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Mary Poppins Comes Back
Mary Poppins Comes Back
Mary Poppins Comes Back
P. L. Travers
Discover the joy and wonder of Mary Poppins in the classic adventures!The original and classic stories available now in all-new luxurious livery in time for the release of the 2018 movie.Just when Jane and Michael Banks thought she was gone forever, Mary Poppins floats back into their lives on the end of a kite string, bringing a whole host of wonderful adventures with her.More than eighty years since we first met Mary Poppins, this original, classic story is still charming readers and transporting new fans into the mysterious world of everyone’s favourite magical nanny.Enjoy the second book in the iconic series.

Copyright (#ulink_0d71bf1e-5995-5910-890e-885e65c4fa07)
First published in Great Britain by Peter Davies 1935
First published by William Collins Sons & Co Ltd. 1958
This edition published by HarperCollins Children’s Books 2016 HarperCollins Children’s Books is a division of HarperCollinsPublishers Ltd, 1 London Bridge Street, London SE1 9GF
The HarperCollins Children’s Books website address is www.harpercollins.co.uk (http://www.harpercollins.co.uk)
Text copyright © The Trustees of the P.L. Travers Will Trust 1935
Illustrations copyright © Mary Shepard 1935
Cover design copyright © HarperCollins Children’s Books 2018 Cover design by Katie Everson
P.L. Travers and Mary Shepard assert the moral right
to be identified as the author and illustrator of this work.
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.
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Source ISBN: 9780008205751
Ebook Edition © 2016 ISBN: 9780007397792
Version: 2018-06-28
To PIP This Keepsake
Cover (#uab8ea09b-7869-5ace-9954-6f4e8f0d0eec)
Title Page (#u4b24f8b0-a2f2-5ab0-a02e-f7488775f3a2)
Copyright (#u24b8b3a5-a9c3-561a-afdf-bf158ed7507d)
Dedication (#u4fa5b125-f55c-5818-bf78-2988354e06b2)
Chapter One – The Kite (#u9bcce391-1082-5642-bd8a-02a4ceddfb2c)
Chapter Two – Miss Andrew’s Lark (#u57676431-6639-5c70-886f-172819ed6c1d)
Chapter Three – Bad Wednesday (#u258a7a29-3837-57e6-819b-9c5667471302)
Chapter Four – Topsy Turvy (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Five – The New One (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Six – Robertson Ay’s Story (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Seven – The Evening Out (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Eight – Balloons and Balloons (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Nine – Nellie-Rubina (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Ten – Merry-go-round (#litres_trial_promo)
Keep Reading … (#litres_trial_promo)
Have you read all the original Mary Poppins adventures? (#litres_trial_promo)
About the Publisher (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter One (#ulink_0ef12e1c-c6a7-5b21-bb5b-ee28b226e3d1)
THE KITE (#ulink_0ef12e1c-c6a7-5b21-bb5b-ee28b226e3d1)
IT WAS ONE of those mornings when everything looks very neat and bright and shiny, as though the world had been tidied up overnight.
In Cherry Tree Lane the houses blinked as their blinds went up, and the thin shadows of the Cherry Trees fell in dark stripes across the sunlight. But there was no sound anywhere, except for the tingling of the Ice Cream Man’s bell as he wheeled his cart up and down.

said the placard in front of the cart. And presently a Sweep came round the corner of the Lane and held up his black, sweepy hand.
The Ice Cream Man went tingling up to him.
“Penny one,” said the Sweep. And he stood leaning on his bundle of brushes as he licked out the Ice Cream with the tip of his tongue. When it was all gone, he gently wrapped the cone in his handkerchief and put it in his pocket.
“Don’t you eat cones?” asked the Ice Cream Man, very surprised.
“No. I collect them!” said the Sweep. And he picked up his brushes and went in through Admiral Boom’s front gate, because there was no Tradesman’s Entrance.
The Ice Cream Man wheeled his cart up the Lane again and tingled, and the stripes of shadow and sunlight fell on him as he went.
“Never knew it so quiet before!” he murmured, gazing from right to left, and looking out for customers.
At that very moment, a loud voice sounded from Number Seventeen. The Ice Cream Man cycled hurriedly up to the gate, hoping for an order.
“I won’t stand it! I simply will not stand any more!” shouted Mr Banks, striding angrily from the front door to the foot of the stairs and back again.
“What is it?” said Mrs Banks anxiously, hurrying out of the Dining-room. “And what is that you are kicking up and down the hall?”
Mr Banks lunged out with his foot and something black flew halfway up the stairs.
“My hat!” he said between his teeth. “My Best Bowler Hat!”
He ran up the stairs and kicked it down again. It spun for a moment on the tiles and fell at Mrs Banks’ feet.
“Is there anything wrong with it?” said Mrs Banks nervously. But to herself she wondered whether there was not something wrong with Mr Banks.
“Look and see!” he roared at her.
Trembling, Mrs Banks stooped and picked up the hat. It was covered with large, shiny, sticky patches, and she noticed it had a peculiar smell.
She sniffed at the brim.
“It smells like boot-polish,” she said.
“It is boot-polish,” retorted Mr Banks. “Robertson Ay has brushed my hat with the boot-brush – in fact, he has polished it.”
Mrs Banks’ mouth fell with horror.
“I don’t know what’s come over this house!” Mr Banks went on. “Nothing ever goes right – hasn’t for ages! Shaving-Water too hot, Breakfast Coffee too cold. And now – this!”
He snatched his hat from Mrs Banks and caught up his bag.
“I am going!” he said. “And I don’t know that I shall ever come back. I shall probably take a long sea-voyage.”
Then he clapped the hat on his head, banged the front door behind him and went through the gate so quickly that he knocked over the Ice Cream Man, who had been listening to the conversation with interest.
“It’s your own fault!” said Mr Banks crossly. “You’d no right to be there!” And he went striding off towards the City, his polished hat shining like a jewel in the sun.
The Ice Cream Man got up carefully, and, finding there were no bones broken, he sat down on the kerb and made it up to himself by eating a large Ice Cream …
“Oh, dear!” said Mrs Banks as she heard the gate slam. “It is quite true. Nothing does go right nowadays. First one thing and then another. Ever since Mary Poppins left without a Word of Warning everything has gone wrong.”
She sat down at the foot of the stairs, and took out her handkerchief and cried into it.
And, as she cried, she thought of all that had happened since that day when Mary Poppins had so suddenly and so strangely disappeared.
“Here one night and gone the next – most upsetting!” said Mrs Banks, gulping.
Nurse Green had arrived soon after and had left at the end of the week because Michael had spat at her. She was followed by Nurse Brown, who went out for a walk one day and never came back. And it was not until later that they discovered that all the silver spoons had gone with her.
And after Nurse Brown came Miss Quigley, the Governess, who had to be asked to leave because she played scales for three hours every morning before breakfast, and Mr Banks did not care for music.
“And then,” sobbed Mrs Banks to her handkerchief, “there was Jane’s attack of measles, and the bathroom geyser bursting, and the Cherry Trees ruined by frost and …”
“If you please, m’m!” Mrs Banks looked up to find Mrs Brill, the cook, at her side.
“The kitchen flue’s on fire!” said Mrs Brill gloomily.
“Oh, dear. What next?” cried Mrs Banks. “You must tell Robertson Ay to put it out. Where is he?”
“Asleep, ma’am, in the broom cupboard. And when that boy’s asleep, nothing’ll wake him – not if it’s an Earthquake or a regiment of Tom-toms!” said Mrs Brill, as she followed Mrs Banks down the kitchen stairs.
Between them they managed to put out the fire, but that was not the end of Mrs Banks’ troubles.
She had no sooner finished Luncheon than a crash, followed by a loud thud, was heard from upstairs.
“What is it now?” Mrs Banks rushed out to see what had happened.
“Oh, my leg, my leg!” cried Ellen, the housemaid.
She sat on the stairs, surrounded by a ring of broken china, groaning loudly.
“What is the matter with it?” said Mrs Banks sharply.
“Broken!” said Ellen dismally, leaning against the banisters.
