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A Mother For The Tycoon′s Child
A Mother For The Tycoon′s Child
A Mother For The Tycoon's Child
Patricia Thayer
Everyone in the town of Destiny thinks dedicated Mayor Morgan Keenan has no time for relationships.It takes newcomer tycoon and caring single father Justin Hilliard to see past her defenses. With the help of his cute little daughter, Justin slowly helps the beautiful, willowy redhead understand that she can love and be loved in return. Morgan belongs with them - not only as his adored wife, but as the mother she was meant to be.

A Mother for the Tycoon’s Child
Patricia Thayer

www.millsandboon.co.uk (http://www.millsandboon.co.uk)


THERE was no sign of him.
Morgan Keenan stared out the bay window of her craft shop at the family Inn, willing the tardy Fortune 500 corporate CEO to appear. Not that she didn’t realize what a long shot it was to get Justin Hilliard to even consider investing in her project.
She glanced up at the clouds gathering over the San Juan Mountains, knowing the forecast was for snow flurries later tonight. It was still early in the season, but it could be a blessing for the old mining town of Destiny, Colorado. Especially when she was trying to promote the perfect location to build a ski resort.
Since being elected mayor last year, Morgan had worked hard, pulling together a cost effective package and looking for investors. She’d received a few nibbles over the previous months, but it hadn’t been until she heard from Justin Hilliard of Hilliard Industries, that she thought she just might have a chance to pull off this deal.
And today, the CEO was coming to see the town…and to meet her. Or was he?
With one last glance at the empty parking lot, Morgan walked to the back of the craft shop she ran in her parents’ bed-and-breakfast, the Keenan Inn. A wooden quilting frame was set up in the turret-shaped alcove. She took her seat facing the windows so she could keep an eye out for her visitor while relieving tension by working on the wedding quilt.
Morgan picked up her needle and took a measured stitch, a skill her mother had taught her years ago. It had been her salvation too many times to count. Lately the resort deal had been heavy on her mind, but after today, if Mr. Hilliard decided he wanted to invest in the resort she could breathe easier.
Busy with her intricate work, it took a while for Morgan to realize she wasn’t alone. She glanced up to see a small dark-haired girl standing in the doorway. Dressed in a pink nylon ski jacket and matching bib overalls, she was too cute.
Morgan smiled. “Hi.”
The girl didn’t answer.
Since the Inn’s guests didn’t usually have children, Morgan decided the girl belonged to a day tourist. She glanced toward the front of the shop but didn’t see anyone around.
“I’m Morgan,” she said. “What’s your name?”
“Lauren,” the child answered softly.
“Pretty name. Do you want to see what I’m making?”
Her gray-blue eyes widened, then to Morgan’s surprise, the little girl walked to the edge of the stretcher board.
Morgan ran her hand over the multiblue patterned fabrics already sewn into circles. “It’s called a wedding-ring quilt. See the circles?” She outlined one with her finger. “They look like rings.”
The girl didn’t speak, but leaned in to look at the half-finished quilt.
“I like to use blue,” Morgan continued. “It’s my favorite color. What’s yours?”
Those big eyes rose to hers. Morgan felt a tug at her heart. “Pink…” the girl whispered.
“You want to see if we can find pink in the quilt?”
Surprisingly the little girl raised her arms to Morgan. She didn’t hesitate to lift the child. A soft powdery smell emanated from her as she was tucked perfectly onto Morgan’s lap. Morgan took a moment to savor the rare gift, because this would be as close as she would ever get to having a little girl of her own.

Justin Hilliard stood at the Keenan Inn’s front desk. He hated being late. Punctuality had been a discipline drilled into him throughout his life. Even if it couldn’t be helped because the company jet had a minor mechanical problem, and Lauren had fallen asleep. He’d decided that she needed the rest more than he needed to be on time.
“Sorry for the delay, Mr. Hilliard.” The middle-aged innkeeper had short gray hair and warm hazel eyes. “We put you in the suite on the second floor. My husband is bringing in a rollaway to accommodate your daughter.”
“Thank you, Mrs. Keenan. I apologize for not informing you ahead of time.”
“It’s not a problem at all.” The older woman smiled. “We’ve all been looking forward to your visit but especially, my daughter, Morgan.”
He checked his watch. He was ninety minutes late. “I was to meet with her today. I’m going to have to reschedule. I want to get Lauren settled.” He looked behind him at the antique love seat, but his daughter wasn’t there. He glanced around the large entry that served as a lobby for the three-story bed-and-breakfast.
He tried to stay calm. “Lauren?”
Mrs. Keenan came around the desk. “I’m sure she’s probably close by, probably just wandered into the craft shop.” The older woman led the way along a hallway and into a room that housed the usual touristy things, along with several quilts hanging on the walls. But there was no sign of his daughter.
Panic rose in his throat. Lauren stayed close by his side, especially since her mother’s death. The innkeeper walked ahead, then she turned and smiled, motioning toward an alcove.
Justin froze as he spotted his daughter seated on a woman’s lap. A protective hand rested on Lauren’s, guiding her small fingers through the task of pushing the needle through the fabric. His chest tightened at the enchanting scene.
Then other dormant feelings raced through him as he took in the woman’s long auburn hair brushing her shoulders in soft curls and encircling her heart-shaped face. Her pert nose wrinkled when she smiled. She had a fresh-scrubbed look that he found appealing.
“It seems your daughter has found a friend,” Mrs. Keenan said, breaking into his thoughts. Then she turned and walked away.
Just then Lauren became aware of his presence. The joy in her eyes faded as she climbed down and hurried to his side.
Justin knelt and wrapped his arms around his daughter. “Lauren, you shouldn’t have run off. I was worried.”
“Sorry,” she whispered.
“Just tell me the next time. Okay?” He rose and turned to the woman who’d managed to gain his daughter’s trust. “I’m Justin Hilliard.” He held out his hand.
