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Once a Hero...
Jillian Burns
Sassy heroines and irresistible heroes embark on sizzling sexual adventures as they play the game of modern love and lust. Expect fast paced reads with plenty of steamy encounters.Once a hero…always a hero. Subject: Captain Luke Andrews, MD. Current Status: On stress leave in beautiful Hawaii. Mission: Rest and recovery. Obstacle: There’s no rest from the wicked chemistry he’s found with her. After a too-close-for-comfort brush with cancer, ocean photographer Kristen Turner heads to Hawaii for three months, determined to never take life for granted again.Then fate handed her a smokin’-hot opportunity she couldn’t resist… Cpt. Luke Andrews has got to get some serious R&R, but he can't keep his hands off Kristen–his mysterious beauty.Spending his nights with her seems more dangerous than his last mission. So is this hot little vacation romp an escape from real life… or will the survivor and the hero battle it out for the long haul and learn to live each day as a gift? Uniformly Hot! The Few. The Proud. The Sexy as Hell!

Dear Reader,
I’m embarrassed to say this story began with one simple idea. I wanted a love scene under a waterfall.
I mentioned this to my Romance Book Club members and one of them, who’d just returned from a trip, said, “There are plenty of waterfalls in Hawaii.”
At the time, I’d just finished writing Primal Calling, set in the coldest part of Alaska, and I was ready for some sunny tropical weather. How simple, right? But, I hope I made up for it with my characters. A discussion at Book Club around that time was about a breast cancer survivor, and immediately a character started forming in my mind.
The heroine—a breast cancer survivor—and the hero, an Army Captain with PTSD, are definitely dark subjects, and not necessarily conducive to romance. But then, if there’s anything I believe in, it’s the power of love. Love for self, love for family members, and even love for a lonely man haunted by guilt. Love can make you a better person, love can give you the strength to overcome adversity, and love can heal a scarred soul. I hope you enjoy Kristen’s and Luke’s struggle to love each other and let that love heal what was once broken.
I so enjoy hearing from readers. You can reach me through my website www.jillianburns.com and while you’re there check out my latest news and future releases.
Jillian Burns

About the Author
JILLIAN BURNS has always read romance, and spent her teens immersed in the worlds of Jane Eyre and Elizabeth Bennet. She lives in Texas with her husband of twenty years and their three active kids. Jillian likes to think her emotional nature—sometimes referred to as moodiness—has found the perfect outlet in writing stories filled with passion and romance. She believes romance novels have the power to change lives with their message of eternal love and hope.

Once a Hero …
Jillian Burns

www.millsandboon.co.uk (http://www.millsandboon.co.uk)

This book is dedicated to all US service members
with Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome. You are not
alone and your country owes you a debt of gratitude.

This story wouldn’t have happened without my
wonderful Romance Book Club friends
Deb, Kelley, and Arline!
I owe my SCUBA information to my god-daughter,
Jennifer, my sanity to my two critique partners
extraordinaire, Pam and Linda, and my clean
laundry to my heroic husband, who never complains
about my deadline craziness. I also need to express
deep gratitude to my editor, Kathryn.

“CALL 9-1-1!” KRISTEN TURNER yelled at the gathering crowd.
A piercing scream wasn’t all that unusual at the Tradewinds Bar and Grill late at night, except this scream had come from a gray-haired woman in a flowered muumuu, and the paunchy older gentleman beside her was flailing about, his face as red-and-purple-mottled as a Maui sunset.
The man was choking.
Kristen knew how to do the Heimlich—in theory—but getting her arms around this nice, but rather barrel-chested man, might be tough.
Before she could move behind him, a tall, dark-haired man swooped in, wrapped his long, muscular arms around the man and administered the Heimlich so perfectly, the chunk of BBQ chicken wing flew out of the older man’s throat and landed on the table.
The crowd applauded and whistled, but the mystery hero slowly lowered the older man to the floor and put his ear to the man’s chest.
The older man’s eyes were closed and the mystery man began performing CPR on him. He gave four harsh pumps to the man’s chest, and then held the man’s nose shut and breathed into his mouth a couple of times. Another four strong pushes on the chest, and another set of mouth-to-mouths.
Oblivious to the crowd around him, the guy worked tirelessly. Kristen could see beads of sweat rolling down his temple as he put everything he had into saving the other man’s life.
The wail of sirens approached and then paramedics elbowed their way through the crowd and knelt beside the fallen man. But just as they got out their equipment, the mystery hero stopped pumping and the older man drew in a quick breath and opened his eyes. The wife was hysterical as she hugged her husband. One of the paramedics eased her away while the other examined her husband.
They put on a blood-pressure cuff and stuck some round pads, attached to wires, on his chest and started an IV, but … the old man was already conscious and talking. If it hadn’t been for the mystery man this night might have turned out quite differently.
Hairs on Kristen’s arms stood up and the goose bumps made her shiver.
The wife asked about the mystery man, wanted to thank him, and everyone looked around, but he’d disappeared.
The older gentleman was rolled away on a gurney, his wife trotting alongside him, holding his hand, and the rest of the customers went back to their tables and drinks. The Beach Boys’ “Surfin’ Safari” boomed through the speakers, and some tables raised their glasses in a toast to the “stranger who saved the day.”
Rubbing her arms, Kristen leaned in the doorway and stared after the ambulance as it drove away. Then she scanned the road both ways and the area all around the Tradewinds. But there was no sign of the mystery man, as she’d begun thinking of him. Who did that kind of thing in this day and age? Didn’t the guy want his fifteen minutes of fame?
It seemed not. The mystery man must subscribe to the comic-book code of life, where, once a hero saves the day, he flies off into the night and no one ever knows his true identity.
WITH A SHOUT, LUKE SHOT UP from his bed, blinking in the darkness until he found the green glow of the clock. 1:00 a.m. He pressed his palms to his eyes and swiped his hands through his sweat-soaked hair.
Another damned nightmare.
So much for getting any more sleep tonight.
Luke got out of bed, dropped to his stomach and counted out fifty push-ups. Then he rolled to his back, laced his fingers behind his head and did fifty crunches. After that, fifty lunges. But the images from his nightmare didn’t go away.
After a hot shower, he stepped into his jeans and padded out to the kitchen. He opened the fridge, grabbed the white carton of leftover sesame chicken and the chopsticks, and carried them out of the condo. He rode the elevator down and crossed Kihei Road to a picnic table on Kamaole Beach.
The ocean breeze cooled his dampened face and body, and the constant crash of the waves calmed his thoughts. His buddy John, back at Fort Sam Houston, had been half-right. Maui was peaceful, all right. The air here was soft, and perfumed with the sweet fragrance of tropical flowers. The palm trees swayed, and the ocean sparkled with moonlight. But the calm and quiet hadn’t stopped the nightmares.
Not yet, anyway.
He’d only been here a few days. John had generously lent him the use of his condo for the rest of Luke’s leave. Surely three more weeks of living on this island paradise would be enough to get his head straight.
A dog whined and Luke glanced in the direction of the sound. A scruffy mutt the size of a shepherd sat on his haunches staring at him. “What are you looking at?”
