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The Hometown Hero Returns
The Hometown Hero Returns
The Hometown Hero Returns
Julianna Morris
He could still put her heart in a tailspinWhen Luke McCade returns to Divine after a long absence, Nicki Johansson realizes that she may have lost the bad clothes and haircut, but it's hard to shake an old crush. Especially when she's never forgotten the first kiss he gave her. Nicki doesn't want to fall for the former high school football star, but how can she not when he's devoted to his ailing grandfather, is successful, thoughtful and still annoyingly sexy! Once they'd seemed to move in different leagues. But now. Well, a newly confident Nicki vows to use her sweet kisses to show Luke there's no place like home!

He was the last person Nicki wanted to see.
If she didnt owe so much to his grandfather, she wouldnt be within a mile of Luke McCade ever again. But she did like and admire his grandfather. Shed do almost anything for Professor McCade. Even face Luke and all the memories he represented.
And then his broad shoulders filled the front door.
Despite her resolve, her pulse hammered in her throat.
If anything, he was more gorgeous than ever; small crinkles at the corners of his eyes and a few strands of silver in his black hair made him look solid and dependable. Hed come back to help his grandfather, showing that he wasnt as selfish as shed always thought.
A flutter of alarm skirted her mind. No. She couldnt afford to think anything positive about him. Luke had put her in a tailspin when they were younger; she wouldnt let that happen this time.
Dear Reader,
This month seems to be all about change. Just as our heroines are about to have some fabulous makeovers, Silhouette Romance will be undergoing some changes over the next months that we believe will make this classic line even more relevant to your challenging lives. Of course, youll still find some of your favorite SR authors and favorite themes, but look for some new names, more international settings and even more emotional reads.
Over the next few months the company is also focusing attention on the new direction and package for Mills & Boon Romance. We believe that the blend of authors and stories coming in that line will thrill readers and satisfy every emotion.
Just like our heroines, my responsibilities will be changing, as I will be working on Mills & Boon NEXT. Please know how much I have enjoyed sharing these heartwarming, aspirational reads with you.
With all best wishes,
Ann Leslie Tuttle
Associate Senior Editor

The Hometown Hero Returns
Julianna Morris

www.millsandboon.co.uk (http://www.millsandboon.co.uk)
For caregivers everywhere.
You make a special difference in the world.

Books by Julianna Morris
Silhouette Romance
Baby Talk #1097
Family of Three #1178
Daddy Woke Up Married #1252
Dr. Dad #1278
The Marriage Stampede #1375
* (#litres_trial_promo)Callie, Get Your Groom #1436
* (#litres_trial_promo)Hannah Gets a Husband #1448
* (#litres_trial_promo)Jodies Mail-Order Man #1460
Meeting Megan Again #1502
Tick Tock Goes the Baby Clock #1531
Last Chance for Baby! #1565
(#litres_trial_promo)A Date with a Billionaire #1590
(#litres_trial_promo)The Right Twin for Him #1676
(#litres_trial_promo)The Bachelor Boss #1703
(#litres_trial_promo)Just Between Friends #1731
(#litres_trial_promo)Meet Me under the Mistletoe #1796
The Hometown Hero Returns #1829

has an offbeat sense of humor, which frequently gets her into trouble. She is often accused of being curious about everything. Her interests range from oceanography and photography to traveling, antiquing, walking on the beach and reading science fiction.
Julianna loves cats of all shapes and sizes. Her familys most recent feline companion is named Merlin, and like his namesake, Merlin is an alchemistshe says he can transform the house into a disaster area in nothing flat. And since he shares the premises with a writer, its interesting to note that hes particularly fond of knocking books on the floor.
Julianna happily reports meeting Mr. Right. Together they are working on a dream of building a shoreline home in the Great Lakes area.
Dear Reader,
I come from a large family and have watched grandparents, great-aunts and other loved ones go through difficult times. It isnt easy to see someone you love changing due to age or illness, but there can be many reasons for those changes. I believe its important to keep asking questions, and one of those questions should be about depression.
Depression is an illness that can be treated. Through personal experience Ive seen that it can resemble other conditions, or it may not be diagnosed at allremember that Uncle Joe may act quite differently at the doctors office than he does at home. Ive seen it, and Ive seen how a doctor can have a hard time seeing the changes a family has observed. Ive also seen how asking questions, talking things out and getting treatment can make a world of difference.
While the recovery of the heros grandfather in my story is probably faster than would normally occur, I hope that reading this novel and hearing a little about my own experiences will help someone out there. You are not alone.
As a small side note, the artist who painted my heros great-grandmother is fictional. However, the other artists mentioned in the story are real. Artists such as Alfred Sisley and Mary Cassatt were gifted Impressionists. More about their work can be learned at the library or on the Internet.
My best wishes go with you and yours.
Julianna Morris

Chapter One (#u993e155b-f9e9-5d84-93a6-3366c3d99f8d)
Chapter Two (#u934335c4-2111-53bc-ad5c-405668257ba0)
Chapter Three (#u18e4c17e-5e29-58ad-9d93-a618845e2c9e)
Chapter Four (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Five (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Six (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Seven (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Eight (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Nine (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Ten (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Eleven (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter One
Here goes nothing, Nicki Johansson muttered.
She pulled a rectangular package from her car and stared at the house before her. He was inside that house. He was the last person she wanted to see. If she hadnt owed so much to his grandfather, she wouldnt have come within a mile of him ever again.
Still, Luke McCade was gorgeous.
But impossiblea reminder of awkward childhood days when a plain teenaged whiz kid in secondhand clothing had dreamed of having the captain of the football team fall in love with her.
Hah, Nicki snorted to herself. Theyd been thrown together back then because Luke was in the hospital and needed a tutor. Shed convinced herself that his bored flirting might actually mean something, even though she hadnt even liked himat least, not that much. But she did like and admire his grandfather. Shed do almost anything for Professor McCade. Shed even face Luke and all the memories he represented.
She marched up the walkway with the thought that Luke might have put her in a tailspin when they were younger, but not anymore. Despite her resolve, her pulse hammered in her throat as the door swung open and his broad shoulders filled the space.
Yes? he said without a spark of recognition in his brown eyes.
Nicki shifted her feet, torn between an unsettling attraction to Lukes athletic grace and fallen-angel looks, and an obligation to his grandfather. Darn him. If there were any justice in the world he would have developed a paunch and a receding hairline.
Whatever it is, were not buying anything. He began to close the door and Nicki stuck out her hand.
No, wait, Im not a salesman. That is, a saleswoman, or should it be aa s-salesperson? she stuttered as his brow gathered into a frown. Swell, she sounded like an idiot. Im here about the yard sale a few months ago.
