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The Army Doc's Baby Bombshell
Sue MacKay
From one night…to baby surprise!Surviving a bomb blast together led to an explosive night of passion between army docs Cooper Daniels and Sophie Ingram. But the next day Cooper shipped out, leaving Sophie with a lasting reminder of their desire!Cooper hasn’t been able to forget Sophie, but commitment isn’t an option for this lone wolf. So when the army throws them back together, her baby secret stuns him! The captain will give anything to protect his new family…but can he offer Sophie his heart?

From one night...to baby surprise!
Surviving a bomb blast together led to an explosive night of passion between army docs Cooper Daniels and Sophie Ingram. But the next day Cooper shipped out, leaving Sophie with a lasting reminder of their desire!
Cooper hasn’t been able to forget Sophie, but commitment isn’t an option for this lone wolf. So when the army throws them back together, her baby secret stuns him! The captain will give anything to protect his new family...but can he offer Sophie his heart?
Cooper reached to draw her into his arms and held her against his chest, where she fitted perfectly. His breath hitched at the back of his throat and for a moment he couldn’t utter a word. So he just enjoyed the moment. What would Sophie do if he kissed her?
Finally he managed, “I’m starting to really like you.”
“Now, there’s a novel idea,” she quipped as she snuggled closer.
He swallowed hard and lowered his chin to the top of her head, breathed deep to absorb the scent of sunscreen and flowers, and relaxed against her. Her short breaths against his shirt, her hands on his chest—everything about her made him complete. She took away some of the doubts that had been niggling him since he first saw that baby bump.
Whatever the difficulties ahead, they’d manage...would sort out how to go about raising a child between them in less-than-perfect circumstances. He wasn’t worried on that score. Though he should be. Because becoming a father still didn’t sit easily with him. Yet this was Sophie. The one woman he’d never forgotten. He remembered her body as hot satin in his hands that night that had led them to this moment. To this baby.
Dear Reader (#ulink_b7291b52-bb44-5a3d-a0b7-01631620fcea),
This is my twentieth book and I couldn’t be happier. When my first book sold I was in awe of the whole process and felt stunned to have made it that far. Now I still feel the same. Not one story has been straightforward—as in I’ve never believed the process has got any easier. My stories come from the heart, and therefore I feel each and every one of them.
I thank you all for picking up and reading my stories. Without you I’d be wasting my time.
This one came out of the blue. It started with the idea of secret babies and war doctors. That’s all. And yet here is a story that screamed out to be written.
When Sophie first sees Cooper she’s smitten—but she isn’t following through, right...? Throw in a bomb, casualties, surgeries and, hey, what comes next when you’re up close to the hunkiest man you’ve ever seen? The result of which is a baby. It’s what happens after this that is the real story. We can all be smitten and have a wonderful time, but it’s the way we deal with the consequences that is life-changing.
Read the story to find out how Cooper and Sophie deal with them, and let me know what you think of their journey at sue.mackay56@yahoo.com or suemackay.co.nz (http://www.suemackay.co.nz).
The Army Doc’s Baby Bombshell
Sue MacKay

www.millsandboon.co.uk (http://www.millsandboon.co.uk)
This one’s for my man, for always supporting me even when the writing turns to custard. And to my girl, her partner and their two beautiful children because they are special.
Also to the Blenheim girls, without whom I’d go bonkers more often than I already do. Iona King, Barb Deleo, Louisa George, Deborah Shattock, Nadine Taylor and Kate David. You guys rock, and are so special. The best move I ever made was to the Marlborough district, where I hooked up with you.
To Laura, the most helpful, wonderful editor I could wish for.
I love you all.
Praise for Sue MacKay (#ulink_3966a6fe-8c26-56b1-80f4-3216c8240785)
“A deeply emotional, heart-rending story that will make you smile and make you cry. I truly recommend it—and don’t miss the second book: the story about Max.”
—Harlequin Junkie on The Gift of a Child
“What a great book. I loved it. I did not want it to end. This is one book not to miss.”
—Goodreads on The Gift of a Child
Cover (#u8f2707d4-bd9d-5619-956d-0a220e270bb0)
Back Cover Text (#ud6baeafb-2121-5802-b7cc-135b3a418b52)
Introduction (#u9418ac6f-ba28-5f55-8c19-b3005077675c)
Dear Reader (#ulink_3ff07aa3-f4f2-537c-8244-b5ad491e6775)
Title Page (#ua2376cde-c0cc-509f-81f0-ca39cdccd279)
Dedication (#u1f64606b-bfb4-523d-bb60-3464eb63a061)
Praise (#ulink_973e3dfa-b94a-50fe-aef8-6a473f5eb2b2)
CHAPTER ONE (#ulink_455d9dfd-b9dd-55c3-a9a3-9c828d00cd14)
CHAPTER TWO (#ulink_68bd1de8-7dfd-5287-9e91-823c6783e3af)
CHAPTER THREE (#ulink_6ca8703d-aa2f-5273-94c8-12b31f587631)
CHAPTER FOUR (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER FIVE (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER SIX (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER SEVEN (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER EIGHT (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER NINE (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER TEN (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER ELEVEN (#litres_trial_promo)
EPILOGUE (#litres_trial_promo)
Extract (#litres_trial_promo)
Copyright (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER ONE (#ulink_2dbec86c-841c-5129-b54f-04779cf6a6a7)
‘WOULD YOU LOOK at that? Sex in hard boots will do it for me every time.’ The female sergeant at Captain Sophie Ingram’s side ogled Captain Daniels striding across the dusty compound in their direction.
He was drop-dead gorgeous, Sophie admitted to herself as she tried to ignore the spark of arousal low in her body. A sensation she needed to shove aside. Working in Afghanistan was not the right time or place for liaisons. On a disappointed sigh, she told the military nurse, ‘I’m off sex, hunk or no hunk available.’
Kelly’s jaw dropped. ‘You’re kidding, right?’
‘Not at all.’
‘I mean, look at him,’ Kelly spluttered.
She did. He was built.
The Kiwi captain, who’d arrived in camp late last night, widened his eyes as his gaze cruised over her. That delectable mouth lifted at one corner. Guess that meant he’d heard her blunt statement.
So what? It was best put out there. Saved time and misunderstanding. He could think what he liked. She wouldn’t be hanging onto his every word in the hope of scoring during the three days he was in camp, helping out in the army hospital. Her last sexual experience had been something she didn’t want to remember—or repeat—and had started her considering celibacy. Except it seemed some parts of her body hadn’t got that message if the tightening in her belly and beyond was any indication.
‘Captain Ingram?’ The overly confident man stood in front of her, his hand outstretched in a friendly, yet provocative, manner.
Sophie nodded. ‘Yes.’ She took his hand to shake it but ignored the challenge staring out at her from the deepest pewter eyes she’d ever encountered. Neither would she acknowledge the rising tempo of her arousal. Sex was off the menu for the duration of her posting, no matter what. In her first weeks here a certain officer—now back home, thank goodness—had wooed her, then shown exactly what he thought the role of female personnel really was. Degrading didn’t come close. Joining the army for an adventure was one thing, being treated disrespectfully was another. She’d since seen enough other liaisons end messily to know sex was best avoided on tour.
But she groaned. Captain Daniels with his dark, cropped hair and knowing eyes would tempt her every time. ‘Welcome to Bamiyan NZ base.’
His eyebrow lifted in an ironic fashion. ‘This is my third—’
The air exploded. The rock-hard ground heaved upward, shoving Sophie’s feet up to her throat. Then she was airborne, her arms flailing uselessly, her head whipping back and forth. Slam. She hit the ground, landing on her back, the air punched out of her lungs, her limbs spread in all directions.
