply, his eyebrows raised.
Would you accept a bribe in lieu of this particular conversation? Anthony asked.
Not on your life.
Dont even think it. You know why Im off women.
Yeah, you screw up and run away, Jim said. Been doing it as long as Ive known you. But Emmas got a lot going for her. Shes smart, gorgeous and doesnt take any of your crap. Not too many women around with all those attributes.
Theres one key factor missing in your summation. Shes a witch of the first order. You want her? Shes all yours.
Generous offer. Id accept, but youd probably rearrange my anatomy if I did. Anyway, Layne told me what you and Charles have been up to. Cant help thinking you went through an awful lot of trouble for someone you cant stand.
I didnt do it for her, Anthony told him. It was my version of making amends, which, translated, means I did it to make myself feel better.
Okay. Jim sighed. But you have to keep her here somehow. Are you grasping the irony? You, the speed and distance record holder, have to keep someone else from running away.
Yes, one of those moments Im convinced Gods up there laughing.
Jim didnt bite. You know, if youd talk about things once in a while, youd be better off. Emmas father wasnt exactly saint material, either. Maybe if you explained what happened
Giving his friend a wry look, Anthony interrupted, Sorry, but I like to keep the number of people trying to kill me down to a bare minimum.
Ah, yes, here comes the sarcasm. Ill stop. So back to business. Were about to get a whole lot more aggressive.
Several ideas are on the table. Dops gotta make a mistake somewhere along the line. Well help him do that.
Anthony held up his hands and waited expectantly.
You and your results mentality, Jim complained.
Well, its a little hard to be patient, Jim. Hes already blown every profile youve come up with. Its like hes deliberately changing course just to throw you off base.
Youre right, he is doing that. But meanwhile hes showing us hes done time in either law enforcement or prison. Id guess the latter. Guys in there study how we work. Hes also highly intelligent, efficient and patient. When we bring him down Ill definitely be publishing his case.
If we bring him down.
Oh ye of little faith, Jim commented. Look, I need to go help Hornsby. You keep an eye on Emma. Make sure she doesnt take off on us.
Yes, sir. Hey, wait a second, Anthony said. What did you make of Brady?
I dont know yet. Im not sure I buy his altruistic act. He grew up at the store, same as Emma, but shes holding all the reins. And Bradys wife left him a couple of weeks back. Emma doesnt know that, though, so keep quiet about it.
Anthony sighed. Did some digging before this morning?
Its a sickness. I cant help myself. And speaking of which
Im going! Anthony groused. He left Jim to his beloved cellphone, which seemed to be permanently attached to the mans ear.
Descending to the jewelry department, Anthony found Emma stubbornly immersed in work. She was still attending to the older gentleman, talking over a tray of rings.
Anthony took up position by the workroom door, receiving a flurry of suspicious looks from Emma even while she showed the utmost patience to her client. It was a learning experience, seeing her smile the way she used to when hed first met her. Genuine. Kind. He found it hard to believe that striking face could turn so cold.
Wondering how, exactly, one got on Emmas good side, Anthony rubbed his shoulder against the doorjamb. The itching was a constant reminder of Dop, and though the doctors said it was a sign of healing, it was yet another irritant in an already full load.
As Emma moved on to the next client, Anthony decided to do double duty. There were ways to make this easier. Hed done enough damage in her life already and now he was adding a stalker to the tally. Right now, planning might do more good than an apology that would satisfy no one.
So he took out his own cellphone and got to work, spying as Emma milled around a constantly busy sales floor.
Her state of denial began to slip when Hornsby and Brady pulled a security guard from his post. She went white, then red, but didnt interfere. That was good, Anthony supposed, although she would almost certainly take it out on him later.
She handled the next round better, showing nothing but calm as Jim made off with department heads, one by one. Emma rotated to cover their absences, and it wasnt always easy for Anthony to find an unobtrusive vantage point. He finally gave up and sat on the oak staircase as she took over the china department. It was nearly noon by then and the hot, viciously humid weather had slowed down even the most avid shoppers.
Anthony was virtually alone with her now, watching as she tidied an already pristine set of displays. He wondered what she was thinking, but didnt mind the cold shoulder. It gave him a chance to stare.
The yellow dress was straight out of a Doris Day moviesleeveless, tailored and prim, yet somehow managing to show a mile of tanned skin. His eyes moved to her legs, where high heels, nice ankles and the curve of firm calf muscles held his interest for quite some time.
