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The Fiancee Charade
The Fiancee Charade
The Fiancee Charade
Darcy Maguire
The diary of Jess Thompson…Friday 7th: My business is struggling–need to get inside info from arch-rival businessman Alex Calahan. He's looking for a bride–and my colleague thinks I could help….Wednesday 12th, a.m.: Alex has hired me to teach him the art of romance! Note to self: must not fall for Alex. He might be gorgeous–but he seems to be after that snob Natasha Bradford-Jones.Wednesday p.m.: Eek! He's persuaded me to pose as his fiancée to make horrid Natasha jealous! But why does he want her? I'm the one for him!Friday 14th: His fiancée charade is having opposite effect–he seems more interested in me! Note to self: can I fall for him now?

Jess’s belly tightened. “The last thing I want to do is help. I think I’ve done enough. I think you’ve done enough pretending that I’m your fiancée…. I think it’s time for me to go home.”
“Stay,” Alex whispered. “We can talk this through. You can tell me what an idiot I am. Please.”
Jess warred with herself. Hell, she was starting to feel for the guy. Sure, he was a messed-up individual, but with parents like his, and with a head that hardly fit through a door for the size of his ego, she understood him.
She shook her head and forced her legs to move. She had to go. She couldn’t stay. She was starting to soften to his cause, to feel his pain, to see his heart….
Darcy Maguire spends her days as a matchmaker, torturing tall, handsome men, seducing them into believing in love and romancing their socks off! And when she’s not working on her novels, she enjoys gardening, reading and going to the movies. She loves to hear from readers. Visit her at www.darcymaguire.com
Books by Darcy Maguire
3801—A PROFESSIONAL ENGAGEMENT* (#litres_trial_promo)
3805—THE BEST MAN’S BABY* (#litres_trial_promo)
3809—A CONVENIENT GROOM* (#litres_trial_promo)

The Fiancée Charade
Darcy Maguire

www.millsandboon.co.uk (http://www.millsandboon.co.uk)

CHAPTER ONE (#uad44f52c-4252-5a10-95d0-2d2f2bf1de53)
CHAPTER TWO (#u165842a5-8f5d-54b0-ba98-279992e70526)
CHAPTER THREE (#ua2a172f2-79d2-5862-8faf-3b11ac3790d6)
CHAPTER FOUR (#u9985a015-d259-565f-9dce-12b5e7969111)
CHAPTER FIVE (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER SIX (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER SEVEN (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER EIGHT (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER NINE (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER TEN (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER ELEVEN (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER TWELVE (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER THIRTEEN (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER FOURTEEN (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER FIFTEEN (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER SIXTEEN (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER SEVENTEEN (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER EIGHTEEN (#litres_trial_promo)
EPILOGUE (#litres_trial_promo)

‘YOU won’t believe this.’ Kath slapped down a women’s magazine on the bar in front of Jess Thompson, the pages open.
Jess lowered her cocktail and stared at the full-page picture, her breath catching in her throat.
It couldn’t be.
No way.
She touched the glossy surface gingerly, tracing the name printed in bold letters at the top of the spread, shaking her head slowly. How much more was this guy going to torture her?
‘Alexander Calahan,’ Kath purred close to her.
It was him. The man that Jess had thought about incessantly for the last four years.
She stared at the image filling the page. He looked wider in the shoulders than she’d imagined, and far more handsome.
She’d hoped he’d look like the weasel he was, but there was no justice in the world. He was far cuter than he deserved to be, considering the person he was—and what he’d done.
She chewed on her bottom lip. Maybe he’d had the shot touched up to wipe out his warts, scales and horns. After all, no female executive flicking through would hire this guy for the advertising needs of her company if he looked like the creature he was.
‘It’s new today.’ Kath slid onto the stool beside her, smoothing down the blood-red dress that was clinging to her ample body. ‘Saw it on the way here and had to buy it for you.’
‘Thanks,’ Jess whispered tightly, pushing an errant lock of brown hair back from her face. Seeing this guy in a magazine was the last thing she needed, yet she couldn’t tear her eyes away.
The watch at his wrist looked as if it was gold, the tie was Italian silk, and the tailored suit he wore had probably cost more than her father’s car.
His clean-shaven good-boy image was corrupted only by the intensity in his stormy blue eyes.
Jess shivered. He looked human, but she knew better. He was the devil in a black dinner suit.
‘I know you’ve had a lot on your plate, what with Dean and all.’ Kath raised a hand, tossing her short black bob back from her face and signalling the barman. ‘But we can’t exactly ignore this. Our company is struggling to stay afloat here.’ She slapped the magazine, her bracelets jangling. ‘And this is disastrous.’
Jess ignored her colleague’s panic, staring at the image in front of her. ‘He’s not as handsome as they all like to make out.’
Kath sighed, sagging against the bar. ‘Why don’t you tell him that?’ She stabbed her finger onto Alexander Calahan’s face, which was smiling seductively up at them. ‘I’m sure he doesn’t hear it often.’
Jess lifted her chin. ‘I could.’
‘Go on, then. This is your chance to tell the King of the ad world exactly what you think of him.’ Kath swept her hand in front of her as though trying to swat a fly. ‘And if at the same time you could knobble him a bit, it would help.’
She should tell the arrogant jerk exactly what she thought of him—but what would it accomplish? He didn’t even know she existed, let alone her and Kath’s little ad company, Kingston and Co, which was struggling to win any attention from a business world with the Calahan empire dominating the marketplace.
Kath ordered a cocktail from the barman and swung to face Jess, her eyes bright. ‘You can’t let him get away with this blatant stunt to pull even more attention for him and his company.’
Jess shook herself. What? There was more to his photo plastered over the highest-selling magazine than selling his company? She swallowed hard, tearing her attention away from his picture to the words below.
‘“Eligible bachelor seeks bride,”’ she read slowly, the words ricocheting around her head like a stray bullet. No. ‘He can’t be serious. He’s selling himself?’