Oh. Luke sighed. Look, we appreciate people bringing things back that Grandfather shouldnt have sold, but Im sure its all right if you keep whatever it is. Hes confused and not himself, but the valuable stuff is still here.
No, it isnt.
His eyebrows shot high. Excuse me?
Nicki cleared her throat. If anything, he was more gorgeous than ever; small crinkles at the corners of his eyes and a few strands of silver in his black hair made him look solid and dependable.
A flutter of alarm skirted her mind.
She couldnt afford to think anything positive about him. Luke McCade had always made her want things she didnt have. Somebody to love and want her, as much as she loved and wanted him. To belong. Luke served as a reminder that it might never happen. She was alone in the world, while he belonged to a large, loving family. Now hed come back from Chicago to help his grandfather, showing that he wasnt as selfish as shed always thought.
May I come in?
Nicki stiffened when Luke hesitated, then took a calming breath. She had a bad habit of overreacting when her confidence was shaken; friends said her pride could make her as bristly as a pincushion. It was a holdover from always being the odd kid out when she was a child.
Im not a thief or con artist or anything, if thats what youre worried about, she said finally, trying to sound reasonable.
I didnt think you were. Its just Luke shrugged and stepped back, opening the door wider.
Nicki had never seen the interior of the McCade house, and she looked about curiously. Inside, the foyer was big and airy with rooms opening off it, and through one of the archways Nicki saw her old professor dozing in a chair. He was a lovely man whod devoted himself to art and teachingquite the opposite of his eldest grandson, who had gained a reputation as a hard-nosed businessman interested solely in profit margins. She knew this because the local newspaper often ran articles about him, and his name was regularly in the Chicago paper she read.
This way, Luke said, motioning in the opposite direction.
How is Mr. McCade doing? she asked as she was led to the kitchen.
Fine, he said, giving her a careful look. Do you know my grandfather?
She put the package on the table. Were acquainted. It was the truth, but only part of it. Shed been a shy student in the back of Professor McCades classes, trying to avoid notice. But the lessons hed taught about the beauty of art and the human spirit would stay with her forever. Ium, took all of his courses at the college before he retired. Plus, its a small town, she added.
Yes, it is, Luke said slowly.
She didnt want to get him thinking. If he remembered her, hed remember his nickname for herLittle Miss Four-Point-O. Shed just hated that name, which had naturally pleased Mr. Perfect Captain of the high school football team to no end. Of course, that probably was the point of calling her names in the first place.
Anyway, Im here about the picture frame I bought. She ripped the brown paper from the face of the package and held it up for him to look at.
Its nice, I suppose, he murmured, barely giving the frame and painting a glance.
Nicki rolled her eyes. Luke was certainly obtuse about the fine points. Maybe it had something to do with him being a land developer. No doubt when someone was tearing down buildings and putting up strip malls, subtlety didnt have much value. On the other hand, maybe it was because he was an ex-jock. Her ex-husband had been a sports guy like Luke, and hed possessed the sensitivity of a steamroller.
Along with a few other undesirable qualities.
Sighing, she looked Luke square in the eye.
It isnt about the frame. I mean, thats why I bought it, but thats not Her voice trailed off as she tried to collect her thoughts. The thing is, when I examined the painting I discovered it was quite valuable. Take a look at the signature.
Leaning forward, he pulled a bit of paper away from the lower right-hand corner of the canvas. A. Metlock. So?
So, Arthur Metlock was one of the finest American impressionists of his day.
Luke swallowed a stab of impatience. His uninvited guest had big blue eyes in a heart-shaped face, and a scatterbrained manner that was oddly appealing. If shed shown up at his office in Chicago selling raffle tickets he would have bought a dozen. But right now he was getting ready to go back to Chicago and didnt have time to think about anything except his grandfathers worsening health. The doctor had diagnosed senility and prescribed medication to slow the progress of the condition, but nothing was helping.
Look, Miss?
Miss Johansson. So its worth a few dollars more than you paid for it. We dont mind. Granddad probably wont be staying in the house, which means well be getting rid of most everything, anyway, before we sell the place.
I cant keep this. She sounded genuinely shocked.
Lord. Luke had forgotten how stubborn people from Divine, Illinois, could be. He was accustomed to a cutthroat business world where getting a steal of a deal was the ultimate achievement. It wasnt that he didnt appreciate the womans honestytoo few women were honest about anythingbut he didnt have the time or energy to deal with something new.
Truly, you dont have to worry about it, he said, knowing irritation had crept into his tone.
Of course Im worried. Her obstinate expression seemed familiar for some reason. Its worth at least twenty thousand dollars.
Luke blinked. She had to be mistaken. His grandfather had been a shrewd man in his day, writing popular art history books, collecting art and teaching at the local private college. No matter how mentally shaky he might be now, he wouldnt have sold a valuable painting at a yard sale.
But thenLuke rubbed his temples. Granddad had gone downhill after Gramss death three years ago. It was one of the worst parts of their loss. Grams had gone quickly, her smile still bright and true despite the swift course of her illness. But Granddad seemed to lose a piece of himself with each day that passed, without even trying to get better. In fact, he seemed determined not to get better. Love had done that, taken the spirit out of him.
Luke didnt have any use for love. It had betrayed him more than once, and his grandfathers pain was just another reason not to trust an emotion that was elusive at best, destructive at worst.
How do you know its worth that much? he asked. Are you some sort of art genius or something?
Out of the blue, the woman turned pink. The color was kind of pretty next to her tousled gold curls and blue eyes, and Luke watched with interest. It had been a long while since hed seen a woman blushprobably not since he was a kid and hed embarrassed the hell out of Little Miss Four-Point-O, the smartest kid in school.
His eyes widened.
Johansson? Why hadnt he noticed before?
As I live and breathe, he drawled. If it isnt Nicole Johansson.
And if it isnt Stud McCade, Nicki tossed back, as defiant as ever.
Luke winced at the nickname hed once strutted over. In the old days hed been smugly confident that he was irresistible to women and about his future as a pro football playeruntil his senior year, when basketball with his buddies had turned into twelve weeks of traction. That was when hed gotten up close and personal with Little Miss Four-Point-O. Shed been hired to tutor him.
The memory was bleak enough without recalling what it meant to be Divines football hero, injured just as the team was on its way to the state finals for the first time. Maybe things would have been different if hed gotten hurt during a football game, but the entire town had hated him for blowing things when it mattered most. All except Nicki, who hadnt cared about football one way or the other. Shed hated him for other reasonsmost of the time.
Youve changed, he said.
You havent.
