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A Child for Cade
Patricia Thayer

“Marry me.”
Abby stared at Cade in disbelief. “Are you crazy?”
“Maybe,” Cade said. “But Brandon needs two parents who love him.”
He needs parents who love each other, Abby cried silently. “We can barely stand to be in the same room together,” she argued.
“That’s not what I’d call what was happening in the pool.”
Abby’s face heated. She couldn’t deny that, not when she could still taste him on her lips. Gooseflesh rose on her skin, and she crossed her arms. Damn him. “We should try to have a cordial relationship—apart—except for raising our son.”
“Brandon deserves more,” Cade said. “He needs a mom and dad.”
“I can’t, Cade.”
Cade watched as Abby ran into the house. His body still ached for her. Once again, his heart smarted from her rejection. But he wasn’t going to let her push him away. Not this time. He was going to have his family.

Chance’s Joy
A Child for Cade
Travis Comes Home

A Child for Cade
Patricia Thayer

www.millsandboon.co.uk (http://www.millsandboon.co.uk)
To Steve, my friend, my lover, my computer expert.
As I write this, today is our anniversary, and it seems only fitting that I dedicate this book to you. I want to thank you for always being there with your love and chocolate kisses. It’s been a wonderful 30 years.
Forever yours, Pat.

has been writing for fourteen years and has published fourteen books with Silhouette. Her books have been nominated for the National Readers’ Choice Award, Virginia Romance Writers of America’s Holt Medallion and a prestigious RITA Award. In 1997 Nothing Short of a Miracle won the Romantic Times Magazine Reviewers’ Choice Award for Best Special Edition.
Thanks to the understanding men in her life—her husband of thirty years, Steve, and her three sons—Pat has been able to fulfill her dream of writing romance. Another dream is to own a cabin in Colorado, where she can spend her days writing and her evenings with her favorite hero, Steve. She loves to hear from readers. You can write to her at P.O. Box 6251, Anaheim, CA 92816-0251.

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven

Chapter One
He never expected to see her here.
Cade Randell leaned against the post, oblivious to the sounds of the celebration going on around him. His only interest was the woman with the auburn hair and deep-green eyes standing across the patio. His body tensed as he examined her tall willowy frame. There was a hint of curves beneath the Indian-print skirt, the ivory T-shirt and honey-colored vest.
Damn, Abigail Moreau looked good. A dull pain gripped his chest at the realization that she hadn’t been a Moreau for more than seven years. Not since she’d married Joel Garson.
Just then the woman looked in his direction. When their eyes met, her smile faded and was replaced with a panicked stare before she quickly glanced away.
Cade stiffened. He wasn’t going to let her ignore him. He tipped his long-necked bottle against his lips and took a swallow of beer, then put the empty down on the table and went off to renew an old acquaintance.
He made his way through the crowd, his courage diminishing with each step.
Abby had never dreamed Cade Randell would return home, not after so many years. Her body trembled, and she wanted to run. But there was no escape. Cade had already seen her, and he looked determined to speak to her. She had known this day would come and had dreaded it. It had been nearly eight years. Enough time to forgive and forget and move on with their lives. That was it. He was probably just wanted to say hello.
The tallest of the three Randell brothers, Cade stood six-two. His body was long and lean with broad muscular shoulders. Dressed in black jeans, a wine-colored western shirt and polished sharkskin boots, he moved in a slow easy gait, as if he had all the time in the world. Abby drew another breath, trying to calm the wild beating of her heart.
He stopped in front of her. His face was as handsome as she remembered, but now there was a hard edge to his deep-set eyes. His short-cut raven hair still had a slight wave.
“Hello, Abby,” he said in a deep baritone voice.
Another shiver raced through her. “Cade…it’s good to see you.” Her gaze locked with his night-brown eyes. The same incredibly beautiful eyes she’d seen every day for the past seven years. Her son’s. Oh, God, she shouldn’t have come tonight.
“Is it?” he asked.
She forced herself to look cheerful. “I’m sure Hank is happy you came back for his birthday celebration.”
His stare grew more intense. “That’s the only reason I came back. For Hank.”
She didn’t miss the anger in his voice. “He’s a good man.”
Cade nodded. “And the only person around San Angelo who’d take in three wild boys.”
“Like I said, he’s a good man.”
“Speaking of men—” Cade glanced around “—I don’t see your husband. Where is Joel?”
Abby tensed. No way was she going to explain her situation to Cade. “He’s not here.”
“What a shame. And here I wanted to give him my congratulations.” His eyes bore into hers. “Let him know there are no hard feelings. Is he still working for his rich daddy?”
“Look, Cade, if you want to see Joel, you can contact him at the bank. He and I are no longer…married.” Escape. She needed to get away. She started to leave, but Cade stepped in front of her.
“Why?” He had a cynical sneer on his face. “You were the perfect couple.”
Abby fought the feeling of being trapped. “Nothing’s perfect, Cade.” She moved past him and made her way through the crowd. There was a clear path to the edge of the yard, but she wasn’t fast enough.
Cade caught her. Taking her by the arm, he led her to a secluded area by some trees. “What happened, Abby?”
“It’s really none of your business,” she whispered, and tried to break his hold, but his grip only tightened.
“I think it is my business,” he said. “Wasn’t he enough for you, Abby? Couldn’t he satisfy you, either?”
Suddenly Cade felt a weak push against his body, then a stinging kick in the leg. “You leave my mom alone!” a child’s voice cried out.
Cade released Abby and looked down to find a boy of about six or seven, pushing at him with all his might. He grabbed the child’s arms and held him away before he could inflict any more pain. “Whoa, partner,” Cade said. “I’m not hurting anyone. I was just talking to your mother.”
The boy looked unconvinced. He jerked away, then hurried to Abby’s side. So Abby had a child. Another pain stabbed his heart as he stared at the dark-haired boy.
“Brandon, it’s all right,” Abby said. “This is Cade, Chance’s brother.”
The boy glared at Cade, then at his mother. “But he grabbed you. Just like—”
“No, son. I’m okay,” she assured him with a hug. “Why don’t you go and play with your friends?”
“But, Mom…” Finally the boy nodded, gave Cade a warning look, then reluctantly wandered off.
Abby turned back to Cade. “I’m sorry, since the divorce, Brandon’s been very protective of me.”
Cade saw something in Abby’s emerald eyes. Sadness? Fear? He felt a tightening in his chest again. Damn. Why should he care that her marriage broke up? She had made her choice years ago. And it wasn’t him. Just walk away, Randell, he told himself. But he didn’t move. “Why does your son think you need protection?”
Abby’s back straightened and she raised her chin. “I don’t need anyone’s protection. I can take care of myself.”
Before Cade could speak, his younger brother, Travis, came over. “Cade, come on, we’re going to toast Hank.”
“Be there in a minute.” He looked back at Abby. “We aren’t finished with this conversation.”
“Yes, we are, Cade,” Abby said. “You’ve made a life in Chicago, and mine is here…with my son.” She smiled, and it was as if something ripped the air from his lungs. Suddenly she was transformed into the same beautiful girl he’d once loved.
“Goodbye, Cade.” She walked away.
“Come on, brother,” Travis called again. “Chance is waiting for us at the bandstand.”
“I’m coming.” He looked over his shoulder to catch a final fleeting glimpse of Abby as she hurried off. Something told him it might be the last time he’d ever see her. He should be glad. If so, why was there a terrible ache in his gut?