Stones pelted her. Dust filled her eyes and mouth. Breathing became impossible. Whizz. Bang. The air around her was alive, splintering as objects sped past her. Bullets? Fear gripped her. Who was firing at her? A heavy weight crashed over her, pinning her down. A human weight. What was happening? What had caused that explosion? Her heart beat so fast it was going to detonate out of her chest. Her ribcage rose higher and higher as she strained to fill her lungs with something purer than sand and dust. Her airway hurt. Her head hurt. Every single thing hurt.
‘Stay down,’ a deep, dark voice snapped.
She daren’t open her eyes to see who the man protecting her with his body was. Gulp. Cough. Dust scratched the back of her throat. Strong arms were on either side of her vulnerable head. Muscular legs held down her softer ones. The one and only Captain Daniels.
Around them the gunfire was sharp and loud, and dangerous. Then suddenly it stopped. But the shouting and yelling continued. Orders were barked. Screams curdled her blood. Racing footsteps slapped the ground. Fear flew up her throat, filled her mouth. Was this it? The end? Lying on a piece of dry, barren dirt in some place she’d barely heard of growing up in lush green New Zealand? No way. She’d fight to the last, would not die lying here defenceless and useless. Flattening her hands on the ground, she tensed, ready to push upward, to remove her human shield.
‘Easy.’ That voice was right beside her ear, lifting the hairs on the back of her neck. Almost seductive—if she hadn’t been terrified for her life.
Sophie squirmed, felt the muscles covering her body tighten.
‘Easy,’ he repeated a little desperately.
‘Let me up.’ She’d aimed for nonchalant, got light and squeaky. Damn. She was a soldier, supposed to be fearless. A little bit, anyway.
Sophie needed to know what was going on. Apart from flying bullets and a bomb exploding. Needed to assess the situation, see if she could move, find shelter, help someone. As a doctor she’d be required in the hospital unit. Squinting, she looked around to see if it was safe to move. And came eyeball to eyeball with Cooper Daniels.
Her heart stopped its wild pounding, stopped trying to bash its way out of her chest. Went completely still. Her lungs gave up trying to inhale as that intense grey gaze bored right into her, deep into places no one had been before. Places where she hid the vulnerability that directed her life. Shock ripped through her. Every muscle in her body seemed to twitch, tighten, loosen. Had she died? Been taken out by one of those bullets?
‘Captains, move. Now. Sir. Ma’am.’ Someone, somewhere above them, roared in a strained shout, ‘Get up off the ground. We’ve got you both covered.’
I’m definitely alive. Sophie pushed at Cooper, desperate to get away from him, to find safety, to regain her composure and see what needed to be done. There’d be casualties for sure.
The weight lifted from her body, a hand snatched at hers, hauled her upright in one swift, clumsy jerk. ‘Run towards the officers’ quarters,’ Cooper yelled in her ear as he tightened his grip on her hand. ‘The hospital’s a target.’
She ran, trusting him completely. But even as she ran she looked around, and gasped. Where the ground had been flat moments ago there was now a deep crater. An enormous dust cloud hovered above, blocking the sun’s intense heat. Otherwise everything looked weirdly normal—apart from the troops stationed on the perimeter, facing outwards with machine guns at the ready.
Forget normal. A body lay against the wall of the hospital block. Sophie shouted, ‘Kelly,’ and veered left around the destruction, aiming for the nurse.
Cooper pulled at her, tried to prevent her going in that direction. ‘Wait. It’s more exposed that way. Snipers will see you.’
Sophie got it. And wasn’t having a bar of it. She paused to lock her gaze on him, her heart rate steady, her lungs finally doing their job. ‘We need to get to Sergeant Brooks ASAP. Move her to safety.’ She had no idea where the calmness now taking over came from, but she was in control, able to do something for someone, and not be a victim being protected by this man.
His eyes widened and he shook his head as though to get rid of something. ‘You’re right. Let’s go.’
‘Kelly was standing beside me when that bomb went off,’ she muttered as they reached the nurse sprawled with blood pouring from a head wound and her legs at odd angles to her body. Dropping to her knees, Sophie reached to find a pulse, holding her breath as she tried to find any sign of life. Dread rose, and she quickly swallowed on it. Now was the time to step up and be professional; not let emotions override everything else. ‘Come on, Kelly. Don’t do this to me.’
A faint throb under her fingertip. ‘Yes.’ She slumped with relief. Her friend didn’t deserve to die. Sophie kept her finger in place for a few more beats, to be absolutely sure, and looked at Cooper, who was crouched beside her, gently probing Kelly’s head. ‘She’s alive. Get a stretcher out here. We’re going into surgery.’ Those legs looked in need of some serious work, as did the head injury. Blood also seeped into the ground from under Kelly’s right shoulder. They’d have to do a thorough assessment but she wasn’t hanging around out here for some sniper to pick them off.
‘Yes, Captain.’ Cooper was on his feet and racing towards the hospital unit, now all business, the challenging male no longer visible. Neither was the captain, aka general surgeon. He was just one of the battalion, doing the job of an orderly because she’d told him to. Impressive.
The man who’d thrown himself over her to protect her from those bullets. Very impressive. Sophie bit down on the flare of yearning and astonishment suddenly touching her again in that place she’d thought so well hidden. What was it about him that exposed her weak side far too easily?
‘Captain Ingram, we’ve got two casualties from the other side of the perimeter,’ a soldier called above the noise of troops clearing the area and checking on one another. ‘They’ve been taken into the medical unit for assessment. That unit’s now clear of danger.’
Nothing, nobody was ever completely out of danger, but she’d keep that gem to herself. Glancing up, she acknowledged the young man who was on his first stint overseas with the NZ Army and sometimes dropped into the hospital to talk or read to patients.
‘Thank you, Corporal.’ His face was chalk white. ‘Did you sustain any injuries, George?’
‘No, Captain.’
‘Right. Captain Daniels is bringing a stretcher so we can shift Sergeant Nurse Brooks. I’d like you to help with moving her.’ Shifting Kelly without doing more damage to her broken body was going to be a nightmare. Even if the unconscious woman couldn’t feel a thing, Sophie knew she’d wince at every single movement. She hated inflicting any pain whatsoever on someone. Her fellow surgeons often gave her grief about that, pointing out that any surgery was followed by some degree of pain.
‘Yes, Ma’am.’
Cooper skidded to a halt by their patient and lowered the stretcher carefully, as close as possible to her body. ‘It’s chaos inside. Injuries all over the place.’
Sophie swore quietly. Why? Who? How could anyone do this to another human being?
Get real, her inner voice snarled. You’re in a war zone. This is what you’re here for.
She knew all that, but reality sucked, brought everything into focus in full colour. On a ragged indrawn breath, she began organising the removal of Kelly from the hot, dusty outdoors and into the relative safety of the medical unit.
‘I’ll be operating with you,’ Cooper informed her as they carried the laden stretcher towards the theatre section.
Sophie glanced at him. ‘Surely you’re needed elsewhere.’
‘Orders. Kelly’s the worst off by far.’ Then he added, sotto voce, ‘If you don’t count the two deceased.’
Sophie’s stomach dropped. She’d been refusing to consider some of the soldiers might’ve been killed. ‘Do we know who they are?’
‘Not yet.’ Cooper locked his eyes on her. ‘If you want to go find out I can take over here.’
She shook her head. ‘No. Getting Kelly stable so we can evacuate her is more important.’
‘I agree.’ He gave her a smile that blew her heart rate into disarray again.
Suddenly Sophie felt light-headed, swaying on her feet as she stared at the floor. Reaching out for balance, her hand found Cooper’s shirt sleeve and gripped tight.
‘You okay?’ he asked, concern flooding his voice.
Dropping her hand as though it had been scalded, she growled, ‘Guess it’s the shock catching up.’
‘It does that.’
