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Brand Of Possession
Carole Mortimer
Carole Mortimer is one of Mills & Boon’s best loved Modern Romance authors. With nearly 200 books published and a career spanning 35 years, Mills & Boon are thrilled to present her complete works available to download for the very first time! Rediscover old favourites - and find new ones! - in this fabulous collection…At his command…Actress Stacy Adams has no idea that Jake, the dreamy guy she’s been recently dating, is actually successful author and director Jake Weston! Not only is he renowned for being arrogant and difficult on-set—so unlike the man she’s come to know—but he’s also her new boss!Stacy is furious that Jake has misled her. But against his commanding presence, she is powerless to resist his charms. Especially when Jake is intensely honest about his attraction to her…

Brand of Possession
Carole Mortimer

www.millsandboon.co.uk (http://www.millsandboon.co.uk)

Table of Contents
Cover (#uaacbbe11-2416-5981-b445-5d770e91f9b7)
Title Page (#uf2618c45-17e4-58b5-b6e9-f79c57684458)
CHAPTER ONE (#ud79fc13d-7a73-569b-8d35-9a2735a52f9f)
CHAPTER TWO (#u1ae286f3-9ba9-5846-be7f-5cf7ba6ca772)
CHAPTER THREE (#u0c34ddf6-7646-5ad7-b14a-2bb71db1de67)
CHAPTER FOUR (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER FIVE (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER SIX (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER SEVEN (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER EIGHT (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER NINE (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER TEN (#litres_trial_promo)
Copyright (#litres_trial_promo)

CHAPTER ONE (#ulink_dfe28059-7650-53d4-973e-f1765adbe20f)
‘YOU can keep your job!’ Green eyes blazed at the man sitting behind the desk. ‘I don't sell myself for any price.’
‘Miss Adams, if you will just calm down I will——’
‘You won't do anything,’ Stacy interrupted angrily. ‘You're just as weak as the rest of them. Whatever Paul Forbes decides he wants he has to have, and woe betide the poor girl if she isn't interested. Keep the star of your film happy at any price, that's your motto. Well, here's one girl who isn't going to keep him happy. I loathe the man!’
‘Miss Adams! You have completely the wrong impression of what I was trying to say. Mr Forbes merely expressed a wish——’
‘I'm well aware of what he wanted, Mr Payne, and he isn't getting it from me. Being the director of this film you should have better control over your actors!’
‘Now you've gone too far!’ The little man rose indignantly to his feet. ‘You have a part that lasts about fifteen minutes of the film and you think that gives you the experience to tell me how to do my job. I've been directing films and placating actors for thirty years and I——’
‘Then perhaps it's time you had a rest,’ Stacy told him rudely, her green eyes flashing, her long red tresses like fire down her back, softly waving down to her slender waist. She was still wearing the costume for her part in the film, the garb of a eighteenth-century peasant girl in rugged Cornwall. ‘Things have changed since you started out,’ she continued angrily. ‘The casting is no longer carried out on the studio couch.’
‘Miss Adams, you're fired!’ His face had reddened almost to bursting point.
‘Don't worry, I'm going. I like the part of Kate, but I'm not willing to sleep with Paul Forbes to keep it.’
‘I asked you to go to a party with him, not go to bed with him.’ The director sighed. ‘I don't know why you have to read so much into a simple invitation——’
‘If it's so simple why didn't he make it himself?’ she challenged.
‘I understand that he did—and you turned him down.’
‘Because I don't like him!’ Stacy said fiercely. ‘I've seen him in action the last couple of weeks, and he's nothing but an egotistical, pompus, overbearing——’
‘That's quite enough, Miss Adams,’ he told her coldly. ‘I think you've made your feelings concerning Mr Forbes very clear. And I think I've made my feelings about your future employment here equally clear.’
‘Oh, you have. Don't worry, I'll leave. I think the rape scene I have to go through with him could turn out to be too realistic.’
Martin Payne shifted some papers about on his desk. ‘Your cards and money will be ready for you first thing in the morning.’
‘No earlier?’ she sneered. ‘I would have thought you would have wanted me away from here as soon as possible.’
‘That isn't possible, I'm afraid. It's after five now and what meagre office staff we have down here will have returned to their hotel for the night.’
‘To get ready for the party this evening.’
He nodded. ‘Exactly. The party you've refused to attend.’
If the poor man thought she wasn't going to be there tonight he had another think coming! She had every intention of going—and with a partner of her own choosing. But she wasn't going to tell him that, he might try to prevent her. After all, it would be a slap in the face for Paul Forbes when she turned up with someone else. But it was a slap in the face she knew she would never physically be allowed to administer.
‘Then I suppose the morning will have to do,’ she accepted with ill grace, marching to the door of the caravan that passed as the director's office while they were on the location site. ‘Goodnight, Mr Payne.’
‘Goodbye, Miss Adams,’ he answered pointedly.
She gave him an impudent grin. ‘Oh, surely not goodbye, Mr Payne. After all, I have to wait until tomorrow before I can leave.’
‘I doubt we will meet again, Miss Adams,’ he said in a stilted voice.
Stacy left the caravan with a defiant flick of her head, an amused curve to her full mouth. Mr Payne was right, most of the staff had already left, but there were still some of the cast left. Matthew Day was one of them, and he had been a good friend of hers for the past three years. She linked arms with him as they walked over to his car to drive back to the hotel.
Matthew was tall, dark and rugged, very handsome, and making quite a name for himself in films and television. Stacy had no doubt that within a couple of years Matthew would be landing leading roles in major films, but for the moment he only had a supporting role like herself—like she had had.
‘You're looking pleased with yourself,’ he remarked on the way back to the hotel.
‘I've been sacked!’
His foot momentarily jerked on the accelerator. ‘You've been what?’
‘Sacked,’ she repeated happily.
‘But why? And why do you look so happy about it? I thought this job meant a lot to you. The part of Kate may not be a large one, but it is a crucial one.’
‘I've been sacked because of Paul Forbes. He's decided that I attract him now.’
‘God, that man's incredible!’ Matthew exclaimed. ‘Last week it was Jan in Make-up, the week before that Cindy Davies, and now you. I take it you refused to play his little game?’
‘Yes, so he went straight to Payne and used all his egotistical power to try and get me to change my mind.’
‘Which you didn't,’ he stated knowingly.
‘Did you expect me to?’
‘No,’ he grinned ruefully. ‘I have first-hand experience of your moral principles.’
‘I thought you'd got over that long ago.’ The two of them had dated for a few months a couple of years ago, but they had finally decided to end things when it became apparent that they wanted different things from the relationship. Luckily they had managed to remain friends.
Matthew squeezed one of her hands as it lay in her lap. ‘I have, Stacy,’ he assured her. ‘I was only teasing you. But if Forbes got you the sack why are you looking so pleased?’
‘Because Paul Forbes wanted to take me to the party tonight being given for Jake Weston's arrival, and I'm going to enjoy turning up there with you.’
‘You mean you're still going, even after being sacked?’
‘Certainly. I may not have been too enthusiastic about going in the first place, people fawning all over the author of this film isn't exactly my idea of a fun evening, but I'm definitely going now.’ She smiled her glee. ‘I wouldn't miss it for the world.’
Matthew accepted her determination with a smile, knowing that once Stacy made her mind up about something she very rarely changed it. ‘I'm quite looking forward to meeting the famous Jake Weston,’ he commented.
‘You don't think the lowly workers like us will get an introduction, do you,’ she scoffed. ‘Goodness, you're expecting a lot!’
‘Why shouldn't we?’ He drove the car into the huge hotel car park, most of the hotel full even though it was almost out of season. The film crew had more or less taken over the large hotel, any other guests finding it strange to be invaded with actors and all the technical staff that went with the making of a film. ‘We have as much right to meet him as anyone else.’
