Having It All?. Choices for Todays Superwoman

Having It All?. Choices for Todays Superwoman, Paula  Nicolson аудиокнига. ISDN28965781

Paula Nicolson

Жанр:саморазвитие, личностный рост

Язык книги:Английский

Тип:PDF книга

Издательство:John Wiley & Sons Limited

Дата публикации:09.12.2022

Цена:3502.71 ₽


Описание книги

We are so lucky; we can have everything: dazzling careers, financial success, happy and fulfilling emotional lives, well-adjusted children, a strong and supportive intimate relationship, friends, a social life, be feminine and look lovely too. Cant we? No. Most women find themselves lacking somewhere and how much we struggle towards achieving all this depends on how much weve absorbed this 21st century myth. Dr Paula Nicloson is an expert on gender relations and reproductive health. She shows us how psychological theories explain womens desires and their experiences at home and work and offers solutions to help us when the balance feels like its tipping one way or another. Easy to read and reassuring, keep it handy for when you have to make decisions about home-life versus career, who you are now and who you want to be in the future.

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