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Married For His Secret Heir
Jennifer Faye
From secret heir to secret vows…Elena Ricci has always had a crush on Earl Luca DiSalvo—with his dark and stormy eyes, his protective nature and his royal bearing, who wouldn't? But she believed they were destined to only ever be friends, until one magical evening in Paris…that has dramatic consequences.Luca is reluctant to marry…but a baby changes everything. So when beautiful Elena reveals her secret, his royal duty means he has no choice—he must make her his wife!Mirraccino MarriagesRoyal weddings in the Mediterranean

From secret heir to secret vows...
Elena Ricci has always had a crush on Earl Luca DiSalvo—with his dark and stormy eyes, his protective nature and his royal bearing, who wouldn’t? But she believed they were destined to only ever be friends, until one magical evening in Paris...that has dramatic consequences.
Luca is reluctant to marry...but a baby changes everything. So when beautiful Elena reveals her secret, his royal duty means he has no choice—he must make her his wife!
Mirraccino Marriages
Royal weddings in the Mediterranean
Jennifer Faye
Siblings Annabelle and Luca DiSalvo have grown up in the gilded shadow of royalty. Now they’re breaking free of palace protocol to find their own happy-ever-after!
The Millionaire’s Royal Rescue
Lady Annabelle’s father doesn’t approve of her globetrotting ways. He thinks a job will teach her some responsibility, but it gets her tangled up with renowned tycoon Grayson!
Married for His Secret Heir
Earl Luca needs to settle down and produce an heir. An unexpected arrival from his past seems to be the answer, but the journey down the aisle is far from smooth!
For more royal romances from sunny Mirraccino read
A Princess by Christmas
The Prince’s Christmas Vow
Available now!
Married for His Secret Heir
Jennifer Faye

www.millsandboon.co.uk (http://www.millsandboon.co.uk)
Award-winning author JENNIFER FAYE pens fun, heartwarming, contemporary romances with rugged cowboys, sexy billionaires and enchanting royalty. Internationally published, with books translated into nine languages, she is a two-time winner of the RT Book Reviews Reviewers’ Choice Award. She has also won the CataRomance Reviewers’ Choice Award, been named a TOP PICK author and been nominated for numerous other awards.
For Caitlin
From one book lover…
to another :-)
Cover (#u63514a7b-8a53-57ca-a989-ed0d2367b10d)
Back Cover Text (#uabf15756-0d36-5712-a237-ff7c5b30899b)
Mirraccino Marriages (#ub6e786ff-39c6-504e-ac9d-6ba6d7d00449)
Title Page (#u568c957f-09f5-5269-a546-d8757c6960dd)
About the Author (#u82bb607c-da50-5944-abc2-1735842dd2da)
Dedication (#u7133f613-1089-55bc-aaf9-912db2be6645)
PROLOGUE (#u63a01c39-3998-518d-8bf0-eba75cf75c6c)
CHAPTER ONE (#u04531c32-ca28-5de4-bdab-b8fc4b56a38f)
CHAPTER TWO (#ubf5a7dcc-dae0-5595-85f9-9a5f0cb54a03)
CHAPTER THREE (#u09d7b9bd-8793-51cf-a5e1-11dd0140b4cc)
CHAPTER FOUR (#u56c82354-42b8-5586-9364-40ce2bd0fc5c)
CHAPTER FIVE (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER SIX (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER SEVEN (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER EIGHT (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER NINE (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER TEN (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER ELEVEN (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER TWELVE (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER THIRTEEN (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER FOURTEEN (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER FIFTEEN (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER SIXTEEN (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER SEVENTEEN (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER EIGHTEEN (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER NINETEEN (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER TWENTY (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER TWENTY-ONE (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER TWENTY-TWO (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER TWENTY-THREE (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER TWENTY-FOUR (#litres_trial_promo)
EPILOGUE (#litres_trial_promo)
Extract (#litres_trial_promo)
Copyright (#litres_trial_promo)
PROLOGUE (#u9ca61399-ae42-5ead-8054-379b6a248937)
Paris, France
IT SHOULD HAVE been the most amazing night of her life.
Elena Ricci swept her long blond tresses over her shoulder as she stepped backstage at the Paris fashion show that had just concluded. She should be on cloud nine, but instead worries brought her feet back down to earth. With a borrowed diamond necklace and matching earrings now returned to the jeweler and her crystal-embellished gown returned to the designer, she was ready to call it a night.
“Are you heading straight to the party?” a female voice called out behind her.
Elena turned to find a young woman smiling at her. Try as she might, Elena couldn’t put a name to the face. “No. I’m going to pass on it.”
“But you have to go,” the beautiful young woman with flowing black hair said. “As the face of the line, you’re like the guest of honor. Tonight is your night.”
“I’m sure you’ll all have fun without me. I’m just not up for a party.”
“Ah, I bet you have other plans.” The young woman flashed her an I-know-what-you’re-up-to smile. “I’m sure he’ll be worth it.”
He? There was no he. The last guy she’d had the misfortune of dating had been a liar and a cheat. Elena had sworn off men after that debacle. Who needed the hassle?
“There is no guy,” Elena clarified.
“Really? Then who’s the man waiting for you at your station?”
Elena didn’t bother answering. She just started walking. If it was Steven, she was having security escort him out. She’d told him in no uncertain terms to get out of her life. And she’d meant it.
When she neared her station, the man had his back to her. “I told you I didn’t want to see you again.”
The man turned. “Is that the way you greet all your friends?”
Heat rushed to Elena’s face. Before her stood the Earl of Halencia, Luca DiSalvo, her childhood friend. “I’m sorry. I, uh, thought you were someone else.”
“I think I feel bad for the other guy.”
“Don’t. He doesn’t deserve anyone’s sympathy.” She rushed forward and gave Luca a hug, finding comfort in his strong arms. And there was something else—a warm sensation that set her stomach aflutter. But she refused to examine the reason for her elated reaction.
The truth of the matter was, she’d grown used to shoving aside her emotions when it came to Luca. Their friendship meant the world to her, and she wouldn’t do anything to risk it—even if it meant they would never be more than friends.
He pulled back and smiled. “That’s better.”
She looked deep into his tired eyes. There was something bothering him. This wasn’t just a casual visit. Luca didn’t do those. For him to come here unannounced, it meant something had happened—something big.
“What is it?” she asked. “Is it your father?”
Luca shook his head. “It’s my mother.”
“Your mother?”
Luca drew in a deep breath. “They caught her murderer. Actually, my sister did. Can you believe it? After all these years, it’s finally over.”
Elena wasn’t sure how to react. On one hand, she was relieved they’d solved the crime, but she also knew how tough the years following the heinous crime had been on Luca and his estranged family. She couldn’t imagine how he must be feeling at this point.
After the murder, Luca had withdrawn from everyone around him—including her. When he’d finished high school, he’d moved away. Soon after, she’d done the same and moved to Paris. Their friendship dwindled to an occasional phone call or an annual visit over coffee at a small café when Luca was in Paris on business.
Over the years, she’d told herself not to take the distance personally. It was Luca’s way of dealing with the unimaginable grief. But she couldn’t deny that losing the close connection with her best friend had hurt—a lot.
A million questions bubbled up within her. And yet she remained quiet as he gave her the highlights of how Annabelle had caught the murderer. The story was truly stunning.