‘Hell, no.’ Kath stabbed at the article on the facing page. ‘This is just a way to brag himself up and pull in more of the women’s advertising out there in the market than he already has.’ Kath shook her head. ‘And ruin us all in the process.’
Jess opened her mouth but couldn’t speak, her blood roaring through her body like molten lava. There was no way she could let him get away with it. Not again. He’d pulled just about all the dirty tricks in the book and she’d had enough.
She jerked to her feet, straightening her taupe suit jacket over her white silk organza waistcoat, her heart thundering in her chest. She flexed her fingers. They had to do something.
Kath slid Jess’s drink across to her other hand. ‘So, what are we going to do? Call a newspaper and try to give them dirt on the guy? Or issue a public challenge to his motives?’
Jess stared at the man in the photo, trying to sort her thoughts out from the tangle of emotions sizzling through her.
What did she want?
She sank back onto the stool, her hands clenched by her sides. She wanted to tie the guy up and steal away his most coveted clients while he was incapacitated—for the guy to get what he deserved and to have the world know what a cunning liar he was.
Kath combed down the stray wisps of hair escaping her bob. ‘Or try for false advertising? There is no way on the planet that man is looking to settle down.’
‘All good ideas,’ Jess said as calmly as she could manage, taking a deep, slow breath, her mind running through the scenarios. She flicked the page, scanning the article. ‘But there’s not much we can do.’
‘Don’t tell me you’re going to take it on the chin again?’ Kath knocked back Jess’s drink and slammed the empty glass down onto the bar. ‘I’m sick of you taking it all and then complaining endlessly about the guy. When are you going to dish it out?’
Jess shook her head. She wasn’t ready to dish it out. She wanted to have his company in tatters at her feet, then stomp on the man himself—grind the last sliver of his ego into the dust with the heel of her Pradas.
Jess stared into the long mirror behind the bar. That could be a while away. Maybe never, the way their luck was going.
She watched the flow of patrons through the foyer behind her. She froze, her heart slamming into her ribs. ‘Isn’t that—?’
Kath swung around on her stool. ‘Yes. He’s here. Alexander Calahan is here,’ she chirped, a manic grin spreading across her face.
‘You knew he’d be here?’ Jess squeaked, her mind tumbling around for the significance.
‘Sure. I figured it was about time you got it all off your chest.’ Kath picked up the mag and waved it in front of Jess. ‘Including this latest blow.’
Jess stared at the reflection of the man. It was really, truly him. The man who had haunted her for years was in the same room as she was, breathing the same air, listening to the same soft background music and about to look at the same menu.
She shook her head, her heart thundering in her chest, her brain trying to absorb her friend’s last words. ‘What? Talk to him?’
Kath held the magazine close to her chest, a smile tugging at her mouth. ‘Give him exactly what he deserves, honey. Vent. Get it off your chest. It’s not healthy to carry that sort of baggage around. What have you got to lose?’
Jess swung around and faced the genuine article. He was deep in conversation with a group of suited men, moving towards the dining area.
He was even cuter in the flesh. His jaw was smooth, his chiselled features made all the more striking by the slight cleft in his chin, and his lips were firm, inviting all sorts of promises…that she had no intention of pursuing.
She swallowed hard. She couldn’t miss the women in the room coyly looking at the man with sickening smiles on their faces.
‘Go on—tell him what you think of him,’ Kath urged from behind her, giving her a shove in the small of her back.
Jess picked up Kath’s drink from the bar, holding it close to her chest. Could she? She took a sip and lifted her chin. Why not?
She stood up and stepped forward, her body tight, her breath stuck in her lungs. Her blood ran hot and fast, like a torrential flow of hot lava, filling her ears, her belly and her cheeks.
Kath had no idea what she was asking of her. No idea how much she’d thought about this moment. No idea how much she wanted to say or how much it meant to her.
But Kath was right. Why not now?
The guy had romanced a leading cosmetic company out of Jess and Kath’s future, showering the executives in champagne and gifts. He’d manoeuvred his way into a women’s magazine article, spouting sincerity and a heart that he could no way own. And now he’d walked into the restaurant she was in, flaunting his success, waving his bankroll and fancy suit in front of her, just begging for a dressing-down and a few home truths.
There was only so much a girl could take.
Jess strode forward, weaving her way through his group towards the man himself, standing resplendent in a tailored Armani suit at the entrance to the dining area.
He was way taller than she’d imagined, or than his photo suggested. She slowed…He had to be at least a good head taller than her, and she was wearing heels.
She lifted her chin. ‘Calahan,’ she bit out as she approached, clenching her fingers on the drink in front of her, fighting to hear herself think over the pounding of her heart in her chest.
What was she doing?
He swung around to face her, his stormy blue eyes meeting hers, catching and holding them.
His presence hit her full force in the chest.
He was incredible…cute…and real.
Jess swallowed hard, narrowing her eyes, forcing herself to take the last few steps. She could understand now why he was so successful with women, despite his obvious flaws in personality.
Calahan broke the link, his gaze drifting down over her—from the large green eyes that she hoped were spitting the fire she felt boiling within her, down past her red lips—held tightly closed, struggling against the barrage of curses wanting to escape—to her office outfit and the curves of her body that she usually liked to be appreciated, and up again.
She faltered, tensed, her blood threatening to ignite. Of course he was going to arrogantly check her out—she should have expected it.
‘I’m obviously at a disadvantage here, Miss—?’ he asked smoothly, his voice as smooth and rich as chocolate, sliding over her with a warmth that sent ripples through her.
Her skin tingled, but she met his gaze without flinching, ignoring the traitorous response in her body. This was it. The moment she’d waited for. The one she’d envisaged, planned and rehearsed a thousand-million times over.
She opened her mouth, but the truth wouldn’t come.
It shouldn’t be like this—shouldn’t be just words. It should be so much more. He deserved so much more. How could a few choice curses make up for what he’d done to her and her family?
His sensuous mouth tipped at the corners, his blue eyes smiling at her. ‘Yes?’