‘A man constantly on top of the best-seller list, every book he writes turned into a major film?’ Stacy shook her head. ‘He won't be interested in the lowlies like us. Besides, I've heard he isn't all that sociable.’
‘If he can attend a party of this size he has to be.’
‘Mm.’ Stacy got out of the car. ‘Well, I'm not at all interested in meeting him. He's probably one of those brash Americans who wears loud clothes and calls everyone “buddy”.’
Matthew laughed, as he locked the doors to his blue sports car. ‘You shouldn't generalise. He could turn out to be tall, dark and handsome.’
‘Like you?’ she teased. ‘No, I picture him as being short and fat, probably balding, and in his mid-forties,’ she said thoughtfully.
‘Now I know you're wrong about his age, he's thirty-eight.’
She wrinkled her nose. ‘Well, that's almost forty.’
They had entered the hotel now, the receptionist giving them both a glowing smile as they walked over to the lift. It was all very exciting having all these actors staying here, meeting people she had only ever seen on the television or at the cinema.
Matthew chuckled. ‘I don't think people of thirty-eight would agree with you.’
‘Maybe not,’ Stacy agreed, lowering her voice slightly as someone came to stand behind them. ‘But he's still twice my age, that makes him old.’
‘Poor devil,’ Matthew murmured. ‘Do you fancy a drink before dinner?’
She shook her head. ‘No, thanks, it's a bit early for me. Besides,’ she looked down ruefully at the costume she was still wearing, ‘I think I should get out of this before I get accused of stealing it.’
He laughed. ‘Okay, I'll see you later at dinner. And try not to be rude to our fat, balding, ageing author tonight. I don't want you upsetting anyone else to do with the film, I still have to work here.’
‘Don't worry—like I told you, Jake Weston won't be interested in us.’ She stepped into the lift, moving aside to allow the man standing behind them to enter too. ‘And I promise to be on my best behaviour.’
Matthew grimaced. ‘You wouldn't know how!’
She gave him a cheeky grin as the lift doors swished shut, giving the man at her side, the only other occupant of the lift, a casual look-over. She instantly did a retake. Wow! Now here was a good example of someone tall, dark and handsome,—and she felt sure this individual wasn't Jake Weston.
Stacy had never seen him before, but with those looks she felt he should have been starring in the film instead of Paul Forbes. He was gorgeous, although the dark scowl on his face gave him a slightly satanic look. He had jet-black hair, worn long over his collar but styled, piercing deep blue eyes, a high-bridged nose, and a strong firm mouth that hinted at a steely determination, gave an impression that this man always got what he went after. He was very tall, well over six foot, his wide powerful shoulders tapering down to a narrow waist and firm muscular thighs, all shown to advantage in the black polo-necked jumper he wore and the fitted black trousers. Stacy guessed his age to be somewhere between thirty-five and forty.
She cleared her throat before attempting to talk. ‘Which floor?’ she squeaked, her usually bubbly nature completely overwhelmed by his blatant magnetism.
He looked at her for the first time, those deep blue eyes running coolly over her appearance. ‘I beg your pardon?’ he drawled, obviously not welcoming this intrusion into his thoughts.
Stacy hadn't missed the faint transatlantic twang to his voice, the tone and sound very attractive. She hesitated with her finger on the lift button. ‘Which floor would you like?’ she explained.
‘Oh,’ he nodded. ‘The top, please.’
She couldn't help the slight rise of her eyebrows. The top floor contained the luxury suites of the hotel, reserved for the more wealthy guests. Adding two and two together, namely his American accent and the top floor suite, she would hazard a guess on this man being an employee of Jake Weston.
She pressed the button for her own floor and then lightly touched the top button for her silent companion. She could smell the masculine odour of his aftershave, and her nose twitched appreciatively.
Not normally a reserved type of person she found the silence between herself and this attractive man slightly irksome. Finally she couldn't stand it any longer, turning to look at him, only to find herself being thoroughly appraised by deep blue eyes. Her breath caught and her face flamed at the totally sexual assessment of that steady gaze. She turned hurriedly away, regretting her impulse to talk to him. She was used to causing some reaction in members of the opposite sex, but never anything this blatant!
‘I take it you're working on the film?’
Stacy turned sharply at the sound of that deep attractive voice. ‘Sorry?’
‘By your costume I presume you're working on the film,’ he repeated.
She looked down ruefully at her revealed curves in the low neckline of the dress she wore, her face flaming with colour as she realised this was probably the reason he had been staring at her and not because he found her attractive. He might only be an employee of Jake Weston but she felt sure he wouldn't be interested in a young actress who was only just beginning to make a name for herself—had been. Now that she had been sacked she didn't know what her next job would me, or when.
She nodded. ‘I was.’
Those blue eyes narrowed, the dark shadow on his chin evidence that he was one of those men who needed to shave twice a day. Stacy felt sure he would have a thick mat of hair on his chest too, his skin deeply tanned. She brought herself up with a start as she realised how intimate her thoughts of him had become.
‘Was?’ he echoed sharply.
Stacy was surprised by the intensity of his gaze. ‘I'm afraid so. I've been sacked,’ she answered abruptly.
‘You play the part of Kate,’ he said slowly, thoughtfully.
‘I did. Excuse me,’ she stepped out as the lift doors swished open at her floor. She was surprised when the man followed her out, while the lift moved swiftly up to the top floor, completely empty. ‘This isn't your floor,’ she pointed out hurriedly, unnerved by his proximity.
‘I know that.’ He took hold of her elbow as someone walked past them. ‘Shall we go to your room?’
She snatched her arm out of his grasp, startled by his words. ‘How dare you!’ she gasped. ‘I may have spoken to you, but I certainly didn't——’
His mouth turned back mockingly. ‘I'm not so stupid that I think a polite conversation in the lift entitles me to invite myself into your bed. I suggested we go to your room as a means of gaining privacy, we seem to be attracting quite a lot of attention standing here.’ As if to prove his point one of the porters walked by, turning back to stare at them curiously.
‘Well, yes. But why should we need privacy?’ she asked sharply.
He looked even more impatient. ‘I want to know more about the reason for your being dismissed from the film.’
Her green eyes widened. ‘Why? It has nothing to do with you.’
‘It may do,’ he contradicted curtly.
‘The fact that you work for Jake Weston doesn't give you the right——’
His dark brows rose. ‘What makes you think I work for Jake Weston?’
She shrugged. ‘I—Well, you do, don't you?’
‘I may do.’
She nodded. ‘I thought so.’
‘Mm—well, now that you know I'm not just a curious stranger perhaps you wouldn't mind telling me the reason you were fired.’
‘But I would,’ she said stubbornly. ‘The reasons are private and need only be known to the director and myself.’
Those blue eyes remained intent upon her. ‘I disagree with you. Don't you think Mr Weston has the right to know the reasons too?’
‘Perhaps,’ she admitted grudgingly. ‘But you aren't Jake Weston.’
He acknowledged this with a grim smile. ‘Perhaps not, but I could tell him.’
Stacy had to almost bend back to look up at him, he being at least a foot taller than herself if not more. He made her feel small and feminine, as if she could easily be crushed in his muscular arms, and it was a feeling she found strangely pleasing. ‘Why should he be interested in the sacking of a girl playing a minor role in a film he wrote?’
His mouth tightened as if in anger. ‘Because although you consider him to be—now what was it? Fat, bald and ageing? Mm,’ he nodded at her flushed face, ‘I think that was the way you described him.’
‘You know it was,’ she muttered resentfully. ‘I didn't realise anyone had heard what we had to say.’
‘It wasn't intentional.’ He pushed back a dark swathe of hair with impatient fingers, as if its thick vitality irritated him. ‘But just because you consider him to be all of those things it doesn't mean he's incapable of appreciating a beautiful woman.’
