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SEALed with a Kiss
Jill Monroe
A woman on a missionThanks to her distracted sister, hotel owner Rachel Sutherland is now alone to greet ?ber-hot Navy SEAL Riley Wilkes as he disembarks from his ship. But when Riley scoops Rachel into his arms for a hot, combustible kiss, Rachel wonders if she owes her sister a big favourNow Rachel is reconsidering her stance on bad boysespecially those of the Riley Wilkes variety. In fact, a naughty fling could be just what the doctor ordered. Because the only thing better than a Navy SEAL in his uniform, is a Navy SEAL out of his uniform

She looked like the best thing hed ever seen
Riley found himself wanting to lose himself in those green eyes of hers. Beautiful green eyes that were, for the first time, warm and inviting. The coldly reserved Rachel Sutherland who ran the speed-dating parties with a watch and a whistle was gone.
Something deep and elemental punched him in the gut. This was what it was like to have someone waiting for him. His return.
His feet ate those last steps that separated them.
Hi, she said, her voice a little breathless. She thrust something towards him. I brought you cookies. Riley had never seen Rachel more gorgeous. And the woman always looked hot. Her gaze lowered to his lips, and he was lost.
His duffel bag hit the pavement and his fingers sunk into her hair. Riley saw the desire in her eyes before her lids lowered. She rose on tiptoe to meet him halfway. Rachels mouth was everything hed fantasized about. Her lips parted with a soft moan that sent a shaft of heat straight through his body.
Rachel wrapped her arms around his neck, her elbow snagging on the pins of his uniform. There were kisses and then there were kisses, and this was a kiss to remember.
Welcome home, Riley, Rachel whispered.
They were the best damn words hed ever heard
Dear Reader,
I admit Im a news junkie. Where other people play music in the background, I prefer the twenty-four-hour news channel. So when a heart-wrenching story of sailors coming home from a long deployment flashed on the screen, I had to stop what I was doing and watch. I was touched by these incredible scenes of men and women being reunited with their loved ones, while the newscaster explained the protocol of how each sailor left the shipnew parents first, newly married, etc. Of course there were tears of joy, hugs and lots and lots of kissingeverything to make a romantic like me sigh dreamily.
But I couldnt help wondering about the men and women on board who didnt have anyone waiting for them on the pier below, and it made me a little sad. I wanted to rewrite their stories and give them somebody anxiously waiting for them.
And thats how Riley Wilkes came to be!
It was so much fun revisiting the world of navy SEALs. This is the first time Ive ever written about characters from a previous book, but Ive had a lot of requests from those whove read SEALed and Delivered to write Rachel Sutherlands story, and I couldnt think of a better man to pair her with than sexy Riley.
I love to hear from readers. You can visit me on the web at www.jillmonroe.com.
Happy reading!

About the Author
JILL MONROE makes her home in Oklahoma with her family. When not writing, she spends way too much time on the internet completing research or updating her blog. Even when writing, shes thinking of ways to avoid cooking.
SEALed with a Kiss
Jill Monroe

www.millsandboon.co.uk (http://www.millsandboon.co.uk)
This book is dedicated to Donnell Epperson
I will miss you forever.
Special thanks to Pink, my awesome daughters and my family, whose support is immeasurable.
A book dedication cannot be written without mentioning Gena Showalter. Wind beneath wings does not begin to describe her.
Again thanks to HelenKay Dimon and James Miyazawa who helped with the geography of San Diego and other details.
Kassia Krozser, Shelia Fields and Betty Sanders all gave me invaluable feedback and I thank you.
A shout out to every amazing lady of the Day Camp Team but especially Scout, Taxi and Misty, and to my wonderful friends Jennifer, Karen, Maggie and Traci.
And thanks to Kathryn Lye who suggested SEALs, titles and loads of sage editorial wisdom, and Deidre Knight, who makes it all happen.

RACHEL SUTHERLAND imagined the six inches of air between her sisters feet and the ground and realized she would always be miserable. Okay, the new Mrs. Nathaniel Peterson wasnt really floating above the floor, but she might as well be.
Do you have to flaunt your happiness? Rachel asked, teasing.
Her sister, Hailey, practically glowed, and it wasnt from the heat of the oven where shed spent the morning baking her mans favorite kind of cookies. All six batches of them.
Hailey just smiled and tugged the lacy apron over her head and hung it on a hook in the kitchen of their family bed & breakfast, uniquely named, The Sutherland. She draped an arm around Rachels shoulders and kissed her on the cheek. As delightful as your sour mood is, you wont be bringing me down today.
Rachel gave her sister a light hug. I wouldnt want to.
Haileys Navy SEAL husband was returning to San Diego this afternoon after a six-month deployment. In fact, Rachel should probably take advantage of these last few hours alone with her sister. After Nates ship landed, or docked, or whatever it was a ship did, she doubted shed see Hailey for days. Newlyweds were bad enough. Separated newlyweds had to be even worse. And shed gotten used to having her sister all to herself.
Youre welcome to come with me. From what I understand the Navy does it big with banners and music. Families carry signs. The works.
Nate was a good guy, and Rachel really liked him. But she doubted even his good nature would extend to his sister-in-law butting in on the much-anticipated reunion with his wife. That had been a long stretch at sea.
Ill do you a favor and pass. Although you could leave a few cookies in the kitchen for me. I think the seventy or so youre taking is more than enough.
Some of them are for Riley, and the other soldiers who dont have families to come home to.
A little thrill landed straight in the middle of her stomach. Just as it always did at the mention of that mans name. Riley. The image of the tall, handsome SEAL with the cocky lopsided grin filled her mind. Which she immediately tried to erase. Only where Riley was concerned, it didnt always work. Usually Rachel was quite good at avoiding the little things in life she didnt want to think about, like bills or a dead-end job. But Rileys image was persistent.
She would however lay money on the fact that shed never registered on his radar. The man hadnt even so much as flirted with her. It was all the more insulting because he seemed to have a more-than-easy smile for every other woman whod attended SEAL Nighta speed dating event arranged to bring extra revenue to the B&B and hopefully introduce their single female friends to these seriously hot military men. Riley was the most popular SEAL, with the highest level of follow-up date requests on the sheets the women returned at the end of the night.
Why she was so intrigued by the man was anyones guess. Although a rugged, sexy male with a stomach so solid that the term six-pack didnt describe it properly was worth a second, third and even a fourth look from any woman with a hint of estrogen in her body. But Riley was not Rachels type. Shed seen him in action with the ladies, and knew what lay behind those amazing gray eyes, and that was a man looking for his next good time.
She liked having a good time as much as the next person, but she wanted more with a man than just a little fun between the sheets. Rachel wanted a connection outside as well as inside the bedroom. Something meaningful. Which easily explained why she was dateless. For the past six months.
Actually, Riley was the reason I asked you to come along, Hailey said, as she began sliding cookies into the boxes shed take with her to the homecoming.