Cade stood on the bandstand next to Hank, his brothers—Travis and Chance—and Chance’s wife, Joy.
Nearly a hundred people had come to celebrate Hank Barrett’s sixty-fifth birthday. A man who had been a rancher in the area all his life. A man who was loved and respected by all. A man who took in three wayward boys when everyone else had given up on them.
Cade’s best childhood memories had been the years on the Circle B. It hadn’t been an easy life, but Hank and Ella, the ranch housekeeper, were there for them. Besides his brothers, they were the only people Cade could depend on.
With a glass of champagne, Chance stepped to the microphone. “It’s wonderful to see so many friends and neighbors here for Hank’s birthday.” He turned to Hank. “You know half these people came for the free food and beer,” Chance teased, and everyone laughed. Cade watched his older brother in amazement. He’d never known Chance to joke around. He’d always been so serious about everything. Cade decided Joy and their new baby daughter had had a lot to do with it. Funny how love could change a person, Cade thought as he looked over the crowd while his brother continued to toast Hank.
Once again, his gaze wandered toward the back of the patio. Immediately he picked out Abby. When his eyes met hers, something stirred inside. Damn, he’d thought she’d headed home.
When Chance finished the toast, applause broke out, pulling Cade back to the reason he was here. It was his turn to step up to the mike.
“It’s been nearly eight years,” Cade began, “since the last time I was here at the Circle B. But Hank has welcomed me just as he did my brothers and me twenty years ago. Back then I was a smart-mouthed kid and thought I knew everything,” he said as he glanced at Hank. The sixty-five-year-old rancher, with his head of thick gray hair, stood straight-backed. His face was weathered from the sun, but he’d retained his ready smile and kind heart.
“Hank told me I had a lot to learn. Then he proceeded to teach me how to muck out a stall, feed the livestock, brand a calf and shoe a horse. All skills I definitely needed in Chicago.” The crowd laughed. Cade stole another glance at Hank, and he swallowed hard as his emotions threatened to erupt. “But the most valuable lesson I learned from this man was not to give up on a job, no matter how hard. He told me anything worth having is worth the struggle. It’s what gives you such sweet satisfaction, knowing you’ve accomplished something.”
Cade raised his glass. “To Hank. Thanks for all the lessons. And may your days all be sweet.” There was silence as everyone took a drink, then unable to help it, Cade glanced at Abby again.
Abby knew she should have left when she had the chance, but this had been her first social outing since her daddy’s death six months ago. Brandon needed the party, too. Since school let out, he’d been isolated from kids his own age. He’d been sticking close to her, playing her protector. But she didn’t want him to worry about her. She wanted her son to be a kid. Tonight was for him. But was it safe to stay any longer?
When Cade stepped off the bandstand and headed toward her, Abby knew she had to get her son home where it was safe. Sending one of the teenagers to get Brandon, she planned to disappear before there were any more confrontations. No such luck. She looked up and saw Cade still moving in her direction. She tensed, ready for a fight.
He raised a calming hand. “I just want to apologize for before. I had no right to talk to you that way.”
“No, you didn’t,” Abby said, though she knew after her rejection of him he had every right to despise her. He could never know that she hadn’t had a choice. “I know we never can be friends, Cade. But I do wish you the best. I hear you’ve made a good life for yourself in Chicago.”
He nodded. “I have a job I like. I make a decent living.”
She’d known he would do well. “You always worked hard. I’m glad everything’s gone your way. I guess I better go. Goodbye, Cade.” She made her way toward Brandon, fighting the urge not to turn around for one last look at the man she’d loved since the first day she saw him. No, Cade Randell was her past. She couldn’t go back and change anything. It was too late, and there were too many secrets for him to forgive her.
Cade wasn’t in a party mood anymore. He needed time alone. He headed toward the barn and some privacy. Damn, he didn’t want these feelings for Abby stirred up. After all this time, he’d thought he could come back, no strings, just a nice visit with his brothers and Ella and Hank. No demons from his past. Cade walked down the center aisle and stroked a few of the horses in the stalls.
He’d left San Angelo and last seen Abby Moreau eight years ago. Now her hair hung to her chin, and was much tamer than the wild red mane that used to hang to the middle of her back. He groaned as memories of the silken strands draped over his body came rushing back. How she’d been able to make him forget all the cruelty in the world with just her touch. Then just as quickly he recalled Abby’s parting words. “It will never work between us, Cade,” she’d said with tears in her eyes. “I don’t love you.”
“You were right, Abby,” he said to himself. “We wouldn’t have worked. Not when you wanted a man with money. And one without the last name of Randell.”
“Hey, what are you doing out here by yourself?”
Cade swung around to see his older brother, Chance, coming toward him. “I’m not sure I know all those people anymore,” he lied. The real reason was he didn’t know if he fit in. Had he ever?
“Hell, the neighborhood hasn’t changed that much. It’s the same ranching families, though some of the kids have grown up. Got some pretty women here tonight.”
“Whoa, better not let your wife hear you say that,” Cade said, realizing his brother qualified as one of the lucky ones to have found Joy. Chance had also been the only one of the three brothers who stayed on the Circle B, totally content to ranch.
“Joy doesn’t have to worry,” Chance said. “She knows how I feel about her. I was thinking about you. All you and Travis have been doing these past years is working hard and making lots of money. Aren’t you a millionaire yet?”
Cade glanced away. “A million doesn’t seem to be enough these days, bro,” he said. After all, Abby had come from money and chosen to marry into an affluent family, instead of marrying him.
“Took me a lot of years to learn that the right woman doesn’t care,” Chance said. “Not if she loves you.”
“That’s the key, Chance, but it never hurts to have the advantage of wealth.”
“I noticed you had your eyes on a certain woman.”
Cade looked at his boots. “Aren’t I a little old for you to be checking up on me?”
“Just habit, I guess. It’s hard not to watch over your younger brothers.” Chance grinned and pushed his hat back, allowing his hair to fall across his forehead. “Can you believe how much Travis has changed?”
Cade shook his head. “Seems like he was just a skinny college student not that long ago. Now he has his own business.” Travis and Chance looked more like brothers, Cade thought, the same sandy hair and light eyes like their mother. Cade had had the misfortune to inherit his daddy’s dark looks.
“Travis seems to be here, but not here,” Chance said, sobering. “There’s something bothering him.”
Cade smiled. “Yeah, probably trying to figure out how to spend all his money.”
Chance shook his head. “I think it’s more. He hasn’t said more than two words since coming home. And that cell phone of his is attached to his ear. Tomorrow I’m going to get it and bury the thing. That way he’ll be guaranteed a vacation.”
Both brothers laughed.
“Abby looked good tonight,” Chance said.
Cade knew his brother was fishing. Chance was the only one who knew about his past relationship with Abby Moreau. “History. It’s best left there. Besides, I’ll be gone in a few days.”
“You have to go back that soon, huh?”
“I have clients who depend on me.” That wasn’t completely true. As a financial adviser, he could handle just about anything by phone or e-mail, but he didn’t belong here anymore.
“You know, she divorced that jerk.”
Cade didn’t have to ask who Chance was talking about. “I’m not interested. She told me once that she didn’t want me.”
“Everyone makes mistakes, Cade. I think Abby’s daddy was more interested in hooking his daughter up with Garson than she was.”
“She had a choice.”
“Well, whatever, she’s had to pay a heavy price. I hear Joel was pretty free with his fists.”
Cade’s head jerked up. “You mean he hit her?”
“I’m not positive, but I heard stories, and I saw Abby one time with bruises on her face. She told me she fell.”
Anger seethed through Cade. How could a man strike a woman? He thought back to earlier, how Abby had trembled when he touched her. Now he understood her son’s reaction. Cade closed his eyes, trying to block out the pain. The pain he’d felt every day since she left him. But what kind of pain had Abby suffered?
“Tell Hank I’m going for a ride,” he said. “I need to clear my head.”
Chance patted him on the back. “Just remember I’m here if you need me.”