“Nonsense, Ellen! You’ve sprained your ankle, that’s all!”
But Ellen only groaned again.
“My leg is broken! What shall I do?” she wailed, over and over again.
At that moment the shrill cries of the Twins sounded from the Nursery. They were fighting for the possession of a blue celluloid Duck. Their screams rose thinly above the voices of Jane and Michael, who were painting pictures on the wall and arguing as to whether a green horse should have a purple or a red tail. And through this uproar there sounded, like the steady beat of a drum, the groans of Ellen, the housemaid. “My leg is broken! What shall I do?”
“This,” said Mrs Banks, rushing upstairs, “is the Last Straw!”
She helped Ellen to bed, and put a cold water bandage round her ankle. Then she went up to the Nursery.
Jane and Michael rushed at her.
“It should have a red tail, shouldn’t it?” demanded Michael.
“Oh, Mother, don’t let him be so stupid! No horse has a red tail, has it?”
“Well, what horse has a purple tail? Tell me that!” he screamed.
“My Duck!” shrieked John, snatching the Duck from Barbara.
“Mine, mine, mine!” cried Barbara, snatching it back again.
“Children! Children!” Mrs Banks was wringing her hands in despair. “Be quiet or I shall Go Mad!”
There was silence for a moment as they stared at her with interest. Would she really, they wondered? And what would she be like, if she did?
“Now,” said Mrs Banks, “I will not have this behaviour. Poor Ellen has hurt her ankle, so there is nobody to look after you. You must all go into the Park and play there till Tea-time. Jane and Michael, you must look after the little ones. John, let Barbara have the Duck now and you can have it when you go to bed. Michael, you may take your new Kite. Now, get your hats, all of you!”
“But I want to finish my horse—” began Michael crossly.
“Why must we go to the Park?” complained Jane. “There’s nothing to do there!”
“Because,” said Mrs Banks, “I must have peace. And if you will go quietly and be good children there will be Coconut Cakes for tea.”
And before they had time to break out again, she had put on their hats and was hurrying them down the stairs.
“Look both ways!” she called as they went through the gate, Jane pushing the Twins in the perambulator and Michael carrying his Kite.
They looked to the right. There was nothing coming.
They looked to the left. There was nobody there but the Ice Cream Man, who was jingling his bell at the end of the Lane.
Jane hurried across. Michael trailed after her.
“I hate this life!” he said miserably to his Kite. “Everything always goes wrong always.”
Jane pushed the perambulator as far as the Lake.
“Now,” she said, “give me the Duck!”
The Twins shrieked and clutched it at either end. Jane uncurled their fingers.
“Look!” she said, throwing the Duck into the Lake. “Look, darlings, it’s going to India!”
The Duck drifted off across the water. The Twins stared at it and sobbed.
Jane ran round the Lake and caught it and sent it off again.
“Now,” she said brightly, “it’s off to Southampton!”
The Twins did not appear to be amused.
“Now to New York!” They wept harder than ever.
Jane flung out her hands. “Michael, what are we to do with them? If we give the Duck to them they’ll fight over it, and if we don’t they’ll go on crying.”
“I’ll fly the Kite for them,” said Michael. “Look, children, look!”
He held up the beautiful green-and-yellow Kite and began to unwind the string. The Twins eyed it tearfully and without interest. He lifted the Kite above his head and ran a little way. It flapped along the air for a moment and then collapsed hollowly on the grass.
“Try again!” said Jane encouragingly.
“You hold it up while I run,” said Michael.
This time the Kite rose a little higher. But, as it floated, its long, tasselled tail caught in the branches of a Lime Tree and the Kite dangled limply among the leaves.
The Twins howled lustily.
“Oh, dear,” said Jane. “Nothing goes right nowadays.”
“Hullo, hullo, hullo! What’s all this?” said a voice behind them.
They turned and saw the Park Keeper, looking very smart in his uniform and peaked cap. He was prodding up stray pieces of paper with the sharp end of his walking-stick.
Jane pointed to the Lime Tree. The Keeper looked up. His face became very stern.
“Now, now, you’re breaking the rules! We don’t allow Litter here, you know – not on the ground nor in the trees neither. This won’t do at all!”
“It isn’t Litter. It’s a Kite,” said Michael.
A mild, soft, foolish look came over the Keeper’s face. He went up to the Lime Tree.
“A Kite? So it is. And I haven’t flown a Kite since I was a boy!” He sprang up into the tree and came down holding the Kite tenderly under his arm.
“Now,” he said excitedly, “we’ll wind her up and give her a run and away she’ll go!” He put out his hand for the winding-stick.
Michael clutched it firmly.
“Thank you, but I want to fly it myself.”
“Well, but you’ll let me help, won’t you?” said the Keeper humbly. “Seeing as I got it down and I haven’t flown a Kite since I was a boy.”
“All right,” said Michael, for he didn’t want to seem unkind.
“Oh, thank you, thank you!” cried the Keeper gratefully. “Now, I take the Kite and walk ten paces down the green. And when I say ‘Go!’ you run! See?”
The Keeper walked away, counting his steps out loud.
“Eight, nine, ten.”
He turned and raised the Kite above his head.
Michael began to run.
There was a tug at the string as the winding-stick turned in his hand.
“She’s afloat!” cried the Keeper.
Michael looked back. The Kite was sailing through the air, plunging steadily upwards. Higher and higher it dived, a tiny wisp of green-and-yellow bounding away into the blue. The Keeper’s eyes were popping.
“I never saw such a kite. Not even when I was a boy,” he murmured, staring upwards.
A light cloud came up over the sun and puffed across the sky.
“It’s coming towards the Kite,” said Jane in an excited whisper.
Up and up went the tossing tail, darting through the air until it seemed but a faint, dark speck on the sky. The cloud moved slowly towards it. Nearer, nearer …
“Gone!” said Michael, as the speck disappeared behind the thin grey screen.
Jane gave a little sigh. The Twins sat quietly in the perambulator. A curious stillness was upon them all. The taut string running up from Michael’s hand seemed to link them all to the cloud, and the earth to the sky. They waited, holding their breaths, for the Kite to appear again.
Suddenly Jane could bear it no longer.
“Michael,” she cried. “Pull it in! Pull it in!”
Michael turned the stick and gave a long, strong pull. The string remained taut and steady. He pulled again, puffing and panting.
“I can’t,” he said. “It won’t come.”
“I’ll help!” said Jane. “Now – pull!”
But, hard as they tugged, the string would not give, and the Kite remained hidden behind the cloud.
“Let me!” said the Keeper importantly. “When I was a boy we did it this way.”
And he put his hand on the string, just above Jane’s, and gave it a short, sharp jerk. It seemed to give a little.
“Now – all together – pull!”
The Keeper tossed off his hat, and planting their feet firmly on the grass, Jane and Michael pulled with all their might.
“It’s coming!” panted Michael.
Suddenly the string slackened, and a small whirling shape shot through the grey cloud and came floating down.
“Wind her up!” the Keeper spluttered, glancing at Michael.
But the string was already winding round the stick of its own accord.
Down, down came the Kite, turning over and over in the air, wildly dancing at the end of the jerking string.
Jane gave a little gasp.
“Something’s happened,” she cried. “That’s not our Kite! It’s quite a different one!”
They stared.
It was quite true. The Kite was no longer green-and-yellow. It had turned colour and was not navy-blue. Down it came, tossing and bounding.
Suddenly Michael gave a shout.
“Jane! Jane! It isn’t a Kite at all. It looks like – oh, it looks like—”
“Wind, Michael, wind quickly!” gasped Jane. “I can hardly wait!”
For now, above the tallest trees, the shape at the end of the string was clearly visible. There was no sign of the green-and-yellow Kite, but in its place danced a figure that seemed at once strange and familiar, a figure wearing a blue coat with silver buttons and a straw hat trimmed with daisies. Tucked under its arm was an umbrella with a parrot’s head for a handle, a brown carpet bag dangled from one hand, while the other held firmly to the end of the shortening string.