As if he’d understood perfectly, the dog made a point of glancing down at Luke’s Chinese food, and his tongue came out and licked his muzzle.
Aah. The guy was hungry. Okay, boy. Luke really didn’t want the rest. He set the carton down a few feet in front of him and before he’d even straightened up, the dog had lapped up what was left. He licked the container clean and then lay down with a loud sigh.
Luke bent down to retrieve the carton, turned to pitch it into the trash receptacle and stopped midpitch. Standing across the grassy slope, under the streetlight was a young woman, small and slim and wearing a white T-shirt and cutoffs. She tugged off her helmet and Luke’s heart literally jumped.
It was the girl, the waitress from the bar tonight. Had she followed him?
She crouched down to chain her bike to the rack, straightened and toed off her sneakers and then skipped down to the surf.
Her straight blond hair lifted in the gentle wind and Luke caught his breath when she raised her face and arms to the full moon, blew it a kiss and then twirled. Her smile put the moon’s glow to shame.
Before he could fully admire her slim legs she ran into the ocean. He jumped up to stop her, thinking she was crazy or suicidal. Who did that at two-thirty in the morning? But she darted back up to dry land as the waves crashed around her.
Frolicking. There was no other word for it. She was frolicking in the moonlit sea. Her laughter carried to him across the breeze and made his chest tighten. Such joy. If only she could bottle that up, he’d buy a case.
What was she doing? Was dancing in the ocean her own personal remedy for insomnia?
Maybe he was still dreaming. Wouldn’t that be cool? To be having this kind of dream and be getting a good night’s sleep while he was at it?
Not possible. His psyche could never conjure up someone so unusual. He held still, cloaked in the darkness of the tree cover, wondering what she’d do next.
As she headed back toward her bike, he swallowed and hoped she wouldn’t see him. But she was still twenty yards or more away and walked past without noticing him. Reaching her bike, she unlocked the chain, and then walked it across the street and into the foyer of his condo building.
They were neighbors?
Luke got up and headed over to the condo. The dog trotted after him and tried to slip inside the lobby door as Luke opened it.
“Hold on there, mutt.” Luke closed the door with both of them still outside. But under the bright lobby lights shining through the glass Luke saw what looked like blood, still wet, all over the dog’s left side. “What the …” He squatted to get a closer look and the dog sat, panting up at him trustingly.
Luke’s shoulders slumped. The mutt had been scraped by something. A car, a boulder, something rough. He checked for broken ribs and didn’t feel any, but the dog could have internal injuries. Still, even if he knew where a vet’s office was, it probably wouldn’t be open at two-thirty in the morning. There were gauze and bandages in the condo….
He let out an audible sigh, opened the door and ushered the dog inside the lobby and up the elevator to his condo.
He’d take him to a vet first thing tomorrow.
THE FOLLOWING EVENING, Luke lay in bed, staring at the rattan dresser across the bedroom. How did they get that wood to curlicue like that? And was the cane naturally that color or was that painted?
Nice. He’d been reduced to wondering about furniture making.
Close your eyes, Andrews. Relax. Deep breaths …
Forget it. He flipped back the sheets, swung his legs off the mattress and dropped to the floor for his usual workout.
The mutt, now bathed and bandaged, lifted his head, but otherwise remained lying on the floor at the foot of the bed.
The vet had said the dog was a shepherd mix, x-rayed it for internal injuries and found none. But he hadn’t had room to board the stray. The vet prescribed a bottle of antibiotics and directions to the nearest shelter ten miles away in Puunene. Luke planned to drop him off there in a couple of days, after the mutt healed a little more.
Tomorrow he’d have to get some dog food and some more bandages. In the meantime, no sense wasting a 60” flat screen and nine hundred channels….
LUKE JERKED AWAKE ON a choked-off shout. Geez. He’d fallen asleep in the club chair in the living room. The dog whined and stuck his cold nose under Luke’s hand. Bleary-eyed, he found the TV remote, switched off the infomercial, then stumbled to the bathroom and splashed water on his face. The dream had been different this time. Bloodier.
Feeling nauseated, he avoided the mirror above the sink and made his way to the balcony. He opened the sliding glass door and stepped out into a salty sea breeze and the reassuring sound of crashing waves.
After a couple of deep gulps of air, he leaned his forearms on the railing and stared into the night sky. There was a bottle of over-the-counter sleeping pills in the bathroom medicine cabinet. Maybe he should try one. But he should be able to deal with this without resorting to medication, damn it.
Give it time, Andrews. The advice had come from John, along with the key to his condo. And John had studied psychotherapy before switching to orthopedics.
This was only Luke’s fourth day here.
From the corner of his eye, he caught sight of that same blonde he’d seen last night pedaling her bike southbound on Kihei Road. He turned his wrist and checked his watch. Two-thirty. Again.
She dismounted and chained her bike to the rack just as she’d done the night before. She wore the same outfit, too. She turned away and headed down to the surf. As she had the night before, the blonde lifted her face and arms to the moon. Was she some sort of new-age moon worshipper?
After playing in the surf awhile she went back to her bike and walked it to the condo. Just before she entered the foyer she looked up. Without thinking, he stepped back into the shadowed doorway.
Luke held his breath. What are you doing, Andrews, you moron? So what if she knew he’d been watching her?
Should he step out to the balcony and act as if he’d just gone back inside to get something? Smile and wave as if this were just a normal meeting? But he couldn’t force his lips to curve upward. It was almost as if he’d forgotten how to smile. But it turned out it didn’t matter. When he braved the balcony again, she was gone.
KRISTEN TURNER HURRIED into the tiny bathroom of the Tradewinds Bar and Grill, wiggled out of her grass skirt and toed off her high heels.
Amy followed her in, plunked her makeup bag next to the sink and started touching up her lipstick in the mirror. “You sure are in a hurry.”
Kristen froze in the act of unzipping her backpack and shrugged. “I’m just ready to get home and put my feet up.”
With Amy’s raised brows and pursed lips, she didn’t have to say the word Riiiight out loud.
But Kristen chose to ignore her. She pulled her shorts and sneakers from her backpack and stuffed the skirt and high heels in.
“You really think you’ll see him again tonight?” Amy turned away from the mirror and waggled her brows. “Captain Mysterious?”
Kristen grinned as she tied her shoelaces. The name the bar patrons had given him had stuck and the story had spread among the staff who hadn’t been working that night.
She’d barely caught a glimpse of him on the balcony, and had half convinced herself she’d conjured him up from wishful thinking. She couldn’t believe her hero from the other night lived in her building. But she’d have recognized that angled jaw and those biceps below his white T-shirt sleeves anywhere.
“If it’s him, he probably thinks I’m some psych-ward patient if he saw me in my ‘celebrate life’ moment.”
“Nah, I bet he’s into you. He probably noticed you that night he was here. Why else would he be waiting on his balcony at that time of night?”
“Uh, ‘cause he’s a serial killer stalking his next victim? Or a vampire? Or maybe he’s a werewolf watching for the full moon?”