And then suddenly she was walking right toward him, like a warrior on a mission. Anthonys spine straightened abruptly at the obstinate look on Emmas face. He was unprepared for another showdown.
You need to answer a question, she said.
He raised his eyebrows expectantly.
Did you really believe I was behind this?
At first, yes, he said. And you thought it was me.
The thought did cross my mind.
Well then, thats out of the way. Hows your stomach doing? Better? Feel like lunch?
Emma eyed him warily for a moment. No, she said. But I suppose if Ill be having houseguests Id better call the grocery store.
Already taken care of. My housekeeper will be here later with provisions. And Ill make a deal with you.
Ill cook if you scratch on demand.
If I what? she asked.
The scar. It itches and you have long fingernails.
There was another pause, but this time Anthony could see what she was thinking. Having houseguests was one thing. Touching him was another. They both knew they were in trouble under the enforced proximity. It only remained to be seen which one of them would slip first.
Are you supposed to be scratching? she asked.
Probably not. But the deal stands.
All right. Why dont you come upstairs for a while, anyway? I can scare up lunch and tell you what the FBIs been up to.
I cant. When they keep pulling people off the floor were short of help.
Youre also short of customers. Look, I know this is awkward, but I promise no mischief if you promise not to flirt.
Excuse me? Emma exclaimed indignantly.
Im only teasing. Lighten up.
Easy for you to say, she muttered. You dont have to watch your back every
Anthony laughed out loud at the horrified look on her face.
Whats so funny? she chirped, then smiled sheepishly. Man, talk about putting your foot in your mouth. Im sorry.
Dont be. I think thats the first time Ive laughed in weeks.
They started up the stairs, Emmas expression sour. You must be pretty desperate if youre laughing at that.

Chapter 4
A cantaloupe? Thats it? Anthony complained.
Theres some butter and mayonnaise, too, she said, watching him dig in the fridge. I think theres some tuna fish in the cupboard and I know theres bread around here somewhere.
Oh, good. And here I was hoping for actual food. Dont you ever eat?
Yes, I eat. I just dont have time to cook much of anything.
Then my presence will serve a purpose. And itll be a nice change from hotel food for me. If I ever see another room service tray again itll be too soon.
That bad? I would think hospital food would be worse, Emma said, wondering if hed talk about the attack. Now that she wasnt quite so overwhelmed she was ready to hear the rest of the story.
But Anthony sidestepped the topic, saying, I was only laid up for a week, then had to move into the Whitney for a night or two because Jim knew wed have good security. After that it was the St. Paul Hotel. The rest of that second weeks pretty much a blur. Painkiller fog. But that ended after Dops last swipe.
What happened? she asked, sliding a cutting board toward him when he pointed to it with a knife.
Emma refused to look at the melon while he cut it.
Nothing much, he said. Dop drew an X on the door across from ours. Hornsby turned the place inside out but there was no sign of him. Probably happened while we were all asleep. And then Layne decided to show up.
You dont like her?
Anthony shrugged a shoulder and Emmas eyes lingered on the shiny white fabric covering smooth, rounded muscle. Its not that I dont like her. I just dont know anything about her, and Jims being very tight-lipped. Hornsby hinted shes pretty high up the ladder, though.
A surprise around every corner, Emma said. But how did the FBI get involved, anyway? I mean, this place is gossipville and I never heard one word.
She snagged a piece of melon off the cutting board and nibbled, watching his arm flex as he worked. Her stare followed a line of tendon to his hand. She was an expert on male hands, after years of staring at them while fitting wedding rings on innumerable couples.
Anthonys had changed. Back then she could have sworn he got manicures, but now they looked beat-up, as if hed been doing some sort of manual labor. Hard to believe, but scattered across the square backs, palms and long knobby fingers were calluses, scratches and a scar or two. Not too many. As with everything concerning Anthony, he seemed to have the exact amount to suit her taste.
Here we go again, she thought. Very depressing. Two years later and she was still hopelessly in lust.
But the bad things had not been forgotten. He may have changed somewhat, but it would take a heart and brain transplant for Anthony Bracco to be someone she could count as a friend. Or anything else, for that matter.
He explained. Mom checked my e-mail while I was in the hospital and found it flooded with Dops pictures. Pretty hard to miss the connection between the Xs and the assault. So since Internet crime is the FBIs jurisdiction, she had an excuse to call Jim, and he slapped a gag order on the cops right away.