Rachels throat tightened. Did he, uh, ask about me? she questioned, trying to sound casual while feeling something that resembled hope. She knew Hailey and Nate emailed each other when they could. Maybe he had mentioned that Riley had mentioned her and what was she, in seventh grade?
Her sister shook her head, not looking up. No, I just thought it would be a good idea. Seeing a familiar face.
Pathetic. Man, she was pathetic. When had she picked up this fascination with a man whod never glanced her way?
I think Ill pass, she told her sister, as she busied herself returning the butter and eggs to the commercial refrigerator. Rachel loved this kitchen, had spent great nights here talking with her mom and sister about everything from future careers to boys.
Although she and her sister didnt have the same longing to run the family B&B that had spanned several Sutherland generations, they werent able to give up the place either after their parents death. Hiring a management company to take over the running of the business freed them up to finish college and pursue their careers.
Two years ago though, falling revenues and several poor reviews online had Rachel booking a quick flight to her hometown. As a marketing exec, she understood reviews were the lifeblood of the small business. Shed found her childhood home in hopeless disrepair. Seeing the upholsterychosen specially by her mothernow stained and ripped, sent Rachel back to Missouri to make the riskiest move of her life. Riskiest? Who was she kidding? Her actions were the only true chance shed ever taken in her life.
She quit her job, cashed out her 401k and liquidated the CDs covering six months salary just in case. Rachel Sutherland was a woman who believed in saving for just in case moments in life. A lot of them. Then she blew it all on upgrading the kitchen. Merely the first step in their goal to return The Sutherland Bed & Breakfast to its former glory.
Her sister glanced up from the red, white and blue bow she was tying to the box. Just think about how sad it is to come home after six months and not have anyone waiting for your return. Hes got to be lonely.
Ha, Rachel said with a scoffing little laugh. That man is a dog. You remember those SEAL Night speed dating parties we hosted? Riley never missed one. I personally witnessed him score phone numbers with at least three women per night. Trust me, he will not be lonely this evening. In fact, there might be half a dozen women waiting for him to debark. Talk about awkward.
Disembark, Hailey corrected. And what if youre wrong? Its dinner. Whats one dinner out of your life to make a man feel hes glad to be back home?
When did this become dinner? I thought Id simply be meeting him and handing over a box of cookies.
Hailey smiled. Sweetly.
And Rachel felt herself cave. Although she didnt have far to fall into the cavern of curiosity she had where that man was concerned.
Okay, but the first hint of another woman, I bolt.
RILEY SPOTTED the Welcome Home signs from deck. The music and cheers would be next. Hed done this drill before. Dress uniforms, manning the rails.
The pier below was dotted with families; excited children, women holding up babies, anxious girlfriends. Riley turned away.
No one would be waiting for him with a warm smile, a hug or promise in her eyes for an all-night welcome reception. He believed in clean breaks and no loose ends, and thats how hed left San Diego six months ago.
Hed volunteered to disembark last. Men with wives, new babies they should have first shot at their women. As they approached the pier, the anticipatory mood on board was growing. None more ready to get on that pier and into the arms of the woman hed left behind than his best friend, Nate Peterson. Riley watched as Nate scanned the crowd, saw the tension evaporate and a smile spread across his face when the man obviously spotted his wife.
A year ago, Nate would be the first at the party. Hell, Nate was the party. Now the man was a homebody.
And for a moment Riley almost envied him.
Then thankfully that moment passed. The world was a buffet filled with beautiful women. Why would he limit himself to one?
See you, buddy, Nate called, as he hoisted his duffel bag over his shoulder.
And thats the last hed see of his friend for at least a week, hed bet.
Riley watched as each Team Member left. Some left with salutes, others with pats on the back.
Bunch of us are heading to The Bowery tonight, Ethan Morales, another single man from his Team, said. But as a second generation Navy man, Ethan still had a family eagerly waiting for him on the pier.
Sounds good, he replied to Moraless back. The Bowery was known for its locally brewed beer, loud music and the women looking for fun. It was the first place Riley hit after a long training run or a deployment. Guess tonight would be no exception.
Riley picked up his duffel bag. Hed delayed his departure long enough. Most of the happy families and reunited couples should have moved on by now. Good. He hated the feeling of being an intruder into those private moments. In the past, a few of the men had even felt obligated to invite him to their homes. He hated putting his fellow officers and friends in that position, especially since he knew it was the last thing they wanted to do. Now he regretted accepting Nates offer of a ride home.
Overhead the sky was blue. The day perfect for a return from duty. Hopefully hed given Nate and Hailey enough time alone on the pier. Riley took a few steps, and stopped.
His throat dried.
There, not ten feet away from him, stood Rachel Sutherland, looking hot, tired and like someone whod been waiting a while. A discarded ribbon was wrapped around her wrist and she snacked on a cookie?
She also looked like the best thing hed seen in about a hundred and eighty-five days, but then what else was new? Rachel always looked like the best thing hed ever seen.
He loosened the tight grip of the handle on his duffel bag and aimed in her direction. Riley watched as her eyes widened when she spotted him. Rachel brushed the crumbs from her hand then angled her head, checking left and right.
What an ass he was. Had he just assumed she was here for him? When had the woman ever regarded at him with anything other than distaste? Clearly she was searching the crowd and waiting for someone else. Maybe one of the SEALs that hung around The Sutherland after their Meet A SEAL nights? Something a lot like irritation mixed with envy hit him in the chest. Who the hell had been making a play for Rachel when he wasnt watching?
Too late to change course now. He continued forward. Riley would be polite and move on so she could greet the man she was here for. Strange, hed never thought of her as a Navy woman. Shed never given any of the SEALs whod been at The Sutherland anything other than that polite smile. Not one of her smiles had ever broken into something more warm, more genuine. At least not for him.
He found himself almost wanting to hang around to meet and shake the hand of the man whod managed to get something other than a no from Rachel Sutherland.
Shed stopped scanning the quickly clearing pier and stood straighter, meeting his gaze. His breath hitched, and he realized he wanted to lose himself in those green eyes of hers. Beautiful green eyes that were, for the first time, truly inviting. The coldly reserved Rachel Sutherland who ran the speed dating parties with a watch and a whistle was gone. She even flashed him a tentative smile.
Rachel wasnt here waiting on some other guy. No, she had stood there for over an hour waiting for him.
Something deep and elemental punched him in the gut. This was what it was like to have someone waiting for him. His return.
His feet ate those last steps that separated them.
Hi, she said, her voice breathless, her skin turning rosy-red. She thrust something toward him. I brought you cookies.
Riley had never seen Haileys prickly younger sister look more beautiful. And the woman always looked hot. Today, the breeze caught her hair, ruffling the long, blond strands into her eyes. He reached, feeling the silky glide of her hair between his fingers as he gently tucked the soft strands behind her ear. He smelled the light honeysuckle scent of her. Her gaze lowered to his lips, and he was lost.
His duffel bag hit the pavement, and his fingers sank into her hair. Riley saw the heat in her eyes before her lids lowered. She raised on tiptoe meeting his lips halfway. Warm and soft, Rachels mouth was everything hed fantasized about. Her lips parted with a quiet moan that sent a shaft of desire straight through his body.