Cade saddled up Gus, a big bay gelding. Chance had told him the horse would get him back to the barn if they got lost. Once on the open range, with the bright moonlight to guide the way, Cade gave Gus free rein and let him fly.
Twenty minutes later Cade reined in the animal at the edge of a rise, then wandered to a grove of trees by the creek. He climbed off and led Gus to the water’s edge for a well-deserved drink. Cade sat down and looked out over the valley. Mustang Valley.
A place he and his brothers had come to a lot. Hank had told them stories about the wild horses who took refuge here because of the water and grazing land. Mostly because Hank didn’t chase them off as a nuisance. Some people had labeled the Randell boys the same way. Like their cattle-rustling father who’d been sent off to prison, they were no good. Branded with the stigma of those circumstances and with their mother deceased, they had no one willing to take them in—until Hank Barrett.
It had taken Cade some time, but he’d finally realized how good Hank was to them. How he made the Randell brothers think they were worth something. That if you worked hard, people would see it. Cade had worked hard in school, then college. But he’d wanted to leave San Angelo, where the Randell name held too many bad memories. But he hadn’t planned to go alone.
Abigail Moreau, the daughter of one of the richest men in the area, loved him. Cade’s gaze went to the oak tree and the memory of their last day together came flooding back…
It had been a June afternoon, perfect for a ride to the valley. Cade had spread a blanket on the ground for them to sit on. He was nervous as he dug into his pocket, trying to find the small diamond he’d worked for months to buy. It wasn’t a large stone, but it was all he could afford for now.
He looked at Abby and couldn’t believe she loved him. She was so beautiful with her long red hair, tied back with a blue ribbon. He held up the ring, and her eyes grew bright with excitement.
“I love you, Abby. I want us to get married so you can go with me to Chicago. I know I don’t have much now, just my college degree, but with my new job, I’ll be able to take care of you. I know it’s not what you’re used to, but someday…”
“Oh, Cade.” Abby blinked back the tears. “I love you, not what you have. Oh, yes, I’ll be your wife.”
Cade slipped the ring on, and she threw herself into his arms. He kissed her, then kissed her again, and soon they were lying on the blanket. He raised his head, trying to catch his breath. “I guess we better slow down.”
Her gaze searched his face. “I don’t want to stop, Cade. I want you to make love to me.”
His heart jumped into his throat. “But, Abby, you said you wanted to wait…”
“I’m going to be your wife, Cade. I want to show you how much I love you…”
Cade shook his head to erase the memory. But he couldn’t. He couldn’t erase Abby’s lie. She hadn’t loved him. The next day his ring came back with a note, saying they were too young for marriage.
Cade got up and walked along the creek and thought back to the naive kid he’d been when he hadn’t believed Abby’s note and had gone to her house. It hadn’t been until she told him to his face that he finally believed her. The clincher came a month later, when she married Joel Garson.
Cade picked up a flat rock and tossed it into the water. The last seven-plus years he’d worked day and night, driven because he hadn’t been good enough for Abby Moreau. And now he had a successful career. Guess he could thank her for that. He was wealthy enough to buy and sell people like the Moreaus and Garsons. But none of that mattered, because what he really wanted he couldn’t have. Abby. And it was too late, because he could never forgive her.

