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On The Texas Border
Linda Warren
Abby Duncan's come home to Hope, Texas - the town known as Brewster's Valley, after the wealthy, powerful old man who rules it - to find the truth behind the accusations that drove her father to his death. Only Brewster knows what really happened. But he refuses to tell Abby unless she agrees to find his missing daughter, the child he's never acknowledged. Part of Brewster's deal is that Abby undertake this search with the help of Jonas Parker, foreman of Brewster's farming empire. Jonas knows only too well that the truth may not be what Abby expects.But neither of them can anticipate the secrets they're about to uncover. Secrets that threaten to shatter everything they've ever believed about themselvesand each other.

Simon Brewster wants me to find his daughter.
What daughter? Jonas stared incredulously at Abby. The old man doesnt have a daughter. Hes using you because of his own agenda. Brewster does things for his own weird reasons and nine times out of ten, someone gets hurt. Go back to Dallas and forget about him.
I cant, she whispered, and felt chills run up her spine. She thought of all the years her father had worked for Simon Brewsterall the hard work and loyal service Abe Duncan had given Brewster, only to be tossed aside like an old shoe. And the rumorsBrewster had promised to tell her the truth if she found his daughter. I have to clear my fathers name.
But Jonas wasnt ready to accept her answer. What if you find out that your father did the things people say he did?
No! She shook her head. You knew my father. How can you even say it?
Jonas took a step closer. Because when you start digging into the past, youd better be able to handle the consequences.
Dear Reader,
You need to go. Thats what my brother J.O. said to me when he was drilling water wells in the Rio Grande Valley. He talked about the large fields of agricultural crops growing there, the Mexican laborers, the seasonal workers and the poverty across the Rio Grande River. The more he talked, the more questions I asked. I could definitely feel a story coming on.
You have to go, he kept insisting. So my husband and I headed for the border. Id been to Mexico years ago, but this time it was more vivid and real. I looked at the contrast between Texas and Mexico through the eyes of a writer, and a story emerged that I hope you will enjoy.
Abby and Jonas are two very different people, and it took me a while to sort through the trails of their lives. I hope you will find these characters and the area as absorbing as I have. If you do, you will go there, tooif only in On the Texas Border.
Thanks for reading my books.
Linda Warren
You can always reach me at P.O. Box 5182, Bryan, TX 77805, or e-mail me at LW1508@aol.com

On the Texas Border
Linda Warren

To my brothers
James Otto Siegert, Bobby Louis Siegert
and Paul William Siegert. Thanks for the love and
encouragement. As we grow older, I hope we continue
to grow together instead of apart and that we always
remember the sense of family our parents instilled in us.
And to the man who went with me to the RWA conference
in New Orleans without one complaint
my husband, Billy Warren, my Sonny.

J.O. Siegert, Tammy and Rodrigo Medina and all the people who answered my endless questions about Texas and Mexico with such patience. Any errors are strictly mine.


LOOK AT THAT, ABIGAIL, Simon Brewster said as he stood at the huge windows overlooking the Rio Grande Valley. It all belongs to meas far as the eye can see.
Are you proud of that? Abigail Duncan asked, scribbling notes on a pad while a tape recorder picked up his voice. She was writing Mr. Brewsters memoirs. The eighty-year-olds life had been turbulent and fascinating, and she didnt want to miss a word.
Youre damn right I am, he told her in his gruff voice. If youve ever known poverty like I have, youll make sure you never have to live like that again. He paused, then added, I was nine years old when my father died and my mother and me had to work the fields to make a living. It was during the Depression and there were a lot of days when all we had to eat was bread and honey. I vowed that one day my mother would never have to work again. She was the only person I ever really loved until
She waited for his next words, but none were forthcoming. She glanced up to see him staring out the window and realized he was lost in another time. She doodled on the pad, knowing he wouldnt speak until he was ready. Shed been working on his life story for a month and she had come to know his moods.
Her pencil stilled as her mind drifted. Shed returnedafter a bitter divorceto Hope, Texas, her childhood home. Shed lived here until shed left for college. After getting her degree, shed moved to Dallas and joined a large newspaper as a reporter.
She had been home two days when Simon Brewster had asked her to write his memoirs. The request had come as a shock because thered been bad feelings between her family and Mr. Brewster for the past year. Her father had worked for Brewster Farms for thirty-five years, then suddenly Mr. Brewster had fired him. Her father said he hadnt been given a reason for the firing, but the rumor that had circulated around the small town was that Abe Duncan had been caught embezzling funds. That had angered Abby and shed wanted to find out the truth. But then her father became ill, and Abby had spent her time at home helping her mother to care for him. Nine months later he died. Shed loved her father, and had been devastated by his death. Her mother blamed Mr. Brewster. So did Abby.
When Mr. Brewster offered her the job, shed turned him down. She had no intention of writing his life story. But then she began to see it as an opportunity to uncover the truth. She knew Abe Duncan had not embezzled a dime, so why had Mr. Brewster fired him after so many years of loyal service? It was time to get some answers. Her mother was adamantly against the idea, but Abby was a reporter, and she had to clear her fathers name.
So far she hadnt been able to bring up the subject. The more Mr. Brewster talked about his life, though, the less she hated him. She didnt understand that, but it didnt change her mission.
Feeling uncomfortable, she brushed a speck from her denim skirt, straightened her white knit top and studied the elderly man at the window. He was a formidable character. His gray hair was short and stuck out in all directions. She didnt think he ever combed it. She remembered that from her childhood. When shed see him in town, his hair was always disheveled, giving him a wild appearance, and all the kids gave him a wide berth. She wasnt a child anymore, but Mr. Brewster was still intimidating. The thought brought her back to the memoirs. She checked her notes to refresh her memory.
Until what? she prompted.
Until my son was born, he muttered. Abby knew better than to ask about his wife because shed already learned that Mr. Brewster had married her for her land. It wasnt a love match. The son was a different matter, and Abby was reluctant to talk about him. Hed been killed in an auto accident when he was thirty-one years old. Marjorie, Mr. Brewsters wife, had grieved herself to death, and for the past twenty years, Mr. Brewster had been a hard and embittered man.
I made people pay for his death and I will make them pay until the day I die. Vengeance is mine and always will be, he said in a tone that sent goose bumps up her arms.
She swallowed and asked, But wasnt it an accident?
Drunk teenagers, thats what it was, he roared. They were jealous of my son and his money and they dared him to a race that night. My son was never one to back down from a dare, but liquor and high speed dont mix. I will continue to seek retribution for their callous behavior.
Back then Abby had been only a child, but she remembered the accident. Her parents had talked about how sad it was. The whole town had mourned. But shed thought there were no survivors.
Didnt the crash kill everyone? she asked into the silence.
Not everyone. A sinister smile tugged his lips. The boys left families, and I made sure those families never worked in Hope, Texas, again. They raised killers and they should be shunned as killers.
Abby swallowed again. This was the side of Simon Brewster everyone had warned her aboutthe ruthless side.
She glanced at her watch and noticed the time. Mr. Brewster, its almost five-thirty, she said. Ive got to go. I promised Mom Id be on time for supper.
Simon Brewster turned from the window. Were just getting started, he grumbled.
Abby glanced at him as she stuffed papers and the recorder into her carryall. They went through this every day. He never wanted her to leave. Abby recognized he was lonely. For a man who had so much, he had so little. Hope, Texas, was known as Brewsters valleymiles and miles of fertile land in the Rio Grande Valley between Texas and Mexico. The land yielded vegetables and fruits that were sold all over the United States. Simon Brewster was a very rich man, yet he had no family, except distant relatives who were just waiting for him to die. Everyone said hed got what he deservedand maybe he had. When shed agreed to write his story, the same people told her she was crazy, and she probably was.
As a child, shed ridden her bicycle past his mansion with the wrought iron gates. The house was built of white stone and had a red tile roof. Although shed lived most of her life in Hope, shed never been inside the house until four weeks ago. It was exactly the way she had thought it would beelegant and tasteful with a Mexican flavor.
Today they were in his bedroom because Mr. Brewster had been having chest pains, and the doctor had ordered him to take things easy. The room was awesome and the four-poster bed had a headboard, with intricate Mexican carvings, that almost reached the ceiling. A luxurious bathroom and adjoining sitting room gave a sense of space and elegance, but the floor-to-ceiling windows with their spectacular view took pride of place. From his bedroom, Mr. Brewster could see everything that went on at Brewster Farms.
Few people liked Simon Brewster, but most of the town depended on Brewster Farms for a living, so they put up with his bad attitude and bad moods. Just as her father had done. Abe Duncan had never hurt anyone. He didnt deserve what had happened to him. No matter how involved Abby became in Mr. Brewsters life, she never forgot that fact. She would find out the truthmaybe not today, but soon.
Ill be back tomorrow, Abby said, when she realized her mind was wandering.
A shaggy eyebrow shot up in annoyance. Every time Im in a mood to talk, you have to run off. Cant your mother wait?
Before she could form a suitable reply, there was a knock at the door.
Come in, Mr. Brewster called crossly.
Jonas Parker stepped into the room. Jonas was the manager of Brewster Farms. He answered only to Mr. Brewster.
Howdy, maam, he said to Abby as he removed his hat, and her toes curled into her shoes. His voice was low and deep and seemed to come from the depths of his broad chest. Jonas Parker exuded raw sensuality.
His light brown hair was bleached blond by the sun. It was parted on the side, and a lock fell across his forehead when he wasnt wearing his hat. His features were masculine and well-defined; his eyes, a clear brown. He was well over six feet, and his body was firm and strong as if he knew what hard work was all about. He wore a chambray shirt, sleeves rolled up to the elbows and faded jeans that emphasized his long legs.
Her stomach tingled with excitementjust as it had when she was sixteen and Brad Hazelton, two years older than her and popular in school, had asked her out. She was appalled at her reaction. She had sworn off men, love and marriage. Evidently her body hadnt gotten the message.
Jonas walked to Mr. Brewster and handed him a clipboard. Here are the orders for tomorrow, he said. Twenty eighteen-wheelers will arrive in the morning. Well have them packed and out of here by five.
Jonas was precise. Thats probably the second thing she had noticed about him. He said by five and he meant it. Jonas Parker was a man of his word. For the life of her she couldnt figure out why she found so many of his qualities attractive. Her hormones were out of whack, she told herself. Time to get out of here.
Mr. Brewster signed the papers. What vegetables are we shipping?
Yellow squash, carrots, onions and the last crop of cantaloupes.
You see the jobs done on time.
Dont I always?
Yeah, I guess. You dont give me much to gripe about.
Jonas took the clipboard from him. Im sure youll find something.
Youre damn right I will, Mr. Brewster snarled. You work for me, boy, and I expect loyalty and
Ill see you tomorrow, Abby interrupted, not wanting to sit through one of their many arguments. The two men seemed to hate each other, and Abby didnt understand why Jonas continued to work for a man who always tried to belittle him. Of course, Jonas gave as good as he got. And she doubted if anyone could truly belittle Jonas Parker. He was too much of a man.
Run off. Mr. Brewster waved a hand. You always do that when Im on a roll.
Abby slipped out the door without another word. She hoisted her carryall over one shoulder and her purse over the other. She hurried down the winding staircase, eager to get home. A door slammed loudly, and she jerked around them. Her purse slid from her shoulder to the floor, its contents spilling onto the Mexican tile. She hurriedly picked up her wallet, keys and lipstick, and as she reached for a tampon that had rolled away, a masculine hand, lightly covered with brown hairs, retrieved it.
She straightened to stare at Jonas, and her knees wobbled. A musky, masculine scent filled her nostrils, and her cheeks turned red as he handed the tampon to her. She managed a weak Thank you. She crammed it in her purse, expecting him to walk on. He never had a conversation with her. He greeted her politely, but that was it.
Havent you got anything better to do than listen to an old mans ramblings?
The attacking words startled her. She slung her purse over her shoulder in a quick movement. Ramblings? Its his life story. Id hardly call that ramblings. Her voice was cool, belying the heat building in her.
But how much of it is true?
Again, she was startled by the question, but didnt allow her puzzlement to show on her face. All of it, she responded. Its his life so I assume
He cut her off. Never assume anything about Brewster. Hes asked you to write his memoirs for a reason, and you can bet it has nothing to do with his desire to let the world read about his remarkable life. With that, Jonas walked past her and out the front doors.
It took a moment for Abby to catch her breath, then she quickly followed. If he thought he could throw that at her and leave her standing like an idiot, he had another think coming.
She caught him on the front steps. What did you mean by that? she demanded.
He swung around to face her, the clipboard in his hand. Are you naive, or what?
I am not naive, she replied sharply. Shed been away to college, lived and worked in a big city, gotten married and been through a divorce. At thirty, she was anything but naive.
Youre from Hope. Surely youve heard the stories about Simon Brewster.
Yes, Ive heard the rumors, she said stiffly.
She was standing on the top step and looking down at him, which gave her the advantage she needed, since she was five foot three and he towered over her. He took a step up and they were at eye level. His eyes delved into hers.
Everything youve heard about Brewster is true. Nothing is exaggerated or blown out of proportion. Its all true.
She shrugged lightly. Im writing his memoirs, thats all.
His eyes narrowed. After what he did to your father, why would you want to do that?
You knew my father? she asked hoarsely.
He looked surprised. Youre supposed to be a reporter and you couldnt figure that out? he quipped sarcastically, and she bit down on her tongue to keep from saying something shed regret.
She knew her father had worked with Jonas. His question had thrown her off balance.
We worked together for years, he went on. Abe was an honorable, decent man, and Brewster shattered him like a piece of glass. Brewster didnt flinch while he was doing it, either, and he never gave your father a second thought.
Abbys stomach tightened in pain, but it didnt keep her from noticing the insinuations in Jonass voice. Did he know something?
Why did he fire my father? she asked quietly.
Jonas shook his head. Dont know. Brewster uses people for his own means, and hes doing the same with you.
Jonas was wrong about that. Abby was using Mr. Brewster for her own purposes. What would his reasons be? she managed to say, trying not to show how his words affected her.
Jonas shook his head again. Dont know.
Abby shifted her weight to her other foot. Sounds to me like youre making accusations without any proof. What are you afraid of?
He didnt respond, just stared at her with guarded eyes.
Her journalists instincts kicked in. Are you afraid I might find out something about you?
He took another step up and loomed over her with barely controlled anger. I hope you find something on mesomething that will get me out of this god-forsaken place and away from Simon Brewsterforever.
With that, he turned and took the steps two at a time. He got into his white truck with the Brewster Farms logo on the door. The door slammed with a deafening sound, and he sped down the driveway to the gates.
Abby held on to the iron railing that curved to the bottom of the steps. Her insides were a hard knot of nerves. Shed been wishing that Jonas would talk to her, but not this way. He was rude and accusing. He made her feel as if shed betrayed her father. That was the last thing shed intended. She was going to get justice for her fatherone way or the other. And she didnt need Jonas Parkers interference.