“Ah!” Jane gave a shout of triumph. “It is her!”
“I knew it!” cried Michael, his hands trembling on the winding-stick.
“Lumme!” said the Park Keeper, gaping and blinking. “Lumme!”
On sailed the curious figure, its feet neatly clearing the tops of the trees. They could see the face now, and the well-known features – coal-black hair, bright blue eyes, and nose turned upwards like the nose of a Dutch doll.
As the last length of string wound itself round the stick, the figure drifted down between the Lime Trees and alighted primly on the grass.
In a flash Michael dropped the stick. Away he bounded, with Jane at his heels.
“Mary Poppins, Mary Poppins!” they cried, and flung themselves upon her.
Behind them the Twins were crowing like cocks in the morning, and the Park Keeper was opening and shutting his mouth as though he would like to say something but could not find the words.
“At last! At last! At last!” shouted Michael wildly, clutching at her arm, her bag, her umbrella – anything so long as he might touch her and feel that she was really true.
“We knew you’d come back! We found the letter that said au revoir!” cried Jane, flinging her arms round the waist of the blue overcoat.
A satisfied smile flickered for a moment over Mary Poppins’ face – up from the mouth, over the turned-up nose, into the blue eyes. But it died away swiftly.
“I’ll thank you to remember,” she remarked, disengaging herself from their hands, “that this is a Public Park and not a Bear Garden. Such goings on! I might as well be at the Zoo. And where, may I ask, are your gloves?”
They fell back, fumbling in their pockets.
“Humph! Put them on, please!”
Trembling with excitement and delight, Jane and Michael stuffed their hands into their gloves and put on their hats.
Mary Poppins moved towards the perambulator. The Twins cooed happily as she strapped them in more securely and straightened the rug. Then she glanced round.
“Who put that Duck in the pond?” she demanded, in that stern, haughty voice they knew so well.
“I did,” said Jane. “For the Twins. He was going to New York.”
“Well, take him out, then!” said Mary Poppins. “He is not going to New York – wherever that is – but Home to Tea.”
And, slinging her carpet bag over the handle of the perambulator, she began to push the Twins towards the gate.
The Park Keeper, suddenly finding his voice, blocked her way.
“See here!” he said, staring. “I shall have to report this. It’s against the Regulations. Coming down out of the sky like that. And where from, I’d like to know, where from?”
He broke off, for Mary Poppins was eyeing him up and down in a way that made him feel he would rather be somewhere else.
“If I was a Park Keeper,” she remarked primly, “I should put on my cap and button my coat. Excuse me!”
And, haughtily waving him aside, she pushed past with the perambulator.
Blushing, the Keeper bent to pick up his hat. When he looked up again, Mary Poppins and the children had disappeared through the gate of Number Seventeen Cherry Tree Lane.
He stared at the path. Then he stared up at the sky and down at the path again.
He took off his hat, scratched his head, and put it on again.
“I never saw such a thing!” he said shakily. “Not even when I was a boy.”
And he went away muttering and looking very upset …
“Why, it’s Mary Poppins!” said Mrs Banks, as they came into the hall. “Where did you come from? Out of the blue?”
“Yes,” began Michael joyfully, “she came down on the end—”
He stopped short, for Mary Poppins had fixed him with one of her terrible looks.
“I found them in the Park, ma’am,” she said, turning to Mrs Banks, “so I brought them home!”
“Have you come to stay, then?”
“For the present, ma’am.”
“But, Mary Poppins, last time you were here you left without a Word of Warning. How do I know you won’t do it again?”
“You don’t, ma’am,” replied Mary Poppins calmly.
Mrs Banks looked rather taken aback.
“But – but will you, do you think?” she asked uncertainly.
“I couldn’t say, ma’am, I’m sure.”
“Oh!” said Mrs Banks, because, at the moment, she couldn’t think of anything else.
And before she had recovered from her surprise, Mary Poppins had taken her carpet bag and was hurrying the children upstairs.
Mrs Banks, gazing after them, heard the Nursery door shut quietly. Then, with a sigh of relief, she ran to the telephone.
“Mary Poppins has come back!” she said happily, into the receiver.
“Has she, indeed?” said Mr Banks at the other end. “Then perhaps I will too.”
And he rang off.
Upstairs Mary Poppins was taking off her overcoat. She hung it on a hook behind the Night-Nursery door. Then she removed her hat and placed it neatly on one of the bed-posts.
Jane and Michael watched the familiar movements. Everything about her was just as it had always been. They could hardly believe she had ever been away.
Mary Poppins bent down and opened the carpet bag.
It was quite empty except for a large Thermometer.
“What’s that for?” asked Jane curiously.
“You!” said Mary Poppins.
“But I’m not ill!” Jane protested. “It’s two months since I had measles.”
“Open!” said Mary Poppins, in a voice that made Jane shut her eyes very quickly and open her mouth. The Thermometer slipped in.
“I want to know how you’ve been behaving since I went away!” remarked Mary Poppins sternly. Then she took out the Thermometer and held it up to the light.
“Careless, Thoughtless and Untidy,” she read out.
Jane stared.
“I’m not surprised!” said Mary Poppins, and thrust the Thermometer into Michael’s mouth. He kept his lips tightly pressed upon it until she plucked it out and read:
“A very Noisy, Mischievous, Troublesome little Boy.”
“I’m not,” he said angrily.
For answer she thrust the Thermometer under his nose and he spelt out the large red letters.
“A-V-E-R-Y-N-O-I-S …”
“You see?” said Mary Poppins, looking at him triumphantly. She opened John’s mouth and popped in the Thermometer.
“Peevish and Excitable.” That was John’s temperature.
And, when Barbara’s was taken, Mary Poppins read out the two words, “Thoroughly Spoilt.”
“Humph!” she snorted. “It’s about time I came back!”
Then she popped it quickly in her own mouth, left it there for a moment, and took it out.
“A very Excellent and Worthy Person, Thoroughly Reliable in every Particular.”
A pleased and conceited smile lit up her face as she read her temperature aloud.
“I thought so,” she said priggishly. “Now – Tea and Bed!”
It seemed to them no more than a minute before they had drunk their milk and eaten their Coconut Cakes and were in and out of the bath. As usual, everything that Mary Poppins did had the speed of electricity. Hooks and eyes rushed apart, buttons darted eagerly out of their holes, sponge and soap ran up and down like lightning, and towels dried with one rub.
Mary Poppins walked along the row of beds tucking them all in. Her starched white apron crackled, and she smelt deliciously of newly-made toast.
When she came to Michael’s bed, she bent down and rummaged under it for a minute. Then she carefully drew out her camp bedstead with her possessions laid upon it in neat piles. The cake of Sunlight soap, the toothbrush, the packet of hairpins, the bottle of scent, the small folding armchair and the box of throat lozenges. Also the seven flannel nightgowns, the four cotton ones, the boots, the dominoes, the two bathing caps and the postcard album.
Jane and Michael sat up and stared.
“Where did they come from?” demanded Michael. “I’ve been under my bed simply hundreds of times and I know they weren’t there before.”
Mary Poppins did not reply. She had begun to undress.
Jane and Michael exchanged glances. They knew it was no good asking, because Mary Poppins never explained anything.
She slipped off her starched white collar and fumbled at the clip of a chain round her neck.
“What’s inside that?” enquired Michael, gazing at a small gold locket that hung on the end of the chain.
“A portrait.”
“You’ll know when the time comes – not before!” she snapped.
“When will the time come?”
“When I go!”
They stared at her with startled eyes.
“But, Mary Poppins,” cried Jane, “you won’t ever leave us again, will you? Oh, say you won’t!”
Mary Poppins glared at her.
“A nice life I’d have,” she remarked, “if I spent all my days with you!”
“But you will stay?” persisted Jane eagerly.
Mary Poppins tossed the locket up and down on her palm.
“I’ll stay till the chain breaks!” she said briefly.
And, popping a cotton nightgown over her head, she began to undress beneath it.
“That’s all right,” Michael whispered across to Jane. “I noticed the chain and it’s a very strong one.”