I take it you already knew Jim? Emma asked. With Anthony one had to fish diligently or details had a tendency to be brushed over.
Yes. We were roommates at college and kept in touch. Luckily, he had enough pull to get my case assigned to him.
Does he have a specialty?
Criminal profiling, mostly. You know, where they try to discern personal attributes by a suspects behavior, and then use it to predict what he might do. Not easy with Dop.
Hmm, she murmured, trying not to think about that. And whos Hornsby?
Jims partner. A security expert.
Ah. You said something about messages? Like word messages instead of pictures?
Yes, but not a subject matter to discuss while eating, Anthony said, turning away from the sink. They came in fast and furious when I was in the hospital, then dropped off that second week. After the X on the hotel wall they all but stopped. Jim was starting to get concerned, but now we know what Dops been up to. Following you around.
Emma sighed impatiently, Are you ever going to tell me what he said in those e-mails?
There you are, Jim said from the doorway. Brady was having a fit, thinking youd been abducted.
Pressing one hand over her thumping heart, Emma exclaimed, Do you have to sneak up on people like that?
Yes, its a job requirement. Is Anthony bringing you up-to-date?
Sort of, Emma replied, sliding Anthony a piqued look.
Theres really not all that much to tell. Just the messages and the hotel thing, Anthony said.
Youre forgetting the phone calls, Jim stated. But I need to get back downstairs. Just wanted to make sure you were up here, and hadnt run off somewhere again.
Emma raised her brows at the glowering looks that flashed between the two men, but Jim darted away before she could comment. Ignoring Anthonys irritation, she prompted, Phone calls?
A few. Not pleasant. I know Im leaving things out, but trust me, you dont need to hear the gory details.
Isnt that my decision?
No, its not. You might as well get used to guessing whats happening because no one tells the whole story. Not even Jim.
Great. I ought to be crazy in about twenty-four hours.
Slacker. I was there in twelve. But then I learned I was better off. And you, the biggest worrywart on the planet
Ha, Emma said. As if I dont have reason. Especially where youre concerned.
Youre just spoiling for a fight, arent you? Anthony challenged, sliding her a plate. He had the gall to smile at her as if it were cute that she was still angry after two years.
I wasnt until you said that. Now that you mention it, maybe I am. I cant believe youre acting like nothing happened.
Anthony hooked his foot through the rungs of a stool and pulled it up to the island counter. Fine. You want to yell? Go ahead.
Emma gaped at him for a moment, then said, I hate it when you condescend.
I wasnt condescending. If you want to yell, feel free. Get me mad enough and I might even yell back.
Oh, can I? she asked sarcastically, annoyed that shed actually missed the way they used to bicker over nothing. Only this wasnt nothing.
All right, Emma, listen. Whats done is done. Neither one of us can go back and undo what we did to each other
As if I have anything to take back, she muttered, and took a bite of her sandwich.
You have plenty to take back. Like shooting your mouth off and being a tease just for extra revenge. Not very nice after being Miss Dont-Touch-Me for a week.
And that compares to what you did?
I never said it did. Im just saying you didnt play fair, either.
Do you think Im proud of that? she asked, wondering just how obtuse the man was.
Are you saying youre not?
They stared at each other for a moment, and Emma noticed Anthony squirming a bit. His shoulder itched.
Let him suffer.
No, Im not proud of it, she sighed. What about you? If you could do it all over again would you bribe your way into owning my company?
Emma let out a groan of sheer disgust. You would!
In a heartbeat.
Rolling her eyes, she said, Some people never learn.
Right. So how would you do away with me this time? he asked, flexing his left arm.
Emma took another bite of melon, wondering how long he could stand it before he scratched. This time Id probably sink you up to your thick skull in lawyers. What about you? How would you do it differently?
This time Id bribe the entire building inspectors office so they couldnt tip you off.
Emma laughed. That was your own fault, you know. Should have done your homework. The guy who told me someone must have faked the asbestos samples was my fathers best friend.
Live and learn, Anthony said. Almost pulled it off, though. My people were all set to come in and look busy doing nothing. You never would have known Id set the whole thing up if you hadnt replied to their noncompliance letter with a huge temper tantrum.
