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The Nanny′s Secret
The Nanny′s Secret
The Nanny's Secret
Grace Green
Living together by necessityJordan dotes on his little daughter and can't refuse her anything. When she begs for Felicity Fairfax as her live-in nanny, Jordan gives indespite having a grudge against the Fairfax family!Loving each other in secretBoth are astonished when their enforced intimacy leads to a fiery attraction. How can they be falling for each other? And living under the same roof means nothing can be hiddennot their growing passion, nor a family secret that's about to turn everything upside down

Im here about my daughter. I want to ask Jordan stopped midsentence and turned to leave.
Felicity stood still, her face very pale. You owe me an explanation, she said. You cant come here in the middle of the night and not tell me why.
He shrugged. It doesnt matter.
What is it? Whats wrong? Is it little Mandy?
Jordan almost wanted to plead, but his pride wouldnt let him. Mandys miserable, we need youwould you say yes if I offered you your old job back?
Grace Green grew up in Scotland but later emigrated to Canada with her husband and children. They settled in Beautiful Super Natural B.C. and Grace now lives in a house just minutes from ocean, beaches, mountains and rain forest. She makes no secret of her favorite occupationher bumper sticker reads: Id Rather Be Writing Romance! Grace also enjoys walking the seawall, gardening, getting together with other authorsand watching her characters come to life, because she knows that once they do, they will take over and write her stories for her.
Grace Green loves to write deeply emotional stories with compelling characters. Shes also a great believer in creating happy-ever-after endings that are certain to bring a tear to your eye!
Jordans sister has her own story in
The Pregnancy Plan #3714
Harlequin Romance

Books by Grace Green

The Nannys Secret
Grace Green

www.millsandboon.co.uk (http://www.millsandboon.co.uk)
For John

CHAPTER ONE (#ubc3baf3f-de31-52b1-8a56-1b05b3464ccc)
CHAPTER TWO (#u39cace4f-885b-59f6-b8de-809d6c6aed57)
CHAPTER THREE (#u28807344-127a-5cc3-94c3-95eb73ac227c)
CHAPTER FOUR (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER FIVE (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER SIX (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER SEVEN (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER EIGHT (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER NINE (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER TEN (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER ELEVEN (#litres_trial_promo)

FELICITY FAIRFAXS gray eyes pricked with tears as she gazed into the window of West Vancouvers Kiddi Togs store. Wouldnt Mandy look adorable in that daffodil-yellow dress, Joanne? Oh, Id love to buy it for her. If only
If only Jordan Maxwell would let you anywhere near his daughter. But that, Joanne declared, is never going to happen.
How can he be so cruel? Heart aching, Felicity turned to her friend, her heavy blond braid glinting in the early June sunshine as she flicked it back over her shoulder. Yes, his wife and my brother Denny had an affair, but that had nothing whatsoever to do with me!
Of course it didnt. But youre a Fairfax and thats enough for Mr. High and Mighty Maxwell. As far as hes concerned youre persona non grataand will be for ever. In an obvious effort to divert her, Joanne indicated a quilt displayed in the window. Is that another of yours?
I love the kitty motif. And Im impressed. Youve really upped your output lately!
Ive had lots of time to sew now that I dont have Mandy to look after. Felicity clutched her friends hand. I miss her desperately, Jo. Ive cared for her since she was a week old and Ive always loved her as if she were my own. My life feels so empty, so pointless, now.
I know, sweetiebut you must try not to dwell on it. Gently, Joanne eased her away from the window. Lets go treat ourselves to a latte and a chocolate biscotti and talk about something else.
I cant even think about anything else.
But Felicity allowed herself to be led along the sidewalk toward the Hill o Beans caf on the corner.
Jo, she fretted, I worry about her. I know her mother didnt pay her much attention, but even so, for Mandy to have lost both of us in one fell swoopshe must feel utterly abandoned and must be missing us terribly.
Missing you, at any rateyoure the one she spent most of her days with for the past almost four years. Jordan Maxwell must be either incredibly stupid or incredibly stone-hearted to have cut you out of her life.
I hear hes enrolled her at the Wedgwood Avenue Day Care.
Really? It has a terrific reputation and wonderful staff. Shell be happy there.
Theyd reached the Hill o Beans, and as they entered the caf with its tantalizing aroma of freshly ground coffee beans, Joanne added, a little anxiously, Dont you think?
I hope so. With a deep and soul-felt sigh, Felicity followed Jo to the counter. Oh, I certainly do hope so.
Jordan Maxwell swung open the door of the Morningstar Realty office building and strode into the umber-carpeted foyer.
Good morning, Jordan. The middle-aged receptionist grimaced. The meetings already started.
He was late. Again. His boss was going to be hopping mad. If Phil Morningstar had one obsession, it was punctuality. The world of real estate waited for no one! And every morning this past week, since enrolling Mandy at the Wedgwood Avenue Day Care before returning to work after a prolonged absence, Jordan had been late for Phils daily finger-on-the-pulse meetings.
Thanks, Bette, Ill prepare myself for the usual flack attack. Sodid you apply for that raise yet?
Not today I havent. His ulcers playing up.
Oh, great, just what I want to hear!
Jordan, just a second, youve got a
Later, Bette. He loped past the reception desk.
He shook his head, and rounding the corner to the corridor, headed toward the boardroom. As he went, he scraped an exploratory hand over his jawand muttered under his breath as he felt the unevenly bristled skin.
He shouldve taken the few extra minutes to shave at home. Hed never mastered the art of running an electric razor over his chin while drivingand trying to shave while dodging his way through rush-hour traffic and at the same time trying to pacify Mandy who was wailing her heart out in the passenger seat beside him was nerve-shattering at best.
The boardroom door was ajar, and he could hear Morningstars abrasive voice all the way along the corridor. But when he pushed the door open, a hush fell over the room.
Jordan felt a dozen pairs of eyes fixed on him, but his own came up against Phil Morningstars steely glare.
Sorry, Phil. I got held up. He slipped into his seat, the rustle of his suit jacket against the polished mahogany table the only sound in the room.
Then somebody chuckled.
Dumping his briefcase on the floor, Jordan glanced around the table, and saw his colleagues were smiling. Jack LaRoque, the office Lothario, grinned and, focusing his gaze on the breast pocket of Jordans jacket, tapped his own.
Jordan looked down and saw Mandys pink hairbrush sticking out of his pocket. He must have stuffed it there after tidying her mop of blond curls. His gaze shot back to his boss, whose lips were compressed to a pencil-thin line.