It didnt sound like a compliment, and Luke couldnt blame her. He hadnt behaved well back then, resenting being tutored by a kid nearly three years younger than him. He tormented her because of itwhen he wasnt trying to tease her into a kiss. Shed been cute in a studious sort of way, and hed been bored. And angry, at Divine and the rest of the world. Very angry. Hed had a chip on his shoulder the size of Canada.
Because it was easier thinking about something else, he looked at the painting. Well get this appraised. If its that valuable you should receive a reward. By the way, how much did you pay my grandfather for it? I need to refund your money. He reached and pulled out his wallet.
Theres no need.
Im serious. I cant take something for nothing.
What you really mean is that you cant let yourself be beholden to someone here in Divine. Right? Nicki asked tartly.
Still analyzing me, are you?
Jocks arent hard to analyze, they only have one thing on their mind.
Maybe, but I sure didnt get that one thing from you, did I? Cause good girls dont put out, he said mockingly.
You only wanted me because I was the only girl around, she snapped. If thered been a cheerleader in the room I would have been invisible. And just how far do you think we could have gone with you in traction?
Hey, I was willing to be creative.
Stop squabbling, children, said an amused voice, and Luke glared at his sister, who was standing in the kitchen doorway. There were times she could imitate their mother annoyingly well.
What do you want, Sherrie?
She made a face. I just got off the phone from California. My partner at the veterinary clinic broke her leg last night, so theres no one to cover the practice.
Luke uttered a curse and closed his eyes to close out Sherries worried expression and Nickis reddened cheeks. Over the past year the family had spent an increasing amount of time in Divine, trying to help his grandfather stay in his own home. Hed been back in Divine himself for the last three weeks, and Sherrie had just arrived to take a turn.
Dont worry, Ill find someone to cover the clinic, Sherrie said quickly.
No. Youve spent more time here than anyone, and it isnt fair to ask you to do more than the rest of us. Ill arrange to stay longer. You can fly back today.
Embarrassment warmed Nickis cheeks as she gazed between the siblings. They were dealing with a serious problem, and shed let an old resentment get the better of her. Resentment based on insecurity.
Involuntarily, she glanced down. Shed put on a loose cotton dress, suitable to the unseasonable late May heat. It wasnt stylish, but at least it wasnt as bad as her clothes used to be. Perhaps she ought to do something about the way she dressed. Yet as soon as the thought formed, she pushed it away. It felt too much like hoping to catch Lukes attention, though they werent likely to meet again. Besides, she wasnt the kind of woman that a man like Luke wanted. His kind of woman was beautiful and sophisticated and sexually confident, while she was anything but those things.
Im sorry, Nicki, Sherrie said. I shouldnt have interrupted, but it was just like hearing you guys fight in the old days.
Thats all right. Nicki smiled. Shed enjoyed visiting with Sherrie when they were kids, though Nickis father hadnt wanted her to be friends with anyone, saying it would distract her from schoolwork. But Sherrie had been nice, when her brother wasnt, and theyd often gone down to the hospital cafeteria to talk. Im sorry about your grandfather. I admire him so much. Is there anything I can do to help?
It was an offer she meant with all her heart. John McCade had inspired her to pursue a career different from what her authoritarian father wanted. The professor could never know how much his warmth and small kindnesses had meant to a lonely girl whod never felt as if she belonged.
Well, we
No, Luke interjected quickly. We dont need any help.
Both women ignored him.
Anything you could do would be wonderful, Sherrie said. Its been tough trying to keep things together here. What brings you over today?
Im returning a painting Professor McCade accidentally sold to me at a yard sale, Nicki explained. I teach art history at the college, but I also do appraisal work for several museums. So, when I discovered it was such a fine piece, I couldnt possibly keep it. She shot a look at Luke, daring him to say something sarcastic.
This is Great-grandmother Helena, Sherrie said, examining the portrait. She gave her brother a worried look. Well have to have everything in the house inventoried. We have no idea how valuable Granddads collection might be. At the very least it should be insured until we decide what to do.
Luke nodded. Ill look into it.
Sherrie brightened. Maybe Nicki could inventory the collection for us. Shed be perfect for the job.
Uhno, Sherrie. That is, we couldnt possibly impose.
Nicki lifted her chin. I did offer to help, she said stiffly, at the same time wishing desperately that it was Sherrie who was staying in Divine, instead of Luke.
Why? he asked with characteristic bluntness. You dont owe us anything.
I dont owe you anything, thats for sure, Nicki snapped. But Professor McCade is different. HeswellI became interested in art when he started coming to the high school as a guest lecturer. Of course, in the beginning I enjoyed it because that kind of thing drove my father crazy. That is, I started acting interested because it drove him nuts. He wanted me to be a scientist or something else he considered really impressive.
Luke stared at her.
Um, that isnt my point, Nicki muttered. Her brain had short-circuited. Something about Lukes dark hair and eyes and long, powerful body had a chemical effect on her. Back in school she used to feel like a shrimp next to hima yellow-topped pixie in bad clothes and an even worse haircut. Her entire childhood had been one bad-hair day.
What is the point? he asked impatiently.
Professor McCade always seemed so happy and I thought it was because he was so passionate about art. Of course, now I know it was mostly because he loved his wife so much and they had such a great marr
Nicki. Please get to the point. He crossed his arms over his chest and gave her a stern look.
Your grandfather inspired me, she said. I told my father I was taking an evening math course at the college under a program for advanced students, but I was really taking one of Professor McCades art history classes. I know I shouldnt have lied. Her voice trailed and she blushed again.
Luke watched, still fascinated by the way color spread across Nickis cheeks. He couldnt imagine the women he knew in Chicago getting embarrassed by anything, much less the memory of a harmless white lie theyd told in high school. For that matter, he couldnt imagine any grown woman blushing. Maybe it was a trick of Nickis fair Scandinavian skin.
Well, anyway, she said, the pink of her blush deepening, it was because of Professor McCade that I went backpacking through Europe and saw such wonderful paintings and architecture in Italy and other places. He probably doesnt know it, but he changed my life.
Luke sighed, understanding a little better. Someone like Nicki would never keep something valuable she hadnt paid full price for, not when it belonged to someone she admired so much.
His world didnt allow for Nickis brand of idealism. And he could never have returned to Divine to live, the way shed done. After graduation all hed wanted was to prove to the town he wasnt a loserthat he wasnt like those guys who became big and important in high school, then turned into bullies on the local police force as they tried to relive the old days.
He even felt like a bully now for taunting Nicki over the past. It was hell coming home, especially with old feelings sitting around like land mines waiting to explode. You thought you were a responsible adult and then bam, you reverted to acting like a two-year-old.
