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The Last Virgin
The Last Virgin
The Last Virgin
Dorie Graham
Sabrina Walker is not having a fling with Noah Banks! And she's told him so…many times. That's fine with Noah. She's not his type anyway. He's a love-'em-and-leave-'em-smiling kind of guy who believes in true lust, and she's a former virgin who believes in true love. Not suited at all.But after their one seductive night together, Noah is hooked. He's prepared to follow her anywhere. He can't keep his hands off sexy Sabrina and he can't keep out of her oh-so-tempting bed. So he's going to prove that what she thinks isn't happening is actually the most passionate fling of his life.

“Kiss me again, Noah. No one’s ever made me feel that way.”
Sabrina stood on tiptoe and pressed the full length of her body to his.
He stood motionless, tormented.
Her breath whispered across his lips. Her mouth brushed his. Her tongue touched his lower lip.
With a moan, he swept his arms around her and claimed her mouth. He drank deeply of her sweetness, desire ripping through him as she moved against him. He skimmed his hands down her back then lower to cup her bottom.
She drew back, face flushed, lips round and tempting. Slowly she pulled the tie of her robe until it loosened. Arching her back, she parted her robe. “Touch me.”
Noah’s gaze riveted to her breasts. She was more beautiful than he’d imagined. He ached to touch her, to taste her. Closing his eyes, he set her on her feet.
“Sabrina, if I do, I won’t be able to stop.”
She leaned close to whisper in his ear, “Maybe I don’t want you to stop.”

Dear Reader,
I can’t relate how excited I am to be a part of the new Blaze line! These books combine two of my favorite elements—a hot read and lots of romance. Thanks for joining us in the fun.
When I brainstormed this story, I got hooked on the irony of transforming a romantic virgin into a sexy seductress and a womanizing cynic into the defender of her virtue. On the night of her twenty-fifth birthday, Sabrina Walker feels like the last virgin on earth. When she learns it took a bimbo as a bribe for Noah Banks to take her to dinner, she decides to lose her virginity.
But after a night in his arms, Sabrina realizes that Noah may have claimed more than her body. Bent on proving that the disturbing emotions he stirs stem from the fact that he was her first, she heads to the beach in search of a weekend fling. Noah follows and spends the weekend staving off her would-be suitors.
Little does he know that one is married, one too young and none are as sexy as he. Can he maintain his role of knight in shining armor when Sabrina targets him for seduction?
I hope you enjoy this romantic journey as much as I enjoyed writing it.
Best wishes,
Dorie Graham

The Last Virgin
Dorie Graham

www.millsandboon.co.uk (http://www.millsandboon.co.uk)
This book is dedicated to Larry, for loving me, inspiring me and supporting me through all the craziness.
Thanks for always believing in me.

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

“NOAH, I’M DESPERATE!” Panic laced Mona Freeman’s voice.
Noah Banks swallowed in discomfort. His stomach tightened. Normally women spoke those words to him with a sultry breathlessness, something he felt more capable of handling.
He’d stepped into his partner, Cliff Walker’s office with nothing more on his mind than reviewing the day’s trading and their clients’ portfolios over their nightly shot of tequila. The last thing he’d expected was to walk in on a tiff between Cliff and his wife-to-be.
Noah’s gaze swung from Mona to Cliff. Cliff sat rigid behind his massive walnut desk. His expression reminded Noah of his own father facing off with his mother, back in the days when they tolerated being in the same room.
Mona lunged toward Noah and he stiffened. Her small hands clung to his arm, eliciting a sense of frustration. Why did he have this desire to help her, when he’d never been adept at defusing domestic squabbles?
Reluctantly, he placed his hand on hers. He was almost afraid to ask, given Cliff’s stormy expression. “What’s the trouble?”
“No!” Cliff burst from his chair, sending it listing at an odd angle. “I told you. He…” his finger shook as he pointed at his partner “…is not an option.”
Noah shot him a glare. What was up with Cliff? Though he had no idea what his partner was referring to, the words stung. Noah opened his mouth to protest, then shut it.
Cliff was right. Whatever it was, they could work it out without him. Cliff could take care of his own hysterical woman. Noah took a step toward the office door he’d unwittingly entered.
Mona swung along with him. “Cliff, Noah’s your best man, and our only hope.”
With a tight smile, Noah patted her stiff fingers. “I’ll come back later. Looks like you two need to work this out alone.”
“Oh, no.” Her eyes widened, turned pleading. “We need you.”
“No!” In an instant, Cliff stood before them, his dark hair sticking out at odd angles as though he’d literally tried to yank it from his scalp. “We’ll just have to tell her and let her get there on her own.”
“But, Cliff…” Mona’s bottom lip trembled. She blinked. “That will spoil it. I’ve been planning it for weeks. She has to arrive precisely at nine, or the whole surprise will be ruined. You know how much I have riding on this. She hates me and I need this party to win her over. I think she resents me for scheduling the wedding so close to her birthday. Oh, please.” Huge tears rolled down her cheeks. She let out a choking sob.
Noah intensified his hand patting. The tightness in his stomach rolled into a knot. What was it about a woman’s tears that made him go all soft inside? Damn it, he’d never been able to say no to a female in need. “Who has to get where?”
“S-S-Sabrina.” Mona sniffed. “She has to get to her surprise birthday p-party.”
“Sabrina?” Noah asked, unable to place the name.
“C-Cliff’s sister.”
Noah glanced at Cliff where he stood rigid and sullen. He’d mentioned a sister when they’d been at Auburn five years ago, but Noah had never met her.
“That’s it? That’s what all these waterworks are about?” Women were such emotional creatures. He swung his gaze from Mona’s tear-streaked face to Cliff’s stony expression. “You just need someone to play chauffeur?”
“It would mean the world to me to win her over. I think this might do it.” Tears still glistened in Mona’s eyes as she stared up at him, but a grateful glow lit their blue depths. “You can’t let on about the party.”
She let go of his arm to move beside Cliff. “Cliff will help you work out the details.” She tilted her face up to her fiancé. “Okay?”
“No.” His voice had lost some of its earlier vehemence.
Her fingertips traced his cheek. She brushed her body against his. “For me?”
He shut his eyes for a moment, then scooped his arm around her in surrender. “I really don’t like this.”
With a happy squeal, she threw her arms around him. “I love you. They’ll be in a public place. Then we’ll all be there to chaperone. It’ll be fine.”
She placed a fat kiss on his lips, then broke away to find her purse, her tears reduced to an occasional sniffle. “I’ve got to go see about the flowers for the wedding. You explain to Noah.” She swept from the room.
Noah turned to Cliff with a grin. Now that the disturbance had passed, the tension in him eased. “That’s showing her.”
Cliff shook his shaggy head. “You have no idea.” He turned to stalk back to his desk. He lifted a legal pad, then slammed it onto the blotter. “I’d never agree to this if it wasn’t a last resort.”
“It’s six o’clock. Time for a shot.” Noah ignored Cliff’s comment and brought the conversation back to his original purpose for coming to Cliff’s office. He moved to a cabinet behind the desk and lifted two shot glasses from a shelf.
The six o’clock shot was a ritual they’d started during their college sophomore year. It was a time-honored tradition Noah had inherited from his father, who’d adopted the custom after a week in Mexico with his college buddies. During that trip, his dad had developed a lasting taste for José Cuervo tequila, and now it was the only brand used for the ritual.
Noah handed Cliff one of the glasses. Cliff set it on the desk, then retrieved a bottle from a low drawer. He splashed golden liquid into the two glasses.
“Thanks.” Noah raised his glass in a toast, while Cliff followed suit. “Here’s to work. Here’s to pleasure. Foster both in equal measure.”
Noah tossed back the drink in one gulp. He set down the empty glass, then paced to the far window to look out over Atlanta’s downtown skyline. The sun slanted low, casting long shadows across the rooftops. Six floors below, a long line of cars snaked through the street.
He turned back to Cliff. “So, I finally get to meet your sister.”
Scowling, Cliff stabbed his finger across the room at him. “Get her to her surprise party, but keep your hands to yourself! She’s a nice girl.”
Annoyed, Noah narrowed his eyes. “What are you all tense about? I haven’t got any designs on your sister. I’ve never even met her, I might add, which seems a little strange. I can see when we were at Auburn, but we worked together here for years before I moved to Denver. I’ve been back all these weeks, she lives in Atlanta, and I still haven’t met her. Why not?”
Cliff gaped at him. “I just told you. She’s a nice girl. I didn’t want her exposed to your…your personal habits. Believe me, I’ve tried everyone for this party. No one else is available.”
“Personal habits? I was thinking along the lines of a simple introduction, not a roommate situation.” Noah tilted his head, his aggravation with Cliff growing. “What’s wrong with my personal habits?”
With a sound of exasperation, Cliff gestured with his hand. “Blondes on Monday, brunettes on Thursday and redheads for the weekend. Sabrina’s not like that. She’s the romantic type, believes in love and happily-ever-after. I don’t want you corrupting her.”
Noah scowled. “I resent that. Just because I enjoy women doesn’t mean I’d pounce on your sister.” He twisted the blind pull. Atlanta’s skyline disappeared.
“Just get her to the party, none of your funny business or…or you and I are gonna go at it!”
“Go at it?” Noah chuckled. He had a hard time taking Cliff seriously with his hair mimicking electrotherapy. “You’re making too much of this. I can control myself. Besides, I haven’t said I’d do it.”
“Of course you’ll do it. You have to. And you will control yourself.” He blew out a breath. “I wouldn’t ask if I wasn’t desperate. I’ve got that trip to Boca for the Shoreland quarterly portfolio review.
“You heard Mona. She hired caterers. She’s going all out. For some reason she has the silly idea that Sabrina doesn’t like her.”
All this to please a woman. Cliff had lost it. Noah squeezed his eyes shut. At the age of thirty, he’d learned the hard way there was no pleasing women—at least not in that sense.
Two years ago, he’d left his partnership with Cliff to follow Rebecca to Colorado. He’d given her everything—his time, his money, even offered her his name. Thank God she’d refused the last. No matter what he offered, it hadn’t been enough. He’d left that relationship without any illusions. It had almost cost him his career.
Cliff would have to learn that lesson for himself, but how could Noah get out of pinch-hitting for his partner?
He turned to Cliff. “You can take your sister to her party. I’ll go to Boca for you. Old lady Shoreland likes me.”
“No way. Her granddaughter’s visiting with her fiancé, not that that would stop you.”
“Wait a minute. I am not the sleaze you make me out to be. I’ve never stolen another man’s woman.”
“No, you’ve never had to. For some reason women flock to you. It’s disgusting.”
With a grunt, Noah moved to the desk. “Not all of them.”
“Oh?” Cliff turned, his brows raised. “You mean one of them hasn’t fallen swooning into your arms?”
“That blonde on the fourth floor. I think she’s with the insurance agency.” He shrugged. “She’s been a little elusive.”
A smile spread across Cliff’s face. “Darcy. I had lunch with her yesterday. We kind of dated in high school.” He cleared his throat. “Of course, I’ve got Mona now. I mean, it was just lunch. There she was alone in that big booth—”
“You put moves on her?” Noah stared, surprised. Cliff’s cheeks resembled a red light district. Good old Cliff had been lunching with Noah’s pick of the month? How could that be?
“No! No, nothing like that. Darcy’s more your speed. She…well, kind of got around in high school. Of course, people change….”
Noah perked at the news. Darcy sounded like what he needed—a nice unencumbered relationship. After the disaster with Rebecca, he didn’t think he’d ever want anything else from a woman. “I can work with that.”
With his hands jammed into his pockets, Cliff faced his partner. “Look, are you going to help me, or what?”
Noah pulled his mind from Darcy’s long legs and bountiful curves. He’d rather spend Friday night with her than with a “nice” girl. “Can’t you find someone else?”
“There isn’t anyone else! I wouldn’t have asked you if someone else was available.”
With a frown, Noah scooped the legal pad off the desk. He scanned the page-long list of scratched-off names. “You asked Fred, the mail guy?”
“I told you I was desperate.”
Noah tapped the pad. “My name isn’t even on here.”
Cliff glared at him. “Okay, what will it take? How much?”
“What? You’re bribing me now?” A chuckle rose from Noah’s throat. “No go. You couldn’t pay me enough.”
“Darcy!” Cliff’s eyes widened. He moved toward Noah. “That’s it. You take Sabrina to dinner, then get her to the party. I’ll put in a good word for you with Darcy. I’ll even invite her to the party.”
Visions of Darcy’s full bosom and rounded backside flashed through Noah’s mind. Anticipation raced through him. How bad could one dinner with Cliff’s sister be? Besides, he had lost most of his client base with the move, and Cliff was giving him a chance to rebuild his career. He owed his old roommate.
After another moment’s hesitation, Noah thrust out his hand. “Deal.”
Relief flowed over Cliff’s face. Even his hair seemed to relax. He clasped Noah’s hand. “Deal. You take Sabrina to dinner, then bring her by the house. My flight gets in around ten, but Mona wants you two there at nine sharp. I’ll tell Sabrina Mona’s going to Boca with me and we won’t be back until Sunday. You can say you’re feeding the dog.”
“Dog?” Noah narrowed his gaze. “That German shepherd wannabe who hates men?”
Cliff blinked. “Opal is part shepherd, and she doesn’t hate all men. She’s gotten used to me. She’s just protective of Mona. Anyway, you won’t have to deal with her.”
“Right.” With a nod, Noah moved toward the door.
Noah stopped, then turned back toward his partner. Cliff paused, staring hard at him. “There’s something else you need to know about Sabrina. She isn’t the kind of woman you’re accustomed to.”
“Right. You already told me. She’s the romantic type. Don’t worry, I’ll take her someplace nice.”
“Good.” Cliff’s jaw bunched. “But that isn’t what I’m getting at.”
Noah drew an impatient breath. “So what are you saying?”
A cool warning slipped into Cliff’s gaze. “I’m saying…she’s a virgin. And I want her to stay that way.”