Sorry, Jordan muttered. But as he thrust the brush into his briefcase, his cell phone rang. Cursing silently, he checked the caller ID.
Ill have to take this. He threw Phil an apologetic glance. Its my daughters day care.
The caller was Greta Gladstone, the owner.
Youll have to come and pick Mandy up, she said. Shes been having hysterics ever since you dropped her off. This isnt going to work out, Mr. Maxwell. Youll have to come up with some other arrangement.
His day was going rapidly from bad to impossible.
Ill be there, he said, in five minutes.
He surged to his feet. Phil, Im sorry, I have to
You took three months off to be with your daughter after you lost your wife, Maxwell. Fine. Understandable. But enough is enough. Morningstar pressed a hand to his chest and belched. Ill give you one more week. Get your personal problems sorted out before next Monday or
Next Monday. Right. Thanks, Phil. Jordan was already halfway out the door. Thanks a bunch. Ill have everything sorted out by then. I swear.
Jordan called his sister the moment he got Mandy home.
Lacey, thank the lord youre there. His daughter had fallen asleep in the car, and he held her limp figure in his arms as he spoke. I need you to come up. Are you free?
Lacey was twenty-five to his thirty-four and a world-famous model. She was forever flying off somewhere to a shoot; and she routinely smiled or pouted at him from the cover of top fashion magazines when he passed the local newsstands. With hair like sable, skin like cream, and legs that didnt know when to stop, she was drop-dead gorgeous.
She was also super-smart, and he was hoping she would come up with some way out of his present dilemma.
She lived just a few minutes away, in a waterfront condo, and by the time he heard her car purr up his drive, hed made a pot of coffee. As he was walking across the foyer to the sitting room with two steaming mugs, Lacey let herself in by the front door with her own set of keys.
How come youre at home? she asked. Lending elegance to a simple white cotton T-shirt and blue jeans, she preceded him into the sitting room, walking with the trademark fluid glide that had graced hundreds of catwalks. Shouldnt you be out selling houses, now that Mandys at the Wedgwood Avenue Day Care?
Sit down, Lace. He waited till shed arranged her long willowy body in an armchair, before he handed her one of the mugs. Setting his own mug down on a side table, he paced the room. Mandys not at day care. Shes upstairs, asleep.
Is she sick?
He shook his head.
Then wh
She was expelled. He scratched a despairing hand through his hair.
Oh, honey. Lacey rested her mug on her knee. She wouldnt stop crying?
Yeah, shes been the same all week. When I made to drop her off today, she was sobbing and clinging to me like a terrified kitten. I felt like a monster, prying her little fingers free and then handing her overas if I didnt want her. He squeezed his eyes shut for a moment, to try to blot out the ugly image. When he opened them again, he saw worry clouding his sisters face.
Oh, Jordan, Im so sorry.
What the hell am I going to do? he asked. If this goes on, shes not the only one whos going to be thrown out. Morningstars had it up to here with me. I may be one of the top salesmen in the Lower Mainland but hes given me till a week Monday to get my personal affairs in order and if I havent, its He slashed his throat with his index finger. Game over.
He slumped down in a chair and somber silence fell on the room as they drank their coffee.
When theyd finished, Lacey said in a tentative tone, Honey, wont you even consider Fel
No! He shot up from his chair and scowled down at her. Dont even say that name in here, I dont want
Were not talking about what you want now. Lacey stood and confronted him, her green eyes pleading. Jordan, I understand how you feelafter what happened, I dont blame you for hating Denny Fairfax
Lacey, Im warning you
But his sister had no part in what he did, she didnt even know until after the car accident that he and Marla had been involved in an affair for several months before it happened. And although you lost your wife
In more ways than one!
Felicity Fairfax didnt come out of the whole mess unscathed. She lost her brotheror as good as lost him. According to all reports, hes never going to come out of that coma. And, honey, Felicity and Mandy adored each other. I saw them together, it was beautiful. Wont you at least consider rehiring her? You wouldnt even have to see herat least, not too much, only when you dropped Mandy off as Marla used to, and then pick her up again at night
A heart-rending wail coiled its way down the stairs and into the sitting room.
Jordan blew out a sigh. Shes awake, he said. Lets see what you make of her.
They went upstairs and into her bedroom, which opened off the landing. The child was still crying.
Jordan felt a sense of panic as he and Lacey crossed to the crib. The situation was escalating out of his control. If this continued, hed lose his job and then how would he support himself and his daughter? Hed made a helluva lot of money over the years but Marla had spent it as fast as he could earn itsometimes even faster.
Poor little mite. Lacey bent over the crib rail, but Mandy wasnt aware of her because her eyes were tightly shut. She was lying on her back, her cheeks wet and flushed scarlet as she wailed at the pitch of her voice.
Lacey waited till her niece stopped to catch her breath, and then she said, Hi, sweetie, whats the matter?
Mandy froze, and then gulping back a choking sob, opened her eyes. When she saw Lacey, she started crying again, harder than ever, and rolling over she pressed her face to the pillow, so that her cries were muffled.
Jordan leaned over and lifted her up into his arms. Holding her close, he murmured soft words, and in a while, she stopped crying and just clung to him, shaking and giving an occasional gulping sob, her arms clamped around his neck.
Lacey ran a hand down her nieces back, lightly. Sweetie
Mandy jerked away from her caress. And tightening her grip around her fathers neck, started to sob again.
I thought, Lacey whispered to Jordan, that youd have managed to get her to sleep in her bed again by this time. She wont give up the crib?
He shook his head. No way. Its a lost cause. Look, you may as well go. I shouldnt have had you come over, wasting your time. Theres nothing you can do, nothing anyone can do. This is one problem that doesnt have a solution.
Lacey opened her mouth to speak. But thought better of it when she saw the forbidding frown that warned her not to bring up Felicity Fairfaxs name again.
Thanks for coming over, he said. I do appreciate it, Lace.
Youre welcome, big brother.
She gave him a hug and walked over to the door. But when she reached it she paused. And just before she disappeared around the corner, she said, in a rush, over her shoulder, There is a solution to your problem, Jordan, and you know very well what it is!
Felicity wrapped her lavender and pink floral-patterned china teapot in bubble wrap and tucked it carefully into the packing box. Then straightening, she smiled when she noticed RJ batting a wad of tissue with his paw.
Some people said cats sensed when a move was afoot and became twitchy and unsettled. Not RJ. Felicity had been cleaning out her apartment and packing her belongings ever since shed recently sold the street-level property and RJ was exactly as he always had been: playful and inquisitive and supreme monarch of all he surveyed.