He nodded to her reassuringly. They curled up in their beds and lay watching Mary Poppins as she moved mysteriously beneath the tent of her nightgown. And they thought of her first arrival at Cherry Tree Lane and all the strange and astonishing things that had happened afterwards; of how she had flown away on her umbrella when the wind changed; of the long, weary days without her and of her marvellous descent from the sky this afternoon.
Suddenly Michael remembered something.
“My Kite!” he said, sitting up in bed. “I forgot all about it! Where’s my Kite?”
Mary Poppins’ head came up through the neck of her nightgown.
“Kite?” she said crossly. “Which Kite? What Kite?”
“My green-and-yellow Kite with the tassels. The one you came down on, at the end of the string.”
Mary Poppins stared at him. He could not tell if she was more astonished than angry, but she looked as if she was both.
And her voice when she spoke was worse than her look.
“Did I understand you to say that –” she repeated the words slowly, between her teeth – “that I came down from somewhere on the end of a string?”
“But you did!” faltered Michael. “Today. Out of a cloud. We saw you!”
“On the end of a string. Like a Monkey or a Spinning-Top? Me, Michael Banks?”
Mary Poppins, in her fury, seemed to have grown to twice her usual size. She hovered over him in her nightgown, huge and angry, waiting for him to reply.
He clutched the bed-clothes for support.
“Don’t say any more, Michael!” Jane whispered warningly across from her bed. But he had gone too far now to stop.
“Then – where’s my Kite—” he said recklessly. “If you didn’t come down – er, in the way I said – where’s my Kite? It’s not on the end of the string.”
“O-ho? And I am, I suppose?” she enquired with a scoffing laugh.
He saw then that it was no good going on. He could not explain. He would have to give it up.
“N-no,” he said, in a thin voice. “No, Mary Poppins.”
She turned and snapped out the electric light.
“Your manners,” she remarked tartly, “have not improved since I went away! On the end of a string, indeed! I have never been so insulted in my life. Never!”
And with a furious sweep of her arm, she turned down her bed and flounced into it, pulling the blankets right over her head.
Michael lay very quiet, still holding his bed-clothes tightly.
“She did, though, didn’t she? We saw her,” he whispered presently to Jane.
But Jane did not answer. Instead, she pointed towards the Night-Nursery door.
Michael lifted his head cautiously.
Behind the door, on a hook, hung Mary Poppins’ overcoat, its silver buttons gleaming in the glow of the nightlight. And, dangling from the pocket, were a row of paper tassels, the tassels of a green-and-yellow Kite.
They gazed at it for a long time.
Then they nodded across to each other. They knew there was nothing to be said, for there were things about Mary Poppins they would never understand. But – she was back again. That was all that mattered.
The even sound of her breathing came floating across from the camp bed. They felt peaceful and happy and complete.
“I don’t mind, Jane, if it has a purple tail,” hissed Michael presently.
“No, Michael!” said Jane. “I really think a red would be better.”
After that there was no sound in the Nursery but the sound of five people breathing very quietly …
“P-p! P-p!” went Mr Banks’ pipe.
“Click-click!” went Mrs Banks’ knitting-needles.
Mr Banks put his feet up on the study mantelpiece and snored a little.
After a while, Mrs Banks spoke.
“Do you still think of taking a long sea-voyage?” she asked.
“Er – I don’t think so. I am rather a bad sailor. And my hat’s all right now. I had the whole of it polished by the Shoe-Black at the corner and it looks as good as new. Even better. Besides, now that Mary Poppins is back, my Shaving-Water will be just the right temperature.”
Mrs Banks smiled to herself and went on knitting.
She felt very glad that Mr Banks was such a bad sailor and that Mary Poppins had come back …
Down in the Kitchen, Mrs Brill was putting a fresh bandage round Ellen’s ankle.
“I never thought much of her when she was here,” said Mrs Brill. “But I must say that this has been a different house since this afternoon. As quiet as a Sunday and as neat as Ninepence. I’m not sorry she’s back.”
“Neither am I, indeed!” said Ellen thankfully.
“And neither am I!” thought Robertson Ay, listening to the conversation through the wall of the broom cupboard. “Now I shall have a little peace!”
He settled himself comfortably on the upturned coal-scuttle and fell asleep again with his head against a broom.
But what Mary Poppins thought about it nobody ever knew, for she kept her thoughts to herself and never told anyone anything …

Chapter Two (#ulink_713866f9-8155-5afa-b833-2cd351a46400)
MISS ANDREW’S LARK (#ulink_713866f9-8155-5afa-b833-2cd351a46400)
IT WAS SATURDAY afternoon.
In the hall of Number Seventeen Cherry Tree Lane, Mr Banks was busy tapping the barometer and telling Mrs Banks what the weather was going to do.
“Moderate South wind; average temperature: local thunder; sea slight,” he said. “Further outlook unsettled. Hullo – what’s that?”
He broke off as a bumping, jumping, thumping noise sounded overhead.
Round the bend in the staircase Michael appeared, looking very bad-tempered and sulky as he bumped heavily down. Behind him, with a Twin on each arm, came Mary Poppins, pushing her knee into his back and sending him with a sharp thud from one stair to the next. Jane followed, carrying the hats.
“Well begun is half done. Down you go, please!” Mary Poppins was saying tartly.
Mr Banks turned from the barometer and looked up as they appeared.
“Well, what’s the matter with you?” he demanded.
“I don’t want to go for a walk! I want to play with my new engine!” said Michael, gulping as Mary Poppins’ knee jerked him one stair lower.
“Nonsense, darling!” said Mrs Banks. “Of course you do. Walking makes such long, strong legs.”
“But I like short legs best,” grumbled Michael, stumbling heavily down another stair.
“When I was a little boy,” said Mr Banks, “I loved going for walks. I used to walk with my Governess down to the second lamp-post and back every day. And I never grumbled.”
Michael stood still on his stair and looked doubtfully at Mr Banks.
“Were you ever a little boy?” he said, very surprised.
Mr Banks seemed quite hurt.
“Of course I was. A sweet little boy with long yellow curls and a lace collar and velvet breeches and button-up boots.”
“I can hardly believe it,” said Michael, hurrying down the stairs of his own accord and staring up at Mr Banks.
“What was the name of your Governess?” asked Jane, running downstairs after Michael. “And was she nice?”
“She was called Miss Andrew, and she was a Holy Terror!”
“Hush!” said Mrs Banks reproachfully.
“I mean –” Mr Banks corrected himself – “she was – er – very strict. And always right. And she loved putting everybody else in the wrong and making them feel like a worm. That’s what Miss Andrew was like!”
Mr Banks mopped his brow at the mere memory of his Governess.
Ting! Ting! Ting!
The front door bell pealed and echoed through the house.
Mr Banks went to the door and opened it. On the step, looking very important, stood the Telegraph Boy.
“Urgent Telegram. Name of Banks. Any answer?” He handed over an orange-coloured envelope.
“If it’s good news I’ll give you sixpence,” said Mr Banks as he tore the Telegram open and read the message. His face grew pale.
“No answer!” he said shortly.
“And no sixpence?”
“Certainly not!” said Mr Banks bitterly. The Telegraph Boy gave him a reproachful look and went sorrowfully away.
“Oh, what is it?” asked Mrs Banks. “Is somebody ill?”
“Worse than that!” said Mr Banks miserably.
“Have we lost all our money?” By this time Mrs Banks, too, was pale and very anxious.
“Worse still! Didn’t the barometer say thunder? And further outlook unsettled? Listen!”
He smoothed out the telegram and read aloud:
Coming to stay with you for a month. Arriving this afternoon three o’clock. Please light fire in bedroom.
“Andrew? Why, that’s the same name as your Governess!” said Jane.
“It is my Governess!” said Mr Banks, striding up and down and running his hands nervously through what was left of his hair. “Her other name is Euphemia. And she’s coming today at three!”
He groaned loudly.