SABRINA WALKER GROANED. She yanked the wall calendar from its place beside an old fuse box and stared at the big squares representing the days of the week, zeroing in on the upcoming Friday. The thirteenth. This Friday was the thirteenth. What kind of day was that to have a birthday?
“This is a bad omen, Walker,” she murmured to herself. “A very bad omen.” The depression that had hovered over her for months descended. Everyone she knew was engaged or married and working on the second or third child.
Everyone but her.
She plopped into the rickety desk chair she’d picked up secondhand to go with the metal desk she’d inherited when she bought this bookstore four years ago. After a minute of searching through the pile of catalogs and order sheets on her desk, she unearthed the phone. She punched in a number, then waited through three rings.
“Hello?” Bess Anderson, her best friend, answered.
“Life is passing me by, Bess.”
“I know I vowed at sixteen to wait for The One, but I thought I’d find love by now.” Sabrina twisted the phone cord around her finger. “I’m in a rut. I’m sitting here and nothing is going on in my life. There’s no one to greet me at the end of the day.” She swallowed. “No hope of having a child.”
“Aw, Bree…you can borrow one of mine, or how about all three?” One of Bess’s daughters shrieked in the background. “Excuse me a minute.” The phone made a clunking sound, then Bess yelled for her offspring to quiet. “Sorry,” she said as she came back on the line.
Sabrina’s finger purpled. “All I need is a jump start.”
“Tom has this new guy working for him—”
“I’m seriously thinking of going for it—”
“Really? Great, we’ll have you both over—”
“Popping the cork, losing the old cherry—”
“Maybe it’s time I lost my virginity. Had a fling. Walked on the wild side.” Sabrina squared her jaw. Saying the words out loud sent a wave of satisfaction coursing through her. She pulled her finger free, shaking the blood back into it.
“Now, hon, who is he? You’re not going to do anything hasty, are you?”
Sabrina laughed. “I’ve been celibate for nearly twenty-five years. What’s hasty about that?”
“You know what I mean. Who is he? Do you love him? Why haven’t—”
“I don’t know who he is, or will be. The way I feel, the next available male I come across might get lucky.”
“Sabrina?” Toby Baxter, a high school student she’d hired to work afternoons, poked his head around the office door. “Could you cover the front? I’ve got to take a leak.”
“Sure, Toby. Just a minute.”
He smiled his thanks, then withdrew.
Grimacing, Sabrina turned back to the phone. “Okay, well, maybe the next available male.”
“Look, Sabri—”
“I’ve gotta go. Thanks for helping sort this out, Bess.”
“Wait, don’t—”
She hung up. Nothing Bess could say would change her mind. Besides, Bess was no paragon of knowledge. Look at the mess she’d made of her own life. Sabrina sighed and shook her head.
Poor Bess. At sixteen, they’d cried together when she discovered she’d gotten pregnant by Tommy Anderson, her first “real” boyfriend. To Sabrina’s horror, Bess, with her runway model looks, tossed aside her future in high couture to marry Tom and have his baby.
Nine years and three children later, Bess was still stuck in Atlanta, still stuck with Tom. Sabrina’s heart twisted. Sure Bess loved her kids, but what a life she could have had. How many nights had they stayed up planning her career as a high fashion model, her New York apartment and her picture on the cover of Vogue?
Sabrina stood. For herself, all she’d ever wanted was a career, a husband who loved and appreciated her, and children. Professionally, she was doing exactly what she wanted, but her personal life was lacking. Sure, she’d dated, always on the search for The One. Bess’s tragedy had taught her not to settle for less. Unfortunately, it never took long to realize when a man wasn’t The One, so her relationships tended to fizzle before developing into anything serious.
With one last glare at the calendar, she pushed away from her desk. Friday the thirteenth! Of all the days to have a birthday!
She paused at her office door. She needed to do something to get out of her funk. Closing her eyes, she imagined herself basking in the sun along crystal-white sand. That was it! She’d go to her favorite resort in Destin, Florida, and treat herself to her own birthday celebration.
As she pushed through into the shop, her mind raced with the list of things she had to do to prepare for the trip—make sure the store was covered, call the resort and schedule her flight. With luck, she’d have everything set by the end of the day.
The resolve firm in her mind, she went to relieve Toby. The front door of the shop stood open, catching the May breeze. Sunlight flooded the row of floor-to-ceiling windows that graced the shop’s front. Plants hung in baskets near the windows, and topped the many bookcases, lending a cool touch of green. The brassy strains of jazz drifted from overhead speakers.
With a sound of relief, Toby raced for the back room, leaving the small bookstore empty, except for Sabrina and Libby Conrad, one of their regulars. A flowered scarf held Libby’s dyed red curls back from her face. She stretched to reach a high shelf in one of the many bookcases.
“Need help?” Sabrina asked.
With a wave of her hand, the older woman dismissed her. “Don’t mind me, dear. I’m fine. I know you’ve got work to do.”
Sabrina smiled a small smile. She was so distracted right now, she’d hate to inadvertently snap at the dear woman. Picking up a watering can from behind the counter, Sabrina went to work on a basket of Creeping Charley. Caring for her plants usually calmed her.
Libby seldom bought or traded books. Mostly she browsed and chatted with other customers. Though Sabrina had grown fond of the elderly woman, she sometimes wondered if Libby was becoming senile. She often talked non-stop, wavering in and out of a long-ago past.
Done watering, Sabrina pulled out her customer request notebook to check it against her recent book shipment. She still carried a generous assortment of new product, though with all the mega-booksellers moving into the area, she’d expanded her used section. She needed an edge that allowed her to compete. Cliff had been appalled when she’d told him she was veering in that direction, but otherwise, she wouldn’t last long against that kind of competition. So far, her strategy had paid off.
Toby emerged from the back, heading for a carton of used books on the counter. “I’ve logged these already,” he said, scooping up an armload. “Some of this old stuff is rad.” He hummed something Sabrina didn’t recognize as he disappeared down a book-lined aisle.
Libby made a sudden beeline for the counter.
Sabrina braced herself.
“Has Henry called for me?”
Sighing, Sabrina mustered a smile. “No, Libby. I’m sorry, but no one’s called for you.”
The woman’s hopeful expression sagged. “Well, he will. He promised,” she said in her usual raspy voice.
Sabrina squeezed the woman’s hand. Without fail, they played out this scenario whenever she came to the shop. Normally, Sabrina controlled the inevitable tug on her emotions. Today, however, her heart lurched and her eyes stung. What had happened to Libby’s Henry?
“Yes,” her voice caught. “He will.” She blinked back embarrassing tears. This ridiculous birthday disaster had her tied up in knots.
Libby shook her gnarled finger. “He’s an incredible lover, you know.”
Sabrina straightened. This wasn’t part of the routine. “I’m…I’m sure he is.”
“Has all the right moves.”
“How…how nice for you.”
“He plays his harmonica,” she rasped, “and I do this dance. I’ll show you.”
“That’s not necessary.” Sabrina glanced around. No other customers had come in and Toby was probably lost in the bowels of the sci-fi area. “I wouldn’t want you to go to any trouble.”
“Oh, yes, dear. You must learn, so you can try it on your own young man.” She threw her hands in the air and swiveled in what she must have meant to be a seductive motion. The music curled around them. “Gets ’em in the mood, you know.”
Not sure how to handle her, Sabrina cleared her throat, then came around the counter, and reached futilely toward the woman. “I don’t…I don’t have a young man.”
“No? Maybe…that’s…because…you…don’t do…the dance.” The older woman’s rasp intensified and her breathing became labored. “Gets the…blood pumping.”
“Libby…please, why don’t you sit down and rest a minute? I think I get the gist of it.”
“No…no…you must!”
Sabrina frowned. The woman looked ready to have a stroke and seemed determined enough to keep at it until Sabrina joined in. “Okay,” she said, raising her arms and swaying. “Just for a minute.” She glanced around again to ensure no one saw.
“More…hip.” Libby’s hips pivoted in exaggerated circles.
Sabrina chewed her lip in concentration. After a few moments, her muscles warmed and she smiled. The music flowed over her. Her body moved in tune with the sax’s sultry strains. “There. I think I’ve got it.”
“Oh, you’ve got it all right,” a deep masculine voice sounded from behind her. “The question is, are you giving any of it away?”
Embarrassment flooded Sabrina as she swung around to face a tall stranger. He stood a few feet inside the shop’s door. The light breeze ruffled his dark hair. His eyes, as black as coal, shone with undisguised admiration. His gaze ran over her hips, then up, pausing a long moment at her breasts, before rising to meet her eyes.
A shiver ran through her. Men had noticed her before—more often than she’d cared for—but their attentions normally had little effect on her. This man’s gaze sent butterflies flurrying in her stomach. His lazy smile showed he hadn’t been fooled by her simple cotton dress.
“See, you caught one.” Libby nodded in the newcomer’s direction. “Not bad for your first time out.”
The man chuckled and headed toward them.
Heat spread up Sabrina’s neck and across her cheeks. She’d never been more mortified.
He moved with the grace and precision of a panther. Sleek. Sensual. His gray suit draped him as if it were tailor-made, his broad shoulders and tapered hips filling its precise lines.
“So, are you?” His voice rumbled through her.
Another shiver struck her, this one in the pit of her stomach. The dancing must have made her dizzy. “Excuse me?”
“You go on!” Libby swatted his arm. “Sabrina doesn’t give a thing away.” She eyed Sabrina. “Maybe that’s the problem.”
Sabrina stared at Libby. Words refused to form on her tongue.
The man in turn stopped short. He drew up straight. “Sabrina?” He stared at her with disbelieving eyes.
“Yes.” She offered her hand, grateful to have found her voice, though it held a strange, breathless quality. “Sabrina Walker. Was there something I could help you find?”
“Well, actually…” He sandwiched her hand between his big palms. “I came to find you.”
“Me?” She blinked. Her heart beat triple time, as the warmth of his hands melted into hers. A little tremor ran from her fingers up her arm. She fought the alarming urge to lean into him. What could a gorgeous man like this want with her?
“That’s right.” Releasing her, he spread his arms wide. “I’m Noah Banks. I work with your brother.”
Bewilderment swirled through her. “Noah? Oh, my…this is a surprise. Cliff’s told me so much about you.” Like how she should run the other way if she ever chanced to meet him.
Noah’s eyes shone. “I can just imagine. Probably only half of it was true.”
“I don’t know. I have a feeling he wasn’t too far off the mark.” She’d always doubted Cliff’s stories about his college roommate’s sexual prowess. Until now. Cliff had been right to warn her. Noah emanated danger…and excitement.
She stepped back and nearly knocked over Libby. “Goodness, I’m sorry. Where are my manners?” Sabrina gestured to the woman. “This is Libby Conrad, my most valued customer. Ms. Conrad, Noah Banks, lady-killer.”
Noah put a hand to his chest. “You wound me!” He took Libby’s offered hand, kissing it with a flourish. “I always leave a woman smiling, and very much alive.”
“I’ll bet you do.” Libby snatched back her hand. “You’re a handsome rascal, but I’m afraid I’m spoken for. My Henry’ll be here any moment and he’s the jealous type.”
Sabrina’s heart gave another squeeze.
Noah darted a look over his shoulder, as if he were afraid of encountering the elderly woman’s lover. “Henry?”
“Henry Thomas Watson, of Decatur, a real man’s man.” With shaky fingers, Libby extracted a golden locket from between her breasts. She flipped it open and held it toward him.
Despite herself, Sabrina crowded beside him to catch a glimpse of the infamous Henry. Two tiny portraits, one of a young woman with flaming red hair and a familiar smile, the other a wavy-haired man, handsome, but serious, stared back at her. She sighed. They must have been terribly in love.
Noah straightened, releasing the locket and brushing against her. “A hell of a lucky man, your Henry.”
“Damn right.” Libby dropped the locket back into her cleavage.
Sabrina swallowed and tried to calm the hundreds of butterflies that had stormed her stomach at Noah’s accidental touch. She had to get a grip. He was just a man.
An available man.
She drew in a breath and let her gaze drift over his broad shoulders, trim waist, then lower. That fluttery feeling spread. He cleared his throat. Her gaze flew to his. Though he stood ramrod straight, the heat in his eyes pierced her.
So, this was desire.
“Listen, I’m going to get out of your way and let you two get acquainted.” Libby patted Sabrina’s arm. “Live a little.” She winked, then wandered off after Toby.
Noah shifted beside Sabrina. Her brother had to be wrong. No way was she a virgin, not with the way she moved, or the way she looked at him with her hungry eyes. Her body had called to his with her siren’s dance and her throaty voice alone was enough to do a man in.
“Cliff has kept you such a mystery, he’d gotten my curiosity up. I’ve been trying to figure out how to meet you.” His gaze swept the crowded rows of books. Somehow, he couldn’t look at her and tell his half truth. “I was grilling Tiffany, at the office, about what to get him and Mona for a wedding gift and she mentioned that I should ask you.”
He glanced up and was again caught in her blue gaze. “So, here I am, come to humbly ask your advice, and to check out the mystery woman, of course.”
She cocked her head. “Does Cliff know you’re here?”
“Uh, no. I didn’t announce where I was going.”
She smiled and her eyes lit with pleasure. “Well, I won’t tell him if you won’t.”
“My lips are sealed.”
Her hair shone deep mahogany in the sunlight slanting through the open door. He knotted his fists to keep from reaching out to touch the lock draped over her shoulder. “You don’t look like your brother, except for your hair color.”
His traitorous hand rose. His fingers threaded through her dark strands. Satin and silk. He leaned forward and caught a whiff of wildflowers. His pulse kicked up a notch.
“Um…wedding gift.” Her voice floated to him, soft and hesitant.
He met her wide gaze. Clear and bright, her eyes pulled him in, until he felt he was drowning in them. They held a purity he’d never known.
With a mental shake, he dropped his hand and straightened. It was true. She was a virgin. Innocence radiated from her. A confirmed bachelor who didn’t believe in fairy tales or happily-ever-after had no right going near her.
“Yeah.” He cleared his throat, attempted to clear the haze from his mind. “I know they’ve got a registry going, but I was thinking I’d like to get them something different.”
“Different,” she parroted, as her brows drew together in concentration. “Let’s see.” She tapped her fingers against her chin, then suddenly brightened. “I know. Mona likes that new gallery in Buckhead, the one with the stick figures out front. Contemporary art. The owner knows her. She can help you pick something.” Her mouth twisted in a wry curve. “As long as you please Mona, Cliff’ll be happy.”
“Well, great. Contemporary art.” He nodded. He knew the place. That done, his palms moistened. He had to ask her out for Friday night, but his usual confidence and finesse had fled. He stood like a schoolboy ready to ask out his first crush. What if she said no, or worse, what if she was seeing someone?
He grimaced. He’d never before concerned himself with details.
“So, I’m glad you stopped by. It’s interesting to compare the myth to the reality.” Her eyes sparkled.
Noah fisted his hands. For some inexplicable reason, he hated that she knew of his exploits. “Funny how reality can sprout into such tall tales.” His voice ground out rougher than he’d meant, but she smiled, nodding thoughtfully.
A moment of silence fell. She glanced over her shoulder as a new customer entered. “I guess I’d better get back to work.”
He gritted his teeth. His tongue felt too thick for his mouth. When had he ever had trouble asking a woman out?
She turned toward the counter, stopped, then faced him again. His gut tightened. Her cheeks flushed. “Maybe we could get together sometime,” she said.
“Friday night…” He shook his head, then tried again. “Could I take you to dinner…Friday, this Friday night?” His heart pounded. “I mean, I just thought that since you’re Cliff’s sister and all, and with the upcoming wedding, it wouldn’t hurt for us to get to know each other…” He snapped his mouth shut. Why was he babbling?
“Okay?” His heart lifted and he wanted to smack himself for the relief flowing through him.
“Yes.” She raised her chin. Her eyes gleamed. “I’ll go out with you Friday night.”
“Great. About seven then?”
“Seven’s good. Here, I’ll give you my address.” She moved to the counter, scribbled something on a piece of paper, then handed it to him. “My phone number, too, in case you need it.” A spark lit her eyes. “I’ll be looking forward to Friday.”
Her voice held a sultry tone. As he grabbed the paper her fingers drifted over his. He swallowed hard and crammed the paper and his fist into his pocket. With supreme effort, he kept from turning tail and running. What in God’s name was wrong with him?
With a mumbled farewell, he stepped back, then strode toward the door. He forced himself not to look back, but the weight of her intense gaze followed him all the way to the sidewalk.
Once out of sight, he stopped to wipe the sweat from his brow. He hadn’t had much exposure to virgins. It made sense that he’d suffer some adverse reaction. That sense of happily-ever-after and white picket fences that seemed to hover around them just didn’t sit well with him. He was allergic, that was all. He blew out a breath and relaxed. Surely in the three days to come he’d regain his composure.
One evening, a few short hours. He could manage that long with Cliff’s sister. Once he got her to the party, he’d be done with her.
Then he’d claim his prize.
He smiled, forcing Darcy’s image to replace Sabrina’s in his mind. Dinner with Sabrina would be a walk in the park. He just had to remember to avoid her eyes and not touch her. A dark cloud passed over the sun. He frowned and hurried to his car.