“Annabelle just phoned me.” His gaze didn’t quite reach Elena’s. “And I just needed to tell you.” He paused as though considering his words. “I guess if I’d been thinking straight, I should have realized your mother would tell you.”
Elena reached out and briefly squeezed his hand. “I’m glad you’re the one who told me.”
“You are?”
She nodded. “I’m so sorry this happened to you and your family. I hope the murderer’s capture will help in some small way.”
“Me, too.”
There was something different about him. Instead of the usual cool aloofness that he wore like armor, he was uneasy, and there was a glimmer of vulnerability in his blue-gray eyes. Had he come here for yet another reason?
Refusing to let herself imagine that Luca was ready to become a part of her life again, she busied herself. She bent over and slipped on a pair of bright white tennis shoes with pink laces. Now that her makeup had been wiped away and the glittery, gauzy creations had been returned to the clothes rack, she felt like herself. Plain old Elena.
When she straightened, she found Luca staring at her. Her heart thump-thumped. She swallowed hard. “What is it?”
“Nothing. I was just looking at you.”
Worried that she’d missed removing some of the sparkly blue eye makeup they used to make her up as a fairy for the new magical fashion line, Elena turned to the mirror. She didn’t see anything but her own complexion. Her cheeks were a little rosy from the cleanser, but it was all her in the reflection. So why had Luca been looking at her so strangely? She shrugged it off.
“Can I persuade you to stay long enough to eat?” She hadn’t eaten a bite all day. She’d been a nervous wreck about the show, and now that it was over, she was ravenous. “Or we could get one of your favorite pizzas from Pierre’s and take it back to my flat.”
“Your flat?” Luca shook his head. “Not going to happen. I hear you have some exciting news.” He moved to the end of her makeup table and retrieved a champagne bottle. “We have to celebrate. It’s nonnegotiable.”
She wasn’t sure either of them was up for celebrating. Before she could vocalize her protest, Luca popped the cork and Elena watched as pink bubbles rushed down the side of the bottle. Luca reached for a champagne flute and filled it up.
“For you.” He held the glass out to her.
She accepted it. Luca was certainly acting out of character. Her gaze lowered to the glass as the pink bubbles rose and popped. If Luca and the designer of the line Elena now represented only knew of the mess she’d made of her private life, they wouldn’t help her celebrate being chosen as the new face of the Lauren Renard line.
Elena felt like a fraud. They all thought she was so good—so deserving. But she was none of those things. Her judgment was way off where men were concerned. She’d been too trusting—too open—and in the end, she’d been lied to in the worst way. Now she didn’t trust herself or men.
She glanced up. Her gaze met Luca’s. Tears suddenly rushed to her eyes. She blinked repeatedly, refusing to unleash the turbulent emotions that had been threatening all day.
“Hey, none of that.” Luca raised his glass. “This is a moment for celebrating.”
Elena forced a smile to her lips and lifted her glass.
Luca held his glass close to hers. “To the most amazing, wonderful tomboy I’ve ever known. And I might add that you clean up pretty good, too.”
Her mouth gaped as their glasses clinked together. “That’s not fair. I haven’t been a tomboy since we were kids.”
His eyes studied her. “I have one question for you.”
“You can ask it, but I reserve the right not to answer.” A nervous shiver rolled through her stomach. Had he heard about her romantic debacle? She groaned inwardly before taking another drink of champagne—a much bigger drink.
“When did you become so beautiful?” Luca’s gaze caressed her, leaving her insides aflutter.
Heat rushed to her cheeks. “Be careful, Luca. If I didn’t know better, I might think you were flirting with me.”
“I am.”
Her heart lodged in her throat. What had come over him? Luca was a constant flirt, but always with every other woman in the room. And now she didn’t know how to react to him.
Luca grabbed the champagne and refilled their glasses. “Drink up. I’m taking you out on the town tonight. I’m going to show off the hottest lady in Paris.”
He thought she was hot?
Maybe he was referring to the blush that had engulfed her face. She resisted the urge to fan herself. Instead, she gulped another mouthful of bubbly.
Luca was far too sexy, and he was saying all the right things to sneak right past her meticulously laid defenses. If she wasn’t careful, this evening was going to blow up in her face.
She swallowed hard. “But I’m tired—”
“Trust me. What I have in mind will wake you right up.” He winked at her.
Her heart skipped a beat. She didn’t know what to say. Instead she busied herself with another sip of champagne. As the alcohol hit her empty stomach, she realized that it wasn’t her wisest idea and set aside the glass. “It’s not that big of a deal.”
“Of course it’s a big deal. It’s a huge deal.” He smiled at her like he had something in mind. He’d been giving her that look since they were kids playing in the fields of wildflowers on the palace grounds in Mirraccino, and she knew it meant he had mischief on his mind. “We have to celebrate. And I have the perfect idea.”
Why did it suddenly feel like Luca’s reaction to her new role for the world-renowned Lauren Renard line was over the top? After all, Luca was an earl. He was royalty, for goodness’ sake. His father was the Duke of Halencia. And Luca’s mother had been the sister of the King of Mirraccino. Elena knew that her accomplishments didn’t come close to stacking up to Luca’s impressive lineage.
“Luca, it’s really not that big of a deal.” Heat rushed to her cheeks.
“Quit being so modest. You worked hard for this.” He walked over to her and put his arm over her shoulders. “I’m proud of you. Just wait until my sister hears about this. In fact, she was just asking about you.”
“She was?” When he nodded, Elena said, “Tell her I said hi.”
“I will. Right after I tell her about you being world famous and the face of her favorite clothing line.”
In truth, being the face of such a renowned line was truly a turning point in Elena’s career. She wouldn’t just have her face on the middle pages of a magazine. She would now dominate the covers. Her calendar would be filled with photo sessions. Finally, she was no longer just the daughter of the King of Mirraccino’s secretary or the tomboy who followed Luca all around the palace grounds and played football with him until long after the sun set. She was now a successful international model—for however long it lasted.
“But after your news, I’d really understand if you didn’t want to make a big deal of it.”
“Indulge me,” Luca said.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“It means while you were taking your final stroll down the catwalk, I was on the phone.”
“And? You were finding out the location of the next hot party?” She had no doubt there were parties with so many notable people in town this week for the line reveal, but that just wasn’t her scene.
“There’s only one party on my mind.” He looked at her rather intently.
Her heart raced. “Luca, when did you become so mysterious?”
“Mysterious?” There was a glint of mischievousness reflected in his eyes. “I’ve been accused of a lot of things, but never that.”
“Well, then out with it. What plans did you make?”
“Trust me. You’ll find out soon enough.”
She moved to retrieve her purse and turned back to say something when his lips landed on hers. That wasn’t supposed to happen. Her heart jumped into her throat. So why wasn’t Luca pulling away? Why wasn’t she?
Maybe if she had held still just a moment longer, his kiss would have landed on her cheek. Yeah, that was probably it. But now that they were in this awkward situation, neither moved. Could he hear the pounding of her heart?
Over the years, she’d wondered what it’d be like to feel Luca’s mouth pressed to hers. But she’d never, ever thought that it would actually happen.
And then his lips moved over hers, tentatively and slowly, as though figuring out where they went from here. Her pulse raced, and any rational thoughts slipped out of reach. At last, her dream was coming true.
Her purse slipped from her hand as she reached out to him. Her fingers slid beneath his gray sports jacket to the black T-shirt beneath. As her palms slid over the defined contours of his chest, a moan swelled in the back of her throat.
