Corporate Punishment. Smashing the Management Clichés for Leaders in a New World

Corporate Punishment. Smashing the Management Clichés for Leaders in a New World, James  Adonis аудиокнига. ISDN28305771

James Adonis

Жанр:зарубежная деловая литература

Язык книги:Английский

Тип:PDF книга

Издательство:John Wiley & Sons Limited

Дата публикации:09.12.2022

Цена:2736.21 ₽


Описание книги

Think theres no I in team? There is. Believe that together everyone achieves more? They dont. Asked to give it 110 per cent? You cant. Think employees are your greatest asset? They aint. Got an open-door policy? For goodness sake – shut it! Whether youre a perpetrator or a casualty of cringe-worthy corporate clichés (or both), Corporate Punishment will challenge the way you think about the world of business and the mind-numbing management mottos that have underpinned it for decades. From teams and leadership to workplace culture and customer service, James Adonis smashes to pieces some of the most deeply entrenched business philosophies, offering in their place a progressive new thought process thats light on rhetoric and boring theory, but heavy on practicality and imagination. This book is a protest, a movement, a changing of the management guard – it is the breath of fresh air every modern business needs and a long overdue break from the hot air that most are forced to endure.

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