Stacy blushed, although the words were in no way presented as a compliment but more a statement of facts. She knew she was attractive, in her job she had to be aware of her own potential, but this man had made it almost seem a crime for her slender figure, long red hair, sparkling green eyes, small uptilted nose and wide smiling mouth to be in the least beautiful.
Her eyes flashed angrily, her lashes naturally sooty and long. ‘Well, as he's never seen me he won't know what he's missing,’ she snapped. Really, this man was arrogant!
Even his stance was arrogant, his legs slightly apart, challenge in every muscle and sinew. ‘But he has seen you, several times, in fact,’ he told her calmly.
She frowned. ‘I'm sure I would have remembered it.’
‘Really?’ he asked mockingly. ‘Do you remember every short, fat, balding man who makes your acquaintance?’
Stacy flushed angrily. ‘You overheard a purely private conversation, and it's very rude of you to keep reminding me of it.’
‘I stand rebuked,’ he taunted.
‘You're damned arrogant!’ she said tautly.
He gave a deep husky laugh, an attractive sound that made her nerve-endings tingle. His teeth were firm and white against the dark tan of his skin and he looked younger when he laughed, although she would say he was in his late thirties, the fine lines at the corner of his eyes and mouth an indication of the licentious life he had led the last thirty-seven, thirty-eight years.
‘So I've been told,’ he acknowledged without shame.
‘I'm sure I would have remembered if I'd met Mr Weston. Besides, he only arrived today, and I've only just got back to the hotel.’
He still looked amused. ‘I didn't say you'd met him, I said he'd seen you—on film. Your screen test actually. There were over a hundred applicants for that part when they narrowed the field down, and he wanted to choose the girl for that part himself. He chose you.’
‘I didn't realise.’
‘Although it's only a small part he considered that role important, the girl Jason eventually marries.’
She looked surprised. ‘You seem to know a lot about it.’
‘I would hardly be a good employee if I didn't take an interest in my employer's work.’
‘What exactly do you do?’
He shrugged his wide powerful shoulders. ‘This and that.’
‘I see.’
‘I doubt it,’ he mocked, not rising to her contempt. ‘But I really couldn't give a damn. So, the reason you've been fired?’
Stacy gave a defiant flick of her head, her long red tresses flying back over her shoulder. ‘If you're that interested ask the director.’
‘He's the one who dismissed you?’
She grinned as she remembered the meeting she had just been through with Martin Payne, her good humour never down for long. ‘You could say that,’ she agreed.
‘Then I'll talk to him.’
Stacy shrugged. ‘Please yourself. I have to go and change for dinner, excuse me,’ and she walked off before he could answer her.
‘You didn't tell me your name,’ he called after her.
She hesitated with her key in the door to her room, turning to look at him as he stood several feet away from her. ‘My name? You seem to be the one with all the answers, so find out!’ She quickly opened the door, slamming it hurriedly behind her.
She leant back against the door, smiling impishly at her room-mate, who sat on one of the single beds yawning tiredly. As one of the unknowns in the film Stacy didn't merit being given a room of her own, but luckily she liked Juliet Small, which was perhaps as well in the circumstances. Juliet had a slightly smaller part than herself, another love of the hero Jason, so she supposed it was only natural for them to be put in the same room.
Juliet was slightly older than her, twenty-five to her nineteen, with bubbly black curls and an impish face. She stood up now, stretching her aching limbs. ‘God, I'm tired!’ she groaned. ‘I had to go through that scene in the hayloft with Paul Forbes so many times today that I feel positively unclean!’
Stacy grimaced, beginning to unpeel the figure-hugging dress from her own tired limbs. ‘I'm not surprised, having to let him paw you all over like that.’
Juliet grinned. ‘Oh, I didn't mind that. It was all that hay, I have an allergy to it.’
‘And I have an allergy to Paul Forbes.’ Stacy stepped out of the dress completely, clothed now in only a pair of minute briefs. ‘Thank God I don't have to let him touch me!’ she shuddered at the thought, going through to the adjoining bathroom to run the water for her shower.
Juliet followed her. ‘But you have the rape scene,’ she shouted above the roar of the water. ‘And you can bet your life on it that Paul Forbes will want that to be very explicit!’
‘Then he can damn well want,’ Stacy said sharply. ‘Even if I were staying I wouldn't allow him to do more than give a token show of rape.’
‘Yes, but you know him, he—If you were staying?’
‘I shall be leaving tomorrow, Juliet,’ Stacy said with a sigh, explaining her reasons. ‘I'm afraid he's picked on the wrong girl for his next affair,’ she added. ‘He just sickens me.’
Juliet nodded. ‘At forty-three I think he's rather disgusting to want someone of nineteen.’ She patted her own glowing curls. ‘I'm much more his age,’ she teased.
‘Juliet!’ Stacy couldn't help laughing. ‘You don't really like him?’
‘Well … Let's just say that it wasn't all acting today. I could have quite enjoyed it if it hadn't been for that hay.’
Stacy stepped under the water, soaping her body. ‘Shame!’ she taunted lightly. ‘Rather you than me.’ She rinsed herself before turning off the shower and stepping out into the towel Juliet held out to her. ‘Now, I've just been accosted by what I would call a real man—and I do mean real.’
‘Well, don't keep him all to yourself. Who was he? Where is he?’
Stacy laughed softly. ‘By this time he should be upstairs with his employer, Jake Weston.’
‘So, what's he like?’
‘Tall, dark, handsome, very muscular, arrogant, experienced—very experienced, I would say.’
‘He sounds dreamy.’
‘Oh, he is.’ In fact Stacy was surprised at the impression the man had made on her. She could still remember the cynical twist to that firm mouth and the taunting mockery of his deep blue eyes. ‘A little overpowering, but definitely dreamy.’
‘What's his name?’ Juliet sat back on the bed, her chin resting on her denim-clad knees.
That brought Stacy up with a start. ‘Do you know, I have no idea. He didn't say and I didn't think to ask,’ although after the way she had refused to tell him her name she doubted he would be any more forthcoming.
‘Bowled over by his charm?’
She smiled, taking her gown for the evening off the rack in the wardrobe. ‘Not exactly. I didn't say he was charming.’
‘Oh, I see. So he doesn't have charm to go with all these other attributes?’
‘I think he could have, I just didn't see any evidence of it. Are you going to the party tonight? I could show him to you then, he's bound to be there.’
‘Oh, I'm going. With him and Paul Forbes in attendance I wouldn't miss it for anything.’
Stacy laughed. ‘No one seems at all interested in meeting the famous author.’
‘Oh, I want to meet him too. He's such a mystery man that I just have to know what he looks like. He's never photographed, you know, not even for the back of his books, he guards his privacy with fanatic intensity.’
Stacy nodded. ‘I think the man I met just now may have been a sort of bodyguard. He certainly had the physique for it. But from what I can gather Mr Weston isn't worth photographing. I suggested to this other chap that he was short, fat and bald, and he didn't deny it.’
‘Not very loyal of him.’
‘How can he deny it if it's the truth?’
‘Mm,’ Juliet reluctantly agreed. ‘And here was I hoping he guarded his privacy because he's so good-looking.’
‘Hard luck,’ Stacy said unsympathetically. ‘You'd better get ready, we'll have to go down to dinner soon.’
She dressed while Juliet went into the bathroom, her white dress square-necked, with narrow shoulder straps, a thick band of embroidered flowers at the waist before it flared out in four layers of pleated chiffon to just below her knee. It was a beautiful dress and made her hair appear redder than usual. It had been an expensive gown too, and in the light of today's events she wished she had saved the money to help her through what could be weeks of being out of work.