She was showing her inexperience in conflict situations. The past two months had been relatively quiet on the war front—near this base anyway. She’d been kept busy with small surgeries but nothing like this. Reaching Kelly, she started appraising the injuries more thoroughly.
‘Multiple fractures of both legs and the pelvis. As well as that dislocated shoulder and fractured skull.’ Sophie straightened up from the bed Kelly lay on, and looked at Cooper. ‘She needs an orthopaedic surgeon,’ which they didn’t have. ‘How much experience have you got in that field?’
‘Enough to do the basics, but the sooner we can get her back to Darwin the better.’ Cooper looked glum. ‘It’s going to be touch and go for her.’
‘Right. Let’s scrub up and do what we can.’ Sophie looked around the ordered chaos, saw the commanding medical officer on the far side of the room and made a beeline for him to explain the situation.
‘We’ve got two others needing evacuation back to Australia too,’ she was told. ‘A flight’s being arranged for two hundred hours. Do what you can in the meantime.’
At the sink Sophie scrubbed and scrubbed her fingers, her palms, the backs of her hands. Sand and dirt and blood stained her skin and had got beneath her nails. Anger at what had happened had her compressing her mouth to hold back a torrent of expletives that’d do no good for anybody. But how could people attack others like that? Used to fixing people, making them better, it was impossible to comprehend the opposite. Her muscles quivered, whether in rage or shock she wasn’t sure, but she needed to get them under control if she was going to be any use to her friend.
‘Easy.’ Cooper’s word of the day, apparently. A firm hand gripped her shoulder briefly. ‘Save the anger for later.’
Turning, she locked her eyes on those grey ones she was coming to recognise as special, or was that the man behind them? ‘There’s plenty of it, believe me.’
He nodded and dropped his hand to his side. ‘I know. It gets me going every time.’
‘Yet you keep coming back.’ She’d heard that Captain Daniels was on his third tour of duty over here. Then she saw the gleam in his gaze and knew he’d picked up on the fact she’d taken note of details about him. Telling him she hadn’t gone out of her way to ask anyone would only stroke his ego further so she spun away to dry her hands before holding them out to the assistant to put gloves on for her.
This whole sexual distraction was ludicrous when they were in the middle of an emergency. ‘Do we even know if the attack is completely finished?’ she asked no one in particular.
‘Apparently so,’ Cooper replied as he began scrubbing up, a smug look on his face.
He could get over whatever was causing that. They had surgery to perform, which left no room for anything else. Sexual tension included.
* * *
Uncountable hours later Sophie smothered a yawn as she leaned back against the outside wall of their little hospital and watched Kelly being transferred to the medic truck that would take her to the airfield. ‘Thank goodness she’s survived her first round of surgery,’ she murmured to herself, suddenly wanting to hear her voice in the rare stillness of the night.
‘She’s got a long way to go yet.’ Cooper loomed up beside her.
So much for talking to herself. ‘I’m worried about her left leg. I suspect she’s in for an amputation despite everything we did.’
‘That patella wasn’t broken, it was pulverised,’ Cooper agreed.
‘Kelly’s a fitness freak, runs marathons for fun.’ Not any more. Or not for a long time and after a lot of hard rehab. Tears threatened. ‘It’s so darned unfair.’
‘That’s war.’ His tone brooked no argument and suggested she needed to get used to the idea.
‘I know. But I’m hurting for a friend. Okay?’ Sophie straightened her back, hauled her shoulder off the wall, took a step away. She’d had enough of Mr Confidence, didn’t need reminding why she was here.
‘Don’t go. Not yet.’ Cooper’s voice was low and, strangely, almost pleading.
She hesitated. Going inside where everyone was still talking and crying and laughing as they finally came down off the high caused by shock over the attack and continual hours of urgent surgery turned her cold. But staying here, talking to Cooper Daniels, held more danger, and she’d had her fill of that already. ‘Think I’ll go to my bunk.’
‘I’ll walk you across the compound.’ When she opened her mouth to say no he talked over her. ‘We don’t have to talk. I’d like your company for a few minutes, that’s all.’
There were no arguments to that. None that she could find without sounding like she was making a run for it to put space between them. Anyway, she suddenly felt in need of company too. Talk about being all over the place. ‘Sure.’ She stepped away to put space between them and rammed her hands into the pockets of her fatigues. Then tripped on a small rock.
Cooper caught her, held her until she righted herself. Left his hand on her elbow as they slowly made their way through the throng of personnel wandering almost aimlessly back and forth on the parade ground they were crossing.
Out of the blue came the need to keep Cooper with her. His hand was reassuring against her unease. Leaning into him, absorbing the warmth of being with someone as tension held her in its grip, was a tonic.
Thump. She jerked around, staring into the night, seeing nothing more than she’d been gazing at a moment earlier.
‘It’s okay. Some clown tossed a metal bucket at the fence.’ Cooper slipped his arm over her shoulders, drew her in closer.
‘I thought...’
‘Yeah. Me too.’
‘Have you ever experienced anything like what went down here?’ She’d known signing up to the army, even as a medic, had its dangers, but this was the first time she’d been confronted with the truth of living and working as an army officer in Afghanistan. She needed to toughen up and put it behind her, not let every little sound or bang have her leaping out of her skin.
Tension tightened the muscles in the arm draped across her shoulders. ‘Once. Near Kabul.’
‘Why do you keep coming back?’ She’d signed up for one year and now she wondered how she’d make it through without turning into a freaked-out wreck.
‘Army orders.’
So he wasn’t up for personal conversation. ‘Of course.’ She pulled away, put distance between them again. Wrapping her arms around her body, she stared ahead at the officers’ quarters. Lights blazed out over the compound and the idea of going inside to be surrounded by her colleagues became repugnant.
‘Want to keep walking for a bit?’ So he could mind-read. Probably as well as he could twist a dislocated clavicle back into place, as he’d done for Kelly. Or as easily as he had most upright females drooling over him without a word.
Including her, she realised. He had to be the most sexy, gorgeous, mouth-watering man she’d met in a long time. Had she drooled when Kelly had pointed him out? Couldn’t have or he wouldn’t have come over to see her, dribble on the chin being highly unattractive.
‘I’ll take that as a yes, then.’
Huh? Oh, right. Unused to women not gushing out answers to his questions? ‘I won’t be able to sleep. My head’s spinning and my body aches from being tossed through the air.’
‘That was some landing you made.’
‘Didn’t you get thrown down?’ she asked, suddenly remembering how quickly he’d seemed to be with her, covering her as bullets had flown past. ‘Thank you for protecting me. That was incredibly brave.’
‘Honestly? It’s something I did without considering the consequences. You looked vulnerable and I just fell over you.’
Sophie sighed. ‘That’s how brave people act. They don’t weigh up the consequences. Wasn’t it random how the three of us standing together ended up in different places? Kelly copped the worst of the explosion and was thrown in the opposite direction from us. We’re relatively unscathed.’
‘Be grateful. We were needed in Theatre afterwards.’
‘True.’ They were heading behind the officers’ quarters into comparative quiet and some darkness. Sophie looked around, saw no one in the shadows, and stopped. ‘Maybe I should go back.’
‘Afraid to be with me?’ That earlier challenge was back, deepening the huskiness in his voice.
‘Not at all,’ she snapped, even as awareness of him teased her. He was large; tall and broad. It would be so easy to lay her head on that chest and wrap her arms around his waist. She knew she’d feel safe for as long as she held onto him. Shock made her gasp.
But she didn’t pull away from that tiny touch of his hand brushing against her thigh as he waited to see what she’d do. She couldn’t move. Hell, she didn’t even want to. Right this moment she needed him. Needed reassurance that she’d survived her first bombing alive and well. Needed to get close to another human, to share the horror and the recovery from the shock. Wanted more than to be held. Wanted to feel alive in his arms.
‘Sophie?’ Cooper growled.
