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The Italian's Ruthless Baby Bargain
Margaret Mayo
Pregnant with the bosss baby! Nanny Penny Keeling knows working for the strong-but-silent Santo De Luca will be a challenge, but shes determined to do it for his little girls sake. And shes equally determined not to fall for her dangerously attractive boss shes been burnt before Penny is pretty, charming and utterly beddable and under the fiery Italian sun Santo seduces her It was only meant to be an affair. Now Penny has announced shes pregnant. . .

Since there was no way she could wrap up her confession in pretty words, she blurted it out. Im pregnant, Santo.
The silence that followed was unending, and deafening. Penny avoided looking at him. She didnt want to see the horror, the disbelief, the shock, the denial.
When he did finally speak there was recrimination in his voice. Its impossible. You are mistaken. His accent was deep and there was nothing but harsh shadow across his face.
No, Im not, she declared, trying to keep her voice level. Im carrying your baby.
But Ive always taken precautions. Dark eyes were still disbelieving.
Except once, she reminded him. Naturally I wont deny you access to the baby, but
The hell you wont! Santos roar rent the air and seemed to echo around them.
Pennys eyes flared a vivid blue. Do you really think Id let a man who spends more time at work than he does at home bring up my child? Not in your wildest dreams.
Her heart beat so fiercely that it hurt and, fearing that she had gone too far, Penny stood up with the intention of fleeing again, but Santo unceremoniously pushed her back down.
We havent finished.
I dont think theres anything left to say.
Marry me.
Margaret Mayo was reading Mills & Boon romances long before she began to write them. In fact she never had any plans to become a writer. After an idea for a short story popped into her head she was thrilled when it turned into a full-scale novel. Now, over twenty-five years later, she is still happily writing and says she has no intention of stopping.
She lives with her husband Ken in a rural part of Staffordshire, England. She has two children: Adrian, who now lives in America, and Tina. Margarets hobbies are reading, photography, and more recently watercolour painting, which she says has honed her observational skills and is a definite advantage when it comes to writing.
Recent titles by the same author:


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FROM the first moment Penny looked into Santo De Lucas eyes she knew she was in trouble. They were the deepest, darkest brown she had ever seen, framed by long, silky lashes, set beneath a pair of equally silky black brows. And they appeared to be looking into her soul, trying to find out what sort of a person she was before she had even spoken.
It was impossible to ignore the rivers of sensation that flooded her veins, the way her blood ran hot, and the instant thought that she could be in danger. There was nothing to confirm this, just an impression, a feeling. The man was seriously sexy. Miss Keeling?
Oh, hell, even his voice was sexy, coming from deep, deep down in his throat. Was there nothing about him that didnt set off alarm bells, that didnt stir her deepest emotions; emotions that shed kept rigidly in check for a long, long time?
Penny nodded, feeling sure that if she dared to speak her voice would give her away. Never in her life had she felt such strong emotions at a first meeting, not when she didnt even know the man. Not when she was about to work for him. It was insane.
You do have a tongue? The voice had sharpened, still a low rumble in his throat but with an added edge, and his beautifully sculpted brows drew together over his eyes.
Such gorgeous eyes! Nevertheless his question had the desired effect. She snapped herself back into business mode. Yes, Im Miss Keeling. And she straightened her shoulders, standing that little bit taller. But even at five feet eight she still stood several inches below him.
Do you look at all of your employers as though theyre from a different planet?
Penny wasnt sure whether he was joking or being serious. But just in case she kept her voice grave. Not as a rule, Mr De Luca.
So Im the exception. Is there a reason for that?
Not only did he look gorgeous but he also had a most attractive Italian accent. It raised goose bumps on her skin. And she wondered for a brief moment whether it would be advisable to work for a man who could do this much damage before shed even got to know him. Perhaps she ought to turn and run?
I Youre not what I expected.
I see, he said. Im not the normal run-of-the-mill father, is that it?
Penny sucked in a deep breath. Normally its the childs mother who organises a nanny, generally because she needs to go back to workor whatever else it is she wants to do, she couldnt help adding. She had worked for very rich women who preferred having a social life to bringing up their children.
The agency didnt tell you that there wasnt a Mrs De Luca?
No. She heard the surprise in her voice. Normally she would have been given the background of the family and they would have wanted to see her prior to engaging her, making sure she was suitable. But on this occasion a nanny had been needed urgently.
You come highly recommended. He raised a brow as he said it, and Penny realised that she was hardly being professional. In fact she was acting completely out of character.
All because he was a strikingly handsome man.
Though Im beginning to have my doubts about whether youre up to the job, he added crisply. Nevertheless I have a very important business meeting that Im already late for. Come through to the kitchen and Ill introduce you to my housekeeper. Well have a serious talk tonight.
Up to the job! Penny took umbrage. Mr De Luca, she declared, standing at her full height, staring him full in the face, I can assure you that I am more than up to the job, as you put it. She thrust an envelope into his face. Here are my references, youll see that
Those arent necessary! he declared imperiously. I prefer to make my own judgement.
And at the moment she was sadly lacking, thought Penny. She could hardly blame him; she had stood there like an idiot instead of ignoring his sexuality and being the truly experienced nanny that she was.
She had approached his house this morning with an air of excitement. The agency she worked for had stressed how important this job was. Mr De Luca was the head of the De Luca advertising agencya global companyand if she pleased him it could work very well for them.
He lived on the outskirts of London in a huge mansion set in an amazing estateit couldnt be called anything less, shed decided, because after the electronically controlled gates had opened shed driven through acres of woodland and gardens. To say she was impressed would have been an understatement.
And when shed reached the house, well, she was truly stunned. Three storeys high, eight windows across. How many rooms was that?
I understand your last nanny left you rather unexpectedly? she questioned as she hurried at his heels through miles of corridors. Anyone would think they were in a race. His long legs were in danger of taking him away from her.
He wore a dark grey suit and white shirt, both Savile Row if she wasnt mistaken, but they did little to disguise the well-maintained body beneath. This man seriously worked out and she wasnt surprised, hed need to be super-fit to work the long hours he did. Shed been told he left by seven every morning, and was always late getting home. It sounded to her as though he didnt see very much of his daughter.
That is correct. And if youre having any ideas that this job isnt for you, then Id be obliged if you would say so right now.
He stopped so abruptly that Penny cannoned into him, taken aback when his strong arms steadied her and those mesmerising dark eyes locked into hers. She actually stopped breathing for a few seconds and gazed into those magical depths, then realised what she was doing and stepped back a pace.