She applied a light make-up, the natural brightness of her green eyes and her thick sooty lashes needing no adornment. She felt very satisfied with the result by the time she at last surveyed herself in the full-length mirror. As a final gesture she pinned the white gauzy rose she had bought to go with the dress over her left ear in the waving thickness of her hair. It gave her a gypsy look and she felt pleased with her appearance.
Juliet seconded her opinion when she came through from the bathroom a few minutes later, her own dress a royal blue silk that clung to her curves and gave a black sheen to her hair.
They made a lovely contrast when they entered the dining-room together and several male heads turned to look in their direction. They joined Matthew and his room-mate Daniel at their table, Stacy having a hurried look around the large room once they had ordered their meal, just to see if her arrogant stranger was present.
He wasn't, although she supposed that if his employer had an aversion to meeting people he would probably be eating with him upstairs in his suite. She couldn't help but feel slightly disappointed, although he should be at the party being held privately in one of the lounges. She found herself looking forward to seeing him again, even though he had been so disagreeable.
Matthew clicked his finger and thumb in front of her eyes. ‘Hey, come back to us, dreamboat,’ he teased. ‘Surely our company isn't that boring?’
She turned to give him a dazzling smile. ‘You aren't boring at all. I was just deep in thought.’
‘I'm not needed tomorrow, would you like me to give you a lift up to London?’
‘I wouldn't want to put you to all that trouble,’ she refused. ‘I can easily get a train.’
‘Certainly not. I'll take you.’
‘Well, if you're sure …’
‘I'm sure,’ he said firmly.
She smiled again, her green eyes glowing. ‘In that case, I accept. I didn't particularly relish the idea of carrying a couple of suitcases to and from the station.’
‘You never know,’ put in Daniel. ‘You may even get an invitation to stay the night.’
Matthew grinned. ‘You don't know Stacy very well if you think that. All that fiery hair and the invitation in her eyes could mean she has a passionate nature—but I've never been allowed to find out. Stacy is waiting for someone to marry her before she makes that kind of commitment.’
Daniel leant forward to hold her hand. ‘Will you marry me?’ he asked, his eyes full of merriment.
She laughed at his teasing. ‘I would actually want the wedding ring on my finger before I allowed you to do more than hold my hand,’ she warned.
He moved away in mock horror. ‘In that case … Will you marry me, Juliet?’
‘The same conditions apply, I'm afraid.’
Daniel sat back with a sigh. ‘I wish someone would tell me where all these girls who belong to the permissive society are, because I've certainly never met any of them!’
They all laughed together at his woebegone expression, quietening down as their meal began to arrive. They were a boisterous lot working on this film and Stacy felt sure the staff of this hotel were accustomed to a much soberer clientele, although they seemed to be coping with them quite well.
It was almost nine o'clock by the time they left the dining-room, the meal superb as usual. Paul Forbes had passed their table on his way out, giving Stacy a cold look that left her in no doubt as to his feelings towards her now. She had shrugged this off resignedly; after tomorrow she wouldn't have to worry about him any more.
She felt a certain amount of regret about leaving, not about her decision concerning Paul Forbes advances, but because she had enjoyed working with the majority of the people here.
There were quite a lot of people already in the lounge when they got there, each of them grabbing a glass of champagne as a waiter hurried past them. There was soft background music drifting out from the strategically placed speakers, although the babel of conversation drowned a lot of this out.
Matthew stayed at her side, grinning down at her. ‘I can't see our famous author yet.’
Neither could she, but she could see her handsome stranger standing over the other side of the room with Martin Payne. He looked devastatingly attractive in a wine-coloured velvet jacket that fitted tautly across his wide powerful shoulders, a snowy white shirt with a ruffle front and black trousers that moulded to his firm muscular thighs. He stood head and shoulders above any other man in the room and was easily the most handsome man there.
He moved slightly and for the first time Stacy saw the man standing at his side. She knew straight away that this must be Jake Weston; he fitted her description perfectly, even to the bald head.
She turned with a triumphant smile. ‘I wish I'd made a bet over Mr Weston,’ she said to Matthew.
‘Mm?’ he followed her line of vision. ‘It looks as if you would have won.’
The handsome stranger turned to look at them as if aware of their scrutiny, nodding distantly as he recognised Stacy. She nodded back before he turned away again, feeling strangely breathless at the brooding expression in his eyes.
Matthew looked at her with raised eyebrows. ‘Who was that?’
She took a sip of her drink, giving him a composed look. ‘I have no idea.’
He gave a splutter of laughter. ‘No idea, when he looks at you like that?’ He shook his head. ‘The man was mentally undressing you.’
She coloured delicately. ‘Can I help that?’
‘No, I suppose not, not the way you look tonight. Did I tell you how beautiful you look?’
‘Well, you do. Payne's a fool to drop you from this film, you're going to be a really big name one day.’ He looked up as a shadow fell across them in the dimmed room.
Stacy looked up too, straight into those compelling blue eyes set in the deeply tanned face. ‘Hello,’ she said huskily, unable to think of anything more intelligent to say.
He nodded. ‘Good evening,’ he drawled. ‘I have something I would like to talk to you about, Miss Adams.’
Matthew took the hint. ‘I'll just go and get another drink from the bar,’ he said quietly. ‘Can I get you anything, Stacy?’
‘Er—no, no, thank you.’ She felt mesmerised by this tall arrogant stranger, unable to look away from his compelling features.
‘Okay, I'll see you later, then.’ Matthew nodded to the other man before leaving.
‘You found out my name.’ She said the first thing that came into her head.
He nodded, a mocking smile lifting the corners of his mouth. ‘Stacy Adams,’ he drawled slowly. ‘Very professional.’
She flushed at his intended mockery. ‘There's nothing professional about it, it happens to be my name,’ she snapped. ‘At least, the name I was given at the orphanage,’ she added resentfully.
He looked unperturbed. ‘How long were you in an orphanage?’
‘All my life, until I was sixteen.’
‘Poor kid,’ he said softly.
Her eyes flashed angrily. ‘I had quite a happy childhood as childhoods go. I certainly don't need your sympathy.’
‘You aren't getting it,’ he retorted hardly. ‘I came over here to tell you you've been reinstated. You still have the part of Kate.’

CHAPTER TWO (#ulink_1c663688-1ef0-54f1-ad0f-7436673db90b)
SHE shook her head disbelievingly. ‘I don't understand. Mr Payne sacked me.’
‘And now he's changed his mind.’
Stacy gave him a sharp look. ‘This is your doing, isn't it? You got him to change his mind.’
He gave a soft laugh. ‘How could I get him to do that? I don't have that sort of influence.’
‘You spoke to Mr Weston, then.’
‘And if I did?’ he watched her through narrowed eyes. ‘You're making it sound as if you'd rather be out of a job.’
‘No, I—— But what about Paul Forbes? He isn't going to like it.’
‘No one's asking him to. Just leave Forbes to me.’
‘But I——’
‘Forget about him, Stacy,’ he ordered abruptly. ‘Just concentrate on playing Kate.’
‘You know my name, but I don't know yours,’ she said almost shyly.
‘It's Jake.’
She frowned. ‘Don't you find that rather confusing?’
‘Not at all. Does my name bother you, because if it does you could always change it. What would you like my name to be?’
Stacy gave a nervous laugh. ‘Stop teasing me!’
‘So who's teasing? What's in a name anyway? My mother named me and you were given yours by some stranger at the orphanage, but who's to say either of us have the right name for us? You can have whatever name you choose. Do you like the name Stacy?’
‘Yes, yes, I do.’
‘So do I,’ he nodded agreement. ‘But I'm not that worried whether I'm called Jake or Harry, or any other name for that matter. You choose.’
She laughed shakily. ‘You're mad! There's nothing wrong with your name, I was just surprised that it was the same as your employer.’