AS ABBY DROVE to her mothers house, her mind was a jumble. Shed believed that writing Mr. Brewsters memoirs would be easy. Hed talk and shed write, then theyd discuss her father. But so many other emotionsand peoplewere interfering. People like Jonas. In her job as a reporter, shed come up against men like him. The strong, silent types, who never wanted to talk or share emotionally. She was always uncomfortable around them. She had to admit, though, she wasnt a really great judge of men. Just look who shed chosen to marry.
Shed met Kyle at the paper. He was fun, loving and caringand hed swept her off her feet. Within three months they were married. They were happy for a while, but then she noticed he was drinking to excess. She didnt worry too much because they were both dealing with a lot of stress at work. She began to get bigger assignments and awards for her writing. Kyle became jealous and bitter, and Abby began to turn down stories because her achievements angered him so much.
He wanted a child, and she told him that they had to work on their marriage first. She wouldnt bring a baby into a home that was fraught with tension. That only increased his anger. His drinking got worse, and he started staying out late. Then he was fired from the paper. That brought matters to a head. Kyle blamed her for everything that was wrong in his life. He became so enraged one night that he hit her. She packed her things and left. The next day she filed for divorce.
Kyle began calling and showing up on her doorstep, wanting to reconcile, but he had destroyed any feelings shed ever had for him. She had no intention of ever going back. He harassed her for weeks until she had to get a restraining order. Finally, the divorce was granted, and she headed home to heal.
She forced the depressing thoughts from her mind as she parked behind her mothers car and hurried into the house.
Gail Duncan sat at the kitchen table, flipping through a magazine. Youre late, she said, not looking at her daughter.
Abby got the message. Her mother was upset. She dropped her purse and carryall by the refrigerator and kissed her mothers cheek. Im sorry. Things ran long today.
Her mother was in her late fifties and still an attractive woman, with her short, neat graying hair and trim figure. She didnt answer or look up as Abby spoke, just turned a page with a jerky movement.
Abby sat next to her and took her hand in hers. Mom, you know why I took this job, so be patient with me.
Her mother glanced at her, her green eyesso like Abbysswimming with tears. I dont like you anywhere near that man.
I know, Mom, but I have to find out what happened with Daddy, and Im getting close. I think Mr. Brewster will tell me.
Her mother squeezed her hand. Dont you trust Simon Brewster for a minute.
Jonas had said almost the same thing. But she wouldnt think about him and his insulting words.
I wont, Abby assured her. But there has to be a reason he fired Daddy.
Your father never would say. He said to forget about it, that he was tired of working for Brewster, anyway. Then he found out about the cancer and Her voice cracked.
Its all right, Abby said softly. Its time to get on with our lives. But before I can do that, I need to have some answers.
Her mother got up. You were always like thatneeding to know the who, when, where, what and how about everything. She took lasagna out of the oven and brought it to the table. Setting it on a hot pad, she added, I guess thats what makes you a good reporter. But, she continued wistfully, sometimes you have to let go.
Abby stood and kissed her. Ill try, but right now Im so hungry, especially for your lasagna. Ill wash up and be right back.
She ran to the bathroom, hoping she was doing the right thing about Simon Brewster. She knew her mother was worried that Mr. Brewster was going to hurt her the way hed hurt her father. Funny, but Jonas seemed to feel the same way. Stop thinking about him, she admonished herself.
Maybe she should forget about the memoirs and let go of the past, like her mother had said. No, she couldnt. She had to know. She washed her hands, then stared at herself in the mirror. Her natural blond hair was in disarray around her shoulders and her green eyes lacked their usual sparkle. She looked awful. Had Jonas noticed? Probably, she thought, answering her own question. He wasnt blind. But then, why should she care? A man was the last thing she needed in her life. Besides Jonas wasnt interested in her in any way, shape or form. And that was a good thing.
Wasnt it?