Her nostrils were invaded by the most irresistible cologne she had ever come across. It was strong like the man himself, though not overpowering. It was subtly pervasive and she knew it would linger long after he had gone. I will naturally do the job to the best of my ability. Im a conscientious worker, your daughter will be perfectly safe with me andwhere is she, by the way? Dont you think we ought to be?
Chloes still in bed, he told her fiercely. I saw no reason to wake her. My office hours are irregular to say the least, but Chloe needs routine, as Im sure you understand. Emily, my housekeeper, will show you around and then I shall expect you to get Chloe ready and take her to school. I didnt see any luggage when you arrived, you do know that I expect you to live in?
Penny inclined her head. It was a rush getting here this early, she said, hoping to make her point. I planned on sorting my things out while your daughters at school. According to the agency his previous nanny had walked out yesterday. Though why he couldnt have taken a day off and spent time interviewing, Penny didnt know. At least it was her gain, and the salary shed been offered was far higher than anything shed earned before.
He muttered something under his breath in his native language and then resumed his race to the kitchen.
Emily was small and rotund and Penny imagined her to be in her mid-fifties. She had rosy cheeks and short grey hair and, judging by the way she looked at her employer, she clearly adored him.
Penny didnt realise how much his presence filled the massive room until he had gone. It was only then that she felt able to breathe more easily. Emily saw her relax and smiled. Welcome to the De Luca household. Mr De Lucas a wonderful man to work for. I hope youll be happy here.
And why was the housekeeper giving her more of a welcome than the big man himself? wondered Penny. Is he always so disagreeable? she enquired. I got the impression that he wasnt sure Id be any good at the job!
Thats because none of the nannies hes employed before have lasted more than a few weeks.
Penny frowned. Is Chloe a difficult child? Or is Mr De Luca the problem? He was actually a big problem as far as she was concerned. Far too sexy for her peace of mind. Penny had never met a man who so instantly affected her senses. Even Max hadnt had this sort of effect on her, and shed thought he had been the one.
Emily lifted her shoulders and let them drop again, slowly. Mr De Lucas a very fair man to work for. I should know, Ive been with him for a very long time. Its the hours that people dont like. Most of the nannies before were all young with fancy boyfriends and they didnt want to be on duty twenty-four hours a day. Its understandable.
Is that what he expects? asked Penny, widening her eyes. No wonder hed offered her such a good salary. He wanted blood.
He doesnt think, thats his trouble, declared Emily. You just have to tell him if he puts on you too much. I do.
But she was part of the fixtures, thought Penny. He wouldnt take it very kindly if she said anything. She was tempted to ask what had happened to his wife but felt it was too soon. Perhaps she too had been unable to put up with the long hours he worked?
What time does Chloe normally get up? she asked, glancing at the clock on the wall.
Half past seven, answered Emily. Shes a slow waker. Believe me, youll have your time cut out to get her to school on time. Ill take you up there now.
Santo couldnt get Penny out of his mindeven in the middle of his important meeting. She was nothing like any of the other nannies hed hired. For one thing she had more to say for herselfwhich could prove interesting! He wasnt averse to verbal sparring; he liked a spirited woman. It had surprised him, that was all.
She had long, wavy blonde hair which, if he wasnt mistaken, was entirely natural, the bluest of blue eyes surrounded by amazingly long lashes, a tiny retrouss nose and beautifully shaped lips.
He had also noticed that she wasnt exactly as slender as some young women aspired to be these daysstickthin did nothing for him. She had curves in all the right places and even thinking about the way her breasts had jutted against the thin cotton of her blouse made his testosterone levels rise.
He surprised himself by recalling these details. Surprised and dismayed. He didnt want to think of her in this way. He could do without such distractions. He had enough on his mind already.
But he did think of her and he was disappointed when he got home that evening and she was nowhere around. Hed been looking forward to talking to her some more, finding out what made her tick, what her hopes and aspirations were.
Hed not even thought twice about any other nanny the agency had sent him, but Penny Keeling was different. She was, without a shadow of doubt, a very intriguing woman and he was looking forward to getting to know her better.
After Penny had taken Chloe to school she returned to the flat she shared with a friend and began packing her bags.
You do realise Ill have to find someone else? I cant afford this place on my own, said Louise.
Penny nodded.
You seem very sure that this is the right job for you. Its happened before, you know, and youve
Im sure, answered Penny firmly. Why wouldnt she be with such a high salary? It was every girls dream.
De Luca, you say, that wouldnt be the Santo De Luca whos forever in the news, would it? wondered her friend. The one who always has a glamorous girl hanging on his arm?
The very same, Penny agreed and smiled at Louises expression.
No wonder you took the job. Id do the same in your position!
Penny grinned. Im not a man-hunter like you, Louise.
Lifes too short not to enjoy it, answered her friend with a shrug. You picked the wrong man once, but hey, whos to say youd do it again? Youve been on your own for far too long.
Youre incorrigible, laughed Penny, shaking her head. And Im off. Ill see you soon.
Now it was late evening and she sat in her own private sitting room. A room that was luxuriously furnished with antiques and brocade drapes and had floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the parkland. It adjoined her bedroom, and the other side of her bedroom was Chloes room.
Chloe was adorable. A bright five-year-old, a chatterbox, and shed already told Penny that she liked her better than her other nannies.
When Penny heard Santos car she imagined him coming in and throwing his jacket on the back of a chair, pouring himself a drink maybe. She imagined his strongly carved face, the high cheekbones, the straight nose and the slash of his mouth. Would his features be relaxed or would the trials of the day still be imposed on them?
Had he eaten? she wondered, and then laughed at herself for even thinking such a thing. What did she care? Emily had cooked a succulent roast of beef with all the trimmings and Penny had eaten every last morsel. Even Chloe had cleaned her plate.
In most of her other placements Penny had cooked for her charges; it made a change to have a meal provided for her. She didnt know yet whether this was the norm. And if so, what was she to do with herself while Chloe was at school? There were definitely a few things she needed to discuss with Mr De Luca.
He had said he would talk to her tonight. Should she go downor did he appreciate solitude after a long day at the office? She realised that she knew nothing about himexcept that he stirred her senses like mad.
On the other hand, they really did need to talk. Even as the thought flashed through her mind a loud rap came on the door, startling her, making her jump, sending her heart into panic mode.