Rachel wrapped her arms around his neck, one elbow snagging on the pins of his uniform. There were kisses and then there were kisses, and this one was becoming X-rated pretty quickly. Of course it wasnt every day that the woman hed thought unattainable yet still starred in several of his late-night fantasies was in his arms, kissing him with a carnal passion that nearly met his own.
He was forgetting where he was, what he was doing. Riley reached for her hands, pulling them from around his neck, reluctance in his every move. With one last run of his tongue along her bottom lip, he broke the kiss. Riley settled his forehead on hers, his breath ragged and heavy.
Welcome home, Riley, she whispered.
They were the best damn words hed ever heard.
WHAT WAS IT SHE WAS JUST saying to herself earlier today about avoiding the men who were only around for a bit of fun in bed? How she preferred a connection? Well, the pounding of her heart sure told her she was wrong.
Rachel always suspected Riley could be her downfall. She understood that now. It was probably the reason shed always avoided him. Some hidden, elemental female part of her must have known he was the kind of bad-for-her boy she couldnt resist. Downfall? Heck, she hadnt even put up much of a fight. Shed met her ruin while offering cookies.
Riley could destroy a womans sense of self-preservation with one kiss.
Nate was going to give me a lift home.
She cocked her head toward the exit. I think those two wanted to be alone. I offered and they left.
Riley didnt seem disappointed at his friends desertion.
Hope you dont mind, she said, needing to hear him say the words. That he wanted to be with her.
Riley laughed. After that greeting? Im just sorry I made you wait. Hope it wasnt too bad.
Shed been hot, sticky and growing more and more uncomfortable as the minutes ticked past. But nowit was totally worth it. Rachel lifted the box that was to be his welcome home gift from Hailey. I did eat most of your cookies.
And here I was really counting on eating those tonight, he said, his voice teasing, and she laughed. Riley was pure charm.
Shed never spent any real time talking with the man, but she could see why he did so well with the ladies. In mere moments hed managed to make her laugh, show his concern for her comfort and let her know that he could rock her world.
Emotional connections were overrated, right?
Then I guess I owe you dinner, she told him.
At The Sutherland? he asked, hope lacing his words.
Nates single SEAL friends had made no secret of their love of the good food served at her familys bed & breakfast.
Rachel shook her head. No, we made sure we booked no guests tonight so Nate and Hailey could be alone together. I was planning on making myself scarce. I could take you to a restaurant, she suggested.
Some of the enthusiasm faded from his eyes, and for the first time Rachel noticed the tiny lines of fatigue on either side of his mouth and around his eyes. He was tired and from what little she had gleaned from Nate of Navy life on a boat, the last place a newly returning soldier wanted to be was in a crowded, noisy eatery.
Riley might be one of those always-out-for-a-good-
time kind of guys, but tonight he was a man recently arrived from a faraway war who probably just wanted to sit down someplace comfortable and relax with a beer.
How about if I stop by a grocery store and pick up a few steaks? Do you have a grill at your place?
If I didnt, Id buy one. But yes, I have a grill on my patio, he told her with a smile. His big body already seemed less tense.
He stooped and reached for his forgotten duffel bag. The one hed dropped before he drew her into his arms and gave her hormones a sample of what theyd been missing. The material of his uniform pulled taut as his biceps bulged under the weight of his luggage. A ripple of desire instantly reminded her how dangerous this man could be to her. Shed known it, and avoided him. But not any longer. Today shed indulge temptation.
They began to walk toward her car, but Riley paused to twine his fingers through hers. The move caught her off guard, was so unexpected she automatically gripped his hand tightly. Her thumb began a dangerous exploration all on its own. His hand, like the rest of him, was large, the skin rough and his fingers calloused. A mans hands. Rachel imagined his fingers stroking along her bare skin. Those big hands of his cupping her breasts. Caressing her nipples.
Everything about Riley promised a woman hed satisfy her like no other.
Tonight shed put him to the test.

IN THE PAST, A CAR RIDE to a mans house was sometimes filled with second thoughts. Reservations. Cold feet. Right now, with Riley, Rachel could only fume about their slowness due to all the traffic. And feel utter impatience. Anticipation.
Mind if we stop off at my apartment before heading to the grocery store? Riley asked, running a finger between his collar and his neck.
Ready to get out of that uniform? she asked, which hey, sounded a lot more sexual said out loud. But she couldnt even work up a bit of embarrassment. She did want Riley. Out of his uniform. At least his pants.
Something like that, he told her, flashing gray eyes in her direction. Sweet heat emanated from him. All aimed straight at her.
Rachels mouth dried. Her breath hitched. She leaned toward him, aching to feel his lips on hers once more.
The car behind them honked, and Rachel jumped in her seat. Just tell me the way, she said, unable to keep the desire from her voice. She lifted her foot off the brake and applied it to the gas.
Turn left at the next light, he said, pointing the way.
Her fingers drummed against the steering wheel as she maneuvered through traffic. This would have been a funny situation if she werent the one living it. Here she was, so hungry for a man, she hadnt even spotted the light changing from red to green. Rachel decided right then and there that as soon as she had that man alone in his apartment, shed do whatever she could to take his mind off food and have him focus on her.
She glanced over at Riley, who didnt appear very relaxed. Probably wouldnt have to work too hard to change his mind. A tiny thrill ran down her spine and settled at the small of her back.
A tightness laced his voice as he gave her the final directions. Rachel liked that. Shed done that to him. Given him that edge. Ramped up his desire. With only a kiss. But a kiss that promised so much more.
A few minutes later she claimed a parking space in front of his building. Traditional stucco with a nod to San Diegos Hispanic roots. Riley had that duffel bag out of her car and over his shoulder before shed set the parking brake, and another tiny thrill rippled along every nerve ending of her skin.
A dramatic courtyard filled with palm trees and flowering bushes greeted them, but Riley ushered her to the stairs. That action told her how desperate he was to get her alone. They took the stairs together, and Riley had the door opened and closed behind her in a blur.
Rachel leaned against the hard wood door. The warm stale air of his condo should have blasted her into reality, made her question why she was alone with Riley.
Ill get the AC on, he offered, even though he didnt move.
And she didnt want him to. Her hand curled around his shoulder. The muscles rippled beneath her fingertips. Kiss me, Riley, she demanded, not even caring that she was showing all her cards. She wanted him so much.
The duffel bag dropped to his feet. And with not one bit of hesitation he hauled her up against his strong chest. His lips met hers and if shed entertained any question that the passion on the pier was a mere moment of sentimentality, it vanished.
Rachel wanted his clothes off. Now.
She attacked the buttons of his uniform, but she got lost when the rough palm of his hand trailed up the side of her bare arms. Her skin showed goose bumps, and she craved more of his touch. Him. Rileys fingers drew at the thin strap of the navy cotton cami top shed worn to combat the San Diego heat. When shed dressed this morning, she hadnt realized how thankful shed be later for the easy-access clothing.