“Morgan Keenan.” They shook hands. “And I apologize. I had no idea that Lauren was missing, or that she was your daughter.”
“She usually doesn’t wander off.” Or talk to strangers, he thought.
“Well, she’s welcome here anytime.” Morgan looked at the child and smiled. “As long as she asks for permission first.”
Ms. Keenan was even lovelier close up. Her eyes were a deep emerald-green and expressive. Who would have thought the all-business mayor he’d talked with would turn out to look so soft…so feminine? His throat suddenly went dry. “I don’t see it as a problem.”
“Good.” Morgan brushed her hand against her long skirt. “I hope you and Lauren had a pleasant trip here.”
“We had a few delays,” he said, his hand on Lauren’s shoulder. “I hope my tardiness hasn’t caused problems for you.”
Morgan shook her head, fighting her nervousness. Justin Hilliard was more handsome than in his magazine and newspaper pictures. Tall, with wide shoulders, he was dressed in jeans, boots and a coffee-colored, cable-knit sweater.
Her attention went to his steel-gray eyes. “I’d planned to spend the day with you…I mean I was scheduled to present the Silver Sky Canyon project.”
He frowned. “I apologize. I need to reschedule our meeting.” He raised a hand. “It will be at your convenience. Since I’ve brought Lauren along, I’ve decided to stay the week. I thought I would mix business with some pleasure time with her.”
It was a good sign that a busy CEO like Justin Hilliard was going to be here all week. “That’s wonderful. There is so much to see and do around here. I hope you brought some warm clothes. They’re predicting snow this week. Probably just flurries, but it’s still fun to watch.” Why was she babbling? “But then you get snow in Denver.” She finally shut her mouth when she saw his smile.
“I’m sorry, Mr. Hilliard. As you can tell I’m anxious to tell you about the project.”
“There’s no need to apologize and, please, call me Justin.”
“And I’m Morgan.” She was just happy he was here. She’d been afraid he’d changed his mind. “And yes, we definitely can reschedule our meeting.” She glanced at the little girl. “And maybe after you rest Lauren, we can have a look around town.”
With questioning eyes, Lauren glanced up at her father.
“I think we both would enjoy a trip around Destiny,” he said.
At that moment, Claire Keenan rejoined the group. “Then, let’s get you settled Mr. Hilliard. We can send sandwiches up to the suite.”
“I don’t want to be a bother.”
She waved her hand in the air. “Oh, it’s not a bother at all. We want you to feel welcome.”
Justin looked back at Morgan Keenan. “I thought that was your job.”
A delightful blush crossed her cheeks. “I’ll do my part, but my mother’s cooking is just one of the fringe benefits Destiny has to offer.”
The look in his eyes sent a strange feeling coursing through Morgan’s veins.
“I can hardly wait to discover the others,” he told her.

Morgan walked into the big kitchen, the hub of the Inn and the center of the Keenan family activates. This had been where she and her sisters, Paige and Leah, grew up.
It was the heart of the home, where family problems were discussed and triumphs were cheered, tears shed and laughter shared.
Claire Keenan turned as her daughter entered. “Are they settled in?”
“They seem fine. Thank you, Mom, for handling things.”
“It wasn’t a problem…we had the suite available.”
“I should have booked him there in the first place, but I thought he would fly in only for the day. That he’d fly home tonight.” She frowned. “And bringing his daughter with him. That was a surprise.”
Her mother smiled. “And she’s so sweet. I wonder where her mother is?”
Finding information on Justin Hilliard hadn’t been hard. Morgan had gone to her sister. Paige had lived in Denver for nearly ten years and knew all about Hilliard Industries’ CEO, both professionally and personally. “He’d been divorced for over a year and has had custody of his daughter since his ex-wife was killed in an automobile accident six months ago.”
“How sad,” Claire Keenan said. “That poor little thing. So both of them are alone.”
Morgan didn’t like her mother’s curious look. It could only mean trouble. Since Morgan had returned from college, she’d tried to fix her up with every eligible man who’d come to the Inn.
Just then her sisters, Paige and Leah, walked into the kitchen. “Is he here yet?” Leah asked.
Morgan knew who they were talking about. “Yes, he’s here,” she told them.
“Is he as handsome as his pictures?” Leah asked. The petite blonde couldn’t hide the twinkle in her brown eyes as she held out a computer printout from the Hilliard Industries’ Web site.
Morgan had to admit that she hadn’t expected a hard-driving businessman to be so good-looking. That dark, wavy hair and those gray eyes were…She quickly pushed away the thought.
“His looks have nothing to do with the man building a ski resort here.”
Leah frowned. “Now, I am worried. She doesn’t even react to a gorgeous man.”
“Why are you looking at other men anyway?” Morgan asked. “You two are married women.” She glanced pointedly down at their rounded bellies. “And pregnant.”
“We’re not dead,” Paige informed her. The brunette’s hair was perfect as was her makeup even though she was eight months pregnant. “Besides, Reed knows I love only him.”
“As does Holt,” Leah added.
Their mother joined in. “I love your father very much but Justin Hilliard even made me take an appreciative look. And that little girl of his…”
The two sisters turned back to Morgan. “He brought his daughter?” Paige asked.
“That’s impressive,” Leah added. “How old is she?”
“She’s about five and adorable,” their mother informed them. “Her name is Lauren and she’s already gotten attached to Morgan.”
Morgan covered her ears. “Stop it. None if this has anything to do with me getting the man to invest in our town. I haven’t even given my presentation.”
“You’ll ace it,” Paige said confidently. “He was interested enough to come here. It’s a good investment.”
“I still have to convince him.”
Morgan wasn’t about to tell her family that the man brought it to the surface, causing feelings in her she hadn’t felt in a long time. Since college, she’d managed to keep men at arm’s length because she wasn’t going to chance getting hurt again.