Amy giggled as she rummaged around in her voluminous purse and pulled out a hairbrush. “Your own personal Edward or Jacob, huh? Which does he have? Edward’s smoldering passion, or Jacob’s rock-hard abs?”
Kristen felt a tiny flurry in her stomach picturing the mystery man. “Both.” The word came out kind of breathy and Amy gave her a sharp look.
“Both? Good grief, no wonder you’re all gaga over him.”
“I’m not gaga. I just thought he was … intriguing. Leaving like that before he could be thanked.”
Amy shrugged. “Maybe he was afraid of a lawsuit. You know what they say. No good deed goes unpunished.”
“Wow. Cynical much?” Kristen worried about her friend’s hard-edged attitude toward life. “What are you getting all fixed up for?”
Turning back to the mirror, Amy ran the brush through her long red curls. Kristen’s self-esteem took a hit every time she compared her own straight ordinary hair to those luscious red curls.
“Didn’t you say Kekoa mentioned he might drop by sometime?” Amy dropped the question so offhandedly that Kristen knew it wasn’t a casual inquiry.
“The guy who drives the boat I use? He might have mentioned he liked that Sneaky Tiki you made him last time he came in to bring me his new brochures. But we have to be at the dive site by seven to beat all the tour boats. I doubt he’ll show up now.”
Amy visibly deflated, her mouth turned down. “Oh.” She dropped her brush back into her purse.
“You like him!” Kristen shoved Amy’s shoulder with her own.
Amy spun to face Kristen. “What’s not to like with that smooth, dark skin and those intelligent black eyes? And his broad chest and shoulders look like he could row a girl all the way to the Big Island if he had to. Don’t you think he’s the sexiest guy you ever met? You gotta invite me on a dive, Kris.”
Kristen winced, hating to turn her friend down. “You know I’d love to, but, Kekoa isn’t just my boat driver, he’s my dive partner, too.”
“Please?” Amy begged. “I promise not to distract him. I’ve been dying to see where you dive, anyway. And, hey, maybe you could invite Captain Mysterious along. I’ll bring my famous triple-berry muffins.”
“Okay, okay.” Kristen chuckled, holding her hands up in surrender. “I’ll ask Kekoa. Maybe we could set something up for next week sometime.”
Amy hugged Kristen. “Thanks, girlfriend. All I want is a chance.”
“You might need more than that. Kekoa’s not easy to get to know.”
“We’ll see.” Amy’s gaze slipped away and her expression softened. “He’s got a lot of passion lurking beneath the surface. I can tell.”
“Kekoa?” Kristen didn’t see it, but … whatever. “If you say so. I’m off tomorrow, so I’ll text you if it’s Monday,” she said as she left the restroom, waved to her boss and headed for her bike.
It was barely a third of a mile from the Tradewinds to her condo on South Kihei Road and she was at her building before she’d even thought about what she might say if she saw the stranger again. But then again, what kind of conversation could she have yelling up at him on his balcony?
Wanting to soak her aching feet in the warm water before heading inside, she braked at the bike rack, swung her leg over the bike, took off her helmet and attached it to a handlebar.
After going knee-deep in the surf and wiggling her toes into the soft sand, she headed back up to her bike. A dog barking to her right made her catch her breath and jump. Her gaze shot to a tan shepherd mix running toward her and the tall shadow following the dog.
Her heart pumped stronger for one beat before she recognized it was him. Captain Mysterious.
The dog reached her side and she hunkered down to let him smell her hand. He nuzzled into her chest and almost knocked her over. Catching herself with her hands behind her, she laughed as the dog tried to lick her face.
“Hey, mutt.” The dark stranger grabbed the dog and held him away so she could get to her feet. “Sorry about that.”
Kristen stood, wiping her hands on her shorts. “No worries. He’s sweet.” She smiled and looked the man in the eyes. She had to lift her gaze way up. Her five-foot-two height seemed even more petite against his six-foot frame.
He dropped his gaze and wrestled the dog into sitting. “He’s not mine.”
She hesitated. “Oh.” She stood there a second as he looked anywhere but at her. Was that a signal for go away? Or was he just shy? Is that why he’d ducked back inside his condo last night? Finally, she stuck out her right hand. “I’m Kristen Turner.”
He cleared his throat and finally met her gaze. Kristen’s pulse fluttered. His eyes. Their deep brown color seemed to bear all the emotions his face refused to acknowledge. Despair. Dismissal. And hope. The despair drew her. The dismissal challenged her. And the hope cinched the deal.
“Luke Andrews.” He let go of the dog, who he’d been gently petting, and slid his hand into hers. Heat. Energy. Smooth skin. Long, slim fingers. She held on, not wanting to let whatever was passing between their hands go just yet.
He pulled his hand away.
Did he remember her from the other night? Was that why he was acting so on edge? Only one way to find out.
“I just got off work. I’m a cocktail waitress at the Tradewinds down the road. I … saw you save that man the other night.”
He glanced up at her with apprehension lining his forehead.
“Don’t worry. I’m not going to give away your secret identity.”
He tilted his head, looking confused.
She waved a hand. “You know, the whole save a life and then disappear thing?”
“Oh.” He stuck his hands in his back pockets and dropped his gaze to the grass, studying it intently.
“Anyway, if you come back sometime, my manager would love to comp you a meal. We have great chicken wings.” She smiled. “And they’re usually safe to eat.”
One dark brow rose at that, but at least he wasn’t staring at the grass anymore. “Maybe I’ll try it sometime.”
“So, you work nights, too?”
She thought she heard a grunt as he spun at the waist to locate his dog, who’d trotted down to the beach and was sniffing at something in the sand. “You might say that. But I’m on vacation right now.”
“Oh.” She nodded and the nodding turned into a slow head bobbing. Her gaze moved out to the ocean. Was he trying to be mysterious? Or was he trying to get her to leave him alone? “Well, I guess I should leave you to—”
“I’ve only been here a few days, so … Can you recommend any sights I shouldn’t miss?”
“Well, there’s the Maui Ocean Center.”
He nodded. “Okay.”
“And Mount Haleakala. It’s over ten thousand feet.”
“Sounds ambitious.”
She grinned. “And, of course, the humpbacks.”
“Excuse me?”
“The whales. You’re lucky to be here in February. Their favorite breeding ground is just off the coast of Maui this time of year.”
“Yeah, there’re several cruises that take tourists out to see them.”
“Of course, you’d have to put on your thick glasses and slump your shoulders for that.” She grinned.
His brows drew together and he blinked.
Her smile slowly faded. “You know, the superhero? When he wore his glasses he was the unassuming …”
He squinted at her. “Are you comparing me to a superhero?”
She rolled her eyes. “Like, duh! You’re Captain Mysterious. Able to perform the Heimlich and CPR all in a single bound!”
“Oh, no.” Shaking his head, he rubbed his forehead. “You have a moniker for me?”
Wishing she’d kept her mouth shut now, Kristen nodded. “Well, it wasn’t me. Everyone in the bar—”
“The whole bar was talking about me?” His eyes were wide. This wasn’t going the way she’d planned.
Maybe she should rethink her idea. Even if he were interested in her, she only had a few weeks before she had to return to San Diego and resume her real life.