She tore her attention away from him and stared at the ceiling, struggling to stay in control. She took a gulp of air and dropped her gaze back to his, which was glittering with amusement.
It was like a punch in the gut. He was laughing at her! Probably thought she was keen to worship the ground he walked on, that she was just another bimbo wanting to join his fan club, or—worse—he thought she was in love with him.
The concept raked at her.
She lurched the remaining distance, then stumbled, her hand jerking. Kath’s fruit cocktail drenched his chest and splattered his face.
Jess sucked in a quick breath. ‘You…you rotten, self-serving, malicious, manipulating, arrogant jerk!’

ALEX stared at the young woman in front of him, the droplets of her drink running down his jaw, the damp patch on his shirt sending mixed signals.
Did he deserve that? Probably.
Did he know her? Must.
He stroked his jaw, wiping off the moisture, running through the possibilities. But for the life of him he couldn’t place her. He was sure he’d remember this woman. She was too fine, too sassy, and far too brazen to forget.
Long chestnut-coloured hair fell around her shoulders with stunning blonde streaks that gave the impression that she spent a lot of time in the sun. It was loose and free, like the words that had burst from her mouth. And what a mouth. Her lips were full and alluring, sending sharp bolts of desire hurtling through his body.
She appeared to be office material, but she wasn’t wearing a shirt under the white waistcoat she wore—a bit of a turn-on—and the skirt was tight around her hips and thighs, enticing his imagination as to the perfection of the body underneath.
Alex raised his gaze to meet her large emerald green eyes, wide and sizzling.
If he knew her, he would go all out to make up for his mistake—including not recalling her. If he didn’t, he’d change her mind about him…so he could experience that sharp tongue and passion first hand.
‘Do I know you?’ he offered, focusing only on the beautiful stranger, subtly aware of the stir of his colleagues behind him.
‘I…I—’ she choked, looking away from him to the floor. ‘I’m—’ she started backing away ‘—not…sorry.’
‘If I’ve done anything to upset you I’d really like to sort it out.’ He tipped his head, trying to catch that fiery look in her emerald-green eyes.
Never had he seen such passion in someone’s eyes. It was as though she was going to throw herself into his arms—or kill him. Either way, she seemed far more exciting to consider than another Friday dinner meeting with his executives.
Hell, he could really do with something a bit more challenging than this everyday routine he was drowning in.
She lifted her chin suddenly, staring him straight in the eyes unflinchingly. ‘Really? You’d like to sort out my problems?’
He couldn’t fight smiling. He loved helping women, solving their problems and making their lives easier. And they were so welcoming to his knight-in-shining-armour gestures. ‘Sure—it’s not every day that a beautiful woman comes up to me and initiates a conversation like this.’
Her nod was almost imperceptible.
He slipped his hands into his trouser pockets, rocking his weight back on his heels. ‘Maybe I can buy you another drink?’
She straightened tall, her full red lips pressed tightly together. ‘I don’t think so.’ She backed away, straightening her jacket.
‘Who are you?’ he asked, taking a step towards the beauty in front of him.
This couldn’t be all there’d be between them…she’d approached him. Alex straightened his tie, watching her carefully, his mind abuzz. What was happening? He was smiling, he was charming, he was saying all the right things and he looked okay… ‘What’s this all about?’
‘I—’ she started, and a shadow passed over her face.
He moved closer to her, the call to answer the mystery of this woman throbbing through him, the strange pull in his chest impelling his legs to move, to follow. ‘Let’s sit down somewhere quiet and talk about this…us.’
She jerked her chin up, her eyes flashing fire. ‘I’m from…Women Against Womanisers,’ she said, pursing her lips and nodding strongly. ‘Just doing my bit.’
All thought left his mind.
Alex stared at the woman, words failing him.
A soft smile tugged at the corners of her mouth as she turned and walked away, leaving him standing there.
‘What on earth was that about?’ Lucas asked, stepping forward and slapping his hand on Alex’s shoulder.
‘I have no idea.’ He forced his feet to move. ‘But there’s not a doubt in my mind—she’s just what I need.’
Jess walked directly to Kath, trying not to break into a run. She could hardly breathe, hardly think for the jumble of words in her head, the heat in her cheeks, the pounding in her ears.
What had possessed her to be sucked in by Kath’s needling and march up to the one man in the world she’d had no intention of being anywhere near?
Kath swung around on her stool, feigning innocence with wide eyes and raised brows. ‘How’d it go?’
Jess threw up her hands, her stomach tossing as the conversation flooded back to her—every word of her crazed babbling crashing into his calm responses. ‘Don’t ask.’
‘It looked good.’
Jess shook her head. How could a person with four years worth of hatred, wimping out in the face of her evil nemesis, look good?
Her cheeks burned. How was she going to exact her revenge on the guy with a shred of dignity now he knew she was the total twit who’d lost it, tossed a drink on him and spoken absolute rubbish to him?
Women Against Womanisers? Where had that come from? Sure, if such an organisation existed she’d be the first to sign up—giving support to other women who’d been screwed over by men. And there’d be a lot.
She bit her bottom lip. She just hoped he believed it, and forgot all about her.
Jess straightened her jacket, willing her pulse to slow. It was over. So over. And there was no way she was going to be eating anywhere tonight—least of all here. ‘Let’s get out of here.’
‘Did you get it all off your chest?’ Kath stood up slowly, her gaze probing Jess’s face. ‘You have to feel better now that’s over?’
‘Sure,’ Jess choked, looking towards the front door, hoping she sounded more convincing than she felt. ‘I told him.’
Kath hooked her handbag over her shoulder, tipping her head to one side, looking past Jess as though she wasn’t there. ‘I don’t know…I don’t think you made your point very clearly at all.’
Jess sucked in a deep breath. ‘You weren’t there. You have no idea.’ So she’d barely scratched the surface. But now wasn’t the time. She had to work out a way to get their company playing ball with the big guys, to get the clients that Alex Calahan coveted and to drive him broke—as he deserved.
‘So, if you saw Calahan again…?’