Justin Hilliard could make her change her mind. But for her own sanity, she refused to give that power to a man. Never again.

When they reached the suite, Lauren went right to sleep, which gave Justin time to catch up with correspondence from the office. He sat at the antique desk and worked on his laptop, although this wasn’t exactly the atmosphere for business. In the corner of the room there was a huge fireplace with a love seat arranged in front of it, along with a plush rug. The bedroom had a huge canopy bed, and the bathroom a large claw-foot tub.
He hadn’t originally planned on bringing Lauren along, since the business meeting wasn’t supposed to take longer than a day. Lately he made sure he was home in the evenings to be there for his daughter. In the past, he hadn’t been much of a part of Lauren’s young life, but that was all about to change.
His daughter was going to come first from now on. They were going to be a real family. But first he had to concentrate on business, but he was having trouble.
The memory of Morgan Keenan’s pretty face kept popping into his head. And he didn’t like that. He’d always prided himself on being able to stay focused on the task at hand.
After pouring a cup of coffee, he went to the window and looked out at the magnificent mountain range encircling the small town of Destiny. The once silver-rich town was thriving no more. Not since the last large mine operation had shut down ten years ago. Now, the few thousand residents remaining had to rely on tourism.
Mayor Morgan Keenan was doing just that, trying to bring industry to her town. Justin was intrigued, both with the town and the woman. Not a good combination, mixing business with pleasure.
Years ago, when his marriage to Crystal failed he decided he was never going to get serious about another woman. He wasn’t going to live a celibate life, and when time allowed, he’d been discreet about his female companions, and extra careful not to end up in the tabloids.
He’d had enough of the front page during his circus of a marriage and his ex-wife’s many indiscretions. Even after the divorce, Crystal had kept the drama going in his and their daughter’s life. But the loss of her mother had been devastating to Lauren.
His child had always been his number one concern. That was what brought him here. They needed to get away from the past, to start a new life…in a new place. Maybe Destiny could be a fresh start for the both of them.
There was a soft knock on the door and Justin went to answer and found Morgan Keenan standing at the threshold.
“I don’t want to disturb you or Lauren but we thought you might be hungry.” She stepped aside to reveal a cart with sandwiches and milk and coffee.
“Please, come in,” he said and moved aside so she could wheel the food tray in.
Morgan placed it in front of the hearth. He watched as the slender woman bent over the table to arrange the meal. Her long skirt prevented him from telling if she had any curves but did catch a glimpse of her slim ankles.
When she started for the door, he blocked her path. “Please, stay and join me,” he asked. “I hate to eat alone.”
She hesitated, then looked toward the bedroom. “What about Lauren?”
“She’s sound asleep.” He carried the chair from the desk to the table. “Please, sit.”
“You don’t have to wait on me.”
“A lady should always be seated before a man.”
When she passed by him, he caught a whiff of her shampoo. It was some kind of soft, citrus scent. He took a seat opposite her.
“I guess I should have asked if you’d eaten.”
She shook her head. “Milk or coffee?”
“Coffee, please.” He watched as she poured him a cup, then one for herself. He nodded toward the plate of sandwiches and after she took one, he helped himself to the thin sliced roast beef. It was delicious.
“Would you mind if we went over some questions I have about the project?”
She blinked. “Not at all.”
“I’m concerned about access leading to the Silver Sky Canyon. The map shows it’s pretty far from the highway.”
“That was a problem for a while. The private land owner is my brother-in-law Holt Rawlins. The original road was to cut across his ranch. In fact it’s a very beautiful natural area with waterfalls and wonderful hiking trails.”
“Sounds like a place I’d like to see.”
“It can be arranged for tomorrow, if weather permits.” Her gaze locked with his, but she quickly glanced away. “To get back to your question about access to the ski area, we found another way in. It’s on the back side of Holt’s ranch. It’s less intrusive to the environment and there’s less chance of disrupting the beauty of the area. Most importantly, Holt is willing to sell the property.”
Justin tried to focus on her answers, but found he was more interested in watching her sip her coffee. The slender fingers that held the bone china cup were the same fingers that made the intricate stitches in the quilt downstairs. How would those delicate hands feel on him? He swiftly pushed aside the thought. He was way off track.
“It sounds like you’ve spent a lot of time working out every detail of this project.”
“It’s important to me. This town is important to me. I’ve lived here nearly all my life. And as mayor, I promised to help bring in revenue. We can’t survive without new business resources.”
Justin smiled as he got up from the table and went to the window. “The view is breathtaking.”
Morgan joined him at the large window overlooking the mountains. “You must have a view of the Rockies in Denver.”
“Denver is beautiful, too. But there’s something here. A certain peace…serenity that seems to surround the town.” He gave her a sideways glance. “I have to say, Morgan, I’m more than intrigued with this area.”
Her smile was breathtaking, and so unconsciously seductive that his pulse began to race. She must have felt the change, too.
“I should go.” She backed away, but her long skirt caught on the edge of the table and she started to fall. Justin reached for her arm and pulled her upright, but the movement brought her body against his. He immediately responded to her warmth…her softness. Morgan Keenan definitely had curves. But when their gazes met, she began to tremble.
“Are you all right?” he asked.
She nodded, and quickly untangled herself from him. “I’m clumsy sometimes.”
“It happens.”
“I should help my mother with dinner.” Morgan hurried toward the door. “She wanted me to extend an invitation to you and Lauren.”
“I don’t expect your family to entertain us.”
“It’s a pleasure. Dinner will be at six,” she said, her hand on the doorknob. “If there’s anything you need just call down. Goodbye.”
Then she was gone, leaving him to wonder what had happened. Why did she tremble at his touch? There were a great many questions he wanted answered, but the main one was, did he want to get involved with a woman who wouldn’t be easy to forget?