Oh, yeah... This kiss—this moment—was so much better than she’d ever imagined. She definitely approved of this change in Luca.
His arms wrapped around her, pulling her close. Need, wonderment and eagerness consumed her. The rush of emotions was more intoxicating than the bubbly they’d just shared.
As their kiss intensified, his tongue slipped past her compliant lips. She leaned in closer, pressing the length of her body against his. If this was a dream, she didn’t want to wake up.
A whistle followed by applause from the stage crew had her reluctantly pulling away. She wasn’t sure what she expected to find when she gazed into Luca’s face. Perhaps disappointment or regret, but instead he was smiling at her. It was one of those smiles that made his eyes twinkle.
“Are you ready to go?” Luca whispered into her ear, sending goose bumps racing down over her body.
“Good. I want to make this a very special evening for you.”
It was already special. That kiss had been so unexpected and so much better than she’d ever imagined. This was a different side of Luca, and she liked it—she liked him—a lot.
After retrieving her purse from the floor, she slipped her hand into his and they rushed out the door. She refused to second-guess this decision. It was her one chance to be something so much more than Luca’s friend.
At last, he’d seen her as a desirable woman.
CHAPTER ONE (#u9ca61399-ae42-5ead-8054-379b6a248937)
Nine weeks later, Mirraccino Island,
the Mediterranean
SHE’D HEARD IT said that you can never go home again. Maybe she should have heeded that warning.
Elena stared at herself in the full-length mirror in her bedroom at her parents’ modest home on the royal estate of Mirraccino. This trip had not been her idea. It had come about rather suddenly when her mother broke her leg.
Her mother had called to say that she couldn’t get around on her own, and since Elena’s father was needed at the palace, her mother was home alone all day. As their only child, it was up to Elena to return home. And though the timing wasn’t ideal with the start of the new campaign for the Renard line, Elena had worked feverishly to reschedule all of her appointments. She was more than willing to help her mother, who’d always been there for her.
But unbeknownst to Elena, her mother had exaggerated her condition. The fact that her mother had played on Elena’s emotions was unusual, so she let it pass without comment. The truth was she didn’t make it home often enough.
Don’t think about it. Not this evening.
She hadn’t even unpacked yet when her mother had handed over an invitation printed on heavy cream stationery sealed with a deep purple royal crest. A little confused, Elena had opened it, surprised to find that she’d been invited to Lady Annabelle’s engagement festivities. The invitation had said the event was to be intimate and to dress casually.
Now, two days later, she’d tried on every single dress she’d brought with her from Paris at least twice. Some were too revealing. Others were too flashy. And some were too formal. What exactly did one wear to dinner at the palace?
She’d never been in this situation before. Although she was the daughter of the king’s private secretary, she wasn’t the type who received invitations to royal events. And this wasn’t just any party. It was a weeklong series of events. And her mother had taken it upon herself to post an acceptance on Elena’s behalf.
Knock. Knock.
“Come in.”
Her mother smiled as she entered the room. Her long dark hair was pulled back and tucked up at the nape of her neck. Only powder accentuated her natural beauty. “I just wanted to see if you needed any help getting ready.”
“I’m the one who should be asking if you need anything.”
Her mother waved off the concern. “I’m fine.”
“Isn’t Father home yet? I thought he might stay with you while I’m out for the evening.”
The smile slipped from her mother’s face. “I don’t see your father much lately.”
Elena had noticed her father’s increased absence. “What has him so busy?”
“The same thing as always—the king.”
“Oh.” Elena knew from growing up that her father kept his work to himself. And that was probably why he was the king’s most trusted employee. “I’m sorry. I had hoped the king would be back to normal by now.”
“I had hoped the same thing. Nothing has been right since they arrested that murderer. The news hit the king really hard.”
“I’m sure it was quite a shock to learn there was a murderer wandering through the palace all those years.”
Her mother shuddered. “I don’t like to think of it. Your father saw that criminal every day. Just the thought—”
“Don’t go there. It’s all over.” Elena hoped to reassure her. “Father is safe.”
Her mother sent her a weak smile and nodded.
Elena turned back to the full-length mirror. She’d finally settled on a little black dress. It wasn’t anything special. But the black suited her mood. She’d been sullen and reserved ever since her night with Luca. It had been just one more mistake on her part—a total error in judgment.
The only right decision she’d made was agreeing to be the face of one of the world’s hottest designers. The work was now coming in droves. In fact, there were so many requests for appearances and photo shoots that she couldn’t do them all. But once word got out about her condition, it would all end.
She was pregnant with Luca’s baby.
Pregnant. The word still sounded so foreign to her.
She’d always kept track of her cycle—a little tick mark on her day planner. With the hectic schedule of a new campaign, she hadn’t noticed right away that her timely cycle had suddenly drifted off course. But referencing her day planner to schedule future shoots, she’d stumbled across the missing tick mark. Her heart had clenched before panic ensued.
Four home pregnancy tests later, her worst fears had been confirmed. She was pregnant with Luca’s baby. At this point, only Elena and her doctor knew the truth. And for the moment, that was how it’d remain.
“Is that what you’re wearing to dinner?” her mother asked, studying Elena’s black dress. A decided frown came over her face. “Don’t you have something more cheerful?”
For some reason, her mother’s disapproval decided Elena’s attire for her. “I like this.”
“You’re awfully skinny.” Her mother clucked her tongue disapprovingly. “While you’re home, you need to eat more. Thin is nice, dear. But when a man wants to wrap his hands around you and—”
“Mother, stop.” She couldn’t believe her prim and proper mother was talking about a man having his hands on her. It just sounded so wrong to hear her mother talk about sex. Ew!
“Really, Elena. I didn’t think you were a prude, especially with those sexy outfits you model.”
“I’m not a prude. It doesn’t mean I want to talk about—about that—with you.”
Her mother smiled. “I didn’t think people your age were so shy talking about sex.”
“Enough. You’re really making me uncomfortable here.”
“Okay. Okay. I’ll stop.”
“Thank you.”
Ding. Dong.
Elena looked at her mother. “Are you expecting anyone?”
“Not that I recall.”
“I’ll get it.” Elena made a move toward the door, immensely grateful for the interruption.
Her mother held up a hand. “You stay and finish getting ready. I’ll entertain your date.”
“I thought you didn’t know who was at the door?”
“I, ah, just remembered.” Her mother’s gaze avoided hers.
“Really? That’s interesting, because I don’t recall making a date.”
“I know, dear. That’s why I arranged for one. After all, you don’t want to show up at the palace all alone.”
Stunned by her mother’s matchmaking, Elena stood slack jawed as her mother used her crutches to maneuver out of Elena’s bedroom. She even pulled the door shut behind her.
Elena didn’t know what shocked her more—her mother’s agility or the fact Elena had a date that evening and her mother hadn’t even told her the man’s name. At least with her mother doing the matchmaking, Elena knew the man would be honest and a gentleman.
The only problem was Elena didn’t want a date. She was perfectly happy going to the palace alone. This wasn’t the good old days when it was unseemly for a twenty-five-year-old woman to be seen in public without an escort.
She had to put a stop to her mother’s meddling. After all, she’d returned to Mirraccino to take care of her mother, not the other way around.
Elena glanced back at the mirror. She turned, giving a side view. Would anyone be able to tell she was pregnant? She didn’t think so. She wasn’t far along. And so far she’d been able to avoid the dreaded morning sickness. A little nausea now and then and being a bit more emotional than normal were her only symptoms.