Miss Keeling!
Oh, that voice. That deep glorious voice!
Nerve-ends tingled and a flood of warmth filled Pennys body and for a few seconds she could do nothing. She couldnt answer, she couldnt even get up. It was crazy feeling like this about a man whom shed only just met, and more importantly a man she was now working for.
But how could she hide such vast emotions? Supposing they showed on her face? How embarrassing would that be? For heavens sake, she was a professional not some giddy schoolgirl with a crush on her teacher.
She closed her eyes and took a deep, steadying breath, and when she opened them Santo was standing in front of her.
Were you ignoring me, Miss Keeling?
Not ignoring; trying to prepare herself for the onslaught of her senses that she knew would take place. And it did! With his shirtsleeves rolled up, revealing sinewy forearms and his top three buttons undone so that her eyes feasted on smooth, tanned skin, skin that tempted her fingers to touch, to feel, to taste even, she could hardly get her breath.
I wouldnt dare, Mr De Luca, she answered, surprised to hear how strong her voice sounded; no hint at all of her inner struggle.
Straight black brows rose and dark, dangerous eyes locked into hers.
He didnt believe her and she could hardly blame him. She felt like an idiot now and pushed herself swiftly to her feet. I was actually just thinking of coming down to see you. You said you needed to talk?
That is correct, he answered brusquely. But we may as well do it here.
Before she could even bat an eyelid he had taken the companion chair next to hers. The two armchairs in the room were overstuffed and not entirely comfortable and she almost smiled when she saw Santos expression.
How can you sit in a chair like this? he asked, shifting his large frame. Ill get them changed immediately.
Penny guessed that all the rooms in the house had been furnished by an interior designer with no thought for comfort, only aesthetic beauty. And they were beautiful chairs. But
Come, well talk downstairs. I cant sit here.
He strode from the room and Penny had no choice but to follow. She devoured him with her eyes as she did so, noting the way his shirt stretched across his broad, muscular back, the way his trousers were similarly taut over his behind and hips, emphasising once again his athletic physique.
Was she crazy for noticing all these things about her new employer? Was she heading for danger? Ought she to get out while the going was good? Or could she be strong enough to hide her feelings?
They were so out of character. She had never, in the whole of her twenty-seven years, felt like this about a man she hardly knew. A man whoaccording to her friendhad a fierce reputation for eating females for supper. And he certainly wouldnt appreciate such feelings from his daughters nanny.
He led her into what had to be his private sitting room, a fairly small room with lovely deep black leather armchairs and French windows opening out on to a patio area filled with tubs of begonias in every shade of apricot imaginable. To one side was a hedge of honey-suckle and the sweet scent of it filtered into the room.
Penny inhaled appreciatively as she sat down. What a beautiful smell.
I enjoy this time of night, he agreed. Everywheres so peaceful. Would you care for a drink?
Much as she would like one Penny shook her head. She most definitely needed to keep it clear. It was intoxicated enough with the sheer sight of him. You have a beautiful daughter, Mr De Luca.
He nodded and gave a faint smile. Thank you. How did you get on with her? He stretched his long legs out, crossing them at the ankles, looking totally relaxed for a change.
We hit it off straight away. She liked me, I think; I like her. You have nothing to fear. I will look after her well.
Im glad to hear it. She means everything to me. He picked up his drink, which he must have left on the table when he had come to seek her, and Penny couldnt help noticing what beautiful, long fingers he had, how well-manicured his nails were. And for a very brief second she wondered what it would feel like to be touched by those fingers, to have them stroke her skin.
Simply thinking about it created a storm and it took an extreme effort to dash the thought away. Fantasising about this man was a dangerous occupation. One she would do well to steer away from.
I need you to tell me exactly what my responsibilities are, she said, stiffening her spine and hoping she sounded efficient and businesslike. I expected to have to cook for Chloe but it would appear your housekeeper does that.
Emily does all the cooking and washing, he agreed, and I have cleaners who come in on a weekly basis. Obviously Ill expect you to cook for my daughter when Emily has her day off. To be quite honest with you, Miss Keeling, Im not entirely sure what a nannys duties are. I
He pulled up short, deciding against whatever it was hed been going to say. Naturally I wish you to take care of my daughters welfare, but when shes at school your time is your own. Which in effect makes up for your early mornings and late evenings. Do you have a boyfriend? Will you be needing time off?
Needing it, Mr De Luca? questioned Penny, her blue eyes sparking dramatically. Its my right. No one works seven days a week. Her tone was sharper than shed intended. Possibly because of the way her senses were still all over the place.
So lets say your hours are flexible, he agreed. And if you do have a boyfriend I must ask that you do not bring him back here.
Penny looked at him boldly, her chin high. As a matter of fact there is no one. But surely that was something you should have queried before you took me on?
He gave a very slight lift of his shoulders. Im new to this game.
So youre making up the rules as you go along? she asked.
Dark eyes narrowed and a muscle jerked dangerously in his jaw. Are you questioning my values?
Penny drew in a swift breath. Not if my job depends on it. But Im sure you see my point?
To her surprise he threw his head back and laughed. Touch, Penny. I may call you Penny?
Oh, goodness, the way her name rolled off his tongue! He said it like no one else. Made it sound different anddared she say itincredibly sexy. Of course, he didnt mean it that way, it was his accent that did it, but heaven help her, the inference was there.
Yes, she agreed but she didnt look at him. She looked out through the open doors instead, where she could see a myriad of dramatic colours in the sky. The sun had disappeared but its aftermath was other-worldly. As was the situation she found herself in.
Santos male hormones were behaving badly. And it annoyed him because he didnt want to be attracted to Penny. Hed had girlfriends, yes, in plenty, in the years hed been alone after his wife had left him. But nothing serious. They all knew it was just a game to him.
But Penny was different. For one thing she was his employeeand it was a cardinal rule of his to never mix business with pleasure. And for another, he sensed that she wouldnt be into casual affairs. He couldnt quite weigh her up yet but he had the feeling that she wouldnt settle for anything less than a serious relationship. When she met the man of her dreams it would be an all-or-nothing affair.
And what a lucky man he would be. She had to be every mans dream. Beautiful, smart, capable, interesting. He could think of plenty of adjectives to describe her. Sexy, provocative He stopped his thoughts right there and tossed the rest of his whisky down his throat.