“But I don’t call that bad news,” said Mrs Banks, feeling very relieved. “It will mean getting the spare room ready, of course, but I don’t mind. I shall like having the dear old soul—”
“Dear old soul!” roared Mr Banks. “You don’t know what you’re talking about. Dear old – my Jumping Godfathers, wait till you see her, that’s all. Just wait till you see her!”
He seized his hat and waterproof.
“But, my dear!” cried Mrs Banks. “You must be here to meet her. It looks so rude. Where are you going?”
“Anywhere. Everywhere. Tell her I’m dead!” he replied bitterly. And he hurried away from the house looking very nervous and depressed.
“My goodness, Michael, what can she be like?” said Jane.
“Curiosity killed the Cat,” said Mary Poppins. “Put your hats on, please!”
She settled the Twins into the perambulator and pushed it down the garden path. Jane and Michael followed her out into the Lane.
“Where are we going today, Mary Poppins?”
“Across the Park and along the Thirty-Nine bus route, up the High Street, and over the Bridge and home through the Railway Arch!” she snapped.
“If we do that, we’ll be walking all night,” whispered Michael, dropping behind with Jane. “And we’ll miss Miss Andrew.”
“She’s going to stay for a month,” Jane reminded him.
“But I want to see her arrive,” he complained, dragging his feet and shuffling along the pavement.
“Step along, please,” said Mary Poppins briskly. “I might as well be taking a stroll with a couple of snails as you two!”
But when they caught up with her she kept them waiting for quite five minutes outside a fried-fish shop while she looked at herself in the window.
She was wearing her new white blouse with the pink spots, and her face, as she beheld herself reflected back from the piles of fried whiting, had a pleased and satisfied air. She pushed back her coat a little so that more of the blouse was visible and she thought that, on the whole, she had never seen Mary Poppins look nicer. Even the fried fish, with their fried tails curled into their mouths, seemed to gaze at her with round, admiring eyes.
Mary Poppins gave a little conceited nod to her reflection and hurried on. They had passed the High Street now and were crossing the Bridge. Soon they came to the Railway Arch, and Jane and Michael sprang eagerly ahead of the perambulator and ran all the way until they turned the corner of Cherry Tree Lane.
“There’s a cab!” cried Michael excitedly. “That must be Miss Andrew’s.”
They stood still at the corner waiting for Mary Poppins and watching for Miss Andrew.
A Taxi-cab, moving slowly down the Lane, drew up at the gate of Number Seventeen. It groaned and rattled as the engine stopped. And this was not surprising, for from wheel to roof it was heavily weighted with luggage. You could hardly see the cab itself for the trunks on the roof and the trunks at the back and the trunks on either side.
Suit-cases and hampers could be seen half-in and half-out of the windows. Hat-boxes were strapped to the steps, and two large Gladstone bags appeared to be sitting in the Driver’s seat.
Presently the Driver himself emerged from under them. He climbed out carefully, as though he were descending a steep mountain, and opened the door.
A boot-box came bounding out, followed by a large brown-paper parcel, and after these came an umbrella and a walking-stick tied together with string. Last of all, a small weighing-machine clattered down from the rack, knocking the Taxi-man over.
“Be careful!” a huge, trumpeting voice shouted from inside the Taxi. “This is valuable luggage!”
“And I’m a valuable driver!” retorted the Taxi-man, picking himself up and rubbing his ankle. “You seem to ’ave forgotten that, ’aven’t you?”
“Make way, please, make way! I’m coming out!” called the huge voice again.
And at that moment there appeared on the step of the cab the largest foot the children had ever seen. It was followed by the rest of Miss Andrew.
A large coat with a fur collar was wrapped about her, a man’s felt hat was perched on her head, and from the hat floated a long grey veil. With one hand she held up the folds of her skirt and from the other swung a circular object covered with a checked cloth.
The children crept cautiously along by the fence, gazing with interest at the huge figure, with its beaked nose, grim mouth, and small eyes that peered angrily from behind glasses. They were almost deafened by her voice as she argued with the Taxi-man.
“Four and threepence!” she was saying. “Preposterous! I could go halfway round the world for that amount. I shan’t pay it. And I shall report you to the Police.”
The Taxi-man shrugged his shoulders. “That’s the fare,” he said calmly. “If you can read, you can read it on the meter. You can’t go driving in a Taxi for love, you know, not with this luggage.”
Miss Andrew snorted and, diving her hand into her large pocket, took out a very small purse. She handed over a coin. The Taxi-man looked at it and turned it over and over in his hand, as if he thought it a curiosity. Then he laughed rudely.
“This for the Driver?” he remarked sarcastically.
“Certainly not. It’s your fare. I don’t approve of tips,” said Miss Andrew.
“You wouldn’t!” said the Taxi-man, staring at her. And to himself he remarked: “Enough luggage to fill ’arf the Park, and she doesn’t approve of tips – the ’Arpy!”
But Miss Andrew did not hear him. The children had arrived at the gate and she turned to greet them, her feet ringing on the pavement and her veil flowing out behind her.
“Well?” she said gruffly, smiling a thin smile. “I don’t suppose you know who I am?”
“Oh, yes we do!” said Michael. He spoke in his friendliest voice, for he was very glad to meet Miss Andrew. “You’re the Holy Terror!”
A dark, purple flush rose up from Miss Andrew’s neck and flooded her face.
“You are a very rude, impertinent boy. I shall report you to your Father!”
Michael looked surprised. “I didn’t mean to be rude,” he began. “It was Daddy who said—”
“Tut! Silence! Don’t dare to argue with me!” said Miss Andrew. She turned to Jane.
“And you’re Jane, I suppose? H’m. I never cared for the name.”
“How do you do?” said Jane politely, but secretly thinking she did not care much for the name Euphemia.
“That dress is much too short!” trumpeted Miss Andrew. “And you ought to be wearing stockings. Little girls in my day never had bare legs. I shall speak to your Mother.”
“I don’t like stockings,” said Jane. “I only wear them in the Winter.”
“Don’t be impudent. Children should be seen and not heard!” said Miss Andrew.
She leant over the perambulator, and with her huge hand pinched the Twins’ cheeks in greeting.
John and Barbara began to cry.
“Tut! What manners!” exclaimed Miss Andrew. “Brimstone and Treacle – that’s what they need!” she went on, turning to Mary Poppins. “No well-brought-up child cries like that. Brimstone and Treacle. And plenty of it. Don’t forget.”
“Thank you, ma’am,” said Mary Poppins, with icy politeness, “but I bring the children up in my own way and take advice from nobody.”
Miss Andrew stared. She looked as if she could not believe her ears.
Mary Poppins stared back, calm and unafraid.
“Young woman,” said Miss Andrew, drawing herself up, “you forget yourself. How dare you answer me like that! I shall take steps to have you removed from this establishment! Mark my words!”
She flung open the gate and strode up the path, furiously swinging the circular object under the checked cloth, and saying “Tut-tut!” over and over again.
Mrs Banks came running out to meet her.
“Welcome, Miss Andrew, welcome!” she said politely. “How kind of you to pay us a visit. Such an unexpected pleasure. I hope you had a good journey?”
“Most unpleasant. I never enjoy travelling,” said Miss Andrew. She glanced with an angry, peering eye round the garden.
“Disgracefully untidy!” she remarked disgustedly. “Take my advice and dig up those things –” she pointed to the sunflowers – “and plant evergreens. Much less trouble. Saves time and money. And looks neater. Better still, no garden at all. Just a plain, cement courtyard.”
“But,” protested Mrs Banks gently, “I like flowers best!”
“Ridiculous! Stuff and nonsense! You are a silly woman. And your children are very rude – especially the boy.”
“Oh, Michael, I am surprised! Were you rude to Miss Andrew? You must apologise at once.” Mrs Banks was getting very nervous and flustered.
“No, Mother, I wasn’t. I only—” He began to explain, but Miss Andrew’s loud voice interrupted.
“He was most insulting,” she insisted. “He must go to a boarding-school at once. And the girl must have a Governess. I shall choose one myself. And as for the young person you have looking after them –” she nodded in the direction of Mary Poppins –“you must dismiss her this instant. She is impertinent, incapable and totally unreliable.”
