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Valentino′s Love-Child
Valentino′s Love-Child
Valentino's Love-Child
Step into a world of sophistication and glamour, where sinfully seductive heroes await you in luxurious international locations.Under the Sicilian sun,Valentinos mistress tempts him like no other Their relationship is scorching, its intensity unmatched, the desire indescribable Only love can never be mentioned. But his stunning, intriguing American lover is testing his resolve.He said hed never marry again. His principles wont allow it. The one person to tame the untameable Valentino is the woman now carrying his child

Im not talking about sex.

He turned her to face him and lowered his head so his lips hovered above hers. Lets not talk at all.

Then he kissed her. He would show her that they were too right together to dismiss their relationship because it wasnt packaged in orange blossoms and meters of white tulle.

She fought her own response. He could feel the tension in her, knew she wanted to resist, but as much as she might want to she was as much a slave to their mutual attraction as he. Her body knew where it belonged. In his arms.

But her brain was too active and she tore her lips from his. No, Tino.

Do not say no. Say rather, Make love to me,Tino. This is what I wish to hear.
Lucy Monroe started reading at the age of four. After going through the childrens books at home, she was caught by her mother reading adult novels pilfered from the higher shelves on the bookcase

Alas, it was nine years before she got her hands on a Mills & Boon romance her older sister had brought home. She loves to create the strong alpha males and independent women that people Mills & Boon books. When shes not immersed in a romance novel (whether reading or writing it), she enjoys travel with her family, having tea with the neighbours, gardening, and visits from her numerous nieces and nephews.

Lucy loves to hear from readers. E-mail her at LucyMonroe@LucyMonroe.com or visit her website: www.LucyMonroe.com


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VALENTINO GRISAFI brushed a silky auburn curl away from where it blocked his view of his sleeping mistresss face.
Mistress. An old-fashioned word for a very modern woman. Faith Williams would not appreciate the label. Were he to be foolish enough to use it within her hearing, she would no doubt let him know it too. His carina americana was no wilting flower.
Pretty American. Now, that suited her. But if he should let on he thought of her like a mistress? Ai-yi-yi.
Eyes the blue of a peacock feather would snap with temper while she lectured him on how inappropriate the term was. And he supposed she would have a point. He did not pay her bills. He did not buy her clothes. No matter how many hours they spent together here, she did not live in his Marsala apartment. She did not rely on him for anything but his company.
So, not his mistress. But not his girlfriend, either. Long-term commitment and love had no place between them. Theirs was a purely physical relationship, the duration and depth of which was dictated purely by convenience. Mostly his. Not that Faith had nothing to say in the matter.

She could walk away as easily as he and had no more incentive to make time in her schedule for him than vice versa. Luckily for them both, the relationship such that it wasworked for each of them.
Perhaps they were friends also and he did not regret it, but that had come after. After he had discovered the way her sweet, curvaceous body responded to the slightest touch of his. After kisses that melted his brain and her resistance. After he had learned how much pleasure he could find basking in her generous sensuality, once unleashed.
The sex between them was phenomenal.
Which was no doubt why he could already feel the loss of the coming weeks.
Tracing her perfect oval features he leaned close to her ear. Carina, you must wake.
Her nose wrinkled and the luscious bow of her mouth twisted into a moue of denial, her exotically colored eyes remaining stubbornly closed. Her recently sated body not moving so much as a centimeter from its usual post-coital curled position.
Come, bella mia. Waken.
If youd come to my apartment, I could stay in bed sleeping while you had to get dressed and leave, she grumbled into the pillow.
Most nights, I leave as well, carina. You know this. He liked to have breakfast with Giosue. His eight-year-old son was the light of Valentinos life. Besides, I am not waking you up to go. We need to talk.
Faiths eyelids fluttered, but her mouth did not slip from its downward arch.
You are adorable like this, you know?
That had her sitting up and staring at him with grumpy startlement, the tangerine, supersilky, Egyptian cotton sheet shed insisted he use on his bed clutched to her chest. Sane people do not find cranky attractive, Tino.
Biting back a smile, he shrugged. What can I say? I am different. Or perhaps it is you. I do not recall finding any of my other amantes so cute when they were irritable.
He did not like using the word lover, but knew better than to refer to her as the equally ill-fitting title of mistress. And she had already cut him off at the knees for referring to her once as a bed partner. She said if he wanted to use such a clinical term, he should consider getting an anatomically accurate blow-up doll.
Why these thoughts were plaguing him tonight, he did not know. Defining her place in his life was not something he spent time doing, nor was he overly fond of labels. So why so preoccupied with them tonight?
I have no interest in hearing about your past conquests Signor Grisafi. Now she really looked out of sorts, her eyes starting to flash with temper.
I apologize. But you know I was hardly an untried boy when we met. He had already loved and lost a wife, not to mention the women who had warmed his cold bed after.
He and Faith had been together for a year, longer than he had been with any other woman since the death of his beloved Renata. But that hardly altered his past.
Neither of us were virgins, but its bad form to discuss past relationships while in bed with your current lover.
You are so worried about following protocols, too, he mocked.
He had never known someone less concerned with appearance and social niceties. His carina americana was the quintessential free spirit.

A small smile teased her lips at that. Maybe not, but this is one social norm Im one hundred percent behind.
Duly noted.
Good. She curled up to him, snuggling against his chest, her hand resting casually on his upper thigh and causing no small reaction in his nether regions. You said you didnt wake me up to send me on my way?
No. We need to talk.
She cocked her head to one side. What about?
He couldnt help himself. He leaned down and kissed the tip of her straight nose. You really are adorable when you first wake up.
I thought it was when I was grumpy.
Have you ever woken up not irritable?
I have a perfectly sunny disposition in the morning. Not that you would know that little fact as weve never spent a full night together, but youll have to take my word on it. Its only when I have to wake up after being sated so gorgeously with your body that I complain.
It was an old argument. She had never taken his refusal to spend the entire night together with full grace. She understood his desire to be home for breakfast with his son, but not his insistence on leaving their shared bed after at most a short nap after their lovemaking.
Her continued pressing the point frustrated him and that leaked out into his voice when he said, Be that as it may, there is something I have been meaning to tell you.
She stiffened and pulled away, her blue-green gaze reflecting an instant emotional wariness. What?
It is nothing bad. Well, not too bad. It is simply that my parents are going on a trip. They wish to visit friends in Naples.
Oh, really? I didnt know.