The kiss they shared went on and on. His lips, his taste, his sandalwood scent she couldnt get enough of him.
With the straps out of his way, Riley shoved the cami down to her waist. He filled his hands with her breasts. She moaned, breaking that amazing kiss, and his lips touched her neck, his tongue circling beneath her ear. The sensations sent tiny flutters of want through her body.
Mmm, that feels so good, she told him.
Rileys fingers stroked the bare skin of her waist, her belly, shooting delicious shivers to the core of her. He found the button of her jean skirt, took care of the zipper, then pressed the clothing down her thighs until it pooled at her ankles. Only a scrap of teal lace kept her from total nudity. Never had she wanted to be out of something more.
Riley apparently felt the same way. His thumbs crept beneath the elastic and soon her panties dropped to the tiled floor of his condo.
She couldnt wait for what hed do next. Riley had all the promise of a fantastic lover, and Rachel was ready to experience it.
But she got nothing.
No fingers. No hands. No lips.
Her eyelids fluttered open.
Riley stood before her. He just stared at her. His gray eyes intense.
What are you doing? she asked. The moment stretched between them. Not uncomfortable, but a little awkward.
Im looking at you, he answered.
I can see that. I mean, why? Sometime after college shed gotten past feeling flustered while standing bare-ass naked in front of a man. The way she saw it, if he didnt like her rounded belly and B minus cup size, he could pull up his pants and go home.
But this staring thing of Rileys had her feeling disconcerted. Riley? she asked, her voice unsure.
His gaze slammed into hers, and she gasped. Pure hunger was there for her to see. To savor.
He swallowed. Since I was deployed its been months and months of nothing but men. I want to study you, Rachel.
He leaned closer. Smell your hair.
His fingers slid down the side of her breast. Touch your soft, soft skin.
Her eyelids fluttered as his mouth captured her nipple.
Taste you, he murmured against her lips.
Rachel wanted it, too. Had she ever wanted a man this much? His gentle words alone were all the seduction she needed.
He made an impatient sound. Hell, Im probably not explaining this right.
Shaking her head, she gave his arm a reassuring squeeze. No, its all right. I think I understand. And it was hot. He was making her hotter for him. If such a thing were actually possible.
He softly caressed her lips with his. The gentle friction caused her toes to curl. But I need you to just stand there. If you touch me or kiss me back, Ill have to take things fast, he warned her, his breath warm against her cheek.
Rileys hand was between her thighs now. She took a tiny step, opening herself to him, inviting him to explore the most intimate part of her body. Rachel sucked in a breath at that first almost hesitant brush of the curls between her legs. She kicked off her shoe and ran her toes up his calf and higher, frustrated by the material separating him from her.
His hand dropped, and he met her gaze once more. Can you do that, Rachel? Be still while I take you in?
Now it was her time to swallow. Apparently even the meager touch of her foot against his pant leg was too much. Heady. Rachel had a hard time finding the words, so she nodded. Have some gorgeous, sexy man explore her body how could that be a hardship?
But what Riley was doing felt more like savoring. Relishing. He breathed her in. Tasted her with his lips. His tongue. He licked her breasts. Circled the tip of each with his tongue until it became a fine point of need. Her skin grew warm, craving another run of his hands on her arm, her hips. Her thighs.
You are so beautiful, he groaned against her neck. And she felt it. He made her feel powerful and desirable.
When his fingers delved between her legs, finding where she was hot and wet for him, her knees grew shaky.
Come to my bedroom, he said.
Again she nodded. He bent and lifted her into his strong arms. It was like something out of a movie, and she had no plans to remain a passive viewer anymore. Rachel gripped Rileys head and brought his lips down to hers. He stopped, leaned against the wall when her tongue touched his.
Im going to drop you if you keep that up, he warned.
No you wont, she said, and brought her lips back to his.
He shoved off the wall with his shoulder and walked down the hall to his bedroom. He dropped her in the center of the bed, reaching for her immediately.
Rachel waved him off. No, I want you naked.
I can do that while Im kissing you.
She shook her head. I want to watch. Its my turn to look at you. To emphasize her point, she scooted to the pillows, crossing her arms beneath her head as if she was ready for a show. And she was.
With his gaze never leaving hers, Riley reached for the buttons of his shirt. A woman didnt grow up along the beach and not see plenty of nearly nude male flesh, but Riley was in a class of his own. A man might look great in a uniform, but once those dress whites were off not so great.
Rileys uniform hid an amazing body. He was a large man, but not bulky. Lean, his arms and legs roped with finely honed muscle. Skin she wanted to explore. Taste.
Show over.
Rachel scrambled to her knees, bringing her eye-to-
eye with Riley. She ran her hands over the broadness of his shoulders. She wanted to see what her touch did to him. Watching his eyes darken, she stroked the tightness of his biceps, the flatness of his abs. She ran her fingers through the hair on his chest, loving the feel of him. Rachel rested her hands on the waistband of his boxer briefs.
When he was completely naked, she lowered her
His penis sprang up, hard and ready for her hands. She gently stroked the tip of him with her thumb. Rileys eyes closed and he groaned at her touch. Rachel smiled, loving what she was doing to him. She caressed him again, then tenderly gripped his shaft, moved down, then back again to the tip.
He wrapped a hand around hers. No more. Im in a bad way for you, Rachel, and I dont want to come like this. He tugged her resisting fingers from his cock. Riley reached for a drawer of his bedside table, pulling out a condom.
Meeting her eyes once more, Riley reached for her thighs. He roughly dragged her to him. She needed this, needed him. She balanced on the edge of the mattress, and he stepped between the circle of her legs. Riley began to probe her with the tip of him. Are you ready? he asked, his voice tight, the muscles of his neck strained.
Hell, shed been ready an hour ago. Rachels back hit the comforter, and she hooked her legs behind his back.
He plunged inside her.
Rachel almost came right then, the feel of him inside her, filling her amazing. He gripped her hips, thrusting hard.
She rushed to meet him, her concentration solely on the man bringing her so much pleasure. Rachel bucked as his fingers rubbed her clit. Now, Riley. Faster.
He drove into her, his movements quick, his body strained. Rachels skin heated, and her breasts turned achy. Warmth built and built inside her. Riley touched just the right spotinside and outand she exploded. Waves of pleasure crested through her.
Riley reached for her hips again, steadying her and thrust into her welcoming body. He tensed, his pushing becoming chaotic, until he moaned deep from his chest. Rachel, he said as he slumped against her, his head at her breasts.
She closed her eyes for a moment. Enjoying the weight of a man on her body. Of him. Of Riley. The sound of their harsh breathing filled the small bedroom. Slowly her heartbeat returned to normal.
Surely some sort of self-recrimination should hit her now. She braced for it.
But nothing happened.
No worries, no rebuke. In fact, Rachel felt great. She stretched her arms above her, loving the languid laziness assailing her.
Riley lifted his head, his gray eyes meeting hers. Ready for more? he asked.