Mrs Banks was plainly horrified.
“Oh, surely you are mistaken, Miss Andrew! We think she is such a Treasure.”
“You know nothing about it. I am never mistaken. Dismiss her!”
Miss Andrew swept on up the path.
Mrs Banks hurried behind her, looking very worried and upset.
“I – er – hope we shall be able to make you comfortable, Miss Andrew,” she said politely. But she was beginning to feel rather doubtful.
“H’m. It’s not much of a house,” replied Miss Andrew. “And it’s in a shocking condition – peeling everywhere, and most dilapidated. You must send for a carpenter. And when were these steps white-washed? They’re very dirty.”
Mrs Banks bit her lip. Miss Andrew was turning her lovely, comfortable house into something mean and shabby, and it made her feel very unhappy.
“I’ll have them done tomorrow,” she said meekly.
“Why not today?” demanded Miss Andrew. “No time like the present. And why paint your door white? Dark brown – that’s the proper colour for a door. Cheaper, and doesn’t show the dirt. Just look at those spots!”
And putting down the circular object, she began to point out the marks on the front door.
“There! There! There! Everywhere! Most disreputable!”
“I’ll see to it immediately,” said Mrs Banks faintly. “Won’t you come upstairs now to your room?”
Miss Andrew stamped into the hall after her.
“I hope there is a fire in it.”
“Oh, yes. A good one. This way, Miss Andrew. Robertson Ay will bring up your luggage.”
“Well, tell him to be careful. The trunks are full of medicine bottles. I have to take care of my health!”
Miss Andrew moved towards the stairs. She glanced round the hall.
“This wall needs re-papering. I shall speak to George about it. And why, I should like to know, wasn’t he here to meet me? Very rude of him. His manners, I see, have not improved!”
The voice grew a little fainter as Miss Andrew followed Mrs Banks upstairs. Far away the children could hear their Mother’s gentle voice, meekly agreeing to do whatever Miss Andrew wished.
Michael turned to Jane.
“Who is George?” he asked.
“But his name is Mr Banks.”
“Yes, but his other name is George.”
Michael sighed.
“A month is an awfully long time, Jane, isn’t it?”
“Yes – four weeks and a bit,” said Jane, feeling that a month with Miss Andrew would seem more like a year.
Michael edged closer to her.
“I say –” he began in an anxious whisper, “she can’t really make them send Mary Poppins away, can she?”
The word sounded behind them like an explosion.
They turned. Mary Poppins was gazing after Miss Andrew with a look that could have killed her.
“Odd!” she repeated, with a long-drawn sniff. “That’s not the word for her. Humph! I don’t know how to bring up children, don’t I? I’m impertinent, incapable, and totally unreliable, am I? We’ll see about that!”
Jane and Michael were used to threats from Mary Poppins, but today there was a note in her voice they had never heard before. They stared at her in silence, wondering what was going to happen.
A tiny sound, partly a sigh and partly a whisper, fell on the air.
“What was that?” said Jane quickly.
The sound came again, a little louder this time. Mary Poppins cocked her head and listened.
Again a faint chirping seemed to come from the doorstep.
“Ah!” cried Mary Poppins triumphantly. “I might have known it!”
And with a sudden movement, she sprang at the circular object Miss Andrew had left behind and tweaked off the cover.
Beneath it was a brass bird-cage, very neat and shiny. And sitting at one end of the perch, huddled between his wings, was a small, light-brown bird. He blinked a little as the afternoon light streamed down upon his head. Then he gazed solemnly about him with a round, dark eye. His glance fell upon Mary Poppins, and, with a start of recognition, he opened his beak and gave a sad, throaty, little cheep. Jane and Michael had never heard such a miserable sound.
“Did she, indeed? Tch, tch tch! You don’t say!” said Mary Poppins, nodding her head sympathetically.
“Chirp-irrup!” said the bird, shrugging its wings dejectedly.
“What? Two years? In that cage? Shame on her!” said Mary Poppins to the bird, her face flushing with anger.
The children stared. The bird was speaking in no language they knew, and yet here was Mary Poppins carrying on an intelligent conversation with him as though she understood.
“What is it saying—” Michael began.
“Sh!” said Jane, pinching his arm to make him keep quiet.
They stared at the bird in silence. Presently he hopped a little way along the perch towards Mary Poppins and sang a note or two in a low, questioning voice.
Mary Poppins nodded. “Yes – of course I know that field. Was that where she caught you?”
The bird nodded. Then he sang a quick, trilling phrase that sounded like a question.
Mary Poppins thought for a moment. “Well,” she said, “it’s not very far. You could do it in about an hour. Flying South from here.”
The bird seemed pleased. He danced a little on his perch and flapped his wings excitedly. Then his song broke out again, a stream of round, clear notes, as he looked imploringly at Mary Poppins.
She turned her head and glanced cautiously up the stairs.
“Will I? What do you think? Didn’t you hear her call me a Young Person? Me!” She sniffed disgustedly.
The bird’s shoulders shook as though he were laughing.
Mary Poppins bent down.
“What are you going to do, Mary Poppins?” cried Michael, unable to contain himself any longer. “What kind of a bird is that?”
“A Lark,” said Mary Poppins briefly, turning the handle of the little door. “You’re seeing a Lark in a cage for the first time – and the last!”
And as she said that, the door of the cage swung open. The Lark, flapping his wings, swooped out with a shrill cry and alighted on Mary Poppins’ shoulder.
“Humph!” she said, turning her head. “That’s an improvement, I should think?”
“Chirr-up!” agreed the Lark, nodding.
“Well, you’d better be off,” Mary Poppins warned him. “She’ll be back in a minute.”
At that the Lark burst into a stream of running notes, flicking his wings at her and bowing his head again and again.
“There, there!” said Mary Poppins gruffly. “Don’t thank me. I was glad to do it. I couldn’t see a Lark in a cage! Besides, you heard what she called me!”
The Lark tossed back his head and fluttered his wings. He seemed to be laughing heartily. Then he cocked his head to one side and listened.
“Oh, I quite forgot!” came a loud voice from upstairs. “I left Caruso outside. On those dirty steps. I must go and get him.”
Miss Andrew’s heavy-footed tread sounded on the stairs.
“What?” she called back in reply to some question of Mrs Banks. “Oh, he’s my Lark, my Lark, Caruso! I call him that because he used to be such a beautiful singer. What? No, he doesn’t sing at all now, not since I trapped him in a field and put him in a cage. I can’t think why.”
The voice was coming nearer, growing louder as it approached.
“Certainly not!” it called back to Mrs Banks. “I will fetch him myself. I wouldn’t trust one of those impudent children with him. Your banisters want polishing. They should be done at once.”
Tramp-tramp. Tramp-tramp. Miss Andrew’s steps sounded through the hall.
“Here she comes!” hissed Mary Poppins. “Be off with you.” She gave her shoulder a little shake.
“Quickly!” cried Michael anxiously.
“Oh, hurry!” said Jane.
With a quick movement the Lark bent his head and pulled out one of his wing feathers with his beak.
“Chirr-chirr-chirr-irrup!” he sang, and stuck the feather into the ribbon of Mary Poppins’ hat. Then he spread his wings and swept into the air.
At the same moment Miss Andrew appeared in the doorway.
“What?” she shouted, when she saw Jane and Michael and the Twins. “Not gone up to bed yet? This will never do. All well-brought-up children –” she looked balefully at Mary Poppins – “should be in bed by five o’clock. I shall certainly speak to your Father.”
She glanced round.
“Now, let me see. Where did I leave my—” She broke off suddenly. The uncovered cage, with its open door, stood at her feet. She stared down at it as though she were unable to believe her eyes.
“Why? When? Where? What? Who?” she spluttered. Then she found her full voice.
“Who took off that cover?” she thundered. The children trembled at the sound.
“Who opened that cage?”
There was no reply.
“Where is my Lark?”
Still there was silence as Miss Andrew stared from one child to another. At last her gaze fell accusingly upon Mary Poppins.