MUSIC PLAYED SOFTLY overhead as Sabrina fingered the price tag of a clingy black dress. She sighed and glanced at Bess, her shopping companion. Thank goodness her friend had come along to help. Nothing in Sabrina’s assortment of flowing skirts and dresses would do for her date with Noah. She needed Bess’s discerning eye to pick just the right outfit.
She pulled the black dress from the rack, then draped it over her front. “Sexy. That’s what I want. No flowers, no pastels and no ruffles.”
“Well, I never thought I’d see the day.” Bess laughed. She held up a wine-colored sheath for Sabrina’s inspection. “Sexy I can help you with.”
Sabrina nodded. Bess added the dress to the pile on her arm. “So, tell me more about Mr. Tall, Dark and Gorgeous,” Bess said, shaking her head. “I still can’t believe you’re considering taking the big leap. You are going to get to know him first, make sure you like him, right?”
“Oh, I like him all right.” Sabrina drew in a long breath. Her gaze drifted over the colorful racks. “He has these dark eyes. They’re so intense, like he’s looking into my soul, and his voice sent shivers up my spine. And that mouth of his—”
“Listen to you. I’ve never seen you like this.”
Sabrina met Bess’s gaze. “I think he’s The One.”
A small crinkle formed between Bess’s brows. “Oh, hon, I hope so. No one deserves to be happy more than you, I just…”
“You just don’t want me over-romanticizing this.” Sabrina laughed. “Just because you don’t believe in love at first sight doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. Plenty of studies have documented the physiological changes associated with love. All it takes is the right mixture of pheromones and bang!”
She smiled at her friend’s wry expression. “Don’t give me that look. This could be it. This could be the real thing.”
Bess gave her a worried glance, then held up a pantsuit, turning it to reveal a nonexistent back. “How’s this?”
“Definitely sexy, but I’m betting Noah’s a leg man.” Sabrina added one more dress to her stack, then glanced over the number Bess held. “This should do for starters. We’ll be here all night at this rate.”
“No problem.” Bess sighed. “When I left, the girls were fighting, and Tom was glued to the TV, oblivious!” She frowned. “I wonder if they’ve noticed I’m gone.”
An all-too-familiar empathy filled Sabrina. Shaking her head, she followed her friend past a row of faceless mannequins to the dressing area. Though motherhood had proven a blessing for Bess, who loved her children, a certain wistfulness sometimes filled her eyes. That look tore at Sabrina.
“I wouldn’t have missed this for the world.” Bess handed her several items from her pile as they reached the changing area. “It’s about time you decided to dress like a woman.”
“What does that mean?” Sabrina hung up the garments. “I dress like a woman.”
“Yes, everything you own is feminine, in a flowing kind of way, but in this…” She picked up a plum-colored dress with a plunging neckline. “In this you’ll be all woman.”
Sabrina snatched the dress, then closed the dressing room door.
She turned to the full-length mirror gracing one wall. Frowning, she surveyed her long, loose blouse and black leggings. Bess was right. One dress wouldn’t be enough. Sabrina’s wardrobe needed an overhaul. She sighed. Her life needed an overhaul.
She slipped out of the blouse and leggings. She’d had to dig deep into her drawer to find the matching black panties and demi-bra she now wore. The satiny fabric caressed her as she reached for the plum-colored dress. She slid one hand over the curve of her breast, rounded by the push-up bra. Tingles of sexual awareness shot through her and she sighed. Her cotton underthings had never made her feel this sexy. It was as though her encounter with Noah had freed her to explore her sensual self.
She bit her lip as the memory of his heated stare washed over her. How would he react to seeing her in her scant lingerie? Warmth spread through her. Her heart quickened the way it had when he’d threaded his fingers through her hair. That one innocent gesture had sent her hormones tripping. What would happen if he really touched her?
He filled her mind with fantasies that grew more stimulating with each passing day. She flushed at the memory of waking in a sweat that morning, the sheets tangled around her legs, and the dream of Noah’s lovemaking fresh on her mind.
With a groan, she cupped her breasts and squeezed, while pressing her thighs together. The sexual ache only intensified. Could she make love with Noah?
She turned and her dream Noah, golden skin gleaming in all his natural glory, grinned his sexy grin. “Have you missed me, my sweet? Do you ache for me again?”
He moved before her, so close his warm breath fanned her cheek. “Here, allow me.”
She let his hands replace hers on her breasts. His palms cupped and squeezed her, while his fingers teased her taut nipples through the lace. A moan worked its way from her throat. His hot mouth covered the lace. He suckled her long and hard, the pleasure so intense she bit her lip to keep from crying out.
The ache between her thighs had become almost unbearable. She gasped as he pressed her to the wall, then wedged his knee between her legs, urging her to straddle him. He claimed her mouth, his tongue hot against hers, his hands coaching her hips to ride him, sending more pleasure burning through her.
Once she’d caught her rhythm he continued to kiss her, while rolling her nipples between his fingers, pushing her to a faster and faster pace.
“Yes,” she murmured as the tension peaked inside her. “Yes, yes, yeeesss…”
Sabrina slumped against the dressing room wall. These fantasies were getting more intense. She needed to make love with Noah. She peered again into the mirror. She didn’t look so innocent now wearing her sexy lingerie and flushed cheeks. Doubt assailed her. She may not look innocent, but she was. She’d never measure up to Noah’s more experienced partners.
Setting aside her misgivings, she put on the plum-colored dress, then turned to the mirror. “Oh.” She stared in wonder.
If possible, the dress proved more provocative than her lacy underwear. The fabric floated over her, skimming her curves and drifting in a silky sheen over her thighs. The scooping neckline exposed cleavage nonexistent without the demi-bra. As she slowly turned, confidence blossomed in her.
In this dress, Sabrina was all woman.
“Sabrina?” Bess called, then knocked on the door. “How’s it going? I’m dying to see…”
Sabrina swung the door open, smiling at her friend’s slack jaw. She stepped out and moved toward a three-sided mirror.
“Oh my.” Bess stood beside her. “Sexy definitely works on you.” She rubbed the satiny fabric between her fingers. “Did they have one of these in my size?”
Laughter bubbled from Sabrina’s throat. “I don’t even feel like me. I feel so…so exhilarated!” She spread her arms and spun. When she stopped, she grinned at her reflection. Her eyes sparkled and pink flushed her cheeks. “I almost feel like I could do anything in this dress.”
“Like win the heart of a dedicated playboy? I know that look of yours, Sabrina—”
“Stop.” Sabrina held up her hand. “I refuse to listen to any dire warnings.” She caught Bess’s eye in the mirror. “I’m a big girl. I’m tired of waiting for my life to happen.” She squared her shoulders and turned her gaze back to her own reflection. “It’s time I made my life happen.”
“Honey, believe me. With that dress, things are going to happen. The question is, are you really ready? And can you do this without being emotionally involved?”
Sabrina stilled. The thrill of those few moments with Noah had sustained her for days. If she closed her eyes, she could see the appreciation in his dark gaze, feel her heart race and her soul lift with an instant recognition. It was as though meeting him had jolted her into awareness.
“He’s The One, Bess.” She let the quiet statement settle over them, then she turned with a smile. “You know, with the weather heating up I could use a new swimsuit and a sundress or two. So, let’s see what else we can find. I think we’re onto something here.”