He shrugged. ‘That's something that can't be helped. I'm sure there must be thousands of Jakes in the world, I was bound to meet a few of them.’
‘Okay, okay,’ she laughed, feeling as if they were going round and round in circles. ‘I give in—Jake.’
The intimacy of his gaze deepened. ‘I wish all my women conceded defeat that easily,’ he said softly, almost caressingly.
‘I'm not conceding defeat, and I'm certainly not one of your women!’ she snapped.
‘How old are you, Stacy?’
‘What does that have to do with anything?’
‘Just answer the question.’
‘I'm nineteen,’ she told him resentfully.
‘And I'm exactly twice that,’ he mused. ‘And yet I want you to know that I find you very attractive, very desirable.’
‘You——’ she gulped. ‘You do?’
‘I do,’ he confirmed. ‘Has anyone told you that you look beautiful tonight?’
She was becoming increasingly embarrassed, finding his sudden compliments a little too sudden. ‘It has been mentioned,’ she was deliberately blasé about it.
‘By Matthew Day?’ he probed harshly.
‘How did you——’
‘I'm paid to know things,’ he interrupted. ‘Have you been dating him long?’
‘Didn't your informant tell you that?’ she enquired sweetly.
‘I didn't ask them, I'm asking you.’
‘I've known Matthew for three years.’
‘That doesn't exactly answer my question,’ he said dryly.
‘No,’ she agreed.
‘By that I take it you aren't going to answer it.’
‘You take it right,’ she imitated his American drawl. ‘I don't consider it any of your business.’
‘Not even if I wanted to date you myself?’
‘And do you?’ she challenged.
He let his gaze wander slowly over her body. ‘Oh yes, I think so.’
Stacy blushed scarlet. She had told Juliet that she thought he could have charm, but nothing had prepared her for this blatant approach. ‘I'm very flattered, Jake, but I——’
‘Don't refuse me yet,’ he cut in. ‘Leave it until the end of the evening and see how you feel about me then.’
‘That almost sounds like a warning of intent.’
He raised one dark eyebrow. ‘Only almost?’
She moved nervously, feeling way out of her depth with this man. ‘I—er—I think I should go and find Matthew.’
He took the empty glass out of her hand, those long tapered fingers brushing gently against her skin. ‘No need, I'll go and get you another drink.’
‘That wasn't the reason I wanted him.’
‘Wait there,’ Jake ordered. ‘I won't be long.’
Stacy watched him stride away, aware of a feeling of pride as the female heads turned to watch his progress over to the bar. He was definitely a handsome specimen, and for some unexplainable reason he seemed to have chosen to spend the rest of the evening with her. She should feel flattered, but fear was one of her predominant emotions, fear of the mesmerising effect he had on her.
She looked up warily as Martin Payne came towards her, the jovial smile on his face nothing like his anger with her earlier today. ‘Ah, Miss Adams,’ he beamed, ‘I trust Jake has told you that our little misunderstanding is to be forgotten?’
‘He did mention it.’
‘Such a silly misunderstanding,’ he continued. ‘You only had to tell me that you'd already agreed to come to the party with Jake and all of that unpleasantness could have been avoided.’
So that was how he had done it! ‘I don't think——’
‘I felt slightly ridiculous when he explained the circumstances behind your refusal.’ He smiled as he realised he was allowing anger to enter his voice. ‘I hope you'll be able to forget any unpleasantness that may have occurred between us. It was all a complete mistake.’
‘Yes,’ she agreed uncertainly, not at all sure of his sudden changes of mood. And she was a little curious as to why Jake had told this man she was spending the evening with him, although she realised this was probably what had saved her job; Martin Payne wouldn't want to antagonise anyone close to Jake Weston.
‘Of course I don't know how you managed it,’ he added curtly, obviously not completely cowed.
Stacy stiffened. ‘Don't you?’ she queried softly, looking past him to the tall imposing figure of Jake as he made his way back to her side, a drink in each hand.
Martin Payne flushed as he followed her line of vision. ‘Mm—well, perhaps I do,’ he muttered. ‘But for your sake I hope you never anger him as you did me this afternoon. He would make a much more formidable adversary that I ever would.’
She already knew that! She smiled at the director. ‘I don't envisage anything like that happening.’
‘I wouldn't count on it. People like Jake can be very temperamental.’
Jake arrived at her side, smiling down at her as he handed her her drink, a completely charming smile directed at her, only at her. And it had the desired effect; she felt as if her legs were turning to jelly and there was a strange butterfly sensation in the pit of her stomach.
He turned to look at the director, his smile fading. ‘Martin,’ he nodded curtly.
‘I—er—I just came over to tell Miss Adams that it will no longer be necessary for her to leave tomorrow.’ Martin Payne was obviously just as overwhelmed by this man as she was. ‘And to apologise for the misunderstanding.’
Jake nodded. ‘I had already told her, but I'm sure she appreciated your telling her personally.’ Stacy felt herself stiffen as he put an arm possessively about her waist. ‘Stacy was rather upset about it all,’ he added.
‘I'm sure she was,’ the older man looked uncomfortable. ‘Would you like me to introduce you to some of the other people here now?’
‘I don't think so,’ Jake refused, his hand on her waist seeming to burn where it touched. ‘Stacy and I can manage just fine on our own.’
‘But, Jake, this is all——’
‘I said we can manage,’ Jake cut in. ‘Stacy can introduce me to anyone I care to meet, can't you, honey?’
‘Er—yes, I suppose so.’
The director shrugged. ‘Okay then,’ he accepted defeat in the face of such obstinacy. ‘But I think Paul would like to meet you again.’
‘I'm sure he would,’ Jake snapped, his mouth a thin straight line. ‘But that's the one person I don't think Stacy would like to introduce me to. And I certainly don't appreciate men of his type trying to force young girls into going out with him.’
‘I'll—er—I'll see you later, then.’
Jake was looking down at Stacy. ‘Perhaps, Martin. Perhaps.’
It was a disgruntled Martin Payne who finally left them, and Stacy wondered at Jake for daring to talk to him in that way. After all, he was one of the leading directors in the world, and Jake had more or less dismissed him.
She looked up at Jake, moving out of the hold he had about her waist. ‘That isn't going to make you very popular,’ she warned.
He looked unperturbed. ‘I'm not out to win any popularity contests.’
‘Perhaps that's as well,’ she sipped her drink. ‘Mm, my favourite drink, Martini and lemonade. Did your informant tell you that too?’
He grinned at her, his eyes deeply blue. ‘I don't have an informant. I guessed about your drink, and as for the other—well, I just asked Payne why he'd dismissed you.’
She looked surprised. ‘And he told you about Paul Forbes?’
‘Not exactly.’
‘But you worked it out,’ she said knowingly.
‘Knowing Paul as I do, yes.’
Her eyes widened. ‘You know him?’ she asked almost accusingly.
Her mouth compressed. ‘I see.’
‘I don't think you do. Let's sit down and we'll talk about it.’ Without waiting for her answer he led her over to a secluded table, well away from everyone else and in the dimmer lighting. He pulled out a chair for her to sit down and then sat at her side, his arm resting along the back of her chair.
Stacy was very aware of the warmth of his arm against her bare skin, the velvet material of his jacket pleasurably caressing her back. She sat forward to avoid the intimacy of that touch. ‘You were saying you know Paul Forbes.’ She couldn't even bring herself to look at him, she was so aware of him.
Why should he be interested in her anyway? There were plenty of much more beautiful women here tonight who would be only too pleased to be with such a distinguished, attractive man. And yet he had chosen her.
He gently pushed her back in the seat, leaning forward himself to prevent her moving again. Now Stacy felt hemmed in by him, unable to look anywhere else but at his dark compelling face, the expression in his eyes not one she cared to analyse.