She lifted her chin. There was no way she was going to let Kath know the truth about the encounter. It was better to let her partner in business believe she was over the ‘Crush Calahan’ crusade and that she was in no way as idiotically vulnerable as any other woman to the man’s evil charms.
‘Not a problem,’ Jess said easily, seeing as she didn’t plan to see the guy ever again. Unless you counted giving change to him in the street after she’d turned him into a pauper.
‘Good. Because he’s behind you.’
She stiffened, then relaxed. Kath had to be joking. There was no way Calahan would come begging for more of the same—she’d acted like a total idiot.
‘I’m not joking, Jess,’ Kath said from between clenched teeth, imitating the smile of a Cheshire cat, her attention behind Jess.
‘Jess,’ said a distinctly male voice, rich and smooth behind her. ‘Nice name. Short for—?’
Jess’s heart leapt into her throat.
She stared at her friend, flexing her fingers as his warm friendly tone slid through her, doing strange things to the nerves in her body.
She wanted to turn around and shove the guy into next week. But she was frozen to the spot, her breath coming short and ragged.
‘I’m Katherine,’ her ex-friend said, reaching past Jess, offering a nervous sort of smile.
Jess saw Kath’s hand vanish in his large hand beside her, out of the corner of her eye, and her mind darted to how strong and smooth and sensuous his hand probably felt against hers.
‘Alex,’ he said smoothly. ‘But I’m guessing you already knew that.’
Kath nodded. ‘So…’ she offered, glaring at Jess, widening her eyes.
What could he possibly want? Her mind rattled through the possibilities. To give her a dry-cleaning bill? Or a date?
She bristled. He’d better get used to disappointment.
She swung around to face him, her breath snagging in her throat at the sheer presence of him, so close to her, watching her with his deep blue eyes as though he was searching her very soul.
The corners of his mouth tipped. ‘Hello.’
‘Hi,’ she whispered, forcing air into her lungs. ‘I’m sorry…if I gave you the impression that I wanted something from you. I don’t.’
He touched his jaw, his eyes sparkling. ‘Good.’
She stared at his mouth, trying to understand the meaning behind the word, his presence, the strange tingling in the pit of her stomach.
‘I’d like to propose—’
Kath gasped.
‘—that you may have a unique viewpoint to offer, and I’m more than interested in exploring it to the full.’
‘Really?’ She crossed her arms over her chest and narrowed her eyes at the man. What sort of pick-up line was that? She’d expected more from a guy with the reputation of wooing the ladies the way she’d heard he did.
‘I’d appreciate your perspective.’
‘I have no idea what you’re talking about, and I have no intention of spending one more minute of my time finding out.’ Jess snatched up her bag from the bar. ‘I’ve said my piece.’ She shot Kath a look. ‘And I won’t waste my time or my breath on self-serving womanisers who are out to exploit everything and everyone around them. Good night.’
She snagged Kath’s arm and lurched towards the exit.
Her name on his lips hit her deep in the chest. She swung around to face the last man on earth she wanted using it.
‘That’s exactly the perspective I need. I’m looking to change my image…and I need some honest advice.’
She sucked in a deep breath.
‘I’ll pay you for your time.’
‘Of course you will,’ Kath piped up, stepping forward. ‘And I expect you’ll want her to incorporate herself into your day-to-day routine, so she can point out exactly what’s happening on a minute-by-minute basis?’
He blinked, and nodded. ‘Yes, that would be a good idea. I hadn’t thought about it. I just figure I need some guidance from one of your members when it comes to my attitude with women.’
Kath shot Jess a questioning look.
She swallowed hard. Kath had no idea what was going on—that she hadn’t vented it all on Calahan, that she’d fed him a false line. She looked at her friend. ‘I did my bit for Women Against Womanisers—seeing as he qualifies as a prize-winning jerk in the first degree. I told Calahan here as much, and exactly what I thought of him.’
Kath’s eyes widened, glinting. ‘Right.’ She swung to face Calahan. ‘And I’m sure your womanising activities extend far beyond dating and into every part of your life, Mr Calahan?’
He frowned. ‘No. Maybe. Possibly.’
‘So if my fellow member of our organisation here took time out of her valuable schedule to instruct you in the ways of the sensitive New Age man…?’
Jess stiffened, glaring at Kath, who’d cottoned onto the conversation far too quickly and was taking full advantage.
Calahan smiled at Kath, adjusting his tie and pulling back his shoulders. ‘Exactly what I’m after.’
What in heaven’s name was Kath getting her into? And why on earth would she want to follow Calahan around all day telling him what he was doing wrong?
She paused. It could be fun, screwing with his head. But, no—nothing could induce her. She had a business to run, clients to seduce away, and campaigns to wage against the Calahan empire. ‘Not a chance. You’re an arrogant son of a—’
Kath grabbed Calahan’s hand again and pumped it enthusiastically. ‘She’d be happy to help you out.’
Jess’s heart leapt to her throat. ‘Kath?’
‘You’re one of our most active members,’ she offered, widening her eyes at Jess. ‘So I’m sure you’ll sacrifice your time to help Mr Calahan back from the dark side. Goodness, Jess, you have to agree that the world can never have too many men trying to be more sensitive to a woman’s needs.’
Jess stared at Kath, her blood pounding in her veins. She was conscious of her mouth being open, of it drying, and of no words coming out.
‘You can’t tell me that you’d refuse to help a womaniser who’s addressing his problems?’ Kath took Jess to one side and rubbed her shoulder as though she could warm her to the idea. ‘Come on. You can sit in on his meetings,’ she said with a seductive lilt in her voice, ‘and follow him around as he talks with potential clients and stuff. Instruct him on where he’s getting it wrong. Won’t you?’
‘Will I?’ she said cautiously, then registered Kath’s words as they spun around her head, their significance seeping into every pore.
It made perfect sense. If they were ever going to have a chance of competing for business with this guy’s empire they had to know how the enemy ran his camp. And if, in the process, she happened to hear what companies were looking for representation, it wouldn’t be out of the question to use that information and offer them an alternative. Would it?