So soon?
He smiled. I have nine months to make up for.
You were only deployed for six, she reminded him.
Yeah, but Ive wanted you since the moment I saw you, he told her. That was about nine months ago.
Then the doubt slammed her.

RILEY WOULD HAVE LAUGHED at the shocked expression on Rachels face if he hadnt been so surprised by his own admission. Instead he sneaked a quick kiss on her sweet mouth. It invited another. And another.
He could kiss this woman all damn day. So many things to explore.
The sexy fullness of her lower lip.
The scent of honeysuckle that still lingered in her hair.
The way her so, so soft skin warmed beneath the barest touch of his fingertips.
Yet hed only sampled a hint. There was way more to be discovered about Rachel. And Riley wanted to learn it all.
Except he hadnt eaten in hours. As much as he hated to leave his bed, and the sexy woman snuggled next to him, they had to do something about food.
Ready for those steaks? he asked against her lips.
He felt her tense beside him. Rachels eyelids flew open. There was something about her green eyes that got to him. Hed felt it at that initial SEAL speed dating night.
She didnt see him. She saw through him.
And that was the reason hed avoided her even though he wanted her like crazy. Every time a woman attempted to delve beneath the surface, what he allowed her to see, she was always disappointed.
Because there wasnt much. That old adage of what you see is what you get could have been dedicated to him. He liked it that way. Eliminated any complications. Apart from that twinge in the gut he felt when he clued in to a womans disappointment when she realized she wasnt getting much more.
Thats why there was something comforting about dating the superficial and shallow. Quick smiles and good times. Riley didnt need a person scrutinizing him. Making him feel exposed.
SEALs respected another mans boundaries. As long as a man did his job on his Team, no one bothered him. Certainly none of his friends gave a shit about his feelings.
That was the thing about soldiers they liked their armor.
But Rachel was the kind of woman whod want to learn things about him. Understand him. Hell, he didnt even want to know himself. Look at himless than an hour with her and he was already thinking deeply.
Must be lack of food.
With a more forceful kiss to her lips he then jumped out of bed in search of his shirt. He found it crumpled on the floor, and smiled at the memory of Rachel Sutherland ripping it off his body. Rachel. Yeah, even sporting the small scratches on his back, he still found it hard to believe she was the person who gave him a great welcome home. Before his deployment, the woman had barely noticed him.
Naked, he walked to the dresser and pulled out some clothes. Forget his uniform, he only wanted to wear shorts and a T-shirt anyway. After buttoning up his shorts he turned to find Rachel leaning against the headboard, the sheet pulled tight over her breasts.
Even that was sexy.
Her long blond hair was a mess, and he was tempted by the overwhelming urge to sink his fingers into the softness and send his T-shirt to the floor to join his uniform.
Then his stomach growled. Food first. Hed need it for tonight. His night with Rachel. Riley glanced back her way, wanting to catch her tugging her shirt into place or sliding her skirt up her legs. There was something very sexy about watching a woman dress, knowing hed be doing the undressing later.
Rachel still rested against the pillows. If anything, that sheet was tighter across her body. Had she gone shy on him? Women were known to do that. Some mixed up signals theyd gotten along the way about men thinking they were only good for bedroom acrobatics. Hed have to remember to mention she was smart later.
You planning on going to the grocery store in just the sheet? Not that Id mind, but the other customers might be a little shocked.
She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. Actually, I was thinking I would head back to The Sutherland. Ive probably given Nate and Hailey enough time alone.
Riley made a scoffing noise. I dont think a month would be enough time for those two. I was thinking wed at least give them the weekend.
Oh, she said, and the sheet slackened.
Not enough.
Then she smiled at him. A slow warm smile just for him. For a moment, he had trouble breathing.
A genuine smile from this woman was rare. Riley knew hed watched her long enough during the SEAL date nights. Hed sneak a peek, fascinated, as she outlined expectations of the mens behavior. Rachel didnt take any guff from the sailors clomping through the Tea Room. She didnt care they were SEALs, they were going to follow her rules. And theyd respected those rules of hers to the letter.
But hed also caught the easy grin shed give a man down on his luck, and then steer him toward a beer, a meal in the dining room or a particular woman taking advantage of The Sutherlands SEAL night. But shed never turned that smile toward him.
Until now.
He wanted more. More of her smiles, more of her sexy body and definitely more time with Rachel. But first, food.
RILEY HAD ALWAYS STRUCK HER as a man who never took anything seriously, except his job. Shed observed him in the ocean where the SEALs often trained. There, he was all about the mission, yet when it came to life he was all about the work hard, play harder mantra.
Riley obviously didnt take food seriously. He was a disaster in the grocery store. They flew by the fresh fruits and vegetables without picking up one. Rachel cringed as he grabbed the first package of meat he saw, but the last straw was when he asked her preference of steak sauce. She should probably have given him credit for asking her first choice, but it was steak sauce they were talking about. And standards.
You are not destroying anything I make by drowning it in steak sauce, she told him, refusing to take another step down the aisle displaying row after row of colorful condiments.
I like steak sauce, he replied, reaching for a bottle.
She put her hand on her hip. Okay, let me ask you a question. What if I marinated those steaks in a dark beer, rubbed them with oregano and cumin, then grilled them with fresh chives and served guacamole and aji sauce on the side?
His hand fell away from the shelf of sauces. Id say count me in.
So youre ready to shop my way? she asked.
Riley took the two steps that had him at her side. He stroked the side of her cheek. And yes, there were the clichd shivers down her back. What was with this man and her senses? I just wanted to get the food and then get you alone again.
More shivers. This man could have her thinking drive-through burgers were a good idea. Almost.
Then she did something she never thought shed do on her own. She slipped her hand through Rileys. His long fingers, warm and calloused and strong, laced with hers, gave her hand a gentle squeeze.
Bad move. A woman didnt initiate hand-holding with a man who didnt take things seriously. It screwed up the balance. This would definitely be the last time shed do something as stupid as that.
An hour later, she and Riley sat together on his patio, plates on their legs as they enjoyed the warm evening breeze.
That was the best food Ive ever had. Really, Riley said. You must like to cook.
Actually, I hate cooking. What I like is eating. Eating good food, that is. When you grow up and your mom is a culinary chef, its hard to look at food as casual. Each meal must be something special.
Riley reached over and took the empty plate from her lap. His fingers grazed her bare thighs. Ill have to remember that. His voice a sexy whisper at her ear. Shivers ran down her neck.
She spotted the bulge in his pants. Apparently Riley was ready for round two. She, for one, couldnt wait.
Hed said the word remember. It made her go all fluttery. Not good. Riley didnt mean remember as in them having more than just this weekend together. She stood and walked to the railing, giving herself a little space.
The breeze ruffled her hair, and the last of the sunlight warmed her face. I love San Diego at night, she said when he joined her at the railing.