He turned back to the scene outside the window. Well, Morgan Keenan would definitely be part of the picture if he decided to make Destiny his permanent home.

“Dinner was delicious, Mrs. Keenan,” Justin said as he pushed his plate away with the remains of his second helping of succulent roast pork and potatoes.
“Thank you.” She rose from her seat next to her husband at the head of the long table in the Inn’s formal dining room. Morgan was seated across from him. She’d changed into a black sweater that accentuated her fair skin. Auburn hair lay in waves around her face. He flashed back to the way she’d felt in his arms.
Not a safe place to go.
He quickly glanced down at Lauren seated beside him. She had wanted to change into a pretty pink dress for tonight, and he done his best to comb her hair and fasten it back with barrettes. Not his best skill.
“I hope you saved room for dessert, Mr. Hilliard,” Claire Keenan said. “Morgan made double Dutch apple pie.”
“Please, call me Justin.”
“And we’re Claire and Tim,” she said as she collected plates.
Morgan stood and looked at Lauren. “Since you finished all your food, I have a special treat for you.” Her smile and emerald gaze moved to Justin. “Of course if it’s all right with your father.”
The impact was more than he wanted to admit. He turned his attention to his daughter. She’d eaten her food without being coaxed. “Sure.”
Morgan held out her hand to the child. “Want to come with me and help?” she asked.
Lauren nodded excitedly as Justin lifted her down and the twosome walked out hand in hand.
“Daughters. They’re hard to turn down,” Tim Keenan said as the two left.
Justin turned to the big man with the warm smile. He’d caught the loving looks Tim had shared with his wife.
“Lauren’s had a rough time. It’s hard for me to deny her anything.”
“Losing a parent is difficult,” Tim agreed. “Our girls lost their biological parents early on. We were truly blessed when they came to us.”
Before coming to Destiny, Justin had dug deep into the town’s history along with the young mayor’s background. He’d learned how close the Keenan family was, and how the town helped raise the girls when they first arrived to town. It was apparent the three sisters had a special bond.
“You must be proud of them.”
The older man nodded. “That goes without saying. And it has nothing to do with their careers or what they’ve chosen in life. Morgan, Paige and Leah turned out to be good people. They’re kind and caring, and most importantly, happy. There’s nothing more a parent could ask for.”
“I’d give anything to make that happen for Lauren.”
Tim stared at him. “I’d say you’re making a good start. You brought her with you. There’s nothing better than spending time with your child.”
“It isn’t always that simple in my line of work.” After seeing her reaction to Morgan and the rest of the Keenan family, he realized how hungry Lauren was for a stable life. He wasn’t sure if he could give her that.
Tim leaned back in his chair. “It’s only as complicated as you make it. Of course there are choices to make.”
“Explain that to my father,” Justin said. Marshall Justin Hilliard, Sr. believed in success at all costs. Marriage and family had always come second.
“Hilliard Industries is a large conglomerate, with interests all over the world. I expect it takes a lot of manpower to run, but you should be able to delegate some of the work.” Tim arched an eyebrow. “In fact, you could have sent an assistant to oversee this project.”
Justin took a drink of his wine, not sure how much he should reveal right now. In the past, honesty had always been his strength in his business dealings and it might be time to lay out his plan.
Morgan came into the room with Lauren. His daughter was proudly carrying a small dish of ice cream with colorful sprinkles on top. He smiled and helped settle her back in her chair.
There was nothing like seeing Lauren’s happiness. “There’s a reason I didn’t send my assistant.”
That drew Morgan’s attention from across the table. “It’s because if I decide to open a resort here, it won’t be a Hilliard Industries investment,” Justin began. “It will be mine and Lauren’s because…if this project turns out to be right for us, Destiny will also be our home.”

THE next morning in the conference room at City Hall a familiar feeling crept into Morgan’s stomach, but she pushed away the nervousness. She could do this. She had worked for years to regain control of her life. She’d earned her position as mayor and the community trusted her to bring in new revenue. She wasn’t going to let them down now. She’d gone over her proposal so many times that she could sell the idea to anyone.
But Justin Hilliard wasn’t just anyone. Having that good-looking man sitting across the table, studying her closely, was a little intimidating. She’d better get used to it, since he’d announced his plans to live here permanently.
Even without his company behind him, he was powerful in his own right. He could do so much for their small community. Building the resort alone, would mean hiring hundreds of laborers. She felt her own excitement growing and took a calming breath.
“As you can see from the chart, this area is perfect for an extreme ski resort. In fact, the established resorts are booked solid all season and have to turn people away. We’re hoping to get the skiers who want a more challenging run.”
She pointed to the huge graphics chart that Paige had helped her put together, along with Leah’s slide show of the incredible photos she’d taken of the ski area.
“With a new area opening up,” she continued, “along with five-star accommodations, we could handle the overflow.”
“What about the environmentalists?” Justin asked.
Morgan allowed herself to smile. “We’ve been okayed for the Silver Sky Canyon area as long as we limit the number of skiers on the mountain. The canyon is perfect for what we have in mind.”
“Extreme skiing,” Justin said thoughtfully.
She nodded. “It’s the big craze right now.”
“Won’t that drive up the insurance costs?”
Morgan knew she was being tested. Justin Hilliard wouldn’t have wasted his time in Destiny if he hadn’t checked this all out. She glanced down the table to the town controller/treasurer, Beverly Whiting. The middle-aged woman had been Morgan’s biggest supporter since she’d been sworn into office.
“It’s all in Beverly’s report,” Morgan said. “And remember the caliber of skier we’ll be catering to. They won’t hesitate to pay for the excitement, the adrenaline rush.”
Morgan watched as he continued to study the report, then glanced at Paige who smiled encouragingly.
“If I do decide to invest in the resort,” Justin Hilliard began, “and build a hotel here, it could cut into some of the businesses in town.”