When Abby got home from the party, it was after eleven. By the time she got Brandon to bed, she was exhausted. But in the lonely silence of her old bedroom, sleep eluded her.
Abby went downstairs. Since her father’s death, only she and Brandon lived in the big ranch house. It was almost eerie, with so many empty rooms. She stepped into her father’s study, Tom Moreau’s private domain, and flicked on the lights, then walked past the cinnamon-colored leather sofa and matching chair. The large mahogany desk sat facing French doors that opened onto a large flagstone patio adorned with white wrought-iron furniture. An olympic-size pool and an ornate fountain took up most of the yard, and multi-colored flowers and a boxwood hedge surrounded the property. Nothing had been too good for Tom Moreau. He had loved the lifestyle. Too bad he hadn’t been able to pay for it.
Abby glanced over her shoulder at the pile of unpaid bills on the desk. In the past months she’d been trying to think of a way to pay off the debts. But with her limited financial knowledge, she hadn’t come up with a single idea. She needed a professional, which she couldn’t afford. But she also couldn’t afford not to hire one. It was either that or she’d have to sell the ranch, her last resort. The Moreau ranch was Brandon’s legacy. Since the divorce, Abby knew this was all her son would have. And she’d do almost anything to keep her boy from losing it. She’d already used most of her divorce settlement paying the inheritance tax, then some more on the enormous debt, but it had hardly made a dent.
Joel wasn’t about to help her, either. Besides, she didn’t plan on taking anything else from her ex-husband. As it was, Joel practically made her beg for her monthly check. She guessed that it took the place of working her over with his fists.
Abby shivered and moved away from the window, hugging herself. Closing her eyes, she’d tried to erase the ugly memory of her marriage. A marriage her father had coerced her into.
Instead, she thought back to the day she’d gone to Mustang Valley, the day Cade had asked her to marry him. She’d accepted quickly, unable to believe they were finally going to be together. They wouldn’t have to hide any longer.
But Tom Moreau hated the Randells, ever since Cade’s daddy had rustled his cattle. Abby knew he would fight her on the marriage, but never realized how far he’d go until that day.
Abby had arrived in the study with her new engagement ring. Her father was sitting behind his desk as usual. She was nearly twenty-two, and the man still frightened her. Well, she wasn’t going to let her father control her life any longer. She wanted a life with Cade, and she was going to have it.
Her father stood. “You were with Randell.”
Abby bit back a gasp. “I have a right to see whomever I please.”
“I think not,” he said. “You’re a Moreau, and certain things are expected of you. You stay away from that trash.”
“Cade isn’t trash. He’s a college graduate and has a good job in Chicago.”
“Fine. Then he’ll be out of here.”
Abby grew braver. “And I’m going with him.”
Her father looked her over and grinned. “I don’t think so. I have plans for you.”
“But I love Cade. We’re getting married.”
Tom sat on the edge of the desk. He looked calm, but Abby saw the anger in his eyes. “You know there’s been more rustling going on in the area. I’ve lost several head myself. Two of the hands told me they saw someone who fits Cade Randell’s description on the property.”
Dread rushed over her. “It wasn’t Cade.”
“It’s my word against a Randell. Who do you think people will believe?”
“That’s not fair, you know Cade didn’t do anything wrong.”
“He did everything wrong when he touched Moreau property.”
Abby flinched at the words. Was that all she was to him—his property? “Then I’ll say he was with me. You won’t be able to do anything. I’m of age. I can go away with Cade if I want.”
She saw her father’s jaw clench, then he drew a breath as if trying to gather his control. “You best not argue, girl.”
Abby began to shake. “Daddy, please. I love Cade.”
“If you love him, then you’ll let him go. It’s the only way he’ll stay out of jail. Don’t cross me, girl. Tomorrow you’ll tell him you’ve made a mistake. Then I’m sending you off to Europe with the Garsons. Their son, Joel, asked about you.” Her father smiled. “Now, there’s a fine young man from a good family.”
“I don’t want to go out with Joel,” she argued.
“I wasn’t giving you a choice. That is, if you really care about Randell.”
Abby knew she’d lost. “Okay, I’ll go. But you have to promise me you’ll leave Cade alone.”
He glared at her, as if to say how dare she question him. Finally he nodded. “Send the ring back by messenger, I don’t want you seeing Randell again.”
For days Abby had ached to go to Cade and tell him the truth. But she knew her father would carry out his threats. The following week Abby was sent off to Europe with the Garsons. A month later when she returned home, her circumstances had changed. She was desperate to talk to Cade. But when she’d called him in Chicago, he didn’t want to talk to her. He said their break up was for the best. They were too young to know about love. Brokenhearted, Abby had let herself be talked into marrying Joel.
Abby wiped the tears from her face. All these years, she’d never stopped loving Cade Randell. But there had never been a chance for them, not then, and certainly not now.
Not after he discovered her lies. Not after he discovered he had a son.