She stepped closer, so near her breasts brushed his chest. Her nipples pebbled, throbbing with longing, echoing the sensations moistening her at the apex of her legs. She had never wanted a man so badly. Never. The afternoon’s attack definitely had a lot to answer for. ‘Cooper,’ she whispered in reply. ‘Please take me.’
‘Are you sure?’ he asked, the softness of his voice surprising her.
‘Absolutely,’ she told him fiercely. ‘Absolutely.’ Now. Not in five minutes. Now. She leaned closer, spreading the length of her body up the length of his. She immediately felt his hardness, knew his reciprocating need in an instant. Winding her arms around his neck, she raised her mouth to capture his.
Cooper took over. His hands spanned her waist, pulling her firmly against his body, so close they’d become one. His tongue pushed through to taste her, delving deep, taking charge.
Sophie lost herself in his kiss, his scent, his strength. Her hands grappled with tugging his shirt free. The need to touch his skin, to feel his heat against her palms was urgent. So urgent she slid her hands beneath the waistband of his fatigues, her fingers seeking that throbbing heat pressing into her belly. Wrapping her hands around him, she heard his groan by her ear.
‘Sophie, you are driving me over the edge too fast.’
‘I want fast.’ Huh? Who was this wanton woman in her skin?
Cooper obliged, shoving at her trousers until they slid to her thighs, and then he cupped her.
All the air in her lungs whooshed across her lips as his finger found her hot, moist pulse. One slide of that finger and she was clinging to him, losing all sense of reality. Or was this reality? Another slide and her legs were trembling, losing the ability to hold her upright.
So she wrapped them around Cooper, holding herself over that wondrous finger, ready for his next muscle-tightening touch. But instead Cooper slid two fingers inside her and a scream flew up her throat, caught by his mouth. Since when had she become a screamer?
And then for the second time in twenty-four hours her world exploded. Shock waves hit her. Her body was racked with spasms, her head tipped backwards, and she was only vaguely aware of where she was. Again Cooper’s strong body was plastered to hers, only this time it was her weight on him, her legs around his body. Then he moved to lift her higher and she was feeling him enter her, inch by excruciating inch until he filled her.
Then he withdrew to plunge in deep again. And again. And again.
Sophie completely lost her mind as her body responded to Cooper’s. All she knew was she’d died and gone to some wondrous place she’d never experienced. All energy drained from her as her response overtook her.
And afterwards somehow she made it back to her bunk and slept the sleep of the completely sated.
CHAPTER TWO (#ulink_4253a605-f1f7-590c-bcf0-9bd80277ce53)
Seven and a half months later...
COOPER SWIPED AT his forehead. The Aussie heat was relentless. Darwin did not come cold. Not even cool. And this was winter. Two hours since the troop carrier had touched down and he’d already had enough, felt in need of a cold shower despite showering and changing into clean clothes less than thirty minutes ago.
He entered the Australian Army’s busy medical unit and looked around for her. Sophie Ingram. No doubt she’d be another reason for a cold shower as soon as he set eyes on her. He’d never been able to exorcise the woman completely from his brain. One night, one hot act, and she now ruled his thought processes far too often. Face it, once was one time too many. But the times that really bugged him were those in the middle of the night when he was tossing and turning in desperate need of sleep. She’d sneak in, reminding him of her amazing body and that off-the-scale sex they’d shared. Only once, and yet it had been the best he’d experienced in a life of experience.
There. Leaning over a table in the far corner, reading a file, seemingly oblivious to the hustle going on around her. The breath stalled in his lungs as he drank in the sight of that tall, slight figure with perfect butt curves that even fatigues did nothing to hide. Or was that his memory filling in the details? Her coppery brown hair hung in a long ponytail down her spine. He hadn’t had a chance to run his hands through that silk, hadn’t kissed her as often as he’d have liked. Both things he’d regretted even when the opportunity hadn’t been there. If he had, would he still be feeling there was so much more to be enjoyed? It wasn’t as if he wanted anything other than a rerun of that one act. If it didn’t happen it wouldn’t be the end of the world, but there was no harm in finding out if she was willing while he was here.
Sophie looked as cool as an iced beer as she straightened to turn side on to place the file in a tray.
Cooper gasped, the air exploding out of his lungs. His head spun so fast he closed his eyes tight in an attempt to stop it, to remain upright. Opening them again, the picture was exactly the same. He went hot, then cold, hot again. Thud, thud, thud slammed his heart. He swallowed—hard—but the sourness remained in his mouth. His hands clenched at his sides as he stared at the sexy woman he’d come to see with the idea of having a meal somewhere off base, hopefully followed by an evening in the sack. He had not come to be delivered a hand grenade that the pin had been pulled from.
‘Cooper?’ She was coming towards him, colour spilling into her cheeks. No longer cool. Shocked. Surprised. No. Make that uneasy. Which made perfect sense given the situation. She said, ‘I heard you were stopping off for a couple of days on your way home.’
He fought the urge to back away. A coward he was not, but this was...enormous. Wrong word. He could even be wrong about what he saw. No, not about that, but about his role in the situation.
‘I’ve just flown in from the east, landed a couple of hours ago.’
Her eyes widened. So she’d picked up on the fact he hadn’t wasted any time dropping in on her.
‘I heard you were still here and thought I’d say hello.’
Getting yourself in deeper, bud.
She’d reached him and stood staring, hands on hips, caution darkening those emerald eyes that had haunted him in the deep of the night. Her voice wavered as she said, ‘This is my last week here before I’m shipped back home to finish my contract in Auckland.’
She was going to Auckland? So was he. The day after tomorrow. Auckland was big. They’d never cross paths. Coward. That’s what phones were for. Contacting people. ‘I guess you’re looking forward to that. The heat must be playing havoc with you.’ He nodded abruptly at her very pregnant belly.
She’s carrying a baby. He bit down on the expletives spewing across his tongue. Dread was cranking up from deep within. He had an awful feeling about this. A dreadful sensation that his world was rolling sideways and would never be the same again.
Sophie rubbed her lower back while her gaze was fixed on some spot behind him. ‘Yes, the heat’s exhausting, but it’s more that I want to be home before this baby makes her entrance.’ Now both her hands moved onto her belly in a protective gesture, as though she was afraid of, or warding off, something. Or someone.
Him? His reaction? He strove to be calm, barely held onto the question hovering on the tip of his tongue. When he thought it safe to open his mouth he asked, ‘You don’t want a little Aussie?’ Who cared? Avoiding asking what he desperately needed to know and yet was afraid to find out was only stalling, not solving a thing.
‘I’d prefer to be with my friends.’
Friends, not family. Showed how little he knew about her. ‘How far along are you?’ His breath caught in the back of his throat as he waited for her answer. It had been over seven months since the bombing in Bamiyan, since they’d found solace in each other’s bodies. Was the baby his? If it was, why hadn’t she told him about it? But why should she? What would she want from him? Apparently nothing, if it was his. There’d been no contact from her since that night, which in itself was unusual in his experience of women. If the baby wasn’t his, then whose?
Sophie lifted her head, her chin jutting out as she said quietly, firmly, ‘Seven and a half months. She’s yours.’
He reeled back on his heels. Her direct reply knocked the air out of him and had his stomach sucking in on itself. It was one thing to wonder if he was the father; completely different to learn he actually was. Again heat flooded him. ‘I see.’
Huh? I do?
Goosebumps lifted his skin. According to this woman he’d spent barely half a dozen hours with in total he’d made her pregnant. Should he believe her without question? Just accept her word for it without DNA testing? They’d had sex once. Once. What were the odds? How could he trust her to be telling the truth when he knew next to nothing about her?
Sophie was standing tall, her arms now at her sides, her hands fisted, her chin jutting out further, her eyes daring him to challenge her statement.