Felicity moved over to the kitchen sink and washed her hands. Well be leaving here for good, on Monday, RJ. What do you think of that?
He ignored her.
Were going over to Vancouver Island, to stay with Mom until I find a place of my own. I might even be able to afford a little rancher, one with a tree in the garden because I know you love to climb!
Oblivious to the prospect, RJ leaped up into the air before pouncing down on the scrap of paper as if it were a mouse.
Moving to the island will be for the best. Felicity tried to smile, but catching sight of her pale taut features in the chrome surface of the kettle she gave up the attempt. She really had nothing to smile about anyway. But surely, once she was back on the island with her family for support, she would eventually find joy in her life again?
But no matter how hard she tried to convince herself, she knew in her heart she would never get over losing Mandy.
RJ had grown bored with his paper, and scampering over to Felicity, wound his fluffy silver-white body sinuously around her right ankle.
She dipped down and picked him up. As he clutched her knit top, she stroked him, wondering if shed ever felt quite so desolate. Its not as if Im likely to ever have a baby of my own, RJ, she murmured. Im twenty-seven, times running out, and still no sign of Mr. Right.
If RJ could have spoken, she mused, he might have reminded her shed had no fewer than three serious proposals of marriage over the years, but shed turned them all down.
Because I wasnt in love! she protested. I enjoyed their company, but not one of them made me feel the way I want to feel
RJ purred loudly, as if to ask, And what way is that?
The way it is in romance novels. Felicitys voice was dreamy. I want my heart to ache for him when were apart, I want it to sing when were together, I want to feel as if Im on Cloud Nine when he takes me in his arms, I want to feel as if Im drowning when he looks into my eyes. Wherever he is, thats where I want to be
The shrill ringing of the wall phone made her jumpand RJ leaped from her arms. Stepping around the packing boxes, she lifted the receiver. Hello?
She sensed someone at the other end of the line, but no one spoke.
Hello? she repeated. Who is this?
Still no reply.
Who are you trying to
At the other end, the phone crashed down.
Well! She took the receiver from her ear and stared at it indignantly, you might at least have said, Sorry, wrong number!
Jordan slumped back in his swivel chair and stared grimly at the phone on his desk. Hed been gearing up for days to make the call and when push came to shove, he couldnt go through with it. He could not, he would not, have anything to do with Denny Fairfaxs sister
What happened? Did you make the call?
He jerked up his head and saw his sister in the study doorway. I thought you were upstairs with Mandy.
Shes asleep. Finally. Lacey came into the room. Sodid you make the call?
You talked to Felicity?
Did you leave a message on her answering machine?
Why didnt you? Why didnt you just ask her to call you back when she gets home
Shes home.
Shes screening her calls? How can you know that?
No, shes not screening her calls. She picked up the phone.
I dont understoh. Lacey slid her hip onto the edge of the desk, and sent him a disappointed reproachful look. You didnt have the courage to
It had nothing to do with courage, dammit. He pushed to his feet and planting his fists on his hips he glowered at his sister. It had to do with
Bitterness. Lacey gave a sympathetic nod. Jordan, weve been over this ground before. OK, you feel bitter. But youre letting your emotions get in the way of whats best for your daughter. Mandy loved Felicity Fairfax, and its my belief that shes missing her dreadfully and thats why shes so difficult to handle. Shes letting youand everybody else!know that she hates the way things are now and she wants to get back to her old routine, where she felt safe, and loved, and happy. Jordan
Laceys beeper went, and she exhaled a weary breath. Honey, I have to go. I have a plane to catch tonight. Will you promise me youll phone againand talk to her this time? I do realize theres a possibility she may not even want to take on the job. She may blame Marla for what happened to her brother, and may feel as bitterly toward the Maxwell family as you do toward hers!
So what youre saying now is that I should call and plead with her to look after Mandy again and risk having her spit the suggestion back in my face?
Thats a chance youll have to take.
He walked Lacey to the front door. The night was clear and bright, and from this location high on the slopes of West Vancouver, he could see the city lights spread out ahead like an endless field of stars
Heaven upside down.
Lacey put her arms around him and gave him an encouraging hug. Do it, Jordan. For Mandys sake.
Felicity continued packing till well after midnight then decided to call a halt. After dragging the boxes shed packed through to the utility room next to the kitchen, she let RJ outside for a quick prowl and then got ready for bed.
Shed just put on a T-shirt nightie, braided her hair, and slathered her face with white cleansing cream, when through the bathroom window she heard RJ yowling to get in.
She hurried to open the back door before he disturbed the neighbours.
Come in, you handsome beast Her breath froze in her throat. RJ shot past her while she stood rooted to the spot and stared, startled out of her wits, at sight of a man standing on her doorstep. With the moon at his back, his face was in shadow, but his hair was dark and his eyes glittered as they fixed on her.
If thats the way, he drawled, that you welcome strangers in the night, Ive come to the wrong place.
What did he mean?
Uh-oh. Come in, you handsome beast.
Feeling like a fool, she nevertheless felt her fright dissipate. If hed meant to harm her, surely hed have grabbed her by now. Still, she stepped quickly back and pulled the door till it was almost closed, and peered at him through the narrow gap left.
What can I do for you? she asked. Are you lost?
His chuckle had a harsh quality. No, Im not lost, he said. At least, not in the way you mean.
What do you want then?
I want to talk to you.
Felicity frowned. Who are you?
Impatiently, he looked around, and as he did, his profile was outlined against the bright backdrop of the moonlit sky. A sharply cut profile, with a swathe of dark hair falling over his brow, a strong nose, an uncompromising chin.
Fantastic bone structure. The kind that artists would adore. And women, too
Felicity blinked the thought away.
Im going to close the door right now, she said, If you dont tell me who you are and why youre here.
He turned and faced her. Just then, the people upstairs put on their bedroom light, and the yellow rays shone down on this stranger, illuminating him.
He was a handsome beast, Felicity thought. Handsomeand hostile. Oh, yes, no doubt about ithostile.
Im Jordan Maxwell. The words came out as jarringly as a jackhammer on granite. And what I want to talk to you about is not something I wish to discuss out here. He shoved his hands into his pockets and lanced her with his glittering gaze. Arent you going to invite me in?
He had expected someone who looked older. More solid. More mature.
Not this slip of a thing in an old T-shirt nightie, with her hair in a braid and her eyes filled with apprehension.
When shed invited him in, it had been with an unsure gesture of her hand. The only words shed spoken since had been to ask him if he wanted a drink.