Jess bit her bottom lip to stop the smile threatening her cool expression. She was sure Calahan wouldn’t mind…It was business, and when it came to business with Calahan anything was fair. She turned to face him again.
‘I’d be awfully grateful,’ Calahan said smoothly, offering Jess a business card. ‘If you could get out of your usual job for a day and come to my office…say Wednesday…we’ll get on with it.’
Kath snatched the card from Calahan and nodded enthusiastically. ‘She’ll be there.’
Jess watched the most arrogant, irritating man in Sydney saunter back to his group, his head held high, his shoulders back, his irritating confidence oozing from every pore.
‘Oh-my-God.’ Jess forced herself to move, stalking to the front door of the fancy restaurant. ‘I can’t.’
Kath followed a step behind. ‘You can.’
She swung around to face her friend. ‘What did you do? Did you wake up this morning and decide that today you were going to destroy my life?’
‘You’re being melodramatic. This is going to save us.’ Kath linked her arm in hers, grinning. ‘Our prayers have been answered.’
Jess sighed. ‘I don’t think I can deliberately go and steal his clients…’ That would make her no better than him, and if there was one thing she never wanted, it was to be like Alexander Calahan.
‘What about you just get some dirt on the guy, then?’ Kath leant close. ‘You said yourself that the article had to be a lie. Get the proof.’
‘That would put a spanner in the works,’ she said slowly, mulling over the idea, feeling a weight lifting from her shoulders at the thought that she could do some good.
‘There’s no other way we can put one there.’
What could she say to that? Kath was right. This was a boon and a half. She just wished it didn’t involve her going anywhere near the man she loathed.
‘It’ll be fine. You’ll love it. You can point out all the guy’s faults and get paid for it too.’
Jess bit her lip, her body chilling. ‘But that would mean the article is genuine, wouldn’t it? If he really wants to change himself?’
‘Could be just another stunt?’
‘Yes.’ Kath was right. Cripes, it was what they’d come to expect from the guy—and if she was going to have to spend time with the handsome jerk she was going to make it count.
She’d spent long enough keeping score. It was time she took a shot herself.
Alexander Calahan wouldn’t know what hit him.

‘WHAT the hell is this?’ Lucas slapped the magazine down on the desk between them. ‘Have you gone mad? You’ve got everything. Why throw it all away by getting married?’
Alex shrugged. ‘You may be happy living the bachelor life indefinitely, but I, personally, am getting tired of it.’
His friend leant forward, leaning heavily on his desk. ‘How? You’re rich, you’re pretty good-looking, and you’ve got every woman in the city falling all over you. Why mess with perfection?’
Alex shrugged. ‘I need more. I’m bored.’ And his thirty-third birthday had been a turning point in his life—his father had been married by this age; it was time to step his life up another notch.
He swivelled the magazine around to face him. Declaring his new intentions to the women of the city would give him a head start. They’d know he was seriously thinking about settling down, so when he found one who touched him deeply she’d know he was serious.
And in the meantime he had Jess.
He leant back in the seat opposite Lucas, letting his gaze wander around the man’s office as his mind wandered over Jess again.
She was all woman—stubborn, but seriously sexy, with that long loose hair, as though she had no restrictions in her life. Her attempt at conservative clothing had taunted him with the passionate woman that pulsed underneath, just waiting for the right man.
What a challenge.
But not his. She was coming for one reason and for one reason only: to show him the art of a sincere seeker of love.
His blood warmed at the thought of seeing her again, his mind playing with him as he wondered what she’d be like. As forceful as last time? Or gentler, more understanding, as her realisation of his wanting to move to the next step in relationships sank in?
He tipped back on his chair. The woman had no business hating him—she didn’t even know him. Yet.
Alex folded his hands behind his neck. He would remedy that—and find out what in hell made the woman tick.
He couldn’t wait to see her—start bending her to his charms, softening her heart…
He shook himself. No. That wasn’t the idea.
He looked at his watch. Time was moving too slowly today. Hell, for the last five days. Why had he thought he could wait so long before his lessons began?
Logic ruled that the woman probably had a life to reschedule, but the waiting was killing him. It was hard to imagine he could be doing anything wrong—anything that would put a woman off falling head over heels in love with him—but for some reason it just wasn’t happening.
Lucas stood up and stalked across his office, stroking his goatee. ‘You’re delusional. The last thing you need in your life is a wife.’
‘You’re wrong, Lucas.’ Alex shook his head, kicking back in the chair and lifting his feet onto his friend’s desk. ‘I need a woman. A lover. A mate. I need to put the sort of time and commitment into a relationship that I have into building this business.’
‘No. You’ve had plenty of relationships and look at you. Still single.’ Lucas inclined his head. ‘And still smiling.’
Alex swung his feet down to the floor and stood up, smoothing down his trousers and buttoning his jacket. ‘I’m not smiling when I go home to an empty apartment.’
‘Get a dog.’
‘I have a dog. It’s time for me to marry.’ Alex strode to the door.
And it was time to show his father he could do better than him in his personal life—as he had in his business one. He would have the perfect life that his parents had failed at, and give his children the stability that he hadn’t had.
He gripped the door handle, glancing at his friend. He wouldn’t mind coming home to someone who was going to be interested in his day, his goals, and his dreams for the future.
‘No.’ Lucas pointed at the magazine still lying on the desk. ‘I can’t believe it. Tell me it’s a ruse.’
Alex shook his head. ‘I assure you that I’m hellbent on this. There’s no way on the planet that I want to continue with these shallow flings for the next few decades. They leave me with nothing but a bigger void to fill.’
‘Get a girlfriend, then. A proper one. One who isn’t looking for a good time and a large bank account.’
Alex threw up his arms. ‘That’s the idea. And if she works out then I’ll make her permanent.’
Lucas ran a hand through his short hair. ‘So I’m guessing you have a game plan for how to achieve this insane goal of yours, like you usually do?’
‘Absolutely.’ Alex strode down the hallway to his own office. ‘Like with everything else in my life, I’m the one in control—and I’ll have the future I make for myself by using all the resources available to me.’