Naturally, I did not tell you.
And I cannot leave Giosue at night when he does not have his grandparents there to watch over him. Never mind the staff that lived on site at their vineyard, Vigne di Grisafi, much less the housekeeper that had her own room in the house. It was not the same.
I understand. He could tell from her expression that she really did. How long will your parents be gone?
Two weeks only.
I wont see you at all?
It is unlikely.
She looked like she wanted to say something, but in the end she simply nodded.
I will miss you, he found himself admitting. Then he scowled. He hadnt wanted to say that. This. He brushed his hand down her body. I will miss this.
I heard you the first time, tough guy. You cant take it back now. You may as well admit you like my company as much as me in your bed.
He bore her back to the bed, his mouth hovering above hers. Maybe almost as much. And speaking of sex. I will have to do without you for two weeks, I think we should take advantage of our time together.
Have I ever said no to you? she asked with a husky laugh.
No and tonight is no time to start.

Faith woke surrounded by warmth and the scent of the man she loved.
Her eyes flew open and a grin split her face. It hadnt been a dream. After making love into the wee hours of the morning, Tino had asked her to spend the night. For the first time ever.
Okay, maybe not askedmore like informed her that she was staying, but it was the same result. She was in his arms, in his bedthe morning after theyd made love.
And it was glorious.
Every bit as delicious a feeling as she had thought it would be.
Are you awake? his deep voice rumbled above her.
She lifted her head from its resting place on his hair-covered chest and turned the full wattage of her smile on him. What does it look like?
It looks like you were telling me the truth when you said you had a sunny disposition in the morning. Maybe I will have to start calling you solare.
Sunlight? Her heart squeezed. Tay used to call me Sunshine.
A past boyfriend? Tino asked on a growl, the morning whiskers on his face giving him a sexily fierce aspect. You are right, discussing past amores while in bed with your current one is definitely bad taste.
She laughed, not in the least offended. He was my husband, not a past boyfriend, she said as she scooted out of the bed, intent on making coffee.
You were married?
Yes. Weird that after almost a full year together, she was telling him about having been married before for the first time. But then, that was the nature of their relationship. She and Tino focused on the present when they were together.
Shed learned more about himand a tragic past similar to her ownfrom his mother than shed ever learned from him. Strangely enough, where Tino showed no interest in Faiths art, his mother was a fan. Theyd met at one of Faiths showings in Palermo. In spite of the generation difference in their ages, the two women had hit it off immediately and both had been thrilled to discover they lived so close to one another. Vigne di Grisafi was a mere twenty-minute drive from Faiths small apartment in Pizzolato.
Not that shed ever been there as Tinos guest. Shed been seeing Tino for two months before she realized the Valentino Agata mentioned so frequently was Tino, the man Faith spent her nights making love with. At first, shed found it disconcerting, but shed soon adjusted. She hadnt told Agata about the fact she was dating Tino though.
Hed been careful to keep their relationship discreet and she felt it was his prerogative to determine when his family would be told about her.
In another almost unreal twist of fate, Faith was his son Giosues teacher, too. She taught an art class for primary school children in Marsala once a week. She may have lost her one chance at motherhood, but she still adored kids, and this was her way of spending time with them. Giosue was an absolute doll and she more than understood Tinos desire to be there for him. She applauded it.
Divorced? Tino asked, his brown eyes intent on her and apparently not done with the topic of Tay.
Widowed. She didnt elaborate, knowing Tino wouldnt want the details. He never wanted the details. Not about her personal history.
He said he liked to concentrate on the here and now. Since that was her own personal motto, she didnt balk at the fact he showed no interest in her life before Sicily. She had to admit, though, that he didnt show much interest in her life here, either.
He knew she was an artist, but she wasnt sure he knew she was a successful one or that she was a clay sculptor. He knew she lived in Pizzolato, a small town a few minutes south of Marsala, but she doubted he knew exactly where her apartment was. In the entire year theyd been together, they had made love in one place onlyhis apartment.
Not his home, because he didnt live there. He said he kept it for business purposes, but she thought he meant the business of getting sex without falling under the watchful eye of his mother. Tino had been very careful to keep their lives completely separate.
At first, she hadnt minded. Shed been no more interested in a deep emotional connection than he had been. Hed promised her sex and that was all hed given her.
Only, at some point along the way, shed realized, she couldnt help giving him love.
Even so, shed been content to keep their relationship on a shallow level. Or at least convinced herself to be. Shed lost everyone shed ever loved and had no doubt that one day she would lose him, too. That didnt mean she hadnt loved spending the whole night togethershe had. But as for the rest of it, the less entwined in her life he was, the better for her it would be when that time came.
At least, that was how she had thought. She wasnt so sure anymore.
So, that is all you have to say on the matter?
She pushed the start button on the coffeemaker and turned to face Tino. What?
Hed pulled on a pair of boxers, leaving most of his tall, chiseled body on mouthwatering display. Your husband died.
Were they still on that? Yes.
A car accident.
Six years ago.
He ran his fingers through his morning tousled dark hair. You never told me.
Did you want me to?
I would think that sometime in a year you would have thought to mention that you were a widow. He came into the kitchen and leaned against the counter near her.
It is an important piece of information about you.
About my past.
He frowned at her.
You prefer to focus on today, not yesterday. Youve said so many times, Tino. Whats going on?
Maybe Im just curious about the woman Ive been bedding for a year.
Almost a year.
Do not banter semantics with me.
Im glad youre curious.
I For the first time in memory, her lover, the ?ber-cool Valentino Grisafi, looked lost for words.
Dont worry about it, Tino. Its not a bad thing.
No, no, of course not. We are friends as well as lovers, si?
Yes. And she was more relieved than she could say that he saw it that way, too.
Good. Good. He was silent a second. Do I get breakfast to go with my coffee?