Hed have liked a Scotch; she offered tea.
While the kettle was boiling, shed left the room. When she came back, her face was scrubbed clean and shed put on a gray cotton shortie robe and a pair of thongs.
So here they were, sitting at her kitchen table, drinking tea that tasted like cranberries.
And still she hadnt said a word.
She looked down at the table as she sipped her tea, so he had an opportunity to scrutinize her further. She didnt resemble her brother. She was fair, hed been dark. She was slim as a reed, hed been ruggedly builtand had looked mature. But hed been anything but. Hed been irresponsible and wild and spendthrift. Just like Marla.
They had been a pair.
He felt anger rise inside him as it did so readily these days. But he controlled it.
Im here about Mandy. He shoved aside his half-empty mug. I want to ask He broke off as his glance moved beyond her to another room. A utility room. He could see packing boxes there, all neatly taped up. At the same time, he belatedly realized the kitchen had an echoing feel to it. And the walls were bare, many of the shelves empty.
Are you moving? He stared at her.
Yes. Im going home.
Wheres home?
The island.
It was the last thing hed expected. Oh, hed known she might turn down his proposal outright and that even if shed accepted it, she might haggle about salary, hours, any number of other things. What he hadnt once anticipated was that she might be leaving the Lower Mainland and going to live on Vancouver Island. Youve made your plans?
Everythings settled. Im going to stay with my mother till I find a place of my own. She finished her tea, put down her mug. Nowits very lateand you still havent told me why youre here.
It doesnt matter. Not now. He rose from the table, put his mug on the counter. Ill be on my way.
He was at the door, opening it, before she said, Wait.
He turned. She was standing still, her face very pale.
You owe me an explanation, she said. You cant come here in the middle of the night and not tell me why.
He shrugged. You wont be here, sowhat I wanted to ask youdoesnt matter.
It was something about Mandy, wasnt it? If theres anything I can help with, please let me know. I realize it must be difficult for you to look after hershe has her own little ways, and if itll make it any easier for you, Id be happy to sit down and go over them with you. For example, her hair gets tangled after its washed, and to keep her from fussing when you brush it, you have to
Her voice trailed away when she saw him drag a weary hand over his nape.
What is it? She took an urgent step toward him. Whats wrong? You must tell me!
Mandys miserable. Ive never seen a kid so unhappy. Jordan wanted to go down on his knees and plead with her to stay but his pride wouldnt let him. Instead, he gave another shruga deliberately careless shrug. I just thoughtat least, my sister Lacey suggested it, I was dead against the ideaLacey suggested it might help if I were to offer you your old job back. For Mandys sake.
Her lips parted in a round, soundless. Oh.
But since youre leaving, Ill have to find someone else. Its no big deal. He turned his back on her and opened the door. I shouldnt have bothered you.
He went out into the night and as he walked in the moonlight to his car, he felt as if the world and all its worries were pressing down on him from every side.
What the hell was he going to do now! Hed told Ms. Fairfax hed find someone else.
There was no one else.
He kicked at a stone, and hissed out a word that would have made Laceys hair stand on end.
Wrenching open the car door, he was about to throw himself inside, when from behind him he heard someone call, Mr. Maxwell! Wait!
And when he turned around, Felicity Fairfax was running breathlessly toward him.

FELICITY thought her heart was going to burst.
What Jordan had said had stunned her. And then joy had exploded inside her, lending wings to her feet as she raced out of the apartment.
Now, catching up to him, she gasped, Do you really mean it? You want me to look after Mandy again?
I dont recall using exactly those wordsbut yes, thats what I came here to ask.
In the middle of the night?
I was hoping you could start tomorrow. Id plannedif you were availableto bring Mandy over here on my way to the office. But since youre moving out of the area
But I dont have to moveI dont want to move! If you could only wait till I find another place, theres nothing in the world that Id like more than to look after Mandy again.
A car stopped, farther along the street. Its headlights illuminated Jordans face, and there was no mistaking his expression of relief. Then the vehicle turned into a driveway and once again his face was shadowed.
I cant wait, he said. I need you to start tomorrow.
But I have the movers coming on Tuesday. And Ill have to find another place to live
Youll stay at Deerhaven.
At your house?
Right. Impatience snapped in his voice. Youll come home with me now, and tomorrow you can change all your moving arrangements.
Felicity felt her initial exultation give way to indignation. If he thought he could ride rough-shod over her, he had another think coming.
I have not, she snapped back, even finished packing yet!
You can do that tomorrow night after I get home from work. Restlessly, he shoved his hands in his pockets, to a jangling of keys or coins. Now, if thats all settled, Ill give you a couple of minutes to pack a case with your immediate needs, and then we can
I have a cat.
Ah, yes. His tone was mocking. The handsome beast. Im not a cat lover myself. I dont suppose youd consider giving him up for adoption?
I most certainly would not!
Then hell be part of the package. Just keep him out of my way, or I wont answer for the consequences. He leaned back against the car. Right, Ill wait here. He made a big play of looking at his watch. Ill give you twenty minutes to get ready.
Felicity took thirty.
Oh, she was ready in twenty, but she sat in her darkened bedroom for an extra ten, letting her new employer cool his elegant heels outside.
Jordan was well aware that Felicity Fairfax had saved his job for him. And he knew he should be grateful to her. But as he drove his car up the narrow drive leading to his house, all he could feel was resentmentresentment that Fate had put him in the position of being beholden to her.
It made his blood boil.
Had Fate not dealt him a bad enough hand already, throwing his wife and Denny Fairfax together at that charity do last Christmas? His wife had always been an outrageous flirt, but at least shed known which side her very expensive bread was buttered on and so shed never become involved with anyone outside of their marriageuntil shed met Denny Fairfax
Whos looking after Mandy just now? Felicity asked.
He pulled to a halt in front of the house. My sister. I believe youve met her.
Lacey. Yes, she came to pick up Mandy several times. Couldnt she look after Mandy tomorrow?
No. He could have told her Lacey was flying off to California in the morning; he chose not to. Felicity Fairfax was going to be his employee and he wanted to keep their relationship as impersonal as possible. Now lets get inside.
He carried her case in from the car, she carried a hold-all in one hand and the cat in a wire cage in the other.
As he opened the front door, Lacey came across the hall from the sitting room. Before she realized he wasnt alone, she said, eagerly, How did it go?
He stood aside to let Felicity step past him, and she walked into the hallway, swinging the cage in front of her.
Oh, Felicity! Lacey beamed at her. Im so pleased!