She turned away from the mirror and slipped on a pair of platform stiletto heels adorned with crystals. The added height to her five-foot-ten stature always gave her a boost of confidence. The peekaboo toes would give a glimpse of her pedicure. Thankfully, she’d had a nail appointment just before she left Paris. She’d hoped it would lift her spirits. It hadn’t.
She pulled open the bedroom door and headed downstairs. “Mother, I—”
The words died in her throat. There, making chitchat with her mother, was Luca. Her heart lurched into her throat. How could this be? Luca never visited Mirraccino. And yet here he was, smiling and laughing with her mother.
He looked incredibly handsome with his dark hair cropped short on the sides and back while the top was a bit longer. He wore a charcoal suit that amplified his already broad shoulders—shoulders where not so long ago she’d rested her head. She squelched the thought as fast as it came to her.
Sans a tie, the top two buttons of his white dress shirt were unbuttoned, revealing a glimpse of his tanned chest and the gold chain that held his St. Christopher medal. He’d been wearing that necklace—a gift from his mother—almost as long as Elena had known him. She knew it meant a great deal to him.
He looked like he was ready to step onto a runway in Paris or Milan. He was certainly photogenic enough. He had it all—the looks, a title and money. He wanted for nothing. Even though he’d settled down with a job in the financial sector, she knew he traveled routinely. With his home base in Milan, he often traveled throughout Europe to the States and then to Australia before he started the expedition once again. And he certainly never lacked for companionship.
She should have known that Luca would be her mother’s idea of an appropriate date. Her mother would like nothing better than to have her marry into the royal family. But Elena had made it clear that would never happen. She’d had enough of men. They only wanted one thing. Once they got it, it was game over and they were on to their next conquest.
Not so long ago, Luca had been the love ’em and leave ’em type. And the aftermath of their night together hadn’t convinced her that this particular leopard had changed his spots. It was best that she trod carefully where he was concerned.
“Hello, Elena.” Luca placed a practiced smile on his face, but there was a flicker of something dark in his eyes. In a blink it was gone, leaving her to wonder if she’d imagined it.
“Hi. I... I didn’t know you were back on the island.”
“I was told by my sister that if I didn’t make an appearance for her engagement celebration, she would track me down and it wouldn’t be pretty when she found me.”
“I can imagine your sister following through on that threat.”
“Me, too. So here I am.”
“And since your appearance was last minute,” her mother interjected, “Luca kindly agreed to be your escort. Isn’t that right, Luca?”
His Adam’s apple bobbed. “Yes, that’s right. It looks like we’re both without dates this evening.”
“But that doesn’t mean my mother should have imposed on you.” Elena sent her mother a pointed look.
“I didn’t.” Her mother feigned innocence.
Elena’s gaze narrowed on her mother, not believing her. “And I suppose Luca is now psychic and knew I’d be here this evening without a date?”
Elena could feel Luca’s gaze on her, but she refused to face him. She was already embarrassed enough. How could her mother do this to her?
“I was just trying to help,” her mother said. “Luca came round the other day to check on me. He’d heard about my accident, and he wanted to make sure I was okay.”
It sounded innocent enough, but how that translated into a date was another story. “And that’s when you hatched this scheme to impose on his kindness.”
“Young lady—” her mother’s voice took on a sharp edge of indignation “—I don’t now, nor have I ever, hatched a scheme. I merely mentioned that you were flying in to town.”
“And I suggested that we go to the dinner this evening—together.” Luca was no longer smiling.
He was mad at her? She was only trying to undo her mother’s meddling. She was certain her mother had more to do with this arrangement than she was letting on. Wait. Had he just said he was the one who’d wanted to go to the dinner with her?
Elena’s gaze shifted to Luca. But it was like he had built a wall between them, and she wasn’t able to read his thoughts. Drat! She felt as though she was standing on shifting sand and she just couldn’t get her footing. The best thing to do was let him off the hook, gently.
“I appreciate your thoughtfulness, but you don’t have to bother,” she said, watching his eyes grow darker. “I don’t mind going to the palace by myself.”
“What about the palace?” Her father stepped through the doorway in his standard black suit, collared white shirt and black tie.
“Luca came to escort Elena to the dinner at the palace.” Her mother beamed. “Isn’t that wonderful?”
Her father’s face was pale and drawn. Dark circles had formed under his eyes from being on call for the king at any hour of the day or night. Elena wished her father would set some boundaries in his life, but he insisted that his duty was to the king, and he could not be deterred.
Everyone stood quietly waiting for her father to speak. It wasn’t like him to be so quiet. Usually he would tell her to have a good evening and be on his way.
“Are you all right?” Elena asked her father.
“I’m fine. Just a little tired.” Her father moved to stand in front of Elena. He leaned forward and pressed a feathery kiss to her cheek. “But I’m feeling better now. How could I not with my wonderful family around me?”
Elena’s mother nodded toward Luca. “Aren’t you going to say anything to our guest?”
Her father grunted as though he’d forgotten. He turned to Luca. “Don’t do anything to hurt my girl. Or else...”
Her father didn’t finish the threat, but Luca’s rigid stance and the firm line of his lips said that he’d gotten the message.
“I’ll go clean up for dinner,” her father said and moved toward the stairs.
“Shall we go?” Luca asked.
Elena had to try one last time to call off this awkward date. “As I was saying before, I really don’t mind arriving alone.”
Luca sighed. “Ah, but see, I do mind. I hate showing up at these family events alone. There will be questions about who I’m dating, if it’s serious and if I ever plan to settle down and get married. I’d rather avoid all that.”
So she would be doing him a favor? By what? Being his decoy? A shield?
No. No. No.
She wasn’t comfortable with any of those titles. Elena had enough of her own secrets. She didn’t need to be drawn into anyone else’s drama.
The past few months in Paris had consisted of making one bad decision after the other. It had gotten to the point where she had no faith in her own judgment. And now that she was pregnant, she had to make the right decisions. There was an innocent baby counting on her. She had mixed emotions about her unexpected condition. How could she tell Luca she was pregnant when she didn’t even know how she felt about it?
That was why her mother’s request for her to return home couldn’t have come at a better time. She had hoped some downtime would clear her head. At the time, she’d had absolutely no idea that Annabelle was having a big celebration or that she would include Elena in the festivities.
Her gaze landed on Luca. He looked uncomfortable and anxious to be anywhere but here. Things had definitely changed between them. Where there had once been an easiness, there was now this crackling tension. If she needed any confirmation that they could never go back to how they used to be, this was it.
Tonight, she would be nervous enough being a guest at the palace. She really didn’t need the added awkwardness she felt around Luca. If only he wasn’t so insistent on being a gentleman and escorting her.
“I’m not quite ready to go.” When he didn’t say anything, she added, “I don’t want to make you late.”
“I don’t mind waiting,” he said. “It’ll give me some more time to talk with your mother.”
Her mother smiled. “And I just made a fresh batch of those amaretto cookies that you enjoy.”
“They’re my favorite,” Luca said. “And I haven’t had them in a very long time. You really are the best in the kitchen.”
Her mother shook a finger at him. “You have grown up to be quite a flatterer. I’ll just go get you a few.”
“If you don’t mind, I’ll join you.”
Her mother nodded and set off for the kitchen with Luca following closely behind. Elena stood alone in the entryway. What exactly had just happened?
CHAPTER TWO (#u9ca61399-ae42-5ead-8054-379b6a248937)
LUCA COULDN’T TAKE his gaze off her.