I think that can be arranged.
He got a borderline horrified look on his face. You do know how to cook, dont you?
She laughed, truly tickled. We arent all filthy rich vintners, Tino. Some of us cant afford a housekeeper or to eat out every mealthus, knowing how to cook is essential. But I dont mind telling you, Im pretty good at it as well.
Ill reserve judgment.
She laughed and launched herself at him to tickle the big man into submission, or at least a lot of laughter before he subdued her wandering fingers.

Faith finished the third form of a pregnant woman she had done in as many days. She hadnt done women enceinte since the loss of her baby in the accident that had killed Taylish and any chance Faith would ever have at a family.
Or so she had believed.
Her clay-spattered hand pressed over her still-flat stomach, a sense of awe and wonder infusing her. It had taken her four years and fertility counseling for her to become viably pregnant the first time.
Her first actual pregnancy had occurred a mere two months after she married Taylish at the age of eighteen. Theyd been ecstatic when the home pregnancy test showed positive, only to be cast into a pit of despair short weeks later when the ectopic pregnancy had come close to killing her. And of course, there had been no hope of saving the baby with a tubal pregnancy.
Her near death had not stopped her and Tay from trying again. They both wanted children with a deep desperation only those who had no family could appreciate. After a year of trying with no results theyd sought medical help. Tests had revealed that shed been left with only one working ovary in the aftermath of her ectopic pregnancy.
The fertility specialist she and Tay had sought out had informed them that the single working ovary significantly decreased their chances at getting pregnant. However, she gave them a regime to follow that would hopefully result in conception. It had been grueling and resulted in an already passionless sex life turning flat-out clinical.
But it had worked. When the test strip had turned blue, shed felt as if it was the greatest blessing of her life. This time shed felt as if it was a full-on miracle.
Tino was careful to use condoms every time. The number of chances theyd taken by waiting to put the condom on until after some play, and the single time one had broken (Tino had changed where he bought his condoms after that), could be counted on one hand. With fingers left over. However, one of those times of delayed sheathing had occurred a couple of months ago.
With only one working ovary, her menstrual cycles were on an erratic two-month schedule. She hadnt paid any attention when her sporadic period was later than even normal. It wasnt the first time. Pregnancy had never even crossed her mind. Not when her breasts had grown excessively tender. Shed put it up to PMS. Not when the smell of bacon made her nauseous. She wasnt a huge meat eater, anyway.
Not when she got tired in the afternoons. After all, most Sicilian businesses were closed for a couple of hours midday so people could rest. Maybe she was just taking on the habits of her adopted home. She hadnt even clued in she might be pregnant when she burst out crying over a broken glass one morning when shed been preparing a heavier breakfast than usual. Shed been craving eggs.
The shoe hadnt even dropped when she made her fourth trip to the bathroom before lunchtime one day. Shed made an appointment to see her doctor to test for a suspected bladder infection, only to be stunned with the news she was carrying Tinos child.
She pressed against her hard tummy with a reverent hand. All the symptoms of pregnancy now carried special significance for her. She, a woman whod had every chance at family shed ever had ripped from her by death, was expecting. It was almost impossible to believe shed been so blind to the possibility. With her fertility problems, Faith had assumed there wasnt even a remote chance she could or would ever get pregnant again.
Yet, according to the test her doctor had run, she was. She was.
Oh, man.
She hugged herself while looking down at the faceless pregnant figure shed been working on. The incredible awe and joy she felt at the prospect of having a baby Tinos babycould be seen in every line of the figure whose arms were raised above her head in an unmistakable gesture of celebration. Faith turned to look at the first woman shed done after finding out she was pregnant.
That figure showed the fear that laced her joy. This woman had a face, and her expression was one of trepidation. Her hand rested protectively on her slightly protruding stomach. Faith had done the woman as a native African. Clinging to one side of her traditional dress was another small child, not so thin it was starving, but clearly at risk. The two figures were standing on a base that had been created to look like dry grass.
It was a moving statue, bringing tears to her own eyes. Which wasnt exactly something new. The one place Faith allowed herself to express her inner pain, the feelings of aloneness that she accepted but had never quite learned to live with, was her art. While some pieces were filled with joy and peace, others evoked the kind of emotion few people liked to talk about.
Despite thator maybe because of ither art sold well, commanding a high price for each piece. Or at least each one she allowed to leave her workshop. The pregnant woman shed done yesterday wasnt going anywhere but back into a lump of clay. It was too jumbled a piece. No single emotional connotation strong enough to override the others.
Some work was like that. She accepted it as the cost of her process. Shed spent the entire day on that statue, but not late into the night like she had on the first one. Part of it was probably the fact that Tino had called her.
He rarely called her, except to set up assignations. Even when he traveled out of country and was gone for a week or more, she did not hear from him. But he had called yesterday. For no other reason she could discern other than to talk. Weird.
Really, really.
But good. Any loosening of his strictly sex relationship rule was a blessing. Especially now.
But still. Odd.
She wasnt sure when she was going to tell him about the baby. She had no doubts she would do so, but wanted to time it right. There was always a chance of miscarriage in the first trimester, and with her track record she wasnt going to dismiss that very real possibility. Shed lost every chance shed had for a family up to now, it was hard to believe that this time would work out any differently.
She could still hope, though.
That didnt mean she was going to share news of the baby before she was sure her pregnancy was viable. She had an appointment with the hospital later in the week. Further tests would determine whether the pregnancy was uteral rather than ectopic. Though her original fertility specialist had told her the chances of having another tubal pregnancy were so slim as to be almost nonexistent, Faith wasnt taking any chances.
And she wasnt telling Tino anything until she was sure.
THE day before her appointment at the hospital was Faiths day to teach art to the primary schoolers. Shed fallen into the job by accident. Sort of. Faith had told Agata Grisafi how much she loved children and spending time with them, but of course her career did not lend itself to doing so. The older woman had spoken to the principal of her grandsons school and discovered he would be thrilled to have a successful artist come in and teach classes one day a week to his students.
Thats how it had begun and how Faith had ended up knowing her lovers mother and son longer than shed known him. Some people might say Providence had lent a hand, and Faith thought maybe, just maybe they might be right.
Giosue, Tinos darling eight-year-old son, was in the second group she taught for the day.
He was his normal sweet self, shyly asking her opinion of the drawing he had done of Marsalas city hall. They were doing a project combining their writing skills and art to give a picture of their city as eight-and nine-year-olds saw it.
Thats beautiful, Gio.