JONAS LEFT HIS OFFICE and walked through the big metal building that housed the offices of Brewster Farms. Juan, one of the warehouse employees, tried to stop him.
Mr. Jonas, I
Handle it, Juan, Ill be back later, Jonas threw over his shoulder as he made his way to his truck, which was parked out back.
In less than five minutes he pulled up in front of Micks Tavern in town. He got out of the truck and went inside. The place was a divepeanut shells littered the worn floor, a jukebox hummed in a corner and a Mexican couple necked at a table that could have used a good cleaning. Jonas came here often to unwind. God, he needed to unwind today. That Duncan woman was beginning to get to him.
Coke and peanuts, he said to Mick, who stood behind the bar. Jonas and Mick were old friends. Mick had been there for him when no one else hadnot even his own parents. In fact, Jonas thought, Mick was probably the only person whod cared about him when he was a kid.
Mick had married a Mexican woman, and theyd settled in this small border town so his wife could be close to her family. Mick was a die-hard Texan with rough edges and a spit-in-your-eye attitude. He was equally at home with the locals and the Mexicans. Everyone knew that Mick was a good man to turn to in times of trouble. He had helped many other people as well as Jonas.
Not all of Micks endeavors were on the up-and-up, though. Even as a kid Jonas had figured that out. A brothel was illegal in Texas, yet Mick operated one in plain sight of the sheriff and the town. Jonas knew that Mick had some sort of arrangement with the sheriff. For a certain amount of money, the sheriff turned a blind eye. A lot of illegal activitydrugs, prostitution, smugglingwent on in this town, yet nothing was ever done about it. Brewster was the only one who could put a stop to itand he chose not to.
Illegal immigration was also a big problem. No matter how tight the security, Mexicans always managed to find a way to get across the Rio Grande undetected. It was routine for illegals to show up at Brewster farms wanting work. Brewster had always hired them, and Jonas continued that practice. If they proved to be good workers, he tried to help them get a Green Card so they could continue to work without fear of being caught. It was a lengthy process, but worth waiting for. Many extended familiesparents, brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts and cousinscame to work for Brewster. Once here, they usually stayedonly going home for visits.
Some went farther into Texas or other states. It made Jonas sick when he heard of illegals dying from heat, exhaustion and thirst while hiding from the border patrol. Then there were the coyotesas the Mexicans called themwho smuggled illegals across the border for a price and transported them deeper into Texas. They jammed as many people as they could into a concealed truck. If the Mexicans didnt die from suffocation, and if the driver managed to slip through the checkpoints without suspicion, they had a ticket to freedom. It was a roll of the dice and the Mexicans took it.
Jonas remembered the first time he had helped to burn the sugarcane for harvesting. Three bodies were found huddled together. No identification, nothing on them, and everyone knew they were illegals. Unfortunately, it was something that happened too often. When Jonas took over Brewster Farms, he warned the Mexicans when the cane was going to be burned. He wanted the word spread on both sides of the border. He then had Juan use a foghorn and circle the fields, informing everyone in Spanish that the burning was about to begin. So far he hadnt had to witness such an awful scene again.
During peak season, temporary Mexican laborers came by the busload with a special pass to work. They couldnt go farther than twenty-five miles from the border and they had to return to Mexico at night. It was a good arrangement and it helped everyone. In the winter months, seasonal workers came from up north to avoid the bad winters. The trailer park was a hive of activity during that time. Some workers came regularly and a reunion took place every year. All in all, everyone got along. Everywhere there was Mexican music mixed with country.
Mick slid an iced cola can and a bowl of roasted peanuts across the bar. Jonas took them and sat at one of the tables, propping his feet up on a chair. He took a swig of the cola and began to break the peanut shells.
Mick came over to the table. A white apron covered his large form. He chewed on a cigar. He never lit the thing, but he always had one in his mouth. Why do you come in here, Jonas? You never buy any liquor or make use of my girls.
I dont drink and I dont need to pay for sex, Jonas said, popping a peanut in his mouth. He glanced at Mick. You got a problem with that?
Mick held up his hands. No problem. Just bad for business. In the old days I couldnt keep you outta here.
Jonas removed his worn hat and plopped it on the table. The old days, Mick? Ive forgotten what the hell they were like.
No, you havent, Mick said, pulled up a chair and rolled the cigar to the other side of his mouth. You made a mistake. You were young. Now its time to say adios to all that.
Jonas ran his thumb over the sweat on the cold can. Yeah, if only it were that easy.
Brewster cant control you forever, Mick told him. Not unless you let him.
Jonas looked at his friend.
Youve paid your dues, Mick added forcefully.
Jonas went back to rubbing his thumb over the can. He didnt want to talk about Brewster or the past. It was over, but his dues would never be paid, not until
Mick caught that stubborn look and changed the subject. I got two illegals over at my place. Theyre scared but they need work.
How old are they?
Mick sighed. Why do you always have to ask that?
Because Im not working kids.
Mick chewed on the cigar. Theyre both sixteen.
You wouldnt lie to me, would you? Mick knew that sixteen was the youngest age that Jonas would allow.
I havent lied to you since you were eight years old. I told you the truth even when it hurt.
He had. Mick had always been straight with him, so there was no reason to doubt him. Jonas had a strict rule about children. He refused to work them. Brewster gave him enough leeway to enforce it.
Send them over, he said. I think theres a couple of beds in a trailer. Make sure theyre aware of the rulesno liquor or drugs on the premises. As long as they behave, theyll have a safe place to work. Tell them to ask for Juan and fill out papers, and they can start work tomorrow.
Thanks, Jonas, Mick said. How about another Coke?
Sure, why not.
On his way to the bar, Mick asked, Whats Brewster got you in a snit about today?
Its not Brewster.
Mick set another can in front of him. Then, it has to be a woman.
Jonas took a swallow. Women, Mick? How in the hell do you figure them out?
I dont. I just enjoy them.
Jonas laughed. Thats very good advice.
Then, why the hell dont you take it?
Jonas didnt answer. Mick wouldnt understand, anyway. Jonas tipped his head back and drank thirstily.
Mick watched him for a moment. Why dont you get on your Harley and head for parts unknown. What the hell can Brewster do?
Jonas pushed hair away from his forehead. In my dreams, Mickonly in my dreams.
Neither spoke for a moment, then Mick said, Is this about the pretty Duncan woman whos been hanging around the Brewster mansion? Shes a nice piece of
Jonas stopped him. Dont talk trash.
Then, it is about Abigail Duncan.
Brewsters using her, and I cant figure out why.
Its not your business, is it?
Jonas gulped down more cola. No, but
But what? Youre concerned for her?
No, dammit. She needs to get her ass back to Dallas where she belongs.
Mick chuckled. Or maybe she belongs in your bed.
Jonass eyes narrowed on Mick. Is that all you ever think about?
Mick chuckled again. Its good business and its why youre so wound up. You cant get the Duncan woman out of your head.
Jonas twisted the can. Your dime-store psychology stinks.
But Im right, aint I? Mick said gleefully. Take the woman to bed and get her out of your system. That will solve the problem, and youll definitely be in a better mood.
Jonas stood, laid some bills on the table, picked up his hat and walked out. Mick was wrong, he told himself. He didnt want to take Abigail Duncan to bed.
Liar! resounded a voice in his head. Okay, she was attractive with her blond hair, green eyes and knockout body, he admitted, but she was a career woman with a divorce behind her. He didnt need someone like that. His life was messed up enough the way it was.
On the way back to the office, Jonas decided Mick was out of his mind. He also decided he would stay out of Ms. Duncans life. Hed warned her. Now she could do whatever the hell she wanted.