Had Elena always been this beautiful?
Thankfully she’d turned her head to stare out the car’s window at the passing fields of wildflowers while in the background the setting sun painted the sky with streaks of orange, pink and purple. But tonight Luca was in no mood to appreciate nature’s beauty.
In the weeks since he’d last seen her in Paris, he’d convinced himself that everything about their evening together had been blown out of proportion by the champagne. He just couldn’t accept that he was attracted to his childhood friend. He couldn’t allow that to happen, because they could have no future.
He wasn’t into commitments.
Not now. Not ever.
But there was something about Elena that pulled at him...even to this day.
And then he remembered how he’d woken up the morning after they’d made love and heard Elena sniffling. The sound had ripped him apart. No one had ever cried after spending the night with him. And the fact that it was Elena, of all people, made the situation so much worse.
He hadn’t moved for an indeterminable number of minutes. Her muffled sobs had sliced through him. Clearly she’d thought their night together had been a mistake. Unable to think of anything to say to comfort her, he’d continued to breathe deeply as though he’d still been asleep. Each breath had been painful, as his entire body was tense. The memory was still so crystal clear.
He had done that. He had made Elena cry. And he felt awful.
If only he hadn’t let things get out of hand. But he’d thought she’d been having a good time. Still, he should have resisted kissing her. He should have made their friendship the priority. If he’d been thinking clearly, he would have realized there would be no coming back from holding her all night long.
He swallowed hard as the limo glided through the estate to the palace. The ride only took a couple of minutes, but with Elena so close to him, time seemed to stand still. For the first time, he wasn’t sure what to say or what to do.
Boy, he’d really messed things up between them. He resisted the urge to rake his fingers through his hair. He needed to look his best for the professional photos his sister would undoubtedly insist upon.
On second thought, this date is not a good idea.
Not good at all.
“Are you sure about this?” Elena asked.
“Yes.” Liar.
She arched a brow. “You don’t sound certain.”
This was where he should reach out and squeeze her hand to reassure her, but instead he didn’t move. He didn’t trust himself to touch her. The images of their night together were still in the forefront of his mind.
He’d really mucked things up. The truth was he didn’t want to be Elena’s escort, but when her mother had mentioned Elena’s return to the island, he’d been caught off guard. And when her mother had mentioned the party, Luca had spoken without thinking.
And now, well, all he wanted to do was sweep Elena into his arms and pick up right where they’d left off back in Paris. He wanted to feel her eager lips beneath his—ready and willing.
He halted his thoughts. This wasn’t like him. When he ended a relationship, he moved on without looking back. With Elena there had been no moving on. Since that night, no other woman had interested him.
When he closed his eyes, it was Elena’s face he saw. It was the memory of her lips that tormented him. How was he ever supposed to get her out of his system?
So he didn’t dare look at Elena right now. He refused to act on those desires. She’d made it abundantly clear that she regretted their night together—no matter how hot and steamy it had been.
He just needed to focus on something else—anything else. His mind drew a blank. Perhaps he should start a conversation. Yes, that was a good idea. But what should he talk about?
“I was surprised to hear you were back on the island.” There—that sounded normal enough.
She shrugged. “I didn’t have much choice, considering I thought my mother truly needed me.”
“I take it she exaggerated her injuries?”
Elena nodded. “By the sound of her on the phone, she was on death’s door.”
Luca smiled. “I can imagine.”
“What does that mean?” Elena suddenly sounded protective of her mother.
“I just meant that your mother would do anything to get you home.”
“And how would you know? You’re here even less than I am.”
He shrugged, not certain he wanted to admit that he talked with her mother often enough. At first, Elena’s mother had concocted any excuse possible to call him, but as time went by, he got used to hearing from her. He actually looked forward to it, because she would fill him in on all of Elena’s accomplishments.
“I just remember how she used to be—always wanting you to stay close to home.”
Elena shrugged. “She finally accepted that my future wasn’t in Mirraccino.”
“Speaking of which, how did you get time off from your new campaign to fly here?”
Elena glanced away. “I...ah, had a break in my schedule.”
There was something more she wasn’t telling him, but he didn’t push. If she wanted him to know, she’d tell him when she was ready. The fact she was even speaking to him, he took as a positive sign. Maybe there was hope for their friendship after all.
The car pulled to a stop in front of the palace. Though he’d been staying here since he arrived a couple of days ago, he didn’t want to attend this dinner any more than Elena. But he refused to disappoint his sister. He’d already hurt her enough by leaving home and allowing extended gaps between visits. He knew Annabelle wanted her family reunited, and now that their mother’s killer had been caught, she thought it would fix everything.
It wouldn’t.
Luca had witnessed too much. Experienced too much. And he couldn’t be the son that his father needed—and perhaps deserved.
But now that Annabelle was getting married, hopefully she’d stop longing for the family she’d lost. When a family member was murdered, it seemed for the most part that families reacted in one of two ways. The horrific event either drew them together—the family against the world. Or it splintered them apart—each finding their solace in a different way. His family had been the latter.
Luca’s car door swung open, interrupting his thoughts. It was for the best. He didn’t want to dwell on how he’d disappointed his sister repeatedly over the years. Tonight was to be a celebration. And he would put on his biggest and brightest smile, which shouldn’t be too hard since their father, the duke, was not to be in attendance. Tonight was an informal gathering of friends and some family. Annabelle wanted her groom to meet the people who had meant a lot to her while she was growing up.
An enormous wooden door with brass fixtures swung open. An older gentleman in a black-and-white tux stepped outside to greet them.
Elena put her hand on Luca’s arm, pausing him from getting out of the car. She leaned over and whispered, “That’s so strange.”
“What is?” Luca glanced around, but he didn’t notice anything amiss.
“That the butler is there to greet me—well, us. That’s never happened in my whole life.”
Luca smiled and shook his head. “I’m glad it makes you happy.”
“It does.”
Luca alighted from the car and turned back. He held out his hand to help Elena to her feet. “So what do you think?”
“I think that no matter where I go, this palace is the most beautiful building.” Her gaze focused on the palace and not him. “What do you think? You’ve traveled even more than me. Have you ever seen anything so amazing?”
Luca turned to study the expansive building. He had honestly never really looked at the place. He was embarrassed to admit that he’d taken the centuries-old palace for granted. Over the years, it’d been expanded upon, which included the addition of the towering turrets. Though once used to keep an eye out for approaching enemy ships, they were now more a decoration and painted with stripes of yellow, pink, aqua and gold.
“It really is remarkable,” Luca said, his gaze straying to Elena. “A beauty unlike any other that I’ve ever found.”
Just then Elena glanced at him, and he turned away. Did she know he was no longer talking about the palace? He hoped not. He didn’t want to give her the wrong idea. They’d had their chance together—as brief as it might have been. There was no way of recapturing it. He refused to even consider it. Okay, maybe he had considered it, but he wouldn’t act upon his desires.
Even if their lovemaking hadn’t made her cry, they didn’t belong together. He couldn’t make her the promises she deserved. And he wouldn’t have any woman waiting around for him when he had absolutely no intention of making a commitment.
Therefore, it was best that he shove aside those tempting images of her in his arms with that wanton desire reflected in her eyes. He swallowed hard. Could they ever be friends like before? He was feeling less assured about that with each passing moment.
The butler stood aside. “Welcome, Miss Ricci. It’s good to have you back.”
“Hello, Alfred. It’s good to be back.”