And just like that he knew she hadn’t lied, wasn’t trying to tie him into anything he didn’t want. The tension left him. Then it was back, gripping him harder, tightening the muscles in his gut, his legs, his arms.
I don’t want to be a father.
Did Sophie want to be a mother? Obviously she did or she’d have terminated the pregnancy, wouldn’t she? She didn’t know he never intended being a parent, or getting into a long-term relationship. That he played the field because he was just like his father, an expert at moving on from woman to woman. Where was the relief? Why wasn’t he falling over backwards in gratitude for her not involving him in this baby’s life? But now she had. There was no avoiding it. ‘We need to talk.’
‘Don’t play games, Sophie. I’d like to know more about this baby, and how you’re keeping. What I can do for you.’ There. Responsibility kicked in even before he’d thought things through. Thanks to his dad for another lesson he’d learned well. As long as it didn’t backfire on him.
‘That’s easy. Baby and I are healthy, and there’s absolutely nothing I expect from you.’ Despite her determined attitude, a flicker of doubt crossed that intense gaze, and her fists clenched tighter.
Unease rattled him. She did want something. Despite her statement to the contrary, there were things she’d want from him. He’d do the right thing. Stand by her and the baby. But that was the beginning and end of it. He wouldn’t be tied down. Not for the sake of a child. It wouldn’t work. He and Sophie didn’t know anything about each other.
You know the sex can be out of this world.
One great bonk in extenuating circumstances didn’t make a long-lasting relationship. Anyway, it probably wouldn’t be the same again. Want to put that theory to the test? Yeah, he did. But wasn’t going to now.
Another thing against further involvement was that he didn’t do love. Didn’t believe in it. He’d got this far without it. One too many times watching his father’s latest girlfriend pack her bags and leave when he’d been a boy had taught him that getting involved with anyone led to nothing but anguish. It’d hurt every time, watching them walk away after he’d become close and begun to think they might be there as he grew up. Sometimes it had broken him. At first he’d had to learn not to cry, then he’d learned to be stoic, and finally gruff and rude. Love wasn’t anything like it was cracked up to be. Not even the mother of his unborn child was getting a look in. Telling Sophie any of that wasn’t happening, though he still needed to talk to her. ‘What time are you taking a break?’ he snapped, louder than he’d intended.
Sophie stared at him as though searching for something.
He only hoped he could provide whatever it was. All the more reason to go somewhere private before she said anything. ‘Well?’
Looking around the busy room, where heads had lifted at his question, she shrugged, which set his teeth on edge. ‘I can go to lunch any time I like. Despite how it looks I don’t exactly get rushed off my feet. Unless there’s a forced march in the wind,’ she added with a tentative smile.
‘Then you get queues of soldiers with all sorts of maladies that show no symptoms.’ He wanted to smile back but was all out of them right now. ‘Seen it all too often.’ That caution on Sophie’s face was unexpected, given how she’d thrown herself at him in Bamiyan, and again underlined how little he knew her. It also softened his stance the smallest of bits.
Toughen up. Don’t go all soft over this. A baby, huh? A huge responsibility even if he only kept to the outskirts of the child’s life. But...he was going to be a dad.
I am not ready for this. Will never be ready. This changes everything.
He and Sophie were now tied together in some way for ever. He turned for the entrance, his legs tensing, ready to run, hard and fast, as far away as possible, to outrun this crazy situation.
The only thing holding him back was that he’d always taken his responsibilities seriously.
Haven’t been dealt this hand before.
True. It was as terrifying as that bomb in Bamiyan, and the consequences were going to last a lot longer. He had another mark to step up to, one he was not prepared for and had absolutely no idea how to manage.
‘We need somewhere quiet for this discussion.’ Sophie probably had similar concerns. Her sympathetic tone felt like a caress even if the intent of her words was a harsh reminder of what was ahead.
How could she remain so calm? He could hate her for that. No, not fair. She’d had months to prepare for today. And his anger was directed at the shock she’d delivered, not at her personally. But she should’ve told him. Then he’d have been prepared. A shudder rocked him. Really? Would he ever be able to look back at this moment and say it was a good thing to have happened? His hands clenched. Not likely.
‘Is there somewhere we won’t be interrupted?’ Cooper demanded. There were a few personnel on this base he knew and would enjoy catching up with—some other time. His best mate would have to wait too. Right now he wanted this upcoming conversation done and dusted in one sitting, though he somehow doubted it was ever going to finish, that there’d always be things to discuss about their child. Their daughter. Sophie had said, she’s yours. Oh, hell. A wee girl. His throat clogged. His daughter. This would take some getting used to. If he even wanted to, and right now he didn’t. How could a guy whose mother had committed suicide when he was six and a father who’d had an endless stream of women moving through their lives grasp the basics of good parenting?
‘We could go to my quarters.’ Then Sophie hesitated. ‘No, we’ll go off base. There’s a place a couple of kilometres south where I can get a sandwich and you can have whatever you might want.’
An ice-cold beer would go down just fine about now. Sweat was rolling down his back. From the temperature or his turmoil, he wasn’t sure. Probably both. ‘You got a car?’
She nodded. ‘I do.’
‘Let’s go.’ The idea of that beer had his mouth watering, while the idea of talking about the baby and their future wasn’t doing his stomach any favours, instead causing a tightness he couldn’t loosen. So much for a quick visit and maybe a bit of sex. Sometimes life threw curveballs. Big suckers. He needed to learn how to catch them without doing any damage.
* * *
Sophie drove as fast as legally possible. Which said a lot about her state of mind. Lately she’d become ultra-cautious about a lot of things, like she was afraid to create further havoc in her life. But Cooper’s sudden appearance in the medical unit had floored her. Knowing he was turning up had done nothing to prepare her for the sight of this man. None of her memories of that hot body had been exaggerated. No wonder she’d thrown herself at him in Bamiyan. But would she have if the situation hadn’t been so explosive? Ha. She had to ask that when Cooper was involved?
She should’ve told him the moment she’d found out she was pregnant, but what would’ve been the point? She didn’t want him thinking he had to become a part of her life. It wasn’t as though they knew each other or were in love. Getting hitched or involved in any way whatsoever with a man because she was pregnant was not on the agenda. Marriage had never been something she wanted, and pregnancy hadn’t changed her mind. She could support her own child, didn’t need to do someone else’s washing or clean up after him for the rest of her life so that her daughter could see her father every day.
Three days ago when Alistair had told her Cooper was coming he’d given her a chance to prepare what to say, yet her mind had remained blank.
She got on well with the lieutenant colonel, had managed to ignore the fact he was Cooper’s close friend until now. She suspected he’d guessed who the father of her baby was right from the moment she said she’d met Cooper in Bamiyan at the time of the attack. He’d have done the sums. Was that why he looked out for her, made her life as easy as possible? Because of his friend?
The sooner they got to Harry’s Place the sooner she could tell Cooper the little there was to say and then she could get away from his brooding presence. At least he hadn’t erupted when she’d said the baby was his. He’d come close at one point but had managed to haul the brakes on his temper. Told her something about the man, didn’t it? Controlled under fire. But of course she’d seen that before, knew how he reacted when being attacked.
‘I don’t suppose this rust bucket runs to air-conditioning?’ Cooper looked decidedly uncomfortable as he tried to move his large body in the not-so-large car.
‘See that handle? It’s for the window.’
His sigh was filled with frustration, and probably had nothing to do with their mode of transport. ‘I figured.’
Then use it. ‘The tyres are near new, and the motor hums. It’s all I need.’ It wasn’t as though she took it on trips out into the desert or across state.
His head tipped back against the skewed head rest. He seemed to be drawing a deep, calming breath. ‘Whatever possessed you to buy it in the first place? There must’ve been better vehicles available in town,’ he snapped. The deep breathing was apparently a fail.