His condo was too far away to see the beach, but the complex was beautiful. Before I came home to help Hailey with The Sutherland, I worked in St. Louis. There are seasons in St. Louis, snow even. It was a nice change from here, but I missed the palm trees. Theres something purely relaxing about hearing the breeze rustle through those big leaves.
I know what you mean. I did some training up at Spruce Cape in Alaska.
Alaska? Why there?
Theres snow in Afghanistan. Gotta know how to deal. Basically they give you a compass, drop you off and say, Meet us here. I dont think Ive ever been so cold. Thinking about these palm trees kept me warm, he told her with a laugh.
Rachel turned to look. For all his joking around, Riley held a dangerous and important job. She could only imagine the kinds of peril he faced. The extreme temperatures. The utter discomfort. Rachel felt the overwhelming need to touch him. Comfort him.
She took a swallow of her beer instead.
Do you regret coming back to San Diego? he asked.
Running a B&B is a lot of hard work and unbelievable hours, but Her voice trailed off. A lump formed in her throat, which was ridiculous.
Riley leaned toward her, his knee almost touching hers. Not a lot of legroom on this balcony. He seemed genuinely interested in what she had to say. It was something more than just polite conversation and the kind of inquiries weekend fling etiquette required.
What was the etiquette on a weekend fling?
Those thoughts could wait.
But not the fact that no one had asked her if she were sad to leave her home and a job she loved in St. Louis to return here. Not until Riley, that is. She hadnt even questioned it. Her family home was in jeopardy, and she and Hailey had to take care of it. Fix it. It was as simple as that.
Her stomach twisted. There was a reason she hadnt questioned it. A truth she hadnt yet faced. A dissatisfaction lay under the surface of her very necessary decision. Okay, those thoughts could wait, too.
Rachel swallowed past the lump, reminding herself of the things she did like about returning to The Sutherland. There is something really satisfying about seeing our home the way my grandparents would have wanted it. I like hearing the laughter of our guests during breakfast, and reading the comments in the guest book. I feel like I saved something important and special.
The word hung between them. Not quite a question, not quite a statement. What do you mean? she asked.
Past tense. You saved it, now what?
Rachel almost did a double take. Wait when did this guy get so astute? Ill keep running The Sutherland with my sister.
But you never wanted to run it in the first place, right? Otherwise you never would have left.
No, The Sutherland had never been her dream. She hadnt wanted to escape it the way her sister Hailey
had the B&B just didnt fit into her plans. But then shed been doing a lot of things that didnt fit into her long-range plans. Like Riley.
She shook her head, and let her gaze slide to the palm trees that had been the cause of this whole awkward conversation. Well, awkward for her. Riley still appeared relaxed and sexy beside her.
So, what now for you? he asked.
She didnt know. How we turned The Sutherland around was featured in B&B Today magazine. Since then Ive been getting a few calls and emails from other owners asking for help.
Hey, thats great. When do you start that?
Her knuckles tightened around the railing. I havent called them back.
Why not? Sounds like a perfect job for you.
She shrugged, turning away, though she knew he was waiting for her answer. I dont know. Marketing The Sutherland was easy. Well, not exactly easy, she drawled.
Rachel looked at him then, and he smiled. Slowly. This was a moment. One of those moments when you really connected with someone else. Strange that it was with someone like Riley Wilkes.
What if I cant do it? she asked. It was just by chance the Navy SEALs train right outside our B&B. The patio of The Sutherland provided a tableau of males in peak performance as they trained. Apparently a lot of women liked the special view. Add a mojito to the scene of Navy SEALs in action and voil?, extra cash in hand.
Rachel, if theres one thing Ive learned about you its that youre the kind of person who gets things done. I have no doubt you could do it. If a B&B attracted guests in the past, Im sure youll figure out what will make them want to come back in the future.
He believed it. Riley might be a charmer, but she knew he wouldnt be encouraging her if he didnt really think shed be successful at it. Her family was always supportive, but this, this was something different.
Rachel took a deep breath. I have thought about it. A lot, she confessed. If I took on consulting jobs, I could go all over the country. Make my own hours. But I could keep San Diego as my home base. What could beat the beach? Or wearing shorts in November? Like I said, when I still lived in St. Louis, and it was really cold, Id stay bundled up inside my apartment. Im not exactly a nature girl, but I missed being outside. Feeling the wind on my face. The sounds of the birds.
Ever made love outside? he asked.
Rachel choked on her beer.
Careful, he said. Warmth entered his gray eyes, turning them almost green.
What Riley had just issued was an invitation not a question.
No, despite living next door to a beach, shed never made love outside. She shook her head, her skin heating at the thought.
Someone will see, she said. Hating how unadventurous she sounded.
Well keep our clothes on. No one passes by this side of the complex, and if they did, they wont suspect a thing. His fingers stole the beer from her hand and placed it on the small table.
Youll just have to be very, very quiet, he told her.
The way Riley made love that could be a problem.
He was behind her now, his lips just under her ear. Her weak spot. Of course Riley Wilkes would find that.
Her body already ached for more. Rachels eyes closed at the caress of his lips. The touch of his tongue. She leaned against his chest. Warm and solid.
As I followed you around the store today, while you grabbed ingredients, all I could think of was lifting your skirt. His fingers traced the bare skin above her knee. Bunching the material in my hand and pulling it up.
Her heartbeat quickened. Do it. Do it. It seemed to beat with her silent request.
Instead he dropped his hand. But then Id get distracted by your breasts. This blue shirt of yours with the little bow in the middle has been driving me crazy. I cant decide whether to tug at a strap or lift up your skirt.
You have two hands, dont you?
A deep laugh rumbled from his chest. Yes, I do. And I plan to put them to good use now.
One of Rileys hands cupped her breast while the other found the hem of her skirt, slowing raising it. Rachel moaned low in her throat. Shed never had a lover as good as Riley, never had one make her feel so good.
Her nipple hardened beneath his palm.
Have I ever told you how much I like your breasts?
All Rachel could do was shake her head no.
I love how they get all tight when I touch them. Your nipples he stopped to tease one tip I cant wait to suck you.
She didnt think it was possible, but her nipple grew even tighter, just the way he mentioned he liked. She longed to have his lips, his mouth, his tongue there once more. Like earlier this afternoon. But they were keeping their clothes on.
How your body responds to my touch drives me crazy. Riley pressed the hard ridge of his erection against her backside.
Wet heat flooded her lower body. She wiggled back and felt his erection grow larger. Yeah she loved driving him crazy.
The hand on her leg kept slowly moving up her thigh. His palm was rough from his job, but she didnt care. She relished the contrasts. His hard cock combined with his gentle touch devastated her senses.
His hand began to ride up under her shirt. He found her bare skin and she quivered.
Rachel imagined how they looked to any passing stranger. Her body slumped against his, one hand up her skirt, the other under her shirt. And she didnt care. She wanted this moment with Riley to go on and on.
Where his hand touched, she burned. And that burning was leading right to her panties.
Yes? Riley asked, his voice more ragged now. Here, Rachel.
Yes, she said, and his finger looped over the elastic, helping her panties slide down her legs.