But in the two months she’d been here she hadn’t met any other guy she’d felt so drawn to. There was something about him. Something dark she recognized from her worst days in the hospital.
And she’d promised herself at her last doctor’s appointment that, from that moment on, she’d live life to the fullest. And that meant sometimes taking risks.
So, maybe he’d tell her to get lost. After what she’d lived through? She could handle a little rejection.
Decided, she drew a deep breath. “You know … just a bit farther from Tradewinds is a great seafood place I’ve been wanting to try. But I hate going to a restaurant alone, don’t you? If you like seafood, maybe we could go together sometime.”
The crashing of the waves seemed louder in the long silence. Then he switched his gaze out to sea. “Uh, I’m not really good company right now.”
Ouch. The fact that his answer stung a bit told her she really hadn’t been prepared for rejection. Seems her glass-half-full attitude needed a reality check. “Okay.” She nodded and waved a hand, took a step back, and then another, her sneakers sinking into the sand. “No worries.”
She spun on her heels and jogged up to the street, yanked her bike from the rack and wheeled it across Kihei Road and into the foyer of the condominium building. Her cheeks were on fire, half embarrassed, half mad that she’d made a fool of herself. Boy, had she misread the signals.
Digging in her backpack, she pulled out her mailbox key, mumbling to herself, wanting to smack her forehead. “What an idiot. You just had to go up to a complete stranger, didn’t you?” She inserted her key, yanked open the door and pulled out her mail. “Why do I do this to myself? I never learn—”
She jumped and gave a tiny shriek as she swiveled to face the voice. “Luke!” She pressed a hand to her chest and gulped. “Geez, you scared me.”
“Sorry about that.” He winced and reached up a hand to rub the back of his neck. Her gaze was drawn to his bicep, which was clearly familiar with a set of weights.
Then he lowered his arm and she took in the rest of him in the bright light of the lobby.
Except for his broad shoulders, he was fairly slim. Did he scuba dive? He had the perfect swimmer’s body. His taut abs showed beneath his tight T-shirt and so did what looked like a set of dog tags on a long chain. Military?
“Listen, can we start over?” His voice was smooth and yet rough. Not terribly deep, but not too high either. And she picked up a trace of a Southern drawl in his accent. Possibly Texan.
It was her turn to blink at him. “Uh, sure.”
A tiny smile curved the edges of his mouth. “Seafood sounds good. Tomorrow? Around seven? Meet you here?”
She smiled and nodded, feeling euphoric, as if she’d already won the Geographic Universe photography contest. “As it happens, I’m off tomorrow, uh, you mean later today, right? Seven’s good. How about we meet at the picnic table?”
He shook his head, then stopped and nodded with a small smile. “Uh, yes, today, this evening.” He stared into her eyes and his jaw shifted to the left just a fraction.
Mesmerized, Kristen could’ve stood there forever noting every nuance of his face, absorbing him. But he bent down and picked up her keys, offering them to her. “You dropped these.”
“Oh.” She hadn’t even noticed. “Thank you.” She took them from his outstretched palm and the same energy tingled her fingers as before. Maybe he felt it, too, because he glanced down at his hand and then back up at her, his dark eyes questioning.
“Looking forward to tomorrow, Luke.” She dropped the keys into her pocket. “Good night.”
He gave her a smile that was more of a grimace and waved a hand. “Good night.”
She turned for the elevator, but peeked back in time to catch him checking her out. She smiled all the way to her condo.

LUKE CHECKED HIS WATCH again as he sat at the picnic table, elbows on knees, tapping his foot. Seven-twenty. Something told him Kristen had never been in the military. She’d have been court-martialed.
Damn it. He’d shaved for this. He’d even bought a new shirt. But it was probably a bad idea to begin with. He was only going to be here a couple more weeks.
Five minutes. Then he was out of here.
The beach was fairly crowded this time of day. He watched swimmers and snorkelers in the ocean. A dozen or so young adults clad in bikinis and cutoffs engaged in a loud game of beach volleyball. And a few families with small kids played in the surf.
All these people with normal lives. Happy lives. He remembered days like that when he was a kid. Before his dad died. He wanted normal. Happy.
Ten minutes later he stood, a hollow feeling in his stomach, and headed down the sidewalk, not really thinking about where he was going. Just … away from here.
He heard his name and glanced behind him to find Kristen racing across the street. She looked … worth waiting for. A pretty little dress that hugged her trim figure and then flared out all flirty at the bottom. High heels that made her legs look a mile long. And she’d curled her straight hair.
His cock stirred behind his zipper. Until that moment he hadn’t realized how dead that part of him had been, for a long time now. He swallowed, his throat suddenly dry as she caught up to him.
“I’m so sorry I kept you waiting.” Her delicate brows furrowed and she bit her bottom lip. “If I’d had your cell number, I would’ve called.”
“It’s fine.” A ripe-berry scent came to him on the breeze from her shampoo and he hardened even more.
“I have a totally great reason I’m late. I’ll tell you all about it at dinner.”
He stared at her shoes. “You want to walk? Or, I’ve got a rental …”
“We can walk.” But she didn’t move except to turn her face to the ocean. “What a spectacular sunset.”
Luke glanced across the beach and concentrated on how the sun, surrounded by vibrant peach, pink and purple altostratus clouds, was just about to sink into the sea. It didn’t help his problem.
“But, then, I haven’t seen one that wasn’t gorgeous since I’ve been here.” She abruptly turned and headed north. “So, have you, uh, been out on the beach at that time of night before?”
He knew what she was fishing for. He nodded. “Once or twice.”
“Ha! Well, I guess you were wondering about my behavior, huh?”
He shrugged, reluctant to admit the words crazy and suicidal had crossed his mind.
“There’s just something about the moon when it’s so big in the night sky. And especially here, it just seems huge, don’t you think?”
Big. Huge. He closed his eyes and willed away the images those words conjured up. “I think …” He cleared his throat. “It’s the lack of anything to compare its size to, when it’s juxtaposed to a wide expanse of sea.”
“Yes, exactly.” She smiled and touched his arm. He flinched and she frowned and removed her hand. “Anyway. I was just … enjoying life.” She lifted her arm and face to the sky as she had those nights.
Enjoying? Oh, to be so carefree. In his world, life was more about enduring.
“I guess that seems silly.”
He glanced at her. Her voice had gone all quiet, and she was staring at her clutch purse as she picked at one of the seashell details covering it.
“No.” He put his hand over hers. “That wasn’t what I was thinking.”
Their eyes met and held and their steps slowed. And then she smiled, directly at him, only for him, and her blue eyes—a true sky blue—twinkled with happiness.
Luke realized two things. First, his breathing had quickened when she smiled at him. Second, he wanted to see her do it again.
She curled her hand around his and when she continued walking, she didn’t let go. Palm trees and lush bougainvillea lined both sides of the road as it curved and took them farther from the edge of the ocean.
If anyone had told him a month ago he’d be strolling down the Maui coast holding hands with a gorgeous blonde, he’d have ordered them a brain scan. The scenario just didn’t fit with the world he lived in. But the longer his fingers stayed entwined with hers, the stronger the sensation inside him grew. It was warmth, and a longing to slide his hand up her arm and pull her into him and hold her.