Thank you, signora.
She moved on to the next child, helping the little girl pick a color for the fish she wanted to draw in the sea so close to Marsala.
It was at the end of class, after all the other children had left, that Giosue came to her desk. Signora Guglielmo?
The children called her by the Italian equivalent of William rather than Williams because it was easier for them and she didnt mind a bit.
Yes, sweetheart?
He grinned at the endearment, his cheeks pinkening a little, but so obviously pleased that she made a note to use it again. Sparingly.
No matter how special the place in her heart Tinos son had, she would not draw attention to it. To do so would embarrass Giosue, most likely infuriate Tino and compromise Faiths position with the school.
I would like to invite you to join my family for dinner tonight, he said formally. It was clear hed practiced the phrase, as well.
Does your father know you are inviting me to dinner? she asked, seriously concerned by this turn of events.
Yes, signora. He would be very pleased if you came.
Shock slammed through her. Did he say that?
Oh, yes. Giosue gave her another of his shy smiles. He is very pleased I like you so well.
Hope bubbled through her like an effervescent spring. Perhaps the black cloud over her life was finally dissipating. Was it possible she had a chance at a real family once againone that would not be taken away from her? The hope scared her so much it hurt. I would be honored to join you for dinner.
Thank you, signora. Giosue handed her a folded sheet of paper. My father made you directions for coming, in case you need them.
She took the paper. Thank you, I appreciate that.
Shed been there a few times for lunch with Agata, though the older woman preferred to meet in Pizzolato because she loved visiting Faiths studio. She said she basked in the privilege of seeing the artists work before it was finished.
It was my idea to make the map. I helped Papa with it.
That was her cue to open it and marvel over the drawing, which had obviously been done by a childs hand. The detailed written instructions were in Tinos distinctive slashing scrawl, however.
You did a wonderful job, Gio. I particularly like the grapevines with grapes on them you drew to show me what to expect to see.
They are ripening on the vines now. Nonno said they will be ready to harvest when he gets back from Naples maybe.
If your grandfather says it, than I am sure he is right.
He is a master winemaker, Giosue said proudly.
Yes. Do you help with the harvest?
Some. Nonno takes me into the fields with him. Papa does not work the fields, but that is okay. Nonno says so.
Your fathers gift is for the business side of things, I think.
Nonno says Papa is very good at making money, Giosue replied artlessly.
Faith laughed. Im sure he is.
He can support a family. Nonna says so.
Im sure he can. Was Giosue matchmaking? Faith held in the smile that wanted to break over her features. She did not want to hurt Giosue by making him think she was laughing at him.
She thinks he should marry again. She is his mama, he has to listen to her, I think.
It was really hard to bite back the laugh at that, but she did not think Tino would share his sons view on this particular subject. What do you think, Gio?
I think I would like a mother who is not so far away in Heaven.
She couldnt help it. She reached out and touched him. Just a small pat on the shoulder, but she wanted to hug him to her. I understand, Gio. I really do.
He cocked his head to one side. You never talk about family.
I dont have any. Her hand slid down to her stomach. She hadnt. Before. But now, maybe she did.
You have no mama, either?
No. I prayed for one, but it was not Gods will. She shrugged.
Do you think I will have another mother?
I hope so, Gio.
Me, too, but only if I could love her.
Smart boy. Im sure your father wouldnt marry a woman you couldnt love as a mama, too.
She would have to love me also. Giosue looked at her through his lashes, worrying his lower lip with his teeth.
Sweet little boy. You are very lovable, that would not be a problem, Im sure.
The next group of children came rushing into the room along with Giosues teacher, who was apparently looking for her missing lamb.
I will see you tonight? he asked as crossed the room to join his teacher at the door.

He was grinning as he exited the room.
So, Tinos son was matchmaking. With her. And seemingly, he had Tinos tacit approval. Unbelievable. The prospect terrified her as much as it thrilled her. Had she suffered enough? Was she done being alone?
Somehow, she couldnt quite picture it.
If nothing else, Tino was allowing her into another aspect of his life. The most important one to him. That was so huge, she could barely wrap her mind around it.
The fact that he was doing so without knowing about the baby boggled her mind even more.
He might not love her, but she had a different place in his life than any woman had since the death of his wife six years ago.

Faith concentrated on the strains of classical music filling her Mini. At least, she tried to. She was extremely nervous about this dinner. She shouldnt be. Over the past year, theyd discovered that she and Tino were compatible in and out of bed. She and Giosue got along great in the classroom as well. It should all be good.
Only, telling herself that didnt make the butterflies playing techno music in her stomach go away. This was the two of them together. Tino and Giosue. The three of them really.
How they interacted would dictate a big chunk of her future; she was sure of it. Tino had to be testing the waters and, as absolutely inconceivable as she found that, it sort of fit in with his odd behavior lately.
Hed called her again today. Shed missed the call and when shed tried to return it hed been in a meeting. His message had simply said hed been thinking of her.