Luca held out his arm to Elena. She paused and looked at it as if she wasn’t sure what to do. Boy, he really had messed things up between them.
“Go ahead,” he encouraged. “I promise not to bite.”
A small smile lifted the corners of her very desirable lips. She tentatively slipped her hand into the crook of his arm. When an unfamiliar sensation pulsed up his arm and settled in his chest, he stilled his body. He refused to give any indication that her touch affected him. Because it hadn’t. Not really. It was just nerves. He was just worried about doing something to drive his best friend even further from him.
“Are you ready?”
Elena nodded.
Her face was void of emotion. He knew that look. It was her working face—the look she wore when she was strutting down the catwalk in some amazing outfit. He couldn’t rightly describe any of the fashions she wore, because when he googled her, he was always caught up by the beauty of her face. It didn’t matter what hair color or stylish cut she was sporting—ever since their night together, he’d been captivated by her.
He took sure strides up the steps to the open palace door. Inside, there was a host of palace staff to greet them and escort them to the dining room. It was odd, considering Luca had been running through this palace with his host of cousins since he was in diapers. That seemed so long ago now.
A flash went off, momentarily blinding Luca.
Elena came to a standstill. She released his arm. “The press is here?”
“Not that I know of.”
Elena took a step back. “I should have expected this. Coming here was a mistake.”
Luca glanced around. The photographer moved out of the dining room. “It’s not the press. It’s a private photographer. My sister is sentimental and wants to have pictures to remember these events.”
Elena’s worried gaze met his. “You’re sure?”
He nodded. “Since when did you become so shy? I thought the camera was your friend.”
“You thought wrong.” And with that Elena brushed past him and headed into the dining room.
What had just happened? His radar was going off. Something was definitely amiss. And it frustrated the heck out of him that he’d wrecked their relationship to the point where she wouldn’t even open up to him.
He rushed to catch up to her. “Tell me what’s bothering you.”
“If it’s nothing, why won’t you even face me?”
She didn’t stop. “It’s nothing,” she called over her shoulder. “Just drop it.”
“Tell me what it is and I’ll fix it if I can.”
She stopped and turned to him. Wearing an indifferent expression like a mask, she said, “I don’t know why you think I need help.”
Luca reached out and grasped her arm before she could wander off. “I know things aren’t right between us, but I also know you really well, and no matter what you say, I know there’s something wrong—something big.”
Elena yanked her arm from him. “You should concentrate on your sister. This is her big night.”
As though his sister had heard her name mentioned, she rushed over to them. Annabelle’s face was aglow with happiness. “Elena, I was so excited when I heard you were back on the island.” She reached out and they quickly hugged. “Thank you so much for coming.”
A strange sensation coiled through Luca as he watched the easy smile light up Elena’s face. Elena certainly hadn’t done that when she’d spotted him at her mother’s house. In fact, her reaction had been quite the opposite.
He didn’t know why he let it bother him. There were plenty of other women out there who would be happy to have his company. If only he had the slightest bit of interest in those other women.
He inwardly groaned with frustration. He turned away and went in search of something to drink. He wasn’t really thirsty, but it was certainly better than watching Elena make nice with everyone—everyone but him.
He had to quit letting her get to him. He needed to withdraw. Wasn’t that what he’d promised himself after his mother’s murder? To keep people at a safe distance?
That was why he’d packed up and moved away from Halencia and Mirraccino. It hurt too much when people he cared about were torn from his life—whether by murder, grief or something else. He just couldn’t go through that again.
And though he’d missed his sister and Elena while he’d been traveling, he’d been able to distract himself. He was always on the go. A new adventure. A new challenge. That was exactly what he should do now—set off on a new expedition. But he couldn’t. Not yet.
Until the week was over, he had to make the best of this situation. And then he would be gone. He would return to Milan. He would make plans for some daring feat and forget all about these unwanted emotions.
CHAPTER THREE (#u9ca61399-ae42-5ead-8054-379b6a248937)
AT LAST SHE was an invited guest.
Elena had never thought the day would come when she would be invited to the palace. It was the final confirmation that she’d gone from being a nobody to a somebody. She was no longer the shy child who was left out of all the elaborate royal birthday parties and the other celebrations Luca and his sister attended.
After waiting a lifetime for this moment, she was surprised to find it wasn’t nearly as satisfying as she’d imagined. Truthfully, she wasn’t enjoying herself. She was in no frame of mind to take part in such a celebration. Her life was a mess, and she had a feeling the worst was yet to come.
At dinner, Luca had been seated at the other end of the extremely long table. There was no chance of him probing her with his eyes—searching for answers to his unspoken questions. The problem with hanging out with her former best friend was that he could still read her like a book. And she just wasn’t ready to open up to him.
During the dinner, she’d witnessed Annabelle’s bubbly happiness. It was then that Elena made her decision. She would delay telling Luca about the baby until the end of the week. By then, the celebration would be over and the fallout from her announcement couldn’t ruin this happy occasion.
The delay would be best for everyone. Until then, she’d have a chance to figure out her life plan and to find the right words to soften the blow for Luca. Not that she wanted anything from him—that she’d decided. But he was the father of her baby, and he deserved to know the truth.
She glanced around, finding Luca engaged in a conversation with Prince Demetrius. This was her chance to quietly slip away from the party. After all, who would notice? Besides possibly Luca. But they’d been doing their best to avoid each other all evening. So perhaps he’d be relieved to realize that she’d gone.
Luckily, having spent her youth avoiding the guards and servants, she knew her way around the palace. She slipped into the hallway. A quick check both ways let her know that the coast was clear. Her gaze latched on the French doors at the end of the hallway. Although freedom was within reach, she forced herself to walk at a reasonable pace.
She inhaled a deep breath, hoping to calm her rising nerves. All she wanted now was to escape the curious looks and the inevitable questions regarding her showing up as Luca’s date. When her hand grasped the brass handle, she glanced over her shoulder. So far, so good.
She let herself out onto the patio that was surrounded by the royal gardens. She looked left and then right. All alone. She breathed her first easy breath all evening. Whatever had made her think that coming here would be a good idea?
She moved to the far end of the patio and leaned her palms against the cold concrete balustrade supported by dozens of tiny pillars. The entire palace was a work of art. And just now the gardens were aglow beneath the full moon. It was breathtaking—
“There you are.” Luca’s voice came from behind her.
The breath caught in Elena’s throat. She’d been so close to making a successful escape. Why had she stopped? Maybe because she knew this would be the last time she would be welcome at the palace. Once word got out about all her ill-advised activities, no one would want her around—most especially Luca.
Steeling herself, she leveled her shoulders, plastered a smile on her face and turned. “Luca, I didn’t hear you approach.”
“And I didn’t hear you say anything about sneaking off into the night.” His dark brows were drawn together.
“Who said I was sneaking away?”
“I did. And you were.”
The smile was getting harder and harder to maintain. “Really, Luca? Sometimes you imagine too much.”
“Don’t try to brush me off. I know you, Elena. You put on a pretty good show this evening for the other guests, but I can see you aren’t happy.”
“Of course I’m happy. I’m honored that your sister still thinks so highly of our childhood friendship to invite me to such an event.”
“Annabelle likes everyone.” And then, as though he realized how that might sound, he added, “But you meant a lot to her, especially when our mother died.”
Elena had tried her best to be there for both Luca and Annabelle, but he’d pushed her away. It was as if overnight Luca had built a wall around himself and no matter how hard she tried, there’d been no scaling that wall. Eventually she gave up.