“You did it!” she cried, pointing her large finger. “I can tell by the look on your face! How dare you! I shall see that you leave this house tonight – bag and baggage! You impudent, impertinent, worthless—”
From the air came a little trill of laughter. Miss Andrew looked up. The Lark was lightly balancing on his wings just above the sunflowers.
“Ah, Caruso – there you are!” cried Miss Andrew. “Now come along! Don’t keep me waiting. Come back to your nice, clean cage, Caruso, and let me shut the door!”
But the Lark just hung in the air and went into peals of laughter, flinging back his head and clapping his wings against his side.
Miss Andrew bent and picked up the cage and held it above her head.
“Caruso – what did I say? Come back at once!” she commanded, swinging the cage towards him. But he swooped past it and brushed against Mary Poppins’ hat.
“Chirp-irrup!” he said, as he sped by.
“All right!” said Mary Poppins, nodding in reply.
“Caruso, did you hear me?” cried Miss Andrew. But now there was a hint of dismay in her loud voice. She put down the cage and tried to catch the Lark with her hands. But he dodged and flickered past her, and, with a lift of his wings, dived higher into the air.
A babble of notes streamed down to Mary Poppins.
“Ready!” she called back.
And then a strange thing happened.
Mary Poppins fixed her eyes upon Miss Andrew; and Miss Andrew, suddenly spellbound by that strange dark gaze, began to tremble on her feet. She gave a little gasp, staggered uncertainly forward and, with a thundering rush, she dashed towards the cage. Then – was it that Miss Andrew grew smaller or the cage larger? Jane and Michael could not be sure. All they knew for certain was that the cage door shut to with a little click and closed upon Miss Andrew.
“Oh! Oh! Oh!” she cried, as the Lark swooped down and seized the cage by the handle.
“What am I doing? Where am I going?” Miss Andrew shouted as the cage swept into the air.
“I have no room to move! I can hardly breathe!” she cried.
“Neither could he!” said Mary Poppins quietly.
Miss Andrew rattled at the bars of the cage.
“Open the door! Let me out, I say! Let me out!”
“Humph! Not likely,” said Mary Poppins in a low, scoffing voice.
On and on went the Lark, climbing higher and higher and singing as he went. And the heavy cage, with Miss Andrew inside it, lurched after him, swaying dangerously as it swung from his claw.
Above the clear song of the Lark, they heard Miss Andrew hammering at the bars and crying:
“I who was Well-Brought-Up. I who was Always Right. I who was Never Mistaken. That I should come to this!”
Mary Poppins gave a curious, quiet little laugh.
The Lark looked very small now, but still he circled upwards, singing loudly and triumphantly. And still Miss Andrew and her cage circled heavily after him, rocking from side to side, like a ship in a storm.
“Let me out, I say! Let me out!” Her voice came screaming down.
Suddenly the Lark changed his direction. His song ceased for a moment as he darted sideways. Then it began again, wild and clear, as, shaking the ring of the cage from his foot, he flew towards the South.
“He’s off!” said Mary Poppins.
“Where?” cried Jane and Michael.
“Home – to his meadows!” she replied, gazing upwards.
“But he’s dropped the cage!” said Michael, staring.
And well he might stare, for the cage was now hurtling downwards, lurching and tumbling, end over end. They could clearly see Miss Andrew, now standing on her head and now on her feet as the cage turned through the air. Down, down, it came, heavy as a stone, and landed with a plop on the top step.
With a fierce movement, Miss Andrew tore open the door. And it seemed to Jane and Michael as she came out that she was as large as ever and even more frightening.
For a moment she stood there, panting, unable to speak, her face purpler than before.
“How dare you!” she said in a throaty whisper, pointing a trembling finger at Mary Poppins. And Jane and Michael saw that her eyes were no longer angry and scornful, but full of terror.
“You – you—” stammered Miss Andrew huskily, “you cruel, disrespectful, unkind, wicked, wilful girl – how could you, how could you?”
Mary Poppins fixed her with a look. From half-closed eyes, she gazed revengefully at Miss Andrew for a long moment.
“You said I didn’t know how to bring up children,” she said, speaking slowly and distinctly.
Miss Andrew shrank back, trembling with fear.
“I – I apologise,” she said, gulping.
“That I was imprudent, incapable and totally unreliable,” said Mary Poppins.
“It was a mistake. I – I’m sorry,” Miss Andrew stammered.
“That I was a Young Person!” continued Mary Poppins remorselessly.
“I take it back,” panted Miss Andrew. “All of it. Only let me go. I ask nothing more.” She clasped her hands and gazed at Mary Poppins imploringly.
“I can’t stay here,” she whispered. “No! No! Not here! Let me go!”
Mary Poppins gazed at her, long and thoughtfully. Then, with a little outward movement of her hand – “Go!” she said.
Miss Andrew gave a gasp of relief. “Oh, thank you! Thank you!” Still keeping her eyes fixed on Mary Poppins, she staggered backwards down the steps. Then she turned and went stumbling unevenly down the garden path.
The Taxi-man, who all this time had been unloading the luggage, was starting up his engine and preparing to depart.
Miss Andrew held up a trembling hand.
“Wait!” she cried brokenly. “Wait for me. You shall have a Ten-shilling note for yourself if you will drive me away at once.”
The man stared at her.
“I mean it!” she said urgently. “See,” she fumbled feverishly in her pocket, “here it is. Take it – and drive on!”
Miss Andrew tottered into the cab and collapsed upon the seat.
The Taxi-man, still gaping, closed the door upon her.
Then he began hurriedly re-loading the luggage. Robertson Ay had fallen asleep across a pile of trunks, but the Taxi-man did not stop to wake him. He swept him off on to the path and finished the work himself.
“Looks as though the ’ole girl ’as ’ad a shock! I never saw anybody take on so. Never!” he murmured to himself as he drove off.
But what kind of a shock it was the Taxi-man did not know and, if he lived to be a hundred, could not possibly guess …
“Where is Miss Andrew?” said Mrs Banks, hurrying to the front door in search of the visitor.
“Gone!” said Michael.
“What do you mean – gone?” Mrs Banks looked very surprised.
“She didn’t seem to want to stay,” said Jane.
Mrs Banks frowned.
“What does this mean, Mary Poppins?” she demanded.
“I couldn’t say, m’m, I’m sure,” said Mary Poppins calmly, as though the matter did not interest her. She glanced down at her new blouse and smoothed out a crease.
Mrs Banks looked from one to the other and shook her head.
“How very extraordinary! I can’t understand it.”
Just then the garden gate opened and shut with a quiet little click. Mr Banks came tip-toeing up the path. He hesitated and waited nervously on one foot as they all turned towards him.
“Well? Has she come?” he said anxiously, in a loud whisper.
“She has come and gone,” said Mrs Banks.
Mr Banks stared.
“Gone? Do you mean – really gone? Miss Andrew?”
Mrs Banks nodded.
“Oh, joy, joy!” cried Mr Banks. And seizing the skirts of his waterproof in both hands, he proceeded to dance the Highland Fling in the middle of the path. He stopped suddenly.
“But how? When? Why?” he asked.
“Just now – in a taxi. Because the children were rude to her, I suppose. She complained to me about them. I simply can’t think of any other reason. Can you, Mary Poppins?”
“No, m’m, I can’t,” said Mary Poppins, brushing a speck of dust off her blouse with great care.
Mr Banks turned to Jane and Michael with a sorrowful look on his face.
“You were rude to Miss Andrew? My Governess? That dear old soul? I’m ashamed of you both – thoroughly ashamed.” He spoke sternly, but there was a laughing twinkle in his eyes.
“I’m a most unfortunate man,” he went on, putting his hands into his pockets. “Here am I slaving day-in and day-out to bring you up properly, and how do you repay me? By being rude to Miss Andrew! It’s shameful. It’s outrageous! I don’t know that I shall ever be able to forgive you. But –” he continued, taking two sixpences out of his pocket and solemnly offering one to each of them – “I shall do my best to forget!”
He turned away smiling.
“Hullo!” he remarked, stumbling against the bird-cage. “Where did this come from? Whose is it?”