Lucas followed him. ‘So what are you planning? I don’t like surprises.’
Alex had to like Lucas. He was his best friend, vice-president and his corporate lawyer, and always looking out for his best interests. ‘It’s all about actions reflecting goals. I know what I have to do.’
‘You have something up your sleeve?’ Lucas eyed Alex with narrowed eyes. ‘I can see you’re up to something already.’
Alex couldn’t help but smile. ‘I’m all over the problem.’
He slowed, slipping his hands into his trouser pockets. ‘You know I have a reputation as a womaniser?’
Lucas gnawed his bottom lip. ‘As evidenced by that woman on Friday night. What I would give for a woman like that to come up to me…minus the drink in the face, of course. And that outburst—that was harsh.’
‘She was perfect.’
‘She was crazy.’ Lucas stroked his goatee again, shaking his head. ‘Ignore her.’
‘Not a chance. She’s perfect,’ he said slowly, the memory of the fire in her eyes sliding through him like warm honey.
‘Well, she was certainly beautiful.’ Lucas nodded. ‘And feisty. And she’ll make wonderful babies with you…if only she didn’t hate you.’
He had to smile. ‘Not a problem since all I need from her is her wisdom and advice on ousting my womanising ways.’
‘You’re going to make her fall in love with you, aren’t you?’ Lucas leant against a wall. ‘Because if you can make her love you then you can make anyone?’
Alex frowned. ‘I hadn’t thought of that.’
‘Think about it.’ Lucas crossed his arms over his chest, a gleam shining in his eyes. ‘Then you could make a try at the big one.’
Alex closed his eyes. ‘Natasha Bradford-Jones,’ he said slowly, thinking about the woman who had evaded his charms and advances by being tantalisingly unavailable, with this fiancé or that one. Until now.
But somehow he couldn’t get enthused about Natasha with Jess filling his mind and senses.
Jess and him.
The thought of romancing Jess sang in his veins, but the thought of anything more—that he could get anyone, maybe even Natasha Bradford-Jones of the Double Bay Bradford-Joneses—was incongruous.
‘Natasha’s available,’ Lucas said softly.
‘Now you’re being crazy.’
Lucas threw up his hands. ‘But I’m right. Come on. I know you…how can you resist a challenge?’
Alex wasn’t going to argue with his friend. Lucas had listened, given his views, and now it was up to him and him alone to make a decision—no matter how flawed.
‘Here’s the first challenge now.’ Lucas stepped back so Alex could see her, standing in the foyer. ‘Hell, she’s a looker.’
Lucas was right. She was stunning. And passionate. And from the way she was glaring at him—her eyes narrowed and her mouth pulled thin—he’d have to do a lot of smooth talking to get her to like him, let alone fall for him.
He strode up to her. ‘Jess.’
He ignored her cool tone. He hadn’t expected anything less. Had he? Had he hoped in some juvenile way that just meeting him again would change her mind about him? That somehow his suave ways and charms would thaw the brick of icy armour she had standing between them?
It didn’t matter. She’d come round eventually. They were going to spend a fair bit of close time together, that would give her a better perspective of him, show her what she was missing by hating men.
‘This is my good friend and colleague Lucas,’ Alex offered, straightening his tie.
She clasped Lucas’s hand. ‘Pleased to meet you.’
Lucas shook her hand, his smile widening and his chest filling out. ‘I hear you’re going to try to straighten out this lad and his debauched ways.’
She shrugged. ‘I’ll do what I can.’
Alex had to smile at her lack of enthusiasm. But he’d show her he was seriously committed to this, and then things would change.
Lucas slapped him on the back, his eyes on Jess, his face all smiles for the woman. ‘I’ll leave you to your lost cause.’
She nodded, watching Lucas leave as though she wanted him to stay.
A chill ran through Alex’s chest as he watched her gaze follow Lucas all the way back down the hall. Did she like Lucas? That would be a disappointment. For her. He was worse than Alex at finding love, and had no intention of changing his reputation or his ways with women at all.
Alex shrugged, turning his attention solely to the woman he’d hired to help him. She was simply dressed, making the point that she hadn’t gone to any extra effort for him—just cream trousers, a tunic and the same taupe jacket as last week.
She looked incredible.
‘Is that what you think I am?’ he asked, unable to resist probing her thoughts. ‘A lost cause?’
She lifted a finely arched eyebrow.
‘Do you think I’m just some arrogant playboy looking for a good excuse to tie up a beautiful woman by my side all day?’
She pursed her full lips. ‘I wouldn’t put it past you.’
‘At least you’re honest.’
‘Can I say the same about you?’
Alex crossed his arms over his chest. ‘You don’t really want to be here, do you?’
She shook her head. ‘No, but I’m hoping you’re going to make it worth my while.’
He nodded, but the familiar focus on money chafed at him. Why he was surprised he had no idea. It was what made the world go round, what women were always thinking of to fund their next shopping fix.
Alex slid a gold pen from his jacket pocket and scribbled a figure on a piece of paper. ‘What’s your day job?’
‘Much the same as this,’ she lied, her voice sweet and low. ‘But enough about me. Let’s talk about…you.’
He straightened and handed her the paper. Whoever had screwed her over had done it big-time. Her abhorrence for this job—and him—was obvious. And Lucas was right. He couldn’t help feel the thrill of the challenge ahead of him.
Would it take long to learn serious relationship etiquette? And would it take longer to teach her to like men again?
‘Is that enough to compensate you for putting up with me all day?’ he asked tightly.
She glanced at the paper. ‘Are you this big a bastard?’
He couldn’t help but smile. ‘You have to ask?’
She managed a smile too, meeting his gaze with fiery green eyes, jerking her chin up and her shoulders back. ‘Of course you are. Silly me. You’re the most arrogant ass in the city. I should wonder that there are any women left for you to screw over.’
He rubbed his chin. ‘There are a couple I’ve had my eye on…But they’re from good families with real marriage potential and I don’t want to mess it up this time.’