“But if you employ locals in construction it will help our economy immediately, and we’ll eventually get revenue from the ski run.” In the original deal the town continued to own the land, but they needed an investor to build the resort and run it.
Morgan flipped her chart to the last page to show the mock-up of a planned strip mall next to the hotel complex. “And if you agree, we’d like to add a row of stores available for leasing. No chain fast food places, only fine restaurants, and one-of-a-kind shops.”
“Like your quilt shop?”
She shrugged. “We have a silversmith that could make jewelry for shops, and there are artists in the area who would love to sell locally.”
“What if I bring in my own people to run things?”
Would he do that? Morgan calmed herself once again. “They will still have to live and shop in Destiny. And I think you know that working with the community is more cost efficient.”
Justin Hilliard sat there with his elbows on the table and his fingers steepled together as if thinking of another question. Then he closed his booklet and stood.
“Thank you, Mayor.” He shook her hand, then went down to the end of the table and did the same with Beverly and Paige. He came back to Morgan. “Your presentation was impressive.”
“This project is close to all of us. Several people were involved in the planning.” She no sooner got the words out when the door opened and Lyle Hutchinson barged into the room.
“Did you think I wouldn’t hear about this?” the graying man in his mid-fifties said as he marched up to Morgan. “Just because you’re mayor doesn’t mean you get to make all the decisions for the town.”
This was the last thing Morgan needed today. Lyle Hutchinson, a descendant of one of Destiny’s founding families, hated the fact that he didn’t have a say-so in this, or a chance for any financial gain from the future ski resort.
“Lyle, you were there when we voted on the project at the last council meeting,” Morgan said. “Maybe if you met Mr. Hilliard…”
The usually impeccably groomed banker looked frazzled as he shook a finger in her face. “You aren’t going to get away with this. Mark my words I’ll stop you if it’s the last thing I do.”
Justin wasn’t going to stand back while this angry man threatened her. He moved around the table.
“I think you better step back from Ms. Keenan,” he warned.
The older man glared at Justin. “This isn’t your business.”
“I’m making it mine.” Justin straightened. “For the last time, move away from Ms. Keenan, or I’ll move you myself. Your choice.”
The man continued to glare at Morgan, but he finally did as Justin suggested. “This isn’t over, Morgan. I will remove you from office if it’s the last thing I do.”
“Please, Lyle,” she said. “This isn’t the time.”
The door opened and a tall man in uniform with a silver badge pinned to his chest came in. He walked right up to the intruder.
“Hutchinson, I don’t remember being told you were invited to this meeting.” It seemed like old Lyle wasn’t popular with anyone.
“If it concerns this town, Sheriff, it concerns me.”
“Not if you’re disrupting things. You should leave,” the sheriff said firmly.
The angry Hutchinson looked as if he was going to argue, but changed his mind. “This isn’t the last you hear from me.” He turned and stormed out, leaving an uneasy silence in his wake. The sheriff followed him outside.
“I’m so sorry for the disruption,” Morgan said.
Justin waved off her apology. “The hell with him. Are you okay?” He studied Morgan’s pale face. Although she tried to hide it under oversize clothes, she was delicately built.
“I’m fine, really,” she told him. “I can’t believe he barged in here like that.”
A pregnant Paige Keenan-Larkin came around the table to her sister’s side and looked at Justin.
“Mr. Hilliard, Lyle Hutchinson doesn’t represent the majority of the citizens who live here. But for many years the Hutchinson family controlled most of what went on in this town.” Paige nodded to her sister. “Morgan had the guts to run against him for mayor. Let’s just say she sees a new direction for the town. One that didn’t profit the Hutchinsons.”
The sheriff came back into the room. “I should have known Lyle would show up today. But I just had a little talk with him. I reminded him that he won’t get away with intimidation and threats.” He looked at Justin. “I’m Reed Larkin, Paige’s husband.” He stuck out his hand.
“Nice to meet you, Reed. Justin Hilliard.” He smiled. “And they say small towns are boring.”
Reed grinned. “You just caught us on a good day.”
Paige nudged her husband. “Stop it. It’s never like this. Mr. Hilliard, Destiny is a quiet town, and most everyone gets along,” she assured him. “They elected Morgan because of her ideas on new growth and bringing in revenue.”
Justin directed his next question to Morgan. “I take it that Hutchinson is opposed to the ski resort.”
She nodded. “He says it will take away from the quaintness of the town, that we’ll be overrun with tourists. It’s not true. The skiing will be limited, and the resort is five miles out of the town. Besides, the ski lifts will only be open in the winter months.”
A hint of a smile appeared on her lovely face. “That’s not to say that we’re not hoping people return in the summer for hiking, and camping. We have to think about the jobs and the money it will bring into the community.” There was passion in her green eyes that had Justin intrigued, not by Morgan as mayor…but as a woman.
Paige Keenan-Larkin spoke up. “As I said, the majority of the citizens like Morgan’s fresh new ideas.” Paige checked her watch and glanced at her sister. “Morgan, I’m sorry, I have a doctor’s appointment but…if you need me to stay.”
“No! You go and take care of that niece of mine. She’ll be here soon.” Morgan hugged her sister. “Reed, you drive her.”
“I planned on it.” He put his arm around his wife’s shoulders and guided her to the door.
Slowly the rest of the people in the room left. Only Justin and Morgan remained. “You have a nice, big family.”
“Not that big, but when Paige’s and Leah’s babies arrive the count will be nine.”
Justin envied their closeness. He’d grown up in a large house with servants, but no family to speak of. His father, Marshal Hilliard, had never been home, and his mother wasn’t maternal. One day she’d just left, but neglected to take her ten-year-old son with her.
“That’s big to those of us who only have two members, just myself and Lauren,” he said.
“What about your parents?”
“Let’s just say my father has never been much of a family man…and my mother is…has been on an extended vacation.”