Seriously strange.
If hed said hed been thinking of sex with her, she wouldnt have been surprised at all. The man had the libido of an eighteen-year-old. Sex was a really important part of his life. Important enough that he pursued it even though he had said he never wanted to remarry or get serious with a woman.
But he hadnt said he was missing the sex. Hed said he was missing her. Well, they would be together again soon enough. And then they would see what they would see.
Her phone rang, playing his distinctive ring tone. She never answered when she was driving, so she forced herself to ignore it. Besides, she was almost to Grisafi Vineyard. He could say whatever he wanted when she got there. Most likely, he was calling to see where she was.
But she wasnt late.
Well, not much, anyway. Maybe ten minutes. He had to be used to her sketchy time-keeping skills by now. It was one of the reasons that she loved living in Sicily. Tino was very un-Sicilian in his perfect punctuality and rigid schedule keeping. Shed teased him about it more than once.
Hed told her he had no choice, doing business on an international scale. She suspected it was in his nature and that was that.
She couldnt see Tino changing for the convenience of others, not even when it came to making money.
She turned down the long drive that led to Casa di Fede. Faith House. Shed thought it was neat the house shared her name when shed first come to visit Agata. Later, when she realized Tino lived here, shed seen it as an indication they were meant to be together. Even if it was temporary.

Thinking about the coincidence sent another bubble of hope fizzing through her. Maybe it meant something more than what shed thought. He and his family were wrapped around her life, and she was threaded through his, in ways neither had anticipated or even wanted at first.
She pulled up in front of the sprawling farm house. It had been in the family for six generations and been built onto almost that number of times until it had two master suites, one in its own wing with two additional bedrooms. There were four more bedrooms in the rest of the house, a formal salon, a family entertainment room that opened onto the lanai beside the oversize two-tiered pool and spa area, a huge kitchen, a library and two offices.
One was Tinos, and the smaller, less-organized one was his fathers. Agata used the library as her office when she was working on her charity work. She had her own sitting room off the master suite, as well.
Faith had learned all of this on her previous visits with the older woman. What she hadnt known was how overwhelming she would find the familiar home now that she was here to share dinner with Tino and his son. She sat in her car, staring at the proof of generations of Grisafis living in the same area. Proof of Tinos roots and his wealth. Proof that he already had what she had most craved her whole life.
A family.
The prospect that he might be willing to share all that with her was almost more than she could take. Terrifying didnt begin to describe it. Because even if Valentino Grisafi wanted her in his life, she of all people knew there was no guarantee she could keep him. No more than shed kept the father she never knew, or her mother, or the first family that said they would adopt her, or Taylishor her unborn son, Kaden.
Dwelling on the pain of the past had never helped her before; she knew it wasnt about to start now. She needed to let the past go and hope for the future, or her own fears were going to destroy her chance at happiness.
With that resolved, she opened her car door. Her phone trilled Tinos ringtone again as she stepped out of the car.
She flipped it open. Wow, I know youre impatient, but this is borderline obsessive, Tino. Im here already.
I merely wished to
She rang the bell and he stopped talking.
It is the doorbell. I must let you go.
Shaking her head at that, she shrugged and disconnected the call.
He opened the door and then stood there staring at her as if she was an apparitionof not particularly friendly aspect. In truth, he looked absolutely horrified.
The last time I looked, yes.
What are you doing here? He shook his head. It does not matter. You need to leave. Now.
What? Why?
This is my fault. He rubbed his hand over his face. I can see where my phone calls may have given you the wrong impression.
That you might be impatient to see me?
Yes, I am. I was. But not here. Not now.
Tino, you arent making any sense.
This is not a good time, Faith. I need you to leave now.
Wont Gio be disappointed?
Giowhy would you ask about my son? Look, it doesnt matter, we have a dinner guest coming.

She rolled her eyes. Yes, I know. Im here.
This is no time for jokes, carina.
Tino, youre starting to worry me. Really. Definitely. Positive that Giosue would not lie and say his father had approved inviting her for dinner, she was flummoxed. Besides, hadnt Tino helped his son make the map? What was going on? Tino
Signora! An excited little boy voice broke into the bizarre conversation. You are here!
Giosue rushed past his father to throw his arms around Faith in a hug. She returned the embrace with a smile, loving the naturally affectionate nature of most of the Sicilians she had met.
Tino stood there looking at them in abject horror.
Giosue stepped back, self-consciously straightening his button-up shirt. Hed dressed up for the dinner in an outfit close to the uniform he wore to school of obviously higher quality and minus the tie. He looked like a miniature version of his father, who was wearing custom-tailored brown slacks with a champagne colored dress shirtuntucked, the top button undone.
The clothes were absolutely yummy on the father and adorable on the son.
Faith was glad shed taken the time to change from the clothing she wore to teach in. Her dress was made from yellow silk batiked by a fellow artist with strands of peacock blue, sunset orange and even a metallic dye with a gold cast. Faith had fallen in love with the silk when shed seen it at an artists fair and had to buy it. Shed had it made into a dress of simple design with spaghetti straps that highlighted her curves and made her feel deliciously feminine. A new addition to her wardrobe, Tino had not yet seen it.

Regardless of his other reactions to her arrival, that certain gleam she knew so well in her lovers eyes said he approved her choice.
Unaware of the strange overtones to the adults conversation, Gio took her hand and held it. Papa, this is Signora Guglielmo. Then the boy smiled up at her with pure innocence. Signora, this is my papa, Signor Valentino Grisafi.
Your papa and I have met, Faith said, when Tino remained silent and frozen like a statue. An appalled statue.
You have? Gio looked confused, maybe even a little hurt. Papa told me he did not know you. Nonna told him he would like you though.
I did not realize that Signora Guglielmo was the woman I know as Faith Williams. He looked at her accusingly, as if it was her fault.
You are friends? Giosue asked.
Faith waited to hear what her lover would say to that.
Tino looked from her to his son, his expression impossible to read. Si. We are friends.
Giosues face broke out into a grin and he giggled. You didnt know? Truly?
That is a good joke, isnt it, Papa?
A good joke indeed, Tino agreed, sounding anything but amused.
Faith wasnt feeling too lighthearted, either. Tino hadnt approved inviting her for dinner. He hadnt written those directions out with her in mind to use them. Hed had no intention of inviting her into an aspect of his life he had heretofore kept separate from her. In fact, he was clearly dismayed and not at all happy by this evenings turn of events.