Humph. I cant believe you thought youd get away with it. I wouldve gone nuts being shut down for months. And even though you said youd pay for everything, I never would have given you controlling interest, Emma said.
He laughed and Emmas throat tightened at the sight. Shed forgotten how utterly gorgeous he could be when he laughed. Smiling was bad enough.
Emma jumped when the phone rang. She stared at it a moment, debating whether to ignore it. This conversation was far too interesting to let drop, but no one ever called during lunch unless it was urgent.
Hang on a minute, she said, fighting the impulse to scratch his shoulder as she passed.

Anthonys shoulder was on fire but he refused to contort himself into scratch position. It would remind her of the scar, and he didnt want to erase this last half hours progress. Theyd somehow managed to joke about the past in a way he never had, not even with Geoff, his stepfather, whose sense of humor had been Anthonys saving grace during the last two years.
But then it had always been easy to talk around touchy subjects with Emma, because she was always quick to smooth over unwanted topics herself.
Eavesdropping shamelessly as she picked up the phone, he heard her say, Hey Brady.
With her back to him, Anthony felt free to scowl. But it melted from his face as Emmas voice turned sharp. What? Youve got to be kidding me! Put him through.
There was a pause and the scar began to itch again in earnest as Emma said, Hi, Peter.
Peter was Peter Carlson, Emmas insurer, and a huge danger to Anthony and Charles. Theyd made absolutely certain the New York auction house would keep their mouths shut about enhancing Emmas bid, but Peters appraised value of the stones and metals would be way more than shed paid.
Charles had been soothing Peter for a couple months now, telling him these things sometimes happened. But Peter wasnt on the phone with Charles this time. He was talking to Emma. And she wasnt known for being careless.
If either one of those two got nervous enough to dig deeper into that appraisal discrepancy, Anthony and Charles were toast.
What do you mean we wont have them today? Her voice was level but he could see her back tighten with tension.
Anthony, on the other hand, blew out a quiet sigh of relief. With Emma in no-excuse mode, Peter wouldnt dare hint at another delay.
Yes, well thats what you said last week. I dont care how many stones there are. Theres no way it takes three months to appraise one auction lot. With what Im paying you Well, are you sure your people arent overvaluing the uncut stones? Its happened before, and our bid couldnt be that far off the value.
Oops. Holding his breath, Anthony watched as she put a hand on her hip and stretched sideways. He almost felt sorry for her.
But he could imagine how she would react if he told her the stomach problem and knotted muscles would disappear as soon as she stopped letting her career run her life.
Shed get mad if he called her on it, and that did not appeal, although he couldnt help recalling how spectacular she looked when angry. Full bottom lip red and glistening from the abuse, green eyes flashing, and that telltale blush of a steaming temper. Shed looked that way the night shed tricked him into believing he was about to get a whole lot more than her businesses. Ravishing. A wild thing that could never be tamed.
Anthony dropped his sandwich. If she turned around looking that sexy he wouldnt be held responsible for what happened next. Taking no chances that his already battered rules wouldnt survive the next ten minutes, he cleared away his lunch mess as Emma listened to Carlson.
Since she hadnt turned around to bonk him over the head with the phone, he assumed Peter was doing some major kissing up. Good man. Emma needed it. And the sooner those stones were released, the better theyd all feel.
Maybe this afternoon hed place a discreet call and persuade Carlson to speed things up.
The idea was quickly retracted when Emma said, You know what, Peter? I have seven other insurance companies begging for my money, and right now youre costing me more than premiums. So lets do this. If that lot isnt in my vault by noon on Thursday, consider our contracts terminated.
So much for discreet, Anthony thought, as Emma said a quiet goodbye and hung up. He couldnt have done it better himself.
Problems? he asked.
Nothing important. Not to you, anyway. Do you want help with the dishes or can I go downstairs now?
After youve kept your end of the bargain, you can, Anthony said, his shoulder screaming for attention.
What bargain? she asked. Then she brightened and said, Oh. Is it bad?
Believe me, I wouldnt ask if it wasnt. I do still have some ego left, and my shoulders kind of hard to reach without contorting myself.
Then you should have said something instead of trying to be all macho, she scolded.
Emma stepped up behind him at the sink, and the second her fingernails came in contact with his back, Anthonys entire body screamed for that attention. This was a bad idea, he realized, as she laid her free hand on his ribs for leverage.
Mind-numbing relief and arousal dragged a guttural moan all the way from his toes, and he could feel her smiling tolerantly behind him.
