Minervas Night Out. Philosophy, Pop Culture, and Moving Pictures

Minervas Night Out. Philosophy, Pop Culture, and Moving Pictures, Noel  Carroll аудиокнига. ISDN31230185

Noel Carroll

Жанр:книги по философии

Язык книги:Английский

Тип:PDF книга

Издательство:John Wiley & Sons Limited

Дата публикации:08.12.2022

Цена:11286.50 ₽


Описание книги

Minerva’s Night Out presents series of essays by noted philosopher and motion picture and media theorist Noël Carroll that explore issues at the intersection of philosophy, motion pictures, and popular culture. Presents a wide-ranging series of essays that reflect on philosophical issues relating to modern film and popular culture Authored by one of the best known philosophers dealing with film and popular culture Written in an accessible manner to appeal to students and scholars Coverage ranges from the philosophy of Halloween to Vertigo and the pathologies of romantic love

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