Standing up, he said, Its warm in here, dont you think? Shall we continue our talk outside? Where there was more air to breathe! Where he could put more space between them.
Penny smiled her consent and jumped to her feet. You have an incredible place here, Mr De Luca. Id love to explore your gardens.
Santo. Please call me Santo, he suggested softly.
Id rather not; its a little too informal for our situation, she answered swiftly.
He noticed that her eyes had turned from blue to amethyst in the changing evening light. They looked softer and more vulnerableand, dammit, he didnt want to notice these things. She was here to work, nothing else, and hed be as well to remember it. I cant have you calling me Mr De Luca when were on our own.
How about Signor De Luca? she asked cheekily, and he was taken again by the flash in her eyes. She was so beautiful, all woman, teasing and flirtatious, whether she knew it or not. He guessed she didnt; she would probably be horrified if she knew what he was thinking. How he was interpreting her behaviour.
Tell me about yourself, he said, conscious his voice was even gruffer than usual. I really know very littleexcept that you come with impeccable credentials, and that you have no boyfriend, he added with a twist to his lips. Where do you live, for instance?
I share a flat with a friend in Notting Hill. Or at least I did, I moved out today.
I see. Would that be a female friend? The question was out before he could stop it. Even though shed said that she didnt have a boyfriend.
Are you prying into my private life, Mr De Luca?
He was startled by her question until he saw the twinkle in her eyes again and managed a smile himself. Im very curious. Do you have any family? Of course you do not have to tell me if you dont want to. But I always take an interest in my employees private lives; I always enquire about husbands or wives or partners, because if theres a problem at home it can sometimes affect their work and then I can make allowances. I believe my interest helps improve working relationships.
She looked at him disbelievingly for a few seconds and then she laughed, and it was such a musical sound that he felt like laughing too. He wanted to pick her up and twirl her around. He wanted to kiss her; he wanted to He stopped his thoughts right there, berating himself for being fanciful. And he was grateful when she spoke.
In that case, if it will improve our relationship, the answer to your question about my flatmate is that she is female. And she slanted him another glance to see how he would take it.
He pretended not to notice.
Do I have family? she went on. My father died when I was Chloes age. And my mother died a couple of years ago; shed been ill a long time. But I have a twin sister who has a six-year-old and a new baby. I visit her often. I love the kids.
All the time shed been speaking they had been walking along a flagstoned path that led to the lake. It was a favourite place of his to sit and meditateespecially at this time of night. And he was looking forward to Pennys reaction.
It was not what he expected. When the vast expanse of water came into sight she gave a squeal of horror. Mr De Luca, you never told me about this. Its not exactly safe for Chloe. It really should be fenced.
Never before could he remember feeling so deflated.
And horrified. It had not occurred to him that it could be dangerous. He hoped none of the other nannies had ever let Chloe out to play on her own. He went hot and cold at the thought of what the consequences could have been.
It will be done, he declared. Immediately. Mio Dio, sono un idiota.
Otherwise, said Penny, and he swore he could hear a hint of mischief in her voice, its beautiful here.
It is especially beautiful at this time in the evening, he answered. But he wasnt looking at the water, he was looking at Penny instead, and when she looked back at him with eyes so wide and so incredibly lovely he wanted to take her in his arms and kiss herregardless of the consequences.
Penny saw the intent on Santos face and knew that she had to act swiftly, or she too would give in to temptation. And how dangerous would that be? Her job would be gone and shed never find another like it.
It had to be the incredible patterns of colour in the sky, reflected so perfectly in the water, that had done it. It was a place for lovers. It was a magical evening, everything still and hushedand temptation was everywhere.
Not a place for an employer and employee. Unless shed got it wrong and he hadnt been going to kiss her, but she couldnt be sure and she dared not take the risk. It would ruin everything, even though he was the most gorgeous man shed ever met.
He wouldnt be after a serious relationship, just a bit of fun. And she wasnt up for that. She had many friends who would beLouise, for instance. Friends who would tell her she was stupid not to go for it. Millionaires, billionaires, whatever, always lavished their girlfriends with expensive gifts. That way they didnt feel guilty when they dumped you.
Well, this girl wasnt for dumping. This girl wasnt going to enter into any kind of a relationship with himexcept a purely professional one.
Have you lived here very long? she asked, deliberately moving a few feet away from him, pretending to watch a pair of ducks whod broken the silence by squabbling on the other side of the lake.
He didnt answer her question. Why dont you have a boyfriend? he said instead. A beautiful woman like you, I would have thought youd have a whole string of them knocking at your door.
Penny lifted her shoulders. Im not interested in men. Im a career girl.
You intend to be a nanny for the rest of your life? he questioned, making it sound as though it was the worst thing she could possibly do.
Why not? she demanded.
I cannot see it happening, he declared dismissively. Youre too beautiful to become an old maid. That is the right expression, is it not?
Penny smiled and nodded. An old maid! It sounded so old-fashioned and not what she had expected from him.
One day the right man will come along and youll be swept off your feet. And before you know it youll be married with a lot of little children of your own to look after. Im sure that would be far more satisfying than looking after other peoples children.
And you consider yourself an expert on that subject, do you? A man who needs a nanny to look after his own child.
Penny saw him frown and knew she was out of order but for some reason the words wouldnt stop. Hed caught her on a raw nerve. She did want children; shed thought once that shed met the right man to give them to her. And ever since that disastrous affair shed had doubts that there ever would be a Mr Right.
Tell me, Mr De Luca, if we are being open and honest with each other, what happened to your wife? Did she leave you because of the long hours you work?
The instant the words were out she regretted them. And when he spoke, when he answered her question, she wanted to turn and run. She wanted to wave a magic wand and make herself disappear. This was the worst moment of her life.
MY WIFE is dead, Santo told Penny coldly. And for your information I have no intention of ever marrying again. Without more ado he began walking back to-wards the house.
For a few seconds all Penny could do was stare after him. She saw shoulders that were hunched and a stride that was not his usual determined one. She felt like hell. What a stupid, inconsiderate question to have asked. What must he be thinking?
She really had overstepped the mark and wouldnt be surprised if he told her to pack her bags and go. And she didnt want to do that. She must make amends. Hurrying after him, she said, Im sorry, I didnt know. I wouldnt have asked if
Abruptly he stopped and faced her. And you didnt think it would be wise to get your facts right before passing judgement? His tone was harsher than she had ever heard it, dark eyes unfathomable. A tall, proud man, incensed at the way he had been spoken to.