Hi, Lacey. Felicity returned the friendly smile. Its lovely to see you again.
And is that your case? Youre going to stay here? Oh, I guess so, she chuckled, looking at the cat. Youve moved your family with you. She crouched down and said, Psst! RJ! The cat pulled back, pushing its rear end against the cage. Lacey laughed, and straightened. Its so good of you to come, Felicity.
Jordan cleared his throat. Is Mandy still asleep?
Yes. Shes been a bit unsettled but she hasnt wakened since you left. Lacey gave Felicity another friendly smile. Im leaving nowI have an early start tomorrow, Im off to California on a shoot. She swept up her scarlet linen jacket from the deacons bench at the door, and swung it over her shoulders. Ill be able to leave with an easy mind, knowing Mandys in your hands.
Thank you, Lacey.
Bye, Jordan. Lacey gave him her usual hug. Ill be in touch when I get back. Probably Friday.
As the front door clicked shut behind her, Jordan said, Ill put you in the room next to Mandys so youll be able to hear her at night.
They walked up the stairs and as they did, he saw her looking around.
I cant think why, she said, slowly, But I feel as if Ive been here before. It all looks so familiar to methose Mandori oil paintings, the cream marble floor in the hall, this lapis-blue carpet on the stairs andthis. She ran a hand lightly over the Benducci grandfather clock in the curve of the stairwell. Where have I seen this before? I know its one of a kind, made for some Italian count
Do you read architectural magazines?
My friend Joanne sometimes passes her copy on to me.
He ushered her on, up to the landing. Then that is where you may have seen the interior of Deerhaven. There was a spread in
He paused as they reached the door to Mandys room. Theyd spoken quietly, but they must have disturbed her because shed started to fret. She sounded as if she might be waking up, though her mumbles and whimpers were drowsy.
Felicity had paused beside him. He heard her breathing quicken. May I see her? she asked.
Best not go in. Shell drop off again.
But she wasnt about to drop off again. He heard the creak of her mattress, and pictured her scrambling to her feet. He almost groaned aloud. Another sleepless night lay ahead, not that there was much of the night left.
Now she was crying, the cries becoming louder, more demanding, by the moment. This time, he did groan aloud. He loved his daughter more than anything on this earth, but so help him, if she didnt let him get some sleep, he was liable to go take a very long walk off a very short pier
Felicity touched his forearm lightly. Why dont you show me where Im to sleep, and then get yourself off to bed. Ill take care of Mandy.
No, Ill need to show you the lie of the land. Downstairs, too, because Ill be out of here before youre up in the morning. I need to give you a tour
Ill find my own way around. She swung the cat cage forward. Is my room along this way?
She was bossing him. Taking charge.
Well, okay, but just for tonight. And just because he was bushed. Tomorrow, hed show her who was head honcho around here.
Fighting a huge yawn, he opened the door next to Mandys.
There you are, he said. Its all yours. En suite included. Mandys crying had taken on a shrill singsong note, which he knew from experience she could keep up for hours.
Good night, Jordan. Felicity walked past him and set down the cats cage.
He knew he should say Thanks but the word stuck in his throat. He turned to goand then turned back.
What about the cat? he asked curtly.
RJ? Oh, hell be fine now till morning. Then Ill take him for a walk outsideon a leashto get him acclimatized to his new surroundings. She dropped her holdall on the carpet. In a few days, once Im sure hes not going to run away, Ill give him free rein.
Even as she was speaking, shed tossed her shoulderbag on a chair and thrown her anorak onto the bed.
Flicking back her braid, she looked at him with a challenging sparkle in her eyes. Im ready, she said. You can hit the hay now, and Ill see you She gave a light shrug, her gaze amused. Whenever.
She walked past him again and headed for Mandys room. After a brief hesitation, he turned on his heel and proceeded along the corridor in the other direction, to his own room, which was on the far side of hers.
Halfway there, he turned to glance back
She had already disappeared from view.
Felicity tiptoed into the childs bedroom.
Rose-pink light glowed from a night-bulb plugged into an outlet by the curtained window. In its gentle gleam she could see a single bed to her right. It was neatly made but unoccupied.
She flicked her glance around and was taken aback to see Mandy in her cribthe large white-painted designer crib Marla Maxwell had delivered to Felicitys apartment when Mandy was six months old. It had remained at Felicitys apartment until Jordan Maxwell had sent a van for it the day after his lawyer had notified Felicity her services would no longer be required. That was three months ago, right after the car accident that had changed all their lives.
Felicity had known that although Mandy had loved napping in her crib when she was at the apartment, she had long since graduated to sleeping in a bed when she was at home. So why on earth was the three-year-old not in that bed now? Certainly the crib was big enough for her because she was dainty as an elf, but surely using it was a backward step? Shed have to ask Jordan about it tomorrow.
Tonight, her aim was to comfort his daughter.
Mandy was standing up, hanging on to the crib rail, her head thrown back, tears spilling from her eyes. She was crying in a keening way that tore at Felicitys heart.
Tears pricking her own eyes, she whispered, Oh, my poor darling! as she hurried across the carpeted floor.
She ached to scoop Mandy up in her arms, but she didnt want to frighten her. Instead, she gently set her own hands atop the childs small-boned fingers, which were wrapped tightly around the top rail, and in a soft and soothing voice, she started singing Mandys favorite lullaby.
The crying stopped.
Mandy froze. And for a long moment, the only sound was a sudden loud hiccup that echoed around the room.
Then slowly, very slowly, she lifted her head up from its lolled-back position, and stared, wary-eyed and open-mouthed, at Felicity.
Felicity smiled. And blinked back a tear.
Hi, sweetheart, she whispered. Its me.
Another hiccup. Then a shaky, teary voice that was filled with wonderment and disbelief. Fizzy?
Felicitys smile was watery. Oh, yes, my darling, darling child. Its Fizzy. Come to look after you.
Now she leaned in and tenderly lifted the three-year-old in her arms, and cuddled her against her bosom. Mandy seemed lighter, even more fragile than shed been last time shed held her. Poor baby, shed been through so much.
Feeling a surge of joy as the childs slender arms wound their way around her neck, Felicity sought the nearest chaira comfortable armchair by the hearthand sank down.
Yes, sweetheart. Felicity smoothed a hand over the tear-damp hair, and kissed the tear-damp forehead. What is it, my little love?
I missed you. Mandy started to weep again, but this time in low-strained sobs even more heartbreaking than her loudest most desperate wails had been. I missed you every day.
And I missed you, too, precious. Youll never know just how much. But well always be together, from this moment on. You can count on it.