He pictured his hands circling her tiny waist, sliding up her spine, lowering his mouth to hers….
Settle down, Andrews. Think about something else.
He took stock of his surroundings. The only place he’d been since he’d flown into Maui was the beach, but he remembered the shopping center they were passing from his drive from the airport. A grocery store, a surf and dive shop, a couple of fast-food chains and even a famous coffee shop. The next block sported several bars: The Tiki Lounge, The Flaming Flamingo and the Tradewinds Bar and Grill, where Kristen worked. Where he’d gone for a cold beer.
Kristen passed that corner and turned east. About a block down was the seafood place. Once they were seated, she ordered a cola. “I serve cocktails all night,” she explained, then picked up her menu. Luke ordered a beer.
“I’ve heard the lobster’s really fresh here.”
He nodded. “Sounds good.”
“And some shrimp scampi?” At his nod, she repeated the order to the waiter and handed him her menu. Once he left she pulled a sheepish expression. “I really don’t have a very good reason for being late except that I—I went shopping and had my hair done.”
So, she’d bought this dress just for tonight? He liked that. And he didn’t. His condition worsened.
She fiddled with the fork and napkin. “I didn’t get back from diving until after two—”
“You’ve been scuba diving today?” Desperate for a distraction, he latched on to the topic.
She nodded. “I dive every day, but usually only for a few hours in the morning. I’ve been diving since I could walk, practically. Used to go with my dad to San Onofre State Beach every Saturday morning. We still do. In San Diego.” Her expression turned wistful. “I’m living with my mom and dad at the moment. They love it, of course. But my older brother gives me a hard time about it. He’s been living in L.A. since he graduated high school. He just likes to tease me, though. He’s been doing that all my life. But I guess that’s what older brothers are for.
“I’m only living here for a few months,” she added. “You’ve heard of Geographic Universe, right?”
He nodded, but she’d already continued. “Each year they sponsor an international photography contest. I’m entering the nature category. The grand-prize winner gets their photo published in the magazine, ten thousand dollars and a chance to work with Geographic Universe‘s head photographer.”
As she talked, their food arrived. It smelled delicious and he grabbed his fork.
“But,” Kristen continued, “they get tens of thousands of submissions. In order to win, my photo has to be beyond exceptional. The place where I’m diving now is a known breeding ground for the humpbacks.”
Luke frowned, swallowing some shrimp. “That sounds like it could be dangerous.”
She shook her head. “I don’t have to get that close. Besides, they’re too busy, er … mating.” Her cheeks pinkened. Was she really that innocent? Or was it just first-date embarrassment?
Whoa. He was on a date. How long had it been since he’d gone on a conventional date? Before his residency. Maybe even before med school. There hadn’t been time—or energy—for more than a quick roll in the sack back then. For him or the women residents. Looking back, he realized quick and impersonal had become a habit for him where his sex life was concerned.
It’d been so long since he’d thought about his life before earning his medical doctorate. Those days seemed like a lifetime ago. At eighteen he’d never given a second thought to his decision of becoming a doctor, and nothing would’ve stopped him. Not even the lack of a way to pay for the schooling. He’d joined the Army and never looked back.
His mom, and his sisters and brothers, had coped without him. His sisters were married with kids. Still living in Rankin, they’d visited while he’d stayed with his mom the first week of his leave. And his brothers … at least Matt was in college.
God, he felt old.
Meanwhile, Kristen appeared like a fresh-face coed. Except for her eyes. There was something in her eyes….” How old are you?” he blurted out before thinking better of it.
Her eyes widened and her spine straightened. “Twenty-four. Why?”
What was wrong with him? He’d been so rude. “Sorry. I’m obviously not fit for polite company. You’re here now to get pictures of the humpbacks and then you’ll go back to San Diego?”
“Yep, whether I win or not—and it’s a long-shot—I want to finish my degree. I’ve only got two semesters to go.”
“Degree in what?”
She bit her bottom lip and closed her eyes. “Accounting.” Opening her eyes, she leaned forward and poked her fork in the air. “I know. I can admit it now. I didn’t even realize I was just playing it safe until …” Her brows drew together and her lips pursed. “Well, I felt like I had to give this a shot. It’s a dream I didn’t even dare to dream before.”
Luke was mesmerized by her expressions. Everything she was feeling showed right there on her face. He couldn’t imagine her ever being fraudulent, but he couldn’t imagine her dealing with anything devastating either. She was too delicate, too … hopeful.
“So, I borrowed some money from my grandmother—she says she would’ve given it to me anyway, but I’m going to pay her interest on the loan—and decided to give myself three months to try for this contest. I dive by day and waitress by night. I’ve always been a photo bug and it would be a dream job to work for Geographic Universe. But I’ve only got a few more weeks left before the submission deadline and I haven’t shot anything extraordinary enough.”
He’d been nodding, absorbed in learning about her until her expression took on a dawning horror. “Oh, God, I’ve been totally talking about myself this whole time. I’m so sorry. So, tell me about you, where are you from? What do you do?” She scooped up a forkful of lobster and watched him expectantly.
Luke felt as if he’d been suddenly shoved onto center stage with a spotlight trained on him, while an audience waited breathlessly for him to perform. But how could he tell this young, carefree woman anything about what his life was like?
BEING A CITY GIRL, Kristen had never actually seen a deer caught in her headlights. But if she had, she imagined the deer would look something like Luke Andrews did right now.
Was he in the Witness Protection Program? An international spy? Maybe he had amnesia and he didn’t remember where he was from or what he did for a living? That would explain the haggard look to his features and the dark circles under his eyes. She hadn’t noticed those until she’d seen him in the daylight earlier. And what about his being awake at two in the morning the past few nights?
Nah. She’d watched too many soap operas in college.
She waited another half a minute—which seemed like a long time with an awkward silence hanging in the air—and then put her fork down and cleared her throat. “Luke?”
At least he met her gaze. “Sorry.” Then he looked back down at his plate and took another bite.
“Is it one of those you-could-tell-me-but-then-you’d-have-to-kill-me kind of jobs?” She tried to smile and make light of it, but he was beginning to scare her. A girl could only equate mysterious with sexy up to a point.
“What?” His gaze flew back up to her and he scowled. “No. It’s just … nothing you’d want to hear about.”
Okay. Kristen jabbed at a shrimp.
And Luke ate.
And she ate.
Every bite or so he would look up at her. She fished around in her mind for a subject to bring up that they could discuss, but why should she? He seemed perfectly content to sit in silence.
For this she’d spent fifty-five dollars on a dress she didn’t need and endured an hour with the curling iron? Maybe he regretted saying yes? Maybe he felt trapped into going out with her for politeness’ sake? How depressing. That probably meant the connection she thought she’d felt between them was only in her imagination.
She jabbed at the last of her lobster, finished off her cola and came to a decision. Pulling cash from her purse, she laid enough on the table to cover the bill plus tip and scooted back in her chair. “Well, it’s been, uh, interesting.”
Just as she stood to go, he blurted out, “I’m a doctor in the Army medical corps, a captain.”