Penny guessed he was still grieving. It must have been fairly recent. Maybe that was why he worked such long hours, why he didnt seem to be giving his daughter the love and attention that she needed. He wanted to blot everything out and the only way he could do it was to work himself into the ground.
Im sorry, she said again, feeling her heart bounce in her chest, feeling a raw kind of pity for him. She wanted to hug himhow ridiculous was that? She wanted to tell him that time would heal. She knew how heartbroken shed felt when her mother had died.
But he didnt want to hear those words. He wanted someone responsible to look after Chloe. He had a business to run, he couldnt look after her himself. He didnt know how. Hed never had to do it. He was the breadwinner. The man of the house. The provider.
Forget it, he growled, and headed back to the house.
Penny didnt follow this time. She waited a few minutes before retracing her steps and then ran swiftly up to her room.
She couldnt help wondering what Santos wife had been like. There were no photographs anywhere, nothing to remind him of her. Was that deliberate? Was he the sort of man who couldnt cope with death? Pretended it didnt exist? So many questions with no answers.
When Penny got up the next morning, not surprisingly Santo had already gone to work. Shed not slept well with thoughts of the way she had upset him last night, and as she got Chloe ready for school she gave the girl an extra-big hug.
Chloe looked so much like her father, with jet-black hair and big brown eyeswhich were sometimes sad. Penny knew that the little girl must be hurting deep down inside, bewildered as well, because how could you really explain to a child of her age that her mother would never be coming back?
It wasnt for her to say anything, though. If Chloe wanted to talk, fair enough, but she had no intention of bringing up the subject.
After dropping Chloe off at school she did some shopping and visited her sister before going back to De Luca Manoras she had privately named Santos house. It was hard to believe that one man lived in such a huge mansion. Why? Unless he entertained a lot, or had done when his wife was alive.
At the back of the house was a row of garagesshed been allotted one for her tiny carand Penny was surprised to see Santos sleek black Aston Martin already parked there. He was home! At this time of day? She glanced at her watch. It was scarcely lunch time.
Where have you been? he growled the second she entered the house. It looked as though hed been waiting for her. His black hair was ruffled and she could imagine those long fingers running impatiently through it.
Im sorry, she said, jutting her chin, resenting the inference that she should have been in when he arrived home. I didnt realise I had to keep you informed of my movements. Actually Ive been to see my sister. You did say my free time was during the day.
I thought Id take you out to lunch.
Penny couldnt hide her shock. Me? Why? A nanny lunch with her boss? It was unheard-of, especially with a man such as Santo.
Because we didnt finish our conversation last night, he answered. But if youd rather not, then He lifted his wide shoulders in a careless shrug.
Im sorry about last night; I
Santo cut her short. The subjects closed. Go and get rid of your bags. Were leaving in ten minutes.
Meaning he didnt want to talk about his loss. And she could hardly blame him. People dealt with their grief differently. Santo clearly wanted to shut his away.
Penny scurried to her room. It didnt seem right lunching with him, but who was she to argue? She ran a comb through her hair but didnt bother to change. She was already wearing a long brown skirt and a pretty peasant blouse, both fairly new purchases and perfectly suitable. All she did was change her sandals to a pair of high heels and with a touch of lip gloss and a splash of perfume she was ready.
Was her heart racing because she had rushed? Penny wondered as she ran lightly down the curved flight of stairs towards Santo, standing in the huge hallway. Or was it racing because she was about to dine with him?
The hall below was elegant and beautiful with a polished wooden floor and a centre table holding a bowl of sweet-smelling roses cut straight from the garden. There was a rocking chair in one corner and ornately framed mirrors on two of the walls.
But at this very moment she saw none of it; she saw only Santos unsmiling face. Unsmiling but indescribably handsome. She couldnt believe that she was actually going out with him. In all her years of being a nanny nothing like this had ever happened.
On the other hand she had never worked for anyone like Santo before. This was a man apart. And because he was different her heart was hammering so hard that it felt painful against her ribcage.
When the agency had asked if shed take this job she had said yes without any qualms. What they hadnt told her was what Santo De Luca was like. They hadnt said he was one of the richest men in the country. They hadnt told her that he was gorgeous-looking. They had told her nothing. Maybe if they had she would have run a mile. Or she might have been so intrigued that shed have taken the job anyway.
Santo watched Penny as she descended the stairs; he watched each step she took. He looked at the way she pointed her toes, he looked at her slender ankles, at the soft material of her skirt as it brushed against her thighs. His blood whistled through his veins. He watched the movement of her breasts beneath the flowered cotton top and his heart missed a couple of beats. Then he looked up and caught her eye.
She was smiling.
She looked as though she was happy to go out with him. Which both surprised and pleased him. Last night he had spoken harshly and regretted it immediately afterwards. She had caught him on the raw.
One day he might tell her that he and his wife had been divorced for almost four years, that any love he had ever felt for her had been killed long before then. And that Helena hadnt even told him that he had a daughter! If hed known hed have helped out, hed have got to know his daughter, he wouldnt be in the helpless position he was in now.
His feelings when hed discovered the truth were of sheer disbelief and outrage. Hed found it hard to accept that she had done such a thing to him. Hed never realised how much she had hated him. Even thinking about it, reliving that moment when he made his discovery, twisted his guts.
Thank goodness for Penny. Fiery and spirited without the least interest in him, which made a refreshing change. He was so used to women hanging on to his every word, fighting to make themselves noticed, trying to trick their way into his bed, that Penny was like a breath of fresh air.
No doubt she thought him an uncaring father, but the truth was he felt simply helpless. He didnt know the first thing about bringing up children. Hed had no contact with kids since he had been one himself. They were a mystery to him.
Good, he said, a woman who doesnt take hours to get ready. Im impressed.
I havent changed, I hope Im all right. Were not going anywhere too posh, are we?
She seemed faintly worried and Santo smiled reassuringly. Youre not to worry about anything; you look incredible. Had he really said that? Hed have to watch himself. This wasnt a date. She intrigued him and he was looking forward to finding out more about her but that was all. Even then she didnt have to tell him anything about herself if she didnt want to.
Except that he wanted to know!
Hed summoned his chauffeur while Penny was getting ready and he led her out to the waiting Bentley, smiling to himself as her eyes widened, well aware that his wealth impressed her.