She felt the grip around her neck tighten as the child gulped out an anguished Promise, Fizzy?
Yes, my darling. Felicity injected all the assurance she could into her words. I promise.
If there was one thing he hated, it was the smell of burned toast.
It hailed Jordan as he strolled along the corridor to the kitchen next morning, and set his teeth on edge.
She wasnt to have known, of course, that toast always stuck in that old toaster; a person had to stand beside it and pop the toast up when it looked ready. Still, she shouldnt even have been downstairs, far less making toast! She should have had the savvy to stay upstairs till after hed gone. She must know how he felt about her; and the last thing hed want was to have to make conversation with Denny Fairfaxs sister at the best of timesand first thing in the morning, before hed even had his first mug of coffee, was certainly not that.
Surly, and prepared to be curt, though not to the point of rudeness, because dammit, he needed herat least for the time being!he shoved the kitchen door open.
And found the room empty.
Oh, shed been down all right, and not too long ago. The smell of burned toast was even more cloying in here. The sweetish aroma of strawberry tea fought a losing battle for survival under it.
A black-and-red tea caddy, with a pattern of dragons, sat on the counter.
A note on the table read Your Toasters Broken.
And over by the back door, on the gleaming white-tiled floor, her cat was throwing up.
Good morning, Jordan! Bette welcomed him with a cheery smile. Glad to see you backand youre the first one in! She ran an approving glance over him. Looking like your old self, too. Nice shave, hair immaculate, no pink hairbrushes peeking out of your pocket! So I gather youve solved your problems with Mandy? Youve found someone reliable? Youre
Yes, yesand yes, to whatever your third question was going to be. Jordan ran frustrated fingers through his hair, making a mockery of Bettes immaculate comment. Java, Bette. Please tell me youve made the coffee?
She raised her eyebrows. Yes, I have. But you dont usually have any here till midmorning. You always have coffee at home first thing in the morning to set you up
Not this morning, I didnt! He was already halfway to the staff room. Over his shoulder, he threw back, Not with that darned cat throwing up all over the place.
The coffeepot was full. He took his mug from the cupboardthe one hed got last Christmas from Mandy with her picture on it. According to the child, Fizzy had had it done at a photo shop, specially for him.
Hed never met Fizzy, his daughters baby-sitter, but hed appreciated the thought that had gone into the gift. Hed always meant to let her know, but time had slipped away from himand thenit was too late. The very name Fairfax had become anathema to him, and Fizzy Fairfax was the last person in the world with whom hed wanted to become involved in any way, shape or form
Cat? Bette materialized at his side. You cant stand cats! What was a cat doing in your kitchen?
Jordan filled his mug with coffee. You dont want to know.
But I do.
Bette Winslow had been married four times, and had, she often said, Seen it all. In her early fifties, she had the kind of personality that invited confidencesand all the agents knew that Bette in Reception was closer than a clam.
Jordan was a private person and normally he didnt talk to outsiders about his personal problems. Today, however, frustration had him wanting to tell someone about his impossible situation. And if anyone would listen and show him sympathy, it would surely be Bette.
He added milk to his coffee, and drank half of the teeming mug in one long swallow.
Only then did he set the mug on the table, fold his arms over his chest, and say, Its Felicity Fairfaxs cat.
Like everyone else in the office, Bette had learned that his wife and Denny Fairfax had been having an ongoing affair during the several months before Denny had smashed up his sports car, killing Marla in the process and sending himself into a coma. And she must know how he would feel about any of the Fairfaxes.
So, she said, youve rehired Felicity Fairfax to baby-sit Mandy, and shes going to live in.
Bette, he mused, never needed to have things spelled out. Right, he said.
A wise decision.
I had no other choice. My hours are erratic, you know I work late more often than not, and I couldnt go leaving Mandy with her while Im closing some late-night sale or
I meant it was a wise decision to rehire Felicity Fairfax. I dont know her, but my cousin Joanne does, and she has only the nicest things to say about her.
You missed my point, Bette. It wasnt a so-called wise decision to rehire the woman. A Fairfax is the last person Id have hired, if Id had a choice. I hadnt.
Youre not telling me, Jordan Maxwell, that youre tarring the sister with the same brush you were quite justified in tarring her brother with! Censure tinged Bettes voice. For heavens sake, Jordan, the girl
Shes not a girl! He felt like a schoolboy put out after being reprimanded by a favorite teacher. Shes a woman, and one I dont want to be around. He sounded, now, like a sulky schoolboy, and that irritated him.
You have to put Mandy first. Shes the one whos important herenot you. The poor child lost not only her mother but the baby-sitter she loved. I know she adores you but she needs a motheror at least, a female to mother her. I dont think youd have had quite so serious a problem with her if shed lost just one care-giverin that case, shed have been able to turn to the other for comfort.
I know that, he growled. You dont have to His voice trailed away as a thought occurred to him.
Then what are you going to do, Jordan? I dont see a way out. Youre determined to do whats best for Mandy, but youre just as determined to dislike this woman. Children sense conflict. Its the last thing Mandy needs.
Dont worry. Jordan put his hand in the small of Bettes back and ushered her toward the door. What you said just nowyouve given me an idea. Smiling, he escorted her through to the reception area. Thanks to you, I believe I see a way out of my dilemma.
Felicity looked down at her sleeping charge and wondered if shed ever felt happier. Shed told Joanne the truth when shed said she couldnt have loved Mandy more if she were her own child. Being here, caring for her again, was the most wonderful thing that had ever happened to her.
Her heart went all mushy now as she gazed upon the little girl, who looked adorable in sleep. Her bubbly blond curls were tousled, her cheeks were flushed to the same pink as her nightie, and her rosebud mouth pouted, as if she were blowing bubbles in her dreams.
She looked like a fairybut at the thought, Felicity frowned, wondering again why Jordan still put her to bed in her crib. She reminded herself to ask him about it.
In the meantime, she was looking forward to spending the day with Mandy and wished she would wake up!
As if the child had read her mind, she opened her eyes and when she saw Felicity, her face split in a smile.
She scrambled to her feet. Fizzy! Youre still here!
Of course Im here, darling. Didnt I tell you I always would be?
Let me out! Out, out, out!
Laughing, Felicity unhooked the side of the crib and slid it down. Then taking both Mandys hands, she encouraged the child to jump, and swung her down, her narrow feet landing with a light thump on the carpet.
Ive been waiting for you to waken, Felicity said, so we can start our first day here together.