Obviously, having her around wasnt a good idea. Hed been trying to manage his business long distance, while at the same time caring for his grandfather, and didnt have time for distractions. Especially distractions like Nicki. She might be annoying, but she was also cute, smart and sexy.
He frowned.
That was odd.
How he could think Nicki was sexy when she was wearing a shapeless dress and had her obstinate nose up in the air was beyond him. But there was something different about hera freshness that was undeniably appealing. The women in his circles seemed perpetually bored with life.
I really dont think it would work out, he said.
Of course it would work. Sherrie sounded exasperated. If Nicki is willing to tackle the job, then wed have someone who we know is honest and competent. Then she gave Nicki a worried look. Except youd have to go into the attic. Granddad put a lot of stuff up there after Grams died, and I dont know how many spiders and mice might be lurking in the shadows.
Nicki restrained a shudder. Mice didnt bother her, but she could imagine what pragmatic Luke would say if he knew how much she disliked anything with more than four legs.
N-no problem, Nicki said quietly and less firmly than she would have liked.
Luke shook his head. No, Sherrie.
Brother and sister glared at each other and a twinge of envy went through Nicki. They might disagree, but they were plainly fond of each other.
Besides, Nicki could talk to Granddad about art, Sherrie argued. It might help him. Weve tried everything else, why not this?
Uncertainty flickered across Lukes face. It was the first time Nicki had ever seen super-confident Luke McCade look unsure of himself. His unshakable confidence was one of the most irritating things about him. Even lying in a hospital bed with one leg suspended lamely in the air hed managed to be cocky.
And heart-stoppingly handsome.
It was Luke whod made her really aware of the opposite sexnot that shed known what to do about it. Shed stayed ignorant until shed met Gregory Butch Saunders in graduate school. It was too bad that for the second time in her life shed fallen in love with the wrong man. Only that time she married the wrong mansomeone who expected her to just look the other way when he cheated. She sometimes wondered if Butch had picked a not-so-gorgeous wife in her because he thought shed be so grateful for a husband that she wouldnt object to his indiscretions.
We dont want to impose, Luke said finally.
Nickis eyes narrowed.
She didnt want to be around Luke any longer than necessaryand part of her hoped hed talk Sherrie out of the appraisalbut you helped a neighbor because you cared, and because it was the right thing to do.
Someone like Luke wouldnt understand that.
Hed always wanted to make it big. First hed planned to be a famous football player, then, after his accident, it was all about making a million dollars by the time he was thirtysomething hed accomplished numerous times over according to the newspaper and Divines inescapable grapevine.
Its no imposition. Id love to help, she repeated, trying to sound sincere. She did want to help, shed just prefer helping when Luke was out of town. I wouldnt have offered if I hadnt meant it. She almost said something about men with cash registers for souls not understanding old-fashioned neighborliness, then decided it would be too rude.
Really, for his grandfathers sake somebody ought to save Luke from himself. Not her, of course, but somebody.
Thats terrific, Sherrie said. Youre hired.
Nicki shook her head. Not hired. Im not teaching this summer, so I have plenty of free time. And its a privilege to do something for Professor McCade. Ill come back in the morning, if that sounds all right.
No. The word burst from Luke and they both looked at him. That is, go ahead and start tomorrow, but well pay you.
Nicki gave Luke a smile she hoped would drive him crazy. No thanks. Ive already been on the McCade payroll once, and I dont care for the working conditions.
He glowered at the reminder of their adolescent encounters. Or maybe it was just his stubborn pride. She didnt know why Luke had resented her so much, or why hed alternated his resentment with killer smiles, blinding charm and invitations to warm up his hospital bed. She did know that every time shed refused, or kissed him and drawn back again, hed gotten more outrageousand his sarcasm had gained a sharper edge.
But they werent teenagers any longer, and she wasnt the same uncertain girl whod found herself in a situation she couldnt handle. She was twenty-nine years old. Shed gotten a doctorate by the time she was twenty-one. She had been married and divorced from the worst philanderer on the planet. She knew Luke could only turn her world upside down again if she let him.
And she had no intention of letting him do any such thing.

Chapter Two
Drat, Nicki muttered as she rang the McCade doorbell.
Shed told him she would be here at nine this morning and it was nearly a quarter past. As a rule, she was never late. But her neighbor had come down sick and needed some groceries, so shed run to the store first.
Youre late, Luke growled as he opened the front door.
Normally shed apologize, but this was Luke, and it wasnt a good idea to let him get the best of her. Then I guess youll have to dock my pay.
He had the grace to look uncomfortable at the reminder she was donating her time out of respect and appreciation for his grandfather.
May I come in? Nicki asked. Or should I use the back door with the rest of the help?
Dont be ridiculous, Luke growled.
A smile tugged at her mouth as she stepped inside, this time better able to appreciate her surroundings.
A wide, graceful staircase swept down from the second floor to hardwood floors that contrasted nicely with scattered Oriental rugs. Mahogany framed the doors and archways, while delicate eggshell-white walls lightened the overall effect.
And once again, through an archway, Nicki saw Professor McCade sitting in the rear living room. This time he was awake, though he seemed to be staring at nothing at all.
Instinctively Nicki took a single step toward him, then stopped and sighed. Shed never seen anyone look so sad. What would it be like to love someone so much that when you lost them your entire life turned gray and empty? It was scary; yet at the same time it was the kind of love she wantedthe kind of unconditional love shed always heard about but never found, not even from her own father.
I guess youll want to start in the attic, Luke said. Theres a lot of stuff up there.
ErI thought Id do a general walk-through to begin with, Nicki murmured, still distracted by the elderly mans distant eyes. Was he remembering the good days, when his wife would bring cut flowers into the house and hed rush home, just to be with her? Nicki had never spoken about personal matters with John McCade, but as the author of several books, hed written eloquently of his wife and her passion for gardening.
Come along, then. Luke proceeded to give her a ruthlessly efficient tour of the large house, pointing out various places where paintings had once hung. We think theyre in the attic, he explained.
Like the portrait of your great-grandmother?
Luke glared. Trust Nicki to bring up that damned portrait. Hed done some Internet research on Arthur Metlock the previous evening, and the information had shocked him. If it were genuine, the painting shed returned was indeed worth a huge chunk of money.
He didnt know anything about art, though Granddad had tried to interest him in the subject. And Luke had certainly never realized anything in the collection was worth more than a few dollars. John McCade had always spoken of his art in terms of its beauty rather than its monetary value. If hed attached a dollar sign to the lessons, it would have been more interesting.