She slipped into one side, he into the other, and they sank into the luxurious cream leather. The light floral scent of her perfume was evocative, teasing his nostrils like nothing else. And he knew that forever afterwards this particular perfume would always remind him of her.
Penny was on edge, her hands clasped firmly in her lap, her knees and feet together, her back straight. She hadnt expected the limousine and the chauffeur or she definitely would have changed. This was very alien, and she prayed that he wasnt going to take her somewhere equally classy.
Relax, he growled softly in her ear, I wont bite, I promise.
Penny edged away, unable to stop herself, missing his frown but aware that he didnt approve. It was that infinitesimal stiffening of his body that gave him away. He wasnt used to a woman moving away from him, rather the opposite. Part of Penny, a large part, didnt want to move away. Heaven help her, but she wanted to find out what it would feel like to be held against his hard, hot body, bound to him by arms of steel, but she knew where such pleasures could lead. She was entirely out of his league; he would use her and then discard her, the way Max had done. And she had no wish to go through that again.
Men didnt have the same sort of feelings that women had. Their emotions werent involved when they embarked on affairs. They could walk away at the end without getting hurt. Not so for the female sex.
Where are we going? she asked, and was horrified to hear the husky throb in her voice.
To one of my favourite bistros.
A bistro. That wouldnt be so bad. Her breathing got easier. Why arent you driving?
He gave one of his twisted smiles where his mouth went up on one side and his eyes crinkled at the corners, making him look almost boyish. Because of parking. You know what Londons like.
We could have taken the tube. And then she laughed at his shocked expression. I presume you never take the tube anywhere?
Not these days, he admitted.
Not since hed made his fortune, thought Penny. She could have made some comment about his carbon footprint but she didnt. Actually its nice to be driven like this, she declared instead, giving a little bounce on her seat.
I noticed your car was pretty ancient, he said, still with that half-smile.
Penny shrugged. Nanniessalaries dont lead to new cars. Though, she added daringly, if I stay with you long enough I might be able to afford one.
Ill buy you one, he said at once.
Pennys mouth fell open and she stared at him. Hed said it as though it meant nothing. Which it probably didnt. Not to him. But hell would freeze over before shed let him do that.
You look surprised.
As indeed I am, she replied. Why would you want to do a thing like that? My cars perfectly reliable. I dont need another one just yet.
So youre rejecting my offer?
He actually looked offended, thought Penny. I am, most definitely.
Some of the nannies Ive employed have not owned a car, he informed her, so theres one in the garage bought solely for the purpose of ferrying my daughter around. Youre welcome to use it.
No thanks, said Penny promptly, but you can buy my petrol, Ill let you do that.
Dark brows slid up. A woman with morals. A refreshing change. I like it.
Penny wished her heart wouldnt thump so loudly; she was afraid he might hear it. There are a few of us left, she tossed smartly, flashing him a sideways glance.
If only he wasnt sitting so close! There was space between them, yes, several inches in fact, but not enough. She could feel the warmth of him even with the air-conditioning, and her senses were attuned in a way that alarmed her.
She was tempted to edge towards the door but didnt want to give herself away. All she had to do was remember that this was a business lunch. They were going to discuss exactly what he expected of her where his daughter was concerned. Just that. Nothing else. Not themselves, nothing personal.
So why was she worried?
Youre still not relaxed, Penny.
She jerked her head round. He was watching her. Those incredible dark eyes were smiling and she knew that he had sensed her unease. More than that, hed seen how rigid her body was, how her hands were still locked. She could hardly believe herself. She was behaving in a totally alien manner. Usually she was brimming with confidence, nothing ever fazed her.
Except this man.
Damn! What did he have that was differentapart from great wealth, of course? But that shouldnt have made her feel like a dithering wreck. What he did have, in spades, was sex appeal. And it was this that was troubling her.
She had never encountered anyone like Santo De Luca before. Plenty of men were good-looking, were good company, were great guys, were fun, and some even thought they were Gods gift to women. But Santo was like none of these, he was in a different class entirely.
At school shed been in the drama group and, although shed done no acting since, Penny knew that she would have to act now as shed never done before. So she smiled, and she shrugged, and she said, Its unnerving having lunch with your employer after only one day. I feel like Im under the spotlight, as though Im going to be interrogated. Am I?
Well talk about whatever you want to talk about, he answered easily, his incredible eyes locking into hers.
To Pennys relief the car slowed to a halt. But her relief was short-lived when they entered the bistro. An informal restaurant was her idea of a bistro. Tables on the pavement, tables inside with checked tablecloths, candles in bottles with melted wax down their sides, everything nice and casual.
This was nothing like it.
To begin with it looked expensive, terribly expensive. The room was large, airy and formal. Tablecloths were white damask, the tables spaced well apart; there were fresh flowers on them and the silverware gleamed. You wouldnt get a bowl of fries here, that was for sure. Foie gras and caviare looked more in keeping. But she held her head high and pretended that she was used to walking into such stylish places.
If only! One meal here would probably cost a whole weeks wages.
Santo was greeted with a warm handshake and respect, making it evident that he was a regular customer.
This isnt what I expected, she said after they had been shown to their table.
Its not to your liking? he asked immediately. We can go somewhere else if
Its not that, Penny cut in. I expected something a little less formal. I wouldnt actually call this a bistro.
To me its a bistro, he said easily. Its very relaxed here. And the food, it is squisito. He circled his thumb and finger. You will like it, I promise you.
Why are you doing this? she wanted to ask. Are you trying to impress me? She hoped he wasnt after something else. Fancying him was one thing but she would never allow herself to be compromised.
But she was worrying for nothing. Santo was a gentleman. He discussed the menu with her, passionately, and their food was perfect in every way. By the end of the meal she was totally relaxed.
They had talked about anything and everything except themselves. She did enquire which part of Italy he came from, which she discovered was Rome, but he had noticeably clammed up at that point. She didnt dare ask whether he had parents still alive, brothers or sisters, and shed posed no further questions. Though she couldnt help but be intrigued.
On the other hand he had found out that her favourite colour was brown. Brown? hed asked incredulously. It cannot be your favourite. I can see you in something sky-blue or aquamarine, something to bring out the fantastic colour of your eyes. Have you ever tried those colours?
Fantastic colour of her eyes! What else had he noticed about her? It was a scary thought. She didnt like the idea of her employer observing something so personal.
Most of my wardrobe is in autumn colours, she admitted, and this she spread her hands, looking down at the skirt she wore, and her cream blouse with its tiny brown flowers is one of my favourite outfits.