THE RINGING OF THE TELEPHONE woke Abby at two in the morning. She groped for the receiver and brushed hair out of her eyes at the same time. Hello, she mumbled.
Ms. Abigail Duncan?
This is Hope Medical Center. Mr. Simon Brewster has had a heart attack, and hes asking for you.
Abby scooted into a sitting position. Is he all right?
Hes still alive, if thats what youre asking, and he wants to see you.
Me? Why?
Ive just been instructed to call you.
Oh. Mr. Brewster wanted to see her. She wasnt part of his family. Maybe it had something to do with the memoirs.
Ms. Duncan?
Are you coming?
Iuh She hesitated for a moment, then added, Ill be right there.
Abby hung up the phone wondering if shed made the right decision. Her mother wouldnt like this, but the man was probably dying. Abby had to see him. She dressed hurriedly in jeans and a knit top. Luckily the phone hadnt woken Gail. Abby made her way out the back door and to her car. Within minutes she was parking in front of the small hospital.
Mr. Brewster was in ICU, and Abby was shown into a waiting area. Three people were sitting in the small room. Abby recognized them immediately. They were Mr. Brewsters so-called family. Edna Kline, tall and heavyset, was Mr. Brewsters sister-in-law. His wifes sister. She had been at Mr. Brewsters house several times while Abby was working on the memoirs. Edna always had her son, Jules, in tow. In his fifties, Jules was short and thin, very unlike his mother. He didnt seem to have a job. Abby knew that Mr. Brewster supported them.
The other person was Darby, a cousin who turned up when he needed money. He was in his sixties and traveled a lotmostly at Mr. Brewsters expense.
What are you doing here? Edna asked cattily, her ample bosom heaving as she got to her feet.
Mr. Brewster asked to see me, Abby answered, feeling as if it was none of Ednas business.
Whatever for? Darby asked. Youre just someone who works for him.
As he walked closer, she got a whiff of his breath. The man had been drinking.
Youll have to ask Mr. Brewster, she replied evenly.
Have you got your eye on Uncle Simons money? Jules asked nastily.
Before Abby could respond, Edna moved close to her. Let me tell you something, missy. Take your little notepad and tape recorder and get the hell away from Simon.
Ms. Duncan, a nurse called from the doorway. Mr. Brewster will see you now.
What? Edna choked. Weve been waiting much longer than she has.
The nurse stepped into the room. Mr. Brewster asked that you all go home. He only wants to see Ms. Duncan.
Thats ridiculous, Edna hissed. Were his family. She pointed at Abby. Shes nothing.
Im sorry, the nurse said. Those are Mr. Brewsters wishes.
Well, I never. Edna expelled a long breath and sank heavily into a chair.
Abby followed the nurse out the door, but not before she heard Jules say, We have to put a stop to this.
Oh God, Abby thought. She didnt want to be here and she was certainly no threat to them.
The nurse showed her into a darkened room. Mr. Brewster lay in the bed, hooked to machines and oxygen. His skin was pale, his breathing shallow.
Come in, Abigail.
His voice sounded strong enough. She stepped closer to the bed. You wanted to see me?
Yes, Im glad you came.
She didnt know what to say, so she said nothing.
His fatigued brown eyes stared at her. Dont look so scared, Abigail. Im not dead yet.
II She wasnt scared, but words wouldnt come. The room, the machines and the hospital reminded her of her fathers last days. Hed been in excruciating pain and his heart had been filled with sorrowmostly caused by this man.
I have a favor to ask of you. His voice penetrated her troubled thoughts.
She found her voice. If its about the memoirs
He stopped her. No, it isnt.
Abby swallowed. What is it, then?
He took a ragged breath. Many years ago I had an affair with a Mexican girl who worked in my house.
Abby was taken aback by the statement. She had expected to hear a lot of things, but this wasnt one of them. She forced herself to listen.
She had a child, a girl, whom I refused to acknowledge as my daughter. She left and returned to Mexico with the baby. I dont deserve anything from them, but I have to see my daughters face before I die.
Abby shook her head. Im not sure how this concerns me.
I want you to find my daughter, was his shocking reply.
You heard me.
Mr. Brewster, Im not a detective. You need a private investigator.
No. He shook his head. They would drag this out for money and leak tidbits to the papers. I wont have that. Youre a reporter. You can do this. The mothers name is Delores Alvarez. Jonas has all the information on her in his files. Hell go with you.
A man moved from the shadows, and until that moment, Abby hadnt even realized Jonas was in the room.
Im not going, Jonas said tersely. I already told you that.
Youll do what I tell you to do, Mr. Brewster roared, his face turning red in anger.
Calm down, Mr. Brewster, the nurse ordered.
Mr. Brewster took a couple of deep breaths. I own you, Jonas, he murmured. Remember that.
Abby wondered what the old man meant, but didnt have time to ponder it. She could see that Jonas wasnt backing down. A full-fledged argument was about to erupt.
Mr. Brewster, Im not searching for your daughter, she told him before the situation got out of control. I wouldnt even know where to start. There are reputable people who can help you. Besides, you should concentrate on getting better and
You have to do it, he breathed heavily. Youre a woman close to her age. Shell listen to you. Tell her Im sorry. I just want to see her. Thats all.
Abby inhaled deeply, trying to understand this strange request. Mr. Brewster, I cant, but
No, he cut in, took a breath, then asked, Why did you agree to write my memoirs?
Thrown by the question, Abby chewed on the inside of her lip, searching for the right words. Her motive was not altruistic, and she had difficulty telling him that. She didnt understand why. Mr. Brewster had hurt her father, so she shouldnt worry about his feelings.
Whats the matter, Abigail? he taunted. You think the truth will hurt me?
Nothing touches me anymore. My heart is like a rock. Im not sure whats keeping me alive.
I keep wondering the same thing, Jonas slipped in.
You see, Abigail, Jonas knows me, and he keeps waiting for me to draw my last breath. Not because hes after my money but because he wants his freedom. But he will never be free of menot even when I die.
Abby threw up her hands. Okay, Ive had enough. This is getting weird, and Im not getting involved. She turned toward the door.
You agreed to write my memoirs to get information about your father.
She swung around, her eyes huge in her pale face.
What? He lifted an eyebrow. You think I didnt know?
Abby swallowed hard. She felt as if she were a puppet and he were pulling her strings, manipulating her. She didnt like that feelingnot one little bit.
Heres the deal, Abigail Duncan, he went on. You want something, and I want something. Lets hammer out the details.
You think you can manipulate me?
His eyes stared into hers. Yes, he answered. And Ill tell you why. Youre a reporter and you need to clear Abe Duncans name. Im the only one who can do that. He paused, then added with a touch of cynicism, Or the town can go on believing the rumors.
Blood began to pound through her numb body with exhilarating speed. Youre a cruel old man, she said angrily. How can you be so
Enough, he ordered briskly. Whats it going to be?
Thoughts ran riot in her head. This was what shed been waiting forto hear the reason her father had been fired. She thought of all the years her father had worked for Simon Brewster, all the hard work and service he had given, only to be tossed aside like an old shoe. And the rumors. Abby would do anything to put an end to the rumors.
She raised her eyes to his. Lets hammer out the details, she said quietly.
Have you lost your mind? Jonas shouted.
She ignored him.
Good, Mr. Brewster said, as if Jonas hadnt spoken. I knew I could count on you.
Abby wrestled with her conscience. Could she do this? She didnt know a thing about finding people, and she didnt understand why he wanted her to find his daughter. There were so many other avenues. But hed given her no choice. Not if she wanted the truth.
All you have to do is go into Mexico and find Delores, Mr. Brewster was talking. Her family doesnt live far from the border. Theyll be able to tell you where she is.
If its that simple, anyone can do it, she reasoned.
Weve been through this. I want someone I can trust. Someone Delores can trust.
Are you sure you can trust me? she fired at him. After all, I am Abe Duncans daughter.
Touch, Abigail. He sighed with admiration. To answer your question, yes, I trust you implicitly.
Arent you the man who told me in his memoirs never to trust anyone?
Are you gonna pick at every little thing Ive said or are you going to help me?
She didnt want to help him or have any part in this bizarre mess. But she had to push aside her feelings and remember why she was doing this.
Why hasnt Delores come back before now? she asked. Wouldnt she want the best for her child?
I told her that if she ever came back, shed regret it, and she knew I meant what I said. Im not proud of the way I acted years ago, butnow that Im near death, I have this need to see my daughter. Shell be close to thirty, probably with a family of her own.
This was crazy, and when she heard herself say the words, she knew they were the craziest thing shed ever said. OkayIll try to find her.
I have your word.
Yes, you have my word.
Good, he said, and seemed to relax.
Why did you fire my father? she asked, holding her breath as she waited for the answer.
That sinister smile she was beginning to associate with him curved his blue lips. You dont think Im stupid, do you, Abigail?
No, of course not.
You find Delores, then well talk.
Frustration ran through Abby. She was closeso closebut she should have known better. Simon Brewster wasnt going to make this easy for her.
What if I dont find her?
You will.
You seem certain of that.
I know you, Abigail. You wont give up until you find her.
You dont know me, old man, she had the urge to say, but she didnt. She had to keep her emotions clear. How can I be sure youll tell me the truth when I find her?
You have my word.
Do you think Im stupid?
Mr. Brewster started to laugh, but it turned into a cough. The nurse immediately adjusted the oxygen. In a moment he was better.
You got fire, girl. Your father never had that.
Dont criticize my father, she snapped.
He ignored her words and asked, Do we have a deal?
No, not until I have some proof that you wont renege on your promise.
Mr. Brewster watched her closely. Ill leave a sealed letter concerning the information youre after with my attorney. When you return with my daughter, you can read the contents. Will that satisfy you?
Maybe, she answered. But I insist on seeing the letter and talking to your attorney.
No problem. Do we have a deal?
He wouldnt tell her a thing until he got what he wanted. It crossed her mind that hed been planning this all alongbut why her? Why had he chosen her to do this? It really didnt matter. She was going to do itfor her father.
Yes, we have a deal.
Good, he said, and started to cough again.
Jonas took her elbow and pushed her out the door. Hed obviously decided that was enough for her, for him, for everybody.
Youpromised. Brewsters voice followed them.
Are you serious? Jonas asked roughly, once they were in the hall. A daughter? My God, no one but you would believe that cock-and-bull story.
I have to find out about my father, she said stubbornly.
Your father was a good man. Why cant you just leave it at that?
Her eyes caught his in the dimness of the hallway. Im sure youve heard the rumors concerning my father.
What? He shrugged. That he embezzled money from Brewster?
The words spoken so cavalierly filled her with anger. My father never took from anybody. He always gave.
You brought it up, I didnt, he was quick to tell her. Besides no one believes that trash, anyway.
But theyve heard it, and its in their minds. I cant stand the thought of my father having that kind of epitaph. With that she headed for the elevator.
Jonas soon caught up with her. Ms. Duncan, just let it be.
I cant, she said, and poked the Down button.
Ms. Duncan, Simon Brewster lives by his own rules. It would be wise for you to go back to Dallasfar away from Brewster.
I cant, she said again, softly.
That ache in her voice threw Jonas. He was trying to remain detached from the situation, but the hurt in her eyes and the pain in her voice were making mincemeat out of that resolve.
They stepped onto the elevator in silence. Inside, Jonas tried again, Ms. Duncan
Please stop calling me Ms. Duncan, she snapped. My name is Abigail. Everyone calls me Abby. I would prefer it if you did the same.
Jonas had a hard time hearing anything she was saying. All he could see were her full lips moving, her eyes sparkling and her breasts pressing firmly against her blouse. Mick was right. Jonas wanted herright here, right now, in this elevator.
He was in big trouble.
The doors swished opened, and still Jonas didnt move or speak. She watched him with a perplexed expression, probably wondering what was wrong with him.
Jonas reached out to catch the doors as they started to close. The action brought him to his senses. He was acting like a schoolboy, and he was anything but that. Hed had his share of women. He accepted them as they came into his life, enjoying the time he spent with them and then moving on to someone else. From the start of every relationship, he made it clear that there was no future with him. He had screwed up his life when he was fifteen years old, and he wouldnt destroy anyone elses.
He sensed in his gut that Abigail Duncan wasnt a one-night stand or a casual affair. He avoided women like herwomen who wanted commitment, family and babies. He had to admit he was attracted to her, but he could handle that without
He suddenly realized she was waiting for an answer. Clearing his throat, he said, We wont be acquainted long enough for me to call you by your given name.
Her eyes narrowed to green slits. I dont care. Youre not calling me Ms. Duncan in that tone of voice. You make it sound like Im old enough to be your grandmother.
Jonas walked out of the elevator, and Abby followed him. God, she was relentless. She was a woman who never gave up or gave in. He was beginning to see that.
As they walked out into the coolness of the September night, he turned swiftlyand she almost collided with him.
All right, Abby, he said harshly. Are you satisfied?
No, not quite, Abby thought. Ms. Duncan was better than that angry tone. What was wrong with her? Why should she care what he called her? She had more important things to worry about.
As if reading her mind, he added, Youd better concentrate on Brewster, instead of worrying about what I call you.
She tucked hair behind her ear. Im sorry. I think Im getting a little crazy.
Ill second that, he quipped.
Do you always have to be so insulting, she snapped, tired of his rude remarks and insinuations.
There was a pause. Then he said, Listen, Abby
Oh God, her name sounded just the way she had known it wouldlow, sensual and spine-tingling good. All she wanted to do was taste that sound on his lips. She pulled herself together, trying desperately to steady her roller-coaster emotions. One minute she was low and the next high. What was happening to her? Why did Jonas Parker have this effect on her? She shook the question away.
Ive worked for Brewster for twenty years, and this is the first Ive heard of a daughter. My guess is, there isnt one.
Why would he lie? Why would he concoct this elaborate hoax?
Like I tried to tell you earlier, Brewster does things for his own weird reasons, and nine times out of ten someone gets hurt. Go back to Dallas, make up with your husband and forget Brewsters deal.
Stop saying that, she said heatedly. Im not going back to Dallas, and Im certainly not going back to my ex-husband.
Jonas took a long, patient breath.
I have to find out the truth, she added more calmly. Cant you understand that?
What if you find out that your father did embezzle money from Brewster?
What! she cried, feeling as if hed slapped her.
You heard me.
No. She shook her head. You knew my father. He wouldnt do that. How can you even say it?
He took a step closer. Because when you start digging into the past, youd better be able to handle the consequences.
She frowned, hearing a hint of a warning in his voice. A warning that indicated he might know more than he was saying. If you know something, tell me.
I dont. He sighed. Brewster didnt like your father, and your father wasnt all that crazy about Brewster. It was something personal between them, so just let it be.
I cant, she whispered, and felt chills run up her spine in apprehension of what lay ahead.
Dont go into Mexico to find this fictional daughter.
The breeze picked up and blew her hair across her face. She quickly tucked it behind her ear again, wishing she had the option of refusing and wishing even more that hed at least try to see this from her point of view. A siren wailed close by and a couple hurried past them, but neither Abby nor Jonas were in the mood to watch the activity around the hospital. They were too engrossed in each other.
I have to, she finally said.
A low grumble left his throat.
What does that mean? You dont think I can do it?
Ms. Duncan, Ive no doubt you can do anything you set your mind to. The words came out in that insulting way again, and it angered her.
I will, Mr. Parker, and I dont want your help, she told him. Ive been to Mexico many times. I dont need some rude, arrogant, insulting man to watch over me.
As the words left her mouth she wanted to take them back, but she couldnt. She was so infuriated at his attitude.
She couldnt see his face clearly in the moonlight, but she could feel his anger. She instinctively braced herself. She wasnt afraid of him because somehow she knew he wouldnt hit her. She wasnt certain how she knew that, but she did. Maybe it was her experience with Kyle. She was afraid of Kyle because he couldnt control his temper. Jonas had extreme control over everything in his life. Shed only met him a month ago, but intuitively she sensed certain traits about himlike that when he touched a woman it would be with affection and the utmost care. Right now he was angry with her and shed received the full brunt of that anger with several lashes from his tongue. But that was fine. She could give it right back to him.
I might be all those things, Ms. Duncan, he said in that infuriating tone. But I have enough sense to know a scam when I hear it. If you want to play games with Brewster, thats your business. Ive made my feelings clear on the whole situation and thats all I have to say. He turned into the September breeze and muttered, Night, maam, as he walked away.
Abby wanted to laugh and cry at the same time. Even though Jonas was angry with her, he still remembered his manners. Shed never met anyone like him before and she didnt think she ever would again. She inhaled the cool night air. She was very curious about Jonas Parker. Why did he put up with Brewsters ridicule and abuse? Why did he work for a man he seemed to hate? Mr. Brewster had said something about owning Jonas. What did that mean? Her reporters instinct was on full alert.
Oh, Jonas, you havent seen the last of me, she whispered under her breath as she made her way to her car.