Ten minutes later, they were on their way downstairs, with Mandy wearing the yellow T-shirt and shorts shed chosen from her wardrobe, with a pair of yellow sandals.
After breakfast, Felicity said, Well go out for a walk. But before we go out, would you like to show me over the whole house? Its lovely, but so big. Im sure to get lost if you dont show me where everything is.
And Ill show you outside, too. Mandy skipped along happily. Theres a garden, and a greenhouse, and a hot tub. Daddy sometimes uses the hot tub, but only in the winter. He says its for grown-ups, to relax after a hard day. Do you have hard days, Fizzy?
Shed had some very hard days over the last three months, but now, thanks to whichever angel was sitting on her shoulder, life was going to be wonderful.
From today on, she said, for meand for you, Mandy dearthe hard days are over.
Jordan didnt get home till after seven.
Silence met him as he walked into the foyer. He stood and listened. Not a soundexcept for the steady tick-tock of the grandfather clock in the stairwella clock he personally thought looked hideous. The price had also been hideous, but Marla had wanted it so Marla had bought it.
He pushed the memory away.
With his linen jacket slung over his arm, he tugged the knot of his tie loose and made for the stairs. Ascending with barely a sound, he reflected that it was a very long time since hed sensed peace in the place.
And it was peace he needed.
First day back on the job, hed scrambled to catch upcontacting clients, checking new listings, dealing with an irate couple whose newly purchased condo had sprung a leak just days after they took possession
He would shower, go down to the kitchen and rustle up a sandwich. And hed take italong with a beerto the lounge, where hed put up his feet and read the newspaper. Thank the Lord the Fairfax woman was keeping out of his way. He saw, when he reached the landing, that her bedroom door was closed. With a bit of luck, he mused, she was in there and would stay there.
The cat, he hoped, was in there, too.
Mandys door was half open, the heavy curtains closed, the night-light on.
He moved the door gently in, and tiptoed to the crib.
She was sound asleep; he could hear her soft breathing.
He leaned over and with a tender hand, touched her fine curly hair.
Good night, princess, he whispered. Daddy loves you, and things are going to be much better from now on. Just dont go getting too attached to your precious Fizzy again, because Im going to ease her out of here as soon as I can find someone else to look after you. But dont worry, honey, Ill do it in such a way youll never even notice shes gone.
He stood there a while longer, thinking, listening to her breathe, mulling over his plan.
And then, after blowing her one last little kiss, he turned on his heel and walked out of the room.
What an absolute snake!
Shooting up to a sitting position in Mandys single bed, Felicity hissed out the words as she stared, outraged, at his back and the closing door.
Because Mandy hadnt wanted her to leave after shed been put down in her crib for the night, Felicity had offered to stay with her till she slept, and had lain on the bed.
But she had fallen asleep herself.
Shed wakened when shed sensed someone in the room. Shed been drowsy at first, but had come fully awake when shed heard Jordan Maxwell warn his sleeping daughter not to get too attached to her precious Fizzy againbecause he was planning to get rid of her.
Well, she wasnt about to be got rid of.
And forewarned was forearmed.
But what could he have in store for her?
What was his devious plan?
Whatever it was, shed better get out of Mandys room right now in case he came back.
She snuck across the room, peeked out to ensure the coast was clear, and then dashed to her own room.
Once she closed the door, she could hear the sound of water running nearby. His bedroom must be next to hers. Had he just come home? If so, he was probably taking a shower before going down for his evening meal.
She waited, with her ears pricked, and a short while later she heard his bedroom door open. Taking in a deep breath, she opened her own door and casually stepped out.
She almost bumped into him.
Oh! She gave him a fake-surprised smile. Youre home! Your dinners in the oven, Jordan. Shepherds pie, I hope you like it. Ill come down with you, and tell you all about the lovely day Mandy and I have had.

FELICITY FAIRFAX was the last person he wanted to chat toif he happened to be in a chatty mood, which he most definitely was not!
But of course he did want to know how Mandy had been.
Fine. His tone was gruff, his manner abrupt as he took off across the landingwith her at his heels. You can talk while I make myself a snack.
I said Id made shepherds
I dont want you cooking for me. He bounded down the stairsbut she stuck to him like a shadow. Im used to looking after myself.
Mandy says you fired your housekeeper after your
Ive never liked strangers around the place. There, that should knock some of the pep out of her. When I come home from the office, the last thing I want is to have to make small talk with
Thats you. But what about Mandy? Whos been making her meals for the past three months?
I have. He leaped down the last few steps in one bound.
She scuttled down after him. You can cook?
His heels clicked on the marble foyer as he crossed to the kitchen corridor. The lighter, dainty click of her sandals irritated him. Sufficiently well to keep us from starving.
He slid the kitchen door open and stood back to let her enter first. As he followed, he was so taken up with the delicious savoury aroma in the air, he almost tripped over the cat which suddenly scooted out from under the table.
Sorry, she said. And obviously sensing his displeasure, added, Ill pop him down to the laundry room.
Cant you just put the beast outside?
He needs a few days to get his bearings, take over his new territory, before I can give him that freedom. Hed probably rocket away and then not be able to find his way backand it would break my heart to lose him.
Break her heart to lose a cat? What kind of a heart did the woman have, that it could be broken so easily!
She went out into the corridor with the mewing animal. He heard her open the door to the basement, then heard her clattering down the basements wooden stairs.
He turned to the fridge.
The mouth-watering aroma drifting from the oven seemed to intensify by the moment. Trying to ignore it, he poked about in the fridge and took out a head of lettuce, a large tomato, a wedge of cheddar cheese, and a jar of mayonnaise, and set them on the counter along with a bottle of beer.
Then he reached into the bread bin for the loaf hed bought at the deli two days agoand came up with nothing.
What the
Are you looking for bread? The tinkling voice came from behind him. Mandy loves bread pudding so I
He turned to face her. So you?
I made some. And Im afraid I used up the last of your loaf. Id noticed the freezer in the basement, and I just assumed youd have more loaves down there, but She spread out her hands in a How was I to know? gesture. I can pick up some bread and rolls when I go out tonight.
Youre going out?
I have to finish my packing, she reminded him. The movers will be coming in tomorrow.
How are you going to get over there? I cant drive you, cant leave Mandy
A friends coming to pick me up, after I call.
Why dont you phone her now?
Its a him, not a her. OK, Ill do that. He lives in the area so hell be here in a few minutes, Ill just have time to fill you in on Mandys day. She whirled around, made for the wall phone and picked up the handset.
She made the arrangements, and finished by saying, Come to the back door, Hugh. Ill be in the kitchen.