She hesitated. “Look, you don’t have to—”
“I’m here on leave.” He snatched the cash off the table, held it out to her and motioned the waiter over. “And I just didn’t want to ruin a nice dinner talking about it.” Reaching into his back jeans pocket, he pulled out his wallet and handed the waiter a credit card.
Kristen took her cash from him and sat down. “So … you were overseas?”
Geez. No wonder he didn’t want to talk about it. It explained the things she’d seen in his eyes last night.
The waiter returned with the check and Luke signed it and stuck the card back in his wallet. Then he met her gaze, his expression serious. “I think we passed an ice cream stand on the way here.”
She smiled. “I never say no to ice cream.” She started to get to her feet and he jumped up and pulled her chair out. “Thank you.”
His lips compressed as he gave a slow nod and indicated she should lead the way.
It had grown dark while they’d eaten dinner. Neon signs flashed from the bars, lighting the street with a multitude of colors. Foot and car traffic was heavy, but this was a tourist town and it was whale season, so Sunday nights weren’t any quieter than other nights.
Kristen strolled down the street with him in silence for a while, but now the silence was comfortable. She was curious about his time served in Afghanistan, but she wouldn’t pester him with questions anymore. Everyone dealt with death and dying in their own way.
She should know.
So, he was a captain in the Army. She smiled to herself, suppressed a giggle. Captain Mysterious really was a captain. And he was a doctor. That explained the Heimlich and CPR knowledge.
He stopped at the ice cream stand and bought her a dip of chocolate on a cone, but nothing for himself. As they continued down the sidewalk a dozen or more questions came to her lips, only to be stifled. He’d said he didn’t want to talk about his life, and she should respect that. So she ate her ice cream and waited.
And waited. Okay, this guy took brooding to a whole new level.
“So, tell me—”
“Maybe this—”
They spoke at the same time.
“I’m sorry,” he said.
“Go ahead,” she said at the same time as his apology.
Kristen cringed. As far as first dates went, this one ranked right up there with the seventh-grade Sadie Hawkins dance when she’d asked John Bannister to be her date and he’d said yes and then spent the whole evening dancing with Charlene Lefavre.
Coming to a halt, Luke grimaced and rubbed the back of his neck. “I think I’ve been around army grunts too long.”
“No, it’s me. I … haven’t dated much.”
“That’s hard to believe.”
At her sudden surprise he squeezed his eyes closed and grimaced again. “I didn’t mean it like—I just meant you’re so pretty—”
“No worries.” She put her hand on his arm. “I didn’t take it the wrong way. You just caught me off guard because you’ve been so quiet, I thought maybe I’d cornered you into coming to dinner when you didn’t really want to.”
“No.” He cupped her jaw in his palm and ran a thumb across her cheek. His eyes blazed into hers. And his touch heated her skin and tingled. She understood the cliché now. She really did feel as if she could fall into the deep chocolate of his eyes.
As if he suddenly realized he was caressing her cheek, he dropped his hand and stepped back.
Kristen blinked and glanced at her surroundings. The street traffic, the ocean waves crashing, the breeze riffling palm leaves all returned. When she looked back at Luke, she got the feeling he was as shocked by his action as she. Had he felt the same shivering magnetism she had? If so, his expression revealed nothing of it.
Searching for something to say, she faced forward and resumed walking. “So, did you book a tour to see the humpbacks yet?
He fell into step beside her. “Uh, no.”
“Oh, you really should while you’re here.”
“Yeah, I’ll do that.”
Would he really? She remembered Amy’s crazy suggestion about bringing the mystery man along on Kekoa’s boat for a double date. Should she?
“You want to come out with me while I dive sometime?” Okay, that was possibly the shortest amount of time she’d ever thought something through.
“I mean, I’d have to ask my boat driver first, and he’s been acting weird lately. Don’t get me wrong, he’s a great guy and a really good dive partner. Very responsible. Maybe too responsible if there is such a thing. I think it stems from his heritage. He’s supposedly descended from Kahekili II, the king of Maui. His father is a chieftain. I think his family is very strict about respecting their heritage and customs, and who can blame them? It’s such a rich and beautiful history.
“My friend Amy—she works with me at the Tradewinds—she wants to come out on the boat with me sometime and I told her I’d ask Kekoa. I think she has a thing for him—oh, crud, I probably shouldn’t have told you that. What if you come into the Tradewinds and meet her? She’d be so furious with me. Well, she’d probably forgive me if I can get Kekoa to let her on his boat. She’s such a good friend, I want to help her. She’s lived here a few years and she really helped me find my way around when I first got here.
“But Kekoa doesn’t seem to return her attraction. Well, that’s not true. He seems attracted, but he won’t act on it.” She frowned. “It sounds like a soap opera, doesn’t it?”
They’d reached the beach across from their condos and Luke came to a stop beside the bike rack. Kristen groaned and covered her face with her hands. “I did it again. I’ve talked your ear off.”
“I don’t mind,” he said softly.
She peeked between her fingers and looked up at him. One side of his mouth was curled up. Wow, an almost smile.
She glanced at the ocean. “You want to walk along the beach?”
His gaze followed hers down to the surf. “Even though there’s no moon to worship tonight?”
She jerked her gaze to his face, but saw no ridicule there. Only a hint of a smile on his mouth and in his eyes.
“Guess I’ll be forced to act like a normal person.” With a grin, she bent to unbuckle and slip off her heels, rebuckling them around the bike rack.
He stooped to yank off his well-worn Nikes and then plopped them on the concrete beside hers. The socks followed. He’d barely set his foot down when she took his hand and tugged him down the grassy slope into the sand and all the way to the edge of the surf.
“Mmm,” she moaned. “The sand feels wonderful squishing between your toes.” Waves surged around her ankles. She turned to face him. He was staring at her. Hard. Piercing.
He didn’t move, but she could feel something between them, pulling her to him. Something raw. As primordial as the ancient volcanoes.
The instinct was strong to step close, cup his jaw tight in her hands and kiss him. But common sense kept her immobile. She barely knew this guy. How could she be so rash? There was living life to the fullest, and then there was just plain reckless. She swallowed, frozen in indecision.
And the moment passed. He dropped her hand and glanced away, across the dark ocean and then over his shoulder down the coast, and stuck his hands in his pockets. He took one step away, splashing through the waves.
Drawing in a deep breath, she followed, glancing up at the millions of stars so clear in the sky. They seemed so close, she felt as if she could just reach up and grab one. She felt again that joy of just being alive. How very lucky she was to be on the earth to taste and smell and see and touch all the beautiful things around her.
After she’d walked beside him for a hundred yards or so in the surf, foam tickling her ankles, she couldn’t help but wonder what was going through his mind. “You’re lucky to have a condo with a balcony facing the ocean,” she said.
“It’s not my condo. It belongs to a buddy of mine.”
“Wow. Everyone should have buddies like that.”
He shrugged. “He thinks I …”
When he didn’t continue, she glanced over and studied him. His jaw hitched to the left just a fraction. He’d done that last night when he seemed to be wrestling with himself over something.
“I haven’t been sleeping very well lately.”
