Математика, страница 38

Analyzing Environmental Data - Walter Piegorsch

Analyzing Environmental Data
PDF Walter Piegorsch

Multivariable Model - Building - Patrick Royston

Multivariable Model - Building
PDF Patrick Royston

Applied Regression Modeling - Сборник

Applied Regression Modeling
PDF Сборник

Financial Surveillance - Сборник

Financial Surveillance
PDF Сборник

Real Analysis - Сборник

Real Analysis
PDF Сборник

Data Uncertainty and Important Measures - Philippe Weber

Data Uncertainty and Important Measures
PDF Philippe Weber

Variational Methods for Engineers with Matlab - Eduardo Souza Cursi

Variational Methods for Engineers with Matlab
PDF Eduardo Souza Cursi

Methods of Multivariate Analysis - Christensen William

Methods of Multivariate Analysis
PDF Christensen William

Design and Analysis of Clinical Trials. Concepts and Methodologies - Chow Shein-Chung

Design and Analysis of Clinical Trials. Concepts...
PDF Chow Shein-Chung

The Topology of Chaos. Alice in Stretch and Squeezeland - Gilmore Robert

The Topology of Chaos. Alice in Stretch and...
PDF Gilmore Robert

Theoretical Foundations of Functional Data Analysis, with an Introduction to Linear Operators - Eubank Randall

Theoretical Foundations of Functional Data...
PDF Eubank Randall

Theory of Computation - George Tourlakis

Theory of Computation
PDF George Tourlakis

Adaptive Tests of Significance Using Permutations of Residuals with R and SAS - Thomas OGorman

Adaptive Tests of Significance Using Permutations...
PDF Thomas OGorman

Statistical Pattern Recognition - Webb Andrew

Statistical Pattern Recognition
PDF Webb Andrew

A First Course in Probability and Markov Chains - Poggiolini Laura

A First Course in Probability and Markov Chains
PDF Poggiolini Laura

Spatial Analysis Along Networks. Statistical and Computational Methods - Okabe Atsuyuki

Spatial Analysis Along Networks. Statistical and...
PDF Okabe Atsuyuki

Statistics for Exercise Science and Health with Microsoft Office Excel - J. Verma

Statistics for Exercise Science and Health with...
PDF J. Verma

Statistical and Machine Learning Approaches for Network Analysis - Dehmer Matthias

Statistical and Machine Learning Approaches for...
PDF Dehmer Matthias

Concepts of Combinatorial Optimization - Vangelis Th. Paschos

Concepts of Combinatorial Optimization
PDF Vangelis Th. Paschos

GARCH Models. Structure, Statistical Inference and Financial Applications - Francq Christian

GARCH Models. Structure, Statistical Inference...
PDF Francq Christian

Applications of Combinatorial Optimization - Vangelis Th. Paschos

Applications of Combinatorial Optimization
PDF Vangelis Th. Paschos

Applied Regression Modeling - Iain Pardoe

Applied Regression Modeling
PDF Iain Pardoe

Mathematical Game Theory and Applications - Vladimir Mazalov

Mathematical Game Theory and Applications
PDF Vladimir Mazalov

Small Area Estimation - Molina Isabel

Small Area Estimation
PDF Molina Isabel

Basic Statistics. A Primer for the Biomedical Sciences - Clark Virginia

Basic Statistics. A Primer for the Biomedical...
PDF Clark Virginia