After putting the phone down, she took the shepherds pie from the oven, and set the steaming dish on the island. Next she brought out a smaller casserole. Removing its lid, she revealed piping-hot, chunky-cut carrots and green peas.
Before he could say, Thanks, but Ill just make myself a salad, she spoke first.
Mandy is so sweet! She scooped a generous helping of shepherds pie onto a plate. She gave me a tour of the house and grounds. Adding vegetables to the plate, she prattled on about how much theyd both enjoyed their day, as she set the plate in front of him. Now what else do you need? Oh, salt and pepper
Miss Fairfax, you and I have to talk. I
Call me Felicity. She gestured toward the table. Dont stand there, sit down and eat your dinner. Here, she commandeered his bottle of beer, let me.
Before he could stop her, shed taken an opener from the cutlery drawer and levered off the cap. Then she set the bottle and a dimpled glass beer mug on the table.
There, she said. I think thats everything. Sorry there arent any buns or bread. As I said, Ill get some when Im out.
Jordan felt as if he were being rolled over by a runaway trainand he snatched at something to stop it in its tracks. You were holding that cat he looked at her accusingly just before you dished up my food!
I washed my hands in the laundry room. For heavens sake, Jordan, sit down and try not to be so difficult. Since Im going to be head cook and bottle washer from now on, youd better get used to
I didnt hire you as a cook! He scowled at her. Youre here to look after Mandy. Period. Dont include me in your plans to play house!
Im not here to play house. Exasperation threaded her voice. This is for real, Jordan. I want to make Mandy happy, and for that, the child needs a warm, secure and loving home. I need to be the next best thing to a mommy to her. And that means doing mommy things, like cooking and cleaning and
I dont need a cook/housekeeper! I can cook for myself, and I hire an excellent cleaning company to
But I dont want to be yourquotecook/housekeeper. I know I can never be Mandys mother, but I dont want her to think of me as a servant, either. I want her to experience the things mothers and daughters do togetherlike dusting, and tidying cupboards, and making cookies, and arranging flowers, and
Point taken. His own voice sounded dour, churlish. So, he said grudgingly after a few moments, am I to understand you want me to cancel the cleaning company? Youll do everything yourself?
Yes. She sighed. Look, I know you dont like meand to be truthful, I dont know yet how I feel about you. So far, her tone was dry, I have to admit Im not favorably impressed. But for Mandys sake, we must agree to live amicably. Shes had enough stress in her young life without having to experience conflict between the two people who mean most to her
She paused as someone knocked on the outside door.
Excuse me, she said. Thatll be Hugh. Crossing the kitchen, she unlocked the door and opened it.
On the stoop stood a very tall young man wearing a baseball cap, a striped sports shirt, and peacock blue Bermuda shorts. His grin was as wide as his shoulders.
Hey, Fliss, he said. You ready?
Come in, she said. Meet my employer. I just have to pop upstairs and get my bag. She turned to Jordan. This is Hugh Andrews, Jordan, an old friend. Hugh, this is Jordan Maxwell. Ill be right back
Jordan nodded curtly.
Dont let me interrupt you, Hugh said, waving a hand towards the shepherds pie. Dont let your dinner get cold. Sit down, man.
Itll wait. Jordan shoved his hands into his pockets. So he searched for something to say youve known Ms. Fairfax for some years?
I knew her brother first, actually. He was the one who introduced us.
Denny. The name grated on Jordans ears. It seemed as if he was fated to meet people connected to
No, not Denny. He was older. It was the other brother, the younger one. Felicitys twin.
She has a twin? Good Lord, another Fairfax.
Had. Hughs face sobered. Todd. He was a fishermandied two years ago when his boat capsized in a storm.
As Jordan took this in, he heard steps approaching.
Dont say anything about it, Hugh murmured quickly. It devastated Fliss. She never talks about it.
When Felicity came into the kitchen, Jordan found himself looking at her in a new light. Looking at her properly, for the first time.
I dont know when Ill be back, she said. Could you give me a house key?
All hed seen previously, because hed never wanted to let his eyes linger on her longer than absolutely necessary, was that she had a long blond braid, a generous mouth and wide-set gray eyes. Now, as he met those rather lovely gray eyes, he saw a hint of sadness there, which was in direct contradiction to her pleasant, questioning smile.
Jordan? She waved a hand before him. Do you have a spare key?
Sure. He crossed to the desk under the wall phone and opening a drawer, fumbled around till he found the key he was looking for. He walked over to her. There you are.
She held out a hand, and he saw a fretwork of faint lines on the palm. He also saw delicate blue veins at her wrist. How fragile she was. That surprised him, because although she was slim and slightly built, he had not thought of her as fragile. She gave off such an aura of determination and self-confidence and energy.
He dropped the key onto her palm and she closed slender fingers around it. Her nails were neatly manicured, and buffed to a shine. Pretty hands. Feminine.
She smelled of wildflowers and citrus, romantic and energetic, a tantalizing and intriguing blend.
When youve finished your shepherds pie, she said, youll find some bread pudding in the oven.
With that, she followed Hugh outside, leaving him feeling confused and off balance, and unable to pin down the unsettling new emotions shed stirred up inside him.
Felicity didnt get back to Deerhaven till almost two in the morning, but though sleepy and bone-tired, when Hugh dropped her off she had that satisfied feeling of a job well done.
Thanks, Hugh, I owe you, she told him through his open window of his van. I do appreciate all your help!
No problem. He looked up at the house. Lights are all out.
Felicity yawned. Ill have to be quiet.
Have you got the bread and buns?
Right here.
Dont forget to set your alarm!
Its going to be a short night!
She watched him leave, and then went around to the back door.
Once inside, she put on the kitchen light, and after putting the bakeries away, noticed a note on the island. Expecting that Jordan might have written a few words to thank her for making dinner, she flicked it up and with a feeling of anticipation, she read what hed written:
Dont forget to let that *&%$* cat out. Hes been yowling like a banshee all night.
Ungrateful wretch! she muttered.
And screwing the paper into a hard little ball, she flung it, in a fit of pique, across the room.
Jordan cautiously opened the kitchen door just before seven next morning, half expecting to see the cat throwing up again. But there was no sign of him.
The only thing on the kitchen floor was a wad of paper.
He picked it up, unrolled it.
And saw the note hed written the night before.
Remorse stabbed him. She must have been exhausted when she got backhed heard the car arrive, around two oclock. Shed have come into the kitchen, feet dragging, glad to be homeonly to be greeted by his bad-tempered complaint.

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