THE SUN FILTERED through the garden window of Sabrina’s compact kitchen, showering light on her assortment of begonias and miniature roses. A curl of steam drifted up from her big coffee cup. She glanced up and frowned at the date on her kitchen calendar. Friday the thirteenth, her big day. She lifted her mug in salute. “Happy birthday to me.”
Ignoring a vague sense of impending doom, she focused on the night to come. The wall phone rang beside her. She swallowed the hot brew and lifted the receiver. “Morning, Mom.”
“Happy birthday, darling. You aren’t moping about, are you?” Gabriella Walker’s voice held its usual note of censure.
“Actually, no. I was just toasting the grand occasion.”
“Sabrina, it’s nine in the morning. Surely you’re not drinking?”
“Just coffee.”
Sabrina grimaced. “No.”
“That caffeine will age you, dear, mark my word. You’re such a beauty now. And young. Oh, to be young again. To have your figure, your skin. I’d take good care if I were you, I would. Unfortunately, men notice the package first, you know.” In spite of her nagging, warmth laced Gabriella’s words.
“You’re still a beauty, Mom. I know Dad thinks so. You’ll always be his Buttercup.”
A short silence stretched across the line.
Her mother cleared her throat. “Yes, dear. Our other line is beeping in. I’ll have your father call later. You enjoy the day. Close that shop of yours. Take some time off. I love you, Sabrina, my girl.” Her voice trembled with emotion.
“I love you, too. Is everything all right?”
“Fine.” She sniffled. Though her mother was all the way in West Palm Beach, Florida, Sabrina could almost see the tears in her eyes. “Gotta go. We’ll see you next week.”
Sabrina hung up and stared at the phone. Her mother had been practically sobbing. Sabrina shook her head. It was just like Gabriella to get all choked up over Sabrina’s birthday.
She rinsed her cup, then grabbed her purse. Well, it was a special day. A smile tilted her lips. And tonight…tonight would be a night to remember.