“I don’t belong here,” Elena said.
“What? Of course you do.”
She wasn’t going to argue with him. Her gaze strayed to the sweeping steps that led to the garden. “I made an appearance, and now it’s time that I go. Please tell your sister I had a good time.”
Luca crossed his arms over his broad chest. “Tell her yourself.”
The abruptness of his comment caught her off guard. “I...I will.” A written message would be so much easier than a phone conversation where inevitable questions would arise. “I’ll drop her a note tomorrow.”
“This isn’t about you fitting in. It’s about us. Isn’t it?”
She met his unwavering gaze. “Why would you think that?”
“Because I really screwed up in Paris. It was all a big mistake. I wasn’t myself that night. And if you give me a chance to make it up to you, I swear it’ll never happen again.”
The more he tried to explain, the more his pointed words poked at her hope that they’d get past this awkward stage. But now she knew the unvarnished truth. And it was worse than she’d thought.
Having no response for him, she turned to continue walking.
“You can’t just walk away,” he called out.
Why did he have to keep pushing? He wasn’t going to like anything she had to say. It was best to keep moving. She took another step.
“Elena, what is it going to take for you to forgive and forget?”
She turned, catching the frustration written so clearly on his face. “You don’t understand. The past can’t be that easily erased.”
“What are you saying?” He stepped closer to her. “Elena, what is going on?”
Elena pressed her lips together. She’d said far more than she’d intended at this juncture. And now she’d aroused Luca’s suspicion. There was one thing that Luca excelled at and that was ferreting out the truth. If she didn’t get out of here soon, her secret would be out. And this royal scandal—the earl having a baby with a commoner, the daughter of the help—would be the talk of the palace and beyond.
She knew it would happen sooner or later, but she’d been hoping for later, after Annabelle’s moment in the spotlight. After all Annabelle had been through tracking down her mother’s murderer and then being held at gunpoint, her friend deserved this bit of happiness.
“I’m not leaving here until you talk to me,” Luca said. “So out with it.”
“I just meant we can’t pretend that night didn’t happen.”
He didn’t say anything for a moment, as though he were considering the sincerity of her statement. “I understand. But I don’t want to lose our friendship.”
Before she could say a word, the sound of voices and approaching footsteps interrupted. Elena glanced past Luca and spotted Prince Alexandro alongside another of Luca’s cousins. The prince glanced up and surprise flashed in his eyes.
“I’m sorry. We didn’t know anyone was out here,” Prince Alexandro said. “We’ll go.”
“No. Stay. You aren’t interrupting anything,” Elena hastily responded.
The prince’s gaze moved between her and Luca. “You’re sure?”
Luca hesitated and then nodded.
“Good,” the prince said, approaching them. “Luca, we need you to settle a disagreement.”
The men quickly got into a heated discussion about the upcoming European football season. Elena immediately tuned out the conversation. She wasn’t a sports fan unless it was auto racing. There was just something about a hot guy and a fast car. Her mind immediately conjured up Luca in a sleek racecar. The image definitely worked for her. But just as quickly as the image came to her, she dismissed it.
With the men now deep in conversation, Luca had his back to her. She took advantage of the moment to follow through with her original plan to steal away into the night. Trying to act as casual as possible, she quietly strolled down the steps and entered the garden.
When she reached the other side of the garden, she slipped through the gate and entered the open field illuminated only by moonlight. At last, she was free.
With her hand splayed over her midsection, she said, “Don’t worry, little one. We’ll tell your father. The time just has to be right.”
* * *
A late-night phone call was never a good thing.
In Luca’s case, it always meant that his life was about to take a turn for the worse. He doubted tonight would be any different.
“Luca, you answered.” Surprise rang out in his father’s voice.
Was he that bad at accepting calls from his father? Perhaps. He had started to avoid his father’s calls because the man kept hounding him to step up and take his place in the family business—a position Luca didn’t feel comfortable assuming.
“Are you all right?” Luca asked, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.
“I’m coming to Mirraccino first thing in the morning. We need to talk.”
“Is that code for you want to discuss how I’m wasting my life? If so, you’re wasting your time—”
“I’m serious, Luca. It’s imperative that we talk.” There was a weariness to his father’s voice that he’d never heard before. And it concerned Luca more than he’d expected.
“Can’t you just tell me now?”
“No. We need to do this in person. And don’t tell your sister. She’ll find out soon enough, but for now she deserves to enjoy her engagement.”
“Good. I’ll see you first thing in the morning. Don’t sleep in.”
“I won’t.”
When they disconnected, sleep was the very last thing on Luca’s mind. His father was far from melodramatic. In fact, after his mother’s murder, his father had been the only calm person—perhaps too calm. At the time, Luca had resented the fact that his father hadn’t fallen to pieces. In that moment, he’d been certain his father didn’t love his mother. Not like he should have loved her.
That was the moment when Luca pulled back from everyone. Convinced that love was just an illusion, he’d refused to become a victim of romance and happily-ever-after. Because when the haze of lust lifted, someone would walk away and someone would get hurt.
And as much as Luca believed his father had not loved his mother, as the years slipped by, his doubts set in. His father never moved on with his life. He never remarried. Luca wasn’t even sure his father dated. If he did, he used the utmost discretion. And the few times that Luca had returned to their home in Halencia, it remained the same. His mother’s belongings were still where she had left them. It was so easy to pretend that she was just out for the day. It made Luca wonder if he’d misjudged his father. Had his father loved his mother in his own way?
Sleep was elusive for the rest of the night as Luca stared into the darkness. He knew as sure as the sun would rise that his life was about to change dramatically. It left him restless.
And then there was the matter of Elena.
She’d gotten away from him tonight. He didn’t know what was bothering her, but he intended to find out. It wasn’t like Elena to act so mysteriously.
Tomorrow there was a picnic. He wasn’t sure what else Annabelle had planned for the day, but he was certain it wouldn’t be boring. Nothing about the day would be mundane, because he had every intention of once again escorting Elena to the event. It would give them a chance to finish their prior discussion.
There was something going on with Elena, and he felt driven to find out what had this international fashion model cowering from the cameras. Perhaps it wasn’t any of his business, but the worried look reflected in Elena’s eyes haunted him.
He might not have been around much in the past few years, but he was here now. By helping her, he might be able to assuage some of his guilt over losing control in Paris. If he did, perhaps they could part on good terms.
CHAPTER FOUR (#u9ca61399-ae42-5ead-8054-379b6a248937)
THE NEXT MORNING Luca paced back and forth in the palace library.
It was time he let his father in on his life choices. Luca couldn’t help but wonder what his father would think of the fact that he’d gone back to school and received his degree in business management. He knew he was destined to run the family’s citrus business one day. And he wanted to be prepared. In fact, for the past several years, he’d been working his way up in an investment firm in Milan.
Perhaps he should have told his father all of this sooner. He’d intended to, but it never worked out. Every time they got together, they argued. His mother used to say that they butted heads so much because they were so much alike. Luca had always taken it as an insult. He had never wanted to believe that he was as stubborn and infuriating as his father—
“Luca.” His father’s voice came from behind him.
Being so deep into his thoughts, Luca hadn’t heard his father approach. He turned toward the doorway. “Hello, Father.”
“At last we talk. You really ought to get a new phone so your messages don’t get lost.”
Luca had noticed the messages, but he kept putting them off for one reason or another. “I’ve been busy.”