Ahhh, do that wiggling thing again, he told her.
This? she asked, wiggling. She drove herself against his rock-hard penis.
Yes, he groaned into her hair. The hand under her shirt moved lower, and for a moment, Rachel just enjoyed the feel of his hands moving and caressing her thighs. Her hips. Her backside.
Slowly he moved closer and closer to the center of her. Do it. Do it. Her heartbeat quickened even more.
She wanted Rileys fingers between her legs, and she wanted it five minutes ago. Touch me, she urged. Although it was more like an order. Whatever. The man was military. He was used to taking orders.
And Riley did. His fingers slipped between her legs, past the curls and over the slick heat of her clit.
That feels so good, she said after she caught her breath.
Im not done yet, he whispered against her ear. A promise.
His fingers slid lower, until they were in the moist heat of her. Her legs began to shake.
Rileys hand retreated. Gotta stay strong, he urged. Then he slipped into her once more. She lowered her head against the railing, but her legs didnt give.
Riley, if youre waiting for me to say something like, go go!
He sucked in a breath. As much as I hate to break the mood here, I dont have any protection. This hadnt been my plan when we stepped out here to eat.
Rachel almost groaned in frustration.
She took a deep, calming breath, knowing she was about to offer something to Riley shed never suggested before. She just wanted him so much. The man held her body in a fever pitch. Its okay, its not the right time of the month for me. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
His hand stilled. I just want you to know Im totally healthy.
She nodded in understanding.
The military tests and
Riley, stop talking and get inside me. Another order.
The hand that had been steadying her hip, left her. Soon she heard him fumbling behind her. His pants.
Lean farther over the railing, Rachel, he said.
There were the shivers again. Rachel leaned, feeling the night air brush her bare backside. The tip of him touched her slick heat, and she bit her lip. This was going to be so good. With one thrust he was inside her.
Oh, Rachel. This is amazing.
He was right. It was amazing. She didnt know if it was their quick pace, the slim chance of being caught or just the decadence of making love while being caressed by an evening breeze but sex had never felt this good.
Rileys fingers teased the curls between her legs, then her clit; at the same time his cock plunged into her body. He circled where she was most sensitive as he moved in and out of her. She tightened around him, drawing him deeper.
He thrust faster. Rachel, he moaned. And suddenly waves of pleasure overtook her senses.
She felt his muscles tighten, knew he was about to come and arched her back, allowing him in deeper. With a groan, he exploded.
If he hadnt been holding her up, she would have fallen. It was an effort to draw in breath. Riley slumped above her, and the wood of the railing cut into her forearm. But she didnt care. Something about experiencing the best orgasm of your life took away the concern about simple things like oxygen and splinters.
Riley seemed to be just as affected by their lovemaking as she was because he was slow to move. Good.
You told me I had to be quiet, but there at the end, you were the loud one, she teased once she caught her breath and had her panties back in place.
Ive never done that before, Riley admitted, looking a little stunned.
Made love outside? she asked as they made their way through the French doors and into his condo.
No, not used a condom.
She stopped. Wait what? Really?
He looked chagrined. When they had the safe sex talks in school, I paid attention. He entwined his fingers with hers. Plus, being the youngest of six kids, Im not too eager to add to the Thanksgiving dinner table. I still eat at the kiddie snack trays in the basement.
Wait, what?
Well, second kiddie table. Were all in our twenties. Theres a third table for the under-twenty set. Were a big family.
Her jaw dropped open. Six? We all assumed you had no family. Ive never heard you talk about any of them. Rachel would have called those words back if she could.
They underscored how little she knew about the man. How little shed tried to get to know him.
Riley shrugged. Navy gave me the chance to be my own man. I wasnt Mike and Nicks kid brother or the little boy who had to be watched by his older sisters. Besides, once one story comes out, others follow. Soon Ill be popping out the baby pictures of my nieces and nephews, he told her with a mock shudder.
Rachel laughed, as she knew he meant her to. Yeah, proud uncle didnt really fit with Rileys image. Or rather the image he worked to portray. She needed to tread carefully here or shed find herself growing more curious about the man, and therein lay danger. I always wanted to grow up in a big family. Seemed like so much fun.
Well, its not all its cracked up to be. My mom only had time to put my name and birthday in my baby book. I dont even think theres my weight and length.
Rachel frowned. That sounds kind of sad.
He tugged her flush against his body. Hmm, you can show me all the sympathy you want in the shower. I have big plans for you in there.

RILEY INDEED HAD AMAZING plans for her in the shower the next morning. Rachel had never felt so clean or so dirty. They were both good.
After turning off the water, Riley grabbed a towel from the warming rack and handed it to her. Really
who had a warming rack in San Diego? Rachel blotted the water from her face. She and her sister should definitely consider warming towel racks as an investment in The Sutherland. The sensation was pure decadence.
I cant get over how nice and big your bathroom is, she told him as she dried off with the thick warm towel. I dont imagine you often see something quite this roomy in condos.
Since moving back home, it seemed her eye was trained now to be on the lookout for possible renovation ideas. She admired everything from the double sink marble countertops to the travertine floor. Nothing had been spared on this bathroom.
The previous owner before me did the remodel, he told her as he reached for a towel for himself. Tore down a wall, and took out some of the square footage of the guest bedroom to add that jetted tub and this two-
person shower.
A two-person shower she enjoyed the hell out of with Riley. The body spray faucets soothed her skin with cool streams of water. Heated from his kisses. His hands. His tongue. Combine that with Riley rubbing and sloshing soap all over her body she could handle plenty of those showers.
She gave a little wistful sigh as she spotted his whirlpool bath. Yeah, I wouldnt mind the loss of a little walking room if I had a tub like that, she told him, wrapping the towel around her sarong style.
Well, youre welcome to come and use mine anytime from now on, he told her with a wink. He stepped onto the bath mat, then made a beeline for the counter.
From now on That was the second time Riley had casually mentioned a future beyond this weekend. Luckily she knew he didnt mean it, only as a figure of speech. Otherwise that little throwaway comment of his would be enough to make her heart go pitter-patter.
Mind if I shave? Riley asked, rubbing the steam off the mirror over the sink with his forearm.
Huh, why would she mind? She planned to have that newly smoothed cheek of his in places that would prefer a smooth cheek. Mind if I watch?
His hand stopped midair. Okay, never thought of shaving as erotic, but when you said that just now, it made me hard.
Im beginning to think most anything makes you hard, she told him, meeting his gaze in the mirror.
Only with you, he said with a wink. Then he tugged on the bottom of the mirror revealing a medicine cabinet filled with all the routine items Riley used. Routine yes, but being in here, showering together, watching him get ready for no other reason than the pleasure of watching this man felt very personal.
Even more so than making love.
Which was absurd.
Riley began layering lather on his face. The smell of menthol and mint mixed with sandalwood filled the steamy room. Rachel breathed in deep, knowing that no matter what else ever happened to her, shed always associate that sexy scent with Riley.
