Математика, страница 40

Survival Analysis. Models and Applications - Xian Liu

Survival Analysis. Models and Applications
PDF Xian Liu

Financial Derivative and Energy Market Valuation. Theory and Implementation in MATLAB - Michael PhD

Financial Derivative and Energy Market Valuation....
PDF Michael PhD

Green′s Functions and Boundary Value Problems - Stakgold Ivar

Green′s Functions and Boundary Value...
PDF Stakgold Ivar

Clustering - Xu Rui

PDF Xu Rui

Regression Analysis by Example - Hadi Ali

Regression Analysis by Example
PDF Hadi Ali

Sampling - Steven Thompson

PDF Steven Thompson

Advances in Statistical Monitoring of Complex Multivariate Processes. With Applications in Industrial Process Control - Xie Lei

Advances in Statistical Monitoring of Complex...
PDF Xie Lei

Discrete-time Asset Pricing Models in Applied Stochastic Finance - P. C. G. Vassiliou

Discrete-time Asset Pricing Models in Applied...
PDF P. C. G. Vassiliou

Introduction to Combinatorics - Martin Erickson

Introduction to Combinatorics
PDF Martin Erickson

An Elementary Introduction to Statistical Learning Theory - Kulkarni Sanjeev

An Elementary Introduction to Statistical...
PDF Kulkarni Sanjeev

Modeling Online Auctions - Shmueli Galit

Modeling Online Auctions
PDF Shmueli Galit

Compositional Data Analysis. Theory and Applications - Pawlowsky-Glahn Vera

Compositional Data Analysis. Theory and...
PDF Pawlowsky-Glahn Vera

Basic and Advanced Bayesian Structural Equation Modeling. With Applications in the Medical and Behavioral Sciences - Song Xin-Yuan

Basic and Advanced Bayesian Structural Equation...
PDF Song Xin-Yuan

Theory of Computational Complexity - Ko Ker-I

Theory of Computational Complexity
PDF Ko Ker-I

Handbook of Web Surveys - Bethlehem Jelke

Handbook of Web Surveys
PDF Bethlehem Jelke

The R Book - Michael Crawley

The R Book
PDF Michael Crawley

Spatio-temporal Design. Advances in Efficient Data Acquisition - Mateu Jorge

Spatio-temporal Design. Advances in Efficient...
PDF Mateu Jorge

Probabilistic Search for Tracking Targets. Theory and Modern Applications - Kagan Eugene

Probabilistic Search for Tracking Targets. Theory...
PDF Kagan Eugene

Multi-criteria Decision Analysis. Methods and Software - Ishizaka Alessio

Multi-criteria Decision Analysis. Methods and...
PDF Ishizaka Alessio

Categorical Data Analysis - Alan Agresti

Categorical Data Analysis
PDF Alan Agresti

Modeling and Simulation Fundamentals. Theoretical Underpinnings and Practical Domains - Banks Catherine

Modeling and Simulation Fundamentals. Theoretical...
PDF Banks Catherine

Latent Class and Latent Transition Analysis. With Applications in the Social, Behavioral, and Health Sciences - Collins Linda

Latent Class and Latent Transition Analysis. With...
PDF Collins Linda

Optimal Learning - Ryzhov Ilya

Optimal Learning
PDF Ryzhov Ilya

Statistical and Managerial Techniques for Six Sigma Methodology. Theory and Application - Barone Stefano

Statistical and Managerial Techniques for Six...
PDF Barone Stefano

Log-Linear Modeling. Concepts, Interpretation, and Application - Mun Eun-Young

Log-Linear Modeling. Concepts, Interpretation,...
PDF Mun Eun-Young