The moment the words were out Penny regretted them. Her blouse had a drawstring neckline and sat quite low on her shoulders, and she had drawn Santos attention to it. She could feel his eyes on her breasts, which to her dismay hardened and tingled, and she couldnt help wondering how it would feel to have his fingers stroke them. The very thought set her senses sizzling and pulses pounding and it was with an effort that she dashed it away.
Surely it was time they went. She couldnt sit here thinking these thoughts any longer. She glanced at her watch. I mustnt be late picking up Chloe.
And I must get back to work. Ive enjoyed your company, Penny. I feel I know you much better now. It will be a pleasure allowing you to look after my daughter.
You could always pick her up from school yourself, suggested Penny cautiously. Shed like that.
But Santo shook his head. I have another meeting at three. Edward will drive you home. I can walk from here.
And will you be home before Chloe goes to bed? enquired Penny.
Im not sure. Probably not. Say goodnight to her for me.
Chloe hardly sees you, she told him. Its really not fair on her, the hours you work. It would be nice if you tried to make more of an effort to see her. Then she clapped a hand to her mouth. Im sorry, I shouldnt have said that. Its none of my business.
Youre damn right its none of your business, he responded fiercely, his brown eyes losing the softness that had lingered during their meal. I wouldnt be where I am today and Chloe wouldnt have the life she does if I didnt work the hours I do.
But you no longer need to, thought Penny, though she wisely kept the words to herself.
Amazingly, though, he wasnt late home. Chloe was in bed admittedly, but it was only a little after eight and Penny was sitting outside with a book on her lap. It was a warm balmy evening and through the trees in the distance she could see the evening sun glinting on the lake and she couldnt stop counting her blessings that she had been given this job.
Many of her friends would have found the solitude boring. They liked people and music and parties, but she was not missing them. Not yet at any rate. Or was it perhaps something else that attracted herperhaps it was the man of the house himself?
She was sworn off men, so why she felt this pull towards Santo she had no idea. Shed met plenty of good-looking men in the course of her work and had felt nothing for them. Only Santo had made her senses run wild.
For a few seconds she closed her eyes and pictured his face. She could see him as hed sat across from her at the restaurant. Those amazing dark eyes that could fill a woman with excitement without a word being said.
Even thinking about him sent a burning sensation through her lower body, made her head fall back and the tip of her tongue moisten suddenly dry lips. Oh, hell, she thought, was this really happening?
The voice was softand close! She was imagining it!
Then a hand touched her shoulder.
It was real!
Penny, are you all right?
Santo! Her eyes snapped open and without even realising it she used his name for the first time. You startled me. II didnt hear you come in.
Evidently, he said, his rich, deep voice throbbing through her veins.
It was the sexiest voice she had ever heard. And she couldnt help wondering what it would be like if he were whispering words of love. She felt sure that it could quite easily make her climax without him even touching her.
What a crazy situation.
What were you thinking?
Nothing, she answered quickly. Youre home early.
His mouth twisted wryly. I took your advice. I thought Id see Chloe before she went to bed, but it looks as though Im too late.
Youve only missed her by about half an hour, Penny informed him, struggling for composure. At least talking about his daughter gave her time to rationalise her breathing.
To her dismay he pulled a chair close to hers and sat down. Then its just you and me. He looked relaxed for a change, younger, less severe, and because of the way shed been thinking earlier it made her want toto what?
Touch her fingers to his cheek, explore the contours? See what it felt like to be kissed by a real man. Lord, this hadnt happened to her since Max. Shed deliberately built a defensive wall and now it was crumbling fast.
She couldnt do this, she mustnt allow herself to once more fall for the wrong man. Santo wouldnt be interested in her long-term. All he saw was a babysitter for his daughter, someone to take the weight off his shoulders. And if he could enjoy the pleasures of her body in the meantimewhy not?
Now, where had those thoughts come from? He hadnt shown the slightest inclination to want to kiss her. But men were men. She knew that. Men took advantage of situations.
And her instincts proved correct when he leaned towards her, when his mouth was inches away from hers. She could see the pores in his skin, faintly smell cedar wood, and the whites of his eyes were so clear thatthat she had to get away before she was lost in them.
Heavens! This wasnt really happening. It couldnt be. Shed only been here two days. He wouldnt pounce on her like that, surely? Risk the fact that he might send her running.
And she was right. He gave a satisfied smile and then sat back in his seat.
But shed given herself away. Shed given him a hold over her. He knew that he could take her any time he wanted to.
Excuse me, I think Id better go and check on Chloe, she said, jumping to her feet. She was gone in seconds, fleeing as fast as her legs would carry her, her heart pounding. Letting Santo see how she felt had been a big mistake. One he might take advantage of.
And she wasnt wrong.
She looked in on Chloe to find her sleeping like an angel, a faint smile on her lips, her black hair, so much like her fathers, spread across the pillow. She was a sweet child and Penny couldnt see why Santo didnt devote more of his time to her, why he insisted on working long hours and getting someone else to look after his daughter.
Leaving the nursery, her head down, her mind still intent on what she saw as Chloes misfortune, Penny bumped straight into Santo. The sudden contact whipped the breath from her body and though his arms steadied her she felt as if her legs were about to buckle.
Whats the hurry? he asked, concern in his voice. Is Chloe all right?
Penny nodded. Everything was all right except these dangerous feelings flooding her system. A response that rocked her. Ricocheted a hot sizzle of awareness through every bone in her body.
Then it has to be youor meor both of us? His dark eyes filled with amusement and before she could guess at his intent, before she could protest or even draw breath, he lowered his head and captured her softly parted lips.
Penny had always known that Santos kisses would be sensational; nevertheless she wasnt prepared for the whirlpool of exquisite pleasure that wreaked havoc inside her. The way her world began to spin until she felt sure that she would fly out into orbit if he carried on.
For so many years she had told herself that no man would ever get through to her againand yet it was happening.
Now! And she had no control over it.
Santo had reached into the deepest recesses of her mind and turned it around so that she was once again a woman with needs that required satisfying, fully and deeply.
When he pushed open a door and urged her inside Penny realised they were in his bedroom. One tiny part of her mind railed against what was happening, the other exalted in the crescendo of feelings that were tipping her over the edge into a world where nothing else mattered except this moment in time.