He ran some water in the sink, and she balanced herself on the edge of the tub, ready to enjoy the show.
Riley had tucked the towel around his hips. Hed missed a few droplets of water, which still lingered on the smooth skin of his back. His sculpted shoulders were a work of art, his spine lined with lean muscles. Shed never been with a man so fit. His every muscle honed and fine-tuned, ready for action. For a moment she daydreamed about stalking over to him and removing those water droplets with her tongue.
Instead she decided to make inane conversation. Ive always thought Id knock down the wall between my bedroom and bathroom. A bigger closet would be a dream come true. The Sutherland was designed long before there was a real appreciation for an en suite bathroom. Utilitarian was the overall theme for the structure.
So do it, Riley said, rinsing his razor in the sink, then taking another swipe along his jawline.
And that right there probably summed up Riley Wilkess entire philosophy about life. Where she liked to wait, see how things went, figure out her next move three steps ahead, Riley charged right in, ready to tackle all and everything.
How long have you been thinking about it? he asked, his eyes meeting hers in the mirror.
Since she was fifteen. Uh a little while. Not long.
Riley shrugged. Find out if the wall is load bearing, look at your designs for any wires or plumbing and cut the power. After that is the fun part.
Picking out the paint color? she asked with a smile.
He shook his head. Knocking that sucker down.
Rachel laughed. Of course Rileys favorite part would be the messy stuff.
I can help. I did my fair share of demo and dry-
Where were you last year when The Sutherland looked like a mess? she teased.
A line formed between his brows. The place looks great.
The Tea Room of The Sutherland had once been the place to host everything from baby showers to weddings. That was until the management company she and her sister had hired drop-kicked their once-beautiful banquet hall into ruin.
It does now. I had to wash over two hundred individual pieces of crystal chandelier by hand. And dont get me started on the wainscoting.
Im not even sure I know what that is, he told her without a hint of embarrassment at his lack of knowledge.
Strange. In her work experience, a man not familiar with something was a sign of weakness. Maybe it had to do with the way marketing departments worked. You had to be the authority. You had to have confidence to sell an item to people who didnt need it. A special kind of swagger.
Not that Riley didnt have swagger. And confidence. the man had plenty to spare. Just not blind arrogance.
Of course, in Rileys world, not knowing something and not speaking up could get him killed. Rachel shuddered. She didnt like thinking of Riley like that. In harms way. She preferred seeing him as the easygoing charmer.
An easygoing charmer she wouldnt see much of after this weekend. Except at their speed dating SEAL parties. Her chest tightened. Riley was a regular at those parties. Always a favorite at the end of the night.
Rachel would have to watch him talk with other women. Flash that smile to other women. And now she knew how he kissed, how he touched, how he made a woman feel how he made her feel.
How could she stand there calmly and ring a bell? Serve him drinks? She fixed the towel under her arms.
She should just say something right now, to remind herself that Riley Wilkes wasnt hers. Except until Sunday. No need to wait. Rip the sticky bandage off now. Her sister would be proud.
Ill point it out to you at the next SEAL dating party.
He turned to face her, his brows drawn together. Oh, but
You werent planning on dropping out, were you? Riley, youre one of our most popular SEALs.
His gaze flicked to hers. Narrowed. Then he turned and faced the mirror once more, his shaving almost complete.
Riley didnt say anything else. Silence stretched between them. Awkwardly. So much for not waiting and ripping it off. From now on shed stick with the methods that worked. Her methods. Avoidance. Delay.
She needed to find something that would get them back on track. Is that what you did before you became a SEAL? Construction workerwow. The image of Riley, shirtless and balancing on a roof would supply her fantasy life for, well, a long time.
Riley checked in the mirror. During my summer breaks and after school. Anything to make a buck. My dad could do everything. He framed homes, laid brick, put in plumbing, electric, whatever. Once I was old enough I trailed along. I guess he needed to be in construction because he had to keep on adding bedrooms with every new kid.
Rachel smiled. And yet
Riley told the joke easily, as if hed made it at least a dozen times before now. But there was something a little off. His words were tinged with sadness.
She left her perch tubside and joined him. She cupped his now-smooth chin, loving the feel of his skin beneath her fingers. He was a man whod joined the Navy to be a different person. Hed worked hard, excelled and been accepted into one of the most elite special ops in the world, but he was still a man who was only a name in a baby book. After her mothers death, Rachel had found a memento box containing snippets of Rachels life. A lock of hair from her first haircut. A note to the tooth fairy. The ribbon shed worn in her hair on the first day of kindergarten. Riley had nothing like that.
He gripped her hand, his gaze turning fierce. I can see in your eyes youre feeling bad. I didnt want you feeling sorry for me.
Of course not. That would be the last thing a man like Riley would want.
He ran his tongue along her bottom lip, and her nipples hardened against the terry cloth of her borrowed towel. Unless feeling sorry for me means youll crawl up in my lap.
Now that sounded like Riley.
I could tell you how everything I wore was a hand-me-down. His thumb stroked the back of her hand. Shiver time.
But on the bright side, the yellow shirt my mom got off the clearance rack for my older brother had faded to beige by the time I could wear it.
I dont know whether to believe any of this, she said, giving his towel-covered hip a playful swat.
See, thats why I joined the Navy. Those big brothers hitting me all the time made me tough. Now I got a woman punching me. Ill just have to do this.
She squealed as he bent and hoisted her up and over his shoulder fireman style, heading straight to his big bed. Her towel slipped as he let her body slide down his and she plopped naked on top of the covers.
A determined flash blazed in his eyes when he realized she no longer sported terry cloth. Shed witnessed Riley playful and tired and hungry and aroused, but this unwavering Riley was new to her. The thought of all his driven Navy SEAL intensity focused on her and
her breasts grew heavy, sensitive. Every part of her was wanting him.
Aching for his touch.
Riley scanned her body. His eyes darkened, his gaze stopping briefly at her lips, then lowering to her breasts, which seemed to grow even heavier under the heat and weight of his stare. He briefly met her eyes once more.
You are amazing, he breathed. His voice tight with arousal.
His towel dropped to the carpeted floor with a whoosh. Rachel caught sight of his penis hard and ready for her. Her breath left her body in a hiss, anticipating his touch. He stretched out slowly, too slowly, beside her on the bed. For a woman who was used to waiting, shed suddenly grown impatient for everything that had to do with this man.
Riley rubbed his cheek against hers. Ahhh, bliss. Her eyes drifted shut as the masculine scent of him once again took over her senses.
Then he moved to gently nibble the side of her neck, radiating shivers of sensation along her nerve endings. He brushed over her collarbone and down to her breasts. With a quick kiss to each of her nipples, he continued lower. Every muscle she had began to tense, as she wondered what Riley would do to her next. He trailed his cheek over her rib cage to the hollow below her belly button, and she gasped.
Hadnt she just entertained thoughts of his smooth skin rubbing along hers? Taking just this southerly path?
With tender fingers, he arched her leg up and over his shoulder, and all hell broke loose with her senses.

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