Chapter Two
The next morning Cade woke up groggy. He told himself it had been the excitement of the party, of returning home after all these years. He was staying in his old room. Things hadn’t changed much, maybe a fresh coat of paint. The truth was, it had been Abby that robbed him of sleep.
By the time he showered and went downstairs, the family was already in the bright yellow kitchen eating breakfast. Hank sat at the head of the large trestle table, Cade’s brothers, Chance and Travis, in the same places they had occupied years ago.
“Good morning.” Cade took his seat.
“Well, it’s about time you showed your face,” Ella said, giving him a stern look, but her hazel eyes were smiling. The gray-haired woman was still housekeeper at the Circle B.
“Love you, too, Ella,” Cade teased. He took a swallow of coffee from the mug she put in front of him. He sighed, waiting for the caffeine to kick in.
“Gotta get you accustomed to ranch life again,” Hank said.
“In Chicago I’m usually up early because of the stock market.”
“Must be Ella’s cooking you’re trying to avoid,” Hank teased.
“Stop it, old man,” Ella said. “Joy’s been teaching me.”
Cade chuckled, recalling that the Circle B’s housekeeper had never been famous for her cooking. If she didn’t burn the food, it was a good day. “As long as I don’t have to eat my own cooking, it tastes good to me.” He winked at Ella. “It was just a late night.”
“Yeah, quite a party,” Travis said with a smile that didn’t reach his eyes. He quickly looked away to check the pager attached to his belt, then pulled out a cellular phone. He began punching the buttons as he got up from the table and walked into the pantry.
Cade watched his younger brother. There were only a few years’ difference in their ages, but Travis had been in college when he’d left. Now, eight years later, his kid brother was nearly as big he was. And he ran his own company in Houston. Something to do with computer security. Funny, he didn’t really know much about the business his brother had started. It must have been doing well. Travis’s nice clothes and the Rolex on his wrist left little doubt. He had even brought Hank expensive gifts.
So it seemed all three of the Randells had made their way in the world. Too bad their worlds had to be so far apart.
“How was your ride last night?” Chance asked from across the table.
“Good,” Cade said. “And there was plenty of moonlight to find my way back.”
“Wish I’d known,” Hank mumbled. “I would have gone with you. There were way too many people here to suit me. All that fuss over a silly birthday.”
Ella set a plate of bacon and eggs in front of him. “If you’d left, Hank Barrett, I’d have skinned you alive.”
“So would I.”
They turned as Joy Randell walked into the kitchen, carrying her two-month-old daughter, Katie. The petite blonde crossed to Chance and gave him a lingering kiss, then handed him the baby. “She’s been fed and changed.”
“Hi, princess,” Chance crooned to the child, and was rewarded with a smile.
Cade watched the loving exchange with envy. He was still amazed at their story. How Chance had met the widowed Joy Spencer in the abandoned barn of a neighbor. She’d been in labor, and he’d ended up delivering her baby. Not two weeks later, Chance had married her to keep the child from her in-laws. “Who would have thought it? My brother a family man.”
Chance cocked an eyebrow at him. “Don’t knock it, Cade. These two ladies are the best thing that ever happened to me.”
“I didn’t get a bad deal, either,” Joy said as she sat down next to her husband, her bright blue eyes full of love.
Cade had thought that way once, too. His attention turned back to Abby and how beautiful she’d looked last night. She could still make his pulse race. But he knew better than to pursue it. She’d made a fool out of him once, and he wasn’t going to play that game again. No, he’d stay away from Abby Garson.
Travis returned to the table, his expression even more troubled than before. “I need to get back to Houston. There’s a problem…with one of our accounts.”
“Can’t your partner handle it?” Hank asked.
“No.” Travis shook his head. “It’s something I’ve got to do myself.” He checked his watch. “I’ve got to get to the airport as soon as possible.”
“I’ll give you a ride, Trav,” Cade volunteered. “At least we can visit awhile.”
Travis nodded. “Thanks, Cade.” He turned to Hank. “I’m sorry I have to cut this short. I promise to be back soon. Next time maybe I can stay longer.”
Hank’s eyes misted as he stood. “I’m gonna hold you to it, son.” He hugged Travis.
Travis said his goodbyes to the rest of the family, then went upstairs to retrieve his bag. Cade headed outside and waited by the ranch truck. A few minutes later Travis came rushing out the door, along with Ella carrying a straw cowboy hat. “Cade, on your way back would you stop by the Moreau ranch and drop off this hat? Brandon left it here last night.”
No way was he going near that place. Tom Moreau would probably shoot him on sight. “The kid probably has a lot of hats. He’ll never miss it.”
“He’ll miss this one, though. His granddad gave it to him on his birthday—right before he died. Brandon never goes anywhere without it.”
“Tom Moreau died?”
Ella nodded. “About six months ago. Cancer. It’s been rough on Abby and that boy.” She shoved the hat at him. “Now there’s nothing there to scare you off. Or is there?”
Before Cade could answer, Ella hurried back into the house. “She’s got something up her sleeve, and I don’t like it,” he muttered as he and Travis climbed into the cab.
Cade started the engine and took off down the road toward the highway. He glanced across the cab. “I hope there aren’t any problems,” he said, trying to get his brother talking.
His brother jerked his head around. “What?”
“I said, I hope there aren’t any problems with your company.”
Travis shrugged. “There’re always problems.”
Cade didn’t like the sound of that. “Want to talk about it?”
Travis glared at him as he rested one booted foot across the other knee. “I’m not a kid anymore, Cade,” he grumbled.
“Whoa there.” Cade held up a hand. “I was only offering some help. If you don’t want to talk, fine. I’ll butt out. I just wanted you to know that I’m here if you need me.”
“I don’t think you would say that if you knew… Never mind.” Travis head jerked to the side window.
Cade didn’t want to “never mind.” He had a strong feeling his brother was in trouble. “So you’re going to be too stubborn to ask for help?”
Travis released a long sigh. “Hell, I can ask for all the help in the world, but it isn’t going to bail me out of this.”
Cade knew he couldn’t force Travis to talk about it, and the rest of the trip passed in silence. When they arrived at the airport, Travis was practically out of the truck before it stopped. But Cade had to give it one more try. Opening the door, he stood and rested his arm on the door frame. “Hey, Trav, call me if you need anything.”
Duffel bag in hand, Travis turned back to him and shook his head. “No, I don’t want the family involved in this.”
He looked so sad, so alone, Cade nearly went after him. “Whatever it is, it can’t be that bad.” He prayed his words were true. “Please, Trav, let me help.”
They looked at each other for a long time. “It’s bad. Just like it was with dad,” Travis said, then disappeared through the terminal entrance.

Cade knew the way to the Moreau ranch blindfolded. Not that he was ever allowed on the property, but he’d ridden by on horseback so many times he’d lost count. He’d always been hoping to catch a glimpse of Abby.
Cade drove the truck under the wrought-iron arch-way that read “Moreau Cattle Ranch.” He knew it had been one of the biggest operations in the area. Tom Moreau had other businesses besides cattle. He owned sheep and several pecan orchards, plus a few other properties.
No wonder the man hadn’t wanted his daughter to hook up with the likes of him—a Randell. If only he’d given Cade a few years to prove himself. But Abby hadn’t been willing to wait around for that, either.
Cade caught sight of the large brick home with its white wood columns along the porch supporting a second-story balcony. He parked the truck and grabbed the cowboy hat off the seat and climbed out. Maybe if he just left it by the door someone would find it.
Quit acting like a coward, he told himself. You don’t have to sneak around anymore.
As he approached the house, he noticed the peeling paint on the porch and shutters. He turned toward the other buildings. They could all use a fresh coat of paint. To his surprise, no one had come out to ask what he was doing on Moreau property.
He shook his head. No, this wasn’t his business, he told himself as he marched up to the porch and rang the bell. He was just going to drop off the hat and leave. But his plans changed when the door opened and a heavyset woman clutched his arm and tugged him inside.
“It’s about time you got here,” she scolded. “Ms. Abby has been waiting for you. Now go into the study and wait.” She motioned him into a room that Cade realized must have been Tom Moreau’s study.
Cade grinned. “Well, I’ll be damned.” He glanced at the portrait of the powerful rancher that hung above the used-brick fireplace. “Never could get over yourself, could you, Tom?”
It had taken Cade a long time, but men like Tom Moreau no longer intimidated him. He’d learned the hard way that if you had money, you had power, and you could play with the big boys.
Cade wandered over to the desk, the only place in the room that wasn’t in order. Curiosity got the better of him, and he glanced at some of the papers. Overdue bills seemed to make up one stack. On a notepad was the name Ted Javor, Accountant.
“What are you doing here?”
Cade refused to look guilty when he turned around.
At the sight of Abby, he found he had trouble concentrating for other reasons. Her hair was pulled behind her ears, her face devoid of makeup, and he could see the light dusting of freckles across her nose and cheeks. A pair of worn jeans covered her long slender legs and cupped her shapely hips. Her fitted white blouse showed off more than a hint of her full breasts. Damn, Abby Moreau, you definitely filled out.
“I was invited in,” he said. “In fact, your housekeeper practically pushed me in here.”
Abby looked unconvinced. “Carmen let you in? That’s hard to believe.”
“You can believe what you want. I’m only here because your son left this at the party.” He held out the cowboy hat.
“Oh,” she said, and some of the fire died from her eyes. She took it from him. “Well, thank you for bringing it by.” She folded her arms across her chest as if refusing to offer him any neighbourly niceties.
“Look, Cade, I’m too busy to stop and try to make small talk. You don’t want to do that with me any more than I do with you. You made that clear last night.” To his surprise she turned to leave.
“That wasn’t always true,” he said. “It was your decision…years ago.”
Her eyes flashed again. “I think you’ve overstayed your welcome.”
Cade knew he’d pushed too hard. “Wait, Abby. That was uncalled for. What I wanted to say is that I’m sorry about your daddy. I just heard about his passing.”
Abby didn’t need to deal with Cade Randell today, or ever. The man she saw last night and again this morning held no resemblance to the man she’d known so long ago. There was a hard edge to this Cade. He had the look of someone you didn’t want to cross. If he ever discovered the truth… Thank goodness the foreman had taken Brandon along on his errands.
“Thank you,” she said.
“Are you and Brandon getting along okay?”
Abby stared at him, surprised that he seemed concerned. “We’re fine.”
“I mean since the divorce and all. This is a big ranch for you to run by yourself.”
She didn’t want to discuss her problems with him. “I have help here,” she lied. Most of the ranch hands were gone now. All she could afford to keep on was Charlie and his wife, Carmen. Carmen said Abby and Brandon needed her, and she couldn’t leave without her husband anyway.
“I couldn’t help but notice the place seems deserted,” Cade said. His dark gaze bore into hers until she had to look away.
“My father was downsizing the cattle operation the last few years.” That was all she was going to admit to the man. “Look, Cade, I really am busy. I’m expecting someone.”
“An accountant?” he said.
She froze. “How did you know?”
“I expect your housekeeper thought I was him. She didn’t give me a chance to tell her any differently, and then I couldn’t help noticing what was on the desk. And Ted Javor’s name on the notepad.” He tossed her a grin, and for a second he reminded her of the boy she once knew. Feeling warmth spread through her, she realized her body was remembering, too.
Oh, God. She couldn’t do this. “Thanks again for bringing the hat by.” She walked to the door, hoping Cade would follow. He did, but stopped in the doorway and leaned toward her. He was close enough that she could see he had nicked himself shaving. Slowly her gaze raised to his, finding the golden flecks in the dark depths of his eyes, framed with long black lashes.
“If you’re having a rough time, Abby, I might be able to help. I’m a financial adviser.”
She stiffened. “I’m fine. And I’m more than capable of running the ranch.”
He started to say something, but nodded, instead. “Goodbye, Abby. I won’t bother you again.” He walked out, and she prayed that he was telling her the truth, because she didn’t think she could handle seeing Cade Randell again.