ARE YOU REALLY READY? By late Friday afternoon, Sabrina had had plenty of time to mull over Bess’s words. She pinched some brown leaves from a fern hanging by her bathroom window. Earth tones accented the pedestal sink and spacious garden tub that had sold her on this apartment.
She’d pamper herself, taking time to get ready. As she soaked in a lavender-scented bath, she closed her eyes. Her fantasy Noah came to her, his eyes glowing with desire.
“Ah, Sabrina, you mustn’t keep me away so long.” He stripped off his shirt, then knelt beside her. The muscles of his torso rippled as he leaned toward her. “Mmmm…” While nuzzling the tender spot behind her ear, he ran his fingertips along her collarbone. “Your sweet scent drives me wild.”
His palm slid down to cup her breast. Her heart sped in anticipation as he lowered his head. He ran the pointed tip of his tongue over her nipple, then covered it with his mouth and suckled her long and hard. She moaned as the sensation swept through her, igniting that intimate ache between her thighs.
As he moved to lave her other breast, he swept his hand down into the scented water, over the trembling curve of her stomach. She raised her hips and parted her thighs as his strong fingers sifted through her thatch of curls, to the hidden folds of her femininity.
Her blood pounded in her ears. Heat engulfed her. “Noah!”
The pealing of the phone brought her upright with a start. Water sloshed over the tub’s edge. Grumbling, she stepped from the bath, then wrapped herself in a fluffy white towel.
She grabbed the antique phone beside her bed on its third ring. “Hello?”
“Sabrina?” Noah’s unmistakable baritone sent goose-flesh skittering up her arms.
“Noah. Hello.” She stopped, frowning. He was supposed to pick her up in less than an hour. Why was he calling?
“Hey. I wanted to let you know I’m running a little late.”
“Oh.” Relief swept over her. He wasn’t canceling their date. “No problem.” Heat rose in her cheeks as she glanced at her towel-clad figure. She’d spent too much time in the tub. “Take as long as you need. I’m not quite ready myself.”
After confirming the directions to her apartment, she hung up, then raced to get ready. A little over an hour later, she touched up the lipstick that was shades darker than her usual hue. An unprecedented boldness filled her as she stood before her full-length mirror.
Cliff and Mona were out of town and no one else knew of this special day. Other than that call from her mother, and a subsequent one from her father, Sabrina’s birthday had gone unremarked. But rather than wallow in her earlier depression, she savored the coming night.
No doubt, Noah thought of their evening together as a simple dinner date, but to her it was much more. Whether they parted tonight with a chaste kiss or progressed to greater intimacy, one thing was certain. She’d enjoy a birthday gift of her own—the gift of pretend.
Tonight she’d dine with her dream lover.
The doorbell chimed. Sabrina’s heart skipped a beat. She spritzed on perfume, a unique floral blend, then sauntered to the door. Noah stood on the other side, devastating in pleated slacks, a collarless shirt and sports coat. She dragged her gaze up his length, marveling that he’d actually come for her.
“Hello,” she said. Her fingers itched to trace the firm contour of his jaw, to see if it felt as smooth as it looked. Her gaze stopped to admire his mouth, with that little indent in the middle of his full bottom lip. Would his kisses be as thrilling as she’d imagined?
“You’re wearing that?”
Her gaze flew to his. His eyes shone, dark and piercing as before, but without a trace of the approval she’d expected. He almost looked angry.
She gestured for him to enter. “You don’t like my dress?”
He stood unmoving for a moment, his jaw squared, his gaze fastened to her chest. Self-conscious, she glanced down at the cleavage she’d been so happy to discover. Was he disappointed?
“You’ll freeze. It’s going to be cool tonight.” He moved past her into her apartment, bringing in his woodsy scent. “The restaurant is likely to be cold, too. You’d better cover up.”
She stared at his back. This was Noah, the lady-killer? He was supposed to drool over her and her new bustline. “Don’t be silly. It’s almost eighty degrees outside. I’ll be fine.”
With his hands crammed into his pockets, he turned toward her. “You’re ready, then? We have reservations.”
“Let me just get my purse.” Frowning, she turned from him. The man could use a refresher course in finesse. She raised her chin, resolved to have a good time, in spite of him. Certainly, his smooth manners didn’t keep the women coming back for more.
She smiled. Could it be, he made up for it in bed?

THE MURMUR of conversations surrounded them as waiters moved efficiently between white-topped tables. Noah gripped his glass of scotch and stared at the painted brick wall that noted the restaurant’s noble conversion from a pre-Civil War warehouse. A wall sconce flickered above them, casting odd shadows across the rough surface.
Frustration swelled in him. He glanced around the room. Was it his imagination, or was every man staring at Sabrina? Stephen, their waiter, approached and Noah could have sworn the guy checked out Sabrina’s breasts. Why hadn’t she covered up, like he’d suggested? Not a single man in the restaurant had missed her entrance.
She shone tonight, turning heads wherever they went.
Stephen leaned toward her. “I suggest the blush, a fine wine for a fine lady.”
Noah gripped a butter knife. Was the man flirting with her?
Her musical laughter filled the air. Her fingertips grazed the waiter’s arm. “Well, I trust your judgment. The blush it will be.”
Stephen left and she cast a sideways glance at Noah. His gut tightened. Why was it her every gesture exacted a response in him? He hadn’t forgotten their first brief meeting. All week, she’d filled his thoughts. And his fantasies.
Sabrina scooted her chair forward and her breasts moved in sync. He suppressed a moan. She had no right sounding and looking the way she did.
She’s a virgin.
He’d repeated those words to himself when she’d greeted him in that dress and his throat had gone dry. He’d silently said them again when he’d helped her into his car and her fresh flowery scent made him dizzy with need. Then, he’d recited the reminder as he escorted her to her seat.
Regardless, his hand had found the small of her back and the warmth of her skin through the thin dress. She’d moved against him in an inviting way, her hip brushing his. His pulse had kicked up a notch and he’d wordlessly chanted his mantra.
She’s a virgin.
“Do you like working with Cliff?” She took a sip of water, then used her napkin to blot a stray droplet from her chest.
Noah forced his gaze away. “It’s great.” Still holding the knife, he drew circles on the linen tablecloth with its end.
She’s a virgin.
“Oh. So, do you like being back in Atlanta?”
“It’s fine.”
“You miss Denver, then?”
“Not really.”
“Well, I should warn you, this has been an unusually pleasant spring. For the last couple of years, the pollen seems to have gotten much heavier. I keep inside for days when the pines are in bloom.”
He nodded and slipped the butter knife back onto his bread plate. Stephen approached with her glass of wine. Without so much as a glance in Noah’s direction, he set the glass before her. He straightened, remaining beside her chair as she took a tentative sip.
“Mmmm, yes, that’s perfect.” The pink tip of her tongue darted across her lips.
Stephen leaned closer to her. “And for dinner, may I suggest the roasted duck? It bastes in its own juices, until it’s tender and moist. It is most succulent.”
Blood roared in Noah’s ears. Was he hearing things, or had the man drawn out the word in a disgusting way? He hovered over Sabrina, and it seemed that he was practically drooling on her. Noah tensed.
She wrinkled her nose. Even that gesture didn’t distract from her beauty. She had to be the sexiest woman he’d ever come up against. “I don’t know,” she said. “I got sick the last time I ate duck.”
The waiter pursed his lips. “Perhaps the prime rib?” To Noah’s ears, the waiter’s voice grew husky. “How would you like a great piece of meat?”
“That’s it!” Noah sprang to his feet, flattening his hands on the table. “Just back off! She’s a vir…go.”

BLOOD POUNDED in Sabrina’s ears as Noah sank back into his seat. His chair creaked in the sudden silence.
Stephen ran his hand down the front of his white dress shirt. “I’ll…get you some fresh rolls.” He looked curiously at Noah, then scuttled away without a backward glance.
Slowly, the tables around them returned to their former buzz. Sabrina stared at her date in stunned silence. He knew. Damn Cliff! Her brother had no right divulging such personal information.
Heat climbed her neck. Anger and embarrassment warred in her. Was her virginity the reason for Noah’s brusque behavior?
“I’m…sorry.” Noah heaved out a breath. “I didn’t mean to cause a scene.”
Not trusting herself to answer, she pursed her lips and counted to ten.
He had the decency to look embarrassed. “I may have overreacted. I thought he was flirting with you.”
“Flirting with me?”
“You should have covered up, like I suggested. Everyone’s been staring….” He stopped as Stephen returned. With careful movements, he presented a steaming basket of soft rolls, then left.
Sabrina stared after the waiter. If the man had flirted with her, she hadn’t noticed. Even if he had, that didn’t give Noah cause to act like a caveman. He hadn’t exactly paid her any attention.
She’d tried everything to raise some response in him. Her subtle glances had gone unseen. He’d been unaffected by her rapt attention and open body language. In growing frustration, she’d even brushed up against him. He hadn’t noticed.
She reached over and fingered the bread basket. “He had no right.”
“The waiter?” Noah froze with a roll halfway to his plate. “He was flirting?”
“I meant Cliff.”
He set down the roll. His gaze met hers. “Oh.”
Despite the heat in her cheeks, she maintained eye contact. “Let me guess. He found out about tonight and read you the riot act. Of course, he made sure you knew all the facts.”
Noah stared back at her for another moment, then dropped his gaze to his plate. “It’s no big deal. Your secret’s safe with me. It’s your own business if you want to save yourself for true love.”
Her heart thudded. “You’re right. It’s my business.”
“You don’t really believe in all that stuff?”
He waved his hand in dismissal. “Love and happily-ever-after.” His chair creaked again as he leaned his elbows on the table. “It doesn’t exist, though. I have seen enough relationships crash and burn to know that. This is real life, not some fairy tale.”
She straightened. Indignation poured through her. How could she have ever thought he was The One? “Maybe to someone whose relationship aspirations peak with a one-night stand, true love is a concept too complex to grasp.”
“True love is a myth. It’s created by people who aren’t comfortable with lust. Half of all marriages end in divorce. What does that say?”
“It says half of all marriages work. My parents have been married for over thirty years, and their love is as pure as the day they met.”
The man had the audacity to laugh. “I’ll tell you what I think. You’re getting defensive here, because deep down you’re afraid I’m right.” He leaned back and folded his arms across his chest. “You’re not getting younger, your internal clock’s ticking and where’s Mr. Right? Maybe he doesn’t exist.”
She stared at him in mute outrage.
He leaned forward. “Look, I hope you find him, really.” His gaze swept her. “He’ll be one hell of a lucky guy.”
Horrified by the jump in her pulse, she reached for her purse. If she spent one more minute with this man, she’d scream. “I’m not very hungry. Would you mind taking me home?” Craning her neck, she glanced around for their waiter.
For a moment, Noah looked as if he might argue, then he shook his head and stood. “I’ve got a quick call to make, then we’ll leave.” Without waiting for her to respond, he strode off toward the back of the restaurant.