WHEN ABBY GOT BACK to the house, she couldnt sleep. She tossed and turned and kept staring at the clock. At six, she grabbed the phone and called Dallas. She had to talk to her friend Holly.
Hello, a sleepy voice answered.
Holly, its Abby.
Do you know what time it is?
Yes, but youre always up early.
I was out late last night.
Date or assignment?
I should have guessed. Abby laughed.
What are you saying?
Im saying were both dedicated to our work.
Yeah, Holly said. But theres this new guy in accounting, and Ive got my eye on him. She yawned. Why are you calling so early?
I wanted to run something by you.
Okay, but Im not thinking too clearly just yet.
Abby and Holly had been friends since their freshman year in college, and later they had worked at the same newspaper, Abby as a reporter and Holly as a photographer. They lived in the same apartment complex and saw each other daily. Even after Abby had married, they remained close. Abby had told her about writing Mr. Brewsters memoirs and Holly had understood because she knew how much Abby had loved her father. Now Abby explained to her friend Mr. Brewsters odd request.
Wow, Holly said. This is totally out of the blue.
Yes, but Im going to do it, Abby answered, then asked, Do you think its crazy?
Not for you. I know how desperately you want to clear your fathers name. Just be careful.
I will, but Mr. Brewster thinks Jonas should go with me.
The guy with the muscles and unfriendly attitude.
Thats himthe man with dont touch written all over him.
Thats the way you want it, isnt it?
Of course was Abbys quick response.
Youre not saying that with too much enthusiasm. Are you attracted to this man?
Oh, please. She started to deny it, then stopped. Okay, Ill admit theres something there, but its purely sexual.
So indulge. Youve earned it.
For heavens sake, Holly, are you still asleep or what?
I must be or Id never suggest such a thing, hmm?
They both laughed.
If you have to do this, do it, but as I said before, be very careful. And if Brewster wants Jonas to go along, let him. What could it hurt? And dont give me that bull about not needing a man. Common sense overrules that notion.
Oh, Holly, its so good to talk to you.
So when are you coming back? Tanyas getting ticked off at her workload and Phil asked if you might return early.
Phil was her editor. Hed granted her a six-week leave of absence, and Abby was going to need every day of that to resolve things in Hope.
I dont think I can now, but Ill call Phil and explain.
Okay, and keep me posted on whats happening.
I will. Now go back to sleep.
Yeah, right.
After Abby hung up, she sat staring into space. At least Holly understood why she had to do this. But a tiny doubt lurked in the back of her mind. Was she doing the right thing? Yes, for her father she had to do it. She knew Mr. Brewster was manipulating her. She didnt need Jonas to tell her that. Still, she couldnt let it go. She had to find out the truth.
And now she had to find a way to tell her mother.

ABBY GOT UP and made her way to the kitchen. As she made coffee, her thoughts ran helter-skelter. Her mother would be upset. How should Abby handle this? Before she could form a plan, her mother walked into the kitchen in her pink flowered robe.
Youre up early, Gail said, and poured a cup of coffee.
I couldnt sleep, Abby replied.
Gail sat at the table. Youre still not worried that Kyle might come here, are you?
Abby shook her head and took a seat. Kyle was the furthest thing from her mind. When she first returned home, shed been afraid that he might follow her, but so far, nothing. Maybe Kyle had gotten on with his life. She hoped so because she had no intention of seeing him again.
I had this strange dream last night, her mother was saying. I thought I heard your car leaving and I tried to wake up, but I couldnt. It seemed so real.
Abby squirmed in her chair. God, did her mother have mental telepathy or what? When she was sixteen, she and a friend had skipped school and driven to Brownsville to stand in line for tickets to a rock concert. Somehow her mother had known. The principal hadnt called and notified her of Abbys absence. Her mother just knew by looking at her face. Surely Abby had matured and learned how to hide those guilty feelings. Maybe not, she conceded. Maturity was no match for her mothers intuition.
She took a sip of coffee. I did leave last night.
Her mothers hand stopped in mid-motion as she stirred sugar into her coffee. You did?
Where did you go?
To the hospital.
A worried look entered Gails eyes, and Abby hastened to reassure her. No, theres nothing wrong with me. Mr. Brewster had a heart attack, and a nurse at the hospital called and said he asked to see me.
Oh. Her mother leaned back. I guess he wanted to give you some important details on his memoirs.
No, it wasnt about the memoirs.
Then, why in the world would he want to see you in the middle of the night?
Abby fingered her cup. Mom, do you ever remember hearing about Mr. Brewster having an affair?
An affair? Gail almost choked. Good Lord, no. Whod sleep with that old fool?
Mr. Brewsters not the most handsome man in the world, but he does have money, and Im told thats a great aphrodisiac.
Her mother rose and hurried to the sink. Abigail, where do you get this nonsense? And what does it have to do with why you went to the hospital last night?
Abby drew a deep breath. Mr. Brewster says he has a daughter.
Gail whirled around with a shocked look on her face. A daughter?
Yes, he says he had an affair with a Mexican girl that worked in his house over thirty years ago. The girl took the baby and went back to Mexico. Mostly, because he forced her to.
What has this got to do with you? her mother asked stiffly.
Abby swallowed hard. He wants to see her before he dies, and he wants me to go to Mexico to find her.
You have to be joking.
Abby could hear the anger building in her mothers voice. Now, Mom, dont get upset until you hear everything I have to say.
Gail folded her arms across her chest. Im not sure I want to hear it.
Mom, Abby implored, hoping for some understanding.
No, Abby. Gail waved a hand through the air. Youve been on this crusade since your father died, and I know it has something to do with him. I justjust cant take anymore.
Mom. Abby jumped up and put an arm around her. Come, sit down and Ill explain.
Gail sat, and Abby faced her. Yes, its about Daddy.
Gail threw up both her hands. I knew it.
Listen to me, Abby begged. If I find his daughter, Mr. Brewster will tell me why he fired Dad.
Abby, Abby. Gail groaned in frustration.
Dont you want to know?
Gail looked directly at her. What good will it do? It wont bring him back.
Well know the truth, and no one can ever again say that Abe Duncan embezzled funds from Simon Brewster.
No one cares about that, but you.
Dont you care?
I want Abe to rest in peace.
But hes not. Cant you see that? Theres a cloud over his grave, and I wont stop until I clear his name.
Gail heaved a big sigh. I refuse to let you do this.
What? Abby drew back in disbelief.
I will not allow you to go into Mexico to find thisthis girl. Its crazy and dangerous.
Im thirty years old and I dont need your permission, Abby told her, though it took all her strength to say those words. She didnt want to hurt her mother, but this was Abbys choice.
Gail rose in a jerky movement. This is how Simon Brewster has you talking to your mother.
Mom, please try to understand.
Thats what Im asking of you, Abigail.
Abby took a long breath. I know youre worried and
Thats an understatement. Going to Mexico alone to findto find
Abby broke in. Mr. Brewster wants Jonas Parker to go with me. Abby had no idea why she said that. It just seemed to slip out.
Jonas Parker! Gail screeched so high, Abby feared the windowpanes were in danger of cracking.
Whats wrong with Jonas?
If you have to ask that question, then you havent learned anything by living away from home.
Whats wrong with Jonas? she persisted, wanting to get everything out in the open.
He lived on the streets when he was a kid. His parents were drunks and they didnt care where he was. Jonas has been in trouble with the law since he was eight years old. He wouldnt go to school. He wouldnt do anything he was supposed to. He was wild and rebellious, and I wont have my daughter associating with people like him.
Abby bit her tongue to keep words from tumbling out. She recognized that her mother was concerned, so she let the last remark pass. Jonas has a past. So what? He seems to have matured. He has a good job and hes responsible and dedicated. All the workers at Brewster Farms are crazy about him.
Especially the women, Gail said testily.
Abby inhaled deeply, knowing exactly what her mother was getting at. Yes, Ive noticed that Jonas has an animal magnetism that attracts women. But Im not looking for a man or that kind of relationship. After what Kyle did to me, Id just as soon coast for a while. The only thing Im interested in is finding Mr. Brewsters daughter so I can hear what he has to say about Daddy.
Brewster has agreed to tell you the truth? Gail asked in a disbelieving tone.
And you trust him?
No, but Ill make sure he keeps his end of the bargain.
Abby. Gail sighed. Nobody gets around Brewster. Hes in control at all times. If you think otherwise, youre fooling yourself.
Abby stood and kissed her moms cheek. I know what Im doing. Trust me. Now, Ive got to get dressed. She started to walk away.
Abby, Gail said.
Abby stopped.
Please dont get involved in this crazy scheme.
Abby let out a long regretful groan. Mom, dont do this to me.
What? Try to make you see sense? Im your mother. Thats what I do. But its never worked in the past, has it. Youve always been so headstrong, making quick decisions without considering the consequences.
Abby knew exactly what her mother was talking abouther quick decision to marry Kyle. Still, she couldnt give in to her mothers wishes. Something inside Abby wouldnt let the past go. She couldnt explain it to Gail. She couldnt even explain it to herself. All she knew was that she had made a deal with Simon Brewster and she had to keep it.
When Abby didnt speak, Gail entreated, Let it go, Abby. Just let it go.
Abby bit her lip, then said, Im sorry, Mom. I cant.