That did explain his presence on the beach at 2:00 a.m. Why did she suspect that was an understatement? “Has staying on a picturesque tropical island helped?”
He grimaced. “Not so far.”
Her mind was churning with ideas. “How long do you have before you go back?”
“Three weeks.”
“What all have you tried?”
He frowned. “What do you mean?”
She clasped his arm and came to a halt. “I assume you’ve already talked to a psychotherapist, but, what about massage therapy? Aromatherapy? Hypnosis? Um … What else … Oh! Yoga!”
He got that deer in the headlights look again. “I—I work out.”
“Or what about hiking? Have you been to see the Alelele Falls? They’re my favor—” She noticed his hardened expression. “What’s the matter?”
“I’m not some head case you have to fix.”
“Oh, no, I didn’t mean—”
His eyes narrowed. “Did John put you up to this?”
He stared at her a moment longer and then turned away. “Never mind,” he said over his shoulder and headed back in the direction they’d come from. “Guess I can add paranoid to my list of symptoms,” he muttered under his breath.
What had she done? Her stomach sank like her diving weight belt. Kristen jogged to catch up to him. “Luke.” She caught his arm again. “I’m so sorry I butted in. I tend to get overenthusiastic sometimes. It’s a bad habit of mine.”
He let her stop him and turned to face her, his eyes closed, his expression pained. “No.” He took her hand and squeezed it. “I should be the one apologizing. I was right the first time. I’m just not good company right now. Forgive me, Kristen. It’s not you, okay?”
“Hey, I know things started out kind of rocky, but—”
“Have a great time the rest of your stay here, and good luck winning that contest.”
“Luke, please.”
“I’ll walk you back to our building.” He put his hand at the small of her back and gestured for her to accompany him.
Reluctantly, Kristen headed toward the condo. She tightened her lips, determined not to utter one more word to the stupid man.
No. He wasn’t stupid. It was her fault. She’d jumped in as usual and blabbered on without thinking. It was just something about coming so close to death that made her not want to waste time on small talk and second-guessing herself. She’d tried, but …
Now she’d ruined it with him. The best she could hope for was that it wouldn’t be awkward to run into him around the condominium. But it’s not as if they’d had any real future together. A hot vacation fling for a few weeks had been the most it ever could’ve been. And even that was a glass-half-full assumption.
Oh, but what a fling it might have been.

THE SOLDIER LOOKED UP at Luke with big, dark eyes full of confidence. Confidence Luke didn’t deserve.
“You can fix me, can’t ya, Doc?” The private couldn’t have been twenty. His young body was shivering, bloodied, full of shrapnel. But Luke probably could’ve dealt with that. It was the gaping hole in the kid’s chest cavity Luke couldn’t repair.
The trauma room was a cacophony of dreadful sounds. Agonized screams, mortar rounds blasting outside and doctors and nurses yelling orders and information.
He avoided the soldier’s gaze and ordered a morphine drip to manage the worst of the kid’s pain. That’s all he could do. There were dozens more he could help. Ones who had a chance. He started to leave but the private grabbed his wrist and Luke forced himself to meet the soldier’s eyes.
“My pocket,” he said in a strangled voice. “Make sure the letter gets to my mom, okay?”
Luke set his jaw, emotion tightening his throat, threatening to overcome him. Swallowing back his howling grief, he reached into the private’s blood-soaked shirt pocket, pulled out a dripping folded piece of notepaper and slid it into the pants pocket of his scrubs. Then he looked back at the private to reassure him. But the boy was gone.
Luke gently closed the kid’s eyes.
Then the lights flickered and Luke felt hands clutching at him and bodies crushing him in. They tugged at him, pulling him in all directions. An Afghani National, a little Afghan boy, a burned woman and dozens of American soldiers, all dead, all blaming him.
LUKE AWOKE ON A STRANGLED cry. Breathing hard, he rolled off the bed, paced to the living room and stood at the balcony doors until the last vestiges of the dream faded.
He couldn’t stop shivering, so he trudged to the bathroom, splashed water on his face. He wasn’t getting better. He stared at his shaking hands and willed them to still. The tremors seemed to worsen. How could he suture a patient with these hands? My God. What if he couldn’t? How could he return to his unit if he couldn’t get himself under control? He’d be a disgrace to his colleagues, his superiors. “Coward.”
Spinning on his heel he punched the wall. The dog jumped and whimpered. Terrific. He’d dented the Sheetrock in John’s condo. Wow, he really was losing it. He’d be sure to remember to fix that wall before he left.
He hadn’t been out of the condo the past couple of days except to let the dog out into the back courtyard. Maybe he’d better get out of here before he did any more damage. He checked the clock. One forty-five. He could go down and be back before Kristen got home. After their first meeting, he’d bought a collar and leash for the mutt.
Running into her shouldn’t matter.
But it did.
He found himself on the beach, thankfully deserted this time of night, striding down the coast. Details of the nightmare came back to him, as real as if that private had died tonight. Why did these deaths haunt him? Even if Luke wasn’t serving in Afghanistan, fatalities were always a risk for a surgeon. What the hell was wrong with him?
A few more days of this and he’d have to resort to trying a sleep aid. He remembered Kristen’s suggestions. Massage therapy? Hypnosis? Would any of that really work?
He missed her.
Which was ridiculous. He barely knew her.
He slowed and came to a stop. He’d always been quiet. His mother used to say he thought too much. Left alone with his thoughts, especially lately, he could get morose. Kristen might’ve been embarrassed about hogging the conversation, but he’d liked it. She didn’t constantly ask him what he was thinking. And he hadn’t felt as if he had to make polite small talk with her. When he’d been around her, he hadn’t thought about death so much. Her smile and her chatter had kept him entranced, and her positive outlook had been contagious.
Without giving himself time to rethink it, he toed off his sneakers and stepped into the water, letting the waves splash around his ankles and calves, digging his toes into the wet sand. He kicked at the water and let the spray blow into his face. The dog thought this was a great game and barked and splashed around in the waves.
As a remedy for dark moods, this was working fairly well. Maybe there was something to Kristen’s advice. He closed his eyes and thought of her blond hair blowing in the breeze, of her blue eyes full of life and laughter smiling up at him. Why had he blown her off the other night? He couldn’t come up with one good reason now. Except that he was a colossal moron.
Striding out of the water, he grabbed up his sneakers and headed to the picnic table. He sat, leaned his elbows on the table behind him and dropped his head back to look at the stars. The dog decided to shake the water off his coat right next to Luke, spraying him with salty, hairy water. Now he needed to wait to be dry before going in.
His excuse paid off when he saw Kristen riding her bike down Kihei Road as usual. When she veered toward the condo he realized he’d expected her to leave her bike at the rack and head down to the beach. But she hadn’t.
He jumped up and jogged across the street after her. “Kristen,” he called out as he caught up to her.
She glanced behind her, swerved, and her front wheel hit the curb. The bike pitched forward and she screamed and flew off, headfirst.
Reflexes took over. Luke leaped to try to catch her just as she landed onto the grass. Her helmet knocked him on the chin and he lay there stunned, catching his breath. One of her elbows poked into his ribs. Then she shifted and her elbow was replaced with soft, cushiony breasts. His body reacted and he bit back a groan.