SABRINA STARED out the passenger window, ignoring Noah and the strained silence hanging over them. She could not believe she’d thought that he was The One. Noah might look the part of her dream lover, but his qualifications ended there. Her dream lover didn’t think love was just lust in disguise. Despite the physical attraction, she couldn’t possibly consider making love with such a cynic.
A street sign flashed past. She straightened. “Where are we going? My apartment’s back the other way!”
His big hands palmed the wheel. He lounged in the driver’s seat, seemingly unaware of the tense atmosphere. Clearly he didn’t realize his rude manners had resulted in the worst date of her life—and the shattering of her fantasy.
He answered without glancing her way. “I have an errand to run.”
“An errand?” She stared in disbelief. He’d planned an errand in the middle of their date? “What kind of errand?”
At last he met her gaze. A surprising mischief lit his dark eyes. “I promised to feed your brother’s dog.”
“Opal? She’s Mona’s dog.” She folded her arms. This made no sense. “What about that neighbor that looks after her?”
“Out of town.”
“Why did he ask you, then, and not me? I’m family.”
Noah shrugged. “I offered.” He shifted, focusing on the road. “Actually, I thought we could both do it.” He threw her a half grin. “I need you to protect me from that man-eater.”
A short laugh burst from her. “What makes you think I won’t just let her have you?”
He eyed her for a moment, before his lips parted in a full smile. “I’ll take my chances.”
Caught off guard by the sexiness of that smile, she could only nod. Chastising herself for the unwanted jump in her pulse, she turned back to the side window.
Sabrina squared her jaw. She’d have to stay on guard to keep from being fooled by Noah’s nice packaging. She definitely wasn’t interested.
After ten minutes of silence they pulled into Cliff’s drive. Sabrina’s gaze drifted over the pristine lawn fronting her brother’s house. Well-tended flowers winked at her from window boxes set along the lower level of the two-story structure. It was a complete picture that reflected Cliff’s life. He had it all—career, house, loving bride-to-be.
Longing welled up inside her. Hadn’t she worked as hard as he to achieve that? So why didn’t she have it?
Noah got out and moved around to her door. “Coming?”
She hesitated for a moment, then couldn’t resist the image of him at Opal’s mercy. “Why not?” Again, his easy smile sent ripples of awareness through her. She set her teeth and preceded him up the walk.
With a clinking of keys he unlocked the door, then motioned for her to enter. She stepped into the dark interior. “That’s funny. They always leave a light on for that dog.” Turning, she felt along the wall for the switch plate, alarmed by his nearness as he pressed through the door behind her.
Her heart hammered. How could she still react to him after his uncouth behavior? Her anxiety rose as the light switch eluded her. The last thing she needed was to be alone with this man in the dark.
She swung her arm in a wider search. Relief flowed through her as her fingertips grazed the plate. She let out her breath and flipped the switch. Light flooded the room.
“Surprise!” A chorus of voices greeted her.
Blinking, she turned, astonished by the sea of familiar faces filling Cliff’s great room. A huge banner spread across one end of the room, wishing her a happy birthday. Balloons of every hue added spots of color throughout the lofty space.
“Bess? What is this?” She returned Bess’s exuberant hug.
The stereo came alive with the strains of an old Jimmy Buffett song. Bess drew back, smiling as the crowd of well-wishers swarmed Sabrina. “It’s your surprise party, silly. Happy birthday.” She laughed and hugged Sabrina again.
“Sabrina.” Mona pushed forward, her blond curls framing her flushed face. She pressed a kiss in the air above Sabrina’s cheek. “Were you surprised? Noah didn’t give it away?”
“Noah?” Sabrina twisted around, but he’d melted into the crowd. She turned back to Mona, strangely disappointed. “No…I had no idea.”
“He gave us a start when he called. We really had to scramble. We weren’t expecting you so soon.”
Heat again filled Sabrina’s cheeks. “We finished early.” Her traitorous stomach announced its emptiness at that moment.
Whether or not Mona heard the rumbling over Buffett’s crooning, she took Sabrina’s arm to lead her to a table laden with food. “Try these crab cakes. I’m working with a new caterer, and I need your opinion.”
Sabrina turned to Mona. “I can’t believe you had time to plan this with the wedding next weekend.”
“I didn’t want your birthday to get lost in the shuffle. I never had a sister, Sabrina. I wanted to get us off on the right foot.”
“Thank you.” Sabrina’s gaze swept the room, while unwanted emotion clogged her throat. “This was very thoughtful of you.”
Guilt tightened her chest. Maybe she hadn’t given Mona a fair shake. It wasn’t her fault that ever since Cliff had met her, Sabrina’s emotional state had taken a downhill slide.
A smile lit Mona’s face. “Actually, you’ll have to thank Uncle John. This was his idea.”
“Uncle John?”
“He’s just dying to meet you. I’ve told him so much about how great you are with Cliff.”
Shifting, Sabrina pressed her hand to her rumbling tummy. “It’ll be my pleasure. He’ll be at the wedding?”
Mona laughed. “He’d better be. In fact, he’s flying in early to help me tie up the loose ends. I’d never get through this affair without Uncle John’s organizational skills. The man just knows how to get things done! He’s a real planner.” She gestured to the spread of food. “Eat!”
At her stomach’s insistence, Sabrina put aside her questions about Uncle John and took Mona’s advice. She ate her fill, then mingled with her friends. She’d caught little more than fleeting glimpses of Noah in the hour since their arrival. Putting thoughts of him aside, she lifted her chin and accepted a wine cooler from Pete Henderson, one of her neighbors.
Two years ago, Pete’s wife had left him for another woman. Sabrina had gone out on one uneventful date with him. Though they remained friends, neither had pursued a second outing.
She eyed his thick auburn hair and ready smile. By most standards, her neighbor passed as an attractive man. Had she dismissed him too quickly?
She studied his lips and the shape of his mouth. How would it feel to kiss him?
He swiped a napkin across his mouth. “Have I made a mess with that dip?”
Her gaze swung to his. “No. You’re fine.”
“Oh…the way you were staring…”
“I just…” She shifted. Warmth spread across her cheeks. Why hadn’t she ever learned to flirt? “You have nice lips.”
A deep groove formed between his brows. “Thanks.” He straightened. “There’s your brother. Where’s he been?”
She turned. “He had business in Boca.” Cliff greeted Mona near the door. Sabrina narrowed her eyes. “Excuse me. I need to have a word with my dear brother.”
A look of relief crossed Pete’s face as she turned to leave. She squared her shoulders, her earlier anger returning. Had Cliff shared her secret with Pete, too?
Making clipped responses to several greetings, she crossed the room. Cliff moved off down a back hall, briefcase in hand. Sabrina followed, her anger growing with every step. Brother or not, he had no right interfering in her affairs.
He entered his study, leaving the door ajar. She hurried her steps.
“Cliff! You made it.” Noah’s baritone stopped her in her tracks.
“I see you two found each other. I hope I wasn’t interrupting.”
A low feminine laugh drifted through the doorway. “Of course you were, but I won’t complain, since you set us up.”
Sabrina maneuvered closer to peer through the opening. Noah stood beside a high-backed chair, his arms folded across his chest. A curvy blonde pressed into his side, while her hand possessively climbed his arm. Outrage filled Sabrina.
The blonde ran her red-tipped finger along his chin. “When Cliff told me I was your bribe to get his sister here, I was flattered beyond words.”
Bribe? Sabrina clenched her fists. Fury blurred her vision. Cliff used this blonde to bribe Noah to take her out? Now, here he was, like some hormonal teen, hanging out with the bimbo, while still on their date? Who did he think he was?
She straightened. Why was she upset? The bimbo could have him. They were probably made for each other. Noah Banks was the last man Sabrina needed.
She turned and stormed down the hall. To think she’d imagined herself falling for him. How childish she’d been. Well, today she was twenty-five, old enough to put away her foolish fantasies. Maybe she’d never find Mr. Right, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t start living.

NOAH STOOD beside open French doors, and tossed back a long swallow of beer. Darcy leaned into him, continuing her one-sided conversation. He’d suggested they join the party at the first opportunity. His breath had come easier once they reached the bright lights, calypso music and festive atmosphere of the open great room.
He’d gone to Cliff’s study to let him know he wasn’t interested in meeting Darcy. It didn’t seem right now that he’d met Sabrina. Unfortunately, Darcy had followed him and made the introduction herself.
Sabrina’s lyrical laughter rose above the friendly ruckus. Straining, he glimpsed her through a crowd of men gathered around her. His gut tightened. The woman was an accomplished flirt. She had no right being a virgin.
Darcy rubbed against him. “Maybe we should slip away.” She nodded toward Sabrina. “Your ‘date’ would hardly notice.”
Gritting his teeth, he straightened away from her. “I should see that she has a ride home.”
“Darling, really, I don’t think you need to worry about her. Let’s go to my place. It isn’t far.”
He faced the woman Cliff had dangled before him like a carrot. Somehow, her appeal had lessened. Her curves remained in all the right places and proportions, but his enthusiasm had evaporated.
“If you’ll excuse me, I need to check on Sabrina.” As Darcy stared at him with wide eyes, he turned, then headed across the room. He had brought Sabrina. In spite of their less than perfect start, she was his date. Common courtesy demanded he attempt to socialize with her. He squared his shoulders and moved through the crowd.