His father’s dark, bushy brows drew together. “Humph... How can you be busy?”
Luca inwardly groaned. Did his father always have to think so little of him? And then he realized that it was partially his fault. His stubborn pride had kept him from revealing to his father that he’d followed the path his father had wanted him to take in the first place.
Luca cleared his throat. “What did you need to talk about?”
“Is that how you greet your father?”
“It’s not like we’re the mushy type. That’s Annabelle’s area.”
His father broke out in a hearty laugh, surprising Luca. He had absolutely no idea what he’d said that was so amusing.
His father quickly recovered his composure. “Apparently you’ve spent as little time around your sister as you have me. Let me enlighten you so that you are not shocked this week. Your sister has grown up into a strong woman and a bit of a spitfire.”
That would explain the adventure she’d gone on to track down their mother’s murderer. “I’ll definitely keep that in mind.” Still not comfortable in his father’s presence, he said, “Now, what did you want to talk about?”
His father’s formidable presence melted away as his face seemed to age almost instantly and his broad shoulders drooped a bit. The duke closed the library door and headed for the tray of coffee and biscuits that had been left by the staff.
His father busied himself pouring a cup of coffee. “Would you like some?”
“I’m good.” Then as an afterthought, Luca added, “Thanks.”
He wasn’t used to his father being thoughtful. This meeting must be serious. And right now, he was too wired. Adding caffeine to the mix would be a mistake.
After his father fixed his coffee with some sugar and a bit of cream, he turned. He took a long swallow before returning his cup to the saucer. “You need to move home.”
Luca’s body tensed. That was it? No explanation. Nothing but an order. Throwing around his authority was so typical of his father. But he must have forgotten that Luca was no longer a child to be bossed around.
“No.” If his father would talk to him differently, he’d explain to him that he already had a job with responsibilities.
His father’s eyes flared with anger. “You don’t understand. You don’t have a choice. It’s time you stop partying and live up to your responsibilities.”
“And if I don’t?”
“You’ll be cut off from your funds.”
This was where he had his father. “If you hadn’t noticed, I haven’t touched that bank account in years.”
His father’s mouth gaped. A second passed before he regained his composure. “I...I didn’t know. How are you getting by?”
Luca knew that he could continue to keep his father in the dark, but what good would that do? After all, he wanted to prove to his father—and himself—that he had changed. This was a good starting point. “I’m an account manager at an investment firm.”
“You are?” His father leaned back against the table as though for support. The news appeared to have knocked him off balance.
Luca couldn’t deny that he found a bit of satisfaction in being able to surprise his father. “Yes. I went back to school, earned my degree and I’ve been based in Milan ever since. But my work takes me around the globe.”
“I see.”
No I’m proud of you. Or I’m happy for you. His father seemed to absorb the news as though he’d just been told there was rain in the forecast.
“Well, I’d like to say that it’s been great catching up, but we never were good at casual conversation. So if that’s all, I should be going.” Luca turned to the door.
“Wait. You can’t go. Not yet.” His father’s voice took on an ominous tone, causing Luca to turn back. “You need to know...”
When his father’s voice faded away and his gaze centered on the coffee in his cup, Luca became suspicious that there really was a problem. His father never acted coy. Whatever it was had his father acting out of character.
“I need to know what?” Luca asked.
His father’s hand shook just a bit as he turned to place the coffee cup on the table. When he turned his attention back to Luca, his eyes were dark and unreadable. “The family business is failing.”
Failing? The grove of lemon trees had been in his family for five generations. It was a tradition. It was their history.
Luca had to be certain he understood his father. “And this is why you want me to move home?”
His father sighed. “I’m not getting any younger. It’s time I pass the torch to you and step down. But before I do this, I need to know that you’re up to the challenge. Are you ready to settle down and do the work necessary to save our business and our home?”
Sure, he’d been gone for a long time, but in all honesty, he never meant to be gone forever. His home in Halencia was where he planned to settle...eventually. He’d just never thought anything would happen to it. He always imagined it’d be there waiting for him when he was ready to accept his destiny.
But now his father was looking to him for help. What did his father think Luca could do that he hadn’t already done himself? Luca didn’t have any answers, but he did know this was his chance to prove to his family that he was someone they could count on.
After all, they had world-renowned lemons with a delicate taste and low acidity. Surely there had to be a market for them. They’d never had a problem in the past.
It would be so easy to turn his father down and go back to his comfortable life in Milan. After all, he hadn’t created the problem. It wasn’t his responsibility to fix it.
But this was the first time his father had ever turned to him for help. How could Luca walk away from that? He was certain his mother would plead with him to let go of his pride and help his father.
It wouldn’t be easy moving back to Halencia. His father might talk of retirement, but Luca knew his father wouldn’t do it. The business was all his father had left. It was in his blood. So how would Luca work side by side with such a stubborn man?
Before he made up his mind, they needed to get a few things straight.
“Why do you want my help?” Luca asked, needing his father to admit that he needed him.
“I...I just told you.”
“No, you told me the company is in trouble, but you didn’t say why you turned to me.”
His father hesitated. “Fine. I need your help. I can’t do it alone. Is that what you want to hear?”
Luca nodded. “Yes, it is. And there’s one more thing.”
“I’m afraid to ask.”
“Then just listen. If I succeed, you’ll sign over the position of president to me.”
His father’s dark brows gathered and his mouth opened, no doubt to protest.
“You did say that you were planning to step down, didn’t you?” Luca knew as sure as the sun was going to rise tomorrow that unless an agreement was in place, his father would never step down. Once the company was back in the black, his father would no longer have a reason to hand over the reins.
His father sighed as he shrugged his shoulders. “Okay. You’ll be president if you succeed.”
“And you’ll put this all in writing?”
The duke’s shoulders grew rigid as his bushy brows drew together. “My word isn’t enough for you?”
“Let’s just say, this way there will be no room for misunderstandings.”
His father studied him for a moment. “The Luca who left here years ago never would have asked for such a contract.”
“I was young then. And my mother had just died. It’s not fair to throw that in my face—”
“Slow down. You didn’t let me finish. I was going to add that I am impressed. You’ve grown up to be a man who isn’t afraid to stand his ground, even against his father. I just hope you have that much resilience and guts when it comes to turning around the business.”
“I will. Trust me.”
Luca hoped he sounded more assured than he felt at that moment. His entire future and his family’s legacy hinged on him pulling together a new business plan. And it was just starting to sink in that this endeavor might be much more important than proving himself to his father.
He had just signed on to save their home—the place where his ancestors had lived for generations. The place that was filled with memories of his mother. The thought tugged at his heart.
And at the moment, he didn’t have a plan. He had to come up with one fast. And it had to be good—no, it had to be great.
* * *
At last her mother was resting.
Elena breathed a sigh of relief. Her mother was far too active. It was difficult to get her to stop and elevate her ankle like the doctor had told her to do. And her mother looked wiped out. She’d said her ankle throbbed at night and it kept her awake.
Today, Elena had promised to sit with her to watch an old black-and-white movie starring Cary Grant. Her mother seemed pleased with the suggestion, seeing as her father wasn’t one for movies. He’d rather play checkers or cards to pass the time.
It was only a matter of minutes into the movie when her mother drifted off to sleep while sitting upright on the couch. Elena put a throw blanket over her and was on her way to the kitchen for another cup of coffee when there was a knock at the door. Not wanting her mother to wake up, she rushed to the door and opened it.

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