“I’m so sorry. I don’t know what I’d do without my family. It may sound corny but this whole town is like family to me, too. I’ve lived here most of my life, and wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.”
“You never wanted to leave?”
“I did once. I went away to college for a few years, but…” A sad look spread across her face. “I missed everyone so much…I decided to come home.”
“Did you ever get the chance to finish?”
She nodded. “A few years ago I graduated from Fort Lewis College in Durango.”
“That’s commendable.” He wanted to know more about this woman. “Most people who leave college never go back for their degree.”
“My mother wanted me to finish. She didn’t exactly nag, but let’s say she strongly encouraged me.”
Her smile broadened and he found it contagious.
“Always the politician,” he said.
“Dad said I was born for this job.”
“Well, you certainly have me captivated.”
Morgan hated the fact this man could get to her. Justin Hilliard was handsome, powerful and he was flirting with her. But strangely she didn’t feel threatened by him.
“Is there anything else?” she asked in an effort to cool down the situation. “I can show you around town before we head out to the resort site.”
He checked his watch. “Do we have time to stop by the Realtor’s office?”
Morgan’s heart rate picked up. “Does that mean you’re seriously considering the investment?”
He studied her closely. “If I wasn’t serious, I wouldn’t be here.”

Two hours later, they were headed out to the ranch. Morgan couldn’t stop thinking about Justin’s words. Was it really possible that this deal would come together?
She turned her car off the road toward the ranch, then glanced at the man beside her. “The Silver R Ranch has been owned by the Rawlins family for three generations. Holt just recently took over the cattle operation this past year.” She smiled. “He’s done very well for a New York financial adviser.”
“And he’s married to your younger sister, Leah.”
She gave him a sideways glance. “I take it my mother has been filling you in on the latest news.”
He was busy taking in the scenery. “Among other things. She was very kind to offer to watch Lauren today.” He drew a breath. “It’s beautiful out here. Not a bad backyard.”
“I don’t think watching your daughter is a hardship.” Morgan’s gaze went to the vast mountain range she’d taken for granted. The different brown hues of rock blended in with the tall green pines, today all trimmed with a dusting of snow.
“This is nice, but a small town has its downside, too,” Morgan said, wanting him to know everything up-front about small-town living. “We have a limited choice of restaurants, no movie theaters close by and everyone knows your business.”
“If I do decide to move here and take on this project,” he said, “the hotel will have great restaurants, and there’s always cable TV. And with a five-year-old, my social life isn’t exactly hopping.” His face grew serious. “And when you and yours have been splashed all over the media, going out has less appeal. I don’t care for myself, but my concern is Lauren. She deserves a chance at a normal life.”
Morgan’s chest tightened. He was a good dad. If she could ever consider allowing a man in her life, she could easily fall for this one…A sudden sadness swept over her. She would never be able to have a normal relationship.
No man would want someone with so many emotional scars.
“Morgan…” Justin’s voice broke into her thoughts.
“Sorry, I guess I was daydreaming.”
“Easy to do here. I feel like I’m playing hooky myself.”
“That’s how we want everyone to feel when they come to Destiny.”
Morgan parked at the back door of the two-story ranch house. It had been recently painted white with dark green trim. The once manicured lawn had the-coming-of-winter golden hue. From the shiny red barn, to the newly strung fencing, Holt had worked hard restoring the place.
“Impressive,” Justin said.
“Holt has spent the past year making improvements.”
Morgan opened the car door and stepped into the chilly air. She raised her eyes toward the gray sky, and saw threatening clouds overhead. Snow was forecast for later tonight. She hoped it would hold off until they finished the tour. She pulled her coat closer around her body as Justin came to her side. Together they walked up the steps as the back door swung open and Leah appeared.
Her baby sister was petite and cute as could be. Even pregnancy didn’t take away from her appeal.
“Welcome,” she said as she stepped aside and allowed them inside where it was warm. They passed through a mudroom into a big kitchen with natural wood cabinets and dark granite tops. The original hardwood floors had been refinished and polished to a honey color.
“Leah, this is Justin Hilliard. Justin, my sister Leah.”
“It’s nice to finally meet you, Mr. Hilliard.”
Smiling, Justin took Leah’s small hand in his. The Keenan girls were all different and all beauties. The baby sister was blond and adorable. He just happened to prefer the willowy redheaded sister.
“Please call me Justin,” he said. “And thank you for letting me have a look around.”
“We’re excited to have you. I just wish you had a warmer day.” Leah turned back to her sister. “I tried to reach you before you left town. There’s a slight problem.”
“Is it the baby?” Morgan asked anxiously.
“No, the baby’s fine. But it’s about another baby ready to be delivered. A foal. Shady Lady’s in labor and having a rough time. Holt’s been with her since early this morning.”
Just then the door opened and a young boy rushed in. “Hey, Mom, Dad’s going to call the vet. Hi, Aunt Morgan.”
The thin blond-haired boy looked about eight or nine. He hugged Morgan.
“Hi, Corey,” she said. “How’s my favorite nephew?”
He grinned. “I’m fine. I got to help Dad with Lady.”
“That’s great. Corey, I’d like you to meet Mr. Hilliard. Justin this is my nephew, Corey Rawlins.”
“Nice to meet you, sir.” Corey nodded and stuck out his hand.
The boy had a firm handshake. “Nice to meet you, too, Corey.”
A tall sandy-haired man, dressed in the usual rancher’s clothing, jeans, boots and cowboy hat, walked in.
“Man, it’s cold out there.” He stripped off his sheepskin-lined jacket, hung it on the peg along with his hat and came across the room. “Hi, I’m Holt Rawlins, you must be Justin Hilliard.”
“That’s me,” he said. “I hear from your wife that you’re having a little trouble.”
Holt went to his wife’s side. “Yeah, my prize mare is having a rough time giving birth. I just came up to call the vet and tell Morgan I can’t leave right now.”