She bared her teeth in a forced smile. ‘I’ll do all I can to help you see the error of your ways.’
Alex clapped his hands, the buzz of anticipation sizzling through him. ‘Great.’
Step one accomplished. Agreement to the task at hand, and the sacrifice of spending time with him.
He had nothing to worry about.
He’d have no problem at all in running through the protocol for lasting relationships, mastering it, then pursuing and obtaining the woman of his dreams and having the perfect life.
Then he’d have everything. He’d be happy. And not even his father could take that away from him.
Jess followed Alexander Calahan’s more than sexy body to his office, pinching herself on the leg as she went. This couldn’t be happening. She was living her darkest nightmare.
She’d thought of standing the guy up—thought of leaving the country or just staying under the warm covers of her bed this morning. But she couldn’t have lived with disappointing Kath. Not when Kath believed in her crazy plan to take on Calahan and destroy him when no one else would.
Just the thought of spending time with Attila of the ad world made her blood drain to her toes. Actually being with him was surreal.
Seeing him standing in the foyer, in a killer tailored suit that hugged his wide shoulders and hunky body to perfection, with his smooth shave and sexy mouth, with his blue gaze on her like that, had made her nerves quiver.
She touched the piece of paper in her trouser pocket. At least she’d be reasonably compensated for putting up with him.
She could do this. It shouldn’t take long to weasel the truth out of Calahan about his latest publicity stunt and knock this silly bride idea on the head. As if he’d be serious. Did he really think she was going to swallow this act of his?
She shook her head, still following Calahan. Kath owed her big-time for this.
‘Mrs Samuels, this is Jess. She’ll be consulting with me today,’ Calahan stated smoothly to an older woman sitting at a desk in front of a set of double doors. ‘Jess, this is Mrs Samuels, my secretary. If you have any questions or problems, she’s the one to ask.’
Jess managed to nod to the woman.
‘She’s one of the natural wonders of the world,’ he offered, moving to the doors. ‘She’s the mother of five boys, grandmother to two girls, and still manages to run my office and organise my life for me.’
Jess darted a second look to the woman, then to Calahan. He sounded…as if he cared…as though he were nice.
Calahan flung open the double doors.
An office of conference room proportions lay before them. The impossibly large mahogany desk stood close to floor-to-ceiling windows that framed a magnificent vista of the city. A deep brown leather lounge sat to one side of Jess, pot plants, artworks and a bar to the other.
He strode into the room and swung around to face her, the smile on his face like a schoolboy’s. ‘You like?’
She bit her bottom lip, jerking her attention away from his too blue eyes, walking slowly into the room.
Only in her wildest dreams could she imagine working in an office this amazing—with glorious views, lavish furniture, and so much space.
She turned back to Calahan slowly, quelling the excitement rising in her belly, counting the stunts he had to have pulled, the clients he had to have stolen, the lives he’d wrecked to get this.
‘Over-compensating, are we?’ she blurted.
He blinked, touching his jaw as though she’d slapped him.
The doors closed behind her. Mrs Samuels?
‘Come on,’ she goaded, moving across to the windows, clamping down the response rising in her throat at the incredible view. ‘What are you saying with this? That you’ve got no talent, no personality, nothing to offer except a load of money?’
Calahan crossed his arms over his formidable chest. ‘I know you’re here to be honest, but—’
She lifted her chin, a bubble of excitement rising up in her chest because she’d hit home. ‘Are you feeling threatened?’ she lilted, narrowing her gaze.
He shook his head. ‘No, not at all,’ he said easily, spreading his arms wide. ‘This is for the clients—to show them how successful this company is and highlighting all the talent I employ. I personally wouldn’t mind working in a six-foot-square cubicle.’
Jess pursed her mouth tight. Sure. She was really meant to believe that? She stared out at Sydney, his formidable presence behind her giving her the impression she was hunting a tiger in his own jungle.
She shouldn’t be here.
She dragged in a deep breath and swung around. ‘So, how about we get started? Are you going to a meeting? Touring your workplace? What? I think it best if I just observe you.’
‘I thought we’d start right here.’ Calahan reduced the distance between them. ‘I figure I’ll run past you my modus operandi for getting the ladies, and you can tell me if I’m mucking it up.’
Jess took a step backwards, pressing her back against the cool glass, her heart leaping into her throat. ‘What?’
‘I figure my whole approach might be wrong for attracting a serious relationship.’ He shrugged, as though he didn’t quite believe it could be. ‘But let’s run through it, and you can tell me if there’s anything not quite right, okay?’
She opened her mouth, but the protests wouldn’t come. His stormy blue eyes were far too bright, his sexy kiss-me lips curving softly, his bearing far too confident. And he was getting far too close.
‘You have the most beautiful eyes,’ he murmured with all sincerity, and he moved even closer to her.
She watched the space between them disappear, her pulse skittering. Role-playing? She was meant to endure his pick-up lines and charm? First-hand?
Oh, gawd.
‘They called to me from across the room,’ he murmured softly, leaning down towards her.
She could smell the softly spiced scent of his cologne, could feel the heat of his body emanating from him, could feel his words brush her neck, making spirals of sensation sizzle down her spine. ‘I—’
He put an arm on the window above her and leant closer, staring into her eyes as though he wanted to drown in them, as though he could stay right where he was for ever.
Her breath snagged in her throat, her heart thundering in her chest. What in heaven’s name was he doing to her?
She hated men. Womanisers. Him.
His gaze drifted down to her lips. ‘Say the words I want to hear,’ he murmured, his breath against her ear.
Jess dragged in a breath, opening her mouth, willing her brain to work over the rush of heat through her veins. This guy was dangerous to every woman on the planet.
His gaze drifted again to her lips, something glittering deep in his eyes, dark and dangerous.
She moistened her lips instinctively, with only one thought spiralling through her mind.

ALEX breathed in her sweet perfume, the scent of vanilla and cinnamon invading his senses like the allure of her lips.
It would be just so easy to lean closer, to claim those full red lips that were just begging to be taken. He could feel it, just as he could feel her heart pounding in her chest, her short, shallow breaths, the fire in her eyes.