Im sure that was just an accident, Luke said, wincing at his stuffy tone. My mother talked about getting rid of things in the house that the family wouldnt care about keeping. She probably started collecting things together and stuck the painting in with the rest of the stuff Granddad put up there, thinking it wasnt worth anything.
Hmm. Your parents retired and moved to Florida a few years ago, didnt they?
Luke grimaced because it was such a small-town thing for everyone to know everyone elses business. Privacy was not a prized commodity in Divine. He preferred the anonymity of city life. Yes, but theyve been coming back every couple of months to help Granddad out. Do you need anything to get started with the inventory?
Nicki didnt say anything right away, she just looked around the front living room where he had ended the tour, a thoughtful expression on her face, one that seemed to be less about curiosity than about gathering her thoughts.
Shed always been an odd mix of nervous energy and intelligence. It was easy to forget that a formidable brain hid behind her habit of running off at the mouth, but even when he was a brash kid, Luke had known that Nicki Johansson was smart, so why hadnt she gotten out of Divine for good? After the way the townspeople had acted when he hurt himself, he hadnt been able to leave fast enough.
I did leave for a while, then I came back, she said without looking at him.
Luke winced, suddenly realizing hed voiced the question aloud. Iuh, would have thought youd go crazy here. Divine isnt the intellectual capitol of the state.
She shrugged. The college is excellenthighly academicand I often travel with my consulting work. Just last year a museum in New York sent me to London as part of a team to authenticate a newfound Rembrandt.
But you live here. The college is closest to Divine, but even the students live over in Beardington. This town is dying and everyone knows it. Ill bet there hasnt been a new business here in twenty-five years.
She glanced at him and there seemed to be a hint of pity in her blue eyes. Of course I live here, its home, she said simply.
He shook his head. It didnt make sense to him, but it wasnt his concern if she wanted to bury herself in a backwater town. Thank God Divine was only a few short hours from Chicago by car, or he would have had trouble managing his frequent trips into rural Illinois.
Regret stabbed at Luke with the thought, and he looked at his grandfather, sitting vacantly by the cold fireplace. John McCade did little during the day except sleep or turn his chair periodically, as if turning from a painful memory taking hold of his mindsenility, accelerated by grief.
Luke sighed. Theyd hoped the medicine would help, but it hadnt. And if Granddad could no longer function, he couldnt stay alone. Grams would have hated seeing him like this. Shed been so full of life, tending her garden and her family with equal zest and pleasure.
A hand touched Lukes arm and he noticed Nicki watching him gravely. Im really sorry about Professor McCade, she whispered.
Its just one of those things. He shrugged with false indifference. You cant let it get to you.
Instead of seeming shocked, Nicki looked sadder than before. You dont have to pretend, she said, letting her hand drop.
Who says Im pretending?
I do. Even an idiot could tell how much you care about Professor McCade, and Im not an idiot.
Luke pressed his mouth shut. Nicki was far from being an idiot, but since it was easier thinking about anything but his grandfather, he narrowed his gaze and tried to decide if the years had added any inches to her bustline. She wore a pair of loose slacks and an oversized shirt that wasnt tucked into the waistband, so her figure was left to the imagination. Typical Nicki.
He remembered the day shed edged into his hospital room, clutching a stack of books to her chest, wearing clothes so baggy they were practically falling off. Shed kept her gaze fixed to the worn linoleum floor and mumbled that shed been sent to tutor him on his missed schoolwork.
Tutor him?
His temper, already on edge because his girlfriend and the other cheerleaders hadnt bothered to visit, flared hot and furious. The day he needed tutoring from a flat-chested, stringy little girl would be the day he froze in hell. Hed followed up his reaction with language from the boys locker room to shock her into running away. But, instead of backing down, shed sat in a chair and begun reading aloud.
After a while hed run out of things to say and started listening. Boredom was a tough enemy and hed had more than enough to last a lifetime. And as it turned out, Nicki hadnt been as flat-chested as hed thought, he eventually discovered.
Do you have any preferences about where I start? Nicki asked, as if nothing had been said about his grandfather. Yet traces of compassion remained in her eyes and he had a bizarre urge to spill his worries to her.
Lukes mental images of the past faded with her words.
Aside from Nickis clothes and the lingering remnants of her stiff-necked pride, she seemed nothing like the girl shed once been. He might have trusted her in the past, but nowadays he didnt trust any women except his mother and sister.
He shook his head. No. Start wherever you want.
Thanks. Im sure you have things to do, Nicki said. And I dont need company. It will just keep me from concentrating. Ill call if I need you.
Shed dismissed him so coolly he felt he might have imagined the quick, warm sympathy hed seen in her face. Of course, hed bet anything that she regretted letting down her guardjust as much as he did.
A certain defensiveness was probably the only thing theyd ever had in common, except that he was obviously still better at keeping things to himself than Nicki had ever been.
Nicki walked into the spacious foyer, trying to regain her composure. She didnt often get a chance to explore such a lovely old house, but it wasnt John McCades house raising her temperature, it was John McCades grandson.
Darn him.
She didnt flatter herself that Lukes leisurely appraisal of her body indicated an attraction. It was second nature for jocks and ex-jocks to look at a woman as if she were a piece of meat. The only thing that Nicki did flatter herself about was not giving into the embarrassment. She knew she barely filled out a B-cup brasomething her ex-husband had regularly pointed outbut she had a good brain and wouldnt apologize for not being a sexpot.
Yet her edgy response to Luke was deeper and earthier than anything shed felt before, making her aware of her body in a whole new way. Even after yesterdays less-than-friendly encounter, the slide of sheets against her legs had made her think of him. Then shed found herself thinking about him when she put on her typical practical clothing that morning, followed by the thought that wearing something more flattering wouldnt be such a terrible thing. After all, it wasnt as if she were trying to attract Luke, just trying to look a little nicer.
Jeez, she had better get herself in hand, or shed be in big trouble.
With a last glance into the living room and John McCades sad face, she started up the sweeping staircase. The one place Luke hadnt shown her was the interior of the attic. Hed simply pointed to a door on the second floor, in the back near the kitchen staircase. It was the logical place to start.
Though it was still cool in the rest of the house, heat had built up in the attic, and Nicki fanned herself as she stared in awe at the gaping space.
Holy moly, she breathed.
It was huge.
And filled with everything imaginable, from an old pedal sewing machine, to paintings, to an accumulation of dust and spiderwebs that made her acutely nervous. She really didnt like spiders.
Phobias are the sign of a disorganized mind, she reminded herself as she lifted a painting from where it leaned against a broken coatrack. She smiled as she recognized one of her favorite artists, and before long she was exploring the farthest corners of the crowded attic.