Morgan looked disappointed but hurried to reassure him. “Not a problem, Holt. If you’ll loan us the Jeep, we can go on our own.”
“Sure.” Holt frowned. “Just don’t wait too long. There’s a storm moving in later this afternoon. I’m sorry, but I’ve got to call the vet,” he said and walked off down the hall.
Justin looked at Morgan. “I guess if we’re going, we better leave soon.”
“Sure,” Morgan said, and turned to her sister. “Sorry to run off.”
“I’d go with you,” Leah began as she rubbed her slightly rounded stomach, “but I don’t think baby would appreciate a lot of jostling around.” She picked a nylon basket up off the counter. “At least I can send something with you. It’s just coffee and some snacks.”
Justin took the basket. “Thank you, Leah, that was thoughtful.” He raised an eyebrow. “We better get going, Morgan.”
“Thanks, Leah.”
“I just want to help with the project.” She smiled at Justin. “You’re going to fall in love with the site.”
Holt returned and slipped on his coat. “Vet’s on his way. I’ll walk you down to the barn.”
There was a long, lingering kiss between Leah and Holt that anyone who didn’t have a special someone in their life would envy. Justin glanced at Morgan. Was there someone special for her?
“You ready?” Holt asked breaking into Justin’s thoughts.
With a nod, he followed Morgan to the door and the three of them walked to the barn where an old Jeep was parked. With a wave, Holt hurried off to the barn.
“I guess we’re on our own,” Justin said.
“It’s not a problem,” Morgan said. “I’ve been up to this area a hundred times.”
Morgan wasn’t concerned about the drive as much as the weather. Snow was predicted. If Justin Hilliard didn’t see the site today, he might lose interest. At the very least, it would slow the project that she hoped would start in the early spring.
“We better hurry since snow is predicted for later tonight. This looks like our window of opportunity.”
Justin walked around to the passenger’s side of the Jeep. “Then let’s do it now. I like seeing what I’m buying.”
His words sent a fresh ripple of excitement through her. She was going to make this happen, even if it meant spending considerable time alone with a man. Something she’d avoided for a long time.

The ride was bumpy, but going up this side of the mountain was the best way to see the future ski run. Morgan hoped that Justin felt the same way she did when he saw Silver Sky Canyon.
She parked the Jeep along the crest of the canyon opposite the ranch. “Come on, I want to show you the ultimate selling point.” She opened the door, climbed out and Justin followed.
She carefully made her way to the ledge. Ignoring the wind whipping her hair, she took out her stocking cap and covered her head as she peered down at the canyon. There was little snow to hide the incredible rock formations along with the huge pines lining either side of the natural slope. At the base, the land flattened out.
“You were right this view is unbelievable,” Justin said. “One would almost hate to do anything to change it.”
“We actually aren’t going to have to change much,” she began. “Remember this isn’t going to have a bunny hill, the slope is too steep. This canyon is perfect for the extreme skier.”
He continued to study the area. “I did research on this new phenomenon, and it’s catching on, big time.”
“And just think of all the ski gear they wear. The pro shop in the hotel could do big business just on equipment alone. Also there would be a ski pro and tour guides…Anyone using this slope will have to complete a specific number of ski classes.”
Justin watched the beginning of snow flurries dance around Morgan’s face. It was hard to stay on task when he was being distracted by this woman. It was a good thing that he’d done most of his research before coming here.
“And you probably have locals to fill those jobs, too.”
She nodded. “Why not hire the best? The ones who know the area, who have skied these mountains since they were kids.”
She was good. “Is there access from the highway?” He moved closer to her as she pointed down to a road.
“This is the back side of Holt’s ranch. He’s willing to sell us the land needed to get to the ski area.”
“How far is it from the highway?”
“Ten miles.” She motioned to the area. “It’s scenic all the way in. And the only stipulation Holt asked for is no large billboards to mar the countryside.”
Morgan glanced at him and their gazes locked momentarily, but it was enough to send a surge of awareness through him. He swallowed the dryness in his throat. “I agree with Holt on that. I’m liking this idea more and more.”
She smiled and stepped back, suddenly losing her balance. He grabbed her hand and pulled her upright.
“Be careful,” he said, not releasing her. Instead he walked her away from the ledge. “Maybe we should talk back here.”
Morgan pulled her hand away. “I lie, I am this clumsy.” Suddenly there was a strong wind mixed with snow.
He glanced up at the sky. “Maybe we shouldn’t stay any longer. The storm is coming in sooner than expected.”
Morgan agreed, a little angry with her reaction to Justin. They walked back to the Jeep and got in. She started the engine, hoping that she could make it back to the ranch without any more mishaps. But when she peered out the windshield at the white haze, she knew it wasn’t going to be easy.
She turned on the wipers. “Well, here comes the snow that was forecast.”
Slowly she backed up on the crest, maneuvered the vehicle around and started down the steep grade.
“This has really picked up,” Justin said as he stared out. “Are you all right driving?”
“I’m okay.” She hit a rut and gripped the wheel tighter. She wasn’t sure if she was shivering from the cold, or from nervousness. “I’m just taking it slow, because visibility is so bad.”
“If you want I’ll drive,” he offered.
She didn’t dare take her eyes off the road. “Really, I’m doing fine,” she lied. Had she been crazy to bring him up here today? Would he think she was? At this point she didn’t care. The Jeep went over a big rock and bounced hard. She knew the trail pretty well, but she’d never had to tackle it during a snowstorm.
“This is like an amusement park ride,” he tried to joke.
“Can I get off?” she kidded back.
“I’m with you on that.”
Just then the Jeep hit another rut, and this time went sideways. She turned the wheel back, but not in time to stop the Jeep from heading toward a group of rocks. There was a horrible scraping sound from underneath the vehicle and suddenly they jerked to a stop. She gasped as she was thrown forward. The old Jeep’s seat belts were useless, and she bumped the windshield.