Hed approved inviting his sons teacher. Another woman. A woman who Tino would have been told by his son and mother was single, near him in age and attractive (or so Agata said every time she lamented Faiths unwed state). If the fact that Giosue had been matchmaking was obvious to Faith, it had to have been just as apparent to his father. Add to that the little detail that Agata had patently put her two cents in, and Faith was painting a picture in her mind that held no gratification for her.
Tino had approved inviting to dinner a woman his son and mother were obviously hoping he would find more than a little interesting.
All of the little pipe dreams Faith had been building since spending the night for the first time at Tinos flat, crashed and burned.
But she wasnt a wimp. Far from it. Shed taken a lot more that life had to dish out without giving up. She was here now. And she had important motivation to make this evening work in spite of her lovers negative reaction to her appearance.
Perhaps if Tino saw how good they could be together around his family, hed rethink the parameters on their relationship. Then telling him about the baby wouldnt be so hard.
And maybe the Peruvian rain forest would freeze over in a freak weather anomaly tonight, too.
Okay, that kind of negative thinking wasnt going to do her any good. She had to think positive. No matter what, she wasnt about to beg off dinner. That would hurt Giosue, and Faith didnt let children down. Ever.
Shed experienced that particular phenomenon too many times herself to inflict it on the young people in her life.

She gave both males her best winning smile and asked, May I come in now, or were you planning to have dinner on the front porch?
Giosue laughed and dragged her over the threshold, forcing his father to move out of the way or get knocked into. Were eating outside, but in back, silly signora.
And did you cook, Gio?
I helped. Ask Papa.
She looked back over her shoulder at the silent man following their progress through the house.
Indeed he did. He is a favorite with our housekeeper.
Its easy to understand why. Gios a little charmer.
Signora! Gio exclaimed in the long-suffering tone only an eight-year-old boy could affect so perfectly.
Do not tell me it embarrasses you to discover your favorite teacher also holds you in high regard, his father teased him.
The boy shrugged, blushing, but said nothing. Faiths heart melted a little more toward him. He would make such a wonderful stepson and big brother. But she was getting ahead of herself. By light-years.
So, what are we having for dinner? she asked.
Especially after realizing Tino had not intended to invite her to dinner. That he had, in fact, been wholly ignorant of her relationship with his son and mother.
Wait until you see. I got to stuff the manicotti. The filling is yummy.
Giosue was right, the manicotti was delicious. As was everything else, and the company wasnt bad, either. Tino started off a little stiff, but being around his son relaxed him. As hard as he so plainly tried to keep things between himself and Faith distant, his usual behavior got the better of him. He touched her when he talked to her, nothing overtly sexual. Just the normal affectionate-Sicilian-nature style, but it felt goodright.
Gio asked tons of questions about her art, questions there wasnt time for during class. Several times she caught Tino looking surprised by her answers. But then, he knew almost nothing about that part of her life. For the first time that really bothered her. Her art made up the biggest part of her life and he was sadly ignorant of it.
That realization, more than anything else, put the nature of their relationship into perspective. While his behavior lately might indicate it was changing, theirs was still primarily a sexually based connection.
You are asking so many questions, amorino, I am beginning to think you wish to grow up to be an artist.
Oh, no, Papa, I want to be a winemaker like Nonno.
Not a businessman and vintner like your papa? Faith asked.
He will have to have another son to do that. I want to get my hands dirty, Giosue said with absolute certainty.
Rather than take offense, Tino laughed aloud. He sounds just like my father. He shook his head, the amusement still glittering in his eyes. However, there will be no brothers, or sisters either. Perhaps Calogero will finally marry and have children, but if notwhen I get too old to do my job, we will have to hire a business manager.
You will never be too old, Papa.
Tino just smiled and ruffled his sons hair. You know there is nothing to stop you from making art a hobby while you follow in your grandfathers footsteps. Isnt that right, Faith?
She was still reeling from the dead-on surety in Tinos tone when he said there would be no sisters or brothers for Giosue, but she managed to nod and smile at the expectant little boy.
TINO rejoined Faith on the terrace after tucking his son into bed.
Gio had wheedled, pleaded and distracted every time Faith had started making noises about going home. When it was finally time for him to go to bed, he had even gone so far as to ask to have her come in and say good-night to him before going to sleep.
Shed done so without the slightest hesitation, kissing Gios head before wishing him a good sleep and pleasant dreams and then leaving the room. Tino found it disconcerting that she was so relaxed, not to mention good, with his son. Their friendship was of longstanding duration, and he wasnt sure how he felt about that. Except uncomfortable.
He didnt like feeling unsettled. It made him irritable.
And it wasnt at all cute, like his lover when she was woken to go home after an evening of lovemaking.
Faith stood on the edge of the stone terrace, looking out over the vineyard. The green, leafy vines looked black in the moonlight, but she glowed. The cool illumination of the night sky reflected off her porcelain features, lending her a disturbing, ethereal beauty. She looked like an angelic specter that could be snatched to the other realms in the blink of an eye.
It was not a thought he wanted to entertain. Not after that very thing had happened to Maura through her death. The one challenge to their life together that he could not fight.
He was frowning when he laid his hand on Faiths shoulder. He is on his way to dreamland.
Hes so incredibly sweet. You are a very blessed man, Valentino Grisafi. She turned to face him.
I know it. He sighed. But there are times he puts me in an inconvenient situation.
Like when he invites your current lover to dinner?
She winced. You could have said no.
So could you.
I thought you wanted me here.
I thought he had invited his teacher from school.
I am his teacher, she chided. His art teacher, anyway.
Why did you never mention this to me? It seemed almost contrived to him.
How could you not know? I mean, Im aware you are supremely uninterested in my life outside our time together, but Ive mentioned teaching art to primary schoolers in Marsala.
I thought you did it to support your art hobby. My mother told me Gios teacher was a highly successful artist who donated her time. Realizing how wrong hed been made him feel like fool.
Another unpleasant and infrequent experience. Grisafi men did not make a habit of ignorance or stupid behavior. His pride stung at the knowledge he was guilty of both. Knowing more about Faith would have saved him the current situation.
And in your eyes I could not be that woman? Faith asked in that tone all men knew was very dangerous.
The one that said a husband would be sleeping on the sofa for the foreseeable future. Faith was not his wife, but he didnt want to be cut off from her body, nevertheless. Nor did he wish to offend her in any case.
In my eyes, that woman, Signora Guglielmo, was Sicilianand you are not.
No, Im not. Is that a problem for you, Tino?
Where had that question come from? He was no ethnic supremacist. Patently not. We have been lovers for a year now, Faith.
Almost a year.
Near enough.
I suppose, but Im trying to understand why my being a Sicilian art teacher would make me an appropriate dinner companion for you and your son, but being your expatriot American lover does not.
It will not work.
Attempting to use Giosue to insinuate yourself into my life more deeply than I wish you to go.
Hurt sparked in her peacock eyes, and then anger. Dont be paranoid, not to mention criminally conceited. One, I would never use a childin any way. Two, I knew your son before I met you. What would you have had me do? Start ignoring him in class once you and I had become lovers?
Of course not. He sighed. What a tangle. But you could have discouraged outright friendship.
We were already friends. It would never occur to me to hurt a child with rejection that way. I wont do it now, either, Tino, not even for you.
That is not what I meant.
Then what did you mean?
He swore. He wasnt sure, and that was as disturbing as any other revelation from this night. He fell back on what he considered the topic at hand. Lets not make this more complicated than we need to. You know I do not allow the women I sleep with into my personal life. It would be too messy.
Cocking her head to one side, she gave him a look filled with disbelief. You dont consider what we do together as personal?
You are nit-picking semantics here, Faith. You know what I am meaning here. Why are you being willfully obtuse? You knew the limitations of our relationship from the very beginning. She was not normally so argumentative, and why she had to start being so now was a mystery to him.
Certainly she had strong opinions, but they were not, as a rule, in opposition to his.
Maybe Im no longer happy with them. She watched him as if gauging his reaction to that bombshell.
Alarm bells for a five-alarm fire went off in his head. Her words filled him with pure panicnot an emotion he was used to feeling and not one he had predisposed reactions for. Faith, you must understand something. I have no plans to remarry. Ever.
I know, but
Those three little words sent a shard of apprehension right through him. She could not keep thinking in this manner. If I did remarry, it would be to a traditional Sicilian womanlike Giosues mother.