Back at the Circle B by early afternoon, Cade parked the truck outside the corral with plans of opening a beer and sitting around being lazy the rest of the day. Hell, it was his vacation. The first he’d taken in years. He didn’t need any more headaches from his brother or a woman from the past.
As he started for the house, he heard hollering from the barn and decided to see what all the commotion was about. Inside he found Chance and Hank by a stall, eyeing the latest addition to the ranch. A new chestnut filly.
Cade came closer and to his surprise he found Brandon Garson standing alongside Hank. For the first time Cade had a chance to see Brandon when the boy wasn’t scowling. He was a good-looking kid with dark wavy hair and big brown eyes. Maybe a little on the thin side. Cade smiled. Something about Brandon reminded him of Travis.
“Cade, you missed it,” Hank said. “Lady dropped her foal just after you left this morning.”
“I can see that.” He stepped closer to the stall and noticed Brandon move back. Was the boy afraid of him? He remembered what Chance had said about Joel’s treatment of Abby. Had he mistreated the boy, as well? Cade tensed, recalling his own daddy’s free-swinging backhand. It had taken a long time for Cade to trust other adults. He wasn’t sure why, but it was important he get Brandon to trust him.
“Brandon, she’s pretty cool, huh?” Cade asked.
The boy remained silent.
That didn’t stop Cade. “If I’d known you were going to stop by, I wouldn’t have taken your hat to your house.”
Brandon finally looked at Cade. “My hat?”
“Yes, Ella found it and said it was real special because your granddad gave it to you. So I ran it over to your place.”
The boy’s dark eyes turned hostile. “Did you see my mom?”
“Yeah, but she was too busy to talk.” He shrugged. “So I left.”
“Oh,” was all Brandon said.
Cade wasn’t getting very far. He turned to Hank. “What are you going to name the foal?”
“Not sure,” Hank said as he took off his hat and scratched his head. “I’ve named so many over the years I think I’ve run out.”
Cade studied the new filly. “What about you, Brandon? You got any ideas you can give Hank and Chance?”
“I don’t know.” The boy shrugged his narrow shoulders. Then he glanced up at the men towering over him, his eyes bright. “Maybe you could call her Princess Star. Princess for what Chance always calls his little girl and because the foal has a star on her forehead.” The boy immediately ducked his head and peeked back at the horses.
Cade watched as Hank and Chance exchanged a smile. “Hey, Brandon,” Chance said. “I think that’s a mighty fine name. When Katie gets a little older, I bet she’ll like it, too.”
“Then it’s okay?” the boy asked.
“It’s more than okay,” Hank agreed. “It’s great.”
Brandon’s face broke into a grin as Hank ruffled his hair. Something tightened in Cade’s chest as he watched the happy exchange. He found he wanted to get the same reaction from the boy.
The group broke up as the men started off toward corral. The Moreau-ranch foreman, Charlie, instructed Brandon to stay close to the stall.
“I’ll keep an eye on him,” Cade offered.
When they were alone, Cade still kept his distance. He knew that he and the boy had gotten off on the wrong foot, and he needed to set him straight about a few things. “You know, Brandon, I used to go to school with your mom.”
The boy didn’t react.
“In fact, I had a crush on her. I thought she was the prettiest girl in school.”
“She’s still pretty,” Brandon said.
Cade smiled. “Yes, she is.” He knelt down on one knee next to the child. “And I want you to know I would never do anything to hurt her. I was wrong to grab her arm last night. And I told her today I was sorry.”
Brandon still didn’t look at him. “My dad used to say he was sorry a lot. But he didn’t mean it.”
Cade tried to remain calm. If he ever got his hands on Joel Garson… “Well, I’m not like your dad. Hank raised me to respect women. That’s the reason when I got out of line last night, I apologized to your mom. But I swear I have never ever hit a woman. Only cowards do that.”
Brandon turned to him, his eyes guarded as they examined him closely. “Did you really live here?”
“Yeah, after my daddy went…away.”
“My grandpa said your daddy rustled cattle and went to prison. And you and your brothers were no good, either.”
Why would Tom Moreau be talking about his family? “Just because your daddy did bad things, does that mean you will, too?”
Brandon shook his head. “No.”
“Well, it’s the same with me. I went to college and then got a good job in Chicago. And I guarantee you I never rustled any cattle.”
The boy finally smiled, showing off the space from a missing front tooth. “Do you have a ranch there?”
“No, no ranches there, but I have a house. Chicago is a big city. I work on the twenty-seventh floor of a very tall building.
“Oh. Don’t you miss it here?”
“Sometimes. I miss my brothers and Hank and riding horses all the time. I even miss my secret hiding place.”
The boy’s eyes rounded. “You have a secret hiding place?”
“Doesn’t everyone?”
“I have one at my grandpa’s ranch,” he said. “Will you show me yours?”
Cade grinned. “Well, I don’t know. It wouldn’t be a secret hiding place if I showed it to you.”
“I won’t tell anyone, promise.”
Brandon looked confused. “I don’t know what that means.”
Cade stood, trying to remember how he and his brothers used to do the ritual. He raised his hands, spit into each palm, wiped them on his jeans, then made a cross over his heart. “Double-spit-swear.”
He watched in amazement as Brandon followed suit and looked up proudly. “Now can you show me?”
“Guess I’m gonna have to.” Cade started off toward the front of the barn, but before he got very far, he saw Abby come rushing in.
“Brandon,” she called.
“Hey, Mom.” The boy ran to her. “Did you come to see Hank’s new filly? I got to name her—Princess Star.”
She hugged Brandon to her side. “That’s nice, son, but we need to be getting home.”
Abby finally glanced at Cade. She was still wearing her jeans and boots. Her hair wasn’t as tame as last night. He liked it better this way.
“Hi, Abby.”
“You should take a look at the new filly,” Cade said.
“Yeah, Mom. She’s real pretty.” Brandon tugged on her arm until she followed him to the stall.
Abby didn’t want this. Brandon and Cade couldn’t be together. She’d had no idea Charlie was going to bring her son to the Circle B when he said he had errands to run. She’d panicked when Carmen told her.
Cade came up beside her, standing so close she could feel his heat. She could smell him. No fancy colognes, just soap and the intoxicating scent of the man himself.
“She’s pretty,” Abby said, and stepped away from Cade. “Okay, son, why don’t you say goodbye and we’ll leave.”
“But why can’t I stay until Charlie goes back? Cade was going to show me his secret hiding place.” Brandon slapped his hand over his mouth. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to tell her.”
“That’s okay.” Cade ruffled Brandon’s hair. “She doesn’t know where it is.”
Abby knew all about secret places. Cade and she had shared one a long time ago. “You weren’t going to take him out to the valley, were you?”
Cade shook his head, then a smile appeared. “So you remember?”
She glanced away. How could she forget? Her son had been conceived there. And she had to keep that secret. “Some other time, Brandon. Let’s go.” She took his hand.
Just then Hank walked in with Charlie.
“Well, hello, Abby,” Hank said. “What a pleasure to see you again.”
“Hello, Hank,” she said. “I’m sorry we intruded on your workday.”
“Glad you did. Charlie helped Chance load up two mares to take back to his ranch.”
“Did you need me, Abby?” the foreman asked.
“No, I just thought I’d take Brandon home. I don’t want him to get underfoot.”
“He’s never that,” Hank said. “He was a big help today. Besides, I enjoy having him here.” He eyed Cade. “My boys are all grown-up.”
“You’re very kind, Hank. We’ll just head home now.”
“I got an idea,” the old rancher said. “Stay for supper. We’ve got tons of leftovers from the party. Charlie, you call Carmen and have her come, too.”
Before Abby could stop him, Hank had wandered off. Great, now she had to spend the evening here. How was she going to keep Cade and Brandon apart?
“Looks like you both are staying,” Cade said. “You want to come with us to my secret hiding place, Abby?” He cocked a dark eyebrow. “But first I got to double-spit-swear you to secrecy.”
“Yeah, Mom. It’s gonna be cool.”
She knew she should refuse to let Brandon go, but that might raise suspicions. More regrets flooded her as once again she questioned her decision years ago. “I think I’ll pass. I’ll just go to the house and see if I can help Ella with supper.”
“Too, bad.” He grinned, then looked at Brandon. “Looks like it’s just us guys, huh, son?”
Abby’s heart pounded.
“All right,” Brandon said.
“Be careful, Cade,” Abby said. “He’s just a child.”
Cade leaned toward her and whispered, “It’s only an old storage shed out back. In case you’re interested in finding us, it’s past the oak tree with the swing. Come on, Brandon. Let’s go see if my treasure box is still there.”
Abby watched the two walk off together. Did anyone else see the resemblance? The dark hair and deep-set eyes. Even their gaits were similar. Oh, God. How was she going to keep Cade from finding out? And would it be fair to?