Jane and Michael and Mary Poppins were silent.
“Well, never mind,” said Mr Banks. “It’s mine now. I shall keep it in the garden and train my sweet peas over it.”
And he went off, carrying the bird-cage and whistling very happily …
“Well,” said Mary Poppins sternly, as she followed them into the Nursery, “this is nice goings on, I must say. You behaving so rudely to your Father’s guest.”
“But we weren’t rude!” Michael protested. “I only said she was a Holy Terror and he called her that himself.”
“Sending her away like that when she’d only just come – don’t you call that rude?” demanded Mary Poppins.
“But we didn’t,” said Jane. “It was you—”
“I was rude to your Father’s guest?” Mary Poppins, with her hands on her hips, eyed Jane furiously. “Do you dare to stand there and tell me that?”
“No, no! You weren’t rude, but—”
“I should think not, indeed!” retorted Mary Poppins, taking off her hat and unfolding her apron. “I was properly brought up!” she added sniffing, as she began to undress the Twins.
Michael sighed. He knew it was no use arguing with Mary Poppins.
He glanced at Jane. She was turning her sixpence over and over in her hand.
“Michael!” she said. “I’ve been thinking.”
“Daddy gave us these because he thought we sent Miss Andrew away.”
“I know.”
“And we didn’t. It was Mary Poppins!”
Michael shuffled his feet.
“Then you think—” he began uneasily, hoping she didn’t mean what he thought she meant.
“Yes, I do,” said Jane, nodding.
“But – but I wanted to spend mine.”
“So do I. But it wouldn’t be fair. They’re hers, really.”
Michael thought about it for a long time. Then he sighed.
“All right,” he said regretfully, and took his sixpence out of his pocket.
They went together to Mary Poppins.
Jane held out the coins.
“Here you are!” she said breathlessly, “we think you should have them.”
Mary Poppins took the sixpences and turned them over and over on her palm – heads first and then tails. Then her eye caught theirs and it seemed to them that her look plunged right down inside them and saw what they were thinking. For a long time she stood there, staring down into their thoughts.
“Humph!” she said at last, slipping the sixpences into her apron pocket. “Take care of the pennies and the pounds will take care of themselves.”
“I expect you’ll find them very useful,” said Michael, gazing sadly at the pocket.
“I expect I shall,” she retorted tartly, as she went to turn on the bath …

Chapter Three (#ulink_10a0ab05-afc4-5f1b-8235-336d248c394c)
BAD WEDNESDAY (#ulink_10a0ab05-afc4-5f1b-8235-336d248c394c)
The pendulum of the Nursery clock swung backwards and forwards like an old lady nodding her head.
Tick-tack! Tick-tock!
Then the clock stopped ticking and began to whir and growl, quietly at first, and then more loudly, as though it were in pain. And as it whirred it shook so violently that the whole mantelpiece trembled. The empty Marmalade Jar hopped and shook and shivered; John’s hair-brush, left there over-night, danced on its bristles; the Royal Doulton Bowl that Mrs Banks’ Great-Aunt Caroline had given her as a Christening Present slipped sideways, so that the three little boys who were playing horses inside it stood on their painted heads.
And after all that, just when it seemed as if the clock must burst, it began to strike.
One! Two! Three! Four! Five! Six! Seven!
On the last stroke Jane woke up.
The sun was streaming through a gap in the curtains and falling in gold stripes upon her quilt. Jane sat up and looked round the Nursery. No sound came from Michael’s bed. The Twins in their cots were sucking their thumbs and breathing deeply.
“I’m the only one awake,” she said, feeling very pleased. “I can lie here all by myself and think and think and think.”
And she drew her knees up to her chin and curled into the bed as though she were settling down into a nest.
“Now I am a bird!” she said to herself. “I have just laid seven lovely white eggs, and I am sitting with my wings over them, brooding. Cluck-cluck! Cluck-cluck!”
She made a small, broody noise in her throat.
“And after a long time, say half an hour, there will be a little cheep, and a little tap and the shells will crack. Then, out will pop seven little chicks, three yellow, two brown, and two—”
“Time to get up!”
Mary Poppins, appearing suddenly from nowhere, tweaked the bedclothes from Jane’s shoulders.
“Oh, no, no!” grumbled Jane, pulling them up again.
She felt very cross with Mary Poppins for rushing in and spoiling everything.
“I don’t want to get up!” she said, turning her face into the pillow.
“Oh, indeed?” Mary Poppins said calmly, as though the remark had no interest for her. She pulled the bedclothes right off the bed and Jane found herself standing on the floor.
“Oh, dear,” she grumbled, “why do I always have to get up first?”
“You’re the eldest – that’s why!” Mary Poppins pushed her towards the bathroom.
“But I don’t want to be the eldest. Why can’t Michael be the eldest sometimes?”
“Because you were born first – see?”
“Well, I didn’t ask to be. I’m tired of being born first. I wanted to think.”
“You can think when you’re brushing your teeth.”
“Not the same thoughts.”
“Well, nobody wants to think the same thoughts all the time.”
“I do.”
Mary Poppins gave her a quick, black look.
“That’s enough, thank you!” And, from the tone of her voice, Jane knew she meant what she said.
Mary Poppins hurried away to wake Michael.
Jane put down her toothbrush and sat on the edge of the bath.
“It’s not fair,” she grumbled, kicking the linoleum with her toes. “Making me do all the horrid things just because I’m the eldest! I won’t brush my teeth!”
Immediately she felt surprised at herself. She was usually quite glad to be older than Michael and the Twins. It made her feel rather superior and much more important. But today – what was the matter with today that she felt so cross and peevish?
“If Michael had been born first I’d have had time to hatch out my eggs!” she grumbled to herself, feeling that the day had begun badly.
Unfortunately, instead of getting better, it grew worse.
At breakfast, Mary Poppins discovered there was only enough Puffed Rice for three.
“Well, Jane must have Porridge,” she said, setting out the plates and sniffing angrily, for she did not like making Porridge; there were always too many lumps in it.
“But why?” complained Jane. “I want Puffed Rice.”
Mary Poppins darted a fierce look at her.
“Because you’re the eldest!”
There it was again. That hateful word. She kicked the leg of her chair under the table, hoping she was scratching off the varnish, and ate her Porridge as slowly as she dared. She turned it round and round in her mouth, swallowing as little as possible. It would serve everybody right if she starved to death. Then they’d be sorry.
“What is today?” enquired Michael cheerfully, scraping up the last of his Puffed Rice.
“Wednesday,” said Mary Poppins. “Leave the pattern on the plate, please!”
“Then it’s today we’re going to tea with Miss Lark!”
“If you’re good,” said Mary Poppins darkly, as though she did not believe such a thing was possible.
But Michael was in a cheerful mood, and took no notice.
“Wednesday!” he shouted, banging his spoon on the table. “That’s the day Jane was born. Wednesday’s Child is full of Woe. That’s why she has to have Porridge instead of Rice!” he said naughtily.
Jane frowned and kicked at him under the table. But he swung his legs aside and laughed.
“Monday’s Child is Fair of Face, Tuesday’s Child is Full of Grace!” he chanted. “That’s true too. The Twins are full of grace, and they were born on a Tuesday. And I’m Monday – Fair of Face.”
Jane laughed scornfully.
“I am,” he insisted. “I heard Mrs Brill say so. She told Ellen I was as handsome as Half-a-crown.”
“Well, that’s not very handsome,” said Jane. “Besides, your nose turns up.”
Michael looked at her reproachfully. And again Jane felt surprised at herself. At any other time she would have agreed with him, for she thought Michael a very good-looking little boy. But now she said cruelly:
“Yes, and your toes turn in. Bandy-legs! Bandy-legs!”
Michael rushed at her.
“That will be enough from you!” said Mary Poppins, looking angrily at Jane. “And if anybody in this house is a beauty, it’s—” She paused, and glanced with a satisfied smile at her own reflection in the mirror.
“Who?” demanded Michael and Jane together.
“Nobody of the name of Banks!” retorted Mary Poppins. “So there!”

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