Antique furniture comingled with art and an old gramophone that actually still worked. In a trunk she found an Edwardian-era dress and wondered how she would look in such a lovely gown. Ridiculous, probably. Yet she couldnt resist holding it up and swishing the ivory skirt so it swirled around her ankles.
What would it be like to feel pretty and sexy? To wear something that was deliberately provocative? Something silky and outrageous?
Nicki frowned and rustled the skirt again. Shed always worn practical, oversized clothing, clothing that lacked style of any kind. It might have been different had her mother lived, but her father had never paid attention to anything but her schoolwork. Later, her then-husband, illogically jealous, hadnt wanted her to wear anything revealing.
She frowned, thinking about Butch.
Maybe he had loved her in the only way a possessive, insecure jock could love anyone. Hed certainly begged her not to divorce him, swearing he would change if shed just give him another chance. Problem was, she had already given him too many chances, and shed realized that her ego would eventually get so beaten down by his insults and cheating that someday she wouldnt be able to leave.
The sad thing was they ought to have been good togethertheyd laughed at the same things, loved watching old movies, had both wanted a honeymoon at Walt Disney World. People who could laugh and play together had a head start in making a marriage work, didnt they? But things changed just before they got married. His older brother died and Butch tried to fill Dannys oversized shoes in a family that never approved of him and his dropping out of college after only one semester.
Forget it, she murmured. Part of her was sad that her marriage had ended, and part of her was desperately relieved. With a sigh, she tucked the gown away again and continued looking through the crowded attic.
Every now and then she startled a mouse, which would squeak and run in terror into the shadows. But it was Nicki who yelped when she reached for a dusty crystal vase and a fat, hairy spider tumbled onto the back of her hand.
The spider hit the opposite wall, and with more speed than grace, she hopped over a steamer trunk and raced down the stairs, slamming the door behind her. In her head she knew most spiders were harmless, but there was something about a creature with a surfeit of legs that gave her the willies.
Is something wrong? Luke came out from the study.
Uhno. Im justyou know, taking a break. Its a little warm up there.
He gave her an irritated look and waved the sheaf of papers in his hand. I cant concentrate on my work if youre slamming doors all day! Ive got business that needs my attention.
She wanted to smack him. The reaction distracted her spider-jangled nerves. Im soooo sorry, Mr. McCade. I wont let it happen again.
Luke opened his mouth, then shut it. It wasnt Nickis fault he couldnt concentrate, it was worry over Granddad and making decisions for him that got him so tense. Nobody in the family wanted to make a decision, they just wanted everything to be miraculously restored to how it used to be. But wishing wouldnt work.
He kept running it over and over in his head. The family had practically forced Granddad to see the doctor because of his vague and forgetful behavior, and Dr. Kroeger had finally diagnosed senility. But the medication wasnt having any effect, and neither had the mental exercises theyd triedit was hard to keep therapy going when the patient wouldnt cooperate. Too bad he couldnt fix granddads problem the way hed handle a contractor who didnt do his job.
Luke again wished he could talk it over with Nicki. She had a good head on her shoulders, and since she wasnt family she might not let emotion cloud her judgment. But it wasnt possible; some things you didnt discuss with virtual strangers, especially when that stranger was so sentimental about the man in question.
He cleared his throat. I shouldntthat is, I didnt mean to bark at you like that. Ive been working on a land deal that isnt going well. Did you find anything valuable?
Right now Im just getting an idea of whats there and how to organize myself. She seemed pale and was scrubbing the back of her hand on her thigh.
Luke frowned, remembering the small cry hed heard from the floor above. Are you sure nothing is wrong?
What could be wrong? Its warm, thats all.
I dont want you passing out from the heat, he said, his brow still creased. Ill bring a bunch of stuff down to one of the spare rooms. You can work in there. When youre done with the first batch, well move it to another room and Ill bring more down. This house is huge, so theres plenty of space.
Thats thoughtful of you, Nicki said politely. He was sure she hated saying anything of the kind, since he hadnt exactly proven himself thoughtful, either in the past or in the present.
But nothing added up when it came to Nicki. Why had she decided to live in Divine? With her brains she could have done anything, gone anywhere. Yet shed chosen to come back, and talked about the town as her home. He couldnt see why anyone would live here if they had a chance to get out.
You must have family here in Divine, right? he asked abruptly, again breaking his cardinal rule of noninterference.
No. She blinked. My mom died right after I was born, and my father passed away when I was a junior in college. He did have a sisterin Texas, I thinkbut theyd lost contact. Im not sure if I have anyone elseDad wouldnt talk about family.
I didnt know about your father. Im sorry.
Nicki looked pensive, then sighed. We werent close.
For some reason Luke wanted to know more, to hear why Nicki and her father hadnt been close and why he hadnt talked about family. But it wasnt his concern, any more than anything else was about Nicki.
Ill go get a load, he murmured.
Luke went up the steps to the attic, memories crowding in on him. Once his grandparents attic had been a place of vast adventure where he and Sherrie and their cousins played to their hearts content. The floor had been clear and open then, and his grandmother would bring up lemonade and apple cake to slow them down when things got too rowdy. Gramss apple cake had been delicious, always winning awards at the county fair until she stopped entering the competition, citing her eight grand-prize ribbons as an embarrassment of riches.
A nostalgic smile curved Lukes mouth before he shook his head. Times changed, he reminded himself. Grams was gone and he wasnt eight and content with imaginary adventures any longer. Yet it was nice to be reminded of happier days in Divine. Usually, his memories lingered on that disastrous last year of high school.
Do you need some help? Nicki asked. She had followed and was cautiously peering around the door frame.
Dont tell me, you thought you saw a mouse up here, Luke guessed dryly. Hed never met a woman who wasnt scared of mice. Even his sister hated rodents, which was a problem when someone brought one to her as a veterinary patient.
Nicki shrugged. Ive seen several, actually. You need to set some traps to get rid of the old ones, then get a cat to scare any new ones away. I dont have anything against mice, I even think theyre cute, but theyre dirty houseguests and destroy paper and fabric.
Sure. With their big ears and bright eyes, field mice look like they walked right off a greeting card.
Luke grunted in disbelief and shifted a large basket to one side. Predictably, three mice went scurrying, two of them in Nickis direction. Despite her claims of being unafraid, he expected her to scream. Yet, while a screech came from one of the mice, she watched them run across her feet without a peep.
Definitely a cat, she announced. Da Vinci would have a ball up here. He loves to hunt.
Stands to reason youd name your cat after Leonardo da Vinci, Luke grumbled, though he secretly wanted to laugh. Two mice had just done aerobics over her sneakers and she hadnt blinked an eye. Some men wouldnt have taken it so calmly, but she was obviously made of sterner stuff.
