Критика, страница 16

Eighteenth Century English Literature - Charlotte Sussman

Eighteenth Century English Literature
PDF Charlotte Sussman

Tales of the Barbarians. Ethnography and Empire in the Roman West - Greg Woolf

Tales of the Barbarians. Ethnography and Empire...
PDF Greg Woolf

Technology, Literature and Culture - Alex Goody

Technology, Literature and Culture
PDF Alex Goody

A Concise Companion to the Romantic Age - Jon Klancher

A Concise Companion to the Romantic Age
PDF Jon Klancher

Antiquity and Modernity - Neville Morley

Antiquity and Modernity
PDF Neville Morley

A Companion to Poetic Genre - Erik Martiny

A Companion to Poetic Genre
PDF Erik Martiny

Reading Paradise Lost - David Hopkins

Reading Paradise Lost
PDF David Hopkins

Where is American Literature? - Caroline Levander

Where is American Literature?
PDF Caroline Levander

Reading the American Novel 1865-1914 - G. Thompson

Reading the American Novel 1865-1914
PDF G. Thompson

Anglo-Saxon Keywords - Allen Frantzen

Anglo-Saxon Keywords
PDF Allen Frantzen

A Guide to Old English - Mitchell Bruce

A Guide to Old English
PDF Mitchell Bruce

Modern German Literature - Michael Minden

Modern German Literature
PDF Michael Minden

French Literature. A Cultural History - Alison Finch

French Literature. A Cultural History
PDF Alison Finch

Internal Colonization. Russia′s Imperial Experience - Alexander Etkind

Internal Colonization. Russia′s Imperial...
PDF Alexander Etkind

Novel Characters. A Genealogy - Maria DiBattista

Novel Characters. A Genealogy
PDF Maria DiBattista

The Poetry Toolkit. For Readers and Writers - William Harmon

The Poetry Toolkit. For Readers and Writers
PDF William Harmon

Romanticism. An Anthology - Duncan Wu

Romanticism. An Anthology
PDF Duncan Wu

A Short History of Early Modern England. British Literature in Context - Peter Herman

A Short History of Early Modern England. British...
PDF Peter Herman

Ancient Babylonian Medicine. Theory and Practice - Markham Geller

Ancient Babylonian Medicine. Theory and Practice
PDF Markham Geller

A Companion to the Global Renaissance. English Literature and Culture in the Era of Expansion - Jyotsna Singh

A Companion to the Global Renaissance. English...
PDF Jyotsna Singh

The Literary Theory Toolkit. A Compendium of Concepts and Methods - Herman Rapaport

The Literary Theory Toolkit. A Compendium of...
PDF Herman Rapaport

Literary Theory. An Introduction - Terry Eagleton

Literary Theory. An Introduction
PDF Terry Eagleton

Comic Relief. A Comprehensive Philosophy of Humor - John Morreall

Comic Relief. A Comprehensive Philosophy of Humor
PDF John Morreall

Literary Criticism from Plato to the Present. An Introduction - M. A. R. Habib

Literary Criticism from Plato to the Present. An...
PDF M. A. R. Habib

Victorian Poetry Now. Poets, Poems and Poetics - Valentine Cunningham

Victorian Poetry Now. Poets, Poems and Poetics
PDF Valentine Cunningham