SABRINA LOWERED HER GAZE and smiled. She wasn’t a bad flirt, after all. Pete and the half-dozen other single men around her all stared in rapt attention. Unlike Noah, they responded well to her candid glances and suggestive body language. With a gentle touch here, a smile there, she’d included each one in the conversation.
“Okay, who can answer this?” She leaned forward and they moved as one, shifting in, tightening the circle.
With deliberate motions, she lifted her wine cooler to her lips and emptied the bottle, then she eyed them one by one and smiled. A thrill shot through her. For once in her life she felt desirable. “What is your favorite means of seduction?”
“Seduction?” Pete blinked his hazel eyes.
“Mmm-hmm.” She focused on him. “If a woman were to seduce you, how would you want her to go about it?”
“Well…” His gaze swept over her. “She’d wear something soft and sexy—”
“Something that showed off her breasts,” said the redhead beside him.
“One of those teddy things,” another added.
“No.” Pete touched her hand. “It isn’t what she wears.”
“Right.” Brendan, her brother’s accountant, leaned forward. “It’s the way a woman kisses that really turns me on.”
“Oh?” Sabrina turned to Brendan. “How so?”
He grinned. “You know, she starts slow, with her lips—”
“No,” one of Cliff’s friends to her left interrupted. “I want her whole mouth—”
“With a full body meld,” the redhead added. A movement behind him caught her eye. Her heart skipped a beat. Noah pushed through the crowd toward them.
The irrational need to prove her desirability to him rose in her. She cast a look around the group. “Maybe one of you should show me.”
“Cliff won’t like it.”
“What about that big guy you came with?”
As one, the circle fell back.
Sabrina spread her hands in appeal. “Where’s your sense of adventure?”
“Your brother’s got a temper.”
“Your date didn’t look too congenial, either.”
“Yeah, why can’t he show you?”
Noah loomed closer. Sabrina bit her lip. She laid her empty bottle on the coffee table. “Let’s see which one of you shows me.” With a flick of her wrist, she spun the bottle.
Pete dove to the left. Brendan dodged to the right. The redhead flung himself over the back of the couch, out of the bottle’s range. Sabrina pursed her lips. So much for feeling desirable.
The bottle rotated to a stop. She swallowed as her gaze traveled up the corded thighs and broad chest of the glowering figure standing before her. Dismay filled her. “Well, Noah,” she said, “looks like you win.”

NOAH’S ATTENTION SWEPT over Sabrina’s scattered admirers. What had gotten into them? The lot looked as though they’d escaped a stint on death row. “Win what?”
“There.” A guy with red hair peeked over the back of the couch. “I told you he should be the one to show you.”
“Show you what?” Noah demanded.
A devilish spark lit Sabrina’s eye. She stood, then moved around the coffee table, stopping inches from him. “We were discussing the most effective means of seduction.”
Noah narrowed his eyes. An irrational anger swelled in him. “The hell you were.”
“Oh yes.” She leaned toward him. Her palm grazed his chest. His pulse kicked into gear. “The consensus seems to be that it’s all in the kiss.”
“That’s right, but not everyone agreed on what constituted the sexiest kiss, so I thought someone should show me.” Her glance fell to the table. “And I let the bottle decide who that someone would be.”
He stared at the bottle, aimed at him. Adrenaline spurted through his veins. He’d won at spin the bottle. Maybe if his whole body hadn’t tensed in anticipation, he might have laughed.
He inhaled her wildflower scent. Desire flooded him. She tiptoed, brushing against him, her luscious mouth a breath from his. He let out a stifled groan, made a move to grab her, then stopped. “Not in front of an audience,” he murmured.
Taking her hand, he led her out the closest exit, a side door leading to a thankfully empty deck. She was in his arms before he had time to think. Whether he scooped her up, or she put herself there, wasn’t clear. All he knew was that her sweet mouth beckoned him with an urgency he couldn’t ignore.
He explored her lips with tiny nips and gentle caresses. Then, framing her face with his palms, he ventured farther into her welcoming kiss. She anchored her fingers in his hair and met the tentative stroke of his tongue. For long, drugging moments he lost himself in her warmth.
A small moan escaped her. She moved against him, her breasts pressed to his chest. His hands roamed over her back, then her hips, while he savored her firm contour. Sweet. She was sweet and wild all at once, like nothing he’d ever experienced. Some unnamed emotion rose in him, triggering an innate protectiveness.
Angling his head, he parried the hungry thrust of her tongue and slid his palms up her sides, past her waist. His heart hammered. She shifted, allowing him better access as his thumbs skimmed the lower swells of her breasts.
“Um, ’scuse me guys,” Darcy’s voice sounded behind him.
Noah jerked away from Sabrina. He caught one glimpse of her stunned expression, before turning to the blonde.
Darcy’s gaze wandered sadly over him. “Guess this means you’re not coming back to my place.”
“Darcy, I—”
“It’s okay.” She held up her hand. “All’s fair in love and…you know. I’ll survive. I, um, really wanted to warn you that Cliff is looking for the birthday girl. Something tells me he might not be too pleased to find the two of you playing tongue hockey.”
“No, I don’t imagine he would be.” Sabrina brushed past Noah, stopping beside Darcy. She glanced at Noah and something hard glittered in her eyes. Then she turned to Darcy. “Thanks for the reminder.”
Noah straightened as she turned back to him. God, she was beautiful. Her eyes flashed, pink stained her cheeks and her whole face glowed.
“Seems I lost my head for a moment.” She turned, then pushed through the door, back into the party.
“Now wait a minute!” Noah bolted after her, his heart thudding. He reached for her as she rejoined her group of admirers, but she twisted away, ignoring him.
Turning to one of her entourage, she asked, “Pete, could you drive me home?”
Noah drew up to his full height. The man glanced his way. Noah stared evenly at him, sending a silent challenge. With a shake of his head, Pete shrank back into the sofa cushions.
“For goodness’ sake.” Sabrina glared at Noah.
He glared back. What was she mad about? A moment ago she’d nearly combusted in his arms. “I’ll take you home.”
She smiled a stiff smile and looked beyond his shoulder. “Thank you, but I wouldn’t want to keep you from your…bribe.”
A sick feeling hit the pit of his stomach. He turned to see Darcy at his side.
“Enough.” Noah stepped away from Darcy and reached again for Sabrina. His throat tightened at the flicker of hurt in her blue gaze.
A tall, slender blonde pushed past Mona, who had just arrived, her wide-eyed gaze taking them all in. “I’ll take you,” the slender blonde said. She gave Noah a curious look as she stepped to Sabrina’s side. “Let’s get you out of here.”
“Thanks, Bess.” Sabrina’s hands opened, then closed into fists. Her gaze swept back to Noah. “And thank you, for a most…enlightening evening.”
Noah swallowed. That sick feeling inside him grew. What had he done? “Sabrina—”
“Good night, Mona.” Sabrina gave her a quick hug. “Thanks for the party.”
Mona frowned. “Is everything okay? Are you sure you want to leave so soon?”
“Everything’s fine. It was a wonderful party. Thanks for all your hard work.” Sabrina glanced back again at Noah. “I’m sorry. I’m just really tired.”
Her icy tone sent chills down his spine. Regret rooted him to the floor as she turned with Bess, then left.

TWENTY MINUTES LATER, Sabrina sank into the pile of antique lace pillows strewn across her four-poster bed. She’d spent days scouring dozens of flea markets and antique dealers to find them. She captured one, bunching it between her palms. “That’s it, Bess, the last straw.”
The bed dipped as Bess sat beside her. “I can understand you’re upset, but just because your brother and his partner are jerks doesn’t mean you should toss aside your values.”
Sabrina smashed the pillow into the mattress. “What have my values gotten me?”
“Bree, you’ve got a great life. You own your own business. At twenty-five that’s quite an accomplishment. You have this wonderful apartment, and you’re free to come and go as you please. No strings tying you down.”
“Maybe I want some strings.”
“And getting laid by the first willing male will do that?”
“Hah, willing, there’s the problem. No one wants me because I’m a virgin, so how the hell am I supposed to lose my virginity?” She rolled over and tossed the pillow to the floor. “I don’t know. I just know I can’t go on like I have. Something has to change. I have to change.”
“You’re not the type to have a one-night stand, though. Think about it. When you take on a project, you always go all out. Remember when you wanted to repaint the dining room and ended up holed up in here painting every wall of every room?”
“And the ceilings. Boy, were my arms aching.”
“Then what about the time you wanted to make a shelf for some of your knickknacks and you ended up with…” She gestured to the floor-to-ceiling unit gracing the far wall.
“Who would have thought I had it in me?”
“Then look at the bookstore.”
Sabrina blew out a breath. She’d gone in for a part-time job, then ended up buying the place. “I’d always planned on owning a bookstore once I’d earned my business degree.”
“But you see my point. You won’t be satisfied with a one-night stand. You’ll want a relationship, and trust me, that isn’t the way to start one.”
With a sudden movement, Sabrina sat upright. “See, that’s where you’re wrong. The old Sabrina may have felt that way, but the new me won’t. He took a woman as a bribe, Bess. And did you see her? How am I supposed to compete with that? I’m reinventing myself. Drastic times call for drastic measures.”
She drew herself up. “It’s time I lost my virginity.”
“My mind’s made up. In fact, I’ve already planned the rest of the weekend away. It’s the perfect opportunity.”
“So, you’re talking about some type of affair, then, because I still don’t see you having a one-night stand.”
“A fling, I think.”
“A fling?”
Excitement poured through Sabrina. “Yes, that’s it. A weekend fling. That should do it.”
Bess shook her head. “You’ll get attached.”
“Not if he’s from out of town.”
Bess’s brows rose in question.
“Cliff’s probably warned every single guy in Atlanta. I’ve got a reservation at a beach resort. I leave for Florida first thing in the morning. I’ll find myself a weekend fling.”
“You’re not serious.”
Sabrina swung her legs over the side of the bed, and waved to where her bags stood packed and waiting. “Oh, but I am.”