It fit. Da Vinci is curious about everything, and so was his namesake.
All cats are curious. Its one of their defining characteristics.
Nicki looked surprised. I didnt know you liked cats.
Theyre all right. It isnt like I have one or anything.
She shook her head at his hasty denial of a feline soft spot and reached for a painting. Picking it up, she looked carefully at the front, back and sides, then selected another, checking it just as carefully. What room do you want me to use? she asked.
Second floor, second door to the left. Its Gramss old sewing room, so theres a big table you can work at.
She nodded and walked back down the stairs, holding the paintings as if they were made of gold. Which, Luke supposed, they might as well be if they were anything like the one of his great-grandmother. Surely that was a fluke, thoughan old family portrait, by an artist who was unimportant at the time it was painted.
Because Nicki had been so careful, Luke also checked the paintings he carried, even though he didnt know what he was looking for. He brushed away a few spiders and their webs, but they werent doing any harm as far as he could tell.
Do you need anything else? he asked after theyd carried down several armloads and crowded one side of the room with paintings. He recognized some from when theyd hung in the house; others were unfamiliar.
No, Im fine. She opened her briefcase and removed notebooks and a magnifying glass. Dont let me keep you.
Luke scowled. Once again he was being dismissed. He tried to remind himself that Nicki was a college professor accustomed to dealing with students. Only he wasnt a student; this was his grandfathers house, and he still wanted to learn more about her.
Nicki seemed to have a curiously appealing inner peace. But it wasnt just that. She was different from the women he knew. She didnt hide her feelings beneath a sophisticated veneer, and seemed willing to do her part.
How long were you in Europe on your study trips? he asked, turning a chair backward and straddling it.
She cast him a startled glance. I thought you had work to do.
Luke lifted his shoulders, a wry smile quirking his mouth. He did have work to do. A mountain of work. There were contracts to review and sign, proposals to study, negotiations pending, calls to make, endless e-mails and a flood of other paperwork to review. A lot of money was riding on his taking care of business, yet at the moment hed rather talk to Nicki. The feeling reminded him that she was a distraction that might prove problematic.
Ium, decided to knock off for a while, he said. So, how long?
Three months the first time, six on the second trip. I also did an intensive course of study at the Sorbonne for several months.
Though he expected her to run off at the mouth like always, she instead bent over a small painting and began examining it as if her life depended on the results. His jaw tightened. What did you enjoy seeing the most?
She slapped a notebook on the table and glared. Why are you still here? Dont you want me to get the inventory done quickly? Im sure Im the last woman you want hanging aroundyou always preferred women with bra sizes bigger than their IQ.
Look, if itll help if Iwellapologize for the way I acted when we were kids, I will, Luke said in the least apologetic tone hed ever used. He counted to ten and tried again. I was a jerk. Okay? You have every right to hate me.
It has nothing to do with when we were kids. That is, you obviously havent changedyou practically have ex-jock tattooed on your forehead.
It wasnt hard to guess that ex-jocks werent Nickis favorite kind of men. It ought to have been reassuring, considering the way he hadnt been able to control his uncomfortable thoughts about her. But after the accident hed disliked being called a jock. He was about to say so when Nicki stuck out her chin.
And besides, I dont hate you, she added.
Yeah, right.
Its just that I dont like you very much, Nicki admitted, then felt heat rising in her face. Ohsorry. She put her hands over her cheeks and peeked to see how angry Luke might be. To her surprise, he looked pleased.
Thats one of the few honest things a woman has ever said to me, Luke murmured, thinking about his one-time fiance, Sandra, declaring that she adored him, only to continue sleeping around like a cat in heat. One thing hed learned since leaving Divine, women were as faithless in big cities as they were in small towns.
God, what a fool hed been over Sandra. So crazy in love he couldnt see straighteven decking his best friend for suggesting she wasnt a paragon of virtue. Luke grimaced, remembering his own anger, and the blood that had trickled from the cut over his friends swollen eye.
You dont meet the right women, Nicki said, breaking into his thoughts.
His shoulders lifted and dropped. It didnt matter. After accepting the truth about Sandra hed decided there wasnt any point to getting married when he could enjoy temporary affairs with like-minded females.
Sherrie says the same thing, but she doesnt really understand what He froze at the sound of a loud voice rising from the first floor.
Luke raced down the stairs and Nicki followed. Shed never heard John McCades voice raised in anger, but the furious tirade really was coming from the dear old man.
Nevercant believesuch a mess. The Little Sergeant would never have permitted this disgrace. Ive got to get this place in orderits never been so badwhere did these come from?
The French doors leading to the rear garden were open and Mr. McCade was tearing at a flowerbed by the house.
Granddad, please come inside. I promise well fix everything, Luke said, crouching next to him.
Leave me alone. Its my fault. I should never have let this happen. She would be so unhappy. I cant bear for her to be unhappy. He continued to rip at the long grass, his hands white and shaky in the humidity.
Please, Granddad, Ill take care of it. Luke took his grandfathers arm, only to be shaken away by an angry exclamation. Luke looked at Nicki, his eyes dark and filled with pain, stripped of arrogance. I dont know what to do, he whispered.
Without thinking Nicki knelt and laid her hand on the old mans shoulder. Its all right, Professor McCade. Well take care of the garden.
Her quiet voice seemed more effective than Lukes frantic tone. The elderly man turned and brushed shaky fingers across his brow. She would be soso disappointed.
Then well fix it, so she wouldnt be.
It was so beautiful, he breathed, looking around with tears falling like memories down his face. She painted this garden for me. A living canvas. Art, young lady, is not confined to a museum. The last thing sounded so much like an old Professor McCade lecture that she smiled.
Art is the accomplice of love, she said obediently, though she didnt finish the quotation shed heard him say so often in his lectures. Take love away, and there is no longer art.
She didnt think he needed a reminder that his love had been taken away.
You were always an excellent student, Miss Johansson.
The fact that he remembered her name startled Nicki, and her gaze met Lukes equally surprised eyes.
Thank you, Professor. I teach now, out at the college.
Yes, I recommended you for the position when I retired.
That, too, was a shock. Shed been shy in all his classes, particularly when she was tutoring Luke and her emotions seesawed between terminal infatuation and utter loathing. Though kind to his students, she had never expected Professor McCade to take special notice of a mousy, underage kid who always sat in the rear. He certainly hadnt seemed to recognize her at his recent yard sale.
Th-thank you, sir. I appreciate your confidence.
It was well deserved.
His eyes began to lose their focus as he looked again around the garden. It was beautiful, though overgrown and neglected. Nicki could feel the love that lingered there and knew there was beauty in the memory of love, as well. His love had changed shape, and wasnt nearly as immediate, but it wasnt wholly lost, either.