Its not funny, he groused.
No, its not, she replied with heartening sympathy. But if Id known it was this easy to shut you up Id have started scratching the second we got up here.
He sneered over his shoulder at her and she smiled.
Okay, she said, clapping him on the back. The impact of the playful smack was like flint on metal as she added, Im going downstairs and you dont have to spy anymore. Ive got enough work to keep me busy for weeks. Couldnt take off even if I wanted to.
Anthony tightened his grip on the counter and nodded weakly. As soon as she was gone, he leaned his back against the nearest wall and slid to a crouch with his hands dug into his hair.
This was impossible. His rules had been hard enough to follow before, but now Emma had blown number three sky-high. Not only was he thinking about her, but hed begun to want something he could never have.
He couldnt handle her. Not yet. Shed laugh in his face if he told her how he felt. Then hed run. It was as inevitable as the sunrise.
Angry with himself for letting her affect him, Anthony stayed where he was for a while, telling himself this couldnt possibly go on much longer. Layne had a crew scouring the employee files of the companies hed raided, and something was bound to turn up. Either that or Dop would finally make Jims promised mistake.
Anthonys cellphone went off in his pocket and he dropped his head forward in frustration.
What fresh hell is this? he muttered.
But it was only Geoff, on a break between surgeries, calling to make sure hed survived the reunion.

Emma only managed twenty minutes downstairs before the reality of the FBI hit home. Shed counted to ten at least sixty times while Hornsby personally opened and examined the days shipments. Every one of the packages had been expected, but the man just wouldnt listen to reason.
And then Layne had strolled by the office, peering in as though Emma were on display.
Sighing and shaking her head, she toyed with the idea of writing only doing their job on a thousand sticky-notes and tacking them all over the place. Maybe with the added reminder, she and the FBI wouldnt be at war by dinnertime.
Dinner. What would that be like? Emma was still trying to put lunch in perspective. Yes, shed forgotten how annoying Anthony could be, but shed also forgotten how he could claim her total attention for as long as he darn well pleased.
Deep breaths. Many, many deep breaths. She could do this. She could handle Anthony. She could handle the FBI. It was just difficult because she wasnt used to having so many people in her space.
Her cooperative spirit faltered a bit as Jim stuck his head in the door, waving her mail in his hand. Gotta have a look through this before you can have it. Oh, and weve got ears on your computers, phones and your cell. Were required to hang up on calls that arent relevant, but we gotta listen long enough to make a determination. So you might want to keep the personal stuff down to a minimum.
Subpoena? Emma prompted.
Jim patted the envelope sticking out of his shirt pocket. Dont mean to be rude, Emma, but Im a cautious guy. The courts make it harder to convict than to investigate. Relax. My bases are covered.
Emma stared after him, wide-eyed. She couldnt give a hoot if the bases were covered for court. She didnt want anyone listening to her phone calls, personal or not.
And theyd darned well better hang up if it wasnt relevant. She and her therapist could never manage office visits so theyd arranged phone sessions instead, and these days he was number one on her speed dial.
Dr. Dillon. She didnt know how shed managed before he came along. He deserved full credit for the fact that she hadnt screamed at anyone yet.
The man was a blessing. Shed almost given up finding a replacement for her last therapist, then finally threw herself on the mercy of an Internet referral site. Shed entered all her information and the next day she got a phone call from Dillon. Simple as pie. And she thought shed died and gone to heaven when Dillon said hed visit her at work if it was more convenient, since hed just moved here from California and wasnt booked to oblivion yet.
And from the moment she laid eyes on the man, shed known he was the right one.
Dillon was about forty or so, with animated hazel eyes that made actual contact. He was totally laid-back and equipped with a smooth, soothing voiceperfect for when she was ridiculously angry over something stupid.
Shed have to call him and warn him about the eavesdropping. And Anthony, of course. Talk about kamikaze therapy. But Dillon said forgiving Anthony was a baby step forward on her journey to get rid of her temper and she knew he was right, much as she hated to admit it.
Shed be nervous, though, wondering if someone was listening in. Would she be able to tell if theyd hung up?
Why does everything have to be so damned dramatic? Would one normal week be too much to ask?
With a cynical laugh, Emma picked up her cell phone and called, catching Dillon on his way to a conference in Wisconsin.