NOAH GRIPPED the steering wheel and glared at the red traffic light. The air had grown heavy. Moisture swirled around the streetlights, distorting their glow.
Guilt gnawed at him. The memory of the look on Sabrina’s face as she’d confronted him tightened his gut. When he’d made that deal with Cliff, he hadn’t thought of the consequences. He hadn’t thought of Sabrina. At the time, she’d been a faceless chore, a means to his selfish ends, not a flesh-and-blood woman.
The light changed. He whipped into a parking lot, then circled around toward her apartment. He had to see her, had to apologize—somehow explain how all that had changed once they’d met. Darcy meant nothing to him. Any fleeting attraction he may have felt for her evaporated once he saw her beside Sabrina.
He let his memory roll back over that incredible kiss. She’s a virgin. The old mantra haunted him. Cliff had probably been right to keep him away from Sabrina, but now having seen her, met her…kissed her, there was no possible way Noah could stay away from her.
Closing his eyes, he groaned. The whole time she’d known about Darcy. She’d been baiting him, no doubt, knowing the memory of her hot mouth would torment him. Guess he deserved that.
Thunder rumbled in the distance as he sped down the interstate. The first fat droplets splattered his windshield as he turned the corner to her apartment. Tucked back off the main road, the complex rose like a dark fortress braced by tall pines, oaks and maples.
He glanced at the clock on his dash before he exited his car. It was after midnight. His pulse quickened as he climbed the short flight of stairs to her door. Light seeped through her front curtains. She was still awake.
Drawing on his resolve, he knocked. The curtains parted a fraction, then fell back into place. For one long moment he held his breath, willing her to turn the knob. The door opened, just enough for her to peer out. He exhaled.
“What are you doing here?”
The flat tone of her voice had him wincing. “May I come in…please?” He ground out the unfamiliar word.
She hesitated a moment, then stepped back and gestured him in. “Why not?”
Her floral scent surrounded him as he brushed past. She wore a thin robe that brushed the tops of her thighs. His blood warmed. He let his gaze skim the pointed tips of her breasts, outlined by the silky fabric, then quickly diverted his eyes.
He took in the main living space of her apartment in one glance. The glow of a ceramic lamp on a side table lent a warmth and closeness he hadn’t noticed earlier, probably because he hadn’t been able to take his eyes off her. The room had an inviting appeal. Picture frames and cat figurines dotted the area, and potted plants covered every available tabletop and shelf.
“What are you doing here?” she asked again.
“I came to talk to you…about tonight,” he said.
“I would have thought you’d be otherwise engaged by now.”
He drew in a deep breath. She wasn’t making this easy. “As I said, I’d like to explain.”
She stared at him, her brows raised and her arms crossed over her rounded breasts.
With an effort, he dragged his gaze upward. “Look, Sabrina, I’m sorry about that stupid deal I made with your brother. I never considered how you’d be affected. It was thoughtless and cruel.”
Thunder rumbled in the distance. She narrowed her eyes, then let her arms drop to her sides. “Okay, apology accepted. It was good of you to come all this way. Now, I have a big day planned tomorrow.”
He blinked. “That’s it? You’re not going to tell me what a jerk I was?”
“Since you’re aware of the fact, why waste my breath?”
“What I did was rotten. I’d like to make it up to you.”
She eyed him a moment, then shrugged. “That isn’t necessary. I’ve accepted your apology. You can run along back to your bimbo.”
He gritted his teeth and stepped closer to her. “I don’t care if I never again lay eyes on Darcy.”
“Well, that certainly isn’t my business. It isn’t as though you need to report your comings and goings to me.” She picked up a brass picture frame from the end table. “Why not?”
“Why not what?”
Her fingers absently stroked the glass-covered photograph. “Why aren’t you with her? I thought that was the idea—the reason you took me to dinner.”
He swore under his breath. “It was, but I didn’t know you when I agreed to that whole thing. It just wasn’t right.”
Sabrina set the picture back on the table. “Well, I’m sorry the night didn’t work out for you.”
“It wasn’t all bad.” His gaze held hers. “Parts of it are quite memorable.”
She swallowed and closed her eyes. When she opened them, a warm glow illuminated their depths. “You didn’t mind it, then—that kiss? I suppose I should apologize for it. I wanted to get back at you, to make you think I was desirable.”
He couldn’t take his gaze from her mouth. “How could I think otherwise? In case you didn’t notice, I was enjoying that kiss far more than I had a right to.”
Her teeth sank into her bottom lip. She set down the picture, then moved toward him. “I did it to make you jealous.” Pink tinged her cheeks. “I mean, I meant for one of the others to kiss me.” A sigh escaped her. “But none of them seemed interested.”
“You were, then?” She smiled.
Desire beat through his veins. “I was what?”
“Hell, yes.”
Her lips parted. She placed her hand on his chest, over the place where his heart pounded. “You didn’t need to be.”
God, what was it about her that made him want to beat his chest and roar? Her simple statement sent euphoria tripping through him. He pressed his hand over hers. “Sabrina, I—”
“Kiss me again, Noah.” She held his gaze, her eyes warm, but hesitant. “No one’s ever made me feel that way.”
He stilled. She tiptoed. The full length of her body hugged his. Her breath whispered across his lips, then her mouth brushed his. He stood motionless, tormented.
She made a soft, sighing sound, and touched her tongue to his lower lip. With a moan, he swept his arms around her. In a single motion he claimed her mouth, his tongue meeting no resistance in mating with hers. He drank deeply of her sweetness, somehow feeling redeemed by the power of her kiss.
He closed his eyes, desire ripping through him as she moved against him. He skimmed his hands up her arms, over her shoulders, then down her back. She threaded her fingers through his hair as he reached low to cup her bottom. She moaned softly into his mouth. He lifted her, kneading her firm buttocks and pressing her into his hardness.
She drew back, her eyes dilated, her face flushed, and her lips round and tempting. Slowly, she pulled on the tie of her robe until it loosened, then fluttered to the floor. Arching her back, she parted her robe. “Touch me.”
Noah’s gaze riveted to her bare breasts. She was more beautiful than he’d imagined. The creamy white of her skin accented her ruddy nipples. He ached to touch her, to draw her into his mouth and taste her.
His chest heaved. Closing his eyes, he set her on her feet. “Sabrina, if I do, I won’t be able to stop.”
She cupped his face with her palms. “Maybe I don’t want you to stop. You want me, Noah. I can feel it.”
A raw laugh burst from his throat. “I won’t deny that, but it doesn’t matter.”
“It’s all that matters. I want you, too.”
Her words both provoked and halted him at once. He drew a breath and willed himself to move away from her, but the heat of her body and the promise in her eyes held him.
He shook his head.
Moisture gathered in her eyes. “Please. I’m twenty-five and a virgin. In this day and age that makes me some kind of freak. I promise, no strings. I just need to know what it feels like to truly be a woman.
“It’s time. If not you, then someone else.” Her gaze pinned him. “I’m not sure why, but I want you.”
He tamped down the swell of male pride that rose at her words. His chest tightened. Cliff couldn’t protect her forever. The thought of another man touching her sent a different heat swirling through Noah. The determined jut of her chin confirmed her intent. She’d find someone else.
“I don’t believe in love, Sabrina.”
Her chin came up another notch. “I said no strings. I’m not asking you to love me, just to make love to me.”
She shrugged her robe off her shoulders, letting it slip to the floor. She stood before him, clad only in lacy black panties that offered tantalizing hints of her true femininity. With one slim finger, she drew his face close to hers. “I don’t want to be alone tonight. Do you?”
He inhaled, breathing in her soft floral scent and something more elusive, some essence that was hers alone. It was a potent combination, God help him. “No.”

SABRINA SMILED. Relief rolled over her. Her own boldness amazed her, but she’d never yearned for anything more. Noah had instilled a great hunger in her, making her body ache with need. She took him by the hand. “Then come to bed.”
He made no protest as he followed her to her bedroom, stopping her only when they reached the big four-poster. After pulling back the covers, he turned to her, then brought his lips down again on hers. He reclaimed her mouth with the steady thrust of his tongue, kissing her while he lowered her gently to the mattress. His hands kneaded her breasts, rubbing their erect centers until she moaned with pleasure.
She tugged at his shirt, pulling it from his waistband. He broke away to whip the garment over his head. Sighing, she let her gaze drift over his sculpted torso. Her pulse quickened.
His shoes and slacks joined his shirt on the floor, then he stretched out beside her. With one long finger, he traced the curve of her breast. “You take my breath away.”
Blood pounded in her ears. She’d never been alone with a man like this before, but somehow, with Noah she felt safe. Excitement filled her. She trailed her fingers over his hard chest, toying with his male nipple. To her delight, he made a low guttural sound of pleasure.
“Tell me what to do,” she said.
“Let me taste you.” He lowered his head. The pointed tip of his tongue flicked across her nipple.
She nearly came up off the bed. Heat shot through her, settling in the apex of her thighs. He laughed lightly, then drew her into his mouth. He suckled her for what seemed an eternity, moving from one breast to the other.
Delicious sensations shimmered through her. Each pull of his mouth brought a new wave of pleasure. To her shock, her hips undulated in carnal rhythm. Sounds she’d never made before strained from her throat.
He blew on her erect nipple. It glistened with his loving. As his hand slipped low over her belly, her body jerked. He stopped, his palm warm and firm against her skin. “You okay?”
She nodded. She was more than okay. Every cell of her being vibrated with renewed life. “I think it was just a reflex. No one’s ever touched me there.”
His eyes darkened. He spread his fingers wide, covering the scrap of black lace. “I want to touch you everywhere.”
Again, she could only nod.
He stroked her from collar to hip, tracing every curve, until his fingers brushed over her panties. He touched her through the lace, cupping her and pressing his fingertips into the sensitive juncture of her legs. A look of pure pleasure washed over him. “You’re so wet.”
Her cheeks heated. She swallowed. “Yes, I’d say I’m good and ready.” She glanced down at his bulging briefs. She trembled in anticipation. “And you?”
“We shouldn’t rush a good thing.”
“Oh, but I feel so…needy.”
His lips curved into that sexy grin. “Let’s get you out of these and see what we can do about that.” In one motion he slipped her panties from her hips, down her legs, then onto the pile of clothing on the floor.
“Here, is this better?” He sifted his fingers through her thatch of curls to the folds of her femininity. With deft movements, he found that part of her that ached to be touched.
“Ohh…yes.” She clung to him while he worked his magic, circling her pleasure point until she moaned and her hips again moved in erotic cadence.
He kissed her, his mouth trailing over her neck, her collarbone, then again across her breasts. The steady pull of his mouth paired with the pressure of his fingers drove her to the edge. The exquisite tension crescendoed. She dug her fingers into his shoulders and rocked against him. With a startled cry she came, rocketing to the heavens with an intensity that left her gasping for breath.

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