“Are you all right?” Justin asked, reaching for her.
She nodded. “What happened?” She glanced out to see the Jeep sitting at an angle.
“We went off the path. Sit tight, I’ll go check,” he said, grabbed the flashlight from the glove compartment and climbed out into the blinding snow.
It seemed to take forever but he finally returned to the cab. She could barely see what he was doing, and worried that he could fall and hurt himself. God. What a mess. What a mistake she’d made.
The door opened and a blast of cold air hit her as he climbed into the seat, snow covering his coat. “The boulder tore out the transfer case.”
Morgan had no idea what that was. “Is it important?” That sounded so dumb. “Of course it’s important.”
“It is, if you want the Jeep to move forward, or in reverse. Besides, we’ll need help to get off the rock.”
“So we’re stuck here.” This wasn’t good.
“We should call Holt. Is there any reception here?”
Lord, she hoped so. She took out her cell phone and saw the bars were nearly nonexistent. “Sometimes yes, and sometimes no.” She punched in the ranch house.
“Hello,” Leah answered. “Morgan, where are you?”
“It’s a long story. We’re stuck about halfway down the mountain. The Jeep is…disabled. Do you think Holt could come get us?”
Her brother-in-law came on the phone. “Morgan, I’ll try but in this weather, it may take a while. Just in case, you need to take cover.”
Morgan looked around. The snow blanketed everything, but she’d been on outings with her dad. He’d taught all his daughters how to survive in the mountains. Did she remember anything? “Can’t we stay in the Jeep?”
“Not if the snow keeps up. Look, I’ll call Reed and we’ll try to get through the pass before it’s blocked. You need to give me some landmarks.”
She looked at Justin. “Holt needs landmarks.”
Without hesitation, Justin stepped out of the cab and looked into the dim late-afternoon light. When he returned, he took the phone from her.
“Holt, we’re about two miles down from the summit and there’s a huge rock formation that looks like a church steeple.” He paused and listened, then reached in his pocket and wrote something down. “Yes. Yes, I’ll try to call you when we reach it. Thanks.” He pocketed her phone. “Bundle up. We have a short hike to a cave. Holt said it’s the one Corey stayed in.”
“I know that place.” It still didn’t ease her fears.
His eyes met hers. “Then we need to get going.” He grabbed the basket from the back and a blanket and flashlight off the rear seat. “Holt said the cave was about a quarter of a mile from here.” He rummaged through the glove compartment, took out a lighter and stuffed it in his pocket. “We can wait out the storm there.”
Morgan buttoned her coat and tugged on her gloves. She released a breath, oddly feeling a calm take over. With a nod, she took the blanket, opened her door and followed Justin down the mountain trail.
For the first time in a long time she was about to trust a man she barely knew.

LOSING daylight and with the wind against them, it wasn’t easy to get to their destination. Justin was shielding her as much as he could from the bone-chilling cold. Finally they reached the familiar ledge and he gave her a boost onto the rock, handed her the basket, then he braced his arms and jumped up.
Gathering their things, Justin shone the flashlight onto the ground as they continued to search for the elusive cave opening…and warmth.
“It’s around here somewhere,” Morgan called out as Justin illuminated the side of the mountain. He stayed close to her as they walked among the rocks.
“Here,” she called. “It’s here.” She picked up the pace and headed to the opening.
She allowed him to go first. He had to duck his head at the entrance, but once inside there was room to stand up in the dark cave.
“Stay here.” He set down the basket, and began walking around, shining the flashlight along the walls.
Morgan could see that other humans had taken shelter here. There was a rough log, and next to it a pit that once held a fire. “Good, it seems to have enough ventilation to warm up the place.” He turned to her. “Best part we don’t seem to have to share it with any animals.”
Shivering, Morgan hugged herself. “So we’ll be safe here?”
“A lot better than out there. But I better get some firewood before it gets too dark.” He walked to the opening.
She started to follow him.
“You stay here where it’s warmer.”
“Why? I can gather wood,” she said.
“Okay, but stay close.” His expression was clouded in the dim light as he pulled out the cell phone and called Holt. The reception kept breaking up, but he was able to tell him that they’d made it safely to the cave.
“At least Leah won’t worry,” Morgan said.
“Holt can’t risk coming out tonight. I’m glad your mother is staying with Lauren.”
“I am grateful for that.”
They didn’t have to go far because there was a downed tree about twenty feet from the cave. Morgan gathered twigs while Justin broke off the bigger branches. Finally loaded down, they lugged their bounty back to the cave. All the time, she couldn’t stop blaming herself for this mess, especially for him having to spend the night away from his daughter…
Plus, she would be spending it with a man who was practically a stranger.
With the aid of the flashlight, Justin placed the twigs and some pine needles in the fire ring and pulled a lighter from his pocket.
“Remind me to thank Holt for keeping this in the Jeep.” He flicked the lighter and touched the flame to the combustible material. After a few seconds, it took off. He quickly added more twigs, until the fire was blazing, illumining their temporary quarters.
He sat down on the log. “Not bad for a city guy, huh?”
“It’s nice and warm.” She spread her hands closer to the flames. “A lot better than being out there.” The wind whistled past the entrance. “I can’t tell you how sorry I am that this happened.”
He shrugged. “You can’t take the blame for the weather.” He turned to her with his silver-gray gaze.
She looked away. “How am I going to tell Holt that I tore out the underside of his Jeep?”
“I don’t think that matters to him as much as your safety.”
“He warned us about the storm.”
“And if I hadn’t delayed us by stopping by the Realtor’s office, we would have gotten an earlier start. But let’s stop with the what-if’s. I’m just grateful that we’re both safe.”
Morgan looked away, but she couldn’t help being drawn to his seductive voice, or his mesmerizing gaze. It had been a long time since a man had made her feel this way.

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