Renegades Write the Rules. How the Digital Royalty Use Social Media to Innovate

Renegades Write the Rules. How the Digital Royalty Use Social Media to Innovate,  аудиокнига. ISDN28302225

Amy Martin

Жанр:управление бизнесом

Язык книги:Английский

Тип:PDF книга

Издательство:John Wiley & Sons Limited

Дата публикации:09.12.2022

Цена:2462.13 ₽


Описание книги

Learn the rules to building loyal (and lucrative) digital followings Renegades Write the Rules reveals the innovative strategies behind the social media success of today’s top celebrities, brands, and sports icons, and how you can follow their lead. Author Amy Jo Martin is the founder of Digital Royalty and the woman who pioneered how professional sports integrate social media. In this book she shows how to build a faithful following and beat the competition clamoring for peoples attention by continually delivering value – when, where, and how people want it. People want to be heard, to be involved, to be entertained, to be adventurous, to be informed. Reveals the winning strategies for using social media to achieve dramatic results Shows how to gain influence with social media that requires an unprecedented (and potentially uncomfortable) level of accessibility and ongoing affinity Filled with illustrative examples of social media successes (including Dwayne The Rock Johnson, Shaquille ONeal, and Nike) that show how humanizing a brand through social media leads to monetization Explores how Amy Jo Martin and other successful entrepreneurs are becoming renegades by using social media to innovate their personal and professional lives The book reveals one of the basic rules of digital media success: Humans connect with humans, not logos and creative taglines.

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