Some Sicilian men married American women, but it was rare. Even rarer still, almost to the point of nonexistent, were Sicilian men who continued to live on the island after marrying them.
Regardless, were he to remarry, he felt compelled to provide a female influence as like Giosues real mother as possible. He owed it to Maura.
Being honest with himself would require he acknowledge that his reasons were not limited to cultural gaps and the obligation he felt to his dead wife, but had as much to do with a promise to keep. Only one woman put his promise to Maura at risk, his promise not to replace his wife, who had died too young in his heart.
And that woman was a smart, sexy American.
Faith crossed her arms, as if protecting herself from a blow. Is that why you didnt nip your sons obvious attempt at matchmaking in the bud? Because you believed the woman he was trying to fix you up with was Sicilian?
Yes. He could not lie, though the temptation was there.
This time Faith didnt just wince, she flinched as if struck. I see.
I dont think you do. Needing her understanding her acceptancehe cupped her face with both hands. My son is the most important person in my life, I would do anything for him.
Even remarry.
If I believed that was what he truly needed for happiness, yes. But not to a woman who would expect access to more than his body and bank account. Not to a woman who already threatened his memories of Maura and his promise to her.
Not Faith.

Do you?
Again wishing he could lie, he dropped his hands. I did not, but after tonight, I am not so sure. He loves his grandmother, but he glowed under your affection in a way that he does not with his nonna.
Hes very special to me.
If he is so special, why did you not tell me he was your student?
You already asked that and the simple truth is that I thought you knew. I assumed he and, well, your mother, talked about me. We are friends. I suppose thats going to send you into another tizzy of paranoia, but please remember, she and I were friends before I even met Gio.
You andandmy mother?
Tonight had been one unreal revelation after another. You did not tell me this.
I thought you knew, she repeated, sounding exasperated. She turned away from him. Perhaps Agata and I are not as close as I assumed.
The sad tone in Faiths voice did something strange to Tinos heart. He did not like it. At all. He was used to her being happy most of the timesometimes cranky but never sad. It did not fit her.
She did talk about you, but I did not realize it was you she was talking about. His mother had mentioned Gios teacher on occasion. Not often, though, and he too wondered if the two women shared as close a friendship as Faith believed.
His mother was a true patron of the arts. She had many acquaintances in the artistic community. He could easily see her warm nature and natural graciousness being mistaken for friendship. But the only artist she mentioned often was TK.
For a while, Tino had been worried his mother had developed a tendre for the male artist. However, when he had mentioned his concern to his father, Rosso Grisafi had laughed until tears came to his eyes. Tino had drawn the conclusion that clearly there was nothing to worry about.
Thats hardly my fault, Tino.
I did not say it was.
You implied it by asking why I didnt tell you.
What was it with her tonight and this taking apart everything that he said? You are apparently very close to both my mother and my son and yet you never once mentioned seeing or talking to them.
You always discourage me from discussing your family, Tino.
It was true, but for some reason, the reminder bothered him. Probably because everything was leaving him feeling disconcerted tonight. I did not think they had a place in our combined life.
We dont have a combined life, do we, Tino? She was looking at him again and he almost wished she wasnt.
There was such defeat and sadness in her eyes.
I do not understand what has changed between us?
Nothing. Nothing at all has changed between us.
Then why are you sad?
Perhaps because I thought it had.
Why had she believed this?
You were under the impression I wanted you to come for dinner tonight, he said, understanding beginning to dawn. Clearly she had liked the idea. Learning differently had hurt her. Even though he had not meant for this to happen, he had to take some responsibility for the outcome.
She nodded, silent, her lovely red hair swaying against her shoulders. He had the wholly inappropriate considering the gravity of their discussionurge to run his fingers through the familiar silky strands. Worse, he knew he did not want to stop there.
Focus, he must focus.
It is not good for Giosue to be exposed to my lovers.
I understand you think that.
It is the truth.
She said nothing.
He could not leave it there. The compulsion to explainto make her understandwas too great. When our relationship ends, he will be disappointed. Already he has expectations that cannot be fulfilled.
Im his friend.
He wants you to be his mother.
And you dont.
No. It was a knee-jerk response, the result of ingrained beliefs since his wifes death.
Shocking to realize he wasnt sure he meant it. With that came griefa sense of loss that made no sense and was something he was not even remotely willing to dwell on.
Because Im not Sicilian.
Because our relationship is not a love affair. But was that true?
How could it be anything else when he could not love her? He had promised Maura that he would love her always. Her sudden death had not negated that pledge.
I thought we were friends, too.
We are friends. Friendship he could dowas necessary even.