They ate dinner in the kitchen at the large table. Just like one big happy family. Abby listened to the laughter and many stories. Brandon had always been relaxed around Hank and Ella. Now it seemed that Cade was his new best friend.
Then there were the quick glances Cade tossed at her. He made her nervous. And it wasn’t just because he was Brandon’s father. Why was he suddenly flirting with her when last night he acted as if he couldn’t stand the sight of her?
Cade knew he was playing with fire. He ought to steer clear of Abby, but he couldn’t seem to manage it. She still stirred his desires whenever she was around. He told himself it was natural because they had a past together. She had been his first love.
While the women cleared the table, Hank invited Brandon into his study for a game of checkers. Cade excused himself and went out to the porch. He sat with his coffee and enjoyed the sunset, golden and orange as the sun dipped behind the trees. Had the sunsets here always been so beautiful?
Now he sat in the absolute stillness, eyes closed, listening to the sounds around him. Off in the distance, a horse whinnied and a dog barked. He’d thought the quiet would drive him crazy, but in the past three days it only seemed to relax him.
He opened his eyes to see Abby. Suddenly his pulse began to race again. Damn. Get over it. She’s just a woman. A woman who rejected you.
“Ella thought you’d like a piece of apple pie.”
“Thanks,” he said, and took the plate she offered.
She started to walk away.
“Aren’t you having any?” he asked.
“No, I ate too much at dinner.”
“Don’t tell me you’re one of those women who diets all the time.”
She straightened. “No, I’m just too full to eat any more. I’ll take my dessert home.” She started for the door again.
“Sit down and talk to me.”
“Cade, I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
“I told Brandon we used to be friends in school. I don’t want him to think there’s any hostility between us.”
“In other words you want us to lie.”
Cade put down his pie and stood. He went to her, took her hand and tugged her back to the porch. “I want us to act civil, Abby. I know we have some baggage from the past, but I’m only going to be around a few more days. Can’t we get along?”
Abby pulled her hand away. “Sure. When are you going back?”
“The end of the week.”
She walked to the railing. “Being here must be boring compared to Chicago.”
Watching her face, he felt his heart trip. The dusky light highlighted her hair like a halo. Damn, being this close to her was killing him.
“No, not really,” he said. “In fact, I’ve been enjoying my stay. I’m glad we got a chance to see each other again. Maybe clearing the air was a good thing. I’d like to put the past behind us and move on.”
She shrugged. “Cade, I put our past away long ago.”
She was lying. He could see it in her eyes. Or maybe it was just wishful thinking that Abby Moreau Garson still had some feelings for him.
“Let’s just test that theory.” He drew her into his arms and covered her mouth with his. He heard her sharp intake of breath. But it didn’t take long before her arms circled his neck, and she surrendered to the desire he knew now they would always share.
Then the bliss suddenly ended when Abby tore her mouth from his with a soft cry. Her eyes met his, and Cade could see a mixture of pain and longing in their emerald depths. Then Abby turned and dashed into the house.