‘I did say I know Paul, but not in the way you mean. I know him slightly, but I know of him better. His reputation for liking young girls is well known. Although in your case I can't exactly blame him.’
‘Well, I can,’ she said angrily. ‘He's disgusting!’
‘I agree,’ he drawled. ‘But then you shouldn't be so damned beautiful.’
She blushed fiery red. ‘He didn't want me because of my looks, he wanted me because I don't want him.’
Jake sat back, crossing one leather-clad foot over the other. ‘Feminine logic?’
‘If you like,’ she said stiffly. ‘If I showed an interest in him he wouldn't want me. I have a friend who thinks he's fantastic, but adoration isn't what he wants. Oh no, Paul Forbes likes his women unwilling.’
‘Really?’ He sounded amused.
‘Yes, really!’ she snapped. ‘And it isn't in the least funny!’
‘I couldn't agree more,’ he said grimly.
‘You—you couldn't?’
‘I wouldn't like to think that you could be attracted to someone like him.’
Stacy looked puzzled. ‘He's a very attractive man, a lot of women would feel honoured to go out with him. He's tall, very good-looking, has lovely styled blond hair, and the most twinkling blue eyes I've ever seen. He's very young-looking for his age too.’
‘Does that mean you find him attractive?’ he asked harshly.
She couldn't repress her shudder of disgust. ‘No!’
‘Good. Because besides those obvious attributes he's nothing but a bastard. If I thought you could go out with him I wouldn't be sitting here.’
‘No one's asking you to stay,’ she said in a stilted voice. ‘You seem to have invited yourself to sit with me.’
He restrained her from moving by the tight hold he had of her wrist. ‘Stay here, Stacy. Don't be so sensitive. It's just that I consider Paul Forbes to be the lowest form of life, a man who trades on his wealth and fame.’
‘Any man in his position would do the same.’
‘Jake Weston hasn't.’
Stacy looked with amusement at the author as he chatted amiably with a group of people on the other side of the room. She turned to her companion, her green eyes twinkling merrily. ‘I hope you'll excuse my saying so, but he doesn't really have a lot going for him.’
‘No, I don't suppose he does. Tell me about yourself, Stacy,’ he commanded abruptly.
‘Have you finished questioning me about Paul Forbes?’ she asked tartly.
Jake sat forward, running a caressing finger down her cheek. ‘I was just curious as to why you refused his invitation.’
‘And now you're satisfied?’
His blue eyes mocked her. ‘Hardly. But that can come later, when you know me a little better.’
‘You mean——’ she broke off in confusion.
‘I mean exactly what you think I mean. But don't worry, I'll give you time to get to know me first.’
She gave an incredulous laugh. ‘Are you honestly trying to tell me——’
‘I believe in being honest about these things,’ he interrupted. ‘I want to go to bed with you, I want to put my brand of possession on you as soon as possible, so there's no point in trying to hide it. I told you earlier that I find you desirable.’
‘Yes, but——’
‘I know, I know, you take things a little slower over here. I've lived in the States so long I've forgotten I'm supposed to be one of the reserved English.’
Stacy gave him a curious look. ‘You aren't American?’
‘As good as—I left England when I was five years old. I was born not far from here. I guess I'll have to try and get a little of this reserve you all seem to have. But like I said, I'm not going to rush you into anything. If you find you don't feel the same way about me after a couple of dates then we'll forget the whole thing. I don't like my women unwilling.’
She swallowed hard, aware of the sensuous allure of his body as he sat beside her. Any woman could be seduced by such virility as he displayed, and she wasn't immune to him, far from it. She could easily find herself falling for him.
‘And I don't go in for casual affairs,’ she told him softly.
He looked at her with brooding eyes, their colour very blue. ‘I didn't say there was going to be anything casual about it.’
‘And I don't intend to be your bed companion for the short time you'll be in this country either.’
‘What makes you think I'm only going to be here a short time?’
She shrugged. ‘As far as I know Mr Weston is only here for the last couple of weeks of filming. As his employee you'll leave when he does.’
‘Then I'll just have to make sure he enjoys his stay enough to want to stay longer.’
‘I shouldn't bother on my account.’ She put her empty glass down on the table. ‘I think I should go and find Matthew.’
His eyes narrowed. ‘You never did tell me how friendly you are with him.’
‘Very friendly.’ She deliberately gave the wrong impression of that friendship.
Those long fingers clamped about her wrist once again. ‘Is that the truth, Stacy?’
She faced him defiantly. ‘Why should I lie?’
‘Fear. Nervousness. There could be any number of reasons.’
It was both of those, and a lot more. The trouble with this man was that he was too attractive for any woman to resist for long. Not that it made him conceited, he had merely seen something he wanted and wasn't afraid to say so. But his age and experience made her nervous, gave her the feeling that this was a battle she was going to lose, which was why she had to stop it now.
‘Matthew and I are very good friends. We even lived together for a time.’ Which they had, on a purely platonic basis. Matthew had been thrown out of his digs and she had let him sleep on her sofa for a while.
‘But not now?’ Jake persisted.
‘Not now.’
The tension seemed to leave his body. ‘Then it couldn't have worked out between the two of you, which means there's nothing between you now. I'm not asking for virginity from you, Stacy.’
‘I don't think you have the right to ask anything of me.’ She gave him a searching look. ‘I hardly know you, but I can tell you're no novice when it comes to making love.’
‘At thirty-eight, no.’
‘Not even at my age,’ she rebuked.
‘Probably not,’ he acknowledged mildly.
‘I would say definitely not.’
He laughed softly. ‘I think you're right.’ He stood up. ‘Let's go for a walk in the garden.’
She looked up at him, wrenching her eyes away from his muscular thighs only inches in front of her. ‘It's after ten o'clock at night, it's dark out there.’
Jake pulled her effortlessly to her feet, retaining a hold on one of her hands as she would have pulled away. ‘The garden is illuminated at night,’ he said tolerantly.
‘Yes, but I——’
‘Come on, Stacy. It's too noisy in here, we can't talk properly.’
‘I think we've talked enough for one day.’
‘About certain things, perhaps, but I have other things to say to you.’ His voice lowered. ‘Things I would rather say when we're completely alone.’
That was what she was afraid of! ‘No, I don't think——’
‘I'm not asking you to think. Don't be such a baby, Stacy. Is there no adventure in your soul, no craving for danger?’
Not when she knew she had a good chance of losing to him. ‘No,’ she said huskily.
‘I don't believe you.’
He pulled her along behind him and Stacy had no choice but to follow him. She was conscious of many people curiously watching their exit, and this didn't improve her mood.
She pulled away from him once they were outside, glaring at him resentfully, her colour heightened. ‘It's cold out here,’ she lied. ‘I want to go back inside.’
His answer was to put an arm about her shoulders and pull her hard against the side of his firm muscular body. ‘It isn't cold, Stacy,’ he contradicted. ‘But if you are just stay close to me, I'll keep you warm.’
‘Perhaps that's what I'm afraid of.’
‘That's what I thought.’ He turned to face her, his arms about her waist as he moulded her thighs to his. ‘I can't do much to you in a garden, now can I?’
She gulped. ‘I suppose not.’
‘Besides, I like the comfort of a bed when I make those sort of advances. I've gone past the impetuous youth bit where I can make love anywhere. Also, I want things to be right between us the first time.’
She gulped again. This man was unlike anyone else she had ever known, said things no one else would dare to say on such short acquaintance. ‘The——’ she licked her dry lips. ‘The first time?’
‘The first time we make love,’ he told her calmly.
She gave a short breathless laugh. ‘I can't decide whether you're conceited or I've just gone mad,’ she said dazedly.
‘Neither of those things,’ Jake murmured huskily, his eyes never leaving her parted lips. ‘Your mouth was made for kissing. I've wanted to kiss you ever since I saw you in the lift this evening.’