She ignored the temper and its cause. Plenty of time to talk about their baby once they got to Harry’s Place. ‘It’s a hand-me-down that goes from medical officer to medical officer.’ When his eyebrows rose she explained, liking the safer subject. ‘A couple of years back some guy bought it and when he was shipped out he handed it to the incoming medic, said he wouldn’t get much for it if he sold it and as most medics are never here for long it might as well become a fixture.’
For a moment Cooper was quiet and she hoped that was the end of any conversation. Silence was better than questions she found herself looking for barbs in.
But no. That was wishful thinking. ‘How long have you got to run on your contract with the army?’
‘Ten weeks, but I’m only going to be on call for those weeks. I don’t expect to be called up. What about you?’
‘I’m done. For this contract anyway.’
‘You’re going to sign up again?’ She didn’t know how she felt about that. It wasn’t as though they would want to spend time together, yet he was the father of her baby. Despite her own reservations about Cooper, her daughter deserved to know her dad, to spend time with him. It would never be her fault her parents weren’t together, and therefore she shouldn’t suffer the consequences.
The irony had her pressing her lips together. She’d grown up having it rammed down her throat with monotonous regularity that she was the only reason her parents had married. Mum had been pregnant so they’d done the right thing and tied the knot. Unfortunately they hadn’t liked each other and the numerous arguments had been monumental, always ending with the blame landing firmly at Sophie’s feet. They’d certainly put her off getting hitched. Why bother when she was happy and free? Becoming trapped and miserable would be a rerun of her childhood. So—no tying the knot in her future. Unless she found a man she loved unconditionally and who returned the sentiment. As she hadn’t been looking, she didn’t know if such a beast existed.
‘I think I’m over the military.’ Cooper stared ahead as he answered her question.
‘What next, then?’
‘Hospital contract.’
‘Where?’ she persisted.
So he wasn’t just visiting, he was stopping. Guess she should be glad they’d be in the same city. Shouldn’t she? That depended on lots of things. ‘That’s where you come from?’ When he nodded abruptly she commented, ‘You’re not happy with my questions.’ It was like pulling teeth.
‘Not particularly.’
Fair enough. ‘But I know next to nothing about you.’
‘That’s how I like it,’ he snapped.
With all his relationships? Or just the one involving her that he’d have to adjust to? Could be he thought she was working out how much she could ask for child support. She contemplated letting him stew for a while, then realised how bitchy that was. Not so long ago he’d been sucker-punched with most men’s worst nightmare. Her memories of the day she’d learned about the baby were still sharp, and that had been months ago. Shock followed by excitement, followed by fear. Those emotions still rocked her some days. ‘For what it’s worth, I have no intention of demanding money from you to raise my daughter.’
‘Our daughter.’
Kapow! So he’d accepted the fact he was a father. Or had he? Was this just a hiccup as he processed everything? Her head spun. It seemed too easy. Far too easy to be true. What was the catch? When no answers came to mind she focused on driving safely and getting to Harry’s Place in one piece.
Wonder of wonders, there was a parking space right outside the main entrance. With her usual efficiency—baby brain on hold for once—she backed into it and turned off the engine.
Our daughter.
The knob came off the handle as she wound hard to close her window. ‘Stupid car. Something’s always falling off.’ Opening the door to allow some air flow through, she couldn’t stop her mind running away on her.
My baby. Our baby.
A knot formed in her gut, dread cramping her muscles. ‘I don’t expect anything of you.’
‘I’m starting to get the picture. Why didn’t you contact me about this? Apart from wanting nothing of me, wasn’t I entitled to know?’ His hand waved between them, sort of in the direction of her extended belly. As though he was struggling with the whole concept after all. Which made more sense and was a lot closer to the reaction she’d expected.
The heat was building up rapidly and making her feel very light-headed. Shoving out of the car, she slammed the door, leant against it until her balance returned. Stepping onto the pavement, she told him, ‘It’s not like we knew each other.’ It was hard not to yell at him, to ram her words in his face.
‘Which gave you the right to decide I shouldn’t have anything to do with my child?’ The pewter of his eyes was now cold steel. His mouth had become a flat line that dragged his face down, making her realise it was the first time she’d seen him without a hint of a smile softening his expression. No, that wasn’t right. He’d looked stunned and shocked when he’d first seen her in the medical unit. No smile then either.
‘I always intended telling you after the birth.’ Her cheeks were getting hotter by the second, and not from the heat slamming up from the pavement.
‘Why not before?’ He stepped up beside her, dwarfing her with his size as he glared down at her.
‘It’s personal. Private.’ She so did not want Cooper hanging around for midwife appointments and examinations. No, thank you.
‘That’s it? Personal? Private?’ When she continued to watch him, he snapped, ‘It took two to tango in the first place. You can’t just kick me into touch and then haul me back as it suits you.’
She gasped. She wasn’t doing that. ‘It’s not like that. I wanted this time to myself to get used to the fact my life’s changed irrevocably.’ She couldn’t tell him that every time she’d thought of emailing him vivid memories of being piggy in the middle of her parents’ disastrous marriage rolled in, and had her shutting down her good intentions. She’d been afraid to include Cooper in case her daughter had to grow up with the same pressures. Bad enough she knew next to nothing about good parenting, let alone adding Cooper to the mix. Tossing the hand grenade back at him, she asked, ‘What could you have done these past months?’
‘Supported you.’
How? Money? Marriage? They were in the army, unable to move to be with someone even if they wanted to. She shuddered. ‘I don’t need that from you.’ Her friends would be there for her if—when—she asked. Her head spun. Happened a lot lately. The sun pounded her from above. Then the ground was rushing up to meet her.
‘Hey, easy.’ Strong arms wrapped around her, held her safe. Too safe. She liked these arms, remembered them holding her as they’d...made a baby.
Sophie struggled to free herself of Cooper. This was another reason she hadn’t wanted him on the scene throughout her pregnancy. There’d been days when she’d gone into panic mode, wondering what on earth she was doing, going through with the pregnancy. But it wasn’t like there’d been any alternative. She’d never have an abortion. But the thought of raising a child was frightening. On those bad days she’d been vulnerable, and if Cooper had been around she might’ve clung to him, relative stranger or not. There was something about him that could easily undermine her resolve to go it alone and that was dangerous—for the three of them.
Cooper kept his hand on her waist, and began walking her inside. ‘Let’s get out of this sun. It’s debilitating.’
‘It sure is.’
So are the spikes of heat in my blood brought on by your touch.
Her knees felt as firm as a piece of string, and her breathing was shallow.
Sex in hard boots.
Kelly’s words from that fateful day ricocheted around her skull. There’d been an instant attraction back then, one she’d fully intended ignoring. Seemed bombs could blow up more than the earth and buildings and people. All thoughts of staying clear of Cooper had gone AWOL when she’d leapt into his arms behind the accommodation block. Now he was with her, doing the same job to her internally as the sun was doing externally. Pregnancy had made her emotional, and this was just another example. Less than seven weeks to go and then she’d again be in charge of her hormones and everything they upset. Fingers crossed.
First there was a conversation to be had. How could she have got pregnant to a man she’d known a few hours and never seen again? A man she knew zilch about—being a sexy hunk didn’t count. Except that’s what had got her into this situation in the first place.
‘Are you looking forward to becoming a mum?’ Cooper asked as he sat down opposite her at a small table inside, after ordering their drinks and some sandwiches.
Sophie nodded slowly. ‘I am now.’ When she’d first seen the blue line on the stick she’d gone into denial. Being a mother had not been on her to-do list. That had ideas on it like climbing the Sydney Harbour Bridge, hiking in Greece, going to Iceland to see the Northern Lights. This...her hand touched her belly...was something she’d thought she’d consider later if and when she found the right man. Or if her biological clock switched on.
