Математика, страница 22

Fractal-Based Point Processes - Steven Lowen

Fractal-Based Point Processes
PDF Steven Lowen

The Topology of Chaos - Robert Gilmore

The Topology of Chaos
PDF Robert Gilmore

Discrete Wavelet Transformations - Patrick J. Fleet

Discrete Wavelet Transformations
PDF Patrick J. Fleet

Shape and Shape Theory - D. Barden

Shape and Shape Theory
PDF D. Barden

Probability with R - Сборник

Probability with R
PDF Сборник

Quantitative Finance - Сборник

Quantitative Finance
PDF Сборник

Tutorials in Biostatistics, Statistical Methods in Clinical Studies - Сборник

Tutorials in Biostatistics, Statistical Methods...
PDF Сборник

Planning and Analysis of Observational Studies - Сборник

Planning and Analysis of Observational Studies
PDF Сборник

Statistical Control by Monitoring and Adjustment - George E. P. Box

Statistical Control by Monitoring and Adjustment
PDF George E. P. Box

Partial Differential Equations and the Finite Element Method - Сборник

Partial Differential Equations and the Finite...
PDF Сборник

Large Deviations for Gaussian Queues - Сборник

Large Deviations for Gaussian Queues
PDF Сборник

Risk and Financial Management - Сборник

Risk and Financial Management
PDF Сборник

Probability and Random Processes - Сборник

Probability and Random Processes
PDF Сборник

Scaling, Fractals and Wavelets - Patrice Abry

Scaling, Fractals and Wavelets
PDF Patrice Abry

Interior Point Algorithms - Сборник

Interior Point Algorithms
PDF Сборник

Mathematics of Chance - Сборник

Mathematics of Chance
PDF Сборник

Environmental Statistics - Gregory Bock

Environmental Statistics
PDF Gregory Bock

The Theory of Response-Adaptive Randomization in Clinical Trials - Feifang Hu

The Theory of Response-Adaptive Randomization in...
PDF Feifang Hu

Models for Investors in Real World Markets - James Thompson

Models for Investors in Real World Markets
PDF James Thompson

Multiple Imputation for Nonresponse in Surveys - Сборник

Multiple Imputation for Nonresponse in Surveys
PDF Сборник

Statistical Tests for Mixed Linear Models - Thomas Mathew

Statistical Tests for Mixed Linear Models
PDF Thomas Mathew

Actuarial Modelling of Claim Counts - Michel Denuit

Actuarial Modelling of Claim Counts
PDF Michel Denuit

Maxima and Minima with Applications - Сборник

Maxima and Minima with Applications
PDF Сборник

Computation for the Analysis of Designed Experiments - Сборник

Computation for the Analysis of Designed...
PDF Сборник

Introduction to Mixed Modelling - Сборник

Introduction to Mixed Modelling
PDF Сборник