AN HOUR LATER Abby was on her way to her cousins office. Earl Turner was a lawyer, and she needed his help. Of course, shed have to talk him into it, which she hoped wouldnt take long.
Earl was the son of her mothers sister and five years older than Abby. They werent close, but they were family. Earl was the proverbial mamas boy. He had never married and still lived with his mother. People teased him that he got his law degree through correspondence school because his mother wouldnt allow him to leave home. In actual fact, hed commuted to college and now he was the only lawyer in this small town. She couldnt imagine why hed never broken free and gone to a bigger city, but then, understanding Earl wasnt one of her top priorities.
Before Abby could enter Earls office, her friend Brenda came out of her beauty shop next door. They embraced.
It was so good seeing everyone the other night, wasnt it? Brenda asked, referring to the school reunion. Abby had reluctantly attended. Brendas brown hair had blond highlights and hung in a soft style around her face, which enhanced her brown eyes.
Yes, it was, Abby admitted, glad she hadnt lost touch with her friends from high school.
I cant believe were all still around here. Youre the only one who ventured to the big city chasing that dream of yours.
Abby brushed her hair back. Well, the dream blew up in my face.
Youre not the first one of us to get a divorce. Candy, Deb and Miles have one behind them, and Barrys on wife number three. Luckily, Stuart and I are still together. Brenda and Stuart had been sweethearts since eighth grade and theyd married right out of high school. Brenda had gone to beauty school, and Stuart had taken a job at Brewster Farms.
Sometimes, just sometimes, Brenda continued, after a day in the shop and running kids here and there, then going home to cleaning and cooking, I wonder what it would be like to have a life like yours.
Abby smiled. Not nearly as fulfilling as yours. Being a wife and mother has to be very rewarding.
I tell myself that, but when Stuarts out with the guys or working late for Jonas, I get a little put out. Brenda glanced at her watch. Ive got to go. My youngest has an earache, and I have to get her to the doctor. You have to come and have dinner with us one night. You wont believe how the kids have grown.
I willjust call me.
Okay, Brenda shouted as she hurried to her van.
Abby stood for a moment lost in thought. There was something about coming home and seeing old friends that made one look back. No matter what choices shed made in life, those friends and times would always be a part of her. Like Brenda, she wondered what her life would have been like if shed made different decisions. She, too, had wanted to be a wife and mother, but only after she had established her career and was able to enjoy a family. Now, she wondered if it was too late.

ABBY WALKED SLOWLY into Earls office, which was two rooms in an old building on the main strip in downtown Hope. Not that Hope had much of a downtowna bank, grocery store, a couple of gas stations, a school, several churches and the clinic and hospital that Mr. Brewster had built with his own money so there would be some medical services in the area. Hope was just a stop in the road before the international bridge, but it was home.
There wasnt a secretary, so Abby went through to Earls office. He was in his chair reading a newspaper, his feet propped on the edge of his desk. The paper covered his face, but his bald head glistened under the fluorescent lights.
Good morning, Earl, she said brightly, and pulled a chair forward.
Earl swung his feet to the floor and laid the paper aside. Pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose, he replied, Abby, I was thinking of dropping by to see you.
You were? She was thrown for a second. Earl wasnt much of a conversationalist.
Yeah, I need a womans opinion.
On what?
He fidgeted with a pencil on his desk. WellI met this woman and ImIm crazy about her. All the while he talked he looked at the pencil, not at Abby.
Thats great, Earl.
Shyly, he raised his green eyes. You think so?
Earl. She sighed. Have you looked at your drivers license lately?
He frowned. What?
Look at the date of birth. It will tell you that youre way overdue for a serious relationship.
Aw, shucks, Abby, its not that simple.
Why not?
Because Mother doesnt know Ive been seeing Carol. She lives in McAllen and works for an attorney. Ive been helping him with legal matters in the valley, and Carol and Iwell, you know. His face actually glowed a vivid pink.
I dont see a problem, Abby said.
Mother doesnt know Ive been seeing her, he repeated.
Still dont see a problem.
Carol has a five-year-old daughter.
Big problem. Aunt Sybil was going to have a fit.
If you care for this woman and the child, tell Aunt Sybil and dont give her a chance to talk you out of it. Just do it, like the saying goes.
You see things so realistically, but Im all that Mother has and I
Earl, you talk as if Aunt Sybil is in her eighties. Shes fifty-nine and teaches school. She drives and plays bridge on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Its not like shes housebound and depends on you for everything.
And shes not alone. She has a brother, a sister and other relatives that live in Hope.
Yes, yes, she does. Earl was gaining confidence. She might even like Carol and her daughter.
Thats it, Earl, go for the brass ring or the gold ring or whatever the hell its called. Go for it.
He smiled weakly. Youre good for my ego.
She scooted forward. Good, because I came in here for a favor.
Need a lawyer, huh?
Something like that, she admitted, and told him what she wanted him to do. His eyes grew bigger and bigger, and any minute she thought they would pop out onto his desk. He finally pulled out a handkerchief and wiped sweat from his forehead.
I dont know, Abby, I dont like going against Brewster.
You wont be going against him, she assured him. Youll just be helping me.
I dont know.
I promise that Simon Brewster wont annihilate you.
You cant promise that.
Earl, just help me, okay? She couldnt keep the aggravation out of her voice.
Earl frowned, and she wanted to reach across the desk and smack him. Tell you what. She tried another tactic. If you help me with Mr. Brewster, Ill help you with Aunt Sybil.
Earl smiled his partial smile. That wont work, he told her. Since your divorce, Mother thinks youre a loose woman.
She almost screeched What! in that high-pitched voice shed heard her mother use earlier. But she immediately calmed herself. She didnt care what Aunt Sybil thought. She was a narrow-minded, spiteful person. But you do care, that little voice inside her whispered. A woman who had never failedwho had achieved everything shed ever wantedwas now a failure. It took a moment to recover, then her spirit came soaring back.
She wasnt a loose woman. Where had that come from? She opened her mouth to give Earl her scathing opinion, when he spoke.
Dont get all worked up.
Okay, Earl, you help me, and I wont rip out your mothers tongue by the roots.
Did anyone ever tell you that youre volatile?
Heavens, I wish I had some of your grit.
If you did, youd have a divorce behind you and an aunt who thinks youre loose.
He tried his smile again. All right, Ill help you, but if things get rough, Im gone.
Yeah, and I have a yellow stripe down my back to prove it.
Just keep your clothes on so no one will see it. She fished in her purse for her cell phone and called the hospital.
You make me smile, Abby.
Remember that and well get through this.
She talked to a nurse and told her to inform Mr. Brewster that she was on her way. She dropped the phone into her purse and glanced at Earl. Follow me to the hospital. Its show time.