‘But not in the beginning.’ Cooper was studying her too intently for comfort. Looking for what? A history of madness or irresponsibility?
‘I’ve never been inclined to settle down.’ Too many things to see and do in this world to want to disappear behind a picket fence. Except that theory had slapped her across the face recently. Avoiding life was no longer an option. But Cooper wasn’t going to take advantage of these uncertainties. ‘Now I’m ready.’ Despite the panic that occasionally overwhelmed her, she could say, Bring it on. She couldn’t wait to meet her daughter.
Their daughter.
Eek, but this was awkward.
Thankfully her phone rang just then. Ignoring Cooper’s scowl of disapproval, she answered. ‘Yes, Corporal?’
‘Captain, can you come back? One of the Unimogs went off a bank during the exercise and they’re bringing the men in to be checked over.’
Instantly Sophie was on her feet. ‘Any reports of serious casualties?’
At her question Cooper also stood up. ‘I’m available if needed,’ he said quietly.
‘So far only two probable fractures have been reported, but we’re to see all the personnel who were on board,’ the corporal informed her. ‘ETA is thirteen hundred hours.’
Less than an hour away. She had to head back and make ready for the soldiers. It was a lucky escape from the conversation she wasn’t ready for. ‘I’m on my way.’ Sliding her phone into a pocket, she turned to Cooper. ‘A Unimog tipped off a bank. So far we’ve got a couple of likely fractures. The rest of the crew is to be given the once-over. I’ve got the staff to cover it.’
‘In other words, you don’t need me.’ Was that disappointment behind his question?
‘I’d have thought after a long-haul flight you wouldn’t want to work.’
‘You were expecting me, weren’t you?’
‘Yes.’ She turned to the guy behind the counter. ‘Can you put my sandwich in a bag? I’ve got to go.’
‘No problem, Sophie. How’s that baby doing?’
‘Like a gymnast training for the Olympics.’ She grinned, then saw Cooper scowling again. Didn’t he like her being friendly to the locals? Tough, he was out of luck. She did friendly. Plus guys like the one behind the counter had been a part of her life for the last few months. Cooper hadn’t.
The baby kicked hard.
She sucked in a breath. Her hand automatically went to the spot and rubbed gently. It was as though the baby knew her dad was here and needed to remind Sophie he’d been a part of her life ever since Bamiyan.
Cooper was staring at her hand, his throat working hard. Awe filled his eyes and softened his mouth.
‘You want to feel the movement?’ she asked before she had put her brain in gear.
Relief speared her, quickly followed by disappointment. Of course he didn’t, stupid. ‘Fine.’ She turned away.
‘Sophie? I’m still getting my head around all this.’
‘Sure. I understand.’
I think.
She probably wasn’t being fair. The guy would be tired from that flight squashed in the back of the transport plane with a load of other men. Throw in the shock of learning about the baby and he was allowed time to accept everything, wasn’t he? ‘Just trying to involve you a little bit.’ She turned for the exit.
‘Um, can I touch? Feel her?’ The new look in his eyes held hope and excitement, and stopped short her sudden need to step away from him and run.
As if running was an option with a barrel sticking out from her stomach. ‘Here.’ On an indrawn breath she reached for his hand and placed it where her baby was kicking. She ignored the spike of warmth that stole up her arm from where she touched him, and the sense of rightness having his hand on her belly gave her. Because it wasn’t right. Never would be. They didn’t belong together and this was a very intimate moment. Even if they were standing in a café full of strangers.
When ignoring Cooper proved impossible she gave in and leaned closer, breathed in his scent. Hot male with a hint of musk. Her tongue lapped her lips. This was crazy. They’d spent less time together than most people had with their dentist and yet now they were having a child and her hormones were in a spin every time he came within breathing distance.
‘Wow...’ Awe drew out that single word and filled his eyes so that they glittered with amazement.
The warning flashed into Sophie’s brain.
He’s not going to walk away and leave you to get on with having your baby. He’s hooked. Whether he knows it or not.
Pushing at his hand, she stepped backwards. ‘I need to get back to base.’
‘I’m coming with you.’ Cooper’s tone told her not to argue. He changed his moods rapidly and often. Something to remember. Now all that amazement had gone; filed away, no doubt for him to take out at his leisure.
Which worried her. Yes, he was the father. Yes, she wanted him to be a part of their daughter’s life. No, he was not welcome at the birth, or any midwife sessions beforehand. He was most definitely not going to take part in deciding where she’d live, or how many hours a week she’d work, or how to bring up her daughter. Those were her decisions to make.
But there was no avoiding the fact they were inextricably tied together for the rest of their lives.
‘Can’t you find something to entertain yourself in town for the rest of the afternoon?’ she asked, even knowing his answer. Being crammed into the car together again made her throat dry and her head spin. Cooper frightened her. Simply by demanding his rights he could destroy her independence, which was her safe haven.
‘I’m coming with you, Sophie.’ He already had her door open and was waiting patiently for her to clamber in, an activity no longer done with ease now that she had an enormous stomach to squeeze behind the steering wheel. ‘Maybe I should drive,’ he said as he watched her awkward movements.
‘No way,’ she shouted, and grabbed the door to slam it shut. It was so tempting to throw the car into gear and race away, leaving him on the roadside. Childish, yes. Would it relieve some of the tension tightening her muscles? Absolutely.
Cooper must’ve seen something in her expression because he was around the car and sliding into the passenger seat even before the key was in the ignition. Worse, he grinned at her. ‘Didn’t know you had a temper.’
Which cranked her temper higher. ‘There’s a lot you don’t know, Captain, and I intend keeping it that way.’ The car jerked onto the road as she touched the accelerator.
A hand covered her thigh, squeezed lightly. ‘Easy, Sophie. Let’s take this one step at a time. First being to get back to base in one piece.’
Boy. Did he know how to wind her up or what? Her first reaction was to slam on the brakes and kick him out. Literally. Her second was to slam on the brakes and ask nicely if he’d mind getting out. Finally she wound down her window for much-needed air and drove carefully, and silently, back to work. But her teeth were clenched, and her jaw ached by the time she got there.
Why had she had sex with this man in the first place?
Sex in hard boots.
CHAPTER THREE (#ulink_a4e30577-8264-51e3-bbea-1fa7bcc7ad88)
COOPER COULDN’T CONCENTRATE. On anything. Sophie. Baby. Both had stomped through his mind, destroying his renowned ease with most things.
She’d relented and made him part of the team to examine the men from the Unimog. He’d managed to be thorough and professional, but he was glad he’d been assigned the cases where the men said they were okay except for bruising. A matter of verification before signing them off that even he could manage while dealing with the bewilderment swamping him since Sophie’s announcement about the baby.
‘Get dressed, soldier,’ Cooper told the musclebound specimen standing before him. ‘You’re in good shape.’
‘Yes, Sir.’ The guy might’ve answered him but his focus was on the woman on the other side of the room.
Sophie was busy, reading an X-ray plate of one of the less fortunate men’s ribs and talking on the phone. She hung up. ‘Three fractures on your right side, Corporal. With those, along with the torn ligaments in the same site, you’re going to be very sore.’
Downplaying the pain earned her a grin. ‘Yes, Ma’am.’ He could’ve had his arm sawn off and he’d be happy as long as Sophie was dealing to him. It was no secret the soldiers adored her. Each and every one of them had eyes for no one else, even those in pain.
Cooper sighed. They weren’t on their own. He struggled to keep his eyes away from her. She was gorgeous. Not only physically but in her style, her kindness to everyone without being overpowering, her quietness. The first time they’d been together he hadn’t noticed any of these characteristics. There’d been too much going on with bombs and bullets and sex.
‘Are you finished with patients, Captain Daniels?’ Sophie had crossed the room to stand in front of him.
‘The last soldier has gone. A few bruises to grizzle about is his lot.’