Chapter Three
It had been a stupid thing to do.
The next morning Abby was still chastising herself for letting Cade kiss her. As if she’d had a choice. Whenever the man got within ten feet of her, she turned to mush. And she had to stop it, she told herself as she paced her bedroom. She wasn’t a crazy-in-love college student any longer. She was a single mother, trying to raise her child. Cade’s child. Just the thought turned her legs to jelly. She sank onto the bed. If he discovered Brandon was his…
Abby quickly shook away the thought. Cade would be gone by the end of the week. Just as before, Chicago was where he wanted to be. He’d proved that when he’d stayed away from San Angelo for so long, never interested in her well-being or if she could be pregnant from their lovemaking.
Tears started to well up in her eyes, but Abby refused to let them fall. She wasn’t going to waste her time on something that could never be. Her only concern was her son. She wanted to protect him and to raise him with love in a good home.
That was one of her other problems. One she’d been dreading all week but couldn’t put off any longer. Damn her ex-husband for doing this to her, for humiliating her this way. Obviously if she wanted her alimony check, she’d have to play Joel’s game.
She dressed in a pair of pleated taupe slacks and a cream-colored blouse. After slipping on a pair of nut-brown flats, she went downstairs. She checked her hair in the mirror, then turned to find her son watching her.
“Where are you going, Mom?”
“Into town, honey. You stay with Charlie and Carmen.”
“Can I go with you?”
“No, I’m going to the bank to see your fa—Joel. I’ll be back soon, I promise.”
She didn’t miss the fear in his eyes as he shook his head. “No, Mom, don’t go.”
“I have to, Brandon. He didn’t send the check.”
“But what if he hurts you again?”
Abby forced a smile. “He won’t, Brandon. That’s why I’m going to the bank. There’ll be a lot of people around. I’ll be fine.” She kissed him, then hurried out to her car, remembering that her therapist had told her to confront her fears. Abby seriously doubted that the psychologist realized what it was like to be knocked around by a drunken Joel Garson.

Cade drove into town, amazed at how things had changed. But after nearly eight years, what did he expect? Nothing stays the same. Before he knew it, his thoughts had turned to Abby. She had only become more beautiful with the years.
No. He had to stop thinking about her, Cade told himself as he pulled the truck into the First Security Bank parking lot. The kiss had been out of line, but it only verified what he already knew. Abby could still turn him inside out. Four more days, and he’d be back in Chicago. Back to his life with no Abby Garson to tempt him. He climbed out and walked into the one-story brick building. It was Tuesday, and the bank was quiet. Three tellers handled the customers. Cade pulled out the deposit slip and check Hank had given him and got in line.
He was next when he heard a loud voice that echoed through the hollow building. Cade glanced toward the glass enclosure. His heart pounded harder when he saw Abby inside—with Joel.
He froze when he saw that Garson had a grip on her wrist. The average person not looking closely wouldn’t see the man’s intense look. Fury raced through Cade as he made his way across the bank. What did Abby think she was doing, going to see Joel on her own? The man had beaten her before. He could do it again. If Garson touched her, he would be a dead man.
A receptionist looked up as he approached the door. “You can’t go in there, sir.”
“The hell I can’t.” Cade gave the door a sharp knock, then swung the door open to see Joel corraling Abby, his hand still gripping her wrist.
“Garson!” he growled.
The big stocky man turned to him in surprise. Joel Garson hadn’t aged well. He had the ruddy complexion and puffy eyes of a drinker. He looked as if he’d been on a weekend binge. His stomach hung over his belt, and not even a custom-made suit could hide the fact that he was a good thirty pounds overweight.
“Release Abby or I’ll break you in two.” Cade stepped inside, then shut the door. He gripped the doorknob so he wouldn’t carry out his threat.
Joel glared at him. “Get out, Randell. This is between my wife and me.”
“Your ex-wife.” Cade pushed away from the door, his fists clenched. “Let her go.”
Abby remained silent, but her eyes revealed her panic.
“Now.” Cade growled.
Finally Joel dropped Abby’s wrist and backed away. “You’ll be sorry you interfered in something that isn’t any of your business.”
“Yeah, I’m real scared,” Cade said. “I doubt you would go at it with someone your own size.”
“You can go to hell.”
“Not before you give Abby what she came for.”
Another glare, and Joel finally walked around the desk and opened the drawer. He pulled out an envelope and shoved it at her.
Abby’s hand trembled as she took it. Then she moved away. Cade opened the door, but turned back to Joel. “If you want a fight, Garson, I’ll gladly accommodate you. Just leave Abby alone.”
“You’ll be sorry for this, Randell.”
“Never. Just don’t let me hear that you hassled her again.”
Cade shut the door and caught up with Abby. With a protective hand at her back, he escorted her through the bank, past the curious glances of several onlookers. He felt her stumble. His arm went around her waist, pulling her against his side. “It’s okay, darlin’, we’re nearly out of here,” he whispered. “Just hold it together a little while longer.”
Finally outside, she sucked in a long breath, but it didn’t bring much color back to her face.
“Come on, you need to sit down.” He led her to the coffee shop next door and Cade directed her to a booth, then ordered two cups of coffee from the waitress.
He turned his attention to Abby. “Are you okay?”
She took a swallow of water. “No, I’m humiliated. How could you storm in there like that?”
“Look, I could hear Garson’s voice from across the bank,” he said, wondering where her gratitude was. “Did you want me to wait until he started smacking you around?”
She covered her face with her hands.
Cade ached to hold her, but figured she wouldn’t welcome a man’s touch right now. “How long has Joel been abusing you?”
She gasped at the question. “How…”
“Chance told me his suspicions.” Cade couldn’t hide his anger over the situation. “Brandon’s actions confirmed it. How long did you put up with the man beating you?”

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