‘But you—you were so distant.’
His dark eyebrows rose. ‘I could hardly make love to you in a lift, and I don't think you would have let me on such short acquaintance. Besides, I knew you were going to be here this evening. It was the only thing that persuaded me to be here at all.’
All the time they were talking she was aware of the hardness of his body curved into her own, her hands crushed against his chest. ‘But surely you had to be here, to protect your employer?’
‘Does it look as if I'm doing much protecting?’
‘No,’ she admitted.
‘That's because I'm not. I abhor parties and I dislike crowds. I'm only here to see you.’
‘You flatter me!’
‘Maybe, but I don't usually put myself out for other people.’
He was very arrogant, considering he was only a lowly employee like herself. ‘You're very lucky if you don't have to, some of us aren't so privileged.’
‘You don't seem to have made any concessions in your argument with Payne this afternoon,’ he taunted.
She blushed. ‘That was different.’
‘Not at all. You make your own set of rules and you have to live by them.’ His hold about her waist tightened. ‘And I'm very glad you kept to yours today. It could have caused quite a scene if I'd had to fight Forbes to get you.’
Her eyes widened. ‘You would have done that?’
‘Oh yes, Stacy, I would have done that.’
‘You make it very hard for a girl to refuse you,’ she admitted.
His head bent slightly, his face only inches away from her own. ‘That's because I don't intend to have you refuse me. I'm patient, I can wait for the right moment.’
‘And if there isn't one?’ she murmured.
‘Then I'll make one.’
His dark head lowered slowly and his lips took possession of hers in a kiss of languorous passion, a deliberate onslaught to break down any barriers she might have against him. He needn't have worried, his charm had seduced her into submission long ago.
But this was wrong! She had known this man only a matter of hours. And yet she couldn't hold back her response, couldn't deny the effect he was having on her, his mouth making slow leisurely love to her, his hands gently caressing her back.
Finally she pulled away from him, her head dizzy with the emotions he had aroused in her, emotions that had lain dormant until his mouth had touched hers. This couldn't be happening to her, it must be his experience that was making her melt against him like this; people didn't fall in love so easily.
She licked her lips, tasting the whisky Jake had been drinking earlier, her whole body shaking. ‘I——’ she cursed herself for letting her voice shake like this. ‘I want to go back inside,’ she said more strongly.
‘Why?’ he asked huskily, not releasing his hold on her.
‘I think you know why.’
‘Because I kissed you?’
And because of her reaction to that kiss! ‘Well, I—Yes! I hardly know you,’ she added, as if that explained everything.
‘Mm, perhaps you're right.’ Jake moved away from her. ‘My mother always told me you should never kiss a girl on your first date.’ He smiled. ‘I never did listen to my mother.’
Stacy smoothed down her skirt. ‘Then perhaps you should have done.’
‘Perhaps,’ but he didn't sound as if he should. ‘I'll take you back to the party now.’
‘I think I would rather go to my room.’
‘So would I,’ he agreed throatily.
‘Alone,’ she said sharply.
‘But of course. I promise to leave you at your door.’
‘I can find my own way,’ she refused.
He took hold of her elbow. ‘I'm sure you can, but I've always believed in seeing a lady to her home—and as this place is temporarily your home …’
‘Oh, all right,’ she accepted with ill-grace.
Jake grinned down at her as they walked back to the entrance. ‘I wish I could have seen your argument with Payne. I bet it was something to watch!’
Stacy gave a wan smile. ‘He didn't seem to think so.’
‘So he told me. I believe you implied he was past it.’
She blushed painfully as she remembered the rude things she had said to the director.
‘Something about us being past the age of the studio couch,’ he added teasingly.
‘Oh—oh yes,’ she blushed even more. ‘I—I lost my temper.’
Jake laughed softly. ‘So I gathered.’ He picked up a strand of her glorious red hair. ‘So this hair really does denote the fiery nature reputed to go with it.’
‘In my case, yes,’ she admitted almost guiltily.
Jake tilted her chin. ‘I like the temper. It adds to your attraction.’
‘It does?’
‘I like a woman who can stand up for herself.’
‘You aren't sure that's a good thing, are you?’
‘No,’ she answered truthfully. She held back as he opened the door for her. ‘Could we go in another way?’
‘Why?’ He looked at her suspiciously.
‘Well, because I—I——’
His teeth gleamed whitely in the darkness. ‘Your lipstick isn't smudged, if that's what you're worried about.’ He gently touched her lips as if to emphasise the point.
Her breath caught in her throat. ‘It isn't that.’
‘Then what is it?’ His hand dropped away from her mouth.
She gave an impatient sigh. ‘I don't want to simply walk through the room and us to go upstairs together. I know exactly what conclusion the people in there would come to.’
‘You do?’
‘Yes,’ she snapped. ‘And don't pretend you don't too.’
He shut the door with a shrug. ‘Okay, we'll sneak in the back way.’
‘I didn't mean——’
‘Grow up, Stacy!’ He was angry now. ‘Do you think the fact that we just disappear is going to give them any less food for thought? I would have thought it would have given them even more to get their teeth into.’
‘Damn you!’ Her eyes blazed angrily. ‘Damn you, damn you!’ She flung open the door and marched into the room, uncaring about whether or not he followed her in.
She walked gracefully across the room with unhurried steps, looking to neither left nor right, a defiant look to her mouth and an angry glitter to her eyes. As she reached the reception area the anger started to leave her tensed body. After all, she shouldn't let a comparative stranger annoy her like this.
It wasn't until she put her hand out to press the lift button and a long tanned muscular hand beat her to it that she realised Jake was standing beside her. She stubbornly refused to look at him, although all her senses told her it was him, from the pleasant aroma of his aftershave to the much more potent male smell that belonged exclusively to him. He had done nothing but anger or excite her since the moment they had met, and she would no longer give him that satisfaction.
Once inside the lift she still kept her eyes averted, although it was becoming increasingly difficult to do so. Finally she just had to look at him, the silence between them oppressive, only to find his caressing gaze fixed on her face.
‘Oh!’ she gasped, looking hurriedly away again.
He moved to stand in front of her, a hand on the wall either side of her head, his body only just separate from her own. He looked at her beneath lowered lids. ‘I told you I like the tempter. You won't get rid of me that way.’
‘I wasn't trying——’
‘Oh yes, you were, and we both know why. If what I said earlier bothers you that much just forget I said it.’
‘It isn't the sort of thing you can forget,’ she retorted. ‘It isn't every day a man tells me he'd like to go to bed with me.’
‘Maybe other men don't tell you, but they think it.’ He lifted her chin so that she had no choice but to look at him. ‘Is it because I'm so much older than you that you find the prospect so daunting? Or is it that you think I only want you for one night and then I'll pass on to another conquest?’
‘Both of those things,’ she croaked. And more, much more!
‘I can't refute the latter, I have no idea how a relationship between us would turn out, and I've never considered my age a barrier before. Or is it the experience that goes with the age that bothers you, the other women I've known and left?’
‘Yes! And—and we've known each other such a short time.’
Suddenly he had moved away and was standing on the other side of the lift, extracting a long thin cheroot from a gold case before lighting it. ‘I wouldn't insult you by asking you to go to bed right now,’ he said. ‘All the best things in life are worth waiting for—and you're one of them. It will happen in your time, not mine. Will you go swimming with me in the morning?’
She should be perfectly safe with him in the hotel swimming pool, and she would like to see him again. ‘What time?’ she asked.
‘Ten o'clock?’
She could be making a mistake, and yet she wanted to see him. ‘Fine. I'll meet you in the reception area.’
Jake held the doors open so that the lift couldn't move. ‘Off you go to your room—I won't come any further and frighten you any more. Ten o'clock downstairs,’ he reminded her as she hurried to her room.