Was it so easy to awaken a Women Against Womanisers’ heart to a man again…? Could she want him?
The thought excited him, filled him, swept through him with a surety that he knew he could rely on. Maybe she hadn’t been romanced, appreciated and seduced by an expert…Maybe he personified everything she wanted in a man and she just hadn’t realised until now.
‘Say it,’ he whispered, almost touching the creamy smooth skin of her cheek with his lips.
She dragged in a deep and shaky breath.
He couldn’t help but smile. Did he really need to know anything other than this? It could be just a matter of fate or luck when it came to love…but this he had down to an art form.
She raised her eyes to meet his, flickering with a hot intensity, and she placed her hands against his shirt, branding him.
‘I’ll tell you what you want to hear,’ she whispered, her breath on his neck. ‘Get your self-centred, self-important sloppy routine away from me.’
She shoved him backward.
He stood back. ‘What?’
The cool air of his office licked around him like a rude awakening. He’d been so sure he had her. The signals had all been there—or was he just deluding himself because he’d wanted them to be?
She wasn’t going to be easy. The thought rushed through him like liquid fire.
He leant back against his desk, crossing his arms, kicking himself—because he was doing something wrong, something that chafed against her like rubbing fur the wrong way.
‘What was wrong with that?’ he asked, pushing down the stir in his loins. She was a consultant, not one of his women. All that mattered was what he could learn from her.
‘What was right?’ She straightened her clothes, staring at his plush carpet. ‘You came on all sex, as though you were God’s gift to the bedroom.’
He crossed his arms over his chest. ‘And?’ He already knew that—couldn’t stop thinking about it, having her there, with him…
‘If you want sex—fine. If you want a woman to think of you as anything more than a hot tumble between the sheets then you have to get real.’
He watched her hands smoothing down the fabric of her trousers, tracing the curve of her hips with a dubious fascination. ‘You think I’d be a hot tumble?’
She shot him a cool look of disapproval. ‘I think you’re all sex and no substance.’
He straightened. ‘So you’re saying I shouldn’t be offering bedroom eyes? Then what should I offer?’ he asked slowly, trying not to smile at the irony of getting the woman to instruct him on something he knew better than anyone.
He frowned. ‘Me?’ Wasn’t he always offering himself? His time, connections and money?
‘Yes. Hello?’ She stepped forward and rapped him on the head with her knuckles, then pulled her hand back as though she’d forgotten herself. ‘What else have you got to offer besides sex?’
He smiled. ‘Hot sex?’
She frowned, her eyes darkening. ‘Besides hot sex?’
‘What else is there?’ Hell, there was nothing he wanted more than to show her just how important hot sex was—and how good it felt, flesh against flesh, dancing to the rhythm of life.
She shook her head, glaring at him, her fists clenched tightly by her sides. ‘Well, what are you looking for in a serious relationship that you’re not getting in your shallow little flings left, right and centre?’
He couldn’t stop the smile on his face. She was so easy to rile and so pretty when she was mad.
Alex shrugged. ‘Someone to talk to, I guess. Be friends with. Someone on my team, you know?’
She stared at him, biting on her bottom lip. ‘What do you think you should first offer a woman when you meet her? Apart from maybe a compliment given in good taste?’
‘Not sex, then?’
She jerked to her feet and strode towards the door. ‘Look, when you decide to get real and stop wasting my time, Calahan—’
He moved fast and beat her there, holding his hand against the timber door, looking down into her blazing eyes. ‘Okay, okay…I’m sorry. I’m just not comfortable talking about this stuff.’
Alex closed his eyes, trying to think through his past experiences. The women who’d paraded through his life, taking what they could. ‘I’d offer her something about myself that we’d have in common,’ he said slowly, watching her for a reaction, toying with the concept.
Jess closed her eyes as though she was counting to ten. Finally she looked up at him. ‘So you’d say something like…?’
Alex stared down into her emerald-green eyes, sizzling with irritation. ‘Hi, my name’s Alex. Did I see you last night at the Opera House?’
She smiled sweetly up at him, making his blood heat. ‘Oh, yes, I remember now. Let’s see, out of the thousand or so people there…you’re that annoying fellow from the third row whose mobile phone kept ringing?’
He couldn’t help but smile. ‘No, I’m the one that sat two rows behind you and didn’t see the performance at all.’
He moved closer to her, drawn by the fire in her eyes and the challenge in every breath she took. ‘Because I couldn’t tear my eyes away from your beauty.’
Jess raised an eyebrow. ‘Still schmoozing like a bachelor begging for a babe in his bedroom?’
He smiled. ‘It works.’
She put her hands on her hips and glared up at him. ‘If you’re not going to listen to me then I’d have to wonder why I should waste my time listening to your very large load of—’
‘Fine. I won’t heap on the flattery.’ He stepped back, giving her some room. Obviously she wasn’t going to be softened by his repertoire. ‘What now?’
‘Now we go and see if you are constantly selling sex to every hapless woman in the building,’ she said coolly, glancing at the doors behind her.
He crossed his arms. ‘And that’s a problem? Why?’
She pouted, staring at him as though drawing out his anticipation of her answer. ‘If you’re a walking advertisement for sex then what something special are you going to offer that woman of your dreams? You’re already betraying her with every passing woman. What hope is there of your fidelity—ever?’
‘But a hot-blooded single bachelor—’
‘There’s single. And there’s seriously single.’
He pursed his lips, frowning. Did women really have rules for everything? ‘The difference?’
She crossed her arms over her breasts. ‘You can be a single person who’s looking for love and commitment, or serious about staying single and on the sex scene.’
‘U-huh. You’re blushing.’
She glared up at him coldly. ‘I’m hot.’
‘Me too.’
‘I think we need a few parameters here.’ Jess swiped a stray wisp of hair back from her face. ‘You keep your steamy looks and sexual overtones for your women. I want nothing to do with them. Deal?’
He held up his hands in front of him. ‘Fine. No sex for you.’

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