‘Thank goodness we didn’t get anything too serious, broken bones notwithstanding.’ She was doing that belly-rubbing thing again.
‘Are you aware how often you do that?’ he asked thoughtlessly, and got a shy smile in return.
‘Probably not. It’s almost a habit.’
A cute, caring habit. ‘I admit feeling the baby kick against my hand was...’ A life-changing moment. Another one. The second in a matter of hours. Seemed anything to do with Sophie Ingram happened fast. Like that night in Bamiyan. Though that had made some kind of sense, given the attack and how they’d had to fight their own fears in order to help others so the moment they’d relaxed all hell had broken loose between them.
But the moment he’d seen Sophie today his world had tipped sideways. That was before he’d noticed her pregnancy. Everything he believed in as far as women and relationships went had been suspended while he’d struggled to get his head around the fact he was responsible for that bump Sophie carried so beautifully, if not a little awkwardly at times.
When she’d placed his hand on her belly and he’d felt his daughter kick, he’d known the baby was real and not just an idea to grapple with. Scary. What he hadn’t counted on was the awe that had gripped him and the instant connection with the baby—and therefore with Sophie.
Forget scary. Try terrifying.
What was he going to do? Walk away? Man up? Find a middle line that worked for both of them? The three of them, growled a pesky voice in his head, reminding him he hadn’t really got the hang of all this yet. He wouldn’t be walking away. That much he did know. He wanted to. No point denying that. But he wouldn’t.
‘Captain Daniels?’ A corporal stood beside Sophie. ‘Lieutenant Colonel Shuker requests your presence.’
‘Thank you, Corporal. Can you tell me where I’ll find him?’ Yay, someone to talk to who had nothing to do with his dilemma.
But as he followed the soldier across the parade ground his elation deflated quicker than it had risen. Alistair Shuker, aka ‘List’ to his mates, was going to ask him what his plans were for the future. He was going to wave that Australian Army contract under his nose and tease him with money and a soft posting.
‘Coop, good to see you, man.’ List punched him lightly on the shoulder. ‘How was the flight?’
‘Rough, hot and boring.’ Cooper returned the punch and studied his friend. They’d been together on some hairy forays in joint exercises with their respective armies. List was a man a guy could rely on to get them out of a tight spot. He was also the only man who knew him well. They’d done a lot of talking in the deep of the night while waiting for situations to go down in Afghanistan. Too much. There was nothing List didn’t know about him, and vice versa. Except that was wrong. There was one snippet of information List had no idea about. One Cooper wasn’t about to share.
‘That why you disappeared off base with our lovely doctor? Needed a cold drink? Or great company?’ List was watching him so closely he had to be able to count his whiskers even though he’d shaved that morning.
Uh-oh. Did he know about the baby after all? As in who the father was? Had known before him? Cooper shivered. He didn’t like the idea. Not one little bit. The baby had nothing to do with anyone else except him and Sophie. ‘You’re friends with Sophie?’ And that idea made him squirm with something alien—jealousy. A nasty reaction he was ashamed to admit and yet found hard to squash. Why be jealous when he had no intention of settling down with any woman? Not even an auburn-haired, svelte beauty, who right now probably needed someone in her life to support her.
‘Everyone’s friends with Sophie. People adore her. No one wants to see her hurt.’ The warning couldn’t be louder—or clearer.
All the emotions of the day balled into anger and he took it out on List. ‘Don’t threaten me, mate. Whatever’s going on in that head of yours is way off the mark, so shut up. If you haven’t got anything better to say then I’m heading over to the mess where hopefully I’ll get some peace and quiet.’ And the very cold beer he’d missed out on at Harry’s Place due to Sophie being called back. His blood was boiling as he spun around to head for the door.
‘Coop, stop right there.’ List wasn’t quite pulling rank. The words were those of a commanding officer but the tone was that of a friend. Being a New Zealand officer didn’t quite let Cooper walk away in a huff from an Australian counterpart.
As much as Cooper wanted to storm off, he knew his reaction wasn’t only about his friend but a combination of everything that’d gone down since landing in Darwin. Stopping his retreat, he slowly turned round. ‘You wanted to talk about me signing up with your lot?’
Keep off the taboo topic, mate.
He was subjected to a long and deep perusal before List finally shrugged and sat down. ‘Yes.’ He nodded at the vacant chair on the other side of his desk. ‘You thought about it?’
Cooper elected to remain standing, still on edge. ‘A lot.’
‘I admit to not knowing what I want to do. I’m sort over soldiering, and yet going back to Civvy Street seems too tame.’ Restless didn’t begin to describe him. There had to be a lot more out there waiting for him, but what? Something was missing in his life. That much he got. What, how, where and why were yet to be answered. A challenge of some sort might fix whatever it was that ailed him.
A baby had to be up there as one of the biggest challenges possible.
List leaned back in his chair and placed his feet on the desk. ‘Sit down, man. It’s me you’re talking to.’
‘Yeah, I know.’ All too well. As quickly as it had risen, all the tension grabbing him evaporated. This was his best pal, the guy who knew far too much about him for him to be getting antsy. Cooper dropped onto the chair and propped his feet on the opposite end of the desk, rank forgotten for now. ‘So how’s life treating you?’
‘Can’t complain.’ List grinned. ‘Back on the mainland where it’s relatively safe, lots of women hanging around, my folks just down the road.’
‘I forgot you came from these parts.’
‘Born and bred Northern Territory guy. Mum and dad still live in the house I grew up in.’
‘I can’t begin to imagine what that’s like.’ Cooper again felt a spurt of jealousy. What was wrong with him today? Never before had he thought other people, especially his pal, were better off than him. While his father was constantly on the move with work and women, never settling down with anyone for more than a year at most, Cooper felt he didn’t have a home as such, but he’d got used to that. Dad always had his back and that meant a lot. He accepted that’s how it was for him and that he was happier doing the same as his father than trying to be someone else. Stopping in one place with one woman for the rest of his life? He shivered. Not something he knew much about, and would probably screw up if he even tried.
Sophie sneaked into his head. Rubbing his palm where he’d felt the baby kick, he remembered the wonder that’d filled him at the thought his baby was in there. Not just a baby—his baby. What was he going to do now?
‘You should try settling down some place,’ List commented dryly. ‘You never know. You might like owning a home, not a house. Having a family to come back to at the end of the day or a tour of duty.’
His house was just fine, thanks very much. ‘Says the man who plays the field even harder than I do.’ He’d ignore the barb List had delivered.
Or so he thought. ‘Sure I do, but I’m looking, man. I want the wife and kids, the whole nine yards of snotty noses and nappies. The football in the back yard. The romantic nights under the stars when the kids are asleep in bed.’
Cooper rubbed his hands over his head. ‘Thought I knew you. When did you get so staid?’
His pal laughed. ‘When the plane landed here six months ago. I climbed down onto home turf and knew I was ready to settle down. I’ve had enough running around with the boys and not having anyone special to come home to after a particularly messy tour.’
‘You’re going to quit the army? And you’re aiming to convince me to join up with your lot?’
‘Don’t put words in my mouth. I’m merely trying to get you to think things through clearly, make the right decisions with all the facts.’
There was that nudge again. This time like a bulldozer. List did know something about him and Sophie. He’d swear it. But he wasn’t going to ask. A barrage of questions would follow. Questions he had yet to work out the answers to. ‘Is there any other way?’ he asked acerbically. Then shrugged. ‘Up for a beer when you’re done here?’ Thinking could be highly overrated and right now he’d had more than his share of it. ‘I could do with a distraction—and something cold and wet.’
And I do not want any innuendo about Sophie.
‘Let’s go. I’m not even meant to be here today, only came on so as I could give you a hard time.’
‘Got my uses, then.’ Cooper followed his mate out into the glaring sun, looking forward to catching up properly with him.

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