His arms were around her and he could feel her bra strap under her T-shirt beneath one palm and a smooth thigh beneath the other. If he slid his hand up a couple inches higher his fingers could caress the soft flesh under the hem of her shorts. He closed his eyes and willed his erection to go away.
How sick was that when she could be hurt? “Are you all right?” He began a rudimentary examination of the bones in her arms and wrists. Nothing felt broken.
“Luke?” She raised her head, unsnapped her helmet and pulled it off. Her hair fell across his face until she turned her head to face him. As he drew a breath, the fragrance of wild berries invaded his senses, attached itself to his bloodstream and shot straight to his groin. Her shampoo.
She looked stunned. “What are you doing here?” Her voice quivered and he snapped back to reality.
“Does anything hurt?”
“I’m fine.” She lifted off him and he had to quell the urge to not let her go.
As she sat up, so did he, taking note of how she favored her left shoulder. “You are hurt.” He gently explored her clavicle and she winced.
“It doesn’t feel broken. On a scale of one to ten, how bad is the pain?”
She chuckled. “I’m fine, Doc. Just bruised.” She gingerly got to her feet and Luke hurriedly stood and tried to help her, his arm curving around her waist.
“Careful. You could have other injuries.”
“Nah. You broke my fall.” She started brushing off grass and dirt, and, reluctantly, he dropped his arm. “What about you? Are you hurt?”
He could feel a few sore areas that would probably bruise, but otherwise he was fine. “If I hadn’t scared you, you wouldn’t have fallen.” He bent to haul up her bike and inspect the damage. The front wheel was mangled. “Looks like I owe you a new bicycle.”
“Oh, no!” She stared at her crooked front wheel. “Well, maybe it can be fixed. Anyway, I bought it secondhand.” She looked up from the wheel rim to meet his gaze. “So … were you out here waiting for me?”
Her light blue eyes seemed to pierce straight into the deepest part of him. What did she see? “I guess I was.” He swallowed, feeling like a first-class jerk. “I don’t suppose you’d give me a second chance and have dinner with me tomorrow night?”
Her brows rose. “I work tomorrow night.”
“Oh, right.” He nodded. “Of course. I understand.” He waved a hand. “Let me help you get this inside.” He picked up the bike by its frame and headed for the condo’s lobby.
“Luke,” she called, not moving.
“Yeah?” He stopped and half turned.
Her teeth flashed in a quick grin. “Come with me on the boat in the morning.”
“IN THE MORNING” actually meant about four hours later. But Luke wasn’t complaining. He wouldn’t have slept anyway. She’d asked for his cell number and given him hers just in case he changed his mind.
But he wouldn’t have.
As they approached a large fishing boat, Kristen cupped her hands around her mouth and yelled, “Permission to come aboard?”
A tall, native Hawaiian stepped out of the cabin, smiled at Kristen and waved them on board. Ho`opono was painted on the hull in bold black letters. Kristen told Luke it was Hawaiian for Faithful. Once they’d boarded, Kristen introduced Kekoa to Luke as her dive partner and boat driver.
Kekoa shook his hand. Firmly. And there was a glint in his eye, as if he were sizing Luke up. Was the guy trying to establish a prior claim? Then he noticed a redhead with long legs sitting on a cushioned seat in the stern of the boat. Kristen introduced her as her friend and coworker, Amy Burrows. Luke vaguely recalled Kristen talking about her friend the other night. But not the particulars. Amy got lazily to her feet to shake his hand with a conspiratorial grin, picked up a basket of muffins then disappeared behind Kekoa into the cabin.
Kristen cast off the stern- and bowlines and within minutes they were in open sea.
Luke tugged his U.S. Army ball cap down tighter against the wind. He hadn’t been out on the ocean since he was a kid and his family had rented a beach house one summer in Galveston. That had been a lifetime ago.
But the salty sea spray hitting his face and the boat slamming down against the choppy waves started a video playing in his head of that carefree time in his life. When his father had still been alive. The kind of joyful existence he’d like to attain in his life now, but seemed so far beyond his reach he wouldn’t know how to start.
“Have you ever seen such crystal clear water?” Kristen appeared beside him against the railing at the rear of the boat, staring out across the ocean. She was using her hand to shade her face, but her eyes and nose were still adorably scrunched against the sun. Without makeup this morning she looked so fresh, so natural, he wanted to soak in her wholesomeness and save it for the lonely dark of night.
Luke shook his head. “Where are we headed?” He had to shout over the roar of the motor.
“Molokini Crater.” She caught a lock of hair that had escaped her ponytail blowing across her face and tucked it behind her ear. She motioned for him to follow her and headed around the cabin to the front of the boat. Then she squinted one eye and pointed. “You can just see the crescent-shaped formation ahead.”
Luke was more interested in staring at her in a short, black wet suit that hugged her body and showed every womanly curve. An image flashed in his mind of his hands caressing his way down and around those curves.
She turned back to face him and he jerked his gaze out to the rock she’d pointed at. “Um, so, that’s where the humpbacks are?”
“Sometimes. But Molokini is mostly famous for snorkeling. I told Kekoa we’d go there since you and Amy are with us today. It’s a partially submerged volcanic crater, and inside the rim you can see the most gorgeous fish and coral, mantas, eels, even a few spinner dolphins. Kekoa has extra snorkeling equipment on board if you want to go in.”
“I’d like that.”
“Afterward, I’m going to dive the Backside. About eighty feet down are some rare species of fish, plus white-tipped sharks. The water is so clear—”
“Hold on a minute.” Luke had to interrupt her there. “Did you just say sharks?” Hairs on the back of his neck stood up.
“Oh, the shark caves are down about a hundred and twenty feet. It’s the current I have to worry about.”
And this was supposed to make him feel better? “Have you dived here before?”
“Of course. Well, not the Backside, but I’ll be fine. Kekoa dives with me and he’s very safety conscious, believe me. Oh, we’re almost there. Good. There’s only one other boat here so far. I better go tell him where I want to tie the moorings. We don’t drop anchor because of the coral.”
As Kristen disappeared into the cabin, Amy came out and approached him. “Hey, I brought muffins, if you’re hungry. Blueberry, banana and cinnamon.”
“Thanks. I’m good for now.”
She leaned her forearms on the railing, but turned her head to look at him. “I’m so glad you came today, too.”
“Why is that?” Luke couldn’t help but notice the redhead wore makeup and had a pair of expensive-looking sunglasses on top of her head holding her long hair off her face. But it still blew wildly in the wind.
“Kekoa is diving with Kris, and I don’t want to sit up here all alone.” She pouted pretty red lips.
Aah. He nodded.
She wore a pair of white short shorts and a red halter that bared her midriff and a good portion of her cleavage. Plus a very impractical pair of wedged high heels. The motor sputtered off and the boat drifted to a stop in the bay. With her height and the way she was bent over leaning on the railing, Luke would’ve had to be blind or gay not to notice her ample breasts. But he got the feeling she wasn’t trying to be overtly sexy, it just seemed to be her style.

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