JONAS STOOD AT THE FOOT of Brewsters bed, trying to figure out this man hed known for years, but he knew he was wasting his time. There was no figuring out Brewster.
What are you doing here? Brewster barked when he noticed him. Dont you have trucks to load?
Stuart and Juan are supervising the loading, and Perrys in the office until noon. He has that computer class this afternoon and tomorrow. They can handle things until I get back.
Brewster pushed a button and raised his bed slightly. A nurse immediately adjusted his pillow. Im not sure about Perry. He doesnt seem to be working out. Fire him and start looking for another accountant.
Jonas took a patient breath. He had been expecting this. It had been the pattern since Abe left. Jonas had decided he wasnt going through this again.
Im not firing Perry. Hes a good accountant, and hes returned to Hope with his family to be near his aging parents. He needs the job, and I trust him. Besides, you just paid for these computer courses.
Brewsters eyes narrowed. You take orders from meor have you forgotten?
Not for a minute, Jonas answered swiftly. If you want to fire Perry, youll have to do it yourself and also find someone to replace him. Im not doing it again.
Youre getting too big for your boots, boy.
You can always fire me.
Youd like that, wouldnt you, Brewster asked smugly. But its not gonna happen. He paused, then asked, So you trust this Perry?
Yes, Jonas replied.
Ill think about it was the response. Now, I want to talk about something else.
Unless its important, I want to get back to the loading docks.
Yes, dammit, its important. I want you to go with Abigail to Mexico.
Jonas gritted his teeth. I thought I made my position very clear on that subject.
Yes, you did, Brewster acknowledged sardonically. Now Im going to make mine clear. Bottom lineyoure going. You can buck it, fight it all you want, but youre going.
Jonas gritted his teeth harder. But they both knew hed give in. It was part of their agreement, and Jonas always tried to live up to his word. This time, though, it wasnt easy.
Brewster broke into his thoughts. Ive seen the way you look at her, Jonas. Shes a very nice-looking woman, and I dont want her crossing the border alone.
Jonas met Brewsters eyes. Abigail Duncan can take care of herself, he said in a hard tone.
Yes, yes, she can, Brewster acknowledged. But youre still going.
Jonass eyes never wavered. Then, why get her involved? I can find the girl on my own.
Dammit, Jonas, do you have to question everything I tell you? Brewster snapped. Abigail has to be there. Its the ending to my book, and I want her to witness it firsthand.
I see. Jonas sighed. Well, I guess that makes sense. Still
Go with Abigail and find Delores, and get back as fast as you can.
If he had to do this, Jonas reasonedand there didnt seem to be a way outthen he would at least get something out of Brewster. Im still not sure there is a daughter, Jonas said, but since you insist, Ill go on two conditions.
Dont try to bargain with me, Jonas.
Jonas continued. I want a raise for Stuart and Juan. They havent had one in two years. And Perry stays.
Brewster rubbed the metal bars on the bed. Is that it?
Thats it.
Dont you want a raise for yourself?
You pay me a good salary. I have no complaints.
There was a long pause. Jonas waited.
Finally Brewster said, Okay, consider it done, but I want you to stay until Frank, my lawyer, and Abigail get here.
This was too easy, Jonas thought. Brewster never gave in without an argument. What was he up to? Jonas didnt have a clue, so he concentrated on the positive side. If he could keep his accountant, it would be worth putting up with Ms. Duncan.
But he wasnt looking forward to it.

AS ABBY AND EARL walked down the corridor to Mr. Brewsters room, Abby could hear Earl breathing. She stopped to talk to him, then sighed. Earl, theres sweat on your brow.
He whipped out a handkerchief and mopped his face. Im sorry. Im nervous.
Theres no need to be, she assured him. All you have to do is read a piece of paper. Ill do all the talking.
Suits me fine.
I guess so.
Abby tapped on the door, and a nurse let them in. Mr. Brewster was in a special unit with round-the-clock private nurses. Today, in addition to the nurse and the patient, there were two other people in the room. A man she didnt recognize and Jonas.
As she stared into Jonass turbulent eyes, something kicked awake in her lower stomach. She knew exactly what it wasdesire. She had told her mother that she could coast along without those feelings, but when she looked at Jonas she felt as if she were falling into a void of pure need. Hell, maybe she was a loose woman.
Abigail, Im glad youre here. Mr. Brewsters voice brought her sanity back. This is Frank Foster, my attorney. Hes from McAllen.
Mr. Foster. Abby acknowledged the introduction at the same time that Mr. Brewster noticed Earl.
Turner, what are you doing here?
Earl is my attorney, Abby put in quickly, I felt I needed one.
Fine, Mr. Brewster said, to her surprise. I dictated the letter to Frank earlier this morning and its now in his possession. When you return, hell hand it over to you.
How can I be sure the letter isnt bogus?
You have to trust me.
Abby shook her head. No, I cant do that. This is too important. I want Earl to read the letter to make sure that you have kept your word.
Mr. Brewster grunted, and the nurse quickly checked the machines attached to him. Then he spoke, Turners your cousin. How can I trust that he wont tell you whats in the letter?
Earl is my guarantee that the letter is real. Thats all.
Brewster thought for a minute. Okay, he can read part of it, but I dont want him reading the crucial information.
Fine, Abby agreed.
Brewster turned to Foster. Theres a room down the hall. Take Turner and let him see a portion of the letter.
Yes, sir, Frank said, picking up his briefcase and heading for the door.
Turner, Mr. Brewster called, before Earl left the room.
Earl stopped.
If you tell Abigail anything, Ill make sure you never work in this town or anywhere else again. Do you get my drift?
Y-yes, sir, Earl stuttered, and mopped his forehead. Abby feared he was on the verge of melting into his shoes and shed have to carry him out of here in a wad.
Youd better, Mr. Brewster warned, as Earl made his escape.
If thats all, Ive got to get back to the office, Jonas said tightly.
No, dammit, Mr. Brewster bellowed. I want you to talk to Abigail.
About what? Abby spoke up.
Jonas is going with you, Mr. Brewster informed her.
Abby glanced at Jonas, saw that stubborn light in his eyes and knew he hadnt relented on his own. Mr. Brewster had forced him. When did this happen?
Just now, Mr. Brewster answered.
Why? He doesnt want to go, and I dont need him to
Doesnt matter what either one of you wants, Brewster broke in. Hes going.
Then, he can go alone, Abby shot back. Theres no need for me to be there.
Goddammit, girl, youre trying my patience, Brewster shouted. You have to be there. Youre writing my memoirs. Its the endingor havent you guessed that, yet?
Was that what this was all about? An ending to his book? Or did he really want to see his daughter? Abby wasnt sure anymore.
And its the only way youll find out about your fatheror have you forgotten that? he asked grumpily.
For a moment Abby had lost sight of her main goal. She suddenly remembered Hollys words about it being bull that she didnt need a man. Maybe she was carrying it a little too far. So what if Jonas went with her. Shed get a chance to learn more about his situation with Mr. Brewster, and she was becoming more curious by the second. She would have sworn that Jonas would never change his mind. What kind of hold did Mr. Brewster have over him?
She suddenly realized they were waiting for her answer. She swallowed. No, no, I havent forgotten.
Good, because Im tired of all this bickering, Mr. Brewster said in a frustrated tone. You two can work out the details.
Jonas put his hat on his head. Ive got work to do. With that he walked out the door.
Insufferable bastard, Mr. Brewster muttered. But his bark is worse than his bite.
Abby stared at the door. Really, I hadnt noticed.
Jonas is a hard person to get to know, but hes very loyal.
Abby glanced back at the elderly man. I see. So how did you get him to change his mind?
Youll have to ask him.
She intended to. Yes, she definitely intended to find out what kind of hold Mr. Brewster had on Jonas.
As she pondered that thought, Earl returned and said the letter was authentic. There was information concerning her father and his job at Brewster Farms. It was what Abby wanted to hear. Now she faced the biggest challenge of her lifefinding Mr. Brewsters daughter.
Mr. Brewster seemed pleased, and Abby left with Earl, feeling a sense of elation. She didnt know why, unless insanity had completely taken over her mind.
Before Earl got into his car, Abby stopped him. Could you give me a hint as to whats in the letter? She didnt want to cause Earl any problems. She was hoping for a clue to justify what she was doing.
Im not gonna slit my throat was his answer. Not even for you. Just be careful. Very careful.
I will, she said. And thanks. I realize this was hard for you.
Abby, I He seemed to reconsider, and instead said, Dont do this alone. Hire an investigator or something.
Abby rolled her eyes. Men. Youre all alike. Mr. Brewster is insisting that Jonas go with me.
Thats good, he said.
No, it isnt, she retorted. Im not putting up with Jonass arrogant attitude, and I intend to tell him so.
But Abby wasnt listening. She got into her car and headed straight for Jonass office. They had to get a few things straight.

STANDING AT HIS WINDOW, Jonas saw her drive up in a white Accord. She slid out of the vehicle in the graceful movement he was beginning to associate with her. She wore tan slacks and a tan sleeveless top. The slacks covered long gorgeous legs, which he had glimpsed several times during the past month. The top emphasized her slender arms, and rounded breasts that drew his attention like a magnet. The blond hair and green eyes completed a package that his hands ached to unwrap. As long as he knew that and no one else did, especially Abby, everything would be fine.
Soon shed tire of this absurd quest and go back to Dallas where she belonged. As the thought crossed his mind, he recognized it was wishful thinking. Hed already seen that stubborn streak in her and he knew shed see this through to the bitter end. And now he was caught right in the middle of the whole blasted mess. A place he didnt want to bea place hed sworn he wouldnt be. But Brewster was in controltotally. Jonas had given him that control when he was fifteen, and he couldnt change things now. He fought it at times, but hed learned early on that fighting was futile. He wished he knew what Brewster was up to, though. There was little doubt in Jonass mind that the old man was up to something and Abigail Duncan was just a pawn. Trying to get her to see that was a waste of Jonass time, so he might as well accept the inevitable.