As she let herself in with her key Stacy had a last impression of him leaning against one of the lift doors, watching her progress with dark brooding eyes.
She heaved a sigh of relief as she leant back against the door. These sort of things didn't happen in real life, being pursued by tall, dark, handsome men with a stated intent on her virtue. But it was happening to her.
She was in bed pretending to be asleep when Juliet came up to bed. She had no wish to answer questions about Jake, especially questions she had no answer to. It was for this reason that she also pretended to be asleep the next morning as Juliet got ready to go down to breakfast. Once her friend had left Stacy got up and ordered herself some coffee. She didn't intend seeing anyone who could ask embarrassing questions.
Jake was already waiting for her when she arrived downstairs at ten past ten, looking at her impatiently as she moved to the desk to leave a message for Matthew telling him she wouldn't be needing transport into London after all.
‘Good morning,’ Jake greeted softly. He was dressed in cream slacks and a matching short-sleeved shirt opened almost to his waist in the heat of the day. He looked very attractive, his skin appearing very dark against his cream clothing.
Stacy eyes alighted on the picnic basket at his side. ‘What's in the basket?’ she asked lightly.
‘Our lunch.’
‘Lunch?’ she frowned. ‘Surely we won't need that by the pool.’
‘We aren't going to the pool.’
She looked up at him. ‘We—we aren't?’
He shook his head. ‘I've borrowed Payne's motor launch. We're going for a ride along the coast to find a secluded beach where I can seduce you in private.’

CHAPTER THREE (#ulink_7333f0b2-d23f-5356-b680-e552717cf37a)
SO much for her being safe by the pool! ‘You didn't tell me that last night,’ she said resentfully. ‘I automatically took it you meant the pool.’
‘Does it matter?’ Jake looked bored.
‘Of course it matters,’ she said sharply.
‘Why? Don't answer that, I think I can guess,’ his voice taunted. ‘You didn't expect to be alone with me today. Well, I'm not going to the pool so that all your friends can stare at us. I'm going out in the boat anyway, you please yourself if you come with me.’ He picked up the picnic basket. ‘But if you're too scared …’ he shrugged, walking away.
Stacy caught up with him as he got in the low two-seater sports car parked outside, throwing the basket in the space at the back of the car. She got in beside him, her rolled-up towel on her knee. ‘I'm not frightened of you,’ she glared at him furiously.
The car shot away with a roar, its driver turning to grin at her. ‘I knew you wouldn't be able to resist a challenge like that.’
‘Why, you——!’
‘Fair's fair, Stacy. Last night you did agree to come with me.’
‘Yes, but—— Oh, never mind,’ she said impatiently. ‘I bet you always win an argument.’
‘I try to. I was a very spoilt little boy.’
‘I can imagine,’ she retorted dryly.
‘And I can imagine you as a very charming little girl.’
‘I wasn't,’ she laughed. ‘I was hateful. I was plump, had crooked teeth, and so many freckles it was hard to see where one ended and another began.’
His gaze ran over her appreciatively in her lemon slacks and black vest-top. ‘Looking at you now I would never believe it.’
She blushed in confusion, realising she had invited that compliment. ‘Oh, I should believe it, Jake, the hateful little girl underneath hasn't changed very much.’
‘Is that a warning?’
‘If you like.’
He laughed softly. ‘I like a challenge too. No man has ever liked to win a woman too easily, just as he doesn't like to be the pursued instead of the pursuer.’
‘You think you're going to win with me?’
‘I'm hoping so.’
She gave a pitying smile. ‘I wish you luck.’
‘I don't like the sound of that.’
‘You weren't meant to.’
They were nearing the harbour now, the gleaming boats bobbing at their moorings. Jake parked the car, apparently knowing which boat belonged to Martin Payne. He carried the picnic basket over to a white gleaming boat, its sleek lines beautifully reflected in the still water.
‘I didn't expect anything like this.’ She looked about the luxurious interior, coming back up on deck to sit on one of the plush leather seats.
Jake stowed the picnic basket down in the galley, unpacking a bottle of wine to put it in the small refrigerator provided. He came back up into the sunshine. ‘Just what did you expect?’
She shrugged. ‘I'm not really sure.’
He grinned. ‘But certainly not this. I do know how to work it, you know.’
Stacy looked at him, squinting in the bright sunshine. ‘I never for a moment doubted it.’
He laughed softly. ‘Are you ready to leave?’
‘Mm,’ she took a deep breath of the sea air. ‘I'm going to like this.’
‘I hope so.’ He quickly untied their moorings, guiding the boat out of the quiet harbour before increasing the speed.
Stacy threw back her head, laughing as the wind blew through her hair. ‘Mm,’ she sighed, laying back on the seat that stretched across the back of the boat, ‘this is relaxing.’
Jake turned briefly to look at her, his sunglasses shielding his eyes. ‘Did you bring any suntan oil with you? We're very lucky to be having such warm weather for this time of year, and although it may seem quite breezy out here the reflection of the sun on the water will burn your skin.’
She sat up, delving into the recesses of her shoulder-bag. She held up the tube of oil with a smile. ‘I thought I had some.’
‘Would you like me to rub it on for you?’ he asked softly.
Stacy blushed, imagining those long tapered fingers moving slowly over her body. ‘No, thank you,’ she said primly.
He grinned at her. ‘I somehow thought you would say that. Did you bring a costume with you?’
‘I have it on under my clothes.’ Thank goodness she had thought to take this precaution! She wouldn't have relished the idea of getting into her bikini with this man so near.
‘Why don't you strip off and try to get a tan?’
‘Er—no. I think I'll wait until we reach the cove.’
He shrugged. ‘Please yourself. Take the helm for a while so I can get out of these hot clothes.’
She stood up, looking at the controls uncertainly. ‘I'm not sure …’
‘Relax, honey. I'll be standing right behind you.’
She sat down on the chair he had vacated for her, shivering slightly as his arms came either side of her from behind to place her hands on the controls. His warm breath gently moved her hair against her cheek and she kept her head held rigid, conscious of just how close he was. She had only to turn her head slightly to the right and his mouth would be against her cheek.
But she wasn't going to turn her head! She had to be careful with this dangerous man, simply because he was dangerous. He ate up and spat out little girls like her almost every day of his life.
‘Perhaps that's what I'm afraid of,’ she said huskily.
‘You needn't be,’ Jake murmured close against her ear. ‘I won't ever do anything to you that you don't want me to.’
‘Then I wish you'd move away from me.’ She gulped. ‘I don't like it,’ she lied.
The arms about her were instantly removed and he moved to stand beside her. He started unbuttoning the rest of his shirt, pulling it out of the waistband of his trousers. ‘Is that really true?’ he asked softly.
She was aware of his bare torso as his hands lowered to the fastening of his trousers. She turned hurriedly away. ‘Yes,’ she snapped.
He threw his clothes down into the cabin and Stacy was tempted to turn and look at him. He was dressed only in navy-blue swimming trunks that moulded to his lean hips. His body was tanned a deep brown all over, at least as far as she could see, a dark mat of hair covering his chest and finishing at his navel. His body was firm and muscular, and he was in much better condition physically than a lot of men half his age. He was just a damned attractive man—and each moment Stacy found herself becoming more and more attracted to him.
He took over the steering of the boat. ‘Are you sure you don't want to take off those things?’
‘Very sure.’ She studiously ignored him, as she rubbed oil into her bare arms.
‘I'll see you when we get to the beach,’ he taunted. ‘I take it you are going to swim today?’
‘I am.’
‘Then I'll just have to wait until then,’ he sighed.
‘Shame!’ she teased, forgetting to be distant with him. ‘I can assure you that I don't have anything any other woman doesn't have. In fact, I'm a bit on the skinny side.’

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