And she heard it. A soft buzz, then a click. Hoping those sounds meant theyd hung up, Emma started talking.
Forty-five minutes later she felt considerably better. Able to cope at least. The doctor was, naturally, concerned about her being in danger but pleasantly surprised at how shed conducted herself.
Well, mostly. Shed been given a stern dressing-down on her attitude toward the FBI, and she hadnt missed Dillons quiet chuckle when she finally admitted to sympathetic feelings toward Anthony.
A big fat I told you so was probably in order, but Dillon didnt say it. What he did say was she shouldnt confuse lust for emotions.
Reliving that comment, Emma grimaced. It was something theyd talked about before, always concerning Anthony, and no doubt theyd talk about it again as soon as shed calmed down. Hopefully Anthony would be gone before the next therapy session.
Dillon promised to be available at any hour until Dop was caught, and rang off with a gentle reminder not to dump on Charles if things got uglya mistake she often made when the pressure got too high for her to handle. She and her goldsmith as were close as father and daughter, and while Dillon thought it was good she had someone to talk to, Charles shouldnt be subjected to her tirades when she lost it.
The desire to unload the entire, insane Dop and Anthony story on Charles right then was very strong, but Emma forced herself to dive into a pile of purchase orders instead. They kept most of her brain occupied, yet one small corner continued to think about all the things she and Dr. Dillon hadnt talked about. For once. Like her father.
Marshall Toliver had refused treatment for his depression from the moment he was diagnosed, and Emma had spent most of her life dodging his mood swings. Shed also spent most of her life compensating for his problems.
Every therapist loved this subject, but Emma was tired of talking about it. Dad was gone now, so in her opinion there was nothing to discuss. Dillon didnt agree but he never forced the issue.
He didnt have to. Emma lived it every day. A majority of the employees at Tolivers Treasures had been manning their posts since before she was born, and Emma wasnt blind. Thered been times when her fathers out-of-control behavior had scared them, none of them knowing whether theyd have a job the next day.
Things had gotten better for them once Dad handed the store over to her. She loved the store. It was her entire life. But shed only been sixteen at the time. Juggling school, boyfriends and a thriving business sometimes drove her straight over the edge.
So the employees were no stranger to the temper. They didnt deserve it, but theyd been putting up with it for years. For all intents and purposes, shed been raised by these people, and they were the true heart and soul of this place. She owed them far more than job security, and if she didnt start managing her emotions better, one of them would leave, taking part of that heart and soulher heart and soulwith them.
Shed already learned how devastating a loss like that could be. Bradys father, Edgar. The temper hadnt claimed him. Old age had, but hed been more of a father to her than her own. He was the one whod urged her to stop treating design sketches as a someday hobby. Beautiful Things had been a huge risk, but she couldnt imagine her life without that precious escape.
However, that escape was often a colossal pain in the butt. Material shortages, the capital shed had to pour into it and the demands on her time were beginning to catch up with her.
Why couldnt you have had more kids? Emma asked aloud, then felt silly. Dad couldnt hear her any better now than he had when he was alive.
A little help would be nice, though. Here she was, up to her hairline in paperwork, stalkers, Anthony and the FBI, and on Thursday night shed be meeting with the most influential jewelry merchandiser in the country.
No worries. Oh, but lets not forget were twenty-six and have no social life, she complained to herself. Could it be any harder to find the perfect man, settle down and start a family so theres someone to take over this place when youre gone?
Emma rolled her eyes, then jumped when Jim trotted down the stairs wearing an impatient, vaguely excited look. Come upstairs. We need to try something.
Were gonna send Dop a reply to this mornings picture.
Excuse me?
Just come on, he urged.
Reluctantly climbing the stairs, she donned a cynical expression as he added, You never know. We might get a response, and bam, its over.
They stopped at the top of the stairs, greeted by Anthony, who radiated disapproval.
Dont even say it, Brac, Jim warned. Weve got to reopen our line of communication somehow.
Why? Do you miss him? No juicy whacko to dissect all week?
Yeah. Thank God you were here to fill in, Jim replied.
Emma bit her cheek, trying not to laugh, then blinked innocently when Anthony asked, What are you laughing at?
Not a thing, she told him as Jim pulled another chair behind one of several computer desks.
All right, heres the deal, Jim began, leaning back in his chair until Emma was convinced hed fall over. Im torn as to how we play this. My gut says we go for the throat. My head says we play it safe.

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