ABBY WALKED INSIDE. The big room held three desks and rows of filing cabinets. There was an inner office that she knew belonged to Jonas. Every high-tech innovation was availablecomputers, fax machines, copiers and a few pieces of equipment she didnt even recognize. In the way of decor, the place was sadly lackingright down to the exposed concrete under her feet.
Her eyes settled on the desk in the cornerthe one her father had occupied for so many years. She felt a tightness in her chest. Someone elses things were on the surface, but she could still feel Abes presence, his calmness, and she knew she was doing the right thing. No one could stop her now. Not even Jonass attitude.
Glancing around, she spotted him at the window. Could I speak with you?
No was the quick answer, as he turned and went into his office.
Undaunted by the brisk manner, Abby followed. We have to talk.
I cant right now. Im real busy. His voice was abrupt and final.
She chewed on her lower lip. Immovable object. She now knew exactly what that meant. Well, she didnt need Jonas Parker.
I dont want or need you to go. I can do this by myself. She eyed him thoughtfully, as he shuffled papers on his desk. Im just wondering how he got you to change your mind. Last night you were vehemently against it. And today, just like that she snapped her fingers you agreed to go.
He kept shuffling the papers as if she hadnt spoken.
Mr. Brewster has something on you, doesnt he?
He raised his head, his brown eyes so dark that she could feel their heat. Thats why you take crap from him. Thats why you continue to stay under such unpleasant conditions. She paused, then asked, What does he have on you?
Jonas picked up a clipboard and came around his desk. As I said, I got work to do. The words came out curt, and she knew she wasnt going to get anything out of himtoday. She would eventually, she vowed.
I need the keys to the file room, she said, before he could leave the room. Mr. Brewster said you had them. Im looking for Delores Alvarezs familys address.
He walked back, opened a drawer, threw keys on the desk and pointed down a hall. Second door on the right and its not air-conditioned.
She picked up the keys. Is that supposed to deter me?
A hurricane wouldnt deter you, Ms. Duncan.
So they were back to Ms. Duncan. It made her want to smack his face.
What was wrong with her? Shed wanted to smack Earl earlier and now she wanted to hit Jonas. That wasnt her. She didnt like hitting. Even when Kyle had hit her, she hadnt hit him back. Because shed never hit anyone in her life. So why the sudden urges? Urges! Thats all they were. Urges brought on by the trauma of her fathers death and her divorce. Did that make sense? No, nothing made sense to her these daysespecially her interest in Jonas.
She favored men in tailored suits with manners and a sense of humor. Jonas was as far removed from that as one could get. He probably didnt even own a suit, and his sense of humor was nonexistent. He did have good manners, though. Oh hell, she needed to get a grip.
Without a word, she turned and hurried to the file room. She looked at the key ring. There had to be twenty keys on it. Which one?
Its the third key, said a familiar voice. She glanced over her shoulder and saw Jonas standing behind her with a chair in his hands. You have to prop the door open with a chair. The lock is old, and if the door closes, youll lock yourself in.
Thank you kindly for the information and the chair, she quipped sarcastically.
No problem, he snapped, and went into the warehouse.
For the next three hours she searched cabinet after cabinet, looking for the name Alvarez. She had never realized how many people had worked at Brewster Farms over the yearsthousands, all dependent on Mr. Brewster for a living. Some workers were permanent legal workers, some seasonal, some migrant. Most were Mexican, and she suspected a lot were illegals. Every name imaginable was in the files. She found several Alvarezes, but no Delores. She grew tired and hungry and decided to go home for a while.
Jonas wasnt in the office, so she locked the door and took the keys with her. She had a sandwich and iced tea, then wrote her mom a note saying not to wait up for her. Her mother was a schoolteacher and wouldnt be home until later in the day.
When Abby arrived back at Brewster Farms, she saw Ednas car at the mansion. That was one woman Abby planned to avoid. When Edna, Jules and Darby found out what she was doing, they were going to be furious. A long-lost daughter could ruin their plans for the future.
When she entered the office, Jonas wasnt there. He must be working on the farm somewhere. Avoiding her, she decided, which she didnt mind. She was sure he didnt do the actual labor. He was the overseer who made sure all the vegetables and fruits were picked, packed and shipped on time. Again she wondered how hed come to work for Mr. Brewster. He certainly didnt want to talk about it. Hed made that painfully clear.
She unlocked the door, propped it open and went back to her task, quickly losing track of time. Workers in the warehouse were hooting and hollering. They must have finished loading the trucks, she thought idly. Then her eyes were suddenly glued to the name shed been searching for. She had finally found Delores Alvarezs file. Thank God. Excitement darted through her as she sat on the concrete floor and read through its contents. Now she had the address. Deloress parents lived across the border in Nuevo Hope, Mexico. If they still lived there, it should be easy to locate them or someone who knew Delores. She could do this without too much of a problem.
She glanced at her watch and saw that it was almost seven oclock. Time to go home. As she rose, she heard a click. She whirled in horror and stared at the closed door. She ran over and tried to open it. It was locked tight. No worry, she told herself, the keys were in her pocket. She withdrew them and noticed there was no keyhole on the inside. Damn! She beat on the door with her fist.
Hey, Im still in here. Hey. Is anybody out there? Help.
Only silence met her frantic cry, and she sank to the floor. Dont panic, she kept repeating to herself silently. Someone must have assumed shed left. No one could see her sitting behind the cabinets. A simple mistake. Thats all. Someone would find her. She just had to wait. But she was so thirsty. She licked her dry lips as anger built inside her.
Maybe it hadnt been a mistake. Had Jonas done this to scare her? No, he wouldnt use that kind of tactic. He told her to her face how he felt and didnt mince words. So who had locked her in? Where was everybody? She began to beat on the door again.
Help. Help. Let me out of here.

JONAS SAT in Micks Tavern downing Coke. Hed spent most of the afternoon in the sheriffs office getting two of his workers out of jail. Lupe and Miguel were two young hotheads after the same girl. They had gotten into a fight and someone had called the sheriff. Jonas would have left their sorry asses in jail, but he had a crop to pick and he needed them. Besides, they were good boys, whod simply let their raging hormones get the better of them.
They were eighteen and illegal. Thats why the sheriff had called Jonas instead of having them deported. The sheriff never interfered with anything that went on at Brewster Farms. A person working for Brewster only had to worry about Border Patrol and Immigration. Brewster didnt have any control over those departments.
At least the afternoons activities had kept Jonas busy and away from Abigail Duncan. That was one obstinate, intuitive woman, and he wasnt sure how he was going to handle the next couple of days. Hed given Brewster his word, so there was no way out. But Jonas had a bad feeling about the whole thing, and her prying didnt help. The woman never knew when to stop. And that wasnt the worst of it. He didnt like the way she made him feel. She threatened the control he had worked hard to master. As long as he could stay away from her, everything was fine. But now
Drowning your sorrows in Coke, Jonas? Mick asked as he took a seat.
Just drowning my thirst.
You got a different kind of thirst.
Jonas stared at him over the rim of his can. You think you know me?
Sure do, my friend. Ive known you since you were a kid, and I can tell you exactly what youre thinking and feeling.
Mick was right. Hed been Jonass only friend for a long time. So what am I thinking and feeling? Jonas asked slowly.
Abigail Duncan has you all riled up. Aint seen you this troubled since
Leave it alone, Mick.
At the tone in Jonass voice, Mick shifted gears. Brewster has a daughter? Ha.
Jonass eyes narrowed. Where did you hear that? he asked sharply, then answered his own question. Oh, yeah, you have a daughter and a sister-in-law who work in the hospital. If Brewster finds out theyre spreading rumors, they could lose their jobs.
But he wont find out, will he, my friend?
Jonas leaned across the table. Tell them to keep their mouths shut. He settled back in his chair. Besides, Im not sure the story is true.
You got doubts about Brewster?
Yep, and there aint a thing I can do about it.
What do you want to do?
Nothing was his quick answer. I dont want anything to do with the damn situation, but Brewster is insisting that I go with her.
Ah. Mick nodded, chewing thoughtfully on his cigar. If Brewster is sending you, what does he need the Duncan woman for?
Jonas twisted the Coke can. It has to do with the memoirs shes writing. Finding the long-lost daughter is going to be the big ending, and he wants her there to witness all the little details.
I see. Mick nodded again. And youre going along as a bodyguard.
Something like that, but Ms. Duncan doesnt want my help.
But youll go, anyway.
Yeah. He swallowed some Coke. I told Brewster I would.
Its probably not a bad idea. Mick rubbed his chin. A woman alone in Mexico, poking her nose into family mattersit could get dangerous.
Jonas knew that. Mexicans had a strong sense of family, and they didnt like outsiders interfering.
Mick stood. I gotta get back to work. He patted Jonas on the shoulder. Good luck, my friend.
As Mick walked away, Jonas watched the activity in the bar. It was after nine and the place was filling up. Jim Colson, the bank president, was dancing with Teresa Gomez. Their bodies were welded together, and soon theyd be in one of Micks rooms upstairs. Jim had a wife and three kids, and Sunday morning hed be on the front pew in church singing his praises to the Lord. Jonas, whod never been part of a real family, didnt understand a man who was willing to jeopardize everything he had.
Of course, no one ever breathed a word of Jims infidelities. His bank owned the mortgages on most of the homes and titles to most of the vehicles in this town. And Brewster owned the bank. For the first time, Jonas wondered if Brewster really had had an affair with a Mexican girl. It wasnt outside the realm of possibility, he supposed.
Workers were piling into the bar to drink, dance and have a good time. It didnt matter that they had to work tomorrow. They lived for the moment. Jonas thought that was a damn good idea. Maybe Jim had the right idea, too. Tomorrow was a crapshoot, anyway.
He stood and laid some bills on the table. Gnight Mick. Its been a long day.
Jonas fitted his hat on his head and glanced at Mick.
Dont be so down about this. Youll spend time with a pretty woman and that aint bad. Its the best way I know to get rid of those tight muscles.
Jonas didnt respond. He just walked outside to his truck. But he knew what Mick was suggesting. Dammit, he wasnt listening to Mick.
When he reached the office, he saw her car parked in front. That crazy woman. She was still searching through the files. Well, she could search until the cows came home. He was going to bed. He headed for the outside staircase that led to his apartment over the warehouse. He had built it twelve years ago with Brewsters approval. Hed gotten tired of sleeping on a cot in a storeroom.

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