But not sweethearts.
His heart twinged, making his tone come out more cynical than he meant it to. What an old-fashioned term.
She shrugged. Its one Tay used to use. She said the dead mans name with a wistfulness that he did not like.
I gather he was an unusual man.
Yes. He was. One of the best, maybe even the best man I ever knew.
But he is gone.
Yes, just as Gios mother is gone.
Maura will never be gone from my heart.
No, she wont, but are you so sure your heart has no room for anyone else?
That is not a discussion you and I should be having. It was one he frankly could not handle.
A Sicilian man should be able to handle anything. Even the death of his wife and raising his child without a mother. But most definitely any conversation with his current mistress. The fact that he could not shamed him.
Because we agreed that sex and friendship was enough? she asked in a voice husky with emotion.
And if it isnt any longerfor either of us?
That could not be true. He would not allow it to be. Do not presume to speak for me.
Fine. What if I am only speaking for myself?
Then we would need to talk about whether what we have is still working. It was not a discussion he wanted to have. He was far from ready to let her go.
She nodded and turned from him. I think its time I was going. She was hurting, for all that she tried to hide it.

No. He hated the melancholy in her voice.
He hated the sense that somehow it was his fault. He hated thinking of going to bed alone after spending the whole evening in her company. Even worse, he hated feeling as if he might lose her and really hated how much that bothered him.
Perhaps he could erase her sorrow while easing his own fears. He was a big proponent of the win-win business proposition. It was even better when applied to personal relationships.
Before she could take more than a couple of steps, he reached out and caught her shoulder.
Tino, dont.
You do not mean that, carina. He drew her back toward his body. He could not imagine doing the oppositepushing her away.
Yet he knew he could not hold on to her forever. One day she would tire of life in Sicilyso different from her homeand would return to America. Isnt that what all American women did eventually?
Faith was currently the only single American woman he knew who was making a go of actually living permanently in Sicily. For all its charm, Marsala was a far cry from New York or London.
That only meant they should not waste the time they did have. We are good together. Do not allow tonight to change that.
I need more, Tino.
Then I will give you more. He was very good at that.
Im not talking about sex.
He turned her to face him and lowered his head so his lips hovered above hers. Lets not talk at all.
Then he kissed her. He would show her that they were too right together to dismiss their relationship because it wasnt packaged in orange blossoms and meters of white tulle.
She fought her own response. He could feel the tension in her, knew she wanted to resist, but though she might want to, she was as much a slave to their mutual attraction as he. Her body knew where it belonged. In his arms.
But her brain was too active and she tore her lips from his. No, Tino.
Do not say no. Say rather, Make love to me, Tino. This is what I wish to hear.
Were supposed to be exclusive.
We are.
You were willing to have a blind date with another woman, Tino. She wrenched herself from his arms. I cannot be okay with that.
It was not a date.
She glared at him, but it was the light of betrayal in her eyes that cut him to the quick. As good as.
I did not consider it a date.
But you knew your son and mother were matchmaking.
I had no intention of being matched.
But thats changed. You said so. You said you would do anything for Gio, even give him a second motherif shes Sicilian. The tone Faith spoke the last words with said how little she thought of his stance on the matter.
I said I was considering it, not that I had decided to date other women. You are all the woman I want right now.
And tomorrow?

And tomorrow.
So, when does my sell-by date come into effect? Next week? Next month? Next year.
He wanted to grab her and hold on tight, but he laid gentle hands on her shoulders instead. You do not have a sell-by date. Our relationship is not cut-and-dried like that.
I wont be with you if youre going to date other women, she repeated stubbornly.
I would not ask you to.
What does that mean, Tino?
It means you can trust me to be faithful while we are together. Just as I trust you.
Her eyes glistened suspiciously, sending shards of pain spiking through his gut. He did not want to see her cry. He kissed her, just once, oh so carefully, trying to put the tenderness and commitmentas limited as it might bethat he felt into the caress.
Let me make love to you. He was pleading and he did not care.
They needed each other tonight, not empty beds where regrets and memories would haunt the hours that should be for sleep. Or making love.
No more blind dates.
It wasnt
But she shushed him with a finger to his lips. It was. Or would have been. Dont do it again.
You have my word. Then, because he could not help himself; because he needed it more than breathing or thinking or anything else, he once again kissed her.
He poured his passion and his fear out in that kiss, molding their lips together in a primordial dance.
At first she did not respond. She did not try to push him away, but she did not pull him closer, either. It was the only time in their relationship she had not fallen headfirst into passion with him.
She was still thinking.
He would fix that. Increasing the intensity of their kiss, he stormed her mouth, refusing to allow their mutual desire to remain a prisoner to circumstances that would notcould notchange. Bit by bit her instincts took over.

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