You promise to fix it for the Little Sergeant, Professor McCade whispered. It was a statement, more than a question.
The Little Sergeant? Nicki mouthed at Luke.
My grandmother, he mouthed back.
Nicki wondered if it was a promise she could keep. Shed never gardened in her life, and Luke surely didnt want her hanging around any longer than necessary. Yet there was an appeal to working with the earth and painting a picture with growing things. And if it would help Professor McCadehow could she say no?
She gulped. Um, yes, I promise. Maybe we can get a good yard service. They could put everything in order in a few days.
No. His thin arms made an agitated gesture. Not in her garden. I wont allow it.
All right, Nicki soothed gently. But its too warm to work out here right now. Come inside where its cooler. Ill start early tomorrow.
They drew him back into the house, where he sat on the same chair as before. But instead of staring blankly, he gazed outside with an unwavering intensity, as if the answers to all the questions ever asked waited there to be discovered. You promise, he said without blinking.
Yes. I promise.

Chapter Three
Luke grabbed Nickis hand and pulled her into the library lined with books on built-in floor-to-ceiling shelves, then sank into a chair and rubbed his temples.
Nicki watched, trying to understand how she could let him affect her so much, creating a softening that was neither welcome nor wise. He was a bottom-line kind of guy. Shed returned that lovely painting, but the only thing that had caught his attention was its monetary value. Luke McCade was the last man she should find attractivepartly because of his similarity to her ex-husband, partly because of his difference from her. Luke didnt like small towns, he wasnt the least bit interested in art, and, despite his concern for his grandfather, he was well-known as a hardheaded businessman. She had a feeling that falling in love with an adult Luke would be much harder to survive than a girlhood crush.
Physical attraction was nice, but it was more important to respect someone and find things in common with them. She probably had no more in common with Luke than her likeness to the footballs he played with. Footballs were ugly things, toobrown and awkward and bumpy.
Of course, Luke wasnt ugly.
Or the least bit awkward.
And his only bumps were the ones from muscles.
She bit her lip and sat in a nearby chair, wondering how in less than an hour shed gone from disliking him toadmiring his biceps. She needed to find her willpower. Fast. The thought of being drawn into a relationship with someone like her ex-husband again made her stomach clench.
It didnt help that Luke had actually apologized. Well, sort of apologized. Shed once thought it was an over-used clich that men couldnt say they were sorry, but it seemed to be a true one.
Thanks for the help, Luke muttered after a long minute. We tried hiring a yard service after Grams died, only Granddad would have none of it. We manage to keep the grass mowed and things watered, but thats all. He didnt want strangers in her garden. Or in the house, for that matter.
But Im a strangeras much as anyone else in Divine. People know each other here, and hed probably be acquainted with someone working for a yard service.
Luke shook his head. Its different with you. I dont know whymaybe because you were his student and he recommended you for his teaching position. We have a hard time getting a word out of him at the best of times, but he really sparked when he realized who you were.
Thats because we have a common point of reference.
I know. Art. But weve tried to get him reconnected to his friends and other professors at the college, and nothing has worked. There must be something different about you.
It wasnt just art, Nicki thought, it was a deep appreciation of love and beauty. Unless someone could connect on that level, it wouldnt be the same. Umthe garden seems really important to him.
Yes, but dont worry about working on it.
What if I want to work on it? she asked dryly. What if keeping my word is important to me?
Granddad isnt himself. He wont even remember what happened by tomorrowhe probably doesnt remember now.
Im not so sure of that. But it doesnt matter, because Ill remember, Nicki said as gently as possible. She wasnt nearly as convinced as Luke that his grandfather would forget. Something in the old professors face had suggested much more awareness than his family seemed to believe.
Luke gave her an exasperated look. And Im telling you its all right.
She tried not to get angry. Even if Luke was an insensitive jock, she should be understanding. After all, he had come back to Divine to help his grandfather. A lot of people wouldnt have bothered, or else would have hired someone to take care of everything. If you dont want me around that long, then maybe you can help to get it done faster.
It isnt that I dont want you around, he growled. But that garden is more work than you seem to realize.
That doesnt matterI like being busy and having lots to do. My classes are over and I have plenty of free time, except Tuesdays when I deliver meals to shut-ins or when I have meetings for stuff. I also volunteer at the nursing home twice a month, but you dont garden at night, anyhow.
He lifted an eyebrow. What do you do at the nursing home? Some sort of craft class, I suppose.
Nickis face turned warm. Luke hadnt needed to know about her various volunteer activities, especially since hed probably think it was provincial to be involved in small-scale community concerns. Ium, call the bingo games.
Luke grinned. You call the bingo games?
Well, yes. Its better than strip poker.
His grin broadened. I dont like bingo, but I wouldnt mind a game of strip poker. We could play now if you like. Though I have to warn you, Im damn good at filling an inside straight.
Youre pathetic, she snapped, forgetting she ought to be understanding. Go play with one of your old girlfriends.
Theyre all married.
Fortunately not to you, right?
Yeah. Lucky escape on my part. Besides, can you see me driving a minivan and giving the dog a bath every Saturday? He shuddered.
Only if you develop amnesia or have a personality transplant.
See how life works itself out? Ive been saved from a life of domesticity.
Luke grinned as Nicki rolled her eyes in disgust, yet he also saw a hint of laughter in their depths. After that scene with his grandfather, hed felt as if a truck had run him over. But Nicki was a breath of fresh air. Maybe it wouldnt be so bad having her around for a few days, and if she wanted to work on his grandmothers garden, then fine. Shed give up soon enoughshe was used to teaching, not back-breaking labor.
So why havent you ever gotten married? he asked.
Who says I havent?
The idea that Nicki might be married, or even that shed once been married, disturbed him. Because youre using your maiden name and you arent wearing a wedding ring.
And you think youre a modern guy. This is the twenty-first century. Lots of women dont wear rings or take their husbands name. Nicki tossed her head, sending gold curls flying, and Luke remembered the way she used to drag her hair back from her face in a ponytail, leaving a set of crooked bangs to hide her eyes.
No one had ever gotten to look at her eyes in the old days. It was a shame, too. They were clear and blue and bright and broadcast every emotion she tried to hide. He was big on eyes. He was also big on other parts of a womans body, but eyes were important.
So youre telling me youre married? He kept a narrow look on her, certain the answer was no but wanting to hear it confirmed. Hed flirted with her, and flirting with married women was a taboo in his book.
Divorced, she said, her mouth tightening. And before you make a dumb assumption, Im the one who left. It turned out we werent compatible.

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