And instead of fighting him she gave herself up to the erotic sensation of Santos kisses, breathing his name against his mouth, feeling the fire he had ignited take hold until it consumed her whole body. There was no room for questions, for wondering what was possessing her, all she wanted was to give in to the heated feelings that ravaged her senses.
Santo led her over to the bed, pulling her against him as they lay down, lifting one powerful leg over hers, tucking her head into his shoulder. It was a big bed, deep and comfortable, and Penny closed her eyes, forgetting where she was and what she was doing. All that mattered was Santos hot body next to hers, the throb of their passion that must surely be loud in the room.
With gentle fingers he traced the contours of her face. The urgency of that first kiss had gone; he was exploring now, gentle kisses followed his fingertips, and Penny relaxed against him, giving herself up to the magic of the moment, urging her body ever closer against his.
He found her mouth again in a kiss that shattered her senses, made her writhe against him and call out his name. She clawed her fingers into his hair and felt such a surge of emotion that it scared her. She hardly knew this man and yet here she was in his bed, enjoying his kisses as though he was the only man in the world.
With all the strength she could muster Penny pushed Santo away. This mustnt happen; she couldnt let it. It was the worst form of insanity.
TREMBLING all over, her blue eyes wide and accusing, she scrambled off the bed and glared down at him. Is this why your other nannies left? You couldnt keep your hands off them?
Mio Dio! You really think thats what I am like? Santos eyes turned jet-black as he unfurled himself from the bed, and his silence as he moved towards her with all the lethal grace of a jungle cat was more menacing because of it.
So tell me its not true, she challenged, finding it difficult to breathe. Tell me you were kissing me because you found me attractive, and not because I just happened to be available and you were feeling horny. She stood her ground, glaring into his face, trying to ignore the sensations still skittling around inside her.
I dont remember you fighting me off, he returned coolly. It seemed to me that the desire was totally mutual.
Damn him! He was right, but she wasnt going to admit it, not in a thousand years. And since he hadnt confessed to finding her attractive she had her answer. And now she felt stupid, and because she felt stupid it made her even angrier. Trust a man to try to worm his way out of a situation, she muttered, heading to the door.
But within seconds a heavy hand had her spinning round to face him. No one accuses me like that and gets away with it. Black eyes pinned her and the savage fury pouring out of them twisted her stomach into knots and stiffened every one of her limbs so that she couldnt move had she wanted to.
Our desires were mutual and you cannot deny it, he informed her icily. If it was a guilty conscience that attacked you, so be it, but never, I repeat never, accuse me of doing something I am not guilty of.
So this is the end of it? Penny said, facing him boldly, her spine straight, her head slanting defiantly up towards his face. Or should I be on my guard? Is it likely to happen again?
That depends on you. He let her go, standing a couple of feet away, but his body was rigid, his arms folded across his broad chest, and his fantastic eyes were fixed unblinkingly on hers.
A quiver ran through her. She was here to do a job, not enjoy an affair with the master of the house. Hed thought she was fair game and shed almost succumbed.
She felt sick even thinking about it. If it depends on me then I can assure you, Mr De Luca, that this will never happen again.
He inclined his head. So be it.
So be it, she flung back and this time when she marched to the door he let her go.
Santo smiled to himself as Penny left the room. It hadnt surprised him that shed put a stop to their passionate embrace. In fact hed been surprised that shed let him kiss her at all. There was no denying that hed enjoyed the experience. She was temptation personified. He even began to wonder whether it had been a good idea employing her.
The other nannies had been stiff and starchy, and Chloe had hated them so much that shed been a little minx. But his daughter apparently adored Penny and he knew very well that life in the De Luca household would be much more stable with her there. Sofor the momenthed have to curb his hunger.
IT WAS the middle of the night and Santo heard Chloe calling for her mummy. Shed had these bad dreams ever since her mother had died, although they had got further and further apart and hed thought she was finally accepting the situation.
Being a father didnt come naturally to him. He always felt awkward when comforting Chloe and had never been able to find the right words. He guessed it was because hed had nothing to do with her early years.
Now he leapt out of bed, pulling on a robe as he crossed the room, and in seconds was at his daughters door. To discover that Penny was already there. He watched in silence for a few seconds, marvelling at how good she was with Chloe, how her words of comfort came pouring out as though she were a mother herself.
Suddenly Chloe spotted him. Daddy, I had a nasty dream. Penny made me feel better.
He walked across to the bed, glancing at Penny, remembering the kisshow could he not when it had made his male hormones run more rampantly that he could ever remember? Resolutely closing his mind, he turned his attention to his daughter. Then Im glad that I found her, mio bello.
Chloe held out her arms to him and he immediately hugged her, conscious as he did so of Penny watching him closely. It was the first time shed seen any physical contact between them and her faint smile confirmed her approval.
Daddy, can Penny sleep with me?
Faint hurt pulsed through Santo. Why Penny? Why not him? He knew the answer before he had posed it: because he hadnt yet earned his daughters love.
He looked at Penny, felt his gut twist into knots, a deep need rising like the devil incarnate, and knew that he had to get out of here before he gave himself away. If Penny doesnt mind.
Penny gave him a curious look before she smiled at Chloe. Just for a few minutes, sweetheart.
Ill see you both in the morning, then, said Santo as he left the room, but he knew as he lay in bed that he was in danger of making a fool of himself where Penny Keeling was concerned. He wanted her as hed never wanted any other woman in his life. Because she was different? He didnt know. Because he knew she would never chase after him as many other women had done? He guessed that was true. There was a special quality about Penny. She had integrity as well as beauty.
Whatever had made her succumb to his kiss, it wasnt her normal pattern of behaviour. He felt sure of that. Her body would be given only to a man she was deeply in love with. And the fact that she had almost given in to him had scared her to death.
The best thing he could do was distance himself from her. And his saviour was the project his company was working on, a global campaign for a major company that had always eluded themand they were so close this time that he was prepared to work twenty-four-seven to make sure he got the contract.
Penny knew that letting Santo kiss her, allowing her emotions to surface, giving way to them, allowing him to see that she was not immune to his kisses, had been a dangerous thing to do. Dangerous and exciting. It proved that the hurt shed felt when Max finished with her was finally being laid to rest.
Max had been a big businessman too who could have his pick of any woman he wantedjust like Santo. Shed met him at a party and when he had singled her out, told her she was special, she had fallen head over heels in love. Their affair had lasted six months and shed been expecting him to ask her to marry him. The shock when she discovered he was seeing someone else had made her sick.

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